Hi everyone, Mod R here.

Writing Man has seen your enthusiasm and is very eager to receive his One True Name. We’ve gathered your top suggestions, please vote in the poll below for your favorite.
What should this magnificent writer be called?
- Edgar Allan Prose (21%, 1,515 Votes)
- Bartholomew de Horde (18%, 1,253 Votes)
- Archibald Scribblesbottom the IIIrd (17%, 1,209 Votes)
- Edgar Bookman (11%, 760 Votes)
- Ichabod de Plume (9%, 652 Votes)
- Quilliam McQuill Wordsfarthing (6%, 422 Votes)
- Bartleby van Writerly (6%, 398 Votes)
- Oscar LePage (6%, 397 Votes)
- Struggle McDramaface, Esq (5%, 329 Votes)
- Arthur Arthurson (2%, 118 Votes)
Total Voters: 7,053

One vote per person- the voting button is at the bottom of the suggestions.
Thank you for reading over 900 comments to compile the list. What a grwat selection
SORRY THERE WASN’T A NAME ending in Wilde. But these were good choices. I went with Ichabod because he does look like an Ichabod.
Same here 🙂
I was hoping for Moe Zart.
Wouldn’t it be great to find the person from these stock photos so he could find out the name he’s been christened with? 🙂
So many GOOD ONES. I had to choose one of my late kitty’s names though (Bartleby von Writerly).
I had to go with the Horde! HA HA Ha. Thanks for all you do. Cheers!!!
I especially loved that his initials are BDH?
“Unable to obtain lock for Poll ID #62” not sure what that means but figured I’d pass it along;-)
(maybe magic wave messing with tech again?)
(also when I refreshed and tried again it worked, so… short magic wave, LOL)
Glad it was sorted 🙂
Ha! I love this, So going to point a finger at magic waves for all my tech frustrations. Thank you.
Past life in IT tells me this was probably two different people trying to update the poll at the exact same time (down to the thousands of a second.) Freak occurrence (and the reason it worked the second time.)
All of that is IT speak for “magic wave messing with tech.” 😂
It is truly wonderous how often “turn it off and on again” (or its iis sister “recycle the application pool”) turns out to solve a seemingly awful problem
He has Archibald face and I can’t unsee it.
I like Bartholomew de Horde… BDH! Major props to whoever suggested that.
That’s why I also picked it! 😄 BDH for the win I hope! 🤞
Agreed! Plus, I’ve wanted someone I could nickname Bardo ever since I first heard/read it, and he totally looks like a Bard-o!
Struggle McDramaface, lol
Need to think on this.
All such good names.
Actually I like Edgar Allan Prose best, but wondered if you might get into so legal drama as a result.
Maybe the TM / Copyright folks in the horde can comment. I’m sure there’s got to be some “Esquires” included. Right?
Who has copyrighted the name Allan Edgar Prose, Artemus? 🙂
Given it is obvious satire it would be protected, not to mention they would have a hard time arguing it could be confused with the real guy or hurt his estate or copyright.
there was a wonderful parody of Sherlock Holmes called Schlock Homes , be in same light.
Names cannot be protected by copyright. Characters can. Since this is a clear parody, none of it applies 🙂
I wasn’t sure what Artemus was referring to, if she had encountered the name with “Prose” anywhere.
Fun fact: Edgar Allan Poe’s copyright doesn’t exist. Since his works are pre-1923, they are in the public domain.
I love the factoids we learn here.
I received this message when I tried to vote:
Unable to obtain lock for Poll ID #62
One vote per person- the voting button is at the bottom of the suggestions.
I had only tried to vote this one time. Any idea what went wrong??????
I tried to vote for the last name on the list. The one that ended in “the III). It brought the most joy. I grinned immediately upon reading it.
Please try to refresh the page 🙂
I responded”Freak occurrence” to Kelly M when she had this same issue. Let it be hereby known that I am hanging up my “Retired IT Person Who Still Butts In With Unsolicited Bad Advice Cause She Can’t Help Herself” title and quietly backing away. Good thing I’m retired, no?!! 😂🤣😂🤣😂
Tried again, and it took my vote. Glitch I guess.
Man, that was tough. Too bad the poll can’t do ranked voting. I was waffling between three of them.
I voted for Edgar Allen Prose. If I had submitted it would be like like ‘Useless Twilley’ , a play on Eustace Tilley, which might be a mystery to those younger than like 70 or not an English major. Eustace Tilley was/is the sort of the symbol of the New Yorker magazine, a fop in a top hat looking at a butterfly through a monacle. I thought it would be funny on two levels, one that the guy in the picture looks, well, falling apart and frazzled ( and thus useless), but also because unlike our beloved IA books, the New Yorker is kind of the height of pretensiousness and takes itself so seriously (admission: I liked a lot of their cartoons, and occasionally they had an interesting article or 2; haven’t looked at it in close to 30 years). I don’t think Luther would like the New Yorker ( cracked myself up thinking about the profile they would write about Roland and Kate)
Hmm, I don’t see the button to vote under the list (or anywhere)
It’s there- greyed out until you hover ontop of it 🙂
What a fun poll, Mod R! Thank you once again for all that you do. 🥰💕
I was all set to vote for Edgar but……. he looks like an Ichabod.
Doesn’t he? Plus, Poe is one of my favorites. He doesn’t deserve that.
I was split between the top two, so either one is great
it was between Edgar Allen Prose and Ichabod de Plume. both HILARIOUS!! but in the end I went with Ichabod cuz that name always makes me chuckle. it’s just funny sounding!
No fair having two variations of the Edgar names… it splits the Edgar vote!
The Edgar bloc is mighty
(and also all of the names are good)
I still think Writer is Enby, but what will be will be.
Some great options! The Horde is *almost* as creative as IA. Although I’m a bit surprised Writey McWriter Face didn’t make the top (maybe it got vetoed by IA).
Also was kinda hoping for ranked choice voting but imagine wordpress polling doesn’t support that.
It wouldn’t allow me to vote – when I opened the page from my email, it went straight to the vote results, showing I’d “selected” van Writerly, but that would not have been my choice.
we’re pretty ridiculous 😂
Wordsfarthing just went like word-farting in my head – and since I am the queen of the brain-fart and he looks a bit frazzled and the whole quill play in the first two names, it was definitely Quilliam McQuill Wordsfarthing for me. (And yes, I also adore low-brow childish humor, and anything that reminds me of fart makes me smile.)
I also liked Edgar Allen Prose a lot, but I had to bow to the BDH reference in Bartholomew de Horde.
He’s been Bartholomew in my head from Day 1. He looks like a Bartholomew, and maybe his friends affectionately call him “The Bard”. “de Horde” is the perfect last name.
My first instinct was Edgar Allan Prose, but Poe doesn’t deserve that. Ichabod le Plume it is!
Sticking w Ichabod!
The Writer Guy Name Poll!! Almost too hard to choose one!
Thanks ModR and House Andrews for a slice of the funny side of the writing world!
Almost gone with Bartleby van Writerly but then there was Bartholomew de Horde: he’s one for us!
Archibald Scribblesbottom the IIIrd won out for me. I giggled at the IIIrd part.
Tip of the hat to you for digging through all those suggestions. That was an amazing response from the BHD.
*sigh!* I really liked Mortimer best. He reminds me of Mortimer Brewster as played by Cary Grant in the movie Arsenic & old lace. Oh, well! 🙂
This needs to be done using a STAR voting or Ranked Choice Voting. It might be that everyone has the same second choice, so it would clearly make the majority of the BDH happier to have Name #2 be the winner, rather than just having the single highest vote-getter, the first choice of maybe only 18% of the Horde, winning.
There are apps to make that process easy—and it’s a low-risk way to see that there are alternative ways to look at voting.
Can we? Can we, please?
Okay, I’m here to defend my choice…
Bartholomew de Horde.
Because he/she can always have nicknames:
1.) Barty D’Horde
2.) Hollow Horde
3.) Mew D’Horde
4.) The Horde of Bartholomew (think shiny, stabbing device… and lots of chainmail…)
5.) The Horde <- with a surname like De Horde, why wouldn’t you be known simply as “The Horde”?
6.) BART Horde <- If you live in the California Bay area, you should be laughing… 😆
7.) BD Horde <- let it come to you…
8.) Thol D’Horde
9.) Barry Horde (parents can sometimes be so unwittingly cruel about their kid’s names, don’t you think?)
And finally…
10.) BDH <— the acronym. Mod R knows this… she uses it all the time!
Lots of good choices!
He’ll always be McDramaface to me.
Honestly I’m just so stoked my recommendations made the list.
Edgar Allan Prose is cute, but a little too obvious for me. Though I loved McDramaface, Struggle just didn’t strike me as a given name. Bartleby de Horde, for all the reasons outlined in comments above.
I am curious where all the pictures of the same person come from.
They are stock images that ilona buys for use on the blog. On stock image sites (Adobe Stock for example) you usually get to see if there is a series of images for the one you pick 🙂.
Please vote for Archibald Scribblesbottom, that’s my grandfather’s name. He also helped construct the Ambassador Bridge, connecting Detroit MI to Windsor Ontario, a great achievement for any writer.
it’s truly amazing that every time I check back that EAP is in the lead 23% to 18%, even though the number of votes keeps rising.
#2, for sure.
Poor Archibald, Edgar, Oscar, Ichabod, Quilliam, Bartleby, Arthur, Bartholomew, Struggle Thousands of us so torn on his name can only end in an extremely long one. Good thing he’s bookish.
Sad I missed this but I would’ve picked the name selected! Great job BDH!
Archibald Scribblesbottom the IIIrd is my choice