It’s a grey Monday, and I am drinking the tea Mod R sent me for Christmas. It’s Fortnum & Mason Christmas Black tea and I am almost through the whole tin. I might have to find a US substitute because I can’t seem to order it in bulk from UK.
Admin things first: thank you for coming to the chat. Those of you who have read the bonus – thank you for not spoiling it for other people. Those who haven’t attended, do check the blog on Christmas. If you ordered print books, we just now got the bookplates so there maybe a slight delay in shipping. We will sign them and send them back today.
I woke up with a headache that’s refusing to go away. Kid 2 is reporting sore throat and isolating at home just in case. She might end up getting tested, although she has had COVID before and she is pretty sure it’s just a cold. Kid 1 is worried about her sister and stressed out. She just brought me a bottle of water because “you are dehydrated and all you drink is tea, mom.” I can no longer remember what I bought for whom. I’ve completely lost the plot regarding the presents. Like it’s not the information my brain is willing to retain right this second. I don’t know if there is equitable distribution of gifts or not.
This has not been a promising start to the week and I need to do some working, so I hope it will iron itself out.
I found this super cute game on Kickstarter. It’s like Stardew Valley but you run a restaurant and it’s right up my alley, but it’s not scheduled to go into alpha until Fall of next year. Next year. I really need a new game. I have built an enormous power plant in Satisfactory. 111 generators. So big. So much wow. Anybody playing anything cool?
..am I first?!
Certified ????
I am horribly addicted to Slay the Spire. Seriously addicted.
One of my favourites. I tend to play the Defect as I really enjoy that playstyle.
I don’t have Satisfactory but I’ve been playing a game called Dyson Sphere Program which involves building a, well, Dyson Sphere. At the moment I’m low enough in the tech tree I’m still doing relatively basic tasks, but even that has effectively taken over an entire planet.
Tea is very important. I think you can get that tea blend at the coffee shop in Barnes and Nobel. Hugs and Merry Happy Ho Ho
No games for me, my husband has been playing some zombie game… I blanked it out once he starts playing.
Thanks for the history on Vlad, really interesting how history becomes folklore, then legend.
ohh, I wasn’t able to get on the webcast – looking forward to the recording. pre-pandemic, saw Vlad’s castle and had history lecture – very interesting
I don’t/can’t play games anymore, because I tend to spend real money on getting all the things. It’s just the hubby and me for Christmas this year, so only a few gifts????????
According to Google, Williams Sonoma sells Fortnum and Mason in the US. I went on their website and they have the Christmas black tea.
I was about to recommend Williams Sonoma. I’ve seen it in the store I go to in Fort Worth. 🙂
It is good. The Upton Tea Christmas blend is similar for another source of a good tea in bulk (and a bit more affordable, foil pouch instead of fancy tin).
So does Amazon https://www.amazon.com/FORTNUM-MASON-Christmas-Spiced-7-05oz/dp/B075P73SBZ. It’s not cheap, at $56 for 7 oz. Right now Williams-Sonoma has a sale 4.2 oz for $22.99 (regularly $38.95). https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/fortnum-and-mason-christmas-tea/
I was about to saw the same. I love fortum and mason tea its one of my favorites.
Williams Sonoma has it, also states it is available for a limited time, so jump on it quick!
“Equitable distribution of gifts.” It was so easy when they were little. Now teen boy wants one expensive thing. Tween girl wants a zillion little things. They equal the same amount of money (roughly) but it’s going to be awkward Christmas morning.
Pass the Parcel? Disguise the Parcel? We always challenge each other to guess what type of thing it is and win bragging rights if we get the other person to think it’s something else.
This year I’m trying to disguise the lego baubles my sister is getting by putting little bags of existing lego into all her parcels – it might work!
Equitable distribution of gifts. As an only with an only, this thought has literally never crossed my mind. Huh.
My grandmother shared a great love of gumdrops with her grandkids. When she made us treat bags, there was always the same number of gumdrops for each kid, down to the same number of each flavor of gumdrops. (7 cherry, 4 lemon, etc.) My grandfather was the very cheerful recipient of the balance of uneven counts of candy. Win – win!!
This is the way it HAS to be in our house, since I have 3 kids – exact same of every flavor, type of candy, or a similar sized gift for everyone, etc.
I play State of Survival. Zombies. Many-player game, so there are alliances with other players and some cool events. I have made some nice game-friends.
I have never played a zombie game before. I don’t watch zombie movies or read zombie books. I don’t *like* zombies.
I don’t play multi-player games. I don’t like playing with other people. I don’t like strangers.
I am a pacifist. I don’t care for guns. I don’t know how to shoot a gun. I don’t watch gun movies.
Yet here I am: playing interactively with people I’ve never met, making game-friends (and even in-game play-dates!), killing zombies, choosing heroes to use based on how much damage they do with their guns and with explosions. I’m really loving the explosions! and lots of lots of fire. Plus, the zombies on trucks. They must be taking Uber because I don’t think zombies can drive. even my bff thinks I’ve been replaced by a pod-person.
As for true entertainment outside of a game — have you read the Saga of Jorts the Cat? I laughed so hard I cried. There is now even a Twitter account for him. If you haven’t discovered the joy yet, then please follow these links to the original post and the updated post. I still giggle when I think “buttered Jorts.l
The Saga of Jorts the Cat:
2. https://www.reddit.com/user/throwawayorangecat/comments/rgi000/update_aita_for_perpetuating_stereotypes_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
I just laughed so hard I woke the dog.
Thank you for sharing!
OMG thank you! I laughed so hard I think I’ve injured myself. Seriously, I may have pulled a muscle.
I have three orange cats, all sisters. One of them has Jorts’ door issues and I have a doorstop for every door in the house.
That is so delightfully hilarious! My husband came into see why I was laughing so hard and so long. Thanks for sharing!
Buttered Jorts! Thank you for that link. That was ridiculously funny. I have literal tears rolling down my face.
Check out his Twitter feed at @JortsThe Cat. There’s poetry. There’s artwork. There’s a sea shanty!!!!! And lots, and lots of love. It’s become my little place of happiness.
The sea chanty is AWESOME!
TY so much for this link. It made my whole day.
I needed this so much, thank you.
I am so glad I decided to read the comments today, even though gaming is not a topic I would normally follow. This is the *best ever*, at least for this month.
Thank you for this. I am still cackling, my dog has slowly backed away from me and is wishing he had opposable thumbs. He wants to call the Institute for an emergency pick up. Stay warm everyone.
It took me a while to realize this is not fiction. The funniest and craziest thing – thanks for sharing! ????????
This totally describes me and my experience with State of Survival.
I’m in AOB Bistro. Where are you?
Hi. Very similar SOS experience. Not a gamer (unless you count Sudoku ????). Not a zombie fan. But here I am R5 of my alliance. State 432
Me too! Sudoku, then Chapters, and I discovered SoS from an add in Chapters (which seems really out in left field).
State 452. I think I’m R4 too. Plasma 3. 🙂
Thank you for this! I laughed till I cried!
I just started the game Death’s Door. It’s an rpg style game where you are a little crow shinigami running around reaping souls so you can rise up the ranks at the office. It reminds me of a mix between Hades and Ori and the Blind Forest.
That sounds so delightful, definitely going to check it out
If you like any of the Civilization games I recommend Humankind. Still a few bugs for the developers to work out but overall a very solid game. Plus you can play as the Assyrians! Who doesn’t love the Assyrians? Except for, you know, all the people they killed.
to quote Doonesbury, total jerks but pretty hard to beat once they got iron.
Love Assyrian food!! Eastern Mediterranean soul food. I love soul food from many cultures, because soul food is comfort food!
My husband dearly loves the Dyson Sphere Program. He has also heard good things about Satisfactory. I hope you have a blessed and peaceful holiday season.
Sore throat here too. It’s the freaking cedar that blew up from down there this week! Hope the Kid is ok.
What may be my all-time favorite game is Spirtfarer. It is both a fishing, farming, crafting game and a beautiful story. It deals with death and helping spirts move on. I would suggest looking into the plot if that is something that might ruin your enjoyment of the game. Otherwise, I’d loved it. For purely mindless and shooting things, Steamworld Heist is my favorite. It has robots ,and you can collect hats.
If you enjoyed Stardew Valley, try Littlewood! It’s an adorable game about rebuilding a village, planting crops, fishing, crafting and making friends, with zero combat (although those damn croaking wompers are annoying and I wish I could just smack them on occasion). Do not let the simple graphics put you off, it’s really fun to play!
Have you come across Timberborn? The Steam blurb reads as follows:
“Humans are long gone. Will your lumberpunk beavers do any better? A city-building game featuring ingenious animals, vertical architecture, river control, and deadly droughts. Contains high amounts of wood.”
It’s still in early access, so there might be a few bugs, but the peeps who are playing it love it.
My “mature” computer is a little on the low end of the specs to try it myself, which makes me sad. But maybe I can live vicariously through my favourite author… hint, hint…
I’ve looked into that one! It looks fun.
I couldnt stay for the whole thing on Saturday. My street held a joint Birthday party for 2 kids. I thought I could hide and listen inside my house. But turns out they got me a small cake too since my bday is today. The other boys are Dec 19th and Dec 21st. So I had to leave and be celebrated. Which was really nice. We’ve been really lucky to have nice neighbors on this base. I’ll make sure to wake up bright and early on Christmas to read the chapter.
Hope your kid only had a cold and not have to go through Covid again.
Was invited to a pot-luck on Saturday, and about 8 of us ended up downstairs playing Citadel. A “board game” (but no actual board), not a computer game; however it was a lot of fun. Easy to grasp the mechanics (on your turn, you collect resources, build, and take any actions that you can). And you change characters each round. Was a lot of fun, both the game and hanging out with humans.
Hope everyone conquers their colds and it does not get worse. I am on the backside of a terrible cold that has lasted two weeks (and I did get tested, negative, so just a cold). Lots of tea, and chicken soup in many varieties. It is weird … I haven’t had a cold in two years … forgot how miserable it can be.
Hi there, South African here.Just some advice, maybe tell Kid 2 to get tested just in case. The omicron variant’s mainly been presented as a sore throat/very flu like symptoms. I’ve had the delta variant before in Feb/March, which is why I also didn’t think I had it again but it’s presenting as much milder symptoms with this variant. So just to be safe, get tested even with mild symptoms if you can.It is much milder,but very contagious.
I’ve been doing Planet Zoo lately. I like planning out all the exhibits and stuff. Plus, animals, so that’s fun lol. The graphics are pretty good on it. I used to play Zoo Tycoon years and years ago, and this is really similar. It’s been a nice break from the game Skyrim that I had been playing right before this one. I’m disabled and stuck at home all day, so I play a lot of games while listening to audiobooks to keep myself entertained.
Fabled Lands is cool, I’ve been playing that. Technically early access but really it’s just tweaking stuff at this point. I bought Patron, a survival city builder thingy like Banished. I’m a bit on the fence for that one. Free and clear sandbox is just not really my thing, I need goals… I played Call of the Sea, very pretty to look at though the puzzles are a bit… Uneven? But I finished that in a couple evenings and enjoyed the zen approach… And there’s always Planet Zoo, which is my go to whenever I just want to ignore the world 😉
Whatever you find to do, I hope it’ll help you find your zen!
I’m re playing Untitled Goose game, in wich you are a Goose doing sheananigans in an english town. Short game from a villain POV
Happy Monday! I hope you feel better. Please tell Kid 2 to get tested regardless if she’s already had Covid. My boss’s daughter just caught it AGAIN (the new variant) so it can still happen. And even if you’re vaccinated, which she is. Here’s to a much better end of the week!
Trader Joe’s has an awesome spiced chai concentrate. I drink it with milk.
Cozy Grove is similar to Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. You’re a Spirit Scout sent to an island to help the spirits of its inhabitants find peace…and there’s crafting! This game helped me cope with the craziness of last school year.
William Sonoma has the tea on sale. It is loose leaf. https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/fortnum-and-mason-christmas-tea/?catalogId=61&sku=5438077&cm_ven=PLA&cm_cat=Google&cm_pla=Food%20%3E%20Tea%20Tins%20%26%20Gifts®ion_id=477570&cm_ite=5438077&gclid=Cj0KCQiA8ICOBhDmARIsAEGI6o1ZdkewChfYdPLn3hZDpnZW4MlOK97W941BxXoNDkexa25i9mZwKuMaAuUPEALw_wcB
Yes, I am playing my annual “what’s in the bag” mystery hunt of my closet, where presents for Christmas and 2 birthdays are hiding out. For extra fun, I periodically reshuffle items in bags, as I need to trade up or down for bag size, so I really have not got a clue what is where. Time to find and wrap before I snap!
Enjoy your down time, tea, and hydrations. Sending healthy thoughts to you all!
Re: tea supply – Peerless Coffee & Teas, in my hometown, has been around for a long time. They have a reputation for quality. I have loved both their coffees and teas for decades, and they do wholesale business. Here is their black tea page:
Dungeon Encounter is an extremely stripped down but engrossing game. It is punishing at points, however, so it’s not exactly low stress if you are looking for something like that.
No new games. My husband works couple hundred miles away from home. His local-to-him doctor found thyroid cancer so I left all my christmas stuff on the dining room table, not wrapped, and packed up the truck and drove down for his surgery… also leaving the end tables, the baking pans I was bringing for him and MY TEA sitting in the dining room (which is the staging area for a lot of things).
So we stopped at a bookstore yesterday and right next door was a tea shop. I have 2 new kinds of tea plus a nice herbal one they threw in for free. I might have to get more of the Oolong … which is my favorite anyway, but this one is really good.
(The surgery went very well, they think they got it all, no vocal cord damage or lymph nodes engaged, really as well as can be expected except he’s taking a long time to come out of the anestesia. Good thoughts are appreciated.)
Speedy recovery, Mary!
Mary, sending good thoughts and well wishes your way from NJ! Here’s to a much better 2022 for all of us. Hang in there! ????
We have a British import shop in town (britsusa.com), but they do not have the Fortnum tea. I checked. Sorry. But you might ask them if they can get it. They have connections.
I mainly play games on my PlayStation, or Switch ???? I like games like Final Fantasy (Role playing games), and Super Mario Brothers. But my Mother in law is addicted to The Sims Freeplay. You have people to look after, send them to work or school, have them bake and build houses, and a town. I played it for awhile it was ok for me. But sounds like you might like it.i hope to you and your family feel better soon! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I’ve been playing Jurassic World Evolution 2 and really enjoying it. I play on my PS5 but I think it’s available on Steam and other platforms. It’s basically Roller Coaster Tycoon but with dinosaurs : )
I keep a gift list on my phone for each person so I can check off what I’ve already bought. It has made a big differnce. No I don’t buy two of the same item any moore!
Portal 2 and Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare are my 2 fav computer games.
Wildermyth. I’m highly addicted. It’s probably the closest game to actually dnd I’ve ever played.
If you enjoy rogue-like games, I highly recommend Dreamscaper. While it features satisfyingly kinetic combat and excellent upgrade systems, each run takes place in the protagonist’s dreams. The art style is relaxing, mainly winter landscapes or city streets, while the score is very soothing. It manages the balance between nicely intense action and soothing sounds and images perfectly. I’ve already put over a dozen hours into it and I feel no need to stop playing any time soon.
My gift giving is usually very balanced and all done well ahead of time. This year I have fits of ordering. I have gift requests from both daughters and ordered off the lists. But one has her 14th birthday a few days after Christmas so I need double gifts and I can’t figure out what is Christmas and what is birthday. I ordered two sets of earrings but accidentally got a set of pierced earring so I might add piercing which was on her list but will cause her dad to freak out. 20 year old has never gotten hers done. 14 year old is the first girly girl in three generations on my side. She loves skirts that don’t exist anywhere but thrift stores. I already got the 20 year old used books at her request which will cause steam to come out of the dad’s ears. Used clothes for Christmas!!! (never mind that this is what will make the kid happy.) And 20 year old has deliver on the 25th games so nothing but a pile of used books under the tree.
That’s odd, I’ve had tea shipped from F&M to me before in Texas. If I go to check out options right now for my usual order it still lets me ship tea to me even now. Is it just that they’re out of it for the season?
Fun anime trivia, Ciel Phantomhive drinks Fortnum & mason tea in Black Butler.
Still mucking around with my Sims 3 and Sims 4. Trying not to think about getting the guest room ready for guests on Thursday.
If you want Stardew Valley X fantasy, Wytchwood just came out. You’re an old witch, you wander a fairytale forest looking for magical ingredients, you craft potions, and you pass judgment on characters. Indie game, basic story but pretty art. https://store.steampowered.com/app/729000/Wytchwood/
Also seconding the rec for Spiritfarer. Definitely get the music, it’s pretty. This one isn’t really an open-ended crafting game–you’re making things to fulfill requests of the spirits. Lots of fetch quests, pretty art, soothing gameplay, may make you cry at times but in a good way. I really liked it.
Not to be distressing but it’s still worth checking for covid. My uncles granddaughter (aged 11) has just tested positive for covid. She only just had it at the beginning of September. It’s probably Omicron since we’re in London, UK, and apparently past infection has no impact on it.
On the game front I’ve recently returned to the old classic of Zoo Tycoon. It’s very comforting at the moment ????
Nope gave it all up but still play d3 I love a good hack and slash for stress relief
I am continuing to play Skyrim. I learned that as a kitty-person I can just slap the sh*t out of people and cause damage because claws. It’s oddly therapeutic.
I bought Outward but haven’t played it yet since it seems clunky. I need a new open world game.
Hope you all feel better soon! Sending best wishes for health and inspiration!
Have you tried Rimworld? It’s a sci-fi colony building game set on a distant planet, with some Western/Firefly vibes. The visuals are quite simple – but the story runs surprisingly deep. The creator and fans call it a ‘story generator’ – there’s a lot of replayability, even without either DLCs and huge modding community.
If you’ve never played Driftmoon, a top down iso RPG which to me has been born from Ultima 7 crossed with Monkey Island, created by a Finnish developer and his wife, I can recommend that ^^ – it’s on Steam. https://store.steampowered.com/app/263380/Driftmoon/
I find Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord enormously enjoyable, but it’s possibly not for everyone. A new patch in the beta just dropped last week, which I have yet to try. Basically, it’s a first person RTS battle simulator.
A narrative exists, it’s at a debatable stage of completion, but if you’re unfamiliar with Mount and Blade series, the core component of the game is when you engage in battle, you’re not commanding from on high, but from the ground. And you can sweep in and help your troops or ride around behind them picking off stragglers and confusing the enemy.
Basically, in all my years of turn based and real time strategy, this was the game I always wanted. Earlier Mount and Blade games didn’t speak to me because I found their control schemes and graphics too difficult to make work at the time.
I’ll also praise Elite Dangerous, but it’s a space sim that often feels more like a trucking simulator when you’re not in combat. I’ve only been playing it on and off for 7 years…
And I’ve heard fantastic things about Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
I hope you find some stress relief in your game choice. Chasing down unarmed looters and braining them with a mace so I can sell them to a town’s tavern/prisoner exchange later is very refreshing when I’m stressed. I feel less good about slashing them with a sword…
Amazon.com had lots of various loose Fortnum and Mason tea. Not sure if they have your choice, they seem to call it British tea. But you might want to check it out.
Does solitaire on my phone count? I’m up to level 49 of the cool art images that display after the “fireworks” when I win. I can and have played long enough to have to put the phone on the charger! ????????
We just bought the Witcher 3 to play/watch each other play because I binge-watched Season 2 and need more Geralt in my life. Some good tea sounds divine right now so I’m totally going to hunt down this Christmas tea. I’m then off to figure out what this game is so I can make a note to try it when it releases. I’m a huge Stardew Valley fan!
Mostly I’m tired and ready for this work week to end.
Isn’t he pretty!!!! I like the way they all say “well FIRETRUCK!!!!”
I’m really enjoying Medieval Dynasty. It’s very calm and very beautiful.
I also forgot which presents went to whom. I had a huge pile of them to sort through when wrapping lol.
I found the Tea on sale!
You can copy and paste the link.
If you haven’t played it yet, I love Stellaris! It’s kind of like Civilization, but space! You can create your own species (down to ship look and personally written history) and do a bunch of stuff. Explore, build, galactic takeover….I’m not gonna lie, I totally do a Caledenia and go the god-empress route, but there’s options ???? you can play alone or with others too if that’s up your alley.
And omg, the soundtrack is so darn soothing. I’ll forget what I’m even doing in game and just sit sometimes…it’s now a permanent rotation on our YouTube channel during the day!
I finally found the presents for the great nephews and nieces. Remote kiddos get presents sent from Amazon, Local get Amazon (or maybe Target) presents that I hope to wrap. The knot i n my stomach has shrunk by half, so that was bothering me more than I expected. I was also relieved to realize that several of the boxes are significantly smaller than I feared, less Christmas paper needed.
I am a huge fan of 7 Days To Die. Sandbox zombie survival, crafting, farming, horde nights, and more. Other than that, I am just waiting for Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon 5 to drop for the Switch in early 2022.
Have you played Littlewood yet? It made my Stardew Valley loving heart very happy.
Hi there
A genuine offer – I live in London and would be more than willing to ship you the F&M tea in as large quantities as you wish.
My husband’s birthday is Christmas Eve so I am a big believer in lists. I used to wrap and then hide his gifts. That stopped years ago when I pulled 2 wrapped gifts from the top of the closet behind a box. They’d been there 4 yrs. Have you tried the Spice and Tea Exchange of Charleston? They have some excellent blends and flavored sugars, salts, etc. I bought my husband some espresso flavored sugar and he now uses it in both tea & coffee.
Wrap all gifts. Conduct a White Elephant gift swap on the morning of Christmas where the kids bargain to get the gifts they want. Everyone should end up happy and it would be very fun. Secondly- allergies in Austin area are no joke right now and I and several of my friends here are suffering so that may be it. It was bad enough I took a Covid test (negative) because they say the new variant has different dominant symptoms and feels more like a cold and allergies. So that’s fun. I hope you and your kin feel better soon!
I’m playing wytchwood right now, and it’s super cute and relaxing. It’s a crafting adventure game, and you play as a witch who forgot how to make all of their spells and potions. You have to fill your grimoire back up and as you explore of course you meet NPCs who need your help. The art is beautiful and it’s very cozy.
I’ve gone old school, and am playing roller-coaster tycoon
We had a cold here a few weeks ago that started with a sore throat. It was crappy, but not Covid. The only thing is that, even if you’re certain it’s just a cold, you have to stay home because you check the boxes on the Covid questionnaire.
Hope that’s all it is with Kid 2 and she’ll feel better soon. And Kid 1 is right, tea isn’t going to hydrate you enough and that could be exacerbating the headache. Isn’t it fun when the kids grow up and start giving you really good advice. I told my oldest I’m checking out and leaving it all in her hands because she is the wise one now. XD
Have you tried Graveyard Keeper? It is similar to Stardew Valley but with dark humor. I love it. Really love it.
I hear the NPC voices in my head and just found out they added a DLC for it. Now do I continue my current save or start anew.
For a new game, I am enjoying Divinity: Original Sin 2
If you like Stardew and crafting, I’d recommend My Time at Portia.
I second my time at Portia, and double down on its sequel my time at Sandrock. The sequel isn’t it yet I was lucky to back it and am getting to play beta. But it should be available early next year for early access
Have you ever played Conan Exiles? It’s a survival/MMO. Particularly challenging to play on official servers, but very fun on private servers running mods that allow you to go kind of crazy with character design and buildings.
I too have lost the present thread, and between Kid the Older’s birthday last Friday and horrifically expensive Xmas present and Christmas and Kid the Younger’s NYE birthday, I have no freaking clue, but just ordered another $100 of stuff on Amazon just in case.
Is dumb, really, because they don’t keep track.
I moved to the UK 14 years ago and I agree Fortnum & Mason have lovely tea. The tea shop I love, however, is Canadian: David’s Tea https://www.davidstea.com/ca_en/home/ They ship to the USA as well as to Canada. They have an amazing range of black, green and herbal teas.
I also haven’t kept track of whether there is an equal distribution of gifts this Christmas. I’m giving myself a break, telling myself that it’s going to be all right. The three kids (two independent young adults and one teenager) gave me links to things they need, and lead me to believe that they don’t care about who has more or less than the other.
And what’s wrong with drinking tea all day? My cardiologist says that as long as I’m hydrating myself constantly, it will force me to walk more (to the bathroom) and get more steps in.
Animal Crossing. My kids call it a boomer game but heck I like making rooms and spaces look pretty :). Very therapeutic.
My partner has been loving Atomicrops which is a post apocalyptic farming roguelite with a love for awfully wonderful puns and ridiculously catchy cheerful music.
Fingers crossed for the kids
I actually just finished working on a game! It’s a case study of Bloons TD 6 and is going on my portfolio so I can hopefully get work in games…https://wolverinesoft-studio.itch.io/ragnarok-td. I worked on audio and narrative, which was fun, and terrifying! But in a good way.
We also had a sister project! It’s FPS, and its name is Bloom: Roots of Renewal. (https://wolverinesoft-studio.itch.io/bloom-roots-of-renewal).
They’re all student projects from the University of Michigan (+me, the lone and lonely wolf from California).
I’ve been playing Hades, but with gaps in between plays because, roguelikes. Epic Games is giving out a free game every day for the next week or so, you just have to make an account. Hmm…what else? Bloons, Stardew Valley, Love & Shining Nikki…
Oh! Untitled Goose Game! If you have not played, well, press space to HONK. And it has multiplayer, too 🙂
Ok, I know you had a Q&A a couple of posts back, but if anyone can answer this question I would love you forever!
How can Hugh still use blood magic? Did Kate out of the goodness of her heart link with him? Has he been with Roland so long that it just stayed? Will this be answered in the next book? I’ve honestly been thinking about this since the book came out.
Also, am I the only one that geeks out like this? ????
I haven’t done much gaming since D&D was three rule books and a supplement with a huge pile of dice and a couple reams of paper. I’m not cut-throat enough for the gamers in my life.
One of my fonder memories from my early twenties, though, is being first one eliminated and sitting back to watch about a dozen Jehovah’s witnesses playing a cut-throat game of Feds and Heads.
I played through shapez.io and found it very chill. It’s a factory game, but without map restrictions or resource constraints. The levels are pretty fun and pretty low key. It has 26 or so guided levels before it starts giving you random objects to create, but when I’m stressed I can go zone out and make pretty pipelines. I can commiserate with the presents; usually I make sure that every gift has a correspondingly “similar, but different” partner for my kids, so no one can “win” Christmas. This year…well, I did what I could, but I honestly can’t tell you what I got. I imagine I’ll be as surprised as the kids come Saturday.
I’ve been enjoying Babble Royal (a Scrabble battle game), and trying to get back into Planet Zoo (where is a lot of resource management and building/designing a zoo, like SimCity meets zoo tycoon).
Though always back to the classic Stardew valley or Heroes III might and magic!
Is the game a chocolate restaurant or a different one? I know the creator of Stardew is making a chocolatier one!
2ilonaFan is my Pokemon go trainer name, and she wears a mask. No time for any other video game.
I like Horse Haven.
I understand the brain overload. My brother then my father got Covid last week. Thankfully light cases and they had the vaccine but took the infusion treatment as a precaution. My two niece’s are also sick but tested negative and are being treated for RSV type virus and one also has pneumonia. Sunday, I started getting sick. I’ve had my vaccinations and a booster but was in contact with both and keep feeling worse. I tried to get tested today but couldn’t find an opening anywhere. I get tested in the morning so I’m playing the is it Covid or a Cold game as well. I had Christmas cookies and cooking to do all this week but no one needs these germs either way.
Hope you feel better soon April & also sending well wishes for your family. That sounds like a doozy. Clearly more Horse Haven is the way to de-stress after the test in the morning.
Zen Koi and Zen Koi 2 are my favorites for mobile gaming. I also belong to several Facebook groups for the games because trading fish is an important part of the game. They are the most cooperative games I have ever played.
My favorite PC/console games were Might and Magic or Baldur’s Gate.
I have been playing No Mans Sky lately. It is kind of a space/planet survival game. You start on a planet with no memory of how you got there and have to survive with only the voice from your survival suit to help you.
It can be multiplayer with up to 4 people in a group. It is a procedurally generated universe with 256 galaxys ( I think). I still find star systems that no one else has found in the first galaxy, so each galaxy is quite large and it is easy to avoid people.
The game was not good at launch ( I was told ) but has improved a lot. If you survive to make it to your spaceship and leave the planet there is a lot of exploring to do. I think Expedition 3 Redux starts on Dec 21 and runs for about 2 weeks. The expeditions are a story line type of quest that last for a few weeks each. If you want to continue that save it will convert to a normal save at the end of that expedition.
I usually get tea in bulk from The Seasoned Home in my town (Michigan). I’d recommend but I don’t think it would get to you with any haste this close to Christmas.
As for games, I attempt to teach English to 9th graders – very very stressful this year, so my go to is something of the Assassin’s Creed variety. Lots of hack and slash with an addictive story element. I finished Valhalla the first time right before school started, so I’ve been making my way back through playing Eivor as a male instead of female this time to change it up. However, Black Friday sales yielded me a copy of Origins with all the bonus content for $15. I finished my first play through in two weeks. (Thank you end of semester novel unit for giving me more time to play and not grade!) I made some poor choices the first time through and missed half the game play. I’m taking my time now and enjoying it so much. Engaging story plus hacking for stress relief. I love it. Not going to lie – I cannot choose between Valhalla if Origins for a favorite.
Playing The Simpson’s Tapped Out, Disney’s Magic Kingdoms, and Happy Color. The last is a free coloring book app. These are not role playing, but I like them.
Games wise, maybe have a look at Hardspace: Shipbreaker?
Hi, I’ve been playing Spiritfarer a lot (along with Animal Crossing New Horizons). I think you will like Spiritfarer – please do check out the trailer.
Hope you feel better soon and Kid 2 just has a cold.
I have been playing Oxygen Not Included
Oh thank goodness you were gifted Fortnum and Mason, it took everything in me not to try to creepily send you tea ???? Williams Sonoma carries some but not all of their tea. I’m partial to Fortmason and Countess Grey. You can order loose leaf from London and refill your tins as well!
Try Guild Wars 2 it’s MMO free to play, so you can try it and see how it goes. It’s very fun and casual friendly, community is very helpful for new players. Really recommend it!
I’m mostly playing on Switch at the moment, because it is cold and miserable and I can play without leaving my bed… at least until the batteries need charging.
Games that I’ve spent the most time on (and that keep pulling me back in) are 1) Cozy Grove, a cute cross between Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing that involves running errands for weird ghost bears and trying to piece together their backstories so they can find peace; 2) The Long Dark, which is a post-apocalyptic survival game where you wander around the snowy Canadian wilderness scavenging and crafting (I like to play on Pilgrim difficulty, where the scary animals just run away from you rather than gnawing your arm off or stomping on you); and 3) Moonlighter, where you fight through randomised dungeons to collect inventory for your shop, then have to sell to the villagers during the day to make enough money for upgrades to get further in the dungeons, etc. It’s a pleasing gameplay loop.
All three are also available on Steam.
Ooo, Cozy Grove and Moonlighter sound fun. Gonna have to add them to my Switch Wishlist 🙂
My husband is a Stardew addict, so, what’s the name of the game you found on Kickstarter? I’d love to be able to recommend it to him. I’ve been playing WoW again, to help with the stress we’re going through, and my husband is playing Valheim (Viking first person survival game), Seven Days Til Dead (Zombie Survival Game), and our go-to of League. I hope your brain defrazzles. Mine is starting to a bit. It’ll be better after we sell our house I think. Happy Holidays! 🙂
Games I am playing or have played recently:
Cute games:
My Time At Portia
Summer In Mara
No Place Like Home
Slime Rancher
Slightly less cute, more dying (i.e. Casual Survival Games):
City/Settlement Builders:
City Skylines
Settlement Survival
Planet Zoo – I love the building aspect in this game and mostly play only in Sandbox creating stuffs. It has too much going on for me to play it in Franchise mode (i.e. if I wanted a job… I’d get paid LOL).
Deserving of its own category for breaking my brain on a regular basis:
Oxygen Not Included
Happy holidays 🙂
I started playing Genshin Impact recently by a friend recommendation. It’s an ARPG game I love endeless possibilities exploring the world and the missions.
As per the wiki page: The game features an anime style open-world environment and an action-based battle system. The game is free-to-play and is monetized through gacha game mechanics.
The definition of the plot in the wiki is “Genshin Impact takes place in the fantasy world of Teyvat, which is home to seven distinct nations,[c] each of which is tied to a different element[d] and ruled by a different god.[e] The story follows the Traveler, who has traveled across countless worlds with their twin sibling before becoming separated in Teyvat. The Traveler travels in search of their lost sibling with their companion Paimon, all the while becoming involved in the affairs of Teyvat’s nations.”
Hope that was helpful.
My hubby and me are still playing GW2, enjoying the winter festival. Both play at least an hour a day, sometimes together sometimes in different aspects of the game, but it fun for us and i do enjoy dressing up my characters – the game nick name is fashion wars.
Addicted to Breath of the Wild and Hyrule Warriors, but they aren’t especially new. And I’ve been a Link and Zelda fan since it came to original Nintendo many moons ago.
I hope everyone feels better and that both tea and water are consumed in massive quantities! I hope the holidays are filled with love and joy at House Andrews, and for the rest of the BDH, for that matter.
Williams and Sonoma has the Christmas tea! https://www.williams-sonoma.com/m/products/fortnum-and-mason-christmas-tea/?cm_cat=Google&sku=5438077®ion_id=794110&catalogId=61&cm_ite=5438077&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6uPn5ab19AIVcgF9Ch3tdwDnEAQYASABEgLM5_D_BwE&cm_ven=PLA&cm_pla=Food%20%3e%20Tea%20Tins%20%26%20Gifts
That cold/flu/not covid has been sweeping the country. If it makes you feel any better. Husband and I had it a few weeks ago and it was the worst cold I’ve ever had. And took two weeks to get over.
I play Guild Wars 2. Been playing for NINE YEARS and there’s still awesome stuff to do. And a new expansion coming out in Feb, woo!
The Last Campfire is a fun puzzle game. The puzzles aren’t super complex, the story is cute and poignant. It’s available on like every platform: switch, PC, Xbox, etc.
If you haven’t played Mario/Rabbid Kingdom Battles on the Switch, I HIGHLY recommend it. It’s a puzzler + turned based tactical game play. The base battles are simple, but if you go for perfects on everything and include the challenges it’s much harder. I really liked the story despite typically being uninterested in the Rabbids IP. Seriously, if you need a new game and have a Switch, pick this gem up. The sequel comes out next year or in 2023 🙂
I get my Fortnum & Mason tea from Williams Sonoma. Maybe they can order in bulk for you. Good luck!
Super high quality bulk teas I love that are also responsibly sourced are from The Rare Tea Co. She’s based in the UK but has a US warehouse now so shopping is easier. Apologies in advance if this kind of post isn’t allowed or appreciated (I definitely don’t want to make Mod r’as job harder!). I have no affiliation with the company, I just thought you might appreciate the info in case you weren’t familiar with the company.
Lately I’ve been playing lots of Oxygen not Included–and Forager. But I don’t know how much frustration you like in your building games.
If you’re ok with occasionally things going very wrong and having to start over, Oxygen not Included is great! If you’re not, stay faaaaar away.
Forager has basic combat (you smack little slimes and cute bull creatures and get supplies from them), so it’s not pure building, more lots of crafting? But you do build a base eventually.
I play Warframe. I don’t know if it’s up your alley, it’s a third person action adventure/shooter. It’s cooperative (you can have a squad of 4). It’s free to play (there are in game purchases) across all platforms although they don’t have a mobile version yet. The graphics are pretty and the story is good.
You are a space ninja.
I’ve been replaying Dragon Age: Origins.
I sympathize, our Kid 1 came home from college last week with what he insisted was just a cold. We made him get tested anyway, came back negative. Whew! Hope your family feels better soon!
Re: Christmas presents: almost a decade ago I started taking notes on what I was getting for whom for birthdays and Christmas, so I can go back and check. I did it because 1) I wanted to make sure I was getting all the shipments 2) I buy for groups of siblings and wanted to make sure I didn’t get someone the same thing I had previously gotten their sibling (I often buy books, I assume sibs share books the way we do in our house) and 3) we have a lot of birthdays close to Christmas and I needed to track which was for what.
This system sounds pretty complicated but actually has made my life around the holidays a lot less complicated. I use Evernote so it syncs across my devices and I have it on my iPad at home and on my phone while shopping.
I love that particular tea and have not found a substitute. Not even a close one. Please report if you do find one.
Merry Christmas. Don’t worry about presents. Just enjoy yourself.
I love Spiritfarer on the Switch – it’s heartbreaking, beautiful and a really great casual gameplay with quests, deep personal stories and interactions.
My other favourite is Cozy Grove, where you are a Spirit Scout and help Spirit Bears with their quests to regain their memories, while maintaining Spirit Pets and Sprites, harvesting trees and berries, making recipes and fishing. It’s like Animal Crossing but with Ghosts and more quests. ????
Hope that your holidays are joyful and bright. [NOTE: Sanity will magically return after the decorations are taken down; the gift wrap and bows are disposed of; the meals return to normal cooking and eating; AND you finally have a chance to meditate on the fact that you don’t have to mess with this for another 11 months. (I count December as a total loss because that’s when my bout of holiday madness starts to ramp up.) Stay safe!
PS: I play World of Warcraft because I occasionally feel the need to “kill” something and am not really a violent senior citizen at heart.
If it’s the tea I think it is you can buy more here from Williams Sonoma and it’s currently on sale. Happy sipping! https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/fortnum-and-mason-christmas-tea/?pkey=s~fortnum%20and%20mason~30&sbkey=default
Sorry to hear about the sick. I have multiple friends who are sick currently too, looks like flu season is hitting hard..
I have been playing this game on my switch called “A Short Hike”. It’s a cute little game that’s super wholesome about exploring a national park. It’s just adorable and stress free.
Halo. 🙂
We are playing “Guess what Mom has wrapped.” My mother just turned 88 and her reality and ours is moving further apart. She wrapped her meds as Christmas presents to us. My sister caught that. And she is now Cousin not Mom or Grammy. Not sure if it’s an alias for transgressions not yet disclosed.
She’s happy and up and moving around and will be with us for another Christmas so this game is still going strong. Much more fun than a video game
I play a game called Diggy’s Adventure, by Pixel Federation. You do quests for various gods, starting with Egypt, and then going on to other regions/pantheons. It can be played in a web browser (https://portal.pixelfederation.com/en/diggysadventure) or as an app (I have it on my iPhone). You can also play it through Facebook, but they stop you from using the full screen option.
I’m usually with you on the Christmas presents- kind of a free for all. This year I tried using a free present tracking app- game changer. I used Gift List, but it’s just what I happened to download- there were others that im sure are great too. But it’s really nice to have a handle on who got what!
Civilization VI. I have all the cool civ packs. 🙂 so I play random quick games. Otherwise Lego Towers on my phone. 🙂 good for waiting rooms and fills the need for ALL THE LEGOS!!!!!
Otherwise I have lots of empathy. Someone forgot to empty a cooler with “special ice cream” when my child came home from college and we lost 3 1/2 gallons. ????.
Adagio Tea has really nice samplers and sample sizes of tea – I highly recommend them. They also have “fandom” blends. https://www.adagio.com/signature_blend/fandoms.html
I also buy from The Tea Smith (.com) out of Nebraska. I enjoy their rooibos a lot! And my favorite oolong came from Republic of Tea which surprised me, but I keep the container as a reminder because I drank it so fast.
My favorite teas:
from Adagio
Earl Grey Moonlight https://www.adagio.com/black/earl_grey_moonlight.html
= makes an awesome “Cambridge” also called a “London Fog”, with steamed milk and honey.
Ceylon Sonota https://www.adagio.com/black/ceylon_sonata.html = the perfect cup of iced tea
from The Tea Smith
Lemon Chiffon https://www.theteasmith.com/products/lemon-chiffon-rooibos-tea.html
Moroccan Mint https://www.theteasmith.com/products/moroccan-mint-organic-green-tea.html
Wuyi oolong from Republic of Tea
Not to be a pessimist butt apparently the symptoms for the Omicron virus resemble a cold more than previous versions.
I play Elder Scrolls Online on a regular basis with a friend, but I was looking for a fill in game where I could jump in and out of as time allowed and came across one. I don’t normally like sims, but I do like dinosaurs – Jurassic Park Evolution 2. I’ve only had it a week, but really liking it so far. It has a story mode (kind of the default training mode), Chaos mode which builds on and expands on what you’ve learned, Challenge Mode (for experienced players) and Sandbox mode. If you like sims or dinosaurs might be worth a try.
I bought a Nintendo Switch just to play Breath of the Wild. 100% worth it. BOTW2 should be out sometime in 22 (fingers crossed nothing goes wrong).
I play Merge Dragons. Not stressful Dow me is good.
Oof. Headache. Never fun. I’ve been flipping between Valheim, Immortal Fenyx, No Man’s Sky, and FFXIV. Just can’t focus on any one game. But what is this KS one? That’d be fun to check out!
I have been playing old school pinball on Steam. Lunch Lady is freaking weird. Also on Steam. If You’d like to play The Forest or anything, I’d love to gift it to you. Schools have been closed in Quebec, Canada because of Covid and I’m not really looking forward to teaching online in January..
Just started palying My Time at Portia, some similarities to Stardew Valley but more focus on crafting and production than farming. It’s also better graphics. The theme is cutesey post-apocalyptic, which I didnt know was a thing that could be done but it’s really cute and relaxing
Is it terrible that I’m currently playing the King’s Quest collection (on Steam), because I desperately need the nostalgic spirit-lift it provides? I have such fond memories of the first KQ – it came out when I was a kid and I played it on my Tandy HD 1000 (you could make a sandwich in the time it took that computer to boot up). I thought it was the coolest thing ever, because the game play was 3-dimensional rather than just a linear left-to-right 2D progression on screen, and it was in COLOR. It was also the sole motivator for me to learn to type as a kid, because when the wolf pixels were attacking your man pixels on the screen you had to type REALLY FAST or you’d get eaten.
I’m more disappointed than I should be that KQ7 (I bought the whole KQ collection bundle) isn’t supported on Windows 10, and it was one of my favorite games in my late teen years.
Also, re Christmas – my brain is currently refusing to acknowledge that Christmas is the day after the day after the day after tomorrow. I’ve lost mental track of who is getting what and/or who I have nothing for. I’ve baked no cookies. Only about half the gifts are wrapped. I still have to finish a knit (cabled – I hate cabling, what was I thinking?!) hat for my sister, of which currently only the band exists (because now the cabling starts and… ugh). I’m seriously contemplating procrasti-knitting a teeny baby hat for my friend’s newborn preemie (and a toddler hat for her 3-year-old daughter, because it’s totally not fair to just knit something for the new baby), and also maybe a pair of mittens for my nephew, because there’s SO MUCH TIME before Christmas and even with working full time I totally have enough time to do all that and still finish the (cabled, ugh) hat for my sister, right? Suuuure. [insert facepalm here…]
Ahh Kings Quest, the nostalgia. I need to figure out if there is an emulator you can use to play them on modern machines. Perils of Rosella (IV) was the one I grew up with and played on a hand me down Commodore.
F&M is my favorite tea purveyor, but finding it in the US is a PITA. I’ve had the best luck in the past with Williams Sonoma, but they’re erratic in what they carry. If you find anyone with a good selection, please post it far and wide:-)
Recently, I’ve been enjoying more relaxing games like Cozy Grove and Spiritfarer. Oddly, on the two of them you have to help some lost souls to find peace and light but both of them are really beautiful and easy to play. I hope that helps, and if it’s any consolation, I only have one gift and I don’t have time nor ideas for the rest -.-‘
Games must be fun but alas I have 4 horses to care for and 3 to keep ridden and snow …coming…starting to sound like a bad country song Right?
Hang in there!
Springfield (The Simpsons) app for mobile
I’ve been playing Genshin Impact lately and would recommend it. 🙂
Love both the worldbuilding and gameplay but especially the worldbuilding. The lore is pretty nice.
Thank you very much for the live video chat. It was the highlight of my weekend. If you decide to do a history class someday, I’ll be the first to sign up.
This week is just one of “meh” between work, home and this upcoming holiday thing. So I understand the want to game. Been back to Subnautica and Graveyard Keeper for me. For some reason I’ve spent way to many hours playing both these games.
Good luck with your game hunt! Hope the headache and Kid 1 gets better, and that this week picks up.
My Dad still tries to make things even between my brother and me (we’re in our 50s lol). I tell him I don’t care – he can give my brother more. I don’t keep track and I don’t need more stuff. I’d rather visit or get a letter/card. Old habits die hard I guess ????
My daughter resurrected her old cell phone to replay all of the original Panda Pop levels. We pass the phone back and forth while we watch Christmas movies in the evening. We’re currently on level 949.
On a completely different topic; I want to thank everyone for all of the past posts you’ve left concerning yarn. Armed with your expert opinions, I was able to conifdently purchase some beautiful soft hand-dyed yarn for my dearest friend for Christmas. She loves it!
I have some students writing a script for a National History Day performance, and they chose the Berlin Wall as their topic. In the course of their research they have become fascinated with Russia, Gorbachev, and the phrase Checkpoint Charlie. I’m here tonight to scan all your posts that describe your life in Russia as a primary source. 🙂
Timberborn satisfies a similar itch to satisfactory and Factorio for me. It’s a game where you help a colony of cute beavers build dams and grow crops etc. Eventually you can end up with some quite complex civil engineering projects.
FYI Williams Sonoma sells Fortnum and Masons teas. Maybe that will help?
I bought the 10 year anniversary edition Skyrim on my ps4…. not that I have time to play between kids and work, but I do occasionally go cave crawling to fill up soulgems to lvl my enchanting
This post is most timely with both recommendations for tea and games. No better way to pass time, appreciating every post.
Re: Fortnum & Mason tea — You can also order direct from Fortnum & Mason — they ship direct to the US with a flat rate shipping fee of Ł25 per order. (fortnumandmason.com) So you could buy in bulk. : )
I just started a new Terraria play through and it’s been great. It’s more progression / boss based then many of the games you’ve mentioned on the blog but I love it. Lots of fu houses and wiring and stuff to do. If you’re worried about difficulty you could always play on journey mode which would enable some quality of life things like lots of resources, and easy boss fights.
10/10 would recommend.
Upton Tea has a very good Christmas Tea made with black tea. It is seasonal so I stockpile it for later in in the year.
The Tetley people market a black tea called British Blend, that I used to buy when I lived in Nevada, that is very similar to the one you have.
Currently playing Fallout Shelter. It is an older game from Steam.com. The challenge is to build rooms in your Vault (shelter), gain population, fend off the bad things, and develop happiness for your people. The graphics are flat, like a doll’s house, but I’ve not completed it yet…so all good.
I’ve been playing New World! It’s amazon’s first foray into gaming and it’s an MMO nonetheless. Lots of PVE content if PVP ain’t your thing, but has plenty of that as well.
I spent a stupid amount of time last night decorating my house.
Speaking of games, is anyone using Habitica? It is a habit tracker/planner that uses an RPG format to motivate the user. I have ADHD and setting alarms is not working for me.
They have the tea you want at Williams and Sonoma.
Sub nautica. It’s so beautiful.
It’s a bit macabre and also a bit grindy, but Graveyard Keeper is super cute and really hit the Stardew Valley nerve for me. And if you’ve never played it, The Sexy Brutale is AMAZING. (The title is super weird. The actual game is beautiful and very satisfying.)
I just started playing a new game – Ants, (very nice game graphics) where you need to build your anthill. It’s multiplayer game
I have just replayed Dragon Age Origins for the umpteenth time – just can’t get enough Alistair! I am now starting a replay of The Witcher trilogy after finishing the second season of The Witcher on Netflix.] I’m about halfway through the first game. It just seems like there’s nothing new out there that’s any good. I had high hopes for Pantheon, but it’s taking forever. Hopefully it will be worth the wait.
Try Factory town or Captains of Industry
Gaming suggestion .. late one : Valheim. It’s AWESOME.
Hi! I play Genshin Impact! Love the Idyllicism (I know not a real word) that it offers and I stay away as hard as I can from the “Gatcha” side of things.
The world is beautiful, the exploration amazing the story gets beetter as you progress in the game, and if the community isn’t as good as the fabled Final Fantasy XIV one, it is still nice.
My kids got me addicted to Cookie Run Kingdom. So fun and they are always adding new tasks. I am just trying to clear out the old ones and get to the purple castle. Smh