Okay, so the fix is not working. I am going to now test the site by disabling everything. It will look weird. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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So did we earn a snippet? More bribes coming? Just Kidding O_O Yes, yes, the Horde is greedy and thanks you very much for the previous snippet and patiently awaiting for July 25th to arrive. You guys are awesome!!!
Patient? Speak for yourself lol.
Come on 25 July!
Well, I really can’t decide between Curran and Connor.
Don’t decide. Pick both!
Yay! Treat, destruction and repairs!
The Shift is coming…
I think it’s “The Change”
I still get the awaiting moderation when I posted a comment in your previous blog post. Hope you don’t have to spend too much time on it to get it fixed!
o.o doesn’t look weird to me (chrome browser, PC)
Please keep us posted if we need to continue posting comments in the interest of trouble shooting. Happy to help out.
Just commenting that I hope your fixes work.
I’m trying again for the craic…
Holy danglyblokethings! It works! 😉 😀
I would’ve taken another bribe. lol
Hmmm. Last time it sort of worked for me.
Dang! That worked!