Me: We have all these delicious coffee beans. We should buy a grinder.
Gordon: Eh. Folgers is fine.
Me, calling from Target: Would you like me to buy a coffee grinder? The coffee will taste better.
Gordon: Nah.
Me: I bought a coffee grinder.
Gordon: Okay.
Me, grinding coffee beans, making a pot of coffee.
Gordon: Mmm, coffee.
A month later…
Gordon: You know, I was lazy today and didn’t grind the beans. I made Folgers instead and it doesn’t taste as good. Who would’ve thought, right?
Me, discussing a controversial topic: I thought about a blog post.
BFF: No, don’t do that. That’s deadline brain talking.
Me: Ok, I won’t. You shouldn’t either, then.
BFF: Of course, I won’t.
Next day…
BFF: posts a blog post on the controversial topic.
kid 1
Me: Please don’t put the butcher block cutting board into the dishwasher.
Kid 1: It will be fine. I put mine in the dishwasher all the time.
Me: I mean it. It’s not a good idea.
Kid 1: Okay, mom.
Two hours later…
Kid 1, calling: Hey, mom, so you know that wooden board you have? The one made from wooden squares? It fell apart in the dishwasher. I don’t know how it happened…
Kid 2
Me: I don’t like the pictures from this photoshoot. The light is odd and they made you look so much older…
Kid 2: You don’t understand! These are great! He is a really good photographer!
Me: Yes, but…
Kid 2: I wish you were more supportive, mom.
Three months later…
Kid 2: These are my least favorite pictures. The light is odd and I look weird…
Me: Don’t eat the piece of lemon that fell on the floor! Trash! Trash!
Dog: …

In your head, did the conversation go something like this?
Yes, just like that. 😛
Good day :0 I am wondering if you all saw Nora Robert’s blog post(s) about what you were posting about a few days ago? That horrible plagiarizing stuff.
I know this is totally off topic for this thread, and please excuse me, but Sandy’s comment prompted me to check it out. My, the language! You go, Nora. Keep it real and take no prisoners.
La Nora aka Eve Dallas! What a kick-pass post, thanks for mentioning it.
Bwahahahaha Priceless!
My mom would have agreed 110% with you on that series of conversations, especially the one with the dog. (The only two food items neither of our dogs would touch were lettuce and celery. Anything else might be worth checking out….)
They liked tomato? None of our dogs would eat tomato unless it was on the pizza or part of spaghetti sauce. They also had an aversion to carrots.
I have a dog who will eat both lettuce and celery. As long as you put some yummy, tasty salad dressing on that lettuce, and some peanut butter on that celery stick!!! But she’s the ONLY one out of four who will – the others lick off the yummies and spit out the offensive lettuce & celery!
Delia is special – she doesn’t think she’s a dog like the rest. (She likes fruit too! Bananas are a special favorite.)
My in-laws’ dachshund would eat anything that hit the floor. The whole raw cloves of garlic (and the accompanying bad breath) were a family story, but I saw him chasing down the raw cranberries that we dropped while making cranberry-orange relish. He ate every one, and a couple of orange pits, even after he knew they were not tasty. He evidently had a cast iron stomach, judging by the strange things he ate before we could stop him.
On the other hand, giving him a pill was easy…
I’ve felt the same way, countless times. I’m sorry, but I am also glad I’m not alone in that regard ♡
These are universal scenarios. It is somehow a corollary to “A prophet is not without honor save in his own country”.
Oh god.
Me: get off the table.
Uschi the Morrigan: *blink*
Me: stop chewing on my coat.
Uschi the Morrigan: *blink with mouth full*
Uschi the Morrigan: *blink*
Me: how… how… how did you even GET up there?
Uschi the Morrigan: *blink*
And don’t even get me started on my husband.
I get that from kids and grandkids all the time
Why didn’t you tell me
I did?
I know the feeling very well. Though I almost did a song and dance when my youngest texted me from college that I was right about cooking something. One would think after all these years a husband and three children that my nose would be flat from all the face palming ?♀️
Looool laughing so hard about the flat nose image! You made my day!
Me too.
We need to record these conversation and play it back instead if “I told you so”
I never remember though 🙁
Daughter now 40 with 4 kids from 11 to 18 months. She will bust one or more of kids and say.something classic like I said stop that NOW! I mention saying that to her as a kid. Looks at me with straight face and denies…..premature Alzheimer’s is not mine…….
Or it could be a case of ‘selective memory’.
Baha! Excellent. Thank you for the laughs.
I admire your grace to refrain from going “I told you so.”
I agree-I admire ilona’s restraint in not titling this post “I told you so” or “ I’m always right.”
Now everyone is crying. Lol
Love the surprise ending! ?
Mwahahahaha! My son is two and I’m expecting a little girl, so this gives me so, so much to look forward to (^^,)
Your recall is excellent. Gordon and the kids should know that by now. Replaying those conversations is great ammunition. Perhaps one day they will agree with you from the start. Nah….
I have 2 types of coffee. Folgers to get the caffeine in the blood stream, because I can’t do all that measure, grind, filter crap before I’m awake. And good coffee, for after I’m awake and I can figure out the coffee pot and the grinder and how to measure and all the work that implies.
There is the caffeine conveyance and the tasty stuff.
(And then there’s the decaf for evening, which is the best tasting because it’s usually dessert. )
And afternoon tea (to savor) vs tea with lunch (just another flavor water).
We were staying with some friends, a few years ago. He is so coffee picky he roasts his own. They went to work and the kids and I got up and went to make coffee. We couldn’t even figure out how the grinder worked, let alone how the weird coffee pot worked. I looked at the kids, standing there, blinking, and said “There’s a Dunkin Donuts less than a mile away. Let’s go there for coffee.”
When he made us coffee, it was good… but I don’t know that it was worth all that freaking work.
Hubby and I have been together over 20 years, and I’ve gotten used to those conversations. It’s tougher when it comes from well meaning friends, and relatives. The current culprit is my youngest nephew, who’s not coping well with his last year of college.
Like DianalnCa, I should look like a persian cat from all that face palming.
I used to try being the ‘bigger person’ and not say I tild you so but nope not anymore. I let them know the date and time I said it, the proclaim my all around awesomeness. ???
My latest was my daughter. At the beginning of the school year I suggested she pick band and chorus, because she loves and enjoys music. She decided she wanted to try creative writing and study habits. I asked multiple times if she was sure, but friends were picking these and she wanted to be with friends. I said ok.
Mid year she brings home a permission slip to request subject changes….to band and chorus. Confessed she was miserable even though she passed classes with an A. How much she wanted to cry when she heard the band playing or them singing a song she liked but couldn’t join in.
I said I told you so,lesson learned, signed slips and now even with her doing catch tests and homework, she is a much happier child.
Love the picture of the dog! I get a similar look from my fur baby when I try to get him to listen to me!
I love your dog too!!! That face is so cute ?.
too funny.
love the pulp fiction vid above.
Your dog is adorable.
I have a full “I was right” dance. It started at work, but it has evolved greatly since becoming a wife and mother.
I’ve recently added an extra kick at the end because I have a soon to be 13 year old who knows EVERYTHING and I was getting bored of preforming the same routine over and over. You would think they would listen just so they don’t have to see the dance!
I’m so glad I’m not the only one with an “I told you so dance”! I work for lawyers so it gets a workout some days.
Cold brew. Just sayin’.
Will and Grace had THE best
“told you so,
told you so,
told you! told you! told you so!”
song & dance.
I sing in my head as I dance around.
It doesn’t happen very often.
I’ve started saying to my mom, “YOU WERE RIGHT. I WAS WRONG. I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO YOU” and the uncomfortable feeling of being wrong is greatly reduced by the glee and satisfaction on her face. I’m pretty sure it feeds her soul.
As a mom it feeds mine, so probably a yes for your mom too.
My adult kids do that, and it is much appreciated.
I don’t act gleeful though. I just tell them I appreciate it.
Try being to one with a medical degree in the family… everyone, and yes, I mean freakin’ Everyone!, wants free medical advice. They never follow Any of it. Then want to be allowed to complain that they didn’t “know” and expect sympathy. TT So now I have just gotten to where I stop stare at them for two minutes and state with exaggerated care and emphasized enunciation, “You Really Need to Go See Your Physician. ASAP!” Like what they are describing is fourth stage cancer symptoms.
My sister recently came back from the doctor visit and stood frowning at me with her hands on her hips. “You could have bloody told me that it was acid reflux! now I have to pay for x-rays, some barium swallow thingie, and prescription Prilosec! And you knew all along, didn’t you!?!?!” I was flabbergasted when my mother leaned across the table where she was sorting mail and said in the snarkiest tone voice, “She DID tell you. Two months ago. Two days after I told you the exact same thing! But you didn’t do anything about it until she made you believe it was serious. It IS serious.” She looked at me and we stated together, “Follow your doctor’s orders!!” Sis huffed and stomped away to the living room.
Yah, this is my life. Family member asks medical question, I answer truthfully, they ignore my suggestion, they feel worse, they go see their doctor who tells them to do what I suggested. Then they call me back all annoyed.
Them: “why didn’t you tell me to do ________.”
Me: “I did.”
Them: “why didn’t you tell me more forcefully?”
Me (sprains eyes from rolling them too far back): …
Preach! Total Life of Mom that happens every day! It is hard being at the crest of the wave?
I thought about getting a pet so someone would listen to me and then I figured it would just be someone else who didn’t listen?
Trust me, they don’t listen either.
We are guilty of the coffee thing. Our son kept telling us how much better our coffee would be with a better machine and grinder. We resisted months of subtle side eye and outright snark then gave in and bought the expensive machine and got the recommended grind when buying coffee beans. Made the first pot.
He was TOTALLY right. The coffee is awesome and worth every penny.
Eight years of (college level) teaching before becoming a parent prepared me well. No one listens or follows the directions, ever.
I took a few years off teaching to tutor. Just started back in teaching this term. Still, no one listens or follows directions.
I teach high school math, they don’t listen here either… for example you know how every teacher since kindergarden has told the students if you do all your work it will help you on your tests….
Fast forward 11.75 years later (he’s in 11th grade): Student comes to me in the middle of 2nd semester (meaning we are 3/4ths through the school year) and tells me that when he does all his work he gets A’s and B’s on his tests (like its this big secret no one has ever said). All I could do was smile and say that’s wonderful, but inside I’m doing the hand to the face “duh”.
I feel your pain!
I also know that frustration.
I call it “Mom Voice”. We say things they don’t want to hear, so all they hear is “blah, blah, blah”. Unless it’s words like “walk” (the dog), “shopping” (the daughter currently living with us), “pasta” or “bread” (the Italian husband). Your pain is real.
My daughter moved home about a year ago, I live alone so I got her approved for a Costco card on my account. I told her she needed to stop at Costco and pick it up,,, she didn’t. I mentioned it again a few times, and she said, “I hate Costco and would never shop there.”
This year she said she’d have to get a card because it was cheaper to buy bulk items at Costco. She looked really confused when I pointed out she had one waiting to be picked up all last year.
This woman has a masters degree in child counseling. hmmm
Snort. I genuinely do not remember saying that *I* wouldn’t post about the thing. I just said you shouldn’t because you were so close to the end of your book that you didn’t need the distraction. I also didn’t mention [censored] in the post like we had originally discussed. So…I kinda listened. Mostly 🙂
The lady doth protest too much!
Everyone needs to be talked about in Shakespearean quotation!
One point missed on the coffee issue. Unless you have a well on an artesian spring, you still haven’t tasted coffee at it’s best. The quality of the water majorly impacts the taste of the coffee.
Same with tea. (I hate coffee)
I live in the middle of nowhere and have the best well water ever.
Everything you cook in water tastes better too.
We must be weird. I don’t recall us ever discussing coffee beans. Oh, right. he doesn’t drink coffee. Me neither, And he makes my Chai. He drinks milk. Oh, wait. I just do what I want and he sighs, makes a Lurch moan and moves on. The dogs, however…
I’ll go one better: people will Pooh-Pooh my idea, then later use my idea or repeat what I said as if it were theirs. Including warnings. Like the time I was 13 and I and my little brother were swimming in our pool. He cruised by the skimmer (an open place that caught larger detritus) and started screaming there’s a r at! There’s a rat! Mom totally believed him it was a rat, even this I eventually brought a kids illustrated encyclopedia to show that it was a baby opossum, which I spent 15 minutes trying to convince them of. Mom looks at the picture, then hold it up for my. Rather and says, “Hey, Jimmy, look! It’s a baby opossum!” Did I get credit? No. Not even when mom told dad. I swear, my name should be Cassandra (Greek mythology for those few who don’t know — if you read Kate Daniels! You’ve probably learned a lot. Of world mythology on the side to keep up).
So. Many. Autocorrect. Fails!
*pooh-pooh (not the beloved stuffed bear)
* even though, not even this
*then holds it up for my brother
My favorite is “Wow Mom (or babe, if it’s coming from my husband), you were right!” In a voice filled with wonder. Like it was completely and utterly incomprehensible, an event without precedent in the annals of recorded history, that I could have given good advice or a correct answer. Thanks for the vote of confidence, folks. After 25, 15, and 12 years of living with me, maybe you would have learned that I’m right at least 75% of the time.
Exactly! My daughter and I quote Ron Weasley in the situations (“Always the time of surprise!”)
“Always the tone of surprise!” I mean.
Oh lovely! I’d forgotten about that one. I’ll have to remember that for next time, thanks!
omg, all of those yes! ? esp. the kid conversations… and a few years from now you’ll get this….
Kid: How could you let me use that photo (wear that prom dress, get that hairstyle, date that person)?
Me: Do you remember the arguments, when you were sure I just wasn’t being supportive?
Kid: Yeah, but come on, look at this. You clearly should have fought harder
When one of my coworkers at my old job was leaving for college, he wrote a letter, saying something funny about each of us. For me, he wrote, “Jenn knows everything, but we never listen to her.” Everyone laughed and said, “That’s so true.” I wanted to ask ‘if that was true, then why was that so funny?’
It’s something about the Y chromosome. Guys only hear half of what you say. It goes down to a third if it’s something they don’t want to hear. Also, sons make your hair go gray, daughters make you pull it put.
In the cause of, “full disclosure” I am expecting a post, “On How I Listen To Nobody” any day now?
I have a BFF, who if I gave her solicited advice, ignored it. When her adopted mother said the same thing, then she followed it and sung her praises.
So these days, when she admits I’m right, I tease her, repeat after me “[name] is always right, I should learn to listen to [name]” to which she teases back “[name]” is right in this instance, I should have listened to [name], so since I was a stupid ass let’s go get drinks.”
I am sorry, I got distracted. Were you saying something?
That would make my eye start twitchin. I’m so sorry. Just wow.
Totally off topic but I love the new blog design! ❤️
On the flip side, you could have someone (say an older brother or three) who always talks definitively and appears to an expert on everything, when in fact they’re not, they’re just really good at selling their argument. They’re not right nearly as much as they think they are, but boy is that percentage inflated in their head.
What would we do without Google for instant fact-checking?
Certified Chef here. Ah yes coffee grinder. Down the rabbit hole now you go. Next you’ll get the BETTER coffee bean grinder. Then the better coffee beans AND THEN you’ll need a spice grinder because ALLLL that stuff counts and makes a difference. My food intake must be restricted so when I consume something its AWESUM!!! Enjoy it all.
I feel the pain. However, when people do start to believe you, they then watch with an evil gleam in their eye for the first time you are wrong.
My husband is rarely wrong, and I can tell you when he is, I Rub It In.
Loved the post and the comments. I can have full conversations with my darling husband on topics in which he is answering me. However, I have learned that this is “husband speak” and there is no retention of any of the subject. Sigh….However, I am sure that I retain all when he seals to me while I’m reading or knitting. (Or maybe not all….)
First I say it, then my husband says it like I never spoke:
OMG YES! This! He starts talking and can’t quite get there so I helpfully fill in the blanks like “That was in 2017 when we left for Hurricane Matthew” then he repeats WHAT I JUST SAID like its all new. Like I didn’t just say that. Aaarrrgggg.
I was laughing reading the post. When she would tell me something I didn’t want to do, I would say “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you. I have ear wax in my ears.” 😀
“She” was my mom. ?
Sounds like what’s happening at my house. And, I live alone with no pet animals.
I have several stories of husbands listening to what I had said from other people. I can’t repeat them. Sometimes now my husband hears me when I but it has bee 48 years. Strangely most of the time the kids heard what I said. Isn’t that weird? I think males have ear wax on the brain.
It is supposed to read we have been together for 48. I am not sure I can even blame autocorrect.
This happens a lot in our house but it drives me crazy when it comes to shows and books. I will browse through, find a show/ or book series that I know he will like. I tell my husband how awesome it is and that he should really watch/read it. He will watch 1 1/2 minutes in the middle of an episode in the middle of the season. (Stargate Atlantis anyone?) Or reads the first 2 pages. Then he critiques said show/book as being stupid and rolls his eyes and moves on. 1 – 2 years later low and behold!!! He discovers an awesome new show that I just HAVE to watch/read. You would think after the 5th or 10TH time this happens he would learn to trust my judgement the tiniest little bit to give said show or book a chance before dismissing it.
I have an 8yr old going on 18 too and it has already begun……oiy
My husband has learned by listening to me that he avoids awkward situations like trying to refuse various deliveries. Such as the new refrigerator where the delivery team rolled around the yard laughing after he called me and I hung up on him. Or the time he called to ask about a new bath tub being delivered and I hung up on him after banging the phone on my desk several times.
The 7 words everyone, but especially a wife/mother loves to hear “You were right and I was wrong”
But only if you *really* mean it.
My exhusband got a promotion at work and became a manager. While discussing it I mentioned a few things like, you can be friendly but no longer spend hours every night with them, need distance to be effective manager, need to hang out with people at your managerial level, etc. He told me I didn’t know what I was talking about. He went off to a meeting for new managers and when he got home I asked him about it. In a snarly tone, “They said the same thing you did.” I just looked at him and said, “Well, I guess I’m not as dumb as you think I am.” and left it at that but I snickered about it for quite a while.
My husband was sent to a weeklong leadership course at a distant location. The facilitator suggested he show his material from the course to me. He told her he didn’t need to do that because it was all stuff I had said to him already.
And yet, he is still resistant in every bone of his body to any suggestion that doesn’t originate with him.
It is a control thing for him, jewelwing. My ex husband was like that. It took alot of counselling for me to realize that he never acknowledged when I was right and never stopped crowing when i was wrong. My self esteem was horrid when my co workers delivered me to a meeting with a counsellor that they had paid for. They said they wanted me back not the indecisive carbon copy I had become since my marriage. Talk about a wake up call. It took a awhile as I was raised to believe marriage was for life and i loved him, but as counsellor said no one is wrong one hundred percent of the time, all the time….
Well, I don’t think he would crow if I were ever wrong 😀 . He is definitely a control freak, but I grew up with two of those, and had addressed that through counseling before we met – maybe not enough to recognize it in him before we married, but enough to make sure I set some boundaries and kept my hard-won self-esteem. I gotta say, though, the longterm stress of dealing with him has probably affected my health. Congratulations to you for coming through that stronger than before.
Not that I know everything, just that I know to keep my mouth shut when I don’t know what I’m talking about. There’s a reason the term “womansplaining” is not widespread.
This is my life.
This is every woman’s life. My daughter accuses me of listening to her. I say she mutters. Yes, I got my hearing checked (normal) so I could say it was her not me.
Lmfao. So great. Thought I would share my story with you all. This is single parenting in Australia. Just to set this scene I was 19 when I had my now almost 19 year old daughter, who has just now been given a promotion from here’s some work to actually you’re kinda great come in everyday. After being at the same cafe for 5 years.
Daughter: Mum I have to wear different clothes now that I’m there everyday. I wont be just out the back and that anymore. Can you sew up my black pants that are too long so I don’t wreck the bottoms?
Me: (Having never sewn anything a day in my life and not being the owner of a sewing machine) Ummm…. You know I don’t know how to sew… I guess I can do it .. I’ll buy a kit tomorrow from work. I mean I can watch a youtube video or google it right?
Two days later…
Me: Hey I need you to put those pants on and the highest pair of shoes you will wear with them and go stand on the chair so I can mark the new hemline.
Daughter: But Im lying down. Why did you put this off until an hour before you started work?
yelling and arguing ensues….
Me (still yelling): I know I don’t know how to sew but I know this much.. Just put your damn shoes on and get on the damn chair.
Daughter: Stop yelling at me you always yell at me!
Me(yelling): I only ever yell when you argue with me. If you know arguing with me makes me frustrated and yell at you why do you argue with me when I’m trying to do something for you?
Daughter: ……….. (gets on the chair)
Me: Thankyou .. now you can get down and please don’t stab yourself with the pins when you take the pants off.
Daughter: Mumbles incoherently as she walks away.
A day later …
Daughter: Thanks for doing my pants Mum! You know your sewing sucks though right (as she laughs)
Me: (Laughing) Ah huh I know I suck .. next time you can do it yourself if you like.
She is a super good kid .. but this learning curve of how to deal with this strong independent woman I helped to create while clashing heads with her is a struggle. I hear I just have to wait until about 23 then she will realize I’m not all that bad LOL
Oh and she did say thanks and give me hugs so there’s that LOL
I had to wait till my kids were 25. Now I get “you’re so smart, what do you think about this” all the time. Very gratifying. Oh and I get Christmas presents I haven’t bought myself now!!
My nephew seems to have suddenly become adult at twenty… but he went through a pretty awful bit when living with his father full time in his teens, followed by nine months of sharing a studio apartment with my sister* during most of which he told her every day how much he loved her. Which is sweet and all, but both she and I mostly saw it as evidence of trauma, and were relieved when he got back to acting like a teenager for a bit there.
Anyhow, no real surprise that he’s become a grownup. (In most things. The whole seems to be straight but only socializes with his male gamer friends bit is… well, maybe it’s more common these days?)
* This happens to have coincided with real estate craziness in Seattle.
Yer the adulting will come! I’ll be patiently waiting lol. Apparently I’m getting a Soda Stream for mothers day because its a waste of money buying soda water.. didn’t I know that LMAO!!
Tylikcat the only with gamer people is completely normal from what I have heard. Apparently as long as it doesn’t prevent or takeaway from RL things its fine. I know that I absolutely don’t mind that my kids BF is a guy who she has never yet met in person but they fall asleep talking to each other everyday. Apparently that’s enough to constitute a relationship now. I don’t get it but meh its not hurting anyone sooooooooooooooo .. more power to em to have found something that makes them happy I suppose lol.
I’m not sure where the Soda Stream impetus came from in my sister’s house. (I drink filtered water, from my own water filter – or, y’know, other ones around town – in my own water bottle) but that sounds familiar?
The whole social landscape and timeline has changed a lot (not that my path through it was exactly standard) – I see that a lot with my research students, too. (In so many ways! Some ways, I think we had it so much better – in others, I envy them!) And The Nephew is socializing with his adult co-workers, and generally doing really well. I do worry a bit about young men who socialize exclusively with other young men, because the MRA => incel culture can be a massively toxic brew… but The Nephew is launching, and well socialized, and I figure he really doesn’t need his female relatives saying things like “Sweetie, shouldn’t you be out getting laid?” …it’s not like we were coming out of a healthy family background!
(…and I remember a dear older friend who sat down with me when I was in my teens and said “Now, I understand experimenting with drugs,” [I wasn’t] “That’s appropriate for your age. But don’t mess with religion, religion can mess you up!”)
It…sob…took that long? I’m doomed. Or one of my girls is. Hard decision. She is in constant competition with me, and believes if she read it (somewhere) or heard the word, she is the ultimate authority. Which ends her up in the ‘Silent eyebrow raised, “I told you so, age before beauty..” room’ almost every day.
Mother knows best!
So funny, thank you, I needed that !!
Your dog is adorable !!
Not only does my husband not listen to me, he says he has hearing loss. But… it’s in the same range as my voice tone which was supposedly confirmed by the doctor during his last physical. Uh, huh…
Wait wait, what?? That’s what MY husband’s doctor told him. It’s a conspiracy.
To be fair, women’s voices tend to be higher and the higher registers go first.
I think that’s called “selective hearing.” ?
I worked at a four doctor clinic many years ago. We were having a dinner and Dr. White announced he had hearing loss, just happened to be the same audio range as his wife’s voice. He also had a black powder production facility. He was an avid hunter and enjoyed muzzle loaders. One day we heard a big bang and the electricity blinked off then back on. Yep, the explosion was the factory. I don’t think anyone was killed but never really heard much about it afterwards. He was a very straightforward doctor, no sugar coating and all uncomfortable facts were given whether you liked it or not. He was my doctor and I really liked him. I often wonder about the people I worked with there. That was in the 1970s. Ancient history !
Feel. Story of my life. O_O
Personally I’m regretting having listened to you.
I wanted to hear that ‘get to the fucking monkey song’ again, but couldn’t remember the song title, so I just did a youtube search for:
‘get to the fucking monkey’.
Real bad move.
I’m wondering whether I should delete my browser history.
LOL, probably!
Living life is learning from your own experience. If you get told an advice or fact by somebody else, it does not seem to real enough to you, until you experience it yourself. It does not matter, if it is child or adult, they still do it. One sometimes wonder what all those schools are for…
And what is even worse, advised people often find those advises annoying and tend to not listen even more XD…
Me to daughter, don’t drive at night on cross country trip you’ll hit a deer.
Daughter to me: you worry too much. No big deal all freeway.
Middle of night phone call: mom , I’m stuck on the side of the freeway in Kansas. I hit a deer.
mmmmMom! . . .
Hey mom . . .
For all the things you said
that I never let you know l listened to
Thank you . . . . . .
U know, if you thought l listened, it woulda taken me twice as long to get out da door
aaaannnd . . . you just Had to have your curfew
Did you want king kong by tripod?
That’s probably what they were looking for. I know it was about the King Kong remake, although I’m not positive of the group. It confused me at first because I thought they were talking about the most recent movie, but it was the shot-by-shot remake that the song was about.
And I gotta say, I totally agree with them. It took too damn long to get to the monkey.
Yes. That was the one. 🙂
Thank you, Ilona Andrews. I laughed until I cried about the dog. I swear the puppy my Mother and sister err, umm, gave [most PC word] me to “train” is the same way. “Trash, drop it, Titan”, means gobble down whatever I just picked up faster especially if it is shit.
I would say I am returning pup to my sibling but she got her nose out of joint when I told her this was a puppy mill puppy and no where near what breeder told her. My vet of over 10 years laughed uncontrollably when i told him what breeds pup supposed to be. Then he tactfully suggested using DNA service like Embark.
He thinks the pup knows all the commands but is choosing to fail the Good Puppy test so he can stay with me. Well more fun here on farm than crated all day in mud room. Besides i read aloud to him the Innkeeper segments post online.
So thank you for the chuckle today. I know you were venting/ expressing yourself/ whatever .
Bless you for taking on that pup.
Embark is a great genotyping service, I know the founder and his research is sound. Some of my friends have done genotyping and its great to get results. I wish there was one for cats
What makes me crazy is when I mention some fact or remedy to a cause or explain a procedure and the person I’m speaking with just blows me off and then sometime later says “oh blah blah (usually a man or The View) says that…..” which is exactly what I had told them previously.
My mother is the worst offender, she will always listen to a man even over her highly educated daughter. I would read this post to her, but unless my husband says it it doesn’t have much value.?
This are my feelings completely …
And it seems it is a mothers thing everywhere, meanwhile the walls of my house are telling me:>You told them so<. But I still do tell them my opinion nevertheless, as the best thing I get is when one of my 4 offspring tell me, they actually listened to me and did the right thing. Example: Here in Germany the parents and their children have to decide in class 4 (Primary School ?) where basically the education of their child has to go. (Kids are about 10 years at that point) I told my oldest no your not going there, even when you do have the grades for it, but you can go there. To come to the same result it just will take you a year longer. Kid1 was furious as all the friends were going on the other school. It took 3 years, but in the end it just said <>. Most of those mentioned friends failed on the other path. Meanwhile Kid1 (23) finished the study (bachelor) on the university with fantastic marks. After some practical years it wants to do some more studying for the master. … and the other 3 kids follow the path of the eldest.
Congratulations,,, you were correct.
When my daughter was in high school, I had to sign her course selection ,,, I refused because the courses she had chosen were useless.
Ten years later, she said thank you.
When my brother was about 25, he told my mother that “you and Dad are a lot smarter now than you were when I was a teenager”. They all had a good laugh.
This blog post reminded me of a conversation between my Hubby, his father, and I:
Hubby: “Dad wants to go to the international market. It’s going to be a day trip.”
Me: “No Durian.”
Hubby: “Oh, come on! It’s delicious!”
Me: “It smells like zombie ass. No.”
Hubby: “Dad’s never seen one. He’ll want to taste it, too.”
Me: “Take a toothbrush?”
Hubby: “You are no fun.”
(3 hours later)
Hubby: “Hey honey! Dad and I are having lunch. Guess what?”
Me: “Oh hell, no.”
Hubby: “I bought a Durian!”
Me: “…..”
FIL cackles in the background.
Hubby: “Don’t be like that. I’ll crack it open in the driveway.”
Me: “Someone will call the cops.”
Hubby: “I can take it over to Joe’s.”
Me: “He’ll shoot you, and I’ll help.”
FIL is gasping for breath.
Hubby: “You like Durian.”
Me: “I had it in the parking lot, where it wouldn’t offend or drop some poor person in their tracks. NO.”
Hubby, smug: “You’ll have to adapt. It’s what you do.”
Me: “Fine. I’ll get the shovels. Eat what you like and bury the rest or you’re going with it.”
Hubby: “I love you.”
Me: “For my sins…which are many.”
FIL (so quiet I almost missed it) “I love you son, thank god you married a good woman.”
Me to hubby, “I found a band I think you will really like.”
First song, not even to the chorus, “What is this crap?”
“Just let the song finish…”
“I hate it!”
3 months later “Listen to this band I just discovered that I love!”
Song is accompanied by me hitting head on table.
Husband: (after asking me a question that I answer). Are you sure?
Me: Yes, I already looked into it.
Husband: I don’t think that’s right. I’m going to do more research.
Me: That’s fine. When you realize I was right, you can tell me & I can say I told you so.
Guess what happened? ?
Here’s why I talk to myself: At least I know somebody’s listening.
Ok this post brings back LOTS of memories! We’d been in our home less than a year. Hubby decided the living room ceiling fan, which we weren’t using HAD to be replaced. It wobbled, a little. Did I mention it was August and we live in Georgia?
Me: Please wait. We don’t even use it.
Him: I can’t stand it! It’s making me crazy.
Me: We have central air! At least wait until October.
Him: NOPE it’s going.
It’s so hot the sweat is pouring off of him like rain through the hole in the ceiling.
Him: I need you to push the box up into the hole.
Me: hang on….
Him: What are you doing down there I’m dying.
Me: Your using the ladder I had to get a chair.
Him: Are you pushing?
Me: Yes
Him: Your not pushing hard enough. Your just messing around.
Me: Yes! I’m messing around as I stand on my tip toes on a kitchen chair!
For those of you who’ve never ‘messed around’ putting in a ceiling fan there is a hole the wiring goes through. I put it to good use.
Him: That better not be the finger I think it is.
Me: It sure is baby!
Don’t get me started on another project involving the attic and his falling thru….
So I have always told my Kid “The only thing you get to choose every day is your attitude” She hated that speech as a teen. She is an adult now and was baby sitting her roommate’s kids who where having a whiney day. Out of my daughter’s mouth came the “attitude” speech.
Later she called to say she laughed at herself until she cried!
It is nice to get validation even if it is 15 years later!
“Puppeh!” Look at that face. 😀
Hurricane Michael is bearing down on us in Panama City. DH lays 16-foot canoe at an angle up against privacy fence.
ME: we need to tie that down.
DH: it’ll be fine.
ME: it’ll BE in the living room.
DH: It’ll be FINE. The fence will protect it.
ME: There isn’t gonna BE A FENCE!
DH: ?
Next day: Fence is gone so completely that you can’t tell we ever had one. Canoe, however, has lodged against the foundation of the house and is filled with rainwater. Rainwater that we use to bathe in for the next two weeks.
MORAL: God protects fools and children. Good thing DH is both.
From an old John Wayne movie I think Hondo
This Hondo guy is walking along with his dog about 20 feet from him .
some person says ‘hey mister can I pet your dog?’
Hondo ‘ I wouldn’t, That dog bites!’
Person but can I pet him?
Hondo…shrugs… ..people should do what they want…..
Sort of sums up the listening thing…..
Me: I’m concerned that after our father dies our hate blogger brother is going to totally fly off the handle. The guy is not stable, he’s increasingly fascist, idealizes violence as a way of plastering over his insecurities, and seems to believe his own bullshit.
My sister: He’s too lazy to actually do anything.*
Dad dies. (He threw me out of his side of the family thirty years ago. My feelings are complicated.)
A week and a bit later our brothers sends my sister and I a twenty thousand word screed, hence to be know as the novella that was supposed to be about how he is accusing our older half sister of murdering our father and berating the police for declining to investigate… but which is also about how he is the best, everyone is jealous of him, and how awful everyone is. (I am ranted about at length, which probably amuses me too much. But… seriously, all members of our family, many of our friends, random feminists he doesn’t like, Bernie Sanders. Okay, I’m still not sure if the point of the Bernie Sanders references was love or hate, it was late and I was skimming. Pizzagate is mentioned. He is right and we all are wrong.)
My sister: OMG, this is a level of unhinged I’ve just never seen before. I’m really disturbed! This is messed up!
Me: …
Sister: I think I’m going to talk to the police. [I heartily support this – I was trying to make a deadline, and I’m not local.]
Sister: Okay, they wanted a copy of the letter, so I gave them that, and they’re helping me get a protection order.
…and now I’m left with conundrum of having local blood relatives who should be made aware of the situation and take their own actions, but it’s seriously not in my best interest to contact them directly, because there can be no simple exchange of information without massive drama. (Finding back-channels isn’t anything knew, but one of my most reliable co-conspirators – and favorite family members! – is having health problems. And another person who should be informed has been a member of Team Tylikcat is The Evil One and the Devil’s Own, so I haven’t really preserved paths of communication.)
…see, I really wanted this to be a funny and only slightly twisted anecdote about how no one listens to me, but it got so much darker than that. Well, how was your week?
* Mind, she was held at knife point by our brother when they were still minors. And I think she was on the family vacation where he out-shot everyone present, and mom used to be a pistol champion – though that was ages ago – and a couple of the aunts and uncles still compete. Or did then.