My head hurts because I stayed up way too late to read this book.

The Trateri are about to learn a vital lesson of the Broken Lands. Deep in the remote expanse where anything can happen, it pays to be on a pathfinder’s good side.
Nobody ventures beyond their village walls. Nobody sane that is. Monstrous creatures and deadly mysteries wait out there. Lucky for the people she serves, Shea’s not exactly sane. As a pathfinder, it’s her job to face what others fear and protect her charges from the dangers that await in the Broken Lands. It’s not an easy job, but she’s the best at what she does.
When the people she serves betray her, Shea must rely on her wits and skill to survive the Trateri, a barbarian horde sweeping in to conquer the Lowlands, and their warlord, a man as dangerous as he is compelling. Her actions and the decisions she makes might mean the difference between life or death. Danger looms on the horizon and a partnership with the Warlord may be the only thing preventing the destruction of everything she holds dear.
Centuries ago a cataclysm occurred. The planet is teeming with beasts: huge bugs, pack of hyper-intelligent predators, and giant birds. Things are better on the plains, but the higher you climb, the more dangerous it gets, especially in the Highlands, where isolated villages exist among the treacherous maze of mountain pathways shrouded in mists that will kill an outsider.
Even the people born and raised in the villages don’t dare to venture into the wilderness. Only pathfinders, trained by their guild, can lead traders and travelers through the mountains. If the village plays their cards right, they will be assigned a pathfinder. If they get that pathfinder killed, no other will come and the village will wither and die.
Shea is a pathfinder. Once she had a brilliant future with the guild, but a serious mistake gets her assigned to a remote Highlander village where half of the people mistrust her because she is a woman and the others don’t like her because she tells them no when they are trying to make some crazy schemes. One of these schemes involves an elder who sent his son and another man to a Lowland village to negotiate trade, even though Shea specifically told him not to do it. The men didn’t return and Shea takes two guys and goes to rescue them.
During the rescue, she ends up saving two strangers, both of whom are not from anywhere in the mountains and both of whom look like they kill people for a living. One of them, Fallon, is clearly interested in her. Unfortunately, he also happens to be the Warlord of a barbarian horde. He wants her, she wants to escape, and off we go.
This was fun. I just sunk into the narrative and came up for air around 3:00 am. Loved the world and loved the heroine. The wilderness was well done and that’s what makes Shea so believable. She came out of the crucible of Highlands, and she is resilient and tireless and always learning. She was treated badly by Highlanders and she is really out of place in her society. She fits much better with the Trateri.
Fallon is less defined, but he is what you would expect from a leader of a surprisingly well organized barbarian horde. He is beloved by his warriors and is a decent guy, for the most part. Also he is not used to being outsmarted, which led to some truly hilarious moments.
I felt the romance could have been better defined. There needed to be more banter and character development, but there are 2 more books, so we shall see where it goes. I’ll be checking out T.A. White’s backlist because I hate everything and I really like the way she writes.
If you enjoyed WARPRIZE, this is a book for you. A word of warning though: this is a barbarian fantasy, and barbaric things happen. People get kidnapped, villages are purged, and people behave in a way consistent with their upbringing and position in life. There is no rape and most of the violence is of the survive in the wilderness kind, but it does get bloody.
As always, I recommend downloading a sample before buying.
Excerpt: Pathfinder’s Way.
Order links: Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iTunes | Kobo | Smashwords
Thank you for the first recommendation. I have read all her books and think all are great!
Thanks for the recommendation! I’ve never been disappointed by a book you’ve recommended, so I’ll definitely be giving this a try!
+1 — except I went ahead and ordered it!! You have not led me astray in the past and if you were up most the night reading it, I think that’s a pretty strong recommendation right there!! Thanks!!
Thank you for the recommendation! I bought this after reading your post and I’ve already finished it and bought the next 2 in the series. It was so good!!
Thank you for the rec❤️ Yay have something new to read
I’ve read this author’s entire backlist so reach out if you want any info! This trilogy is really the best for the romance in my opinion. The others have much less romance.
Ordered. Also very happy there will be no wait for sequels. Thanks for your recommendations I would never have discovered the Forthright books or Jane Doe on my own.
Oh that was a good one. The 2nd and 3rd in the series good too but the first was my fav.
I also read these and enjoyed them, then went through most of her backlist.
I also enjoyed her UF vampire messenger/courier series.
She has started a SFR series – book 1 struck me as promising.
Rules of Redemption seems very promising, looking forward to the next book in that series.
SFR stands for?
SFR=Science Fiction Romance
I also enjoyed Rules of Redemption and an waiting for the next in the series.
I LOVE the vampire one, this is a super-close second.
The reluctant vampire books are the Aileen Travers series. Really really good Interesting characters and hints of romance. Highly recommend.
Yes I really enjoyed this series as well and highly agree that I enjoyed the first one the most. While I continued to enjoy the story in the other two they dragged on for me.
I loved Warprize, so I’ll give this a go. Thank you very much.
Loved Warprize! Had almost forgotten fill I found the signed cover flats she sent me. Now hanging again . Will check this out. 2.99 is in my budget!
I totally agree with you. The romance is ramped up in book 2 so it feels weird. I wish there was more development in book 1 to make book 2 flow better.
I hate you Ilona. I’ve already SPENT my August book money (including pre-orders, including Sapphire Flames).
I am sorry. It’s $2.99 on Amazon, so not too terribly expensive, but still.
@Ilona is a temptress @Siobhan just find awesome patterns as well as quality yarn and share it with her to get back.
Fortunately, I have revenge close at hand:
No preview: linen knitting yarn, lovely and cheap, especially as the shop is in Canada and the US dollar is doing pretty well there.
Dragon ridden series is Kindle Unlimited, so I will check it out!
Thanks All!
It’s a bargain! Thank you so much for the rec — I have started reading the book and been totally engrossed. Such a wonderful way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon. (Something tells me I will probably be unable to put the book down until I’m done, so it’s a good thing tomorrow’s a holiday, ha ha.)
I was even more excited to find there are two more books in the series, plus a fourth coming out later this year, and she has THREE other series.
I don’t know why it just put my name when I had typed out…
You didn’t think I’d *start* on Book One of a series with only one book out, did you? No, I picked the Dragon-Ridden series, and am now on Book 4 and $12. (Yes, ok, still QUITE the bargain, but now I have to start adding White’s books to next month’s book budget until I have them all).
*shakes fist and vows revenge*
Ok, done with Dragon-Ridden & Aileen Travers. Realized that the Pathfinder books already have 3, starting those. Cursing Ilona’s name every time I hit “buy”. I’m so glad they are running $3-$4 or I wouldn’t be able to run through these.
Obviously loving the storytelling, but.
Question: is the use of “conscious” when zie means “conscience” deliberate or the result of the kind of spellcheck mistakes that can creep into self-published stuff?
I wasn’t interested in the premise of this book (series). But I can recommend the other series by this author. Especially her Dragon Ridden books.
I love all her books and series! I agree that Pathfinders Way is one of her best. I love the protagonists smarts and her ability to make friends. White’s most recent book, Rules of Redemption, is also terrific.
Love all of her books. She put out a sci fi recently that’s sooooo good too. Pathfinder was prob my favourite of the 3 in this series.
The Broken Lands is my fave series by this author while the other two (Aileen Travers and Dragon Ridden), not so much. Have high hopes for the Firebird Chronicles though, love the first book.
Yes to the Warprize comparison, I immediately reread that series after finishing the Broken Lands.
Glad you get to enjoy something to take your mind off of your recent troubles. Have a good Sunday!
You MUST read Rules of Redemption. That was introduction to her and WOW! Insanely loved it and can’t wait for book two. I’ll have to try Pathfinder’s Way at some point. Thank you for putting her name out there. She deserves it.
Oh, thank you! I shall try it. I have a few months of glamping and travel ahead, and I was looking for things to download to the tablet to take with me.
I just finished this series not too long ago and I totally agree! I’m going through book withdrawal now because nothing else I read sticks. I wanted to find other books similar to this but am unsuccessful 🙁
I read a short story about Pathfinders. I think it was the same author (names and titles not being one of my strong points, I can’t be sure) and I thought the story was great. What with one thing and another, I didn’t get back to find more. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!
I would recommend trying the Firebird Chronicles! The other series are good, but I think her romance writing really matures in that series: she takes more time to establish the male protagonist’s character and their growing mutual attraction. Plus the MC is fantastically drole. It’s also her first sci-fi (I believe).
Love this author’s stuff, although I think my favorite is still her newest series, for which only one book has been released at this point. Check out Rules of Redemption after you get through with the first 3 books of the Broken Lands.
Thanks for the rec! I’ve been a reading funk. Mostly due to having to read 6+ chapters a week, 40 to 50 pages each for school. So when I try a book it needs to catch me right away so I can sink in and not think about HIPAA laws or medical coding. Its 2.99 on B&N as well so I’ll give a try.
I found TA White while in between releases of my fav authors and devoured everything quickly. I am now in between again. ?
I love ta white books! I’ve been reading her books for awhile now! I totally agree about the romance but I do love her humor and style of writing!
I haven’t gotten around to reading the 3rd book yet, but I also greatly enjoyed this book! The characters are fantastic and while I wouldn’t want to live I
the world it’s set in, it’s definitely a well-crafted one.
I’ve read two other books by her and they were also great. One of those series I wish I had hard copies of to put on my actual bookshelf instead of just the digital.
Looooove this series & author! It’s like two best friends from different parts of my life met & instantly clicked and I feel so justified in my choices ?
I agree! She is a fantastic author and I always binge read her books when they come out (yours too!!!)
So this is slightly off topic – was there a short story or snippet with Nevada and Rogan hiding in a lilac bush? Just re read Diamond Fire, and Nevada’s insistence on blue lilacs as a late addition to her bouquet is nudging my ageing memory… But, I can’t find it!
There wasn’t a snippet of this event. I just finished re-reading all the snippets to do with the series.
The BDH can correct me if I am wrong but I believe this was in Diamond Fire. Her wanting the blue flowers drove Catalina nuts as she was helping to organize the wedding and it clashed with the theme.
I love this series! There is also a 4th book in the works. Can’t wait for it to come out!
I’d definitely recommend this series as well as her other series; Dragon Ridden. It was highly entertaining with a fantastic plot and amazing world building.
This is awesome! I love T.A. White and the Pathfinder series. When I read them I was like “why have I not heard of these books until now? Where have you been hiding?”.
Hi Ilona,
I always love the books you recommend – I’m a book hoarder and you help feed my passion ?.
Don’t know if these books are up your street, but like you, once I start reading this author, the sun is beginning to rise when I surface. Not sure how they’d go down with an American audience, but the author has a way with words; there’s history, gentle romance, some violence, humour and the heroine/ narrator is short, ginger and slightly dumpy… I’m talking about the Chronicles of St Mary’s by Jodi Taylor. So far there are 10 books and a lot of ebook shorts.
If you’re a history buff with a sense of humour you’ll love Chronicles of St Mary’s ?
Yes! Oh my god, yes! You will not regret this series or any other by T A White (her latest dragon book only just came out). She’s one of my absolute favourites despite only discovering her a few months ago. Worth the late nights up reading. Enjoy!
I’ve been working my way (slowly) through T.A. White’s backlist since discovering Rules of Redemption (The Firebird Chronicles, #1) on Kindle Unlimited. It’s my favorite out of the Aileen Travers series (incomplete UF series) and The Broken Lands series (about to read the third book of this).
I also can’t wait for the second Firebird Chronicles book, but it looks like White is writing for four uncompleted series. And (according to her blog) working on the Broken Lands vol.4
Hopefully Firebird #2 is up next!
That cover is gorgeous!
Sold! I just purchased. Looking forward to it.
Woo hoo! New book! I loved Warprize! Thanks!
I have read TA White’s other series and really liked them. I particularly liked the Dragon-ridden books and loved the first of her new sci-fi, Rules of Redemption. I was just looking at this series yesterday after my re-read of the Innkeeper series ( just as fun the second time around-btw). Now I will definitely go back to buy. All of your recommendations have been one’s I have loved.
I read this already! I enjoyed it. I would have liked more action in the finale (like a major raging battle) but I would still recommend reading the series.
I long wanted to recommend this series to you because after I read the third book, I have a feeling you will definitely enjoy the ‘creatures’ in the broken land series. So I was really surprised and thrilled when I found Pathfinder’s Way title in your book. May you have more good time enjoying the second and finally, the third book (because this is when the possibly coolest creatures appeared in my opinion). I also followed her Aileen Traver series and it’s also a fun urban fantasy. And I really love the cliff scene when Shea showed off her cleverness??
*title in your book :title in your blog
I love T.A. White! All her books are auto buy for me.
I was just looking for something to read today… I’ll have to do a re-read!
You are one of the few people whose book recommendations I treat like gospel. Thank you. I’ve been wondering where I would go next now that I finished the Tanya Huff series.
Thanks for the recommendation! Your recommendations never disappoint me. I have continued to read everything Forthright has written since you first recommended her.
She’s an incredible author, I have read all her books! I also had the privilege of being a beta for one of her books.
I have read them all. She is a great undiscovered until now, writer. At this time I like her more than some of my favorite writers.
I found the audiobook versions of her broken lands series well worth listening to, if your brain hurts too much to read…
I would love to have this kind of blurb when I look up books on Amazon! Fabulous!
If you like romantic spy thrillers, Karen Robards’ latest trio, The Ultimatum,
The Moscow deception, and the Fifth Doctrine are real page turners and occasionally hilarious. Can’t wait for the next one. But I did miss the sleep.
I always appreciate the time you take to recommend books you have read. I try out new authors based on what you post. Some I like and some I don’t, but I always appreciate being led to a new author. Thank you!
Thanks for the rec! Sounds interesting.
I have read all of her books. She is amazing. Every series is different and equally amazing. I suggest read them all!
T.A. White was my diamond in the rough find on Kindle unlimited. Read everything she has written and loved it enough to buy it all seprately. Excellent world building. I will read everything new she produces. Love that she’s got 3 very different fantasy series and 1 SciFi. She was who I recommended when requests were asked from the BDH. Dragon ridden might be my favourite although the series has a couple small plot holes.
I agree the romance could have developed more, but the relationship struggles a bit in the second book and to me that was a direct cause of not a super strong foundation where they really got to know each other in the first book. So not so much a product of writing, but more a natural relationship struggle to me of not knowing/ understanding your partner? Physical relationship at first then it turns into an emotional one. They figure it out and grow by book 3.
Warprize was also excellent.
I love TA White and obsessively check for new releases. I prefer the Aileen Travers series and her new SF book was very good as well.
Darn it Ilona! I started Pathfinder’s Way and couldn’t stop til I finished!
Falling down the rabbit hole.. totally going to regret downloading this at 10:00pm. Only a few chapters in and I can tell I’ll be up too late reading.
Thanks for the recommendation I’ve been in such a reading slump lately.
This is my favorite series of this author, and I can promise the banter and character development gets better with each book. I also really like the first book in her new series: Rules of Redemption.
If you have not seen it yet, another series you started me on has released another book. The Stars Like Gods, by G. S. Jennson.
I’ve read all her books too. I started with the Pathfinder series. But I ADORE ADORE ADORE her Dragonridden Chronicles the most. She has a great ensemble cast of characters including the best one: her own alter ego.
Her writing is better than most Tor author’s I’ve read.
Here here on dragon ridden!!! T.A.White has fast become a favorite writer I started reading her stuff a year and a half -two years ago and cant get enough.
I liked the pathfinder series, loved the dragenridden series, and am in love with Aileen!
I found this author in January and have seen read all her series, they are all great.
I love all her books, my favorite is the new series she has started, first book is rules of redemption, I am so hanging out for the next book in the series. Just love all her books tho
I am also reading Redemption and enjoying it. Very different which is hard to find. I read the first two of the Pathfinder series but lost interest in how the story line was going so did not continue . She writes unique and engaging stories.
I really enjoyed all her books. I’m currently rereading her space adventure Rules of Redemption which is great. Love it when when of your favorite authors enjoys another of your favorites. Bad English there sorry
In my reply above, I forgot to say that Rules of Redemption is my favorite new series!
I hope the next one is out soon !!!
After IA and Briggs, White is becoming my third most favorite author.
Any idea when book 2 will be available?
Her website says late 2019/early 2020. So hopefully sooner than later!
All of the books by T A White have been enjoyable reads. The only disappointing thing is that only 2 of them are available on audible! The reader does a great job portraying Shea so well worth a listen if you like audio versions as well.
I totally agree! I read these, but I liked the audio more than I thought I would- I’ve found that I turn a bit nitpicky with pronunciations on audiobooks. If you like the first, both the romance and Fallon get more defined in the 2nd and 3rd. Also, according to the write up, book 4 is an arc the starts with characters you will meet later, but likely enjoy.
I’ve recently been lucky enough to beta read the 4th in this series – which is great. The series as a whole is good, but it gets a bit dark, the fourth is a return to the lighter tone of the first. I also recommend her Dragon books – I just love Tate’s dragon’s snark and inner belief that she’s like a gazelle in flight (she isn’t) and all mighty! Right, my childminding day with a 1 and 3 year old beckons…. deep breath
Hope everything else is well, medical results for you and Kid 1’s MRI and Charlie the handsome pirate.
Sampling this now!
I’m a little late, but I just downloaded this book. I noticed the Amazon ranking (for a book released in 2016) is currently 197. The Horde devours!
Pathfinder’s way was the first book I read by T.A. White. I truly love her creativity in world building. Every series differs from the others in so many ways. I just finished the fourth book in her Dragon series and wowie, the end was awesome. Can’t wait for book number 5. I do have the same issues with Pathfinders’ way concerning the romantic development between the main character and the male lead. The build up just felt weird and the romantic involvement too sudden. However, I do like her Redemption Series on all levels. I think she finally figured out how to incorporate romance in her creative and addictive writing style.
TA White is a new to me author I found earlier this year. I’ve been reading all her stuff in the last few months. Lots of different worlds, all good. The other author I found and devoured this year is Annette Marie.
I haven’t read all of her book (going through them now) but I have read Rules of Redemption and it was fantastic. I am eagerly waiting for book 2. It kept me engaged just as much as any of your books, which is a rare treat!
This book had such a strong start for me but it kind of fizzled out near the end. It was so anticlimactic after such a wonderful build up. Don’t get me wrong, It was still a lot of fun and the female character is superb. So is the adventuring and challenges in the wilderness/ weird beastie things. It was just the romance that kind of fell flat and let it down near the end.
I guess I’m just spoilt with what we have here that I’ve gotten really high expectations lately.
Feels a little uncharitable towards an Author who writes so well but I just did not love this book enough to read the rest of the series. I would have been more forgiving if the start wasn’t just so full of promise that it blew me away and over a cliff lol. Then I landed flat on my face.
Forgive me.
The book recommended is on sale for Kindle at 3 bucks (2.99) – so I grabbed it. I see other series by her are available for Kindle Unlimited. Thanks for the recommend, I love strong female leads in fantasy and science fiction. So win win!
I saw a rec for this on Twitter one fine day, bought it, and couldn’t put it down either. Read all three books that are out currently, and I’m impatiently waiting for the fourth one to be out hopefully sometime this year. Also absolutely adored her SciFi one, Rules of Redemption. So good!
I read this series, still waiting for the next book ??.. How long ?
TA White is amazing! I love love love her new Rules of Redemption series! I think it’s her strongest work so far. The Pathfinders Way series is pne of my favorites! Shea’s character development is so believable and well done. So glad you mentioned this author because I think she’s superb.
Thank you for the recommendation.
normally, i wouldn’t bother. but this so obviously is meant in a different way, i’ll point out the typo and duck out before getting any slaps from anyone:
“I’ll be checking out T.A. White’s backlist because I hate everything and I really like the way she writes.”
you mean you “have” everything on her backlist not “hate”, right?
I think what was intended is that IA Hates everything she reads most of the time but really liked the way T.A. wrote this one and thus this is a potential source of enjoyment in the backlist
…. at least that’s how i read it 🙂
What’s funny is that I only discovered T.A. White when she was recommended by several BDH members in your “BDH Recommends” post…
I have loved almost of all her books and I’m glad you read this one! The Broken Lands series is my favorite, but I also really enjoy her Dragon-Ridden series (love Illith!) and her Firebird series (although only the first book is out).
Just finished Pathfinders Way and it was a good read. I am on to book 2 of the series. Thanks for the recommendation.
It was a pretty decent read. It kept me up late too! Thanks for the recommendation!
I’ll download a sample as your recommendations tend to work for me. Proof? Now reading Tamiko and the Two Janitors…the latest in the Forthwright series I found thanks to you.
I just found her a couple of months ago, and inhaled all her books. My favorite is the new Rules of Redemption, but am thrilled with all her other series. Her heroines are wonderfully flawed and very believable. Glad you found her, and are sharing!
LOVE THESE. I was up till 2. I love books so much!
I know you warned us about the stay up late factor, but I went ahead and read Pathfinder’s Way despite my best intentions to explore only the first few chapters (finished at midnight). Neat story with engaging characters, good pacing. Now I’m going to exert willpower and NOT start the second book tonight. At 8:30 pm. I can do it. Willpower, ’cause work tomorrow….
I agree with all of the recommendations for Rules of Redemption. After Pathfinder’s Way, it’s my favorite by T.A. White.
Holy smokes. I was up last night reading this too, only to log in this morning and read this post!
And fwiw, i’m Okay with Fallon being a little underdeveloped, as he is only a supporting character.
I just downloaded sample to this book and after reading the comments I downloaded a sample to the first in the Dragon Ridden Chronicles too
Aug 6, 2019
I read your blog and decided to read Pathfinders Way. Like you, I ended up awake after 3am finishing the book then promptly checking out the next one in the series which I just ordered.
Thanks for the recommendation. This was an enjoyable read for me. I always appreciate authors and series which are enjoyable and great reads.
PS Now the other comments about
Rules of Redemption have made me curious about that series too.
I loved Warprize, read it about 30 times but I hated the others in the series.
I loved the first book of the series, book two a bit less, because Shea seemed out of character a lot, trying to find her part in the Trateri society, being insecure and stuff. But thank heavens all was well again in book three 🙂
The newest book, the first one of the „Firebird Cronicles“ was addictive as well, cool sci-fi fantasy with another kickass heroine that is full of surprises (and a snarky AI, now what’s not to love?).
But my favorite series of T. A. White’s is her urban fantasy series, the „Aileen Travers Novels“. Aileen is such a believable character, a classic underdog who is cunning enough to get out on top, although all the heavy hitters are out to get her. Yep, she is one of my favorite mcs at the moment.
Happy reading 🙂
Lol now I have to go find the other two series that you mentioned
I read rRules of Redemption (Firebird). And cannot wait for the next one in that series. I didn’t try the Travers books although I might eventually. I am not a huge fan of Vampires are people with feelings too books, and this may not be like that.
One of the reasons ( though not the only one) that I like IA so much is the atypical treatment of vampires in their books. In Kate Daniels they are so different from the sparkly kind it was refreshing. In the Innkeeper books they are just a predatory alien species and I love how they have been developed!
But I definitely plan to explore T A White more
Had never read T A White.
Just finished Pathfinder’s Way.
Great recommendation.
Thank you for recommending this book. No, it was not perfect and I cringed multiple times at blatant grammatical errors, but the story was REALLY good. The thing that made willing suspension of disbelief a teeny bit difficult was that apparently no one in the villages seemed to learn from experience and everyone just accepted that Shea was lazy. She pushed people to to move faster, walk more and rest less, but they called her lazy. And almost everyone seemed to buy into that. Didn’t really work for me.
The romance angle was a little subtle, but I didn’t mind that so much :-). We only really saw things from her perspective, so we pretty much got his feelings as a lump revelation at the end. I am eager to read the remaining books in the series….. and I also really like the Witt character
Try THE PALACE JOB. By Patrick Weeks, or THE ROOK by Daniel O’Malley.
Grrr I’m supposed to get up in 5 hours to go to work and I can’t put this down.
I’m about to check this out but anyone remember and loved the Rachel Bach Pardox trilogy IA recommended a few years ago? I’ve been beating my head trying to figure out what other space faring with some romance and kick arse heroine stories that are out there and I haven’t found any like that..don’t get me wrong I’ve fell into some military sci fi I loved and some magic sci fi especially Glynn Stewart mage series. Anyone have a good line on something similar to paradox trio though? Oh and her alter ego Rachel Aaron has a new series which I wasn’t a fan of heartstrikers but the new one I am..go figure? Thanks Horde!! Xoxo
Have read all her series. Love them all, but funnily enough the Trateri books are the weakest of the bunch. Love love Aileen and Rules of Redemption was AWESOME!!
I just read the first and I am half way through the second. Thanks for the recommendation.
Read Rules of Redemption – so good!!!
Thank you for sharing this book/author! I REALLY needed a good book to dive in to–and you happened to post this recommendation just during that time. I’ve since read all the books in her Broken Lands series and LOVED them. Thank you! You helped me find the books I needed in this time 🙂
I wanted to thank you for posting about this book, I am loving it so much so far.
On your advice started and am now an addict! I speed read without trying so happy these are free on kindle unlimited :). About to start the aileen travers line and cant wait!!!
I just finished this last night. Great book! I’m probably going to work my way through all of her stuff.
Love this series. Read it and the following 2
Thank you very much for recommending this book . . . sucked me right in, ended up buying the next two in the series and Rules of Redemption. LOL
BTW, I followed T. A. White on FB and she was totally thrilled by this post and you folks loving her book. 🙂