I was supposed to do all sorts of announcements for the digital appearances today. Instead, I will tell you why they are delayed.
Yesterday I put on my new sandals and went to therapy. I go every 2-3 weeks and for an hour I vent to my therapist, because venting to friends and family can only go so far before it becomes taking advantage of their feelings. So I go and say things like “The $%*& bank will not release the ^$#@! insurance check because they don’t like how the contractor signed the contract. I #$%^& had it!”
So I vented yesterday, and then I decided to go by the optometrist and pick up my glasses and Gordon’s glasses. My optometrist had previously informed me that I have premature cataracts, so I also wanted my eyeball pictures, because my brother-in-law happens to be an optometrist with a long career and he was pretty sure I didn’t have cataracts.
I went in, it took about 15 minutes – they told me the records were ready but they weren’t, so they promised to email them in violation of HIPPA if I filled out a form – and I grabbed the four pairs of glasses, 2 for each of us, and headed outside, down a slope to my car.
I stumbled. I don’t know on what, but I did. Then I ran forward a few steps and fell. And by fall, I mean I sprawled on my stomach. Belly flop onto the pavement.
My dignity had died in the first .2 seconds of this calamity. I picked myself up, checked the glasses, which miraculously stayed on my face, checked the glasses int he bag, determined that nothing was broken, inside me or outside, and went home.
I go years without falling and this year I fell twice. No, I didn’t have vertigo and yes, I am reasonably well balanced. The first time I slid on some rocks. This time I stumbled on, I don’t know, empty air. Maybe it was the new shoes? I’m going to blame the shoes.
I have two slightly skinned knees, one really skinned elbow, a tenderness in the left breast, because I fell slightly more to my left, and a creak in my neck muscles on the right side.
Feel sorry for me, please.
I was a bit stiff getting out of bed today and so I am just now finally revving up to full speed. We will have the announcements shortly.
PS. Brother-in-law says the dark spots are not cataracts and one cannot even properly diagnose cataracts from the pictures I had.
Lorraine says
I hope you feel better soon!
Jo says
oh dearie
Pam F. says
I am sorry that you had so much happen. Hope you feel better today and enjoy the weekend.
Arianna says
+1 ❤️
Pakster says
I blame the shoes too. I hope you feel better soon.
Katja says
I stumble quite often for no apparent reason, so I know the feeling of indignity very well. Get better soon and have a relaxing day, seems you need it.
Inari says
I always blame the shoes.. even when Im barefoot.
Rachel says
I compete in a variety of dog sports – obedience, agility, rally, scentwork, etc – and if conditions are decent, I typically do so barefoot, because I am much less likely to trip and fall in bare feet than in any kind of shoe.
LM says
Well I only trip on flat ground, when I am walking and most likely not wearing shoes… I never trip running, hiking or playing sports. But will do a full front flip and land on my butt while walking across a parking lot. Apparently it runs in the family…🤷🏻♀️
C Campbell says
I am 42 and work as a professional chef. The amount of dumb things I fall over starts with empty air and ends somewhere beyond taking too big a step over something small and tripping. My ankles hate me.
Kristine says
Kay says
it might have been the glasses. Sometimes a new prescription can mess with your depth perception while you’re still adjusting to it. I nearly tripped down the steps of my optometrist because of that.
Kay says
Whoops meant to make this a general comment not a reply. Sorry
Virginia says
Or new glasses and new shoes in a dark conspiracy against you. (Chernobog wants more page time?)
I’m glad you didn’t hit your head! My biggest trip and fall, my sandal caught on a bump in the sidewalk, I hit my head and had the most gorgeous purple eye a few days later. I swore off wearing sandals for daily use after that; now they’re just for occasions where sneakers aren’t appropriate. (I don’t get dressier than that!)
Heidi says
Yes! or if you wear reading/driving glasses and then take them off, your depth perception is horrible!
Sandra says
Falling sucks, last tumble I took the worst part was the elderly man who saw and asked if I needed help getting up. I looked at the size of him, then the size of me and thought nope.
Undignified turning over onto all fours and getting up that way ensued before discovering my elbow was bleeding right before a chiropractor appointment.
The embarrassment was the most painful part of all of it.
So yes, all of the feeling sorry for you xx
Sandra says
Oh and it was also because of shoes 😉
Angel says
Totally feeling sorry for you and hoping your prioritizing the comfort of warm salt baths because you deserve it. Best wishes for speedy healing!
Judy Schultheis says
I have had scars across the knuckles of my left hand for about half my life from taking a fall like you described – except I wasn’t wearing sandals. The injury had just barely finished healing when I tripped going up some steps and my hand bounced against a piece of cracked cement. Yes, I have two layers of scars on those knuckles.
The last time somebody pointed at my scars and asked me who I hit, I told him it had been the last guy who asked me that.
Jean says
Good one!!
(Some people have no manners. Their moms, grandmothers, and aunties are cringing in disbelief. Because no matter where they are, they heard that impertinent question….)
Monica says
Well done
Vanna Richardson says
Oh no! Rest up. Belly flopping on the sidewalk calls for like 3 days in bed recovering… from the shame of face planting. In all seriousness, I hope you feel better soon and maybe put those shoes in a time out for betraying you like that.
Brandi says
Ouch!! That sounds incredibly painful. Hopefully all heals up soon and glad it is most likely not cataracts!
Rhonda H says
Great heaping piles of sympathy for your abused self! Being a life long clutz, I feel your pain, though I’ve found the injuries to the skin heal a lot faster than the ones to you dignity.
ggh says
I have recently discovered the terror of falling. I’ve always fallen occasionally but I was pretty good at it – even into my 40s. But once you get older, it’s a whole different ball game and the injuries are real. I’m fine – I just need to pay better attention to what my feet are doing – but it is a transition.
I’m glad you are doing well and not suffering any major problems. That means you have been taking good care of your body – exercising and moving in ways that keep you strong. Good for you!
Danna says
Please let the company know, as you slipped on their property. Even if nothing arises from it, today. Next week, that sudden chiro visit from chronic pain may need billed to their insurance. It happened there, so it should be reported.
Kelticat says
I ditto this statement. Companies tend to like knowing where potential insurance lawsuits can come from.
Chachic says
Oh no, I hope you feel better soon! Sometimes I trip and fall on flat surfaces and I have no idea why, I used to think I was just clumsy but maybe there’s something wrong with the way I step.🤷🏻♀️ And yes, I also blame my shoes when this happens.
Moderator R says
Once I discovered I had ADHD, it all fell (ha!) into place for me. All the bumping into corners and falling on straight road, all the things I seemingly just looked at and they would fall apart or, as my mother would say, “you break everything you touch”.
People with ADHD (both adults and children)have greater postural sway than neurotypical counterparts and it affects our balance and proprioception.
Siobhan says
That’s really interesting, because I was just diagnosed — and apparently I don’t have a mild case, heh. Combine ADHD with my cyst-related permanent off-balancedness and I’m probably lucky to be alive.
Virginia says
Me, too! I never knew AD (no classic HD) could be the root of my “absent-minded,” distractable nature until my grandkids were diagnosed, then both my daughters, and we started re-looking at family stories.
Add hypermobile joints (floppy ankles etc), another family gift, and I fall a LOT. (Three times so far in 2023, just bruised).
I used to shake it off (ok, I may have whined copiously), but now in my 70s, it’s a lot more scary. 😬
I ALWAYS get up from all fours, downward-facing dog style. It’s just safer and doesn’t require help.
My rules are: I get the rest of the day in bed (with book and ice packs, ice cream for dinner); no demands for my time will be honored; I take it easy for 2-3 days afterward.
Siobhan says
I thought I had no classic HD, too. After I was diagnosed, though, realizations slowly started to arise.
I have a lap cat who is constantly complaining that I get up WAY too often — I always have a REASON, but somehow other people manage to sit longer — and I realized that at a very young age* I created a non-visible system of fidgeting — clenching and unclenching certain muscles in order in time with music or speech or my own thoughts.
It may not be classic HD, but I am somehow always moving, visibly or not, good reasons or not.
*very young as in I cannot remember a time I did not do this.
Jackie says
Same, girl! Same!
reeder says
“I break everything I look at” is a sought after job skill. Engineering Quality Assurance roles not only looks for this, they expand upon it in formalized approaches.
Mom wasn’t wrong but it can totally be a plus, especially if you work with teams where people have a talent for fixing/creating/implementing things.
Smmoe1997 says
Interesting! That certainly explains why I tend to walk into door jambs and cabinets that I KNOW are there. I had never heard that about ADHD, but it does explain a lot. I was diagnosed in my late 20s and the first comment was “How are you still employed?” I’d been at my job (at the time) for almost 10 years. Apparently my coping skills were great for work organization, I’m horrible around the house.
Logan says
I used to walk into door jambs a lot. It turned out to be a vision thing. I wound up going for vision therapy and it fixed that. I had thought my vision was fine, but apparently if you wind up using one eye primarily your sense of center is off balance and that happens.
Nancy says
Oww, remember to take some Motrin or Aleve to prevent your non sore muscles from getting sore as you favor your sore muscles. may you remain fall free in that
Sjik says
So good news on the lack of cataracts. Let’s take that win. Sorry that you stumbled, coming from a frequent stumbler I truly empathize with your initial embarrassment. Please use your bathtub for a long soak and have yourself a spa day. Everything else can wait.
jnet says
I hope you feel better soon!
Good news about eyes!
Dawn says
my grandson says I’m the only woman he knows who does the high heels stumble barefooted – so I feel the pain
Sam says
Awww, I feel sorry for you, as per your request. 😇 ☹️ Hope you feel better soon.
Heather says
I know what you mean about falling down. I fell down last year while I was trying to jog around a parked vehicle on the shoulder of the road with oncoming traffic. Went down on my hands and knees. with road burn and scrapes. I didn’t hit anything, and did not trip over anything. Later I had to go to the doctor and physical therapist because I had unexplained weakness in my right leg. I ended up doing physical therapy to strengthen the leg again since it was so weak it just collapsed. Never figured out why it was so weak.
Jill CD says
I wish I lived near you – I’m an EMMETT Technique practitioner and it’s got some fantastic releases for physical balance and stability, which amazes everyone we demonstrate it on 🙂
Hope you feel better soon
Geunita Ringold says
What is that? I have always had poor coordination.
Emily says
Falling HURTS! I feel very bad for you and hope you can rest the sore muscles. I’ve found aquaphor anointment helps the abrasions heal faster.
Our kids fall often and my husband (and his mother) blow it off and I swoop in to validate because I fell once as an adult and I still remember thinking WOW, this does hurts. I thought the same for a few days after the Tdap booster I received during pregnancy. It’s made me more sympathetic.
*kid falls, cries*
MIL: “you’re okay”
Me: “blood running down the leg is not okay”
glad the glasses survived!
Moderator R says
This is something that makes me see red, probably from being a very accident prone child who was in a lot of physical pain. The child is obviously physical hurt and distressed and adults around them tell them “It’s nothing”. I so feel for you!
Michelle says
Oh, I have the best “I told you so” story ever.
My mom went for a walk, and I was roller skating alongside her. We went down a hill, and I took off not noticing the gravel sprinkled across the road. Of course I hit the gravel at high speed and basically tried to do a bellyflop in the road. I put my arms out trying to keep from doing a face plant and hurt my wrists. So I was crying on the ground and my mom tells me “oh, get up you big baby, it’s not like anything is broken.”
I was still complaining about pain the next day and not wanting to move my arms at all so mom decided to take me to the dr after all. I had x-rays of both arms, just in case. And the dr puts one set of film on the light box and goes “Yep, it’s broken.” Then he did a double take and quickly grabbed the other set of film and goes “Huh, this one’s broken too.”
So I turn to mom and said, “Nothing’s broken, hm? Big baby?” I’ve held that over her head ever since. A funny story now, but miserable at the time.
Teri says
I have a similar “I told you so” story. Extreme abdominal pain when I was 12 or 13, mum assumed I was being a baby about period pains. Finally took me to the doctor two days later – my appendix burst on the operating table!
Sydney girl says
I agree Mod R. My baby has hyper-extensive ligaments and has been falling since she could walk. Before she even started kindergarten we knew the office staff really well as she would fall on the way to taking her siblings to school.
It’s really painful for her, and sometimes she even dislocates toes, fingers, knees. She’s still doing it now and she’s 17.
Her pain threshold is really high, so you know it’s bad when she cries. I really hate it when people tell her to get over it. She gets lots of sympathy from me.
Harriet says
I fell waking the 2 steps from my garage up to my house last year. Kaplat. I started crying looking for some sympathy from my husband only to remember he now works at the office. I blame my new love of flowy long pants.
Diane E Wilson says
It’s the shoes. Definitely. I took a fall a couple of weeks ago, sprained my wrist three weeks before a piano recital. It’s healed finally, but getting my playing back in shape in a week will be iffy.
A few years ago my optometrist told me that my cataracts “had gone from fifty cents to a dollar fifty.” That was enough to get a referral to an ophthalmologist who specializes in cataracts. I wasn’t aware of any vision issues related to cataracts, but I was on the edge of being legally blind in one eye. (20/400 at distance). If there’s any good news in that, it’s that the surgery is quick, painless, and routine.
Moderator R says
Hope the wrist allows you to play soon!
Diane E Wilson says
Back to practicing now, but found out today that the recital has been cancelled. So, moving on; I started today on learning the next set of pieces.
Albert Rother says
You may need to see an ophthalmologist to rule out cataracts. An optometrist is great for glasses/contacts, but for medical issues involving the eye they don’t always have the tools and/or the experience necessary to diagnose something like cataracts in the early stages.
Virginia says
LauraKC says
Sounds like you had a horrible day. I hope that everyone is pampering you while you heal!
Kate says
A couple of months ago I hooked my foot stepping over a 6″ high barrier and face planted on the sidewalk. My favorite glasses did not break but were irretrievably scratched. What did happen was I drove them into my face just above my eyebrows and split the skin. It has healed and will fade in time but my helpful sister pointed out that I now have a scar shaped like the pi sign on my forehead. Family.
Moderator R says
This exact thing happened to me, but only one side of the glasses went in above my eyebrow, so I have just half a pie scar 😅. My pride and joy roman numeral sunglasses are forever scratched too.
It happened on the stairs in my building and every time I go downstairs I see the paint job where my blood smeared (head wounds bleed A LOT) and remember the fall.
Kate says
I was on my way to swimming. I was just a block away when I tripped and showed up holding my scarf to my head with blood smeared all over my face and said, “I’m not going to be able to swim today but I’d like to use the dressing room to clean up if that is OK.”
I got a lot of this O_O, and a big wad of gauze to use on the way home.
And yes, I can also still see the spot on the sidewalk where I first started to drip.
Moderator R says
Virginia says
Yikes! I fell getting into a golf cart-like ride-on at Wolf Trap (an outdoor concert venue on top of a hill); the step was too high. My only ambulance ride (so far🤞) as a precaution. They retired that fairly new cart! And I’m reminded every time I get into a lower-slung cart there.
Breann says
I don’t know if they will work for you, but I’ve had good luck with the silicone scar patches! I got mine from Amazon, but I’m sure you can find them elsewhere (maybe your pharmacy? 🤷♀️).
Linking to explain what I mean, no affiliate stuff:
Aroamas Scar Professional Silicone Scar Sheets, Soften and Flattens Scars Resulting from Surgery, Injury, Burns, C-Section and More, Soft Silicone Scar Strips [3″x1.57″, 8 Sheets for 4 Month Supply] https://a.co/d/ckGiRVp
This was the brand I used, but there are others. I just used a pair of scissors and cut them into a smaller piece to cover what I needed (to get the most bang for my buck), but they come in different sizes too and also a long roll. I didn’t want to go out in public with it on my face, so I only used it at night or while at home, but it did the job. 🤗
Rachel RobinsonHunley says
You poor fing. I fall on air bumps all the time. Hugs and back rubs from here.
Rosanne says
Bleh that sucks! If it’s any consolation, I once broke my foot taking out the recycling…. Tripped over air pretty much. Lol
Laura Martinez says
Ouch! Get better!
PSMH says
As Roland would say, “Well, that’s not good.”
(Honestly, I can’t tell you how often I hear his voice (okay, Steve West, technically) saying these words, whew!)
Care and solidarity – and a really great cup of tea. <3
Geunita Ringold says
Sorry, about your fall. I too trip on air. I have the fall thing on my Apple watch just for that purpose. It has gotten to be a running joke in my family. Mom is up, no now she’s down. It sucks big time.
Lisa Menery says
It is very easy to stumble over nothing. Yes, blame the shoes. I hope you feel better quickly.
MaryF says
As a champion tripper/faller, my heart is with your pain. So glad that the body mostly heals itself quickly.
That said, get a new optometrist!
Siobhan says
Last autumn, in the space of 3 weeks:
1) I fell*, skinning my knee and putting hairline fractures in the top joint of two the three fingers I landed on**, having stupidly flung out my hand to catch me;
2) banged a magnetic knife block I was moving from one counter to another, dislodging my new, super sharp, titanium-plated knives, sending one into my thigh***, needing 5 stitches, one for each centimeter of knife that entered my leg;
3) dropped a measuring cup filled with almost-boiling broth all down my leg, burning my foot (where it soaked my sock) very badly and my thigh (where my sweatpants hugged the skin) somewhat badly. Second degree burns on my foot, and I managed to tie with my best friend for grossest injury pictures (she split her knee open just above the kneecap. If you know what that means, great, but I don’t want to describe it for people who don’t know and don’t want graphic injury descriptions).
My point here is threefold:
I feel your pain.
I hadn’t fallen (stumbled yes, fallen no) or given myself a bruise for at least 18 months before that. Sometimes stars SUCK.
Dignity is WAY overrated.
*I am literally congenitally clumsy. I had a specific type of spinal cyst that caused me pain in my shoulder and threw off my balance from the time I was 9 until I was 35 (at 35 I finally got over my parents’ “don’t carry your backpack on that shoulder, use both” and saw a doctor and discovered the cyst existed and had caused the clumsiness as well as the pain and had spinal surgery to have it removed). Since it’s been removed I’ve been clumsy because I’ve had to unlearn all my unconscious compensations.
**this was on the way to my orthopedist, so at least the timing was good
***Best friend is an ER doc. My initial response to the knife wound was to, while freaking out, check to see if I’d cut either the femoral artery or vein. My husband and doctor were very reassuring afterwards that I hadn’t come close, since those are in the back of the leg. BF saw the picture and sent back that I had barely missed the big femoral nerve.
Jill says
Yikes! Good you have an ER doc to hand!
Siobhan says
Well, via text. We LIVE an ocean apart. We’ve just been friends since college.
Sola says
My sincere condolences. Those kind of falls/trips/accidents are the wooooooorst! I hope you feel fully recovered soon!
Keera says
Oh no! I am so sorry. The last time I fell it was down the stairs. I slid because my dog who acts like a cat likes to cross between our legs as we are going up or down the stairs. I was sore for about a week after.
My 9 yr old though loves running but has no brakes and in a school with about 120 3rd graders collisons happen, even though they try to keep the track clear. Last week he had a gnarly looking bruise on his inner left elbow. This week its the outer left elbow, left side of his tummy and hip and left knee. He said mom I slid and my jeans ripped by the knees. As they were cleaning him up, I was crying, the nurse was cringing but he seemed ok. He said it hurt but no too much. The nurse told him no racing for a week.
Debbie says
So glad you don’t have cataracts!! Though if the time comes, medical is amazing these days.
I feel so bad for your fall. And I can relate. One of my last falls I was wearing a dress, so everyone around me knew what color panties I had on. Yes, banged up and no dignity left.
As you picture that, I hope it makes you smile a little bit. 😉
Have a great weekend!
Sandhya Rao says
oh dear… I’ve had these unexplained falls happen to me also, makes me question so many things when they happen. Sending you healing hugs. Does your brother-in-law know what the dark spots could be?
kath says
Yep. I feel sorry for you and I have been in similar situations. May this be the last of these embarrassing incidents for us both
Cheryl M says
Boo and gentle hugs for the fall and subsequent stiffness. Hooray for no cataracts! I will say, the hubby had the cataract surgery, and loves only needing to wear cheaters when he reads.
Alison says
I am sorry your day was ouchy yesterday I hope today is a better day for you.
Kathleen says
Sorry about the fall. I also re-learned as an adult that mud under water acts like ice, r.e. traction. Costs include a phone screen, a skinned knee, and my dignity.
Marcia says
It was definitely the new shoes!! Everyone knows that new shoes can be a real hazard, especially when worn with me glasses! You are lucky you were not hurt more seriously, and even luckier there were no morons with cell phone cameras around either! Hope you feel better ❤️🩹 real soon.
SueS says
I’m a klutz so I have LOTS of days like that. Sucks…..
AP says
Per your request, I’m just going to be sorry for you on the fall (been there, done that for too many reasons to bore you with) and happy for you that’s it’s not cataracts. 🤗
Looking forward to announcements!
Mary Cruickshank-Peed says
I’m sorry for your fall. I’ve been stumbling on nothing for the last 5 years or so. I think the gravity is being wonky. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Beth says
Yes! This! I knew it was a thing. I totally agree that the gravity shifts are at fault.
Wont says
So sorry about the fall. Definitely fault of the sandals. I fell twice in one year. Once was on the grass in my yard. I still broke my arm both times. Once required surgery to fix. 🙄 I hope your pain is short lived. You definitely have my sympathy. 💕
Stacy Harper Watson says
My mother trip off her singular front step, fell and impaled her key through her hand. Falling happens unfortunately. Glad it was mostly your dignity that was hurt. I’m over here feeling sorry for you. 😉
Lisa says
I hope you had a big ole mug of tea after all those shenanigans. Very relieved to hear nothing was broken (now that I know I have osteopenia I’m paranoid about breaking anything other than the foot that now lets me predict the rain). You’ll be in my thoughts. With any luck the aches and pains will dissipate soon. And hopefully all that other foolishness you’ve had to deal with will resolve soon as well. *hugs*
Dstrangeone says
The last time I had a bad fall the doctor actually told me that my extra weight likely kept me from braking any bones. Yes my extra flab saved my hip! Don’t know if it’s true that fat has shock absorbing powers, but I went with it.
Laura says
That is awesome. I’m going to remember that besides helping me not drown (although I do know how to swim, but fat is buoyant), I am also protecting my bones in falls. Who ever thought that I would appreciate a trait like “bouncable”. THANK YOU.😍
Jodi says
Sadly I trip on air and choke on my own spit too.
hope you’re feeling better soon
Beth says
Yeah. I hate that spit thing. Happens to quite often.
Bev says
So sorry you fell! It brought back memories of the sick feeling as one falls followed by the impact. I was walking and slipped on ice but my big purse saved me. It did take out some stuff inside the purse though. I’m almost 70 and do trip sometimes but I always have. I’m glad you came out as well as you did and hope you feel better soon. Pamper yourself this weekend!
Janice Howard says
I am so sorry, as someone who is a class A clumsy person let me make you feel a bit better when I was little I would trip on nothing I mean nothing and my mom would look down on the ground and say I saw that ant stick out his foot and trip you!
pete says
We need some kind of mobile soft things to follow us around and save us from the ground. Like maybe a pack of St. Bernards. If you fall, you’d just kind of lean over on a few dogs. They’d kind of squish back against you and prop you back up.
Jazzlet says
Lovely idea, and knowing St Bernards a little I think it would make them sooooo happy to help you too. 🙂
Lisa Strangeman says
If you do not have a delightful CBD lotion, may I suggest one for your cupboard. We are not all graceful gazelles, and when I have embraced my inner heffalump, the CBD lotion has eased the sting of my regrets. I use one called Ugli Butter by a company from the PNW. My sister found it in a gas station somewhere and said, Here! Try this!! as good family do. It’s good stuff.
Cymru Llewes says
Does it smell like ugli fruit? Vaguely citrus and not very strong.
Sam E says
Falling in public is the worst. Hope you feel better soon. I have poor depth perception because of life-long eye issues and I’m always bumping into things, knocking stuff over, tripping on nothing and/or falling. Two years ago I was walking across my back yard, tripped on who knows what, face planted in the grass and ended up breaking my foot in four places. Being 52 at the time, every doctor I saw for my foot was so concerned that I just randomly tripped and fell that they kept trying to send me to a neurologist. I finally had to start carrying a note from my ophthalmologist about my depth perception issues. I even managed to give myself a black eye this week sweeping the floor. I had the broom leaning against the couch while I bent over with dust pan and when I reached for the broom, I managed to knock it over and hit myself on the corner of my eye with it. Imagine the looks I’ve been getting when I try to explain that I gave myself a black eye sweeping.
Claire M says
Useful brother in law to have! I’m glad it’s not cataracts. I really do feel for you with your fall, because I am a klutz and that is the kind of thing I’m good at 😩 I hope your aches ease up quickly.
Sabrina says
Totally feeling sorry for your fall! But relieved as wl about the eye thing 😊
Sarah says
Feel better soon, make sure you ice those achy bits!
Whenever I get new glasses, it takes about a week for me to be able to look at the ground and correctly gauge how far down it is. I completely lose all depth perception, but only looking at the ground.
So blame it on the new glasses!
Ivy says
Oh the indignity. I’m so sorry. I’m blaming the imaginary cataracts.
Nicola says
oh gravity is a female dog!!! if it helps I laughed today at a comment a colleague made but also attempted to drink tea at the same. Tea went up my nose and I can say with absolute certainty that it was a most unpleasant sensation.
I’m sending lots of healing juju and love from Oxfordshire UK ❤️
Marcia Sundquist says
I know what you mean about the falling, I walked into the store and stepped aside for someone and tripped over the newspaper station that had been moved from the corner next to the pathway and landed on both knees and elbows with the back injury I had it makes getting up hard, ended up needing a cane as I couldn’t use my right leg plus I have a stick shift, so driving a manual drive car was impossible for awhile lol
CTL says
It’s the shoes. I always manage to trip, or slightly stumble, in new sandals. I don’t know what it is. The front always catches on something or the heel slides right or left when I walk. and then I’m left with “WTF just happened? You didn’t do this to me when I tried you on and walked around”. Skinned knees are horrible, second only by a broken pinkie-toe.
mary says
Ow Ow Ow Ow Owie! Ouch! Glad it is only two slightly skinned knees, one really skinned elbow, and a few other things. Nothing broken or needing a Dr visit. So time to put your legs up, put on some Neosporin on the ouchies And get waited on by the Kiddos while you heal. Enjoy your weekend.
Koaladi says
I can’t wear flip flops cause they always seem to get caught on the pavement (the rounded toe) & I a too stumble (& occasionally fall). This sometimes happens with sandals (& they go right in the bin if it does).
Isabel says
I am sending sympathy, I hope you feel better soon, and I shake my fist at the pavement.
Di says
Sorry to hear abt your fall! I’ve given up on fashion shoes & wear tennis shoes w good orthotic inserts (from Amazon). It’s worth it to me to avoid a fall.
Arezoo says
Hope you recover soon. Hugs.❤️
Marsha Parris says
Glad to hear nothing serious happened with your fall. Broke my hand last year from a fall.
susan says
I fell a couple days ago putting my pants on! My foot got stuck in the pant leg, but I didn’t just stumble, I face planted! I was so embarassed, I didn’t tell my husband. But I know when I go to my next doctor appt and they ask ” have you had any falls in the last 30 days” that I am going to have to say yes!
So, I feel your pain! Why are some days just one disaster after another? I do not know, but vent away! The BDH is here for you and understands. Sounds like some tea (maybe iced?) is in order.
Carla says
I hate days like that. Those are the days that your belt loop gets caught on a door handle and you have a melt down because it is the LAST straw. I hope you feel better soon!
Michelle Ritterhoff says
I’m 42, visually impaired, I have no depth perception, and I refuse to use my cane. My dad’s nickname for me is Slip-n-fall. I fall a lot. it sucks. so you definitely have my sympathy. Especially falling on concrete. ouch.
Jean says
Oy vey!! Hope you get some rest this weekend! Soak a bit in the pool? Tea, hot or iced. A mild OTC pain reliever. Virtual hugs!!
Glad the glasses didn’t break. And proof that medical second opinions are essential.
NicoleAllee says
Ouch! I’m so sorry! Hope you take some time for you.
CJ says
A wonderful friend of mine was also unnaturally clumsy. We would say that she could “trip over subatomic particles.”
Jill says
I’m with you on this one. Sending informed sympathies your way! I did a total faceplant on our road on a walk in the dark a year or so ago. It had just been beautifully repaved and I didn’t realize the edge was now 4 or 5 inches higher than the edge of the woods beyond and stumbled off. Skinned knees needing icing, wrecked scratched glasses, worrisome self image… To add insult to injury, doctor’s questionnaire asks “have you fallen in the last year?” Urk!
Heather says
So last week, I’m sitting at my sister’s kitchen island on a stool. I stand up to accept my plate, set it down and fall to the floor when I missed the stool I was just sitting on.
I truly believe the gremlins moved it on me.
I also noticed that the perfectly level appearing ground is in fact not level and will trip me up occasionally.
Judy Siud says
Sorry about your fall. My funniest fall was into a bush, backside down. I felt like a turtle on it’s back. Nothing was injured but my dignity. I actually had to laugh at myself. It did take a little while to get out of the bush. May all your falls be gentle and laughable.
Sue D says
You very much have my sympathy. It’s bad enough to endure the indignity of a fall but then you have to endure all the muscle aches that follow. Warm baths always help me after one of my falls. A second opinion on the cataracts would not go amiss. Some cataracts take years to develop and others progress rapidly. My first symptom was having difficulty reading the names on street signs. Best of luck with everything.
Bobbie-Rose Johnston says
You tripped over invisible miniature holders, I do it all the time but no one believes they are there! Hope that you feel better quickly!
Bobbie-Rose Johnston says
Boulders! Not holders lol
Bibliovore says
Sympathies. Virtual hugs. Real meds to help with inflammation and pain. Tea and sleep. This will help you heal. Listen to your body. We will wait.
Robin De Tota says
I too am a klutz, I was opening a box at work and sneezed, unfortunately I stabbed myself with the box cutter and needed 3 stitches. The worst was that I sprained my ankle, giving myself a bone splinter and fractured bone getting up off of the toilet bowl. My foot had gone numb and I didn’t realize it. Ended up wearing a boot for 2 summers 😐
njb says
If I had to guess, you caught the toe of your shoe against a small crack in the sidewalk. I have done this while out jogging, sending myself forward in exactly the same fashion. It’s just one of those odd happenstances. I missed the elbow scrapes, but got the knees and hands, heh. I’m so glad you’re not hurt worse!
I am here to tell you that optometrists are not created equal. I once got a pair of contacts from one and literally could not wear one of them longer than an hour without my eyeball aching. But there was nothing wrong with it. She tried to convince me I just needed a period of adjustment. Since I had been wearing contacts for over thirty years without ever experiencing anything similar, I decided I needed a new doctor. Went to another doctor, got a new prescription, lo and behold no eyeball ache. Very happy you were able to get a second opinion!
Carolin says
oh no, hope you’ll get better soon! I can commiserate with you, just last year I managed to stub my toes on the door frame. Still have no idea how I managed that, having successfully passed that door a gazillion times without incident except this once. At least you had good news on the eyes, and hopefully recover from the fall.
Jeanne says
so sorry you fell. Beware spots of dog slobber/drool in the house foot path. No carpet here. Bedroom to the Kitchen at night. low lighting. heel weight hit that spot and I went down and against the steel quilt frame. bruised and braided the air knocked out of me, initially thought I cracked elbow, and had a knot on the side of my head that I swear was tender for more than a month. this was all about 18 months ago. but I am still walking extra carefully at night.
MariaZ says
It has been four weeks since my roof has been replaced. The insurance needed verification and receipts from the contractor that the roof really was replaced before they will send me a check for the repairs. I also have to pay property tax on the house this Monday. Where my money?
I sprained my left hamstring last week by digging holes with a new pointed or digging spade, I had been using a flat shovel for years.
I am going to a Physical Therapist for my feet as my gait was messed up when I broke my foot by stepping on it back in January.
Thankfully, I have known my PT for a few years and for a few body parts. I got some body work done for the hamstring, dry needling, and electrical stim. Painful but helpful. I make my PT’s day because I grunt and groan and make other funny noises when she works on me.
Hope you feel better.
laj says
I fell like that once. It was like a tree falling. My mouth hit a sprinkler head and chipped a front tooth and seriously messed my knees and I had a fat lip just before I was to go on a beach vacation with my girlfriends. It was miserable, so I know exactly how you feel and I am so sorry that it happened. 🙏
Amber says
Glad it’s not cataracts!! As for the falling, I’ve fallen more in the last 5 years, than the rest of my adult life. It’s this aging thing, balance isn’t as good, losing muscle strength, arthritis…. I get the whole “I’ve fallen and can’t get up” thing now. Tripped over my son’s backpack about a month ago, complete faceplate on the tile floors in the kitchen (i hate tile floors), felt like I had been run over by a truck. Take care of yourself!
njb says
Tai chi! Can’t recommend it enough for balance issues! Plus the smooth, even motions are helpful for arthritic joints too. My parents stopped looking like tottery old people. And they loved it! (As my mom said, “ it doesn’t require me to get on the floor”.)
Patricia Schlorke says
I adapted yoga stretching to not have me on the floor. If I need to do more stretching in my legs, I use my bed to help me. I don’t put my bed on a bed frame as it helps my back and lower body.
SandyH says
Oh I feel for you. A month ago I was on vacation with my husband and friends. We were returning to the hotel after dinner. I was carrying leftover pizza. As we went from the sidewalk to the parking lot, I tripped on the pavement and down I went. My right side bruised, mostly my right knee and elbow. Luckily one of my friends is a nurse. She checked me out pretty thoroughly. Sore the next day. Falling anytime is scary but I am about to turn 74 so I try to be really careful. I am sorry to hear about your fall and hope that the stiffness goes away soon.
Lenore A. Villa says
So sorry for your fall.
Just very glad for you that it was not as serious as you feared when you were picking yourself up. I do hope all the abrasions and scrapes are healing well.
I am also very happy you don’t have cataracts.
Not very surprised about the misdiagnosis as I was told I had developing cataracts by an optometrist over 10 years ago and had been planning on getting surgery when my friend’s son-in-law, opthalmologist, checked me out and said I did not have cataracts at all.
Happy for you that your brother-in-law is at the top of his game.
Donna G says
Oh dear, I feel for you. In February I fell for the first time in years, I tripped on an uneven pavement in the dark while walking my dog. My face hit the ground first, my dog ran out on to road and my nearly new glasses were broken. My knees were sore as was my chest and I was in shock. My face was bruised from above my eye to down past it.
I was very lucky a very nice gentleman caught my frightened dog, picked me up and took me back to the hotel where we were staying. At my age nearly 70 ( how did I get that old?) I was lucky not to break any bones and my sunglasses were prescription ones so I could still read, but I looked bad and my poor husband got some very strange looks as this happened at the start of a short break to start celebrating 50 yrs married, ah well all’s well that ends well.
So looking forward to the new book.
Take care of yourselves.
Chandra Vece says
I took my niece to see the new little mermaid movie Monday and also was wearing sandals where she declared she was gonna run and I had to chase her and fell face first in the movie theater. I feel your pain!
Dallas says
OMG you poor girl. I had a nasty fall a few ago, fell up a hill onto gravel but I know why I fell my toe hit a rock, Had to have an ultrasound to make sure all the gravel had been washed out of my palm, couldn’t knit for a week which probably bothered me more.
Moderator R says
Gravel in wounds is the worse!
SoCoMom says
Owwwwwie! You have my sympathies, plus offering a virtual cuppa tea.
I hate tripping over NOTHING. I choose “out of the blue” to display this humiliating (and painful) skill.
Yay to “not cataracts” and glasses unbroken! Even more yay to you not being broken.
I have brain and emotional fatigue from graduation / ER visit / older teen wrangling / family drama plot lines in my Soap Opera of Life. Come sit on the sofa with me. Want a cookie of Comfort?
Moderator R says
Oh, we need a recipe for Cookies of Comfort! Immediately thinking chamomile cookies, off too see if that’s a thing!
Smmoe1997 says
I find that meringue cookies make wonderful cookies of comfort! Something about all of that sugary goodness just melting on the tongue as I eat them. 😉
Booklovingirl says
Wendy says
0wwy. Hope you feel better soon
Libby says
I don’t care if you get the digital announcements out. I’d rather you have a few days of less stress and some self-care. This is from a person who once slid down a flight of concrete stairs outside her therapist’s office. It’s been quite a few years since it happened, but I remember it well. I also no longer care for stairs.
Jazzlet says
I know falling when I was a kid did hurt, but I don’t remember having all the associated muscle aches the next day like I do now if I fall, and I do, so you get lots of sympathy from me too.
Last time I fell was in a supermarket parking lot after dark, the lights were out and I completely forgot that there was a small strip of raised pavement at the end of the parking rows, I ended up sprawled at full length in the exit lane, in the dark, in front of an exiting car! Fortunately the car driver saw me, so I “just” had a nasty graze with a lump under it on one shin, two brused and grazed knees, bruised and grazed palms and a wrenched shoulder. But I was so shocked that I lay there for what seemed like ages thinking “move! Move! MOVE! You’re going to get run over MOVE!” on repeat, a lovely mother and daughter, both trained first aiders, had seen me fall and came over to help me up and check me over. Then I went and reported it to the store staff, who gave me a cup of coffee so at least I could sit down for a bit while they took my report before I did my shopping. The really stupid thing is I tripped in just the same place about a year earlier, talk about not learning from my mistakes . . .
I hope your muscles ease up, your bruising goes down and your grazes heal over in double quick time.
Kat says
That’s what I call a categorically suck ass day.
I would send you a goofy looking dog picture if I could.
Patricia Schlorke says
My sympathies. Ouch, ouch, ouch!
You’re going to be sore for a while since it’s not only the muscles that got wrenched. It’s also the tendons and ligaments that got wrenched. ☹️😭
gingko-girl says
I feel really, really sorry for you!
That sounds like a horrible experience but if it makes you feel better, I trip on nothing all the time. Blaming your shoes is a good plan.
Sending you happy thoughts of hot packs and massages!
Feel better and I am glad your eyes are OK!
Winifred Stroup says
Take care.
Nancy says
Yay, no cataracts. Sorry you fell though. You have my sympathy. I’d swear it didn’t hurt so much when I fell when I was younger. Sure hurts now.
Anne says
I’m sorry, that sounds awful. I hope you feel better soon.
My kiddo (almost 10) came knocking late last night, then promptly burst into tears because she had fallen out of her (recently purchased and very tall) bed. She was slightly banged up and very scared. I think gravity is just being a jerk right now.
Nadira says
I’m sorry you fell, it’s such a shock to the self. Totally blame the shoes. Hope you feel better soon.
Bea says
Dumb shoes!! Hope you’re feeling better this weekend🤗
I had cataract surgery in one eye, ONE eye and I’m regretting the whole situation( Long ass story).
I can see so thats all that matters frn🤷🏽♀️ I still have to wear glasses tho.
Debbie says
Me too! Just happened on Sunday. I do know what caused me to belly flop on the pavement , a very tiny shift between two large concrete pieces created a inch height difference that my foot managed to find and trip over. I landed on my front teeth which was a brand new experience! One I hope to never repeat again.
Vicki says
I’m a klutz. I trip over nothing and walk into walls. Here’s hoping you have a fast recovery
Patti says
I am so sorry! I hope you don’t have any lasting pain from your fall and so happy you don’t have cataracts!
Amanda P says
I hope you feel better soon.
I have dropsie and its very annoying and do sometimes hurt myself…. it’s not nice
Take care and you will back to full health soon x
Pam says
Oh I feel your pain! hope you feel better tomorrow.
LucyQ says
So sorry, I hope you feel better soon. Hot bath and/or maybe heating pads?
I too blame the shoes. When I get injuries that are visible, I like to make up badass stories as to how they happened. Why am I wearing a brace on my arm? Well it totally isn’t repetitive stress injuries from being a programmer. You see, I was hiking in the mountains in Australia and I saw a baby koala in distress, so naturally I climbed the tree to retrieve it and on the way down I slipped and….
Kelly says
So sorry for your bad day. Whenever I have sore muscles, for whatever reason, I use Sombra warm pain relief that I get from Amazon. Strong smell but it really helps me.
For as long as I can remember, I tend to shuffle my feet, something about the feel of how my foot hits the ground, but it causes me to be absolutely graceless so many times.
Jennifer Connors says
As a frequent tripper/faller, at least according to my daughters, I absolutely feel for you & commiserate wholeheartedly. Take it easy for a couple days which I’m sure your body will loudly request.
Lw says
Sending you all the sympathy. Make a cup of tea, and go buy new shoes.
Astrid says
Sending you good vibes, I too always trip on air. Feel better!
Gsg says
I had premature cataracts. You will know because you will increase font size and it will still be fuzzy and in my case, I kept changing light bulbs because they were all defective and didn’t shed enough light.
as for falling, yeah I fall over atoms that are in my way
lbink says
I know the feeling about falling. I’ve twisted my ankle walking on carpet and ended up with a fracture. ?!!? fallen outside several times too. It’s not fun and I hope you have no further ill effects from it. best wishes
Amy Ann says
Yes, I feel for you. It’s happened to me several times. It is mortifying when it happens.
I always blame the shoes (I stopped wearing a pair of shoes I loved because of it).
Jenn says
I am so sorry all around 💗
Sherri says
Ouch! I’m so sorry. I have done this before and it’s not only painful but very humiliating. I blamed the bifocals.
Tehani says
This post reminds me of what happened to me last year. I was working on an island, and was climbing this rocky hill, then fell & rolled down a few meters. I just had a massive bruise, and I did not feel the pain because of the adrenaline. I just continued walking/working as usual. But it did give me a scare, it feels like I am getting older and need to be more careful 😉 Now I feel I am overly cautions sometime!
Barbara Erwin says
I’m so sorry you fell. It is embarrassing and painful. I fell on thick ice on our driveway in February of 21 and had a lump on my hip (deep bruise) for nearly a year. I wish you fast healing and no more falls….and maybe new shoes!
Zaena B says
HUGS!!! YES, I feel sorry for you! I know how it feels to fall like that, and yes, it was the new shoes’ fault, because you’d not worn them enough! They were getting revenge for not being shown off as much as they wanted to ! ( lol) Hope you feel better soon!!
Gypsy says
But hey! You did a push up! Yay for exercise!
Crystal Smith says
My husband always makes fun of me for Making sure gravity is still working. It’s a talent. Unfortunately at least one of my daughters received that talent. Although I have to say now that I’m getting older the recovery time is getting longer. No more popping up and saying whoo gravity still works.
Claudia says
You poor thing! I tripped the other day, and left knee still aches.
I’m glad nothing got broken and your brother-in-law had good news for you!
Donna A says
Jinx! I’m lying here in a bit too much discomfort from a fall to sleep so thought I’d check the blog despite the midnight hour.
Now I’m in surprise and thinking I’ll feel sorry for you if you feel sorry for me.
I was out enjoying the rare phenomenon of London sun with my mother this afternoon and apparently I no longer know how to step up on the kerb. Took a fall with such momentum I had to roll over on landing. Did the laughing thing at the time and got up after collecting myself to continue our walk only to discover my entire right side is bruised, both knees, right arm and hip and both palms grazed and scabbing and I’ve done who knows what to my calf muscle.
And no-one even caught it in camera! My mum says it was terrifying and dramatic so I’m assuming I could have at least got Harry’s £250 if someone caught it. Where are all the iPhones when you want them?
But at least I have a weirdly coincidental (if painful) event in common with a favourite author on the exact same day to ease me through my aches. . .
Moderator R says
Ow, ouch! Cant blame you, the sun is rather disorienting!
Janny says
Stupid pavement catching your fall. Glad it wasn’t worse!
Jacquie says
So glad you’re okay. Falling is scary anytime. Especially when you have your hands full. Thankfully nothing was broken. After my falls I find a hot soak in epsom salts helps. Also glad it’s not cataracts.
Carey Crossthwaite says
hoping you improve quickly, I trip all the time, but I am know clumsiness. New shoes will do it though have a great weekend
Lianna says
Oh noes! Falling can be scary. Maybe they are just harmless eyeball freckles in your retinas? I know that’s a thing, because of my own misadventures with the optometrist. Here’s hoping for harmless eyeball freckles.
Beth says
I do feel sorry for you! After a certain age, losing one’s balance, even after tripping, just tends to make one mentally berate one’s self. It’s a pointless and uncalled for thing for thing to do. So, don’t do that. Just take care of yourself until you feel better. It’s the type of thing that can happen to anyone, any time. I’m glad you weren’t hurt too badly and I hope you’ll be more comfortable soon. Hugs!
RabidReader says
As someone who has occasionally fallen off flat shoes on flat surfaces (and once famously wiped out half of the other people standing around me waiting for a ski lesson by just suddenly falling over), it happens. Shoes are tricksy and conspire with gravity to entertain themselves.
That said, I am very sorry you were injured and hope you feel better soon. A nice hot bath might be very soothing.
Christine says
If you continue to have trip/fall issues, please get your ears checked. Back when my spouse was active duty military, we were stationed in Canada for a couple years (considered an ‘overseas’ assignment!). Just before Christmas one year, we were out walking along the river with the dog, and the dog and I hit a patch of ice under the snow we were all slogging through, and both of us went down. The dog was okay, but I ended up with breaks in my coccyx, right and left acetabulum and right femoral head. It has led to permanent damage, but the next couple years I suddenly had many more falls, without the excuse of ice! I couldn’t tell if it was from the change in my musculature or something else, but after a fall that meant an ER visit, my primary care doctor sent me for some tests that showed the slip on the ice had caused another injury – I had not only smashed my tailbone, but also landed on my right shoulder, bumping my head. The balance center in the right side of my brain was knocked out. They sent me for some PT for it, but there’s not much else that can be done. It did help to know why I was suddenly so much clumsier! I was really getting a complex about all the accidents. It can be difficult to remember if you have had some bump to the head that might have caused the loss to the balance center.
Gwen says
Smmoe1997 says
I’m sorry you fell. I hope you feel better quickly! I tripped on air and fell into the corner of a table just before my birthday back in February and ended up going in for X-rays because the doctor friend I was complaining to told me to, and made me promise. I was lucky, just soft tissue bruising on my left breast and a finger sprain. I can’t remember the last time I tripped and fell. And I didn’t have new shoes I could blame, I apparently just tripped. I found ice helped some with the bruising and the sprain.
I’m also really glad you don’t have cataracts, or even the beginnings of them.
Oona says
I need progressives. 785 dollars (if I get a cheap frame.) I am afraid to pay for them because last few pairs of glasses NO ONE has listened to me, and thus glasses are all great WHEN THEY STAY UP on my nose and I look out. Sadly the glasses always slip to my very end of my nose as I look down at pages, paper etc as the small bridge of my nose doesn’t keep em up high enough to focus on the focus point …so I am seeing not through the focus points …(think strapless bra and will power – ladies will get this one..men may not) So I am doomed to be perpetually changing glasses for each distance I need and I HATE IT. Never mind cataracts which I will tell you many stories of badly fixed ones… I have decided I will NOT get them. And I will get the dam progressive and NEVER get up and leave my chair for fear of falling from depth perception issues causing dizzy spells and, yes, tripping. There. I feel better now. Thank you AuthorLords for this blog so I could vent. Someone out there shares my issue I know they do. Despite what the optometrist tries to tell me… I am normal.
Carrie S says
Costco for eyeglasses. I think my progressives were less than $400. You could probably spend less than that if you chose less expensive frames, but I need a sports style frame (don’t hook over my ears and are flexible). You might try a sports frame, too. With adjustable nose pads, they shouldn’t slip on you.
DeeDee says
Do you think it may be the new glasses? When I got my new glasses – they are progressive lens, somebody (my optometrist?) advised me to hold onto handrails for a couple weeks when going down stairs while my eyes adjust. I swallowed my pride and did that. I still do. Anyhow I wish you well and recover soon!
Carrie S says
It’s too late now, but I recommend a couple of Advil before bedtime when you do something physical you don’t normally do. Like your fall. And, no, I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one on TV. This is just what I do for myself.
Heather says
I am so sympathetic on the belly flop. In front of the Optometrist.
If it helps I grew up with the family nickname “Captain Klutz”. Lemme know if you can top that.
I am super happy the glasses weren’t damaged.
And yeah…I’m glad your BIL disagreed with the cataracts prognosis.
But that does make me wonder what health care is like for normal people in Kate’s world… can med mages heal cataracts? Do towns hire med mages like old west towns had a doctor? Do med mages travel from town to town like old fashioned tinkers?
I want to know now what Erra’s solution for problems like this is…
Heather says
Also my grandfather in the 30’s and 40’s was a traveling judge. He was a Superior Court Justice in California, and periodically had to go up and down the coast to hear cases in areas that didn’t have a their own justice.
Now I want to know how that works in Kate’s world too… Just thinking out loud here.
wingednike says
You have all my sorrys. I tend to trip while walking on flat shoes, so I definitely feel for you. I’ve also fallen down a flight of stairs (just the last three or five steps) because my vision is wonky and I didn’t realize the last step was not the last step.
Lyn says
Falling really sucks. I did the exact same fall at work a few months ago. Landed hard on my face. Glasses went flying. They didn’t break either. Amazingly. Had my one and hopefully only really black eye and cracked rib. So yes I definitely feel sorry for you.
Sharon says
it is an unfortunate consequence of aging is that you start to lose your sense of balance so a slight trip can become a fall. Been there, done that. However, balance exercises do help. I think you need a new optometrist. Feel better
Gloria Magid says
Sorry about the fall. I now how you feel – fell twice last year, once at Thanksgiving (missed the last step coming down stairs, because was looking at my daughter instead of where I was going), and once at Christmas (tripped on uneven sidewalk coming out of church). Scared my (adult) daughter both times. I am older than you, and don’t have the best balance, but neither of those things played into my falls. Bruises and embarassment were the worst of it both times. Sigh… Glad you are OK.
Carolyn says
As I trip on nothing all the time, you have my deepest sympathy.
Teri says
I’ve always been unnaturally clumsy, to the point where my parents were worried that the nursery would call child services when I started. Fortunately for them I fell over or bumped into things and was given back on my first day with more bruises than I started with by the apologetic staff 🤣
I’ve got so used to it that it rarely registers at the time anymore. Then a day or two later I’ll discover the damage and think “huh, wonder how I did that”!
Melissa Tovgaard says
I feel very sorry for you. I hope your injuries heal quickly 😇🤕
Ei says
Owie! I’m sorry!
Ishshah says
I’m sorry you fell and hurt yourself Ilona. I’m glad it was not bad.
I’m not ashamed to say I laughed so hard at “feel sorry for me please. 🤣
sarafina says
Sorry for your fall, when you go to work out maybe ask the staff about balance exercises. Have a great weekend!!!
Naenae says
I’m glad it’s not cataracts. I hope you feel better and have an amazing weekend.
Sharon H Barrett says
In my household, this warrants a hug, and a “poor baby” commiseration. May your scrapes heal, aches ease, and that boob stop hurting!!
Debi Ennis Binder in Mom mode says
Please see an opthamologist for your spots. And–
You poor baby! Bad shoes!
Nima says
Sometimes the air is thick and cause you to trip on it. Happens all the time to my husband 😃. It’s the airs fault and the new shoes that don’t know how to balance!
Emily07 says
I’m 75, soon to be 76, and I have to watch myself all the time and make sure I stay in the present moment, if that makes sense. If I don’t pay attention and I have my head somewhere else, that’s when I run the risk of a fall.
Once I was waving to a friend as I was walking down the street and as I came to a high curb I didn’t step high enough, and I tripped and also went splat. No dignity. Just me and the sidewalk. But I really had to laugh at myself as I was the only one there to appreciate my shattered dignity. I had some bruising and a lighly sprained ankle, but it really taught me a valuable lesson to pay attention.
You are a creative author must have so many things running through your head at any given moment in time. I didn’t have characters talking to me or scenarios to work out, but I fell anyway just enjoying the morning and the beauty of the day.
I hope you feel better and that you are also enjoying the beauty of the day.
Carolyn says
Is it possible the prescription isn’t correct? You make have stumbled due to depth perception being altered with the new glasses. I’ve done it and fell down a set of stairs. Even a slight change can alter balance. I hope you are feeling better soon!
Tonya says
Susan Padgett says
“Have you fallen in the past six months?” I get asked this every time I go the doctor now. These are the golden years?
Patti in Ohio says
I know how you feel. I was going up the steps from the garage to the house while carrying things in my hands, fell backwards onto the concrete and broke my left hip. Scared my husband to death. Anyway, I’m still in the hospital, going to a rehab center later today, hopefully home in 2 weeks or less. So I’m glad you’re okay (relatively) and really looking forward to reading Magic Claims (or Clams,) as the case may be) while I’m taking it easier. Hope you feel better soon.
BrendaJ says
Oh, I’m so sorry this happened to you 🙁 Hope all goes well and you’re home soon.
Chris V says
I fall, and have done so for no apparent reason, since I was a child.
My dad used to say I could trip over the print in the carpet.
All the sympathies, boo-boo stickies and hot tea you want for as long as you want, forever.
Deeb Mac says
it was the shoes! bless you! I hope u feel better soon. it always takes a few days for the aches and pains to completely show up and then heal.
Shari Atilano says
Oh, no! Glad to hear you aren’t seriously injured but still, ouch! Please please take care and go see an ophthalmologist.
Kate says
Obligatory: it is HIPAA!
Maybe you should see your brother in law now instead of this person.
Lizzie says
I hope you feel better soon. I hope the aches and pain go away quickly. Take care.
BrendaJ says
Oh, I’m so sorry you fell 😩 It’s always so scary and often so painful. And just like you I reach for my glasses first. Falling is my personal nightmare, so scared I’m gonna break a hip. There are some good balance exercises, don’t know how much they help to prevent falling but I feel better for doing something.
Please take care and pamper yourself this weekend.
Wendy2 says
I hadn’t fallen in years then I had a hip replacement. Fell three times in 1 year since then. Tripped over a cord, slipped on wet rocks trying to get over a stream and slipped on bug spray while chasing a cockroach. Yes the cockroach stilled got killed. So now medical staff give me wrist bands that I am at risk for falls. I don’t chase the bugs anymore.
Great news about the cataracts!
Pease says
I hate falling, especially in public, so much empathy and commiseration. And I’m getting to an age that falls scare me a bit. So glad you weren’t seriously hurt. Treat yourself to some pampering and something yummy, to take the sting away.
nanette says
wow. my sincere sympathy and hoping you get a new optometrist. falling. it just happens. fell taking laundry down in the basement. my daughter left something on the floor. I couldn’t see it. broke right wrist. cast off yesterday. I truly empathize. also. arnica is your very best friend. hugs and wishes for your safety here on out!
Christine H says
I am so indignant on your behalf. For the stupid Bank. For your fall. For your shady diagnosis. I hope you have a swift recovery. Blessings for nothing more serious.
Ray says
Ouch! I can feel your pain and hurt.
May you recover fully and quickly.
And cheers for the news on your eyes!
Toni says
oh, yikes!
I have done this, too… I feel your pain. I hope you have nice hot baths and lots of rest in the next few days!
Maria Schneider says
We love you whether you are full of dirt from the fall, scraped up, whether the bank refuses to acknowledge you are the most important customer and whether your announcement is days or even months late. As a life long klutz, I feel your pain and it is rather startling when it happens out of nowhere. I am glad the glasses are okay and sorry that someone threw a random diagnosis your way, but very glad you are smart enough to know better.
Dignity? Who needs it. You have a wonderful family, so many lovely pets you lose track and Gordon. You’ll be okay.
Corrina says
As I was reading everything tightened up. I know about tripping on flat surfaces. I tell people I’m a klutz and they don’t believe me. I’ve been a klutz long enough I look graceful. LOL So I really feel bad for you and I hope that is your last fall this decade.
Miriam says
Get better soon!
Nelly says
I hope you’ll feel better soon.
Your glasses could be the reason you fell. When you change them, it can take time to adjust to the new prescription.
I had to get surgery in my left eye because of cataract and I had a hard time getting used to my new glasses as there is a big difference between my two eyes after the surgery.
As far as cataract is concerned, you would know because cataract makes you lose a fair amount of sharpness in a rather short time (for me, it was 6 months).
Could the dark spots you have be vitreous floaters (I hope that’s the right word in English)? You also get those when you get older, unfortunately.
Faith Freewoman says
I promise to devote the rest of my day to feeling sorry for you! After having a day like yours, I’d sure appreciate that kind of support, so I’ll give it my all!
Hope you feel all better tomorrow.
Dulke says
I hate falling more than just about anything, can remember pretty much every instance where I fell as an adult, so I feel for you. As to your eyes, I had an optometrist tell me that I had a crescent shaped depression under my pupil. I went to an ophthalmologist who scratched his head and said there was nothing there. I’ve gone to him ever since – specific benefit is that the more sophisticated testing picked up glaucoma very early, before I had any damage and has kept it under control. A follow-up with an opthalmologist might give you peace of mind.
Raye says
I’m so sorry! And so grateful nothing was broken! Sending you big gentle hugs, and encouraging you to visit a chiropractor, if you go to them, for your neck.
Carrie B says
It was DEFINITELY the new sandals.
They only have to be a few millimeters shorter/longer than the sandals you’re used to wearing.
You’re guaranteed to catch the front edge of them on the pavement a few times until your brain gets used to the new length.
Sending you virtual {{{{HUGS}}} and Ibuprofen.
Susan Kim Reynolds says
I guess the only way it could have been worse is if Gordon had been there and tried to catch you while you were falling. My husband did that when I fell two years ago, lost his balance, ended up landing on top of me, and breaking my left shoulder so bad I ended up with a total shoulder replacement. Good thing is that I will never have rotator cuff problems. Bad thing is I don’t really have a rotator cuff anymore. Physical therapy has helped tremendously to recover function and range of motion. I am seconding the tai chi or similar martial arts. Stress relief, better balance, improved strength and flexibility.
Karalee says
This calls for some extreme self-pampering. Everyone needs it once in a while.
A long soak in a tub with lavender scented epson salts. A full body massage for at least an hour. Carry out from one of your favorite restaurants. Chocolate. Wine. Pick your sin(s) and indulge. It doesn’t fix any problems, but just reducing the stress a little can help.
Juni says
Best of luck with your eyes. I had three cataract surgeries in 2020 ,yes one needed to be re done , its doable, but unpleasant.
I hate falling …
I fell a couple of years ago in my barn when a two by four about 8 feet-long hit me on the head and knocked me down…my neck hurt as did my head…long story…
I fell off my deck in the back yard last November…no railing …about a 5 foot drop,
I did sprain my wrist crack a rib and do no good the my right hip and spine…
I do not recommend falling ….I got my railing…
Susan Illene says
So sorry for your fall and hope you heal quickly! My oldest son was born with a cataract in his right eye. The pediatrician noticed it at his two week checkup and didn’t even need pictures. They can be pretty obvious. His wasn’t quite that bad at first but by two months old it got worse so he had surgery to get it removed. Glad your brother-in-law could give you a second opinion. That surgery ran us almost $30,000 because he was a baby so they had to do it at the hospital with PICU on standby just in case. Even at a regular facility, it isn’t cheap though.
Shannon says
Oh, Ilona, ouch, ouch, ouchie!!! You have all my sympathy for the fall-oh how you must still hurt! Last winter, the dining room floor in our house just reached up & slapped me, for no reason at all! I swear! Wish I could be there to administor pillows and your favorite tea–with fruit? Take care, & hope you’re feeling better soon.
Johanna J says
Definitely the new sandals (and getting used to a new pair of glasses). So sorry!! I agree with the others that a soaking bath and a cup of tea should help with any residual stiffness or soreness. We are all sending hugs your way. Gentle ones.
My dad was an optometrist. When he retired it was hard getting my head around going to someone I wasn’t related to. 😉 I’m grateful that you have a brother-in-law in the field who can give you a second opinion.
Catlover says
I was walking out to the car after lunch this week, stubbed a foot on one of my planters, and careened back and forth off others for a good six feet until I could grab one of the carport supports. Nothing like an adrenalin surge to keep you wide awake for the rest of the afternoon! I had severe cataracts diagnosed at age 52. I got rid of them and improved my eyesight to the point my five year old glasses were to strong. Happy to report no lens changes in my right eye for 16 years and a one step lens increase in my left eye after 14 years and that is with glaucoma for the last 12 years. My vitamins have done a great job for me! At age 70 I only have minimal cataracts that have not progressed over the last few years which frustrates my ophthalmologist.
Mardee says
Sorry about the fall – that sucks what that happens. But I’m glad you weren’t hurt too bad.
You might want to consider going to an opthamologist, as they have more specialized training than an optometrist. If there is any question at all, it really makes a difference to have a specialist take a look.
Derek says
Yea, no cataracts! Sorry to hear about your tumble. I did the same thing last week. As I laid on the cold, hard garage floor and took inventory of my potential injuries, I would have sworn I’d spend the summer in a cast on my right arm. Luckily, no breaks but like you, skinned knees, elbows, and shattered dignity. Getting old sucks.
I hope your recovery is swift, the bank and insurance companies agree to play nicely, and you enjoy your new glasses.
kim hurt says
Sorrow for skinned knees but definitely a new eye doctor
Jane says
I had a fall that sounds similar to yours. Think my foot just stuck to the ground. Parking lots are evil. Hope you fell better soon.
Henry says
The morning after is always the worst. At a stop sign or stop light, your car gets hit, not hard, from the rear; the next morning neck and back hurt from the whiplash. You see a person walking, looking at their phone, wham they run into or trip over something. Ouch!
I fully understand your pain and hope you get better soon.
Sondra says
I also know the embarrassment of falling! Last time I fell I used my face to stop myself! (Not the smartest way to stop yourself!!) Have a cup of tea and know you are being sent get well wishes!
laura says
as a massive klutz who regularly trips over air, you have my deepest sympathies. skinned knees and elbows as an adult are somehow a lot worse than they were when i was little. its amazing how much those scrapes can sting! i hope there’s no lasting damage and you feel better soon.
Jane says
I hope you feel better soon. I think it was probably the new shoes, especially if you were walking down a slope. But, you definitely need to change your optometrist.
Angela Knight says
I’m just glad you weren’t hurt worse. I hope you’re feeling better soon.
Cristina says
So sorry about your fall … I say this as a person of similar grace and style. At least, no one got in on video and posted it to YouTube!
As to cataracts …. cataract surgery is the best, ever! Had mine done 2 years ago at the age of 55. 3 downsides: 1) the stupid eye drops … grrr … those go on for a month … I kid you not 2) Now I need to wear sunglasses all the time. But let’s face it, sunglasses are much more stylish than regular ….3) My ‘laser’ doesn’t work 🙁 I complained to my doc and after he caught on (it took awhile), he blamed ME! said I wasn’t activating it properly! I retaliated and claimed it was a poor installation! What really happened is that the new lens has a different refractive index than your biologic lens. Catch it in the right light and it looks like a laser!
Oh, and maybe 4) … I had an astygmatism … you can correct it with cataract surger but it is a different lens. Insurance wouldn’t cover as they claim fixing that is cosmetic … grrr ….
So feel better! Get pampered! and don’t worry about cataract surgery 🙂
Cat from Calgary says
Something you may want to consider…. I gave up on contacts years ago, my old eyes don’t like them anymore and I could no longer read with them in. 😩
I gave up on glasses two years ago because even with progressives I would take them off and then be disoriented when I would look up.
I love swimming, snorkeling and diving. Prescription masks are outrageously expensive.
At 58 I decided to get the “new” lens replacement that they use for cataract surgery now. They cut a slit in the side of the pupil. They add your prescription to the lens and after scraping away your old lens replace it with the new one.
It was pretty neat to watch from the wrong side 🤔, you are awake for the procedure and all told it took less than 20 minutes.
I said new but it is probably at least 15 years old now and I did know other people who had it done and were very happy with the results.
I am thrilled with the freedom from glasses but still find myself reaching for them occasionally when getting out of bed. 😂
Joyce says
There’s nothing like falling in public to make us feel worse than we did before leaving the house! I’m so sorry and hope your boo boos are gone soon!
Sally says
Sending (virtual) tea and (real) sympathy. Ouch!
So glad no cataracts! What’s up with that eye Dr? Sheesh.
And $&***+##&**% the bank, the insurance company, and the contractor.
(My counselor also spares my friends and family from many ##**///*$ rants. Well worth it)
mdy says
Oh, no. I hope you feel better soon.
Jane says
An optometrist (OD), whose primarily job is eye exams and prescriptions for glasses, should have recommended you to an ophthalmologist (MD) to diagnose and treat cataracts, including any surgery as required.
As for falling, I flew through the air three times and landed on my left arm/shoulder over a few years’ timeframe. Twice my shoes caught and one time I wasn’t paying attention going down the stairs and missed a step. My shoulder will never be the same. It’s damaged permanently.
I hope that you’re okay and don’t have any lost lasting effects. It’s sucks to fall but embarrassment is the least of it. At least you didn’t fall in front of millions like Biden did yesterday on live TV.
Heidi says
We do feel sorry for you … and empathize with your pain (not sure if physical or embarrassment is the worst)! So glad no lasting or severe physical damage!
If it makes you feel less pain, or at least in good company, I just tripped & fell to the floor during a dance move at our daughter’s wedding (nope not enough alcohol to explain it, thankfully, & my loving husband even tried to take the blame). Had been dancing all night and no longer had even minimal core or leg strength to get up gracefully. So far no photos have popped up … our daughter has very kind friends!
We love dancing enough that we just kept enjoying the evening though!
Steve L says
Sending positive vibes and hugs, know we care, please be careful. YOU MATTER.
Kat says
You poor thing, that’s an awful terrible day.
For all that, you should get to set in a hot bubbly tub and have someone feeding you chocolates and wine. They should also do your nails and give you a back rub.
Feeling better?
Samantha says
Pictures or it didn’t happen works on embarrassing stories too, isn’t that nice? Sorry you got banged up. If ever there was a more qualified person to embellish and elaborate the creative licence version…. A particularly Texas dirt devil pelted you with paving material while you ran to save a waddling of baby ducks . See that’s why you write and I read. Feel better soon.
Gina Raggette says
I’m sorry you fell. Feel better soon.💐
Catherine says
I’ve done that. I attributed my fall with my brain so overwhelmed with other crap, it forgot to drive my body properly.
Honestly, same thing, no vertigo, nothing to make me trip, no balance problems.
I’m really glad you didn’t break anything and you don’t have cataracts!
Sherre says
So glad the fall wasn’t worse! Definitely blame the shoes. Or maybe uneven pavement. That’s what I always blame it on. My optometrist also thought I had cataracts. I came back to a full 5 years of appointments before he finally determined I didn’t have it, just thick eyeball nerves. 🙄
Elizabeth says
I am so glad you weren’t more seriously hurt! (Although sometimes those bruises hurt like the dickens, to borrow a phrase from my dear Granny. Soft tissue damage is the worst!) Last fall, the day after Hurricane Ian did a number on my house, I was out taking pictures of a tree that just barely missed the roof and stepped backwards off the curb. I had a hairline fracture in my ankle and severe sprains in several tendons. (Not to mention driving two hours to get to a doctor’s office that had power to run the xray machine because, you know, hurricane.) The doctor told me that the fracture would heal in a couple of weeks, but the soft tissue damage would require a walking boot for 2 months. Our squishy parts do not care for hard pavement.
Bess says
Oooh, join the club. I tripped over a downspout in my flowerbed over three weeks ago and face planted on the driveway blacktop. Fractured left elbow, severely sprained right wrist and elbow, scraped knee and bruised ribs. Oh and my right eye looked like I went 10 rounds with a prize fighter. I’m still working on getting full use of my arms. Just started driving again 3 days ago. My hubby has been a rock through it all. Couldn’t have made it without him. Yeah, and the best part? I didn’t break my glasses. Hope you are healing well.😀
Maddy says
Solidarity sister! I fell for no reason on pavement in March, then tripped on a root hiking a week later and re- skinned same knee! Your fall sounds even worsectho, falling sucks!! Also i commend u for dedicated venting sessions and self awareness to not inundate friends & family only. I have a friend who does that on same topic always and I’m like, at the limit with it.🙉😅 You rock as a human, and my fave author (with big G also of course!). Feel better!!💖
Michele G says
Sending calming and healing thoughts after your fall. I had a lot of work done after a ligament injury which then threw my balance out. I still find going down hills disturbing :-(.
As for the ‘Premature’ cataracts……..apparently that is a thing. me too.
Hope you feel better soon. <3
Michelle Perrin says
If it makes you feel any better, I just did this at the airport. I was trying to hang my tote on my roller bag when the roller hit a crack in the sidewalk. I almost caught myself, but then my backpack (with the laptop) came flying up and pushed me the rest of the way over. Belly flopped with bags everywhere. 😳. Still embarrassed, but luckily neither myself or the computer were damaged. I blame the backpack! Feel better soon!!!
Karen Mauldin says
I’m so sorry u fell!! I fell couple weeks ago and landed on my tailbone. Went to dr and he actually had the audacity to tell me I had a battered tailbone. Thank u very much!!
Sending you Light and Positive Energy!!
NA says
I hope you feel better soon!
Are there any updates on the second book in the Iron Covenant?
Moderator R says
Not at the moment 🙂. House Andrews will only announce updates when the manuscript is finished or close to the end, and the preorder is available.
Jean Morgan says
I’m so sorry for your tumble, been there done that and so you have my empathy and sympathy. Feel better soon.
Pam says
Yikes! I hope you feel better soon.
I have one eye that jerks to the side (a problem in the brain) which causes me some problems just walking around. I compensate by staring at the ground immediately in front of me.
Before I learned to do that I fell three times. Left me with some problems in my right shoulder because I tried to catch myself with my hands. One day I’ll get around to having that xrayed. I suspect I’ll be getting a shot in it.
lma says
My deepest and sincerest sympathies. My trips are usually caused by the sidewalk catching tude cause I’m not paying attention to them.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it ! 😏
PatriciaM says
According to my daughter, I can fall while standing still. She claims to have seen me do it. Unfortunately I usually really hurt myself: concussions, sprains, etc. I started taking yoga classes and sessions with a personal trainer to strengthen whatever you need so you don’t fall as much.
Margaret says
Yes I do feel sorry for you, a fall like that is always worse the next day. Yes blame the shoes. I’ve been blaming shoes for my falls for years, along with surprise pop up curbs and rug trolls. Hope you heal fast.
Joann K says
Ohh dearrrr …….sounds like something that’d happen to me!
*offers soothing tea*
Ona J. Bass says
Very careful giant air-hug. When you are young, a tumble now and then isn’t such a big deal. But as we grow older, somehow it seems as if the ground gets farther away, and falling is scarier. I’m glad that you have gotten off with scrapes and bruises, and hope everything heals quickly. Also, glad you do not have cataracts — even baby ones. Although, it is my understanding they do tend to develop as we grow older. I hope subsequent days are better. Sending waves of healing thoughts your way.
Meghan says
I’m so sorry!
I think I’m the only 29 year old who always walks next to the handrail while going down stairs since I’ve now tripped and fallen down the stairs twice. The first time broke my toe bone and the last time gave me a bad sprain.
Stairs are evil and don’t like me. 😈
Ariel says
Your misery has been noted and bravery shall be recorded in a great ballad. The chorus goes something like this: ” . . . She got back up! (echo: She got back up!)
She got back u-up! . . .Though her pain was immense and to her annoy-ance no enemy was near to smi-ite! She got back up! (She got back up!)”. . . You can just imagine this being sung by appreciative and drunk vikings/pirates/rowdy librarians.
Hooray! You got back up!
Kat says
Love it, 😂
Dawn says
Sometimes it only takes the pavement to be slightly off level or have a small crack to make you go over on your ankle and trigger a fall. I am glad you didn’t get any serious injuries, and you will be back to your usual self in no time. 🙂
Kat in NJ says
Oh my gosh, I’m so glad you weren’t more seriously hurt! These things happen (though I know that is little comfort when you are hurting now.) Feel better soon! 😥
I’m glad you didn’t try to stop yourself from falling and make things worse. Two months ago I slipped in the shower and I instinctually grabbed the shower door with one hand to keep myself from falling. I didn’t actually fall, but I twisted my back and am still going to PT and feeling the effects. Oh what I would give for a nice session with Doolittle right now!
Deb says
I totally understand about falling, I too have tripped on air flow. I fell 2 times in the past year. God forbid that I tell my doctor because they will do the age thing. I know I am older than you but it is rather humiliating to fall for no apparent reason; wrong shoes, not paying attention, the wind blew me off course – so you have my sympathy and understanding
Marianne H says
Goodness!! I do feel sorry for you, and am glad you weren’t hurt worse than you are! I can sympathize some with the falling. This past year I have taken to spectacularly falling, suddenly and for no apparent reason. I will be walking along fine as usual, and the next thing I know will find myself in the midst of a foreward faceplant. While I am falling and flailing at the air, time seems to slow down and I feel like I am moving in slow motion. I have all the time in the world it seems to have an internal argument with myself. I can’t believe that I am really falling and about to not only embarrass myself, but hurt myself physically as well! I argue that this isn’t happening, it just can’t be happening, especially as there is no reason for it (I did not trip or bang into anything, nor did anyone push or run into me), and that I will surely wake up any moment, and find that it all was just an unpleasant dream. Well, not so much. 🤦♀️
You can at least comfort yourself with the knowledge that your new sandals were most likely to blame for your fall. My inability it seems to walk on a flat surface, can not be blamed on any interference or outside factor. My husband has taken to hovering closely, if not tucking his arm in mine or holding my hand, whenever we are out in public. I have caught him watching me closely when I am walking around the house, and he has declared that he doesn’t want me carrying anything when I am walking. 🤨?!! As ridiculous as that is, he truly means it! If he catches me carrying anything in my hands or arms, he takes it away from me, scolds me and reminds me of his rule, then sweetly asks me where I want it. I know that he is just trying to be helpful, but I feel like I am about 20 to 30 years older than I actually am when he does that!! His new rule isn’t reasonable or feasible, but no argument of mine has been able to sway him and make him see sense. Maybe if I can go a couple of months without falling he will stop treating me like I am incapable of walking and holding something at the same time.
I am sure that you will have some sore muscles later as a result of your fall. I can suggest soaking in a warm bath as a means of loosening your muscles. I find that I am not as sore the next day if I do that before going to bed. I have also found a glass of wine while soaking to be beneficial. It doesn’t help my muscles, but it does help my mood! 😉
I hope that you have a good weekend, and that you can now safely wear your new sandals without any more falls!
Michelle says
Most important thing is you are not broke! I have had cataracts remove from both eyes about 7 years apart. Much less pain then Lasix. Although I did get a cloud over my new lens. They lasered that off. No pain, but it was like looking out of a Holloween globe with bats not snow.
Hope you are doing better. Stock up on Advil or what ever pain meds you like.
Michelle McLoughlin says
oh, dear. It was definitely the sandals, those ‘soles weren’t worn in. I hope your feeling a bit better after your misadventure. At least it wasn’t your dogs knocking you over in the vet’s parking lot, leaving you with broken teeth and a concussion with a complimentary ambulance ride
Jan H says
yikes! such a terrible fall. Glad you didn’t break anything. Grab a cup of tea and relax and feel better quick : )<3
Virginia says
Hope you’re feeling better! I fell walking the dog once — NOT the dog’s fault, I’m a klutz. Sprained my wrist and had to go to doctor and rehab. Just thankful it wasn’t broken. Think it’s time you found a new optometrist. Good luck!
OneHappyPuppy says
Hugs – feel better soon.
Regina says
You poor sweetie! Kissing pavement is the worst. I pray you a speedy recovery.
NSum says
Sympathy and empathy! Been there, done that, still have the scar on my shoulder. Pavement always wins.
Sue Miller says
Go to an opthomologist. Don’t screw around with your vision. Make sure to be tested for glaucoma and have a field test.
Karen L says
Very glad you don’t have cataracts and also very sorry you fell. For some reason, falling as an adult seems to be worse than falling as a child. Farther to fall maybe? I dunno. I definitely think you should baby yourself a bit after that, it’s a shock to your system no matter how quickly you feel you recovered. We promise not to go anywhere while you veg in a hot tub or lounge on a hydromassage chair (I highly recommend that, by the way). Please take care of yourself, you are the only one there is of you and we want you around for a long long time.
Gloria says
So sorry you fell. Feel better with great soaks. You poor thing. Hope you feel better soon.check the shoe soles too.
Lori says
Hang in there, it does not get any better but at least you develop one wicked sense of humor about that #@$%^
Trish says
KarenS says
I fell on April 11 and just got my last cast off. Now I know my sandals were not to blame, but I still look at them suspiciously. I am not sure when I will wear them again.
Noybswx says
Skinning knees is always just annoying, because for the next few days you then get a nice reminder of how often you use or touch your knees. I hope you heal up soon!
my struggle for today is trying to figure out how to safely get a skink lizard out of my gas fireplace without letting it loose in the house for my cat to find.
Huyen says
Ouch, I’m sorry about your fall but glad nothing got broken (you nor your glasses)!
When I bump into walls and get a clumsy time where I bruise myself a lot and blank out on certain words, I take a B12 supplement and that seems to fix my brain and klutziness.
Hope your skinned knees heal up soon!
Mary says
If it makes you feel better, I have full on superman-ed not once, but at least four times while walking/running with my dog.
The worst time on a sidewalk next to a very busy road, and about 10metres behind another dog walker who did turn around to see what the heck happened when I squawked as I fell. This was a year ago, and I still have a scar on my wrist from that fall.
Karen Stewart says
Don’t go to an optometrist!
Lou says
much sympathy. I have done it and it hurts.
Melissa says
A couple years, ago I did what I call the timber fall. Tripped on the sidewalk in front of the porch just like a tree. Dignity more hurt than anything. My arm btn elbow and wrist hurt some. Still hurt a couple weeks later so went to urgent care cause maybe I pulled a tendon. Well, guess who broke her arm. By then, I didn’t need a cast. I think it was more a crack. So if you are hurting anywhere for too long, go see a doctor.
Big Mike says
Every time I read the title — and I’ve read the entire post a couple times — I keep reading that first word as “Payment.” Strange,
Kathy says
I feel for you. I fell in a crosswalk Labor Day Friday and broke a bone in my hand and messed up my knee. I, too, fell on nothing. Note to self: do not hurry across a street.
Cheryl says
Epsom salts bath!! Then see your chiropractor. Feel better.
Brightfae says
I am so sorry!!!! You have all my sympathy. And all my admiration that even though your dignity was dead, you picked yourself up and kept going.
Katherine says
there was a day, years ago, when I came within an inch of falling down the stairs, *twice*. Like, I had to grab the rail and hold on for dear life until I could get my feet back where they belonged. Both times.
No reason for it. I’d been up and down those stairs umpteen million times. I was wearing my usual shoes and my glasses. I can go years between falls but on that day, I fell twice (that I didn’t tumble doesn’t change the fact that it was a fall).
That was nine years ago. Hasn’t happened since.
Jess says
I’m so sorry about your fall. If you need another thing to be thankful for, be glad you didn’t knock your front tooth out like a friend of mine did this week. Root and all. Just gone. 😢
Brenda Chaney says
Tina says
I fell today on uneven pavement and, I kid you not, I blamed my shoes (sandals that I had not worn in a long time) even before I read your post. So I totally empathize and support your explanation – sounds totally reasonable to me ! Hope your aches and pains go away very soon.
Lynne Honan says
So sorry to hear about your fall, but it could have been worse! I did the same thing about 9 months ago and cracked some ribs – a week before I had to sing in a performance of Bach’s Magnificat. Sooo painful!
Nancy says
I strongly encourage you to see an ophthalmologist about the dark spots. Depending upon where these are in your eyes, they can be a variety of things, including but not limited to: innocent but annoying floaters; signs of a retinal tear; indicators of some types of retinopathy; and cancer. I have had dark spots in my eyes caused by a retinal tear, hemorrhaging in an eye, and cancer in my eyes (primary vitreoretinal lymphoma).
Laurie Blanchard says
Ilona I’m so sorry that happened to you. I 100 hundred percent feel for you. I currently have a cast on my left arm from having tripped over my dog and landed on my hand on the sidewalk which broke my arm. I have never had a broken bone before that wasn’t a finger or a toe I cannot describe how much I hate this cast and how difficult it is navigating it and trying to just go about life with the pain in the arm and the awkwardness of the cast. I’m so glad you did not break anything. I wasn’t able to type for two or three weeks so I know it’s hard but just try to be grateful that it wasn’t worse , you’re very blessed
karen johnson says
feel better soon!
inge says
i hope you feel better soon💐
Bill G says
‘Not cataracts’ is a bright spot for the day, albeit not much of one. Best of luck with whatever the problem is.
Nadia says
I have knee issues and I know if I fall then its gonna be bad. I had an *eesh* on my face when you described the fall and I was glad that I was sitting down. I feel all the sorry since I have been there myself. Take it easy and I hope the muscles feel better soon.
Gaëlle from France says
Well, twice a year is not on my level, I can’t count the number of times I finish on my belly or my bottom. And I am 46 years old…
There ´s always a good explanation, a dog or a kid in my feet and I «sacrifice » myself, someone pushing me to do something that I well know I can’t do, but I have a « want-to-please » personnality, so I do it eventually, and I end in mud and scratches. The good part is, in spite of my shyness, I developped a good humor on this and my dignity don’t suffer much anymore.
Big hug !
Cindy says
I am so sorry you fell! Also thankful you aren’t injured any worse than you were and that the new glasses were okay. I too have the talent of tripping for no good reason. It is SO embarrassing!
Your optometrist’s staff needs to bring re-trained on HIPAA if they think emailing you your own records, at your request, violates anything! 🙄
Feel better soonest! Looking forward to GA Magic Burns and Magic Claims!
Cheryl B says
Ilona you may not need this but I will share in hopes of helping if you think it might. I became extremely sedentary during the pandemic. Once I started moving around again I fell a few times and put micro fractures in my knees. At first I didn’t know what happened. I’d be going along and bam down. I started watching and it seemed like the bottom of my shoes would catch on the flooring surface. Turns out my hip and stomach muscles had weakened to the point where picking up my feet became problematic when I got tired. I am definitely overweight and that contributes to the mobility challenges too. Anyway I’ve been working with a trainer and they are having me do side steps with an elastic band held taunt around my ankles to strengthen the hips and crunches on an exercise ball for the core. It’s helping as I am walking more easily and picking up my feet better. If, God forbid, it keeps happening you might want to consider some strengthening exercises. Hopefully it was just a one time accident. Hope you feel better soon.
Cheryl says
Argh about falling! I stepped off a curve yesterday and somehow slipped in my clog and landed with my foot turned and really hurting my ankle. Just feeling blessed that it wasn’t sprained. But what’s with the tripping? I too blame the shoes as I hobbled to the car. What’s your brother in law’s stance on vitamins for eyes? Cataracts run in my family and the ophthalmologist recommended taking the over the counter ones like ocuvite. He said they do help. Much sympathy all around. skinned knees take a really long time to heal for me. Bending the knee kept breaking the cuts back open. Hope you feel better.
Melissa says
Interesting how the body tells us to slow down. Ouch!
Dalia says
The joy of the years going by,,,,,,,,,I hope you feel better soon.
MacGrani says
I so feel your pain. Years ago a tiny crack in the sidewalk viciously grabbed my shoe as I walked to work on a very public sidewalk. Two things went through my mind as I went down – save my dress (as I had to work) and don’t damage my right hand (I’m right handed). I landed on my left hand, toes and chin. Saved my dress and right hand. However I scraped the hell out of my chin and broke a bone in my left hand. I had to have my wedding rings cut off.
Funny thing, when my husband brought my “rings” back from the jewelers one looked just like his grandmother’s ring . . .
I have found over these many years that those sneaky cracks travel wherever I go
I hope your aches and bruises fade quickly!!!
Sarah says
Oh wow, so glad you did not hurt yourself worse than that.
Some days you just feel like the universe says ‘today, it’s your turn for me to mess with, let’s see how you cope!’.
Wish you a speedy recovery.
Pence says
Shoes and glasses. One winter I had a new pair of shoes on with thicker soles than my old ones – caught the toe on a curb and landed on one knee and learned why Kneecapping is torture. Spent 10 minutes sitting there on a slushy sidewalk trying not to throw up!
So depth perception and the bottom of your new shoes not being quite where the old ones were.
Pamper yourself. Sending virtual ice cream and cookies
Libby says
I am in the process of relocating to Florida. We finally found a house, I am trying to change career fields too. Changes all around. So, the apartment we’re renting has the hardest beds. I finally get 8 hours of sleep but because the bed is hard, I wake up feeling beat up. My whole body is sore. Then, driving around with sunglasses on, things look a little blurry. I clean them, still the same. I change to another pair. I am definitely getting old. I feel ya.
Kathleen says
The dark spots are likely shed capillaries from the back of the eye, at least mine are…
Dia a says
I Hope you feel better. Sometimes it feels like the universe or the way the stars align make me fall three times in a row when I haven’t fallen for years, so I hear you….
It’s a good way to get pampered : a hot bath helps with the soreness with Epsom salt, and people around you are more willing to be helpful 😝. Get spoiled!! You deserve it
Cynthia says
I know getting old sucks!
you’ll drop things for no apparent reason whatsoever.
you’re run into things for no apparent reason whatsoever.
what can I say except to repeat again, getting older sucks!!!!
Alice says
Falling is scary. Especially when you don’t know why.Sending best wishes your way.
pc says
I hope you’re feeling better! You deserve a new pair of shoes, a nice cup of tea, and extra game time 🙂
Kylie in Australia says
omg omg omg
books here, woo hoo
I’ve got 1hr and 17mins to I finish work and then it’s ignore everybody and READ
Moderator R says
Happy reading! 🤩
Kylie in Australia says
‘So many other things. Come with me. I’ll show you.’
Please show me too 🙂
So good, so fun, have to wait for next week for everyone else to read and chat about.
Moderator R says
Yes, please :), just a bit more patience!
Kylie in Australia says
Oh No, you used the P word.
Even once you’ve read it, still so much fun to be had chatting about it.
Ah the joy
Pam says
I am so sorry, and hope you feel better soon.
Fran says
I hope you took the time for a good cry – falling makes me feel 3 years old, hurt or not.
Barbara says
If the perscriptin is new and you have bifocals, it is very easy to fall. Sadly I know this. 🙂
The perspective takes a while to get use to.
C Dunn says
sorry for your tumble. I actually did have premature cataracts. Simple (for me)procedure under local to put new lenses in. After a lifetime of myopia and astigmatism, I can’t believe my new eyesight. No glasses, near and far both, the whole world looks clean and sharp. So if you do turn out to have cataracts, it might be a blessing in disguise.
Van says
Oh no! Ilona! Please get better soon. Neck cricks are the worst :/
Becky says
Glad it’s not cataracts, and I feel ALL the sorry for you! Best wishes for feeling better quickly!
Ami says
I’m so, so sorry. That’s so awful. I know in the eternal scheme of things it’s not huge but it’s a b*tchy thing that hurts and slows you down and and and. I’m sorry. I hope you feel better. NSAIDs, ice and rest.
I live in fear of falls now bc I’m on blood thinners so this is totally my nightmare stuff. Lol
Lisa says
ALL the sympathy. I NEVER trip & fall at home, only in busy parking lots with lots of witnesses.
I will pass on a wonderful bit of advice I got from an optician. I have astigmatism in both eyes so different scripts for each eye. When I get new glasses my depth perception is always messed up.
I was told never to wear my new glasses the same day I pick them up. Keep using the old glasses until I wake up the next morning. Then start the day with the new script.
Since starting that practice I don’t have any of the awkwardness, eye strain, or headaches that usually come with new glasses. Bonus? Less tripping.
Christine says
Been there, done that and got a lovely purple cast as a result. 😢
But no cataracts!!! That’s awesome, congratulations.
Ann says
My sympathies. A week ago I unbalanced myself stomping a cardboard box on a mild slope, and went down complete with a roll. Thankfully nothing more than scrapes and bruises too.
Joe says
At 76, with extremely poor health, falling has become a bugaboo. After a couple of trips to the hospital I am forced by events to admit it is a problem I have to deal with. Moving as I stand is a big nono, first the standing, then the moving. And I could go on for a chapter about footwear, but there is no need to do that, at this end of things we all no about keeping the connection between foot and reality snug, comfortable and secure. It is an incredibly dangerous time, the time between the first fall and a determined approach to not falling.
Mary says
When I read how you fell, I was taken back to a fall I had a few years ago. Do not want to go into the huge gorey fall, but, the feeling of belly flopping on concrete NEVER goes away. Sometimes it comes back in dreams. I have no magic wand to make the memory fade away, but time does kind of help, like how you “sort of” forget giving birth. Shudder. Anyway, I hope you recover, and I send all manner of warm regards, and flows of healing energy. Hugs to you, Mary.
Inga Abel says
Sounds like it`s time for a nice massage and a tub of icecream?!?
Feel hugged from Switzerland!
Kat says
I hope you are feeling better. I sometimes fall due to stress fatigue. If I ignore the stress I am under on a bad day I have a good chance of a fall. It’s like my brain shuts off my balance center to make me sit on my ass and chill out. You may be going to a therapist to vent, but what are they suggesting you do to alleviate the physical/mental damage from the stress? If they are simply just listening to you and scheduling more appts. then you need a different therapist.
First, have your ears checked for a mild(allergy related) ear irritation/infection. The fluid from sinus allergies drains past your ears and can effect balance. It is allergy season…
But if it’s not that, your brain is trying to manage the effects of adrenalin from stress and still keep you functioning. If it was a computer it would freeze up, slow down, or have a glitch due to not enough RAM space or more energy demands than the power supply can handle.
You need to find something that physically helps you release stress. I used to do traditional archery in my back yard, the more angry I was the better my scores. I bought a Used Ultra gym for when I couldn’t shoot due to weather. Once I physically burned off the anger related adrenalin I could think clearly and either solve or deal with the issue. Anger Adrenalin in women is like Excess Testosterone in men, it slows down thinking, and opens the door for “why the Hell did I do that, I know better” situations.
Just a suggestion, but If I ignore the warnings, the consequences get more expensive (injuries, etc.), good luck.
Andrea Smith says
Sending you a hug. I sympathize.
Yesterday, I leaned over to tie my shoe, and a cat-tail lawn ornament cut up my nose, and eye-lid. So Scary! I thought that eyeball was going to be a kabob. Walking is a dangerous sport.
Brenda says
I SO feel your pain. I am the queen of epic falls over virtually nothing.
The most recent was getting out of the car, stepping to the side to close the door, annnnd an epic fall resulting in a broken leg. Oh yes… epic. My orthopedic surgeon knows me by first name and calls me an annuity. (sad, head to desk).
I hope you are on the mend quickly. Huge hug from a fellow Texan. 🙂
Damietta says
My mother used to swear that Daddy could dance uninjured throgh a minefield full of Claymores…..and trip over a freakin’ park bench, yelling “Where the H*** did THAT come from?”
“Really Dick? According to the commemorative plaque, it was installed in 1859.”
Joseph says
What series is Heart of a Knight from?
Moderator R says
It is not a series (yet) – it is a work in progress set in a whole new universe 🙂.
Sarah Richardson says
I’m so sorry you fell. I have done the belly flop before and the bruising of my pride was worse than the bruises on my body. I hope you recover soon.
Aneesah says
Oh my! I feel yah! It can take a few weeks to recover from whiplash and this one was with pavement!
Glad nothin broke!
Appreciate the insider peek!
Ilona! You both are valuable! Highly so, to me!
Need a PA? Private Assistant (not offering just ready to pray that you both get more assistance you need!)
Cause if i could i’d spoil both of you!
Peace, health, healing and happiness!
Jaye says
So, I’m thinking maybe avoid that optometrist?
Jaye says
Also sorry about the boo boos. I hate it when I fall.
Ara says
I tripped on a stick the other day. Like, saw it, went to step over and…missed somehow. Stepped on it and it rolled under me. Landed straight down on my right knee and have the worse bruising I’ve ever had in my life even considering the 18 stitches I had put in that knee once. The only thing I can think is that my depth perception has started getting a little weird lately. Maybe your new glasses have done the same. Either way you’re not alone, in either embarrassment or damage. <3
Sally says
chasing escaped house tom when I hit an uneven spot in the yard. I still am not sure how I went sideways. oww my hip. There were witnesses darn it. hip and dignity bruised. I feel you!