I’m cleaning out the email box. 🙂 Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.
Will there be more in Hidden Legacy or will the trilogy end the story?
The trilogy reaches a satisfying conclusion – we hope – but we left the door open for more books. We would love to do more, because they are fun to write. What form they take depends on how well the trilogy sells. If the trilogy sells well and Avon is receptive to some of our demands, Hidden Legacy will continue in its current format. If not, then we’ll self-publish.
I was just wondering if you will ever consider writing a Roman novella. He was great fun in the Andrea book and certainly seems to have plenty of secrets.
We’re hoping to do a trilogy on Roman. When, we’re not sure. Perhaps next year.
Is there someone coordinating the Portland pre-signing meet and greet?
Is there? Please let us know. I’m trying to think what’s around there and the only place I remember is the Chinese restaurant across the street and some sort of sea food place in that plaza? But I might be nuts.
Will there be more Innkeeper?
We’re planning to start posting the next book toward the end of this year or the beginning of 2018. If you are worried about missing it, it might help to sign up for Publishing News Newsletter. Unlike the blog newsletter which goes out a couple of times a week, this one only contains major publishing updates, such as releases and book tours, and it would be the easiest way to be notified when Innkeeper restarts.
When will Hugh’s book come out?
Hopefully, if we don’t miss any deadlines, this fall. Magic Triumphs, Kate Daniels 10, dovetails into Hugh’s book, which explains a lot of things that will be glossed over in Magic Triumphs.
Rogan POV?
Today, tomorrow at the latest.
Please double check your email address when emailing. 🙂 We’ve got a couple that were misspelled so badly, we can’t reply.
Faith says
Thank you as always
Tink says
“Blog tour”? Does your blog go around and sign autographs? 😛
Has there been a release date for Magic Triumphs? I’m trying to remember if you mentioned a date for that one. September comes to mind. I just did a quick search on Amazon and it didn’t come up.
Ilona says
Bleah, meant to say book tours. There are blog tours, where you blog every day at a different blog, but we don’;t do them anymore.
Erin Burns says
Or the other kind where WE (bloggers) blog every day. Which I got a spot on for White Hot :shimmy and shake” which I still frequently squee over the fact that I’ve read it….and will probably read it again this week 🙂
Charis N. says
It is so great to end the day reading one of your blogs and tonight there are two – with the Rogan POV. Thank you for a great end to a weird day.
Charis N. says
Mean Erin, very mean. Twisting the knife with that “read it again”.
Aishwarya says
Oh my God!!! A trilogy of Roman. Gimmiii !!!!!
Shellie Bryant says
Woo hoooo!!!! I was searching for the answer to that but didn’t want to be annoying and ask you for the bajillionth time. Yay!
laura says
Love Roman & trilogy sounds wonderful
Carolann says
Yesss ! I was just wondering if Roman will get his book, and whoo, he’ll get a trilogy! You’re amazing…
Jill says
So excited about a Roman book too! He had me at Eeyore pajamas.
Gail says
Oh wow! What a great way to turn a bad day around. Thank you so much.
jewelwing says
Turn of the year is exactly when more Innkeeper will be most welcome. A Roman trilogy will be most welcome anytime. Until the snippets, I didn’t think a Hugh book would be particularly interesting at any time, but now I’m ready for it tomorrow.
TheWoobDog says
Oh, yay to the Roman trilogy! I’ve hoped and hoped something would be developed around him (at the Authorlords’ discretion, OBVIOUSLY – I wouldn’t dream of pushing for more when you guys are giving us SO MUCH this year!) 🙂
Richard says
Neat! Thank you for the update.
Karen says
Is it overwhelming to have so many stories floating around in ya’lls heads??? Hugh, Rogan, Roman, Kate, Innkeeper (my favorite!)… wow! So much to look forward to for us fans. Thank you for all your hard work.
Drew says
Julie Trilogy? Someday? It would be epic.
Laura the Librarian says
As long as you are writing stuff I will be throwing my money at you. Love love love all of your work. Thank you for all you do!
Dori says
Yeah, what Laura said. #3moreweeks….
Tink says
And it coming out the day after a holiday gave me a good reason to make it a 4-day weekend.
Janette says
Her. That was my thought too, but I took the whole week. Reading, sleeping after done, rereading, etc
wont says
It took me a while to warm up to Roman, but now I’m very excited about his trilogy. So happy to have that to look forward to.
And, your comments on more Hidden Legacy are just what I was hoping to hear. HL definitely helps with the ending of Kate. It fills that need very nicely.
Thank you so much for all you do for us.
Charis N. says
I liked “receptive to some of our demands” such an authorlord thing to say.
Brianna says
Last time the Portland meet was at Panera across the parking lot. I haven’t been there since, so I don’t even know if it’s still there.
fiveandfour says
Hey, Brianna – I was in the neighborhood of that Powell’s recently and that Panera is still there. There are some construction projects going on towards the other end of the mall and restaurants down there are gone, so relying on what used to be there even a couple of months ago isn’t advisable.
Having said that, I *think* I know the Chinese restaurant Ilona mentioned, but not the seafood place. I would offer to do a scouting drive-by in the next couple of days to confirm options, but am heading out of town for a bit and can’t get to it for a couple of weeks.
Anyone else want to do a little Powell’s recon and advise? (And, if you’re like me, stop in at Powell’s “since you’re in the neighborhood anyway” and thinking you can resist its gravitational pull is futile?). If not, I can loop back to this closer to the event date.
K2 says
There’s a Panera, two Starbucks, New Seasons Market, a fabulous Bahn Mi sandwich shop, Cold Stone Creamery in the mall, MOD Pizza, and several other options.
Need someone to take the lead? I’m available.
Amy says
Yes, please. I don’t live nearby, but I’m happy to pitch in remotely.
fiveandfour says
You’re hired! Thanks for offering to take this on.
Ilona says
Sorry, we already have someone. 😛 “I reserved a spot in the deli seating at New Seasons, at 5:30 for a hour or so. it’s a short walk – a little bit further than the last place you were at, but not very much. Let me know if you need directions.
They are going to put a sign out at a large table (for 15 or less) about 5pm, letting people know that’s it’s reserved for the “Ilona Andrews Meet and Greet”.
If you haven’t been, New Seasons is an upscale grocery store with a lot of prepared foods as well. They host community events sometimes too and even showcase live music. I eat at my local one fairly often so I knew it would be a good place to meet. The food is healthy, delicious and tastes homemade. They bake their own bread at this location (unless they’ve stopped recently) so I recommend trying it.”
Laurence says
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer all those questions! Everything I wanted to know and more!
Betty says
Thank you for all yall do.
Amanda M says
Squeeeee I’m so excited. For real you two, I would read classified ads if you guys wrote them. Thanks for sharing updates.
Kacie says
Need more Julie and Derek!!
Jolie says
Seconded! Like crazy!
Ellen says
Third that !!!!
MeggsH says
Fourth that!!
I was excited about Hugh’s book from the beginning …..im pretty excited about any work that comes our way though…Rogan pov has seriously got me psyched. He’s my favorite – Curran gives him a good run for his money – but Rogan still takes the cake
C.L.Daniels says
Mirren says
Akeru says
I love to hear about future offerings… I hate to hear about future offerings… it makes me so conflicted and impatient. I am a hoarder of your work so getting me worked up only makes me have to restrain myself from demanding that you work faster. Realistically I understand time constraints but impatiently I expect miracles…
Fan in California says
So much to look forward to!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!!!! Thanks!
lea says
Have a miserable headache. It feels better now that I have read your blog list of all that I have to look forward to. Thank you.
And POV! I can’t wait. I love those things.
Amélie says
You have the power to make my day so much better! Thank you! ♡♡♡♡
Angela Shikany says
Thanks for the update. Roman is my favorite character in the Kate Daniels series (really hard to choose a fave though), so a trilogy for him would be really great. The interweaving of Hugh’s book with Kate’s final book is brilliant. By the way that dress you wore at that award thing (black and silver sparklies)-you looked beautiful.
Nes Maret says
Will Roman and Hugh’s books be more “adult” E.G: Rakish and Adventuresome for sometime before they find their HEA?
Pam says
You could try Pastini Pastaria for a meal, really close to Powells. Wish I still lived there to meet n greet! Safe travels, and thanks for the stories.
Amber says
Roman is one of my favorites!! So excited he is getting his own series! Sqeee!
Kris says
Fabulous news! 2017 will be an Andrewtastic year, 2 Hidden Legacy books, Hugh’s book and Innkeeper hopefully at the end of the year! Love you guys!
Cgsoccermom says
Please self publish!!!! As an obsessive book reader of yours the most frustrating things is waiting for books based on the publisher’s desire to manage their income flow or their arbitrary release calendar. We fans will happily buy whatever you put out, whenever you put it out and with whatever cover art you deem best!!!
Traditional publishing needs to go the way of the dinosaur.
Frances says
I agree with all of Cgsoccermom ‘s comments in the first paragraph above. Just compare Innkeeper and Hidden Legacy, both excellent series of books.
The wait for Hidden Legacy 2 and 3 to be published has been endless and frustrating whereas our Authorlords finished the One Fell Sweep serial and within a short space of time the completed book was edited and released and we eager book devouring horde could buy both ebook and print copy.
I recommend IA as an author when ever I get the opportunity .If I showed someone a Kate Daniels book I believe the KD book covers are spot on and show us that the books are about: urban fantasy with a kick ass heroine. The Innkeeper cover artwork is outstanding and intriguing : a suggestion of SciFi, a suggestion of magic, a suggestion of romance. Unfortunately the HL book covers suggest bodice ripper adventure and this is not what the series is. ( Of course I have only read BFM but I have 100% trust in the Authorlords.)
Re traditional publishing: I hope it can avoid the dinosaur’s fate by adapting to the new reality. To do so successfully it could start listening more to authors and editors and their vision of what a book ( or series) is about. Plus they could stop treating we readers/ customers like mug punters.
It occurs to me the IA writing team are very smart. You share Innkeeper as a free serial then release it in book form and, from what information I have, it looks like the books sell very successfully. This means you automatically bring that many thousands(?) tens of thousands( ? ) buyers to the table. The challenge for Avon is to match or exceed that number to justify the longer than necessary wait ( did they think we wouldn’t notice the extra several month’s delay over and above the originally announced postponement ?) and the cheesy covers.
Charis N. says
Frances, what is a “mug punter”?
Frances says
Charis, a mug punter is defined as ” British / Australian slang: a customer or client who is gullible and easily swindled”. I assume it arises from people who go to horse racing and almost always bet/ punt on losing horses, never learn from their mistakes and keep going back to back more horses that don’t win. It has evolved from that to mean people who accept what is dished out without ever questioning. Governments/ Big Business / the Media often seem to treat us as mug punters and ask us to accept their take on issues or decisions without any questioning. One example of where some ( not all) traditional publishers treat us as mug punters is their assumption we will happily pay $15-$17 for ebooks. I have stopped buying one favourite author on the day her books come out because $16.99 Australian is too expensive for an ebook. I’m number 38 in the library queue so I will be waiting a while to read this author’s latest.
Marion says
Oh, so many exciting news! 🙂 Love it all. Doing a happy dance over here in Germany. I am looking forward to read about Hugh and would be delighted to learn more about Roman. But I am a huge fan of all your books. So speed up the writing (just kidding!).
Kamrin says
So excited for EVERYTHING. You guys are the best. The absolute best!
Beth says
*gasp* A Roman TRILOGY?? I’m so excited!! And hearing there might be more Hidden Legacy is SO GREAT! Thank you for these updates/answers!
Nancy says
I think i missed something re: Kate and Curran. Or my brain is mush from creating finals and seniors driving me nuts. Number 10 is the last Kate and Curran?
Tink says
Yes. That was announced last year, I think. The Kateverse will continue but the Kate POV books end with #10.
Frances says
Since Kate is pregnant book 10 is a good place to finish Kate’s story. Her priorities will change once she has a family.
Luckily for the BDH there are so many intriguing secondary characters such as Andrea, Derek, Roman, Dali, Rowena, Julie, etc that novels, novellas, short stories in the KD universe will always be welcome.
Charis N. says
I don’t know, having a baby is not an ending, is it?
Frances says
For most people having a baby usually marks an end to the carefree,” stay out all night if you want to ” phase of young adulthood. Kate seems to have spent her young adulthood fighting her way out of very difficult and dangerous situations and moving towards the final showdown with Roland. I hope the danger Roland presents is sorted by the end of book 10 and she can relax and enjoy her family a bit at the end. She will have earned some joyful family life. I am sure we will hear more about her in other books in the KD universe.
Demi says
Thank you as always 🙂 Looking forward to it all!
Rita says
You have no idea how excited I am for tomorrow. Even though I have a deadline for a presentation I am excited af woo
Kirsten says
Yea! More Rogan!!! Also how do Meet and Greets work? I have never been to one. Do you just show up? Do you have to let someone know you are coming, so where-ever the place is has a count? Are only a certain amount of people allowed in?
Amy says
I have the same questions. Is there somewhere other than here that we should be looking for the information? If someone is doing the organizing, would they post it here or somewhere else?
Jade says
Looking forward to all of them! You’re on a roll lately with releases, appreciated.
Just wondering; as you guys seem to like taking KD characters for spin-off novels, are there any ideas on your mind for Nick? Always thought he would have some good stories to tell.
Scott Drummond says
I look forward to all of this!
Christine says
Looking forward to anything and everything you write ?
Rene says
Yay! I’m so excited for everything!
Harukogirl says
OMG, I am so ridiculously excited about a Roman trilogy! He is one of my favorite characters, he is just so….Roman! Hahaha. He’s quite different from your usual male lead, but in a way that I think would make an awesome story :-). Can’t wait!!!!
Gretchen says
More Hidden Legacy!!! You just made me so happy!! And I would loooove to read some Roman stories, love that guy 😀
Kelly Jacobs says
Today at Books A Million in Southaven Mississippi, I took a picture of their book display because Magic Binds was shelved with the best sellers!
They also had four of your books shelved in the proper place.
Andrea says
I’d like to add my input in the mix. I hope you continue writing in the Nevada /Mad Rogan universe. Kinda like you guys did for the Edge series. I find this universe fun and exciting. I remember reading, Grace of Small Magic (not sure if that’s the title) and thinking I hope they build on this. Many years later… Burn for Me. Love it.
I’m also looking forward to the next Innkeeper. I’m glad to see it enterduced in winter. It makes the cold bearable ? Thank you authorlords for hours of entertainment. Much appreciated!
Rohaise says
Squeeee! A Roman trilogy? Best news I’ve had all day, except I have to admit that when I first read it I thought you meant a period piece about ummm Romans. Probably because I just finished Shadowy Horses which is about a search for a Roman legion.
Mallory says
I’m pretty sure there’s a Panera near the book store in Portland too. 🙂
Nina says
Yay! Thanks for the update. I would love more Hidden Legacy books – either through a publisher or self published, I’ll buy them! Great to hear there will be a trilogy on Roman. He’s just so deadpan, I find it hilarious. Can’t wait for more Ilona Andrews books!
Elle says
I am so excited to hear about the Roman Trilogy! I am in the middle of a Gunmetal Magic reread (relisten, actually) and was just thinking how very much Roman deserves his own story, with his own woman who would (eventually, after appropriate challenges, suspense, and shenanigans) be as into him as Andrea is into Rafael. Yay!
Susan says
OMG, a Roman trilogy! I love him so much. Love, love, love. One of the things I enjoy most about your books is how you bring in family members and make them real characters. I can’t wait for books about Roman and his crazy family.
Patience says
Is there anyone at Avon we can lobby, start a petition on Change.org, sell our First Born to? Lol, just kidding…hmmmmm, maybe not.
Vinity says
Could we have a link to the Portland store in the blog? I had it before to preorder a signed WHite Hot but the site was messed up at the time. I forgot to bookmark it. Thanks
Angela says
Thanks for all your books. Such vivid imagination!
Artem says
Yayayay for Roman! And his romantic partner should be utterly unconventional (I still think Martina would be amazing)
Variel says
Thank you for considering writing some Roman books, he’s a very interesting character and one of my favourites.
Sari says
You’ve ruined me for other authors! I can no longer read drivel and you write so slowly! (If you wrote a book a week would be too slow for me…) Now I have nothing to read and I desperately await each crumb you throw in the form of excerpts or POV’s or anything! (I could do without the knitting updates : ) )
I would love if you could compile a list of your favorite books, so I have something to do while I anxiously await your next work of excellence.
It doesn’t matter who you write about- it’s always great!
But I wonder, could Saiman ever fall in love??
PS what would it take to become a beta reader??