Pattern: Quicksilver by Melanie Berg.
I really like the way it turned out. The day was overcast, so pictures don’t show up as well, but the stripes have a bit of metallic to them. 🙂
Of course, now I have to figure out what to knit next.
Blog, Knitting etc POST A COMMENT by Ilona
Pattern: Quicksilver by Melanie Berg.
I really like the way it turned out. The day was overcast, so pictures don’t show up as well, but the stripes have a bit of metallic to them. 🙂
Of course, now I have to figure out what to knit next.
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It’s gorgeous!
Wow – what a gorgeous pattern and lovely shawl!
It is gorgeous!
Don’t have a recommendation for you – all my knitting is for cold weather (mitts, hats, scarves). It was -27 Celsius this morning, that’s -17 Fahrenheit.
Holy cow! Where r u? It was up to 80 here today. (Kinda high even for us in Florida)
Ottawa, Canada.
Normally, we’d be at 4 Celsius (39 Farenheit) at this time of year, enjoying the maple syrup season.
I’m definitely looking forward to my Orlando trip in May! Fingers crossed for good (non-freakish) weather.
That is beautiful. Purple is my faaaaaaaavorite color!
I wish I were patient enough to knit
It’s beautiful. Makes me wish I knew how to knit.
All those pets and you haven’t knitted something for them? 😛
That was my first thought – dog jacket for the doby
Wow – great job – it is beautiful!
(Sorry to sound redundant but . . ) GORGEOUS!!!!
gorgeous ❤️
Beautiful! Was it tricky to keep track of the increases/decreases?
That’s what I was wondering. It would make me nuts and I’d go back to my boring old crochet.
One way to keep track of the increases/decreases my mom taught me is to put safety pins on the needle right before you increase or decrease. The pins become a reminder that when you get to them to do either. I did this trick for knitted sleeves to increase the stitches. It works wonderfully, and I don’t need a row counter.
Your shawl is gorgeous. My mema knitts too. So far she has given me a scarf, matching hat, and a bag. She also made these really cool wooden post snowmen and made them scarves and hats. She also knitted the some summer outfits too when my dad joked about them overheating in the summer.
Oh, I love that! Do you mind sharing what yarns you used? I’m currently knitting a rabbit for my daughter, but I’d like to make something for myself after that’s done.
Lovely colors and pattern! You must love wearing it.
All those adjectives available to us, and I came up with the same one as everyone else – gorgeous!
I like Martina Behm’s stuff. Her directions are clear, the projects are not too hard when I am brain-dead at the end of the day, and the finished product is lovely. Currently I am knitting her 22 Little Clouds in aqua Blue Sky Alpaca.
Have fun figuring out what you want to do next!
I love the colors.
I’ll love to see the results if you knit the Star Wars hats ?
Beautiful shawl! The pattern looks hard but you did a great job. What yarn did you use? The color is wonderful. I’ve been crocheting afghans for grandkids. Just the basic pattern. Then I don’t have to count or change stitches. Have fun deciding on a new pattern and yarn.
Beautiful! Job well done.
Very pretty. Love the yarn! I will now look for something similar in a crochet pattern…
The shawl is beautiful and I must say that your yard looks really really nice as well. I remember how hard you all worked last year to whip it into shape. Well done!
Beautiful craftwork!
Very pretty color and looks great on you 🙂
Yummy (another way of saying gorgeous). 🙂 I haven’t knitted anything after my mom passed away. I almost lost my crocheting habit, but making afghans for friends have helped me not to lose it. My sewing habit is on a long holding pattern (no pun intended).
I love it! It’s beautiful!
Looks great! I love the color and the pattern!
Learning to knit properly is high on my In a Perfect Universe list (along with playing any musical instrument other than a radio…) and your shawl may move it right to the top. As for the next project why not try some knitted knockers ( if you are feeling altruistic?
That’s awesome, I love the idea. I’m a beginner crocheter but this may sway me to learn knitting.
Thanks for sharing this. I love this idea. My mother died of breast cancer, round 2. I think she would have loved these. In a similar vein, the parents craft group at my daughter’s school knit lots of clothes and toys to donate to a local women’s shelter around Christmas time. I’m a beginner knitter, but I’m working on something I actually need: wide, warm headbands that cover my ears, for when I don’t want to wear a knit cap over a high ponytail in cold weather.
Have you seen the messy bun hats on Pinterest? There are several patterns in crochet and knit.
What a good idea. My ears get so cold.
Have you ever seen pictures of the Wurm? It’s a free ravelry pattern ( It’s a great hat, very flexible, just knit more rows to accommodate more hair.
I used to have long, what my hairdresser called dense hair (lots of follicles per square inch). I knit the Wurm because it was recommended by the Yarn Harlot ( She has long, curly hair.
And, not to worry, I still have hair, it’s just been chopped off very short because I have frozen shoulder and I couldn’t shampoo it.
Absolutely awesome color, it looks good on you !
So pretty!
Lovely color, and the stitches complement each other so well. So very pretty, would go great with a silver top. Bits of silver gleaming thru that open stitch of the stripe. Wow.
Thou shawl not pass! I like the way it turned out. 🙂
It looks fantastic (gorgeous was already taken). But why the Death Stare? Or is that the “Thou Shawl not Pass” look (shout out to Nichola).
Lovely! Love the colors!
Hum… next? How about Distinction by Caitlin Ffrench
Or if you like the asymmetrical look, String of Pearls by Sarah Lehto
Ohh, that’s lovely. I might look at that pattern, though I’m such a slow knitter that I rarely start anything these days cos I have too many unfinished scarves already.
Just lovely, congrats on the great job!
I love making shawls and ear/headbands although I crochet. I find doing these really cuts down on my UFOs (UnFinished Projects) as they are finished before I get tired of the project or the yarn. I have elementary-school aged children and rather than buying numerous toys for birthday parties I tend to whip up toques, ear/head bands and scarves for the birthday child; sometimes with a matching set for a stuffie too. I haven’t attempted such fine yarn though. I love your colour choices in the shawl.
Just wow! I don’t usually dig shades of purple but I would so buy that shawl. Btw still drooling over Gordon’s cap you recently did—totally fell in love with that. *sigh*
Absolutely Gorgeous!!!
Oooh, prettyyyy. I particularly liked it against the the weathered fence. The grey and purple look great together.
Jayne’s hat from Firefly!
OMG, I had forgotten that ep. So right!
Perhaps you can knit another great tale on how Hugh cannot escape the sisters of fate XD
Oooooohhh pretty! I’m still slogging away at a tiny knitted winter blanket for my new nephew. Of course, living in the subtropics of Australia makes knitted winter blankets a little superfluous, so I’ll need to switch the airconditioning on high to get any use out of it. And I will.
Beautiful! I love the colors and the pattern.
Love it!! Beautiful colour?
Really lovely. And your tension is pretty consistent. I can only manage the most basic of knits… anything square or rectangular in knit or purl, so, RESPECT for your fancy shawl.
That is really lovely! Love the color too! 😀
Looks real nice 🙂
The more I see of your knitting the more inclined I am to take it up seriously and knit smt myslef too. Last time I knitted something was in high school 😀
Very nice shawl – I use to wear those instead of necklaces often. Well I am from cold climate to so stuff I like to wear reflect on it but still – some ideas that you may want to make:
1. fingerless gloves – to wear when hands get cold but you still need to type with computer. First people laughed when I did that in the office but now half the office uses them during winter. Ant the people who knit try to overdo them and show off
2. shawl necklace – google it like that. its shawl with some stones or stuff with it and you really use it as necklace.
3. blanket wrap scarves – its its cross between blanket shawl and bandana. Big and very comfortable stuff to curl up and look tv or just sit in.
4. leg warmers – love those things during winter especially if I have to go somewhere in skirts.
Love your shawl, love the pattern and I really love the colour – the model is beautiful too ❤
Why not knit another shawl in shades of blue or green ?
A friend of mine crochets beautiful shoulder bags, with long straps, as gifts for her friends – you could knit them too.
She uses material from old broken umbrellas to line the inside of the bag to make it waterproof.
My 17 + 21 year old daughter’s each have one and love them and use them all the time.
Beautiful. You are very talented. Was the color inspired by the purple flower pictures you posted last week? 🙂
Ooh I wish I could buy one, its so pretty and in my colour.
It’s beautiful! Purple is also my favorite color!
So lovely, I wondered what you were going to create with all that lovely yarn Gordon bought you for Christmas 🙂
Looks great! Love the purple 🙂
Wow!!!! That’s just soooo beautiful. I love it.
Great job! If you have extra time you can make me one ?
It’s gorgeous. I never did figure out how to use needles for anything other than injections. I wonder if the metallic would shine more if you SMILED???
How are the dogs? How’s the bestest Dobe in the world?
It’s beautiful! Nice work! Thank you for sharing.
Oh Ilona, your scarf/shawl is beautiful. I wish I had the patience to do such work. However, I appreciate this ability in others. Thanks for sharing!
It’s beautiful. You do such lovely work. I’ve just started knitting and I’m obsessed. Right now, every dropped stitch is like the Titanic – I see the mistake but I am powerless to stop the wreckage! Please keep us posted on your projects – another fabulous way you inspire us.
It turned out amazing. I love Melanie Berg patterns. It might be a silly question but are you on Ravelry? It’s the best and the worst because it’s a total enabler. I could spend all day on there looking at yarn and patterns. I hope you find something fun to knit next.
Pretty, pretty, pretty. Love purple.
Here’s a blanket idea on
I suggest socks! Hand knit socks are much better than commercial.
great job! I had bought that pattern but hadn’t tried it yet. Yours looks great!
It looks fabulous!
Awesome ??!
You did a good job on the scarf. If you like knitting scarves I suggest Hitchhiker by Martina Behm. It’s asymmetrical like yours and works really well with variegated yarns.
Blanket. Go with a blanket. It will take a long time to finish, but hey, they you don’t have to think what’s next 😀 (I just finished crocheting one and am in the same state like “whaaaat should I do with my hands nooooow”)
Nice! I love the length, I just have to find time to knit… between moving, finishing up the school year, putting on a musical, packing up the house… *explodes*
Awesome shawl! Melanie Berg shawls are great fun to knit. I’m working on On the Spice Market in purples and grays right now.
So cool!
It’s wonderful and you look beautiful in it.
That is really pretty and detailed. 🙂
2nd Career here you come! Etsy!!!
It’s beautiful! Impressive job!
Very nice!
Suggestion for the next one. It’s another Melanie Berg design, so if you liked her pattern style, I suggest….The joker and the theif!
You could do this is two colors swapping back and forth and it’s be just as pretty as the kits in my opinion, especially if one of the yarns was a solid and one changed colors in a sequence.
I love it. I’ve been meaning to start on a quilting project with my son. We learned together when he was in kindergarten. The school had all the kids work on a knitting project because research showed that it made them smarter. We haven’t done anything since. I was thinking a shawl for myself and hockey socks for him. This is inspiring me again.
Absolutely beautiful!!!
Nice job, Technically! Oh, it looks Scrumptious!
Yeah, you!
so very cool, almost looks like it could be hardanger needlework. and the color is fantastic.
That’s really cool! I can draw a picture here and there, but nothing that would ever keep me warm.