Normally common cold to me means 3 days of misery, during which I whine, and then I am up and running. It’s been 11 days and I am still sick.
Kids are still sick. Gordon is still sick. Everyone is sick.
I am so sleep deprived. Last night, just like this whole week, as soon as I fell asleep, I would choke. I’ve tried sleeping in a completely upright position. I tried sleeping in every position. I took every medicine available. It doesn’t matter. This is like some weaponized common cold virus.
We haven’t worked for 10 days. We are catastrophically behind. Today I went out to get groceries and I wasn’t sure if I would make it home ok. I was driving and it didn’t seem real.
Everything is bad. Everything sucks. Epic failure on all fronts.
Well, we did manage to accomplish one thing. We voted. But other than that, we are out of luck.
I just want to sleep. 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep…
I sincerely hope you feel better. The common cold is no joke, walking through a forest fire would probably be more relieving. Get well soon!
If I could wish all of you back to good health I would. Take care of yourself, Gordon and the kids and remember all the BDH is thinking of you.
That sounds terrible. At times like these the only recourse is to tell yourself that eventually, this to, like everything in life, shall pass. And until then, all you can do is persevere. Feel better!!
OMG 11 days is too long to be sick like this. You all have to go back to the doctor or an urgent care. If they can’t give you antibiotics, like a Z pack, which is outstanding, then they need to give you a vitamin V-12 shot to boost your immune systems. Have you tried a vaporizer to help you breathe? If you don’t have one then turn the shower on boiling hot, until steam literally comes out. Turn it off and step into the steam. It will help you breathe. Or put a pot of water to boil and put a towel over your head and breathe in the steam when it boils. Puffs tissues with vicks help me when I can’t breathe and putting vicks vapor rub right under my nostrils. Sending you all lots of light and praying you get better
You don’t want to ask the doctor for antibiotics. It’s a disturbing American trend that everybody always expects medication from their doctor. Give me antibiotics, give me medication! Antibiotics are only appropriate in certain very specific situations. The common cold is not one of them, all an antibiotic will do in that case is contribute to resistance.
Antibiotics do not fight viruses. They fight bacterial infections. If what they have is a virus, antibiotics are not appropriate. If they have a bacterial infection, clearly they are.
We harm ourselves and those around us by increasing overall resistance when we go to the doctor and expect antibiotics as the answer to everything.
All of this said, 11 days is an extended period of time to be this sick and returning to the doctor would probably be advisable.
I’m reacting to the idea that a z-pack is as you said “outstanding”. It’s really disturbing how many people have the belief that all they need are antibiotics as a cure for anything without reference to whether it is a bacterial infection or a virus. That level of misunderstanding is dangerously frightening. Antibiotics are never to be taken lightly, only when absolutely needed and indicated by a doctor. Never go to your doctor and demand a z-pack because you think it’s outstanding and might help.
Oh my gosh, you guys are still terribly sick and we still got inn keeper? I hope it wasnt because you were being harassed.
Please feel better and thank you for the installment
Seconded! 11 days is not a cold. Talk to the doctor or go to urgent care. And thank you, thank you, thank you for the chapter. I’d say go to bed now, but being totally familiar with the no-breathing thing, I hope you have an awesome recliner and a nice blankie.
But it could easily be a still-viral influenza. Which, just like a cold, just has to be suffered through.
I am so sorry you are sick. Will keep you and your family in my prayers!
Get well!
+1 Yes, hope you all get better- sounds worse than a common cold, yikes…
Bless you all. I hope you get some some sleep and feel better soon.
Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.
I hope you feel better soon. HEB Curbside has been a life-saver for us.
Thank goodness you appear to have barely survived (so far) and best wishes for a speedy full recovery. Please don’t push too hard and have a relapse.
What an entertaining segment! I admire your devotion to turn out such a wonderful segment when you’re so sick.
Please do yourself and your family a favor……order your groceries to be delivered ! Stay in and nap if you can, your body needs rest.
These are the things my family have been telling me now for a week while I recover too. I do like ordering my groceries online and then delivered straight into my kitchen?
Hope you all feel better soon.
The only thing that help is time, sorry guys ? Hope your getting better soon ?
Hugs, many, many, hugs and wishes for uninterrupted sleep.
I am so sorry. I wish I lived a little closer to make you a killer eastern European chicken soup that is an instant cure to all and any illness in my house:)
Feel better soon.
You don’t need our permission to take care of yourself! We’ll still be here when you’re feeling better. Sending thoughts of blissful sleep and chicken soup.
Although I prefer tomato. Or maybe beef barley. I still buy the cans with the red/white label. I use butter & milk when I heat up the tomato. Yum. But I digress.
Get well soon!! ❤️❤️
Oh No! That is awful! I hope you start feeling better and are able to sleep very soon!
I hate feeling so useless, I would love to be able to help!
The only way I can is not giving you medicine advice and instead send you lots and lots of good vibes, so that you all get better soon.
Thanks a million for the inkeeper installment in the midst of your sickness, it’s extra precious
I hate to offer unwanted advice but have you checked your carbon monoxide detector? A friend of mine had an ongoing cold that just wouldn’t quit, luckily she discovered the crack in her furnace in time before permanent damage was done.
Doesn’t kid 1 live elsewhere. Away from the main home? That would argue against CO poisoning, but a CO detector wouldn’t be a bad idea in any case.
Everyone should have a CO detector. Like smoke detectors, they are literally lifesavers.
order your food – for delivery – usually a small charge but the alternative is a possible accident!!! also I am on day 12 of my nasty too – not much to do but suffer through and do not get cocky when you think you are well and do too much….take er easy!
Had that, caught if from the grandkids. You should start feeling better shortly. Took my husband and I almost three full weeks to start to feel normal. I had to fly during it and lost the hearing in one ear for about a week…. Cheer up you are on the downhill side of it.
Lots of steam and lots of liquids.
A humidifier right next to a zero-gravity type lounger.
We all wish we could help take care of Chez Andrews.
Hugs (you know, long distance ones, cause we don’t want what you’ve got) <3
I think I had this cold a month ago. It lasted two weeks before finally breaking, and even then I had a cough for a couple more weeks.
Thank you so much for getting an Innkeeper update out, but I hope you are able to get some rest and hopefully feel better soon.
Get well!
Now I’m even more appreciative of Innkeeper today! Hope you feel better soon. I had a bear of a cold this fall that loitered for a full two weeks. 🙁
Oh goodness, I’m so sorry y’all are so sick. the flu and everything is just awful. I hope y’all feel better quickly. Please don’t worry about us.
Although I live in France my cold also took ten days to go away and I’m doping myself on immunity boosting plants to make sure it doesn’t come back and decides to turn into sinusitis. I hope you are all on the way to feeling better.
I agree with the person who said we will be here for your books whenever you are well enough to finish them. All readers know it is the authors who are important. The least a reader can do is wish the best for the people who create wonderful books. Take care. We will be here to read them whenever you can write them.
You voted and turned out an Innkeeper segment while sick with the plague basically. You went above and beyond what you should be expected to while incapacitated. I can remember what that feels like to wake up not breathing due to your own sick fluids and those are disturbing memories no one needs to have! Kudos to you and best wishes for a speeder recovery. Not because I want more Innkeeper which I do but because your peace of mind and sleep is much more important. ????️?
I hope you feel better soon!
Thank you for Innkeeper!
I hope you still enjoy the release of Diamond Fire tomorrow!
And you still gave us Innkeeper! You guys are amazing!!
Please take care and get well soon!
I also don’t want to provide unwanted advice, but I commonly have issues with long-running colds where I can’t sleep unless sitting upright due to sinus issues. I find that Simply Saline a few times a day (as a cold comes on or when I already have a cold) really helps my sinuses clear faster than taking decongestants and really helps me to sleep. I hope that you are able to find some rest soon!
After 11 days and constant choking it might be time to update that x-ray or do a sputum specimen you see if you are growing a particular strain of bacteria that needs a specific Rx. This is lasting to long especially as the girls started this before you caught it and they still have it too.
OH my gosh. So sorry to hear you are all still so sick. I’ve never heard of a virus going on for this long at this level of misery. Take care. Lots of love and healing vibes. And thanks for rising enough for that Innkeeper installment. It was really fun to read.
Thank you for voting. There are close races here in Texas where people need to be heard.
I hope you get better soon and thank you for giving us an Innkeeper even though you are feeling rotten.
I’m sorry to hear you are still unwell.
We got back from Paris and hubby came down with a cold then by the weekend he’d passed it onto me. I was off work sick today as if had no sleep, I slept on and off during the day on the sofa with our 2 Westies. The colds seem to hang on a lot longer nowadays!
Hope you all get well soon xx
I really hope you can get some good sleep soon. Take care and rest, rest, rest.
Hope the sickness abates soon!
Not sure if available where you live but I use Instacart when I am sick. Bit more money but you can pick groceries from computer and they deliver. Cheaper than getting in a car accident.
I hate being sick, it’s always an inconvenience and seems to happen when there are other things that I need to do.
I prefer to play with the fine line of to much medicine and overdose in cough syrup just to fall asleep when I have a cough and flu.
I hope your family feels better!!!
Please rest, stay hydrated, and nap when you can.
Happy early book birthday. Re-reading all three Hidden Legacy books before Diamond Fire is uploaded to my Nook tomorrow.. ?
Best wishes for sleep and recovery. At least you know that Diamond Fire is out of your hands and released tomorrow. I have the day off to read and reread Hidden Legacy. Innkeeper is unexpected, but much appreciated. Not looking for anything else until y’all are better. We of the BDH will wait. And reread what we have already.
I cannot express how much I feel this!! I have ME and a simple cold wipes me out for a week minimum. I’m used to that. Used to minor things taking forever to pass. But 8 months ago I started fighting a virus that took me3 months to shake. It disappeared for a few days or a week, then splat. Couldn’t sleep, couldn’t move, couldn’t cope full stop. Driving was like looking through a dream. Scary, but not cause I was too out of it to care, you know? So yeah, I feel you!!
Wishing you all finally make it past this and get better soon!!
I agree,you need a recheck. Repeat CXR, CBC, CHEM, and Sputum culturs. They also need to the k if you are dehydrated and need fluids. When you are producing that many secretions it is easy to get dehydrated. I have asthma and have been in the ER multiple times to get a couple liters of saline!
Oh, no – saw the post with the latest Innkeeper before this oneand thought that meant you were on the mend 🙁
You poor thing, I hope you feel better soon!!
I don’t want to depress you – I was sick with this cold going around for almost 4 weeks. Horrible congestion, coughing, couldn’t sleep (lazy boy chair for the win!!!). Entire family sick. Wife sick (she rarely gets sick). All the same thing symptoms, all lasting a month. Nastiest cold I’ve ever had. Feeling better just starting this last weekend.
Congratulations on the voting!!! Epic work, considering the health issues. That is enough to make me happy — and I’m not even American!
and THANK YOU for still gving us a snippet
So very sorry
Wishing you all well very soon now.
That feeling of driving and it “not being real” can be related to cold medicine as well as sleep deprivation. Been there, done that.
That said, a typical cold has usually run it’s course in 7-10 days. If you don’t start feeling significantly better in the next day or so,maybe another call to your doctor would be in order since a secondary (potentially treatable) infection is a possibility. Hope you feel better soon.
I am so sorry you are still sick, but extremely glad you voted (I voted a week ago). Hopefully you will begin to feel better soon. PLEASE take care of yourselves and don’t worry about us. I really want you to feel better. Extended illnesses can be bad in so many ways,
I’m so sorry you’re so sick! We finally just pulled out from under what sounds like the same cold here, and yeah, it’s a long one. I hope you begin to turn the corner soon.
You might want to try Instacart for your groceries. It is basically a Uber/Lyft of groceries. I hope you and your family feel better soon. Your loyal fans can wait for your awesome work!!!
omg, you are both so sick and yet managed to write something as amazing as Maud getting into her job… I am hoping your local grocery store has some kind of delivery service if you are feeling that rotten. Many wishes for your recovery are out there, I hope they help!
Yes!!! When I’m sick I can barely talk much less write coolness like Maud
Some stores will deliver groceries around here. Don’t know the cost or if that is available where you are but you might want to try it sometime just to see if that will work for you next time you are all sick.
Glad you voted. Everyone that is eligible to vote should do so in spite of all the negative ads. If you believe them all there is no one to vote for.
I second getting your groceries delivered if you’re sick! Or even when you’re just super busy!
Costco partnered with InstaCart and it’s been a lifesaver! I’ve never tried the same-day delivery, but depending on your Costco location, they can even deliver in 1 hour, which is amazing to me.
Google Express is great, too. They just don’t have rush delivery, but it’s really easy to get free delivery in 2 days, depending on the store you’re buying from, and no membership required.
Ohh! Dina can start shopping at Costco again ?? instacart means Orro can place his own orders
I don’t know if you are taking OTC cold medication, but I know when I had severe sinus and nasal issues which prevented me from sleeping, I had to get behind the counter pseudophedrine because phenylephrine doesn’t work for me. Hoping you all get better quickly! I was actually shocked you had an innkeeper chapter – especially with a release tomorrow. I apparently have both a hard copy and e-book copy preordered for tomorrow’s novella! Take care! Chicken rice porridge (jook)!
Jook…..our favourite breakfast!
I miss jook! (Allergic to rice – isn’t that absurd?) I used to make a quicky version in my soy milk maker. (Which is now an oat milk maker, and Vichyssoise maker, not to mention squash soup, though I miss it being peanut squash soup…)
Sending lots of love!
I hope you all feel better soon, sending positive thoughts!
In late fall 2015 to early 2016, I nursed an off-and-on cold for about 5 months. Then finally, in February 2016, it hit one last time and turned into a massive sinus infection that just wouldn’t heal. Then it traveled into my lungs and turned into bronchitis. I was on 3 different antibiotics, taken consecutively, for a total of 29 days. It took 15 days of Levaquin — the top-of-the-line oral antibiotic — to finally kill the crud. It was such a miserable month. The first two antibiotics came with unpleasant side-effects, and I had an awful cough but I’m allergic to “good” cough medicine. Awful, awful, awful illness and month. I have a real fear of going through something like that again, and if not for the Levaquin, I really don’t think I would have recovered.
A friend did introduce me to something during that whole ordeal: Barenjager honey liqueur. I added it to my hot tea with lemon. Not as effective as a narcotic cough syrup, but it helped with the cough and the awful sore throat.
I sympathize with what you’re going through. I know how miserable it can be.
In that case you get quadruple bonus points for posting Innkeeper in spite of the misery. No, quintuple! So sorry to hear it’s still dragging on for everyone. I hope Lifetime is still holding up for entertainment and this is all over soon!
Sorry about your sickness but grateful for the Innkeeper instalment!
Thank you for voting as well….the world is watching!
Under the circumstances, voting epic! Another Maud episode fantastic! Getting groceries heroic!
All (!) that remains is jousting with your medical care for the right, treatment — clearly they need to do MORE for you.
Sending you good energy and hope for feeling better soon.
I will give no advice only heartfelt sympathy. Enjoyed the newest and look forward to tomorrow ‘s novella. Hope everyone recovers quickly. One rec I will make is a short but fun read by Mattie Dunman on Amazon. Woman of Silk and Stone. Just reread. It’s fun.
Sending good vibes to you guys!!
I hope you and your family feel better soon. Sending you lots of love.
You haven’t mentioned pneumonia again, so I’m assuming that came back negative. Did your dad get sick?
Thanks for the new chapter. I almost missed it after reading this post.
I hope your dad isn’t sick. Get well soon.
I hope your dad isn’t sick. Get well soon.
HEB Delivers! Sleep – best way to get through a cold if you can do it. I’m not sick (but I was last week) but I’m still having issues breathing just because of all the junk kicked up with the rain and weather changes. Asthma. So if you have asthma on top of your germs, then eek. I hope you all feel better soon.
I have asthma/borderline COPD on top of allergies. Can’t get my nose to stop running which means can’t sleep well. Double dosing on OTC. Any suggestions?
I’ve got chronic sinusitis in combination with a whole host of allergies: the only thing I found to be helpful with the stuffy nose and icky slime running down the back of my throat (which causes the irritation cough, which ultimately causes bronchitis for me) is a netipot or any other nose-douche. The warm, salty water, 2-3 times a day (especially before going to bed) really really helps at keeping the mucus away! Plus there are no side effects aside from silly faces (always a plus)
I have similar problems, I have found that flonase, or its generic version helps immensely, but only if I don’t also take any antihistamine or decongestant. They seem to encourage the post-nasal drip which prevents me from sleeping.
Take care of yourself and your family. I’ve been where you are and it just took a lot longer than I thought it would to go away.
Feel better!!
Thank you for the sweep installment … that is above and beyond.
Congratulations on the Release of Diamond Fire!!!!
I look forward to visiting with the Baylors and Rogans!!
+1!! I just assumed you were all feeling better since the Innkeeper installment came out. I’m so sorry to hear everyone is still sick. Lots of warm drinks, lots of chicken soup and any sleep possible. Best wishes for a fast(er) recovery! Lots of warm, healing thoughts headed your way from the BDH, I know.
I’m so sorry to hear that.
I’ve been fighting with various incarnations of a bug for the last couple of weeks, but the symptoms are less egregious, and there’s some element of mismanagement on my part.* Grocery delivery could not have started at a better time. OTOH, body announced that being a pescatarian just wasn’t doing it, so in the last few days I made lamb broth (with star anise and huajiao), and then pulled pork… Being a carnivore is really weird, but the cooking part is kind of amusing, anyway.
Good luck. It’s got to lift, right?
* If I pay even mild attention, and sleep it off when the heavy fatigue hits, I won’t get symptoms, pretty much ever. I did extended denial, and then drug myself into the lab before I was well, um, more than once. And maybe overdid it on Halloween… (I regret nothing there, though.) So everything associated with breathing somewhat hates me, and I’ve turned into the Napinator. Except when I suddenly can’t sleep at 3am possibly because I’m coughing, or maybe just because.
Highly recommend Amazon prime for groceries and stuff. Sick for 64 days this summer. Saved my life. I now pay bills on line direct deposit supplies delivered. My biggest lesson from it all we must must maintain enough energy to care for ourselves FIRST. fun PS big article on Russian neo pagan and I knew about it all! Woo hoo a d thanks.
Please! Shipt will deliver groceries to your door. No driving — just get on line, click your items, click a delivery time, and they will be there.
Tonight the novella comes online. Can’t wait.
Return to health, first. All the rest can wait until that.
Best wishes!
I had decent luck with nighttime theraflu, but I pretty much didn’t get out of bed for a week. The inability to talk makes your weaponized cold sound different from the one I had. I didn’t want to eat, and was too tired to do anything. (In later weeks, I did go back to work and start driving, but I wasn’t as recovered as I’d thought. I was so tired I didn’t feel particularly safe doing it.)
I’m mostly recovered now (about a month later), but I have a lingering cough, and I still take chlorpheniramine maleate to make sure I can breathe well enough to sleep. (Decongestants work too well for me. They clear out my sinuses, but I feel too wired to rest if I use them.)
A year ago I had a pretty severe cold flu with cough involved, everybody had it and it just dragged on. The thing that helped me was pure licorice tea that helped loosen the mucus and dampened the cough in the lungs. I also rotated it with lemon ginger honey tea. I hope you all get well soon!
Thank you AuthorLords for the new chapter in Sweep of the Blade – amazed you can write as sick as you are. Take care of yourselves, try breathing the steam from a bowl of chicken soup or chicken broth maybe it will help clear sinuses and stimulate the the appetite
Get rest and follow up with your Physician if you are not getting better – Doctors assume that No News is Good News, but Patients assume that the Initial Diagnosis is the Only Diagnosis. Illness changes with Time. Opportunistic Pneumonia can occur after a severe viral illness or flu. Those grocery delivery or just pizza delivery services are made for these trying times. Please stay off the roads while ill – who needs Flu plus multi-trauma? ugh.
Agreed – Flu can last up to two weeks but that’s relatively uncommon I think. If it gets to around that point then you need another check-up. Flu that bad can cause secondary infections. And flu on its own shouldn’t be causing that level of breathing difficulty.
I’d certainly be back to the doctor’s by now!
+1, see a doctor soon
Omg. I’m so sorry. I hope you can get some relief ASAP. I’ll keep y’all in my prayers.
I’m not sure if someone else has mentioned this or if you have already tried this but try sleeping in a recliner or in a semi lying, semi sitting position in which your head, and shoulders are high. That way your lungs get more air expansion and if you are having post nasal drip it’s going down . Also Vick’ s vapour rub might help or humity in your room. If this is nothing new to you, just ignore me and feel better.
it hurts to read of your situation as one thing I cannot stand is sleep deprivation. I wish you all the best and that you get better soon!
Much love. Prayers for your recovery; you and family. xoxo – A.
One year, I got the super flu that clogged me up and made me weak enough that I got a bacterial infection on top of it. I was sick for two weeks until a working treatment was found.
I just had too much gunk in me for the meds to adequately treat. And I couldn’t sleep because of the choking and not breathing.
My Dr. Mom and my actual doctor agreed and got me saline spray. It really helped within 48 hours when combined with meds.
You need the strong 9% kind not the 3% kind. The kind like the attached link that is not a squeeze bottle or neti pot, but one that is pressurized so no grems from you can get sucked into the bottle. You need to wipe the nozzle of the bottle off with rubbing alcohol before and/or after you use it to keep the outside aseptic.
You need to take OTC decongestants and other stuff first, so it’ll be working by the time this is over. You go in the shower and do one nostril at a time over and over again until you can breath through both nostrils easily. Switch nostrils as needed. You have to keep inhaling until you can feel the spray hitting the back of your throat. Then blow the loosened mucus out and/or cough/spit it out. You still do that several times. It may take several rounds until you get to the point that you can breath fully.
In the beginning, it took 6-8 rounds just to clear the mucus enough that the passage wasn’t 100% blocked, then 3-4 more to clear it completely.
You’ll be able to breath long enough to sleep for a few hours, which will help. It will also clear out the germs trapped in the mucus, which will help by both removing potential reinfectants and making room for your immune system to dump more germs out of your body.
You’re going to need 1-2 bottles per person in your family.
-Kathryn, daughter and sister to 6 medical professionals
Bonus: Unlike meds, you can do this as many times a day as you need to.
Katherine Albert
I hear a survivor of being “will this ever end” sick.
Winter is coming, I am saving this post, I will beg my PCP to read and comment on its efficacy. BUT ..
it sounds like a mucus clearing winner.
The key is to remember that it does not work on it’s own. It’s saline + meds.
I swear, those 2.5 weeks in November I spent most of my time choking, in the shower half-choking, or in the shower with a fever just being glad I’m not drowning in mucus.
Just be careful that the cold doesn’t decide to stay for an extended unwanted visit.
I was sick for 3 month in the beginning of the year, started out as a common cold and then ended up as an extreme form of bronchitis, so bad that my doctor said my lungs looked/sounded like I had asthma. I had to take antibiotics four times, one of which i reacted allergic to (itchiness all over my extremities). It sucked so bad! I couldn’t breathe (lung capacity at around 60%), I was coughing the whole day and was so exhausted.
Please try to avoid this, rest a lot and hopefully you’ll get well again soon!
This sounds really bad. Like back to the doctor bad.
Thought I’d jump into the advice pack.
Eucalyptus menthols.
Hot lemon drinks.
When sleeping, try to position yourhead in a 45 degree angle to the mattress. That is to say, so your nose is angled down but you’re not smothering yourself completely in the mattress. Put a towel or something alike under your head so you’re not getting the pillow all gunky and it’s dribbling out of your passages while you sleep. Maybe try one of those foam/formed pillows, or fashion one out of jumpers.
If that fails – have you ever slept in a hospital bed? One that can be inclined? Maybe try to fashion yourself an inclined bed like that – have you got a sofa with an armrest you can fix up like an inclined bed? Still sleep on your side facing down toward the bed on the inclined bed though. Not on your back.
If you wake up, don’t get up, just try to go back to sleep. Even if it’s been days since you got out of bed. You don’t leave that bed til you’re well. You’re the money earner, damnit, the kids can look after you for a bit. They’ll likely get through this without any major hassles given they’re young. They have to learn to cook for themselves at some point (if they haven’t already learnt).
I am so sorry to hear that you’re all still feeling poorly – sending good thoughts and prayers for a recovery at last!
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This always works for me: Vicks up the soles of your feet before you go to bed, make sure you wear socks because Vicks will take the color out of everything. Also grease up your chest before you take a shower, the hotest water you can stand; this will clear your sinus temporarily, but when I’m sick I know at least there I can breath for a short time. Fishermans Cough drops are wonderful, they kick anycold out and help you breath. CVS or any pharmacy might have them, ask right away because they are hard to find sometimes.
Sometimes it takes medical people a while to find just the right medication. Sorry for you guys in the meantime. It looks as if you have every sort of advice so I won’t add any. I will say that, this week, I tried my grocery store’s delivery service for the first time. It was really nice. For a few dollars (tip) he delivered right to my kitchen table.
OMG that sounds awful, I’m so sorry for you and Gordon, Ilona. Hmmm it sounds serious if you’re choking when falling asleep, has the doctor suggested anything? For the sinusitis, I vote for nasal saline spray for nasal irrigation! If you have asthma or allergies would recommend treatment for that, and if you see the doctor again getting a breathing treatment is a small miracle temporary fix. Definitely agree with people that if it persists (or definitely if it gets worse!) go see doctor. Hope you feel better soon!! Can’t wait for Diamond Fire tomorrow!
I’m so sorry you’re still sick with this mutant virus 🙁 Thank you for the wonderful chapter despite your sickness. I wish you a speedy recovery and am very glad that you got to vote today.
I’m so sorry you and the family ate all still sick.
And flabbergasted you cranked out a SotB anyway.
You might want to check if you’ve got grocery delivery in your area, and if not several stores including big chains like walmart, cvs, randals/tom thumb, krogers, etc. Allow you to order ahead and pick up curbside. It just varies by individual location.
I am glad you voted. I am glad that I got an innkeeper installment. Now get better. You say you’re 10 days and horribly behind. Make it 20 days now and save 6 months later on. I’m greedy. I want more books. Taking time now to get better is cost-effective for both of us, you don’t end up with an even worse relapse, and I end up with my favorite authors not ded. Or needing spoon-feeding*. Or out of work for so much longer. Take your pick. And then take care of yourself. And somehow convince Gordon that he’s a big boy and can take care of himself. Please don’t let him do this:
*i’d have to charge for a plane ticket, but otherwise I would totally come spoonfeed y’all.
Get well soon, everyone in Andrews Chateau! I just finished reading Diamond Fire and Catalina shines so brightly in her own light. I want to see her with full wings out!
Also, more counte di Sagredo in the next book yayyy!! Catalina, do him like the way you solved your sister’s blue lilac issue ok? ;)))
I’m in full support (and many other readers are!). See you in book 4!
I slept upright for about 3 months due to a combination of colds and food allergies producing extra mucus. Not fun, but at least it was a way to sleep. I built up a pile of three pillows- giant support pillow, ramp pillow, and the neck support pillow that was a feather pillow I could squoosh into the shape I wanted. Don’t be shy about making your support as comfortable as possible so you can get your z’s!
Hope you all feel better soon!
Thank you for voting and the new Innkeeper. I hope you feel better soon.
Poor you!!! ??? it’s just rubbish when you are all that sick and it seems never ending.
It sounds like you have reached that stage where you can’t even wallow in being miserable ? and you are fed up and sick and miserable and sick and grumpy and sick and you just want to be better. NOW ???
I am sending healing thoughts and wishes to you all and hope you start to feel better soon.
Please take care of yourself
I am sorry you are sick. I hope you are able to enjoy the book release tomorrow. I am very excited to read it. Take care.
This sounds more like the flu or bacterial infection than a cold. Take care, rest and get well.
You are probably sick to death of suggestions, but something to think about….with all the flooding in the Austin area, you may be having a reaction to mold. Warm weather and lots of rain is not a good combination. Having lived through those times while living in TX…its nasty. It starting to sound more like pneumonia than a cold. The fact that you put out a great chapter…you guys are my heroes! Please feel better soon! I know it sucks to be sick!
Since Kris brought up mold, my 2 cents is get checked for same up in sinus cavities. Both my sister and a friend developed asthma from mold in sinuses because bronchitis , pneumonia and mold played tag with each other.
I hope tonight will bring sound sleep for all of you.
Thank you for voting!
You poor things! 11 days is BRUTAL!
Best wishes for a full recovery as soon as possible!
And impressive that you finished the chapter for the online novella despite this!
And super impressive and qudos and all thumbs up and a great hurrrah for voting despite cold-flue-influensa from hell! That is doing your civic duty through rain or shine or slime of green… ?
Krya på er and hope you get some good sleep soon ????
I’m so sorry to hear that all of you are so sick! Sounds more like the flu to me, but I’m no doctor. I hope you rest, even if you can’t sleep, which so sucks!
The new Innkeeper post is, as always, fabulous. I never expected anything written while you are so sick. Thank you!!
I’m sorry. I got sick around the first weekend of October and it’s not been fun. I hope you get better soon!!!
I’m so sorry. Get well, y’all.
I liked the advice about pressurized saline for that coagulated nasal drip that wakes you up.
You hate not accomplishing your goals! I have not read SotB post. BUT … I know a word here & a word there, two sentences at a time, calmed your rant at yourself about laziness, non producing, i’m sick i’m sick whiners.
I know you are cleaning & cooking & nursing your family.
Your dedication to meeting your commitment to your work is awesome.
8 hours will rev you. Some sleep will lift the brain fog. Producing this chapter will confirm your belief in yourself. Your family getting better will be a refreshing breeze.
A bad cold/flu is 7-14 days of drahk.
Take care and thank you so very much for this chapter
UGH, that sucks! Stay safe; recover.
Oh my gosh, I am so sorry that you are still ill. 11 days is a long time to be down the rabbit hole. Maybe it is time to get a check up.
I hope you all feel better soon. Take care of you. Being run down because you are looking after everything will only make you sicker.
Keeping you and yours in my prayers. Sending Peace light and love your way. K?
Hydrocodan cough syrup. I’ve been a nurse for 13 years. A hot shower, a shot of this, and you’ll be out. At least 4-6 uninterrupted hours.
Lol… I just recommended medication with codeine – which my Doctor recommendated and prescribed. Am happy to learn there is a cough syrup with it. Codeine has always worked for me for nighttime coughing….
It’s going around big time…I had it too and I still have a little cough (it’s like thick mucus in throat all the time)…you probably won’t read this but my advise is zicam and vitamin C. Zicam rapid melts…. has zinc in it which helps your immune system fight the cold…you may not notice improvement right away but it does help. Hope u get better soon.
Oh BLESS y’all for voting anyway despite being sick as a dog – I hope you can manage to get some rest now.
Sorry your still sick. On a happy note Amazon told me my paperback of Diamond Fire is on its way. And I am getting ready to go to bed early so I can check if the kindle and or audible edition comes out at midnight.. Oh, and I took the day off
Diamond Fire might come out tonite? I had realized that, how exciting!!!! I also didn’t know Amazon has the paper version.
Yup.. Usually the kindle and audible will come out some time after Midnight. Amazon usually delivers paper version on release day.
We give advise because we care. Don’t be mad getting advices since we are only worried about you guys. You’re like family therefore we love you.
I wish I could pat your back while your coughing but since I couldn’t be there, I will send a prayer for a quicker recovery.
I never remember the correct name for it, but”Tesla pearls” is close enough for the doctor to recognize. It is super drying and lasts for 8 hours. Gave me My only good nights sleep after a month of bronchitis.
Go back to your doctor. Rest. Get neighbors to do your shopping or use delivery. (All the chain grocers have it now. If you ask they’ll even cut meat into bite size pieces. Had two broken arms once.). Ignore if you’re tired of advice.
Wishing all of you well.
Close- not sure if I’m spelling it right, but they’re called “Tessalon” pearls.
I am sure you are sick of suggestions but if you can tolerate two more, and apologies if some has already suggested them or you have tried them. Both of these came from my family doctor several years ago, and both continue to work for me when needed (which I am grateful to say is not often)
1. Start drinking Gatorade (or G2 if sugar is a concern). A long cold plays havoc with your electrolytes; evening them out won’t cure you but you may start to feel a little better.
2. Take a pain killer or cold medication with codeine. It diminishes the post nasal drip which usually causes people to cough when they are lying down. Codeine affects a certain part of the brain related to coughing, reducing the urge to cough. It is an opioid tho, so prolonged use is not a good idea. I have high blood pressure so can’t take the usual antihistamines, and this has always worked for me.
Good luck. Hope you all feel better soon!
Egads! Had no idea you guys were all still so sick. I’m sorry to hear that. Not that it will do any good, but I’m hoping you all get well soon and that the writing flows easily allowing you a less stressful catch-up. Definitely best wishes, too.
Oh, crap. Do try to get better soon.
I’m so sorry you’re so sick. I had something like that this spring. A simple sinus infection turned into a double ear infection as well. I was really sick for two weeks, then less sick for another two. I thought it was never going to end. I used a neti pot for the first time I was so desperate. Wasn’t as bad to use as I thought, although seeing what came out was utterly horrifying. I hope all of you get better soon, and that your dad didn’t catch it.
No advice here, just fervent wishes for you all to get better soon. Also, thank you for the awesomeness you are, and more specifically for the Innkeeper update despite your illness, and the novella coming out tomorrow (actually 9pm tonight for me.. PST hehe)! I had totally forgotten about it, been too busy. Clearly need to reset my priorities. Hugs.
+1 to this!
Sorry you’re still so sick. The no sleeping can be the worst. Thank you for still getting out another installment of Innkeeper, it was delightful. Get well soon!
Ugh, I know that choking feeling all too well. Meds never work for me either when I’ve caught walking pneumonia. Sometimes the old remedies are the best. I turn on the shower with flaming hot water. I soak my chest in Vicks Vapor Rub, then just sit in that steaming bathroom for 30 minutes before bed. That’s how I finally get a decent night sleep.
Here’s to your speedy recovery and stop worrying about falling behind. Nothing matters than your health.
+1 on this. Then when you get out of the bathroom, rub that nasty stuff all over your chest & neck, put on a warm nightie (flannel is best) and go to bed. Or a recliner. This usually helps my breathing enough to get some sleep. I hated this as a kid (my mom would warm a flannel pad & put it on my chest–boy that was stifling) but have come to appreciate it.
I hope you all feel better soon.
I was sick 5 1/2 weeks – husband is almost out of the woods at the start of his 4th week. This is some kind of damn mutant cold if its a cold at all. Good luck and best wishes. Looking forward to tomorrow!
Thank you so much. Rest. Blessed be.
This is the most guilty I’ve felt about reading an installment of Innkeeper. I don’t want to read it. It feels terrible to know you guys are sick.
Just take care. Lots of love, well wishes, fairy dust, unicorns, four leaf clovers, etc sent from your devoted fan.
Yay! Voting! Good on you!!
I’m so sorry to hear you’re still sick. There’s been some nasty strain of yuck going around. A friend in Chicago was sick the entire months of October. She cancelled a Halloween party that’s run 31 years… It has been unpleasant
Maybe you can learn or “read” this by osmosis…
As a long term Health care professional, prescribe:
1-Do all your doctor/s recommend.
AND: Have someone help you CLEAN all bedding, sheets, pillows, washable rugs, etc. Your bodies should be bathed or showered twice or more daily. Clothes should also be washed, disinfected at least twice a day. We have found that most viruses and bacteria are less likely to infect- and keep re-infectinfecting if not allowed to incubate in enclosed surroundings. Fresh air, CLEAN bodies, clothes, and surroundings WILL help speed recovery while slowing or stopping re-incubation.
Love and Peace.
All good wishes
Yikes! You’d need several caregivers for four sick people to wash their clothes twice daily (and also beddings and linens?!?)! I can’t imagine how it could be done here where I live where we line dry our clothes. We’d run out of clotheslines (and clothes and linens).
My heart goes out to all of you! It does suck to be this sick and it is the epitome of helplessness. I have been there on more than one occasion. My prayers and thoughts are with you and Gordon and the grown kids. Here are some hugs too. Ooooooo
Hugs to everyone! I am so sorry you are sick. Sending loving and healing thoughts.
Can you Uber if you need to go out? Scarey to hear you weren’t sure you would make it home. Thank you for voting and for the amazing installment of Maud’s story. You went above and beyond the call and I hope you can get some rest and feel better.
Thank you! Stay safe, warm and feel better.
Praying for health for the entire family.
Hmm, best “get well” food, anyone? Always pretty traditionally Campbells chicken noodle or tomato soup when I was a kid. Nowadays I swear by homemade tomato soup w plenty chunks of tomato, onion and bit of garlic. Or sometimes I even eat spaghetti sauce w/o the pasta. Also recommend Halls sugar free Defense VitC drops in moderation.
A big no to Campbell’s canned soup. Not if you want to get well.
Homemade chicken soup, sure.
This is something you can make in advance and freeze or have a friend make for you. Canned pseudo food for getting well (or really ever)? Yikes, please no.
I’m so sorry you are all still ill. No suggestions for meds just wishing you a quicker recovery.
I’m so sorry to hear you all are still sick. I hope you recover soon.
Yeah, after 7 days you officially no longer have a cold, your cold has now turned into an infection. If you haven’t been to see the doctor yet you need to go. They will most likely prescribe a Z-pack which is an serious antibiotic. At least that is what they give me know that all of colds turn into an infection and they always gave it to my little brother when he kept getting pneumonia.
I was down for two weeks with this one and then relapsed with a sinus cold for another two. Cough is Still lingering. Rest as much as you can 🙁
Happy Novella Birthday though! Amazon just informed me it’s available for me now. I’m so torn, I’m pretty behind on words for NaNo but aw man I want to dive into to Diamond Fire right now ;.;
On a note completly unrelated to my previous comment, once my pharmacist misread the first letter of my prescription so I ended up with a muscle relaxant instead of an antibiotic. I have never slept so well when I cold before.
Yay bad handwriting!!! …I mean bad Doctor, baaaad!!!! Hahaha
Diamond Fire has arrived on my iPad. After having read about Maud stepping up as Maven this evening, I now get to enjoy the excitement leading up to Nevada and Rogan’s wedding. Today is chock full of unexpected pleasures — even if I’ve been waiting for Diamond Fire since I pre-ordered it in March — and so I am feeling wonderfully spoilt and on the way to feeling completely sated. 🙂
Thank you, Ilona and Gordon, and all your support team, for doing what y’all do so well!
Oh DIAMOND FIRE is so great. I wanted to cry for Catalina. Such a wonderful family. Too bad she didn’t spit Xavier like the turkey he is. THANK YOU. I hope it gets better soon.
So sorry. Hope you feel better soon. Thank you for the chapter.
Sorry to hear that you and the family are still sick. 🙁 I’m amazed that you managed to put out a new chapter. I’m a bit under the weather myself and feeling all sorts of sluggish, so I really enjoyed Maud. I almost forgot Diamond Fire was arriving, so it was a lovely surprise. Read it twice already, since I’m on the West Coast and seems like they deliver at midnight EST. Loved it and can’t wait for the rest of Catalina’s adventures. 😀
I’m sorry you are so ill – I hope it doesn’t stop you celebrating your book birthday. Thank you so much for Diamond Fire -it’s lovely to see Catalina stepping into her own spotlight.
Sqeee! Thank you for Diamond Fire! I think you all should just rest until the New Year, if you can, to recover and be well.
I know, you probably got sick of listening to advices, but still. 4 month ago I had similar situation than yours – coughs, inability to sleep (had to take sleeping pils), cold…
After about 10 days of this torture I gave up and visitied my doctor. They x-rayed my lungs and discovered I had pneumonia. I took antibiotics for 2 monts – because the first batch didn’t kill all of the bacteria.
I hope this is not your case and I appologize if I added to your stress.
I know, you probably got sick of listening to advices, but still. 4 month ago I had similar situation than yours – coughs, inability to sleep (had to take sleeping pills), cold…
After about 10 days of this torture I gave up and visited my doctor. They x-rayed my lungs and discovered I had pneumonia. I took antibiotics for 2 months – because the first batch didn’t kill all of the bacteria.
I hope this is not your case and I apologize if I added to your stress.
I know, you probably got sick of listening to advices, but still. 4 month ago I had similar situation than yours – coughs, inability to sleep (had to take sleeping pils), cold…
After about 10 days of this torture I gave up and visitied my doctor. They x-rayed my lungs and discovered I had pneumonia. I took antibiotics for 2 months – because the first batch didn’t kill all of the bacteria.
I hope this is not your case and I appologize if I added to your stress.
Totally unfair that I got a double dose of magic – Inkeeper and Diamond Fire today that kept me up until 2 am and you got the crud!
Thank you always for keeping me up late! And even more for voting!
All the best for the fastest recovery in history! Take care of yourselves!
Happy Book Birthday! Diamond Fire was fantastic!
Hope you and the family are feeling better.
Best wishes to you all. I wish for you clear skies, warm breezes and quiet, cough free nights as you recover.
No advice from me, just want to send sympathy and wishes for a complete recovery … NOW. I am sorry all of you have been struck by this terrible crud, and know it is really the worst probably for you Ilona, as you are the “caregiver”. How can you take care of everyone else, when you yourself are so sick?! Truly wish there was anything I could do to help you guys. All I can do is keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and I am definitely doing that! It is completely ineffective and probably seems pretty lame, but I do so sincerely hope all of you feel MUCH better soon!!! ?
Well done for voting!
Thank you for another stunning addition to the Hidden Legacy series – Catalina promises to be a wonderful heroine for the next stage of the story!
And thank you for taking the time while you are so sick to write another episode of the Innkeeper.
You’re very productive for victims of the plague!
There is a very nasty cough/flu thing around – I know a whole family who came down with pneumonia. Never seen that before.
So, I notice you are getting a lot of advice. Which I know you love. So here is mine. Eat garlic; sprinkle salt over your shoulder; spit over your other shoulder; spin three times by the light of the moon; make an acai/chia/echinacea/goji berry soup, and sip it through your nose while hanging over a chair backwards. That oughta do it. No reason to be sick, really! 😉
Hang in there – this too shall pass!
You forgot to specify “spin three times _widdershins_, unless it is a leap year”. Makes all the difference, that.
There is! Whatever the Andrews family has, it sounds like whatever my mom has who is on week 4 of being sick. She had to cancel her 2 week business trip to Asia because of it. My mom’s sickness turned into pneumonia and she is now on round 2 of antibiotics and now prednisone. I hate to be a negative Nelly but I think the Andrews have a ways to go before they get better. They sound totally wiped out like my mom. Honestly the only cure is lots of rest, fluids, and sleep. I hope they all feel better but if they are still feeling crappy my guess it will take several weeks to get better.
So sorry you are still sick. Have you checked in with doctor? Crap could have morphed into something more serious. Please take care. Just received notice that my pre-ordered copy of Diamond Fire is ready for me to read. Woot Woot! and thank you in advance for the great read.
The price for purchasing Diamond Fire was the best and least expensive literature entertainment puchase I ever remember making. The price was almost 2 cents a page. Fabulous story that was extremely entertaining. Thank You.
It usually takes me at least a month to get well from cough and colds. The doc said to take all three of these:
Allerta/loratadine for allergies
I try to get more vitamin c when I feel the wind blowing in that direction. I also try to sleep earlier and limit my reading and tv drama.
Sorry to hear you are all still sick. That sucks! Please get better soon.
Happy Book Birthday! I’m in the middle of it right now and loving it.
And how did you manage to get a wonderful installment of Maude out while being sick? You guys are amazing but please rest up.
Ha! my name is in the book as one of Rogan’s security specialists. It is not often I see my name in print as it is not that common in North America. All those little magnets and knicknacks they sell with people’s names in tourist stores never have Simone on it either. Thanks for the extra smile 🙂
Courage ! 🙂
Sick and yet still voted ❣ That’s wonderful.
In a hotel on a business trip. Don’t have to be in until 9. Diamondfire and coffee! Don’t know if it will be a good day but it’s starting out as one. Thank you!
Sending positive vibes to you and your family. So sorry to hear so sick.???
Happy book lsunch day ???
Ask your doc for a medication called benzonatate. It’s a pill form of benzocaine that numbs your throat so you don’t feel the tickle that makes you cough.
I have been driving between Houston and San Antonio for the past two months. Every time I saw the exit for San Marcos I thought of you. If you need your own experienced private duty nurse to fluff your pillows, provide chicken soup, give foot and back rubs and take care of the critters, let me know. I’m available for free, no strings.
Happy book day! Just finished it (for the first time, will most certainly read it again) and it was of course awesome.
I hope you all feel better soon.
I finished Diamond Fire too. Awesome book. Now we know why Catalina told Alessandro to go away. ? Next book here we come (after Ilona and Gordon get extremely healthy to write).
? Happy book birthday to you!?
Happy Book Birthday for Diamondfire!
take care, well wishes!
Thank you for the update, Ilona Andrews. Thank you for voting too. I am sorry you and yours are struggling with illness. I totally understand that you are grossly off schedule etc. But manure happens. Life happens. You roll with the blows and pick yourself up again.
One of my favorite quotes from The Princess Bride is about if you do not have your health, you have nothing. So stop stressing about deadlines as stress hinders healing. Once you are well, then you can stress. But you have to be healthy and well to be 100% productive. Make one goal a day and be happy.
Also remember common cold can morph into something worse and more deadly if you do not take the time to get well.
Feel better soon. I have been dosing myself with elderflower tea and chicken noodle soup, and they seemed to help.
I loved both the Inn Keeper installment yesterday and Diamond Fire. Keep up the great work!
I hope today is better. I loved Diamond Fire! I can’t wait to see Catalina grown into her power.
Hate to tell you this I got sick on Oct 22 and I’m still trying to hack up a lung. My youngest had this same crud months ago, and for her it was three weeks of hacking before she dragged herself to the dr…she went on hacking for another three. Even after she felt better and thought she was done with it she coughed occasionally for another week.
This one is a bear. I haven’t been this sick in years and years and years. Considering just how many coughs and colds I had as a kid living in the UK, and since, as it’s my ‘thing’, this is saying something! And this without having brochitis or bronchial pneumonia, both of which I’m prone to. The worst part is you feel as if you can’t hack enough, or blow enough to clear anything out to a significant degree. I got so desperate I brought out my Mom’s age old helper for nasty congestion, hanging my head over a bowl of very hot water with a tiny (tiny!) bit of eucalyptus essential oil…my mom would put a towel over my head and I’d breathe it in. It still helps, a lot. But not as much as it would if this was bronchial. Still, a good session with boxes and boxes of tissues ensues, and helps me stay clear for some time. My other standby, after I staggered into a nearby supermarket’s cough and cold aisle, has turned out to be Robitussin’s “Severe Cough and Sore Throat” remedy. It has proved pretty effective. There is a day and a nighttime version, I stuck with the day…I also only take it after I eat. I know from vast experience cough meds can eat up my stomach. From the title, which I admit managed to amuse me, Robitussin apparently knows what’s what this year. My third standby is always adding a second pillow…I try to sleep as upright as possible. Since this cold felt like having a constant drip, drip, drip in the back of my throat—ok more like a stab, stab, stab- being more upright helped get some sleep in between coughing bouts. If I’d had a recliner I’d have been sleeping in that!
At its worst I had sore ribs (which meant coughing bent over while holding them); a very sore nose, inside and out (that many tissues are a problem for me, even the softest); a sore upper lip (same tissue issue); a very sore throat; an intermittent headache, this from my neck which has issues that coughing so violently makes it hurt….and I could go one. Yeah, one horribly sick puppy. My youngest did me one better, she coughed so violently she threw up.
There is light at the end of the tunnel…I’m coughing less, so my ribs, nose, lips and throat feel better. I’m also coughing less violently.
Hope we both feel better soon!
Maybe a sleep apnea machine could help with the sleep choking?
Hope you feel better soon!
I just got over a nasty chest cold. It was pure misery, and I had it for two weeks before I felt like a person again. I hope you get some peaceful sleep and feel better soon.
Hoping you get well soon.
Hello – I am you, you are me. I slept pretty much upright last night – and still didn’t get a lot of sleep. The instant I tried to be prone – COUGH COUGH COUGH *GASP* COUGH COUGH COUGH. It’s a sneaky beast as well; I’m fine for the most part during the day but at night…
Feel better soon. Love your books but you and your family are more important.
If it was bacterial, it’s no cold, but it’s entirely possible to get a cold on top of it and make it worse. Hopefully you’ve almost worn it out. Good luck.
I’m so sorry to hear that you’re all still sick! I’ve had bronchitis a zillion times in my life so I can empathize. I have a harder time fighting it off these days and have had to resort to a moist hot pack on my chest (besides the usual hot drinks and expectorant) to sleep at all–and this despite the cpap. Once it went on so long I had to get the heavy hitter antibiotic levaquin which is especially good for bronchitis. I wonder if they were on to something with the mustard poultice back in the day. I may get desperate enough to try it.
I hope you all get better soon!
Moist hot pack instead of the age old onion poultice. LOL Poultice light, minus the whole house onion miasma that happens when everyone is sick. I probably works about the same, minus the stench.
The hot pack was the only thing that helped calm my cough long enough to get some rest. I use those buckwheat ones that you spritz with water and stick in the microwave. I also use them for ear aches and they really helps me avoid infections. Plus I use a lavender or rose water spritz so it smells good. Those old time remedies, I gather, were trying to open your sinuses too but I make a spicy broth for that. I’m not allowed to use decongestants as a heart patient. 🙁
Hope your whole family feels better soon.
I hope you are finally getting well. On a positive note, I have your new book downloaded and ready to read and I voted on Goodreads. I see why you might have trouble winning. You have two books nominated and are probably splitting the votes.
Best of luck. I love them all.
I find Vicks vapour rub just under the nose and a large handkerchief with eucalyptus oil on it around the neck helps you to sleep better.
Also the soles of your feet.
Thank you for the gifts of Diamond Fire and the latest installment of Maud’s story… but Good Lord why on Earth are you stressing yourself out while you are sick? The only extracurricular activity you should worry about is the voting – and now that’s done, take care of yourselves!!! The only suggestion I’ll provide is to get a steam vaporizer that will accept essential oils and the like, so you can add Vicks or eucalyptus oil to help clear up the congestion and help you sleep better. It worked like a charm when Mum used it on us as children.
Check with your Doctor but you might want to try melatonin to try and sleep. Least for me is a lot more natural then a sleep pill. It is over the counter but do check with doctor first. Hope you all feel better soon. Loving Wild Fire. Thanks so much for all all the smiles you put on our faces.
I hope you feel better soon!!!
I like instacart for getting groceries delivered. It’s a little more expensive than going to the store but if you just can’t make it out it’s a lifesaver. Was for me when I broke my ankle and doing things hurt.
Feel better soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So sorry to hear you are so ill, and amazed to see a new instalment of SoTB in these circumstances. Look after yourselves. My recipe for the crud – Try a nice glass mug, add juice of half a lemon, enough honey to make it as sweet as you want it, a dessertspoon of glycerine to soothe the throat, a large whisky or brandy and a full sherry glass of green ginger wine, fill up with boiling water and drink while hot. It might not cure it, but it should make it fade into the distance long enough to get some sleep.
I’m so sorry that you’re all still so sick. I’m not a doctor, so I will give no advise. I’ll just express my sympathy and well wishes. Thank you for posting another chapter for Maud, even while sick. Also, I wanted to say how much I enjoyed Diamond Fire…I stayed up late to finish reading it. I hope you start to feel better soon. Take care.
I just wanted to say I absolutely love all your books. So much that I don’t have a favourite, as they are all my favourites. I have a soft spot for shape shifters as I am a conservation journalist and spend 90% of my time in wild places with wild creatures and often wished I could shape shift. I worked for several years at a rescue center in South Africa where I live and have a picture you might like. His name is Tsau and he is a white lion rescued from a very cruel breeding farm. Get well soon and truly thank you for the magic you bring with your books
So cool!
He is a very handsome fellow!! Thank you to you and all of the staff at the rescue center for loving him and all the other residents of that safe place!
“Everything is bad. Everything sucks. Epic failure on all fronts.” seriously? in spite of how terrible you are feeling we got Diamond Fire and a kickass Maud episode this week. To (mis)quote from Princess Bride: “Epic failure – You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
I’m glad you voted in spite of everything, you’ve got your priorities straight!!
I just finished Diamond Fire and now I’m hoping you have more full length Legacy books in mind.
There must be some ass- kicking teenaged angst type drama for for Leon….
And of course, keep on trucking with Innkeeper- can’t get enough of you two!
As impracticle as it may seem to you, I suggest you take a vacation. Take the family to a cold place. Freeze those darn sick bugs out of your sinuses.
( Or snort salt water). Feel Better!!
I recently recovered from the head cold from hell. I was so congested I couldn’t breath. I couldn’t stop coughing. I was practically drinking down mucinex. It took me over 3 weeks to recover it was utterly ridiculous. I still have occasional cough and I cough up some flem from time to time. Luckily I could still function slightly but my grandmother had to go to urgent care hers was so bad she couldn’t breath properly. They dosed her up with antibiotics. I am totally feeling for you right now.
Pulled a brain fart and ordered the book, won’t be here till 11/12/18. KILLING ME! WILL NOT DO THAT AGAIN.
Rest up and feel better. My husband has had a cough for a month, it has not migrated yet so I am chalking it up to being a superior GERMAN immune system.
Hi guys,
Thank you for all your books and posts.
Not sure if it is a good thing that the tech is up and that you can use all your appliances or if a magic wave would speed your cure , either way wishing you a fast recovery.