I have a terrible weakness for gummy bears. I will eat as many gummy bears as I can, which is why I haven’t bought any in years. Sugar free gummy bears are known for their unintended laxative effect, so I don’t buy those either.
Imagine my delight when I stumbled onto this lovely gummy bear recipe on the internet.
I immediately ordered a variety pack of True drink mix.

- Gelatin – check
- Water- check
- True variety pack ordered and received
- molds -check
Onward we go.

Don’t they just look lovely?
They taste like crap. Cold crap that’s been mixed with gelatin. There is this horrid chemical taste. I spat them out. And because I am an addict, I tried them two more times, thinking that maybe I am just mistaken. Nope, nasty every time.
Bleh. Maybe it’s because I used Lemonade pack. I mixed one of these packets with water and that tasted nasty, too.
I am crushed. They included one sampler of mango flavor, not lemonade, so I will try that today and report on the results.
Try Smart Sweets! They are made with stevia, and only have about 3g of sugar and have tons of Fibre in them as well. They are tasty – and for a fellow gummy addict, well that is important.
Ooh, thank you. I love Gummies but can’t buy them because I will eat them untill I have a headache and a stomache ache ☹
I tried these a while back. They were very tasty, but unfortunately eating an entire package (only 25 small gummies – yes, I counted!) caused my blood sugar levels to shoot up.
If you’re diabetic like me, make sure to test one or two hours after eating. I was so bummed because I’d bought the 12-pack and it was expensive 🙁
Perchance, is the search for a better gummy option why we had that reference to a gummy-mold-filled refrigerator in Diamond Fire? I adore little things like that, it makes the whole family interaction that much more vivid. =)
Thinking the same thing! Great minds of the BDH think alike!
I thought the same thing.
I was hoping for an answer to “Do they taste the same?”
I love wine gums. I try not to get them. Red Band are the best, but any old wine gums will do. Unfortunately, they make my jaw pop out or something. Painful. And a ton of sugar.
If you don’t consider it to be sugar, try straight fruit juice. Personally I always prefer a more subtle level of real sweetness to a chemical sweetener.
I’m thinking that a good herbal fruit tea might work. Stash Meyer lemon is very nice. Bigelow makes some good ones too, pomegranate pizzazz, orange and raspberry are favorites. Celestial seasons peach passion. Key lime juice for lime flavor. Can just add a touch of stevia for sweetening? It never occurred to me to make my own! Thanks for the idea. I also try to not buy the little devils. More addictive than potato chips!
I was going to suggest using fruit juice, too. I have made delicious home-made jello for years (family tradition) using just orange juice and gelatin.
Those are so beautiful!
So… the problem then is that the drink mix tastes like crap, yes? Because the idea is to fine a sugar free drink mix and add gelatin?
Could you substitute a sugar free drink mix that doesn’t taste like crap? I mean, this could become amazing. (imagines tea gummies…)
(BTW, do you follow Mary Anne Mohanraj? This seems like the sort of thing she’d get into…)
Yeah! I feel like I drank a lot of crystal light as a kid when I decided I needed to be on a diet (yes a 12 year old on a diet, ridiculous) and I’m pretty sure they were cheap and tasty?
I have tried the true lemon drink mixes and they do taste super artificial to me also.
However, True Lemon also makes a dehydrated lemon and lime crystals. I first used it for making meals for back packing. Now I use it in my water bottle. I usually find it in the spice aisle or canning supplies.
You’d be limited to lemon and lime flavor but there is no yucky after taste.
Look here:
When I checked their site, I found grapefruit and orange flavor too! I’m going to order those!
PS. Your gummies look beautiful!
I will second this recommendation. For years the lemon packets have been a staple in my purse since I don’t like the taste of tap water. Hope this helps.
I third this. The lemon most of all, then the lime are the least artificially flavored. I find the grapefruit and orange to have a chemical tang. Nothing compared to the —ades which all taste artificial in the worst way. Lemon and lime gummies would still be pretty awesome!
I will fourth this. Can’t stand the taste of water at restaurants, so carry these along to help. Not sure what they do to the water but always has weird metallic/freezer taste when go out. And since I try to avoid sodas and refuse to drink the so-called tea, water it is.
I fifth this! I love the original True Lemon and True Lime packets that are not considered a “drink mix” where they add stevia and other chemicals! Try the originals! Don’t give up! I want sugar free (but yummy) gummies too! … ? not enough exclamation points…
I love the orange flavor! Cannot say enough good things about it – but it is hard to find unless you are an internet junkie.
Erm…. because they look like flowers and not like real gummys…my taste buds would be telling me I’m eating a flower .lol
Wow. How disappointed ☹️. Good luck on your next batch. May the gummy’s Gods look over you!!!
I always read these when I’m having a bad day and it perks me right up so I thought I would share in case someone hadn’t seen them. Enjoy! )
I had to quit reading, otherwise I’d never get any work done. The comments are indeed hilarious.
Thank you for this joyous moment.
Yes!!!! Every so often when I’m having a terrible, horrible, really bad day, I will read some of those reviews. And laugh so hard the tears just stream down my face. Once, on a conference call working on some technical puzzler, I shared that link with a couple team mates via IM. The brainstorming session completely broke down and had to reconvene.
Thank you! I haven’t read these reviews before. Couldn’t breathe I was laughing so hard. Brilliant.
+1 I was just thinking about this haha I can’t breath reading these and even worse if I try to read it aloud to somebody because I can’t stop laughing lol!
That is the funniest thing I have read in a long time! I bookmarked it for future times when I need a laugh. I have tears. Thank you so much for sharing it! (Btw, I’ve been lurking for months, but never
reply, but I felt I had to after you gave such a great laugh! ) ???
I am sorry but this is hilarious and brings back memories about when my son stole my moms sugar free gummies. If anyone ever finds a safe and tasty recipe let me know. Even after a day on the toilet and us pumping him full of pedialyte he still says those were the best gummies ever.
They look beautiful, how disappointing. I love gummies but can’t buy them gor the same reason. Good luck with the next batch, and keep us posted!
I make mine using Sugar-free Jello instead of the True Lime stuff.
Tastes much better.
I use the jello egg jiggler recipe. If you want less jiggle, you could decrease the amount of water to get a firmer consistency.
Hmmm. I like the TruLemon and TruLime flavorings for my water, but they are unsweetened. If I were going to make gummies, I’d use my own sugarfree sweetener (I prefer Lakanto monkfruit+erythritol). For me, it’s the best in terms of tasting more like actual sugar instead of the lickings off of an industrial chemist’s floor.
Gelatin to me is just nasty. I use agar agar which smells like hot seaweed as opposed to hot horse hooves. But give it a try in place of gelatin, just don’t breathe when heating it. ?
I thought it was just me, although I don’t like any artificial sweeteners. The TruLemon and TruLime are unsweetened and great for adding to water. The sunshine strawberry medley lemonade has been in my drawer for years as I thought it was awful and I was too cheap to throw away! I’m with you on gummy bears in general – simply irresistible! Your gummies look beautiful!!
Where did you did those delightful molds! I am definitely keeping up with this to give a few of the suggestions a try.
I have not tried these, as gummy anything upsets my stomach.
They use tea for flavoring and whatever sweetener you like.
Weight Watcher gummies are really good. Of course, not sure if they’re continuing them now that they’re called ‘Wellness Wins’.
[Does Amazon still have the reviews of Haribo sugar free gummies? One of those cases where it’s difficult to decide if someone who is suffering from the after-effects really felt able to wax poetic in the description of their misery.]
For a good laugh, read the reviews 🙂
Dang! Sorry it didn’t work…if it makes u feel any better, I tried to make bread twice yesterday…both times I failed…I was tempted to try a third time because I refuse to let bread win…but my husband told me to wait until next weekend because I wouldn’t have enough rise time and the bread wouldn’t be done until the middle of the night. I conceded because there was flour everywhere…I’m trying again next year. Maybe there’ll be some better recipes that taste better for your gummy recipe…
At least they look delicious!
Are you using bread flour or all purpose flour? Bread flour has more gluten than all purpose. Better structure for bread. Also make sure your water for yeast activation is not too hot or too cold. When I make a very old roll receipe I test the water coming out of my faucet with my index finger. If the water feels a little warm on my finger, the water temperature is ok for the yeast.
Ok, here is what you do.
3 cups lukewarm water
1 Tbsp yeast
1 Tbsp salt
6 cups flour
Mix first three things in the bucket. Mix in flour with a big spoon, I usually get a wooden one. Mix just until it’s sort of uniform. Do NOT knead. Cover it with a lid that has a hole or a piece of aluminium wrap/plastic wrap with a small hole in it, leave on the counter for 2-3 hours. It will rise a bit. Now here is the fun part. After it sat on the counter, you can stick it in the fridge for up to 14 days. The more it sits, the more like sourdough it will taste.
Now, the correct baking procedure: get a pizza stone. You can get one for like 12 bucks. Turn the oven to 450. Make sure that you warm up the over for at least 20 minutes. You want it hot. Also out a baking tray filled with water on the lower rack. You want steam in the oven.
Get a pizza peel or a cutting board, dust very liberally with flour, makes sure you have flour on your hands, reach into the bucket and grab a big handful of dough. It will be very wet. Quickly sort of shape it into a bread like blob, liberally coating with flour. It needs to be good and coated. Let it sit on the counter for the twenty minutes while the oven is warming up.
Now for the fun part. Flop your bread onto the hot pizza stone. Set timer for 20 minutes.
Once the twenty minutes are up, check to see if you need more water. Look at your bread. If it’s still pale, bake some more. It should be light golden brown and the top usually splits with crispies. The length of baking depends on your loaf and your oven, so this will take some trial and error.
It sounds complicated, but it’s not. Once you make it twice, you’ll get the hang on it and it becomes super-quick.
My bread is a brick. I’m gonna try this. Not that I need to eat loaves of hot, steamy delicious bread but I want to anyway. Thanks
Check the viability of your yeast. Also needs a bit of sugar for ‘food’.
The carbohydrates in the flour will do just fine.
Here’s what you do:
Buy one bread machine. I’m a huge fan of Zojirushi, but they’re also very expensive. Amazon has a number of wonderful ones.
Then buy this book: The Bread Lover’s Bread Machine cookbook, by Beth Hensperger.
You can get to the point that it takes about 7 minutes to load up your machine, and for a two pound loaf, you can walk away for 3 hours, come back to remove your fully cooked and perfect loaf of bread, let it sit another hour to finish cooking and cool a bit.
Or make beer bread.. no waiting!
I wish you well with finding a tasty sugar free flavor. I use to eat the sugar kind long time ago. I stopped because the gummies kept sticking to my teeth really bad. One time I accidentally swallowed one whole. Not a good thing to do.
But, but, but, they are SO pretty! I don’t even like gummies and I would try one of those based solely on how lovely they are. Good luck in your search.
Exactly my thoughts. When I finally stopped laughing about the trying it twice more.
They look lovely! Too bad they don’t taste like they look!
I hate Gummie Bears.
However, I LOOOVVVVEEE Black Licorice. NOT the gawdawful Red Licorice. It is not that easy to find the Black Licorice.
Have you an IKEA near you? They have loads of different licorice–packaged or by the weight/scoop at their food section area. They have the whips, the pills , the logs, the soft and the chewy and whatever. The Swedish and Europeans really have a thing for licorice.
Many of the Swedish licorices are salted. Make sure you like it salted before you buy a bunch.
It is easy to find black licorice, but most of them aren’t worth eating. I can’t tell you how many different ones that I have bought from Amazon to try.
STOP! STEP AWAY FROM THE GUMMIE WHATEVERS. EWWWWW. Chocolate is to be had. Chocolate is gooood.
Doesn’t gelatine + raspberries could work ?
Frozen apple juice concentrate is a fantastic sweetener, you could sub it for the drink mix…I use it to sweeten cakes and salad dressings and in homemade BBQ sauce.
I too am a gummi addict. I’ll consume any kind of gummies in mass quantities. My current fave is Albanese. The sugarfree are all right and I haven’t had any laxative consequences. Yet. https://www.albanesecandy.com/all-gummies/sugar-free-12-flavor-gummi-bears/
“Don’t they look lovely? They taste like crap.”
I’ve had cooking experiences like that. (In fact, I’ve nicknamed my cooking adventures “Nifty’s Accidental Kitchen.” Sometimes what I come up with is delicious; sometimes it’s meh. And if I hit it out of the ballpark that first time, it’s always a surprise and I can never replicate the taste bonanza a second time. Thus, Nifty’s Accidental Kitchen.)
I have the opposite problem — I can serve you a delicious meal, but parts of it would look like cat food.
sugarfree jello plus gelatine equals nice gummies… NOT shelve stable, so we keep them in the fridge.
The problem is that they are sweetened with Stevia. Stevia leaves a bitter aftertaste to everything it is added into. Try the Propel zero packets. Propel is about the only thing nonsugar I can drink.
Try organic coconut sugar in place of the artificial sweeteners. It tastes great (not like coconut at all) and has a lower glycemic value than cane sugar. My daughter and I both have severe hypoglycemia and are able to use it without any sugar spikes and crashes. I haven’t tried it in gummies, but Davis Chocolate has some fabulous dark chocolate chips made with it. Good luck on the gummy quest!
I LOVE Turkish Delight, especially nuts and/or dates.
They do look very pretty, sorry they taste bad. 🙁
I usually don’t buy gummies, for the same reason. I do buy the really good kind once or twice a year, though in a small quantity, because why not? I don’t ever buy sugar-free stuff, because those artificial sweeteners mess with your gut flora something fierce. They’re like those ridiculous diets that just convince your gut flora that you’re in danger of starvation so they need to grab every calorie that floats by, completely defeating the purpose.
Making your own gummies is a great idea, but if you only do it once in a while, just use natural ingredients. I personally would avoid stevia too, because it has a nasty aftertaste IMO, but if you like it, go for it.
Oh, and watch the dogs around the artificial sweeteners. A lot of them are highly toxic to animals. Cats aren’t usually into sweets, but dogs totally are. We had a friend who lost a wonderful dog to some gum with xylitol in it.
Argh! Don’t I know it! My old cat loves Diet Coke and luckily the only way she ever gets a glimpse of it is if she manages to snag a cup top (I have stopped using straws and just pop them off nowadays). Can’t count the number of times I’ve had to go rescue them!
Hmm, if the recipe calls for a sugar-free drink mix, then you could try changing it with another one? Or you can try your own version of drink mix and sugar-alternative. (I’ve done this with regular Kool-Aid and it wasn’t bad actually)
Gives me ideas. I was thinking of what to do for my little nephs since their mom abhors giving them sugar.
Years before I married my Bassett hound was my test subject for new recipes. She had two reactions. I knew it was a winner if she wolfed it down. If she stood there sniffing & staring at it before barking so hard her front end would bounce up and down. Then she’d flip the bowl over and run in circles barking like a fool. Once I dumped out the offensive mess, scrubbed her bowl and gave her something extra nummy to soothe her delicate palate she forgave me. Now I use my husband as a test subject. After 20 years he hasn’t gotten over the time I substituted fat free sour cream on his potato skins.
I’m so sorry, Ellen, but I got halfway through your first sentence and cracked up. I swear I’m not making fun of you (cute story!), just the difference a comma makes.
You married your basset hound?
? (Thanks for the giggle!)
I imagined your husband looking like a Bassett spitting out the offensive potato. Commas do make a difference. Very amusing, thanks Ellen.
You should try albanesecandy.com. They have sugar-free gummies. Albanese gummies are so tasty that you will never eat another brand again.
One of my roommates made gummy bears out of coffee. I’m not a fan of coffee so I thought they were revolting although very effective for finals week. My roommate did like them though and is threatening to make a new batch with cocoa powder, peppermint extract and tonnes of sugar to see if I like it better.
I see by your spelling that you’re not American, but are you by any chance living here for school or something? Because I could come over and be an additional test subject.
That is not meant to be stalkerish. Please be assured that I only have designs upon the mint chocolate gummies.
“Lo-cal” etc. or even “Sugar-free” doesn’t really mean “no sugars of any type”, but that the sugars it contains are indigestible. So ok, no calories, but “indigestible” is often not your friend for other reasons….
Have you tried YUMEARTH, their candies are sweeted with fruit, and are better for people with diabetes or who are watching sugar.
If you want a healthy option that is perfect for Winter, I can offer the home remedy recipe for “Throat Gummies”.
You need:
2 cups water
1 inch ginger peeled and sliced
1/4 cup lemon juice
3 tbspn honey
4 tbspn gelatin (have this pre-measured in a small bowl when making)
Bring ginger to boil in the water. Simmer for 20 minutes.
Strain and allow to cool.
Add lemon juice
Add honey
Whisk in gelatin (add in one pour not individual tbsp amounts)
Heat to dissolve gelatin
Pour into moulds
Refrigerate until solid (overnight is ideal)
Store in fridge
You may need to experiment with the amount of gelatin as I’m aware it can have different strengths.
These are great on a sore throat and just for a snack.
Saving this recipe; thank you!
That’s too bad!
I currently have several molds in my amazon cart and gelatin in my cupboard.
I adore gummies too and once the Christmas baking rush is done I plan on trying to make some.
I’m hoping to try the THM gentle sweet as a sweetener. It’s a mix of xylitol and something else, sorry I forget the name.
I’m really enjoying all the suggestions here! I’ll definitely try the coconut sugar too, I just need to pick some up.
I love gummies but stop eating them because of sugar. Have you tried the Russle Stover York peppermints. They are sweetened with stevia. I still limit to a couple a day. Yummy
If you like gummies, you should try freeze dried gummy bears. Same flavor but crunchy. Adds a whole new twist.
I haven’t tried it but I was wondering if some food grade essential oils would do the trick? I add a few drops of essential lemon oil to my water and it tastes awesome. No sugar either….
Girl, you scared me there for a sec!! I looked at the header of your post and thought “oh god, she bought those sugar free gummies off Amazon that keep giving people explosive diarrhea!” Then my eyes caught the word “recipe” as I started reading and the second hand anxiety left me. You took a week off my life there!
Also, your gummy molds are gorgeous!
Oh no!!! Your gummies turned out so delicate, beautiful, and absolutely delicious looking!! How disappointing. I empathize, and am so sorry! After getting your hopes up, making them, and having them turn out gorgeous, then to find they taste bad!
But wait, you are a domestic goddess, right? I have every confidence you will find a solution. When there is a will, there is a way. You have received a lot of advice on this blog on what to do to fix it, or what to buy if you can’t fix it. I however am not going to offer suggestions on what to do. I am NOT a domestic goddess, and any advice in that arena that I offered would probably backfire in a stupendous and maybe even hazardous way. I can be quite a terror in the kitchen, and totally in the bad way!??
I do have faith in you that you will find a solution. I hope you find it without too much difficulty, and wish you culinary good luck. They are absolutely gorgeous gummies!! Please let us know when and how you solve this conundrum, including pictures if the solution was something you made instead of bought.
Having a Penelope moment? ROFL
Yes I’m re-listening to diamond fire ?
Ain’t life grand, no sugar ? no way.
I’m baking the bread…
My hubby bought commercLly made sugar free gummies…. it was a very very unpleasant experience. The effect they had on his system was explosive. Run away!
I feel the same way about gummy bears. I can eat a whole bag of those 12 flavor gummies by myself. Then I feel sick because I ate a whole bag of gummies. It’s better to just not buy them.
Sometimes I add a tablespoon of powdered gelatin to hot drinks if I have a craving for gummies. It makes coffee and brewed cocoa (that’s where you brew ground cocoa beans like coffee. All the hot chocolate flavor, none of the sugar) taste so extra creamy, and kills the craving.
Elana’s pantry (blog) has a recipe for gummy bears. I don’t remember what she used for flavoring, but they looked good
The deal with all artificial sweeteners is that based on your personal genetic code, instead of stimulating the “sweet” receptors in your tongue, they may stimulate the “bitter” ones instead. Some people only react this way to one specific artificial sweetener but are able to find others that taste okay. Both I and my husband perceive all of the artificial sweeteners as bitter. Neither of us has ever been able to find one we could tolerate, so we avoid all sugar-free products like the plague. However, most people don’t have quite as extreme a reaction as we do, and can usually find something sugar-free that works for them.
Did you try Liquid Stevia, of which there are also flavored ones? Was told that Powdered is processed differently, could make for it to be that Bitter as perceived by many, but that the Liquid processing was an acceptable taste to my husband.
Yeah, me too. I could never figure out how anyone could use those variously colored packets. They all taste nasty to me. So do coffee and strongly flavored mint things. (Yeah, yeah, I’m weird. I’ve gotten over it.)
On the other hand, I don’t think cilantro tastes “like soap”, as some in my extended family do. In Texas, that’s important. You can always get sugar here, but food without cilantro can be hard to find, assuming you don’t live on fast food.
All in all, I’ll take it. (I actually don’t use sweetener of any kind in my iced tea anymore.)
As a diabetic who has a migraine trigger with synthetic sweeteners I sympathize.
P.S. love your stories, what happened when the cop realized he was busted?
The answer will probably be in their next book, Sapphire Flames. That was a snippet. It may or may not end up in the final version of the book, but it is my joy to look for snippets in the book to see how they (haven’t) changed.
I use the True Citrus packs in my water all the time. The Grapefruit and the Orange are particular favorites. I don’t use the sweetened ones, tho my son likes them. I haven’t found any artificial sweetener that I can stand.
I use wine when I make gummies…
I was going to suggest this. Of course you need to use wine you like the taste of.
Third this.
I’m not a gummy fan, and vegetarian gelatin is hard (cough expensive cough) to get a hold of, but wine gummies are delicious. We made some with Prosecco once, and it actually retained the bubble (don’t stir).
If I were to attempt this, I’d forget the packets of anything altogether and low boil the zest of a lemon or two (peel it rather than grate it) in the cup of water the recipe calls for, add whatever zero calorie sweetner that works for you, chill it to become the “cold water” that the gelatin needs to soak in and then follow the rest of the recipe instructions.
That would be the same for any citrus fruit, the oils in the zest are released into the water when you “simmer” it for maybe 5 minutes.
Wine gummies are the answer https://cookingwithjanica.com/wine-gummy-bears-recipe-red-white-rose/
O M G I really want to try these. Not even remotely sugar free, but if cooked low enough to retain the alcohol, who cares?!
1 – I’m so sorry to hear
2 – I completely understand the addiction and avoidance. I haven’t met a package I don’t consume.
3 – While sad, hysterical story such a set up with lovely pictures
Maybe try creating a variation with Sevia. The chemical alternatives are awful. The ‘cleaner’ you eat, the more sensitive you become to the chemicals. Maybe its a good sign of healthy eating???
Good luck on your quest!
I have been experimenting wothgummies because of a project I am working on. I found a great recipe. Use jello, Knox flavorless gelatin, citric acid… the recipe does call for a small amount of corn syrup (try using sugar free jello instead and skip the corn syrup). The ingredients aren’t expensive. Maybe give it a shot!
Up here in Canada we have this brand called SmartSweets which has just released 2 new varieties, so there’s 4 to choose from: sweet bears, sour bears, sweet fish, and sour blast buddies – which doesn’t include their special limited flavours. They’re delicious and sweetened with stevia. Amazon.ca sells them, and well.ca too. Hopefully you can get to try them!
I can live without gummy bears, but my weakness is orange jelly slices. I can’t chew them fast enough. Super orangey, the jelly texture, and of course the sugar coating. I have no control with them.
Oooo do you bite off a bit, scrape the sugar off with your teeth, then let the jelly part dissolve in your mouth… savor it, then do the same with the other half?
Wait, why are you looking at me that way?!? It is NOT weird!
Oh oh, and making a thick paste with chocolate milk mix and dipping the orange slices in that… soooooo yummy
I also scraped off the sugar before putting the orange slice in my mouth (this was a long time ago). I binged so bad on those that I had a very unpleasant experience with my intestines. 🙁 Then for the longest time I couldn’t fine them so I got out of eating them. Better for me that I don’t eat them now.
You do better than I do. I currently have two 5lbs bags of gummy bears. One for work and one for home. I think I may have half a pound left in each. I eat multiple handfuls at a time.
I’m sorry your sugarfree recipe didn’t taste good 🙁
Ugh. I got all excited for a minute, I followed the link and was all about trying it. Then I finished your blog entry to see what your evaluation of the product was… ew. I will stick with regular gummies and trying to eat just a couple at a time. I was really excited about making some and covering them in dark chocolate 😐
Every time a new “sugar substitute” product comes out I see people get all excited over it, and if I try it, it never lives up to the hype. I have found it is just better to use less real sugar when possible. I would rather have one really good tasting cookie than half a dozen low carb inferior ones.
Oh if you try the black cherry or raspberry and find it good, please let us know. Those are the flavors I probably would try first just because I am a raspberry addict and also rather fond of black cherry
The raspberry, only one man dares to have the raspberry ….Lonestar
While not sugar free the chocolate place up the road from me makes chocolate covered gummy bears……sooo good
Luckily I haven’t been able to find them anywhere but chocolate covered cinnamon bears are my vote for best gummies ever. Someone brought them to bookclub once. If I ever spot a bag, I’ll try to freeze some to ration them out in tiny portions.
My grocery store started carrying bulk candy and they have milk chocolate covered ones. The first time I relied them was at this candy store in Galveston, and they had dark chocolate covered one.. addictive
I’ve looked aroud and for sugar free homemade gummie bears, the best recepies are with 100% fruit juice (not from concentrate) or fruit puree. Other propose to use Xylitol which has a low sugar index and is OK to be used by people suffering from diabetes. Xylitol is made out of birch and you can find it in organic stores.
So here is the recipe I found:
150ml of fruit juice or 150g of fruit puree.
2g or Agar Agar (gelatin suitable for vegans)
optional: 50g of sugar or 2 tbsp of honey or 50g of xylitol.
Put the fruit juice and the Agar Agar in a saucepan (and the optional sugar if you choose to put some in). Bring to a boil. Then quickly pour the mix in your molds. If you have tiny molds, use a pipette.
Refrigerate for 3 hours.
Unmold carefully
Hoe this helps all you gummy lovers out there! If you need a conversion site for the measures (I work in metric) here is a link:
Unfortunately Xylitol can have a laxative effect on some people. I recommend proceeding with caution and starting with (eating) small quantities.
It is also poisonous to dogs, maybe cats too so beware!
Yes it is toxic to animals. I know someone who’s Pomeranian died from this by crewing on “sugar free” gum. The dog didn’t even swallow it. A few years ago some people and veterinarians had problems because drug manufacturers had changed to these fake sugars without publicizing and pets were poisoned.
I have to point out that fruit juice is not sugar free. It has no added sugar, but orange juice, for example, naturally contains 2.75g of sugar per ounce (roughly 30ml). So that 150ml of juice contains 13.75 grams of sugar. I don’t consider this a baad thing, but I’m not diabetic either.
There was only supposed to be one “a” in bad. I wasn’t making a sheep joke.
You have different types of sugars going here.
The “added” sugar is usually sucrose, which digests into fructose and maltose.
The sugar in fruit is fructose to begin with.
I am not diabetic, so it’s possible that the type of sugar makes a difference and I am too ignorant to say.
Supposedly – again, not an expert – maltose, which is the sugar from sprouting grain*, does not cause a sugar crash like fructose. It also does not taste as sweet. I keep meaning to try it, but never do.
*Think malted milk.
It’s also why the grain in beer is usually sprouted before being used. The extra sugar helps with alcohol production.
Sucrose does not consist of Fructose and Maltose. Sucrose is a disaccharide consisitng of the monosaccharides Glucose and Fructose.
Maltose is a disaccharide that consists of two monosaccharides Glucose.
If I remember correctly Fructose in normal doses is metabolised without the aid of Insulin. But Fructose in high doses has other negative effects on the metabolism, so a lot of Fructose is also not recommended for people with diabetes.
Xylitol is what makes everyone sick in the first place! You get very much of that in your system and you’re going to be on the toilet until it’s all back OUT, and probably for a while after.
You Know…you can make gelatin with anything. Mix it with fruit or just juice…it wil not be like gummy bears but it is good. Put it on sponge cake and it is just divine. Not sugar free but soo good.
I don’t think I’ve ever eaten gummies. Does sugar over corn syrup make a difference? Sweeteners are so nasty I finally got my mom off Equal, she now used Stevia in her “sweet tea” .
The laxative effect is hilarious, but at the same time seriously dangerous for people who suffer from constipation and are looking for some relief. It makes sense to me now that I see young women gobbling these gummies in my classroom.
Nice to know that those True (insert citrus flavor here) packs taste of chemicals. I had been tempted to buy them in bulk….
Most artificial sweeteners make me ill. So far stevia has been safe. Bonus, you can grow it and dry the leaves. I don’t like it much and usually don’t sweeten things, but I did find a sugar free gum with it instead of aspartame and no diarrhea! Just a thought.
I love sour gummies, but my biggest addiction candy wise is jelly bellies. I hate fake food including face sugar, so my solution was to buy a mini jelly belly coin activated machine. It takes any coin and then dispenses 4 (count them) jelly beans, then I have to turn the machine upside down and shake it to get the candy out of the tiny kid finger size slot/box the beans slide into. So it takes a lot of effort to get that candy and I have artificially controlled my non jelly belly friendly environment.
P.S. I bite the head of the cute little bears first, which is kinda disturbing.
Ah, so do I sometimes—head first, then the legs/arms one by one (very teeny bites used) and torso last. Second fave is to eat the bottom half then top part but eating head last…all while making muffled screams…. Yes, you’re right, not weird at all.
Ilona,How about using stevia to sweeten,then adding a drop of real flavor essence oil from the grocery like peppermint,cinnamon,oil of cloves and so on to your gellitan?
I’m sure you have gotten a lot of recommendations, but the Canadian company called Squish makes vegan and/or sugarfree gummies that are delicious! So far any that I have tried (*knocks on wood*) have not had a laxative effect.
Sucralose — “Look, it has to be ok, it’s made from sugar” – yeah, but now the chemical composition has been altered. It is no longer sugar, but a different entity.
In the 70’s when Tab was made with saccharine, we used to call the taste effect “afterburn”, a grimly humourous reference to rocket propellant.
(Tried the no-fat, no-sugar ice cream once. Was ill for three days.)
Hope you find a good substitute for your recipe!!
Sugar replacements all have problems, either in taste or in what they do to you,some of the artificial sweeteners have a high glycemic index while low cal, and many of them stimulate appetite.
Erythritol might work as a replacement, it has decent taste (it is a sugar alcohol i believe) and from what I have seen on sites like nutritionfacts.org, it is relatively safe. Its dowside is it needs to be dissolved under heat, but might work w unsweetened gelatin
I havne’t been a fan of the True water additives as they taste very bitter to me. I’ve had better luck with Crystal Light and with the off-brand Crystal Light versions offered by my local grocery chains (Meijer and Kroger). Maybe try Crystal Light instead?
1/4 Cup Water
3/4 teas Your Favorite Flavor of Mio/Dasani/Kroger Water Enhancer
18 g Unflavored Gelatin Powder
I put everything in a microwave safe dish for 30-45 seconds. Stir then back in for another 10-15 seconds – you wanna see it foam up but not boil. Then in the mold and the freezer for 20 min or so.
My diabetic family members love them.
I am sorry to hear that, although I will say the molds you used were lovely. Good luck with your search!
I use this recipe and it has been successful (as defined by happy consumption at preschool events).
I have only used normal jello, but they do have boxes marked sugar free.
🙂 Good to know we share some similar life experiences!!!
You were so happy and full of hope for this recipe, I hope your second recipe was better haha
Salt, Fat, Sugar, chemicals, and Texture are our most Taste-worthy tongue pick-ups, and the Gummies fall into the sugar and texture slot. How sad, for many of us. I’m partial to Organic Berry Patch Bunny Fruit Snacks. Years ago it was Twizzlers, but got wise to the GMO high fructose corn syrup thing. Wanted to try to make my own, but saw the effort to wait out the dehydrating of product and sugar issues, a bit daunting. You are brave to make a go of this.
The True Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, and Orange are fine, (unless they changed the formulation). They are just the juice and essential/volatile oils from the zest. Don’t use the lemonades, they have sorbitol/xylitol in them and taste terrible.
I do have to say, though, that those Haribo sugar free gummy reviews on Amazon are a treasure trove of stories. Won’t lie. If I ever feel down, I just read one of the reviews and know it’ll all be okay. 😉
I’d recommend TEA as the flavor in the gummies. Use a flavor of tea you like without sugar (green tea, mint, fruit tea blend… you got options). Then brew it slightly strong with the water called for in the recipe.
Forget the artificial sweetener too! Just use the smallest possible amt you can taste of maple syrup, molasses or dark honey. Do it right and even a full batch won’t wreck your diet.
Unintentional hilarity I’m sure, but I seriously cried (tears streaming) and damn near peed on myself from laughing so hard over the one sentence, “Cold crap that’s been mixed with gelatin.”
So sorry about your experience but you gave me the best moment tonight. Priceless humor!!
I am a gummi bear addict and I’ve tried stopping, or alternatives. No go. It’s been Haribo Gold Bears for many, many years. I just have to keep working on limiting myself. Especially as I have issues with corn syrup clogging up my throat. I binge more when I say I can’t have any at all. So I’m training mind and body for moderation.
And yes, I have the end of the super size bag on my home office desk right now. Sigh 😉
True drink mixes are just nasty to start with. If you don’t like them in water, you’re certainly not going to like them in gummy form. Maybe try subbing in a drink mix that you DO like. I know how nasty True is specifically because I’m allergic to aspertame and they don’t use it, and my favorites that Walmart made don’t seem to exist anymore, so I don’t have a recommendation for you. Most drink mixes have the nasty stuff in them. Typical, really. The moment I find something good, they take it away.
….Although, now that I think of it, maybe you could take unsweetened Kool-Aid and sweeten it with Stevia and try that.
I actually kind of love these sour gummies – https://smartsweets.com. I think Whole Foods carries them?
Nevada’s family did this in WILDFIRE! I was just rereading the books.
I just saw some interesting simple syrups in a catalog – could probably find some sugar free ones, too. They looked like something that would be great in gummy bears.
Chances are to get a gummy that tastes decent you will need the gummy ingredients (whatever those are which is probably something like gelatin), and either use erythritol for the sweetener and something that is fruity like lemon or strawberry or blueberries…I guess pectin would work also. If you wanted sugar free ginger ale tasting ones you could probably just try using diet hansen’s Ginger ale for the flavoring. You would have to keep adding the pectin or the gelatin until they firmed up though. And the erythritol would need to be turned into essentially powdered erythritol (I used my food processor for that) or sucralose (drops not powder). I don’t know if you would get true gummy bears but at least they would taste good. That’s better than gummy but horrible tasting.
Jolly Ranchers makes sugar free water pouches. And they taste exactly like Jolly Ranchers candy IMHO.
Perhaps you could sub out the nasty flavor packets you have for those?
I especially love the cherry flavor. I feel the taste is spot on.
I’m definately trying the wine gummies too.