It’s hot here in Texas. The upstairs AC has been out for a week. The replacement coil arrived Friday, but was defective. AC coils are sealed containing a bit of nitrogen. When the seal is broken, they make a whoosh sound as nitrogen escapes, which let’s you know the coil is good. There was no woosh. The new replacement coil is supposed to arrive today.
The house is still in shambles. The painters were here Thursday, however it did not work out. I’m pretty sure this is the original company that came out to fix their mess, because I think I remember the owner who was there to supervise. They start painting. There are two middle aged gentlemen, a 30 foot ladder, and the owner. Fifteen minutes into it there is a scream. We sprint into the main room. The ladder slid and one of the middle aged men is hanging off the bannister as the ladder is sliding. He is still holding on the the can of paint.
The ladder was caught, and the injury was avoided. I told him to please drop the paint if this ever happens again. Paint stains cane be removed and tile floor can be replaced. We were assured this would not happen again. After watching them for a couple of minutes, we asked to please come back with the scaffolding. They will be here on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, I finally tackled the yarn. Everything had to be removed for the painting process, and they didn’t do too badly with the craft room, so I got my yarn out of the garbage bags.
We all suffer from gift anxiety. What do we get those we love for birthday, Christmas, etc. that would guarantee them a tiny bit of happiness? Well, my family figured out that yarn makes me happy. Sometimes Gordon, who signed up for yarn newsletters, buys me surprise yarn. What I mean to say is that, I didn’t buy all this yarn by myself. A lot of it was gifted to me. I even have some yarn from our literary agency, thanking me for a favor. So it’s not all me. But most of it is. Also I am still missing a box.
Behold, the yarn storage building saga. Lots of pictures.

Just like I know all plot threads will weave into a House Andrews creation, I know all these threads will weave into something remarkable.
What are those containers made of and where did you find them? They look like something I could use for my fabric collection (which might rival your yarn collection)!
Here is a link ????
Thank you Mod R and Thank you Jeanette … I knw I could count on someone having asked and answered!
Mom got hers from IKEA. They arent very strong & she’s managed to rip out a couple of the panels so far but for something light like yarn I can see it working.
So many colors! So much organization! So wonderful!
Now I’m wondering if Caldenia could knit or crochet with her nails… It would be a new (and relatively) harmless hobby.
Wait…..what?? You voluntarily want to give sharp, pointed, long knitting needles to Caledonia??? Um…….. nope. Lololol
It sounded to me like she was suggesting Caldenia could knit with her claws, although the length of her fingers could limit the width of her project.
Why in the world does it autocorrect Caldenia to Caledonia! Evil autocorrect.
Fixed it ????. I don’t even see it anymore hehe, people call her that so often I am now convinced she’s part Scottish hehe
I don’t know how Caledonia ties in with Scotland (google, where are you) but when I see Caledonia, I think New Caledonia, which is about as opposite as you can get lol
Caledonia is the Latin name for Scotland 🙂
Slight correction. It’s what the Romans called the area now know as Scotland but at the time was the home of the Picts (also what the Romans called the inhabitants) who predated the Scots… who are actually from Ireland.
I do medieval reenactment & I do a Pict. Im a rare breed of geek.
Those are its origins, yes, but is used in contemporary and modern context as Scotland ☺️.
See The Caledonian Club in London (I used to work right next door in my mis-spent youth, fab black pudding at breakfast!) or famous poems:
“O Caledonia! stern and, wild,
Meet nurse for a poetic child!
Land of brown heath and shaggy wood
Land of the mountain and the flood,
Land of my sires! what mortal hand
Can e’er untie the filial band,”
Complete with Blue Woad?!
Her nails would keep cutting the yarn. Although, maybe she’s like macramé.
Ooh, nice storage! I would love to have my yarn stash out but I’m too paranoid about the stupid palmetto bugs getting into it.
Not so nice regarding the safety issues. I hope you can immerse yourself in a fun project and ignore the chaos for a while.
Ok, when my husband asks me if I really need any more yarn, I have to show him these pictures … wonderful storage btw. Unfortunately due to carpet beetles larva in our area (they come in the windows constantly and lay eggs in anything fabric), all of mine is in plastic crates in plastic bags.
???? I didn’t know carpet beetles were a thing! I have an phobia about bugs in general so now I’m googling to see which states this might be a thing. ????
Wow, that’s a lot of work! And gorgeous too!
I don’t feel bad about my yarn stash now, lol
You can never have to much yarn
Looking pretty nice actually. At least something is coming together, eh?!
Painting woes ongoing. So sorry!
Your yarn storage looks beautiful.
Very pretty! Love the cube things! All you need is a comfy chair and side table to hold drinks and books.
You need to stitch a little sign for that open cubicle where the outlet is. Something that says “See! I don’t have to fill every nook and cranny with yarn. I left one open!”
Or put a fake door on it like the lockers in Men in Black. When the door is open, have a picture on the back wall to mimic your warehouse of yarn that you store in another dimension. 😛
You could start a shop! ???? As could I with all the dabrics, trims and threads!
I’m also both glad and sad to hear renovation crews are terrible everywhere.
We suffered with everything in boxes for 2 years, and had to get a lawyer to get rid of them.
One of the workers installing solar panels at my aunt almost severed his own wrist with a saw…
At my physiotherapist’ house the workers managed to install the wc at only 30cm height instead of the regular 45… How she discovered it?
Her dad couldn’t get up after sitting on it!
Can’t wait for renovators suffering our literary revenge in one of the future books! ????
You have as much yarn as I do books!
Its why I’m glad e-readers are a thing, otherwise I’d be living in library stacks.
Re: a/c replacement part problems – just went through this with my 18-yo van – first test, compressor’s fine, need more freon. That lasted 20 minutes, then back to hot air. Brought van back – now compressor is dead. Bring in another day after new part delivered … call several hours later: new part not functioning properly, need a new new part so no car overnight. Fixed the next morning. Out $. Good news: a/c really works and found a reliable mechanic for a/c. My sympathies out to you and hope you are feeling cooler soon!
Oooh! That treasure chest looks so lovely!
I was browsing slowly. I see the storage with nothing in it. I think to myself, she isn’t going to be able to fill all of that up, is she? And then the next picture shows it is filled up except for one.????????
Wow this looks good!!
Now I am jealous of your crafts room. We don’t even have room to spare to make a crafts nook. Let alone a room. I hope it gives you some tranquility in al the paint mayhem.
Ditto. My yarn stash is plastic containers (labeled) and “crafting” bags (unlabeled).
Ohhhh, I love your yarn storage. I love your yarns more. A teeny, tiny, bit envious. Sigh.
Hopefully the A/C will be repaired SOON. It is a necessary component of life in the summer.
Is it a Lennox unit? There’s a coil recall for specific manufacturing dates. Happy to help you find out if it is eligible…
Thank you so much Kris for the offer, the a/c tech is on the case ????
This looks amazing! So we’ll organized and accessible, my yarn is in plastic bins in a closet. I see shelving in my future! Thanks for the inspiration!
Oops ????, well not we’ll
All I see is room for a lot more yarn. As it is, Rome finds your yarn collection…sufficient but with room for improvement.
Woohoo, Buy Ilona more yarn!11
Reminds me of a scene from a Linda Howard book. A woman’s house burned down so she bought some replacement clothes and books. Fiancé sees her sorting through her black shoes.
“How many pairs of black shoes do you need?” he asks.
“One more pair.”
“So why don’t you buy that pair?”
“Because I will need one more pair.”
Or something to that effect. In other words… You can never have too much yarn.
I’m over in Houston, and have to agree with Gordon. I see plenty of room for more yarn.
So, the question is: Is this just because I live in Texas and have become used to large stashes, or Does Ilona need more yarn because some of those cubes look a little … anemic? ????
Regardless, thank you all for supporting each other. Mod R, Ilona, Gordon, kids, and other background players: thank you for lifting each other up and sharing the joys with your BDH.
Been playing Caesar IV, have you. Gordon?
Oh my! This looks like my local needlepoint/yarn shop bins. Love it!
The yarn storage is inspiring, though not inspiring enough for me to learn how to knit.
Years ago there was a compilation of photos titled “Why Women Live Longer Than Men.” Painters were overrepresented.
Ooooh, I like the yarn cubbies and I am loving all the pretty colors ????
Ooooh, where did you get these wood-look cubbies? I neeeeeed!
That’s what I was thinking, lovely shelving units ????
Wow, you have yarn. I am impressive with the shelf system, very attractive. I’d say you could open up a boutique yarn shop, but you seem to be maxed out with family, work and life events. Glad you are organized, it always feels so good.
That is an impressive stash! You have more yarn than I see at indie trunk shows. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Wow! So much pretty yarn. I have a pretty big stash myself but it’s mostly in bins for protection, which has the downside of me forgetting about all the yarn I have.
I have something like that but it holds all my shoes. I can’t say no to cute (on sale) shoes. You only have so many years to be able to wear cute shoes.
+10!! And sale prices on cute shoes!!
I loved spike heels back when I was in my 20’s and going out dancing a lot!! “Disco Princess” dresses and all that!!
Now, I absolutely adore my arch support tennis shoes!!
???? and fuzzy socks
Best whooshes for your new a/c coil and may your yarn wall bring you continuous joy!
I envy your yarn stash. I have three stashes: one in storage in Oregon (for a long time, but well stored), one in storage here in Plano, and one in the room I rent in a house here, because I couldn’t get to the one in storage here and yarn makes me happy, too. But it won’t all add up to yours. I lust after your storage solution as well. It looks like a yarn store, which is also a happy place. When I get my own place again (please by the end of the year, Universe!), I intend to do something similar. Thank you for sharing your pretties!
I feel your pain! But you have a whole Room!!! Looks awsome.
We bought this house three years ago. The realtor’s photos didn’t show anything of the basement so it came as a delightful surprise that there was a six foot by seven foot walk-in cedar closet built in one corner because I’m a knitter and I was able to fill that sucker up with yarn. (The photo isn’t up-to-date; I have way more sock yarn than that now.)
The photo doesn’t seem to work. I will try again.
Wow, so pretty!
I am envious of both the cedar closet and your yarn collection!
Wow! Gorgeous!
I must have this look of wonder on my face as I looked at the photo and glanced towards our hall closet… my husband saw my face, came over, looked over my shoulder and said “No. NO. Maybe in our last house, but that closet is waaay to small for your collection. Your yarn stays in bins until the kid leaves home after college. Then we’ll see.”
So I got a solid “No way” (he’s, right, it would only hold about 1/2 of mine) and a glimmer of a light at the end of the tunnel.
Yours is a wonderland of cedar storage and beautifully organized.
Welp, if you need extra cash, you can do a pop-up yarn store!
I’ll look for some yak yarn. Heh.
Whoa! Very nice!! Looks like Yarn Heaven!
Even getting one room back together must feel good. Hopefully more progress will be made and life will be calmer, once the air conditioning is repaired.
???????????? ????
You have a yarn shop! ????
Gorgeous shelves! It is good to know everything you have.
I have a sewing friend who says that the cloth must age properly (like wine) before it is ready to be used. This must also apply to yarn.
Ha! Looks like the yarn store I visit in my cit.
The librarian in me, wants to know if the sorting in cubbies is random or by weight or some other reason.. I just started knitting last year, I am definitely a beginner. And I don’t need another hobby..
Lol me too!! I was wondering how it was sorted ????
It’s sorted by yarn weight, fiber type, and manufacturer ????. Cotton from wool etc.
Thank you! I’m an origination freak, and I was like “it’s not by color, is it weight, store, or *the horror* random.”
So glad to know there is reason to the rhyme.
Me, too! First thought was:
Done by fiber type, weight, brand, project, then sub categories (color, project, ideas…)??
Wow! Now that is a collection! Makes me glad I do needlepoint and cross stitch. I only use embroidery thread, so I have hundreds of skeins in one flat box. That said, my restaurant creamer collection is now over a thousand and has pretty much invaded the entire house! ????
Wow. And I thought I had a lot of yarn! But my loved ones know that I don’t want anymore Good luck using it all up. Love your new yarn storage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, looks wonderful! You can knit for years and never use all of that up!
I’m a weaver, knitter, spinner and seeing your yarn gave me a lot of joy (the kindred spirits thing) and happiness for you (gorgeous yarn). I think there should be internet photos of people’s yarns so other people could see the colors and types and just visually bask. Personally, I hide my yarn collection as much as I can (it’s hard) and my books as much as I can (6 floor to ceiling cases, and books in boxes, ottomans, etc). I’m working on decluttering right now….
A Yarn Porn site! I would go there.
I’m a weaver, knitter, spinner too! Mostly weaving these days, trying hard to only use yarn from my stash(es), but I got a serious attack of yarn envy from seeing those gorgeous photos. Pretty sure I need some new colours.
Hope that from now on all goes well with your re-renovations!
Precioussss – so many preciousesssss !!! (Is that even a word ????)
What about a ballwinder and a yarn-swift next? There are some beautifully crafted wooden ones – Christmas is just around the corner, you know ????
One question: are you sorting my yarn type, manufacturer, color or how. Just curious to know how others sort their stash. Or by possible future project??
It’s sorted by yarn weight, fiber type, and manufacturer.
For example: Malabrigo yarn, fingering weight, in one cube. Miss babs fingering weight in another cube. In case when there is not enough of one brand to fill a cube, some yarns from various manufacturers of the same fiber and weight will go together ????. Cottons are separated form wool, etc.
so many square box-like storage units, yarn and no cats? (must be a secret storage area)
Curious here. I know nothing about yarn. Is there a system in the shelving? It doesn’t look like it is organized by color. Is it by type?
It’s sorted by yarn weight, fiber type, and manufacturer ????. Cotton from wool etc.
I love the shelves that are wood with the black trim.
It’s all very pretty
You could open a yarn shop! 😉
This is inspiring! I have so much yarn and it’s just all piled in bins and bags where I can’t see it.
At forty years it is time for me to admit: my hobby is not crafting. My hobby is buying crafting supplies.
Researching the activity and/or buying supplies for the activity with no intention of doing the activity are very valid and hobbies in their own standing.
Yay hyperfixation????
Hubby refers to our house as a craft store in the making. LOL
That’s me with cookbooks. I want to cook, I buy cookbooks, I look through the cookbooks and I think “ooh, that looks good”. Now ask me how often I actually make something from one of the cookbooks.
That’s my husband. Family and friends know to buy him cookbooks, but he mostly buys them himself. A lot. Also books about cooks (Kitchen Confidential etc) and books about wine. But at dinner time, it’s usually still: “What are you cooking?” Sigh.
Made me laugh out loud. I know a couple of people who do this.
You have almost as much yarn as I have fabric right now. 😀
I have my yarn in storage containers since I don’t have a dedicated sewing/yarn room.
Have fun with possibly getting more yarn (see Gordon’s response above). 😉
Mod R I know this post is about yarn, storage, and containers. However, please stay cool as much as you can in the horrible heat you’re getting in England. ????????
???? Thank you! I am many ice creams deep hehe and thankfully don’t need to leave the house!
I’m in London and it’s midnight and the thermometer says it’s 28c. At midnight. This would normally be a hot day temperature!! I’m wilting and can’t sleep!!! I’m a delicate English flower!!!
Anyone who says global warming isn’t real is wilfully blind.
Also sooo envious of people in countries where air conditioning is a common thing. My makeshift solution has been spraying myself with a garden spritzer and standing in front of the fan.
I’m sitting a bit better than you at 27 C indoors. And that’s with the windows completely covered all day and wet sheets on the walls. Spritzing bottles are essential! ????
If you can stand to have wet washcloths around your face and neck, do that with the fan blowing on you. I do that when I’ve been out too much in the heat. Cool baths or showers can help.
Also, crushed ice with cold tea will also help. Hydration is the key to keeping your internal body temperature down.
I feel for all of you without air conditioning. Thank goodness it’s common in Texas.
If you have long hair, pull it back at your nape (french braid, pony tail, braid, whatever). Then tuck an ice cube in (close to your scalp but not against it- leave some hair as the thermal cushion). Occassionally a little trickle will drop down your neck. But in general it will just keep you a little cooler. I found putting the ice cube higher tended to give me a cold headache but you may not have that issue.
Thank you all so much! ????
Spritzing and standing in front of a fan works well… many schools in southern states in the US did not have AC commonly until the 70’s and 80’s, believe it or not. And our April – September / October temperatures range from 88 F (31C) to 106F (41C). Many of our teachers used a swamp cooler to cool off their classrooms. You might find making one of those helpful.
To create a “swamp cooler” — basic way is large cooler or ice chest full of ice, add Cold water and some salt and have a fan blow across the top (may want to lay a thin towel or sheet over the top of it) giving you a cooler breeze. That’s the quick, temporary way to do it.
There are many websites on “how to make a swamp cooler” that will give you better results. We use the 5 gal bucket version at sport game events and when our home AC goes out. It drops the room temp 5 -10 degrees usually.
Hope this is helpful and that you get cooler air soon!
Make a swamp cooler…as another southern located poster suggested. Fla is no picnic but we do get coastal breezes and in shade is okay. Well except for the biting bugs..I’d love to put my whole garden ???? under in a screened room
As someone who envy’s those who have the creative gene (I can colour- in a book) I find a craft rooms simply amazing! This looks so pretty and I know that you will be make something lovely.
Yes I am in awe, and a bit of me hates you. Sorry! Happy crafting and please share any results .
That room is like a wool shop! I love it! It would be very comforting and restful to sit in there with some tea and just explore it all. In fact better than a wool shop as there are no other people 🙂 (my introvert self is strong this morning). Love it.
I LOVE your yarn storage! I wish I had a corner I could devote just to all my yarn. Also, your stash is gorgeous! ????
LOL, I love it. Your craft room looks like a yarn store, but it’s great! I hope your home gets back to some sort of normalcy as soon as possible.
Dang you own a yarn store lol
Great yarn stash! Good luck with getting the painting finished. I hope there are no more mishaps.
“There was no woosh” is going to become my new catch-phrase when describing why a work project is having issues.
Hehehe ????
I see you have the 3 M’s – Madeline Tosh, Malabrigo and Miss Babs. Lovely stash, I love your new cubbies!
Wow! That’s a lot of yarn !
Unless you have since filled up all the white cubes, I think you need more yarn. ????
Wow. Those cubbies are gorgeous. With the yarn it’s amazing. I could stare at it for hours.
I do wonder what Tuna is going to make of it.
I love the open shelves; it turns the yarn into decor. It’s a great paint color choice to showcase the yarn colors, too. Very inspiring.
Oooo. So pretty. I have so much yarn and going to steal your storage idea????. My mom and I would sit for hours knitting during Covid. She fell was ill in late 2021 but still loved to knit and made hats for so many people. Lost her in February but the happy memories of us knitting together bring me so much joy.
If this writing thing doesn’t work out, you are almost ready to start your yarn shop! So organized! A few more knitting mags, patterns and needles and you’re all set.
“If this writing thing doesn’t work out…” Bite your tongue, Tapati!
LOL, I think there’s no danger of that happening.
I am not worthy, I must bow down before you and your wonderful, awesomeness of yarn heaven!!
I am also whimpering and drooling over your storage creation and all the beautiful skeins of yarn within.
I’m forwarding the link to my family members for today’s blog with the subject line: READ – Hint Hint!!
What a beautifully organized storage area! This is what I’d like the horde behind my favorite T-shirt to look like, lol! (sorry if this posts twice, had problems with the image)
Hey Tahmi,
There’s a 1 MB limit to photos, maybe taking a screenshot and uploading that would work better? ????
If yarn is like books…you can never have too much yarn!
I mean wow…. I am in awe.
Oh my! I’d be in heaven! Where are your shelving units from? I have an ikea unit for fabric but I’d like one for yarn too. Love the color of the room. Enjoy your treasure hunting!
Here is a link ????
“Currently out of stock” they say, “We’ve been overrun” they say, “Like there’s been a HORDE…”
Love it… and I do not even knit
Even your grand-grand-grandchildren will inherit yarn!!! ????????????????
Try to have fun!
I immediately had In-Book-Pics in my brain when you described the poor-painter-accident ????!
Greets from hot-too-switzerland!
How great that the Painter didn’t fall, like you say cleaning up paint is way less painful than broken body parts.
What a great way to be able to store yarn. Mine is stuffed in huge ziplock bags and plastic bins. I am purging yarn (I am to blame, I was the purchaser). On Saturday, I delivered there large 30 gallon clear trash bags full of yarn to the beauty salon I go to. They all knit or crochet there. I decided to give it to them to do with as they will instead of taking it to Saint Vincent De Paul here in town. I know there is more yarn hiding and I will bring St V DeP loads of yarn. I am not getting rid of all of it.
:Sniffle: It’s beautiful! I know have a strong case of yarn envy and want to order some out of sheer jealousy. So many pretty colors and it all looks so well organized!
It looks like my fabric storage before I gave away half my fabric. Sitting in front of a sewing machine is too much like sitting in front of the computer. Now I garden and use power tools.
Also, sympathy for living in the middle of a Three Stooges movie.
Wow! Being a yarn lover, I’m have a moment looking at your incredible supply. It’s like walking into a yarn shop and looking around with eyes glazing over. 😀 😀 😀
Hopefully this small painting company has the appropriate insurance.
Look at all the beautiful colors ????????
How pretty! So nice that the yarn is on display, (and sorted out!), I would wander in randomly just to admire it if it was a room in my house!
You could get a wide weave cloth like monks cloth. Use your yarn to make a tapestry with your cross stitch skills. Make pretty wall hangings for your family as gifts.
Wonderful yarn and storage solutions. My fabric is now in giant clear Ziplock bags with a bar of Ivory soap in each. These go on wire shelving units in my sewing room/pantry. A great improvement over opaque garbage bags. I have finished and mailed off the last of the baby quilts for extended family members. On to the next project-my raspberry cane need whacking down. It is very hot out but not as bad as Texas. I hope you get your air conditioner fixed soon and your renovations fixed properly.
My quilts.
Different one.
Quilters unite
When I moved last, the house had a little room w/ one window off the master bedroom. Yarn room! Yay!
Guess what – one of the cats opens doors. And both cats like to examine things like skeins of yarn. One of them thinks yarn is tasty. (Bad for yarn. Potentially deadly for cats – yarn or string can block intestines and cause serious infections.)
It’s still the yarn room, but the yarn is in semi-transparent tubs. And I never know where anything is…
OMG that storage is beautiful and the display is so satisfying
I know you have hand issues (I share your pain) what about trying a loom? maybe to start with do a tapestry weaving?
Oh my. I think you have more yarn than I do cross-stitch patterns and supplies, which is hard to imagine as I have so many boxes of them.
Love this organization!
I absolutely LOVE your storage. Is that custom made? All of my yarn is currently in large Rubbermaid bins. My attempt at organization has multiple skeins of the same yarn together, but that’s it.
Here is a link for the wooden shelves ????
So my monitor makes the walls look like they are a soft sage-y gray. Is that right? and if so, what paint is it? We’re moving and I too have to have a textile storage/use room 😀
Hey Kristen, It’s Comfort Grey ????
Yarn: it is all gorgeous.
Painters: *sigh*. I know a lot about maintenance. Including painting. I do bookkeeping for a “small” contractor, several hours a month, besides the day job. He’s also a friend. Point is I wished we lived there. He would have your home done in a jiffy.
The painter hanging from the bannister. This sort of thing happens more than you think. It is Why my friend Jorge carries a lot of insurance, trains vigorously and enthusiastically. His guys are great. And they do a hell of a job.
Don’t get me started on new guys wanting to race in parking lots on lifts (a building was being painted). Or, sure, an awning frame is a great substitute for scaffolding.
I love the storage for your yarn!
I would love to have shelving like that for my yarn and fabric.
My hobbies besides reading is crochet, quilting, and cross stitch.
I have a guest bedroom and it is partial craft room but it isn’t big enough to store everything. I dream of a dedicated craft room or “She Shed”
Where did you get those beautiful, bronze-looking boxesl
Here is a link for the wooden shelves ????
Looks awesome!! Looks also like a fun place for cats to hang out — in those cubbies. ????
As an avid knitter, spinner, weaver, and sometimes felter, I can attest that your stash seems well under control. Seriously, there is so much room for more there. You should congratulate yourself on your constraint.
Cool storage containers!
Ok Awesome, but where did you get those bins?
Hi John,
Do you mean the shelves? I can’t see any bins in the picture but my brain is not the best today in the heat ????
Just in case you mean the shelves, here is a link
I have seen yarn stores with less yarn! Impressive!
I’m a quilter so my stash is all fabric. Quilters like to “pet” their fabric and there is no such thing as too much fabric.
I have one wall in my quilting room with white flannel hung and stapled to the wall. It’s my design wall. Fabric will stick to it. It’s where fabric “auditions” for a place on the quilt. It’s where the the pieces are placed before sewing it all together…where I see that one fabric doesn’t really work and I need to go to the fabric store to look f or that perfect shade. Where you can’t leave with just one piece of fabric.
So beautifully organized! Even at times when you can’t craft for whatever reason, you can wander into this room and just pet your yarn. That’s what I do when my hands won’t cooperate; I go through my fabric and yarn stash and dream about possibilities. Makes a nice mental break.
Here’s hoping the house is finished soon and to your satisfaction!
Quilts and cats go together like eggs and bacon
Wow! Love the organization and all the yarn!
Look at that yarn stash. You are now officially MY HERO. I cannot wait until I have enough room to do this.
*walks of plotting*
Nice bins!
As one yarn store owner once told me “you have a lot of fiber in your diet.” My sister and cousins would swoon for your yarn storage.
I love it. May you have time to knit with every strand.
I don’t need yarn… but that is so pretty!!!!
Oh my gosh, I have so much yarn envy right now! We are putting an addition on our home and I’m hoping once it’s done I’ll be able to find space for a craft room and a yarn storage setup like this. For now my yarn not currently in use is in plastic bins in the attic.
That is so beautiful!! All those lovely colors!!
In 7th and 8th grade, we had two class hours a week for activities and hobbies. My 7th grade English teacher was the “coach” for needle crafting: knitting, embroidery, etc. Knitting yielded a lovely headband for our dog to wear in the winter. (He was thrilled….????) Embroidery was much more my style. Even made up some of my own free-form designs. Loved having all the floss colors in my work basket, and shopping for more at the fabric store. Floss and color overload, sometimes! Too much arthritis these days, so I’m glad I stitched back then.
I immediately started making the pictures bigger so I could drool over the pretties!
How about a knitting short story, when you have time????‘Cause I know you have so much time…
Love seeing all that colourful yarn on display!
One day all of my yarn pretties will be on display too (they’re all in plastic crates under beds and in cupboards), waiting for me to finish repairing, stripping and sanding and repainting a display cabinet….a project I started 2 years ago!
So envious of the yarn room.
Love your yard collection and love your love of yarn.
All I seem to collect is dust and spiderwebs. I would be highly suspicious of any house in Australia that does not have at least one spider web.
That’s not a yarn collection. That’s a Little Yarn Shop! <3
I have yarn envy.
Honestly you are fine with that much room. My mom is a quilter. When all the kids moved out she took over the dinning room. Whatever the next house is make sure to bump up the room size by a 1/3, collections normally grow over the years.
I can relate, bit my problem is quilting fabric
Ooooo, cool storage racks and the yarn looks nice in them. I WANT TO PET THE YARN! …..and I don’t even knit….
What’s your organization system? Thread type? Size? Colour?
It’s sorted by yarn weight, fiber type, and manufacturer ????.
Wow it could be a shop. I have all mine in boxes I need to get knitting. I once knitted for a shop. It didn’t pay by the hour more like by the size. But I didn’t have to buy the wool and I like to knit. Now I have Kindle unlimited and I read more….
Heh, the woes of construction. After living for two years in the horror very similar to the one you show here, I started writing songs. Punk rock mostly.
But there is a very special pleasure when a room is ready, thought-through, organized and fresh, isn’t it?
To add more color and prettiness to life, here is a craft room of “Mama Boss”, who creates costumes for her famous belly dancer daughter, Kira Lebedeva aka Habibi Lal:
Ooooooohhhhh yarn storage and yarn????
I have moths at home, so don’t go for the open storage, but my clear boxes are busting at the seems.
I have no one to blame for my yarn gate but me, as I tell people to never buy me yarn as I’m to picky for my projects and tend to go for things that don’t make me itch like cottons, bamboos etc..
Your craft rooms looks lovely and organised…. I’ll not be sharing my craft break out areas which are slowing taking over my house????
Your yarn makes me happy. Something about all those bright colors and all those neat boxes for them to go into. <3
???????? you could open a yarn store…
That looks like heaven! All those gorgeous hanks have me drooling. Good luck with all the rest – it’s been in the 90s where I am and I refuse to even leave my air conditioned apartment.
Many riches of fun .
*starry eye*. You have your own yarn store! Sigh
WOW! And I thought I had a lot of yarn! Your Yarn Storage Unit is amazing and has give. Me some ideas too, Thsnks!
It looks like a yarn shop and I love it! Gotta get back to knitting!
I have yarn envy.
I want those shelves so bad…where did you find them?? Or are you all seriously making them yourselves, in which case, I can’t afford to hire you, lmao.
Here is a link to the shelves ????
I’m glad you set safety boundaries with the painters. That’s stressful.
And the Yarn storage is gorgeous!!!
Alpaca yarn?
Holy worsted weight, that’s a lot of yarn. If this writing thing doesn’t work out you can always open a yarn store ????
I recently moved much of my yarn stash (in decorative boxes) to the place where my tower of bottled water had been living. Then it dawned on me that “the big one” will probably toss my emergency H2O around and possibly break them open. Now the water lives on the floor next to my bed. Such is life in a 562 sqft apartment in So.Cal.
Best of luck with the house!
Fun looks like a store!!!
I am just super impressed that someone remembered to leave the back off of the cubby where the outlet would be. I can’t count the times that one has been covered and after watching destruction happen in the name of “I’ll just make a little hole”, I have become the queen of finding extension cords with flat plugs.
I love your yarn room. This is what i aspire to have. Alas mine is all in my closets in tubs. Sigh. If i could see what I have (after crying) I would not buy more and try to knit what I have (in theory)!!!
Lovely! I would find putting the shelves up and then sorting the yarn into it’s correct places very soothing, I hope that was so for you. My yarn is in baskets, which looks pretty, but I can only pile so many up, so I’m going to have to have something like your cubbyholes and then I can put the baskets on top.
Holy cow, that isnt a craft room it is a yarn store. When can I come by to buy some?
You have better stock than my local yarn store!
What a great idea ???????? Glad you have your yarn for some much needed downtime
Now that is a yarn stash worthy of a dragon shifter! You say you’re an author/wife/mother/daughter/… But the pictures says you’ve been holding out on your shifting ability!
I need to get all my yarn in some sort of order. I was gifted lots of yarn, but I also have spent way too much money on even more yarn.
I officially have craft room envy. :0 That looks amazing! :)) I would like to wish for a pretty yarn posting every once in a while. Please?
Looking at the collection of yarn in the nice cubby holes, all I could think of is what would happen if a cat got loose in there…wouldn’t know whether to run around creating havoc with the yarn or whether to sleep in every one of the cubicles.
Ilona, Your storage units are lovely, however I can tell you from experience that if you don’t keep the yarn in individual clear plastic bags (so you can still see them)
they will wind up getting very dusty, at the least. The reason it works in yarn stores to have the yarn out in the open, is that not all of the yarn is on display, and it turns over quickly. Some yarn stores have only a sample to touch and the rest is under plastic or cellophane.But what a great room!
My experience is that if the upper shelf is close enough to the top of the yarn, dust isn’t so much of an issue. Also having a closed craft room fixes this too. My shelves are going on 5 years and I don’t see any dust, so I wouldn’t stress.
love your yarn shelving, and that it was adaptable enough to be able to leave an opening for the outlet to be accessed.
glad the painter didn’t fall. it sounds like asking them to bring back the scaffolding was the right idea.
Omg! Your yarn wall is exactly what I need! I wish I had a bigger craft room. Loving it!!
Sooooo……… what are the criteria for which box a skein ends up in? It isn’t by color at this point. It is the weight or type of yarn? Curious! 🙂
May your ac get fixed, may no more men fall on you (er.. your house, fall IN your house) and may you have fun making your yarn wall!
Blessings 🙂
It’s sorted by yarn weight, fiber type, and manufacturer ????.
Ooh. It is sorted and graded too!? Words fail. That level of organizational detail indicates a level of expertise I’m not sure I want to think about. Hum.
I love it! It looks like our local yarn store!
Holy Hannah! I no longer need to feel guilty about my stash. Thank you.
Glad the painter is safe, hope that with scaffolding things move quicker, safer, and a well done job.
I have craft room envy… and yarn storage envy. Your craft room is gorgeous. I love the wall color (so calming) and the fun / traditional floor tile pattern. The storage is like having your own personal yarn shop to browse in: calming and allowing for creative inspiration.
Mine is in plastic bins, apparently until the kid goes to / graduates college. Unless they need to move back in (high probability, with today’s economy). But I am beginning to plan and creating a Pinterest idea board just for “craft room”. Kid just leaned over and said “Mom. Mom… its gonna be 4 to 6 years. You have time.” Hahahaha….
Madre de Dios!! That is a lot of yarn. It didn’t look like so much in the garbage bags. How long will the supply last you, do you think? And should the BDH send you more, LOL? It looks like there is still some space…and well.. Nature abhors a vacuum.
Please do not send things to House Andrews, they are very grateful for the intention, but not comfortable receiving presents! ????
I joke. I would never send an unsolicited gift! Mama taught me better than that. Unless I’m being invited to dinner somewhere in which case the hostess gift comes into play – chocolates or wine? Or both. Never really sure about that one.
Love the yarn space!
Nice presentation for the yarn. I just restarted getting into crocheting and the yarn increases quite quickly. Do you have a yarn spinner to spin the yarn into a ball when you start to use it? I don’t know if you watch any of YouTube for crafts, I’ve been looking at some to get ideas for projects. The ones that are more established really set up their rooms and yarns in a color coordinated way. Not sure I have that in me but appreciate it that others do.
I love you yarn cubby (brown). I have a bunch of yarn, like you do. I have crocheted for the past 40 years and have just become a fan of Tunisian crochet. All this to inquire about the cubby. Would you be willing to share the retailer you purchased it from.
I have all of your books. Love the stories!!!
Here is a link Here is a link ????
I have craft room envy…..
The yarn is beautiful, I love how you’re storing/displaying it. Feels like a personal yarn store.
And it’s not too much yarn. It is joy and love and inspiration. Also I think I have more than you do and if you have too much…well I don’t want to think about that 😉
That brown stained storage looks simply amazing.
I showed my husband Ilona’s craft room. I am a crafter too, mostly card making and cross-stitch.
His immediate response was NO! You are not having a WHOLE room. You have already filled 3 cupboards and a storage rack!
( I might add 2 of my cupboards are very tall……..)
It is all organised and labelled for easy searching.
I love the cubbies! And the yarn filling the cubbies! Holding thumbs that the rest of the painting works out well!
I am in awe. You have a good set up to display the yarn. Mine resides in bags, and I have no motivation to do anything with it. I think it’s the heat. I’m avoiding my craft room. But I have a project I carry around in a canvas bag, and crochet in front of the tv, with the window air conditioner on. Sigh, I am grateful for what I have. Thank you for your writing, I feel cheered after I read what you write. Bright spot for me. Hope you have better days in the rehab.
Thank you for the previous PSA post. I understand why comments aren’t allowed. But I just wanted to say thank. My mother died from breast cancer at 50 when I was 22. She had ignored her test results from a mammogram thinking it was fluke. I appreciate you raising awareness about this, Ilona, and I’m sorry for your loss. Sending good vibes as you await results.
Every dragon has it’s hoard, correct?
Good one! ????
Jealous. I knit and then weave the yarn leftovers into useful and pretty rectangles such as cup coasters, dish towels, and placemats . I originally started this because my yarn storage space was a plastic box under my bed. Years have passed and the storage space hasn’t increased. So my jealousy is two-fold. First you have craft space and second, you actually have a stash. So Jealous.
From a fellow crafter and crocheter…..The boxes aren’t full you need more yarn… lol
You. You are my hero!!
I only this year converted Our Kid1 bedroom to sowing room/her bedroom when she comes by.
I waited for a year after she left ????
Most of her book cases now hold fabrics ????????♀️
I’m a retired librarian, so my question is somewhat predictable. How did you decide where to put each skein? They’re obviously not classified by color or fiber or merchant. Or was it a “throw it over there and see where it lands” sustem?
It’s sorted by yarn weight, fiber type, and manufacturer ????. Cotton from wool etc.
Deciding where and how to store craft projects is its own hobby ????
Gorgeous stash and craft room! But I have to admit, I’d hyperventilate over all that exposed wooly goodness. I live in East Texas and the demon spawned moths would plow thru my stash in a heartbeat.
While doing early Christmas shopping on, I saw this dragon yarn hoard shirt and thought of your beautiful collection. May it give you a chuckle.