Running behind this morning. Here is a snippet. Got to run to work.
The Keeper of Records turned to me. He was of average height, slim, and old. Time had wrinkled his brown skin, carving a roadmap of years around his eyes and mouth, and turned his hair white. He wore a brown three-piece suit with a copper and black bow tie. His expression was always welcoming, but his eyes, guarded by large glasses, stopped you in your tracks. So dark, they appeared black, they sparkled like two pieces of polished black jade.
“Prime Baylor,” the Keeper said, “it’s been so long. What a pleasure to see you again.”
Mom looked at me. Her eyes were wide.
“Good afternoon, Keeper. Thank you for keeping my mother company. We are so sorry to trouble you.”
The Keeper smiled. His teeth were white and sharp. “It’s not a bother. We’re always happy to visit with House Baylor, aren’t we, Michael?”
Michael emerged from the shadows. He didn’t stride out, he congealed, like some mythical wraith coalescing from darkness. It was probably my imagination, and he must have walked out of some niche between the bookshelves, but one moment it was just the four of us, and then suddenly there were five.
Michael nodded. In his mid-twenties, he wore a black suit with a white shirt that set off his bronze skin. His hair was black and cut short with just enough length on top to keep it from being a buzz cut. Black and grey tribal tattoos swirled over the exposed skin of his hands and neck. His face was handsome, with what people called “good bones,” and his eyes had an odd color, a rich, light hazel, almost yellow when the light caught his irises.
The Keeper turned to Cornelius. “It is wonderful to see you again, Significant Harrison.”
“The pleasure is all mine,” Cornelius said. “It’s been a long time since my trials.”
“Fifteen years, three months, and fourteen days. Should you wish to revisit your certification, our doors are always open.”
Cornelius drew back slightly. “That won’t be necessary.”
“As you prefer.”
Probably the wrong but … Hah, Cornelius is a Prime but chose to hide it! Good for him!
That Keeper is a scary dude.
The snippet gives the impression that the Keeper knows this.
I believe it was confirmed during a Q&A that he s a Prime and tested down (been family drama and Adam Pierce ect)
I missed that, how very interesting!
oh, i missed that too! thanks. Does this mean Matilda is also a Prime?
Thank you for sharing that! It’s really neat to have that piece with the snippet!
Do you remember which Q&A? I’d like to watch or read it! Thank you.
OMG. This has me SO … wound up. Cannot WAIT to read the whole thing!!!
Sounds about right.
Excellent, Thank You!!
Scary Keeper is scary! Thank you!
Thank you! ????
Thank you 🙂
Thank you!
Perhaps taking control of Zeus was an indication of Cornelius’s power? He wrested control from a Summoner Prime – who had summoned the creature. Very cool.
Totally forgot that key point. Thanks for pointing this out!!!
+1 very cool indeed!
I remember something Cornelius’s sister said about it not being possible to bond with a summoned creature when she was introduced to Zeus. I don’t know how this “new” skill might affect his ranking (or maybe I’m not recalling correctly or it’s not relevant or…)
I count 4 people. I wonder who is the 5th.
Catalina, Penelope ( “thank you for keeping my mother company”), Cornelius, the Keeper and Michael.
That’s our 5 ????. Aren’t they, Michael?
Not to be too suspicious, but it never says it’s Catalina. Arabella is a Prime also, no? Unless “Prime [House]” is specifically used for a head of house?
Everything is possible, but Ruby Fever is a Catalina POV, so I went for broke ????.
Whichever Baylor sister POV character, she makes our 5th ????
Hah you bet!
I had a moment of “wait, we’re not on Arabella’s books yet…are we? what year is it??”
Nah, if it were Arabella, there’d be way more drooling over Michael.
So I’m not the only one thinking that?
Or could it be Cornelius? Granted, he’s a lot older … but single, a secret Prime – and he works w/ animals, and who else can hold his own w/ Arabella when she goes into her other form?
No Augustine, and not Cornelius either :).
No relationship with grown adult men who have known her since she was a 15 year old, are close to double her age, have professional relationships or held financial dominance over her family etc.
Since she was 15? How very interesting. I think she was 15 in one of the Nevada-books still. Gotta check. Was she 15 when she got tested at the trials, whether she is a prime?Did we meet him yet at all? Or will we only meet him in Ruby Fever…Catalina met Alessandro in the last Nevada-book after all.
I really really want to know, who it’s going to be for Arabella 😉
Thank God. Id feel like id be reading incest as both those two are brother figures in my head with the baylors.
I agree – I think Michael’s danger and mystery would be irresistible to Arabella!
It says Catalina at the top of the post.
Oops. I swear I counted twice ????
And Michael nods!
Michael nodded.
I can read entire series of books and not be as hooked as reading this snippet from Ilona Andrews. Their writing is just beyond compare. Thank you for sharing your incredible talent with us!! ????
Haha that was brilliant. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Imagine Arabella meeting Michael?!
Just thank you.
I heart Cornelius!
…Imagining Arabella going out with Michael (!)
That would be awesome!
I had the same thought! ????
Keeper and Michael are scary since they know everybodies business.
But why they got to be creepy with it too ????????
The Keeper is the very soul of courtesy. He is the velvet glove that holds the hammer.
I dont feel that makes the creepy factor any less. I get the shivers thinking about them.
If I lived in that world, and I could choose between Rogan, Alessandro, and The Keeper (hmmm, I’m really enjoying this scenario), I would definitely choose The Keeper.
All the knowledge, drama, and power, but I’m guessing a lot fewer cuts, bruises, and other assorted injuries. Also, I’m not finding him creepy At All.
yeah — but definitely a black velvet glove
… it’s the bow tie that always competes the picture of a southern gentleman.
And he’s deeply CREEPY! Isn’t he, Michael?
The Kreeper. Definitely black glove. And he smiled with sharp teeth… Uh, that’s not threatening or anything lol
And does that apply to Michael, too? 😛
+ 100 Velvet glove on a steel fist.
I love your writing! Nice play on the traditional: This steel fist also holds a hammer …
Michael is the hammer, and he follows the Keeper’s lead.
As my Mother would say: always start off asking nicely.
(That way, when you escalate to other methods (like pressure or leverage, or complaining up their chain of command), they understand that they brought it on themselves … and the next time you ask nicely, they are likely to remember, and be a bit more sensible.)
As one of my friends put it: firm, fair, and consistent.
Good manners are a gift you give yourself. 🙂
Thanks for the snippet 🙂
Nice snippet, thanks! I wonder if Micheal might be a match for Arabella, too, hmmm.
We need a ship name!
Marabella? ????
For some reason my brain stuttered onto Michelobella…. Guess I need a beer
Heh :D.
As a new Michelada convert ( recently procured Tajin in the U.K.!), I support this 😀
The Office of Records feels like a bottomless pit, just what it is can the keepers do that lets them work for that office? If they can suck out the magic from someone, can they detect what kind of magic(s) they have? It would make sense if that was their passive field, the magic detection. Is Michael a relative of the keeper? So many questions.
I know it’s early, I’m still shipping Michael and Arabella.
I’d love to see a book featuring Michael as the hero, too–but would be fine with any heroine.
You know, I also had this thought: Michael + Arabella = ♡
But I suspect team Andrews is going to chortle and throw us something we don’t see coming.
I thought Arabella and Stephen Jiang were being set up for future books?
Hehehehehe, maaaaaaaybe 😉
Per a previous post, IF (and I know we are all manifesting this) Arabella gets her own trilogy, “Arabella’s books would feature several possible love interests and we are not sure who she is going to end up with” https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/flowers-and-questions/
Let the shipping wars commence!
I am team Stephan.
Stephen for sure, with what I know right now. I’m really not thinking Michael at all. But keeping options open for someone(s) we haven’t met yet!
Is it wrong for me to expect someone totally new to us? We get a bonus character, have another meet-cute and probably get to see more of this world to include that character’s story.
Totally my wish as well! Though I can also see Arabella dragging him on a merry chase through the other options first.
The Keeper & Michael are giving off serious Headteacher/Exam Invigilator vibes… the ones where you confess to something because you know they know and you know they know you know they know…ad infinitum!
Great Snippet, thank you!
One of the (many) things I love about IA books is there’s always some detail, new or that I missed, that deepens the story. Rarely are the details superfluous (Michael’s tribal tattoos) and re-reading or listening always adds a new piece of the story. This snippet is a great example. Thank you!
Gah! Typos! Superfluous and tribal. More coffee, I think…
Took care of them for you ????. Enjoy the coffee!
Mod R is amaze. Big love for taking care of the BDH!
Thank you!
Thank you!
I wonder if Michael is from the other realm, where Zeus used to live, and he just travels effortlessly between his realm and Houston. I wonder if he is a “demon” who is at the beck and call of the Record Keeper for some past indiscretion, a favor owed, or the RK “owns” him and has the power to summon him with those few words, “Don’t we Michael”. I think Michael is a prisoner/slave to the RK, can’t get free, and that’s why he told Nevada she’d be sorry for owing a favor to the RK. Hmmmm…
Thk u for the snippet.
Michael is neither prisoner nor slave. His bond to the Keeper is one of both affection and appreciation. He is the Keeper’s apprentice and heir apparent.
Oh Poo, well just a thought. Thks for setting me straight.
Oh, but u didn’t confirm or deny his place of origin. Muahahaha… ????????
Well, that shot my theory out of the water about Michael and the Keeper…
I’m not sure who to ship with Arabella. She’s just such a powerhouse coated in drama, lol. How could anyone measure up?
Wasn’t there the guy who was the Asian film star who was also a Prime that Arabella was obsessing on? I need to go back to the books and find a name…
Stephen Jiang of the Aquakinetic House Jiang- in Emerald Blaze 🙂 . But you know, a reread does sound good hehe.
Maybe whoever she ends up with will be very zen. Drama just rolls away. Not necessarily zen as a magic talent though.
They both have mysterious talents though…. What kind of primes are they?
Yay! Thank you for the snippet! 😀
Arabella has got to save Michael, Michael is going to save the Baylor’s when the Devil comes to collect his due!
Hahahahaha I love it 🙂 Thank you both for sharing
Thanks! A fun start to the week. And now I want to know why the Keeper was keeping Penelope company. Gah, so many questions!
Also why Pen is wide eyed about the experience!!
now the favor pretty please 😉
And. . . .I totally love it and can’t wait to read the full book.
Thank you for the snippet!
Happy to see more Michael. I thought he was an interesting character.
It’s amazing how much interest is sparked in Michael with just a few (3or4) scenes and a complete lack of any spoken words! House Andrews has mastered the bait-and-hook with these teasers! I’m just waiting to be reeled in.
Please! 😀
He has spoken a whole entire 2 words!
“A mistake”
He’s the Chatty Kathy of the Record Keeper’s office hehehe. Aren’t you, Michael?
You delight in setting off the BDH don’t you!
I don’t suppose you could magically get Ruby Fever scheduled for March 2022 could you. Then there would be a trifecta of great reading for the month. Patti Briggs has a new Mercy coming then and a new Others book by Anne Bishop. So long to wait, read in a few hours, then over and over again for the nuances. Big smile just anticipating the enjoyment coming our way.
I didn’t know a new Others was coming out. I thought the series was quashed. Thks for the info!
Leigh – It is set in Lake Silence and titled Crowbones
I loved Lake Silence and wanted to know what happened next. Happy Sproing face!!
Dear Catlover, you just made my day! Thank you so much for the news about the new Mercy novel – I believed the series was finished, and somehow missed Kindle notification about the pre-order opportunity.
Thank you so much for the snippet! It made this particular Monday a little brighter!
Love it! Thank you for sharing.
I am not looking for Arabella to be with Michael at all. He’s creepy but she is terrifying.
Someone mentioned Cornelius being a prime, but I think he’s not. I think he went through enough crap in his life, he has found a place where he is happy, and the testing is not gentle. The summoner he stole Zeus from was tired and worn out from fighting with Nevada and summing large quantities of ugly into this realm. He tried to hold Zeus by the power of the summons, but Zeus had found a friend who would not banish him and decided to stay and help his friend. I think Zeus was just too intelligent to follow hate when love was offered.
The record keeper is very weird. His power over darkness when Grandma Tremaine walked in to stop Nevada from registering is pretty good. As I recall, Michael threw the blue flames at her in the restaurant. I think the reason he said it was a mistake to let her live was because she is very dangerous, not because owing the favor is foolish. I would personally have let him kill her because she was never a part of the family and they owe her nothing, but that’s just my cold-hearted assessment.
I would never presume to guess from any of the snippets what will happen in this book. But I really am curious about it, and I hope it smooths out and becomes easier to write, because between the writing style and the content, I absolutely love the IA books as they are written, no matter what they say.
May all your troubles with the new house and the creatures coming into your house and animals needing help be behind you for a while now. But keep in mind that if it were easy to produce the kind of books you write, everybody would do it. As it is, very few do.
While reading this comment, I began thinking… “It would be awesome if House Andrews used bits of their hectic life in their books, I can just see Catalina’s dog (Shadow?) coming in to watch her while she is trying to take a relaxing bath, or an insect mage sending scorpions to invade House Baylor, but the infiltration failing when a line of scorpions is found stuck in the screen door adhesive. It would be one of those hidden jokes for the BDH.
Or what about Leon screening calls like ModR
Thank you!
I love it. Thank you!! I have been jonesing for this so badly. My addiction to your writing is making all other books pale in comparison.
I suddenly want a book about Michael ????????????????
Hehe, I definitly would love Michael as one of the love interests for Catalina …
I think Catalina is firmly locked in by now hehe ????
Right, and obviously we all love Alessandro! But then, well, there’s always a third sister who could be very happy with him 😉
I can’t wait to dive back into this world.
Thank you, and you still have the power: short snippets and I want the why, what, where, who, and every combo of those, not many have that power. So thank you.
Thank you for the awesome snippet!! I love Cornelius…. He’s one of my fav side characters…. And Zeus. Maybe Zeus could get his own children’s book (just kidding)…. I also love how Michael “congeals” into existence, very suitably creepy. And yet droll. ????
Ooh, a Zeus picture book with a children’s story! XP
Haha yes .. about rescue creatures from the arcane realms.
And a Zeus stuffie.
+1 ????
Ooooh, this implies people can try to certify higher after the initial trial. Very interesting!
Yes, I think in White Hot it mentions that David Howling (dark horse assassin) had tried three times to qualify as a Significant lightening mage (but never had his Prime ice mage abilities tested).
I think Bern originally was certified as notable when he tested as a child and was recertified as significant.
Now if only we could get Leon certified.
I wonder if Leon would bother getting tested, he seemed pretty deadset on being a Dark Horse for the family.
In Leon’s shoes I wouldn’t want to get tested either. What is his power good for besides killing people, and why would he want everyone pestering him to take jobs to do that?
That being said, I’ve always been curious what level he would test *at*. My personal bet is that he’s actually a Prime, but I doubt we’ll ever know for sure (unless team Andrews is kind enough to tell us here on the blog).
Cornelius is not interested in being the Prime that he is. And after everything we’ve read in the HL series, I dont blame him. Lol
Translation from Keeper to Cornelius: Yes, we know you are a Prime and you didn’t own up to it.
Right! This is exactly what I was thinking.
Who can blame him? The world of Primes dealt him nothing but misfortune.
Cornelius love all the way ????
A Catalina story? Yes, please!
Oy. I know it was Catalina. I am craving more Arabella. She is an enigma to me.
luv luv luv luv – this book is going to be the best, this series is my favourite of yours. thank you so very much. happy summer
How wonderful of you to share a snippet! Thank you! Hope all is going well with House Andrews!
I love the Keeper. Curious to learn more about Michael, too. I wonder if he’ll play a larger role in any future books, or if he’ll stay a mystery.
Was content reading the delightful snippet, thank you. Then I began to read comments. Good gravy,Michael & tribal tattoos; Significant Harrison & offer to retest; Arabella & huh? Michael? Okay I need to find my thinking space. So many threads that may or may not happen. ????
You are so generous to share a snippet. Thank you! I am excited.
After having seen so many trials during the years…. The Keeper knows ????
I too am super hopeful for Arabella’s books. As in fingers crossed we get them at some point. Michael is interesting. It would be cool to see him drawn into shenanigans – although for some reason I thought he was like mid 30’s. No idea why.
It’s probably way out there and I know there is a pretty big age gap but I would love to see the dynamics between Augustine and Arabella. Every time they interact it’s awesome. He’s always all about maintaining control and the illusion of the spider in the web and she IS the “monster” that stomps all over someone’s plans. It would be so fun to watch her drive him completely batty and crack that aloof shell and let us see what’s underneath.
Am I completely alone in this? ????
House Andrews have confirmed many times that there will be no Augustine/Baylor pairing. The age difference is huge.
Record Keeper Michael was around 19 in Nevada’s series, so approaching mid-twenties now. He looks older because of his style and countenance. Maybe you were thinking about Michael Latimer, who is indeed in his 30s, of similar age to Rogan and Augustine? 🙂
Ahhhhh yeeess!! I was definitely thinking About Michael Latimer. Thanks for the corrections.
I must have missed the comments about Augustine/arabella. Sorry to beat a dead horse. I hope at least we will see more of Augustine even if not necessarily in a romantic role. I don’t know why but I always loved any scene he was in. It’s like he’s a book with a really amazing cover that we can only read the Blurb for. What’s in the pages!?!?!?!
As a native Texan thank you for the snippet respite – I’ve been doing yard work today and the humidity is turning me into a limp noodle. I love when y’all post about daily things- generally I can relate on a high level to everything you talk about!
I was really confused when I was first introduced to Record Keeper Michael because I thought about Michael Latimer from the previous book. I’ve got them straight now.
I also thought Michael was older when he was in Nevada’s book so was confused by the “midtwenties” comment. I was going to go back and read that part again to check but you saved me the time. Thanks, no re-read necessary! Oh wait…
Oof fat thumbs, meant to reply to this comment thread. Glad I’m not the only one. I think I need to retire myself from the blog!
Honestly, I think it would be more entertaining to have Arabella hang out with Augustine’s siblings. She could mentor them and totally “corrupt” them and drive Augustine crazy.
Love the Pied Piper statue picture!
Michael strikes me as a man who is sworn to uphold his duty to the Office of Records. He doesn’t play games, as some might who have his abilities.
Thank you for the fun snippet!!
I get so excited with each snippet that I go online to see if pre order is available yet…….sigh, not yet.
Thank goodness to House Andrews for the blog (& the prolific writing, so I can go back and re-read each series when I need an Ilona Andrews fix).
Is it just me, or does the Record Keeper job seem similar to the Marshal job? They both seem to require a prime with amazing, but perhaps uncommon powers. They both represent and wield extensive governmental authority, but are still expected/required to act autonomously. Makes me wonder what other hidden/subtle institutional powerhouses 😉 there are out there
Reading this snippet felt like a quick hello to friends or friendly neighbors you crossed paths with while running errands. “Such a delight to see you! Oops, gotta run!”
Thank you!!
Thank you fo the snippet ❤️
Lot of love to you, the pets, Mod R and the fandom members ❤️
Thank you for this little tease!! I love everything you both write!! I’m thinking Michael and Arabella should meet lol! I know we are still on Catalina, but thinking future books. No matter what you write it, I will read it!!! I’m hopelessly hooked ????
Ooohhh totally agree, I thought that too (devilish grin)
Snippets make me so happy. Thank you!
Thanks for the snippet. I’m just in that world now. I’ve borrowed all the books in audiobook form from the library (although I find sometimes I end up looking at the physical books in my personal library, because I am either a) impatient, b) checking to see if I heard something correctly). It amazes me how different a story can be when listening to it versus reading it. I can’t wait for this book to come out!
OMG that was brilliant, I didn’t want it to end.
Yes the keeper is SCARY!????
Thank you so much
Did he get the job because he was slightly scary from the beginning,
or is the scary part infused into him/them as they get the job?
Hmm, scary thought. 😉
Yay! What a happy Monday surprise. Thank you very much.
Also, can I just tell you I love Keeper and Michael. They are mildly menacing and creepy in a terrifying if they turn their attention towards you way.
Love this. Thank you again.
***Scream*** Thank you and have a great day!
I know Ruby Fever hasn’t been a favorite to write. But I’m definitely one of the people who’s extremely appreciative that you’re pushing through because the snippets make it look amazing!
Is it Me, or Michael and Arabella would be a great match? ????
Tiny little nerd-dance in my head over the mystery (why is the Keeper watching over Mom?) and the subtle nod from the Keeper that Cornelius isn’t quite on the up-and-up with his power. !!!
Thank you. Made my Monday.
Thank you! Very much looking forward to Ruby Fever!
I have always wondered what house the record keeper and Michael come from. Is it an elected position or inherited? There is a lot of power there that I am sure others would like to have. Being above the fray is important. I always wondered what happened to the person who tried to undermine Nevada. Suspect it was something permanent. As someone said they know where the bodies are buried. I wonder if the record keeper is married. He seems sto be someone outside the structure of the Houses. Those two are scary
I’ve wondered the same! I love the lore/mythos around the magic in these books. The twist is it’s not ancient at all (Osiris serum), so it’s kind of like we’re experiencing the story as it becomes lore. Hundreds or thousands of years after our current characters’ lives, I feel like they’ll be apart of the overall mythology. It’s all just so incredibly cool. ????
So maybe Cornelius is now a prime? Or wasn’t tested for his ability to sing rats into his vicinity? Hmm. Anyway, thanks for the snippet!
I can totally see Arabella prancing around a room distracting the bad guys with her chatter while Michael silently moves among them incapacitating everyone without a sound before they can decide what to do about her. ????
Love it. So looking forward to this book. I’m sure it will get read as many times as I have read the other books In this series. Than you for the snippet.
When Jean commented, “I love the Pied Piper statue.” I thought the Piper was a familiar statue. I haven’t visited Hamelin, but the statue is replicated in several German cities.
With that stated, I wonder if Cornelius is going to play a large part in the forthcoming Novella? Mmm a new ship?
Great. Michael now looks like Aquaman in my head. ????
House Andrews – this snippet has sparked a lot of Arabella and Michael shipping. I wonder if you drop a snippet of Steven would there be the same shipping theories of Arabella and Steven?
Just an experiment suggestion…
Is it weird that I have loved Michael from the very beginning???
You guys keep creating these interesting side characters. Michael, Man of Mystery!
I do love snippet days. Thank you, snd I hope you made it to where you need to be when you needed to be there.
I would totally love to see Cornelius with a new partner/relationship. I remember in White Hot (I think), there was a comment that animal mages often bond so closely with their animals that it’s hard for them to bond with other humans, which made the death of Cornelius’ wife even more tragic. It would be nice to see Cornelius “beat the odds” and find another real partner…
A veterinarian specializing in other world creature physiology!
More please!!! I cant wait for this book! I adore this series more than anything.
Is it just me, or is the Keeper of Records Vincent Price? That is the voice in my head when I read these snippets. Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha! Thank you so much for these tantalizing glimpses.
I totally agree!
For some reason I hear Peter Cushing’s voice. Vincent Price is another option.
Squee! Thank you!
Oh, yum. I’m looking forward to this book.
Love, love, love this snippet! Thank you!
have we met michael before? I cant seem to remember
We have indeed ????.
He makes his first appearance in the beginning of Wildfire, when Nevada goes to register House Baylor with the Records Keeper.
He is also the figure who nearly kills Victoria Tremaine for interfering with the formation of House Baylor, before Nevada intervenes to stop him- which results in the Baylors owing the Keeper a favour.
Hope this helped ????
Oh great, thanks for the clarification 🙂
I don’t find the Record Keeper creepy or weird. He seems to have a sense of total dedication to the job and to the importance of true and exacting records of the magical houses of Texas. He strikes me as having no ambitions or ego for his own accomplishments but rather for the full importance of the rules, rights and established laws of the Assembly. He and Michael do what is necessary to uphold those laws and keep things balanced. Right Michael?
Thank you very much!!! I appreciate more details on the Keeper and Michael. Um…so why is the Keeper keeping company with Penelope? did she do something or was he protecting her?
Also, IMO i don’t want to see someone new for Cornelius yet. From my understanding, animal mages have difficulty connecting with other people on a personal level, and not sure he is anywhere near ready to marry again. It’s been a few years since she was killed, but not quite enough for him to be ready to move on. (yes, some people connect with others after a tragic death quickly, but it wouldn’t seem in character for him to do this). Maybe during Arabella’s trilogy, when more time has passed and his daughter is older.
Oh, and of course the Keeper would know that Cornelius is a prime and faked his significant level. But kudos to him for respecting Cornelius’s personal decision.
Thank you for this snippet. To quote Dera (from Blood Heir) “ooooo”. ????
Diera…I can’t spell tonight. ????♀️
Wahoo! Thanks so much. I hope this means writing is going a little easier for you. Cheers!
Thank you, Ilona Andrews, for the snippet.
Well I always thought of Micheal as the Record Keepers bodyguard. Or apprentice.
Regarding Cornelius I decided after he took Zeus away from Summoner Vincent who was a Prime that he was then a Prime. At the time of initial testing he either tested as a Significant or chose to test as Significant. Besides he is behind the heir and the backup so he is the spare. It doesn’t became a big issue until/ unless neither his siblings don’t have children.
OMG. I can’t wait!
I must have missed the Arabella book confirm. Last I read they still hadn’t worked out a romantic partner.
Hey Wildwhuck,
There is no Arabella book confirmation, you are correct 🙂 .
The BDH sometimes wills things into existence, however ;).
If the The Keeper of Records stays in an Inn, Will he be an Inn-Keeper of Records? 🙂
I wonder what type of accommodation he would require?
When is the anticipated release date of “Ruby Fever”?
Hey Tina,
The exact release for Ruby Fever is still to be determined, but will be in 2022. For official up to date info on all publication news, please always consult https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/, the schedule is updated as soon as anything becomes certain.
I hope this helps :).
Thanks. I kept seeing different dates. I was hoping for this August. But I kind of knew, in the deepest parts of my heart, that was wishful thinking.
Thank you!
You guys with the “ships” … maybe Arabella would enjoy time being single, or maybe she will meet a nice girl. Lets let her have some fun along the way to her “happily ever after”. My only certainty is that our favorite authors will make it a surprise.
Thank you for another great snippet and tease! ????
The Keeper comes across to me as an old world style gentleman with precise manners and an iron fist inside a velvet glove.
And you just like intriguing us all, don’t you Michael? ????
Thank you for the snippet ????
If I recall correctly you need 2 Primes to make a House. Perhaps Cornelius is waiting for his daughter to be older and test as a Prime before he reveals his status. It would keep them both safer in the meantime.
House Andrews always writes interesting characters which is why there is so much shipping. We want them all to end up with their own HEA 😉
ModR you made my heart skip a beat. But it was fun.
Snippet – tantalizing. I think Michael is scary. He appears out of no where.
Arabella needs to see the guy who ran into her car again. Remember she described him in detail.
Yay! Happy snippet day! Hmm The Keeper, Michael, Cornelius and Mom ? Why was Penelope with the keeper? Which Prime Baylor? I assumed Nevada for some reason when I read it but it should probably be Catalina. Interesting, the Keeper knows Cornelius fudged his trial and would be cool with fixing it. Perfect snippet lots to think about no real answers lol’
I wonder sometimes if the Keeper and Michael can help the creepy vibes or if it is just some kind of socially awkwardness. If so, it would be really sad. I mean, they are always telling people how happy they are to see them. And the Keeper just tried to invite Cornelius over for a visit.
Now I just want to go over to them and have tea together and chat and maybe hug them.
Thank you for this … But I think it need to do a reread or listen to them because I don’t remember who Michael is.
::face palm::
Hey Sara,
First of all, a reread of Hidden Legacy is always the best idea ????!
Michael makes his first appearance in the beginning of Wildfire, when Nevada goes to register House Baylor with the Records Keeper.
He is also the figure who nearly kills Victoria Tremaine for interfering with the formation of House Baylor, before Nevada intervenes to stop him- which results in the Baylors owing the Keeper a favour.
Hope this helped ????
Lovely; thank you.
Getting really interested in this Michael character. He sounds fascinating and didn’t even have to open his mouth.
Thank you!! I love snippets!
You know, I always had a theory about Michael due to the colour of his eyes but they sound different here so it’s back to the drawing board
I love the idea of Arabella with Michael
Evil authors, teasing us. Please don’t stop.
Am I the only one who thinks The Keeper might also be Caesar?
And I think Arabella would be neat with that Water Prime — whose name I can’t remember — whose brother is the Chinese actor.
But thank you so much AuthorLords for keeping us salivating with these snippets.
Stephen Jiang is the Water Prime 🙂
OK. Saw it above. Stephen Jiang. (Maybe I should read BEFORE posting?)
And I also want to thank Princess Moderator for all her hard work here. Herding cats is tough.
Awesome snippet! Thank you.
I just want to say to Moderator R: you are really excellent at this! Thank you!
Thank you!!
The only thing about these wonderful snippets, is the fire lighting up for the rest of the story! LOL! Y’all do great, as always. Thank you!
Ooooooh I’ve always wondered about his certification!
The Keeper (who I can’t help but think of as ‘The Creeper’!)gives me major shivers down my spine…reminds me too much of someone I used to work for! ????
Thank you for the snippet. Waiting with bated breath for the book!
Went down a rabbit hole on the Keeper’s eyes (never heard of black jade, so I was expecting black to be followed by “obsidian” or “onyx”). Looking at the meanings of the different gemstones makes me wonder if House Andrews is trying to tell us something about the Keeper’s abilities:
black jade: https://www.gemstone7.com/019-black-jade.html (see also https://www.gemstone7.com/070-jade.html)
black obsidian: https://www.gemstone7.com/638-black_obsidian.html (see also https://www.gemstone7.com/089-obsidian.html)
black onyx: https://www.gemstone7.com/020-black-onyx.html (see also https://www.gemstone7.com/332-onyx.html)
chalcedony: https://www.gemstone7.com/345-chalcedony.html
After reading the meanings, I would have expected “black onyx”, but I am only a lowly reader 🙂
The image you linked of the black jade almost appears to have eyes in it! Just creepy!
Cornelius is a Prime! I’m not surprised 🙂
The wait so Long
Is like wait for Christmas
When we were kids.
I am dyslexic and male ude of Dictionary.
And danish to english.
Sounds like he thinks C is really a prime now!
Oh oh I just figured this out while getting ready to go ride my Andalusian horse…
Cornelius blew his test as 15 years before so he would be out of the prime pressure of his house, sure he passed it well enough but not quite Prime, leaving the house and it Bull to his siblings after a super crappy childhood have to take the brunt from Adam because of his moms friendship to Adams mom…house business..
When he connected with-a Tiger , from another realm we all knew when his sister said (..how can this be) she showed the world her Prime status by having panthers..but he now had a tiger…., and a loyal one….that there was more to Cornelius than his status….
I thought maybe his power grew. That happens where talents grow through use. But your theory is a good one. I wonder how long Cornelius can avoid being a recognized prime
Thank you!
Love it. thankyou for sharing it with us today
Love it! Thank you so much!
I love Cornelius want to hug him and his daughter. His is such a sad story
Forgot to say Thank you. THANK YOU!
Thank you! ????
I sort of like Michael as a love interest for Arabella!
“The Keeper smiled. His teeth were white and sharp. ”
Makes you wonder why his teeth are sharp…Glad to see Michael show up in the book. I hope to see more of him and read the backstory on the Keeper of Records and the job behind it. They are powerful in order to keep the Houses in line. What else can they do –and what happens to people who break Keeper of Records rules?
Sorry to ask this, but will we ever get an Augustine story? The Melvin Rider thing was really intriguing, and I really want to know what happened there. I love your books, BTW. Thank you so much!
I love Augustine! The cold closed off character’s heart melting is a trope I adore! I would die of happiness if he got a book!!
Awesome! Thank you so much! Can hardly wait!
Cackle cackle cakle.
I get Mr. Quinn vibes (from Whyborne and Griffin series) from this Keeper.
So, read the snippet (thank you!) and the comments and have two thoughts (that’s my quota for the day).
1. As one other person mentioned, I think the Keeper is Caesar. He’s the one person that anyone who has their magic tested (not just primes) would meet. And… I’m not going to list all the other reasons in my head in case this is another thing like Cornelius being a secret Prime that has already been addressed in comments and that I missed.
2. This may be because of listening to the audio books (repeatedly), but I thought when Michael said “A mistake.”, he was speaking to the freaked out restaurant employees. Kind of like what the police might say if they busted into a children’s party instead of the meth lab down the street.
Anyway, enough rambling from me.
Look! a kitten!
dangit. I resized and everything.
Aaaanyway… loved the snippet. Can’t wait for the book! ????
I suspected he was a Prime but was deliberately playing down his ability! Good to get some confirmation! (Sorta. Kinda. In a we-aren’t-going-to-TALK-about-the-secret-just-talk-around-it sorta way.)
Cornelius had so many good reasons for downplaying his status. He was thoroughly ready to place distance between his house after his crappy childhood. He wasn’t interested in the status or the dangers of being a prime. Once he met his future wife Nari, got married, and had a daughter he would have had even more reasons to want to stay out of the dangerous prime waters. We know that Nari’s magical powers were slight and she never bothered to be tested. She would have been a vulnerable target for a more powerful magic user.
I suspect Diana (older sister) knows the truth, but having seen the horrible treatment Cornelius experienced growing up, understands why he prefers to be underestimated. Can you just imagine what the expectations would have been if it was known that Cornelius was a prime like Adam Pierce?
Yes! Cannot wait to read this book!
I have always wondered if maybe Michael is an illusion prime.
When I read about him suddenly appearing from darkness in the above snippet, I remembered the interrupted fight Rogan and Augustine had in Nevada’s office.
The office walls were coated in darkness and bulges had started forming on the wall in that scene.
Moreover, Augustine can disappear for certain period of time as we have read. So, this seems like Michael can do the same too and thus when he made himself visible in the above snippet, it looked like he congealed from the darkness itself.
Next station in my train of thought, I wondered maybe he is Augustine’s younger brother. I must admit I love the thought of Arabella ending up with an illusion prime.
Secondly, I do think Stephen’s younger troublemaking brother might be one of Arabella’s possible love interests instead of Stephen himself. Either way I know I will adore whoever the author’s lead her to end up. Much love. Take care.
Thank you! That explains why he is the only mage ever to connect to with a summon. I agree with Amy Truong that this would be an interesting Q&A to read.
Oooo, love it! Short, but packed full of delicious details!
I was also confused and made the mistake of following up thinking it was an error, and received an email telling me to trust the authors. Lesson learned
Hi Al,
You received an email with a multi-paragraph explanation which hopefully clarified your confusion (it’s 6 am here, so you never know ????); and an urging to please trust the authors ????.
After 23+ books, they know what we need!
I apologize for following the directive from a blog post about what to do if you *think* you found an error, which is to email and not comment it. I see others have also commented the same confusion. All points clarified, I will show myself the exit