Apparently, there was a typo in the latest Kate Daniels novella announcement. We are so sorry. Here is the new cover for your enjoyment.

This is in reference to several readers mistakenly typing Magic Clams into the search bar of their retailers and then being puzzled why they couldn’t find it. A surprisingly large number of you did it. Thank you for the chuckle, guys!
And I would STILL buy it.
Conlan stumbles across the magic class while playing pirate, snacks, and finds they enhance his power such that he accidentally claims Wilmington. So much for the low profile!
Cracked me up!
I demand that a funny, but short story called Magic Clams should be written.
I’m just kidding, I would never demand anything of you. The two of you work hard to give us these amazing stories, and as an avid reader I’m grateful.
I wouldn’t complain though.
What would magic clams DO? Lol.. asking from ignorance!
Probably not the same as magic oysters…
Or magic muscles. ????????????????
There used to be a common bumper sticker in Baltimore:
If they were magic, that would explain it.
They would create huge piles of ooze in certain neighborhoods and live it in, and if anyone tried to take through the ooze to eat them they would squirt jets of fluid that smells like a gym locker after a year. ( was thinking of the clams that if you walk in a tidal area squirt).
Either that or clams that attack seafood places as an army and eat the patrons with cocktail sauce and lemon, or for Italian restaurants linguini with people sauce.
though in reality probably would just make sure their muck is thick and the water always very cool and full of yummy things to filter, they are mellow.
Maybe there will be Magic Clams in one of the books … in a side note … 😉 lol (and then we will all know and remember how those came to be …..)
I love it.
Ironically, I didn’t notice autocorrect turn clams to class.
I never noticed this typo but this is hilarious xD
well, in time honored tradition of Warlord’s Price, you know what you have to do HA!
Pffffffft! Thanks, I needed that laugh.
come on now. I think you were just trying to see if we were all bots!!!!
I cannot imagine the amount of work this is created for you, but please be laughing because I know that BDH would love a unique copy collector item with misprint!
haha I never even noticed bur like the new cover ???? ????
Cackle, snort. I laughed so loudly my cat woke up and is now giving me the stink eye.
+1 My partner stopped their audiobook: What?!?
Apparently some people need to have a busier life. Cover is nice
Yes! I know we’ve all been waiting for the clams to have their moment.
Seconded. After all the clams have been through…
It’s a shell of a good joke! I would SO buy this!
Glad you made the correction, my gout may have prevented my reading this…
Perhaps a recipe that Orro gave to Luther to give to Kate now that she lives at the coast?
Maybe magic clams should have some kind of glowing ☢️ pearls that would solve the energy crisis (and be safe to use because they are magic!). Vehicles would run on a single pearl and a strand of them could power a building!
Magic clams to fight magic kraken, just sayin’ …
Magic clams gang up and eat a magic kraken. As a snack.
Thank you for the laugh!
Now I’m imagining a story involving magic clams… Maybe a slice-of-life from the Mercenary Guild? Wouldn’t that be a wacky ticket? ????
Maybe the magic clams are what the baby kraken ate while swimming up the river before Kate blew it up. Or they could be what the mermaids and mermen were gathering for Aaron before he went bye-bye. Or they could be what the Farm could possibly gather for future food. Maybe the Order would cook them and have them with lemon?
Thanks for the laugh. The cover for Magic Clams is nice. 🙂
Now we really know why the kracken … cracked up ????
Great Cover!!! ???????????????? Sorry, just had to laugh! I think we’ve all been there before…
I’d read that! ^___^;;;
In the well established tradition of Magic Sees a Bird 😀
Oh God !!! Mwahahahaha !!! ????????????
bahahhaha if Kate found magic clams they would be carnivores or make magic pearls that explode or create portals to other dimensions.
Snicker, chortle, guffaw!
Omg that’s funny! Thanks for sharing, I needed the laugh
All of this is excellent fun!!!
Amazon Canada is broken, I think.
I took a snippet (attached), I put in Magic CLAIMS and yet it still gives me clams for some reason.
Thanks to ModR, who sent me the correct link, but I dunno……maybe the Amazon search engine has had too many caesars?
(hmm, maybe only Canadians will get my joke, see it’s about a drink that has clam juice…)
Now do Magic Bits and Magic Buns 😀
That sounds like the start of a new BDH title game.
Unfortunately, all I could come up with is Magic Wiz.
Although if you titled one Magic Mic then you might get some new readers if they mistype the movie name.
Magic Mik, Magic Bits, Magic Buns — it all kind of hangs together (no pun was intended). Thank you for the funny – working from home today, and I snorted which made the cats look at me funny.
Now thinking of recipies .. the Chowder of Invincibility, the Ceviche or Awesomeness,
I did this!!! So confused by what Amazon showed me (I’m in Australia, so didn’t use your click through links).
But the Facebook comments from other BDH made my confession hilarious
At least it wasn’t Magic Oysters. Are oysters supposed to be aphrodisiacs? Party!!!!
I feel we now need to have BDH Couwder recipe
Question. Why is it called Year Two, Wilmington? This is only the 2nd story of them in Wilmington, so why year 2? Also do happy that a 2nd story is coming!!!!!!
Hi Mary,
Where do you see the title as “Year Two, Wilmington” please? 🙂
The correct title, as displayed by retailers and the website, is Wilmington Years (Book) 2, but if you have found the incorrect format above, please send a link or screenshot at Thank you 🙂
It’s in the Happy-Friday blog:
Bobbi, the name of the series is Wilmington Years. Plural. So Wilmington yearS 1, Wilmington yearS 2, and so on.
I don’t see “Year Two, Wilmington” anywhere ????
It’s 47 day to April 1st!
Ha! Brilliant, thank you for sharing and the laughs.
Today has definitely been a Monday. Evidently I added the “i” and missed the “clams”. That is pretty funny though, good for a giggle!
Best Belly Laugh all week!
Thank you!
Well Kate and Curran did move to the NC coast so now they can have all the magical clams they want lol. I can’t remember if Curran is partial to seafood (probably not as a werelion) but didn’t he accidentally eat magical apples without knowing when he stole some apple pie from Kate’s fridge? I can’t remember what book this was but I always thought that was so funny.
I think it happens sometime between book 2 and 3, at least it’s definitely referenced in book 3, Magic Strikes! ???? Julie is very mad at him for stealing Kate’s food hehe.
Laughing so hard I am crying! I want this cover to go with the Hello Kitty t-shirt that someone put on Rogan for HL #2. Y’all just made my day!
Wouldn’t it be funny if Curran found a Hello Kitty t-shirt in with all his other t-shirts? ????????????
OMG – that is hysterical!!
So so excited to see Kate and Family back and developing a whole new community! Loving Conlon and how he is developing as an intelligent and critical thinking youngster.
Curran has developed a bit, too, and is still protective of Kate but has settled into confidence of her abilities to handle her own s*~t, which he was not in the previous books. Their relationship has matured and developed, and I love it.
All the feels, and kudos and appreciation to House Andrews!
Oh my Word!
Magic C l a m s
Those pesky mollusks ???? burrowing into our book searches.
Thank you for this Monday giggle. Okay I’m back to mundane house chores.
But now you’ll probably end up writing the story to go with that cover. I’m picturing a family dinner going horribly and hilariously wrong.
Magic clams…you guys could work with this….
That gave me a chuckle. I loved all the parts with Orro and the koo-ko in the Innkeeper series, and now this makes me curious as to what kind of story House Andrews would write regarding magic clams.
On another note, I just realised that I am part of the BDH since I’ve been reading and buying IA’s books since Magic Bites.
Definitely of the Horde! One of us! One of us! ????
{One of us! One of us! ????}
Rah, rah, rah, cis, boom, bah,
Something, Something, Something
Thanks! Now we need a cross-over story about how Kate or Conlan supplies magic clams to Orro!!!
Drat! I’m allergic to all the magic food stuff – mushrooms, and now, clams.
That’s just your body’s natural defense against bad magic.
Magic Clams is what you serve before the Magic Entrée.
Busted! ????
Still… take my money, I’ll buy it! ????
I don’t care what the title is as long as it comes out on the 13th. That’s my birthday. But even if it doesn’t it’s still a wonderful birthday present.
Zooterkins! The Beast Lord is coming!!!! It’s every bivalve for itself!!!!!! Whatever, a new Kate book has me happy as a clam.
So, the cover looks a bit clammy. That’s ok, I love clams. Apologies to J. Hart, but how many clams for the new book? I still have my day job. Wait I retired 7 years ago. However, the economy required me to return to work a year ago. We needed more clams to survive. Ok, gonna stop & clam up. Just one more thing. I really, truly love & enjoy all your books!! Keep up the great work guys!!
Were your hands clammy as you typed? (teehee)
A Magic Clams story would be cool and has so many possibilities. And no matter what ideas we (the BDH) come up with HA would write something totally different, awesome, wonderful and unexpected.
Moderator R, I just pre-order Magic bites on Graphic Audio yé! I am eager to listen it. Also the clams made me laugh.
Finally, the book we’ve all been waiting for. Bivalves for the win.
Haha, Thanks for the laughs today. Everyone’s responses were funny too. The only problem is now I want clams.
Magic Clams is better than Magic Crabs……..
Magic Crabs is the STI we all wish upon evildoers everywhere.
Chernobog would approve when in a mellow mood.
I think I have to disagree, according to an extremely reliable source, regular crabs can jump into the beards of hard-working morally upstanding gynecologists with amazingly understanding wives, so the thought of magical crabs scares the snot of the healthcare provider in me.
lol, excellent!
Although, magic Old Bay could totally be a thing.
You never know. A certain joke a few years ago turned into one of my favorite books. If House Andrews can make us like Hugh then writing a compelling story about Magic Clams should be easy.
This Blog is fun. We have mentioned we would buy Ilona’s grocery list. I wrote the recipe for a chocolate cake which was in one of the past blogs into my grocery store App, the store app automatically added the ingredients into my shopping cart list.
I was a bit behind on the blog, so when I glanced at this one on my way to older posts, I thought house Andrews actually had put a typo in the title and chuckled to myself thinking bdh just shrugged and was like, “alright giant, monster, magical clams it is, I mean they are by the ocean now….”
Hmmm – could be a tie-in the M&Ms American Super Bowl add about clams?
Love the clams cover and sorry for any extra work!
And these seem to be ‚free range‘ clams; they are floating in Kate & Curran‘s new forest…….. ????
LOL. *snort* *giggle*
Best typo ever!
Now we need a snippet with some sort of diabolical magical chowder….
*Wonders if I was one of those people* I was sitting in the ER when it happened so it’s highly likely. Lol
I bet Curran ate the clams too! ????
Am I the only one that’s trying to forget Magic Claims for several months?
To avoid blowing up krakens in the future, Kate is going to practice on magic clams, which are easier to come by. Since most of them (except the ones that try to eat people, ships, etc) are tiny, she gets to practice control. Don’t send out to much energy and avoid hitting the shell.
Of course, there will also be a subplot involving a shell game and all the magical uses for magic clam shells. Also, they make a great chowder.
Are Magical Clams similar to Magical Mushrooms?
Reading the post, I don’t think it was House Andrews who made the typo, but the BDH who did when they went a hunting and gathering.
So I don’t think there’s a rare clam edition out there somewhere with an editor waiting to make its way to an auction house ????????
Hello Mod R
Finally finished reading and listening to the Magic Tides Q&A and in it it mentions Ghastek which made me think, would he and Rowena now get together and have kids.
I know this was asked ages ago and it was NO because Roland was alive.
Since Roland can never leave his home could this change their view?
OH, and great Q&A, but you didn’t let Gordon say the big spoiler, too unfair, hope its in the second book.
thanks heaps
It’s unlikely that Rowena will ever have children, according to House Andrews.
Magic bites magic clams ????
We are all hungry for books here.
@Mod R: Two authors on this list recommended HA books!
Thank you for letting us know ????!
Yep! Read this, too, and whooped out loud. Love it.
Give me the clams! all the clams! lol my pre-order is done 🙂 can’t wait
Clams and oysters filter toxins. Perhaps, when a kraken explodes or there is some other magical surge, the magic is filtered and stored by the clams. Soon there are dangerous hot clam beds of magic. Hi jinks ensue.
Dushegubs vs Magic Clams!
I just type Ilona Andrews into my B&N app search and voila there was the book to preorder.
Lol, I love that you misspelled “Bestseller” as “Beseseller” on this version as well!
Sadly, today is Valentines Day not April 1st! Another post said they would buy it, so would I. I would it if it said Magic BS!
love the new cover!
Hilarious, hey this could be a story to replace the magic mushrooms in ALICE IN WONDERLAND IT COULD totally be called Kate in Wonderland there are so many authors remaking fairy tales ???? (I can see it now instead of magic mushrooms kate finds magic clams in the water next to FORT KURE) as dumb as that sounds I would probably buy the book if you guys actually released something like this haha
Everything new from Ilona Andrews is on auto-buy for me. I love the style, I love the worldbuilding, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the editing. IA books are a guarantee for a few fantastic hours 🙂
The cover is compelling and introduces a new antagonist to Kate’s world!
In the tradition of the BDH, I’m going to read waaaaaaay too much into the {faux} cover and create sureal explainations for why there are clams in the aqua-marine forest and what message they are trying to convey… is it a warning? a threat? a demand? a cry for help? or perhaps an invitation?
So many posibilities to tease our imaginations.
Hello, hope you are well.
On the front page of the blog, Magic claims is written as a new release, not “coming soon”.
I am probably not the first to have told you this but just in case…
Thanks Olivia ????.
For me it was Amazon being (un)helpful and deciding I must have made a typo.
The Lawn Orphans may have a side business cockling on the beach.
Aren’t “clams” slang for money in some old movie? Or is my memory playing tricks on me?
And what could Orro make with those….
Wouldn’t mind seeing Caldenia with a bit of a buzz from some mystical chowder….
Would make a great sticker when the merch store opens again! XD
Ah, the wonders of modern spelling! Happy Clams to you as well????????
Would magic clams lead to magic clam chowder? New England or Manhattan. Typos are fun.
Magic clam chowder with immortal apple pie dessert.
Recipes included.
Hell, I’d read it. I even tried to preorder it,although I do blame my cataracts
It would be pretty amazing if Kate offhandedly references magic clams in the book. Just saying…
Tee-hee! I just love you guys….☺️
Thanks for the smile
This has apparently happened enough that when I went to amazon australia and typed “Magic Claims” into the search bar, it automatically searched for “Magic Clams” with a little “Did you mean “Magic Claims”?” underneath – it overrode my correct search!!
Really enjoying the clam suggestions. Hilarious comments.
In the Post-Shift world, giant clams run amok and only Kate, her mighty mate Curran and son Conlan can bring their reign of terror to an end. Who’s up for clam chowder!
I enjoyed the laugh!
Love the cover and all the puns about the clams the BDH came up with, really needed the laugh.
And would totally buy the book with this cover as well- your special covers are too good ????
Now I want a story about were-clams… LOL!!
Hey, you already got magic snails in Kates world, why not magic clams? Maybe some sort of healing chowder ????
Maybe for the next book? a voracious clam will come and eat you lol..
Anyone else having a flashback to Andrea’s question, “Who’s diving for clams now…?”
Will they be used to make Magic Chowder?
This is a striking & appealing cover! I don’t judge a book by its cover — especially as I know many authors don’t have any say about them. I go straight to what the story is about. And when I know the previous works of a favorite writer, getting it is a done deal. Can’t wait to see the final story for this novella!
This image brought to mind Creature Comforts. Has anyone else seen it? 🙂
That cover is priceless! Thank you.
That is hilarious. Love the cover art.
Haven’t laughed this much in a long time. Thanks.
Why do I have a feeling I haven’t seen the last of this?
I double checked my typing. I don’t think I was mistyping things, it was at the moment of my searching simply not visible. 😛
Heh… okay, random question. Erra and Julie were going to get Mom because she wanted her bones taken back home. Did that ever happen, or did Erra do something else with Mom’s bones???
Or maybe we’re getting two books, and I will happily read both “Magic Claims” and “Magic Clams”.
I am reading this only now because, out of all the email newsletters from House Andrews, my gmail decided the one about this post was spam. This has never happened before. Clearly my email could not compute the idea of a Magic Clams by Ilona Andrews and decided to treat it as a hoax. Lol.
I have a question about Shinar and the power to claim Land. What is the point of claiming the land magically if you cannot draw the magic from it to use yourself. Has it any actual benefit besides putting a large magical sign on the land that you own it?
LOL okay that’s good. Thank you for sharing the giggle.
Typos annoy me, too. But it’s not your fault that they get out there in the world. It’s a reminder that we are real, imperfect people, “humans with problems,” to misquote Stan Lee.
Thank you for the laugh! I really enjoyed it.