Hey guys, Brandi here taking over for an exhausted Ilona and Gordon.So a couple of things. First of all, I wanted to thank everyone for their helpful advice and get-well wishes for kid 1. After a recent visit with a doctor, it has been determined that she was suffering from a very severe, very painful headache. The super smart doctor took one look at her and was ale to prescribe and administer a super effective shot that has basically made the headache that haunted her for days disappear in seconds. Thank God for super smart doctors.
More good news, we are on time for SOTB. Again, SOTB is on track to meet it’s official publishing day. You can all breathe heavy sighs of relief and break into your happy dances (don’t worry, we’re all doing it too over here). Remember you can preorder SOTB on the following links
Preorder here: Amazon | BN | Apple Books (can’t find the link yet.) | Kobo
All right, now we have come to the weird part of this post. Recently, Gordon received a packaged delivered to their home and addressed to him. When he opened it, it was…
Well, it was this.

I don’t really understand what this is. It’s some kind of sticky poster that comes with gems that I’m assuming you stick in place to make the poster shiny? Nobody ordered this. We’re wondering if one of y’all might have sent it? Which is, albeit a tad bit strange as it was delivered to Ilona and Gordon’s home address. If you sent this, feel free to email us as we do appreciate the gesture and are kinda curious.
Thanks again everyone for everything, and stay patient as SOTB is just around the corner.
Thanks for the update. Glad Kid1 is feeling better! I hope everyone is able to catch up on some rest.
Good luck determining the poster and its magical purpose!
Great news about Kid 1! Kudos to the smart Dr!
The poster is a head scratcher for sure. Would love to hear the answer.
Could be that someone sent Gordon something from amazon, then ordered this lovely poster and forgot to update the send to address.
I’ve seen those posters at Target. You are supposed to stick those itty bitty rhinestones to the poster so that you end up with a sparkly, bejeweled version.
So glad Kid 1 is doing better.
Glad all is well!
Please to hear that Kid 1 got the treatment she needed. And while I’ve preordered SOTB, I will also buy it in paperback when that is available. ETA?
My understanding is it is Print on Demand, and can be ordered on publication day. Is this correct, Brandi?
I’m trying to decide if “…and was ale to prescribe and administer a super effective shot” is a Freudian slip telling us what was in the shot. All the effects of ale without the taste. 😉
Personally, I think Gordon sent in a code from the bottom of a box of Fruity Pebbles to get the poster. 😛
Glad that Kid #1 is doing much better. My late mother suffered with migraines for years, and this episode sounds like it hit all the same levels on the pain meter 🙁
Next on the agenda: some well-earned rest for the AuthorLords. If you have vacation time coming up, why not consider Vancouver Island here in British Columbia, Canada? Lots of nice beaches in places like Tofino or in the Parksville / Qualicum Beach areas, and Victoria has a great museum as well as horse-drawn carriages and multiple places for afternoon tea (strongly recommend the Empress Hotel for the latter). Definitely a good place to relax and be pampered! (and with the American dollar being equivalent to $1.30 CAN, your $$$ will go a wee bit further too)
That poster is a head-shaker. Hope the mystery is solved soon!
I could only do a day trip via the ferry from Seattle but Victoria was amazing even in February. My wish list is to visit when the flowers are blooming and to visit the surrounding area. We watched the seals in the harbor while airing to load for our return trip.
and the food on the island is the bomb….and the views, history, relaxation….I second coming to the Island (especially Victoria there are many many many fans on the Island). Tofino would be lovely for the whole dam fam for a vacay, oh we could show you guys a wonderful amazing time……
glad the kid is better and I agree with a previous post – that poster looks like a mail order from cereal tops….good luck Nancy Drew
Glad the bad headache is gone. I went to Victoria when I was on a cruise. It was spectacular. Tea was lovely and the flowers were beautiful. I think Canada must be a wonder land. You are lucky to live there.
Very glad to hear Kid #1 is better. The poster is, um, odd. Might this be an attempted joke from someone like Ms. Frost who knows them?
if you order things on line there is a ?trend? now that online retailers will ship you things and pay for them, pretending to be you and that you ordered it, so they can leave themselves a glowing review and thus get moved up in the queue for ordering, but most folks get hair ties odd other odd things
The poster is a “paint with diamonds” kit. A recent “update” to the paint-by-numbers type of crafting. I haven’t one one myself but I have a friend who was working on one for fun. Might be amusing, might be annoying, but it’s an interesting gift for sure!
I’m very glad to hear Kid 1 is feeling better. I hope her parents recover soon! As for the poster, I’m drawing a blank, but don’t worry, I won’t mail it to their home;)
Haha! Good one.
Maybe affixing sparkly gems to posters has some magical relaxing properties to aid in stress relief for Kid 1 and Mom. (Hehe)
Glad things are calming done on the home front. Wishing you all well and happy!
Depends on how big the gems are. Pasting itty bitty gems in the right spot might be an eyestrain, which in turn could lead to a headache, and they’re right back where they started.
I’m so glad to hear kid 1 is feeling better. I hope y’all find a cause.
I kind of love the poster. I wonder if it’s a Gordon family member being funny.
Thank you for the update, and for holding down the fort while everyone else recovers. Glad to hear Kid 1 is on the mend. Headaches suck.
That’s wonderful news!!! Paint by diamonds…. addressed to Gordon….. teeheehee. That image is very good. ?
Very glad the headache nightmare was finally put to rest by a smart doctor.
Hi Brandi! I’ve recently received weird amazon orders to my residence. Someone keeps opening an account in my name and sends me things. FYI in case someone has decided to open an account in Gordon’s name.
Migraines are the worst-had them since I was 9. So glad the Doc was able to zero in and find something that worked for her. Not an easy fix, and praying it’s a one off and not an ongoing health issue. No clue on the coaster, but looks a bit like an arboretum Japanese garden. Maybe since you’ve been watching that show, someone thought it might be relaxing. So glad you are resting a bit. Way too much stress for you guys lately. How’s the pup doing? Your dad made it over the mountain, and is home safe? Looking forward to Sweep and any tidbits you care to share.
First off! Thanks to smart Doctors and Kid1’s fast recovery!!
Second off!! If we like to mail something. What address should we use.
The fact that Mr Gordon got something delivered to their home, sounds kinda creepy.
Best wishes for all , and thank you for the update.
PD: I haven’t made one myself, but I think you’ll need to stick the gems in the poster to make a picture out of it (like doing a painting following the colors by number, but with different gems I guess?) The fact that whomever send it to your house is a bit creepy, though (I hope the mystery is cleared up)
So happy Kid 1 has been restored to a pain-free state. Headaches are the worst! Severe persistent headaches are “worst-er”. But the evil M would have really been the “worst-est”, SO happy she dodged that!
I can’t help but think that the bejeweled map is a reference to Diamond Fire, but that’s all I have.
Thank you for the update on Kid1. We worry about y’alls health and well-being as if you were part of our family. Time to pull up the drawbridge and hide behind the barricades for quiet time.
The poster might be one of those Amazon scams where someone buys a product and sends it to a random person so they can write a verified purchaser review.
What’s the point in sending it to someone else? Wouldn’t you still be able to write the review if you had it sent to your own home? I’m confused….
I didn’t send it but it’s called Painting with Diamonds. It’s sort of like cross stitch or paint by numbers, but easier. I find it really relaxing.
I am glad kid1 has improved!
As for the poster, didn’t Ilona ask for something distracting but low stress? Maybe one of her fellow author friends like Jeaniene Frost sent it? Lol
There’s an Amazon scam called “brushing” where sellers/someone will send products to people so they can claim it’s a legitimate sale and then post reviews on the product/seller. It’s a thing! Admittedly that’s kind of a random one off item to receive. Head scratcher for sure!
Glad she is feeling better now just rest in a dark room or try????
Happy to hear that Kid1 is headache free.
I hope you all have a chance to rest, relax, and enjoy your weekend!
Weird; not from me.
I was curious if there was some way someone might have gotten an address from an Amazon wishlist (or some such). And I’ve just discovered they’ve changed the system entirely so you can’t look up wishlists by email address anymore (meaning I can no longer see my husband’s wishlist, nor can my parents).
So, clearly not! And, also, now I need to get access again to my husband’s wishlist to help me come up with an anniversary gift; sigh.
Ugh. I have migraines (albeit fairly mild ones) and I feel for kid1. The first time I was diagnosed, I got a shot of Toradol (basically, stronger Advil) and it helped, but I have meds at home now and don’t go in every time I get a migraine. They aren’t as fast, but faster than sitting in an urgent care waiting room and significantly cheaper.
I love Toradol. Its the only thing that breaks the migraine for me. Its a hassle to go in and get the shot. (I usually need someone to drive me) I only do it if the migraine lasts more than 2 days. By day 3 I’m a crazy person and will do anything to stop the pain!
Glad Kid 1 is better!
That poster…I have done a cross stitch that looks like that , but only the japanese garden half of it.Definitely a strange sort of rip off.
At first I read the acronym for the book as SOB and thought “Well that book as really slamdunked the I-hate-it-now stage.” 😉 Glad things are very much improving, if exhausted.
So happy for kid 1 and for both of you, debilitating headaches are so scary. The poster is what we call Diamond Painting down here in Australia, I have found them to be heaps of fun, very relaxing and addictive. A bit like color by numbers but way more fun. If you are in need of a holiday please consider Tasmania Australia we would love to see you down here.
I think the reference to “Diamond Fire” was a great answer to your dilemma.
I’m so glad kid1 feels better. YAY for really smart doctors. One of them diagnosed my oldest son with Hashimoto’s Disease, and he’s been able to go off the rest of the meds he’s been on for a couple of years. I remind myself that 50% of doctors graduated in the bottom 50% of their class.
I have a friend who sends me random things he thinks are cool. Seriously, he lives in North Carolina and he saw a demo video for this really cool high tech shovel… as he doesn’t get snow where he is (on the coast) he bought the shovel for me. About 6 months after that, I fell down the steps with it and it broke… and I went back to my old, sturdy, low tech shovel. (And then there was the box of sunshine… but that’s another story).
Maybe some family member or friend sent it?
Hashimoto’s typically takes years to get diagnosed cos it’s not common and the symptoms can be attributed to other things.
I’m happy he’s been diagnosed at last and can be effectively treated.
So glad she’s feeling better! ?
I’m thinking it was a joke sent by a close friend (Jeannine maybe?) or family member, especially if Gordon has said that he doesn’t like bejeweled things.
I did receive a random item once, but it turned out to be a mis-labelling. I got it in place of something else I did order because the codes got messed up.
Good luck finding out who sent it! (I agree it could be rather creepy from a stranger. )
Also, I got a gift from my father, through Amazon, that came without any identifying info on it. He thought he put a gift message, but I didn’t get one, so it took awhile to figure out who sent it.
About kid number 1 : Oh, that makes me so happy. About that poster: Ain’t got a clue.
a free gift from the yarn website bought in the past?
I love the Author Lords!
I buy all of their publications!
SWEEP OF THE BLADE will be delivered to my kindle July 16th!
Y’all need to order yours now!!
Like everyone else, glad to read Kid1 is feeling better. I’m glad she got a doctor who listened and knew exactly what to do. Those docs are keepers.
As to the “gift”: at first I thought someone sent Gordon a piece of fabric that had a one way picture on it. I thought “that’s a nice scene”. Then I started reading everyone’s responses. If it’s a scam, yikes! Gordon should get his Curran persona on and roar. ?
Pretty sure someone suggested this exact type of item on the last post when Ilona asked for relaxing books. I went ahead and read most of them because – um, free book recommendations, yes please. Anyways, I’m guessing it was that person but I’m far too lazy to go back and see who it was.
Good to know things are looking up. As for the poster if you know it shipped from Amazon then I would check the account maybe one the animals did the buy now with one click ?. Or maybe somebody is sending you something to play off of Diamond Fire or Sapphire Flames.
Good Luck on figuring it out
As for the picture, (not from me) diamond art, or something like it, you put on the diamonds, it’s like painting by number. Find it relaxing sometimes, but the stupid diamonds run away (cats spill the containers) the fact that one is done, someone spent time on it.
As for kid 1 congratulations on finding someone that could stop it. Fingers crossed they can figure the why to.
So glad kid1 got relief.
If you arrange the gems correctly they form a mystical sigil that brings powerful positive energy to the place where the picture hangs. No I did not send the magical gems, I need some myself.
Glad that Kid 1 is better, hopefully it will be a one time headache. Take a breather and get some time for yourselves.
Very Glad Kid 1 is doing better! Those dang migraines are the pits! Also super pumped about SOTB!!! Can’t wait!
So glad Kid1 has finally been treated effectively. My empathy reasons are I didn’t get my first migraine til I was 24 and had known 2 young women who’d died from brain aneurysm (21 & 25) so I was freaking out from more than pain. As well as being a migraineur I get all sorts of headaches including what I call phantom headache which lasts about 12-13 days but it takes about a week to realise that the insidious headache has been lurking. They started in my 30s and now in my 50s I’m getting what I think are phantom migraines. The same effect but no pain.
I’ve learned not to make important steps at work if I’ve taken my migraine pill as I feel no pain but hindsight shows I’ve made choices that I wouldn’t in full control of my faculties.
I really hope this is a one-off thing for Kid1. If not, learning to recognise signs and treat it early makes a huge difference.
It’s called a Diamond Painting. Who knows where it came from- I once got a record player delivered to me (with my name on the address) and no one ever claimed responsibility.
So glad kid 1 is better, hurray for super smart doctors!
Glad things are going better and someone was able to diagnose the headache.
Suggestion for low stress read:. Elizabeth Peters and her Amelia Peabody series are funny, ridiculous and easy.
Yay! Kid healing and books on schedule!!!! Gotta love it when you find the right doc!
Also doing the happy dance for SOTB still on- time! I’d send video, but no one should ever be forced to watch this dance, hee hee, given my extreme lack of ability! 😉
Very glad to hear about the absence of pain. Yay for the good drugs!
The gift reminded me of Mia Rosa in Diamond Fire. Maybe someone thought you had to have it.
Glad the headache is gone!
Not I…
Glad to hear that she’s doing better.
Also happy to hear that SOTB is on schedule.
Any information available on SOTB release in book form?
The poster looks to be Chinese and I have heard on NPR of a scam where companies get ‘verified reviews’ by sending their product to some random person and then posting their own review. The person in the US has no idea what’s going on but the company gets a five star review to lure in real customers. The scam doesn’t affect the recipient. Can’t say for sure that’s what happened, but it’s possible.
I wondered about the same thing.
It sounds like someone sent you a “diamond” painting kit. Strange that they managed to find out our author lords home address.
On another note, glad to hear that kid1 is better and that SOTB is on schedule as I pre-ordered it from Kobo back when it was first announced.
Lots of good healing, loving vibes going to your household.
I agree with Elizabeth. It’s like cross-stitch, except the stitches are replaced with crystals, hence, the need for the stickum.
My crafty aunt in Vietnam does this “diamond painting” but I can’t remember what they call it. My mom says this is the new cross stitch- easier and shiney.
I’m glad your daughter is feeling better, and that it was only a headache. I used to get monster headaches once in a while, and had a few trips to the E.R. They would put me on a gurney in a dim room, and give me a shot of Demerol for instant relief. That is good stuff.
I hadn’t read your story about your daughter’s very scary ordeal when I wrote the above message, and I apologize for posting my story, which was NOTHING compared to what your family went through. I should have read your previous post first. I’m glad the kid is on the mend. BTW, I take beta blockers daily and it helps a lot.
Adding additional comment to say that the poster reminds me of background for fish tanks. Maybe it was sent by a pet products store or maybe it was intended for previous residents?
Excellent news from the health front; I hope it means that the cause was figured out and Kid 1 did not merely get a palliative. Glad to hear that SOTB is on track, and WOW! I just went back to the big A to see if a dead tree version was mentioned, and saw (again) how soon it’s to come out! Alas, I no longer have the superb memory I once had. (Ah, I think I did, if I recall correctly.)
I hope the Map From Nowhere has no other strangeness in it’s future.
Thanks for the heads-up, Brandi. I hope all concerned are resting better, no.
Hi, glad to read everything is getting better.
I do probably know what the thing is, even if I’m not the sender. It seems to be a base on which you’re suppose to glue the little gems following the picture and until is completely covered, I think it is called Diamond Painting. It’s supposed to be relaxing… or it’s a strange way to loose your sight!!!
Been thinking about the delivery Gordon received. Has he recently purchased something online and had it sent to the same address. It could be an inexperienced would-be hacker attempted to use his credit to make a purchase and it ended up at your place instead of theirs. If you choose to have it investigated, I’d start with the businesses at which he made his most recent purchases using that address. It might be one of their employees.
that painting is very popular on jigidi.com and pinterest. it’s been made into a puzzle and sold as such. no idea who sent it to you or why. probably those china companies who send random people free stuff so they can make fake reviews in their own shops.
I bet a kid sent it because they love your books… but I don’t know how it would go to your home address. Maybe it is a random event after all.
So happy Kid 1 is better. Enjoy the freebie craft kit. Let us know if it is relaxing or not.
Have just learned of Kid 1’s ordeal. So glad she got some relief. About odd mail I have nothing new to add. You guys need a famous author support group. Weird stuff happens to you. I am looking forward to SOTB. Maud could handle another primary role on her own. Fantastic job there.
I think the picture is actually a embroidery base. You have color references somewhere on the side. It’s a big work!
Because I cannot resist a good mystery, I went online searching for this diamond painting canvas. Found the canvas but, of course, have no idea who sent it. Wish I could tell you that but this would-be-detective has few skills but much desire to know. 🙂
So glad Kids is on the mend. Facebook has a number of migraine help sites-they are helpful with insights that most neurologists fail to mention. Also FYI on caffeine-be careful because some meds also have caffeine and it just makes more problems. Looking forward to some great reading.
Yay! And Hurrah!
That migraine was worrying! What magic potion did the wizard doctor use? Amazing.
Kid 2 probably sent that crafty picture as a prank. (Is the phone still sending that reminder? ???)
I know you have received a lot of comments for help for migraines but I wanted to leave a couple for ongoing relief. I have suffered from migraines since I was 12 years old and my daughter has unfortunately “inherited” migraines also and have gone through many trials and errors. Here are the few of the best:
1) Schedule an appointment with a neurologist who specializes in headaches to guide you in your treatment but be proactive and research migraines, following are a few items to research and consider:
a) Consider current preventative medications such as topomax, gabapentine, prozac
b) Look into the newer type of preventative medications (suppose to have less side effects) such as a once monthly shot called Emigality.
c) Treat a migraine episode as soon as possible with drugs such as Sumatriptan.
d) Migraines in young women can be caused by their hormone cycle and can be helped with continuous birth control pills (no placebo)
Good luck, treating migraines is not an exact science more of a trial and error for each person. I feel for your suffering as a person who gets migraines but most especially as a mother of a migraine sufferer.
Sally, I’m glad there was a doctor who was an excellent diagnostician. They’re difficult to find or they’re not accepting any new patients, it seems.
My sister falls into category “d.” =(
There is a scam review method where people create an account using an address they find, purchase and pay for a product having it shipped to the address, AND then leave a very positive review from a “verified purchase”. It is not illegal, it is not honest, and it sends weird items to people who did not order them. It does happen.
Oddly enough I received a diamond painting from Amazon addresses to me as well (not the same one). If you kept the envelope you can call them and they can give you the first name of who sent it. I order a lot off Amazon so thinking it was just a mix up in their distribution center. Who knows.
It’s an Amazon robot gone runamuck or rebelling about its job.
I ordered or tried to order a vinyl Herb Alpert album for my husband as a Father’s Day present at his suggestion. The first delivered album was Iron Maiden. (My son was recruited into wrapping the album and he thought, “Wow. I didn’t know Dad was into Iron Maiden.”) The second delivery was an album by Billy Corgan, and the vinyl was said to be pink. (He’s not a Smashing Pumpkin fan either.) In both instances, the albums had two barcode labels: on one side, the actual album inside. The other side had the Herb Alpert title. Amazon and I mutually threw in the towel rather than attempt a third time.
I’ve lived with severe, chronic back pain for decades and i’m Not going to be gauche enough to say mine better/worse or offer solutions for anyone’s suffering. What I will say is that (because of years of therapy) when it is overwhelming that I have learned to just batten down the hatches until I can function again. I can now take recuperative time without guilt or having to explain it to anybody else.
This is the kind of thing YOUR PAL Jeanine Frost would do to you. I suggest start there. I have a vision of her sitting with her morning cup and ear to ear smirk as she reads this post and the comments.
Ha! I was thinking the same thing?
Was it from Amazon? My husband received two packages from Amazon in the past month. One was some sort of outdoor camping mattress and the other was a woman’s tank top. No one ordered them. ??♀️
Hello Ilona! Made a little “treasure hunting” at Amazon.
Found your artwork here:
Hope it helps you to find answers! (…and hoping my German account gives you a functioning link):
I hope your daughter feels better soon. I have a friend who suffers from them regularly and they are awful.
It’s freaky that someone would send a gift without telling you who sent it. Hopefully it is a friend of yours. I remember years ago reading about someone who did that, and when the receiver questioned why the gift giver didn’t sign their name, the giver responded that she wanted her to think about all the people who cared enough to send her a gift.
I probably read that in Reader’s Digest magazine when I was standing in line at WalMart.
Glad the headache is better. They suck big ones.
I have to say on the delivery… it made me smile. I get random boxes and envelopes addressed to me, but at least I know they’re from my mother. She sends the darnedest things. Coloring books, shoes, puzzle books, charcoal air filters, can openers… and no, there is no dementia involved, just retirement. She just finds random things she wants to send that she thinks I’d enjoy. They do make my day after work. Everyone in the family gathers around to see what’s been delivered. It’s always better than the usual cat food or litter delivery.
Diamond painting has been my addiction for the last year. I’ve stopped reading books, playing video games , and all arts and crafts as I just can’t get enough of diamond painting. Fully recommend to everybody. It’s relaxing and soothing and a complete waste of time but oh my gosh it is so good for the soul. The satisfying soft click of the gems when they are placed on the canvas and gently transferred from the pen. The million array of sparkling colors of gems. I love the entire process of this hobby. From setting up a new painting by sorting all the colors into tiny bead storage boxes to meticulously placing gems on the canvas to breaking down the kits and storing the leftover gems into little baggies. Whole heartedly recommend. And now I’ll stop my long message and go back to being a lurker 🙂
I’m so glad to hear she is doing better. Good health is taken for granted until you don’t have it. I’m glad it was taken care of.
As for the poster, I have one. And I love it. I have Van Gogh’s Starry Night. It’s actually pretty fun and can be soothing. I hope he likes it (and no, it wasn’t from me). 🙂
So good to hear there are no more headaches!
That poster looks like the cross-stitch patterns my mom has at home! A new de-stressing hobby you have there.
Sweep of the Blade is available in paperback!!! Released 7/12/19, and I just ordered mine. ::happydancing::
Yay! For shots ? (looks kind of scary). Weird to get stuff without knowing who it’s from ?.
So happy she is feeling better and that the doctor was able to figure out what was wrong. So scary.
If it was an Amazon package and you really can’t find who sent it, I would suspect the known Amazon abuse vector called brushing. Bad actors purchase and send items to random people in order to increase sales rank and write verified purchase reviews on their own products, which in turn increases the marketability of their product on Amazon to real shoppers. Highly suggest reporting this abuse to Amazon to help protect the entire Amazon marketplace ecosystem.
I love that it was specifically sent to Gordon. Get on those gemstones, Gordon.
P.S. Kinda want to go all stabby stabby on the doctor who left your daughter in pain for days. Obviously he could have given her better pain relief too. Cruel.
That’s excellent news for kid 1. Take all some rest to evacuate the stress. Was that wonderful doctor able to determine if this devillish migraine had a specific cause ?
My feel good book right now is Sweep of the blade, I had preordered it on my kindle so thank you AL.
I usually read my favorite scfi fi/fantasy books when I’m feeling down, and turn the pages on my favorite parts. That, and I blast heavy metal in my kitchen while baking something (it’s my number 1 stress reliever).
In terms of movies, I really like watching Stardust and Amélie Poulain, it’s entertaining and full of good feelings, without being cheesy.
First time commenting on this blog and I want to sing the praises of SOTB, but I’m torn between wanting Dina’s story and and now Maude’s — also sad that Kate’s tale has come to a close, but I wonder if there are future plans to spin off series from the young characters introduced both in the Sweep series and Kate Daniels. The writing by Ilona and Gordon makes it seem like — at least to this reader — they enjoy what they do and cherish the characters they create. Thank you for taking me along a great ride.