And it is beautiful. Gene Mollica is a genius.
No, can’t show it to you yet. We want to get the publishing date settled first.
Today is mammogram day. And ENT day. My throat has been giving me a lot of issues, so going to have it checked out. I just want to know what the problem is. Is it acid, is it allergies, is it infection, what is it. Hopefully not cancer. In both appointments.
So I kind of have a heavy day today. I just have to power through and get it over with.
Best thoughts that your mammogram and ENT visit go well.
Yay art! And good luck with the appointments!!
Sending you love and light and the first of million medical helps. The answer issues. It’s all those things. Based on where you live and other stuff you share like many of us you have inflammatory issues. My labs run 12 times hiring then normal and did butt ton of research used multi items and techniques and got it managed. American medicine not built to deal with chronic conditions. Take a pill. Cut it out. Pay. Bye guuurl.
Sending hugs for all the tests. You are strong. Never doubt that.
Good luck with your appointments. I think the worst part is the not knowing/waiting. Sucks big time. But at least you are doing it.
I found out that replacing/washing my pillow, and getting the right size, helped me with my throat. It had enough dust and crap that it congested my sinuses so I slept breathing through my mouth, with messed w/my throat. So, could be as simple as that.
As a husband, and a father of two, I appreciate you taking care of yourself and setting an example. Although my wife is reluctant to get her tests, she does. I always read your yearly reminder aloud to my wife and 16 y/o daughter to help reinforce the need to get checks. I’d be destroyed without my wife. Thanks, and hope it is smooth sailing for you today. And they give you answers right away.
UGH. I hate those days. The good thing about them is they are done sooner than expected.
Plus…SQUEE!…cool cover art. <3
You've done a lot in a short time, here's to good news and time off for decent rest.
You remind me of my husband. I’m always sure everything is fine and he’s always sure he has cancer! You’re going to be fine and if goodness forbid there is something serious, you are a strong, powerful woman and will get through it.
Best of luck to you, much love.
Good luck with the appointments. Big hugs on the wait for answers.
Best of luck today! Your beloved Horde is behind you!
Sending you hugs and good energy!
Yay art! Can’t wait to see it!
And yay mammogram! Squish the boobs for health! I know it’s no fun but I promise it is better than the alternative. I know someone who died from cancer that could have been caught with a mammogram. So I’m glad to hear that you are going!
Good luck with the throat issues! I hope they have some answers!
You got this. May things go quick, and everything be clear or at least easy to fix.
As I read somewhere, expect the worst, and that way you are pleasantly surprised.
Hope all goes well ?
тебе удачи и хорошего здоровья I had to look it up so hope it is right…
Praying that your doctors have wisdom and compassion, your medical technicians are calm and have concentration, and your nurses have a great sense of humor, and may they all have red your books to know how much you add to other people’s lives.
Keeping you in prayer!
One of my all time faves: “One foot in front of the other until you’re out of hell”. Keep walking.
Even when something serious is wrong,,, it is nothing short of miraculous how fast they fix things today.
I had a lump, I had many many tests that same day, and less than a week later I was undergoing Chemo. Five years later, I’m still cancer free. Mind you, I’m Canadian, so there was no fighting the insurance company or anything like that, just, diagnosis and then treatment.
You won’t hear me complaining about socialized medicine.
I hope you have an easy day, and only good news.
Sending you energy both for the day and the waiting period for the results.
And really curious about the cover after getting those behind the scenes glimpses. And the book of course- seeing Hugh in a different light will definetively be an experience.
Good luck, will be thinking of you!
As someone who got the bad news and am two years cancer free this month I can say that the fear is what gets you. Most of the time it is nothing to worry about so keep those statistics running as the odds are most definitely in you favor. (Sorry couldn’t help myself. ) I’m glad you are taking care of yourself and I am sending all the good juju to you! Plus…squee! Cover art!
Good luck. You got this.
Good luck with the appointments. Hope everything goes well and it’s nothing serious!
Best wishes with both appointments and smooth seas for the rest of the day.
Many people you may never meet care about you and wish only the best for you. If there were trouble they would do whatever they could to help. And that’s people who haven’t met you. Think of how important you are to your friends and most of all to your family. These tests mean that you will be together for much longer. They’re a good thing.
You are not alone and you are loved. Sending you prayers of calm and faith that all things are well.
Hugs, Darlin’. You got this, indeed.
maybe silent acid reflux……anyway good luck.
Hope things go well on all fronts!
Positive thoughts for you!
My hair dresser often reminds her clients to dry their hair -all the way- before going to bed. One of het dear friends spent a lot of time ill -sinus infections,
dizzy, headaches, fatigue, etc- and went to several different doctors over a span of years before one asked, “Do you go to bed with wet hair?”
When she answered “Yes” , he told her it was probably mold and mildew growing in her pillow. She got new pillows, a new mattress, and a hair dryer. Her health was restored almost immediately.
I hope your fix is as simple and complete. God bless!
I can’t wait to see the covert art ^_^ and all the good energy on your appointments
Here’s wishing you good health on all fronts.
Good luck today. I know how horrid those days can be as i’ve had a few over the past year. Fingers crossed and sending love ??? xxx
Sending good thoughts to you and I hope that every thing will be OK
We all love you and care for you.. Not only because of your great gift of writing even though that’s how we first got to know you and Gordon.
Our prayers for a healthy, fulfilling long life from your Singapore fans.
Best thoughts and wishes
Hugs and prayers
Sending ? and biscuits, hope all is well.
Sending hugs! <3
I hate mammograms too. I’ve got to submit to an angiogram on Monday that I’m hoping shows nothing, so I actually know precisely how you feel! A good thing beforehand: I’m going down to Yuma to meet my brand new grandson! W00t!!
Congratulations, Grandma!!! Hope the angiogram goes smoothly and all is well.
Mine is booker for the 19th, so I am with you all the way. Good luck.
Dear Ilona.
I hope they find nothing in the mammogram but the ENT can work out why you aren’t well – and that’s it is both treatable and not serious.
Take care ?
I am sending you positive energy along with the rest of the horde. Just think, with all of us sending you positive energy and support, you should practically be able to float into get your mammogram, and the ENT should be on the top of their game for you! I hope ? the mammogram goes quickly and shows nothing, and that the ENT finds what the problem is – and that it is something simple and easy to fix (like getting a new pillow as previously mentioned by someone here).
I am glad you are going ahead with these appointments (although they aren’t the most pleasant way to spend the day). It is so important that you take care of your health. What would the BDH do without you?! Who would we whine and plead to?! Who would Gordon banter with?! What would the dogs do?! Kid 1 and 2 need their mom, and you need to stick around to be a grandma. Just think of all the opportunities for knitting then!! ?
Seriously, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. These sayings have stuck around because they are true. Glad you are going, hope the appointments are not too bad and that you get goods news quickly from each!!! Long live the queen!!!!!!??
Blessed be.
My throat problems stopped when I had my tonsils removed. I hope all is well with you. Thank you for the reminder to get a mammogram.
Hope it went well! I have an Obgyn appointment booked for next week. I am extremely nervous even though I had to fight my PCM for the referral. I really hate going to doctors but my family has a history of ovarian cancer and it scares me silly.
Prayers for answers you want and not answers you don’t. 🙂
Sending healthy thoughts your way.
Please let us know how those appointments went (not trying to be intrusive or anything!) but I hope it’s good news and all went well.
I hope all is well!
I have Barrett’s esophagus from GERD…I developed high grade dysplasia…had 6 laser ablations and I am currently in remission…good thing that you are getting it checked out…esophageal cancer is bot something to fool with…wishing best of luck to you.
Hope and prayers to the creator that all went well on both medical appointments. I know both of you will stress till the good results are announced. I am sure all the BDH agree with me you are shielded by our love and and blessings.