“And what did you do?” Nevada asked.
Arabella sighed. “You want to know what I did? Nothing. I stood there like a moron and let him scream at me. I don’t even know why I did that. I’m not a pushover person.”
“What did the driver look like?” I asked.
“I don’t know, I didn’t look at him that well. Blond, well built, jock type, probably twenty-five, twenty-eight, between 160 and 180 lbs, about five foot ten, clean shaven, black T-shirt with a grey outline of Texas on it, khaki cargo shorts, carrot red Nikes with white laces, a fake Rolex. And not a good fake Rolex, either. He was driving a black Chevy Tahoe, maybe 2012 or so, with a small dent in the bumper on the driver side. There were four other people in the car.”
This is hilarious, maybe more so because there’s no context. Love it! Will it be in book 5?
Awesome, I really do love the characters you create.
LOL, love it! Meanwhile if you had me close my eyes and then asked me what I’m wearing I’d only have a 60-70% change of getting it right…..
Oh god, me too. I just closed my eyes and realized I couldn’t tell you right now what color sweats I have on and I only have grey, brown, and blue colors as sweats LOL
You two both did better than me, lmao.
Robyn, the only reason I know what I’m wearing is because I broke out a tee shirt for the first time this morning & it’s bright royal blue. With olive green shorts 🙂 Not ready to give up the shorts quite yet 😉
That’s why I wear jeans 360 days of the year. I almost always get that part right.
Me too
I get compliments on my shirts fairly often because I wear nerdy shirts. Every time, I have to look down to remind myself of what shirt I’m wearing. Every. Single. Time.
I had to think real hard to remember what tee I am wearing under my fleece jacket!
Arabella is so awesome. I really hope she has her own trilogy. It should be pure fun.
…and I would consciously or unconsciously let my brains make up for it????
Brainzzzzzz…. ????
Too funny! I am so bad at that kind of thing. I remember behavior, and in my younger days I could repeat conversations verbatim, but not physical appearance.
Jewelwing …me too!
Appearances whizzed right by me, but attitude, demeanor….those I remember.
Yaaasss! My guuurrl! I am secret arabella . Happy daze and can’t wait. Greatest and Thanks
She didn’t pay attention at all…
“But I wasn’t really paying any attention.” LOL
+ 1
Reading these little bits makes me so happy! Thank you for sharing with us!
hear, hear!!! So darn funny and exactly what I would have expected from any one of the Baylors! Thanks it has made my Friday seem a little less gray.
Dear Lordy Lou, I’ve no such attention to detail, even in my youth. Mind you, that would be a great ability.
Another enjoyable snippet, thank you.
Well, she would have noticed more if he’d been cute… lol!!! (As if that weren’t enough!)
“I don’t know, I didn’t look at him that well.””Detailed description of subject”
If it were me, things would go, “I don’t know, dude was a male wearing clothes.”
The only thing I’ve done well since age 12 is boss my younger brother around. Too bad it isn’t a stage talent, let alone a life skill.
I like your talent! Wish I could boss any of my three brothers…
???????????????? Love it!!
???? love it
LOL! Thank you for the chuckle. Hope everyone is feeling better.
Thank you very much for the snippet 🙂 Also thank you for the zoo funny, it was awesome and hilarious!
Can I pre-order now!?!?!?!
Me too!
HAHAHA. Love it!
Sounds right. If there was a dog in the car I could have described it that well. Nothing whatever on the people or car.
I was not a PI, but I do have a type of photographic memory – I recall numbers and letters that are written down. For example, I remember the license plate numbers on the cars that are usually parked around my apartment building and I notice when there are new ones showing up. If you tell me your name and phone number, I won’t remember it, but if you give me a card and I read it, I’ll remember for at least a month. It makes for some weird conversations sometimes :))
I love Arabella, she’s my favorite (even more than Nevada).
I can remember stuff I read or do, especially numbers or lists, but not what I just see. I am awful with people, but can find an address again that I drove to once, a year ago.
That’s so interesting! I’m like that too, and I’ve never met anyone else in my career with my affinity for alphanumerics. I can remember 21 character contract numbers 15 years after I’ve worked with them. At a party, if someone is giving their credit card number over the phone to order pizza, I have to consciously not pay attention because otherwise I’ll have their credit card number memorized for at least a few months. 🙂
But Arabella’s ability is so much more useful. I don’t pay enough attention to fashion to remember what type of clothes adults are wearing, but I could describe their pets or children.
I used to have a fabulous memory, especially if I did the ‘read it, write it, said it’ trifecta of memory it stayed in my brain forever. I can’t still remember passages from junior high text books (and that was a long, long time ago). Also was very good with faces and still recognize any actor I’ve seen even in minor parts. However I would never, ever be able to recall all of this from one encounter, mainly because my focus would never be attuned to the details.
Of course now, with fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and a mix of other maladies plus the attendant medications and my memory is SH*T. Very tough adjustment to go from remembering every detail to not remember what day it is. 🙁
Still, can you imagine if Arabella HAD been paying attention? Wowza! Don’t try to pull anything past this girl, she will remember you and you do not want on her s-list!
Yeah, she really didn’t look at him that well! Right! 🙂
Can’t wait!
Arabella rocks!
She could give Kate Daniels a run for her money on recall!
Love it! Thanks for the laughter.
Too funny. I love Arabella. She is like a powder keg of cuteness which she will probably hate hearing. Knowing she has the Beast inside her must have her smirking inside when people try to intimidate her…thinking I can crush you like a bug but since I can control myself I choose NOT to.
+1 ????
Loved it all.
House Andrews, IA, simply wonderful.
Thank you for a bright spot in a bad week.
There could be a million dollar bounty on someone who is standing right in front of me next to their wanted poster and it wouldn’t click with me. Now numbers are a different matter ……
Thanks for the funny snippet 🙂
Ahahahahhahahaha *wipes tears* This gold 😀
This really, really made my day. I didn’t even realize I was stressed out until I had a good laugh from this.
My life as a paralegal (for 28 years) has seeped into my other life, wherein everything is justified – the argument has to be made cause ya know dealing with lawyers all the time –> impact or outcome is because of this action and is justified because of .
“I don’t know, I didn’t look at him that well“
Your kidding me!
I’m liking Catalina more all the time. Yeah!
Thanks for this!
Ha! I didn’t look at him that well but can describe him down to the color of his undies… love it!!!
Baby Kate Daniel’s thy birthname is Arabella. I like it 🙂
… And because I’ve just read “Door Is That Way” and comments were disabled (and I’ll love to tell you my opinion anyways: sending virtual flowers in advance) The saddest part of that “review” is that it seems to be written by somebody that did try not to be rude and failed tremendously. That creature did not take the time to consider that criticizing the setting and characters you work so hard to build is, logically, going to react a more emotional than rational response in you. Furthermore, trying to provide you with “better tools” (advices I’m thankful you have rejected so vehemently) is just to add insult to injury. Like you have pointed out, our “job” as readers is to buy your stories as they are or not. So, cheers to you and thank you for the stories you create. Please don’t let the ocassional rudeness intoxicate you ♡ Best wishes for all ♡
Thank you! Loved it. 😀
Yaaaassss Arabella! Hope she gets more page time in the upcoming books.
Just ignore the rude people. They are in a microscopic minority of you readers. The intelligent people love your work. Period. No back seat driving allowed.
I used to work at Saks Fifth Avenue in advertising. I worked on the catalogs. Went to the meeting with all the heads of the departments and took notes. So did the stylist and copywriters. But every so often I would get a call from the art director on location. And they would ask, “Do you remember if they want sandles or sneakers.” Or, we have a great model with short hair, did anyone mention hair length?”
And I could recall what was said in the meeting, verbatim. And probably what they were wearing.
Is was kind of freaky. I could hear the person talking and remember that they were wearing a red shirt. Or were very serious about how it was to be photographed.
At parties, I forgot names, but remembered if they had pets, what they wore, what they drank. Ten years later , I can still remember . Things just stick in my memory.
My mother was a legal secretary for over 25 years. She could recall a file number, what happened and the outcome 20 yrs after the file closed. Her attorney Tom, adored her and her memory.
My whole family has this gift. Not photographic memory, but damn close.
My cousins work on Tv. They can tell if the set is missing a lamp, or if’s the wrong lamp, or in the wrong place.
Thank you for the great snippet. Love the whole Baylor family.
I am in awe. Years ago I was in a scary situation that got bad enough that I actually jumped out of a driving car. I ran down the road and at the next intersection there was a parked cop car I ran to them and startet telling them what happened. I was shaking and scared. When the cops asked me to describe the men or the car I drew a blank. All I had was colors. The color of the car and the color of the guys hair that was it. I could not recall the face of the men who scared me enough to jump out of his car even though it had happend only a few short minutes prior. I felt like a complete idiot. You can imagine a lot of things but once in a situation like this you will realize a lot comes down to your bodies responses, no thought, no conscious choices you run and nothing else.
Nice observations! I only wish I could remember so much.
He he. I love this series. Thanks for this!
Too bad Arabella wasn’t looking closely. She left out descriptions of the passengers, the license plate number, the list of schools that he attended, his phone & social security numbers …
Bahahahaha! I can’t wait <3
Gosh I love this series. The characterizations are so amazing.
It’s funny how much a little snippet from y’all can change my day.
Not sure how often you hear it – but it should be more – writers change lives. Thanks for sharing your gift with the world! Every time I’m sad – I pop over to your blog or reread one your books and damn if I don’t feel better after.
I finally rea all four Hidden Legacy novels in sequence. Love this!
ROFL…..how can you not see a person and yet describe him so well??!! Loving the scene….(and now also wondering under which figure of speech it will fall!)
A hoot!!!! Thanks for posting!!!
I just had to come back to read this again. Today I met someone and consciously tried to remember what they were wearing and what they looked like. I remember her smile, her hair, and her peeling finger nail polish, but not the color of her shirt. In my defense I was desperately trying to remember my Russian vocabulary, but it made me appreciate Arabella’s skill set all the more. And I know others have said this more eloquently, but there are more people out there who love your books than those who criticize. I say, let them eat dust rather than the cake that are your books!
I’m going to be so intrigued to read Arabella’s series! Given that she can become a virtually indestructible monster, it’s going to be super interesting to see how Team Andrews (that’s what they’ve asked to be called, right?) challenges / limits her.
And how awesome it will be to see her cutting lose from her perspective!
I’m loving Catalina too, though! It’s fun to see them write a character who’s so different than the other heroines they’ve done so far. Navada, Maude, Dina, Kate, and most of heroines from the Edge series may have moments of doubt, but are fundamentally self-confident badasses. Catalina seems to have that in her, but having to hide her talent has clearly given her a level 0f self-doubt / imposter syndrome that I think makes her really different than the other title heroines of the Andrews-verse.
Blood, gore, violence. Yipee! And the snippet was hysterical! Thanks for making my day. hughughug
Love it!!! Thank you. And I know you disabled comments for good reason re: ‘F’. But she should F right off.
Oh my! Thank you.
Arabella’s right– she didn’t look at the GUY that well… lol for what she did notice.
That guy is in for trouble!
As usual can’t wait for new ia book! Actually guys, I need a book recommendation stat! I am recovering for the hell known as sepsis. Dastardly thing. I need a book so badly. No reverse harem crap or doggies dying. Anything else would be awesome. Can’t read too much at a time as my vision is wonky but I’m told that will go away. So funny or mystery or fantasy all would do thanks
Vanguard by Ann Aguirre. It’s similar to the Divergent series (but sweeter ending and trilogy, I.M.O)
I would love to recommend but not on this site. Here’s a hint: Google coyote shifter and its an 11 or 12 book series I’m rereading to keep me busy until the next Innkeeper or Hidden Legacy installment.
Get well soon
Is this really a problem? I’ve seen other books and authors recommended on this blog many times. Yes, everyone is here because we enjoy Kate, Hidden Legacy, Innkeeper…but we all have to read other authors too. So, serious question, is it wrong to recommend books here? Maybe only when our hosts bring it up? Don’t want to step on anyone’s toes. Thanks
Ilona never complains about book recs on any of her socials. In fact, she’s always been supportive of other writers so idk why the secrecy.
Unless…… the series is written by this one writer who Ilona said she refuses to promote because they dicked over a bunch of writers (one of whom who was sick, iirc) over the $$ they made from their anthology. ????????♀️
Ok… just out of curiosity, that person is…? Or are we not allowed to publically discuss it in comments?
Please tell me Arabella will get her own book! She is so hilarious
Somewhere on this site there was / is whole thread of authors people were recommending, top 3s. It was a several months back. Think it got moved someplace separate, so hunt around. It was initiated bi I-A, ‘cause, I suppose they actually like to read a good book once in awhile too… who knew?
Arabella is a really fun character, I am waiting to see what happens to her story line in the upcoming books. I really love seeing what hijinks she gets into with Leon.
In other words, Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson series. Recommended many, many times by many, many readers on this site.
And that is what I was going to recommend. Also the companion series on Anna the Omega wolf.
Those are wonderful!
Anything by Pippa Grant will make you laugh
There is actually a book recommendation thread. If go to the menu button down towards the bottom is BDH recommendations. Good Luck in finding a new book.
I may be off base but “sepsis” ? Holy S*!t!! Thank goodness you ‘re still with us! I can’t recommend Cici And The Curator enough. It’s short and sweet and funny and I loved every word. Unfortunately it can only be bought on Kindle. Get you free sample and give it a try! I follow this author and get a newsletter? blog post? Whatever it’s called , and a few posts ago she mentioned that Cici had only sold 300 copies! I was stunned. She wrote it as some kind of writing exercise where they challenge authors to write a book in 1 month. The contest name is so weird my auto correct won’t let me put it in . Anyway I’m not related or even know this lady but this book deserves more readers. Another book she wrote called A Lonely Magic is also excellent! It starts out so normal and then takes a U turn into something else . Kind of like that George Clooney movie From Dusk To Dawn where you think you are watching a crime movie and then out of no where Vampires! Well there are no vampires in A Lonely Magic but it does take a dramatic shift. I started reading S.J. Wynde because I got a free book, and then kept going on to buy the next and the next….and as I write this I realized that each time I read the next book it becomes my new favorite . She also writes as Sarah Wynde. I wish I had the words to convince people to give it a try but it is hard to categorize it is set in a galaxy far away but I wouldn’t call it SciFi, it’s not a love story unless you count the “dogs”, it is somewhat of a mystery but ….see what I mean? Anyway so sorry you are I’ll and glad you’re getting better. Also another book I read recently that had me laughing so hard my husband wanted to know why, is Cocoa and Chanel by Donna Joy Usher. Afterwards I immediately bought the next book but I haven’t read it yet so I don’t know if Cocoa was a one hit wonder or whether Usher may be a new auto-buy and pre-order. Good luck and happy reading.
Are you referring to NaNoWriMo?
Lake Silence by Anne Bishop or any of her books about the “Others”. I just finished this one on a re read. I always laugh a lot at the end. One of the author-created worlds I wish was real. Lisa Shearin is another author that can tide you over. I am re reading her Raine Benares series again. Funny and thoughtful and I wish I lived there.
I love Anne Bishop books as well, but don’t think it is the right choice if you need a casual read that lifts your mood.
I like the style because people talk like there 12 then people are eaten “oh well ” hahaha.
The Others series does lift your mood. It’s so different from Anne Bishop’s previous work that it’s like it’s from a different author. No disrespect intended; I’m sure there is some audience overlap, but many readers might prefer one series and not the other. There is a real sweetness and even some innocence to The Others.
+1. I just finished a reread yesterday and I still love Raine and the gang. Thinking of trying the next series in the same world.
Rivers of London series by Ben Aaronovitch
I just “found” these a few weeks ago and am really enjoying them!
Ella the Slayer by A. W. Exley. A Cinderella retelling, with zombies. This was a freebie from Bookbub a while back; I’m not sure how much it is now. I try LOTS of new authors through Bookbub (because sooner or later you’re bound to find a few good ones), and this was definitely one of the winners.
Agnes and the Hit Man by Jennifer Cruise (sp). Funny book, mystery,romance.
One of my favorites. All of her books are worth reading. And rereading.
That one was lol funny! I have enjoyed everything I have read of Jennifer Cruise’s but especially the ones she co-wrote with Bob Mayer (like this one).
LOVE Jennifer Crusoe, “Bet Me” was my first, lol funny by the third page. Also recommend A.M. Sohma’s Retha series for light-hearted fun, although it’s only 3 books into a 5 book series, so you will be frustrated if it hooks you, but Kit is awesome and Miles is the best fake video-game boyfriend ever…
Try out the Legion of Angels Series, by Ella Summers. Its pretty dang good and needs A LOT more recognition. It has an awesome lead character and a swoon-worthy love interest, and the series progresses with our girl growing steadily stronger, kicking names and taking ass :D. Hope you like it!
That is nasty. Hope you feel better, and have the full return of your sight, very soon! Hugs! I enjoy pretty much anything by Grace Draven (an author I have seen mentioned here more than a few times). I think of her works as fairy tales for adults, written with a haunting beauty. My all time favorite is “Radiance” (there is a second book called “Eidolon”). Also “Master of Crows”.
I like the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich, they are hysterical. Patricia Briggs is another good one. I like the Sam and Remi Fargo series by Clive Cussler, I’ve also read all of the Dirk Pitt ones, reading them is kinda like watching William Shatner in the old T.J. Hooker tv show. I read just about every genre. Jennifer Crusie, as some one else mentioned, is really good. Lisa Edmonds, Seanan McGuire, Alex P. Berg, Jen Turano, Susan Ilene, Jennifer Estep, Keri Arthur, BR Kingsolver, Jana Deleon (her Miss Fortune series will have you rolling), Deborah Blake, Deanna Chase, just to name a few.
I can’t believe I forgot Faith Hunter, the Jane Yellowrock books are another great series.
Doris Egan’s trilogy starting with “Gate of Ivory” is a lot of fun. I wish she hadn’t gone into Tv writing, because I really wanted a 4. It’s fantasy and got great characterization. I laughed out loud sometimes. I love that she used her knowledge of Chinese culture to create a culture that wasn’t Chinese at all but was quite special.
Nalini Singh – check out her Psy-Changling Series and Guild Hunters Series
Patricia Briggs – Mercy Thompson Series
Deanna Chase – multiple Series
Forthright – Amarinthe Saga and Songs of the Amarinthe Series
Hope you improve quickly!
Ilona once recommended Magic and the Shinigami Detective by Honor Raconteur. I can recommend the two sequels, Charms and Death and Explosions (oh my!) And Magic Outside the Box. Heather Killough-Walden’s Neverland series is also good.
Wait, there are sequels to the Shinigami Detective?
Red Adam’s Lady.
Thank you for reminding me about this book. Jo Beverley told me it was her favorite book and if I ever saw it in a used book store, to pick it up for her. Sadly she is gone now but I popped over to Kobo and there it was! Now I can see what all the fuss is about.
Have you heard of A.J. Alto ‘s series The Marnie Baranuik Files? The first in the series is “Touched”. It is a story about a forensic psychic and preternatural biologists who helps the cops and gets shot on a case. The main character is very funny, quirky and bonded to her hand-me-down revenant companion( the source of her ability ). It is a fun read, and I was extremely delighted with it, considering it was available on kindle unlimited. I hope you are doing well recovering!
Arabella!!!!!! The tiny fireball didn’t explode 😉 I love reading through the characters growing up or changing. I’m glad Nevada is home, big sisters rock even when you have to make them take a step back for their own good. I can’t wait for the baby!!!! (aka, the ‘little monster child’). Thank you for the snip-it!!!!
A bit different but great fun is the Amelia Peabody series by Elizabeth Peters. They are also available in Audible as excellent audio books . I recommend the ones by Rosenblatt. I play them at speed 1.25. The are humorous mysteries taking place from 1885-1923 in Egypt. The protagonists are egyptologists. The characters are quirky with lots of humor. Every year you hear “Damn it Peabody nor another dead body!” or ” No, no Sit Hakim not another murder! ” If you give the series a try I think you will really enjoy it. Also the Audible books will give your eyes a rest as you recover.
Nalini Singh – check out her Psy-Changling Series and Guild Hunters Series
Patricia Briggs – Mercy Thompson Series
Deanna Chase – multiple Series
Forthright – Amarinthe Saga and Songs of the Amarinthe Series
Hope you improve quickly!
These are great!
Lovely! Thank you.
Okaaaay … So, what would she have noticed if she HAD been paying attention???
Ha! That’s what I was thinking too! Yep, been working as a PI for quite a little while 🙂
Agreed! Lovely snippet. Thank you I-A.
Your snippets and books for that matter over all really make my day!
Thank you
Oh, Arabella! You are so adorable when you’re not really getting a good look at people or things. I love that she saw all that without thinking and said “I didn’t look at him that well”. I really, really like that small scene!
Love it. So looking forward to the book.
It’s gems like these that keep me coming back. Love it so much! Keep up the good work!
Than you, Ilona Andrews for post. Titan and I enjoyed.
Kind of like Dali, of the “….her definition of not (knowing) much (about an obscure subject) needed work.”
???????????? if that is not looking at him that well, I wonder what is a good look? This is again a very good example why I love your work. You combine witty and funny stuff so well with the rest of the story. You make me laugh, feel romance, adventure and anxiety while reading your books. Thank you!
Thanks for the snip! They always make the day better! Hope everyone is recovering from the crud and you all have a great weekend!
I am so looking forward to the next book in this series. Love the characters! Love your writing.
Oh no! Arabella is going to be my new favorite. I am so fickle but, I blame you two. It is all your fault that I can hardly wait for the next book in anyone of your series. Thank you.
Thanks for the snippet. It was awesome!
Love it! But these little snack-size bites make me hungry for a bit more ???? Thanks for a taste of what’s to come!
Love it as always.
Why I think IA are the best writers/people/commenters ever. And this is from the other post today, the one about doors:
“Dear F., the next time you get an urge to send an email to a writer
with that kind of request, don’t. We are not short order cooks.
We don’t write to order.
If our work is so disgusting and boring that you can’t stomach it, find
someone else to read. There are thousands of writers available to you.
Pick a different door.”
Ending with:
Best of luck.
Arabella is the shit! She always makes me giggle or laugh out loud. I cannot wait to read more about her.
I love your snippets. I am so looking forward to the next few books in this series. Thank you!!!
I was expecting to hear how it would scar you…lol.
I mean, it’s got to affect your development…would you, as so many books like to say police do, have an instant focus on the underbelly or possible nefarious behavior of everyone around you? Then the twist with Arabella is, you better not do anything obvious around her!
Everytime it’s a privilege to be on the receiving end of the tasting of the tidbits you cook up.. good job on making us ravenous for more.. but now I want to read moooore… Please a bit of your scraps more????????
So if she had looked closely at him, she would have been able to tell his blood type and whether he had bad breath?
I love it so much, made me smile.
So good. Man I just gobble these pieces up ????
Simon Green … Blue Moon Rising … it’s an oldie but continues to make me laugh …
Thank-you so much for that snippet. Arabella is funny, especially when she’s anxting.
Another author and series I’ve recently found is The Chronicles of St. Mary’s by Jodi Taylor. She mixes history, British humor, great characters and relationships. They are a true collection of odd sorts that “study history in contemporary times” and please do not call it time travel. I kept laughing out loud so frequently that now my husband wants to read the series. They really must be read in order due to some sudden left turns in the story and time lines. Enjoy!!!
I love the liaden World Series by sharon lee and steve miller..start with local custom.
LOVE Arabella!
Is that Curran in the car, Arabella?