Do not read if you haven’t read WHITE HOT.
spoiler space
The family sat at the dining table. I took the head spot this time. A stack of papers sat on my right, covered with a folder. I’d printed out the contents of the USB drive.
My two sisters had taken the chairs next to me, Catalina on my right, Arabella on my left. Catalina, who was a week shy of turning eighteen, was dark- haired, serious, and calm. She liked math, because it made sense to her, and would do just about anything to not be the center of attention. Arabella, still fifteen, was blond, athletic, with bigger boobs and a curvier butt, and calm wasn’t even in her vocabulary. She liked forensics and humanities. “Calling people out” was her preferred method of dealing with issues. The high school debate club, which made the fatal mistake of snubbing her because she was a freshman at the time and their roster was full, lived in mortal terror of her.
Bernard, the oldest of our two cousins, sat next to Catalina. Over six feet tall, with shoulders that had trouble fitting through narrow doorways, Bern was built like he broke people for a living. He had wrestled in high school and still went to judo a few times a week, which he claimed he was doing to balance long hours spent writing computer code. When he was a kid, his hair had been the color of straw and curly. The curls were all gone now. His hair had turned dark blond, and he kept it cut short and messy.
His brother Leon was just about his exact opposite. Lean, dark, and fast, Leon alternated between sarcasm, excitement, and total gloom as quickly as his sixteen- year- old body could produce the hormones. He hero- worshipped his brother. He also thought he himself was a dud without any magic. I knew he wasn’t, and I was doing my best to keep that knowledge to myself, because there was only one type of job open to someone with Leon’s magical talent, and it wasn’t a job any of us would’ve liked him to have. Right now, only Bug, who was Rogan’s surveillance expert, my mother, and I knew what he was capable of, and the only reason I told Mom was because his talent would explode into light sooner or later, and if I wasn’t around, someone else would have to handle it. Sooner or later I would have to tell Leon.
My mother sat at the other end of the table. She used to be a soldier, but her time as a POW left her with a permanent limp. She was softer now, her brown hair braided and pinned at the nape of her neck. Her eyes were brown like mine. When Dad got sick and after his death, Mom kept us together. I was just now beginning to understand how much it had cost her.
Grandma Frida sat beside Mom. One of my earliest memories was playing on the floor of the motor pool with little model cars, and Grandma Frida, who still had some blond in her hair back then, humming softly as she worked on some giant vehicle. Most people smelled engine oil and rubber and thought mechanic. I thought Grandma.
I loved them all so much. I had to do everything I could to keep them safe. This would be a Christmas we’d never forget.
“Victoria Tremaine knows who we are,” I said.
The words hit the table like a pile of bricks. Arabella paled. Catalina bit her lip. Bern became very still. Leon, oblivious, frowned at the pinched expressions he saw. Nobody spoke. Truthseeker talents like mine were very rare. There were only three truthseeker Houses in the United States. House Tremaine was the smallest and the most feared. It had only one member— Victoria Tremaine. And she was coming for us.
“How sure are you?” Mom finally asked.
“She tried to purchase our mortgage.”
Mom swore.
“I thought House Montgomery owned our mortgage,” Leon said.
“House Montgomery owns the mortgage on our business,” Bernard said patiently. “The mortgage on the warehouse was held by a private bank until Rogan bought it.”
“To bring everyone up to speed,” I said before they could go off on a tangent, “Dad was Victoria’s only child. He was born without magic, and she hated him for it. He ran away after high school, met Mom, and lived quietly, so she never found him. But now she knows. She’s the only member of her family. Once she dies, House Tremaine will die with her.”
“How did I not know this?” Leon asked. “Am I the only one who didn’t know this? You guys knew and didn’t tell me?”
Part 2 will be available later in the week.
Amy says
Thank you!
Megan says
Candice says
Yes!!!! I agree!!!
Anne in Virginia says
Thank you, thank you, thank you. That said, Moan…July 25 is so long away. Guess I’ll have to go reread BURN FOR ME and WHITE HOT for the umptey umph time.
Anne in Virginia
Judy says
me too
Nora says
Thank you, I’m glad we only have to wait two months. White hot was amazing!
Violet says
Jessica says
Keep it up!!
Amanda says
Whoot! I can’t wait. Moar of these books!
Rene says
Ahhh I need more! Love it, thank you.
ada says
Aaaaahhhhh!!! Leon needs to know! I don’t want him finding out from Bug or Rogan that Nevada knew and didn’t tell him about his magic. Am way to invested in this fictional family. LOL.
Pat Crouch says
Ditto. But it’s set up so there will be a teen explosion ? so I don’t have much hope for Leon’s tender feelings.
Demi says
Yes! You two are amazing, thank you!
Ellie says
Thank you so much for This! Burned through white hot and can’t wait for this!
Angie says
Hahah. ‘Burned thru’ white hot. That made me chuckle.
neurondoc says
I really hope that Nevada tells Leon about his magical talent sooner rather than later. Otherwise it will likely come back and bite her in the ass. He’s 16. Enough said, yes?
I really love the dichotomy between Catalina’s introverted (?) nature and her magical talent.
neurondoc says
Also — White Hot was a (book) blast. Can’t wait for Wildfire.
Chris Henderson-Bauer says
A thing occurred to me. I can understand the logic in excluding Leon–he’s not directly threatened because he’s not descended from Tremaine, he’s not directly involved in hiding the family like Bern is, and he’s a minor. But, on the other hand, Arabella is younger than him and she knows, and Bern isn’t descended from Tremaine and he knows. That leaves the main reason Leon’s been kept in the dark as the fact that he doesn’t have a useful skill to fight Tremaine. Or, in other words, he doesn’t have magic. (At least, as far as he knows and Nevada is willing to admit.)
I could see Leon believing he’s being excluded because he doesn’t have magic. It’s even arguably true. Which would mean the Baylors–and Nevada herself–are engaging in the same type of magic-based class and power exclusion that Nevada rails about in the larger magic community. This exclusion keeps Leon from making informed decisions about his own life, which strips him of even more power. It’s well-intentioned, sure. But it’s something to watch out for. And because the Authorlords are awesome, I hope they use it. 🙂
Char says
I think Leon had been excluded because he is ditsy. The teenage brain still had him driving into walls on his bike. Now he May have matured fast, but sometimes their brains still shut off. I don’t think Catalina or Arabella would be included either yet if they were not going to form a House.
sarafina says
I think Leon had been excluded because he just hadn’t been needed. Bern did his computer stuff, Catalina and Arabella had a field trip, and Leon stayed home with Mom and Grandma (probably playing a computer game).
Brooke says
Yay!!! 60 days feels like forever!
Eve says
50 days! 7 weeks 1 day! Not that I am counting or anything!
Leena says
Tick-tock…… tick-tock…….!!!!!!!
Nifty says
I scheduled my “Book Day” PTO today. I couldn’t take the 30th off, because it was too close to the end of the month. But the 25th is doable. So…vacation day scheduled. All I need is the book!
Tink says
If I take another Tuesday off, someone might catch on.
Do I care? Hmmm.
Ellie101 says
!!!!!! My excitement for Wildfire knows no bounds! Thanks so much for the snippets they make my day!!!!
Carol says
I agree. Thank you! I’m looking forward to the snippet, the book and all of your other works!! ??
Naomi J says
Gah! She has to tell Leon, she has to secrets get out and it’s not pretty. Also thank you so very much
gingko-girl says
You are so nice to share! Much thanks!
Patty says
Thanks!!!! I read White Hot (it was great BTW) and wanted to immediately jump right in to Wildfire! Only 2 months, not too long ?
Monika says
I don’t know whether I should kiss your feet or call you evil tormentor!
Candice says
When I read these snippets, I wanna keep reading all of it. Like a fat kid in a candy store. (Phrase) gimme gimme >_< love this series almost like I love kate!
Tasha A says
Pre-order after I finished White Hot. Went back just now to check that I had pre-ordered it. So excited that it comes out so soon!
Quick question does Wildfire finish this story arc?
Amy says
Thank. God. I spent the first half of chapter one yelling at Nevada for dealing with Rynda. Take the case, fine, but kick her butt out because you’ve got family stuff to take care of. This helps my book angst. Thanks guys.
Alexis says
Poor Leon.
Jason says
Thank you for the freebie. I read White Hot very quickly and plan to read it again more slowly. Looking forward to another Innkeeper, when you have time. Take care guys and be good to yourselves. ???
Kristine says
Cerulean says
Thank you!! Such an unexpected surprise. Happy dance!!
Natasha Johnson says
!!!!!! Yay for snippets!! Loved burn for me, then loved white hot even more and can’t wait for Wildfire!! Come on July 25
Carol says
Thank you!
Jim Couger says
Thanks for the teaser…
This is both good and bad… Good, ’cause I love the story and this will only be ~6 weeks away. Bad, ’cause I love the story and it’s still ~6 weeks away…. ARUGHHH
Amanda Young says
Awwwwww yeah. I can’t wait for this book.
Alia D. says
Thank you thank you. looking forward to the next peek
Tylikcat says
I’m trying to figure out if there’s any way I can buy your book more emphatically.
White Hot was delicious.
Katie says
Yes, this. All of this!
Ange in Oz says
Yes. Absolutely this.
Many years ago I was given “free” copies of the Authorlords’ ebooks. I have since gone and made sure I have purchased every single ebook. And every other story/edition they have e-published, even if I end up with some duplicate short stories. Even Alphas, which really isn’t my cup of tea. I want to do my utmost to keep the Authorlords in the business of writing their wonderful stories. I also had no idea that the UF/PR genre was in decline. I just have a number of authors on auto-preorder, and I’m always happy to explore for new authors.
Thank you for the snippet.
kelticat says
Would you be interested in a series with a kickass heroine, who in the latest book fights an evil robot army to the tune of Mambo No. 5? Author Gini Koch.
Patricia Schlorke says
Yummy! Now Rogan needs to be brought in. 😀 Thank you!
LJ says
I think Lincoln Duncan, the prime Nevada met in the elevator at the Assembly is the mysterious Caesar. Thanks for the snippet, and I already bought Wildfire.
Lou says
I thought about him and the guy who wanted to rescue her too
Chris says
I just finished White Hot today. LOVED it! I can’t wait til Wildfire comes out in June. Love the characters that you create, and the dialogue.
sarafina says
I think you will be disappointed if you expect Wildfire in June, unless you have a special deal with IA.
Angela Shikany says
Ooh! I love Spoiler Space! And I have a special fondness for Leon. But they are all wonderfully complex characters.
Vicky says
Thank you for the sneak peek! I can’t wait until the book comes out!!!!
Nifty says
*bows repeatedly in gratitude*
Diane L says
They are a great family! Love the first two books and I’m sure this one will be great too. Thanks! 🙂
Tink says
Huh. I kind of figured they’d have to identify anyone in the family with magic talent when they filled in the application to apply to be a House. Maybe it only asks for Primes. Or Significant and higher, and since Leon hasn’t been tested yet, he doesn’t have to be listed.
But, yes, I would definitely tell him sooner rather than later.
Henry says
But does he fit in with the strategy of using dark horses or excises?
sarafina says
I don’t think Nevada would have him be a dark horse. Of course, she used to despise Primes, but loves Rogan and hates Augustine less.
I agree, tell Leon NOW.
Charis N. says
Nevada would NEVER treat family, or anyone else I imagine as a dark horse. It’s not her.
Karen says
Very cool…love the books!! Can’t wait?
Judy says
Is this scene before Nevada applies to be an independent house?
Veryzealousreader says
Thank you! How many more days until July 25???
Nifty says
50 sleeps!
(Or 49, if you plan on staying up until Midnight on the 25th so that you can start reading the moment your e-book downloads.)
Chris Henderson-Bauer says
Oh! I agreed to a new project today and didn’t factor this in. I just had to scramble to check my calendar, but editing phase 2 doesn’t start until two days later. This means I have time to read and don’t need to wait, knowing the book is on my Kindle but still out of my reach while everyone else devours it. Whew. 🙂
Also: yay, snippet! And way to it cut off just before we find out of they’re applying to become House Baylor, just for that extra bit of suspense. Can. Not. Wait.
Charis N. says
Of course, couldn’t have it in my clutches and not read it. Space/time doesn’t matter. Only the read.
Patricia Schlorke says
That’s why all of us are the Book Devouring Horde. 🙂
Christina says
Thank you so much for the snippet!!!!!!
Also, evil Authorlords are EVIL…this ended way too soon. I cannot wait for midnight of July 25!!!
Thank you!!!!!!
Erin Burns says
Aaaarggggghhh. I’m hyperventilating over here and desperately staring at my Edelweiss request.
KimberlyR says
Quick question for anyone who can answer: does Bern have magic? What is it, if so? I can’t remember…
ada says
He is a Magister Examplaria but we don’t know his rank yet.
sarafina says
In the FAQ or somewhere on the HL page it explains how Bern’s magic is related to Frida’s.
Lisa says
I have been trying to find Chapter 1!!! Can anyone help?
ada says
It is at the end of White Hot!
Kate says
I’m glad someone finally said where it was. It’s not on my audibook and I searched the website and everything for a blurb. Now I need to go grab my Kindle, it is in the kindle and not just the physical book, yes?
ada says
Yup! I read it on kindle so it is definitely there!
Ange in Oz says
I read in the Kindle app. I had trouble getting to the Wildfire teaser as the “here’s some books you might like” page kept popping up and not letting me go further. I went back to the table of contents and used that to navigate to the teaser.
Dorothy says
Ahh so good. Love the way Nevada loves her family. Great scene…. just enough to wet our appetite for more…..
Margaret says
I’m getting the impression House Baylor will have four Primes and three Significants. Impressive. Can’t Rogan take them into his house? I get that EG is bad but really what can she do to them? It doesn’t serve any purpose for her to attack them if she wants them to join her house.
T'Ericka P says
Well she spent years ripping her sons mind apart looking for magical talent and he was born into her house. That doesn’t bode well for his children, his widow or his mother in law. At this point all we know is that she’s looking for another truthseeker to keep her house alive and Nevada is a truthseeker but if she was so callous with her son and none of her grandkids except Nevada are truthseekers even tho they have powerful magic the assumption is she won’t treat them well. We know she wants Nevada we don’t know or think she will want the rest of them
Ericka says
The way they talked about her in WH, she’d take by force, not ask. And Arabella would end up in a cage. That’s why Nevada had to put the shell/hex/thingie on Augustine’s brain – EG came to visit.
Margaret says
I get that’s she’s not nice. She “did things” in order to have a child and then she neglected and abused him. Why is she such a threat? She has very powerful grandchildren, wouldn’t she want to court them? Mama Baylor will just have to shoot her if she threatens the babies.
Rohaise says
Thank you for the unexpected gift. Poor Leon. The teenage years are rough enough without feeling like you got left out on magic talent too.
ReneeG says
Can’t wait to get the rest of the story!
Smeech says
Great snippet. I really hope Rynda does not try to steal Rogan.
Chess says
Me too if Rogan even considers it he won’t be good enough for Nevada!
Nanik says
He made it clear he wasn’t interested.
Susan says
Aaagghhhh! That was Awesome!
Gail says
Thank you so much had bad day, this makes it better Read book over the weekend. Loved the story love Bunny and all the ferrets love everyone wish I had a Grandma like Nevada’s . Tell Leon ASAP. Relate to Catalina I remember in high school I would deliberately choose wrong answers on tests so I wouldn’t get highest grade. Hated high school , don’t know anyone who really loved high school . Can’t wait for next book Thank you for snippets ,love anything you write. Would probably love your grocery list. Thank you so much.
zirraella says
Ilona did post her grocery list once. We loved it ?
Tink says
It had nothing on the rock story. 😛
Patience says
Heh, heh, heh. That’s a good one.
Charis N. says
Hope tomorrow is better for you Gail. ” Some days just be that way”
Teresa die hard fan says
Oh how wonderful. I love the description of the family. Everyone is right, you are authorlords. Thank you.
Val says
Love and Gratitude to the Author Lords!
Kathryn the almost Great says
OMG! I was not expecting this. Thank you for making my Monday awesome. 🙂
Penny says
Can not wait to get this ! Preordered!!!
Lea Coates says
Another excellently baited hook. Thank you. Is there an emoji for fish sounds? I will look.
Wendy says
Thank you for this gift. I’ve already finished White Hot and was ready for more.
wont says
How can a snippet be wonderful and painful in equal measure? I’ve read White Hot twice and I’m trying to hold off a third time for a while. It’s difficult. Judging by the Wildfire snippet at the end of WH, I’m not sure Victoria Tremaine is the greatest threat.
Well, I guess we all will be blog stalkers this week. Sigh.
Thank you for the snippet.
Katarina says
Normaly i dont preorder. Never had and thought that i never will….. but i just could not help my self. Sigh, this might tide me over until july…. but probably not. You guys are awesome and this series is amazing!
Kyle Belliston says
Thank you for the snippet.
Pat Crouch says
Wildfire Pre-purchased 11/05/16. I will buy the audio when it comes out. I’m so addicted to your tales I read the book first for my take, then listen to Renee’s for hers. Fun, fun, Fun! Thank you for the snippets.
Jeanette Krebs says
Katherine says
Thanks for the spoiler. I’ve already read White Hot twice from cover to cover, so I’m really looking forward to the next book. Sounds like Leon and his magic will be a big subthread along with EG.
Eusebia says
I have a feeling Leon is going to blow if Nevada doesn’t start including him more. Especially if he finds out about his magic before she tells him.
Caity says
That’s what I thought – Nevada has to tell him soon, before his magic explodes out of him, if she doesn’t she is in for a world of hurt from a surly teenager who will be whinging all over the place that he should have been told. I have to say, for once, I am on the side of the teenager!
Char says
It is so hard at that age! They scream to be treated as an adult, and then they make a juvenile choice like sneaking out without telling someone.
Also, you don’t want to burden then with adult stuff and make them miserable as a teen.
Gale D says
Thank you! Great treat for a gray, raining, bleh Monday, this helped!!
Avril says
Thank you! A wonderful treat on a gloomy Monday.
LucyQ says
Proving once again why you guys are the best… thanks! Poor Leon.
Sandra says
Book was preordered in January! I can hardly wait. 🙂
M says
OMG THANK YOU. This helps an aggravating Monday.
Darlene Brown says
I can’t waaaaaaaaaaaait!!!
Carolina says
This was so amazing! I absolutely cannot wait until July. Though I have to say, I’m a little disappointed in Nevada. Why does she not give Leon a choice on what he wants to do with his life. Her parents didn’t want her to tell anyone about her magic but they gave her a choice on it. They explained why and what she would do if she told and she choose to keep it secret and she’s not giving Leon the same. I can see this backfire on her.
Laurence says
Don’t forget that it all happened in the space of a few days (not counting the few days off she took with Rogan). It’s understandable that Nevada would take the time to ponder this through, but she’s always been level headed and has tried her best to keep the “blowing in your face” problems to the minimum.
I have faith in her and will wait what happens before the end of that day.
She knows the cost of secrets.
Thanks to the authorlords! I had decided to stop stalking the website, hehehe got the alert in my email. (I was right to stop watching for the kettle to boil).
Andrea Smith says
I agree with you. I’m hope the reason Nevada hasn’t talked to Leon is she’s taking the time to approach the situation with care. I’d be disappointed in the Baylor family growth, if they did not learn from their past that secrets aren’t the answer. I’m hoping after the dust settles regarding EG and building House Baylor they have a talk. Leon could be vital to keeping his family safe. Plus, his magic is a part of him.. Not doing what feels natural may push Leon over the edge. If he finds his family kept his magic from him, the betrayal would force him to do something stupid. I think House Rogan, his soldiers, Bug and to some degree Penelope could help Leon make better decisions.
Patricia Schlorke says
That’s what Bug told Nevada in White Hot. Leon would go crazy, literally, if he can’t do what his magic is telling him to do. What Nevada is having a hard time with is her cousin being an assassin. She’s also having a hard time being a baby Prime. Rogan’s helping with the baby Prime part, but on a fundamental level he can’t help her with Leon. That is a Baylor family issue.
Laurence says
Actually, more than being an assassin, I think Leon is meant to be a great strategist.
And seems like he’s just used his passive field for the moment, we haven’t seen what happens when he puts his mind into it..
hehehe, wonder if he’s not going to plan the epic, major ending of arc attack!
sarafina says
Love this snippet.
Will Leon be less whiny and paranoid after he learns he HAS magic?
Andrea Smith says
He is whiny! Sometimes funny but I hope he does calm some too.
Gentrychild says
He is a teenager who think he is the only one in his family not to have magic. Everyone is special except him in a world where magic means power. So yes, he is whiny and insufferable but he is also in a lot of stress, so I think he will be in a better place when he learns he has magic.
Henry says
I dislike preordering more than a month before publication date, because several times the publication is pushed back further. I preordered two, which were to be published this month, one pushed to December and the other to October. Is there an advantage to the author if the book is preordered when a release date is first announced?
With a 45 foot escape door for Arabella, she is either a large dragon or a T-Rex. I don’t believe she is a shaggy giant elephant from the Sweeps.
Vibha says
August can not come soon enough! Waaaahhhaaa! Thank you for the snippet. Pure awesomeness as always!!
Drew says
Thanks. That was awesome.
Monina Cabanada says
🙁 too short…. cannot wait for the next installment…
Chris says
Snippet! Well, excerpt. Maybe. Whatever.
Awesome!! Bring it EG – Neva & Rogan will smack you down!
Reethu says
Thank you so much..i cant wait for july
Amber says
Thank you!
Rachina says
Thank you thank you Author lords!
Made this Monday so much better!
Hat says
Thank you so much!!! This is really laying things out on the table!
Fan in California says
Thanks so very much!!!!!
kelticat says
We got a snippet! 😀
Nean says
Snippets are lovely and painful at the same time. They are like a teaser bite that leave you looking for more.
This one makes me realize how much I miss Sweep. I wonder what is happening at Gertrude Hunt. Is Orro making anything special for dinner tonight? Will the cat be leaving with Helen when Maude finally gives in to her feelings for Arland?
What is happening with our intrepid police officer and his knitting wife? Is she the lady from Costco as many suspect?
What presents did everyone get for Christmas? I wanted to know. Maybe that could be a snippet from Orro’s POV? Can you do a POV from Orro? Does he speak to you enough for one?
Thank you for ending May with happy dances galore as I made my way through WH. I need to not wish my summer away as I wait for the next installment.
Amanda H says
I must confess a growing addiction to Nevada and company. I see her story growing like Kate’s if the Author Gods allow… I love both the similarities and the differences in Nevada and Kate. So much yummy goodness in Rogan and Curran too! I really truly hope that Wildfire won’t be the end of this series!
Leslie says
Ahhhh, I am currently re-reading Burn for Me for the umpteenth time so I can dive back into White Hot for a second read for the (for now) full Nevada-Mad Rogan reading experience. Can’t wait for Wildfire!
Mickey says
Wow. Can’t wait for the book.
Sara says
I JUST finished White Hot. How come I’m still beyond excited about this?
I literally just got my fix.
What comes after Wildfire? Because it looks like the winter is gong to be long 😀
Rena says
Hugh is getting his story this fall, then the new Innkeeper will be started about the 1st of the year.
An says
OMG! Thank you! Counting down the days til it is released to my Nook for download.
Since both Nevada and Conner needs a genetic “match” for her/his gift to keep his/her house alive and they can’t give each other a child with a potential “compatible magical skill set for her/his house” — why can’t they use Artificial Insemination & implant the embryo into Nevada? Or do the gene donors have to be “physically” involved for the magic to work ? Sorta like why you can’t use aids to help you draw the circles—the resulting magic (might) be weaker?
Laurence says
You know, I don’t see any of those two as wanting to preserve their houses so bad. I think Nevada is more a “normal” person and Rogan never saw himself as having a family until Nevada came along.
Also, with the mystery still shrouding her father, I’m not sure they are so incompatible and I don’t think Nevada will ever care if they are or not.
Rena says
They are both will based and Rogan’s mother wasn’t the same kind of mental magic that his father was. His father was trying to get a sub-talent to help, but Rogan’s main talent is too strong. I don’t see why his and Nevada’s powers won’t mesh the same way for kids.
Joan says
You don’t have to have 2 same-magic Primes to create/keep a ‘House’. You just need 2 Primes.
Most ‘Houses’ seem to specialise in 1 type of magic + marry to strengthen this but they don’t have to.
In White Hot, Rogan asked Nevada if there was another Prime in her family (so she could create her own ‘House’) and she told Rogan ‘yes’. But her sisters + cousins do not have Nevada’s magic, yet they can still create their own new ‘House’.
I think it would be safer for Nevada and her family to just join House Rogan.
sarafina says
The only downside to that is Nevada would lose the 3 year window of safety. Not that Rogan can’t take care of her and her family, but Nevada is VERY concerned about losing herself and becoming part of Rogan. She values her independence too much, and doesn’t want to lose the business.
Linda says
I just wanted to tell you how much i loved White Hot, thank you.
Thank goodness we only have a short wait until Wildfire.
Thanks again for sharing your wonderful characters and stories with us.
Nanik says
Thank you for this wonderful excerpt. Now I’m a bit worried for Leon.
Andrea Smith says
Thanks to the person mentioning the excerpt from WF at the end of WH. I purchased a kindle and audiobook of WH. I started reading the book and switched to audio… It’s not on the audible WH, and I checked IA blog after so many people mentioned Rynda Charles in the Baylor kitchen. I thought I was losing my mind ?
Love the Excerpt and the snippet! The Baylors at the kitchen table has the feel of a war room. Lol.. Love it. Thanks so much!
wiedźma_florentyna says
Thank You for snippet !
I still don’t get why there is only one job available for Leon – if he’s so good at calculating angles and probability I’m sure there is many jobs “in physics department” that he would be invaluable for or he could become word best snooker player…
unless it only works for bullets ?
Anyway Nevada also kept saying that there is only one career path for a truthseeker which is obviously not true.
sarafina says
Nevada was operating on the info she got from her parents, but in her further exploration of the talent, I would have thought she’d learn about other options. Of course, if those options were only available to people with strong Houses, I can see why her parents were wary of her becoming known. Without strong House protection, being co-opted by government law enforcement would have been inevitable.
With House Baylor (and House Rogan on the side) she has a stronger likelihood of being able to write her own ticket.
Bill G says
Love it, especially this:
“The high school debate club, which made the fatal mistake of snubbing her because she was a freshman at the time and their roster was full, lived in mortal terror of her.”
I see it’s categorized under ‘Buy my book’; I have and I’m eagerly anticipating it’s arrival.
Christine says
Hehehe One of my favourites too ☺
Patricia Schlorke says
Mine too.
Gentrychild says
Thank you so much for the chapter! Exactly what I needed today and a perfect treat to wait Wildfire.
Marilyn says
Wonderful thank you
anainasia says
thanks!!! re-reading white hot right now to pick up the details 🙂 – love the family introduction evens o it wasn’t much new 🙂 anything helps to get through the next 50 days. 🙂
sarafina says
Catalina’s magic has my puzzled. Where’s the benefit to having people love you to death? Unless her gift is still developing, and ability to disengage will come with maturity and/or practice.
Christine says
Are you serious? I think it’s one of the most dangerous abbilities I’ve read about. Catalina is good and fortunately she is also part of a decent family (she has developed moral boundaries to not abuse that part of her nature). Fear, Anger, Desire… are intense emotions. But I think Love is the strongest one. I’ll do (almost) anything for someone I love. And Catalina can cause that reaction in everybody just when you look at her “mode on” I’ll prefer to fight a Truthseeker, an Ilusion mages and all that jazz above her.
sarafina says
Did you miss the part where Catalina would be torn to pieces by her adoring fans if she did not leave in time?
Michelle says
The AL’s comment on the cost of magic elsewhere and truly there is a cost to all power. All this means is that Catalina has to plan the use of her power, not that the power doesn’t have benefits.
Just like Nevada has to be careful not to overuse her shockers or they will kill her. There are risks and benefits to everything, what matters is how we use it and how we play the odds.
Tink says
Imagine if a criminal had her abilities. Or worse, a politician.
Patricia Schlorke says
Or an older Prime.
Marija says
Thank you!
MerryB says
Authorities, you are truly rocking those devil horns right now.
MerryB says
Authorlords. Spellcheck, humph.
Patricia Schlorke says
Authorlords are the authorities when it comes to anything in their universe. 😀
Tink says
They have canons and everything.
Henry King says
Including a delete button.
Kimmelane says
Cannons and canons. They are da bomb!
Olivia says
Thank you.
Christine says
*THANK YOU*. It was an amazing surprise to see the words “Wildfire” and “snippet” together ? I stared, afraid that it was going to be a few words… and jackpot!
Besides, I have read (and still read ?) other series and the introduction of information I already remember feels too repetitive sometimes. But you’ve got the gift to make it interesting *every single time*. That’s magical indeed! ?
Lisa says
Finding a snippet in my inbox is seriously the best way to start a day. Thank you – this was awesome!!! 🙂
Hollie says
Thank you! Part two you say… later this week!! Yes please!!!!
Mary King says
Thank you, thank you. 60 days seems like forever. White Hot was fabulous.
Kris Ten-Eyck says
wow. 49 days never seemed so long….
kelticat says
Just a little niggle here. In BFM Grandma Frida is described as having dark hair and now she’s described as having had blonde hair among the gray. Did she have a medium brown where strands looked blonder among the white or did something get changed?
Ilona says
Grandma Frida’s parents came to the US from Germany. She was dark haired and light skinned naturally.
Andrews, Ilona. Burn for Me: A Hidden Legacy Novel (pp. 81-82). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.
Naturally being the key word.
kelticat says
Thanks, that was bugging me last night as I was trying to sleep.
Nineran says
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Does Leon’s question come next? 😀
I really like how you manage to get any theoretical new readers up to speed without making it boring for the rest of the Horde.
Jennifer C says
Squeee – can’t wait until July! Thank you!
Fred Riley says
I am so glad this book is coming out soon! Can you mention if sales of White Hot are going well enough for there to be a book 4 or will you have to self publish?
E says
Thank goodness we only have to wait 2 months!!
Ericka says
Thank you!!!!
DianainCa says
Thank you!
Sara T says
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I loved White Hot and cannot wait for Wildfire. Hopefully there are more in this series.
Merry Z. says
Thank you.
Rena says
7 weeks from today, it can’t pass fast enough.
Signy says
This was a total treat. Thank you!
Ehmmal says
does bern have dirty blond hair or light brown hair? I think i’ve seen both?? Are they the same?
ps. sorry for my bad english
Ehmmal says
thank you very much also,.
sarafina says
The latest is dark blond, which may be called dirty blond. They are different, but I just figure he has lightish hair.
Katy says
Your English is fine. And dirty blond and light brown are very similar. Well done for asking!
Jules says
Squee! Happy dancing in my office chair. Thank you!
Joan says
Loved Burn For Me ❤ Loved White Hot ❤ and loving Wildfire ❤❤❤
Thank you guys xxx
Rita says
Ahh thank you!! I have a final examination tomorrow so this really made my day.
Ms. Kim says
A wonderful surprise, so unexpected (oops that’s redundant, oh well).
Angela says
..she was coming for us…..MOLON LABE attributed to king Leonidas of Sparta.
RC says
YEAH! Thank you Author Overlords! We are not worthy. I have to pace myself now, because I am on my third read of White Hot and I am trying to arrange to have the day off when Wild Fire comes out so I can re read the entire series all at once. It’s just that good.
mj says
I have my tongue firmly planted in cheek.
But what’s up with that cover. It looks like Kate is cheating on Curran with Rogan.
I know. I know. I’ll sit down now and shut up. 😉
At least Rogan finally got a shirt. Poor guy. He might have caught a cold.
Chris Henderson-Bauer says
I just realized Rogan’s dog tags are on the cover. Weren’t they melted or dematerialized or whatever during the teleportation in White Hot? Afterward, once she learned the story behind them, Nevada said Rogan would have to find a new way to remind himself he’s alive now.
Chris Henderson-Bauer says
(I’m sorry, Authorlords. I know corrections like this, seven weeks before release, are nearly impossible. The book is probably already at the printers. Please don’t hate me.)
Gail says
They have no control over the covers.
Booklover says
Obviously Nevada doesn’t have control over her hands, either. Just look where her right hand is.
Ilona says
It’s a cover. It is a symbolic representation of the book. The dog tags communicate military background.
Other Barbara says
So grateful, it is pitiful.
I was frantic and since I rea dithered was an extra excerpt not on my audible version of white hot. Agh
I was debating waiting or spending $6.99 for the snook to red the excerpt.
Talk about true love for your work!
Other Barbara says
Excuse the crazy post. Vision is poor. I Read there was an except. Spending for the Book to Read the excerpt.
Artem says
Six more weeks of waiting? Or is it even seven?! I re-read White Hot today. I WANT MORE! ME ME ME ME ME!
Ilona says
Simmah down nao.
Ronda says
THANK YOU!! What a happy surprise! I read WH, then re-read BFM and WH *again*.
Laura R says
Thanks for the snippet. I saw that it was Chapter 2 so I scrolled back thru the blog to see if I missed Chapter 1. sheesh. I finished White Hot and have listened to the Innkeeper series. Then I’ll start on KateDaniels…
Rena says
Chapter 1 is at the end of White Hot.
momcat says
How the bloody heck do you (even though “you” are actually two people) manage to write so much? And keep it interesting. It’s not a formula. It’s not predictable. I feel rather like the puzzling Grinch up on Mount Crumpet on Christmas day. “It came without presents. It came without bows.” Quite amazing really. And thank you very much.
Vinity says
What to do for 7 weeks? Very thankful it’s not a year tho. 🙂 Thank you for the chapters
Booklover says
You can make a reading plan: week 1: reread the inkeeper books with the kinsmen books as an extra , week 2: the edge Series, week 3-4 Kate Daniels omnibus, week 5: white hot and Burn for me plus those Rogan pov thingies. If you’ve done that, time’s nearly up.
Richard says
Thank you
cmc says
Thank you!
snapdragon says
What a great distraction. You have no idea how much I need one right now.
Pklagrange says
Thank you so much. What a delightful treat.
Teetah says
Thank you soooo much!Love your work and really appreciate these snippets!! Yaaay! Not long to go now!