We have the galleys for Wildfire so if you have proofread White Hot and want to take a stab at Wildfire, now is your chance. We are making only minor corrections and most egregious inconsistencies.
To be considered, email us. 🙂
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White Hot & Wildfire are so close. The agony of waiting….
I can’t wait!!! Rogan’s POV Part one has made me reread BFM and I can’t wait for part two to come out! I’m so pumped that White hot is only a month away!!!!!
I have a burning need to invent a time machine and go back in time to try to be a proof reader for White Hot so I can volunteer to proof read Wildfire. Sadly inventing as well as having an understanding of space and its relation to time is beyond me. 🙁 Sad days, I love finding inconstancies in plots and minor errors in the flow of conversations between characters.
Dang it, I first thought it said if you read White Hot, and I was excited, but I didn’t proof it 🙁 Wishful thinking I guess.
Ahhhh so jealous of those that got to proofread White Hot…. Sometimes it feels like I’m counting down the days till the White Hot release
48 DAYS LEFT FROM THE 12TH OF APRIL. LOL. I’m counting the days too
^^^ Same no shame
So true! White Hot Logistics Planning: 1. Amazon wish list item in 2015; 2. Paper calendar marked in 2016; 3. Amazon pre-order in 2016; 4. Stalked blog weekly for appearances; 5. PTO already approved for May date; 6. Woodstock address already in nav system; 7. Sister in Atlanta informed and reminded (several times) for sleeping digs.
*****I’M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!*********
Hot DAMN! That cover~
*fans self*
White Hot and Wildfire must be among the most anticipated books of 2017 as far as the book devouring horde is concerned. I have preordered them, marked the release dates on my calendar, and still the waiting time seems to stretch out. Thank heavens other favourite authors like Patricia Briggs have recently released books. In fact, in a week or so, Patricia Briggs will be appearing at Supernova at the Gold Coast , Australia ( and the next weekend in Melbourne) so I am hoping she will sign my copies of her books. I can live in hope that the organisers have the sense to invite Ilona and Gordon to a future event so that we Aussie BDH members can finally meet the Ilona Andrews writing team.
Pre-orders? Check! Vacation days marked in the calendar to devote to reading time? Check! Patience for the final few weeks until the next release? Um…it’s good to have goals 🙂 So excited to see the final book is almost good to go! Thank you!
Yep, I’ve also booked publication day as leave so I can just sit and devour. Though I often wonder if that is the best way to do it, because then the empty sense of having finished arrives so much earlier than if I had to eke out the reading in between stupid work.
The main reason why I wish I was rich? Not because of nice holidays or financial security or the ability to buy fancy things. The ability not to have to work, to buy all the books I want and just to sit and read. Bliss.
By the way – thanks to everyone who recommended Anne Bishop. I’ve just read her latest series, and thoroughly enjoyed. Well, I’ve bought all of them except the one she’s just published – £13 for an e-book!!!!! That will have to wait until it either comes down in price or my birthday comes.
Pick me please! I have never proofread any books for you but consider me you guinea pig slave. ANY TIME you need me. I am not above begging when it comes to your books.