I am shamelessly stealing the screenshots from Sarah of Nancy Yost Literary Agency.
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Randy says
Awesome news. We never doubted it would be that high.
Suzette M. says
Woop! Woop!
Mary Beth says
Well deserved. Much love and congrats.
wont says
I KNEW it!!!!! Congratulations times ten!!!! I’m so happy for you!!! ***throws confetti***
MaryH says
Congrats!!! It was amazing!!!
Roberta says
Great news for us. Sounds like a fourth book in the series is a real possibility.
RoadRunner says
That was my first hopeful thought also!
Faith says
Such great news! Congrats!!
Jessica says
So happy for you. I just wanted to make it last longer!
Divya says
Cue my unshocked face! I’m so happy for you guys. Can’t wait for the next innkeeper and Kate books.
Rachel says
Yay! I bought my own copy, and I just noticed that my library only has the audio, not the print version, so I’ll have to fix that.
Tylikcat says
Congratulations! So glad for you!
(Okay, I’m glad for us too.)
Fan in California says
Frances says
Ditto what Tylikcat said ! ??
Katerina says
Hahaha so true!
Congrats! And thank you again for the wonderful books.
Anne in Virginia says
This is wonderful news and so very, very well deserved. Congratulations.
Anne in Virginia
Chris Henderson-Bauer says
YAY!!! Congratulations!
Nicholi says
Woot! Nice that it is doing well. 🙂
Bea says
Is anyone surprised? I’m not
Lisa says
I knew it!! 🙂
Travin says
Julia says
Yay! Congratulations!
Wait_what?? says
Ellyll says
Don’t thank us. You wrote the awesome series. 🙂
Make Kay says
Not surprised at all. Congratulations on having your awesomeness recognized.
Avon better get on board with more books in the series!!!!!!
Patricia Schlorke says
Yippee! Great authors, great book. Thank you for your wonderful writing. 😀
Nean says
The horde are many! There are readers out there who don’t even know they are a part of the BDH they have begun what they may believe is a solo journey. But soon enough the cravings for more work will become strong enough for them to seek out the website and join us!
1 book is never enough when it is so well imagined, when the characters take to life on the pages. I laughed, I cried, I cheered, I held my breath, I melted into a puddle of emotions… and I devoured!
Teresa says
What she says. So very very right. Oh yeah. (High sign)
Jacky Bjorkstrand says
Might be a stupid question BUT: Tell me what BDH stands for!!! I’m just a big fan but not super active on social media and don’t know all the cool hip slang…
rdk says
Ilona Andrews” fans call themselves the Book Devouring Horde. Because we always want more.
ada says
Plus I just like to randomly yell “FOR THE HORDE” to unsuspecting bookstore cashiers every time I buy an IA book.
Kate Y says
Yay! This is awesome news. Way to go, Hidden Legacy series!
Rohaise says
Tamara says
Awesome! So well deserved.
Angel says
Jenn says
Karen says
Fan in California says
Congratulations!!! But not a surprise!!! Thanks for another wonderful book series with fingers crossed for a fourth book!! (Yes, I know we’re greedy and voracious — we just can’t help ourselves!!!)
ready to read says
How many emotions can be crammed into a moment of joy?
Glowing tributes to all the hard work and awesome results…and may you find many new readers who then go on a spending spree to pick up all your books.
Sherri says
Congratulations! I can’t even seem to go on to any other book now. The book and series are just so delicious i can’t bear diluting the taste or memory.
Simone says
Woo Hoo!! Hip Hip Hooray! So happy for you two – well deserved. It is a fantastic book.
Happy Dance Time – Cue Phareel Williams song “Happy” 🙂
jewelwing says
Nice! I helped with that, in my small way. Got a second copy for my adult kids. We will happily read the fourth one if it’s a go.
sarafina says
YAY for YOU!!!!!!
3 down, 7 to go!!!!
seantheaussie says
Great news.
Now anxiously awaiting greater news (more contracted books).
Heather says
The publisher would be idiotic not to sign you to write additional books in the series. If they are, these numbers would easily make self publishing a viable alternative. Congrats
Henry says
Congratulations to the best. You can put the twenty-six letters together into the words which excite and elate this book buying hoard. Thank you for inviting me to the party.
Tink says
Dang. I had it as #2 on NYT in the office pool. I’m the only one in the pool and I still lost. ::sigh::
Congrats! Never doubted its success.
Patience says
Wowzers! Can’t say I’m surprised, just very happy for y’all. Congrats!
Sidney Shaola says
I just finished the book a few days ago. So good. I’m crossing my fingers for a book 4.
Darlene says
Woot! Congrats, your Horde never doubted it!
FCina says
Congratulations!!! You are wonderful writers and I stand a proud member of BDH.
I hope this will relieve some of your anxiety and allow you a few good nights rest and days of ludus.
Sherri says
What’s BDH?
Nean says
Sheri it is the Book Devouring Horde. No membership fees required 🙂
We stampede in, grab the books – devour, devour… stampede out – clamor for more!
RoadRunner says
Kind of the opposite of the “Hope Crushing Horde” in the Innkeeper series. We have a lot more smiles and happy moments. 🙂
Sarah K says
BDH = book devouring horde 🙂
Jenny says
*cough* Book 4?? *cough* ?
Oshi says
YAY! Congrats! More please 😛
Amy says
YAY!!! This is awesome. Congrats!! and here’s hoping for MORE!
DianainCa says
Alex R. says
This stinks!!! I don’t want to be trendy!!!
Oh, well. I suppose others can read your books too.
Kyle J. says
Well deserved for the both of you with all the awesome work you do 🙂
gingko-girl says
I never doubted it! Heartfelt congratulations! You deserve every success!
Sandra says
Congratulations! But hardly surprising, at least not to me. :))
Demi says
Indeed 🙂 I am happy for my authorlords, congratulations! But i am not suprised,
well deserved.
Traci says
Woo hoo!!! I never had a doubt.
YinYang says
Yoo hoo!!! The fourth book is coming! *dancing around the room, laughing maniacally *
Sandra says
Can we hope for another contracted series yet? 😀
Charis N. says
That was my first thought too. After YIPPEE!!!!
Britny says
Where did you find out about the fouth book i have been looking but havent found anything and didnt see your comment until after i posted mine begging fo another book
Sandra says
I believe it’s been mentioned on the Blog that they’d do a self published 4th book (to tie up loose ends) if they didn’t get an additional contract to continue the series.
YinYang says
Yeh. What Sarah said. I assume that there will be a fourth book since the third book is doing so well. A bit presumptious of me but heck,one can always hope for the best ?
YinYang says
Sorry. *Sandra not Sarah
Lee says
There is a mention here https://ilona-andrews.com/schedule-questions/
“Will there be more in Hidden Legacy or will the trilogy end the story?
The trilogy reaches a satisfying conclusion – we hope – but we left the door open for more books. We would love to do more, because they are fun to write. What form they take depends on how well the trilogy sells. If the trilogy sells well and Avon is receptive to some of our demands, Hidden Legacy will continue in its current format. If not, then we’ll self-publish.”
Bibliovore says
WOOT! More books!
Charis N. says
Hope you are basking in this news. Relax and enjoy … then do tour laundry. ☺
Kris says
Dear Avon,
That is pretty convincing, right? I mean it is the kind of moment when you pop the champagne and look at those nice lists, right? Your torturous publishing strategy obviously paid off (making us wait a whole year wasn’t fun but we understood the necessity of it) and the BDH will forgive all as long as there are some more Hidden Legacy books. Thank you and have fun with the bubbly!
Kris (German Branch of the BDH)
Aidan says
Dear Avon,
I srcond everything Kris said.
Aidan, (French Branch of the BDH)
Tink says
Dear Avon,
The America contingent of the BDH wholeheartedly endorses the sentiment of our German and French brothers and sisters.
To best put it into American terms: gimme gimme gimme!
Tink of the American BDH
Samantha says
Rofl! You guys nailed it. Moar books please.
Katrina says
Dear Avon,
The Canadian Branch of BDH sincerely endorses the sentiments put forth by the French, German and American divisions and politely requests more installations to the Hidden Legacy series.
Katrina, respresentative of the Canadian BDH.
P.s. Please!!
Carina says
Dear Avon
The Swiss Branch of BDH kindly requests to aknowledge the combined begging of the French, German, American and Swiss division for a fourth installation to the Hidden Legacy series.
Carina, representative of the Swiss BDH
JD says
I heart this thread.
strangejoyce says
Ditto!!! ??
Sarah P says
It makes me really happy to see how many people around the world love these books!
Frances says
The Australian branch of the BDH agrees with our colleagues in the US, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, France and endorses the request for more Hidden Legacy books please.
Tink says
I was waiting for Australia to show up. ?
charisN says
Where are the Brits?
Caity says
Dear Avon
To reiterate the pleadings of our fellow colleagues around the world, the British contingent of the BDH, would humbly suggest that not to immediately extend a contract for another 3 books (at least) would be a severe and egregious mistake.
Or more simply: WE WANT NOW!
Tink says
Ooh, egregious. Good one.
Felicia says
I’m not as well versed as I should be. BDH?
Felicia says
It’s something or other horde? Right?
Rena says
Book devouring horde.
Felicia says
Thank you. I remember now. At 3:30. in the morning. (sigh)
Tink says
Can’t get away from us, even in your dreams. Mwah hah ::choke:: hah ::cough::
Lynn Reilly says
Looking forward to book four! Along with Nevada and Rogan’s prime child… As their magic seems to like each other, it seems like a sure thing!
Tink says
They need a kid so he or she can go on a play date with Conlan Curran.
kommiesmom says
Conlan Lennart?
I get it anyway. (Sorry. Always gotta be the smart ass.)
Tink says
Heh. Yes, Conlan Lennart. And here I thought he could be called CC as a nickname. I don’t know why I keep thinking Curran is his last name and not his first. Maybe because we didn’t actually hear his last name until several books in.
ShellyB says
Well, that is beyond exciting. Congratulations, you both deserve it.
Barbara says
A well-deserved result for all the hard work you and your support team put in – Congratulations everyone!
Britny says
I just finished wild fire i think i read the hidden legacy series about 3 days and if i didnt have a daughter to take care of i probably would have done it faster i loved these books i really want more! Please write more i saw the series was only under contract for 3 books but im really hoping for more with the cliff hanger at the end of the 3rd. And i bet i wont be the only one asking for more the rating on these 3 books are sky high so please more. I havent read such a good series in a long time it wouldnt do something so great justice to leave off here.
AndrewC says
Congratulations! You two certainly put the work into your books, which is probably why you have the Book Devouring Horde just outside your doors (of which I am one!), so it seems only fitting you attain the numbers. Thanks for all your hard work. I really enjoy the worlds you build and all the people you populate them with.
April says
Yay! That probably means more Hidden Legacy books! I’m also not surprised. This series is now my #1 favorite, knocking off a longtime favorite. BEST WORLD-BUILDING EVER!
Tracey says
Congratulations. Well deserved (although I think you can hit #1, imho)
Caramelia says
Well, what did you expect? As always you delivered excellent work, a fascinating, well told story, awesome worldbuilding and characters which instantly elicit an emotional reaction … how could those books NOT be bestsellers?
So: Congratulations to another well deserved success!
Rena says
Well said, I agree totally. Your books are #1 on my preorder anything this author puts out list for a good reason.
Ista in Sydney says
Wahoooo, well deserved and I hope you took 2 days off after your travels
Chachic says
Congratulations!? I knew you had nothing to worry about, hope Avon will now be happy to extend the series.? I’m so glad one of my absolute favorite series is getting the recognition it deserves. As a Book Devouring Horde representative in the Philippines, I’m hoping to convince more Filipino readers to pick up your books.?
tania says
congratulations 🙂 i m really happy for you 🙂 though for me it s not really a surprise 🙂
love you and all your works 🙂
Caity says
Congratulations! Well deserved, but unsurprising as we all knew the book was superb.
Seems a bit horrible to demand the fourth book straightaway when you are clearly exhausted, but such is the life of bestselling authors! The BDH is always devouring. If the publishers’ give any trouble, let us know, and we can all go and stand outside their offices and stare at them with sad puppy dog eyes, until they give in and give you a contract for another 3 books in the series.
Meanwhile – Kate is coming!
Tink says
I think Hugh is coming first.
Caity says
I just can’t believe how we are being spoiled this year. No wonder the AuthorLords are exhausted.
Patricia Schlorke says
I agree Caity. That’s why the BDH needs to be careful to let the authorlords take long, long, long breaks so they can spoil us again next year. I don’t want them getting so exhausted that they take next year off.
On a side note: I realize that may be tempting, I don’t think they will take the entire year off. 😀
sarafina says
The reason White Hot and Wildfire came out so close together is IA missed the original deadline for publishing White Hot because of too much promotional traveling when Magic Rises (I think that’s the one) hit #1 on the NYT list. So instead of demanding the advance back, the publisher wisely just pushed everything out, giving time for Wildfire to be written and this year’s release schedule. I don’t think they published much besides the Innkeeper in 2016.
Michelle says
Well, duh!
That’s what we’ve been trying to tell you. Your books transcend the genre and therefore break the rules.
Michelle says
I would like to point out that you are #2 & #3 in a crashing Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance market, that is an even bigger accomplishment than it seems.
Rena says
Excellent authors will always be read. No matter what trends for “normal” books are.
Amanda says
Fantastic news and we’ll deserved.
Congrats to you all ?
Bill G says
Wonderful news, and thank you for the story, And all the rest of your works.
Kathryn says
I hope “final book in series” is FAKE NEWS! Congratulations!! As I’ve listened to Renee perform Wildfire after devouring it right away, there are so many fascinating nooks and crannies just waiting to be explored! What about Tremaine? What about Catalina exploring her power? Arabella passing math class? And all the tantalizing clues about Matilda’s powers and potential adventures with Zeus?? Could Bern stumble on the secret of the Inn and aid Dina with his amazing pattern discernment skills????
Book Devouring Hoarde cannot be appeased!!!
strangejoyce says
Bern assisting Dina—-would love that story mashup!
Kathryn says
If George can cross dimensions to the Inn, surely Bern can too! After all, Vincent pulled Zeus from somewhere. The Book Devouring Hoard crosses all dimensions and series!!
Bryanna says
Congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful works with us!
JB says
Congratulations! I bought both books but have yet to have time to read them. I’m saving them for my vacation!
Susan Linch Ravan says
Congratulations! We never doubt the Author Lords! Great series. Go take a vacation.
Melissa says
You said “Thank you” to us readers. Well, I say bigger “Thank you” to you two! What a great read. ALL of your books are great reads.
Betty says
That’s great, though expected. You guys are truly just amazing authors and really make the characters and story come to life. I absolutely LOVED Wildfire!!!!
DeLane says
That’s cuz y’all are badass….
Rhonda says
Congratulations! I am looking forward to more wonderful tales.
S Dhawan says
You both rock. I’m so pleased. Congratulations!
Jenn says
Congratulations! That is so freaking awesome.
JD says
I may or may not have been stalking the bestseller lists to see how Wildfire has done. Thanks for the sneak preview so I can stop obsessing. 🙂
Congratulations, this is well deserved. You did a great job on the novels. Loved ’em.
Yolanda says
Congratulations!!! I new it was a hit series since Burn for Me, which I re-read countless times!
Suzanne Rothchild says
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You both deserve all of the accolades! I have already reread wildfire 3 times and enjoyed it each time.
Any word on more in the series? Would love to see Catalina & Alessandro relationship, also Nevada’s wedding.
And of course we need to see more of all of the family Baylor (or should I say House Baylor).
Will Cornelius ever get a second chance at a relationship? He deserves a HEA or at least a HFRN (happy for right now). Hmm, I wonder if a summoner can summon a mate for Zeus?
Ms. Kim says
Squeeeeeee. That’s GRREAAT. But so totally Duh. You guys smoke it, of course you’re #1.
Lisa says
You two deserve this. Soak it up, enjoy the fact that you are an amazing duo. You make so many people happy by just doing what you love and making a living with it. Not many can do that. Major congrats to all who help you achieve this!!!!
LynneW says
This is wonderful news – thanks for sharing it with us, and congratulations!
Donna says
well deserved, congratulations!
Christine says
Congratulations- never doubted that Hidden Legacy would do well ?
kommiesmom says
Completely deserved accolades! Congrats!
Take a deep breath, relax for a bit. Then you can work on whatever is next on your list. As much as I drool for the next book, you two do better work when you are not stressed out and exhausted. You write faster when you don’t have to take complete breaks because you are worn out.
(We of the BDH notice these things, and we are on your side. Really, we are.)
Anyhow, enjoy the ratings – Yay! – and the hot weather, if you care to.
Shayla says
So awesome! Should be number one, but pretty damn close 😉
Carol says
Congratulations to you both!! I can imagine the sound of a nice, happy, contented sigh. Wonderful acknowledgement for the hard work!!
Theresa says
So does this mean we get a 4th book in this series?
pat says
Chiiiii! so happy to see. Love my audible edition too!!! somehow listening makes the snark more fun.
ReneeG says
Congrats! I’m glad to see White Hot land so high on the lists, but really not that surprised because it was GREAT!
JanLo says
Woohoo, great job but hardly surprising. You both deserve it. Wonderful book. I’ll be very sad to say goodbye to all of those characters.
CLDaniels says
Congratulations! You guys deserve it! If the success keeps up with Wild Fire like that, maybe Avon will want to contract more books! If you guys want to write them anyway. I know The Edge series burned you out, and that’s no bueno. Happy authors = more great books!
By the way, I appreciate your perseverance with the Edge books. I know you said it was rough to get through (I think I might be over paraphrasing there), but I think it was a great quartet. Certainly a “darker” theme, but I liked seeing how things unfolded for each character.
By the way… I had an epiphany yesterday while climbing into my car to go home after work… I’m a lot like Bern… dear god… I must drive people mad when I try to explain things… I was thinking about an email I had written and realized that I (yet again) had added more info than was probably necessary, and it reminded me of the scene when Nevada quipped that getting Bern to explain something took forever and probably started with him getting up for the day… or something like that…
BTW…Leon is baddass!
Felicia says
My old boss called it building a watch when he asked for the time. ;P
Jamie says
Congratulations! I can understand why so many people love this series. You put so much into these characters and this world and people respond to that. Even side characters are so fleshed out feel like real people. The sisters fighting over makeup and hairbrushes, but nothing serious. I can so relate to that. Grandma making comments like “Well, she is your daughter.” The dynamics & interactions are wonderful and made me fall in love with this family. I am in awe of your ability and will gladly continue to buy anything you write! Thank you for sharing your talents with us!
mj says
er, August 13, 2017? Did I miss 10 days?
Rena says
The lists are published 2 weeks behind the end of the week evaluated in the NYT. She got the news early.
For example, the current list out is Aug 6th, for the week ending July 22. You can read about it in detail here.
Tink says
I find it interesting that in this day and age with electronic ordering that publishing lists aren’t available sooner. There could be a few steps I’m not aware of between a bookseller or Amazon ordering more books for their shelves, but still, isn’t it all done electronically?
Patty says
Congrats!!!!! I totally expected that cause that book was awesome as was the entire series (which hopefully will continue with book 4 and beyond ?). So happy for you and Gordon!
Jacquie says
That is so awesome. Congratulations! Love the book and the series.
Gail says
Much joy and happy dance !! You deserve congratulations for fabulous book. I live in NYC and as a member of the BDH will stand outside Avon’s offices with sign demanding 4-6 book if needed!!
Again , much happiness,you are having a great year and we are the happy horde devouring as fast as you can publish.
JenniLyne says
Rebecca C says
Congratulations! I’m not surprised, at all. You deserve it!
Jackie Work says
I love all of your books. I’m hoping now with the almost conclusion of the Kate Daniel’s series, that the Hidden Legacy Series will continue on for a least a bit. You’ve created a cool world, great characters, with so many possible new story options. The characters become like family, where the reader wants to know where life is leading them. Creates a loyal following. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how very much I love this series. Keep up the great work….and if you could use a little of that magic to write faster, that would be even better!
Vinity says
I’m so very excited for y’all. It’s a wonderful series. I can’t wait for more.
Ruby says
Not surprised. *Now* will you believe that this series will do well?
strangejoyce says
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, told you so, told you so! Booyah! Now take your bows and drop the microphone! LOL!!
Leonard says
Congratulations and well deserved!
Richard says
Andrea A says
Chiiiiiiii!!!!!! Congratulations. You deserve it 🙂
Brad says
Does Audible put any numbers out for Audio Books? I mainly listen to your books since Renee is AWESOME!
Laura says
Awesome! More please. ♡
Tania says
Congrats. You both deserve it. I hope the discussions with Avon are positive – best of luck!
Sheryl says
Congratulations to the best author(s)! I have loved your books and it has been God send for when needed it most. Super happy with all the accomplishments you all achieved.
Tasha A. says
Time to relax and celebrate!
Gabrielle says
I’m never surprised when your books are on the best sellers lists, they are beautifully written and have characters everyone can relate to.
Congratulations on your well earned success.
On an unrelated topic, do you have something against redheads? My daughter and I both read your work, and she pointed out that besides Barabas most redheads in your books are jerks.
She is a redhead, and we get a laugh out of it.
Rena says
As a redhead, I am ashamed to admit that I hadn’t noticed this.
Michelle says
Congrats.!!! I listened to it twice already. This series is worth rereading!
Thank you ????????
Amy says
barbie doll says
Congratulation , you deserve it. I have a question. As I remember Hugh’s book will be out in the Fall. Will it fit into the Kate Daniels books like Andrea’s story did or will you put it off by itself? I know Hugh deserves to be off by himself but you indicated somewhere that he works against Roland in the end. I will be sorry/glad to read the last book. At least the characters grow and change which makes for wonderful reading.
sarafina says
They have said Hugh’s book is to redeem him enough so he can fight against Roland.
Chris T says
Please sir (and madame), may I have some more?
Belle Singapore says
Congratulations! It is well-deserved!
Teresa Hughes says
Congratulations!!! I hope a fourth book is ordered. Awesome characters
ada says
Huge congrats on the making the bestsellers list. The book was a joy to read, so many characters I’m in love with, not just N&R.
Thank you!
Karen Williams says
I discovered Burn for Me Back when it was first released. My paperback copy finished with a teaser for White Hot. Both White Hot and Wildfire were definitely worth the wait. And I smiled every time I came across an excerpt from your blog. Thank you!
Your writing, character development and world building are all top notch.
Shannon Gonzales says
Congratulations! Very well deserved. Your books are such a joy and get better with each re-read. Now, we want book 4 and some Rogan POV !! Pweeeease!
Nancy says
Congrats!!! You both deserve it. I hope there be more books,Good luck. ?
Linda says
congratulations & now please start on books 4,5 & 6
Keri DW says
I’m reading it for the second time already! Please please please let this not be the end! I love the world building and the characters
Anne Dijeh says
This was amazing. And the fact you used Nigerian characters, super awesome considering I’m one. About to start reading the series afresh. I’m looking forward to more of this series. You guys rock!!!
Gloria Magid says
Yeah! Hopefully this means there will be more books in the series. There are so many more things I want to know about the Rogans, the Baylors, the conspiracy…
Lisa says
Of course it is!!!! Congrats on this. Wildfire (the entire series actually) is incredible. I loved reading it the first time, and still after multiple reads it holds up. Love it!! Hoping for more books on the future.
Lisa says
Sorry, just to clarify, I meant more that those ratings are highly deserved with your talent and the time/effort and care that went into the writing. (It was not at all meant as a duh moment.)