Gordon collects action figures. (Please don’t send him any. He already has pretty much everything.) When a new package arrives to the house, he almost always informs me that the purchase is a “preorder.” As in, it wasn’t a recent splurge, but something that was paid for long ago.
I don’t care if it’s preorder or not. My husband can buy all the action figures he wants. In fact, I recently bought a new shelf for him so his collection can be better displayed. But for some reason he persists with the preorder label. It’s become a thing. When I bring his packages in, I announce it as “Honey, your preorders are here.”
I haven’t been buying yarn lately. First I’m 86% into cross stitching project, according to my app. Second, we were super busy trying to finish the “novella.” Third, I have reviewed the state of my craft room and had a serious talk with myself regarding the fact that I do truly have enough yarn.
However, as Magic Claims drew to a close, I kept seeing these beautiful yarn advertisements on Facebook, and I finally gave in and ordered some yarn from a shop I’ve never ordered anything from before called Yarn Love. I used my incognito work email for it. I have two work addresses, and they are the only email inboxes I check on regular basis because that’s my life. One address has all the bells and whistles, with a link back to website and #1 NYT Bestselling Author and all that. The address I used has nothing to indicate what we do, no links, no website mention. The signature just reads Ilona Andrews.
The yarn arrived today and none too soon. I had to go to the doctor last week for a minor medical thing and when they took my blood pressure, it was 130/90 which is a shocking number for me. We’ve been going there for years, and I’m never over 120/80. So I am under strict doctor orders to relax.
The state of our roof and our yard might be a contributing factor. Roofers are hammering, and every time they pound on the roof or walk by, the dogs go ballistic. And you can’t correct that behavior because we do want them to go ballistic if strange people start making loud noises. Also, Texas is so pretty right now and we are stuck inside because the back yard and the front yard are a war zone.

So my yarn arrives. I inform Gordon that it’s my preorder and open it up. It is gorgeous.

There is a card. How nice.

I flip it over.

You can find this yarn and many others at Yarn Love website.
Slight confession and pro tip: If it arrives from Ebay, it’s probably not a legit pre-order. Example, Jakks Pacific Rocky III Clubber Lang in street gear, you know, from the infamous “Hey Woman!” scene. Not a pre-order but it was a bit of a grail and is going on the shelf, unopened, out of respect.
I have a coworker who collects Star Wars Lego kits. True collector; has a special room for them, doesn’t open them, etc. Does occasionally buy duplicates so he can open one and assemble it, such as the smaller Millenium Falcon. He has the $800 larger one that’s unopened.
I need stickers for all my packages – either ones that say “Pre-order” or “Congratulations on winning!” ????
Stick with it, Gordon! My husband knows very well that all dead tree books that arrive are either pre-orders or out of print*. All of them. Even when I’ve bought two copies because the printing is gorgeous and I set one aside for emergency forgotten birthday/get well gift. I’m just thinking ahead.
*Your eBay purchases would fall under “out of print.
Awww, some of the love you put in the world came back! ????
I love this. Some of the love you put into the world came back. What a very nice thought, for the rest of the day.
❤️❤️❤️ Love this quote!
The BDH, we are everywhere !
Very pretty yarn, kind of makes me wish I knitted or crocheted.
Jip jip lol
Squishy mail is some of the best mail. I have a few subscription going (one for Destination Lane, and Fat Quarter’s Shop Sew Sampler box), and I was considering cutting back, but I know that a majority of my enjoyment out of getting them is the surprise of getting something new each month.
Gorgeous yarn and wonderful note!
The BDH. We. Are. Everywhere.
Stunning yarn.
You can’t hide from the BDH if you use your real name.
Beautiful yarn!
lol yes you are that well known and your stories are great
Ilona Andrews and yarn. Probably wasn’t that hard to figure out it was you and not another Ilona Andrews.
Ilona Andrews and action figures might get you unnoticed, but if it’s yarn or tea you should expect to be recognized.
Face it, you’s a celebrity!
That is gorgeous yarn. I would be compelled to buy it even though I don’t knit or crochet.
PS: I am not that Katie.
That’s so cute. Love the yarn. Wondering what the colourways for the other March sisters looks like now.
As someone else with way too much yarn and fabric I am not going to look. Also overseas shipping is ridiculous.
Not the roofing and woofing, the notoriety even unto yarn orders. Your photo rxn is priceless too. Thanks for making me smile and laugh on a grey Monday after dental surgery. You and Gordon are awesome, plain and simple 😀
You can run but you can’t hide from the BDH.
All I can say is, Busted!!
Surely that adoring message will help your blood pressure. ???? That together with the beautiful yarn should be just the ticket. ????
This is the best! Bahahahaha! (Also, I too have PLENTY of yarn but now I neeeeeeeeed some Yarn Love!)
Awww that just made my day- such a small world and love the funny selfie at the end. Really sorry about all the construction!
Ok, now I am going to have to check out this website and their yarn even though I also have more than enough yarn to last me (and I constantly spin more…).
This is a big brother moment… BDH style!
At least it was a cute message!
Thank he surprise of being a famous author ????
Raises cheeky eyebrow at the God of Falling Short. You have bestsellers in multiple languages. People buy them and like them. A lot of people buy your books and audiobooks.
If anything, the BDH gets a kick out of how you think people won’t recognize the name. I can only hope someone in the action figure world geeks out at seeing Gordon’s order.
Will the yarn become a shawl?
Nothing is better for your health than receiving love.
The BDH will always recognize you and send love.
No no no! I do NOT need another source to buy yarn! I do not…need…um, that’s a hand-dyed superwash merino you say?
LOLOLOLOL. BDH unite!!! The yarn (and shop) is gorgeous – I hope you enjoy it.
“BDH unite!” made me think of the Wonder Twins. Yarn powers activate!
that yarn is beautiful AND dyed to your work! how cool is that!
Bwhahahahaha Your face was so epic. The Hoard. The Hoard will find you. Lol I’m sorry for your moment there. But ….. it’s a tribute to your greatness really….. ????????????
Thank you for sharing your pain.
Fan mail from the wilds! You need a scrapbook. My yard went from 80’s and blooming, to, um… it’s snowing.
A pregnant ????
I so needed this laugh today! Precious look on Ilona’s face! LOL
What beautiful yarn colours! The yarn name makes me think of Grand Canyon layers and sky. Gotta adore that handwritten note. It is true, the BDH is global ????.
Random thing – (I’m hoping I’ve hooked a good acquaintance into starting the KD world by mentioning werewolves, post apocalyptic & vampires. He’d ordered first book on Amazon before the end of my fervent speech. Mind you, it helps that he was World of Warcraft eons ago & geeking over some new edition of another game.)
More of us! More of us! ????
You will be assimilated.
From one artist to another! How lovely.
Merino wool is the best. Happy weaving.
About a year ago, Ilona posted some pics of the “Yarn Wall” and was kind enough to share where she ordered the vinyl “wood looking” cubes for said yarn. I immediately went to Amazon and ordered a set.
Confession – all those empty cubes – they are full, the one with the afghan and the other with ornaments…yup those too – more yarn.
And now looking at your pretty new yarn…I must have the precious!!! I need to add more cubes!!!
Thanks for the laughter on a crazy Monday at work!
Opps, the pic didn’t come thru – try again
For shame. You’re underutilizing cube space. I see several cubes that aren’t full and you have space on the top of the unit. You need to buy some more.
I did, this was last summer’s picture shortly after I set it up. All The Cubes are full and yes across the top as well!
But I still need more yarn…
Just saying…LOL
He He He. ‘no one expects the BDH! our chief weapon is a fearful devotion to consuming IA…and a love of snark. our two weapons are devotion&snark…and a love of mod R…..’ ( with all respects to Monty Python). Gordon can’t have all action figures, he needs to collect the ‘great composers of the world ‘ action figures, especially that classic, Brahms and Tchaikovsky figures in a death struggle….*lol* ( Tchaikovsky hated Brahms, said he was an untalented SOB *lol*,)
sometimes you just have to reevaluate your craft room, craft room closet, basement, spare room closet and give yourself a talking to. I totally get it.
I recently went through my craft room and sorted my pine needles, yes half of them i’ve picked up from the ground, but i have a lot of pine needles sorted, dyed and bundled, i’m getting ready to make more pine needle baskets. sigh. can’t wait. But i don’t need any more needles until i use the ones i have, or at least half of them……
That is gorgeous yarn! I am going to take the “pre-order” now, so I don’t have to tell the hubby exactly how much everything is. lol
Awwwww, and her name is Katie!
Glad you treated yourself, you both deserve it. Hope your roof turns out well.
Love this!! ❤️
The BDH is everywhere! Remember when you called the Orpheum Theater in Omaha and found a fan there? =)
Wow! Nice card and even nicer yarn! SWMBO has recently acquired yarn from Hobii (I guess that’s the name from Denmark or somesuch) which is also nice. I love it when she receives her pre-orders and I encourage her to preorder frequently!
Since my preorder of kits for seam rippers and crochet hooks has arrived, I need to get my shop in order, cast more resin, and get handles made!
All my spring shoe purchases are henceforth known as preorders.
First, please share pics of your project in progress. Second, wouldn’t you love to know what the yarn on the card is? Third, I’m with Katie on the audiobooks!
To my untrained eye, it seems to be similar to this on their catalogue https://www.yarnloveyarn.com/collections/in-stock-yarn/products/heavy-weight
The BDH is everywhere!! Hoping the yarn helps with stress and the roof is finished soon
Yes. You are famous. Can you imagine how excited Katie was to get your order? What beautiful yarn!
I keep wearing my tshirts hoping to find another BDH near me but none yet! But yes maam you’re going to have to use a made up name for us to not recognise you.
My husband also collects action figures and cards. Now that we are in our forever house, he has ramped up the ordering. The youngest (our maker of games) is giving points to who can guess whats in Dads mail! Its either Rodiumus Prime/Hot Rod from transmformers, Gundam models or Magic The Gathering cards. Sometimes its a Star trek card though those are rarer and we get an extra 10 points if it is one of those and we guessed correctly. You cannot read the package either, so most days I cant even play because I’m the one that brings it inside.
Hilarious. You thought you’d be incognito. I am truly laughing myself silly. You’re so cute! Psst Valerie is not my legal name. I use it, I am called Valerie by friends and acquaintances but I have my legal name email address and noted as my sending address for the important stuff. Like ordering online.
Blood pressure: over the weekend I heard beets help. The chewy/gummy type beets you find in the vitamin aisle of a store, was suggested
Totally unrelated – but BDH not on Facebook (if such beast exist) should know:
There’s a brand new Magic Bites review on Tor.com at https://www.tor.com/2023/04/17/master-of-the-craft-ilona-andrews-magic-bites/
(and no, I am not the M. with the narrator punishing question)
???? It’s a great article and completely right!
What a day for puting love into the world this has been. Hope the whole Horde is basking in it!
+100!! on the article.
Yes! It popped up on my Google feed. At first I thought it was a blog post but nope. It was a good article, very complimentary and all the things we love about your writing. And I noticed comments from some BDHers too ;).
And written by the wonderful Judith Tarr!
I have a shawl that’s been in time-out because one of the color choices was…well…bad and I’ve been thinking about getting a different color.
yeah, “blood orange” is the right color. think I’ll order some of that and untimeout the shawl…
P.S. for Gordon: action figures for your book characters? Just a thought. I have a 3D printer to get you started
You’d have to have two figures for the shape shifters. Not sure I could figure it out for them to be transformative. Hmmmmmmm
I love the look of that yarn! I bought the inexpensive but pretty yarn from my local big box store but the feel of it is not particularly soft . It will become doll blankets . Still, for crocheting mindlessly in front of the T.V. it works. When I spend extra it is for heirloom cotton lace. I had my kid and husband buy me remnant bags of it last year for Mother’s Day. I now have lots of it to play with. I make baby bonnets and give them to friends and family.
You have enough yarn? Blasphemy!!
That’s like saying I have enough fabric. I never have enough, there is just some that I have had so long that it isn’t right for me and I can pass it on to someone else.
. . . And some not. I still have enough of a beautiful loden green wool to make a coat and I’m not giving it up even though I bough it 45 years ago, and there is a 10-year-old piece of jade green embroidered silk. I have never been brave enough to cut into either one.
Treasures. You have treasures. even if you never cut into them, just having them makes you feel rich.
Lol, there go the good ‘ole days when you could be ???? incognito.
so close yet so far ????????
so sweet!
The yarn is so pretty but I am not tempted (because I am allergic to wool). On the other hand if it was washi tape I might take the plunge…..
sorry, but that is so funny
you just made my day!
Wonderful color! I am sure it is lovely to pet also.
Your face! ???????????? You’re getting back what you send out. I hope the relaxing goes well. ????
Awwwww, what a sweet card to get! How nice!
Love the look on Ilona’s face! Priceless!!
The BDH is everywhere! And what a sweet note!
You deserve all the love that the BDH can provide!! The yarn is beautiful.
I know you’re aware, but there’s no such thing as “too much yarn”.
I heard someone make a “ripper cushions” joke the other day in Austin with their kid. The BDH is everywhere.
So cool!
Katie is probably grinning reading this!
Ok, that website. That purveyor. I am going to attempt knitting again now that I have discovered I have Adult ADHD and am getting it under control.
But whether or not I succeed, there is one skein of yarn from Yarn Love that I need. Even if all I do is nail it to my wall with the description.
I badly need Princess Buttercup Fingering, in Unicorn Poop. It’s a requirement.
Already bought the Copper Canyon. You do know that knitting and the collection of beautiful hand dyed yarn are two different (and both are respectable) hobbies, right?
Rofl, I love that facial expression! Yes lots of people do recognize the name hehe! And that’s gorgeous yarn! Have fun with it. Preorders, gotta snicker. Sorry Gordon, enjoy your collection!
It truly has been gorgeous for a couple days now. I’m sorry you can’t get out to enjoy it! You know how short a window of good weather we often get, sigh.
We had nice weather in Chicago last week – 70’s.
This morning, snow.
Gorgeous yarn
The Horde is everywhere. Have a nice knit. 😀
I’ll admit it, I’m a yarnaholic. I’ve bought her yarn even when I don’t really need any. The colors are vibrant.
You are famous and beloved by voracious readers!
Beautiful yarn! You can’t hide from the BDH. I buy fabrics and make cards. I saw a card set with yarn balls and captions like ‘Time to Unwind,’ and ‘My doctor recommended more fiber, so let’s go buy some,’ and my favorite ‘Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy yarn, which is kind of the same thing!’ I immediately thought of you. Happy knitting!
Ilona, your expression is PRICELESS!!! I laugh, and had tears in my eyes. Not much brings me to that place, Thank you SO MUCH!. Oh, and I also have “preorders” and I get “The Look”, and the “What did you buy NOW?” query. It’s been extremely stressful at our house, as my husband has breathing problems, and he’s 73. So I buy “stuff”. My desk is totally covered in weird stuff. Ah well. Thanks for making me laugh. And your terrific stories.
This reminds me of the start of Mission Impossible where the cassette tape starts and the voice says “your mission, if you choose to accept…”. Well, the BDH accepts the mission to be everywhere. ????
The yarn is very pretty. Loved the note on the card, and the look on Ilona’s face.
Enjoy the action figures Gordon.
Gorgeous yarn and what a wonderful note to include. I second her wholeheartedly!❤️
Glad to see you are putting on a metal roof. Keep reminding yourself that you will be done with hailstorm damage.
Could the dogs go visit one of your kids for a few days?
Love the yarn! Hopefully you bought more than 2 skeins, less than 500 yds won’t make much.
Meanwhile put on noise cancelling headphones with relaxing music & knit!
Such pretty yarn … will forward the shop name to coworkers that knit. Love the “this was unexpected” face!
On another topic … countdown clock for Magic Claims is up; yayyyyy!!!! (Imagine Kermit waiving arms in a frenzy).
Last topic … any chance that “Magic Clams” typo might make it into the merch shop? A “Magic Clams” pillow would look great next to my “Ripper Cushions” cushion … the thought of a giant magical clam living deep in the waters off of Wilmington just tickles my imagination …. 🙂
I want “da ph-h-hh” from CONLAN!
Ilona Andrews, yarn, and an Austin area address. Active member of the BDH? A no brainer.
Hahaha! The BDH is everywhere!
gorgeous! you deserve all the yarn.
Ha, the bdh is everywhere!
That yarn is lovely. My current favorite yarn is from Arcane Fibre Works. Beautiful yarn and the even display a small swatch.
The BDH is everywhere! ????
Your incognito mode went out the window because “yarn”. It’s a no brainer… Oh, and the shop’s name is “Yarn Love”, so you got the yarn and you got the love. That’s excellent customer service!????
What can I say? At least, once I stop laughing.
The yarn is gorgeous and you are most definitely loved.
Hahaha! The BDH are everywhere!
We had to get a new roof at the end of February. I made Mr. Steve get me a Universal employee discounted room so the noise would not trigger a migraine. We got a new roof and I stayed at Cabana Bay Resort at Universal Studios and hung out with Jeaniene and Jinger. It was a win in all possible ways. My new roof is so pretty and will not fly off during a hurricane, plus Steve is my hero!
I bet if you look around someone somewhere will have created a yarn series based on your book characters – I was going to do it at one point and I am not that original!
Happy yarning!
The BDH are everywhere and always watching!
Your face at the end of the post
I´m so sorry but it´s truly hilarious.
You needn´t be that shocked that somebody knows who Ilona Andrews is. Knitting and listening go hand in hand
And the yarn looks fabulous
This is the coolest post ever! Yarn Love and author love in the same place.
yeah ha ha! you can run, but not hide! the BDH is EVERYWHERE! TOO FUNNY!
That’s what you get for having such a distinctive name!
Love the photo, made me laugh out loud.
Pfft, if Kate can’t stay incognito in S. Carolina, why on earth did you think you could? =P
???? Oh, my gosh. You made my day (again!!)
Too funny! Your face puts the period on your story. It could be in the dictionary, under “gobsmacked.”
What a lovely note! I listen to your (and others’) audiobooks as I knit, so I feel a kinship. And that colorway is magnificent!
I am not surprised that theu know and love you!!!
the metal roof will be awesome though, i got one in 2019 and it has handled the Texas hail storms flawlessly. plus BIG insurance discount. but really scary to walk on – no more putting up my own Christmas lights!
I’m not a knitter, I’m a hand quilter and I’ve read the studies that quilting has great benefits to blood pressure, depression, anxiety and dementia. It looks like knitting has similar benefits: “in 2007, research from Harvard Medical School’s Mind and Body Institute proved that knitting induces the relaxation response and lowers the heart rate by an average of 11 beats per minute. The report found knitting to be as relaxing as yoga and a great opportunity for creativity.” ????????❤️????
Your facial expression made that story. Thank you.
I’m sorry your cover got blown.
I don’t knit but every time you talk about knitting and yarn I get this urge to buy yarn and learn to knit. I used to sit and knit rows when I was a kid and staying the night at my grandmothers….that’s the extent of my experience. The yarn you bought is gorgeous!
The facial expression says it all. My favorite part of your post!
Gorgeous yarn & such a lovely message. Imagine creating something with a yarn that was created by someone listening to something else you created – wonderful!
That’s hilarious! The expression says it all!
The yarn thing got me a little teary-eyed. You give us so much love and joy and you should know you are loved too. You both deserve this little unexpected hug of appreciation from a fan.
This is wonderful! You definitely deserve that love! Also, did you know that one of your books was mentioned on tor.com yesterday?l hope you’ll check out the article.
Yes, we’ve all seem that lovely article, wasn’t it so good? 😀
(Here’s the link in case anyone else wants to read https://www.tor.com/2023/04/17/master-of-the-craft-ilona-andrews-magic-bites/)
We purchased a no-bark collar for our German Shepherd/Malinois x. He goes ballistic if someone walks along the sidewalk – because it’s his, you know. He goes ballistic if he sees a dog 2 blocks away – because he owns that property too. He goes ballistic if anyone has the audacity to come up to our front door – because how dare they. Every time he goes off, I jump 3 feet. This dog is so loud that when he barks you could go deaf. (He has had lots of expensive training.) The brand is DogRook. We didn’t want to hurt him with a shock; and we didn’t want something spraying everywhere. This collar makes a Beep warning for the first bark. The next bark, it vibrates. He hates it. It’s funny the first time; the dog looks around like “who did that?”. He doesn’t wear it 24/7. We put it on when he goes outside, so his barking doesn’t drive the neighbors (or me) crazy. And we put it on when he is watching TV with Husband, because he’ll bark at animals and sometimes people on the screen. The quiet is lovely.
I am cracking up both at the photo and because I flipped from a tab open to Ravelry’s Yarn Love repository (what can I do with this neon yellow and green varigated? What?), and over to here. Ha!
A Green Bay Packers something!! (*the something being dependent on time & yarn purchased) 😀
At my doctor visits, I have better BP numbers if I wear the cuff first, take deep zen breaths, then stand up and step on the scale/weigh in afterward. For some reason for every doctor, the protocol is weigh in first and I make a special request to reverse the order.
I would recognize your name too.
I make soap.. but I found but accident that it turns to slime once allowed to soak in water. Now in 2020 I put that liquid into spray bottles. now I found it and the last bit in the bottle was still white no mold or discoloration. it’s a good cleaner. ( fat water and castic soda.
chuckle. Your fame precedes you. How sweet. Also drool on the yarn. whimper
I *love* her yarn– I’ve been buying from her for years. I did Copper Canyon with with a skein of Shiny Penny to do a cowl that a ton of people have tried to abscond with — I bought those two colors again and a skein of Verdigris to do a three color shawl recently. Glad I got those now before she sells out for ages 🙂
The first yarn I tried to order sold out before I could check out 😂 I’d never heard of her, but it’s gorgeous yarn.
I laughed my head off. I do cross stitch also. Have for years.
Wow, that colorway is spectacular! It looks incredibly vivid in the picture. I too, am trying to work my stash into a more manageable size….with varying success. The project on my needles is with the Knit Picks Preciosa: it’s like having velvet on your needles without the fuzz. I wish that they hadn’t discontinued this line of yarn. I cast on while listening to the new Graphic Audio production of “Magic Bites” I’ve just preordered “Magic Burns” and am looking forward to my needles clicking while I live through Kate’s adventure.
Happy Knitting!
REALLY..!!! you thought you were anonymous? now that’s really funny.
what a nice way to be recognized.
Girl you have the cutes face I swear it make me smile. 🙂 My husband and I both use the “Preorder” excuse. bahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! I think it’s because we NEED a new back door (one corner of the metal door is rusted and a little light can be seen from the inside of the house), a new deck (bout the fall off the house), a new window in the master bathroom (one block is cracked) and are those things getting done NO but preorders keep coming in. I figure it’s the small things. 🙂 Have a wonderful day!
When you are a fan, you know! She sounds like a very personable vendor. And I love your color choices. And merino wool! Enjoy whatever your project will be.
That’s some absolutely lovely yarn. I just clicked the link you so kindly provided and placed an order. I love that she wrote you a personalized note and is a fellow House Andrews fan!
I’m so glad Katie recognized you and took the opportunity to thank you both for the hours of joy and entertainment. You deserve it. But somehow it means a little extra when it comes unexpectedly. And it’s lovely that it’s so non-intrusive.
I Love IT!! And Not surprised at all. Great minds think alike: Yarn and UF a la Ilona Andrews!! Your picture is Priceless. Thk you for the smile!
The yarn is very pretty. Any ideas on a project?
Three cheers for Katie! She who had an opportunity to express thanks and appreciation AND did it in a quiet non-stalkerish way.
Years ago, my husband and I had taken our sons to DisneyWorld in Florida and recognized a professional basketball player with his family. The boys wanted to go say hello and ask for an autograph. We told them no. Yes, the man whose job entailed interaction with the public was out in public. But taking his attention from his wife and children when he was “wearing his family time hat” was the wrong thing to do.
Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah! Way to go Katie!
You’re a popular author, what can we say!! The yarn is beautiful.
You cannot hide
We could be wrong, but
we will take the chance to, a)
Thank you or b)
Let someone know there is an awesome story teller of that name out there
May I ask the name of your cross stitch app? No apps existed when I last cross stitched 25 years ago.
I’m addicted to Pokemon Go ($$$ each month). However, the developers is helping me quit with their latest bad decision. Now that I find myself with some free time and money, I want to return to previous constructive hobbies like cross stitch and stained glass.
Hi Helen,
There are a few cross stitch pattern sources recommendation in these post:
https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/stitches-and-floss-riches/ and
Also looking through Ilona’s comments:
There are several. Pattern Keeper for Android has a good reputation, although I haven’t used it. This pattern is comes from either a Russian or a Ukrainian designer, and they use CrossStich Saga. I honestly love it. This pattern comes from Sofia Belenko.
The wool is so beautiful. But seriously, did you really not expect to be recognized? Your name is synonymous with great books with fabulous stories.
I do understand the thing about the wool(Canadian here) though. Have a shop in town that Carrie’s some of the most amazing locally produced wool and the temptation is so great but my stash cupboard is overflowing but……….
Please show what you create out of this beautiful wool.
There is no such thing as too much yarn! I tell my husband that all the time, and he’s learned to smile and nod as he plays with his “preorder” trading cards 🙂
I love this card… just shows how loved you two are.
Hi, ModR. Ilona has probably seen this article, but if not, then hope she enjoys it https://smartbitchestrashybooks.com/2023/04/yarn-con-2023-recap/
Thanks wingednike 🙂, I’ll make sure to pass it on
thank you!
Love it.
I am a long time Yarn Love club member. I still have my copper canyon. Still haven’t found the perfect project yet.
How cool that she knew your books. That means you guys have made many an impression. Fans are everywhere.
I wish I knitted or crocheted. I love yarn. I’m inept.
So much for anonymity!
Dear Ilona, I must share a disaster happening 10 days ago: Lulu, my 14-month old kitten, swallowed a 3-inch thread with the needle when I put down my thread to remove some stitches in my cross stitch. After one entire night in ER, Xray and endoscopy, the needle and thread were retrieved from Lulu’s stomach with no lasting impact.
Thank goodness Lulu has pet insurance. (A major reason I got that for her is seeing the Camille’s advantures from your blog in the past. So thank you!) Cats and cross stitches…. watch out!