Back by popular demand from the Ryder shipping archives!
Back when Blood Heir was a weekly serial, a certain Horde I know and love used to have shipping wars in the comment section over their favourite Julie match. Ilona wrote this tongue in cheek conversation amongst the various factions.
Thank you to House Andrews for the permission to share!

Team Derek: Grown up Julie is going to meet Derek and there will be kissy face.
Team Ascanio: Excuse me? Have you even read the part with THE BOUDA?
Team Derek: Who cares? Derek can do everything Ascanio can do, only better.
Team Ascanio: He has scars!
Team Derek, clutching pearls: He is battle scarred. Women dig scars.
Team Ascanio: Our boy is hott.
Team Derek: Your boy is a sexual deviant.
Team Ascanio: Derek and Julie are like brother and sister. Show me chemistry! Where is the chemistry?
Team Derek: But Magic Stars!
Team Ascanio: That’s ambiguous.
Team Yu Fong: Excuse me. Has everybody forgotten that there is an extremely hot and powerful dragon who has shown interest?
Team Ascanio: He is a side character.
Team Yu Fong: You’re a side character!
Team Derek, chanting: Metal rose, metal rose, metal rose…
Team Dark Horse: Wait, wait, I have a theory. What if Saiman isn’t really dead and she finds him and they hook up…
Team Derek: PERVERT!
Team Ascanio: Burn the theory. Burn it with fire.
Team Yu Fong: You know who has fire? Yu Fong.
Awesome! Adding an adult Yu Fong to the mix would be most excellent.
Thank you!
This would be beautiful to see. It’s ultimately second best, as a metal rose fan, but I was so sad that we never saw another scene of her school days there. Was hoping we’d get some fleshed out friendships from it
First I love this team fight text lol
Second I loved the video beoultifull special effects
Third Im team Yu Fong
Ps Am I the 1th place?
Yes, but we’re not really doing the First think outside of the Innkeeper chapters because it gets a bit too much ????
Ok thanks anyway
I’m team Jackson Wang!!!!!!!!
Love it !! As I patiently wait for the next installment. By the way Team Derek !!
Of course you are, excellent taste btw.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Thank you for this awesome morning gift!
In case anyone needs me, I’ll be over here chanting!
Metal Rose, Metal Rose, Metal Rose
I’ll be here clutching my pearls.
Loved the video. I had never heard of Jackson Wang before so thank you for introducing me to his music.
Still team Derek!
If chanting together starts magic-powered cars faster will it work also for Team Metal Rose? ????
Haha it’s worth a try!
Metal rose, metal rose, metal rose!
*Chants along with*
Metal rose, metal rose, metal rose, metal rose!
Always delightful and now with music ????. Go Team Julie!
Team Derek forever. First and only love for Julie.
To infinity & Beyond!!!!
Team Derek!
Besides – Derek was here first!!!
I am team metal rose, but if you some reason that doesnt work out, I like the young dragon. Aacanio can keep babysitting the kids.
I think Derek will be the new Beast Lord. That way he can stay in Atlanta
Team Derek!
I think Derek is already Alpha of Ice Fury.
He’s officially beta, though might be termed acting alpha as the nominal alpha spends the bulk of his time in beast form.
I doubt Ice Fury has clans like the Pack does. His people are addressing him as ‘Alpha’. Derek being Derek, he would take shameless advantage of the assumptions he knows people in Atlanta would make. And if I’m right, I’m sure it is a very recent development, anyway.
He is Alpha of his team, but Beta overall in Ice Fury ????
This is SOOOOO me: “He is battle scarred. Women dig scars.”
But gotta say, it’d not be mad about a harem for Julie, just saying.
House Andrews have confirmed there won’t be polyamory in the books ????
Umm, does that also apply for Arabella series?
There is no plans for Arabella. We might get lucky later.
???? +1 for the lovely fantasy
Oh not gonna lie the bathing scene was a little unconfortable 2 me couse for me derek had julie as a yonger simbling. That scene felt wrong to. Also I got desapointed when ascanio just got powerhungry and stoped working for Kate and I dont liked adult ascanio. Im with the kids. Children are good judges if they dont like ascanio there is good reason (I wasnt sold on the babyseeter excuse) also ascanio was an ass at the last book.
Now Im salivating at a julie Yu Fong romance. Theres something kate/curran on it that I love about this pair. She doesnt buy his bs and he can keep up with her. Also their kids would be op as hell.
I always felt like Ascanio and Julie acted more like siblings than she and Derek. You know the kind of siblings you got into trouble and complained about math with. That’s not chemistry for a romance, that’s best bud material.
And there is nothing wrong with Ascanio having motivations beyond working for Kate, it shows a maturity that he not only had a goal but a path to work towards it.
Funnily enough, I wasn’t sold upon the kid’s excuse and by the time she finished her diatribe I was thinking Ascanio was a Saint for putting up with them. They must make his life a living hell, and they aren’t even his kids. That the parents trust him to be the one to get that gang out of trouble speaks volumes, IMO.
Doesn’t Kid Karma usually work that way?
You’re a menace all through your childhood and give the adults around you grey hairs and then somehow, somewhere when you grow up you get to experience it all again from their perspective 😀
Yes, but one, it’s not his kids he’s having to deal with, and second, it’s a whole gang of them. I think he’s getting the curse multiplied. ????
While I don’t think Ascanio is for Julie, I have liked his character ever since he put his life on the line to keep her from dying at the hands of the Render. He’s a bit more complicated than just a “ruthless businessman” like Raphael.
It’s not necessarily your own kids, in my understanding :D.
I do think Ascanio would be a ruthless businessman but I agree there’s more to him!
And I don’t think Raphael and Andrea deserve to be saddled with the Pack hehe.
I don’t think that Raphael and Andrea could handle the Pack as a whole. Andrea would just shoot them. ????
I feel bad for Ascanio, seriously, he is second in his Clan and is constantly assigned to babysit a bunch of kids that don’t even recognize when things are dangerous. It’s like dealing with a kid who doesn’t feel pain and refuses to recognize it can be life threatening. Except it’s a bunch of them. ????
I second this on all counts, as a former eldest sibling of several, babysitter/camp counselor; later parent of two, aunt of many, and now grandparent of one. It never ceases to amaze me that so many of us survived into adulthood. Not everyone does.
I think as a up got the perfect kid-karma, as his antics were dealt with a veritable team of people when he was a kid, of course he’d have to deal with the baby pack!!!
Yes but Kate wasn’t his mom and he for sure gave her gray hairs. LOL. The fact that Kate’s kid is one of the gang now making him nuts is poetic justice.
Right from his introduction as an actual character, Ascanio Ferara has been in the habit of doing the right thing when comes the crunch. He’s part one of why Julie survived being infected with Lyc-V a few hours after they met. A small part one, but nonetheless, …. In one book, he talks one of Beau Clayton’s deputies out of quitting his job on the spot after a truly disgusting failure of an attempted arrest.
And, yeah, I have brothers, and the sorts of things that Ascanio and Julie did together when they’re kids are sibling stuff. Especially the fighting with each other and getting into trouble together.
Considering that ‘the little prince’ showed up at that bridge by himself in the first chapter of Blood Heir, Derek (who had to have been back in Atlanta for a couple of days already) must have a real talent for winding Ascanio up or Ascanio would have been wondering why Conlan was there alone rather than with several of his friends, which is his usual method of making Ascanio’s life a misery.
I don’t think we know Conlan’s “usual method” as we’ve seen almost nothing of him, just mostly hearsay. And I don’t think most of the stunts were instigated by Conlan.
Some Julie and Fong scenes would be awesome. Even if they don’t end up together I think that there’s a huge amount of chemistry between them.
I agree with you with the ascanio and julie thing but not on his power hungry ways (he was spoiled all his life he climb his way into beta of matriarcal group and plan the new best lord also he was an assholes book). I know julie has ever had a thing for derek (and thats probable why they gonna end up together) but I remember derek taking care of her and being the big brother when they were younger and knowing both of their background store and how both got kind adopted after loosing their families tragicaly. He telling her he was her big brother melted my heart and could not stop looking at them another way since.
Now julie×fong is fun and have some of Kate×curran vibes that I love
+1 Well said, and exactly the same impressions I have.
FYI: My response is to Sandra.
Also reply Sandra….but I’m still on TeamDerek
I do not think they were ever “siblings”. Julie grew up fast. Derek has always been her protector. Protector does not mean big brother.
He made the metal rose to protect her heart.
I never got a sibling vibe between Derek and Julie, no matter what Kate and Curran meant to them individually. Julie has made it plain from the get go that she has always had feeling for Derek. I got absolutely no weird feelings about the bath scene, would never have looked at it that way.
Knowing the frequent nudity in the pack, particularly, nudity is not the intimate/vulnerable thing we might ascribe to it, not being a were myself ????. It made sense that Julie would own her familiarity & ease with powerful exit from the bath. It was beautifully redone for the book from the admittedly slightly creep-cringeworthy vibes from draft 1 of serial.
I thought Yu Fong didn’t survive the battle of Atlanta? Unlike Saiman, he had no reason/ need to fake his death…and that happening twice is the kind of plotting HA doesn’t do.
He most definitely has survived- he was wounded, but he is a mystical shifter, they pull through! We know he went through much worse in his life, sadly ????
Here’s the confirmation
Ah. Missed that one.
And Ascanio? No. Just No. Ashcan has always been a jerk (no, not a typo). Kate and Andrea were the only ones who could keep him in line, and both seem to have given up. Derek could, but only by smothering him with dominance.
I don’t think he’s an asshole ????. I think he is reacting to the crisis in leadership that Lord Redtape has created with his “all receipts in triplicate” style.
And secretly, in my heart of hearts, where I’m still very much pissed at the Pack as a whole for how they treated Curran and Kate, I think Ascanio and the Pack totally *deserve* eachother. He will be a ruthless business leader and that’s exactly what they need. Shifters individually- mostly lovely decent people. As a collective? Pfui!
I think the Rat Alphas would be better at Pack leadership right now. They are balanced and ruthless enough to do it if they wanted to. The question is, do they want to?
Ascanio has the potential but it’s not realized yet. He doesn’t have the overwhelming personality that Curran has, or Jim’s experience.
I agree with both of the above, except that Ascanio *is* acting as an asshole at the moment. He let his beef with Derek get the better of his judgement, and that right there tells you that he doesn’t have the depth and breadth of experience necessary to lead the entire pack just yet. I also don’t think, for the same reason, that he’s going to “get over” Derek anytime soon. He should be in the leadership pipeline while his impulse control gets more consistent. We know he has it, but he chose not to exercise it with Derek due to their personal conflict. Therefore he’s not yet ready to act in the best interests of the Pack as a whole.
Certain people will always and forever trigger me, I don’t hold it against him. Nor am I only interested in the best interests of the Pack hehe 😛 – I think they deserve a bit of bad interest paid (see what I did there) to teach them a few lessons about behaving like poopoo heads.
I have a vision… a vision of Derek as Beast Lord and Ascanio as his security officer or the Pack’s business manager. They’d actually make a good team if they could get over each other.
Plus I still think Ascanio’s also been fed a prophecy and that accounts for some of his actions.
Prophecy? Wait, what prophecy?
In Blood Heir, Sienna of the Witch Coven has given Julie a prophecy about Kate and the danger she is from Moloch, an ancient god who respawned.
All of Julie’s actions are motivated by this prophecy and keeping Kate alive. There is BDH speculation that Julie is not the only player who may have received a portents from the Seer…
I hadn’t read that but that would actually make sense though. And it’s not like Derek or Ascanio wouldn’t know who to go to, having visited her with Kate.
And Julie has a friendship with her, right? Makes sense that Derek and Ascanio might have also hung around with the two of them at times.
Oooh, interesting, I’ve seen speculation for Derek having received a prophecy, but no one’s put forward Ascanio!
I do wonder now whether many of the characters are working for the same goal and they each have a piece…hmmm, have to mull it over.
Ascanio as one of Derek’s lieutenants, I would pay to watch that hehe.
I agree that would be ilarious and delicious to read lol
Can you imagine the text message between them?
I’m on Sienna prophecing (sp?) to Derek, also directing his path the last at least 4 years. Getting all the moving pieces in all the right places, for best all-around case scenario
I totally believe this.
Now thats a good argument but it has the potential to backfire to much for my tastes also there still people there that I like so lets not send the to hell ok. Not counting what kind of trouble the army of angry shifters under the control of ascanio could find.
I also didnt totaly forgive the pack either and Im still a little angry with curran what he did on their trip to europe or ascanio for leaving Kate to get into Pack politics. So I kinda hold some grudges lol
???? I appreciate this, and also appreciate the moniker Lord RedTape ????. Remembering Jim from long long ago book 1, that checks out.
100% agree with this!
I think Ascanio gets a hard rap. When it counts he’s always been there for Kate and Julie.
Having said that – hoping the above is a hint the Yu Fong is back in the next book as totally #teamYulie
I’m Team Derek all the way but if adult Yu Fong were to make an appearance and an attempt I would t be opposed to watching him flirt with Julie.
Well now I am going to picture Jackson Wang when Yu Fong is there.. what ????????????
Eddie Gu for House Andrews ????
“Women dig scars.”
I discovered an essential difference between men and women in college during a group discussion about plastic surgery. Most people were opposed (we were all under 20 and sure we knew everything) so I asked, “What if you were in a car accident and had a scar on your face?”
Most of the women: “Oh well, if I had a scar …”
One of the men: “Is it a cool scar?”
???? This is true.
And now that I’m older, I do have some small scars on my face from various accidents, and my cousin accidentally trying to kill me with a door. They don’t bother me (much). If a facial scar effected basic functions, then I would still want to do something about them.
BTW, I told the guy who wanted to know it was a cool scar, “No. It’s makes you look goofy.” In that case he would have the plastic surgery to fix it. ????
But women do sometimes dig scars ON GUYS…and Julie has already told him they don’t matter, she still thinks he’s sexy.
This is a fun blog. I’m for Yu Fong, but Julie appears smitten with Derek. Yu Fong’s magic is god like and Julie may have feelings for him, but they do not seem amorous.
Team Metal Rose all the way!
I love this so much. I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud at work!
Team Yu Fong now and forever! 🙂
The Pack already has potential successors to Jim, and one is a *proven* ruthless businessman: Raphael. Ascanio is an ambitious wanna-be, and Raphael could still wipe the floor with him, in business or in a duel. The other option is the rat couple, whose name is escaping me.
Ascanio even as just the Alpha of Clan Bouda does not fill me with warm fuzzies, no. Though I admit the Pack might deserve it. I think they need term limits for the Beast Lord, just because it’s a bear (ahem) of a job.
the Lunescos are the rat Alphas ????
Sorry. This was *supposed* to post under Mod R’s reply to me above!
I agree with you also I love frasing “Ascanio is an ambitious wanna-be” lol
I thought Derek and Julie would take over the Pack.
Thats probable what gonna happen. Even if Im team Yu Fong. I can see that the story is going that way.
Julie is a princess of Shinar. She seems very invested in that role, for all the right reasons. Not sure how well that would mesh with the Pack.
Yu Fong would be fantastic, but Team Derek all the way.
Also, love that there is a Jackson Wang video here.
Bwah ha ha. Thank you, mod R and Ilona Andrews for the post.
I was actually checking the drought monitor website and thought I would reread last Friday Innkeeper snippet. ????
Derek’s from the South, right? (North Carolina hills??)
He should have thrown in a “bless your heart” to Ascanio.
Is that a phrase that men commonly say in the U.S. south? I’ve absolutely heard countless women, but hadn’t caught any not gender-specific use. Do u.s. southern men have a standard phrase that covers the same thing? I had assumed it was a packaged deal with patriarchal society norms for women. (I’m saying all of this out of genuine curiosity. Not to be a dialect police about it.)
I don’t knowwjy I love these so much, but every time you guys do this type of stuff it is perfection!
Clutching my pearls over here :).
Very much so. Although PSA to chicks who dig scars and broken noses (I am chicks): think it through. Because apparently chicks also have to then live through multiple corrective surgeries when the broken nose doesn’t allow their guy to breathe. Ask me how I know 😛
I am thinking Julie and Yu Fong as co-leaders of the pack but Derek as her love. Then Yu Fong will be the Bachelor to win in the Pack. Modern twist maybe.
I don’t think burning it with fire is enough to get the idea of Saiman as a potential paramour out of my head. Will need brain bleach. Lots of it. #TeamDerek
I hate that one with all that I am. Also I would like for Saiman to gain a significant other… probable it would work very well if he finds a bissexual partner… I dont care gender of who ends with him as long as there are babies with Saiman powers… Im assuming Saiman can pregnant… Can he? I think yes he can… that would be equaly ilarious and disturbing (becouse its saiman)
No, he cannot.
There’s an exact quote in one of the books, but long story short, he doesn’t replicate an uterus. Even if he did, women are born with all of our oocytes (eggs) and he was not.
Thanks I didnt remember the limits of his powers. I wasnt sure couse he was descendent from Loki and being male never stoped loki of getting pregnant.
Anyway that means I want him to get a girl preferable a bissexual girl couse its both the only way I see any relashionship working for Saiman and also couse it would be a lost oportunity not to.
???? that’s right! He only “birthed” the seed of Yggdrasil, or some similar magic tree, correct? In the short story?
absolutely right on that … the thought …ughhh
Team Derek for the win! However, a Yu Fong novella would be awesome. Hint hint, lol
We can have our own Fleet Battle with all of the Shippers. 🙂
Lol! Okay, but its trueeee.
Also the dancing in that video is so good! Do you all decide on theme songs for your characters?
There was a post about musical background for scenes here 🙂
Definitely Team Metal Rose. (Fist bump with Mod R!) Ascanio, even after all this time is too self-absorbed. Julie left him behind eons ago. Had not considered Raphael as Beast Lord. Hmmm….would the pack support him. Not sure. Robert Lunesco seems to be a good choice.
Robert is one of my favorite character. He is so smart.I got terribly disappointed with the pack at how they’ve treated Curran and Kate, and Robert was one of the few that I continue to love. He managed to balance his loyalty to the pack to his friendship with Kate and Curran. And I won’t forget what he did in Mishmar.
Oh, and team metal rose here too !!!
I love this so very very much.
And also, the spoiler dropping member of House Andrews said in a chat last year what the end goal is. 🙂
I am legit cackling!!
Omg- too funny! I just finished rereading Ryder and wondering when we’ll see more KD world. Always something good. Go team Derek! (although I see a Bouda story after Roman FINALLY gets his own too;) And man- I saw real potential with Yo Fung – what a great character too! Ah – spoiled for choice!!!! (the best spoils)
+1 also just finished Blood Heir reread. I needed that.
???????????????????????????? I love this so much!
This was awesome!
I’m team Derek all the way!
I kept waiting for him to see the metal rose! I’ve been team Derek from the beginning especially after he got hurt. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
As I recall the end of the third book, Julie is with Kate when Derek walks in and tells them Livvie took off because, well … and Julie starts yelling that she doesn’t care about his face. Derek, being not as old as he thinks, caught up in mourning the loss of Livvie, and occasionally dense, has no idea what she means. Kate is wondering how she’s going to deal with her kid’s crush on Derek and tells him to figure it out for himself.
I used to know a bunch of street kids. They were my firstborn’s friends. That may have affected the impression I’ve always had; but it seems to me that Julie set her heart on Derek the day she figured out that there weren’t any strings attached to that rose he made and gave her, which (Julie being pretty smart) would have happened within the first few months they knew each other.
We know that Saiman lives. But I’m definitely TEAM DEREK.
Love the video. 🙂
It is so good to see this again. A tiny part of me hopes this is a hint??
Still hope somehow Julie and Derek end up reopening Cutting Edge.
Metal rose! Metal rose!
Team Derek forever.
I missed the reference for Jackson Wang to be Yu Fong. My immediate thought was “Adam Pierce!” (yup, I started my re-read).
OMG, you and me both.
Team Metal Rose here.
Alas, the music video didn’t give me Yu Fong vibes. For whatever reason, the person who came to mind was Adam Pierce, and that’s just . . . ::shudder::
I’m secretly Team Yu Fong. I would definitely like to see more of him sometime. 🙂
I’m not Team Yu Fong; just want to see more of him. He’s an interesting character.
Still Team Yu Fing here. He ist so marvelous ????
This is gold. I just finished re-reading KD and Ryder, so this was very very welcome. I remember when Asciano leaves Cutting Edge, Kate asks Derek if he wants more, and his answer was along the lines of “I have money for food and clothing, why would I need more”…so it’s interesting that he went off and is now Beta of Ice Fury and found himself some magic (mint = blue + yellow + silver) non? As in a mix of animal magic, human-divine, and godhood?
That being said, Kate did tease him about being a wanna-be superhero in Atlanta after separating from the pack… so maybe the seeds were planted then.
MetalRose all the way!
At the moment Ascanio needs some work, but I think he’s capable of it. I’d like to see him get a growth arc.
As for ‘ships for Julie – up to her!
Oh Saiman definitely isn’t dead.
Also dragon.
No, ofc not, we see him in Blood Heir! 🙂
Eeeewwww, who shipped Julie with Saiman? Shudder. I just relistened to this one over the weekend, and I did have the thought: what if Saiman was Marten’s father? It wouldn’t surprise me if he had an unplanned kid, and I could see him leaving his kid out on the streets like that.
Saiman or Red being Marten’s father were the main theories, But House Andrews have confirmed it is someone we haven’t met before 🙂
So House Andrews has a plot line in place for future Julie stories.
Ooo…the plot thickens. Well we know she’s going to be an assassin since she tied herself to Namtur.
When Namtur froze Ascanio and company outside Julie’s house, Namtur had disdain for all of them until Derek broke his hold. Then Namtur and Deira ran into the house. ????
Who would wish Saiman on *anyone* as a romantic interest? The interest would go all one way, because Saiman is an unrepentant narcissist. Trying to maintain a relationship with a narcissist is a losing proposition. They will never, ever love you anywhere near as much as they love themself. And you will never, ever be able to keep them happy.
Yes, I get that Hugh has been redeemed, and of course House Andrews could pull this off if they chose, but why would they? Saiman is who he is.
Thats the thing I want 2 know the person that can have a functional long romantic relashionship with Saiman. It should be a very interesting individuo. Also believe me or not I want Saiman to have kids just for the magic they would have.
“Team Derek, chanting: Metal rose, metal rose, metal rose…”
“Team Yu Fong: You know who has fire? Yu Fong.”
Mwahahahaha – all the yesses!
And Ascanio would truly not be happy with Julie, there’s a real fear factor there. And Julie needs someone serious who understands and trusts her; Ascanio is never going to be that person.
While I like the idea of the SS Julie/Yu Fong, I stand with Team Metal Rose … er, Derek.
That was funny, again. Definitely team metal rose here.
So many points for the Jackson video tie-in. FIRE FIRE FIRE
I’d forgotten all about this one. Thanks! It was fun to read again.
That was perfection! Thank you!
Definetely team Derek
Wu Fang has a different role to play – don’t know what yet but different
I ofcourse mean Yu Fong
AWESOME!!! ????????????
Thank you for that very enjoyable, and funny exchange! I (and I am sure many others) really needed a laugh, and that was a pleasantly unexpected and delightful one. It lifted my spirits at a very stressful time, and I am so grateful! I would have thoroughly enjoyed it at anytime, but right now it was particularly welcome.
Thank you again, Mod R. You ROCK!!!! ????????
Just to clarify, this was written by Ilona, I just got the permission to re-share it, don’t deserve any of the credit hehe!
Understood you just got permission to re-share it. You made my day by re-posting this. Thank you again!!! ????
Also – though I do kind of like the idea of Julie being what straightens Ascanio out and helps him mature, I have to say I am TEAM METAL ROSE all the way!
You DO deserve credit Mod R., not for writing the exchange, but for everything else you do! Don’t sell yourself short. The blog just wouldn’t be quite the same without you. ????
So Cool, really cool video nice FX’S.
Are these “teams” in the moderator’s head, or the authors’? (Asking for a friend)
Ilona wrote this during the serialised release of Blood Heir, inspired by the BDH comments 🙂 . I now realise my mistake, I should have given more context to the post.
I love our community , thank you guys for the well needed laugh.
Jackson Wang would be a kickass Yu Fong!
THE VIDEO ????????????????????????????????????
The fact that you posted a link to Jackson’s video with this, is awesome.
Can someone remind me of a movie/TV series that Ilona mentioned that have similar background to Julie. Not 100% sure this exists but I thought I read it at one point
Here you go 🙂
Team Derek is the only ship in the sea. Always was. Always will be.
Also crushing hard on Jackson Wang now. ????
Love it. Do have a soft spot for dragons and wolves, I have a half sleeve tattooed of a dragon and a wolf have a bit of a fight along with with a raven have a nibble of a skull. No boudas though.
But I am Team Derek, loved from the first time we met him.
I called Julie/Aurelia and Derek YEARS ago. To me, it’s so obvious. Ascanio…not so much. They were friends; Julie and Derek (to me) are inevitable. It was Derek, is Derek and will always be Derek…unless House Andrews says otherwise.
+1 for Team Derek ❤️❤️❤️
Great video!
Oh, the smell of testosterone in the afternoon…..
This made me laugh so hard ???? I love it & can’t wait to see how things pan out!
“Team Ascanio: He is a side character.
Team Yu Fong: You’re a side character!”
This cracked me up so much. I don’t know why but it was hilarious for me.
You know… I really don’t want to be the one to bring down something so fun and lighthearted but “he is disfigured” is incredibly ableist and harmful. Because someone has scars or who is “disfigured” doesn’t mean that they are not worthy or deserving of love and respect. You can find so many other reasons why you don’t want two characters to be together without using ableism. I guess I am touchy as a disabled person who I guess is “disfigured”. Research Ugly Laws here in the US to get a better understanding why such terms shouldn’t be used lightly.
This was a big argument some of the readers had – it is however clarified several times in the books and in the intention of this blurb that it truly doesn’t matter, the phrase to use is “battle scarred” and feelings for him have not changed at all because of his scarring.
Thank you so much for pointing it out, we have changed the phrasing as per your suggestion and thank you for your patience and understanding in letting us deal with the issue 🙂
I am talking in regards to how it was put into this thread? Whatever you call it. Not in regards to the books. I am asking that you or whomever put this together be better about what wording you use. Instead of “but he’s disfigured” it could be said “he has scars” thus saying “chicks dig scars”. Words are powerful and just using an ableist word in this setting gives it more power to be okay for others to use. In context of the books Ilona and Gordon was been wonderful about how they treat disabilities etc;
Also to confirm saying someone having scars is a reason not to be with someone is still not great….
Thank you so much for pointing it out, we have changed the phrasing as per your suggestion and thank you for your patience and understanding in letting us deal with the issue ????
I’ve never thought of Derek as disfigured – I always looked at his scars as a badge of honour – they tell a story of his past and attest to the fact he is a survivor. He wears them with pride. They show his strength and determination to live.
Team Metal Rose!!!
This made my whole family’s day! Thank you, House Andrews and Mod R!!!
Team Derek <3
I was team Yu Fong before and I still am. LOL.
Derek needs to get over himself.
Ok, this literally made me laugh out loud, and now my husband’s giving me his long suffering look…. lmao…. I needed that!
Team Metal Rose forever.
There are some very hot asian guys out there….
Yes I am team Derik but just sayin….
I’m on the sidelines on this. Thanks Mod R for posting the different BDH teams. Julie can decide for herself. ????
Team Yu Fong 🙂 I’m married to a water dragon ???? a la Chinese Astrology so I may be biased. I just think Derek is too alphahole-ish at times. But I’m sure I’ll buy into whatever story is told. IA has never messed up an HEA. ???????? if she has saved that rose there’s obviously a flame there…
I’m a Fire Dragon, so a little biased too, but I’m firmly Team Derek.
+1 on Yu Fong as I was born in the Year of the Dragon.
I love this so hard
So am I mis-remembering a story where a bad actor was going to enthrall and consume Derek only to discover that he was already protected by true love? … Just before he ended her.
Not at all, it’s Magic Stars ????
Thanks! I was looking in the totally wrong place. So …. True love. If not Julie, then who?
Good god I remember the discussion! Lol.
Ah Ilona, funny conversation you wrote!
Omg I’m dying of laughter here!!!!
????????????. Love this. Team Metal Rose, no question. Also, have been listening to the audio of Blood Heir on repeat for weeks now. Again.
Addition to Metal Rose argument: both have been through enough adult shit that they have a waaaay better grasp of who they are, which makes for waaaaay better chemistry to go alongside their history!!!
Plus, excited to hear more about Derek’s power-up, and for both of them to reimagine what adult life, and their respective responsibilities can transition toward, to make life together work meaningfully. So good!!!
Metal Rose. Metal Rose. Metal Rose.
Ahahahha Yu Fong! I really enjoyed him and would be lovely to see him again. We can’t help that all side characters created are so interesting! But definitely team Derek all the way. Metal rose!!!!
Has nobody considered joining team “Why Choose?”
Having no HEA in my life, I kinda need fictional HEAs to dive into. But I hear you.
After reading Blood Heir in its final form, I have been unable to get a match between Ascanio and Stella Davis out of my head.
Ascanio is definitely an ass, but he is NOT an asshole. It says a great deal that is positive about him that *he* is the Beta for Clan Bouda rather than one of the females.
He could cope with somebody as determined to believe herself indestructable as any shifter kid ever was. It takes a lot to piss Luther Dillon off, after all, and she managed it.
And I am convinced she would be impressed by neither his beauty nor his money. Considering why she was assigned to Atlanta, she has probably been given a bit of a briefing on everybody even halfway important in the Pack.
I can’t stop myself from singing ( on the tune of No, No, No by Destiny’s Child) whenever I hear of Stella and Luther 😀
“Biohazard is a law enforcement agency, yes, yes, yes. Your turn.”
“The Order is not a law enforcement agency, no, no, no.”
“All the crime scenes in Atlanta Metro are mine, mine, mine.”
“All the crime scenes in Atlanta Metro are yours, yours, yours,” Stella intoned.
“When are you allowed into one of my crime scenes?” Luther continued.
“When I’m personally invited, invited, invited.”
Thank you for this giggle ????
Yes Derrick and Julie both are stubborn the end is unverifiable
Yay! Always happy to see Julie and Derek content. I can’t wait for blood heir 2!!
I’m hoping we get to see more of Ascanio and Derek in the next one. I want to know what’s going on.
Also excited for when Ascanio realizes Aurelia is Julie… unless he already knows?
I loved this! Thank you!
Lovely snippet! Thank you so much for reposting!! Unfortunately not a huge fan of Jackson Wang’s politics…
In re-reading Magic Breaks, I’ve always wondered what Kate and Curran learned about Gene. The last we hear is that Curran brought Gene back to the Keep, but didn’t have time to question his motives for arranging the hunt before Curran left for Mishmar. Did Gene purposely lure Curran away from the Keep for D’Ambray?
Team Metal Rose, yeah yeah. I do like they don’t really know each other now and have learn what the grown up versions of themselves are like.
Ascanscio…still have a soft spot for him. His mom’s take on their relationship was so sweet and it makes sense why he’s fighting so hard to make a place for himself. He was definitely not thinking in Blood Heir, but Hugh did comment that Ascanscio will be dangerous when he grows up because he knows how to show restraint.
Yu Fong…wouldn’t mind seeing more of him, either.
I fully support the new less-stress approach to disclosing works in progress. Whatever makes House Andrews happy and productive. It’s also exciting to see their creativity blossom in new mediums (video games, comics, audio plays) even if I’m mostly a book person and will probably stay that way.
I’m loving and so grateful for Innkeeper (although how Wilmos is going to get rescued in this timeframe is making me anxious but I will understand if that’s saved for the next book because it means another book).
I’m excited for Ruby Fever.
But of all the on-going series or potentially new series, I am most dying for the continuation of Julie & Derek’s story. A Roman HEA is second. I don’t intend any pressure by expressing my preference. It’s hard to contain the enthusiasm given the post topic.
Team Metal Rose forever (daydreaming of werewolf mating tactics)
Team Yu Fong for the win.m
I miss Julie and Derek so bad, hope their story continues soon!
Team: Julie and someone not from her childhood while Derek/Ascanio hook up with each other.
Team Derek with a chunky side of Yu Fong for some added spice and light up a fire under Derek’s butt. But Dragon isn’t a bad choice either.
Metal rose, metal rose, metal rose
Love it!!!
Rant mode on\
Metal rose metal rose
/ rant mode off
Thank you, that will be all.
Ohhhhh this is on time. Just finished re-reading KD original series and is now on Julie/Ryder. Looking forward to more Ryder books!
I love you guys. You always make me smile/laugh. Thank for that giggle!
I missed this posting yesterday- so funny… now if that video is supposed to represent Team Yu Fong… that metal rose might be in danger of a little melting!
thank you for sharing the jackson wang video, i enjoyed that!
yu fong would be great to see again.
Dear Authorlords, I can’t wait to see more Julie and Derek and Yu Fong. I also thought you might be interested in this: The New York Times recently ran a long piece about the return of the conversation pit! I was reading the article and trying to remember where I had read about the conversation pit recently, and then I remembered your piece from earlier this year. The Times actually calls it the “ultimate symbol of intimacy.”(!) Remember that you asked if anyone actually wanted these? Apparently, someone did. One woman remembered that her parents’ guests would sit on the floor and stick their legs down into the pit, and the family’s dogs would come and drink out of the glasses on the floor. This seems like a Very Bad Idea.
I’m team Derek all the way, but I never forgot Yu Fong! Loved Yu Fong! I feel like Ascanio is still lacking that certain something (destined greatness?) that Derek has.
That video was freaking amazing! Wow.
Metal rose, metal rose, metal rose
Just finished my yearly reading of the Kate Daniels Series (inkluding the novellas ans Blood Hair) and I am rooting for Derek and Julie! Can‘t wait to read more about them 🙂
I really like Ascanio, but with Derek we already have a Storyline and am Insight in the way he thinks. And he is her Dark Protector. Love that!
….. Team Red?…. anyone? (Im kidding pls dont block me)
I won’t ???? but are you ok? Blink twice if someone is holding you captive and this was the thing you said to hint you’re in danger!
Mod R I love you ????????????????
Well Yu Fong! I forgot all about your “fine as wine” self. Fire breathing dragon, hmmm….. I wonder how my “duo- authors going to include him in the next book. Julie, girl…. What will the dragon’s breath do to protect you!
???????????????????? (Team Derek for me, btw.)
I am dead ????????????????????????
Great laugh thank you very much for sharing ! ????????
… Team Metal Rose forever ! ????????
oooo, Jackson Wang! A++ for musical taste 😀
I am dying with the Jackson Wang video at the end! I am IN LOVE IN LOVE IN LOVE with that song and the whole aesthetic. I’m usually a Team Derek player but if Yu Fong is anything close to the gorgeous reality that is Jackson Wang, I may have to switch sides.