Hi everyone, Mod R here!

A while ago someone asked me to list the wildest BDH fan theories I’ve ever heard.
Disclaimer: This is not in any way intended to be mean. I have fully participated in most of these, and started a few koo-ko bananapants conspiracies myself. In fact, I distinctly remember Ilona sighing over my Elara theories and saying in her my-patience-is-an-infinite-lake, kind tone “I’m going to let you read the book again.”
With that said, your wish is my command, here we go:
🧸 Sgt Teddy for Caesar! 🧸
Think about it, what’s our big Caesar clue? “I do so hate to be bored”.
Sure, everyone knows who says that phrase in the books, but we’re completely ignoring the obvious:
“We offered him a very nice private property up in Alaska,” the ex-soldier said. “But he doesn’t like it. He says he gets bored. He mostly hangs out with us, eats cereal that’s bad for him, and watches cartoons on Saturdays. And movies. He loves The Jungle Book.””
Andrews, Ilona. Wildfire, Hidden Legacy 3. Avon HarperCollins, 2017. Kindle edition, page 5

What better leader of reform than a sentient bear who has been done wrong by the system and who is, I think we can all agree, inspiring of unequal devotion?
👧 Sophia in Blood Heir 👧
How is Sophia 14 years old when Julie left Atlanta only 8 years ago and S. hadn’t been around then?
Is she speed grown by magic means? Spliced? Is she a god? The BDH went wild and the theories went even wilder.
Hands down my favourite was “Sophia is a marble statue brought to life through satanic rituals by Barabas and Christopher”. Because people thought Kate would sit by and let her friends do any of that.
Dear BDH colleagues, she’s adopted.
🎭 Linus Duncan is Augustine in disguise 🎭
I think this was born from the fact that Linus’ eyes sometimes appear brown and sometimes appear hazel- because of light shifting between scenes. That surely means HE MUST BE A DOPPLEGÄNGER and Augustine is a sneaky snake in the grass.
“What if X is really Augustine” has been applied to everyone at some point. Do you know the short story “The Egg” by Andy Weir? Listen to enough fan theories and you’ll think Hidden Legacy is all just Pancakes in different disguises, reacting to himself. (In fairness, he is almost paranoid enough for that hehe.)
Turns out Linus is Linus and Augustine is not a threat to the Baylors, but we will stay tuned for more surprises from both, because we are the BDH and our tin foil hats are mighty!
🌌 The Multiverse 🌌
When a Flare is not in progress, the gods in the Kate Daniels universe live in the same Arcane realm the people in Hidden Legacy draw power from.
The Kinsmen universe is the future of the Hidden Legacy world.
Innkeeper and Edge are on the same planet, with Innkeeper in the Broken.

As of now, House Andrews do not have a multiverse. The only crossovers happening are between Innkeeper and the Edge, because of the ways Inns are. The Edge world is absolutely a separate planet and that’s covered in detail in Sweep in Peace. Ok, ok- there’s also a tiny Alphas easter egg in Bayou Moon because they live in pocket dimensions. But that is it.
👀 Grandma Frida makes conjugal visits to Adam Pierce in prison👀
The less said about this one, the better. It’s the demon eyes, I guess?
🐩 Grendel is Bran’s dog from the Mists 🐩
Joke’s on whoever scoffed at this, because it’s absolutely true. HAHA!
From Ilona: “Grendel is a Black Dog, so he can look like any dog he wants to look like, provided it’s somewhat largeish. Since he was Bran’s dog, he waited for Bran in the mist, but he never came back and he really didn’t like Red.
So he went to look for the other person he met in the mists. She happened to be a girl so he turned himself into a poodle. Girls like poodles. Except, of course, his attempt at poodledom was achieved with mixed results”.
And now you all know 😊.
Ah, Grendel. I never knew you. Thanks for this.
Thank you!!
Yeah, I’m going to have to read the book with Bran. I don’t remember the dog.
Awesome. I’m not sure Kate is really a poodle kind of girl, but Grendel is a dog so he has some excuse for inaccurate assumptions. At least he chose Doberman/Rottweiler coloring.
yes!!! I know–this gives me the feels, Kate has been devastated when Bran died so..aarggghhhhhh… I love Grendel!
Sgt Teddy is Caesar in a bear suit, who is also Augustine in disguise. This is a revenge he’s been plotting to take on Connor for making eat all those pancakes years ago.
What if Augustine is Sgt Teddy and he leads the Caesar conspiracy when he’s not too busy moonlighting as Chernobog in KD during the Flares? Because that’s where he left his lovechild, Sophia, whom he had with Grandma Frida!
I need this depicted in a flowchart, please.
**Chokes on afternoon cuppa**
I didn’t get to read this until this morning and I just snorted my breakfast smoothie! Still, I’m new here and am really starting to need this blog first thing in the morning! What a hoot!
Let’s see if I can make it in pictograms
???? > ???? > ????????> ????> ????>????>????????> ???? >????❤️????????> ???? ????
(they don’t have a tank emoji for the grandma)
Lmao! ???? And talk about convoluted! Our tin hats are mighty, indeed.
The hats aren’t tin, they’re titanium. ????????
Nah, Augustine is really a blue-furred Frost Giant named Saiman…
OMG! ????????????Loved this one! ????
Re: Grendel
Mind. Blown. ????
Poodles are considered to be in the top 5smartest dogs behind border collies an German shepherds. Poodles are the bestest of all dogs! (Says the person fondly looking at her little poodle sleeping like an angel and who is smarter than your mensa member child)
Grendel is a dear, but I don’t think anyone has ever accused him of being hyperintelligent. He eats things that aren’t food and rolls in things that ought not be rolled in. He adores Kate beyond all reason, of course, and he’s protective and sweet, but he’s….not…brilliant.
These things are not mutually incompatible with high intelligence. . . I myself have tasted mysterious & inedible things including a piece of bark when on a hike (don’t try this at home – or in the woods). As for rolling in mud and stuff. . . less said the better! ????
+1 We judge animal intelligence by human standards at our peril. Grendel’s behavior is perfectly reasonable for a dog, and he’s come through for Kate when it counts.
Human pay big $$$ to go to a spa and bathe in mud. Grendel is smart because he does it for free ????????????????????
I pay big money to take mine tothe groomer and get her hair cut only for her to roll in rotten possum poop. To them, that is the best perfume and they don’t understand why we don’t like it
I have two big poodles (standards). They are the bestest.
I’ve had a really crappy morning, long story short, my director boss has wanted to promote me for sometime (I’m civil service – there are hoops to jump through and people that one must supplicate to). He finally got the OK, we submitted the paperwork – deadline for this cycle was midnight August 8th. We were just informed today, “dreadfully sorry, we (college HR) just submitted it to campus at 10:49am on August 9th.”
Now have to wait for another 2 months for the process to restart. Grrrrrrrrr
So thank you very much for the laughs – I needed this!!!
My reaction to the last tidbit…
Ok now I gotta re-read the book with Bran in it. I forgot the tidbit of his dog while Kate visited him in the Mists.
I Did Not see that coming – but it fits once you think about it. #facepalm
Thanks for sharing!!!
Which book(s) have Bran in them? I can’t remember because my brain isn’t functioning at the moment.
Hey Helen,
Bran shows up in Magic Burns, Kate Daniels 2 🙂 . He is Morrigan’s hero, who keeps stealing the map from the Pack.
I’m glad Glendel found Kate. Never gave it a thought about the Celtic connection but he left an impression on the head vodhas. Plus adopting a pet rocks.
“Adopting a pet rocks” I had to read that three times to get it. I grew up when pet rocks were popular, altho i never got it!?!
I had read the blog that describes Grendel as Brans God and thought ” o! That is why he latched on Kate so fast ! And he did latch on. When Andrea brought him back after her disaster, he was very happy to be back with Kate.
Where are all those “theories ” about Augustine come from. That man runs a family and a major company. He has no time! Any more than a Marshall of house Krahr.
A-a! Yes! That’s why Arland is Augustine in disguise too!
Bwahaha! I had a great laugh this morning. Thank you! ????????????
“we are the BDH and our tin foil hats are mighty!”
Hehehe ????????
That comment about the tin foil hats made me laugh so hard! ????
Whenever tinfoil hats are mentioned, I think of The Tinfoil Hat Song:
I have no idea WHAT to think about that video other than look up when it was created and by whom.
Scratches head, replaces tin foil hat.
Grendel for the win!!!
Hurray for Grendel!
He can continue to eat carpets and then vomit them to make Kate very happy! ????
I bet he couldn’t do that in the mist!
Yes Grandma Frieda! She used to see Adam but now visits Augustine ????
Please tell me the call for a Korean translator means that there is going to be a webtoon in the future!
Oooohhh that would be awesome! I’ve been reading some Webtoons that are novel adaptations and they are wonderful! Gorgeous arts and very faithful to the original!
I lost it when I read that Grandma Frida has conjugal visits with Adam Pierce. ????????????????
She would run him over with Romeo (her tank) before any visits.
I knew Grendel was Bran’s dog from the Mist. Kate puts up with him because of that. Kate had feelings for Bran and cried when died. The flowers Hugh sent to Kate were the ones she created with her tears.
The other conspiracy theories are funny. Loved the Jonathan Frakes nope picture. ????
@ModR – may I steal the term “koo-ko bananapants”? I promiss to use it liberally and with great enthusiasm in the many koo-ko bananapants situations I keep tripping over lately.
It is yours for the taking ????
Thank you! I’ve already used it twice in the past hour. ????
I totally missed the Grendel thing! I knew there was something I wasn’t getting, but I never clued in. Thanks!
I’m going to have to hand in my membership card for the BDH – I cannot recall Bran having a dog… 0_0 Anyone want to point out where that happened…? ????
Magic Burns chapter 21
“I danced and danced and danced. The charmed boudas dissolved. Mist swirled around me. A dark dog trotted past me through the gloom. Slowly the fog thinned. Through the whiteness I saw a gentle yellow glow beckoning me.My feet found wet grass and rocks. I heard the quiet splashing and the popping of wood burning in the fire. Sharp salty smoke tugged at me.”
Thanks! 🙂
Kate probably gained eternal devotion right about here 😀 :
““But the flare only comes every seven years or so. In between years, you’re here, by yourself, with no company?”
He whistled. A shaggy shape trotted from the dark and flopped at his feet. A huge, black dog. “Got Conri here.”
The dog raised his paws into the air, turning to get his belly scratched. Bran obliged. “If I get bored, I sleep. For years sometimes, until she wakes me up.”
I offered my bone to the dog. He took it out of my hands very gently and settled to gnaw it at my feet. I thought I was alone. At least I could go out and talk to other people.”
Andrews, Ilona. Magic Burns, KD 2. Ace Books, 2008. Kindle edition, page 208
Makes sense – always go where the food is good 😉
Bran gets bored? OMG BRAN IS CAESAR!!!!!
Oh wow this cracked me up…Good one
Just as long as it’s not Red. Although I do want to punch both Red and Caesar… hmmm….
Ditto on that. totally missed it.
Whew! Good to get all of that out of the way. (It leaves much more room for new off-the-wall theories.)
The BDH is *never* boring. We can make the wildest notion into something we want to see more of! (Hugh’s redemption, anyone?)
Thank you, ModR, for the extra effort and trouble of posting this truly informative discussion.
And I would never have thought of Grendel being Bran’s dog. Such a good idea. Wish I *had* thought of it.
Grendel caused me some cognitive dissonance as I could not connect it with IA books. Finally figured it out, Lisa Shearin’s “The Grendel Affair.”
Autocorrect was much to “helpful” with grendel.
Bahahaha Grendel is hilarious, “girls like poodles” indeed ????
I LOVE the Grendel confirmation! Go House Andrews and BDH!
Me too! And never would I have ever thought of this. So sneaky!
Wait, what Alphas Easter Egg is in Bayou Moon? Where is it located?
It’s very blink and you miss it 🙂 :
“Cerise raised her muddy hand to a small mark burned into the doorframe, holding on to him with the other hand for support. A letter A with the horizontal bar leaning at an angle.
Her bottomless eyes got bigger. “We need to leave,” Cerise whispered.
“What does the letter mean?”
He waited for more explanation.
“They’re not from the Edge or from the Weird. They’re their own thing in the Broken, and they’re dangerous as hell. We see them sometimes, but they leave us alone if we leave them alone. This house belongs to them. If we break in and they find us here, we’ll be dead.””
Andrews, Ilona. Bayou Moon, The Edge 2. Ace Books, 2010. Kindle edition, page 86
Thanks, I always just thought it was a gang that could cross between.
“Sophia is an albino. Barabas is not an albino. Christopher is not an albino.”
These are irrelevant facts. Albinism is a recessive trait. Actually it is several different recessive traits. Non-albinos can have albino children (my parents did — plus we have done extensive genealogical research and have only faint anecdotal evidence of any albinos on either side of our family tree in the last 250 years.) To have an albino child both parents must carry the same recessive gene.
Albinos can have non-albino children (my sister did, although her children are, ipso facto, carriers of the gene.
Most interestingly two albinos with different gene mutations will have non-albino children because their mutations don’t match up. Although albinism is one of the more common spontaneous mutations (statistically impossible in my family, since we have three.)
I assumed Sophia was adopted except that — What did you and Christopher do and how in the world did you get away with it? — threw me and made me wonder if maybe Barabas was actually her biological father and had somehow kept her hidden for the early part of her life.
+1 genetically true about albinos.
The BDH were saying that Sophia is albino because Christopher is albino. House Andrews were correcting them. Christopher is not albino :).
I hope this helped 🙂
So what is the
“What did you and Christopher do and how in the world did you get away with it?”
Just adopting an albino shape shifter (and Julie states “Albinism in shape shifters didn’t exist) doesn’t seem to call for such a statement.
Guess we will have to read the books to find out 😉
Well, pooh! Your supposed to slip and spill the beans,… Wait where’s Gordon!
“Wait where’s Gordon!” Ha ha ha make me day.
LOL, nice try though.
My guess would be that they infected a human child with Barabas’s Lyc-V.
Yes. Thanks. I missed that speculation, since I already knew he wasn’t. Still wondering though … what DID they potentially do that concerned Julie??
I got the impression that she was infected and became a shape shifter via a bite — which is illegal in the KD world, I think. I seem to recall talk of her health issues, so probably it was to save her life, but still … That would explain why she is albino but also a shape shifter, ’cause she was not born a shape shifter.
Look forward to learning more, as she is a fun character … look forward to more about all of the teen and pre-teen shapeshifters, who all think they are invulnerable. And Ascanio is getting what he deserves having to look after them all.
Speaking of people growing up to manage themselves to get what they deserve, can you imagine what Aunt B must have been like as a teenager?
I like this. It was expressed with kindness towards those of us who keep coming up with wild theories.
Thanks for the post.
Thank you, Mod R for the post.
Hmmm. I never considered Sgt Teddy for Caesar. Now Augustine was in the running for awhile. Then I realized he was more family oriented than other potential Caesar possibilities. No way is Augustine Linus. Yes he probably has impersonated Linus but Linus is a separate individual from Augustine.
No, I am not surprised that Rogan and Augustine had a heart to heart discussion nor the friendly workouts. That’s what friends do not enemies.
Grendel, yeah, I knew he was one of Morgan dogs. Didn’t know he was specifically Bran’s but makes sense.
Thank you again for the thought provoking posts. Yeah, I am re reading Innkeeper. ????. Tropical whatever Fred passing thru today so Mr I Might Melt— it’s raining is sacked out on his dog bed in house. ????
What book is Bran/Grendel in? I do not remember this at all. Only Bran I could think of was in Patricia Briggs Mercy books.
Interesting stuff the BDH comes up with, ever give yourself a headache from all the eye rolling and coffee nose snorting? ????
Bran and Conri ( Grendel’s previous identity 😉 ) are in Magic Burns, KD 2.
I hope this helped 🙂
Grendel! The book with Bran is the one I’ve read least, because I accidentally skipped it my first go round and going back to it always feels out of order and weird. So I’d totally forgotten there was a dog in the mists. But I love Grendel!!!!
I thought Grendel was Bran’s dog. But for the life of me, couldn’t figure out how/why he changed shape, nor how he knew where Kate was. He just changed when danger was near, no biggie. Lol!
This was fun. Proud to say I never succumbed to any of these theories. Of course I have a few that would elicit howls. They’re buried deep in my subconscious. ????
Here’s a theory for the BDH- Grandma Frieda and Linus were an item, But he left her to protect her when he assumed formal duties. She found out she was pregnant and married someone who was infertile due to measles or something. Linus is really the Baylor’s biological grandfather!
This would be an extremely neat trick, considering Penelope is biracial and has inherited the Magus Sagittarius talent from Grandma Frida’s Black Canadian husband. She also has a sister ????
That’s NOT a denial!!!!
No, it’s a denial.
Lord have mercy. That is all.
Do we have a family chart for the baylors and all their cousins?? even one with unnamed relatives/ unknown people listed? I have a really hard time when reading the books or the blog comments connecting everyone outside of the Grandmas, Mama P and three sisters.
or am i supposed to have this reaction??
I can put one together 🙂 , thank you for the idea.
Thank you in advance
Well, I have assumed he is their biological (paternal) grandfather (he always seems to have a good opinion of Victoria, and seems remarkably interested in the Baylor’s, especially Catalina who carries his siren power), that he is a dual (siren and weapons ), and that he is Caesar. I have not decided if he is a good Caesar (really believes the best way forward for society is a single ruler, as opposed to the fractious assembly that booted him when he tried to change things), bad Caesar (wants power and to subjugate the norms), or good Warden (running a sting operation to identify those willing to conduct magical experiments on humans).
Wasn’t the paternal grandfather a siren? That’s how Catalina got her genes.
I have been watching Linus for signs of caesar… there have been some marble statue metaphors used in his descriptions if I recall correctly… or some other words used that tripped my “Rome-Adar”.
My head canon has not they were an item but I think she would not turn him down now.
Wait – where are we on the Linus with Grandma Victoria? I feel like my headcanon has decided it’s him in the Cool Aunt scene, and there’s some other connection going on there. But not Caesar.
You’ve got the wrong grandma. Linus is the man that grandma Tremaine used to impregnate the beast. Everyone likes him because he’s a siren who knows how to use his power gently.
We don’t know the name of the siren prime that Victoria hired as her sperm donor. But it can’t be Linus, he’s not a siren. He’s a Hephaestus mage.
You can have two abilities. Nevada is a truthseeker and the Sagittarius or whatever it’s called (the Annie Oakley of Hidden Legacies). She’s a dual Prime. So nothing says Linus couldn’t be a Hephaestus mage *and* a Siren.
I keep going back and forth as to whether or not Linus is their grandfather. But I am liking that dual ability theory, as that would make it much easier for their grandfather to be someone we’ve met but know as someone with a different ability.
Nevada is a dual mage, not a Dual prime ????.
Her Sagittarius talent is not of Prime level.
Ah, correct. Rogan just said “dual”, not “dual Prime”.
I think Linus is also a siren and he cooked many of his followers like steaks. Olivia Charles was fried- she’d been drinking the kool-aid and ridin’ the crazy-train fried.
So is Linus a good guy or a prick?
Also does anybody know anything at all about House Duncan?
Oh, and I think Victoria lied to Nevada about her grandfather. She’s probably the only person in the world who could.
Um, isn’t Adam Pierce the same age as Cornelius? Grandma Frieda is entitled to her own private life, but wow….????
My dad had hazel eyes, leaning towards the green side of the color mix. His left eye would turn bright green when he was sick.
Dad: No, really, I’m fine.
Mom: One of you kids go look at his eyes and tell me what they look like.
(No way to hide when your significant other uses your children as her minions….)????
I have never heard of a single eye changing color with illness. That’s so interesting.
They look more green because the eyes are subtly bloodshot.
There is really only one pigment for eyes, melanin. People with a lot of melanin in their iris have very dark brown eyes. People who have very little melanin have clear eyes that look blue for much the same reason the sky does, light refracting through the complex structures of the eye. The complex ways the light scatters around our eyes and interacts with whatever melanin we have causes the range of colours and variations that give us all unique shades.
Hazel eyes are eyes that more obviously look different colours to start with. My husbands eyes mostly look green but in some lights they are definitely brown. I put it down to a mixture of his current emotions and the external light. Unless he’s Augustine as well?
Amazing! I love the tidbit about Grendel! As for Bran ????????. Some of the people with the more convoluted theories should think about becoming writers. ????
Grendel is Bran’s dog? Go figure. And when did Kate figure this out? I thought she found that dog in the storeroom of that bar in book 4, just before discovering she had a six foot aunt, who was out to kill her?
This will not be in the books and as far as we know Kate has not figured it out. It’s just a fan extra 🙂 , the way House Andrews spoils us rotten sometimes.
Just out of curiosity – “They” spilled or “He” spilled?
GRENDEL!!! So sneaky! I never knew!
Oh my word….Grendel, I am going back to reread
I love Grendel. I think his effort at poodle was pretty successful, except for the smell, and I’ve always chalked that up to the Black Dog part.
I, personally, know a poodle who is quite large. Frankly, Quincy looks like there’s some Clydesdale in his ancestry.
Thank you so much for this. I really needed a laugh today. I am still laughing about the Grandma Frieda one. My coworkers will think I am insane.
Personally I think Ceasar is the guy Victoria had James with. Either that or we just haven’t met him yet.
Come to that, we’ve barely heard a word about the Ceasar plot in the Catalina books, and the few mentions we did hear were historical. Do we ever unravel the last piece of that and find the identity of Ceasar?
But the multiverse kind of sort of makes sense. ????
I will admit to the multiverse theories in my head canon. I know it has been debunked but I just put them all into a multiverse that will never meet.
Grandma Frida may appreciate the wrapping but she has better taste than Adam Pierce. Linus I’m not so sure about (To put my own wild speculation out there)
Ha! Most of my theories, when I allow myself to have them, are inevitably worse than any of those listed. So I try not to have theories or share them or comment on anyone else’s. There be dragons. (Though I was right about Grendel…. Yay!!! Every once in a while a blind squirrel finds an acorn.)
I love the blind squirrel! My theory is that it’s probably the squirrel Rogan saved 😀
As for sharing head theories- not only are mine Here be Dragons, I shared them with the author themselves 😀 . Courage!
Yes! I like it!!! Rogan’s squirrel. LOL. Thank you!
Grendel is really Bran’s doggo? BRB, getting a little teary eyed and sentimental, totally tempted to re-read that title.
I never thought of Grendel as Bran’s. Totally made my day! Needed this. Best best best! So clever. Now I want to reread them all! (Again!) Thank you!
I want some of what they’re drinking…
Bananapants, indeed.
The Grendel thingy makes me happy.
Grendel is the best! How amazing that he thought to please Kate by becoming a poodle. And he showed excellent taste in not liking Red. Thanks for that little gem of an explanation ~
Pretty sure I own Grendel dog of the mist….but he is a shepherd not a poodle
Gorgeous dog ????????
That is one beautiful pooch!
That is one handsome dog 🙂 I bet he knows it too, he looks like he’s got the brooding handsome thing down pat 😉
Hehehehe. I have a black cockapoo who never turns into a hell dog. If we get another dog that is a standard-doodle mix I’ll campaign to name him Grendel.
Awww I did think Kinsmen was Hidden Legacy in the future because I think I read that House Andrews took parts of Kinsmen to make HL?
Now I like Grendel even more! Forgot Bran had a dog and I’m glad he wasn’t stuck with Red.
I’m caught between Linus being both Caesar and the Baylors’ paternal grandfather, or just the grandfather. Or since we don’t really know anything about Linus’ family, maybe he has a brother/twin that is Caesar and/or the Baylors’ paternal grandfather.
Also I can’t decide if I think Sebastian North is the the cat, the cat’s actual owner, or someone/something else entirely.
Making up conspiracies and trying to solve these mysteries is frustrating but fun. Super excited for Ruby Fever, the Kinsmen novella, and next installment of Innkeeper. Fingers crossed that Hugh #2 comes out in the next year or so because I feel like I’ve been waiting for it forever lol I never really expected House Andrews to fulfill the April Fools or even do this good of a job with Hugh’s redemption
You didn’t expect them to do a good job of Hugh’s redemption?!!?! Oy!
Not as good as it came out. Iron Magic is one of my fave House Andrews’ books and it’s my second fave of the Kate Daniels world. I didn’t think Hugh could be redeemed that well.
Linus can’t be the Baylors’ paternal grandfather. We already know for a fact that he is a Siren like Catalina (Victoria states it twice, and Catalina’s magic seems a pretty good confirmation), and Linus is a Hephaestus.
As I am a proud member of Team Facts be Damned, I take this blog post as confirmation that Sgt. Teddy is Caesar. Ha, I knew it! 😀
It just makes sense 😉
That is so cool about Grendel!!! Yay!! And Grandma Frieda probably would go see Adam in prison, most assuredly the Devil Eyes!
Those and not wearing a shirt. I wonder if Adam would wear one one in prison? ????????
Who said he hates to be bored? Linus did. When Nevada put Dave Madero in the hospital in Wildfire, Linus came and had coffee with her and told her, “Besides, things around you have a way of turning interesting. I do hate to be bored.” Later, when the man walks with Victoria at the prison, he is not named, but tells her, “We both do so hate to be bored.” I have always assumed that Linus was the chosen Caesar, and nothing has made me think that’s incorrect so far. The bear cannot speak. The bear can therefore not rule. Being the deputy of Texas means Linus knows pretty much everything there is to know about handling magic users.
As for Linus’s eyes appearing to be different colors, as the bearer of hazel eyes, I can tell you that they do change color. My eyes can be as green as anything one day, as brown as anything the next, and in between, they change as they will. My husband can judge my mood by what color my eyes are. My daughter’s eyes flip between a light green and blue, because her hazel eyes are those two colors.
I never considered who Grendel might be. Kate took him, and the dog is a good fit into the story line.
The crossover between The Edge and Innkeeper makes sense, because of the type of magic in both worlds. KD magic comes and goes. Their magic is personal to them, always there to tap into.
But beyond all of it, the books are entertaining, intriguing, and good company. I enjoy them very much.
Yes, eyes definitely change color. Mine are blue/grey, and change appearance mostly depending upon what color I’m wearing. The more blue I wear, the bluer they look. When Charlotte ragged on that girl for choosing clothes that matched her eyes, I thought, “You’ve got that exactly backwards.” It didn’t really matter for her purposes though, since she was just trying to rattle the woman’s cage.
Mine do the opposite –
Grey shirts give me green eyes,
blue shirts produce grey eyes,
and green shirts result in blue eyes.
I passed them on to my daughter, too. I’m not sure she has forgiven me yet…
(Kommie’s eyes are always blue, like his dad’s. in case any one ever wondered)
I love Grendel!!
Hey Moderator R,
Thanks for providing such fun and provocative posts for us insatiable and insane fans. This blog is tons of fun thanks to you. So many authors can’t hold a candle to this site. I truly enjoy the interacting with other fellow obsessed BDH members!
Having been privileged to live with a Standard Poodle during my teens, I can totally believe she was Grendel or something/someone similar because of her spooky intelligence, occasionally polite, excessively well-behaved demeanor, and warped sense of humor.
This was fun!
Cheers, Faith
OMG! I never knew that about Grendel! I love it!
Love Winnie the Pooh! “A bear of very little brain” but so wonderful just like Sgt. Teddy.
How did I miss Grendal? I remember Bran and his dog, but nowhere did I see that these were the same!!! Mind “BLOWN”!
I know (and love) Grendel but the only Bran I know is from Patricia Briggs’ series. What did I miss?
The Kate Daniels series, particularly volume 2, Magic Burns :).
Thanks! I’m in the process of re-reading the J.D. Robb In Death series and I’m on the 30th book. The Kate Daniels series is next ????
Talk about conspiracies…how about Bran, Charles, and Anna from Patricia Briggs Alpha and Omega series somehow get into the Kate Daniel’s series? Let’s just confuse everyone. ????????. They are werewolves…
I think I never hear the Grendel one!!! Wow
No No
Me Hap hap Happy
Me Wait em, me good,
me live on memories
Don’t you make me go back and read…
Who Caesar …
Who Bran, me know name … from where
Who Red, what mist … No no me good
Me wait, want em new Andrews
Me gottem Kinsman book already read stories not read universe yet, got Julie, gottem Hugh 2
Me wait … ????
I did think the Inns are in Broken and Innkeeper and Edge are on the same planet in a manner of speaking! I have not checked the book but as I recall in Sweep In Peace Dina just say that she cannot open a door to George’s planet because it is so similar to ours. I thought that meant the Weird and Broken are similar, only one with tech and another with magic. Also effectively Weird is a different planet since most people from Broken or Weird don’t know of the other’s existence or cannot see/go there.
Moreover I believe it was explicitly mentioned in On the Edge that people from Broken that Rose knew thought they live in United States of America on planet Earth. So where in Sweep in Peace is it explained that the Inn is not in Broken?
You guys really like to read fast, don’t you? 😀
“I can tell you that I know every world this inn has reached so far, and your coordinates are not among them. Furthermore, you are asking for a portal to a world that is very similar to ours. That world is another Earth that exists in its own tiny reality, splintered from the majority of the cosmos. It’s like reaching into a pocket on the universe’s coat. I don’t know the capabilities of every inn on Earth, but I can tell you that my father always told me that creating a door to an alternative dimension like that could not be done. It would collapse the inn.”
Andrews, Ilona. Sweep in Peace, Innkeeper Chronicles 2. NYLA Publishing, 2015. Kindle edition, page 130 and following
The Weird, Edge and Broken are on the same planet 🙂 . You can train to cross from the Broken into the Edge and into the Weird with a car, or by foot- the Inn is capable of opening cosmic portals.
The Broken has a United States of America, Inn Earth has a United States of America, Hidden Legacy has a USA- that does not make them the same world.
We know magic does not exist in the Broken. Inn Earth is full of magic, in fact we are told most humans have it.
Arbitrators cannot return to their home world for 20 years. George would hardly have been given a mission on his home world amongst his first 🙂
Woah…now my brain is broken – I never thought that Inn Earth and Broken Earth weren’t the same – thanks ModR!
Throwing this out since we’ve been getting lots of blog treats lately and I’m going for broke…is there any way we could get a blog post with all the Innkeeper art it one place? I love that we have little windows into that world. 🙂
Thank you and point taken!
But I bet when IA first wrote the Edge books, they did not think of it as a different Earth with same named country and places within that country! 😛 They are just too similar.
I would be careful making assumptions 🙂
I believe Gerard is from the Empire located in the Weird. He could be a Royal who is a thorn to the Emperor’s rule. His magic allowed him to visit the Inn, which he was trapped in, until Helen’s magic released him.
He is an excellent swordsman and he is fearful of automobiles. He is familiar with many non-earth beings and their languages.
Maybe you’re thinking of the Broken. The Broken has Wal-marts. The Edge does not. So I thought the Broken was the same Earth as the Innkeeper Earth, but apparently they’re just really close to each other so have a lot of similarities.
The Empire is the Country that Spider’s Aunt came from to help him recover from his broken back. Spider, also known as Lord Sebastian, needed Maar blood.
What a hoot. We are a creative BDH. 😉
A slightly loony theory.
Keeping getting ads on my Kindle for books by Sophie Lark…
Nom de Plume of a BDH member?
Omg I never thought about where Grendel came from! I like that a lot. I have also found recently that the books have imprinted on me more than I thought; whilst training a puppy, I caught myself saying her to “Trash, Violet, trash”. And wondered where I got it from. Then remembered that’s what Kate says to Grendel ????
and he really didn’t like Red.
Yeah, I’ll bet that’s almost unanimous.
Thank you Mod R. Very fun and love the Grendel info.
You seem to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the books – very impressive.
I lmao at the grandma frieda one lol
Also what do you mean she is adopted she is abviusly the biological doughter of both Barabas and Christopher. You guys forget he is part greek god and anyone that knows something on greek/roman mythology knows the gods werent very good at folowing mortal reproduction rules.
I didn’t know about Grendel being Bran’s dog! When did IA announce this!? Finally the mystery is solved!:) I had given up hope on this one if many questions- thanks!!
Heart, heart, heart
I wrote to House Andrew a long time ago and said Grendel might be Bran’s dog. Gordon replied at that time that he had never thought of that. Interesting to read that portion of the post from Ilona. It always made sense to me
Puedes ser prime dual? Es que tengo un conflicto con que Linus sea el abuelo misterioso de HL por que, según yo, no puedes ser PRIME de dos habilidades que aparte SON SUPER DISTINTAS, siren es mental y lo que hace Linus afecta el mundo físico creando armas (hephesto creo) ….alguien que pueda ayudarme?
Si, Prime Duales son posibles, pero muy raros.
““He’s a Prime,” Rogan said.
You don’t say. “What sort of magic?”
“He’s a dual fulgur and aero Prime, highest certification in both.”
Holy crap. Alexander Sturm controlled both wind and lightning. “Nice name.””
Andrews, Ilona. Wildfire, Hidden Legacy 3. Avon HarperCollins, 2017. Kindle edition, page 202.
Love this. Thank you Guys. Posts like this are why House Andrews is the best! ☺️
{giggles} Thank you, {giggles more} thank you, {LOL}
Thank you for making me laugh. I have had a crazy day. The whole weirdness of the fan theories is everything I need right now.
Gods & Goddesses bless the BDH.
Oh, I’ve just reread the Edge series and been wondering about the alphas. ????
Helllp who is Red? I’ve combed the comments looking for the answer! Wait, literally as I finished typing I remembered he is Julie’s boyfriend. Popping my silly comment here for anyone else who couldn’t place him.
Also thank you for this I loved it so much. Sounds like the BDH would write some extremely entertaining fanfiction ????
Red is in the second Kate book mentioned above in relation to Bran and Grendel. Which is the same book where we meet Julie. Red is the a$$hole who wanted Julie to sleep with him so he could absorb her magic.
I don’t think Linus is Grandpa, Maybe Caeser. 25% chance .
I think The Records Keeper( I Don’t remember his name) IS Grandpa, and Caeser. I give him about a 65% chance at it , there is some thing a little creepy about him that I think Victoria would find appleaing.
Me thinking Augustine might be Linus in disguise I never posted, but it wasn’t because of the the changing eye color (that I completely missed somehow?)
Here was my thinking–
“I do so hate to be bored” was Linus’s line, but I really, *really* don’t want Linus to be Caesar. He’s not only family, he’s the Warden of Texas!
However, Augustine’s middle name was Julian (I think?) and the famous Caesars were Augustus and Julius ….
So Augustine could very well be Caesar, only disguising himself as Linus when in that role.
But HA has decreed that no, that’s not true, so now I’m back to being extremely sad and feeling quite a bit betrayed that the Warden of Texas was actively working to bring about the end of the system, and would have no issues with Rogan and Nevada being casualties of war.
OK so I have been wrestling with this right through Catalina’s books and here is my own wild fan theory.
Linus is both Grandpa (somehow, no idea how!) and Caesar. He was clearly Caesar in Nevada’s books and The Cool Aunt really nailed down the Grandpa part. Here is how I reconcile that with what we see of him in Caralina’s books:
Linus and Victoria are both utterly dedicated to ensuring the survival of their hidden legacy and both subscribe to the same ‘tough love’ approach.
Victoria to Nevada in Wildfire:
“Your father was a triple carrier. His own magic failed to express, which was expected. I never held that against him. I had enough magic for us both. His real value was in the children he would produce. I always had faith that the genes would sort themselves out. But to do that, to be a successor, he had to be shaped and molded. There were lessons he had to learn. Practical, useful lessons that would keep him alive after I was gone. He hated them, and he hated me for teaching them.”
What if the whole Sturm-Charles conspiracy was Grandma Victoria and Grandpa Linus teaching the Baylors how to survive House warfare? They never actually intended to build New Rome but just wanted to make the Baylors all use/hone their magic. They somehow got Augustine to force Nevada to take the Pierce case (he seemed disturbed that she thought he was a terrible person for doing that so maybe he was beguiled into it or something) and everything flowed from there.
I could go on, but my tinfoil hat needs reinforcing.
That’s a pretty good theory. I can see that happening. I may have thought that it was too convoluted until we learned about what Victoria put the family, but mostly Nevada, through to test Nevada’s loyalty. Talk about psychotic. Now the limits to which I’ll suspend my belief go pretty far. ????
That’s a good theory. Sigh, but I wonder how HA would spin it so that we’re sympathetic to Linus and understand it. It’s not like Hugh, who was under Roland’s power and refuses to ever be again.
Love these! Made me smile! TYVM@
I LOVE this! Thanks!
I petitioned to name my black poodle after Grendel but was voted down.
I nominate Sgt. Teddy for Galactic Overlord!
Thank you so much for these.
Does Kate know Grendel is Bran’s dog? Also are we going to see Red again in Julie’s books? It would be funny watching her, derrek, or ascanio destroying him.
Ok…Victoria Tremaine also hates to be bored…is Caesar male?
Ceasar’s followers seem extraordinarily loyal to him. I don’t think anyone would be loyal to Victoria.
I always thought that the Dr was the grandfather, not Linus. Wouldn’t Arabella have had a more dramatic response to seeing Linus and the evil (but perhaps misunderstood) grandmother?
And Linus is a Hephaestus Prime (something to do with machinery) and Grandma Frida is a mech mage. So perhaps they are related – she was kicked out of the family because of her spouse – not bed partners?
And where is Linus’s wife, children, appurtenances? He’s House Duncan – where’s the rest of his House?
I’ve never been able to reconcile Hephaestus Prime with Victoria’s sperm donor, either, but Alessandro looks at Linus in amazement and understanding and Linus shakes his head.
And Linus knows little known things about Catalina’s power, like that she needs to speak not sing after expelling so much magic.
I want everything explained! Wah.
Love that about Grendel!
Lol…okay my worthless two cents…never thought about Bran’s dog, because I didn’t remember he had one. Multiverse…in passing was thinking it might be doorways in the inn, after all how could Dina interview Kate and Curran, against Nevada and Rogan, when their books were racing for the same award. Sgt Teddy, okay I love this one only cause that is unbelievable, but possible (mad if it is). Thank you
I already loved Grendel, but that tidbit is priceless ???? (and of course I’M not crying)
I know this got shot down in one of your previous posts, but I was convinced for a long time that the villain that made Helen & Gerard’s Inn disappear was the children’s real father and that he had some magic of his own. My main reason for thinking that is that all three children aka Klaus, Maude and Dina all seemed to be protegees compared to other children of Inn keepers. For example Klaus is a super genius, Maude was able to use the power of the Ad-Hal without any training and Dina broke out of the coma after the death of the baby inn (also was able to use magic outside the Inn to hide the body of the hunting animal in the Costo) so it seems to me they are exceptional in their abilities compared to others and that they had to have gotten magical abilities from both parents.
Dina’s father is Gerard, in all ways, including biological. ????
She is half siblings with Maud and Klaus, but their biological father is indeed confirmed not to be important.
I hope this helps ????
My suspicion is the the cause of Helen and Gerard’s Inn vanishing is more likely those nasty predators that got banned from all the Inns and were exterminated on Daesyn… Maude tells Arland in Sweep of the Blade that the assumption the vampires had extinguished them all is a bit naive because they were a space faring empire and one wanted to eat her in her childhood home. That was a much more recent sighting than the 2,300 years his House had been in control of what had been their home world.
Learning that little fact about Grendel seriously made my day!
Why is Derek’s magic signature Mint Green? What does that mean?
I haven’t seen the cartoon movie “The Secret Life of Pets”, but I’ve seen the previews, and suddenly I’m picturing Grendel, Sgt. Teddy, and Beast meeting up somewhere to talk about their respective humans and dishing about what’s going on on each of their Earths.
I have seen that movie. It’s hilarious. I could see that happening too.
Y’all are wild for the Grandma Frida & Adam Pierce one lmao
I guess it’s been too long since I read Kate’s early books. I don’t remember any of this :/ It’s a good excuse to listen to them I suppose 😀
I obviously can’t read all of the comments everywhere, but I never did see a theory about Sophia where, because her albinism was killing her, Barabas infected her with mongoose lycanthropy, which was illegal and risky, but at least there was a chance that she would live.
Does Kate know that Grendel was Bran’s dog?
I some how missed when they said the bit about Grendel! Now my heart is full.
Thanks for offering us some of the wild, wild ideas from BDH, what entertaining minds, tad kooky but hey I fit it that category too!
Grendel, good exit from the mists into post shift Atlanta.
Sgt. Ted ideas umm, oh my, oh my.
Grandma Frida, Adam Pierce, the what? the how?
I now begin to wonder if I really need to start making pencil and paper flow charts to figure out some of the “Huh? Um?”suggestions posed by others in this thread.
I always hoped Bran’s dog was cared for.
OMG – Sergeant Teddy for Caesar. Bring it.
So, I personally believe that Linus Duncan is Cesar *and* the paternal Grandfather of the Baylor Sisters. What I still question are his motives for being Cesar.
As far as I remember, the sperm donor for the father of the Baylors has been banned from his house and was a Siren. The house where he originated from has changed it’s name and is not having female children anymore due to the danger of the Siren Mage. So what happened to that man? Has he as well choose a different name and found it’s own house? Living in disguise as a Hephaistos Mage? Linus Duncan could be very well a dual Prime – just like Connor Rogan is.
And he repeats on several occasions: “I do hate to get bored”.
And what about: “Who in the world would dance with Victoria Tremaine”.
Maybe he’s doing the Cesar thing not to gain Power but instead to pull out all the black sheeps from the Powerful Houses?
Questions over Questions. But I need to start my working day now, that has just been my 50C on the BDH-Tin-Foil-Hat Party going on.
GRENDEL!!!! Awwww! Knowing this gives me so much joy. Thanks!!
I never knew Grendel was from the mist.
I thought we established Linus was Caesar because of the line, “he does so hate to be bored”, he says it to Victoria at the end of Burn for me and he says it to Nevada in her last novel.
Grendel has good taste
My weird brain always thought that maybe Linus married Victoria secretly sometime AFTER her son was born. So maybe he’s a step-grandfather?
OOOh! Or maybe he was once upon a time if not in love perhaps enamored enough to have been the father of one or maybe more of those miscarriages?
So I’ve had it in my head that Gabriel Baranovsky is Ceaser. I mean what a better way to hide your identity than “die” in public? He is a prime who can dream the future, so he knew what was going to happen and planned accordingly. I’m sure there is an illusion mage who would die for their Ceaser.
Whoever came up with the Sgt Teddy theory is my new hero.
Grendel being Bran’s dog makes my heart melt.
There’s no better way to inspire devotion than to save somebody, and Michael Latimer attempts to save Nevada. At the same party where Olivia Charles and the ice mage kill the host. He was supposed to be in Paris, but for some reason this party was more important. Both Rogan and Augustine are impressed by him, but we don’t know anything about his magic. All the qualities required to be Caesar.
Holy sh*t. Grendel is Bran’s dog. *Mind blown* ????
I’m pretty sure grandma Frida started the rumor about her.
That was hilarious! Thank you for the craziness that is the BDH.
“Grendel is Bran’s dog from the Mists”…What?! Dang, that’s cool. I never guessed.
I love Grendel’s dopey doggy brain.
I must say I also had crazy theories about Sophia before I read the blog posts. Not that I didn’t think adoption was valid! Julie was adopted after all. But since Julie comments on how much she looks like Christopher + she is a mongoose shifter like Barabas + mentioning getting her was illegal + Christopher being a scientist. It was a perfect storm lol! I also thought she was the result of a genetic experiment. Also if she was adopted I am still confused about what was illegal, I am not very familiar with laws in Atlanta (I am not from Canada and our laws are super different despite many cultural similarities).
*not the US but from Canada
sorry typo
Thank you Authors and Moderators for the fun bit! Thank you, BDH for the lovely commentaries! I needed something just like this this evening.
Enjoyed reading the theories and special BDH. What is the alphas Easter egg in bayou moon? I’ll have to go read it again. Thanks to whoever posted “Linus cooks his followers like steaks-(they)drinkin’ the kool-aid and ridin’ ’ the crazy train. (Paraphrase) Laughed for five minutes. Everyone scroll back up and click on”the tin foil hat song “ link. Long live House Andrew’s and the BDH, tin foil hats and all.
“Cerise raised her muddy hand to a small mark burned into the doorframe, holding on to him with the other hand for support. A letter A with the horizontal bar leaning at an angle.
Her bottomless eyes got bigger. “We need to leave,” Cerise whispered.
“What does the letter mean?”
He waited for more explanation.
“They’re not from the Edge or from the Weird. They’re their own thing in the Broken, and they’re dangerous as hell. We see them sometimes, but they leave us alone if we leave them alone. This house belongs to them. If we break in and they find us here, we’ll be dead.””
Andrews, Ilona. Bayou Moon, The Edge 2. Ace Books, 2010. Kindle edition, page 86
grandma frida whaaaaaaat
but also grendel whaaaaaaaaaaat?!
this session has turned me into amber ruffin on her amber says what bit
What does BDH stand for?
Book Devouring Horde, the Ilona Andrews fandom ????. There’s a post covering the basics here https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/friday-basics-and-a-list/
I’m in Costco, diligently scanning for possible alien assassins and thinking about Costco lady, when I remember Ilona answered yes to us getting another encounter with her. Then I think I wonder if Costco Lady is married to Officer Marais, which would be convenient for both of them. Just a little quirky thought. Can’t wait for more Innkeeper!!