Those who know of the inns and are allowed to keep that knowledge are usually welcome at the inns. For example, Officer Marais will never have to worry about lodging if he is in a city with an inn. Ilona, Innkeeper Questions,part 1

Do you know enough about the inns to be welcome for a stay? Take the Innkeeper Chronicles Trivia Quiz test below to find out!
Edit: Take the quiz before you read the comment section, it is dark and full of spoilers 😉
[WpProQuiz 4]
So fun!
50%. Time for a re-read.
I agree. I can stay at the Inn, but some of those questions I just barely remembered.
Me too. I’m barely remembering things! Not the worst goal in the world! I was already planning to re read a bu ch of other books so I’ll add these to the pile.
Me three – some answers I couldn’t decide between 2.
Rereading very soon.
omg me too!
Yep. Going on a cruise and couldn’t decide which IA series to read. My wrong answers sent me to Innkeeper.
Same. lol
Gertrude hunt welcomes you
That was so much fun!
Oooh that was fun! “The kitty cats” and “Miaomiaos of purrs” made my morning.
+1! But it’s the afternoon here ????
+1 I definitely wanted to choose the wrong answer just for the Meomeows ????
I laughed cuz like it is very obvious what part they expected folks to remember. And the kitty puns!!!
And then I read the real name outloud and realized.. they are cat battle sounds ????????????
I was thinking the exact same thing ????
Me, too!
Urgh 62.5 first time round .. time to reread lol
Me too. And yes time for a reread
Same! But still allowed at the inn so… XD
15 of 16 because I didn’t know Maud’s father’s name. Shame on me.
Same here – I had a 50 /50 chance on my guess and got it wrong.
Still, not feeling *too* bad about my score.
+1, a meal cooked by Orro would be divine
Me too!
SAME! Had no idea it was Charles. Are we ever going to learn more about this guy?
Per Ilona: “This dude isn’t that important. He and Helen split up. He has a new family. He isn’t interested in his children and they wrote him off.”
I used it more as a pretext for people to discover Gerard Demille and Helen Meet. And something that isn’t easily searchable in the books mwahahahha ????
I thought he was unnamed. So I guessed either Micheal. Only question I missed. I love the innkeeper series! ????
Me neither. I didn’t think it was known, to be honest. I thought it showed as ‘not known’ in the family tree. Ah well, I’ll need to re-read when Gerard and Helen meet. I got the rest of them, but I’m not sure what that says about me considering I struggle to remember to call the right child by the right name, or indeed most important things in daily life ????
It did show “Unknown” in the family tree image. It’s a fan designed image (used with permission) and it gave me the idea for the question ????.
I think his name is mentioned in Helen’s conversation with the realtor, who is showing her the house in “Gerard and Helen Meet” short story.
And Klaus used to be “Charlie” 😉
Same. I couldn’t remember if it was Charles or Michael and I chose wrong lol.
Guessing between those two too, got it wrong.. and the stars one…like the 5 star in my heart…and after last book wasn’t sure if they got upgraded..I can still stay so happy
15/16 I missed the under marshal question.
I want to blame it on it being 1am in Australia!!! That was so fun!! Ty!!
Now, that totally brightened up a rainy Monday – huge thanks!
It’s nice to be welcome, Thank You.
So much fun! But, I didn’t think we knew Klaus and Maude’s father’s name.
“I understand that right now Charles is paying child support and your business is relatively secure but that could change. My mother was a single parent. We grew up terrified that she would lose her job, because that meant we would become homeless. I don’t want to see you in the same situation.”
Mirabelle Heath to Helen, in Gerard Demille and Helen Meet
🙂 Hope this helps.
OMG I thought I had read everything IA had ever published/released. How was I oblivious to the existence of “Gerard Demille and Helen Meet” until now?! Off to read that now….
I’ve put together all the free fiction stories and snippets here, just in case there are more treasures to find 🙂
Thank you very much
Fantastic, because somehow I had missed this one. I loved it and it just makes me want more
Thank you so much – I too hadn’t read about them meeting.
I got it when you first released it. You are and were totally AWESOME for doing that. I had looked on the website for that kind of thing and was very disappointed when I didn’t find it. Thank you so much. Every little IA story/snippet is/was AWESOME. ????☝️❤
Is the 6 you old boy named Charlie in the story a.k.a. Klaus?
Yes 🙂
I wasn’t sure between Charles and Michael but I did get it right
10 of 16. The shame, the shame.
????????. In my defense, it’s been awhile and 1,000 books later.
Don’t feel bad. I got 11 out 16. Some things stick and other stuff doesn’t. Plus that score came right after work, and my head being fuzzy from doing calculations and graphs.
3/4 right. I get to stay at the inn.
Same 12 of 16 right
Some I realy couldn’t remember
Charles I guessed correctly
Love it! And I don’t care what the “official” rating of Gertrude Hunt is, I’m sticking with my option 😉
Much like Jon Snow, the Assembly knows nothing 😉
Ghehehe XD
Also, I hope you weren’t planning on doing statistics stuff to the submissions, because I just retook it a few times purposefully getting all the stuff wrong or right just to see how that changed the text in the results – and I’m probably alone in that, knowing the BDH :’D
😀 No data analysis plans have been harmed.
For the curious (were)cats, there are only 2 text results- over 50% and under 50% 🙂 .
So long as the denominator stays the same, we could make the 50% mark over and over if we get 8 questions right. Doesn’t matter which questions to get right, so long it’s 8 of them. ????
I like your thinking 😉
Well I got over 50%. 11/16. Some I just couldn’t remember. And that is fine~ this means I have more to rediscover on my next read through.
Exactly! I knew it was 2.5 stars, but it should be 5 and they are gnome botherers! ????
The last noted was 2.5, but surely after keeping the Hiru safe and containing the Drifen battle, they should give her at least a 1/2 a star?
Where exactly can I find that Otubar is the Undermarshall? I do not remember this. ????
“Nuan Cee turned to Otubar. “Does the Under Marshal agree?”
Oh crap.
Otubar stared back at the Merchant. “I’m standing here with her, am I not?”
Andrews, Ilona. Sweep of the Blade, Innkeeper Chronicles 4. NYLA Publishing, 2019. Kindle edition, page 248
Hope this helped 🙂
When I read that part, I laughed so hard. ????????????????????
Oh! I missed the significance of the sentence completely! Thank you! ????????????
My brain had the mental equivalent of a sharp hook into a water hazard for that question…
For some reason I was thinking the “Undermarshall” was Karat’s uncle(or father(I forget exactly)) the “secret” position that picks up the ball if the Marshal gets killed … which was NONE of the available options.
I didn’t take the time to look up his name or the name of that position was but I remember that it was the injured knight (book2) uncle of Armand & the focus of the pirate vampires bridesmaids when they were attempting to social hack info from Maud because they assumed she was a clueless human in sweep of the blade … I was also in the water with my shot because I thought that Otubar was just “The Consort”of Arlands mother … (as a balance showing that a Consort didn’t have to be female only like Kate was at one time in the Pack)
Karat’s father/Arland’s uncle is Lord Soren ????.
Ya I looked it up …thanks!
However my brain was still thinking that Lord Soren was the undermarshal because in sweep of the blade … right afterMaud figured out that the Pirate Bridezilla Vampires were attempting to figure out the Identity of …the undermarshal
Arland had a burning need to speak with him … It was a connection that my brain made every time I read the book (3++++) times …that was incorrect each time ha ha ha … I think it was reinforced (in my head)by other bits and while Otubar while still a bad ass Vampire Knight felt like sort of a pretty boy arm candy to his other half (Arlands Mother)
Which reinforced an image of Maud’s Bad-assery from the sparring match with her no chance of winning but she survived it. Loved the later statement later by Arland to Mom that if it was for real that the straight fight option wouldn’t have ever happened.
Thank you, mod R for the post. I enjoyed your quiz. However, obviously time for me to read again.
You should never argue with Letere Olivione 😉
Dang it! It has been a year… Back to the Innkeeper series!
11 of 16. Hangs head in shame. Goes to re-read series.
Thank you so much for the quiz! You are the most generous authors (and moderators) I know. Looking forward to staying at Gertrude Hunt with my 87.5% rating!
So so fun. Can’t wait for my visit to the Inn………………..
Yay! Better than I ecpectes or feared. Glad I would qualify for a stay!!! Love the Gertrude Hunt and all her occupants and associated beings.
Yaaaaaas! 87,5% (maybe its because Is the series I’ve re-read the most!
I really thought I would do better than 10 of 16. I just reread them in 2020.
15 of 16 as well. (Missed the one about George since we just saw him at Baha Char.) But I’ve been welcomed! Going to start planning the vacation around the Inns of the World! (Plus, aren’t they extant on other worlds as well?) 😉
Same results exactly hah – I forgot he was at Baha Char before we saw his recruitment scene.
I missed one easy question and two that I didn’t know/remember. Not bad and such fun!
Loved your quiz. However, it did prove to me what I already knew–I’ve read the series too many times!! Thank you.
No such thing ????
Haha! Can’t believe I got so many wrong. Thankfully, rereading it is. Would never survive Karhari!
Yes, me too! It started easily, but I couldn’t belive I didn’t know quite a few of them after so many rereads 😀
Oh, come on! How can “5 Stars in my heart! The Assembly are a bunch of gnome botherers” be a wrong answer? Who needs facts if we can choose this? 😀
And “I can explain why he’s running naked in the orchard” was as really great idea, too! One a lot funnier than the true one. Can we have that? At least as running gag? Please? 😉
On the other hand, can anyone explain to me what a Chatty Cathy is? I googled it and it seems to be a doll? Is this also an typical english expression that is used?
“The Stablemaster didn’t look up. “Gone.”
“Gone where?”
He stopped and gave her a flat look. “Hunting.”
“In which direction?”
“I need a mount.”
The Chatty Cathy of the vampire world favored her with another look. “I don’t have any.””
Andrews, Ilona. Sweep of the Blade, Innkeeper Chronicles 4. NYLA Publishing, 2019. Kindle edition, page 260
Yes, it is a reference to a “talking” doll and lashings of sarcasm from Maud 😉
Thank you! 😀
It was a popular doll at one time. I don’t know where the phrase originated from but growing up in the 60’s and 70’s in the US a ‘Chatty Cathy’ was a someone who talked (chattered) on and on. Later it seemed to be replaced by someone ‘talking just to hear themselves speak’. I hope this helps.
My younger sister had a Chatty Cathy doll in the 1960s. I forget how many things she said.
I believe I had a Chatty Cathy doll when I was a little girl in the early 60’s. You pulled a string and she would talk, she had several phrases she would speak.
I just remembered – they also had talking Barbie dolls & her friends! I actually had one. *shudder!* 😉
I didn’t realize it came from the name of a doll, but people will sometimes say something along the lines of “aren’t you a chatty Cathy” if someone is talking a lot or sarcastically if the person isn’t talking much or giving short answers. I’ve heard sassy sally and lippy Lucy used as well but for different reasons.
I got 50%….but then again, that’s pretty good for me. My family makes fun of me because as soon as I finish a book, movie, tv show finale etc. I immediately forget it! It’s great though: every re-read/re-watch is like reading or seeing something new for the first time! ????
11 out of 16….. not bad considering I haven’t read them in years! Hmm, might need to rectify that! *laughing*
75%. Is that good or bad?
I’m going with good since that was my score too ????
Loved the quiz!
That was fun. I forgot that Dina had seen George at Baha Char, otherwise I got them correct. Blast from the past. I need to go back and re-read or listen to the audios again. It’s been a while.
That was fun! I only got 10 right- shocking – but twas fun thanks 🙂
75%! I disappointed myself BUT I can still be a guest!
That was fun!
Whoo Hoo! I get to stay at the Inn. In my heart the Inn is still a 5. I wonder what my room will look like?
Oh wow that was fun – thank you
Fun! I have to read again to get a better score.
75%. Shame. Shaaaaame. SHAME!
68.75% and lots of fun! And good thing I’ve already started my regular re-read of the Innkeeper Chronicles, because now I’m dying to dig up some answers.
Cheers, Faith
15 out of 16 in under three minutes—did not remember where the money for the assassination came from.
Stretchy pants? How sexist.
Nope, my boyfriend has stretchy pants (sweats) he wears in predation for a large meal.
I think that stretchy pants is a reference to how good Orro’s cooking is!
Yes, it absolutely is about the good eating 😀 . Honi soit qui mal y pense and all that hehe.
Thank you for the quiz … it was fun.
15 of 16 (93%) … remembered the “George & Jack” sighting too late, and missed that one. Frankly, got Maud & Klaus’s father’s name correct on a guess.
I do love the Innkeeper series.
I didn’t know there was a short story where Maud and Klaus’ father’s name is mentioned.
And I simply assumed that Sebastien North is the Ripper of Souls’ owner… assuming too much there… ^^;;
Now off to read the short story…
I exploited the BDH vulnerable traits from within 😀 . We do love a good assumption hehe.
Have you seen the European style board games such as the castles of burgundy and wingspan? I think Dina’s inn would be a great setting for such a game.
81.25%! Yay! But I’m still going to go reread them!
Oh wow! I cant believe i got so many wrong! Definitely time for a reread! 9 out of 16
YESSSSS! OK then, I have to call and make a reservation! I am dying to taste Orro’s cooking and see what Dina and Gertrude will create for my bedroom
Welll, I did ok but definitely need to reread them!
Phew! Made it to Gertrude Hunt.
Loved the quiz.
If there was a Kate quiz I’d fail for sure. I haven’t reread the first few books in forever.
1. Love the quiz
2. After reading some of the comments, think I have a girl crush on Moderator R
Lets be honest, we ALL have a girl crush on Mod R…
(winks and tries to hide a wicked grin)
I platonically love the Horde right back 😀
???? You have to put up with the craziness that is the BDH. ????
I don‘t have a teddy bear, I guess I‘ll bring my dragon.
15 of 16, Charles escaped me.
It was fun but arrrrg. I missed 4 questions.
Where and with what delights would a welcome take us if we scored well in a Kate quiz, do we suppose?
Probably Unicorn Lane, the Keep, the Casino, Kate’s old apartment, the Order, the forest where the witches are located, Julie’s house, or somewhere else.
I’m rereading Kate’s series. ????
Oh, I forgot, the Mercenary Guild. ????♀️
I hear their cafeteria has had quite the upgrade!
So fun, thank you!
Lovely, lovely fun! 13 0f 16!
Mod R – on the answer about why Nuan Cee wanted peace on Nexus, is there a typo on the 3rd multiple choice?
Mine showed a ‘K’ and not an ‘N’ so I didn’t pick that answer (and got it wrong :().
Such a fun thing to do today; thank you!
No typo 🙂 .
The Kuan are the cast-outs of the Lees society. Nuan Cee’s own father was a Kuan and he wants to give them a home.
““And when my mother fell in love with him and her clan paid a fortune, the worth of a small planet, to include him into our clan, he had a choice. He could go with my mother and cut off all ties with his clan or he could stay an outcast. My father’s mother told him to walk away from her and his sisters and to never look back. His own mother. She gave up her child so he could have a better life.” Nuan Cee’s voice shook. “I don’t know my other grandmother. She is gone now. Her soul is floating out there, lost and gone, crying out for the light, and I can’t even light a candle in a shrine to help her find her way. I am a cripple. I have not been able to bring myself to sire children, for they will be crippled like me. They will not know half their family.”
He swiped the tears from his eyes. “It took me decades to wrestle away the rights to Nexus. It is rich. I had offered a third of the profits we’ll reap to the Clans Assembly. A royal sum. In return, they let me settle the exiled ones on Nexus. They let me forge them into their own clan. They will receive dispensation to raise their shrines.””
Andrews, Ilona. Sweep in Peace, Innkeeper Chronicles 2. NYLA Publishing, 2015. Kindle edition, page 252
Thank you! It was fun!
81.25% missed 3. Thank you! That was FUN!
15/16. The only one I got wrong was the Chatty Cathy one. I guessed Lord Soren. The Innkeeper series has been a comfort over the past year and a half. I’ve reread the whole thing twice.
Thanks, Mod R, for a blast of fun.
Wow. I got 14 out of 16. But I made it to the inn.
Ok, I’m having Orro’s. But. I now have a very good reason to reread – I’m embarrassed about my score! 🙁
12 out of 16.
Not bad but should have known the children of innkeepers could do more than have Inn’s of their own….. doh!
Fun Monday! 9 of 16, I’ll take it! I don’t remember most details, just the overall feeling of “worth my time or not”.
Woohoo! Welcome to Gertrude Hunt. Would love to curl up on the porch, looking at the apple trees, with a good book and a cup of ginger tea. Maybe Olasard will visit me to make muffins?
Question 2 is not right. Klaus and Maud’s biological father (which is what the question asked) is “Unknown Male”. Charles is NOT their biological father, he is their step-father, and Dina’s biological father. Not fair putting trick questions in there.
The question is correct.
Gerard is Dina’s biological father and Maud and Klaus’ adoptive father, the only father Maud has ever known 🙂
Charles is the biological father of Maud and Klaus
I hope this helps 🙂
13 of 16 correct. I remembered more than I had thought.
100% in 00:4:17 – anyone wanna guess which is my favourite IA series…
now if only there was an Inn somewhere near me, sigh…
That was fun
I loves Gertrude Hunt … & Dina & Orro & on & on inclusively & to be added.
Clean Sweep ???? is so perfectly named & its release so wonderously timed. The cover is sublimely satirical of the subject matter … I cackled, standing in the book aisle I chortled like a deranged fiend as I pressed the book to my heart patting & stroking it lovingly, as I strolled to the checkout line consigning my monthly budget to hell & gone.
I’m getting this book ????
Aliens & Space & Vampires & Witches ooh and what’s that maybe a spooky house or or wait maybe Magical, Oh Yeah, I thought to myself with that book cover daring me to disbelieve …
The subject favorites of the time combined, only presented as everyday life, that became fantastical only if you didn’t believe … What! … it could be, I’m just saying
13/16 in 7:46 – roughly 83%
My favorite IA, well it goes like this, is IA, cause if I read one I’m gonna go back and go through everything unless it’s a new one, then I’m just gonna let it percolate & digest
Yaay! I can stay at Gertrude Hunt. 62.5% Need to brush up on trifles.
It was fun!!
That was an epic quiz. Thanks, Mod R! And woot! I get to stay at the inn. ????
Wow that was a tricky one. I got all right but I wasn’t sure about a few and I have read the series from beginning to end a dozen times.
I missed 2 (one because I clicked the wrong one for some strange reason LOL).
But I definitely laughed out loud about a few of the choices 🙂
75% and I’m embarrassed at 2 of my misses…
Must re-read so I encompass total and immediate recall!!
(or am I just looking for any reason at-all to read the series again?? You be the judge!)
I’m so ashamed. I’ve read the series three times and still only got a 25%. It’s obviously time for another read through if I want to call myself a true member of the Book Devouring Horde. I’m not worthy! ????????
Nonsense, the Horde welcomes you with open arms. One of us!
But rereads are always fun 😀
Yeah, 81.25%
I’m so looking foreward to festing on Orro’s creations! When can I come over?
13 of 16, I need to read the series again.
Obviously it is time for me to reread those books! Goody!
That was fun! Did better than I expected.
87.5 only in mauds world i was wrong.
87.5%, and one of the two I missed was me misreading the question. I get to stay at the Inn!
Too much fun! I’d totally flunk a KD quiz, but I bet I’d get 100% on a Hidden Legacy test. (Yes, I’ve reread those WAY too many times. LOL)
Woot! I missed who commissioned the attempt on Calendia, where we met George, and one other. I just re-read everything last month, so [hangs head in shame].
The question on Klaus & Maud’s father reminded me — in the free read where Gerald meets Helen, Helen’s children have different names. Is that a to-be-ignored draft typo, an earlier incarnation of Innkeeper, or something more … nefarious…?
There is nothing nefarious 🙂 . Maud’s name is not mentioned at all, and Klaus has a childhood nickname.
Yeah! Super fun! Thank you!
Welp, in the past week, this blog has purged by COVID-induced reading dry spell. Hidden Legacy binge was completed over the weekend, and I think I’ll go through Innkeeper during the evenings this week. I will get hiccups from eating reading too fast, likely. Yay!
I hope you feel better! Hehe, we are not the book devourers for nothing.
Thank you!! My *vaccinated* family was hit via my unvaccinated child’s (otherwise vigilant) daycare. We had been very careful, but knew that was going to be the likely vector. All in all, not as bad as it could have been, but the woe-is-me’s were fierce.
Visual: *cookie monster om nom nom nom noms*
43 percent, bit Caldenia was merciful!
I got 62.5. However, I am ashamed to admit that a few of the right answers were purely guesses! I’m in for a re-read too. Thankfully, my holidays end in 2 weeks and I have enough time to re-read everything ????!
But it’s a very nice and funny quiz! Thank you!!
That was wonderful, thank you! Clearly though I have some homework to do. It will be so much fun.
I like the smart-Alec alternate answers. Funny!
Man, those questions were like the final round of Jeopardy. I’m a huge fan, but I was lucky to get 50%.
“Your time: 00:05:50
You have reached 13 of 16 points, (81.25%)”
Ok if the guy has his name on the cat colar he should be the ones right so why my answer is wrong here. Also I was sure it was Gerard the father name… why no idea. In the end I dont regret saing that orro sleap on the kitcheen with the cooking tool couse it made me laught lol.
His name is not on the collar 🙂 .
The initials SN are on the collar and Dina wonders, but nothing is certain yet 🙂
Ok thanks. In my head it was a thing lol.
100% Bow before me worms! LOL. Ok I guessed on Maud and Klaus’ fathers name and got lucky.
(bows) thou art wise as thou art beautiful :)))))))))
I only had 11 right, and the saddest thing is, I actually knew the right answer to at least three more, but then I started second guessing myself. Bad habit, that :(((
62.5% I’m welcome at the inn but I should probably brush up on the books!
I thought the under Marshall was like a super closely guarded secret for the houses. How would nuan c know and why would he just throw that info right out there?! I mean….obviously nuan c knows all, but I was surprised that he just let everyone know about it! That never made sense to me
Nuan Cee knows all and he is reminding everyone of this fact mid-negotiation 🙂 .
It is a power move during the negotiation 😀 luckily Otubar had authority to spare for Maud ????
There is a difference between “meeting” someone and encountering someone. Syntax stole one point from me.
Yay! I know exactly how my room will look: lots of windows open to a breeze, sheer curtains in lots of pastels, carved wood furniture, and cushy chairs, window seats and thick mattress.
And Orro’s food – ugh – what I wouldn’t give!
I’m so terrible with names…
Loved the quizzes just wish fingers would be skinnier for pushing the answers. ????????????????
Hey Marcia,
IF it helps, there’s an accessibility icon on the left side of the screen, it can make everything bigger, including pesky buttons 🙂 . I detailed it here .
This was fun, thank you! It has been a while since my last Innkeeper read, looks like it is time for a re-read!
I don’t know what passing is but THANK GOODNESS I made the cut!!
Your time: 00:03:43
You have reached 11 of 16 points, (68.75%)
Anything above 50% is a pass 🙂
68 percent. Kinda pathetic when you consider how much time I’ve spent in this world. I did give myself credit for reading them multiple times.
So much fun!
75%, bit like my scores in school. And some of those questions were hard. Also, the Gnome botherers made me laugh so hard, I nearly fell off the couch.
Borrowed it from Bug ????
You need a quiz on Bug sayings
This was fun!
Ps would Gordon and Ilona get everything right? One wonders… 😉
I found myself choosing wrong answers because they were more fun. MaioMaois of Purr, indeed 🙂
Neat thanks
Three wrong!!! Whooo
i love this series
I am hopeful that the posting of this InnKeeper Chronicles quiz is a small indication of a new Innkeeper book coming out soon!
Or perhaps just gauging interest?
Hoping for a book!
Arland the Sparkly just about killed me ???? ???? ???? ???? ????
68.8%, oh well it’s been awhile !
This was really difficult! I only got 10 right and I’ve reread these books multiple times. I guess I’ll just have to reread them again!
93.75%woo hoo!!!!
81,25% And know I will reread the series, because I sooo love it!
Thank you so much for it!
81.25%. Reading Legacies right now. Will just drift over to Innkeeper when I finish.
56% time to reread!
I completely LOL’d at the Fart answer, I could hear the sound effect.
I’m already planning my stay — can’t wait to taste Orro’s cooking and I am so down for a good night’s sleep ! Thanks for all the twisty thinking that went into creating the quiz, from the questions to the plausible (wrong) answers. Innkeepers forever !!
Dag gone it….started out so well 🙂 But, still happy about the results !
9 of 16 questions answered correctly
Your time: 00:03:48
You have reached 9 of 16 points, (56.25%)
I hope you bought stretchy pants and your favourite teddy bear, you’re about to feast on Orro’s creations and get the best night sleep ever. Welcome to the Gertrude Hunt!
I approached this quiz the same way I approached a lot of my other quizzes when I went back to school. I literally should have went with my gut instinct. I also should have let my first guess be the only one because I talked myself out of so many questions on this quiz. I’m so disappointed in myself right about now. I’ve read this series so many times that I honestly I should have known more than 56%. That’s failing.????????????
Awww, please don’t. You haven’t failed, this is just for fun and to give people a pretext for a recap.
You can retake and see the difference self confidence makes ????????. You got this!
Big BDH hug ????
15/16 woohoo! I get to feast on Orro’s creations and have the best sleep ever, woohoo!
So much fun! Proof of rereading often :).
Lol…. I’m surprised I was let in the door…. the names!!! Its been too long since I’ve read the books to keep the names straight. At least I remember facts better than names.
That was fun ????
I object to my grading! ????
Image file was too big to be uploaded ???? (I was referring to the stars in my heart Q ????♥️)
They will be forced to update after the BDH send in their endorsements 😀
Hehehe, onwards march!! We shall overwhelm them with our might! ????
87.5% right!! Yes!! I’m looking forward to my stay and Orro’s cooking.
Your time: 00:06:08
You have reached 13 of 16 points, (81.25%).
I haven’t read IC for awhile and glad still remembered it. I was a bit confused with 2 questions but totally drawn a blank with Michael, glad I wasnt the only one.
Hahaha – I thought I would ace the quiz, but did terrible ????????????. I must have read this series 4 or 5 times now… I get so caught up in the story, I must not process any details ????. Time for another read the series again…maybe a little slower this time!
Missed the chatty Cathy one. Not too bad.
75%, off the top of my head! I’ll take that! 😀
To be honest, I have been rereading the series this week. I’m on the last one now, which is why I am DEEPLY ashamed at having missed two questions. (One must do something while waiting for Ruby Fever.)
14/16 in four minutes. It took that long because I have my lovely floofy cat helping. =) She was giving me adoring looks, purring and trying to wash my face. This is not helpful, but she thinks it is. =) I also got the question on the number of stars Gertrude Hunt has wrong deliberately because the first answer was just too perfect! =)
Whoo, I got in!!! I got 11 of 16 points, (68.75%), let me go pack my bags. I been dying to have tea time with Cladenia and gossip about neighbors and their various affairs.
I did so bad no staying at the Inn. Have to do a re read!!!!!.
Excellent quiz!!!????????????????
Boy, I wish there were graphic novels of the books.
Mod R
I’m waiting for the link to make reservation 🙂
Thanks for the fun
I’m so embarrassed.
Thank you!
Must reread
I have stretchy pants, stuffed dragons and I’m ready to visit for fantastic food and a great night’s sleep! When can I check in???
Got lucky with the father question 😀 there I just picked at random, but the rest I could do 🙂
I’m ready for the feast. As usual I misread a question wrong, I was thinking Battle Station and not Nexus. The one I didn’t know was Chatty Catty.
Thank you – so much fun! I missed 3. And I just reread (for the 100th time) all of them last month. In fact I’m currently re-rereading “Sweep of the Blade” again, because Maud gives me hope. I just got done with the Chatty Cathy scene and *still* missed that question!! My brain! I swear… Thanks again!
12/15 (75%) with some forehead slapping moments of “I knew that” ????
Yay – I have been invited!! Can’t wait. Hmmm my room would be a tranquil lilac with many flowers and a deep pool to relax in. The bed would be twisted cherry wood with very soft feather pillows and light duvet. Sounds great huh!
Loved the quiz, but got Orro’s room wrong ???? so missed the 100% ????
But now I need to go back and read the books again ????????????
Only half right – clearly I need to read the whole Innkeeper series again! Heaven help me if there is a quiz on the Edge series!
Lots of fun! Thank you!!!
Very fun! Thanks Mod R ????
Fun!!!! Thank you Mod R!
So enjoyed this Innkeeper refresher! Had a chuckle over some of the alternate answers – of course, now I have to go and read them all again????
Nice diversion. Thank you.
16/16 woo-hoo! (picture smug smile and galumphing dance) took time though 6:39 and I’d actually just finished a re-read of most of series.
So much fun, thank you for the treat Mod R11
Always love looking at illustrations from any of the series (the quiz had 2 or 3 I don’t remember seeing before). Also always enjoy checking out the illustration/photo heading most of the blog posts – thank you for all the extra touches and snippets and fun you create here. 🙂
14/16 in just under 3 minutes.
Hmmm…. maybe there has been to long since my last re-re-re- read. 😉
Well I guest. Really close on some so will take my punishment like a man and whimper like puppy I am
I’m now picturing the combat kangaroo with his bizarre “glamor” walking up to the inn with clinking spurs ???? something to the effect of “well, if he was able to get in with his close-but-not-quite-there results, come on in!”
I get to stay at the Inn & be fed by Orro – yum!
100%! Hell yes I’m bragging. Listening to the books helps a lot to remember details. Well…that and reading the series about every month or so. It’s my comfort read and I need a lot of comfort. And it’s an awesome set of books.
11 of 16 in 6 minutes… In my defense, it’s 1 in the morning, I’m tired, and I have not read the Innkeeper series in my language, so I think it is a good result !! Self-esteem is important, right ??
I got the same result when I saw the post after work. My brain was fuzzy after doing 9 hours of calculations, graphs, updating data sets, sending emails, and other stuff for work.
So, your result is a good one for 1 am. ????
Very impressive!! We share the glee with you and grant full marks for it!
14/16! Wahoo- obviously the inn is 5 stars. Also I purposely had to choose “Fart. FART FAAARRT!” HEHE
Ehen the quiz closes can we see what the most popular answers were for some of them?
Really fun Quiz. If House Andrews wrote moderately good books, I would still buy them, read them and haunt this blog which is fun, entertaining and insightful. The fact is that House Andrews writes phenomenal books that I re-read with glee, but I also appreciate how kind and open they are to their fans.
Yes! 16/16! (To be fair, I did just finish re-reading the series.) Thank you, Ilona and Gordon, for writing such excellent books. Your novels are some of my very favorites!
…and I don’t know why that picture posted, I’m so sorry.
I can remove it if you wish, but I enjoy it! 🙂
15/16 in 4:18 time. Trick question I think…But I get to stay in the Inn! Woot woot! Eggs three ways and Mango muffins!
That was fun! I only missed one, because it’s been too long since I last re-read the Innkeeper tales (hmm, must be time again!).
The fartgun question – ahahahaa! Yeah, some part of me has also not grown up entirely.
I’m so embarrassed!
16 of 16!!!! What time is dinner? Will Her Grace be offended if my dress is made with Lycra instead of silk so that I can eat until it’s all gone? Should I, can I bring my mundane spouse? I wish I could imagine what Dina would make my room look like.
WOOO HOOO – Stretchy pants on and I would order eggs three ways!
Also something with Mangos for dessert.
Thanks for letting me stay at the Inn!
16/16 in 3:59 . I am wondering if knowing all the answers means I’m a hopeless Innkeeper Chronicles tragic? Fun quiz and I laughed at some of the choices offered. Thankyou Moderator R. ????
My time…01:24:50….????
Hang on, I didn’t know this would be a timed quiz!
(I had to stop and cook dinner in the middle of the quiz)
And I knew the five star answer was technically wrong, but so completely true, I couldn’t answer anything else ????
Only 1 wrong, and it was a silly mistake, happy with that
Wait… What is Gerard and Helen Meet? Where is that?
It’s a short story about Dina’s parents meeting
I’ve made a list here of all the free fiction, snippets, short stories etc on the website in case you missed anything else 🙂
Is there an Inn in NC or do I need to travel to Dina’s?
Missed three. I’m a bad beta reader. To answer another reader’s question Klaus is a mystery tied up in an enigma wrapped in the Void and placed in that drawer where you think you’ll remember where it is and never do until you find it just before you move and that is in the box that never arrives.
I missed 1 and kinda knew I was wrong when i selected it. I get to stay at the Inn woot woot!!!
7 out of 16 It was always my second choice. Such a tough chore to reread the series.
Woo Hoo! I get to stay the night and feast on Orro’s creations.
I have to tell you some of those answers had me erupting in laughter. The Miao Miaos of Purr? Meow Meows ???? must stop laughing and breath.. and Fart farrrrt FART! Ah, the fart gun ???? memories…
Ok time to dig out my copies of the Innkeeper
Thanks for the invite to the Inn. I would love too see the continuation of Dina’s parents original story. Maybe a Novella?
62.5% in 4:40 minutes. I loved the options (though I think multiple replies should be correct because Gertrude is definitely 5 stars in my heart ❣️)
I adored that option too!!
Great quiz Mod R! Thanks!
Some of the choices were hilarious! ????
15/16 for fat fingering the SN answer and, in all fairness, I just finished re-listening to the last one today. ????
15/16 I am honored to be welcome at Gertrude Hunt.
13 out of 16! I get to stay at the inn! I couldn’t remember who the Chatty Cathy was, misremembered where we first saw George and I don’t remember which other one I missed…. Given my lousy memory, I’m pretty happy with this!
13/16 oooh fun fun! Thank you for creating this!
Woohoo, I made it to the inn!
15/16 I don’t even feel bad for failing to remember the name of the underwater ruler who wanted Caldenia dead!
Well, I missed one question. Clearly reading the series 5 times is not enough.
Yay 87.5!! Now to re-read!!
So, learned about the fall of Afghanistan today. In the awfulness of that, this HELPS. It really truly helps with my personal mental health. It is a respite from a yawning pit of despair. All things Innkeeper are like a mental oasis. Thank you.
Omg yes. This series is my “mental oasis” also!
It was a good way to star my days work. Thanks!
Hehe 87.5%!
Feeling pretty proud, thank you very much!
75% I’m doomed to life as a total failure.
13 out of 16 fun quiz
I missed one question, when did we see Orro’s room????
Hi Oshi,
The test explains where you can find each answer ????. Orro’s room is in Sweep with Me:
“Orro’s suite was made by him. He showed me what he wanted, and I reproduced it as faithfully as I could. It was the room of a sentient creature, but it felt like the cozy den of some small animal. The rooms had no sharp angles. The soft eggshell walls met the floor and the ceiling with a curve, as if the space had been hollowed out of a log or dug out of forest soil. The doorways were arched, the large window slightly misshapen, neither a circle nor a square. African violets in cute pots lived on the windowsill. The furniture was large, plush, and curved. A huge TV took up most of one wall, and bookshelves filled with books, scrolls, tablets, and other media in a dozen galactic languages, lined the other.”
Andrews, Ilona. Sweep with Me, Innkeeper 3.5. NYLA Publishing 2020. Kindle edition, page 96
Hmm, 11 out of 16. Some of the things I missed I should have known. But at least I have a place to sleep. 🙂
I’ve clearly been practising for this surprise exam ????
🙂 Time for a reread! And you know what? It’s been a hope-killing year and I think my birthday present to myself will be to round out my e-collection with all things House Andrews. (I count myself fortunate to be able to do so, and mention it only because I believe that you, fair BDH, will understand;)
Libraries are lovely and have carried me through many a book-filled night, but sometimes you want the comfort of having your favorite books right at hand.
Okay that last one was just evil! ????
14/16!!! I mean… that was good enough to get me in, but I won’t lie: fully expected to ace this quiz. Now I gotta go back and do so for my pride.
So much fun! And I got a lovely spontaneous warm glow in my heard when I read “I hope you bought stretchy pants and your favourite teddy bear, you’re about to feast on Orro’s creations and get the best night sleep ever. Welcome to Gertrude Hunt” … things are so difficult these days, I took a moment to savour being welcomed to a beautiful place 😀 <3
I have been unhappy with my house & it’s rude refusal to modify itself to my redecorating requests ever since!! (& I adore that this was birthed/reflected in HA’s home improvement show delight!)
It was so much fun!thank you very much????????????
Check Question2 : it is wrong it says biological
It is correct 🙂
I took it twice, not to improve my score, 100%, but to view that gorgeous picture of George and Dina. I need a fan…
Thankyou for this cool diversion and fun test of my memory. I appreciate your work on providing this cool quiz.
1) the first place Dina noticed George and Jack was on Baha-char. But Dina never met them there, no words were exchanged. They simply walked past each other and within sight, overhearing part of a conversation.
2)The first time Dina met them was at her inn Gertrude Hunt.
3)The reader met George in spiders office.
The question is slightly misleading.
The question is challenging – you have to read carefully. I added the emphasis.
“Where do WE first meet George in the Innkeeper Chronicles?”, Not where does Dina first meet George.
Book 1 Clean Sweep. Baha-char. Described, but not identified by name
Book 2: Sweep in Peace. Prologue. Klaus recruits George in Spider’s office. George’s name is mentioned.
Book 2: Sweep in Peace. George introduces himself to Dina in Chapter 1. Dina remembers she has seen him before, but not where.
The question is not about Dina. The readers first met George in The Edge. When he showed up in Baha-char in Innkeeper we knew who he was. It was a shout out to everyone who freaked out in recognition ????, because we wanted more George and Jack.
My lovelies, it’s a silly trivia test. If a missed answer has you performing exegesis on questions, please skip taking it.
Self care before all! ????
And we appreciate the nos to our squealy hoarding hearts!! The Edge is a favorite reread of mine.
lol I only got 9/16 right…. must need to do a re-read.
But this answer made me laugh what xDD
“The MiaoMiaos of Purr.”
13 of 16! Not too shaby but I still need to reread the series soon.
Oo! 81.25%. Not too shabby. A couple of the ones I missed, I should have gotten, but I can guest so that’s okay.
Jajajajaj sorry this is the only one I havent re read even though I liked IT when I read IT I’ ve nevel felt like reading it again
Packing my bag but also doing a reread!!! So fun!
That was a nice surprise. But the important question is when are you going to publish again. I am tired of rereading and wish for new wonderful books.
Since I found out about the connection of Jack, and George, I reread the inn keeper.
I am in. Yay!!! The itch to read again is there, nevertheless.
How did I not remember the Chatty Cathy of the vampiric world?!! I guess I’ll need to reread Maud’s story next ????.
Did the quiz and, horror of horrors, gained 7/16 correct. It had been too long since I had read the stories. This prompted me to binge read the whole series. What a joy! So much sadness in the world and I entered the life of Gertrude Hunt, and the World disappeared for awhile. Thank you for a period of happiness in another space. Love your blog, I read every edition. Keep well in Texas from Townsville Australia. Liz.
I suddenly miss the books so much!
~~off to the library I shall go..
Oooh this was fun! Chatty Cathy got me – I changed my mind at the last minute and got it wrong. Rats! Also add me to the group that got a serious chuckle out of ‘meoewmeows’
Thank you for the quiz! This is my first ever post so please be gentle . Sweep of the Blade is my favorite and it was great to have illustrations in Kindle edition. I have one request – can anyone recommend an image that would suggest what Castle Krahr may look like ? The scope is so great that somehow visualizing it is a problem for me . Thank you