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Yay, I’m so happy it’s out. And Nora did such a wonderful job with the narration.
And then Magic Tides releases in 4 days.

I’m not sure if this is a freaked out dance or a happy dance. Might be 50/50.
I bought many books, well, 5 books, for the next project we’re working on. There is stuff to do for Magic Tides and I’m all like “Ooh, new shiny!” Authors are the worst examples of hit it and quit it.
“Hey, this book you wrote…”
“Book, what book? Never mind that, look at this! Is this not shiny?”
I need to read the books, and work on the shiny, and I have the store to deal with, and I have Jeaniene Frost’s sequel to the Bones book, which is delicious. All the things, I have them.
::stares at things::
Embarrassment of riches. To do. ::hug:: I’m going to do all the things! Happy Friday!
yey on audio book
So looking forward to Tuesday….
Have a great weekend
I’m told my dead tree version of Magic Tides will arrive today! Not only a new precious but an early precious. It’s the best kind. I can’t wait!
ooooo have lots of fun!!!!
shiny things! adhd! books!
may there be tea and nice weather go go along with those books.
Happy Friday – and enjoy your shiny things!
+100 shiny enjoyment is important.
That is a war dance actually. Fierce!
The kitten is celebrating imminent total world domination. Prepare to be forced into worshipful obedience!
My pre-order of the audio of SoTH arrived overnight! Now to find the time to listen to it. I am very excited!! Thank you for supplying the BDH with our own “Embarrassment of riches.”
I did have to search for ot on B&N and forgot I had credits too for instant purchase!
Happy Friinday!
Any updates on the next Iron Covenant book?
House Andrews have decided to not announce what they are working on until the books are ready for preorder ????. This is to manage both their workload and fans expectations. For more details, please see https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/
The Iron Covenant series will continue ????. As soon as any official updates and release news are known, they can always found on the Release Schedule page https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/
I am so jealous you already have your hands on Both Feet in the Grave! *glances longingly at the April 2023 release date*
Enjoy your shinies!
But at least we at the BDH have this audiobook to (and Magic Tides) to tide us over.
This is talent. You can make an ordinary Friday fun. At least from this side of the room. I hope you enjoy all your ‘stuff.’
Yes,I was happy to get the notification this morning from Audible! =) I won’t listen til after my Kate re-read is done but looking forward to it! =)
Happy Friday of all things Shiny!
Yay – a new audiobook to enjoy on a rainy day, with tea and cats. I am a happy, waterlogged woman.
Assuming you’re in CA, I saw another one is coming in for the weekend. So sorry for all the damage and flooding. Extremely reminiscent of hurricane damage. Stay safe!
So not fair! I wondered how I could have missed a release by Jeanine Frost, but ok, there’s s new one, I’ll grab it now. So I immediately clicked, and…
Oh well. It’s on preorder.
I always love your blog comments! Having seen/heard you at signings, I hear the words in your voice and imagine your hands talking in the air ????. Makes me happy.
Happy Friday! Enjoy all things shiny and new.
Mod R did a wonderful job in giving the Horde the synopses of Katie’s books to help tide us over until Tuesday unless the Horde is doing a quick reread over the weekend.
Shinys! Before you share your newly made shinys with all the people who horde them! <3 enjoy!
We love shiny new things! (And might I add, you are sounding much more chipper than in the last post….hopefully a sign that you are feeling better? If so, we love that even more than shiny new things!) ????
+1000 for sounding more chipper. Embrace the shineys!
speaking of shiny . . . the Innkeeper Tapas release today with Arland shopping was FABULOUS.
I know there are lots of other projects before the next Innkeeper but I’m most excited for the Inn’s new door.
can’t wait for Magic Tides.
and very jealous you have JF’s Bones 2 already!
+1 to all of the above!
loved the Tapas episode! and Arland trying to get more coffee!
What is this Tapas episode???? I don’t remember any mention of tapas anywhere????
Clean Sweep is being adapted by Tapas into a weekly webcomic ???? https://m.tapas.io/series/the-innkeeper-chronicles/info
The link is also available on the home page of the website https://ilona-andrews.com/
lol, I get new book brain lock. It seems that 3 or 4 that I want to read RIGHT NOW all drop on the same day and I can’t decide which on to read first. I end up resorting to elaborate schemes to decide reading order, like writing the title on paper and putting them in a bag and drawing them out then reading in that order. I’m such a dork.
I love this, so I guess we’re both dorks. LOL!!
???? Happy friday!
Whoop! Yes!! I got my audio download and started it. I’m enjoying it a lot and the narrator has done a marvelous job. Thank you for getting me thru the weekend in such an amazing fashion! I can now stop whining about how long it yet is until Tues hehe.
Enjoy the shiny new stuff and we will hold the knowledge you’re both working on our next treasures close to our hearts. Have a wonderful weekend!
Happy dance for me!
I’m going to hate having to wait for the GA version!
I agree. The Graphic Audio versions work for me. Another author I follow in an entirely different genre actually reads his own and that doesn’t work for me either. I think it’s because I hear my voice in my head when I read a book, and without the sound effects it just doesn’t seem like “the real deal”. I must be so very spoiled.
I love the GA versions! I can’t wait to hear how they handle all the different candidates.
Happily got my pre order from Amazon
I’m loving it so far. Nora is indeed doing a wonderful job.
I have to say, having grown up on audiobooks, they’re still my go-to even though there are other mediums out now. I know it’s a headache getting audio together, and dealing with all that comes with that. Just know that it is appreciated.
Congratulations on your audio book!
Happy ‘Do All The Things’ Friday. You truly deserve it!
Happy Friday! Sounds like a wonderful weekend ahead. I am just getting ready for another soggy weekend by making some soup today and to really start taking down the rest of the Christmas decorations.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Happy Friday to you!! Enjoy your books. As we will enjoy Magic Tides when it drops on Tuesday!!!!!!!!!
Oh truly, one of the best feelings in the world is to have lots of new books to read sitting right on top of your nightstand. Excitement and adrenaline all at once…. I’m so happy for you! Enjoy!
Has anyone heard word if Graphic Audio will be picking up SOTH? If so, is there a timeline? I’m now addicted to the Graphic Audio versions of Innkeeper. It truly is a “Movie in your Mind”.
Graphic Audio haven’t licensed SotH yet https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/small-updates/ . They are hard at work on the Kate Daniels series! ????
Thanks for the update!
I am so excited to read Magic Tides. We are going on a cruise on Feb. 6th and I hope I’ll be able to wait until we are on the ship to start reading. Looking out at the ocean and reading the latest adventures of Curran, Kate and Conlon will be a perfect way to spend a day. Thank you!
Not fair you have Cat and Bones already!?!?! And also yay for new and shiny, does it have something to do with the “would you read more of this?” That you posted ages ago? Hope so that snippet was great! Also yay for new Kate! Happy long weekend all!!!
The narrator is marvelous. I’m really enjoying it.
My print copy of Magic Tides arrived today – I really loved revisiting the KD world – what a great ride! Thanks so much for such a great ‘short’ (hahahaha) story!
And loving it
Yay!!! All the shiny.
You deserve it.
Can’t wait for Magic Tides!
so glad you are excited and in a happy happy place
yeah, new shinies
Woo hoo! Got my download just in time as I’m finishing listening to Magic Triumphs (yes, again!).
Enjoy all your shinies!!
shiny shiny shiny
Sorry, can’t find a blog search feature. Don’t remember if this was said. Is Graphic Audio going to produce a version of SOTH?
Hi Leah,
The search function can be found at the bottom of any of the blog pages, there is a search bar with “Search this site”. On the browser version, it’s found on Dina’s ear, so you can pretend you’re whispering to her and she shows you your results ????
Graphic Audio have not yet licensed Sweep of the Heart so it is not announced on their schedule https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/small-updates/ They are hard at work adapting the Kate Daniels series!
I think it’s a “I’m a tough guy” dance.
Congratulations on the audible dropping. But on the other hand a cloud leopard seems to have gone missing in Dallas today? Not exactly right next door to you but well, just saying….celebrating book drops can lead to iffy decisions.
Wow this new narrator is fantastic!! I am loving her voices. Worth the extra wait, really well done. Thank you House Andrews for another great audio book.
Wait lol ????
Love kittens doing the “tiny but mighty” demonstration that they are indeed descendants of fierce wild beasts!! ????
Lucky you, getting Bones’ next book early!
Enjoy the shiny new research books. Research is always easier if it comes in a shiny wrapper….
Love the kitten dance/prance ????
hooray for the audiobook! got Magic Triumphs on repeat until Tuesday!! ????
Good to hear you excited!
The audio version is awesome, and discounted! I love it!
Yay shiny things!
I’ve already started listening to the audiobook, even though I read SotH through the blog and again when it came out in full.
I feel like this series has had so many narrators over the years, especially when you add in the Graphic audio versions. Didn’t they say this one (Nora Sofyan) is from Graphic Audio? My absolute favorite was Natalie Naudus, but Nora is really good too!
I’m going to have to bookmark the kitten dance because it makes me laugh even on the 20th+ view – thank you!
Love this—all the shiny things! Enjoy them and thank you for sharing your stories with us. Then I get have all the shiny things and immerse myself in all House Andrews lore.
My print book is “Out for Delivery”?! Maybe because of the holiday weekend?. Not sure. Not arguing. I have plans tonight!
This feels like being a step closer to the GraphicAudio. ( I know these are completely out of your hands.) Of course I already bought the book. My husband and I so enjoy listening to the GraphicAudio presentations we are really looking forward to this next one.
Just received my print book of Magic Tides from Amazon. So happy for the early gift. Already starting reading. ????
Loved SOTH and have listened to it – I always do it many times. Now for going slow and over the last part. I just have to say I can’t wait for the next inn keepers book. Sounds like it will be exciting!
BIG Fan and I just started your blog with this book last year. I was so hooked! Never knew I would get the weekly update – and it was awesome. I understand how much you have going on – you must have endless energy. So many books, so much imagination. Bless you and your family and have fun with shining things! – I will be waiting and reading.
Hi there,
The family has just finished listening to Sweep of the Heart, it took some getting used to as the h/t to the serialised side of things was a little annoying to begin with, especially having come from the Graphic Audio versions of the other books. We really enjoyed it and devoured it over a day and a half, it had us laughing to crying with laughter and rolling round the floor – “is’s the wife!….’
We only have one issue, it’s left us hanging and we desperately want more, more Dena, more Maud, what will Maud do when she finds the tree, does it explain the power she used.
It’s a 5* novel/story/audiobook – now we need the graphic audio version and even more so a 6* follow-on!!
OMG! I had completely forgotten that there was going to be more of the story than we got in the weekly pieces. I was toodling along listening to the audiobook( Nora did do a wonderful job!) and getting to the end and there it is. The biggest frustration I’ve had in a very long time. I have to wait for resolution. I hate waiting! I know it has to happen but this is SO good and I’m dying to know what happens. Thank you for the excellence of your writing, IA, I appreciate you more than I can express. Your writing is up there with Oscar/Grammy/Tony/etc winners. I would gush more but I don’t want to accidentally do a spoiler. Thank you, again.
yay!! now I can read the book! thank you!
I’m currently reading Sweep of the Heart and I will admit that I’m addicted. I hope more books are in the wind. Please relieve my suffering and tell me that more are coming.
The Innkeeper Chronicles series is not over ????.
Is it possible to see / post a copy of the character list for sweep of the heart ? I have purchased the audio books however I am finding it almost impossible to track all the marriage selection participants- it’s not enjoyable at this point – thank you for your help
A gallery of the candidates can be viewed here https://ilona-andrews.com/innkeeper-chronicles-books/
thank you sooooo much
I just finished listening, and it was everything. The narration was seamless and I just sank into the story. I don’t want to give spoilers, but the end was wild, and had me on the edge of my seat.
Now off to re-read Kate Daniels in preparation for the new book, I can’t wait!
Hello team Andrews
Love the new Innkeeper book – I have read it now at least 3 times since receipt on Christmas Eve here in the UK. Your books are now selling in Forbidden Planet but I can’t wait for them to get your books in stock so of the options available end up at Amazon. (When can we get the audio books here?) This is my favourite series of the ones you write (but will also get the new Kate Daniels!). I look forward to the next step along the way to finding Dina’s parents. Keep up the very good work!!
Hi Gil,
The SotH audiobook is already available in the U.K. ???? from multiple retailers, here it is on our Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B0BQGTSHLF/ref=tmm_aud_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1674065994&sr=8-1
Listening to SotH now and think Nora is doing a fantastic job narrating! Thanks to HA for choosing her!
I love all the GA versions as well so no wonder I like her performance with this book! ????
THANK YOU!!! Nora did and does a WONDERFUL job!! So does graphic audio. LOVE LOVE LOVE *yeets money at you* just take it. I am so happy.
Love Love Loved this one!!! I listened to it in 2 days (got very little sleep)!! I love these books and this universe. Making me do a happy dance 🙂