The Innkeeper snippets are not the place to discuss current political topics, unless it is a direct interpretation of the narrative as it relates to one’s life. For example, if the narrative discusses religious tolerance and you have thoughts on it, please feel free to comment. If Helen is being bullied, and you would like to share a story of bullying, we absolutely welcome it, because it is connected to the narrative and addresses how the narrative makes you feel. If you are exhausted and sad and just want to vent, please comment. If you have something personal you want to share, please comment.
But if the narrative doesn’t discuss a particular political issue, and you bring it up just because it is a current hot topic, we ask you to refrain from doing so.
For many people Innkeeper site is an escape and a place of support. It’s almost like a book club, a place that’s relatively safe from reality. It is refreshing how few fights we have to moderate, because everyone is united by the same need: to take a break from daily stress and breathe. We are bombarded by political news all day long, and sometimes we all need a little bit of honest support from other human beings without knowing where they stand politically.
If you would like to discuss politics that are off topic to the content of daily snippets, there are many other forums available to you. 🙂
Thank you!
Thank you for the great stories and a place to share joy and sorrow in a forum that doesn’t make judgment.
I’m not sure when we lost the ability to discuss opinions or thoughts with respect for other’s.
But some have.
I come to this forum to enjoy myself not read about politics.
Thank you Ilona and Gordon.
Your writing is captivating.
Same here,, thank you.
Yes, I really like looking at others opinions as to where they think/feel the story line will go & then really pleased where it actually does go! This story has been AWESOME!
I am so excited when Friday comes because your story is a break from every day issues. Thank you!
I still wish it came out on Monday. But i’ll deal.
I like Fridays because then I can reread with reckless abandon!!! ? also there really is no helping a Monday lol
LOL – The next part of the story can never come soon enough for me, but it is a lesson in patience. I love the escape the story provides.
I just want to say a heart full THANK YOU to both of you for the Innkeeper. I find it a generous gesture and most especially right now as my mother is dying of breast cancer. For many weeks now, knowing that I would get a moment of delight, escape and story has helped me breath easier. It is such a gift!
I am so sorry you have to go through this, please know my thoughts are with you. The Innkeeper stories are truly a relief from reality and I am grateful for them too, albeit for a not so sad reason.
I wish there was something I could do for you, but other than offering an open ear if you ever need to talk / vent, I’m afraid I’m too far away.
Stay strong, Kirsten!
My heart goes out to you and everyone suffering. I also find this blog a great escape. Thank you Authorlords.
Thank you!
Well said. I’ve always marveled at how even the most innocuous blog posts and articles (puppies, lasagna recipes, flower gardening, how to do that annoying smokey eye flourish with liquid eyeliner) will still end up with random batsh*t political comments. Some of it is bots but some are people who should definitely know better.
Please tell me more about the “annoying smokey eye flourish” – that sounds intrigueing?
It’s basically the “cat’s eye” look. Which apparently requires five years at cosmetic school to pull off.
I laugh out loud at many of the comments here because so many of them mirror my own thoughts.
“That annoying smoky eyeliner flourish” was one of those moments.
Thank you.
The struggle is real
Thank you, and well said.
Thankyou Ilona for setting this very sensible boundary on what is discussed in the Innkeeper snippet comments.
I think of the BDH as a giant book club and really enjoy the comments, observations, insight as we speculate on the story and characters . I enjoy the positive discussion, thoughtful speculation and supportive comments. I love that no one’s ideas are denigrated and everyone’s contribution is considered.
Ruth Ray, in her comment above, has beautifully summed up what the snippet comments are for us. I would add only one word. I find them a SAFE place to share joy and sorrow in a forum that doesn’t make judgment.
Thankyou again for the great stories.
I have always enjoyed ALL of your writing and the sense it takes. Thank you.
Well said! I so look forward to reading these Innkeeper chapters every Friday!
Thank you.
Well said. I come here to read the chapters and read relevant feeling from other readers who have experienced something similar within the story line. I can empathise with the feelings even if I don’t comment on them.
I’m not particularly interested in politics, everyone has there point of view which I respect, but there is a time and a place to voice or debate them.
Thank you for your generosity in giving us all the Innkeeper stories, Fridays finds me haunting the site for the next instalment. I just need to keep in mind the Texas is a fair bit behind the UK time wise!
Have a great weekend ?
I have the clock app in my iPad set up to show a number of international times including Brisbane, Australia ( where I live) and Austin, Texas ( where the Authorlords used to live) so that I don’t have to keep working out the 17 hour time difference in my head . That way late on Friday nights if I start getting antsy for my Innkeeper fix I can quickly check the time and usually rationalise my impatience by telling myself something along the lines of “It’s only 3 am Friday morning in Texas so go to bed and , with luck, there will be a new Innkeeper segment waiting when you awake in the morning!”.
The clock is also useful if you have family members travelling or working overseas or are travelling yourself.
Well said, I will follow your suggestions. And thank you for what frequently becomes my happy moment of the week.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Absolutely. The Ilona Andrews Universes are my escapism. I am so rundown by daily life and its associated political intrigue. Thank you for moderating.
Real people make me so tired sometimes…so I try to spend as much time as possible with the fictional ones!
Thank you. Much appreciated 🙂
Amen, sister and brother!
I am sorry you have to deal with this kind of stuff. I so admire your work and work ethic. I like how Maud and Helen watch out for each other and Arland too. They are terrific characters. I love their story. I look forward to each chapter that you post. Thank you.
Thank you, I re-read the last chapter and my Helen buzz is back
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, The Innkeeper series is your very best! Thank you.
Thank you Ilona for reinforcing the boundaries. I am very grateful for the Friday snippets; they brighten up my week and provide a safe and non-judgemental place for a few moments of respite.
This reminds me of rules that shouldn’t need to be written out or stated, but are. And behind every rule is a story. Like, one of my landlords had a Rules & Regulations form that every tenant had to sign to abide by. Most were common sense. Don’t break the apartment, observe quiet hours, report suspicious activity. But one, I very clearly remember, said, “Do not wash laundry on the bathroom floor.”
That, and the one who banned grand pianos. I really want to know what happened to the grand piano.
I had a landlord who stipulated that tenants may not bring motorcycles into the house. That was based on a previous tenant who did oil changes in the living room.
I always wanted to join a book club ?
My 2 cents, I wait all week and sometimes more to read about Maud, she is a great role model, a strong woman who has faced such tragedy and yet persisted in saving herself and giving her child another day to live and be safe. And yet she dreams and gives herself the leniency of hoping for better and maybe share love with a literal “Knight in shining armor” so thank you for giving us this in a world of such uncertainty.
Oh, that’s a lovely description 🙂
OMG yes, and thank you so much for providing a slice of happy to the BDH.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you!
Well said and Thanks again for all your works. I myself come to read and guess what happens next, but alas I am always wrong. Yet I keep coming back Lol.
I come here to get away from the daily madness.
I love your stories and I love reading peoples comments. I have all these inchoate feelings about what I’m reading and then I’ll read someone comment and it’s YES! THAT’s IT. THOSE are the words that describe what I’m thinking or feeling about the story. This is such a great forum. I hope they don’t ruin it for us.
I agree. The free form of the Blog talkback comments has been enjoyable and uplifting, especially when caring, lovely, compassionate folks can interact and discourse in an intelligent manner.
There is a different time and other places to passionately natter on about your personal political proclivities, moral zeal, and religious fervor regarding specific people, events and places. This blog here ain’t it.
I align with Ilona’s stance and standards on this, and all the other BDH commenters on this thread. This has been a safe place and space, and we’ll make sure to keep it that way.
So.. Maud only has one suit of armor and it’s marked up with red from the morning exercise. Without knowing who was fighting and how intensely, she is going to appear like a very poor fighter. Seems like that would make her even more of a target, if vampires scorn the weak. So interesting!
Pretty sure the story of what happened will make the rounds well before lunchtime, lol.
Absolutely. Nothing is ever a secret. Can’t wait to see what’s next.
Funny how so many people are turning into the vampires that you so eloquently describe in the IKC, with our armor never coming off and or honor constantly at stake.
Well said!!! Thank you!!!!
Amen to that ?
I agree with everyone on the thread. Thank you for giving us lovely stories that are an escape from real life. If I want to find out what’s happening in the world or in the USA, that’s when I watch or read the news. I don’t want to read about politics here.
Thank you for making this place and the BD H a safe and comfortable place to relax, de-stress and read wonderful stories.
Thank you for making a safe forum where we can discuss your characters, story and support one another. It is always a positive and compassionate site and I look forward to each chapter, snippet and dog, knitting , house photo.
And the illustrations are always gorgeous and riveting .
We come here to relax, relate to one another and read about wonderful worlds and characters. We share empathy, laughter and the bliss of your writing in a safe and caring place . Sometimes it is a refuge from the negative and stressful day to day stress of life. Sometimes it literally is a lifeline , I can survive till Friday and be rewarded with another Innkeeper chapter.
Thank you and thank everyone for their insights, courage, compassion and this week,jokes.
A proud member of the BDH .
Well said. This is my peaceful and wonderful area in my life I want to take a break from everything.
Wow. That you even have to post a reminder…The only thing I want to say whenever a snippet is posted is a big giant Thank You!! I so look forward to the Friday Maud chapter. I finish reading and always smile wondering how you make this magic happen. Thanks again.
Thank you.
Thank you! I look forward to innkeeper as my escape every Friday ?
Well said! I look forward to Innkeeper so much. It’s my weekly refuge from reality and an absolute delight. Being blessed with two parts as we were yesterday was a wonderful gift, and so breathtaking I had to read it several times. Once with bated breath, and repeatedly to savour the magnificent writing. Plus Maud finally having the opportunity to unleash her skills, while knowing her limitations. A true warrior!
Thank you Authorlords for this weekly blessing. It saddens me that you should need to intervene in a slanging match. xxxxx
Terrific observation Alannah. “ Maud finally having the opportunity to unleash her skills, while knowing her limitations. A true warrior” So often authors write protagonists who are so smart/ strong/ fast/ super magical/ beautiful etc that no opposition has a chance. A character, like Maud, who is good but recognises when someone is potentially better and so plans her attack and defence appropriately is far more appealing.
Thank you. For the stories, and the policy.
Thank you! I feel like there are so many of us that have found solidarity in loving Innkeeper – it’s such a cherished and rare space in our world these days. If only it was mirrored in our real and daily interactions with each other – I mean, if the Horde, Holy Anocracy, and the Merchants can do it… ? Best international book club ever.
I too am one of the people that come here as a break and an opportunity to chat about your wonderful literary work. Thank you so much for making it that way and keeping it that way!!
Your writing and website make folks more tolerant. If a family of a different religion, race, skin colour et al moved next door to me, I’d offer them cupcakes and tea. Full of magic, or full of bull, no matter, no surprise. I’m good with anything that happens.
Reality follows fiction.
Back in the 60s I had 3 preschoolers when Sesame Street first aired. I think it was Jim Hensen, who was on the Today Show, and he said children would not be unhappy to see coloured frogs and pigs move in to their neighbourhoods, and racial tension had no place in his world.
Reality follows fiction.
I love your, “Gentle reminders,” the comments folks leave after your snippets, and the worlds and characters your create.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for the weekly chapters. My Saturday morning treat is reading the latest installment. Perhaps the flame wars that have been breaking out are being further fueled by the “Notify me of follow-up comments by email.” feature? I think you recently enabled that feature.
Thank you.
A joke I made up –
Me: I love this company. Most people don’t even realize they supply us with free marital aids.
Fellow employee: What’s that?
Me: Ear plugs.
I read The Innkeeper for the amazing world that is created and the respite that it gives me from what is happening in the “real” world. The comments that follow are amazing and wonderful and a great indication that you have tapped into the need for people to escape, even for just a little while, from the chaos on this beautiful but sometimes frightening planet.
And it is FREE! Enjoy and please, as our authors have requested (politely, I might add, let us all enjoy.
Thank you
I need that on a t-shirt….
Agreed! I love to come here to escape! I wish I could work such written magic in my day to day, but I am happy to enjoy and look forward to escaping nearly every week! In a current world of near instant gratification, it’s nice to slow down and simply anticipate. Current politics has no place in the Innkeeper world. You do you, and I will enjoy that which is you! Muchas gracias, und grüß Gott!
I guess I don’t read enough of other folks posts to understand the reminder but then again why post your political views? This is a blog about AWESOME books, LOVEABLE characters and fantastic stories. I am humbly grateful that you share stories on your blog. Thank you.
Omg, I love you, I love your books, each and everyone is absolutely my escape from the real world!! I have come to the point where I simply do not watch news anymore, it’s too depressing! Gives me more time to read?
thank you- PERFECTLY stated.
I LOVE this world you have created, this series is becoming my favorite!! I hope there are more books in the future.
have a great weekend.
I read fantasy to escape. Thank you Ilona Andrews
I’m another who is thankful for the absence of politics and flames here. Also for the chance to share something in common with folks from across the spectrum of beliefs and across the world.
Thanks AuthorLords for creating this environment for the BDH, and of course for your amazing writing! [no Applecorrupt I did NOT mean amazing wrestling!! Wha??].
BDH? Does that stand for Book Devouring Horde?
Yes it does!
Ha! Right on the first guess. Thank you.
Hello! Thank you for this information, although I am too busy enjoying your website to worry about politics on this site!! However…..
I do have a totally unrelated question. I NEED to make sure that I have not made a gigantic error regarding the Innskeeper!
To verify – this book will eventually be made available in both eBook and print, I hope?? I have been reading one line from each installment, mainly because I can’t help myself, but then I started worrying….what if this is not going to be available to actually PURCHASE?
Any information would be very welcome, as I have paper copies, eBooks, and the Collector’s Edition of the first Innskeeper books. I need to make sure that I am on the right track to continue this wonderfully excellent story!!
Thank you!
Yes, it will be revised, edited, and offered for sale.
Your pic should have sparkles instead of horns when your giving epic information 🙂
Will all the Innkeeper books ever be offered on Google Play Books or Amazon Canada?
I’m so glad you verified this – I’ve both ASD and OCD, I cannot do serialisations, so I’ve been patiently and carefully avoiding reading.
I always look forward to my Saturday mornings when I can read Maud’s novella snippets and drink my coffee and unwind from the week. 🙂 thank you Mr and Mrs Gordon
Thank you for saving us