I decided to take a stress-relieving bath in our new bathtub. I’ve got my bath bomb, my bubble bath stuff, and my book. I’ve informed the family that I will be gone for about an hour. I’ve filled my tub and climbed into it.
Here I am in the tub, all set to relax. However, I have neglected to lock the bedroom door. I should have checked, but I just pushed it closed and apparently not all the way.

Look at the judgement in those eyes.
So I realize that my amazing bubble tub has whipped the foaming bubble bath into froth. I have about two feet of bubble foam hiding me and my bath. Tuna has no idea there is water under bubbles. If she jumps any closer and accidentally falls into the bathtub, I will have no skin left.
Me: Honey!
Honey doesn’t answer. He probably can’t hear me.
Me: Tuna, stay right there on the sink.

Charles Tubbins, otherwise known as Charlie and Tubby: I am not sure what’s going on, so I am going to sit here by the bath and whine.

Tubby: Whine, whine.
Tuna: Walk around the bath. Walk, walk.
Tubby: Whine, whine.
Me: I just want to take a damn bath. Wait, I have a phone.
Texting to family group chat: Hey, can someone please help me and come get the animals before they crawl into the tub?
When the three of them need wife or mom, I am expected to reply instantly. I am on call 24/7. I have gotten texts in the middle of the night before asking if I still loved them and what time we should do the family dinner next day. But when I need help, all three of them spontaneously forgot phones exist.
Me, texting: Help!
Tubby: Whine, whine, whine…
Tuna: Hop!

Me, texting: Situation critical! Help!

Me, in a flash of brilliance, dialing Home.
Spam blocking robot: This phone screens calls. Please leave your name after the tone, followed by the pound key.
Me: Ilona.
All three phones come on at once, announcing that there is a call from Ilona.
Gordon picks up the phone: Yes?
And that’s the story of me trying to relax.
Tuna is magic. I have closed the bedroom door upon leaving only to come back and find her on the bed or in the closet even. She goes where she feels she’s needed.
The Cat Who Walked through Walls.
That was a great series.
This is the way of cats. Especially older, wiser, sneakier cats. They go where they are needed and sleep where they will.
I had a cat jump in the bath with me once. I do not recommend. Particularly fun was explaining the state of my stomach and thighs when changing for PE class the next day. I hadn’t even known he was in there – he was asleep in the towels in the airing cupboard.
More probably “The Cat Who Opens Doors”.
My two both open doors – Bahzell grabs the door lever and opens the latch. Karat just sticks a paw under the door and shakes until the door opens.
The only way to keep them out of any room is to lock the door.
At least Tuna is not like my first Maine Coon. Brandark adored water. He would have jumped right in and refused to get out.
I have a Siberian. They love water too and my Amber would not have hesitated to jump in.
Cats are just the smartest, and their looks of judgment, or scorn are just so full of disdain. ????
She knows where she is needed! xD
This is why I love cats!
Some cats have Teleportation capabilities!
Watch at the 1:57 mark! It’s proof that Tuna can open doors!
TLDR (in advance): You may want to check for a Tuna sized tunnel connecting your rooms. Possibly in the closet.
Story time:
My sister had to go to a convention for work and my parents agreed to look after her cat, Annie. Just one cat. Its a big house with plenty of room. No problem.
Right? Right?
Little did they know. (muahahaha!)
They set Annie up in the upstairs guest bedroom. By cat standards (and people standards!) this was a palatial set up. Wide bay windows, comfy window seats, plenty of room to roam, some furniture to lounge on. Perfect, right?
But, somehow, Annie kept getting out. The doors would be securely closed but then she would greet them wherever they were with a leg rub and a purr. This was a problem since my parents also have a dog that thinks a cats are great … with a side of fava beans and a nice chianti.
Dad assumed that Annie was somehow getting out through the doors, which were somehow closing behind her. So he installed a latch to lock them. Satisfied with a job well done, he then took the kitty loving mutt on her walk.
When he returned Annie greeted him at the front door.
The dog went nuts, Annie bolts, chaos reigns. Hours later there is still no sign of her. Then my stepmother went up to the Kitty Palisade (which was still locked from the outside) and finds her sleeping on the bed.
At this point they start calling Annie, “Devil Kitty”. Personally I think Houdini would have been more appropriate but then I’m not he one trying to cat sit an escape artist.
After much searching of the room they discovered a kitty sized hole in the top of the closet behind some boxes. This hole led to a crawlspace that exited into my stepmother’s studio. The studio door is never closed which gave Annie (aka Devil Kitty, aka Houdini) had the run the house.
After this Annie was banished to my dad’s (much smaller) office.
Great story! 🙂
I’m so sorry for your bathtime, but that is too real! ????????????
That is a substantial amount of bubbles. Hope you got to enjoy it after the critter removal! ????????
If I hadn’t already bought or planned on buying everything you’ve written, your blog posts would whip me into a purchasing frenzy. Oh, snicker, snicker, guffaw!
Too funny ????
My bedroom door does not latch properly so cats have free access. Current cats have concerns about me being in the water but not enough to do something that might get them wet. We used to have Stripecat though who would go toe fishing
Mom Fate: There is no place too dark or secluded that you cannot be found, 24/7. However, everyone else in your family is secretly Houdini.
Hope you got a nice bath eventually!
I am lucky, I guess. My cat stares at me in the bathtub, appalled. Then he hops up and delicately sips the water. Confused, because he doesn’t understand why I would immerse myself in bad tasting water, he waddles away.
‘Soup isn’t done, yet’ your cat murmurs in disgust before stalking off… Your cat sounds like a goof!
Needs less flowers and more pepper.
Personaly I don’t take my phone into the bathtub
But I love the picture-supported narative
And I never close the door when I’m in the bathtub – I live alone and my cats are used to it (one of them used to jump(or slide) in occasionaly in the past and then jump out quickly, but even with me in the tub that never led to any scratches (unlike many other occasions
???? hope you got some peace & quite eventually. ????????♀️
We had one cat who would get extremely stressed when I took a bath. He’d prop his front paws up on the edge of the tub, look at me with these big, worried eyes, and meow in the most pathetic fashion.
It was either try to soothe him, or spend my bath trying to block out the sound of the cats trying to scratch/ram the door down so they could get in. I usually went with soothing.
I haven’t tried taking a bath around our 1 yo cats. They both love hopping around the tub so the mat makes squishy noises, and stealing the plastic drain cover so they can hide it somewhere in the house.
Tuna: What on earth has this human done to her body?! Is my ruling that horrible?
Tubby: Mom! What….? Overlord, what’s going on?
Tuna: The human called Mom appears to have dissolved her body into bubbles and needs our diligent attention.
Tubby: There must be something I can do!
Tuna: I will enact my rendition of cute face, with a little bit of sympathy for her service.
Tubby: This can’t be the end! You’re over acting and over reacting!
Lol! Be glad you were saved before Tubby came in to investigate and ‘help’. Hope you got to enjoy the bath.
We had a Siamese cat that LOVED to swim. Wed turn the water on, come back and she’d be swimming happily. And if you didn’t specifically lock her out of the bathroom, she’d jump in with you. I’ve also had them fall in tho they didn’t panic just sat there angry and wet until I got them out. Or the cat who regularly jumped in the shower withy husband to meow at him… The dogs don’t follow me I to shower. But there’s a magic portal that I’m going to fall thru in the half bath downstairs unless the dogs and a cat keep an eye on me while I’m in there.
So. You have my sympathy. Don’t fall thru the tub portal
I am so glad that your bubbling bath stopped creating bubbles above the bath. On vacation once, I threw bubble bath into the jacuzzi tub as it was filling, and ended up cleaning up bubbles from down the hallway and stairs. You managed much better than I.
That said, I have yet to take a shower without at least two cats staring at me the whole time.
We had a slightly daft Persian mix kitty that would circle the tub while you bathed. She could get in because we could t lock the dog out of the bathroom as she would freak if you were in there without supervision. She was a Collie-Elkhound plus some odd other bits mix. Occasionally you might see the ferret’s inquisitive little face peering over the edge of the tub. Thankfully the bunnies, lizards and fish all were completely unconcerned about what we did in there lol. I love that your little story boroughs that happy memory back. Thanks!
Sooooo much empathy right now!!!
I bet if you decided to get a hotel room BY YOURSELF so you could have a whole day to relax, your phone would blow up…
That is an idea ???? Maybe ask the family for a spa weekend and no contact for a Christmas present? Lol
Hilarious. ????
So I have always believed that cats can teleport. They are also really good at hiding the proof of their talent! Maybe schrodinger’s box is really a cat gate to the next room.
I appreciate and sympathize! I have a fluffy black cat that stalks the lip of the tub…
Thank you for the laughter and the photos…. Little tubby checking on you… lol ….
I have yet to understand why all of my dogs (4) feel like something magical happens when I am in the bathroom…and why no one in my house ever answers my texts when I need something.
You make a story about taking a bath hilarious and wonder why we can’t wait for your next book?
Fur babies are the best!!
A friend had a pair of felines- Currier and Ives – who coordinated opening doors. Ives would jump and actually TWIST the door knob While Currier leaned on the door.
Once when I was visiting they had stuff sequestered in the guest room away from the cats – that night just as I was dropping off the door opened and the furry herd paraded in, I got up and closed the door. And repeat. Several times until my sleep addled brain finally figured out that I had to put a chair in front of the door.
Turned out my friends had been listening to the process and giggling.
Ives would also pick up french fries with one paw -not with his claws- to eat them.
Sounds like a pair of very smart kitties
LOL. I know to keep my current cats out of the bathroom when I take a bath because they spend a lot of time checking on me and trying to convince me to GET OUT OF THE DANGEROUS WATER!
Funny but traumatic when I had foster kittens who would usually walk curiously around the edge until they slipped and fell in. One guy in particular just sat there periodically testing the surface of the water to see if it was solid enough to walk on. And I can’t resist just watching to see what happens (bad mom).
Me trying to sleep. Dog: mom, my tummy hurts. Me: Lay down, it’s not time to get up. Dog: i will stick my claws up your nose. Me: OK, what is the big de… Dog: I will vomit on you. I feel better. I will lick your mouth with my vomit tongue and curl up to sleep now. Later the same day, there was the flying poop incident at the groomer. It was.. . Bad. Poop flying everywhere as the dog is jumping all over the car. I had to drive home with the windows down and take my 2nd shower before 9am.
And you wonder if we like the “just life” posts on the blog? Hee hee. I mean, we feel for you, Ilona. Solidarity, sister!
ROFLMAO!!!!! I’m laughing because I have two dogs and no one to call for help….LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!
At least no furry friends fell or climbed in with you. If I failed to shut the door completely, my 80 lbs Chesapeake Bay Retriever would hop in and continue his lap dog ways. As to your family, well I do live alone for a reason.
I love my hot soaks, but I avoid bubble bath for just that reason. I like ventilation which means I have to leave the door open so it doesn’t become a sauna. As a result, I have at least one feline visitor most of the time. =)
Bwah ha ha ha. Thank you, Ilona Andrews, for the post.
At least Tuna is not a water loving cat like my Tom Shadow was. He was Maine Coon and water was no problem. I learned not to take bubble baths or use toilet water cleaners.
But Tubby took the cake. ROFLOL. My present dog would have dived right in. Labrador trait. Obviously the human needed rescuing.
Thank you. LMAO here. As far as phone goes, you are correct in your assessment. If I don’t answer when they call, I get a visit. If they don’t answer, it’s no big deal to them. And they don’t wonder why I get upset because I feel like a doormat. ????
Okay, that is funny, the way you relate it, not the actual event. And the pictures add a nice touch. I do hope you get your “relaxing” bubble bath sometime soon.
This is priceless! Thanks for sharing. I hope you finally were able to enjoy your relaxing bath.
Our Maine Coon Leo, the little siamese Xena and the tabby kitten Freya love water and will join you in the shower
Charles Tubbins has the best name and is adorable.
Also, I need details on the call screening thing. Is it an app? Part of your home phones?
Hey Kat,
This previous post might help ???? https://ilona-andrews.com/2018/stopping-annoying-phone-calls/
At least they are trying to save you!
My cat only wanted to eat all the bubbles. If I left him outside the bathroom, he would pull out the bathroom rug through the gap under the door and scream into the gap “Let me in, you greedy selfish woman! I know the bubbles taste good!”
Older retired greyhound and young feral cat: Why are you in that room with the door closed? We can’t see you. We have anxiety!
Me: I just need to go to the bathroom. By myself.
Dog and cat: Wail! Whine! Mama!
Me: (opens the door two inches) It’s fine. I’ll be out in one minute.
Dog and cat: We can see you! We’re ok now!
The cat liked patting around in the tub after the shower was turned off. Water to play with, which was fine because she wasn’t standing in it. (Too much like being bathed. No, thanks!!)
The greyhound would get in the shower with me if I forgot to close the bathroom door. Push open the shower curtain with his snoot and climb in. Family bathing activity? He was all for it. (They are very social dogs and like being included in everything you do.)
Closing the door doesn’t help. Cats teleport. It is a well known fact.
Yes, when two locked doors cannot defeat the dog and the kids when I try to take 5 minutes (okay, 15) in the bathroom. Thanks for the (eventual) rescue, Gordon!
I love it!! I’m also jealous you have enough alone time to take a bath. Some how me being naked and bathing has not stopped anyone from picking the bathroom lock to ask me something that could have waited 20 minutes.
Now I’m trying to remember the last time I took a bath rather than a shower. It may have been BK (Before Kids). Kids are in their 30s now and on their own, but we still have animals. This post reminds me why I haven’t bathed in the tub in a very long time. OTOH sometimes the easiest way to give the dog a bath is to take her into the shower with me. Using the bathtub can backfire. I’ll be just as wet either way.
Heh. I have three cats. They do not understand baths or showers, but it’s my monthly MASSAGE that really confuses them. Why are you petting HER? Here we are staring at you. You should pet US. She doesn’t even have fur.
I can’t stop laughing at the post, and everyone’s posts. ????♀️????????????????
I needed a good laugh today.
My cats are frequent visitors to my bath time. My sweet tripawed usually sits with me the entire time.
Thank you, I needed that. The world is literally burning here in SA and we’re scared and stressed out, so I came here hoping for a laugh. Thank you so much.
Be safe!
Tubby is so cute!
Both my brothers expect me to answer or reply to phone calls, texts, messages instantaneously or near as. However if I call middle brother he’ll say ‘I’ll call you back in 20 minutes’ then I don’t hear from him for three days. The youngest, if I don’t reply within the hour, gets freaked out and starts ringing everyone to check if I’m alright and I end up fielding half a million worried check up calls and messages.
To think we never used to have mobile phones and internet! How did we survive. . .????
We survived because we didn’t live our lives all up in someone else’s business. It used to be that you could move far enough away to pay extra to make phone calls to people, thus saying it was too expensive to call, but “long distance” is unheard of these days.
Solve the problem by putting a message on your voice mail that says, “I pay for this phone. I use it when I need it. Leave a message and when I need my phone, I’ll get it. If this is an emergency, hang up and call 911.” Then don’t pick it up. The concept of instant access to anyone we know is new. I’m not new. I learned to live on my own many years ago and do not need a babysitter. If I am driving when my phone rings and my children are calling me, I answer by saying, “I’m driving. Can I call you later?” Teach the people forcing you to “be there” for them that you are “there” for you, not them. They’ll learn. Turn the phone off now and then. Free yourself.
My sisters are like that! ‘Meetings’ that last days, Supposed ‘conversations’ that NEVER took place(I’ve checked my phone log numerous times!), that we just opted out of this year’s July 4th family gathering(in that ‘supposed’ conversation, would have been what we were to Bring!). But If MY phone isn’t receiving or they call my hubby’s 5G phone, they don’t want him to pass his to me to talk! As the Eldest sister, I end up Knowing the Least information!
You have a beautiful cat and a cute dog. My cats would scratch at the bathroom door to be let in when I take a nice relaxing bath. Maybe Tuna was supervising your bath so nothing would happen to you.
Did they manage to plug in the power on the new tub? Also thank goodness for many newer phones having some decent water resistance. ‘Cause you know that cat would have just decided to tip it in for fun.
You see!!! ???????????????? you can turn everything into fun!
Actually it would’ve been a nightmare had tuna jumped into de water ????
Oh, my stars and garters! Beautiful cat, but cat is not wanted as a partner in a bathtub.
I may not have been relaxing but I was prepping for a test. The test no one likes to prep for. I’ve done it before and know I’ve gotten sick during the prep. Had a dish pan ready to go. For some reason my precious cat thought I’d put it out for her. I didn’t give it a thought. Kept drinking my prep stuff. Going back and forth from kitchen to bathroom and then it happened. Felt sick. And there was absolutely no time and the cat that I thought would have gotten bored sitting in the dish pan had not vacated. Kitchen sink turned out to be my savior. Just barely. In the future my indoor kitties may be boarded or become outdoor residents during this horrible prep.
I had a Devon Rex, Nikita, that loved water. Could also open doors. She occasionally joined me in the tub, which I discouraged, but loved the pool. My only outstanding athletic ability is floating in water with no effort on my part. I learned to float in the Gulf of Mexico – salt water is more boyant. Floating in the water is so relaxing I would just lay there after doing laps. She would sit at the side of the pool, I would move close to the edge, and she would step aboard and lay on my torso, occasionally splashing water with her paws. When she indicated that she had enough, slapping me in the face was a favorite move, I would get back to the side and she would saunter off.
I fostered a siamese cat for a rescue group. Sweet girl but whenever I would take a shower she would howl with distress. When I came out she would meow and look at me and then lick my leg. Repeat. Translation “silly human. Avoid the water and lick yourself clean”
My other cats liked to lay on the bath mat when I took a bath. One hand to pet them, the other with my book.
Glad you were rescued – eventually!
Our Siamese kitten cries outside the bathroom door when my oldest locks her out. Then she cries if she gets locked in.
She’s a gorgeous little thing, but man, is she chatty.
My white cat kicks the bathroom door open violently every night while I’m taking a shower. She screams at me that I’m needing to get out at once. She, too, is magic, because I push that door tight. If I don’t hurry and obey her imperious commands, she runs and bugs my husband until I do, the little tattle-tale.
So much help! It’s like having toddlers again
Seriously you should use this as inspiration for a book scene
nooo! The animal brigade strikes at the most unfortunate of times! I hope afterwards you got the peace you were looking for!
Has anyone seen the video of the little white cat trying to desperately “save” its human from drowning in the bathtub? Poor thing couldn’t understand its human purposefully immersing in water and tried to pull out the human by its hand. Soooo adorable.
I’ve see Newfoundland dogs do the same thing. It’s bred into them.
I know I have mentioned this before but I love Tuna. Tuna looks just like the cat I had when I was growing up. My Carmichael also loved to watch baths and be in the middle of anything I was working on.
Thanks for the laugh. I do hope you finally enjoyed your bubble bath.
Snort. Two feet or four, privacy is nonexistent once you have a child or pet. Drago has been shut in the closet or half bath for hours more than once when I go to work. I have been trained, now neither door gets closed until he comes out. Much easier than fixing the scratches where he tried to dismantle the door.
Ha ha, animals have NO sense of boundaries! I hope you were able to take a relaxing bath after Gordon rounded everyone up ????
This story slays. ♡
THIS is exactly why I check your blog every evening…..I need a funny/helpful/snippet to start my evening relaxation from a long day of work. Thanks for continuing to share your thoughts and life with the BDH.
Does kitty have a bobtail? My orange long hair does! His name is Lego.
Sounds like your cat wanted to be a Tuna sub….
You made me chuckle. Thanks for that.
Hahaha! Awesome… but i understand the cat falling in the tub panic! A few years back faced with a similar bubble situation our all white cat Q-Tip jumped into the tub with me expecting to be able to find my lap to snuggle. When we (husband answered my screams) finally got her out she was very unhappy, but uninjured, I on the other hand still have a few scars on my stomach from her mad scramble.
ROFL. Sorry!! I can relate.
Hope you got to relax. I sympathize. My littles won’t let me bathe or shower solo.
Willing to share your book title? I am looking for another read. Hex on the beach was fun.
The last time I got in the bathtub, about two weeks ago, a giant hairy centipede appeared in the water with me. I quickly learned to levitate. The kids were agog that I hadn’t screamed the house down. ???? I feel your pain
This is a version of my life. We have one bathroom, my father lives with me. I begin announcing I will be having my nightly bath one half hour before I plan to go in. “Do you need the bathroom?” “No.” Few minutes later: “If you need it, I am going in in about 20 minutes.” “Nope.” Later: “Five Minute Warning. I am going to have my bath in a couple of minutes, do you need it?” Annoyed at this point, he says “NO!” I run the bath, get in, and a few minutes in, there is pounding on the door with a “don’t be long, I need it NOW!” So usually three times a week I end up standing on a towel in my bedroom, dripping wet and waiting for him to do what needs to be done. Last night I was particularly blessed and got thrown out twice. So very, very relaxing.
How about having a cat come and perch on your bare tummy, while soaking? Or another cat ‘trying’ to Rescue you from the shower by grabbing your comforting hand, in her teeth, trying to pull you from that nasty raining water? One dog, Once, jumped into the shower to Rescue Da Momma from all that Wet! I understand your plight, as those were incidence from before I got married, had no one to come remove the concerned fur!
My Annie likes to sit on the top of the shower wall and guard me. If she chases away bad guys as well as she chases mice, I’m purr-fectly safe!!
As I’m reading your blog, I too am enjoying a bath, and my cat is approaching… THPPTPHTPHPHHPH!!
I farted, scared her all the way out the door and up the stairs. 😉
OMG! On call 24/7 for them and you get crickets! ???????????? I can totally relate!
That’s hilarious! You are a mom to all beings and not allowed to disappear. My mother used to say”I am going away for a week on my own!”. Of course it never happened.
My mom used to say that. And then she left for a girl’s week at a cabin where they played poker and euchre and probably got smashed.
I had a cat that would grab at my legs every time I stepped into the bathtub to take a shower, trying to keep me out of it. I don’t know if he was trying to save me from the horror of getting wet or just trying to keep me from going where he couldn’t be with me. So he would walk along the bathtub edge between the two shower curtains and talk to me until I came out. It was weird but I thought it was cute.
When my kids were small, I referred to the master bath as “the family room”.
I was never alone there for more than a minute.
There were 3 cats, 2 kids, and a dog and I sometimes had all of them visiting. Eventually the kids quit hanging out in the bathroom, but the critters always loved it.
Reminds me of a ‘conversation’ I had with my older cat not long after I adopted her….
Me: Hi Gina! How ya doing kitty cat?
Gina: Hello. You may pet me.
Me: Errr, now is not exactly the best time for pets.
Gina: Pet me!
Me: But….
(Gina nuzzles my shoulder…recoils)
Gina: Ewww…you’re wet!
Me: Tried to warn ya.
Gina: You are sitting in a thing of water. Why?
Me: Its called taking a bath.
Gina: You are so weird.
About an hour later she sat down next to me and seemed to make a point of showing me the ‘correct’ way of taking a bath.
Cat tax attached.
You deserve a retry. Thank you for sharing (and at least you have proved that if humans are out of line for whatever reason the furry and barking menagerie will go to your rescue ????)
When I try and have a bath, with bubbles, soft drink, chocolate and Kindle, my ragdoll comes in and screams at me. Then he walks the tub edges. Then he stands next to my head, with his back paws on the floor and front paws on the tub sides. He then dips in his paw and licks off the water. He continues to do this until I tell him off, then he sulks off. If I ignore him he will drink my bath water.
Possum just stares at me like I’m insane, covering myself with water.
Oh, and here’s a picture. Possum is my tabby ex stray. He refuses to have anything to do with ‘weather’ as he is an indoor kitty now, thankyouverymuch.
Lovely post. Your pain is real to so many.
I made the mistake of throwing the cat out of the bedroom simply because I wanted uninterrupted sleep. He digs on the comforter thinking he can get under it them instead of climbing in from the head of the bed. Now I need new carpet from where he dug up the rug at my door!
My cats like to sit by the edge of the tub and eat bubbles and try to catch my toes. It’s really cute. Eventually they get bored and take naps. But if I shut them out of the bathroom, they meow meOW MEOW and howl a few more complaints over being excluded.
I had a gorgeous Persian who came and sat on the edge of the tub to supervise me one time. She checked out the situation, decided that since my knees stuck up, she could perhaps land on them. She jumped. I jumped, she got one foot onto one knee, it got wet, she levitated, spun in mid-air, ended up on the floor and never came back in to see me take a bath again. I was amazed at what she would do to avoid getting her feet wet.
For some reason, sitting in the bathroom sends an alarm to all animals that you are seated and alone. Dogs and cats can’t stand for you to be lonely. I learned to do what has to be done under scrutiny, then make sure that lid is DOWN because they love to watch water swirl. Ugh. They are babies who never grow up, but we love them, don’t we?
Hilarious! I needed that! Oh, uh…sorry about your bath. Think I’m in love with Charles Tubbins, by the way. I have a “thang” for one-eyed men. My husband (of 55 years, poor guy) is minus his left…eye, that is. Thanks for what you do!
I have a cat who wishes to merge with me so we Become One and he gets, very, very anxious when I shower. Showers are dangerous and there’s water there and so we are unable to merge and why would I put myself in danger like that?
I had a cat once who liked to jump on my belly while I was in the bath, and dabble her paws in the water. Very cute if awkward. I didn’t have towers of bubble bath though.
My cats Beans and Peppermint would have fled (reluctantly) if I had flicked water at them from under the bubbles…but there is also a chance that Beans would have fallen in (see Ilona’s comment about no skin left) with disastrous results.
Makes my day to read these! Thank you!
My first cat followed me into the bathroom all the time. He was worried enough that he would sit at the inside edge at the back of the tub to watch me take a shower! He never fell in, but as soon as the water was off he would jump into the shower to drink the soap flavored water! That’s a cat, just weird. lol
Oh! I have watched the Little Cat stalk around the tub once the shower is turned on, jump in, jump out, and leave wet cat marks all over the house. And heaven forfend if my mom notices because suddenly it’s all panic and towels and unhappy (?) wet cat!
My dog also whines when I am in the tub, and if I close the door all the way he scratches to be let in. When I call my husband to come get the dog he does, but Lando Pawrissian is back within 5 min whining again. lol.
My cat has a magical ability to know when I am in the tub/shower. She doesn’t try to get in, thank god, but she apparently thinks I need monitoring because she will periodically stick her head in to make sure I’m still alive before going back sitting guard beside the tub.
Your bathroom is beautiful! (& omg…rofl)