We have some exciting news for you today. Sweep of the Heart audio is now available on Hoopla.
Downloading an ebook or audio from your library often means it’s available only on one device. Some libraries have a different system, but a lot of them don’t. Hoopla solves this problem. As long as you have a library card and your library partners with Hoopla, you can download and stream the title of your choice across many devices and they will sync. Meaning if you were reading on your tablet at home, you can open the same book on your phone at lunch and it will open to the right place.
All you need is to register with a participating library card.
What can you borrow at Hoopla?
Audiobooks, comics, ebooks, movies, music, and TV programs.
How do I know if my library participates?
You can ask your library or you can register with Hoopla, and it will use your current location to see if there is a partner library nearby.

Does this hurt writers financially?
No. We get money per listen for audiobooks.
Which of your titles are available?
It depend on individual library catalog, but a site wide search shows all the things.
Happy borrowing!
Growing up the library was my best friend
A good friend to have.
This is why I listened to the graphic audio! I’m not huge on audio books but I saw it when I was browsing my library so I figured I’d give it a try. I like hoopla.
Libraries and librarians are the heroes for everyday people. Thank you for sharing this.
Hoopla also has a channel for smart tv’s. You can watch/listen through your tv sound system!!
Really?! Very cool
Hoopla is only showing “Sweep of the Heart” as an ebook.( several different searches ).No Audio can be found.
But Magic tides is there and I just checked it out. YEA!
It might depend on your library’s catalog. I don’t use Hoopla, but with Libby, your Library buys the licence for one or more copies of the file, and loans it out accordingly. If your library doesn’t get the licence, they can’t loan it out. If you share library cards with friends in other cities, you can get access to more libraries though.
It doesn’t show up on any of the searches, which will then tell you if it is available for you to borrow. Is it showing up on your search, Callie?
Direct link: https://www.hoopladigital.com/title/15536794
Like Callie said, it depends on your library catalogue. But we are definitely available, as they are running the advertisement for the book on the front page. If you scroll down, you will see the banner.
I looove Hoopla, but man do they need a better search function. There are a lot of times I’ve had random stuff pop up waaay before the title I was actually searching for. A lot of times I search the authors name, click on one of their books, and then click on their name on the book page. Because for some reason that’s easier than just typing in the book title :/
Hello! **Raising my hand** I have a question. This may have been talked to death already, but I need a little clarification on the two types of audio books, specifically in relation to the source material. A plain old audio book is a narrator reading the whole story and voicing everybody. With Graphic audio, I know that there is a cast reading each part. However, is it like the old fashioned radio programs where there is an adapted script? Or are they reading the original story and voicing the “spoken” parts, with the addition of sound effects? I’m just trying to get an idea of what each has to offer.
The “traditional” audio book, which House Andrews produce, is an unabridged (so word-by-word) narration done by one reader. They may change timbres and accents to indicate a change in speaking character(usually) or read it “straight”(less common these days).
The Graphic Audio dramatizations, which are produced by Graphic Audio, after buying the licence from House Andrews, (so not commissioned by IA, or guaranteed to happen for every book)- are indeed adapted for script, yes. This means that they are sometimes abridged too – not hugely, but scenes are sometimes cut for flow. Speech and action modulators will usually be trimmed “He laughed uproariously” – the actor interpreting will just laugh as he delivers the line, etc. Additional bells and whistles are added, like sound effects and music.
Ah, thanks ModR! I’ve been wondering for ages what the production relationship is for those. Good to know! I wish there were royalties in the mix.
I find them enormously entertaining when I’m cooking/doing chores, but I often find myself wondering about some of their interpretations…
I really appreciate the little pearls of wisdom you sprinkle about.
In addition to what ModR said, if your audio shop doesn’t have them – Graphic Audio do have free previews for every title on their website – so you can listen to a bit (in some cases 5 minutes), which can give a good taste of what they’re like.
Thank you, Mod R and Tom. I like knowing what I’m getting into to. I’ll check out the samples.
I love Hoopla!
I’m so glad to hear you get paid per listen. That is awesome! Working my way through The Edge series on Hoopla … again! ???? Love your work. All of it. Every single thing. ♥️
Hoopla is amazing and introduced me to graphic audio for another series (Devon Monk) which prompted me to listen graphic audio for the Innkeeper series – love it beyond words…..have hooked so many ppl on not only hoopla, graphic audio and IA books!!
I love hoopla. There’s no wait time and they have a bunch of videos in addition to books. My only complaint is my borrows per month is 30 max. Sometimes I run out of it!
Borrows per person are determined by the library. Since Hoopla is on demand, and no waiting, most libraries limit the number of checkouts per month based on their budget. 30 is actually pretty high! Are there any other libraries you can get a card at? It’s an awesome service and my personal favorite.
-Your friendly neighborhood librarian.
My library is only 8/month, but I try to use all of them.????
Wow, 30, I wish. My limit is 3 a month from Hoopla, and I often get the comment, your library has reached the borrowing limit, try again tomorrow even if I have not used my 3.
wow, mine is 10 per month.
My library just went down from 6 to 5 borrows per month.
30 wow! That is a amazing!! Mine is 10 and I always run out. I hope they will have the ability to increase in the future.
Fantastic! I love the hoopla app!!!
Glad to hear you-all are “raw raw libraries”. I only found out about your books when I stumbled across On the Edge at my local branch. I understand that self-publishing can be way more money for writers. But seems like some of that stuff doesn’t make it to the library (even on Overdrive) and I worry that I’ll never discover those writers. I mostly only buy books by authors I first read something by at the library.
Off topic but is there any news about the store for swag collecting demons?
Hi Karen,
There’s a lot of work going on behind scenes, getting various admin issues taken care of, we hope to have news on the merch store soon 🙂 . Exciting new things await (and all the things from the inaugural period, no worries!)
Very cool! My library does not currently participate, but I’m going to request that they start….you never know!
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. ????
Oh, off to check whether our system got it. I recommended Ruby Fever audio to Libby, and they did get that. I listed to audiobooks as I knit, also as I drive – I download them to a tablet. I really like listening to audiobooks of books I’ve read – I often pick up details I missed.
Never heard of it, thanks for the info!
It is available on our library’s Hoopla. Thanks for the heads up. I’ve checked it out.
Well, thanks for the heads up. I downloaded it really quickly. My library also has the other Innkeepers as multiple cast audios which are also fun.
I’m having to actively stop myself from rereading this book immediately. So good.
There should be a lot of hoopla raised over Hoopla.
Thank you for telling me about Hoopla. The Toronto Public Library uses it! I always wanted to hear an audiobook but never did. Now I will be able to do this.
Will advise once I enter the audiobook universe.
I use both Hoopla and Overdrive soon to be Libby. I actually have 2 library cards from two county libraries. Using the catalog to search is so much easier than going to various libraries and searching in person. Between Audible, Hoopla, and Overdrive I am covered.
I really like Hoopla too. The Virginia Beach library system had it and I just paid $$ to have access again. Local library has Libby but don’t have many of the authors I like. I listen when working around the house, nothing to “watch” that way, so I don’t get side tracked.
I think it doesn’t work in México :”)
No, unfortunately, Hoopla covers US and Canada.
Is hoopla international, or just U.S?
I’m in England and am not even sure if my library card is still valid!
Hoopla covers US and Canada.
England as well here – our County Library uses the Libby App and has copies of some of the IA catalogue to borrow – your county might as well?
Because of family responsibility I was not able to pick up my pre-bought paperback copy from my delivery location….for the next 3 weeks. Thank goodness for Hoopla. I was able to check out MAGIC TIDES Tuesday night! Thank you IA! Great read! Looking forward to more of whatever you write.
o.m.g. I just understood that HA is paid.per.listen. on audiobooks. This is a game changer for pouring $$ into the pockets of my favorite author-duo.
We are paid per listen on Hoopla. But when you purchase audio from retailers, it’s a one time fee. 🙂
Great to hear HA gets money from Hoopla and the library. I check out both the ebooks and the audio a few times a year. And I have a card with five partner library systems so I can see which one has a short or no wait list!
Hoopla is a pay per checkout, so libraries usually set a limit, i.e. members can borrow movies that costs $3 or less per checkout. When you log in with your card, you see items within your library limits. Total checkouts per month and cost limits depend on budget. Hoopla also may only update your library catalog at set intervals, so keep checking if you don’t see a book right away. If you want to use a different library’s services, some will allow you to purchase an out of area membership. They may also have a partnership with other libraries in the area. That covers the library’s costs usually paid through property taxes.
– Another friendly neighborhood librarian
I love Hoopla! I’ve been using it for years and is how I first came across your books 🙂 It’s very user friendly and is available as an app too.
Well, that is cool
Available on my Australian library’s Hoopla????
I found Hoopla recently and love it. I have library cards from multiple libraries and log into Hoopla for each library account to maximize my borrows per month (one library allows 20 borrows, one allows 12 borrows, and one allows 4 borrows – so 40 total borrows per month). Is IA also paid per listen for audiobooks on Libby? Are they paid per read for e-books on Libby and Hoopla? I want to make sure to support my favorite authors.
Libraries on Overdrive/Libby (same company but 2 different interfaces) license (pay for) the title as one copy/one user, just like physical items — if someone else has it checked out it’s not available to you. Frequently it’s also a set number of uses or time period, like 26 uses or 24 months, whichever comes first. Then the library has to pay for it again. So the author is only paid each time the library pays.
Hoopla works on a different principle; each time someone checks it out the library pays, which is why some libraries with constrained budgets don’t offer it. But it does allow many checkouts of the same item at the same time, up to a predetermined amount.
Both systems require their software to be installed on every device used to access the items.
I hope that clarifies for some people? Also, as several other librarians have pointed out, if there are authors you want to read not available to you currently, please contact your library and ask if they will order. Frequently we don’t know what our public wants until they tell us, and most of us are happy to take suggestions.
Thank you, LynneW, for explaining how authors are paid via Libby/Overdrive and Hoopla. It is appreciated!
I am a heavy library user and I love Hoopla for audiobooks. I was super excited to find the full series to date of Innkeeper Chronicles audiobooks available through my library’s partnership with Hoopla. In fact, I just started the first book today. I max out the 10 book loan limit almost every month!
yay!! Hoopla!
(and anyone who loves discworld, I Strongly suggest checking out the Hogfather movie that’s available on Hoopla. Susan Rules!)
Susan totally rules! ????
Literally saw this pop into my feed as I went to open hoopla to listen to the last hour of the graphicaudio innkeeper series (so far). ❤ Such a great series.
I just have to tell you how awesomely wonderful “Magic Tides” was to read.
You never disappoint!
I never really thought about it, but do you get paid for each book/audiobook borrowed via hoopla, and do you get paid whether or not the borrower actually opens the book to read it? I usually have credits leftover at the end of the month, and I’d be more than willing to max out my credits to give my favorite authors some extra money.
I thought the merchandise store was going to reopen when Magic Tides was released. I can’t seem to find where it is.
Hi Sherry,
The merch store has not reopened yet, there will be an announcement when House Andrews are ready with all the behind the scenes admin ????.
The link for it is here, however https://houseandrewsmerch.com/
Love Hoopla, Overdrive, and my library system. I’m not loving Libby yet because last I checked there was not a way to recommend purchases on it. My library is very good with purchasing recommendations, so I try to donate /support to them whenever I can.
I have lost the links to recipes! I know they were somewhere – can you help, Mod R?
Hey Kate,
You can follow the cooking tag on the blog for food related posts ???? https://ilona-andrews.com/category/fun/cooking/
My library uses Overdrive/Libby which syncs across devices and is great – will have to check out Hoopla!
The audio book narrator did an excellent job. Having followed the serial of the book, and now reading the ebook and (yes) listening to the book as well… thank you for your writing efforts. What a rich creative world.
Thank you guys for putting everything on Hoopla. I know that all of Graphic Audio is there but I didn’t know how much of that was author choice. Thank you for allowing public libraries to get your independent books. I found you guys through the Innkeeper’s and I never would have bought your books without that sample.
Hoopla is fantastic! Libby is also a great app which syncs your place across different devices. But, the catalogs for each app and for each library will vary. Happy reading!
~friendly local library worker
I’ve now read all of the Innkeeper novels for the fourth or fifth time since getting Sweep of the Heart (for Kindle) back in December. I have also, now, read all of the On The Edge novels, the better to understand George, Jack, Gaston, and Sophie (and highly recommend everyone else do likewise).
I’d like to know how to get back to the snippet posted here in December about George DeMille, stuck in Magnolia Green for at least a century, since the death of the innkeeper he, as a guest, fought with to save the inn, first meets Maud and Dina’s mother.
I’m also eagerly awaiting the next Innkeeper book (as Chronicles). It’s painful to see what might come next and have to wait to see what DOES come next.
Any word yet on when the Chronicles will go active again?
Hi Theresa,
Here is the snippet of Gerard meeting Helen for the first time 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/gerard-demille-and-helen-meet/
As to Innkeeper, there is no news, but it will probably be “a while” according to House Andrews during the Sweep of the Heart release Q&A 🙂 . There are other books beckoning https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/festive-qa-recording-and-transcript/
Currently listening to the audiobook and loving it. Only problem I have is that I can’t easily look up the character list at the end every time an alien comes up and I just can’t keep track of them all???? is the list available in writing anywhere?
I hope you continue the Innkeeper series. I have really become totally bound up with them, knowing that they are set just hours from me here in Irving. I love the characters and the challenges and hope you write at east one more so that Dina can get her parents back, find her brother and, most of all, find the source of the corruption. Love them!