Hi everyone, Mod R here.

I’m so happy everyone enjoyed Magic Tides and it was so much fun hanging out with you all in the comments. As someone remarked: Kate on my e-reader, the Horde around me discussing her adventures, reading about old friends- it’s almost as if the Bad Times never happened!
And since I’m not ready to leave this warm and cosy glow of nostalgia: there have been a few requests from people who wanted to play with the older quizzes on the blog. The WordPress plugin used to design quizzes and trivia challenges had to be replaced, and unfortunately that crashed them all.
Let’s bring them back for the sake of walking down happy memory lane, starting with the very fun and topical “Find your Place in Kate’s Atlanta”, which Ilona and Gordon designed back in 2018:
Loved this book and very excited that we get to go back to Kate’s world while I (im)patiently wait for new Hugh and Blood Heir books
That should have been (im)patiently. Terrible autocorrect.
There’s good reason that a lot of people refer to it as ‘autocorrupt’.
Or “automistake”, here.
I generally go with ‘autodefect.’
agreed, I’m waiting because there is no other options, but I don’t think it could be described as patience. just reread Hughs book and I love his realization at the end. I really want to know where the kids come in, especially after Kate’s comments in magic tides.
Fixed 😉
I love it! It has been very funny!!!
Thank you Mod R!!!
Yes! Thanks for bringing back this quiz. Pack fur-evah!
Yay! Pack it is! That was fun – thanks Mod R for bringing it back, and thanks Ilona & Gordon for building!
Order. Always Order ????.
Why me, Ilona? There is no justice in this world! **in Bale cry**
Mod R , what else could you be? You are our ‘The Order’ at Ilona’s world, but you has sense of humour.
But would Roman fall in love with an Orderling? I think not.
…I blame Law School.
Hehe, just kidding 😉 . I do wish I got Coven though.
You may want to think about that…remember the Conclave where they got the whole family together?
“Roman, do something! You’re the oldest!”
I’m right beside you in the Order. Yeah, maybe law school did it to us.
have hope….after all, Nick and Desandra !!!!!
It’s your Lawful Good nature. I can’t help it.
I got the Order too, Mod R. We can cry together! Noooooooo!
Oh well, at least Andrea was in the Order before she went happily off with Raphael. We can learn from her how to shoot. 😀
Thanks for posting this blast from the past.
I’m a knight, too. That means I have to take orders from Uncle Stupidhead, right? I hope I get him for Secret Santa so I can give him a mug that says “Uncle Stupidhead is the #1 boss”.
Better then Ted ????
I did the survey a second time. and got the Pack. Hmmm…with Nick and Desandra canoodling together, the Order and Clan Wolf isn’t surprising.
Yup. Me too, and it fits in with every other personality test I’ve taken. Sigh.
Order for me as well. But hey, we can hang out with Nick!
Maybe we can call him Uncle Stupidhead when he does dumb stuff to Kate. ????
Me too, Mod R! I’d have problems taking orders from Ted but thank goodness it’s Nick now!
I’m always Order, too, but I suspect it’s by a hair, given the answers I pick.
Haha I’m a Knight too! and if the amount of people her getting the Order, we might as well form at Chapter ????????
Same! I want to believe I’m a rebel, but I am just a rule following paladin at heart.
Same for me. Why the order???? ????????????
The description of the Order though…
We can bring change from within!!!
Me, too. I just don’t understand. I would NEVER join the order. Seriously, I would never join such a thing. And I think it must be law school….
Order for me too
Good lord! I’m a knight – who would have thought!
Me too, thought for sure I would be pack.
Now that Damien Angevin is their glorious leader, I bet they got very cool very fast 😀
Yeah, me, too.
I wasn’t last time I took it, though I can’t remember exactly what I was. Pack, I think, but I didn’t write down, so it’s gone…
The quizzes are always fun – part of which is figuring out what I did to get the answer that came out. (Taking it more than once is cheating, alas.)
Fun, fun, fun…..Great book BTW. Enjoyed reading now much reread.
Find my place!??! I’m totaly taking this quiz but lets be real… i would have been dead the minute the first magic wave hit! HAHA
Or discovered new and awesome powers! Well, new anyway.
Maybe! Now that i have been sorted to the Pack I would love to survie long enough to explore these new powers! 🙂
I’m in the order, meh. I do like the know it all comment though, lol. I think I’d survive the shift, but have some super random power that doesn’t help with survival at all like “I can locate cheese from long distances.”
Haha! Don’t knock the locating cheese power! I think that would be awesome!
I’m sorry, my survival is intimately connected to cheese, so what you just said doesn’t quite compute.
Exactly!! Maybe add finding chocolate to that skill and its perfect! May end up as a 500lb person but whatever. bring it. hahaha
I’m in the Pack! Wahoo!
Last time I was the order, and now I’m a shapeshifter which I call an upgrade even if I have to deal with Jim and Ascanio
You are a shapeshifter of the Pack.
Family is the most important thing to you. You don’t trust outsiders, and while you’re fanatically loyal to your friends, you’re courageous and aggressive and emotions occasionally tend to get the better of you. You value loyalty, restraint, and courage above all.
I can live with this, happily.
HEll yeah !!! I’m a pack member too
That was fun. There were a couple of questions that two answers I liked, so I took the quiz twice. First time (not surprising) I was in the Order. The second was disconcerting: I belong in the Coven. Never thought I was a natural balance type of person.
I don’t remember what I got last time, but this time I’m apparently a witch.
You are a witch of the Covens. You believe in balance: for every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction. He who disrupts the harmony of the world will get his comeuppance one way or another. You’re independent and comfortable in your own skin, you live and let live, and you look to nature for guidance in resolving your problems.
Teach me your ways!
So am I! Not surprised, I *like* balance…
I am a witch! Shall we create a BDH Coven?
I am a shifter.
I am Pack. I can live with this, for sure.
However, I have to say: the answers are pretty clear signposts to where you’ll end up.
On another subject: any idea when/if the store, aka Baha-char, goes live again? (Since we can find odd and esoteric things we of the BDH want there…)
Hi Maria,
A lot of work is going on behind the scenes to iron out the admin for the store. There are new designs and other exciting things happening. Thank you for your patience, we hope to have news either this week or the next!
Huge fan of Kate Daniel’s aka Lennart now lol, I love Julie and miss her can’t wait til 2nd Book for Blood Heirs comes out gonna be sooooo Awesome. Conlan is growing up so fast lol. Once again I’m huge fan and I love u guys, can’t wait til more of the Series seriously lol????????????????
I’ve always liked the Baba Yaga stories. There are a number of them. I did the quiz and came out with Witch of the Coven! It is rather gray out today, maybe I will start baking bread. I want something different, I’ll have to hunt through my cookbooks.
Just avoid chicken pot pie. You don’t want to p*ss off your ride/house.
I made an adaptation of James Beard’s English Muffin bread. I used self-rising flour and water and rapid rise yeast. It took about an extra cup of White Swan flour and rose faster than I thought it would. The second rise in the pan went quicker too. It baked in about 28 minutes at 375F. The basic recipe is available in several forms on the internet. I’ve never tried to make pot pie, chicken or otherwise. But I see your point! By the way, the bread was acceptable. Kind of chewy with some holes. It is OK with butter and jam. Mainly I’ll make it again because it went fairly fast.
Thank you !
Can’t wait for the next book…any IA world !
Waiting for a IA tea party ????!!!
???? ☕️
This was fun 🙂 I always try to answer what I would really answer in today’s world. Sometimes, my answer isn’t an option- like why isn’t Language Arts (reading, writing,communication) or the Arts (music, painting, etc) subjects to learn?!
I’m bummed I’m in the Order (being w Mod R makes it better)
Thanks- BDH goofiness is always appreciated!
We can change it from within! 😀
Quiz says I’m in PAD. IRL I work in IT for the local police department.
I’m going to have to take the quiz again after a bad day at work and see if it changes ????
I’m PAD too! I was not expecting that. I was really hoping for Coven. I had a couple of answers that I was torn on, so I did it twice (just to see), but I got PAD twice. ????♀️ Guess it’s meant to be. I’m going to pretend that I can work with Luther though and not be a cop! ????
Me, too! IRL I’m IT-adjacent (application management) for a university, so maybe it has to do with our sense of logic and problem-solving (not mentioning anything about work hard/play hard).
I’m PAD too. Studied Math and Comp Sci in Uni, so close to IT like you guys. I actually was thinking that IRL if this world started, I would fit with PAD so wasn’t disappointed.
Yeah. Instead of PAD, I choose to rebrand myself as Biohazard. #TeamDrLooseCannon.
Shapeshifter! Pack, here I come!!
I think the ones who get Pack should have a secondary quiz to see which type of shapeshifter they are.
I came out Knight, so maybe a secondary quiz for what type of Knight. I expect I’m a Knight of Sarcasm. That’s a thing, right?
I think that would be so cool! I got the Pack, but what animal would I be? I would rather not be a rat, but a wolf or lion or huummm maybe a croc? Nah, mermaid! Yes!
Pack here too! And I want to be a mongoose with Barabas!
I came up pack, and I would HAPPILY be a rat if it meant I could snack like Bea but look like young Bey. Le sigh, instead, I’ll just have to settle for being a shifter hippopotamus. At least hippos are bada** and account for more fatalities than crocodiles, lions, or snakes. I can live with that.
Huh! Witch of The Coven…. That was fun!!!
Having the best time with MT reread. Love the conversations with Rimush and Hugh. It will be fun to see where this HEA leads…presumably to Blood Heir, but the journey is the thing.
I’m a knight if the order. Just like last time. The quiz is too fun.
I can’t remember what I got last time, but it’s pack today. (Might have been pack or coven last time, dunno.)
Still the order, but you know what.. its me.I dont argue unless I know Im correct. Doesnt always mean I am right (morally, ethnically) but semantics ????????????
Drives my family insane, I play Devils advocate alot. I wont do what I am saying but I’ll prove reasoning.
I’m not sure how I missed this quiz the last time, but turns out I’m a witch. IRL I’m an environmental engineer so I guess that makes sense.
I got coven too. Agricultural and bio systems engineer ????????
i am a witch of the Coven????. i think last time I was pack.
still pleased with it: at least not a Knight (sorry modR!) nor People ????
loved the book btw: so good to see Kate, Curran and little Conlan again ????
But I don’t want to be a member of the Order of Knights of Mutual Aid! I’ll just have to change my answers. 🙂
Mood lol. But we can always be the Cool Knights together if not!
Hah I’m a member of the pack!???? do wereraccoons exist cuz I’d definitely be that????????????
a witch! I do love me some nature.
Thank you Mod R, I needed that !!
Oh dear, I’m with the People ???? oh well, at least I get to be a snappy dresser ????
I’m a knight of the Order of Merciful Aid. Being convinced I’m always right goes against my basic nature; but I suppose you have to allow for the flaws in their training.
I’m a Merc??? Ok, whatever (walking away with my sword on my back.)
That’s a highly merc reaction to have 😀
At least Barabas is your boss after Kate and Curran left for Wilmington. Just look out for Christopher up above. 🙂
I came out as a witch of the coven, I can live with that.
Surprised that I’m a knight!
Squeed all night. Kate! Curran! Conlan! Boudas! A Kraken!!! oh a baby one, but still a Kraken! headless vamps, eww, but good, dirty vamps. Low profile bwahahaha. Sigh. Squee
Yay! I’m a shapeshifter in the Pack!
I read the series again before the release of Magic Tides, Now that I have finished reading it I want to read the series all over again…or the next Julie book. 🙂
Laughing, because although I know my answers have changed in the last 4 years, I’m still Pack!
The Order. Probably all those years of Catholic school…
Shapeshifter and Pack. Very accurate.
I’m a mercenary! Yeah!????????????
I got the Pack! I just hope, I get to be a kitty, I like dogs, but I am so not howling with the submissive idiots!!!????????????
I loved Magic Tides, made me feel like going to the roots! ????
I’m reassessing my life choices – I’m a knight of the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid. I’m going to sulk in a corner now. Waves at Mod R. Come over to the corner and we can (lawfully) plot how to be something else!
Yes! We iz eeeeeeeebil! We r chaos! These are *not* the Knights you’re looking for!
Do you have a shrubbery in that corner?
Another Knight here…that last sentence about always being right? Must be the teacher in me!
This was me too. I got the Order and was like, aw noooo. But hey, if we get enough BDH members in the Order we can change their (our?) stupid policies and prejudices! And Mod R can be the head of the BDH Chapter leading the change!
And we can all vote for a name change.
I vote for Knights of Mocking Aid.
Or Knights of Kool-Aid. Nah, we’d get hit with copyright infringement for that one.
If we change the name to Knights of Mocking Aid then we can petition the city to change the street name to Mockingbird Lane. 😛
I like Mod R‘s idea that we create change from within. We‘ll have to shake the foundations to really change the system, if we defeat their human-centric prejudice, Mod R can go looking for an ‚expert consult‘ with Roman. ????
How about Knights of the BDH? Our chapter’s bylaws will include everyone, not just humans. We can be merciful to everyone, right?
That way Nick, aka Uncle Stupidhead, can’t make us sit around the Order house when Kate and company need our help. 😀
Fun Quiz! I’m not surprised I’d be a witch trying to be in balance with nature and preferring a pet whos actually freely choosing to be my friend. I love the idea of a sapient furry or feathered friend who flies freely! Caging birds is dumb and sad.
Also, I enjoyed your novella set in Wilmington. Looking forward to more on the entire Kate Daniel’s ???? ???? ????…????????????!!!
I like the results (witch of the covens) but my actual choices were not available for some of the questions.
Favorite pet: cats with attitude
See a burglar: Tell the authorities and yell at them from a safe distance
Cheating spouse: “You have one week to tell him/her yourself. Then I will.”
Computer game: eBooks. I know, but the best books ARE games in your head.
Most useful school subject: “Life Skills” Pretty much includes all the others, plus home economics
Parenting: Love your child, know them, and work with who they really are
interesting last time I took the test I was a merchant. this time I am a pack member
Pack, baby. Clearly a cat shifter of some kind..
Taking time to savor the book, but I’m loving it so far! 🙂
It’s much appreciated! ????
I’m PAD???? how in the world?
OK, maybe it was the hard liquor and BBQ.
I’m a witch, which I already knew.
I’m a witch of the covens this time. I think I might have been a merc last time.
A cop of the Paranormal Activity Division :))))))) That’s fun
Wow only 3 of us.
Pack here. Not sure how that would work though, because if I don’t agree with the person in charge I will die fighting them over it. Whatever “it” is. I feel like I’d more likely be a random loner weirdo with some crazy belief system in place and have monster pets that I took in because they were so ugly they were cute. ????
I’m apparently PAD, not something that I would have considered ????
The Pack. Heh. Jim is gonna make me crazy. Maybe I can hang out with Dali.
The Hummer vehicle answer has a very Hidden Legacy vibe.
I’m a Knight of the Order ????
Pack! Tried it twice and ended up Pack both times. 🙂
Wait! Where are the questions for Lab Rat? I think Luther would be an awesome boss. We’d totally compete for T-shirts with the best sayings.
Loved the book! Nice to see Kate again.
Feel pretty happy with your two books back to back.
And I thought Nora did a great job with Sweep too.
You are a knight of the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid.
You’re disciplined, competent, and organized. You serve a higher purpose and you tend to take a rational approach to most problems. Your mission is simply to protect mankind, even if it means protecting it from itself. You are lethal, honorable, and, unfortunately, convinced that you are always right
Welp that explains a lot!
now… which one??
Pack. I’d probably be a wolf. I’m a dog person. I’d love to be a big cat of some sort, but absolutely could not answer to a paranoid jaguar
About right.
You are a cop of the Paranormal Activity Division.
Ok that was fun! Thanks!
“You are a cop of the Paranormal Activity Division. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and tend to see the world in black-and-white. The laws are there for a reason and you make sure that they stay in place. You live hard and party hard because you never know when you might have to put yourself between a crazed maniac armed with a fireball and a random citizen who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.” :0)
Loving Tides. Purposefully reading slowly. Heaven. I don’t deserve it but boy am I grateful.
Soooo, I’m a knight . . . In the InnKeeper-verse a vampire. I’m sensing a pattern.
Are Oxford commas considered part of the higher good? If so, then ok. I’m a knight. I mean, I KNOW I’m right about Oxford commas . . . So, yeah, this is tracking. Totally a knight.
(For those of you who didn’t do the Innkeeper quiz, some of us who are vampires may have inadvertently established House Oxford Comma.)
Absolutely team Oxford Comma! It is one of my few absolutes. (I tested in as Coven.)
Team Oxford Comma!
No I’m not . . . I know I’m usually mostly right
I do, I take requests and suggestions . . . orders meh
Loved the book! And congrats!! ????
Amazon.com Sales Rank #12 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
#1 in Werewolf & Shifter Romance
#1 in Paranormal & Urban Fantasy (Kindle Store)
#1 in Romantic Fantasy (Books)
Pack! Last time I was witch I think for the yoyoing of answers between different styles.
I tend to have “verbally but politely slap someone until they behave in a rational manner” as my MO.
A cop of the PAD? Crap! Figures. I’m a copy editor who goes nuts over not using the Oxford comma.
Not surprised by the outcome, knight of the order of merciful aid.
Very fun! Thank you for bringing it back. I missed it the first time around and was able to find out I’m a shape-shifter of the pack. I am pondering my other shape. Possibly a porcupine. 🙂
I am a witch with the Coven! It fits.
Pack, might go hang out with Keelan ????
Having taken this the first time back in 2018, I think I got the Order which I was not super happy about. Now? After marrying, surviving a pandemic, dealing with a job I hate, moving, adopting responsibility (read:pets), and moving again (not in that order), I’m a shapeshifter and I think this is my final spot. Because nothing makes you value family and friends like multiple crises, amirite?
Love it! I was surprised…
Knight of Merciful aide? Really? Well, maybe.
Eeek I’m an Order knight
I’m with Mod R – why me? Noooooo….
The Order.
Sigh. Dang it. I shoulda known. I’m usually the rule-follower.
Can I at least be the pain in the butt who doesn’t care what species a person is, I’m saving them anyway? That particular rule just ticks me off completely.
You and possibly the rest of us in the BDH who are in the Order. That includes Mod R. ????????
Thanks for the quiz. I got the PAD and was very surprised until I read it. Hopefully, I’m one of the good ones who shares and supports for the grater good!
Due to and considering my witchy ways according to my place in Kate’s world, cackle, bwa ha ha ha and all that!
Well, this was unexpected.
You are a cop of the Paranormal Activity Division.
This is so fun. I got Coven !
Shapeshifter yeah! Pack all the way!
Another Knight here! I totally agree that we can form our own chapter!
I am so NOT a knight in the Order of Knights of Merciful Aid. Those guys are extremist loonies.
I’m a Witch of the Covens. In real life I’m a Libra, so it makes sense.
This was fun! Thanks Mod R!
Shapeshifter/pack. This doesn’t totally surprise me as I was in a sorority in college. I know everyone’s thinks Greek life is party central but we had chapter meetings, officers, rituals, bylaws and all that jazz. Very similar to the Pack in some ways!
Couldn’t find another place to post this- giant donkey skeletons found: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230116-how-donkeys-changed-the-course-of-human-history
I loved the new book, it was very satisfying, and I love my quiz result now in 2023: I’m a shapeshifter of the Pack.
“While you’re fanatically loyal to your friends, you’re courageous and aggressive and emotions occasionally tend to get the better of you” sounds about right!
I’m a member of the People.
I’m a member of PAD? That can’t be right. I’m gonna have to retake this quiz.
Anyways, hey BDH, did anyone catch that very important clue in the 1/17 blog? We were informed that Magic Tides takes place after Hugh #2. We were told Hugh #2 was delayed because it was a dark novel. So dark because a major character dies. In Magic Tides we see Kate,Curren, Hugh,Elara still alive. So which major character was not mentioned in the present tense? We did not see the bears mentioned for example. Someone is not mentioned because they did not survive. Also I’m thinking that Moloch might have killed that person in the second Julie novel. It seems that only a godlike being would have been powerful enough to do away with a major character. I only hope it was not a favorite character. We lost our middle son to an accident Nov 1 ’22 and we know how it would feel to the surviving family members.
Yes Magic Tides is an excellent addition to the KD series and looking forward to the next installment.
I am so sorry for your loss, Lee.
Pack for me. Kind of makes sense my kids call me Snow White
This was fun! Pack for me, though I think I was the Order the last time. Must be less into rule following now that I’m retired. ????
LOVE the art on this quiz! I think it’s one of my favorites!
The irony! I test as Order, but my new favorite word is “floutlaw.”
I got Pack – let’s face it though, I’d probably be a were-rabbit – no warrior form, just human or rabbit ????
In the Sweep quiz I was House Oxford Comma. Here I am the People. Clearly, I have some affinity for Vampires.
A Knight of the Order? I got The Pack last time. I wonder which answer was the deciding factor? ????
Witch Coven. That fits, I have anxiety and being in nature and taking pictures of wildlife, fungi and plants let’s me get out of my head. I also tend to bug my family every time I spot a new bird, mammal or fungi that appears in my garden. Loved Magic Tides, on my second read through.
Darn it, I am very unsurprisingly a knight of the order…I really am a sucker for following rules
Knight of the Order. No surprise. I wanted to be a witch. Sigh. But with all the people responding they are Knights, I happily accept knowing I am in fascinating and tough company.
Hmmm, I tested as Pack and my husband, L. E. O. (Retired) tested as Mercenary Guild! His cynicism has caught up with him!!
Sweet! I’m a member of the pack! I wonder what type of shifter I am?
Pack! Pack! Pack! Pack! GooooOOOO PACK!!
Social butterfly that feels best surrounded by loved ones, loves hierarchy and team work to take apart complex tasks or big prey. Do you love the moon? (Clan Wolf)
Are you pleasure bound and are you crazy? (Clan Bouda/Hyena)
Do you sneak and are you sly? Are you elegant or always snacking? (Clan Nimble/ Fox or Rat)
Strong and sometimes slow yet a love for tradition and order? (Clan Heavy/Bear)
Luxury, high places, your way or the highway and determination to get what you want (Clan Cat/Lion, tiger, Jaguar or jackal)
Love pillaging, piracy, the ocean and sunshine and fishing? Would you rate die than betray your pirate brother’s? (Those freaky Greek Dolphin Pirates)
As much as I’d love to be a wolf, I love being alone and high places, soft beds and lounging and am vicious yet cool in a fight. Definitely a cat.
Thanks for the fun quiz and I’m still waiting to read Magic Tides, I can’t wait to savour it. I’m so excited for it (starting new job next week).
ooh, I’m a witch! Sweet! I suspect it was the walking on my own feet comment that did it – I don’t own a car.
Yaay I’m in the covens magic here I come, and we are allied with Kate and Curren.
I Loved the Magic tides book! Thank you so very much, I love it!
I got Pack the first time and Order the second time, when I switched all the answers that were ties and I basically flipped a coin the first time. My answers were all over the place, and for some things there were no accurate answers for me. So I’m…Andrea? I might need to sit with this one a while.
I have a pair of English Mastiff’s. Loyal to the core????
I did not want to be in The People. Am I that Machiavellian? I didn’t think I was. I think it’s because I would get my flunky (vampire?) to stab the store robber. I hate confrontation, but I want to help. There was no option for calling the cops, the pack, or the order.
That was fun! Too bad there wasn’t a choice of being a med mage. That’s me! All of the things that make a Knight but added compassion and need to heal.
Mod R,
you’re incredible! Thanks for bringing back the quizzes and all that you do to calm, entertain and educate the BDH.
We love you!
coven for me all about balance
Was really nice to play with the quizz! And the text to being part of the pack is so damn fitting, that in hindsight, I’m really not surprised at all ????
Still coven. Haven’t changed much I guess ????
???? Order of Merciful Aid.????????????
im in the pack baby lol
Thank you for more Kate and Curran story can’t end, more please.
Lol. I’m a Knight of Merciful Aid. Pretty bang on personality-wise. Funny how that works.
I ended up as a Knight of the
Order of Merciful Aid which probably as near to right as could be odd really as I have a large reservoir of empathy. Not sure if that goes well with the Order.
I am a shapeshifter second try, surprisingly that fits with an other part of my soul, I feel now feel better balanced by some of each attributes. No conflicting feelings yet. I can relate to Andrea really well. This was fun but also some honesty of maybe who I really am.
Cool, I’m a witch!
I can’t believe how disappointed I felt when the result was a Knight from the Order. I came down to see others comments. Okay. I don’t feel so bad now after reading a few.
I was sad that for the car question, a horse was not an option.
Pack! Yes!
Pack life for ever!
love it!!!
In Magic Shifts, I used to play, ride bike, and walk all around the area of the final confrontation. When I was three YO, they were building Piedmont Hospital, and I used to go over at workday completion and see the progress. I also used to play and ride bike all over area of Collier Road, and points in that location and Northside High School (now gone). I lived in NW Atlanta all my life until 1971, when I left for the United States Navy. Now well, I avoid ATL like the plague, mostly it’s a war zone, and not safe. That is what happens when you pack 6 million Plus people into a small space. I have been all over Downtown, Underground ATL, the Zoo, all the way-out Ponce De Leon on bike. My family lived there from the 1930’s.