I have the Youtube recording of the afterparty ready below, but for those of you who can’t watch right now, here are some answers to some questions that the long suffering Moderator R has compiled.
Will it be a series?
Moderator R says: Despair, thy name is BDH- it came up 223 times on the Spoiler thread alone (it was fun to click count after a while :D).
We don’t know yet. We’ve moved from possibly to probably, but we will know more when we get the list placement this Wednesday and first week’s sales numbers sometime this week.
“Why is Ascanio a douchebag now? He used to be great, we want redemption.”
After 20 some books, you guys still don’t trust us. Ascanio is not a douchebag. He has reasons, they are good reasons, and they will be revealed later on. It has to do with the current state of the Pack, Jim’s imminent retirement, and what Andrea and Raphael foresee as the fragmentation of everything Curran has built and Jim has refined.
Why is Sophia older than Conlan?
A selection of weirdness by ModR
- “I thought she was a magical-insemination-clone something…”
- “Christopher is an Albino… Sophia has been conceived by highly illegal magic with genes both from Christopher and Barabas. But who was the surrogate mother?”
- “I thought that she was biological somehow.”
- “Elara was their surrogate”
- “Wasn’t Christopher still raving mad at the time she was supposed to be born? Also she’s been absent from all the KD novels when she was a toddler…”
- “what was the illegal means by which Barabas had a child? They hadn’t mentioned invitro being illegal in any of the other books or gene splicing so I’m left wondering what it was?”
- ” Bit confused by age of Sophia? Conlan was born before she was??? Speed grown?!”
“I wondered about magic cloning too. She’s so fair maybe Elara was involved??” - “I haven’t figured out yet how Sophia became Christopher and Barabas’ daughter!”
- “Julie was gone for 8 years and their daughter is 14? I’m confused.”
Sophia is adopted. Unless you live on the African Continent, if you hear hoofbeats, think horses not zebras. Older children deserve to be adopted too. Adoptive parents are parents. Sophia is an albino. Barabas is not an albino. Christopher is not an albino. Her adoption is canon.
When is the audio book coming out?
We will announce when Audible finishes processing it. 🙂
Are you guys happy with how it did?
We are thrilled. We both feel so fortunate that you guys like it and that in this stressful time we could deliver a little distraction into your world. This has been an absolutely amazing release. Even if the sales somehow will fall short, this was worth all the effort and editing and rewriting. This was amazing for us. Thank you for making our launch special.
Here are our rambling answers. We cut the spoiler portion off. Sorry about feline interference. 🙂
I’m so, so grateful you guys wrote this book. I’ve loved Julie and Derek for years and years and am so happy that out of the crud of 2020, we got this piece of magic. Thank you!
What Julia said.
I love it and can’t wait to purchase it on audio book! Thank you for writing it. It was so nice to take a break from the humdrum of 2020/2021. You guys are amazing authors.
I really, really hope that this is the start of Julie’s series but if not, thanks for a peek back into the KD world. I’ll take what I can get!
Ditto and well said!
Thank you!
+1! Thank you very very much!
Thank you so much! I loved it and will eagerly await for news of the second installment! I have absolute faith in the success of this book. ????????
Aaah, Adoption that makes so much sense 😀
I guess I got triggered by the weremongoose status and stuff. Happy that these two are building their family.
By the way, I loved the prospect of a daughter for Curran and Kate ^^
We trust you and you always deliver – looking forward to the next book, whichever it might be. <3
I just assumed the illegal thing was infecting a human with lyc-v.
And let me add on my thanks for the upload!
Thank you for writing this awesome book!
And doing Zoom discussions. It was fun. It was fun side-chatting with other members of the BDH, too. And they were from all over the world. It was awesome.
This is one of my favorite reasons to come back again and again (and again and again) to the blog. Love for House Andrews. Love for the BDH.
I just finished BH and it was fantastic. I loved it ????
I’m waiting for the Audio book too so I can listen to see if I missed anything
Congrats to you both on another magnificent book
Slightly off topic, does anyone know if there is any truth to the audiblegate stories going around stating that the books returned for credit are deducted from the authors royalties? I’m time poor and was considering getting the app but if they truly do this I might not in principle.
It does seem to be true. I also read Kristine Kathryn Rusch’s blog (kriswrites.com), and she points her readers to the summary explanation available at: https://www.susanmaywriter.net/single-post/audiblegate-the-incredible-story-of-missing-sales. I’m pretty sure Gail Carriger mentioned it on her blog at some point, although I can’t find the specific post to point to.
I love listening to audiobooks, but I’m now glad I never shelled out for an Audible membership.
I know we sound silly, but diving down the rabbit hole is just so much fun. I don’t really care how ridiculous the speculation is—the crazier, the better, and more entertaining.
Truthfully, given the state of the world, it’s kind of insane that wildly inaccurate fan created realities about a fictional world are saner than the current reality.
What does canon mean? Non negotiable?
Google is just telling me about canons…..
In fiction, canon is the material accepted as officially part of the story in the fictional universe of that story. It is often contrasted with, or used as the basis for, works of fan fiction.
Ilona and Gordon are the creators of this universe. Their word is law.
Slightly off topic, I keep reading your name as ModeratoR. Thanks for all your helpful posts and general wrangling of us herd of cats.
Well that is just a huge missed opportunity. I should have been ModeratoR.
Thank you! I should have gone to wiki…..
I’m sorry, but this comment was hilarious to me! I’m glad it was answered and that you are now aware of what this means. Oh my God, I laughed so loud!!!!!!!
To be fair, I only know what Canon means because of the Marvel universe. Again, thanks for this inadvertently hilarious comment. You won the Internet for me today!
hahaha i totally did the same thing!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Moving from possibly to probably (clutches pearls, grabs inhaler)
Thank you so much for writing more in the KD universe! This book really helped distract me from the craziness of January!
Thank you so much for BH (not to mention all of your other books). With everything going on in the real world, reading BH was a very welcome break.
Also, I loved watching the video!
Kenyan living in Saudi Arabia here. Love all your books and absolutely adored Blood Heir. Have reread all the series a few times…won’t say how many..ahem. Also love Assassin’s Creed and can’t wait to play Valhalla. Thank you for your wonderful Worlds!
I am totally loving Gordon’s Shawn of the Dead hoodie. ????????
Kinda off-topic…as an adoptive parent (who happens to look very different from my adopted child) thank you for adding that slice of real life into the book!!
Though, given Julie’s frank discussion of the breakdown/lack of social services, I am now desperately curious to know how it happened. =)
I’m also wondering if the highly illegal thing was that they found a sick child and made her a were-anything.
Ethically but somewhat outside the realm of the law.
Thank you for this treat!! I thoroughly enjoyed this book & look forward to new books (no matter which series – I love them all!)
I am so glad the release was amazing for you – having the book to read was a joy 🙂
I want to apologize for missing the party on Saturday. I had a migraine and slept right through it. Not that I would be missed, but that someone may not have been able to attend, and I feel really badly about that.
OTOH, I am glad to hear the series idea has moved to probably, and I also want to say that I didn’t think Ascanio was a douchebag. Nothing I read when people spoke ABOUT him was actually douchebaggity — although some may have criticized his methods, they weren’t critical of his intentions. And when he was interacting with Julie directly, he thought he was interacting with a non-shapeshifter stranger.
I looooooved the book, read it 3 times already. Thank you.
Thank you thank you! Enough said!!! More please 🙂
I trust you with everything. If you wrote a magical guide starring a heroine who solved crimes with excel speadsheets, I would pre-order in every format offered. Thank you both so much for Blood Heir!
Ohhhhhh– as someone who handles nothing but Excel spreadsheets, that strangely excites me.
That’s also because Excel is awesome.
Until Excel does not work. Then it’s a pain. However, that’s a given for all software. 😀
LOVED the book! I will keep my fingers crossed that it becomes a series. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank-you for another great read!
wird das Buch auch in deutscher Übersetzung erscheinen?
Vielen dank, ute
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I said this on FB- I am *thrilled* with the book.I love getting the backstory on your blog, that this book grew organically from a blog post, much like Iron and Fire.
And I have every confidence that there is more to Ascanio’s story. Derek and Julie have literally transformed themselves, it only makes sense that Ascanio has made major adjustments as well. Thank you so much.
And my plea- more story, please! I love all three characters so much. No time pressure, just a sincere desire to know what comes next for them.
Thank you for all your books. I love everything about Kate Daniels world and I will never get enough
When Julie said something about Sophia being illegal, I assumed that Barabas bit her and made her a weremongoose. Knowingly infecting someone would be illegal, especially a minor.
Yes, this is what I thought was clearly implied as well. Julie clearly states she could not have been born albino while having lyc-v as lyc-v destroys albino embryos, so she had to be infected by someone after birth which is the illegal part.
I imagine either she was at risk of death and infected in an attempt to save her life or she’s the survivor of an some kind of attack and Barabas and Christopher adopted her to help her.
I assumed it was more because she’s a minor.
I recall Kate asking Jim about why the Pack never changed his dad, which implied to me that changing consenting adults is legal, but would probably require some paperwork, similar to the process of being infected with vampirism?
I finished Blood Heir yesterday, I loved it so much!! I’m looking forward to seeing more books in this series! I can’t wait for more Hugh books as well!! Truthfully I love all your books, and will continue to buy and read anything you guys write!! Never worry about ratings and sales, you guys can not write a bad book ever!! Your fans including me will buy and read them, whatever book it is!! You guys are so AWESOME, keep those books coming!! You guys keep my same in this world of Insanity!!!!!!
Thank you again for this amazing book. It has truly been a bright spot in this troubling time. The rereads of all of your books really helped during grief and illness. Thank you for you time, talent, and the peaks into your worlds. Oh, and the yarn pics.
Keeping my fingers crossed that sales are great because this has to be a series, puh-lease! For what it’s worth I like this much better than the serial that was posted, Julie/Aurelia in particular feels more real. I love the book! Thanks for making me happy in these challenging times!
Last time I looked Blood Heir was like 110 on the Top 100 Kindle Books. I think a nice royalty check is in House Andrews future. I hope so anyway. I really want to see more Innkeeper too, but you have to prioritize to what feeds the pets, keeps the missus in yarn and lets the mister buy cool hoodies.
Thank you so much for Blood Heir. It’s excellent… Ive enjoyed it a lot….and it got my brain out of burn out… Now I’m going thru the list of new books I’ve bought since the first of the year and reading them… Thanks for the good story!
(I swear, I’m refraining from asking what’s next?)
Ascanio may have matured in Blood Heir, but his friction with Derek goes back to when they first meet Kate. Good to know that didn’t change.
Again, than you for the book. I wonder what next adventure you and Gordon will take us on? ????
Thank you… Apparently I can’t spell today. ????♀️
I wish I could’ve attended! I had a meeting fall at the same time! Thank you both for doing this! I miss book signings! I love, love, love the book! Read it twice already! You brought me great joy in a time of great anxiety and for that there are no words to describe my gratitude!
Thank you so much for sharing the recording !!
Gordon, your sweatshirt rocks !! Ilona, I love your accent. I’ve never seen a face so expressive. Your smile illuminates your face.
I love your shi tsu scratching himself in the background. He turns his back to us the whole time. And at 25′, when Gordon tries to give him his moment of glory, he’s like “Dad, I said I don’t want to see them”.
I watched half of it, it demands a lot of focus (because of my bad english), so I keep the rest for tomorrow.
Also love your complicity.
Thank you thank you thank you. I said it before but it’s worth repeating – I LOVE the world building you do, it just makes me want to climb inside the books and live there. ❤ Now I want to buy it a few more times to make sure it does well so we get more!!
Why yes, yes I AM greedy!
Hmmm… maybe my neighbors each need a copy…
I just want to say I loved the book and really hoping there is more in the series. I loved Julie and Derek in all the other books, so I was really happy one was made for them. It took me two days to read it, just couldn’t put it down.
If it is the only one, I thank you for writing this one.
So loved the book.
Fingers crossed for great sales & sequel news.
I really wanted the spoilery part. Any chance we can get it later?
Same, with the spoilers! Is there a form I need to sign? Someone I can bribe? An oath I need to take? ????
LOVED IT!!! Truly a wonderful heir for the Kate Daniel’s world.
Absolutely LOVED the zoom interview/answers. And BLOOD HEIR was incredible! Such a tribute to the series and characters you’ve created. THANK YOU!!!
Thank you! So entertaining! And I love the Innkeeper Series. And the series with Emerald and Sapphire. I don’t know how you do it, but I’m glad you do.
My favorite part of this was learning why Julie’s eyes were the same color. When i saw her depicting and all the questions on her hair color, i just kept thinking, “what the heck is going on with her eyes? That is some weird foreshadowing since she lost an eye to Moloch!”
I finished reading Blood Heir for the 2nd time last night. Thanks for clearing up the Sophia question. Can’t wait to see how all of these folks are going to hide Julie’s identity from Kate & Curran…
Congratulations! I thought it was just wonderful! Both ebook, and the fun signed bookplate real copy. Thank you for doing that! I love going to book stores! Bank Square Books in Mystic, CT is particularly awesome! ????????????????
Thank you again for Blood Heir! Also, thank you for posting the recording.
Loved the book, looking forward to whatever is next. All your books are a wonderful escape.
So do we ever get to see the spoilery part of the zoom that was cut off?
I was wondering that too
Me too! Please!?
Thank you so much for this book, I devoured it within the first two days it dropped on my e-reader… and immediately wanted more. It was so wonderful being back in the world, and I really love the direction you are taking Julie and Derek in their newest iterations.
Thank you so much for mentioning the next Innkeeper ETA. I’m so happy we’ll have a story sometime this year!!!
I’m so happy you wrote this. Julie’s growth, along with all the changes in everyone’s lives, were great. I love love love time jumps, but I’m not usually a fan of narrative shifts. But after how seemlessly you did it with Nevada/Catalina I shouldn’t have worried at all. Love diving back into this world, especially with someone who isn’t shy about using magic like Kate tended to be (sword first, magic as a last resort).
Also so happy that Erra is living her life. She deserved her second chance and I’m SO happy that she is doing something with it. Love all the development you’ve done with her.
I assumed Sophia was adopted. I thought the “illegal thing” they did was changing a minor into a shapeshifter, so the fact that people were like “SHE IS A CHILD OF MAGI-GENETIC EXPERIMENTS” makes me so happy. XD
The thing I’m most interested in learning about is Uncle Hugh’s kid. :3 Seems like maybe even more of a handful than Conlan.
I literally teared up when it turns out that you don’t know it will be a series. Please???? Please give it another chance. Sometimes a second book might boost the sales of the first one. I saw Grey Wolf is # 8 on some book list. People might go and look for the Kate Daniels series if they find this one first. PLEASE, I am begging that this book become a series. I have never begged for a series before. With everything going on, please…..
You guys are amazing, you took what was a little bit of a fun exercise as a sidelight to another book,it took a life of its own, and it is fantastic, as good as anything you have written. You guys always fret that it won’t be good, if this isn’t good, reading what you consider good must be literally mind blowing, you read it and your head explodes from the goodness.
To quote a Damon Runyon character ( who says if demand for his product ( bootleg booze) isn’t good he will be asking certain people why this is so in a not kind way), if this doesn’t sell well kate,hugh,currab,rogan and the rest of the mob will be asking around why,and it will not be pleasant:)
One thing about the questions. Great Cesar’s Gost these people need to read the KD series. And result you regarding Ascanio. Jeez even I don’t question why he was doing that stuff…..it’s called a lead up to the plot folks. Building……
loved this book! Also thanks for the chuckle every time I read Knight Ryder
Thank you so much for writing Blood Heir – love this book so much – and for doing these zoom sessions.
Also can’t stress how much I love your interactions with your menagerie
Where’s the line to say thank you for Blood Heir?
“Probably” …. Squeeee!
I have been biting my tongue, being good, and not spoiling the read for friends and acquaintances, but I will have to do a happy dance.
But the poor COW….
I would just like to thank you for doing the live chats. I really enjoyed hearing your answers and you made the stories even more real for me. I also enjoyed seeing Tuna. I had a cat named Carmichael when I was growing up that looked like Tuna. I can’t have pets now because my youngest has severe allergies so I enjoy other people’s pets.
I’ve never had the privilege of watching a book be built from scratch like this. THANK YOU so much for this story and this experience.
Thank you!!! I thoroughly enjoyed the book… so nice to catch up on some old friends, but I enjoyed the new ones too. And I got a kick out of the whole Sophia thing…. yeah, she’s a horse…. lol
Loved it!! Hoping this turns into a series!!!
Thank you. I enjoyed the book so much. I hope we see a sequel. I also hope we get to read more about Hugh and Elara, because they are the most hysterically funny couple that you both have written.
It’s funny to me that people were upset about Ascanio. I mean, if you can redeem Hugh, Ascanio will be a piece of cake. 🙂
But seriously, I figured that the list of times he rescued the children was a definite hint that he was not just going to be a douchebag forever. He was always kind of a lovable pain in one way or another. It seemed in character.
Will you post the rest of this video??
P.S loved BH,
I have reread the whole thing twice now ????….can’t wait for the next one.
No, it’s not horses it’s someone with coconuts.
+! hahahaha
It was soooooo good. Thank you!
You guys are the best. I love all the things you have written. I will continue to buy everything you guys write. Thank you for sharing your amazing gift with the world.
Thank you for the happy! We all needed a happy.
I’ve read BH twice and lived it. I can’t figure out how we went from “oh my gods look who is sleeping with whom (through eagle eyes)” to “they are his stepsons”
Did I miss something obvious?
Are you referring to Desandra and Nick?
I think it became clear when he said “we raised them well” IIRC. If a man says that about a child that’s not his own, he deserves the stepfather label.
I just want to say thank you. I love all the series you write so I’m happy when any book comes out that your write.
I love Julie and Derek and hope to see more of them together. I didn’t think Ascanio was a bad person or acting out of character, he’s still cocky and young, so he occasionally doesn’t make the best decisions, but I think his heart is in the right place. I’m hoping there is not a love triangle though, I’ve never been a fan of that particular plot mechanism and we can always have an Ascanio book.
Thank you!
Huh my creative thinking was that I thought Sophia was adopted & the illegal thing was that they somehow infected her as a minor (perhaps to save her life?) & that’s how she is an albino weremongoose?
Yes, you are correct in your guess. That is pretty much what happened.
Was this not a secret?
😉 shh. loving Gordon’s spoilery!
Oooooo, thank you for that! *rubs hands in a gleeful manner*
What is funny is that right now I am listening to Queen’s “I Want It All”. I think that should be the BDH’s slogan. 😀
Thank you for all the time and attention to detail you put into your books. I really like whatever you write.
That was great fun and very informative. Thank you
ALSO, Tuna kitty is HUGE!! I really enjoy all your animals. It’s nice to see other people are critter valets also.
The bookshelf with the ladder is fantastic.
1. Great Mandalorian tag along comment. ????????????
2. Thank you for verifying my deduction that Ascanio is innocent of the neigh-sayers and that Sofia is adopted. (Because if there is no sequel, at least we can all sigh with those points solidified.)
3. Thank you for writing this story. While I think we all hope for more, even if it ends here for this KD universe crew, it was so.well.done.
Cheers and May 2021 be better for everyone’s mental health.
As I’m watching the After Party, “note to self: get Gordon alone and just have him talk for a while to try and fish for some spoilers” XD I kid, I kid
I found it hilarious how you both engaged with the audience. Gordon’s dad jokes, Ilona’s look towards Gordon around the 1:02:50 minute mark, the parade of cute pets. It was really lovely
Thank you for sharing it with us all
I apologize if this has already been covered; which format of sales is most profitable for you? Dead tree purchased from xyz store? Electronic from xyz site? TIA
Hello VA,
This has been somewhat covered previously here https://ilona-andrews.com/2019/best-strategy-to-support-a-new-book/
The overall message was: “I am not going to prescribe to the readers how to buy our books. If you buy in paper, thank you. If you buy it in ebook, thank you. If you borrow it from the library, thank you. We want you to buy it in the most convenient and easiest way for you. Just don’t pirate them. That’s all we ask.”
I was wondering this too, because I’d like to buy whatever format creates the greatest good for the authors. I typically buy on iBooks because it’s the most visually appealing to me, but if it’s helpful to buy Kindle for the ratings and such, I’m in!
Thank you for sharing that link Moderator R. That was an illuminating read. New plan, just buy an extra book and gift it.
I still haven’t gotten my copy fromBank books in Mystic Connecticut. I Live in NYC. Kate from bank books says it is coming via New Jersey??
And I couldn’t attend the Zoom, because of very sick friends.Husband and wife both have Covid.Their daughter is keeping everyone up with their conditions via texts.
Blood Heir is the bright spot in my day.
Looking forward to reading the book and seeing everyone’s theories helps me forget the rest of the terrible horrible day.
And I knew Gordon would have a cool shirt on and Ilona would be keeping everything on track and there would be pets. Just knowing this helps.
I truly enjoyed watching some of the zoom video . I also liked all the cool questions and comments.
I hope the numbers on Wednesday are high. I suspect they will be.
And I am smiling knowing that we get more of Julie and Derek.
Plus maybe in the fall more Innkeeper. I always think of innkeeper as a autumn , Friday treat.
Then, Ruby Flame. Will Linus be definitely revealed??
What’s the name of Nevada and Connor’s son . I think Nevada’s dad was named James , but I can’t remember Connors dads name?
I would like Cool Aunt to be included in the dead tree version of Ruby Flame. I am a dead tree book reader.This always makes me feel guilty, I am killing trees!!
I don’t have a kindle. Maybe this year I can afford to purchase one .
Sorry , I rambled.
Thank you for great book, your mane indicates that it is automatically great. Thank you for cool Zoom.
Tuna is so fluffy, and the dogs were so entertaining.
Love the Monty Python and Sean of the Dead references.
Loved the talk about Batman versus Bruce Wayne.
Personally I think Tony Stark thinks I am Iron Man , first ,then Tony Stark.
Similar to when Nevada learned to think Connor , then Rogan or Mad Rogan.
Just a cool line of thought.
Thank you and especially thanks to the great moderators.
Please for the love of all things good, let it be a series. I hated the limbo we were in after grey wolf with nothing to look forward to.
And also, you can’t leave us hanging with- KD could die!!!
The book was so good I didn’t even want to finish it in one go.
That was fun. ????
You both are really lovely to watch.
Crossing fingers and toes for more books from any series this year.
Hello, what was the funny Roman thing from Patty ? (From video, before the 25 minute mark but not sure exactly when.) Thanks
I rewatched and its around 19m55s.
Hello i saw a little of the zoom chat you all posted and cant wait yo finish it. I read your q&a up above and cant wait to see how the rest of the story unfolds …whenever ????.
Also if we do get more of their story i hope to see More of Nick and Desandra. Cheers
ugh I love your bookshelves.
I didn’t get to get to make a reservation in time to be on these :(. Thank you for posting.
The biggest cliffhanger for me is wondering how the nurse you mention in the acknowledgements who asked you to post is doing. If they read this, I hope you are doing okay, and thank you for your hard work.
Erra in a tank top and sweat pants.
Yeah, I’d pay good money to see that.
I just wanted to leave a comment to say ‘thank you’. Your writing is so very clever and outrageously entertaining and such a blessing to me. Thank you. I will never not buy what you’re selling.
I’m a high school teacher. This is the worst year ever. I’m so glad the release is amazing for you. I will happily buy whatever you write – it’s been such a necessary distraction through this flaming pile of bullshit that is this year.
Dear Moderator R – thank *you* for making things easier for House Andrews. Team work makes the dream work!
I’m a paramedic. I can’t tell you how much your books mean to mean to me. Thanks for working hard every day to bring joy and a healthy escape for us all.
Just finished Blood Heir in the ebook version. Amazing and wonderful as always. I don’t know how you have managed to create so many different series and all of them are equally fabulous. Thank you so much and please keep writing!
Thanks for writing this book. I just finished it today.
Yay! Reading the above, we can guess that some of the info in the book represents the opinions of characters rather than the “truth” (it’s all relative to be fair).
Ascanio POV:
On Derek – “irritating wolf who left but not before embarrassing A, need to balance scales”
Relationship with Andrea and Raphael – “Beloved bosses ordered A to seek Beastlord-to-be position in order to stabilise pack” “no way A wanted to take over as Alpha. Boudas are crazy”
On Knight Ryder – “meddling female knight who knows nothing about Atlanta and needs rescue”
On Desandra – “another irritating wolf, literally in bed with the Order, possible security risk, dangerous kid, unwilling to help stabilise Pack. Even rejected A’s efforts at alliances.”
On crazy kids – “A’s penance for all the crazy stuff he did to Kate”(eg Wendigo)
You could add under Knight Ryder – “…but I have a feeling I know that meddling knight from somewhere. I just can’t place it. She sounds like someone I know.”
I thought Ascanio only became particularly douchy to Julie after she name-dropped Andrea and her birthday. Which, if she were a stranger to the city, is possibly alarming from a security standpoint, so I found it understandable. And Sophia’s description of his constant “interference“ in the kids’ grand monster-hunting schemes was hysterical.
Thank you for the answer about Doug. Literally, tonight my sister said the we didn’t find out if Doug survived. I told her what one member of the BDH said about maybe Derek healing him. Now tomorrow I can tell her that you said he is in the next book. I really enjoyed BH. Reading it really was “visiting with old friends.”
Thank you so much! It was great not only to hear the answers to the questions but also to get to hear more about your creative process.
I hope you will consider posting the spoiler-y part of the video at some point – sure would love to hear it.
Please, please have been waiting for ages for Julie and Derek to really get together.
I am waiting for Derek to work for it. Also, would be nice if he had some competition, otherwise its too easy!!!
I borrowed the book from my friend (kindle) because I could not wait but I promise I will also buy the book by myself. I am currently broke right now but by the end of the month, I’ll get my part-time job salary and then I will buy Blood Heir :)))))
Oh my god. It was so hard finding my comment. Took me ages. And not to mention I spent 15 minutes going through each comment of some other post by mistake.
Anyways, I came back to just say that I finally purchased my own kindle copy and I am very happy :))
I got to attend the Saturday livestream. It was such a privilege and so much fun to be a part of! Loved the book, thought it was great and one of the few good things to come out of 2020. Also loved the gentle interruption of your various pets. 😀
I am so delighted that you’ve been having a good time! Moderator R, I also really hope you’ve (mostly) been amused at our ridiculous antics. My favorite, & i guess a request, is to know the count of how frequently you had to respond with the brilliant copy paste audiobook despair rapid responses ????. Also, I’m incredibly disappointed, not surprised, at not being privy to the spoilery section of your recording ????????????. Wishing you a very happy book week 2!!
I think the only diplomatic answer to that is “as many time as it takes” haha.
It’s what I’m here for, not everyone can see all the posts :).
Thank you for the book. BTW, you guys are very patient. Looking forward to whatever IA brings out next
You guys are awesome. Your blog posts have made some of my darkest days lighter. Thank you ????
P.S. Loved the book!
Now I am /super/ curious how California has changed with the shift! Having grown up in Tijuana, and having lived a decade in San Diego (in point of fact, La Mesa, a mile away from the LM Chamber of Commerce!), I was very focused on Julie/Aurelia’s little descriptions. “LA would make your hair white”, the cults, the Empire of the Sun! So so good! Or if you wanted to revisit another of your old steps, I’d lap up Derek & Julie visiting the Seattle area! or as someone in the BDH offered – you could write a whodunit with the heroine solving the problem & saving the day through an excel spreadsheet would be hilarious!
Yes to the curiosity of LA being worse than Atlanta. I realize the ocean and mountains surrounding LA would have something to do with it.
If Sofia was adopted, then what was illegal?
She couldn’t have been born albino weremangoose, which can only mean that she was born human, and became weremangoose. And since its not a coincidence that both she and Barabas turn into the same animal, then Barabas must have infected her. Is it illegal to turn children?
I believe that it is “illegal” to change someone with out their permission.
A child can’t know what he / she is facing, so how can they give permission? It’s even worse if the child is very young, as Sophia must have been.
There must have been extenuating circumstances – illness or injury probably – or changing a kid would not have happened.
Or Julie / Aurelia could be wrong…
Loved the book and hoping for a next one. Also thank you for putting up the question and answer session.
Cutting the Spoiler section. I love your books and your personalities that come out in your blog. But cutting the spoiler section… why, oh why wasn’t I smart enough to participate live.
As a German, we had a lot to watch and learn about our East Germans after the wall fell. They went on a shopping spree for the craziest things, from our POV. Bananas, pineapples- Jeans- Sneakers- TVs- VCRs.. all hard to get and craved for with an urgency that was hard to grasp. I didn’t have relatives in the Eastern part, but lived close to the border and suddenly all these Trabis (Eastern German Car) with happy people were on the street. And people so grateful just to be allowed to move as they pleased. To be able to get immediately what they were looking for. I’ll never forget the sheer amount of joy and liberation they spread in the first weeks after. Great memory.
I was bouncing like my excited toddler when I clicked “Buy it” 🙂 Thank you soooo much for writing all these books!!!
Thank you for your video. I was interested to learn that Saiman is pronounced sy-MAHN (I thought SAY-men) , Ascanio does not have a silent ‘c’, and Ilona is pronounced Eh-LONE-ah (not Eye-LONE-ah). I will try to correct my reading voice.
Good fortune to your pear tree!
Thank you, Ilona Andrews, for the post.
The after party video was excellent. I am used to my feline and canine supervisors so no problem with Tuna. Mary, the mighty white and black feline huntress, knows exactly the keys to hit with her feline paws to lock the laptop and crash educational program.
Congratulations on book ranking.
Thank you moderator r. BDH has inquiring minds and are unique in many ways. ????
You wrote: After 20 some books, you guys still don’t trust us. Ascanio is not a douchebag. He has reasons, they are good reasons, and they will be revealed later on. It has to do with the current state of the Pack, Jim’s imminent retirement, and what Andrea and Raphael foresee as the fragmentation of everything Curran has built and Jim has refined.
AHA so there will be a sequel!!
Thank you for posting the recording!
Never apologize for feline interference. It’s a feature, not a bug.
I loved BH so much! Thank you so much for this gift. Would love to see how Namtur and Marten’s relationship develop with Julie. Would really really love to see more Derek & Julie.
I was actually surprised to see so many comments about Ascanio being a douchebag. First, this was Julie’s POV so most of what we got was filtered through her thoughts, experiences, and limited knowledge of current pack politics. Second, there is textual evidence from Christopher that he was watching out for the kids. That’s a good quality to have and provided some insight into his character. Third, I trust Andrea and Raphael’s influence.
Yeah, I got the impression he was trying to put out too many fires, and it just overwhelmed him. I didn’t think he was being a villain, either. Ascanio has always used his looks and he’s ornery, but at the end of the day, he’s a decent guy.
Grumble grumble grumble stupid pandemic Amazon ordering. My order for a print copy is delayed until mid February to early March! I ordered it a few days before print release on the same day I ordered a notebook that was also Amazon print on demand. The notebook is here but…. I would much rather have Blood Heir. Patience is not my strong suit, crossing my fingers Amazon puts Blood Heir to the top of the printing cue, where it belongs, and I get it long before March! I guess I have waited this long, I can wait a bit longer.
Anyway, no idea how sales are tracked, but if shipping/print date has anything to do with it, there’s an explanation on why Canadian sales patterns may be funny.
Cancel and reorder!! This happened to me when I preordred. They said the Feb/March thing…and the second one I ordered on 12 Jan and it was in my front porch by 8pm on the 15th.
Thank you! Especially answer about Ascanio. I’m fully relieved. Kind of missed the zoom events before so gonna watch the youtube video. Many thanks<3 and cheers for Moderator R!^^
Absolutely loved this book and when it becomes available will get the audio book as well.
I hope it does become a series as would like to see how things pan out for Julie.
Tuna’s amazing. I was surprised how big she is! We once had two dogs and four cats, and as much as I miss them, I’m not as spry as I once was to care for them all.
Soooo, I’m the outlier that figured Sophia was adopted? Wow. I confess to having done a fist pump in the air over Saimon. The second I read he’d been buried in Unicorn at the end of Magic Triumphs, I knew he’d had a plan.
I need a new Skillshare project, so I’ll monkey around with making a map. I used to nerd out over maps back in my stone age college days. Should be fun.
Loved Blood Heir, and I’m currently re reading Hugh’s book, and Magic Triumphs again. Thank you for making 2021 less awful. My Hubby is reading BH and loving it, too.
I really want the next Blood Heir book but I also really want Hugh 2! The fact that Hugh and Elara apparently have at least one child has me very interested in the remainder of their story. Especially if it includes Julie’s developing relationship with them.
Thank you for writing it! Im hoping so much that you make a Series out of it! I love all of your Books and bought it in english language even though it is not my first language.
I bought it from Amazon, does it make a difference for you from where I buy it? If yes than I change the Shop where I buy your books 🙂
Greetings from Germany 🙂
Grab Barbara! Thanks Gordon!
Am in alt even before the chat starts 🙂
So fortunate to participate in the Saturday afterparty. It was such a delight, as always. Thank you for your books (which I’ve just recommended to two friends in my Agatha Christie Bookclub!!!). They are a true gift always and particularly now.
It’s a joy to watch you both together; you bring such delight with all you do!
The perennial fan problem: loved the story, but I want the next two in the series NOW … BUT I don’t want you to rush them! It’s the solid character and world and plot development that makes your stories superior!
(And, besides, there are all your other series that I am waiting for the next installment of – where is rush-cloning when you need it!).
Thank you for being creative authors. Please, in spite of all the pressure from crazed fans (hi!), take time off to enjoy life and to remember that you do this for fun. We all depend on you enjoying what you do.
Thank you for the adoption part. ❤️
My husband and I have 2 adopted daughters, adopted as teens. Older children absolutely deserve to be loved too.
Loved Blood Heir. Great job guys. Love the novella idea! Will take anything I can get. Waiting for Ruby Fever……
LOVE Gordon’s sweatshirt!
Wonderful book, thank you! I like the changes since the blog version. All I can say is that I really hope there is another one as Julie and Derek need some better closure. 🙂
Thank you so much for the book, and I do hope it is the first of several. Also, hooray for older child adoption!!
What’s BDH? We own all the books, all series, no idea what that means.
Book Devouring Horde.
I am not sure who came up with it, but it is perfectly descriptive.
(You will get several replies w/ this info. We are all typing madly to tell you.)
It comes from the Innkeeper series. The Hope-Crushing Horde, more formally known as Otrokars.
Ilona Andrews fans definitely qualify as a horde; and book-devouring is also an excellent description. Their books stand up to multiple re-reading after all.
Loved the book. I made myself take 2 days to read it to make it last longer. I would love to see a Julie series.
Thank you for posting the link for the video chat. I will watch it after I get my chores for the day completed – or I won’t get them done.
I love your books and own them all in some format. (Many in more than one format – ebooks are so much easier to cart around.)
It is fabulous that you are willing to consider a series! I am rooting for it, but realize that you only have so much time. It’s not like I want you to not write something else from your list of possibilities. I love them *all*.
Write what pleases you, or what you need to because authors must eat like everyone else. I will but it and say “Thank you”.
“Buy” not “but”
Of course Ascanio isn’t a douchebag. That he continues to rescue that crew of kids makes that clear – if they up their game much more, they’re going to get him killed, but I don’t think that possibility would stop him going after them.
That Derek makes Ascanio crazy was always obvious; but the two of them did work well together, and he stepped in to try to save Derek’s life at least once. I find myself wondering after four readings of Blood Heir, with Aurelia’s emphasis on the bad blood being from both sides, if maybe Derek has always envied Ascanio his mother.
I do think that Ascanio should have a shot at helping save the world. He doesn’t have enough innate power to help take down a god, but he would certainly be able to protect a fair number of Atlanta’s children. Especially if Nick assigned Stella to help with that chore – she’s apparently almost as indestructible as shifters are.
It was so blindingly obvious to me that Sophia would have been an older-kid adoption that I thought you guys had actually said so. Nope. But it is still blindingly obvious.
The least believable character interaction as far as I was concerned was how coherent that fight that blew up between Derek and Aurelia at the end was. I’ve been in a couple of fights that exploded after a sudden release of great pressure, and I’ve witnessed one other – nobody involved in any of those three fights sounded anywhere near sane, and you had those two actually coherent.
I had no difficulty believing Derek could recognize her by how she sat her horse. I grew up around horses, and I used to be able to recognize riders off in the distance that way.
And I am soooo looking forward to what trouble Namtur and Deira get up to!
PLEASE make it at least a trilogy. I, for one, will buy as many books about these folks as you care to write.
Agree on all points! 🙂
Lovely to read this; thank you so much for this book. And I really enjoyed hearing that you two enjoyed creating it.
Thank you!
Loved every minute of the party….just started reading it…so sometimes covered my ears !!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!I missed reading about all the great characters in the Kate Daniels series and Blood Heir I hope is just the beginning for Julie/Aurelia Ryder!
I want to see a spoiler section. Please, please…
BTW, Thank you for posting this session 😉
Being one of the people who harangued you for Julie and Derek’s story, I will be forever grateful to the NY nurse who got in touch with you to write something to help get her through the pandemic, and to you for taking up the mantle. And to hear there is probably a second book in the offing (depending on certain factors), I am beyond excited.
It was an eye opener to listen to you discuss BH and your work. Your passion for your characters comes across so clearly. Listening to you speak about them, including Kate and Curran, feels like they are people you are so close to and know intimately, and defend when the need arises. Not a surprise to many people, however, I was in awe at how seamless it is for you. I don’t believe I have experienced it to that degree before. I love you guys even more if that’s possible and yor humour is contagious.
Thank you so much for sharing your time, generosity and uber creativity with us. I look forward to so much more from all your wonderful characters, perhaps Kate and Curran in cameo but I will take it. I guess my favourites from your book series are KD and HL, with particular soft spots for Julie, Derek and Arabella. You write the children so beautifully too. Oh what am I saying?! I just love it all.
Thank you for being a shining light.
It is really good. I wanted it to be longer and I do smell a series, ( at least I hope I do)
Honestly everything you two write I want read & re read….
I don’t know why sales would fall short- but it wouldn’t be because the book is not good or people don’t follow you.
Loved the book-so many twists and turns, it was awesomely! Love your big orange cat and kept trying to read Gordon’s hoodie.
Will you release the Spolier portion as a video as well? I would love to see that as well.
Thank you for this wonderful story. I am a retired ICU RN and I love that you did this for one of ours. I only have one whine, Alaska is one of the most beautiful places on earth, not a frozen wasteland ????. If you ever want to see the Real Alaska email me and I will tell you all of the best places and may even be able to give you a tour. Again, thank you for a great adventure, I do love Julie and Derek.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this (and ALL) your books. Talk of more is always exciting and I will buy every single word you produce but in the meantime your books are a source of joy. They’re smart, funny and take me somewhere that for all it’s horror is full of heart and beauty.
First, THANK YOU for this lovely and then heartbreaking Julie/Derek story! I gather from the tons of reviews (already close to exceeding Emerald Blaze) that it is entirely possible there might be a series, or at least a second book. I have all fingers and toes crossed.
Anyway, you’ve made my fondest Kate Daniels/Curran world wish come true, and, in addition to the emotional tension, the clashes with the villains are eye-poppingly awesome. You really outdid yourselves this time!
Cheers & thanks again,
This was so fun! So so so so fun! We loved the book, thank you!
Tuna! Shaun of the Dead hoodie! 🙂
Thanks for answers, can’t wait to see what the hell happened in Atlanta (Pack) when Julie was away. And the Desimir puzzle.
i am almost positive that it said in the book that sophia was born using some illegal magic. So while adoption could be true as well, you can see why adoption would be not the horse, but the pygmy elephants following the zebras that were already glimpsed when we heard hoofbeats
Hello flopcat,
The book does not state Sophia was born through illegal magic.
“There was only one way for Sophia to exist, and that way was illegal.” Andrews, Ilona. Blood Heir, page 100. NYLA Publishing, 2020. Kindle edition
Furthermore, the authors of the book, who have created these characters and universe, have clarified with no shade of doubt that she is adopted. This is canon.
I hope this helps.
Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed Blood Heir; as usual, I was sorry when I finished it because I wanted to continue reading the story for at least another month or two. I look forward to the next installment and wonder how Julie and Derek will make out now that their mutual interest has been confessed. I’m also looking forward to the next Innkeeper book as well as the next Hidden Legacy story. I realize that prime reading material takes time to produce, but I truly wish your production was speeded up a bit – you two are GREAT authors, I REALLY enjoy your books and at my advanced age (72 this year if I’m granted that blessing) want as much as I can read as soon as possible. An avid reader with a few favorite authors, you two are at the top of my list. Thanks for sharing your creative talents with us. May God continue to keep and bless you and may you continue to keep your readers interested and increase your fanbase for a long time to come!
Loved Blood Heir! Thanks so much for all the effort you put into making it. Also really enjoyed your zoom chats, much appreciated. Your books are awesome, and the blog is also a source of delight. Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know. Can’t wait to read whatever comes next! 🙂
I had to work during the chat so I was glad to see the replay. A couple of worldbuilding questions. First, you seemed to have established leylines as the post-shift rapid transit system and it runs across the country. Because that is the only way you could have gotten (redacted to avoid spoilers) from (redacted) to Atlanta that fast.
I did wonder if the post shift world allows for airships? I figured helicopters would still work because they could land via autorotation during a shift and the pilot could chat the magic engine to work while on the ground. Airships could just hang while going from one power source to another.
What if the helicopter was over a lake or a mountain range, in the middle of a maneuver, strong winds, weather etc. – it might not be possible to land with auto rotation. Plus I would imagine the first magic wave caused a traumatic memory for everyone when planes fell out of the sky.
I don’t think most people would want to take the chance. I wouldn’t ????
Point. After I posted that, I thought about it bit. Helos are highly complex pieces of tech. The Andrea book mentions that helicopters were flying some at least early on. The airship thing is much more pleasurable later in the shift. It probably comes down to the extent of the ley line network and to a lesser extent railroads whether they would be feasible or not.
Very happy to hear that the Roman book is still a faint possibility. I kinda gave up hope on his book when the Julie book became a reality. He is my favourite character and I love rereading scenes with him in it.
The book was exquisitely luscious.
Thank you both so much.
Thank you for this book! I loved loved loved it. I thoroughly enjoyed the after party on Saturday and so glad I woke up early for it. 🙂 I look forward to your future books. Hopefully more Julie. 🙂
Just so you know for sales – I did buy the ebook (still thinking about physical book for my library because of vendor stuff) but I am for sure buying the audiobook when it releases. I like audio and especially the option of switching to audio when my eyes are tired or I am working on a project or taking a walk.
Point being, I am probably not alone in this.
No my friend. You aren’t. +1
So it was intentional, that Julie could not go home. I was wondering about that. That part of the book was heart-wrenching for me. My work makes it specially hazardous for me to go home.
I try not to use dramatic phrases and hyperbole because then words lose meaning, so I really do mean that.
A part of the book that I really appreciated was a glimpse at the greater changes that were occurring due to the shift.
Julie’s talk about New Shinar was enlightening. The question of city states coming back because the world is large again, the question of social welfare…
These things were alluded to, but never outright discussed in KD. Maybe because Kate was never involved in governance, only protection.
Love Hometown also!
Lol think horses not zebras. I think the reason my brain went to zebras because it sounded like aurelias brain did as well. The book is awesome thank you.
Loved Blood Heir. LOVED it. I would love to see Blood Heir II – you can count on a pre-order from me. Thank you so much for all you do.
Thank you for all the answers and posting the video. It was enjoyable – you two are such a great team, the critters are wonderful and I am jealous of the bookshelf with the ladder and open shelves! ????
I thought BH was great as I do all of your series and am looking forward to Ruby Fever next.
The book was amazing and a much needed distraction this year! Thank you!! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for a trilogy. ????
Not sure if this question was answered in the spoiler section, but I would love to know the origin of Julie’s magic – specifically why wolves like her scent. Super curious.
Hi Anna,
Details of Julie’s magic and her affinity with wolves, wolflike dogs, horses and birds of prey can be found in Magic Binds- specifically in Chapter 12, pages 248/249.
Julie is a child of the Koorgahn (kurgan). Their magic was the Sight (her sensate gift) and also related to the things they were surrounded by in their lives:
“Wolves, horses, and birds of prey, those are her things. That’s how they came to battle, riding their horses, guarded by their birds of prey and their wolves.” Andrews, Ilona. Magic Binds, page 249. Ace 2016. Kindle edition
Thanks so much!! Can’t believe I’m forgetting stuff. Perfect excuse to re-read 🙂
I loved Blood Heir!! It was so great to be back in the KD world. And Julie is a straight up badass!! It was so cool to read up on what’s happening in that world. I’m begging for you guys to continue with her story though. There’s still so much to unpack!! Fingers crossed from a KD obsessed fan. 🙂
Thank you for posting the YouTube video. I would have loved to have heard the “spoilers”. Thank you for giving more details about the Hugh and his conversation about the cow. For me that was one of the best scenes in the book. Looking forward to the next books you will be writing.
Thank you for the book! I loved it! This may have been answered but can someone fill me in on Marten? Through most of the book she is an orphan with no family but in a conversation with Julie she talks about her dad who is not a creep.
To be continued in future books. She does have a father. During the posted Q&A video they said her father is not one of the known characters.
Thank you!
If the sales do well do you think you’d do a Subterranean release? I’d love to add a hardback to my collection ????
Love ALL and EACH book.. especially the latest…Blood Heir!
Just watched the video tape of the Q&As and wish I was present then too. Interesting to hear many of us have the same questions.
Thanks for writing!!!
You guys are amazing. I hope on days when you’re down you can feel uplifted by how much joy and goodness you’ve put into the world. I can’t thank you enough for all the hours of happiness I personally have had from your books. I hope I can do that for other people one day.
I am finally able to watch and just wanted to say Thank You So Much! I loved the book it was a welcome escape from life and to visit old friends! Looking forward to I hope a second and maybe a third book?
Blood Heir is fantastic, and certainly fits right in with the Kate Daniels series. It was enjoyable, and very engrossing! I literally have all your books, love them all. Hope you keep writing for years to come. Thanks for the enjoyment.
FYI, I loved Maude. no ripper cusions
More please!
I love how Julie/Aurelia refers to so many of the familiar people of her mother’s generation as Uncles. I am “Aunt” to several of my friends’ adopted children (and those who don’t get along with their parents) and it’s wonderful to find models of the family you create during your life through friendships and experience represented in stories I love.
In India, everyone of your parents’ generation is ‘Aunty’ and ‘Uncle’. Including strangers. So those words don’t mean much here, except denoting age gap.
Thank you…I’m always happy to learn something new. Honestly that sounds like a tradition with pleasant intentions: emphasizing we are all related?
Happy to hear that Innkeeper books are not so complicated to write. I enjoy ALL of your books but I find I re-read Innkeeper more because they make me laugh. In your fantasy scene with the fans sitting around I guess I’m in that group. Philosopher Ko-kou chickens! (Hahaha) Giant porcupine molecular gastronomy chef tries to make fast food! (Snort, weep!) Intruders randomly sink into the ground like a game of whack a mole! Small children with fangs! So, so much that amuses…I will never tire of it all.
Things I have learned:
1) The BDH asks both clever questions and very much “out there” questions. We get deeeeeeep in the weeds. Plus many repeated questions. I’m assuming the hope is that the answer changes if we ask it enough?
2) I have pronounced so many names WRONG. Saiman, Roman, Andrea and Ascanio. Oh no!
3) I like how whoever was talking would focus on the question but then immediately take up the role of “cat petter” when the other person started talking. Done talking => initiate petting. Tuna knows the system!
Loved the talk! Thank you!
Thank you so much for posting this! Work exploded and I was finally able to take a day off today and settle in front of the fire with tea and the dogs to read BH. It was SOOOOO good! Coming here and watching you both answer questions and talk about the book was a perfect cap to the best day I’ve had in weeks. Your work and art has gotten me through some tough times and brought me so much joy over the years. Thank you, thank you, thank you fir your incredible work and for always sharing so generously with us, your devoted horde.
With regard to Roman: my father is the sort of typical Russian man you describe. (My family is all Russian and Ukrainian. I majored in Russian Regional Studies) He was a federal administrative judge, a servant of the law as Roman is a servant of Chernabog. He doesn’t feel loved unless he is needed. When he’s feeling down I ask him for advice I don’t actually need (but he doesn’t know that) so that he feels better. His mother was a difficult woman. My mother is a difficult woman. Both were smart, creative, charismatic, stubborn, etc. They fought. It made my father sigh heavily and twist words into pretzels to avoid taking sides. My mother is still convinced that my grandmother wanted my father to marry someone else, whom she picked for him. When my father retired, my mother said after a while, “if you aren’t going to remember to change the furnace filter maybe you should get your own place.” My father replied, “whatever makes you happy, sweetheart.” They live in homes a block apart in a retirement community and my father drives to get her an egg white McMuffin every morning so they can eat breakfast together. My point being: I picture Roman in a relationship like that. It doesn’t make sense to most people but it’s exactly what he wants. If you decide to go with it, I’m all in to provide answers to “what would happen if…” scenarios and help in any other way I can. You like renovation shows— check out Escape to the Chateau. The relationship between Dick and Angel is somewhat similar.
I loved this post.
I love and appreciate y’all and your lovely moderator. Thank you so much for the clarification. I love so much that This Is The Way.
Loved the book. Would really like to see Conlan get his own book / series!
Thank you for sharing this video – the time difference wasn’t in my favor for catching the actual event live so video after the fact is ????
Also, congrats on BH now also being an “Editor’s pick” on Amazon. ????????????????????????
I’d been meaning to say – it’s cool that the Hodag fight scene from the original website version became a simple charge-sidestep-slash scene. Thought that was pretty effective at cementing Derek’s badassery. haha!
Loved it loved it loved it! Thank you soooo much. ????????????????????????????????????
But….but…..no spoilers? ????
This was great, and hilarious, and wonderfully informative. No one expected the Spanish Inquisition, but I don’t think we need one with Gordon. ????
I’m doing a quiet little kermit dance in the corner because Hugh 2.0 is still coming. I love Ryder, I love Catalina, and I love Innkeeper – and will happily partake in whatever you release for them. But I fell in love with Hugh when he lost the fight with Kate in the courtyard, and I’ve never wanted a HEA for a character as much as I want it for him. Knowing it hasn’t fallen by the wayside is happy making. ❤️
You guys say the readers still don’t trust you- I’m ashamed to say I didn’t fully trust until I read Iron and Magic. I absolutely abhor novels starring longtime villains but tried IC anyway and loved it. You have my trust forever- even if you did kill Aunt B. ????
Just listening to your video, about julie and aurelia. I think of it as a growning up procss. I am called priscilla. As a child inwas called lala and to my family i will always be lala even as a 40yr old. In school in was called Pris. All my school friends would call me that. When i went away to university I was called Cilla.
This in away allowed me to evolve and give me a different environment to be the person that i wanted to be growning up and maturing.
For me its the person rather then the name that counts.
My two cents
Hello Gordon and Ilona, I’m a long time fan from Athens Greece.
I couldn’t watch you on line but I wanted to let you know that you have fans all the way to Greece, two at least me and my daughter Christina.
Thank you for the book, I love Derek and I’m so happy that we get to see his story continue and evolve.
Sending you love, happy thoughts and all the positive every!!!
Marina ????
Thank you for sharing the video and I’m so glad it all is going so well! I laughed so much with joy of hearing you both talk about your work!
Quick question: Will the spoiler portion of the video be available anywhere?
Thank you for all you do! This was great and I adore the book! <3
Is Bucky Tulip’s sire?
I read about people asking for the audio book…I’m asking for the next installment. I really like how Julie grew up and how she is her own person now and has reached some of her goals, especially in terms of power and strength. Loved Derek as well.
loved the book…thank you..thank you…take a well deserved break.
One question …what other book was Sophia in?
Hello Kay,
Sophia’s Blood Heir appearance is her first one.
Hope this helps 🙂
This was so fun to watch! I missed being able to sign up for watching it live so thank you for posting this (even if I’m dying for the edited out spoilers).
You two are my favorite authors and it is so good to see you both look so relaxed and happy and to see Julie getting embraced by the BDH. Can’t wait to read whatever you decide to publish next.
I love your stories. I really do. EIGHT years?! She was gone for 8 years. She LEFT Derek for eight years!!! This is my response. I needed to vent it out to the universe. PS I can’t wait for the next one!! ☺️☺️
Ok. Finally got to watch the video above vs just reading the comments.
Pardon if it has already been emphasized but…
Sometimes I can’t hear words well, especially through lovely accents, (too many rock shows when I was in college) so maybe I misunderstood but if not …. oh my … just oh my… ❤️????????????????????????????????
Just watching your Blood Heir After Party. Heard you mention concerns about Maud’s book in the Innkeeper series. Sweep of the Blade was my FAVORITE of the series. Would love to have you revisit them, especially to see how Helen is doing and does she have any siblings yet?
Was so excited to see this story! I was hoping for a spin off series for Julie. Loved seeing her and Derek together again! I really want to know what happened with Derek! Please make this a series to! THANK YOU!
Thank you for Blood Heir. It was a wonderful ride in the middle of a crazy world. I loved visiting the KD world again but in a new way. I’ve read it twice now!
I appreciate you so much! Thank you for writing this book!
Thank you! I normally listen to the audiobook but couldn’t make myself wait. It was excitingly wonderful to get the book, curl up on the couch for the day and enjoy the story! Can’t wait to hear the audio version with the new narrator.
I just checked and Blood Heir is doing well on Amazon in the Fantasy Romance and Romantic Fantasy lists. I hope this translates into happy amounts of royalties and more books about Julie. (I wouldn’t even mind hearing something from other characters’ viewpoints either, like Andrea and Dali and Desandra discussing Kate and eating honey muffins with George and Martha….). Hmmm, could Curran find out something but not pass it on to Kate? Is Derek levelling up so he can resurrect Kate and/or Julie? And does Marten end up with Conlan a dozen books down the line? Yup, I really really enjoy your bóks!
Soooooo disappointed w/ending… no Julie and Derek???? Why????
Absolutely loved Blood Heir! True to your Ilona Andrews style I love the characters and the storyline. With clever twists and new characters I enjoyed every minute of the story. I certainly am hoping for a sequel. Julie’s and Derek’s story is not finished. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us. I read the Kate Daniels, Hidden Legacy and Innkeeper Chronicles over and over. I think I have read the Kate Daniels series about ten times! I look forward to your next project.
Thanks for that! Loved BH and I’m so excited for ALL the books coming up! Is there a transcript for this session?
Hello Debra,
There is no transcript at this time. Try the Facebook Fan Group, they usually make one.
I ordered the book and left it in my car, in the package, until I finished re-reading the series. It tugged on me like the dragon’s anchor, yet I held out and managed to wait.
Thank you so much! It was basically one sitting (as I expected) and so worth it – I love everything that you have done and this came at a perfect time.
However this happens (more or no more) – your gifts are deeply appreciated.
Thank you for uploading this Q&A!! It was imensly interesting to hear you two talk and the BDH asked some good questions! No stress on the Series, I’m just really happy that it’s gonna be three books! And I I love that you introduce new characters. It’s Julie/Aurelias story after all. I’m very excited about a HEA for Roman as well! I really like him 🙂
Thank you so much for writing this book. I absolutely loved it and I do hope that it becomes a series. So many questions unanswered. Also, does Julie don’t realize that Derek was indeed courting her in the most typical shapeshifter fashion ever? He found her secret lair. He broke into it and let her know that he did. He stole her food. He knew who she was. If that is not true love, I don’t know what it is.
We also want to know how Desandra and Nick Feldman got together. And what about the twins???
And what’s the scoop with Damian Angevin and Erra???
And what did Derek see when he ate the Sphinx’s heart? He smiles, so that must be good.
I am so happy you will continue writing this series. You have kept me sane.
Ooo! Laura, I appreciate this perspective on the breakdown of Derek’s real and practical take on shapeshifter courtship!
I figured Sophia had to be adopted as she was older than Conlan.
The kids, Ascanio’s penance for his teenage years.
Love all your books and wait impatiently, but quietly for the next one. When a new one is due, I usually go back and read the previous books in the series.
I finished Blood Heir and started KD over again (for obvious reasons) – I was in the second chapter of Magic Bites when my husband started reading over my shoulder. It’s been four days and he’s halfway through Magic Bleeds ???? My work here is done.
???????????? love this!
Yes, yes, yes!
So I’ve finally purchased & received a print copy of BH. I’m thrilled. This will be my no-blue-light-emitting way to read in bed at night. & this time going through (I’ve read it multiple times in e version), all I can think of is: I want to make myself a Robin Hood like what Derek wears, for returning to work in a month, in what we’re crafting into outdoor preschool! Imagining- maybe I can rig an internal cinching system to make the mouthpiece tight enough ????. Feeling stylishly optimistic, in post-Shift Seattle.
I absolutely loved the newest Blood Heir book with Julie’s new story. I am looking forward to future books about her and Derek.
Please continue with this wonderful series.
I have read the complete Kate Daniels series at least twice. It is one of my favorites.
Thank you, Melissa
You both are amazing! I love everything you have done and can not wait for the next. Of anything! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Omg! Has anyone volunteered to do the map yet? I would so do it. Long-time designer and illustrator here with all the Photoshop/Adobe CC ????
Hello Melinda,
If you have an example of how you would envision the map and want to submit it, please contact me through the Reader Contact form here https://ilona-andrews.com/contact/#inquiry
Thank you ☺️
Quick map! Could never figure out where Unicorn lane was.
Given that Sophia is a weremongoose like Barabas (which seems to be a very uncommon type of shapeshifter), Christopher is a powerful magic-user trained by Roland, Julie said lyc-v normally fixes albinism in the womb, and Julie said flat-out that “there was only one way for Sophia to exist and that way was highly illegal” I don’t think it’s that surprising that most people jumped to the conclusion that Barabas and Christoper did something odd to conceive a biological child belonging to both of them.
It does beg the question though – if Sophia was absolutely for sure adopted, then what was the illegal thing done to facilitate her existence? Was taking her from wherever she lived originally illegal for some reason? Did Barabas infect her with his virus illegally? If so, shouldn’t the Lyc-V have fixed her albinism when she turned into a shapeshifter, or does that only happen to albinos in the womb? If not, how is there an albino shapeshifter?
I burst out laughing with the Sophia answer. Many people over think it, I understand because of what Julie said/thought, but the answer is so simple that just made me laugh out loud in an empty office (don’t ask why I work in an empty office)
I’d assumed Sophia was adopted but am pleased to see it confirmed. I am an adult adoptee, who has foster/adopted three kids and not all of them were babies (or healthy, our youngest suffered abuse in her home of origin and is significantly challenged physically and developmentally as a result, I mention this to reiterate that all children deserve a loving family. I enjoy your books in part because of the strong acceptance it shows of adoption, family of choice and related connections.
Thank you for the glimpse into KD kids childhood adventures Poor Ascanio!
I wanted to hear HIS POV into rescuing the kid gang.
Also appreciate the snatches of love interest Erra is getting from Damian and Great Uncle. She deserves some!
So many story lines I am looking forward to playing out! Your imagination is so delightful!
Just finished Blood Heir and am sad… I tried to drag it out so I’d have something to look forward to when I got home every night. But tonight I finally finished reading it. Want more Derek and Julie, puleese! Please please please! Love them !!! Miss them already!
Is there a recording of the spoiler time, that would be awesome.
When Coren took over the Guild, didn’t he say Julie was his kid and he didn’t want her thinking he worked in a dump? (something like that) I never saw him thinking of her as a younger sister.
I have to admit that I am purposely reading Blood Heir only about 10 or 15 minutes at a time to make the book last as long as possible. I know that sounds crazy, but I really like to savor any of your books. When I finish, I have the enjoyment of a well written story and then the depression that I have to wait until the next book. Crazy right? Thanks for all your books, any series and your inventive worldbuilding.
I loved it! Now I have to reread all of Kate’s books. Again. ????❤️❤️❤️
Julie asked Derek if she was finally pretty enough for him now and hjs non answer felt like a yes… ????????????
I completely loved Blood Heir and I’m so excited for more of this world. Reading it made me want to reread the whole Kate series again so I did. I forgot how much I loved Roman. I hope we see more of him in upcoming books.