Personal post, do not read or you might get depressed.
With rising coronavirus numbers in Texas, I just wanted to know if you are alright.
Thank you for checking.
See that big red circle? That’s us. We made national news by going from 4 cases a day to 210 cases a day. For a county with not that many people, it’s not pretty.
Yup. Greg Abbot, our governor, removed the shelter at home restrictions. San Marcos is a college town. Once restrictions were lifted, the kids went to tube on the river and they went to the Square, which is like a tiny 6th street (Austin reference) in our town filled with bars. Nobody wore a mask. Because you can’t drink with masks on, and when you have surgery, your medical team only wears them because they make such lovely fashion accessories. So dumb. So very stupid. Everyone Kid 2 currently knows in her age bracket has COVID. Everyone.
We haven’t left the house in weeks. Groceries are delivered. I have sewn masks. I found this awesome pattern that fits really well, but is a bit fiddly to make. Right now we have Saharan dust and everyone’s nose is either clogged or running, so Kid 1 checks our pulse and oxygen every day. Kid 2 has moved to Austin and so she is isolating there. Our daughters have agreed that they might survive COVID but Gordon and I are hosed. They decided that we shouldn’t take chances, so we are under very strict supervision.
I don’t know what to tell you. Alright is a relative term. Everyone knows how much this whole thing sucks. It’s devastating if you have COVID and it’s awful even if you don’t, because you live in constant worry that people you love or you might get it. People are losing relatives. They are losing jobs and businesses.
Right now my coping mechanisms are failing a bit. I haven’t been able to read a single book. I can’t finish anything I knit. I’m trying to find a lawyer to remotely update our will. When that happens, most people get anxiety. I get fun physical symptoms for the reasons I won’t go into here. My chest hurts constantly – probably costocondritis rearing up after taking a 2 year break. Normal digestion is out the window. Sleeping patterns are completely off.
So yeah, it’s not fun. But we are all humans. We are designed to survive, so let’s do our best. We will keep writing Ryder as long as we can, you, hopefully, will keep reading it, and we will try to get through this mess together. 🙂
Oh, so I don’t end on a sour note. If you have Viki, check out Romance of Tiger and Phoenix. A screenwriter of a fantasy romantic drama gets stuck in her own script as an awful princess fated to die two episodes in on her wedding night.
I’ve laughed so hard! OMG. I don’t know how it will end – it’s ongoing – but what’s there is so funny. I want to watch it all in one sitting, because making people wait for the new episode is some sort of torture. Like I don’t know who came up with that or what kind of horrible monster even uses serial format for entertainment. Honestly. 😉
Sallie says
I started watching Tiger and Rose, and couldn’t get into it but I’ll give it another shot. Oh My Baby is another good one, concerning a serious topic of infertility and the pressures women (and men!) face in that culture. But, oh! It has some real rofl moments! My husband is not amused with me sitting in bed watching it, crackling and snorting like a hyena while he’s trying to sleep. But, it too, is being released three episodes at a time, gah!
Sallie says
*cackling. I hate auto incorrect….
Alan says
Makes me pleased I live in New Zealand, where all we have to complain about is NZers returning from overseas with COVID and being put in isolation
Suelder says
I live in Northern NJ and it’s been tough. I’ve been keeping away from people because my mom is 87 with heart issues. But last week we both took the Covid test and both came back negative.
I always think of you (both of you) and Kate Daniels when I hear about the Princess Bride. Did you know they’ve done a remake? Well, sort of.
When I first heard they were thinking of it I said “Hell, no!!” But what they’ve done is more of an homage. A quarantine homage.
They’ve gotten actors and musicians who are also in isolation to re-enact a scene or two, then the director put it all together. It’s on Quibi, starting yesterday, in a serialized version. And they’ve raised $1 million for charity.
Here’s the Vanity Fair article:
And thank you for Ryder.
Corrinne Chieng says
Thank you for Ryder. I think its safe to say you will always have an audience…in me anyways. 🙂
Kathryn Flynn says
My son and his fiancee are in Houi. My husband and I are in NC. I’m worried about my son a future daughter in law. They are getting married in October and we don’t know whether things will improve enough for us to attend. Stay safe.
Lory says
My copping has been to start Kate from the beginning for the third time. Never gets old. Thanks guys ????
Winifred Stroup says
Stay well. All you can do is isolate. I hope your daughters remain healthy. This is such a frightening time. My brother in law just died of Covid -19. I would hope everyone gets through this pandemic. All the best wishes.
Joy says
You should be ok as long as you isolate. And it sounds like you have a kiddo looking out for you.
We must keep you safe because you are keeping some of us sane at the moment.
I’m from La Crosse… a small river city town in Wisconsin. We have 3 THREE colleges in our small city, and we made the New York Times because of our sudden spike in cases. Because why? Because when the Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned the stay-at-home order, it clearly meant that all the 20-somethings should go a-drinkin’ in the bars and partying on the river beaches. The demographics show all the new positive cases were 20-29. And now they’re a variety of ages because they are spreading it to others. It doesn’t help that a certain segment of the population thinks that it’s a liberal conspiracy to force people to wear masks, so they won’t.
This is why I hang on for escapism. And I’m counting the days for Ryder releases and the Emerald release. Thank you so much
HopeT. says
I am in the big city to the south of you, and it is scary. We got spoiled with careful government and slow growth, until the moronic governor fought with them– now look where we are. My husband and I are high-risk, our parents are super high-risk, so we haven’t seen them in months. My dad was so sad on Father’s Day. So, I get your worry. I wanted to say, thank you for Ryder. That story, plus some other authors doing a similar blog/facebook serialization have helped (somehow the shorter bits are manageable, even with the stress/fear). I also thank you for your recommendations of forthright’s work. Hers has brought joy, too. I am so happy you have Kid1 and 2 keeping an eye ( will keep Kid2 in my thoughts) on you. Lay low and stay healthy.
Mina says
My in-laws live in Fort Worth. They are 74. She is obese, with congestive heart failure, Parkinson’s and diabetes. He has super high blood pressure and cognitive decline. My SIL lives with them, she is a hair stylist with her own small studio, she wears a mask when she see clients but is basically in denial because she is plugged into the conservative conspiracy theory circles which somehow have made following public health guidelines and the CDC recommendations into a political statement…WTHO? (Substitute “heck” for the more common “F” cussword). Basically, if my inlaws get Covid 99.99% probability they will die. But still they want us to visit (we live in NW Montana, almost on the border with Canada, no way we can go to TX without days in a hotel to get there or go in a plane). I feel so badly because they really could go at any time regardless… but we are not going to be the ones bringing CoVid to them. Hand in there guys. You are doing all the right things to stay safe and your family (biological and the greater reading community) all support you!
TaraL says
My first comment … hooray!!
I’ve been watching what’s happening in Tx (and other states experiencing spikes) with great sadness. Here in Mass, we got also got hit hard. For awhile it felt like living in an apocalyptic novel. But now we’re slowly recovering, numbers are down, people are starting to live again.
The light at the end of the tunnel isn’t a train, I swear!!
The Ryder series has been a God send. I’ve been going through bad IA withdrawals as I’m sure many other readers were as well; this was the fix we all needed!
Lots of love and well wishes your way. If prayers are like currency, you guys are going to be fine! All of your (rabidly) loyal fans are beseeching the cosmos to see you through this safely!
My prayers and love to everyone else out there struggling too. Not to sound to syrupy, but I hope we can all look for the positives around us. As one commenter here said, at least we have the internet! Some of us will remember pre-internet, payphone days. Life where the car breaks down and you’re walking 4 miles to the gas station, small whining children in tow. We’re the best equipped generation of humans to endure a pandemic thus far, lots of things to be thankful for. This website for one!!
XOXO everyone, stay well and safe. <3
RT Boyce says
Oh man, I have two daughters in their 20s, and they have cross-examined our stay-at-home practices and sworn us to extreme caution! Guess they are not the only ones! 🙂
Ann says
I’m from Philippines and currently isolating in the province with my family. The governent has lifted the quarantine and has allowed people back to work amidst the high positive cases daily. I’m lucky because our company still let us work from home. I won’t go back if they make us because I have a 2 y.o. kid and and elderly mom. Keep safe!
Jennifer says
I have found that there are some alternative therapies out there that can help reduce anxiety and support your wellness. Healing Touch Program is a non-invasive, energy healing therapy that can support your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. Reiki is a similar practice and both of these can be done from a distance.
I wish you the very best with your family and your combined health and wellness and will hold you in my prayers.
Angela says
I am north of that big red dot; I am a nurse in Austin, and I am 55. I feel your pain- my children are sure they will survive, but terrified for me. I tell them I will get it or I won’t, and I’ll survive it or I won’t, but worrying about it now does not help. I have been a nurse nearly 30 years, and honestly, this is what I do- these days I mostly teach other nurses to take care of sick people, but with the rising case count I am doing a little of everything, including patient care. I do get mad at people who won’t wear masks. Your fashion or political choices shouldn’t figure into your thoughts on this- the virus doesn’t care! I hate seeing people throwing their life or health (or that of the loved one they give it to) away for a drink in a bar or an outing and it just drives me crazy.
So, anyway, sorry for the rant, and thanks for this- reading your writing gives me a nice little break in all this where I can think about something else for a while. I wanted you to know it matters a lot and helps.
Rebecca says
I am so sorry to hear that life is a struggle at the moment.
Please take care of yourselves, be kind to one another, and do what is best for you.
Your BDH will be here whether you need to take a break from writing, or choose to lose yourself in the words. Either way, just please remember that you have thousands of people wishing you the very best.
erebor452 says
Most of the people my age– especially those of us who were late babies– are terrified for our parents. I don’t blame Kids 1 and 2 one bit for their reaction. It’s a bit hard to supervise mine as strictly as I’d like from across the country, but I’m managing. 🙂 I’m glad you’re safe(ish), even if being stuck in the house is non-ideal.
Brenna says
Here, in Canada, I’ve been worriedly watching the US infection stats, for months. I wish your family and friends well, during this arduous time. Thank you, so much, for sharing your stories with us. Please take care of yourselves.
Dianna says
I am so sorry. I work in healthcare in No. CA. We are still on lock down in my county and I’m very grateful. We are still seeing the growth in cases here in CA, mostly with young people as well. They think they are invincible and they are giving it to their elders who are not. Stay home, stay safe and have lots and lots of Zoom meetings or distance riding. It’s easy to spend some with someone on a horse 12 feet apart. 🙂
Be safe.
Angela says
Canada Sews has great patterns for masks. Don’t forget to treat deliveries like nuclear waste.
I love your stories. Please stay in and stay safe.
Jo Jones says
Sound familiar. We are all stressing. Nice to hear I am not the only one who cannot focus. Sharing does help. Keep on keeping on
Chris says
Hey Ilona, on a bright note, Neanderthals were more advanced than we realized.
Scientists have found Woven Yarn dating from about 40,000 to 50,000 years ago at a cave site in France, indicating that this early human species had a more sophisticated material culture than they’ve been getting credit for. (published in
Scientific Reports).
Now if someone finds the 40,000 year old remains of a computer chip, We’re all going to have to reassess… everything!
Pence says
That ‘chip’ would probably be the next wave beyond our chips so we wouldn’t recognize it! Neanderthals left the earth for the greater galaxy when they realised that Homo sapiens was ruining the neighborhood.
Michele Livesay says
I feel your pain as it is mine also. I am hoping and praying that we get through this. I’m selfish, I want you to be well and continue to write. Your musings keep me sane some days. Like everyone else. I have no answers but to hunker down and endure.
Terre says
Stay strong! We need you, Ilona! yes, that’s very selfish but I look forward to your blogs and stories and books. You are in my thoughts!
Saira says
I found one on Viki (and its complete and translated): Moorim School was really good, including magic and fights. Also good The scholar who walks the Night (fights, vampires, a girl dressed as a boy… )
I’m rewatching the Girl who Sees Smells, cuz that was fun (and the bad guy is really really cute/hot). oh and Master’s Sun was fun (that one has ghosts).
Sherri says
Sending you big, virtual hugs. ????
Lynn Thompson says
Thank you for the post, Ilona Andrews. The thing to remember is when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I spent hours yesterday and last night talking my 76 year old demented mother down because she is convinced 23 year old niece who is asymptotic but her boyfriend was diagnosed with COVID-19 over weekend is going to die. I was vet tech for years so KNOW what coronavirus does. I told Mother that the more Negative Nelly you are the more likely bad stuff will happen. So you take care of what you can (such as updating wills etc) and your self. (And Gordon if he will let you.) The rest is not something you can control without going bonkers.
I finally got thru to her that dog and cat would be okay. I have made sure that they are all fully vaccinated thru the years and there is some cross protection according what’s coming out of vet schools.
I am sorry you are stressed out and yes Texas is a very scary place to be right now. But the more you stress and are anxious the poorer your immune response is to attack. Trust that you taught kid 1 and 2 how to survive this successfully. I think you and Gordon have.
Thanks for listening to me vent and lecture. Stay well. Be safe. And yes I am well aware that the niece may die but having someone she loves wailing and wringing her hands is not helpful to a sick person healing.
Bill from nj says
I don’t have words to describe what I am feeling,I told my wife I am in Zombie mode,I have trouble reading, I don’t even have the patience to watch TV. I am somehow able to do things around the house, redid a small deck, dug out like 400 square feet of grass to expand beds and am going to be putting in a network of hundreds of feet of drip irrigation line.
Sadly now all those idiots who thought this was a joke,the flu, that it was a blue state flu, how they had to needlessly lock down, are now seeing what a joke this is (not), that they didn’t have it bc they locked down before it got there and this virus is a patient sob. Not to mention that the virus may be 10 times as contagious as when it originally jumped to people. The other statement,that this is only the old people or sick people who have to worry,is being blown apart, the hospitals are flooded with people in their 20s,30s and 40s. The good news,if there is any, is that thanks to what providers can do,the fatality rate has dropped,small comfort that is.
We are lucky where we live,everyobe is really careful and considerate,people wear masks, distance and support each other. I hear it isn’t as good in other parts of NJ, that in South Jersey and the shore areas there are the idiots who think wearing a mask is a political statement or taking away their freedom *sigh,*. One of the things this has ripper away are any illusions I had about people, while there are good people out there they are dwarfed by the selfish and stupid ones, Mencken’s term Boobus Americanus is sadly true for a lot of people.
The one bright note so can give you guys is because you are being smart you will do okay,speaking from experience. I live in NJ,worked in NYC and was commuting when this SOB was spreading until mid March, since then my wife and I hunkered in, limited our exposure like you guys did, and knock wood are fine. The other thing to note is that by limiting your exposure from everything I have seen or read that if you do get exposed to it you likely will be asymptomatic or have relatively mild symptoms.
I also have personal interest in what is going on in Texas,my son lives in Houston which is getting pounded,he lives near Rice University,which is near the hospital district,and he says all you hear are ambulances day and night. He has been telling us all along that even with lockdown no one was distancing or wearing masks and that worse they made it hard on those he did. My son for a 24 yr old has a head on his shoulders,he and 2 of the other members of his music chamber group have hunkered in, the rehearse together but other than that have isolate pretty much since March. He has asthma,which worries me, but thankfully he is careful.
And thank you guys again for the Ryder series,it is really helping to clear at least some of the gloom.
Eli says
Sorry to hear about your spike in infections. I had thought about retiring to a college town, but I’ve been picking up college town proximity details from your various posts that are changing my point of view.
Usually, I can turn any sort of lemons into lemonade, but stay at home and social distancing (SD) is a drag. My upside so far is increased ability to read micro-expressions (for my 6 year old, as I’m a lost cause). And, I’ve mastered the use of grocery delivery options. So, there’s that…
Hope you can stay patient enough to be safe and find the sparks of joy available in trying some SD act-out crazy – Like a walk outside to scream, you’re isolated enough to not end up with a well check, and it does relieve some pressure.
Finally, thanks for remaining real on the impact of 2020.
Simone says
Have you tried jigsaw puzzles? I just ordered a nice Koi fish one off Etsy – 2 to 3 weeks delivery time. I recall you doing coloring in the past. Would that work?
Since you mentioned making masks here is a summary of a trial from the journal Physics of Fluids on the effectiveness of 4 non-medical grade masks. If you can obtain surgical masks (not N95) those are better than any homemade mask. I was able to get a few and sent them to my Dad who is 85 with health issues. I use handmade masks and they get washed daily.
Here is another one with full detail or you can scroll down to the conclusions section.
Mask efficiency is dynamic (not constant). It is reduced during cough cycles. The fluid dynamics and the interactions between the droplets, the filter, and the face influence mask efficiency. We show that after ten cough cycles, efficiency can drop ∼8%. The above is a conservative prediction considering that we model a mild cough incident and ten cough cycles. We should expect more significant efficiency reduction for severe coughing events, as well as when wearing a mask for a longer period.
Stay safe and healthy!
Wenny says
Oh my god one of my great friends introduced me to your books years ago. This same friend also sends me over all her real-time cdrama recommendations and we flailed about ROTR together. It’s so fantastically good. It’s definitely a drama with mojo.
Wait…. Maybe she was the one who recommended it to you…
Either way everyone go watch ROTR!!!!!!
AP says
I couldn’t agree more that alright is a relative term. Some of us are doing better, some worse but thank goodness we are not alone as all the comments before, and those that will surely come after this one, clearly show.
Thank you so much for your contribution in helping the rest of us cope. Reading the Ryder installments and re-visiting the worlds you have created have been a wonderful and needed escape from reality. I wish I could do the same for you. ::hugs::
LucyQ says
We live in San Francisco, where we are lucky to have a governor and a mayor who are both being very conservative about lockdown and rules for reopening. It is pretty scary, though, watching what is going on across our country and the world. Much love and virtual hugs to the Authorlords and the rest of the BDH. May we all stay safe, sane, and get through this together.
oppaslayer says
Really praying that things will get better soon…for all our sanity! Lets all hang in there while we do our best to protect ourselves, family and friends ????????.
I know what you mean about waiting for the next episode its a form of torture but as long-time Kdrama, Jdrama, and Cdrama addict, this is the life I have chosen ????.
I am currently hooked on the newly aired Kdrama “Its Okay Not To Be Okay”. Its on Netflix and best way to describe is that its a well-written (so far) and well-acted Dramedy. I love the dark humor. The Female Lead is amazing—she’s my kind sociopath (to put ut sinply ????). The strong crazy anti-heroine character with deep vulnerabilities. Highly recommend ????????
Here’s the trailer if anyone is curious:
oppaslayer says
Oh wow. Sorry for all my typos ????
Sarah says
Pushing love and good vibes your way!
Ash says
Stay safe! Thank you guys for writing Ryder in these crazy times. Hang in there.
Kate says
I have got to stop taking your recommendations. I have to work tomorrow and I can’t stop watching the Romance of Tiger and Rose. I just finished episode 4 and they are going to do stuff without me overnight. Thank you for being a terrible influence. 🙂
T says
Just want to let you know that your posts, not just the chapters, but the everyday things helps make stuff better for me. Weird times….
Mina says
Your daughters are very wise young women. Remember that regardless of Pooptid Stoliticians (check out Backwards Talk from The Capitol Steps Comedy Review) we really ARE all in this together. Hang in there. We in the BDH (or whatever is the current PC term for your fan base) cherish you all. Please do some healing yoga poses and/or deep breathing exercises and/lr drink tea and/or knit (even if you have to unravel it-who cares!) and/or do whatever you need to stay sane and feel better.
reeder says
Kid 1 & 2 – Thanks for thinking as a family unit and caring for your parents. Thank you for paying attention to science, exponentials, and battening down the hatches.
I was watching the J-Drama “We Married as a Job” a few years ago and life got hectic so I didn’t finish. Will need to see if I can dig it up somewhere. The male lead is an herbivore which is a nice departure from how many male romantic leads are portrayed in Western stuff.
Jenya says
Hang in there! It sounds horrendous. Things are not as bad here in Cali, but they are going in the same directions. 🙁 Thank you so much for writing during all this! It’s highlight of my week to catch up on Ryder.
Annamal says
I am so sorry. I’m glad you are staying safe at home and I hope that steps are taken to bring this outbreak under control.
I think I’ve seen a lot of people recommending coffee shop au fanfiction as about the extent of what they can handle right now in terms of fiction.
One set of shows I’ve really been enjoying despiteare the spin-offs from the movie What we do in the Shadows (including the tv series of the same name and Wellington Paranormal), they’re both incredibly dumb and quite sharply written and they take my mind off everything (there are cartoonish levels of gore).
Joy says
Thats really tough. Thank you so much for writing the Ryder series during this time – I look forward to it very much.
aranggirl says
Whew! I’d say you hit a nerve with this post. So many responses! so let me add mine. 🙂
I live in what’s now a hot spot. I go to the grocery store and feel positively hostile when I see people without masks. (Unfortunate side effect of masks: it’s harder to give people dirty looks when you’re wearing them. And I live in the South, so dirty looks are a classic, formerly effective, weapon of choice.) Anyway, my 70-year-old mom and stepdad (both lovely people) seem constitutionally incapable of believing they (yes, THEY) could get or give COVID to someone. I’ve mostly given up nagging them. It just makes them feel bad and changes nothing of their behavior. Re: people’s reactions to evidence-based recommendations on mask-wearing & social distancing, I thought I’d learned a lot about how crazy complicated people are in the last four years, but 2020 has me truly befuddled on how some people’s minds work. I’m mostly okay (because I’ve been lucky in my job and health so far), but I still occasionally get a bout of cold-sweats-inducing anxiety. The best I can do is try to compartmentalize, to remember that worry accomplishes nothing except hurting me (hah! as if my anxious brain cares), and to go on hikes in the woods when I can (also, to watch far too many Asian dramas :D). I just wonder how the world, and all of us in it, will be changed at the end of this. I’m hoping a lot of good changes will come, but it hurts in the meantime.
So, Asian dramas. Yes! I loved Romance of Tiger and Rose! Zhao Lusi is gifted at hitting the small beats of expression and timing that make all the difference in comedy. More of this from her, please. Also, if you want a sweet love story with a heartwarming and motley family, villains that are interesting, and just enough conflict to make it all mean something, try Tale of Nokdu. It was a sleeper hit for me. Also, as ever, I would recommend Healer, Her Private Life is another good Park Min-Young drama, and I just started Ancient Detective and am quite liking it. Only 24 episodes for a C-drama. Unheard of!
aranggirl says
I forgot the most important part. Thank you so much for Ryder and for your posts sharing about life in general. They are a happy escape from my stress these days. Ecclesiastes has a saying that you should “cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.” I suppose that’s something like karma? Whatever you call it, I do believe the good you do often comes back to you. Which means you should have a lot of good karma coming your way. 🙂 I, at least, will be sending good thoughts your way.
ZA says
The favorite, most respected writer team! Dear Ilona! Please, be alright!
Fight depression and rely on Russian fatalism ????. Sometimes it helps…
My family lives in Brooklyn, NY in a 6-story apartment building, my office is in the City. Even working remotely since the end of March, it has been necessary for me to report to the office at least once a week…Last week I’ve started using subway again. It is much cleaner????????.
These are things that cannot be changed.
So, we do what we must: we clean, we wear masks, we sanitize hands nonstop, we keep the distance as much as it is possible in such a crowded city, and so on… “На бога надейся, а сам не плошай!”????
The rest is in fate’s hands.
Please, do not loose hope! Cheer up! Firtstly, for yourself and then for us, your readers.
We love what you do – none can do it as well as you!
It is such a rare thing nowadays- to reread the same books over and over again and never get bored…Thank you!
Katy says
Lily says
I bought a 10M roll of meltblown cloth from Amazon and cut off about 4 inches at a time and line the inside of my cloth mask with it. I find it adds a lot to the seal and you can feel the additional filter. It also stays in place by itself without needing to be sown in. I then dispose of the meltblown after each use. I think layers of meltblown are what they use in the disposable medical masks.
Lily says
I regret posting the link actually. The reviews of this brand don’t seem to be great, and the brand that I bought, Tidcaco, is not sold on Amazon anymore. However the one I got looks just like the pictures of this one…
judy waits says
Marked as safe in Bastrop TX.
viwiles says
Stressful. And scar. Not as much as if you didn’t know why there was an uptick in cases though. It might sound bad, but although I don’t want anyone sick, when more people get sick I prefer to know the reason is some thing controllable like people being careless rather than ‘we have no idea, hopefully it doesn’t continue mysteriously escalating.’ Man, I hope they’re all okay and get good care
Louise says
Thanks for the update, stay strong and safe!
Side note: I just finished The Romance of Tiger and Rose and loved it! Such a light fluffy, hilarious drama. Currently watching ‘Dr Cutie’ on viki and it’s giving similar humour-vibes so hopefully it’s good!
J. M. says
I’m in Brooklyn, NY. It sounds like everything you’re experiencing is normal for the situation. Because you sound like I did when NYC got hit so hard.
I can’t explain what changed, but after dealing with a completely different way of living (yep, my groceries are delivered too) and a period of lethargy, I turned my calorie-counting app back on, began cooking properly again, and returned to writing.
And I’m extremely grateful for my cat Frankie, because I’ve had no physical contact with any human since this started here.
Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime are my friends, as well as your blog and fiction.
We WILL get through this.
Sjik says
Stay safe everyone, find your emotional fortitude in your network (and here). As someone who believes in asking if only to be told no, just keep bugging friends, family and authors who tend to write serially, for connecting. They’re probably hesitating too, so just take that step and call/chat/video as much as you like and it will surprise you what response you get.