Several readers have written in to let us know that Kate Daniels audiobooks have disappeared from their Audible library. The issue is affecting the traditional audio version (the ones narrated by Renee Raudman), books 1-4 of the main series and the Magic Stars novella.
The licenses for the original audiobook versions from the 2000s expired and were reissued by a different publisher. Due to a change in the Audible app, the original versions are no longer being recognized. Unfortunately, this is a system-feature of Audible we cannot influence.
We have investigated possible solutions for you. If you are affected by this, please see this response from Audible’s ACX about the situation and how to work around it:
The reason this happens is because the Audible app was changed in a way that the ‘search’ feature only pulls up titles that are actively on sale. Since the previous version had a different ASIN and internal Product ID, the system does not recognize it as being the same book.
Additionally, the Audible search tool (even the one that appears in the library) will not show a book of the same title if its been removed from sale. EVEN IF its already been purchased by the client. This can be especially confusing for customers since many times it is the same audiobook published by a different entity.
If your listeners scroll through their library they will be able to find the title and they can add it to a collection (Audibles version of a playlist) and they will be able to access it more easily from there.
However we understand that this is not an ideal fix. Therefore we also recommend that any affected listeners contact Audible, confirm this discrepancy is here and Audible customer service should allow them to purchase the ‘new’ version of the title using a complimentary credit.
I’m sorry about the inconvenience that this may cause but I hope you find this information valuable.
Thank you for looking out for us! Much appreciated.
Thanks for the help.
Will there be any special edition for Kate Daniels series and all supporting novels? I’d love to have a nice set of all of them as I love them so much! So far every book is different!
The publishers know this is requested, but they have not made any plans towards it this far. 😟
I would buy a box set immediately. What can we do to encourage the publisher to move forward?
I only have the KD series in Kindle format, but if there was a full set in deadtree, I totally would hop on that!
Thank you for staying on top of this issue. As an audiobook listener I really appreciate it.
I also have to comment that I love that picture. It is perfect.
That is the bestest picture ever! Here kitty kitty kitty!
The Renee Raudman narrated books are my favorite.
Yeah, Amazon is so wonderful. Thanks for the info! I’ve not noticed any problems, but I went thru and updated my collections and created a few more.
This also happened with the original Terry Pratchett audiobooks recently when they re-released them with narrators who aren’t nearly as good as the originals. I’ve been able to access my original ones by going to the website (not the app) and finding them in my library. I made sure to download them to an old laptop not connected to the internet so they couldn’t disappear! Maybe a bit of paranoia there. Thanks for the heads up, now will do the same with my Ilona Andrews audio.
Not paranoia, backing them up is an excellent idea. I started doing this after a couple of books I bought many years ago disappeared entirely (not just from the app). I bought a 2 gig hard drive and had a downloading party.
ModR, thank you very much for this information!
👍have been thinking about doing this!
I absolutely have done this with those old Discworld audios. I have like 20 of them!! I have them backup several times. I called the other day about Small Gods on Sir Terry’s deathday and they ended up giving me the new version cause they could never restore the old version in such a way it would show up on my phone ap search. I can still listen to my ipod classic tho.
I don’t use Audible, but this post answers an adjacent question I’ve been having about ebooks in general:
why, when I already own a book, am I being offered the same book again and told I don’t own it?
I’ve been caught several times because I had to rebuild a dead tree library on my Kindle, and so books I already own might be offered on sale and I have assumed (in the past) that I hadn’t yet gotten around to rebuying them in ebook form. Then I end up with two copies.
So thank you for this post — even if it doesn’t directly apply to me, it’s nice to finally have an answer.
Same reason as audible, usually it’s because it has been reissued. For example, I have Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea, but the old version was taken down when it was picked up by a different publisher. I still have the book on my kindle, but the old page for it no longer exists, so Amazon shows I don’t own it when I go to the book page. It is still in my digital orders page, and under “manage your content and devices” page. If you look up a book you bought under the manage page, you can tell amazon to send it to your device from there.
Thanks, Mod R, for the information for the Horde who do use Audible.
I like the picture above too. I need my gigantic teddy bear right now. It’s been one of those crazy days for me.
I noticed this issue a while ago with somebooks by other authors that were no longer being sold. I solved this by going to my library online and making a collection list of the different authors that I have more than a few of.
I have one labeled Ilona Andrews that I put your stories into that I can look up and find on any of the apps.
Amazon, who owns audible did something similar with their music. The problem is that I had really old stuff that was ripped from CD that they actively deleted from my device and that I legally owned. Luckily I had a backup and now use a different app for my music.
Wow. That has to be frustrating. 😬
It was. I spent hours ripping all those CDs back in the day. Some of those CDs you can’t buy anymore in any format and while I still have them, sure didn’t want to have to rip them all again.
I contact audible at least once a month about a broken link. They always accommodate me. I have over 2k audiobooks and have been a customer for 15 years so most times, if I search for an old book, something has caused the link to break. Keeping the old versions of Discworld has been a real struggle cause they redid them and took the old version down.
Thanks for the heads up: will check my Audible library!
Off topic: has anyone heard when the Arcane Society editions of Blood Heir and Iron and Magic will ship? I know HA has no control over this, just wondered if anyone knows. Thanks.
I have checked with Arcane Society and they said the printers had a slight delay and will be shipping them the books at the end of March. It takes 2 weeks for the books to arrive to AR from the printers and then they’ll be sent to the readers.
If you want more specific updates for your order, they are fairly prompt to respond on Instagram 🙂
Aww, you guys are so great. Thank you!
I found the books under both the author and series options in the library
I realized a bunch of mine were gone, and I started a chat. I listed the missing books and they reinstated them within minutes.
Graphic Audio is now available, so I would dump Audible and enjoy a better version with Graphic Audio.
I don’t like the Audible terms of agreement so have avoided them completely. Any audiobooks I have gotten gave been through other sources. (Now Amazon will probably hunt me down.)
I enjoy Graphic Audio adaptations vey much. They have a genius for reinterpreting a book’s text into layers of sound, so their versions are simultaneously abridged and augmented.
I find the GA versions a fun way to revisit and add texture to something I’ve already read or heard. But, since they are abridged adaptations, they cannot replace the full audiobook for me. I simply must have the whole story before I can fully enjoy the GA version, otherwise I obsess over what I missed.
Luckily, a lot of GA books are available on the Hoopla app, so I only buy my favorites (since I know I’ll replay them) or ones I can’t borrow.
I’m not a listener, but it’s great to see you folks jumping in to help the BDH listeners affected by this. It is this kind of blip that has me worried about the fact that my e-books aren’t really mine, as well.
If you create a collection for the series in the app you can find them. When you go to add books, do your search for the author name—in this case, Ilona works (I had the same problem with some SJM books awhile back—anyway the books show up in that search, so add them to a collection and you can go to them anytime you want.
Ugh I’m not firing on all cylinders yet, of course Ilona works, I just meant the first name gets the job done, you don’t need to enter the whole name if you don’t want to.
Doesn’t appear to be an issue on the Australian audible app. But will keep an eye out. Thank you!
I hate that audible gives work arounds instead of fixing the problem. this question is asked many, many times a day in the reddit audible group.
Thank you so much for this info. I’ve been an audible listener since the early 00s, and have over 1000 books. I’m supposed to scroll through my library? It’s up to me to make play lists to find books I’ve bought? Shame on them.
which titles are these exactly? can someone give me all the names please. thanks
Magic Bites
Magic Burns
Magic Strikes
Magic Bleeds
Magic Stars
does this affect books downloaded into one’s own device? Or only the Kindle app access. I Always download. You don’t own it if they can take it away. As they have done….
It’s not the Kindle app. Just Audible (bad enough!). It only affects the search function, the content is (should be!) still there.
This is a reminder: If you don’t have physical control, you don’t have control.
Luckily I haven’t run into the issue so far. I will say Audible has had a TON of problems for 3-5 years and audible files disappear and then reappear a couple of months later…yes months. Especially syncing to the ebooks I own. Kate Daniels I had issues with along with GA Aiken and Shelly Laurenston. Eventually I get them back but it’s been really frustrating for sure when I’m in the mood to read them lol. Lately though they’ve been working fine. Waiting for it to happen again because it usually does. I know it’s not the authors fault but something with Amazon and Audible both. They blame each other so complaining doesn’t do anything because I’ve done it 🤣
I had the missing book issue months ago. I called Audible and they took care of it while I was on the phone with them.
Is that why I can’t find Kate 6, Magic Rises in the audible app? I keep meaning to reach out to audible support about it. I’m UK based. I have 1-5 on audible but nothing comes up for Magic Rises when I search.
I’m also UK-based, no problem finding it in the app – try this link please
Or do you mean in your own library? Volume 6 should not be affected, no.
And this is why I like CDs, which are harder to find. I hate the idea something I have paid for is whisked away by some dipshit looking to make more money. Can this happen with Graphic Arts productions also???
This is limited to Audible, not other retailers, and the situation whereby a book changes publisher. It is unlikely to affect the Graphic Audio books on Audible, as Graphic Audio are the creators as well as publisher and distributor.
oh is *that* what is going on with my Discworld Audible books.
Guess i’ll go make a collection of those. Merci for this info
I searched my Audible library and could not find some of the “Magic” titles I had previously purchased. I called Audible on April 4 and requested complimentary credits for the missing audiobooks. I was asked the name of the author by a nice lady with an Fillipino accent and put on hold for 10 minutes. When the nice lady came back on the line, she told me that for 4 books, she had re-downloaded the books to my library and a quick check of my library showed that was, indeed, the case. For 2 books, she had issued me 2 credits and had put the missing books in my wish list, so I would be able to download them directly and a quick check proved both of those statements to be true. So I am 100% satisfied with my Audible encounter.