The lavender was dying. Elara surveyed the wilted stalks, with drooping leaves and sagging buds. There were five main causes of lavender wilt: overwatering, underwatering, poor drainage, not enough light, and too much heat. None of it applied. They had grown lavender in this greenhouse for years. Next to her Jean Bradshaw twisted her hands. A
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Happy Hughday!
I know that the previous post was Chapter 2 Part 1 but it actually should be Chapter 1 part 3. Chapter 2 Part 1 Druidism was a strange religion, Hugh reflected. He stood on the edge of the hollow, his arms crossed. Around him the woods were waking up. Golden sunshine spilled from the early
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Hidden Legacy and Kate preorders on Graphic Audio
I did promise you last week that I would have more surprises from Graphic Audio and I am here to deliver. Magic Triumphs has an official release date and a preorder link here – the 19th of May! Audible and all other third party retailers will have a live preorder sometime in the next couple
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It’s Hughday!
Hey guys. Do you remember when I said this in a blog post? So, for the foreseeable future, we are going to have something fun here on Friday. Something that will give you a break from the constant stress and daily grind. For now, it’s Hughday. Some Fridays, it might be something else. What this
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Hugh’s Question Corner
We’ve been getting a lot of questions in the comments and emails of Hughday snippets, and since not everyone reads the replies, here they are in one convenient place. Hugh 2– when does it happen? The action picks up right after Iron and Magic (three weeks later according to chapter 1). As the notice in
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Kate Exclusive Samples and Innkeeper Giveaway
It is Monday the 89th of January (or certainly feels like it) and if, like me, you need reasons to push through to the end of the month, I have them right here. The dramatized adaptation of Magic Shifts will be released by Graphic Audio this Friday, on their website as well as on other
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Wait, Is It Hughday Again?
Is it a serial? No. It’s going slow, and we are having to backtrack, so it is probably not suitable for serialization. However, people are really stressed. We are seeing an uptick in “My emotions are frayed right now, and the snippets are helping” messages. The political ban is still in effect, so Mod R
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The Dushegub Faction of the BDH informed us that today is a Hughday. Contrary to their initial statement, they were not willing to discuss. First half here. Three months ago, he had come to Baile with 332 soldiers, all that remained of the Iron Dogs, the elite army he once built and led for Roland,
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Graphic Audio Preorders and News
The preorder for the dramatized adaptation of Magic Binds, Kate Daniels 9, is live on the Graphic Audio website. The release will be March 25th on all platforms – that means for the GA app as well as Audible, Hoopla, Chirp etc. Mercenary Kate Daniels knows all too well that magic in post-Shift Atlanta is
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Graphic Audio Black Friday Sale
Hi everyone, Mod R here. Hope everyone in the US had a great Thanksgiving, and congratulations to the rest of us for making it to Friday! And since it’s specifically Black Friday, I’m dropping in to let you Graphic Audio have a big sale going on, with 44% off everything until December 2nd. And there’s
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Magic Rises Dramatized Sale
Autumn is officially here and we are embracing all the things the season brings—beautiful foliage, sweater weather, and cozy days at home with a great audiobook…which gets our blood pumping and ready to murder Curran. Ok, so Magic Rises isn’t exactly the homey vibe of the season, but it *is* an awesome Graphic Audio dramatized
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Happy Graphic Audio Anniversary Sale
The dramatized adaptation of “Magic Strikes: Kate Daniels 3” was released an entire year ago. Tempus is as fugit as ever, because it does not seem that long since I first had the full cast Midnight Games experience and was blown away! In my humble experience as the Mod who has been reading all your
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