The slow editorial trudge continues.
Mod R is my witness, I keep cutting and cutting and somehow there are more words.
Thank you for all of the encouragement. You guys are too nice!
I received an interesting question the other day: if you could choose a comfort read among your books, what would you choose?
It’s probably Silver Shark for me. It grew out of my experiences more than any other. Don’t get me wrong, when I think about my childhood, it’s sun-filled and bright. The garden, the flowers, the River Street with the huge river flowing slowly past, the parks, the friends…
However, the older I grew, the more aware I became and the bleaker my life looked. It’s normal for teenagers to be nihilistic, but everything was truly falling apart by the time I was 14, and it only got worse from there. My adolescence is desaturated in my memories.
I had a chance to Google-drive past the house where I grew up, and it was in ruins. It really hammered home the point: that life is over. The place of my childhood exists only in my memories. It’s bittersweet, but the place where I live now is wonderful. It’s vivid, and bright, and I’m grateful for it. Yes, US has its problems, and I will complain about them as much as any American, but it’s a huge upgrade compared to the life I left behind.
Which brings me to another question:
Could we get a post sometime where folks share their favorite comfort read portions of House Andrews books?
This sounds like fun. Of everything we’ve written, what scenes or books do you go to when you need a little bit of comfort? One lucky commenter will get a signed book from our shelves.
Please don’t recommend other authors, as we will have a separate thread for that.
rachel says
No need to cut, when BDH will read it <3
Hidden Legacy is my favorite reread. There is just something about the family dynamics and witty banter that always brings a smile to my face.
Emily07 says
Christy says
Sweep of the Blade.
BrendaJ says
Love it 👌
Deeb Mac says
one of my faves
Ms. Kim says
Neelufer Omar says
DW says
Came here to say Sweep of the Blade. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve read it. Dozens upon dozens
Jen says
I have to agree. I love Sweep of the Blade! Though I also love Magic Stars. I’ve probably re-read it just as many times. I’m dying for Julie and Derek to get together!!!!
Sara says
Julie says
Rune says
Yes. My Mom heart related more strongly to Maud and Helen than any other series character.
Fated Blades was terrific as well – the secare dance was so unexpected, and very cool.
Carlene Weaver says
Love this book!
Susan Everett says
Sweep of the Blade
I keep the audiobook permanently downloaded on my phone. I live in a rural area and drive a lot to get anywhere (min of 20-30 minutes).
When I can’t decide what to listen to, Sweep of the Blade wins – whenever I left off last time. So many great scenes, it doesn’t matter where I am in the book.
The banquet scene is probably my favorite
Cathy R. says
I love it too, as well as “rippercushions”!
Megan W. says
SotB is a total comfort read. Maud’s comment, “So, just birds, then?” makes me laugh every time!
Kat says
Sarah L. says
Julie Old says
My comfort read is Sweep of the blade. It reminds me that no matter how bad things are, kept striving. Tough times will go away but Tough people keep going.
Marina says
Same. I love the entire series, and have read it a mess of times, but Sweep of the Blade is a redemption story and it gives me All The Feels.
Ashley says
+1000 I have reread all of IA many multiple of times but Sweep of the Blade is my favorite comfort read. The incredible love and bond that Maud, Arland and Helen have, and how Maud goes about reestablishing herself in vampiric society and forging a home for Helen and herself…
Penny says
Cat says
Susan says
Shafina says
Jessica says
Kristyn says
I love the family dynamics in Sweep of the Blade. Very quickly there is a huge support network and appreciation of each other.
Michelle Wehrle says
Maximira Correa says
+ 1
Kat says
Agree, when Maud spills her fears 🥹💕and the family dynamics 💕
Judith says
Yes! I love the way Maud creates a new life for herself and her daughter, even though she could always move back in with her family. This book is one of my all time favorites, one that I read over and over or listen to it on Audible.
Stacy Harper Watson says
My comfort read is definitely Hidden Legacy. It makes my heart happy.
Julie says
+1 I have read and reread Hidden Legacy so many times that I lost track.
Jocelyn Malone says
Yeah, I love Maud, and I love how Maud and Arland both are with Helen.
Kim says
+1 Love Sweep of the Blade. It’s my most often re-read.
Mitch says
Clean Sweep, fantastic way to set the hook on a new world. it pulls me in every time
Jessica says
+1 Hidden Legacy is like a wonderful warm blanket. I love it every time I read the series.
Cris Reads says
I agree 😊
Joe says
+1 HI (all seven of them) put me in a good place for sleep. Will pull me out of a “Reality,,,Whooahh” slip.
Shannon says
+1 Yes, Rachel!
Penny says
I just finished my umpteenth reread of that series – ohmydays!
Victoria Moreno-Jackson says
Lydia says
Kashish Vansia says
Sara says
My favorite scene is probably in Magic Rises when Hugh and Kate spar. I think of it often and it’s like an itch – I either have to pull it up to read or on audible. Never fails to make me smile weirdly – it was at this scene that I just knew I couldn’t help but like Hugh. Plus the action writing of the actual sparing was just masterful as usual. These books just made me love a good sword fight.
Huyen says
Mary says
My comfort read is any of the Ilona Andrews books/stories. Depending on day and mode it could be a Legacy or Gertrude Hunt or Kate books or just a deleted snippet. Thank you. Relax and plan a vacay when editing is done.
Elizabeth LaGuerre says
Kate and Curran.
Lidy says
I like ALL the books, but my favorito scene is the ferret heist. Everything about it is pure gold.
No, strike that – everything about it is a big, sparkly diamond. Seeing Cornelius so connected to his animals reminds me of how awesome having a pet is, and how much life sucks without one.
Bhoomi says
Michelle Kubecka says
Ralene says
Just finished re-reading hidden legacy again. Was the comfort feels I wanted. Grandma Frida and the family interactions just perfect
Rebecca says
Currently rereading HL, made pancakes for the ferret heist scene yesterday, and giggled my way through it…. but honestly, anything House Andrews has written works 😉
MicheleMN says
+1 Exactly!
rachel says
when Mad Rogan and Montgomery each make a separate phone call to security for adding vent surveillance, I always cackle.
E says
So true. My husband always knows when I get to that scene because I am crackling like a maniac.
jewelwing says
Nancy says
Julie says
Kat says
Mine, too. It is the first series I started from House Andrews, and it is still my favorite. My husband and I read it together and would have “book club” over whatever chapter we were supposed to read that week and it was just an awesome, awesome time. We were still dating long distance at that point and so just to have a scheduled time together over Skype, talking about a book we both were enjoying, it just meant the world to me.
Ms. Kim says
Yes. The two new Wilmington books are what I am re-reading. When she frees those caged children just really gets me. And the little girl’s burst of chatter really gives me hope for the resilience of children.
Karen the Griffmom says
Innkeeper then Hidden Legacy.
Rj says
Mary says
Same! In more ways than one 😋 but I’ve got to say KD is my little hidey whole I escape to when the world gets too much. I think the book that best does this for me every time is Magic Strikes. It was the first IA book I read (I blame my out of order read on my sister who got me into the books but also bless her because she introduced me to my favourite fictional world) and I was instantly hooked. I also relate too much to Kate’s need for connection and I love how it’s the first book you really see the beginning of what will become her family. Consciously chosen not just through something as random and unpredictable as blood. It’s the first time we see Kate and Curran start to acknowledge what they are/can be to one another: a home. A safe space where they will always find protection. And that reminded me so much of my parents and how their love was (lost my mom a few years ago) and what I want for myself in a relationship. So long story short, Magic Strikes. Especially cause that tub scene always brings a goofy smile to my face at the shenanigans of our two beloved hooligans that are Kate and Curran.
Stephanie G. says
I have to concur with magic strikes. Although I truly love that first team match up when Kate, Curran, and Dali “accidentally” annihilate their opposition. It’s funny, and badass and really hits my love of competence porn. Each of their matches are really great scenes though, I’ve read them hundreds of times.
Ms. Kim says
J says
+1 this
Elizabeth says
Magic Strikes for me as well. I love when she gets ready to sacrifice herself for all of them.
Alicia says
mimi says
Silver Shark is my favorite quick read. Claire’s journey from the grey and bleak to sunshine and dahlias slways cheers me up. And Ven, mmm!
Cath says
It’s always been Silver Shark for me. I keep going back, because it was my first IA read, it remains my favourite.
Maureen says
I enjoy all HA’s works (even Steel’s Edge) and reread them periodically, Silver Shark is my go to comfort read.
Mika Michelle says
Oh, that is a tough question. I honestly reread all of your books (yes, all of them!) at least once a year and whenever I have a hard time. But all the scenes from the Midnight Games in Magic Strikes are a definite favourite!
Also very excited that the new book seems to magically increase its word count despite your best efforts in editing. All the more to read for the BDH! 🥰
Mushy says
Magali Ruf says
Kate Daniel is my First reading of the Andrews house, and my favorite ❤️. A lot of Fun moments and a lot of characters that touch me. Kate of course but Derek, Julie, Curran (Andrea and Raphaël) Dali… and a lot more.
Alex Williams says
Same! Midnight games are my comfort food. Something about the dynamic between the players, especially when Jim snapped the clipboard. What did he want me to do, catch him as he fell?? Bahahahha
WilburRingo says
The Midnight Games is pure gold. If you haven’t listened to it on Graphic Audio, you’re missing out. The whole scene where Jim loses it is even more hilarious when acted out.
“Look you said sloppy. I didn’t even use my sword. I hit him with my head like a moron.”
“A man with a sword attacked you and you disarmed him and knocked him out in two seconds”
“What the hell was that?
“Crimson Jaws of Death”
“And were you planning on letting me know you can turn people’s elbows backwards?”
“I told you I do curses”
“You told me they didn’t work!”
“I said they don’t always work. This one worked apparently.”
Bookfan says
Yes!!! This is my go to pick me up. I wish we could get a whole book that was just the games. So much in just a part of the book.
Steph says
For me it’s the competence porn plus the found family banter. Especially with them all messing with Jim. It’s so funny and I just love it.
Lara says
+1 all of this
Magic Strikes, the Midnight Games, and the bonus Curran POV that starts to show why they work together.
Jessica says
YES. I just finished the graphic audio of this book and loved it. Kate Daniels was my first House Andrews series, and has a special place in my heart. Although, I also agree with someone below who said the first Edge book. And the Inkeeper series is just cozy…I can’t pick just one!
rachel says
RJ says
I’m sitting here giggling like a loon just reading this comment…
+1 for Magic Strikes
…I think I’ll go read it now. 🙂
Zot says
Katrin says
Fran W says
Just last night I started Magic Strikes again on audiobook, (my brain can’t handle graphic audio), it
is where the true partnership and live of Curran and Kate begins.
I have honestly lost count of the number of times I have read the Kate Daniels series.
But very close second is Magic Claims (Clams?), the family dynamic – the deep love.
Ms. Kim says
ind3pendencegurl says
Hands down, it’s “On the Edge” for me. Rose and kid-Jack and kid-George have my favorite-est happy ending ever all time forever and ever and ever through all the re-reads.
Luminstate says
It would be “On the Edge” for me as well 🙂
Carol F. says
Jeffrey Marcusjohn says
JACK + GEORGE = my favorites.
ON THE EDGE is at the top of the comfort read list but I also flip through FATE’S EDGE & STEEL’S EDGE on Jack and George binges. Nothing was better than when they showed up in the INNKEEPER.
Shaleah K says
Moderator R says
Not playing, ofc, but I love the topic too much!
It’s Jack and William in On The Edge, when Jack brings him his safety chocolate bar:
“You’re safe. You’re in a good place. Nobody can hurt you here.” He hesitated. “There’s some mushy love stuff that goes here, but it probably won’t work for you. The important thing is, this is a good place. It’s safe and warm and there is water and food.”
Andrews, Ilona. On the Edge, The Edge 1. Ace Books 2009. Kindle edition, page 333
Sometimes I have the anxiety of a rabbit that’s been to war and reading or remembering this scene just brings me peace 🙂
Brianna says
That’s a good one!
Breann says
That is a really good part Mod R! I went back and re-read a couple of chapters there bookmarked that section. 🤗
House DeMille says
+1 I love that scene so much – tho’ my favourite bit comes just before that, when William first finds out that Jack lives with them, and he sees the bedroom, and Jack offers him the chocolate. William is just so gobsmacked he can’t say a thing the entire time
Nean says
William is one if my favorite characters. I was over joyed when he recieved his own story. My sadness for him was the only thing that made On the Edge less than perfect.
Tantris says
+1000, this scene is everything. Jack taking William’s hand, telling him he’ll be alright, that Rose won’t let anything happen to him, the chocolate…and then he thinks William is in really bad shape and he starts to go get Rose. Jack has so clearly been cared for and comforted and accepted and loved for him to be able to share it all with William in that one single moment. It’s love in action.
Evelyn A says
YES! This scene always tugs at my heartstrings the most. I love all of House Andrews offerings (Yea for more words!) but that scene is gooey melty S’mores for the heart and is my absolute comfort read.
Gsg says
I have a couple. From the Wilingto years when Connor lifts up the pig head and roars, and everyone’s reaction at that moment and hiding it from Kate is hilarious. And when Arabella fights the bear guy. The whole scene of her like Oh yeah, you think you’re big and bed, well let me show you mine.
Felecia says
njb says
Maya says
I really like the scene in Burn For Me where Rogan is having dinner with Nevada and Catalina and Arabella tease him. It’s both funny and relaxed.
sarafina says
I liked where Rogan is discovered having used duct tape on his ribs.
Cranky Aged Mama says
Mad Rogan, “I spend my days steeped in melancholy, looking out the window. Occasionally a single tear quietly rolls down my cheek.”
A page later Grandma Frieda starts grilling him… “Do you have a girlfriend?”… “A boyfriend?”
… “What about…”
“No,” Mom and I said in unison. My son and I quote that one regularly.
We also regularly quote Kate:
Negotiate…Okay. I could do that.
“Alright, Jeremy!” I yelled into the night. “Give me the salamander and I won’t cut your head off!”
Is it odd to find this comforting? Kate is so consistently badass and yet protective (of Derek, Julie, Grendel, Andrea, etc) that I take comfort from that.
And one more from Fate’s Edge, the first time George, Jack and Gaston worked together. Audrey and Kaldar’s first meeting. The Altoids get me every time.
Breann says
I can’t pick just one! That’s too hard, so I’m going with the Innkeeper Chronicles (the whole series). I love how Dina protects everyone, how Maud overcame everything, and I have hope that their parents will return for a happy ever after (I originally typed happy ending, but that made me laugh too much, so I had to change it 🤣🤣🤣).
Thank you for all you both do to bring comfort to all of us! 🤗
Crystal says
Sarah T. says
I can’t pick a single moment in them, but Catalina’s books are my go-to comfort re-reads when I’m between books or series. There’s just something about her story that feels like a warm blanket and cup of coffee/tea.
Lenore says
Ireally like the scenes with Runa and Catalina. Their banter and friendship is great.
Helen says
This is the one I reread most. It’s so nice having a story where the romantic interest isn’t the only relationship forged. As a kid who struggled to make friends with the other girls it’s nice to see a great female friendship forming. I mean the whole found family element of HL is wonderful, but I like this one especially.
Veneta Tashev says
+1 Same!
I have reread the Catalina main trilogy so many times now!
Brianna says
When Kate and Curran are having dinner while everyone is searching for the magic bomb box in book 5 and Kate asks Curran if he knew Roland was her father before they got together and Curran says of course, and I made provisions for us to run far away if you want to.
Faith says
oh the same for me!! it’s so nice to see what’s going on inside Kate’s head (he just wants to use me for my powers and to fight Roland) and the Curran is like we can run away to any number of safe houses and just disappear. He truly loves her for her and wants to keep her safe. love love love!
Miriam says
That’s a good one
Shelley says
Totally my favorite too! You can feel when she just melts when he tells her they can go anywhere. Sigh
Susan says
I feel that. My hometown burnt down. Everything is gone. I’m going to visit my sister and dad next week. We will be at my sister’s house that she and my mom bought before my mom passed. I keep referring to it as going home, even though I’ve never even been to that town. I’ve decided home is where my family is.
Maria R. says
*hugz* sorry for the utter loss. Yes, home is where family (or chosen friends) are.
TAS says
I reread Kate Daniels. I like to be in a totally different world where there are heroes that are better than me at battling the monsters.
Celine says
Shelley says
jewelwing says
My absolute favorite comfort read is Blood Heir. I love everything about that book and have lost count of how many times I’ve read it.
Then comes Sweep of the Blade. Maud KA and takes names. Fabulous.
Currently rereading Hidden Legacy, and I absolutely love the interplay within the family, and between Catalina and Alessandro, and with the new found family members of House Harrison and House Etterson. It’s just wonderful, every bit.
jewelwing says
I also know where you’re coming from with the previous life. I return to Maryland, where I spent over sixty years growing up, working, and raising a family, about once every couple of months at this point. It’s so bittersweet driving around, remembering all the good times and the bad ones, and knowing that life is gone forever. Sweet because the bad times are gone, and bitter because the good ones are too. As the saying goes: You can’t step in the same river twice.
Colleen Thorsen says
Blood Heir – I loved reading the snippets weekly during Covid- and the whole book“does he know it is her?” mystery. Finding out he always knew- I love that. I’m sad for the people who don’t like this book. Seeing each other for who they and loving them anyway is something that resonates with me in all the IA books.
Donna G says
sarafina says
jewelwing says
Seeing each other for who they are – my favorite scene in my favorite book is her chat with Luther in the library.
Michelle M says
I love Sweep of the Blade, the relationship between the Maude and Arland is so fun to experience. In addition the interaction with the secondary characters, Helen, Arland’s family and the visitors with hidden agendas make this one of my go to rereads. The Innkeeper novels are all great but this one stands out for me.
Raye says
Betty says
Tiapet says
It’s funny this topic came up as I was just thinking what a comfort these books have been to me since I lost my parents this spring. I relate to so many of the comments above. I have read nearly everything on the list so far, and have enjoyed the mix of great characters, their relationships (the heart of the books), humour, and wild adventures. I might have a small crush on Curran. My favourite series is probably the innkeeper chronicles, however, as wouldn’t it be wonderful if it were true? Minus the world-destroying flowers , etc., of course. Posted with thanks and appreciation to House Andrews. ❤️
Astrid says
I love to see Kate and Curran in a happy (if peaceful) family in Magic Triumphs !
THE PROBLEM WITH having a son who’d discovered he was a shapeshifter was twofold. First, Conlan was a hyperactive toddler. Second, lions are cats, and cats like pouncing. They especially like pouncing on their happily sleeping parents and then bouncing up and down on the bed, flexing their claws. “It’s six . . .” bounce “in the morning.” Bounce. “I thought . . .” bounce “you hunted . . . in the evening.” “We’re . . .” bounce “adaptable.” Bounce. “Lions . . . are . . . crepuscular . . . active in . . . twilight.” “Can we . . . make him . . . less active?” Curran grabbed Conlan and pinned him down. “Stop annoying your mother.” “Rawrarawara!”
Dawn says
+1 for Magic Triumphs.
I love reading about Kate freaking out over Conlan, and seeing her demonstrating total control over her magic.
“On one hand, a clean Conlan eating cereal. On the other, Conlan covered in blood gnawing a deer leg.”
“Which one seems more like your kid?” Curran asked.
I also love to reread the Nevada/Connor HL books. If I were still reading paper instead of ebooks, I’m sure I’d have worn out a few sets already.
Caryn says
Mo says
Innkeeper, hands down. The funny thing is that the first time I read Clean Sweep, a couple of years ago now, I loved Dina and didn’t particularly care for Sean. I’d have thrown him out of the inn, too, lol. And then Sean grew on me through each successive book as his character expands, particularly since I’ve listened to the Graphic Audio versions (is it January, when SWOTH comes out on GA, YET?) that add a little more humor to his voice than I picked up on when reading. Apparently that whole “doomed hero trapped by honor” thing with Sean as Turan Adin then “rescued” by Dina is one of my reading hot buttons, who knew? Now they are one of my favorite pairings and any scene with the two of them interacting is one of my favorites.
I also love Maud and Arland’s book.
I’d also have to say that I am in no hurry for the series to end/fully resolve. There are plenty of adventures to be had.
Kira says
IA had me at the apple tree poisoning in “Clean Sweep” and I have joyfully watched the relationship growing between Dina, Sean, and Beast ever since.
Including the additional charming cast of characters … Innkeeper is my squee-fest. Deadtree, electronic, one narrator, or many, I reach for Innkeeper, and Dina driven storylines.
And, perhaps not so surprising, I come to this little found home corner of the internet, to bask in the everyday shenanigans and observations of: Ilona, Gordon, Mod R, Kid 1, Kid 2, pets, Jeaniene, their circle of friends and family, and the BDH.
Raven says
My favorite comfort read is Fated Blades. I loved everything about it from the cool cover art to the end with both families screaming at them. My mother’s favorite is Graphic Audio’s Sweep of the Blade. She says it helps to keep the nightmares at bay when she sleeps.
Beth says
+1 !!! I also favor Fated Blades. I either read or listen to it every second or third week or so. It has yet to pale for me.
Nancee says
YES! to everything you said about Fated Blades. I know it’s fairly new, but I’ve already read it 3 times. They’re being together brings me great joy.
Stephanie says
I love all the series but my comfort read out of all is The Innkeeper, specifically Sweep of the Blade. Maud is taking such chances traveling to Daesyn. She confronts her doubts,deals with her past experiences and betrayals, and fights to be valued. And in a bloody finale she wins it all, vindication, vengeance and valuation! Every chapter is a gem taking you through her journey from betrayed to beloved. For me it’s the best story. I’m looking forward to their wedding!!!
Ray says
Mary says
+ 1
Denise says
Spring says
One of my favorite scenes in all House Andrews books is the Wassail. Her comebacks are so epic!
Patricia Schlorke says
Especially when all the women had a fit when Maud put sugar in her coffee. 🤣🤣🤣
Leah says
Love, love, love Maud’s book. Reread at least twice a year.
T says
Tish says
Maud and Arland’s banter after the game, “a little to the left and down”…
Maria R. says
Arland in relax mode prior to battle. The shield being primed and the Consort saying “it’s lively”
Tais S says
I read Nevada’s books. Something about how she had to grow up really fast just resonates with me. Also, Rogan lol Though I gotta say all three Kinsmen are a close second, they’re a fast read but I love how they pack a punch even being short.
Robert says
Any of your books, but I do tend to reread the Hidden Legacy more than the others.
Lilith says
I have so many–Silver Shark (Claire’s journey is awesome), the Kate Daniels series (Kate’s arc is just as awesome), and Blood Heir. I also love Sweep of the Blade and Arabella and Mikhail’s fight in Ruby Fever.
Maria R. says
Nikki S. says
arabella would be a challeging hero to write, but ik HA would be able to do it & do it in a way i will love. i miss getting new HL stories.
Krista says
Any Innkeeper scene with Orro after he becomes the Gertrude Hunt chef, but favorites are his trip to the TV celebrity chef’s studio and his efforts to appease Officer Marais’s wife with all the donuts…
I also particularly love when Catalina manipulates Alessandro into eating a hot pepper when she’s making salsa.
Yes, there is a food theme here…
Moderator R says
House Andrews food scenes are the best!
Krista says
Absolutely. Even Kate’s grocery list and menu for the naked dinner makes me smile.
Sue F says
Helen and the bacon – this isn’t my comfort scene, but is my favorite food scene.
Jill says
I adore the scene where Sean is explaining the aftermath of their trip to the TV chef’s taping. FIRE!!
Arezoo says
For me it’s the Graphic Audio versions of the Innkeeper series. I listen to them over and over as I work. I’ve actually lost count of the number of times I’ve listened to them. They make me laugh and cry the exact right amount and I just love them to bits. I’m so looking forwards to when the new one finally gets its GA. I’ve already got it on pre-order.
Tasha A. says
I love love love the innkeeper series. but the graphic audio version just made me love them even more. it’s just so perfect!!
jing says
sweep of the blade…. the ripper cushion and little fangs. just love the spirit and resilience of Maud. as well as her adaptability and smarts.
Jen Twimom says
I don’t know if these are so much for comfort, but they do bring me joy: If we are talking scenes – I love reading the hot tub scene in Magic Strikes. It’s such a fun scene. As for series – I love re-reading the Innkeeper Chronicles over and over.
Alex says
+1 for the hot tub scene. Hot tubs are dangerous 🙂
Jessica B says
+1 You nailed my two favorites, too!
Lynn M says
Glad to see I am not the only one with a soft spot for Sweep of The Blade. Maude being so competent, Helen being adorable, Arlan being all in on his girls. This is the book I turn to when the brain weasels get to be too much.
MaryF says
Not only are you not the only one, you are actually in the majority here. Me, too! Maud – yes. Also, there is something about the trip to the Black Sea and the scene in the mountains where Curran has to confess what he is up to.
Miriam says
Shannon from Texas says
+1 for Maud and +4,742 for “Brain Weasles”. I’m stealing that. Thankee kindly!
Buckaroo says
Hidden Legacy – Catalina’s arc in particular – was my comfort listen through the global pandemic. I would put in my earbuds and go for a walk and the world would steady a bit.
Currently, the Innkeeper series are on auto repeat because they are cozy but exciting as I slog through my own personal pandemic of grief and stress.
Raye says
Big fluffy Horde hugs for your grief and stress. You aren’t alone.
Buckaroo says
thank you! I love our Horde. It’s the best place on the interwebz I’ve ever found
jewelwing says
Hang in there. One foot in front of the other is the way to go.
Buckaroo says
Robin says
I have so many! But a particular favorite is in Iron Covenant when Elara finally decides she wants Hugh more than she wants to kill him. After all, they could always poison him. Oh, and when Kate blows up the kraken and calls Hugh and he laughs at her. Priceless.
Jessica Fix says
“and you didn’t tell me?!”
Patricia Schlorke says
Also, when Kate tells Hugh what happened at the Farm, inferred she was a former Iron Dog, and left his cohort. Hugh asks Kate why she left, she said she had a problem with authority, and he said that would do it. I laugh every time I read that in Magic Tides.
Patricia Schlorke says
Oops, it should be Magic Tides. I just read that part this morning. I needed a good laugh. 😀
Moderator R says
Fixed 🙂
Di says
It’s the scene in ONE FELL SWEEP before the aliens arrive. The gang is having breakfast, Helen is being cute with the bacon stealing, Arland is mock-growling at her, Maud is trying very hard not to notice Arland. The inn feels like a family.
This is why I’m so happy by the final reveal in SWEEP OF THE HEART. It coldor
Di says
Oops, it submitted before I finished my comment.
This is why I’m so happy by the final reveal in SWEEP OF THE HEART. It comforts me to know that Maud/Helen/Arland will easily visit Gertrude Hunt for a relaxing meal prepared by Orro. Helen will practice creating rooms and play with the fish. I spend way too much time thinking about this. 😭
Julie says
I love the whole Innkeeper Chronicles, but so far Helen is my favorite character.
Charity says
I go to the Innkeeper series, specifically where Oro receives his “redemption” with Chef Adri. It’s such an uplifting moment!
Maria F says
i always cry (good tears) at this scene! 🥲
Tess Benham says
My favorite comfort read and/or listen is the Innkeeper series. I love the growth of the characters, the compelling story arc mystery of their parents/inn’s disappearance, and zany characters. My favorite comfort read is Sweep with Me and the Treaty Stay.
Keera says
There are so many scenes from so many books but Kate and the gang are my favorites. I have multiple paperback copies in the car and house for emergency reads. I have them in ebooks and audio and now Im collecting GA versions as well.
The parts that stand out for me is when Curran literally and figuratively had her back during that claiming of Atlanta. I loved them as a couple so much!
Then I think in Magic Shifts when Curran asks (Im paraphrasing) why dont you do what I say, and our girl says you dont ask you tell. Before reading this book I had that almost exact conversation with my husband. He was an Active Duty Marine then and had trouble turning off the ordering. I laughed so hard and sent him a message saying see I do have something in common with Kate. Her husband forgets we arent your subordinates 😂😂
trailing wife says
Not just the military, Keera. 😉 Mr. Wife is now a retired corporate manager — the training is also OODA: orient, observe, decide, act. The first action being to inform the team what needs to be done and who will do what. But the training only polishes the innate approach to the universe, bless their decisive little hearts!
On the other hand, they respond so beautifully to challenges that play to their strengths — he’d been fussing at me for not managing the budget well while he worked a series of factory start-ups around the world, despite knowing that money is not what I am good at, and that I really was trying. Instead of fighting with him anymore, I challenged him to do for our budget what he did for his employer. He froze for a minute while pondering that paradigm change, then his eyes lit up and he charged forth To Do Battle With Our Finances. Seriously.
Since then, regardless of the intensity of his work/travel schedule, he gives me an annual report presentation with multicolour graphs in several shapes, backed by data tables, complete with goals and stretch goals for the next year and next five years, not to mention a summary of how far we’ve come since the year of challenge. And we haven’t fought about the budget since. 🙂
Maria R. says
Oh my word. Truly want to grab my opera length pearls so I can clutch them…dramatically. How wonderful in resolving the financial situation.
My hubby does 98% of our finances because 1) I’m numbers dyslexic 2) I can be a tad airhead with said numbers 😬
Peggy says
Teheehee and another giggle or three. “goals and stretch goals…” Wow.
OK – deep breath. I’m good.
Nope…laughing again.
jewelwing says
An article by the head of a financial advisor firm discussed how to avoid the financial hit of divorce after retirement. His thesis was that prospective retirees should be proactive about avoiding divorce. One point was that upon retirement, managers and supervisors often believe they should either manage the household, or supervise the person who has been managing the household all along. In the author’s words: “That rarely ends well.”
Minna says
Um… I think we would need to see example of the graphs. That sounds intense – but in a good way. Good for you!
I now realize I am really relaxed with my family finance mgmt style….
*eyes wide*
Emilye says
I. Love. Both. Of. These. Life. Lessons. You ladies rock!
Zsuzsi says
From Wildfire when Rogan gets the mousse
Susi says
Julia says
Always, always it is Sweep of the Blade. It has taken me through COVID as a doctor, being told my husband was divorcing me the day after I told him I had terminal cancer and all the cr*p that has followed. When life gets too much, I turn to this book and life seems a little brighter
Moderator R says
Big big hugs, Julia! Hope you find many more happy things and comforts!
Patricia Schlorke says
Oh man, that stinks in more ways than one. ☹️
May I say you’re better off without him? You don’t need the added stress. Just remember, the BDH is here for you.
Maria R. says
Words fail me. Sending positive vibes to you.
Tempest says
Sending hugs and all the fluffiness.
(Would also like to send assassins on the ex, but evidently we’re supposed to stay fluffy. However just know that the Horde would willing come and go all Kate Daniels on him.)
Marianne says
Bea says
Maybe we can send the dushegubs? We discuss?
jewelwing says
That is just horrifying. He clearly doesn’t subscribe to the third run of House Baylor. Wishing you lots of found family support. Someone’s always around here at BDH headquarters.
jewelwing says
Third Rule. Oy.
Richard says
Magic Strikes. I love the arena scenes and the flashback. Plus, you know, hot tub. O_O
Patti says
A Mere Formality is my go to read. In the midst of her diplomatic career nightmare, Deidre finds love with the Lord Nagrad of the Reigh. It’s witty, funny, smutty, and short. It never fails to make me laugh and feel better! It’s a great short read when I am overwhelmed with oh so little time.
Cindy says
Katie F says
+1, also there is so much competence in the FMC. I can’t help but love how much knowledge she has/knows/can postulate. It’s a great comfort read.
Joy says
I love A Mere Formality and the scene with Helen stealing the bacon. My pick is from Fated Blades the dance/ flight scene is amazing!
Kylie says
Agree, I have returned to this one multiple times.
Kathi says
the innkeeper series, especially 1-3 and my favorite, most comforting scenes are in Sweep in Peace (the presentation of the room for Turan Adin, the scene at the start of chapter 15 and the scene at the koi pond).
For me, it’s a bit less about the series itself, but the memories I have of reading the books when I was in a very black hole mentally and the pause from my thoughts they afforded me.
Cheryl says
Both Magic Triumphs (Kate refusing to negotiate with the oatmeal-denying terrorist, Conlan singing the sad song of his people, Hugh) and Sweep of the Heart (phenomenal world building – so many many worlds).
House Andrews, thank you for helping us through all the rough times.
Michelle says
I reread Innkeeper the most as my comfort read, with Silver Shark coming in a close second. Visiting Gertrude Hunt is like getting a warm hug and Silver Shark takes me back to my earlier days. Although, there are times I revisit Kate and Curran too…
Kiri Guyaz says
Silver Shark for me too, as well as the other Kinsmen Universe books—there’s just something so uplifting about the people there—even those worn down by violence and bleakness—finding and choosing joy nevertheless, and walking their own paths, however unconventional, at however their stage of life or family situation—so much hope there. I reread these more than any of your other series, I think, for the comfort hope, joy—and I reread all your series!💜
Erin says
sapphire flames – when allesandro eats the pepper and when he has dinner. the hidden legacy dinners I general are a fav
April says
I always go back to the humor, the scenes where the stakes are high but then you get Rogan calling for pressure sensors on the dryer vents…
Laurie B says
This whole scene with Augustine saying he’s in the middle of a Disney movie, and Harrison saying pretend I practice with my animals as much as you practice, then Rogan making the call!! It’s one of my favorites.
And Orro trying to make a bad hamburger- just genius!
Innkeeper books are my favorite. So many wonderful scenes and then the HEA once all the life ending battles are done.
Bill G says
The ending of “On The Edge.” Where Rose arrives at the castle, unable to believe that nobles will find her acceptable.
Diane E Wilson says
Innkeeper, the whole series, closely followed by Hidden Legacy. Rereading Burn for Me right now.
Zirraella says
For me it rotates between Hugh/ Maud/ Nevada and the rest follow in no particular order 🙂
Bigbince says
The Edge series particularly “Fate’s Edge” is always my go to comfort series.
Michelle says
The beginning of Sweep of The Blade. Then and Now. I love that section so much.
Maria says
What can I say? I love anything written by the dynamic duo. Both Hidden Legacy and Innkeeper series are neck and neck for favorite series of books. If I had to choose one though? Sweep of the Blade. I never get tired of Helen and her “rippercushions” lol!!
Annika says
sweep of the blade the scene, where Maud arranged the Tachies food. I like food preparation scenes, because to share food is to share love.
House DeMille says
that is a such great scene!
H.G. Hettinger says
Having raised four kids “Magic Triumphs” is one of my all time favorites for a pick me up.
Katie says
I consider all your books comfort reads; Going back to them is like meeting up with old friends. The story I re-read the most is Alpha Orgins in the Angles of Darkness anthology
Leah says
I loved that story too!
KSENiA says
I don’t normaly re-read books. Too many books too outthere to read. Yet I keep re-reading Iron and Magic again and again. It’s my one true comfort read.
Laura says
glad to see someone else say Iron & Magic is their favorite. For some reason Hugh struggling to find himself just resonates with me. Him finding the strength day after day to make himself a better person & in small ways cancel out what Roland made him do all these years ago…is heart breaking.
His fights with Elera are hysterical in so many ways. This section is one of my favorites..”If it comes back, Hugh will kill it. That’s what he does. He protects us.” to me that is when Hugh finds it states, Now he had a place,here in the castle, and a purpose. Chapter 10, page 185 on NOOK
Valerie says
Yes, Iron and Magic. I also go back to Gunmetal Magic. Andrea is just so good!
Debbie says
This, the way Hugh stares in the abyss and finds the determination and courage to go on.
Iron and Magic is my book to go to when times get tough.
Stephanie McBee says
Ok I seriously just do rereads of the entire catalog when I’m trying to escape or cope but my favorite scene is the trials of House Baylor. Arabella’s frustration with the math delights me as a parent of older teens.
Mimi says
Go Arabella! The common core issue cracks me up everytime 😎
Elaina Roberts says
Yes, this! Her “this sucks” while she’s writing out the math is so much teen “I hate homework, my life is a chore, whyyyyyy?” lol Definitley one of my favorites.
Sarah says
magic breaks. it was the first I had both physical and digital copy of. the whole book was just the turning point for both Kate and Curran to step into their own power and selves. the story is just non stop anticipation and ends with the the claiming and curran stepping it down. it to be it was just this big “yes now we really get to see who they are” i think thats why i like magic claims so much, they are mirrors of each other.
jessicachristian says
The last three chapters of Fated Blades😊
Viktoria says
I love them very much too!! So satisfying.
Silvia says
Oh, tough question… it’s both Kates Atlanta or the Magic Inn, depends on my mood. I read them so often, both are like home somehow.
Stacy says
Silent Blade – the dahlia gardens and wars are a treat. We started a farm this past year, including rows and rows of cut flowers and, specifically, dahlias. Life overwhelmed (two family deaths, overcommitting to weekend art festivals while also doing gallery shows, regular jobs, etc etc) and something had to give. Sadly it was the flower fields. Reading about the dahlia wars, and the vividness of the backyard gardens, is both restorative and inspirational. I would totally nuke a hated rival’s garden…
Emily Ewens says
When I’m in need of comfort, Innkeeper is great – any part with food, tiny vampire children cooking with Quillonians, good doggies and mysterious cats, and… well, every part. Silver Shark is also good; a new hairstyle and trying new fruits always brightens things up. Then, a meal with the Baylor’s is nice, normal, and hilarious. Aurelia/Julie describing her new house reminds me of my own treasures and I also love reading about the inner workings of Elara’s castle. They’re all comfort reads! My favorite scenes are when the couples/future couples are being sassy to each other or the guys are prematurely smug. So funny!
Samantha W says
although I haven’t reread them in a while, I find the relationship between Rose and Jack and George in the Edge series to be the most relatable and therefore comforting to me. My older sister is 10 years older than me, without her I don’t think I would have made it. I was a weird kid. My sister loved me fiercely despite that. I am one lucky duck for sure.
MariaZ says
Kate on the Pack Council dispensing wisdom and justice to all.
Moderator R says
Hey Maria, you don’t have to make separate comments for scenes, there is no limit on how many you can mention in one 🙂
Lada says
Great choices all. I gravitate between KD and Innkeeper because you write gems like this (Magic Breaks, Chpt 17):
“Oh screw it. “I mourn my sword, but that’s alright. Grandmother gave me another one.” I pulled Sarrat out of its sheath.
Landon spun the wheel. The Land Rover nearly careened, turning off the road. Landon parked and bolted out of the car, slapping the driver’s door closed behind him.
Awesome. I’d terrified the Legatus of the Golden Legion just by showing him my sword. If I waved it around, he’d probably explode.
Sarrat smoked on my lap. Its magic wasn’t subtle, like Slayer’s. No, this sword emanated power. It coiled around me. It liked me.
Landon paced back and forth, his eyes a little wild.
“Well, he took it worse than I did,” Curran said.
“I don’t see what the big deal is.”
“It’s a sword made out of your grandmother’s bones, Kate.”
I shrugged.
Landon stared at me through the windshield, turned around, paced back and forth, and stared at me again.
“Do you know what most people have from their grandmother? A tea set. Or a quilt.” Curran smiled. “If your family had a quilt, it would be made out of chimera skin and stuffed with feathers from dead angels.”
“Are we talking Judeo-Christian angels, because those don’t exist, or pagan angels like Teddy Jo?”
“Kate,” Curran said.
“Hey, I warned you from the start it would be weird. I sat in that bathtub with you and told you that this was a really bad idea. You said you loved me and stayed in the tub. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve made your bed. You have to lie in it.”
“I’ll lie in any bed as long as you’re in it, but this is still weird.”
I don’t know how many times I’ve read that but I still chuckle every time. Thank you for all the comfort reading. They have come in particularly handy for me this year.
Wikbur says
I had forgotten that scene. It is perfect.
Patricia Schlorke says
I lose it every time I read that.
Jessica Fix says
so good😈
Alison says
I love that scene! 🙂
Kat in FL says
Magic Triumphs scenes with Conlan are comfort reads for me. The love and protection from Kate and Curran for Conlan warms me up.
Iron and Magic scene where Deirdre screams for Hugh and he comes running to protect Elara.
Sweep of the Blade as whole as it’s one of my fave House Andrews books bc of the dynamic between Maude and Helen
I don’t know what it says about me that fight/killing/protection scenes are comforting. Now I feel like the dog Era hated that ran to her for protection from thunderstorms. Might need to talk to my therapist about this 😩
Maria F says
Miriam says
I’m sitting on my sofa with tea and a nice blanket. Sometimes a story of protection is keeping me/us warmer even.
Amanda Okandan says
My favorite comfort read is Clean Sweep. I just adore the interpersonal dynamics, the handsome interstellar vampires, & the secretly beastly fluffball. ♥️♥️♥️
Plantlust says
Or Fluffy Beastball 🤣
Joy says
So many, BUT… That scene where Gaston describes George and Sophie’s courtship arc where they finally make it work. So happy for their happy ending!
Tempest says
Yes, Yes, YES! I honestly want Gaston to summarize all the things.
LauraKC says
My comfort reads are Sweep of the Blade and Silver Shark. Lots of your characters are survivors, but on some level, I really connected emotionally with the characters in both books.
In Sweep of the Blade my favourite parts were about Maud’s love for Helen. I love the whole sentiment about being a parent and what we do for our children. It’s really evident during and after Maud’s fight with Ilemina, “I couldn’t let her kill me,” Maud said, “I couldn’t leave Helen”. Helen’s defense of Maud is also a so wonderful.
With Silver Shark, it’s that Claire has to present herself one way, but on the inside there was a vibrant person trying to get out. My favourite scene in where Ven shows Claire how he sees her on the bionet – okay, he doesn’t know it’s Claire, he shows her a glorious sea serpent (if only he wasn’t so blind!).
Katie F says
I love the sea serpent also, all of the bionet scenes are so much fun.
Meredith says
It’s hard to pick just one, because all the HA books are my comfort reads. I am currently rereading Catalina’s story and just started Emerald Blaze. I recently finished the Innkeeper series…again. I just love them all and go back to them at different times for different things.
Natasha Johnson says
Kate Daniel’s Magic Strikes. This is the book I will always go towards if I’m feeling down or need an escape. I can’t give you one reason why just something about this one makes me forget for a while and soothes my soul in a way that other books can’t.
Daniela says
Sweep of the Blade – I love both Maud and Arland; Silver Shark; Fated Blades (re-read recently because of the naming-the man-marathon). I am an avid reader and read a lot (A LOT); it is the pure truth that your books are among the best I have ever read. Your skills in building worlds and characters are exquisite; you always craft engaging story plots; and, above all, I love the way your stories are interwoven with beautiful values – love, friendship, loyalty, kindness… Oh, and the sense of humor and delicious sarcasm! According to mood and circumstances, all of your books are comfort read.
Susan Ivey says
Probookie says
Van P. says
My comfort read has to be the entire Kate Daniel series. I do a reread every year and I love how I’m still able to discover things I missed previously or how certain scenes gets me emotionally like reading it the first time.
jewelwing says
+1 on the things I missed previously. As many times as I’ve read these, you’d think that wasn’t possible, but it still happens almost every time.
Kris Punch says
The whole scene where Maude meets the Tachi in Sweep of the Blade and makes them dinner. The “ripper cushions” incident and the “coincidental run in with the lees. I adore this whole book- out of all of yours I’ve re read this one probably 20 times! The traditions and world building- just extraordinary!
jewelwing says
That Tachi scene is my favorite in this book, my second favorite after Blood Heir. The entire book is awesome though, every bit.
Lisa Lopez says
My comfort read is all of the Innkeeper books. if I’m particularly stressed, it’s Sweep of the Blade. Maude and Helen make me so happy.
CJ Goodwin says
My favorite is Innkeeper. I love them all but this is the one I come back to for comfort
Specifically, One Fell Sweep
‘We’re being besieged by murderous poultry!’
But my favorite scene is when Orro is explaining to Wing about Christmas:
‘The young men go out in small packs, they brave the cold and come into conflict with other packs and they have to prove their dominance through physical combat. Their fathers teach them lessons in the proper use of swear words and the young men have to undergo tests of endurance, like holding soap in their mouths and licking cold metal objects….
I suppose Small Helen could substitute for a male, I’m sure we can get her a proper gun,’. We can’t She’ll put her eye out…’
I love the depth of the characters and the effort to reinterpret different cultures to others. This scene makes me laugh every time! Of course any scene with Orro makes me happy!
Emily07 says
Both Hidden Legacy and The Innkeeper. I just start at the first book of each of them, and relax and enjoy reading them all the way through.
I love the Hidden Legacy family, and how they stick together and support each other, no matter what. And I love the funny moments in the family, as well. The teasing and the in-fighting which really make me laugh, because the fighting is over things that aren’t important but does seem to relieve stress.
And the Innkeeper and Gertrude Hunt with all the changes in the Inn and the Universe. I love the story of Maud, Helen and Arland and ripper cushions, which is priceless in so many ways. It’s such a joy to re-read them and experience the wonderful world you have built for them, and for us.
Thanks, House Andrews.
bungluna says
I have Magic Cla(i)ms downloaded on my phone. I read bits of it every time I have a chance. The opening scene with Kate and Era is a particular favorite.
K says
Kinsman Universe if I don’t have a ton of time but want to feel good.
Hidden Legacy if I have even the teeniest bit of time (because, and I freely confess my failings, I can’t put down an IA book until I’ve read it entirely lol)
The family dynamics always sucker me in, they’re just so warm and wholesome….IA seriously write THE best kids/teens!
Tempest says
Innkeeper! There are so many things that make my heart happy: Dina revoking Sean’s welcome. Arland drunk on coffee. Anytime Arland starts a “I am but a humble warrior” speech. Sean and Arland interactions. Sean in poet mode. Orro when he drama llamas. Dina surprising folks with her brand of strength. Maud surprising folks with her strength. I’ve been listening to the Graphic Audio during some long drives and it just makes me SO HAPPY.
As a step-daughter, I ABSOLUTELY adore Arland’s relationship with Helen. There’s a line when Arland says “when you see your daughter and the woman you love” to describe Helen and Maud. Maud hasn’t agreed to marry him at this point, but he already thinks of Helen as his daughter. (I mean, we know it’s going to happen, but still. He’s all in with both of them.)
Hidden Legacy is my next comfort read. The comfort read part is all the family interactions . . . the family by blood and how they also sweep in Cornelius, etc.
Thanks, House Andrews, for such great go-to comfort reads.
Emilye says
I totally agree! I just re-read Innkeeper up to SOTB. So satisfying. And, Catalinia has been peeking around the corner at me…
Barbara Swanson says
oh, I love this question! I comfort read entire books, however…a single scene is never enough for me. My favorite so far is Ruby Fever for the ‘feel goods’. It so thoroughly wraps up the emotional strings of the major characters and I really love the Catalina/Alessandro dynamic.
Gabi says
Clearly it has to be „ Sweep of the blade „!
It is my absoluter favorite book, I adore Maud and her strong mind!
Erica says
My favourite comfort read has to be the Innkeeper Chronicles, in particular Sweep in Peace, Sweep with Me, and Sweep of the Heart.
Love the world it opens up for the imagination!
Special shout-out to Orro, the best chef there is 💕
Jennifer says
If I need something to cheer me up, it’s the ferret heist scene. The kinsmen universe in general is a go to for me for when I need something to relax with at the end of a long day due to their shorter length. That way I don’t stay up all night re-reading like I might with hidden legacy.
Cara R. says
I started reading Burn for Me, my first House Andrews book ever, in March of 2020 when I desperately needed an escape from the world and it gave me that so it’s the one I tend to reread when things start to get too heavy in the real world.
Kat says
Silver shark as well. 100%. I don’t know what it is about that book but it just hits me right.
I also love the end of Swine and Roses. It makes me want more of their story!!
Ruth says
The banquet scene from Sweep of the Blade when Maude connects with the Tachis and ends with Helen and rippercushions. I just never get tired of it.
Darlene says
Right now my IA comfort read is Magic Tides & Magic Claims – as well as the audiobooks.
Kris says
Every night I listen to one of your books and I switch between Hidden Legacy and the Inkeeper Chronicals (sometimes I listen to them in English, sometime in my native tongue). But when I feel really low I read Kate Daniels Number 3, the Midnight Games are amazing. Because it is the first time Kate really reveals her power to save someone she cares about. It is a huge turning point in her story (and of course the hot tub scene :D).
I also love the scene in the last book where there is this conversation “The consort is ever merciful.” “Yes, HE is”. I love it so much!!!!
Harriet says
The most recent comfort read section is Ramona and Matias talking about their summers at the summerhouse by the lake, chasing fireflies, climbing trees and eating cherries off the tree.
Certainly my childhood was nothing like that growing up in an urban jungle, but I remember one magical summer where the moms of several family signed all of us kids up for ballroom dancing class, math tutoring class and swimming lessons at our pool. When you hang out with your besties all summer that no matter what you did together would be extra fun, and it was the last year we spent our summer together. That passage always brings me back to that one last magical summer.
Jami says
My favorite scene is when Kate returns from Mishmar with her “advising knife”, and Erra (re)appears. To bounce from that, any subsequent scene with Kate and Erra, or Kate, Julie, and Erra is total catnip. The role that Erra was able to fill for both of them, and their similar senses of humor is the BEST!
Patricia Schlorke says
Erra after Derek and Curran practically run into each other: “You want to marry that? Is there a shortage of men?”
Along with other scenes, I laugh every time I read that part.
Denee Heeter says
For me all of the Inn Keeper’s Chronicles are my comfort reads. I have literally read each book at least 10 times. I read the last one each week you sent out the chapters on the blog and then bought the book the minute it came out. My daughter, who loves your books too, actually gets frustrated when she asks me what I’m reading and I say, “I’m back with Dina and Sean.” Or, “I’m hanging with Maud and House Krahr again.” But, you love what you love and your Inn Keeper books are my warm blanket when I can’t people anymore and I don’t want to adult anymore, your books help me unwind enough that I’m willing to try again the next day!
RK says
I’d just reread sweep of the blade yesterday
It has strong massage about second chance (with love and with life in general).
I find it really comforting that even if your life sometimes seems like Karhari, there is an Arland waiting for you in the end 🙂
Sue says
When I want a bit of a giggle I read the bit where Kate and Curran face down Roland and then Gastek realises who Kate really is. He is soo oblivious.
Courtney Mincy says
The Kinsmen stories are my go to reads, particularly Silent Blade.
Jessica says
Silver Shark and Bayou Moon are tied – I just love both of them.
Noel Stark says
Iron and Magic
Khira says
InnKeeper is my comfort read. There is something about the control and wonder the inns can give you, but that it doesn’t solve all problems that really comforts me when life gets hard. I get to imagine the wonder of an inn and everything that can be created, while being reminded that problems can be overcome with some hard work and a willingness to dig in. Waving the magic wand (or magic broom in this case) doesn’t solve all, but finding wonder in the everyday life and the magic we can created in our own world really reminds me to appreciate life.
Mary says
For me, it’s the Hidden Legacy series–specifically, Catalina’s first book Sapphire Flames. Watching Catelina be forced to grow and adapt into a powerful, confident woman–the Head of her House and her family’s business–is so inspiring. It always makes me feel like I too can conquer sentient swamp monsters and find a hot Italian assassin of my own.
Sophie says
I agree, her growth is astounding and I just love her for it. She grows so much and it really inspires me.
Buckaroo says
Rachele says
Innkeeper is my comfort go-to. 🙂
C says
Comfort read (if I had to pick just one): Steel’s edge. All your books are a wonderful escape, but i really love the more mature Charlotte and Richard love story
Pallavi says
Lol @ comfort read scenes… Its never going to be a scene but the entire book and for me its the Hidden Legacy trilogy. The entire arc of Nevada coming into her own and Rogan’s mad-intense action scenes with movie hero finales…
DeeDee says
Silver Shark also my fav comfort read. I enjoy all of the shorts from that particular IA world. I wish there are more.
Cassandra says
We really can’t go home again.
I go back to the sections in Sweep in Peace where Dina creates the rooms for the delegations and the conference. There is something about interior design in books that I find soothing. And Dina is so thoughtful about it! Universal design at its best 🙂
AlyP says
All the words!!!
this will sound like a cop out, but I don’t read sections or out of order, ever 😅 for me, when I want a comfort read, I start rereading one of the series that I haven’t read in some time, and read EVERYTHING LOL. for example, I just felt the need for some IA, so I started rereading the Edge series, it’s the one I haven’t read since 2020. It was wonderful, also a bit traumatic (the thing that happens to Cherise’s mom… ugh, I just hate reading those parts)
Stacia says
100% Innkeeper for me. Everything about the series: recipes, characters, storylines is just like a warm blanket and mug of cocoa. It was also the first IA series I discovered when the pandemic was in full swing and it just brightened up that entire month.
Kathy says
Burn For Me is my go-to comfort reread. I adore the family and how they’ve managed to live with what they have. It’s both the story and the promise of five more books after. I love that world but the first book when we get to know the family is always so comforting!
Bev says
All of Innkeeper,but especially the bits with Officer Marais and his family! My sympathy for you finding out the state of your childhood home. I once found relatively recent drone footage of my Grandma’s home town and her house is now a n empty lot with huge evergreen trees on it. I was there last in 1971! Sort out the happy memories from your youth and pass them on. There will be treasures there if you hunt for them. Holidays, pretty scenery, the smell and taste of your favorite foods. As I mention these I also remember! Thank-You
Vanessa Victoria Kilmer says
I listen to all of your books on Audible at night to help me sleep. They are like receiving a hug from a friend: familiar, entertaining, and comforting. When I wake up, I know where I am in each story which calms my brain as I follow along and then I can drift back to dreamland.
Barrie says
Magic Steals. I love Dali. When she’s talking to her mom, aunt, and friends and Jim walks onto the kitchen in a towel… LOVE it!!!
Shalan Shields says
Hidden Legacy. I think I own multiple ebook copies. 😂 I live that series and i think i did 3 rereads in a 6 month period when i was in a rut.
Jessica says
I re-read Kate at least once a year. The whole series is like visiting friends.
Alina says
Hidden Legacy books.
I’m an only child. My grandparents are no longer alive… and I wish I had such a big and supportive family. One of my favourite scenes – Grandma Frida knitting!!
Maya says
Im not sure if this counts for comfort but…
I used to travel a lot, both for work and just because I liked it. However that hasn’t been the case in the last few years and sometimes I get this feeling that my life has gotten too boring and closed.
When this happens certain reads help and of all HA books, my favourite in this context is Kate 6, the trip from Atlanta to Georgia. It always gives me this bubbly adventurous feeling I used to get at the beginning of a new trip (and the fact that I live on the Black Sea, only at the opposite site of it, probably matters too 🙂
Some scenes from the Innkeeper have similar resonance, mostly when Dina changes the Inn into something completely different, it always makes me curious and interested to explore it.
Claire M says
Generally Magic Strikes. Which may seem odd, but it’s the one that truly hooked me. The one that had me desperate for more and the beginning of everything that followed in so many ways. So yeah, that’s my go to. I just love the interactions throughout it and how you can see everyone becoming family.
Tuch says
“Of Swine and Roses” -how a date should be spent, being a brave little pig, and maybe a little bit the keep away part.
Joy Wilson says
For me, it is the Innkeeper Chronicles, especially Sweep of the Heart, followed by the triumphant Sweep of the Blade. When I’m depressed, nothing comforts me more than the rescue of Maude and Helen, Helen and bacon, Helen’s gift of the tree ornament, and mango ice cream. Then I am ready to enjoy how totally outclassed by Maud (and Helen), everyone is! I can’t resist the ripper cushions, the bride’s coffee hour, and the whole amazing, wonderful hunting episode! So much to treasure in both books. I read them both multiple times last year.
Thank you, thank you both for helping me through the pandemic. When I couldn’t concentrate on any other books, yours reached my soul with uplifting comfort. I love them all and all your series, but these two books are my go-to when things are dire.
I’m so blessed to have found you both so many years ago!
Lynn says
The Innkeeper series for sure! I usually have it running on repeat (esp the new Graphic Audio version) and just start over again once I get to the end of the series (for now!).
Rebecca says
For me, it’s the Edge books and Bayou Moon in particular. I love the world building, but mostly the outsider-finding-his/her-family dynamic.
Also, love the bad guy! He gives me the SHIVERS!
Teresa Wittel says
I haven’t noticed a lot of votes for Bayou Moon, it seems to be unpopular. However, I love all the Edge books and William and Cerise are my favorites for re-reading. I love the spaghetti queen scenes and their whole trip through the bayou. I would like to see a redemption story for Evan [the traitor]. After all, family always has to take you in, no matter what. I know the series is dead, though, to my great sorrow. Luckily, I have all of their other books to wallow in…and I do.
Dana G says
If we’re sticking with comfort re-reads, I’m going a bit off-the-wall here and picking a short story. A Mere Formality! Each time I read it I get a fit of the giggles and all the “awwwww, true luv”, feels!!! Lightens and brightens my mood every time. And there have been a lot of re-reads!
Ariel says
My ultimate comfort read is Fated Blades. It used to be Clean Sweep (it’s so cozy), but it was dethroned on November 27, 2021, which just made me realize was 2 years from today EXACTLY (yes, it was published on 11/23, but I didn’t read it until that Saturday). Now, isn’t that kismet? I am not exaggerating when I say I have read the entire book approximately 20 times. If I wasn’t currently at work (on my lunch break!) I would attach a photo of my beloved, yet bedraggled book. I’ve also gifted it to several friends.
For why my ultimate comfort book is Fated Blades, of course it’s the overall plot/story, but I REALLY like the dancing fight scenes. I see them so vividly in my head and I get swept up each and every time. I am a mental health therapist by trade, and reading this book (as well as sharing it) is one of my tried and true methods of waylaying burn out, so I should be thanking you, as well as my patients<3
Ariel says
A few of my favorite quotes/passages:
•“Cassida gifted you a lovely vintage Second Wave toaster for your collection,” Matias said. What? Ramona turned to him. “You hacked them through a malignant toaster?” “Yes.” She laughed.”
•“Matias!” Nadira said into the ensuing silence. “Why did you sell our company to Ramona Adler?” “Because it’s customary to exchange bridal gifts before the wedding,” he said. Everyone screamed at once.”
•“Ramona laughed. It sounded like a promise of murder.”
•“She looked beautiful and alive, as if the planet had exhaled its magic and conjured her from its breath to taunt him. He wanted to touch her to see if she was real. The woods spread for many kilometers around them, steeped in night shadows and glowing with delicate color. The temple sat within them like a tiny man-made island, and their fire was its heart. It felt like they were the last two people on the planet, just him and her.”
•“Being kind to people and paying attention shouldn’t be done with the expectation of repayment. I helped them because I could, and it made me happy.”
Beth says
I totally agree! This story gives me the most incredible “word pictures” in my mind. I never get tired of it.
Dorian says
Although I love all IA books, Kate Daniels is my go to comfort. Specifically Magic Breaks. The high energy of the search, Mishmar, the dismemberment of Hibla brings me joy.
I will occasionally reread or listen to Hugh & Kate sparring that’s always fun.
Mary says
The first Innkeeper book, I love Dina and Sean. The apple trees…
Melissa says
If I’m rereading just a part, I’ll read the final third of Magc Strikes, from when Kate finds out that’s Hugh through the rescue. Yes, the hot tub, but also Kate recognizing that she has friends and she doesn’t have to give them up like Voron would want.
I have a special love for Magic Gifts, and will happily reread that novella (novelette?) at random times. Probably because it shows Kate and Curran trying to be normal, and the scene at the end with the boy and his grandfather.
For a full book reread as a genuine comfort read, Blood Heir. It just makes me happy.
All that said, I picked up Sweep of the Blade last night while waiting for the laundry to finish and quite enjoyed Maud and the fruit platter.
Ashley Richter says
It’s Kate’s series for me! My favorite thing about it and honestly everything you guys have written is the witty banter and the little things you guys bring in. I love Disney and when you had Kate quote the Lion King it was perfect it really makes me feel like Kate is a real person who at some point watched Lion King. And in The Edge series when Rose takes the boys to the comic shop and they find the InuYasha manga, I love that show and manga so it’s always those little connections that brings me comfort and always make me feel like I’m getting welcomed home!
KL says
I love them all, but in Sweep of the Blade the sight of Helen and Arland waiting for Maude, sitting on the wall with the same dirty marks. When Maude asks what happened their joint reply of “nothing” is classic.
Miriam says
Sue F says
That’s mine too – where she thinks Helen “could be his child”…what a wonderful family scene!
Brightfae says
Cynthia A Hamon says
I love Magic Triumphs especially the parts were Conlan is acting just like a toddler.
Tasha A. says
Innkeeper series is my comfort read. specifically Sweep of the blade and One fell Sweep. My favorite scenes are any scenes in which Maud, Helen, or Dina are underestimated because they are human or female. honestly any scenes with Helen are just so well done. Scenes with Dina and her sarcasm I just love it. my job requires a lot of customer service and the amount of times I have said one thing aloud but another in my head ( just like Dina) is crazy! 😂
this scene holds a special place in my heart. One Fell Sweep page 59 in my kindle
“That’s a kitty,” Maud said. “Be careful. They have sharp claws.” “What’s his name?”
“He doesn’t have one,” I told her. I hadn’t gotten around to it. “I tell you what, you can name him.”
Helen’s eyes got almost as big as the cat’s.
“I can?”
“I’m going to name him Olasard, after he who hunts the evildoers and rips out their souls.”
The Ripper of Souls gave me a befuddled look.”
June says
I would choose Wildfire. It’s comforting to know that even when everything is hard they fight through it to get their happily ever after (even though you find out more hardships happen in Catalina’s series).🤣🤣🤣
Sarah says
I think my favorite comfort read is the Hidden Legacy series —and specifically I go to the scenes from White Hot related to the ferret heist–so not actually the ferrets getting in and out but Nevada asking Augustine and Rogan if they have sensors in their drier vents —and then their both contacting their teams to have it added right afterwards. I love how she is not only right, but how they –notorious paranoid primes–react throughout the whole situation.
Kay says
Innkeeper series is my comfort read (or listen) of choice. I just love all the characters, especially the Maud and Arland story.
Michelle says
I love all the books and all the words. Your humor resonates with me so I don’t know that I could pick a specific book or scene because all of them are special in their own way to me. I will happily re read any Kate, Hidden Legacy or Innkeeper book when I need a pick me up.
Maura says
Mine is also Silver Shark, for similar reasons I guess. I had a good childhood, but Ireland in the 70s & 80s was pretty grim, (especially for women & girls).
My second favourite is more psychologically challenging to me at least – it’s Iron & Magic. I hated Hugh in Kate’s world, and getting to this point, where I derive great comfort from reading his redemption story is a testament to your writing for sure, but it also makes me question my sanity, and makes me grateful I’m single 🤣🤣
Miriam says
1+ yes to everything
Isabel Cave says
I am another who defaults to Hidden Legacy. It truly has become a comfort read, somewhere I go when I need to feel wrapped in that blanket with my cup of Yorkshire Tea.
Kat says
Look, no matter how long you make this new book, i’m going to read it – i’m so excited for it!! 😀
Definitely the Hidden Legacy series – i’ve reread and reread and reread so many times. i adore the family connections and how tightly woven everything is, Grandma really reminds me of my own grandparents and that helps me remember them. It’s such a warm, cozy series, even with the horrible things happening – the family is always together, no matter what. ♡
Junia says
I reread Kate Daniels and Hidden Legacy and ungodly amount of times, but some of my favourite moments are when Curran steps down as Beast Lord for Kate, and when Erra is tender towards Kate.
Robin says
My short go to is “A Mere Formality”. If the difficulty I’m trying to ignore is larger then it will be either an Innkeeper or Hidden Legacy Book for me. Thankfully reading the work of House Andrews is sufficiently immersive that I can get a bit of emotional distance from whatever the trouble might be this time.
Mariah Madewell says
Blood Heir, the scene where Julie was soaking in the tub after being burnt and injured, and waking up to Derek sitting in the room with her. I have always loved their interactions. They care so much for one another. Julie was worried about him seeing the rose. Derek was worried about her and her injuries. The banter in that scene was amazing. Then you ended it with Julie emerging from the tub naked and Derek’s mouth falling open. It’s a great love story that I hope you will finish one day.
Whitney says
Write what you will, we trust you!
Comfort read would be the whole Katie Daniel’s series as a whole. I read it when I need a break from reading! I reread when I’m in a slump and I don’t know what to read.
Madison B says
Magic Strikes and Magic Bleeds – the dynamics of Kate and Curran finally choosing each other even with the weight of all their respective baggage remains my back to back favorite reread. So yes, Hot Tub scene and post-Summit scene.
Fated Blades and Sweep of the Blade for the delightful competency and mutual respect of both characters, but Iron Magic might be my all time favorite. Especially the end when Elara rescues Hugh. Who knew there was someone out there more bad ass than Hugh?
Tasha says
oh yeah this is a great scene! especially the shock on Roland’s face when he sees Elara. Adding the battle scene where the people chant Landon’s name and 5?the iron dogs are like what the hell just happened?!? we are protecting these people and they just did something that we have never seen before!
Ariel says
This is making me want reread Iron Magic immediately lol
Steph says
Good luck with all the edits!
I’d say my comfort reread is Kate Daniels (actually currently rereading now!) but also Innkeeper Chronicles must surely be a contender – I first discovered it in the GraphicAudio format in January of this year and I’ve now read it four times 😂
Red says
Hidden Legacy 100%. I love the world you’ve created, the romance is sweet and compelling. I come back to it a couple times a year when I don’t have mental energy to read something new.
Red says
All right, if you insist. *Opens Burn For Me*
Anthony says
I love silver shark. That said my comfort read is innkeeper. Any time I need to feel better I reread all of innkeeper.
Alexandra says
Yes, this!
Brianna says
I was introduced to your stories in the Edge when I was in my early teens and grew into the proud member of the BDH I am today, so there’s always a special sort of comfort for me in re-reads there. However, my comfort read lately has been with Blood Heir. I get so much joy out of seeing the woman Julie has become, and so excited about the possibilities of her future in Atlanta and as Princess of New Shinar. Love all your books though, and feel so blessed you share your talents with us. Thank you for all you do!
Brianna says
Also, picking a favorite scene is almost impossible because they’re all so good, but I love when we see Derek call Ascanio an idiot when they almost had their silly little show down. I love that even though the trio has grown into themselves and each has their own hand in the fight for human unity under the pressure of the magic apocalypse, we still get to see some of the old humor in them. It made me so happy to see the old wolfish boy wonder was still in there!
Trix says
Sweep of the Blade.
I identify so closely with Maud’s story. You could have put my name in the story and it would have been eerily similar to my life. I go back again and again to reread it. Middle child, loves horses, is good with a weapon(my case a firearm), first marriage that turned so bad, raising (in my case) 2 girls on my own in not great conditions, trials and tribulations, being found and loved by a truly good guy, having a happily ever after.
I am Maud….
Lauren says
Gunmetal Magic is a big comfort read for me- it’s the same great cast but a more self-contained story and a happy satisfying conclusion. Especially love the reconciliation scene between A and R!
Anna L says
that was the same for me!
Shannon from Florida says
My comfort read is, of course, The Ninja Ferrets. In the dark of night when anxiety spikes, I flip to that section and I just am so happy to reread it.
Alexandra says
How funny, Silver Shark is a comfort read for me too!
anna says
My comfort read would have to be Blood Heir! While it is pretty tense at times, there are moments that really balanced it out, like when Namtur interrupts Derek and Ascanio’s confrontation. Or Derek vs hodag which was surprisingly funny. Julie is such a driven character that even when she’s in a tough situation, I’m sure that she’ll figure it out somehow.
Kelly says
It really depends on what kind of comfort I am seeking but The Inn Keeper books hold a special place in my heart. I discovered the first two during a particularly bleak Christmas and then had the joy of reading along with the subsequent books. I came to Kate via Mercy so when I discovered all the snippets and free fiction on the website I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. You’ve created such a wonderful community in this corner of the internet and when I wrap myself in your words it is safe in the knowledge that I’m not alone and I’m a member of the BDH and that’s good company. The Innkeeper books are particularly comforting because Dina gets up and gets things done, she copes with what is thrown at her the best she can. I love the descriptions of the food and recipes. Your descriptions are so good I know what the GH and gardens look like and I can go for a wander anytime. Thank you.
Kat Loving says
I don’t know if I have a portion of a House Andrews comfort read, but I know that I go back and read the Kate Daniel series probably once every year or so. That was really the first series that showed me that you could be strong, feminine, and human. For all of Kate’s “human “failings, she’s very aware with the fact that she makes mistakes, and that makes her human.
Brightfae says
Erin says
I love and re-read everything by House Andrews, but the entire Innkeeper series is specifically my comfort read. I think it’s because, despite the battles, most of the action is in or around the comfort of Gertrude Hunt and either Dina or Orro are often making delicious food. There’s just something very cozy about that series for me.
Sabie says
I would have to say Silver Shark too. I’ve read that book so many times!
Miriam says
Sweep of the Blade. It’s such a typical romance. Happy ending included. Sometimes I need a simple happy ending.
Kellie Moore says
I love skimming a book (Kate Daniels mostly but also Innkeeper and the rest) and then re-reading the last few pages.
One of my absolute favorites, no matter how many times I’ve read it:
“He put the book down. “As you wish.” He rose and walked past me. I lowered my sword, expecting him to pass, but suddenly he stepped in dangerously close. “Welcome home. I’m glad you made it. There is coffee in the kitchen for you.”
My mouth gaped open.
He inhaled my scent, bent close, about to kiss me…
I just stood there like an idiot.
Curran smirked and whispered in my ear instead. “Psych.”
And just like that, he was out the door and gone.
Oh boy.”
Makes me so happy every time.
Minna says
Minna says
Inn Keeper of the longer series for sure.
But Silent Blade is one that I read also very often for comfort read. I love how the story unfolds. It is so beautiful.
Erica Conner says
My comfort read(s) and in a slump read is the KD series. The one I have read the most is Magic Bleeds. I skip right to the Bernard’s chase scene. *Chefs Kiss*
Megan says
Kate is my favorite series. I encountered it for the first time in 2020 when things seemed extremely bleak (covid deniers were rampant in my family until a very close call with my grandmother)
I reread it all the time and I LOVE the graphic audio editions. It’s like experiencing it for the first time and my husband can listen too lol
Karen says
Kate is my fav. First ones I read, so I’m crazy about them. Kate and Curran are a great couple, love their interaction. Kate in Magic Triumphs taking on the last of the Sanahu(sp?) to protect her son is just badass! Love everything they’ve written tho.
Juanita Ferrante says
My favorite read is One Fell Sweep, the scene where Maud is fighting a room full of Vampyres and Helen crawls under the table to get to her Aunt Dina. While that scene might not fall under the label of “comfort” it makes me laugh through sheer exhilaration. I’ve read that scene I can’t tell you how many times. I’ve reread all the Kate Daniel’s books a number of times, because it’s like coming home. There is a way the scenes unfold that is like you’re unwrapping memories you haven’t thought about in awhile. That’s what happened the first time I read the books and every time I reread them.
JJ says
It’s so hard to choose a favorite. I tend to reread based on my mood. But I’d have to say the fight between Hugh and Kate in Magic Rises, when she is done with everyones BS and lets it all out and where we gain Christopher as a main side character is an absolute favorite (chapter 15). And any time Orro is dramatic. . . so any scene with Orro makes me smile.
Beth says
My favorite is Sweep of the Heart, because it was my first experience in watching the story unfold in front of me. Because of this, if I go back to read it I remember not only the fun scenes, but all the banter among the BDH.
Anna L says
Honestly its hard to pick, because all of your books are comfort reads. If I had to pick a favorite scene its when Andrea decorates Rafael’s house in purple shag carpet, and he brings her the crossbow to apologizes, also Kate and Curran cant lie to save their lives. Also purple carpet staining everything. I think its nice, because those 2 can finally stop dancing around each other and accept that they need each other and also because of the visuals
Kristi says
HA Comfort Read: Innkeeper Series.
Lily Beam says
KD – Magic Strikes – Midnight Games – Excellent teamwork and awesome fight scenes! I always get a boost when I reread.
Jessica G. says
The Innkeeper Chronicles are my comfort read. The books are exciting and adventure-filled, but that inn is the star! I’d love a house that adapts to everyone who enters and does everything to keep you safe.
Paula R says
Sweep of the Blade is the one book of all the House Andrews exceptional offerings that I have reread the most. It is my #1 comfort read, followed by Iron and Magic.
Jen P says
Hidden Legacy hands down. I own 3 copies of each book, physical copy, kindle, and audiobook. Probably White Hot because the sweetness but Nevada is also still a bad bitch. I appreciate both aspects.
Irene Atkinson says
When I need a lift I read and reread Book 10 where Conlon has his first change and plays tag with Mom from under the bed. That so catches the spirit of delight of the year and a half year old and then he’s in the Wrong Arms and he has GREAT HORROR when he finds blood on his cheek (so right on target for that age!)–Shrieks and immediately develops BLOOD CLAWS! The characterization is so so great!
Katie T says
The scene where Nevada tells Rogan to make a fist and punch himself never fails to lift my mood no matter how sad things are. Thank you for all your wonderful work!
Diz says
I keep going back to Iron and Magic cos I like the way Hugh had to start again from the bottom. I randomly like the getting-Bucky scene. Not what you wanted but that’s what you get!
Jen Doherty says
Innkeeper Series. It’s like curling up with a warm blanket on a cold day.
Maria says
I love the small lines re Benjiro Heart and Penelope referencing that though shite happens things can move on and get better/different.
I also love the sibling interactions as this is not something I have.
Rushali says
Hidden Legacy, especially Nevada’s trilogy is so so crucial to my well-being lol! This entire world is absolutely and insanely fascinating and mind-blowing!
Thank you so much for your wonderful creations!
PSMH says
Iron and Magic – I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve read it and listened to Steve West tell it:
When he’d thought she might be dead, fear had scraped him raw. For a moment he felt the piercing icy pain of what must’ve been panic.
But she’d survived.
Hugh reached out carefully and rested his hand on her chest, just under her breasts, to reassure himself that he wasn’t imagining it. She felt warm. Her chest rose and fell with her breath. She’d survived. All was good.
Tomorrow it would return to normal. The crisis had passed. He raised his hand and walked out the door.
Elara’s eyes snapped open. She saw Hugh’s wide back disappear through the doorway. He had reached out and touched her. It was such a light touch, hesitant, almost tender, as if he’d been reassuring himself she was alright. Hugh d’Ambray cared if she lived or died.
Brianna says
So good! Steven West’s performance was top noch!
PSMH says
The best! 🙂
Mallory Smith says
Hidden legacy and Kate Daniel’s are comfort reads for me, hidden legacy probably too choice
Michael says
When I want to curl up and be comforted I read “Sweep of the Blade” the dialog and ripercusions just enfold me in such a comfortable humor and heart filled place. The result is always lots of smiles and sighs.
Elaine Cohoon Miller says
When my anxiety about the world is high (and, of course, bleeds over into my personal situation/issues), I need “competence porn,” so it’s Maud, Nevada, and Catalina I want to hang out with. Of course, I do complete rereads at least once a year.
Lisa Lenox says
Any of the later KD books. She creates a family out of the people around her. That’s comforting for someone whose family shrinks not-so-slowly.
Richard Cartwright says
Complex question. The Innkeeper books, Sweep of the Blade being my very favorite. Followed very closely by Iron and Magic. Because you have to be very good to not only credibly redeem a monster but bend, fold, spindle and mutilate the marriage of convenience trope and turn it into a great book.
I love the Kate Daniels world but the books are so dense, I have a hard time treating them as comfort reads.
That said, Andrea’s book is a good afternoon’s reading.
Evil Jenny says
Any time I need a pick me up, I go through the Kate Daniels books and find anything with Roman. Eeyore PJs, angry staff…. Roman is a character that makes me smile no matter what. He also reminds me of a friend that passed away many years ago. 🙂
I’m *really* hoping to see Roman again…
Katherine says
Inn Keeper! the very definition of a cozy read!
Sean says
The scene where Kate finally confronts Roland and Curran says she’s going to walk out of there is one I come back to again and again.
Rachel says
Probably Innkeeper. They were the first Ilona Andrews books I read and they’re still my favorites. Honorable mention to the kinsmen box set – mostly Silent Blade and Silver Shark, since those are shorter and therefore easy to just zoom through. I’m not sure I could pick a favorite innkeeper book or even moment. I will say there are so many parts of Sweep of the Heart I read over and over and over
Gaitshi says
I read the Innkeeper series for comfort – always so good
Megan says
Hard to pick just one! Comfort re-read series would probably be Nevada’s Hidden Legacy…followed closely by Kate & Curran 😉
Joyce says
Orro’s interpretation of A Christmas Story is the BEST! Every time I listen to it I can’t help but smile.
Kelly Rosenthal says
For me, it’s Iron and Magic (there are a lot of other close seconds, though). I find the redemption arc itself comforting, and as an animal lover, I especially love the scene where Hugh frees Erawan. Makes me cry happy tears every time. And now I’m off for another reread, lol.
Deb says
For a long time my House Andrews comfort reads were Magic Triumphs and Sweep of the Blade. Now it seems to be Kate Daniels, the Wilmington years
Tara says
I feel like all the Ilona Andres books are my comfort reads, but if I need just a quick pick me up, I’ll re-read Sweep of the Blade. Love that one!
Xellos says
Soooooooooo many to choose. All of the Innkeeper, The Edge, KD and HL, all have the best written and colorful families ever.
“I want gifts and Christmas music. I don’t care how many Draziri are out there. They won’t take Christmas from me.”
Mo says
Which reminds me – what gifts did Dina and Sean exchange (yes, well, OTHER than mutual gift)?
Tina C. says
My comfort reads are the first 3 books in the Hidden Legacy series. I read them at least a couple times a year.
Liz Keenen says
Hidden Legacy, specifically Burn for Me. Reminds of my 20’s when I was coming into my own and learning so much about myself.
memori says
Anything Innkeeper is good, but my main comfort read is Clean Sweep! And it never fails, if I ever start Clean Sweep, I inevitably end up reading through all the Innkeeper Chronicles so it’s a win-win!
Henry says
I have read all the HA books. It’s difficult to pick a favorite among the Kate, Edge, Innkeeper, or Kinsmen Series. My first thought was Bayou Moon, then Sweep of the Blade, and I started reading from Magic Bites to begin my fourth tour of the FA world and my favorite changed again. If I’m stressed/tired/concerned about something, I’ll stop my current new read and go back to where I was on my tour of House Andrews so I can return to my comfort zone.
Pam says
My go-tos are either Sweep of the Blade or Sweep of the Heart. Both are like Raiders of the Lost Ark- all good parts. I recently heard an old podcast about SOTH that complained that there was too much goodness, that it should have been spread out over maybe a novella and a novel instead. Obviously, sanity is not a requirement for podcasters.
Desirée says
For me it is either “Silver Shark” or “A Mer Formality” if I need something for just an evening of no-stress reading.
The Innkeeper books is for a longer run in “No brain, no pain” reading 🙂
Jenn Poniatowski says
Actually, for me it is also Silver Shark. There’s something about Claire I relate to, I really love her character and how she takes care of her people …
Followed by Magic Strikes. Because it’s the perfect blend of character development, fun banter, fighting outwardly and the inner conflict I just love.
Kate says
For me it’s a feeling I get when I read your books. That there are competent and kind people in the world and that everything will work out in the end. Also the fact that I could bust out laughing at any moment from a random scene. Like the one where Kate wins a race by busting the rogue over the head with a chair, or when Orro makes a scene on his favorite chef’s cooking show, or the ferret heist (truly a classic).
Danae says
I like the Innkeeper series. There’s something about living a life a long way from family and gluing your life together to make it worthwhile that resonates with me. And all of the quirky characters that come along are worth knowing, even if they don’t stay. I’ve moved quite a bit and it is sad leaving friends behind, but in Dina’s world, you are remembered and you are always welcome. I wish I could stay there for a little while, just to rest a bit. Growing up hurts. I personally enjoy the silly koo-kos and the powerful woman whose name I don’t recall that came home wanting a cheeseburger. Being homesick for the past, the feeling of saudade or hiraeth, hits me during the holidays.
Sarah Le Vu says
Hidden Legacy is my favourite series and ultimate comfort read. Specifically, Nevada’s trilogy and I typically read all 3 in succession like it’s one big book 🥰 My comfort scenes include nevada and rogans basement meeting scene, the gala and balcony scene with nevada and rogan, final battle scenes in white hot and wildfire and the house trials. Also the spicy scenes but that goes without saying. Ahhhhh I just love HL so much ❤️
Corinna Butler says
I get alot of comfort from your Edge series. just something about the pace of those books really chilled me out. it’s definitely a happy place I like to return to over and over again.
Maria F says
really difficult to choose! Silver Shark. Sweep of the Blade. Sweep with Me. Wilmington books. Ruby Fever….so many more, can’t choose! if i must, Iron and Magic. Seeing Hugh go from absolute bottom to a place of hope and purpose is really powerful and comforting. And I love the elephant scene so much.
Osanna Ish says
All of IA are my comfort reads, honestly. I have all the audiobooks and kindle books so I can jump back and forth between them as needed. Kate Daniels is my most listened to, with Magic Strikes being my favorite to reread. But if I need lighter I’ll turn to HL. Or if I need short I go back to the Edge, where I love the dynamic between William and Cerise so much, and all her crazy family.
Kristy says
This may seem random but Magic Rises is one of my favorite comfort reads. I mean the whole house Andrews collection is always on repeat on audible but Magic Rises holds a special place. It’s sad and heavy but what I love about it is Kate finally realizes she’s truly cared for. Sometimes in life we get caught up in our own negative self thoughts and then find scenarios that feed those thoughts.In Magic Rises Curran and others really push through and show her what a found family is and what love should look like even when the whispers and self doubt say otherwise. Also, and this is random, I always read that scene at the end with the fight between Curran and Hugh with “Holding Out for a Hero” playing in my head.
Kirsten says
I cannot count the times I’ve listened to the GA versions of Inkeeper – Audio perfection!! I have a soft spot for Sweep of the Blade.. Maude is the best!
Jeanine says
My most reread book is Mauds story, Sweep of the Blade, and the other Innkeepers stories.
When I’m under stress or not feeling well, I don’t reach for a new story, but these comfort books.
Amanda Edgmon says
Sweep of the Blade is my all time favorite. I sleep with books playing and this one is played at least twice a week. I am an only parent to a girl so I guess I really enjoy Maud’s relationship with Helen. I wish I could be just as kick ask as Maud. 😀
Jo says
Sweep with Me. Between the debating space chickens and Orro finding out that his favorite TV chef is a fraud I do not know what’s funnier. I also loved the whole idea of The Mountain. It was a great blend of mystery, tension, and humor. Lots of humor.
Rebecca O says
I love re-reading the Curran POV, the “text messages” if cellphones worked (so funny), and the scenes in the 4th Kate Daniel’s book where she fights all the battles at the Keep while Curran is laid up (including his POV too!). So good.
Cheryl Trahan says
I love rereading the first three books of Hidden Legacy. I love Nevada and Rogan’s story. My top comfort read.
Melissa says
Mine goto for going to visit my book friends is the Innkeeper series. My special favorites is Sweep of the Blade.
What I love most about this series is the continuity. The Maven of House Krahr is killed in Book 1 and Maude becomes the Maven in Book 4. My only gripe is that House Krahr jumps in prestige between books 1 and 2, but I’ll accept that Dina may have been out of the loop for vampire politics.
Rowanmdm says
The Innkeeper series is one of my comfort reads. I love going back and reading all of them, but Maude in Sweep of the Blade in particular I love.
Barbara A Erwin says
It will be hard for me to choose among your books for a favorite comfort Read. They are all my favorites!
Ronja says
I‘d have to go with either Silver Shark or the Midnight games scenes from Magic Strikes. Especially the fights or the hot tub scene. Never fail to make me laugh.
Sam R says
I reread the HA books very often, and I love them all. But one if my absolute faves is the part in Magic Bleeds where Curran is in a coma and Kate takes on the council to stay with him <3
Heather says
It is hard to choose. Sweep in Peace first, probably, but Magic Rises is also something I go back to over and over.
Heather Lee says
This was such a difficult question for me to answer – House Andrew’s “Comfort Read”…But I think it has to be book 2 of the Inn Keeper Chronicles. Meeting up with George, Jack, Gaston and Sophie again and getting a peak into the adults they have become is a thrill. Reading about Officer Maraias’ car debacle never fails to make me smile and when George, Dina, and Gertrude Hunt force the delegates to share each other’s pain to help bring the end to war on Nexus it is heart breaking – but some how relatable.
Meghan says
Oh, boy…this is a tough question, because I reread your books multiple times per year when I need to feel better about anything. Hidden Legacy, as a whole, I turn to the most. I particularly love Catalina’s books. Emerald Blaze is probably my favorite, but it actually hurts to pick just one!
Laura Yorks says
The innkeeper books are so comforting – reading or on graphic audio. Sweep of the Blade with Helen and her ‘ripper cushions’ for standing up to the little boy are so funny and sweet. It’s a definite reread or listen if I’m sick!
Danielle says
Magic claims has been my comfort read recently, it just speaks to me in the way that both Kate and Curran are finally settled in their views of themselves and each other, finally understanding a lot of their own past choices. (Some of the peace I would like in my own life)
Dawn says
I reread Grace of Small Magics. It’s a short read but I love Grace and Nasaar. The story set up with a family being indentured (kinda) to another is interesting and I don’t see it very often.
Judy Schultheis says
I use Magic Stars for my comfort read. I’m not altogether sure why.
When I want a quick laugh, well I saved the scene of Kate scolding Grendel over chasing the chickens on my hard drive, and every time it makes me laugh.
From the Hidden Legacy stories, I particularly enjoy scenes featuring either Leon or Bug. I would love a short story of them investigating something together.
Valerie in CA says
Sweep of the Heart- I absolutely love the scene in which the Dushegubs (spelling ?) are misbehaving and Dina turns on a beaver nature show. I laugh now, thinking about it.
I laughed for a long time after reading that scene.
Beast is also a favorite.
So is Bunny-Legacy.
I very much enjoy any scenes with loyal and super-scary animals.
Megelza says
My comfort read is all of the scenes involving Helen. No matter what is happening in life you know that in these books she will always be loved and ok in the end.
For escapism it’s the Baylor family’s adventures. I want to become a previously unknown cousin. Favorite scene is the epic battle at the pit. (I’m in love with a water wizard warrior!)
Nena W. says
I reread Kate Daniels or Hidden Legacy books. I just love how all the characters interact with each other. They are dealing with serious issues but find things to tease and joke to each other about. I really love grandma in Hidden Legacy.
Lee Johnson says
There are several that I will pick up when I need a comfort read but most recently it has been “Sweep of the Blade” and “Magic Claims.” These allow me to fall into a new world every time.
April says
Hidden Legacy. The last 7 months have been just horrible with the death of both of my parents and I just need to get my mind off everything. I just keep re-reading them and it’s a wonderful escape!
jewelwing says
Take care of yourself. That is a hard uphill slog.
Monet DeeL says
When I need comfort or feel like revisiting old friends I re-read the Kat Daniel’s series or the Hidden Legacy series. (In fact I’ve just a finished a re-read of the HL series last week.)
Melissa says
Heh, I am re-re-reading Silver Shark right now. Started this morning. Thank you for giving so much of yourselves to the BDH.
Barbara Wright says
The Gertrude Hunt books, the entire series. I usually re-read it starting shortly before Christmas and into the New Year.
Colin Gerbode says
If I had to pick one, it’d probably be Sweep With Me. The cozy holiday vibe, the full cast (poor Orro, trying desperately to recreate a horrible fast-food burger!) and good grief the koo-kos. The Innkeeper books are my faves and that one in particular just nails the comfort thing.
Nina says
Blood Heir – it was so nice to revisit the Kate Daniels world during all the tumult of the pandemic and it felt like such a gift to your fans. It will always be a comfort read because it brings back memories of some of the highlight moments of the pandemic – reading the latest posting and then eventually the full book.
Safa says
I’ve been rly stressed out the last couple months and read the hidden legacy series again. I would finish, wait a few days and then read it again (just Catalina’s trilogy tho). And again. And again. After the fifth re-read (in a month?) I just realized how stressed I actually am bc I couldn’t seem to stop. It’s like I could only cope by reading this trilogy. It’s funny bc I wasn’t that much of a fan of Catalina’s trilogy when it came out…
Olga Peset says
I’m not sure why but definitely On The Edge for me. I love Rose and the boys and their grandmother and the way that they love their family so much. It reminds me of my giant family. We are much bigger but staying close with my family is a priority and I hope to never lose that.
Terrie C says
My comfort is KD which I re-read every year. For a quick comfort, I actually go to the latest book, Magic Claims. It is Kate accepting who she is, and recognizing what she needs to do. I love this book and my favorite phrase is actually not in the book, but the follow-up “Purpose”. I find myself throwing that out at various times 🙂
Stephanie says
As for series, Innkeeper is always particularly comforting, partly because I love the idea of the sentient house, the garden is lovely, who wouldn’t want to have such a cook… But when I had a tumour a few years ago and couldn’t get surgery for months (it turned out to be non-malignant, but I couldn’t know that, and the pain kept getting worse), I just re-read anything by you and it did me good. There’s just a lot of humour and heart in your books. I then had to go on to other authors since it took so long and I ran out of your books, but I was so grateful for them. Thank you!
Pam says
I have two: The Edge and Hidden Legacy. Both are more about family. I also love the Kate Daniels series plus any offshoots and have read all three many times over.
Stacey Louis says
My comfort reads change, but my favorites currently are the post Atlanta years – Magic Tides and Magic Claims. I am reassured , every freaking time,that Kate, Curran and Conan are still having a thriving life after huge changes. And that their true natures surface and they recognize those.
Katie R says
I always come back to Magic Strikes when I’m stressed. I think the scene I love the most is actually a sequence. When Kate and Jim realize Julie can help Derek, the trip with Rafael, and then Julie coming and finding the shards. It’s like, “yes, they figured out how to make it okay,” and sometimes I just need that.
Lynne Davidson says
Hidden Legacy, particularly Nevada’s books.
Don’t know why but she is amazing and the whole family is now like old friends
Puāwai Kopu says
Burn for me is a lovey cosy read for me.
Camilla says
Hidden Legacy books, Blood Hair and Hugh’s book.
I have read them over and over and over when I need it.
Zaz says
All of my comfort reads come out of the Innkeeper series – Book 1 Arland drunk on Coffee, Book 2 any thing with Orro but really every thing up to the poisoning Book 3 Maud’s rescue, Orro and Maris, Christmas when Helen gives Sunset the ornament & the Hirus’ reveal Book 4 ripper-cushions and Book 5 the whole thing!
Linthea says
I kind of envy those who can read for comfort. There is no such thing for me. I must put all my emotions, anger and stress into work. Like if cleaning and puting things back into shelves can help clean the mess in my life. Only after the storm is over I can sit down and enjoy my book.
Keren Kunkle says
I guess I don’t have specific scenes that are comforting. But Dina sitting on her porch with food and drink looking at the garden is comforting to me. Also when I am overwhelmed and need to read, but don’t want to start a new book, I frequently start at the beginning of any of your series and read through them again.
Jilly says
Silver Shark is my go-to comfort read. I have no idea how many times I’ve re-read it. The story hits all my personal pleasure buttons. Smart, brave, honest heroine who hides her abilities because Reasons suffers unrequited love for unattainable hot guy. Clever, privileged, somewhat spoiled hero uncovers the truth, learns to value and love her as she deserves. HEA.
I love, love, love the big reveal, where Ven scans Claire’s mind and discovers that the woman he’s been desperately searching for is right under his nose and hopelessly in love with him. Puts my world to rights every time.
Susan Ivey says
I find it hard to pick just one book or passage. They are all so fine!!
I do adore Magic Triumphs when Kate exiles Roland. Great comfort read!
Elizabeth says
Sweep of the Blade. I love Maude’s snarky comments. Even when I am feeling unhappy or irritable, they can make me laugh out loud. “So just birds, then?”
Elizabeth says
+1 You just made me laugh out loud!
David says
I specifically bought hard copy Innkeepers series for comfort reading. Because of the structure of those stories, I can randomly grab a book and randomly open it to a cool scene worth re-reading when I have a few minutes to relax.
MB says
All of your books are re-reads for me. But my favorites are Magic Burns and Magic Strikes. It’s the building of her found family during those 2 that really are comforting.
Deva says
Comfort Scene:
It’s gotta be the scene in Magic Triumphs when Kate is trying to find baby Conlan and then rips through the Sahanu. I have no idea why thats a comfort scene for me but it lives rent free in my head.
Comfort Book:
KD book 3. The Midnight Games is my favorite thing in all of KD history. Ive read that one the most.
Allison says
Love all the words, but I especially revisit these three things when I need a book hug:
1. All scenes in Innkeeper with Orro. Both the visits to his offended woods (when I am upset or frustrated myself) or for the food (for comfort and it’s better than any cooking show, esp. “Fire and Lightning”!)
2. Fated Blades–the dancing, the complete cesspool of the Senator and his allies, and Matias and Ramona realizing they have so much in common.
3. Of Swine and Roses–a short story that showcases House Andrews’ special brand of ideas and writing style (and anyone who’s had a horrible date or loves this pig).
Beth says
+1 All excellent memories!
Jackie says
Hidden Legacy, especially Catilina’s arc. There is something awe inspiring about her growth through the three novels, well, through the series as a whole. But when I need a good pick me up, I read about her overcoming her trials and rising above and it just lifts my spirits.
Colleen says
My comfort read belongs to Helen in Sweep of the Blade where she explains what she did wrong and why she has “ripper cushions”. That entire book where Helen is constantly doing and explaning her actions has me smiling in delight. She’s a joy to read about be it her antics and/or her interactions with others in this book as well as One Fell Sweep.
Nadia says
My comfort read is Innkeeper. It is where I found the Andrew’s and where I fell in love with the magic that one house can hold.
The scene is the ribs scene for me. Sean found out where his species came from and decided to help. Just the little bits and pieces of the magic that got added to a normal BBQ scene that makes me smile every time.
Carly Hill says
The Kate Daniels series will always be my favourite by Ilona , but my comfort read is the innkeeper series. The innkeeper series gives me the warm fuzzies.
laj says
Me too! I’m especially grateful for the Wilmington KD.
Patricia Schlorke says
I started reading your books with Magic Breaks, and haven’t looked back since then. Every book I’ve read is a wonder. However, Magic Breaks I come back to read when I’m not sure what to read.
Magic Breaks, for me, is a book about accepting who you are while trying to protect everyone else. I’m thinking about the part when Kate is rescued from Mishmar, and everyone’s huddled near the fire at the broken down gas station. The conversation between Kate and Landon, and then Kate and Curran was telling. The part with Kate, Landon, and Curran in the Land Rover makes me laugh to the point of tears every time. Then the whole scene in Roland’s swan palace so Kate could get Christopher and Robert back. Kate being at peace when backing down with Roland after breaking his blood ward.
I understand about not being able to go back home. The last time I went back to see if there were any changes to where I lived as a teenager, I felt like I was in a straight jacket. Nothing drastically changed.
Jane says
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty…
Macie says
Anytime I need a mental hug I restart the Innkeeper Chronicles. The amount of character growth and change and adjustments and loyalty comforts me so much. I just escape into Gertrude Hunt and forget whatever stresses I am feeling!
Alison Parker says
I’m sad to hear about your childhood home. Whenever I drive by my old house (rare) I remember what I felt and some of it was good, it’s over now.
All of you Innkeeper series are my comfort books. If I’m having to much brain activity when I’m trying to relax I listen to the Graphic Audio version of Sweep with Me. It’s the least anxty of them. I’ve probably listened to it a hundred times or more. You, and they, did a great job.
Thank you as always!
Sonya Cannon says
Innkeeper series, then Kinsmen, then Hidden Legacy. it’s all your fault anyway, you keep writing these relatable, sympathetic characters that feel like such good friends that I go back again and again. (Besides that; SPACE CHICKENS!)
Thank you for the gift of your imagination.
Megelza says
OMG I failed to mention the Costco lady. The original scene and the follow up when we find out who she is are both classics. Not comfort reads but wonderful nonetheless.
Ioanna says
Good evening from Greece! My comfort read would be Magic Stars. My favorite characters are Derek and Julie and reading about them makes my day.
Matguyo says
Thank you Ionna. I thought I was the only one. The scene where Julie and Derek eat their food side by side in silence is just golden. That for me is a love meant to last. That is why I was so happy to read Blood Heir and am desperately hoping for a sequel. Just saying…
Amanda says
For a quick fix: Of Swine And Roses
Crystal Lee says
Hidden Legacy for the steadiness, humor, chaos, and above all unconditional love of the Baylor family, especially in combination with Nevada and Catalina’s convictions. I love reading the scenes like Arabella trying to go make Alessandro stay and Leon and Bern trying to make sure Nevada isn’t marrying just for money or security.
And Innkeeper because I love the tightness of the core concept (intergalactic, alive inn) and how naturally the whole world feels like it spirals out from there. It’s my favorite HA series. Also, because Dina is a bada** 🤩
Dawn says
Sometimes I need something darker to remind me it could ALWAYS be worse and still have a happy ending so I may be alone when I say the Edge Series. My favorite is PROBABLY Bayou Moon with Fate’s Edge as a close second.
If I need something light – totally turn to Innkeeper 🙂
Kelley says
The Edge Series is my comfort read. I like the strong women and the way they work together with the men in their lives to overcome hardship. There is a sense of rising above circumstances and being strong and independent that resonates with me. It’s in the little details like the way Declan dresses to match Rose’s slightly out of style wardrobe. I feel like I often live on that edge too, where imposter syndrome constantly threatens to sap my energy and steal my happiness. A quick re-read and I find my balance again. Thank you for making women strong and the men who love them equals.
Shiloh Walker says
I love all of Magic Strikes and Magic Bleeds. 😄
Alicia says
My comfort read is the Innkeeper Chronicles, specifically One Fell Sweep. I love Dina and Sean and the Innkeeper world. It reminds me a little of stores I read as a child whet magic could be around any corner.
Michal Glines says
To my everlasting surprise my HA comfort read is Hidden Legacy. I am not a romance fan, the predictable, insipid plots, the arrogant ass who just needs a woman’s love (actually, Rafael’s description of Lorna Stirling’s books fits me to a tee!).
Having read Edge, and all the Kate books to that point (no Innkeeper yet), and desperate for something more by IA, I found the HL books on Amazon. You have to understand I mercilessly tease my romance novel-loving lawyer friend for her taste for empty books with beefcake covers, I took one look at the cover and the description and fled with my eyes scorched!
Several months of deeply unsatisfying reading of random urban fantasy ensued. Finally in sheer desperation for something readable, witty, intelligent, engaging, I ordered Burn For Me.
Well, book by its cover and all that! So much fun. All the characters, the family, the plot, the hijinks, even the overdone romance tropes (seriously, how many incredibly handsome, yet lonely and troubled billionaires can be out there just waiting for their soulmate?!), it all just works when done by HA. I really enjoy the characters, they amuse, and entertain, and even thrill, and of all the HA series, this is the cast I’d most like to meet.
So, they are my comfort family. It’s not really a “read,” it’s more like going back for a visit every time – which I started again for the umpteenth time just yesterday, in fact! Thanks for giving me a whole virtual extended family to be adopted into now and then, to enjoy adventures vicariously, and to wait with bated breath for their next family episode.
Miriam says
Shanrell says
Hidden Legacy (the whole series) is my favorite reread from you! Closely followed by Innskeeper.
John says
Kate and Andrea covering Raphael’s house in purple shag carpet.
Kate getting past the officious Casino employee by taking control of all the vampires under the Casino was pretty fun too.
Francine says
So hard to pick. I would have to say innkeeper, the reality surrounded by fantasy makes it any easy escape. I’m also really loving Kate’s books on GA.
Gypsy says
i love the scene in Magic Bleeds when Curran walks back into the temple and buys the second cookbook. He’s so pissed off but still thinking about the beauty of food.
Lisa Pepper says
I love reading about William’s reaction to Cerise after she cleaned off the rancid spaghetti in Bayou Moon. The clear wanting, then pulling himself back..
Ahli says
Bayou Moon came to mind first! Love that “spaghetti” scene / “hobo queen” lol!!! And the court scene with the family and the different characters arriving. That family is hilarious! In Steel’s Edge Richard’s — “…a long ballad about the bleakness of my life and the heaviness of the burden that was being me…” In another scene Kaldar telling him his first words were probably “woe is me”. I still crack up at these books! Ilona Andrews IS my comfort read! I reread Kate/The Edge/Innkeeper every year! You’re my fave!!!
Teresa Wittel says
So glad to see a few votes for Bayou Moon. I love it! I know folks complain about the ending, and it does seem a bit contrived, but each scene is so darn well written and the characters feel so real that it lingers in my memory. On the Edge and Bayou Moon remind me of my Appalachian roots and remain my 2 fav books! Then all KD books and spinoffs, then the HL books, Sweep of the Blade and other Inn books, oh crap, I just freakin’ love ’em all!
I hope more people try them all out!
Robin Bairley says
It is hard to pick one as each book fits with different moods. I really love rereading the Inn-Keeper stories. I’m hard pressed to choose just one within that series, but currently I’m rereading Sweep of the Heart. Some of my favorite scenes are with the tree creatures as they are particularly awesome in their annoyingness.
The first Kate Daniels story has a special place for me because my sister first introduced me to the world of Ilona Andrews with a gift of that book, so that is another comfort albeit for different reasons than the Inn Keeper stories.
Renee Durkin says
I reread all of them several times a year. the Edge are a favorite along with the Hidden Legacy. Gertrude Hunt is more of a comfort read because my very favorite book of all of them is Sweep of the Blade. I pretty much have it memorized (lol).
Merano says
I re-read all the scenes with baby Conlan. I don’t generally care for children in my fantasy but Conlan is a real doll! The blood claws are the best 😄.
At night when I’m too tired to hold my Kindle but also too tired to fall asleep I’ve been playing chapters from the Catalina books. Audible let’s you set a timer so it’s okay to fall asleep to Catalina/Alessandro dialog!
Kat says
I’ve reread the innkeepers books at least twenty times now. Anytime I can’t find a book or series that holds my interest or things are just rough, I will start it over again. I have most of the scenes memorized and they still make me smile. Actually just got to maud’s story last night!
Kirstin Cook says
The Edge and Innkeeper are my comfy reads. specifically Edge 1&3, and Innkeeper 1.
Elise says
The Innkeepers series is a true comfort read and I will read through the series at least once a year. In 2021 my younger brother passed and that series was a constant comfort through the heaviest days of my grief. I love all the books you guys have written but this series to me is family, both born and made 💗.
Lauren says
When Catalina has a mental break down in her roof top hide out in Emerald Blaze and Alessandro comforts her and then it gets spicy. Sighhhhh
Actually anything with Alessandro and Catalina because Catalina is a basket case of anxiety and I relate so much to her. Alessandro is so calm and collected and he just gets her. I love reading about them and how they are there for her each other.
Rini K says
It’s difficult to pick one, but I would say Diamond Fire would be my fave. There’s a wedding coming up, family dynamics (good and bad), bad person caught and Catalina maturing. Also the kinsmen universe stories.
Charlotte A Woodroffe says
The Innkeeper series for me… I have read and reread that series. Whenever I want to read a book or books that make me happy it is this series.
Mardee says
For sheer cozy comfort, I go to the Innkeeper Series. I start at the beginning and read the entire series.
I love Dina and her calmness and confidence just shine through. It always makes me feel better.
Amy Schram says
My version of comfort is something that makes me laugh.
Here, kitty kitty does it for me every time.
Mallori says
The Innkeeper Chronicles is one of my default (annual or more often) rereads.
I love reading the scenes where Dinah creates rooms to give people peace, particularly Turan Adin or the Hiru.
I also reread the scenes in Sweep of the Blade where Helen gets in trouble for fighting and where Maud is super competent, like preparing the meal for the Tachibana, battling Lady Ilemina, then sharing her past deeds with the Herald.
Hidden Legacy, particularly Nevada’s books, are my second place comfort reads, partly because I’m originally from Houston and partly for the family dynamics.
Susan D McKinney says
I have to say I fell in love the first time I read Kate Daniels. I love the whole series but I will admit that lately with personal things going on…I’m rereading the Innkeeper series.
Clean Sweep is my favorite reread.
carolyn says
The Edge books in order then the Innkeeper books probably once a year.
McMe says
I’ve used both Magic Bites and Silver Shark as comfort reads more than once.
I love how both stories give me a competent main character to immerse myself in her brain for a while. I love seeing how Claire’s world opens up for her, how she embraces the color and light. And I love how you can tell Kate is smart, even as she hides it under snark and attitude, pretending to be “less than” to stay invisible. But she can’t help making an impression.
Marina says
the short story of swine and roses is so fun to read. I have read all of the books at least four times, but this story always makes me laugh. the going back home, the shower scene, hilarious.
Terry says
Easy-peasy. The first chapter of Magic Tides, because that told me Kate wasn’t gone forever.
Oracle22 says
I just started One Fell Sweep on Hoopla because 1) I’ve had a rotten November so far, and 2) some brilliant member of the BDH posted on some thread recently that the Graphic Audio versions were there (thank you x 1million!!). It soothed me to sleep without the anxiety bugs taking over my brain.
But I love all the HA books so much, it was hard to choose just one to listen to.
Vonnie Starr says
Alphas Origins! (one of their unpublished short stories online). It’s a bit strange, vampiric, and has growing happiness. The last line and twist is everything.
Moderator R says
Hi Vonnie, Alphas Origins has been published 🙂, here are some retail links
Hanna says
My favorite comfort read that I most often go back to is White Hot. I love Hidden Legacy and the Baylor family in general but I usually go back to White hot because I really like the way Nevada and Rogan come together in that book, she discovers who he truly is. You also get to see who Nevada is going to become develop through the book.
Amy says
My favorite comfort read is definitely the Innkeeper Chronicles. My favorite of those is probably Sweep of the Blade. I love how effective Maud’s I’m just a clumsy human routine is until her kill count is announced, and how she navigates vampire politics! Helen is also amazing, the “ripper cushions” are very funny.
Meta Mangulis says
Any House Andrews book is my choice for comfort read. I have them on kindle and start with first of each series and read until I run out of book.
Just reread the two Wilmington books and am queuing up Hugh’s story to reread after work. Cannot wait for the sequel!!
Darci says
All House Andrews books are comfort reads for me 😅 I discovered Kate Daniels when I checked out the first three from the library and they kept me company in the emergency room when my dad had his gallbladder out and at all the follow up appointments.
When I was pregnant with my daughter and couldn’t sleep the audiobooks from KD kept me company in the middle of the night.
And this year the graphic audio Innkeeper novels have been getting me through my dad’s passing, my husband’s job loss and my iron infusions for anemia. I think Dina fighting through the darkness after the death of the inn seed is so potent to me right now.
Lauren Chen-Shiang says
I keep going back to White Hot and Magic Bleeds. But then that usually leads me to a full reread of both series! 😆
Katelin says
My comforts are always Kate Daniels. Mostly Magic Strikes or Magic Breaks. Kate has just always been my favorite and I really like how the story progresses in each of those books.
SandyH says
My favorite comfort read passage is the last chapter of One Fell Sweep. This is where we see the Inn see die and how it affects Dina. Sean’s care for her gets me every time. He sells his house before he knows she will recover. He has such faith in her. While I have affection for many of your characters, I think Dina and Sean are my favorites.
Lila says
Hm, there are two that stand out for me: First one is the little fox-people experiment from On the Edge Declan did for George. I still think about it from time to time and I think I wrote an essay on reddit about that scene. It evokes something sweet and melancholic in me,because it’s essentially a kid finally letting go of irrational he clings so hard on, kind of like first separation from innocence and wonder of childhood and growing up. It gives me 20th century boys or the boy’s life vibe…It’s a small scene, but something about it tugs on my heartstrings.
Magic Strikes is my favorite IA book and the scene where Jim gives detailed strategy to Curran and Kate to downplay their danger lvl only for them to demolish the opposition is forever stamped onto my brain.
Angie P. says
My comfort read is the Hidden legacy series. What I love most is the tight knit extended family of the books. The three sisters, mum, granny, grandpa,cousins husbands, boyfriends, friends, colleagues. I feel a part of that family. They are my comfort.
Nikki S. says
technically i listen to it, its Burn for me. i cant read when im so upset- i can read, i guess, it just doesnt register & i just keep reading the same few sentences like 20 times. anyway, i love the whole sense of family & pride in family. each person has something special & unique to contribute & it isnt ever a negative. its always spun in a humorous way if its very quirky, at least. it makes me feel better/good when i listen to it because i wish that for myself & my family. it makes me want to smell gun & machine oil and be hugged. then i dont feel so down. i can rely on HA to bring me to a place where i like being for hours at a time when all the rest of my life is uncomfortable or disappointing, which isnt all the time. i also love the strength in spirit of the characters. yes, life can be hard, and then you get on with it. wallowing endlessly isnt doing you or anyone else any favors & the best thing is to keep getting up & pushing through it while gleaning as much from the experience as you can retain to prepare for the next blow. im a jar full of rainbows & unicorns, i know. i love the way karma gets the last word in.
Sarah says
I reread all of your books every year anyway but I think the series I turn to most when I’m stressed or need a pick me up is Hidden Legacy.
I can’t just read specific passages though, as soon as I pick up Burn for Me I know I’ll be binging the entire series! It just has everything I love, wonderful characters and family dynamics, fantastic romance, amazing world building, cool magic and cute animals. The ferret heist never fails to make me laugh out loud!
I always start the new year with Kate and crew to set me off for a good year of reading and I’m not sure why but the Innkeeper series has become my between Christmas and new year read. I fit in the Edge and Fated Blades books whenever I get the mood throughout the year.
Ginny says
Innkeeper series hands down! Hidden legacy close second. Can’t single out one book because once I start the first book I just keep going !
Ally says
Weirdly enough I am re-reading the kinsmen books for comfort right now.
They are so beautiful.
I had a go with Kate but for comfort it’s the smaller worlds. After kinsmen I’m going to the edge series.
Thank you for them all!
Margaret K says
Nevada and Rogan’s trilogy in its entirety is a comfort read for me, but specifically White Hot. I love, love watching Nevada come into her own. I love reading about her love with Rogan blossoming. I love the family dynamics. The entire Baylor clan makes me feel warm fuzzies. I’ve read the trilogy three times in total and White Hot four times. In general, HA reads are go-tos when I need a dose of happy escape. Despite some of the books dealing with true tragedy our main people end up happy and together, and I need more of that in my life.
Erika says
I read Hidden Legacy when I’m feeling out of sorts with my family that people make unseen choices to help their loved ones, and that families fight but can also forgive.
Also, everything Cornelius ever does is gold. One of the best characters ever.
Rae says
The chocolate mousse scene with Nevada and Rogan!
Also any scene with Catalina and her dog.
William B says
For me it’s the Inn Keeper series, specifically Sweep of the Blade. And I’m really enjoying the Graphic Audio production of the book. The banter between Arland and Maud is wonderful. My two favorite scenes are the Women’s Communal and Arland taking on 9 knights.
Lisa says
Silent Blade is my favorite re-read. I am 100% vested in Meli’s emotions. For me it is a feel good read.
Rebekka says
Oh, I love the idea! It’s so nice to go through all the comments and catch yourself nodding in agreement. It made it a lot harder to choose for me, though.
But I’ll go with my initial thought, as that’s probably the most right: Burn for me.
Probably, because it’s the first book I read from you, and because we are talking about comfort – and Nevada’s family is so close, loving, always stigging together and yet still having their challenges, that it just feels right and warm.
And also, I just love to skip to the end in MII and have this incredible feeling of satisfaction, when Nevada steps in the circle and Augustin drops his tablet 😉 Still the best!
Maud’s story is a close second, again for love and family, this whole new (but great) world and the wit in it. And while I absolutly love Kate and Curran, let’s be honest: Their world is unfortunatelly just to harsh to really be a comforting read.
Ellen says
It’s impossible for me to pick just one. I have all the series and shorts on rotation. I just finished all the Kate’s world books and Inkeeper series, about to start Hidden Legacy series (again). I’ve got over a thousand ebooks but House Andrew books are always in rotation between new buys.
Miriam says
Bee says
It kind of depends on my mood. If I need a longer comfort book then White Hot or Emerald Blaze (though I do end up reading Wildfire/Ruby Fever too lol). A shorter book would be Kinsmen Universe or Clean Sweep.
Not going to lie all of Ilona andwers books are a comfort book too me lol.
nancy says
I love all the books however, my mind goes back to Kate Daniels. I originally found Kate Daniels on the blog. At that time, I hadn’t heard of Ilona Andrews and have no idea how I found them. I started reading and recalled the scene where Kate was in her kitchen with Boone Farms in front of her when a vampire started crawling on her ceiling. Funny, I actually thought “ARGHHH” and stopped reading the book. I decided to try and re-read the book (thank goodness) and absolutely fell in love with the series so much I told my son he needed to read the series (which he did) and the rest is history. My favorite line of course is “Here, Kitty, Kitty” CLASSIC!!!!!!
Beth says
I loved the kitty line too. It’s a classic.
BaltimoreBookLover says
nancy, same! I stopped reading right after the “icy wave of fear and revulsion” and seeing the awful reflection in the beer bottle — I thought it was a horror novel and I’m not a fan of that genre. I, too, am soooo glad that I gave Magic Bites a second chance!!!
BaltimoreBookLover says
Oops, not a beer bottle, hard lemonade! (because of course I had to go start a re-read)
Shir says
My comfort read is Magic Bleeds, no matter how many times I read it, it always makes me laugh. Reading how Kate and Curran finely start being together, their banter, will forever make me feel good. It’s my escape from reality.
Athena Knight says
Hidden Legacy, Nevada and Rogan, this particular passage about Leon.
“It’s your call,” Bug said, picking up his laptop. “But a word of advice. From personal experience. When you keep people from doing things they are destined to do, they go crazy. Don’t let him go crazy, Nevada.”
Makes me feel like, while you won’t be given your destiny, you can work towards it. To be happy.
Rowena says
For quick comfort, my go to is a toss up among: Fated Blades, Diamond Fire, and Silver Shark.
But my annual comfort reread is the Hidden Legacy series. I love the family dynamic, Nevada’s and Catalina’s hero’s journeys, the great side characters, and of course the world of House warfare and magic (have yet to read any scene that brings me greater pleasure than the Great Ferret Heist).
Elise says
Kate Daniels is my comfort read, my palate cleanser, and my reset button, all in one. She’s the series I can read, and re-read, over and over, and never get bored.
laj says
Sondra says
In reading the comments and I’m finding I agree with each response! I enjoy all your books mainly because they provide me with laughter, love and family! I pick Magic Bites, as that was my first introduction to your writing! And what a wonderful reading journey it’s been!
Jennifer says
Innkeeper is the one I use for comfort and to recharge. No particular scene, although Ripper Cushions is a favorite.
sarah hindson says
The Edge and Inn keeper, how they over lap and we see them all growing . I have reread all your books countless times. They are holiday faves, as well as emotional uppers. Please just carry on doing what you do best, love all your books xxx
zendog says
For me, there are a few moments in my life that I hang on to and re-light in darker moments. Your books are full of them, capsuled by small moments of snatched safety. Your characters are so realized (yes, yes, parasocial etc), it’s like sharing air with a close friend. Too many to choose just one, but my favorites tend to competence p0rn/fight scenes or every single Epilogue/it’ll all turn out ok. Currently open? The House trial in Wildfire.
Shonna Thomas says
I just did a comfort re-read of the Hidden Legacy series as I’ve been on bedrest for 5 weeks with a shatter ankle and two scenes stand out for me- scene 1 where Rogan gives Nevada the display of thousands of carnations (providing her with a rare moment of bliss) and the final House Baylor defeat of Arkansas scene where everyone pulls together to defend House Baylor (showing that family (whether chosen or born) when working together are a formidable opponent)
Mary says
I love Silver Shark as a comfort read too.
Also high on my list: Ferret Heist, Midnight Games, at the end of Magic Bleeds when everyone’s telling Kate exactly what not to do and then she goes and immediately does the thing.
And most recently: Wilmington has been such a mellowing read (and listen! Love the audiobooks too)
NANCY H says
For me it’s the scenes with the kids. I love Connor changing for the first time and running into the woods to eat mice. Or not wanting to wear clothes when Kate has an important appointment. Helen has a lot of great scenes as well.
With all of the blood and guts its great to appreciate children.
Jess Lee says
100% Magic Strikes. The Midnight Games are so fun, first entrance of Hugh, the growing tension with Kate and Curran (that hot tub scene alone!), beginnings of Derek’s growth, the shifters working together with Kate. I reread that book sometimes 3x a year.
Kellie says
I really love this one too! And now that it’s on Graphic Audio, the experience is even better!
Elísabet says
Sweep of the blade, Silver shark and Silent Blade are my top comfort reads, but basically if I need a break from life I pick up any of your books, simple as that. Love them all ❤️
MVR says
Blood Heir is my comfort read. When it was coming out as a serial, it was a light I looked forward to that helped get me through each week. Now when I re-read it, I remember the warmth and care the book gave me. It was such a gift.
Magic Stars is a close second. The short, slice of life adventure of my two favorite characters always makes me smile.
Karen L says
Maud’s book from the Innkeeper Chronicles. Reading about her and Helen and how the romance shapes up is my favorite part of the whole series. I try to read each book in turn during a re-read but then I’ll end up reading Maud’s book separately as well. YAY Maud and Helen!
I think I want to be that kind of vampire when I grow up. lol
Beth says
First,(Don’t hate me) from my viewpoint, y’all can’t have a book that’s too long. My grandson says the best books have at least 200 k words, and, if its one of yours, I agree.
Secondly, if I have to pick one comfort book, it will be from among your series. Probably an Innkeeper book, but maybe a Kate book or maybe … You see my problem.
Robin says
The Innkeeper series in general but Sweep of the Blade in specific. When I am stressed I like the low conflict plot but interesting detailed subplots. Maud makes helps me know I can be fierce in adversity but have a safe place with people I love. Thanks for all of your wonderful books!
Wilbur says
I like the scene where Erra talked with Kate about her boyfriend Leo’s war dog who was afraid of two things- Erra and thunder. The dog would seek her out whenever lightning occurred and no matter how much she stomped and yelled, the dog wouldn’t leave. He would stay there shivering until the storm passed. When she asked Leo why he did that, he said Erra was the most terrifying thing he knew. When the thunder came he would run to her because she was so terrifying, he knew she would scare away the thunder and keep him safe.
“What happened to the dog?”
“He sired many puppies and lived to a ripe old age. I kept a pillow by my bed and I would drape a special blanket over him when the storms came. I buried both the blanket and the pillow with him when he died so he wouldn’t be afraid in the afterlife. Give your husband and your son my love and get back to work”
Magic Claims
Debbie says
That is indeed a beautiful scene. Well written!
Susan says
Oooh, this is tough to answer. I often turn to the books on audio and/or graphic audio and listen while I am working or driving to relax. The ones I go back to over and over are Hidden Legacy — all 6 titles, I go right through them — and Clean Sweep, graphic audio version.
Kechara says
Innkeeper -it used to be Sweep of the Blade but now I think it’s Sweep of the Heart.
I really enjoyed the whole Caldenia part. I enjoy her
Although Ruby Fever is a favourite as a whole book
nanette says
My absolute favorite comfort read of all is the Sweeper volume about her sister’s marriage. I love everything about it. I’d give the title, but my brain will not do names or titles anymore. A great grief since I used to sell books and had all of those at the snap of a finger. oh hell, i’ll go look it up
Sweep of the Blade.
Jean-ann Stump says
I had to make some very hard decisions this year and several of House Andrews books helped me and gave me comfort. I love all of the books of course but during tough times I love to reread Nevada’s trilogy, the Innkeeper series and Magic Shifts. Nevada, Dina and Kate have a quiet confidence that helps me be more confident in myself. And their is something about the descriptions of Kate and Curran building their new life together that makes me feel better when I am anxious.
Angela says
Magic Breaks is my most re-read of the series. I love everything about it.
But when I am feeling the need for comfort I listen to the Inn Keeper series. There’s just something about Dina and the inn that makes my heart happy.
Marie says
I love everything HA but the scene with Conlan under the bed with Kate and BFF trying to get him to come out never fails to elicit a smile no matter how I am feeling.
Molly says
The innkeeper series as a whole, but of them Sweep of the Blade.
Jennifer McLean says
For me, definitely Burn For Me and it’s sequals, the whole relationship between Nevada and Connor is kinda awesome. My favorite scene is when he kidnaps her and realizes she so much stronger than he predicted. I think very fondly of these two characters and wish I could read them with new eyes again. I’m thinking I might have to get the audiobooks as I’ve recently discovered that listening makes the books new again!
Abby Volk says
The sword fight between Hugh and Kate in the courtyard in Magic Rises, where they end up fighting in front of everyone as an audience. It is a delicious scene that I happily read over and over. The whole book is a comfort read for me.
Debbie says
I love both Hidden Legacy and the Innkeeper books for re-reading. My favorite scene is from Emerald Blaze right after Catalina and Alessandro leave the assembly. I too need someone to “understand me and call me on my crap” from time to time. 🙂
Chris says
Clean sweep was my introduction to HA and that series remains my comfort that I return to again and again.
Hard to pick one scene – but a favorite scene is when Helen and Arland face-off over bacon in One Fell Sweep. Love Maud’s half apology and confusion over her daughter’s behavior, Sean, Arland, and Caldenia’s delight and Dina’s calm acceptance and knowledge of exactly where she is.
Lisa says
Innkeeper, always Innkeeper. The calling and striving to bless people with comfort, peace, and safety. Maybe it is because the serial was such a blessing in a very dark era of my life, but in times of high stress I return, over and over. Thank you.
Raina Wallace says
Sweep of the blade and silver shark are my comfort reads!!
Raina Wallace says
Also the scenes where the fools enter the midnight games!
Allen Thomas says
I enjoy re-reading Kate’s arrival to her Father’s palace, because it has EVERYTHING. The ride over with Landon was pure comedy, from his reaction to Curran’s commentary. Then once she stepped inside she was finally able to get the proverbial monkey off her back and finally put an end to all the drama and suspense regarding her identity. Obviously the fight scene took care of all the action, but Hibla’s death was so well deserved that I sleep like a baby after she cuts her head off. lol
Brightfae says
Mike says
I think it is Sweep in Peace for me as that is when I discovered the blog (even though I had been reading Kate for years) so I was with you every step of the way as the book was being written (very luckily I discovered near the beginning) and I loved coming back each week for more!!
Kate says
Tough one. It depends on what I need comfort for.
If I’m just tired, Hugh at breakfast in Magic Triumphs makes me laugh. If I’m sad, I search out grandma Frida or Roman. If I just need a mental break, usually Sweep of the Heart. (or a couple of different, unnamed, authora)
Emily says
Of Swine and Roses is my favorite comfort read. I love that the character essentially has the most miserable, embarrassing day of her life and then karma essentially goes “ok, ok, ok, here’s your reward for being awesome.” Just a great story.
Deb says
Sweep of the Blade, followed by Silver Shark.
Paula says
I love Sweep of the Blade – love seeing a smart, capable mom kick a$$ and take names. LOL . I also love the family dynamics in the Hidden Legacy books.
Trudy B says
The Innkeeper series is my comfort reading when I get burned out by other books that are mediocre or too dark. The writing and story lines of this series are so good and interesting that I enjoy them every I read them. I have a room full of books and over 2100 Kindle books so I read a lot. I love all your books also. Automatic buy.
Rosemary Phillips says
The cooking and social bonding in House Tremaine, with Montgomery, Rogan and Russian grand Duke.
Miriam says
Is there a new book I don’t have yet?
Moderator R says
Rosemary is referencing Ruby Fever 🙂, the 6th and for now last of the Hidden Legacy series
Buckaroo says
“For now”???
To steal a phrase, don’t threaten me with a good time ; )
Patient and fluffy, that’s us…
Jumelager says
All the Kinsman books but especially Fated Blades. I love the byplay between Ramona and Matias and the hearts they have hidden underneath.
PRS says
Whenever I was having a a really tough time in college, I’d pick up Sweep of the Blade. At this point, I can probably tell you what chapter the book is on by just looking at the page. I still pick it up now, of course, but that book got me through some really stressful times when I just needed a reminder that things would be okay.
jessica says
Mine is definitely the scene when Derek overhears Kate and Hugh talking about Roland in Magic Rises, and he tells her that it might matter to some people who her father is, but not to him. Gets me with the warm fuzzies every time.
SlD says
Anything from House Andrews is a comfort read for me, but Gertrude Hunt is the ultimate safe space. When door to door solicitors won’t take the polite refusal and force me to be rude instead, I always picture Gertrude Hunt ejecting them off the property or sinking them to the waist in the grass. It helps me keep my equanimity. Family driving me nuts? I imagine the house rearranging itself so no hallways or doors lead to me. Ah, Gertrude Hunt. Best place EVER!
Also? Fart gun. When I first listened to the GA adaptations of Innkeeper, I didn’t even think of the fart gun until it was happening. I laughed so hard I hyperventilated! Now I keep that scene cued up on my phone for whenever I really need a moment of pure joy 🤪
Adrianne Seymour says
I have reread all of the books more times than I can count, and am currently enjoying the graphic audio versions of Kate and Inkeeper. I have found, however, that at least once a year, I feel the need to reread Iron Covenant. There is something about Hugh’s redemption arc, the mystery of what Elara is, and the growth of their relationship that just pulls me in again and again. I always finish the book with a rewarding feeling (and of course, a burning desire for more lol).
BionicBill says
Sweep of the blade why because sometimes there are ripper cushions!
Katy L says
If I must pick one favorite moment (there are so many), I have two words: ripper cushions. I love Helen.
Shannan says
For me, it is the first Innkeeper book, Clean Sweep. Definitely my go-to book when I need a pick me up.
“People say that physics has laws,” I told him, walking to the bedroom door. “I prefer to view them as a set of flexible guidelines.”
Saskia Sobolewski says
Kate! It will always be Kate and Curran for me! 🥰🥰🥰
Sue says
More words aren’t necessarily a bad thing as far as the BDH is concerned, though if the edits need to bring about a certain word count I’m sure it is beyond frustrating for you right now. Hope it becomes better for you as the edit progresses.
Surprisingly enough it’s Iron and Magic for the comfort read win for me. Love the whole story arc for both Elara and Hugh and love watching the bond being forged.
Chapter 14 is probably my favorite:
“Happiness he realized. For the first time in years he felt happy.” and “She would just lay here, luxuriating in the warmth of his body, cozy and safe.”
Oh, me of little faith! I hadn’t ever thought to see the words happy, cozy and safe anywhere in paragraphs relating to Hugh and Elara after first meeting them.
Also I must admit that Bucky and Hugh’s relationship always makes me smile and, on occasion, laugh out loud.
Marie says
First book of the Innkeeper Series. Where Sean tries to gain acces to Gertrude Hunt. OMG I love it. I usually read that part twice.
Or Kate going “here Kitty kitty” that entire scene. Ahhh
OMG that makes me so happy! Much Love to House Andrews!
Claudia says
The whole Inkeeper series, or Hidden Legacy. Or Kate…heck, everything they write is my go to comfort read!
Davinia Bruggeman says
Innkeeper chronicles (the whole series) is my comfort read. So much so that I read the whole series multiple times every year. I listen to audiobooks like some/most people listen to music.
The book that I feel most connected to is Steel’s edge. Charlotte’s infertility is mirrored in my own. Her story is heartbreaking, but it has a happy ending.
Tawnya Johnson says
Magic Strikes! When the Fools are at the games and playing cards. It’s such a competent and diverse group, yet family.
Kellie says
This is my second pick after Clean Sweep. 💕
Kim says
I love the mousse scene in HL (I’m a bit out of it, titles are hard). And the Edge books.
But then there’s Gunmetal Magic. And really, I’m so Team Metal Rose that Magic Stars should top the list
Aparajita says
Anything to do with Kate and Curran is my comfort place and I go back to them again and again and again 💓
Cayenna says
I love Silver Shark, too & noticed the deep contrast between the industrial, gray, cold environment with the blossoms, colors, smells, tastes of New Delhi (new dahlia?). Also, I work in refugee resettlement so this theme and story (working in a menial job but contributing greatly) is so so accurate and dear to my heart. I’m just lucky that I get to be around these folks and help be part of welcoming new Americans!
At any rate my comfort read (actually scene) is the 3rd Nevada book where’s she’s on the phone with the summoner who attacked the children of her client. Rogan is walking her back to his place and his staff are listening to her rip into that psychopath and hold her own. All around people are cringing away from her but Rogan is just loving her transform into this powerful woman (aka prime) who is a FORCE. ugh. favorite scene ever.
Brooke says
My absolute favorite bits of any IA books are at the end of Wildfire – the scene where the Beast of Cologne shows up on the Grand Parkway overpass next to the Cinemark (I grew up in Katy so this speaks to me) and where the Baylor sisters are tested for House status. The part where Arabella has to do math gets me every time. Love it.
Lia says
Honestly there are so many from all the series that i cannot decide easily. Maybe if i had to pick, I like the bathtab scene of Kate and Curan from both point o views. I like reading/listening it from Kate and then from Curan and it always warms my heart.
Annie says
This is a super tough one: after much reflection I think Bayou Moon is just pipped to the post by Clean Sweep. BM if I don’t mind a little darkness with my comfort (triumphing over evil, although with a great load of sacrifice); but CS if I need a real pick me up.
Having said that, I did recently reread Hidden Legacy when in desperate need of escape from real life 🙂
Julia says
Sweep of the Blade. As a single mom of 3 for the last 11 years Maud speaks to me on every level, and watching her and Arland’s relationship evolve and grow is just the best. Emerald Blaze is a close second though!
Nisha says
When I am in between reads and don’t want to start a series, but want to read something I know I will love, I turn to the Kinsmen Universe. I love all three stories, but especially “A Mere Formality”. It always makes me smile!
Sue F says
Not exactly a “comfort scene”, Helen and Arland with matching twigs and stuff is my comfort scene. But for a laugh/good mood scene – I love where Grandmother Victoria watches Cornelius confront the dino-rhino in the big battle scene, and says “significant, my foot”…
Patricia says
I love Victoria.
Everytime I read “He got himself appointed head idiot” I’m dead
Faith Freewoman says
Oh, gosh. How about all your books?
But if I *have* to pare it down, I must confess that I frequently re-read the Innkeeper series for exactly that reason. For all the drama and danger, they still end up being comfort reads (except for maybe the most recent one, which was not so comforting), but I feel very cozy and safe whenever I read the others in the series.
In fact, I think I’ll start re-reading them this evening. I’ve been puzzling all day about what to read next.
Cheers, Faith
Lara says
Fated blades is always a special treat and the one with the dahlias, who’s title I forget. They’re the series I forget about the most, but every year when I get to it during my reread, I’m delighted.
Moderator R says
Silver Shark :).
Well, all of Kinsmen really, Rada dahlias appear in all the stories 🙂
Jane says
Innkeeper for sure, especially when it’s slightly more slice-of-life (although I do enjoy the fighting-for-their-lives pieces too!). A cozy B&B, what could be more comforting?
Gaëlle from France says
« I keep cutting and cutting and somehow there are more words » 🤣🤣🤣
Kate´s books. And particularly book 3, when I need a comfort read.
Anke says
I have two comfort reads: “Sweep of the blade” (because Maud, Helen and Arland are just adorable and sweet and so good for snuggling in and rereading) and “Burn for me” because the way the family stocks together is so soothing.
I love all the other books (ok, I never grew to like the Kinsmen books), and I am in the middle of my nth Kate Daniels reread, but those are the books I turn to when it is cold and dark and I need something really nice.
Michelle says
Catalina’s trilogy is my favorite comfort read. I usually re-listen to the audio once a year. My favorite moment is probably the scene at the end of Emerald Blaze–there is something about Alessandro’s vulnerability, in how he’s been raised to believe he has nothing to offer anyone, contrasted with how much Catalina sees him, that hits me directly in the feels every time.
“Don’t you get it? Right here, right now, you are everything I ever wanted. I don’t care about money, connections, or reputation. We can earn all these things, together. I just want you. You’re so much more than I hoped for. If you come home with me, I’ll be the luckiest person alive.”
Katerina says
Magic Triumphs is the comfort read for me.
It’s the book where the initial Kate books come to a close, and when i finish it i always get the “And they lived happily ever after..” feeling.
The Innkeeper chronicles (all 5 that are currently on GA) are my comfort listening to, as i usually have them on during my commute to work.. Waiting patiently to add to the list with the Sweep of the Heart release!
Mollie Holder says
Sweep of the blade is my comfort read. Every time I experience maud confront her fears and excel in House Krar, I am moved and encouraged. Also, Helen is so adorable and fun to read. Ripper-cushions is my favorite. I’m hoping house Andrews opens the store for Christmas and I can finally snag a throw pillow!
Joy Wilson says
I love my pillow!!!
and to an earlier comment: I did buy my brother a fart gun when he was down. it worked a charm!!
Ariel Bowers says
No question, Kate Daniels, Magic Bleeds. The whole book is awesome, but the best is the scene where Kate is driving home from Bernard’s with Saiman in the car and Curran chasing them in the snow. I love the snark and the snarky characters (Patrice, Erra “little squirrel! You taste like family!”) and bad-ass Kate.
Shannon Fink says
I Love Silver Shark. That entire universe is lush and intense. However my favorite comfort read is anything with Maud and Arland. It’s just lovely to see them fall for each other, and I love Helen!
Jean says
Sweep in Peace. It’s a go to book for comfort, for relaxation, and for pure escapism when like is just a bit too much.
polo says
It used to be Hidden Legacy, especially the first and the third.
Then I switched to 4 and 5 of Hidden legacy and now… Kate Daniels Wilmington Years. Those 2 short stories are so great!
Judy says
My comfort zone is kate daniels and Catalina’s trilogy. The only way forward is going thru the woods.
Jessie J says
The Innkeeper series, specifically the third book, is a big comfort read for me, if I’m in the mood for a whole book. If I want to read something shorter, I’ll return to Silver Shark
Marty says
On the Edge, where Declan explains to George why he can’t keep everything alive with his magic. It was so well written I could see it as I was reading it, and George realized what he was creating aside of his exhaustion.
Emily says
Hidden Legacy is probably my #1 HA comfort read, followed by the Kinsmen stories. I love Kate series and Innkeeper, but the tone isn’t quite „comfort read“ for me for whatever reason; and the Kate series is expansive and has a lot of offshoots and short stories, which is something that I don’t look for in a comfort read (but it’s wonderful in any other favorite series)
许景婷 says
It’s the first four KD books for me! I first read the books when I was 11 and have been rereading for the nine years since. I have always felt terribly alone and have perhaps, rather irrationally, looked up to Kate. Kate seemed to start out horribly alone and then friendships and a romance just started blossoming in her locale.
Reading the growth of her character offered some hope of my own. And then when reading Magic Clams, and looking back to those first four books that I feel has really set the trajectory for her character, I’m always in awe of how far Kate has come, and it’s somehow always evoked introspection and renewed sense of purpose in my own my life.
I enjoy the KD series rather indiscriminately, but the first four books have always been a point of nostalgia and hope for me. I read them when I get sad and then I feel better.
Ironically, Magic Rises has the same effect as well, raising my blood pressure in the process albeit.
I reread Magic Burns yesterday. My comfort scenes would be when Kate explains to Curran why she was so hell-bent on toothpaste’s and Myong’s marriage, the “please and thank you” scenes…and et cetera. There are so much good stuff, and a whole lot of solace provided!
Lorye says
Sweep of the Blade. Really all of the Innkeeper series…I’ve read them countless times. But Sweep of the Blade is the one I re-read most.
Stephanie says
Anything Hidden Legacy, but I particularly love the scene where Rogan figures out that Nevada thinks of him as a dragon. There is so much chemistry there it jumps out and punches you!
Rachel says
Any time Catalina cooks in Hidden Legacy, there is something about it that just makes my soul feel seen. One of my best friends told me, before I read Catalina’s trilogy, that Catalina was the most me adjacent character of all the characters in all the series-es so far, and when I read them I just agreed, so I guess beyond the cooking scenes, just all of her stuff is #relatable and comforting for me.
But also I love when Elara goes to collect Hugh at the end of Iron and Magic. That’s a great scene.
DeeAnn says
First off I love all your books but I will admit that when I want a comfort read, especially a short one that I can read fairly quickly, I often go to Silent Blade. Something about the passion cones scene gets me every time. If I want to reread a series I often choose the Innkeeper series. That said, I have re-read all of your books so many times that it is a little crazy. So much comfort in a cup of tea, chocolate and an Ilona Andrews book! Thank you for all your hard work, you two!
Patricia says
My number one comfort read is Sweep of the Blade. I love Maud & Arland.
After that I usually read the rest of Innkeeper.
Depending on my mood I then turn to Blood Heir or Wilmington Years.
After which I rember Kinsmen.
For some reason Hidden Legacy is a summer read for me.
Perfect for long evenings outside.
Stine says
It’s hard to pick a favourite but I think it must be Magic Strikes.
I adore the Can-I-girl vs May-I-girl scene.
Megan H says
I wobble back and forth between Hidden Legacy and the Innkeeper series for comfort reading. Arabella trying to do math is a top scene as is the “battle” at the Costco. Of course once I start thinking about it a bunch of favourites come to mind and then I wander over to Kate and Curran. You just write really well, with characters I love to visit over and over!
Ripper Moore says
The entire Innkeeper series is a comfort read for me. Nothing particular about it, although of course I have my favourite bits (“Please eat, small human.”), but rather the concept. Just embracing the idea that a weary traveler, perhaps burdened by many unknown travails, could show up at Dina’s door, and she would say: “Gertrude Hunt welcomes you.” Then she would make a cup of tea, and by the time the traveler had finished it, there would be a room prepared, that would somehow be perfectly appointed to make them feel comfortable and safe– feel that they could finally rest, for a little while.
Miriam says
+1 I’ve been an often weary traveler too
PSS says
Wow, you did something so very right with all the votes for Sweep of the Blade! Sweep of the Blade is my comfort read also. My favorite scene is when Ilemina offers Maud the Maven position. What a validating moment for Maud, being recognized for her knowledge and physical skills. To me that is the ultimate comfort, to be recognized for all of the hard work you have done and be given a job where you can further show your value, that challenges you, and gives you the chance to expand your knowledge and experience. I imagine that writing does that for both of you, and I am so greatful that it does! I imagine both of you talking through scenes and getting to just the right wording to build the story and bring the right emotion. No wonder when you are done you are exhausted! You have to go through those emotions yourself to get it right! Well, I love all of the words you write and I appreciate the effort it costs you to write, and I hope that you experience the satisfaction of being recognized for a job well done when each book hits the best seller list!
Cindy Messersmith says
While I enjoy every book you and Gordon have written the Innkeeper chronicles are now my comfort reads. these books kept me sane while I was the primary caregiver for my mother while she was in hospice. Book 6 had just been released and I decided to re-read the series. These books gave me the mental break I so desperately needed. They will always have a special place in my heart.
kommiesmom says
First, let me say that any HA book I pick up is my favorite at that time. I love them all.
When I go looking for a quick pop of calm, I go to Hidden Legacy, because I know where everything is taking place. (I’ve lived in this neighborhood for 40 plus years and can picture the scene…)
My absolute favorite is the “Nine month flu” scene when Nevada tells Rogan they are pregnant. The window glass is classic. Never gets old. Never.
Ashley says
Hidden Legacy, for sure! Book 1 is especially hilarious but also moving – my favorite combo!
– Peaches / SPLAT!!
– The ferret heist!
Kim says
I love them all!!! My go to is Magic Bites.. when Kate first meets Curran. Here Kitty, Kitty. Solid Gold.
Vanessa says
The entire Kate Daniels series is a favorite comfort read of mine. I’ve gone back, several times now, and re-read the whole main series over a week or two (1+ book a day 😅) when I need some escapism but also need comfort and familiarity.
When I don’t want to commit to rereading a full series, Sweep of the Blade or Magic Bleeds.
nedibes says
I have several go-to scenes, depending on what kind of comfort I want.
I think the first HA piece I ever read was Silent Blade, probably in an anthology. I lost track of it for a while, and it *haunted* me–especially the scene where Carvano confronts Meli after figuring out who she was. SUCH a good apology scene, and she doesn’t just cave! Pure catharsis. And then the following scene brings hope back into the world. I was so glad when I found the story again that I read it through twice immediately and re-read that pair of scenes a few more times…I may also have made my husband read it immediately.
I also love any of the scenes where someone’s competence and general awesomeness are acknowledged by someone who previously underestimated them. I think that’s why, like many others, I love Sweep of the Blade–it has several of these scenes. Favorites there include when the House Scribe asks for Maud’s story (“It seems Lady Maud and I have gotten off on the wrong foot”) and she tells the story of becoming Sarev, and when Karat first meets Maud and Helen (“She would attack me if I tried, wouldn’t she? She’s building up enough bounce to jump across the room.”)
Silver Shark is also a favorite when the ills of the world are weighing on me. I think about Rada’s immigration program often, and wish our world could institute a similarly sensible approach to refugees (and just humanity in general). I especially love the scene where Claire is buying fruit, wanting to try one of everything, and her neighbor tells her that her hair is too bright. Something about how Claire can recognize that the neighbor is trying to be kind, but also that she (Claire) doesn’t have to live by those constraints anymore along with the gentle support of the fruit seller gets me every time.
For just plain laughing out loud and delighting in tour-de-force writing, I love any scene between Bug and Catalina. Also the scene where Catalina imagines Bug’s dialogue.
BreAnna Mitchell says
Mine is the free fiction “A Bit More Roman
Debbie Richardson says
I always always go to this section of Emerald Blaze as it makes me feel like love will win out over it all and Alessandro’s devotion gives me chills! I would love to have a person in my life that cherishes me the way Alessandro cherishes Catalina. I love everything about their relationship and feel like they are true partners and equals in it.
“I pulled out my phone, found Alessandro’s number, and texted him.
Where are you?
Where do you need me to be?”
So much is conveyed in those two little sentences. Wow House Andrews! Just wow!
Sonette Lazare says
My comfort book is definitely Bayou Moon.
I love the entire Edge universe, but Cerise and William’s story just resonated with me.
The part where she asks him if he is a spy, and she just accepts him as he is, broken and all, because she sees him for who he is, that just makes me fall in love with the story all over again.
Kat says
Honestly, Magic bites. it’s the first book I read of yours. I don’t even need to reread, Ive practically memorised it at this point. Trigger words for happy thoughts… Boones Farm and here kitty kitty 🤣
Helene says
Wendy says
For comfort reads I usually go for Hidden Legacy. There are so many gems in that series, the infamous ferret heist probably being the best for cheering-up purposes. I also like Gunmetal Magic, probably because if someone as screwed up as Andrea can find peace and happiness anyone can!
Joani says
The rescue of Ghastek and Kate from Mishmar. The themes of putting others first for friendship, love or just being the right thing to do…especially Christopher.
The first conversation between Christopher and Kate after he manifests as Deimos in Magic Binds. They both know Roland the best (at this point in the story) and can empathize with one another. I loved the reintroduction of themselves they did. But what I really appreciated was when Kate asked about what he will do now. He replies, “When you fight your father, I will soar above you. I want to be the last thing he sees before he dies.”
So glad he was able to remember that he could fly! ♥️
Caryn says
Iron and Magic. I know Hugh started as a villain but my inner child is tired of being brave and Hugh is a protector and for a while I spent every lunch hour rereading this book over and over again.
Miriam says
Cori Shaye says
my favorite go to book is White Hot. it’s so funny and so romantic and I just love listening to Rogan try to explain the lack of bullshit in his life. I can listen to that book over and over.
Kellie says
I love everything written by HA, but for comfort reads, I always head back to the innkeeper series. The first book especially. I don’t know why that book is like wrapping myself in a warm blanket. I think it might be Dina’s demeanor that comforts me. She always comes across as so well centered.
Meredith says
It depends on my mood, but if I had to pick just one, it’s either Cerise and Lord Bill or Audrey and Kaldar that I go to.
Something about the liminal space represented by the edge, the culture clash across the Weird and Broken, and the pure intelligence, will, and general bad-assery of these women really resonate with me. Plus, there’s bonus Gaston, George, and Jack.
I think I’ve posted it before here, but often rereading one world leads me to reread another. For example, the Edge might take me to Innkeeper, which sends me over to HL, which detours me to Jesse Mihalik’s Consortium Rebellion, and then the whole cycle starts over at Kate.
Kinsmen is the one I can’t quite keep on the list – probably because I lurve long books and those are so short. Catalina and Augustine are other favorites though – I have the ferret heist mousepad hehe.
Samantha Whitney says
When I’m feeling alone or even just in a reading rut, I reread the Hidden Legacy series. The sense of close-knit, ride or die family is everything I’ve ever wanted, and it’s very comforting to read about.
Helene says
I don’t contribute often,
My soft spot House Andrews series is The Edge. It was the first series of books I read from you, and I was charmed and captivated.
But my reread fav is definitely Kate and Curran. I love all the stories but their dynamic and the way their respect for each other grows… They show a very mature relationship that can still be excruciatingly childish at times. A wonder!
Thank you so much for so many hours of immersive listening. You both are the best.
Please don’t include me in the draw, I only listen to books now.
Anne V says
Gunmetal Magic.
I read it with a friend, we finished and had a long huge call about it and the KD series overall, scant hours before he died.
We laughed so much, and he enjoyed it so thoroughly that it has somehow become the comfort read when I miss him and yearn to be back hearing his perspective on this absurd life.
It’s not my favorite but it’s the one that gives me comfort.
Autumn says
I really love them all but when I need a boost I tend to jump on the shorter story ones like Grace of Small Magics or the Kinsmen universe unless I’m planning on re-reading the larger series.
Helena says
One of my favorite comfort reads of yours has actually become my “bedtime story” . I thankfully remembered recently (just in the nick of time) that of the most comforting moments of my childhoof was just the act of falling asleep while listening to my parents read to me a tale. I used that memory of comfort and decided to use audible while I fell asleep to try to ease my new found adult anxiety/racing thoughts/ insomnia. It works as a charm- if i have the right story. And the right story for me is Sweep of the Heart starting at Chapter 10. There is something so soothing listening to a story that 1) stars a magic house that loves you 2)has descriptions about wide variety of different aliens 3)has descriptions of perfect systems in place to make those varied aliens happy and also keeping everyone safe (th type Apersonality in my LOVES this) 4) knowing how welling everything turns out in the end.
I just love it. And I love how it sometimes influences my dreams.
p.s. it took me a while to find which IA worked best. may I warn people against KD # 8 Magic Shifts, if they want to try this Adult nighttime story. I started with KD as they are my ultimate favorite but waking up to, “MEAT! MEAT! …MEAT” is not the so comforting.
Wey says
Sapphire Flames is the most re-read book on my shelf. Although I will read the entirety of Emerald Blaze for Catalina’s angry confession that she speaks Italian.
But no, it’s Sapphire Flames. Catalina making her first true friend, gobstopping the Count, the hell pepper, the behind the scenes love story with Bern, the invisible man, TEXAS… I love how the entire world keeps generating madness off screen and Catalina just brushes against it while dealing with assassin fueled chaos. It’s my favorite. I know there’s a HEA for her even if it doesn’t happen in book one. The bad guys get beaten, the good people are safe, lessons are learned.
I wanna snuggle with my dog and a fuzzy blanket and read it again.
Lindsay says
Of Swine and Roses. It’s short, but that makes it better. Somehow it’s the beginning of a story, but I don’t need the rest of it. What’s there is so full of family, and strength, and hope, that I know they’re not only going to be okay, they’re going to be happy too. It’s a lively little mood boost whenever I need one.
nickole195 says
I have re-read Hidden Legacy many times, I have re-listened to Hidden Legacy many times. Feeling low or off or down, pick up Nevada, and whoa life is good, it is a great read and so much fun. I love the characters, the relationships and the intrique. I was one of many I think who had no clue who Caesar was until the Arabella Aunt story. You can put the obvious in front of me and I will not see it. Thank you to both of you and your whole team, I am eternally grateful for your writing and hope and wish many more years of listening and reading your amazing words.
Kit says
I re-read all of your books, but if I’m looking for a comfort read, I go for the Innkeeper series.
Nancy says
I just listened to the audio books for Hidden Legacy. Prior to this I read the kindle versions. Slipping back into House Andrews’ worlds is a comforting escape at any time. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve reread the different series, or listened. Now that we’ve stopped moving around, I will start looking for hard copies of the books.
Leah C says
Favorite comfort read is Innkeeper 3 One Fell Sweep; comfort listen is Kinsmen Universe Fates Blades
Gericke says
I love all House Andrews books but I think that the Innkeeper series is my comfort read. I laugh out loud the most with this series (the same quotes get me every time). It’s also the only series that will truly make me cry (AHHHH! the baby Inn 😭😭😭) and then laugh while I still have tears on my face. It’s cathartic and a wonderful way to wind down my brain and anxiety levels (didn’t say I was anxious. Nothing to see here 👀). As far as characters, I probably identify the most with Catalina in the Hidden Legacy series and having to step out of my comfort zone to lead. But Innkeeper forever has my heart. I imagine what my room would be like as a guest in the Inn, roam the gardens, and have Orro’s eggs three ways. All the other worlds would probably terrify me but I think I would like to be a forever guest of the Inn like Caldenia.
Heather says
ALL of Iron and Magic!!!
Lisa says
If I just want a quick read Silver Shark. If I have time for something a little longer my pick is Sweep of the Blade. I love both and have read them many times.
aranggirl says
Interestingly, Silver Shark is also my comfort read. I love the whole kinsmen world (always up for more short stories there!), and it’s an easy and highly satisfying read when I’m stressed. I recognized the echoes of Ilona’s experiences in it, and they also echo mine, but in a different way. My adolescence and 20s were suffocated by an oppressive religious environment and way of thought that I didn’t know how to escape from (and couldn’t admit I needed to escape from at first). Coming out of it, the world took on new life and offered a sense of wonder that I struggled to find previously. In that sense, I highly relate to Claire’s journey. It reminds me of the joy of being able to finally choose for myself and enjoy life as I pleased.
Allison says
SWEEP OF THE BLADE. Between the rescue and Ripper Cushions, I always get happy and smile.
Traci Bradley says
I like reading about the vampires getting drunk on coffee 🙂
Dawn Page says
Sweep of the blade, then Silver Shark.But, I am having some health challenges right now, and I am listening to the Baylor under my pillow when I am sleeing.
Fi says
It’s tough to choose just one, but I have to go with Sweep of the Blade. That book just makes me feel better.
Tiffy says
As someone who has taken the past two months to read through ALL the Kate Daniels books for the first time – I’m going to say:
Iron and Magic. There’s something wildly comforting about watching two people who feel “wrong,” find their place, find each other, and find themselves surrounded by lots of people who respect and accept and care for them too. And their banter makes me laugh. Laughter is medicine.
Blood Heir. I love this book so much. A story about a girl who doesn’t know who she is anymore and thinks she can never really go home. Every time someone recognized her, or spoke to her as Julie, I wanted to cry. And as much as the ending makes me crazy desperate for the next book, I actually like that there’s still things that are unresolved – because everything still kind of ends on an uplifting note.
Julia says
I would have to say the innkeeper series. I just love all the characters and how they interact. I absolutely adore the heartwarming and hilarious memory of Dina’s father in the car with her mother. I laugh out loud every time I read:
One time we were on the road and a giant semi veered a little too close. He’d screamed, “Jesu, Helen, turn the horses!” and then spent the rest of the day being embarrassed about it.
I also adore Orro and his dramatics. It’s all so delightful. These are yummy books.
Meg says
My favorite reread is definitely Hidden Legacy, especially Catalina’s arc. I love seeing the sisters grow and become more confident in their abilities.
Maddox Grey says
Definitely Kate Daniels series as a whole, but specifically Magic Strikes. My favorite scene is when Kate and the others go into their fight and they’re supposed to fly under the radar. But instead they absolutely decimate their opponents in hilarious ways and Jim snaps his clipboard, lol.
Kat says
For me, it’s magic strikes where you really see kate and Curran recognize this is something and then magic triumphs and Conlan. Everything conlan. My babies are 5 and 3 so it all just resonates
Loan Nguyen says
I reread everything several times a year, but I listen to Sweep of the Blade at least once a month from start to finish, and don’t even count how many time I put on the favorite parts when I need a short break. I love when Helen with her little daggers threatened to kill Illemina if she hurt her mom.
Children in house Andrew’s book are so talented; Conlan made blood claws when he was a baby; Arthur kinectically assembled a gun in the air using his grandma yarn and yarn swift (great imagination here).
I am patiently waiting for Maud’s next book; hopefully we get a scence where house Ervan need a favor from house Krahr or some such, and Maud’s former mother in law get to meet house Krahr’s Maven. Ooh… I can’t wait.
Maria says
Maud’s former mother-in-law meeting House Krahr’s Maven? Oh that would be absolutely delicious!
Maria says
Iron and magic is my top comfort read (one among many of yours admittedly)
”She came for him. She threw caution to the wind, displayed her power, and came to get him away from Nez. She faced Roland for him and would’ve fought him. Hugh never expected it. She should’ve left him to rot, yet she pulled him out of there and somehow dragged him to the castle. Nobody, in his entire life, would’ve done it for him, except for his Iron Dogs.”
Samantha says
Love This As Well! I can relate to how Hugh Feels, as no one but my husband has ever stood up for me!
Kris says
My comfort read is the innkeeper chronicles. And hidden legacy. Both set in Texas and because I live here it’s familiar. Like putting on a favorite sweater.
Priscilla says
Innkeeper series, especially book 1.
April says
Silent Blade! It is short so you can read it as a quick pick me up. There is something about the story that I just adore. She uses all the skills she developed learning to be a good wife to later get him to fall in love with her. It is poetic justice at it’s finest but also happily ever after! Just makes me happy and warm inside!
Nelly says
I love everything about Kate!
I re-read the books so many times that Kate and Curran do feel like my extended family. I missed so much knowing what happened to them after Atlanta and the Wilmington Years books were a wonderful surprise – except for the covers because Luisa’s Small Magics Kate is it for me 😉
Valentina Brudasca says
It’s hard to choose between my first love of your series Kate Daniel’s and the Hidden legacies and Innkeeper series. But I recently re-read them. So for now Clean Sweep wins out.
Edina says
My comfort read(s) is/are The Wilmington Years novellas, they are absolutely delightful!
House DeMille says
My no. 1 book is One Fell Sweep, followed by Sweep of the Blade. So many great moments in all of them.
A few from those: Maud’s rescue; making the special Hiru room; Helen offering the Hiru a Christmas ornament “now you have something”; everyone reaching out to Dina when she’s comatose “please, small human”; the final showdown at the Inn “so I would snap out of it” “not in my Inn!”
Fated Blades if I’m looking for a short read. A perfect little novella – especially the part where they first work together, both on the business front and to break into the compound (fighting through the goons), and the final reveal of their connection at the end (big fight showdown).
Favourite scenes from other series, in no particular order:
1) Curran coming after Kate in book 6 – the lion bounding through the hills, crouching down to say “punch me in the face or something”…
2) Hidden Legacy – the Baylor sisters at the trials – culminating with Arabella and math 🤣
3) Edge 1 – William discovering Jack lives with his family
4) Magic Tides – the whole opening, especially Curran’s reaction to Kate leaving “will you be back for dinner?” and “happy wife, happy life”… then explaining to his contractor why they need to prepare for a siege
Natasha says
I honestly love them all, but if I had to pick one, it would be the Innkeeper series (I can’t pick just one of them!). Though the setting is far from my everyday life, I love how Dina, Sean and their friends and family feel like real people. And the growth! Watching how they have all grown, in confidence, themselves, relationships, is just great. And of course, the books are just amazing – fantastic plot, funny, heart breaking, phenomenal.
Mary says
Clean Sweep!!!!
I love all of your books and have reread at least once all of them but The Innkeeper Chronicles hold an extremely special place in my heart. It’s not just my comfort read from among your books but one of my all time favourite from all the books I’ve read.
P.S. I rarely post here but I truly appreciate you 🙂 and can’t wait to read your new book even if it has 2000 pages!
Silver says
I’ve been relistening to the Graphic audio of Magic burns. There is a section where Kate is talking to Curran about Myong and why she support’s Myong’s relationship with Crest. She talks about the things she doesn’t get to have. That moment coupled with the moment at the end of the book are the things that I go back to. The fact that someone listened and took in the impact of what you said and remembered it. The coupling of those two scenes with everything else that is going on in that book is a big part of why those sections in particular is a comfort read for me.
Daisy says
Sweep with Me. When life is all loss and fear, I can pick up this book and be wrapped in Sean and Dina’s love and the joy of Treaty Day. The humor, the warmth, the comfort- this is where I find it.
Barbara says
So hard to choose one portion of one book, as all your series are my go-to comfort reads (one after the other on audio). Today, I would choose the ferret heist scene. Tomorrow might be totally different, depending on what I have listened to most recently.
Kelly J Jacobs says
Kim says
My favorite is the first part of Clean Sweep, when Shawn is in the orchard. I crack up every time. 🙂
Eileen says
Poor apple tree
Miriam says
Not poisonous
Brittney says
My comfort read is Magic Strikes which inevitably leads me to rereading Magic Bleeds and then might as well just reread the highlight reels from Kate and Curran’s relationship from there.
Carrie says
For me, it is the Innkeeper that I lean most into as a comfort read, though to be fair, I re-read all of the IA library pretty regularly. But when I think comfort read, I think Innkeeper … Dina with this amazing home that she loves, and that loves her in return. Her story at the simplest level is just defending her home and helping it to thrive. Making it a sanctuary, which is something I try to do with my home too. Just not as successfully as Dina, sadly. 🙂 And then finding a partner that fits into that home as if he was made for it. Mmmm, comfort.
Libby Bibby says
I have tinitis. At night I block it out by listening to Sweep of the Blade. I have to read and listened to it many many times. Love the story line and characters.
Lynda says
It isn’t one book, but most of them. I will cherry pick scenes, depending on my mood, from the books to comfort read.
Michelle R. says
I think my comfort read could be the entire Kate Daniels series. she’s everything I’m not. brave and strong with the ability to kick lots of butt. Meanwhile I’m a giant chicken who’s scared of everything, and cries when I’m angry instead of just being able to get mad. Kate helps me remember that both events and emotions pass. Even the way you feel about someone can change (Hugh). You learn from them and move on.
Eileen says
Being scared isn’t the opposite of brave and tears are rarely as bad as we want to make them out to be. It’s the facing up to those items and continuing on that is bravery. You got this! Proud of you!
Terri Schechter says
White Hot…especially the epilogue. I think about Rogan breaking the snowballs apart before they hit Nevada so often.
Eileen says
It’s funny you ask this because the entire collection is my comfort place but if I had to pick just one it would probably be clean sweeps
Enuff says
For me, it’s the bathtub scene with Kate and Curran during the Midnight Games.
and just both of them. Their very real-life relationship.
Aitch says
I love a comfort read, something that takes me to a time and place, whether it be when and where I read the book, or within the book.
The Innkeeper series, specifically Mauds story, is my fav comfort read – I’ve revisited this book so many times now. Maud is strong, pragmatic, fierce, intelligent and so vulnerable. I love the conversation she has with Karat when she first arrives on the planet, pointing out how refreshing her welcome is. 😀
Ken Hughes says
Sooo many scenes, and yes, the Hidden Legacy and Innkeeper books are especially thick with them.
But, I keep coming back to Julie’s troubles at boarding school, solved when Kate and Raphael ride up in full regalia. (“Those runes on the sword don’t do anything.” “But they look impressive.”)
Julie W says
I’ve listened to Iron & Magics audio 6 times now, and I have to restrain myself from going back more often because I don’t want to overdo it. the entire innkeeper series is also something I relisten to when I get into a slump trying to find a new great book, and I need something I know I’m going to love.
Sheila says
My go-to lately has been the scene from Magic Triumphs where Kate eliminates the sahanu. Some days the idea of locking all your problems into a small space and chopping them into tiny pieces with a sword is a little too appealing!!
Patti says
Arabella threatening to stuff Michael’s bill up his backside, and Catalina being so horrified by the thought, she has to call on Nevada to talk Arabella down, makes me smile every time I read it or think about it.
Shelley says
Sweep of the Blade
April Korbel says
I’m not sure which part I’d call a comfort read, though Dina and Helen unpacking ornaments and then the Hiru walk in. There’s something lovely about that.
My current favorite scene is Sean v the space pirates. Sling-shotting himself onto the ship, cutting his way in and destroying the crew. Just something you do. la la. I swear it was longer the first time I read it.
I also enjoy the GA versions (Orro! omg), the audio makes it easy to listen to the Kahari bar fight from Dina’s POV in book 3 and then from Maude’s POV in book 4. Sooo fun.
Clare Fountain says
Every House Andrews book, depending on what I need comfort for. Faves are Iron and Magic coz Hugh redemption and I love why the book came about (BDH win, thank you so so much HA) and also Fated Blades, funny and romantic and I adore Matias and Ramona!
Samantha says
Kate Daniel’s is My Comfort Go To. Depending what I need comfort from or for decides what book I choose. In my Job I’m known for the amount of books I consume, and get asked for recommends all the time and the scene I use to sell the series, Without spoilers, is the Here Kitty, Kitty. So far its work all 11 times, We now have a informal book club around the series at our store!
Diane says
Innkeeper- the Costco scene. I still laugh every time I read. I loved that we got to meet the woman who helped later on.🤣
Harukogirl says
Probably my biggest Ilona comfort read is either The Edge or Burn for Me. I have a big family (so I love the family in Hidden Legacy) and we grew up poor.
Most fantasy books, the characters play at being poor. Or they are poor, but the author obviously doesn’t know what that MEANS. The descriptions seem either overwrought or cliche. But the Edge is different.
When I was 18 my dad lost his job. I worked 2 full time retail jobs for 3 months while he took every pizza delivery job he could get. One day my little sister (15) pulled me aside and pointed out that my little brother (14)- who was starting high school in 2 weeks – had outgrown all his clothes. They were too short, too tight, too small – just didn’t fit. So I took all the money I could scrape together from my two jobs after having bought groceries and went with sis to JC Pennys to get him jeans and shirts that fit, damn it.
I can’t read the first page of The Edge without crying. Jacks shoes get me every time. I KNOW what that feels like. So weirdly, it’s a comfort read. Because it feels like Ilona knows exactly what that feels like too, and there is a happy ending to Roses story.
Bea says
Putting duck tape around the front of my “skips” ( cheap plain keds/ converse) to keep them from falling apart and drawing on the tape. Thats what I remember most from middle school.
ruschinja says
I love the first time we get to see Sean’s reaction to the space chickens.
Lyndelle Campbell says
Hidden Legacy for me, definitely my cleanser series. I have just started it again now..for the second re read this year
lia says
Kinsman for me too. Silent Blade was my favorite comfort read until Silver Shark came out, and now it’s my favorite. That scene where Claire is trying to cut the unfamiliar fruits/vegetables and learn to cook reminds me of every time I’ve moved and struggled to find my footing. Her perseverance is reassuring!
I try not to buy physical books because I move around quite a bit and books are heavy, but I regret not getting the Subterranean Press special edition with both stories (and Luisa’s illustrations!).
Audrey L. says
I don’t know if it qualifies as ‘comfort’ but Kate yelling back at Roland that her lineage is longer than his by one… that moment always gives me goosebumps and fills me up with so much pride. I didn’t come from great parents and it’s very empowering to know that cutting myself off from them, denying and rejecting everything about my history isn’t the only option to help bring forth a break in the cycle, to help build my life into what I want it to be, to be the type of parent I want to be.
Melissa B says
Love them all, but probably the comfort read is either Silver Shark for something short and then the Inn Keeper series because the main characters are wonderful , and the supporting characters are so rich too. I love how sentient the Inn is itself !! My grandmother’s house was haunted as it was built next to an old road called “Stage Coach Road” and a cemetery plus its right near a Civil war site. It’s not far from Hurricane Mills which was Loretta Lynn’s house and her house was haunted as its next to a Civil War site as well.
Good luck with the edits. I am so excited this new book and can’t wait to read it!
Sherre says
My comfort read is definitely one of the Kate Daniel’s books, I think the one right after they step down from the pack. I know it’s stressful for Kate, but she’s finally not hiding (not completely at least) and being true to herself and I love it. I also love how so many people follow her and she just doesn’t realize how much people truly love her.
Bethan says
sweep in peace, the number of my friends who I have subjected to the audiobook is ridiculous.
Grace says
Hmmm my comfort comes from beginning to reread Kate Daniels from the first book to the last really, I can’t point to a particular scene but the whole series itself is my comfort read. It’s such a joy! The new Kate Daniels books in particular would be big comfort reads. Similarly with Deana’s series.
Bailey says
I’ll read any of your series for comfort. I’d be hard pressed to pick just one.
I can’t thank you enough for that!
Ann says
I love this moment in Ruby Fever.
She kissed my hair. I almost cried. She used to hug me like this every time my magic leaked, and someone lost themselves to obsessing over me. She would hold me and tell me that it would be okay, that with practice I would get better. Mom always believed in me without any doubt. “You and your sisters, you three are so different, and somehow you’re all the same.”“How are we the same?”“All of you can do anything you want if only you manage to get out of your own way. You especially. You need to get out of your own head, Catalina. You overthink everything. Put yourself on rails and go forward.”“Okay,” I promised.
Ellie says
Haha, that moment in the Kate books when Saiman dresses her up to flaunt her in Curran’s face. At the restaurant that is used as a meeting ground and Curran gets riled up and Kate is so angry and Saiman is drunk. I particularly love the chase scene between Kate and Curran.
and what comes after of course 🙂
Patrice says
Oh my, I think it would be Arland, drunk on coffee, running about naked among the apple trees.
Then I would have another mug of coffee.
Debi Murray says
I reread Maude’s book because it gives me all the feels (and the giggles, too)!
Debi Murray says
I also love the ferret heist for obvious reasons…I had 6 ferrets! I sure do miss my carpet sharks.
Sara B. says
Ohh yes, the ferrit heist!
Katie says
My favorite reread scene is when Kate & Curran asked Roman to officiate their wedding. I thought the whole scene was hilarious and very sweet. And you could tell that he seriously appreciated the opportunity to marry them. He went all in.
BaltimoreBookLover says
Annamarie Schmidt says
Everything that you write gets read about 3 times a year (it saves me as I read 1-3 books a day)so much so that I have my reading copies that after a few reads I trade for better, and a whole other set that has all been signed.
Elizabeth G says
For the longest time, it was just Hidden Legacy — esp Burn for Me as every Neveda/Rogan interaction gave me squeals and i’d get so caught up in it i want to google people from the universe to find their herald entries when i was doing long drives with the audio (esp Rhinda Charles)
Then the Innkeepers, but esp Sweep of the Blade carried me away. I chuckle deeply just remembering the strong face as Arland walked between the stair wells but Maud carrying him (basically) anytime anyone couldn’t see them after he took on the mass of warriors.
Recently Fated Blades — and the dancing in the forest as well as the battle dance at the end and the not-quite-merging of the companies at the end just sends me into a fit of warm fuzzies.
Sorry. Can’t pick just one.
Sunshine 🌞 says
I can’t decide if it’s the Innkeeper, Hidden Legacy, or Kate Daniel series. It all depends on the situation
Edie says
My most random favorite: a scene from (I think) Magic Breaks, when Kate is on her donkey crossing the city with Derek and Ascanio, who are sniping at each other, but take a break to make fun of her heavy footsteps. It’s such a completely funny non-eventful moment.
Heather Shaw says
I love to re-read Magic Breaks from the Kate Daniel’s series. I really feel that that book in particular is probably the most well done urban fantasy book I’ve ever read. It hits all the notes for me, and I often compare it to others, which sadly, do not measure up. But hope springs eternal and I’m always on the hunt for the next, Magic Breaks.
Melissa Sofinowski says
I always go back to Catalina’s books in Hidden Legacy! Something about who she is as a character really connects with me and I enjoy reading her story arc.
Petra says
My favorite is Sweep of the Blade, Maud’s character resonates with me on so many levels, especially her love and devotion to Helen.
I come back most to the scene where Maud fights Lady Ilemina. Maud is such a wonderful mother and as my own 3 girls are growing I appreciate her character more and more. Thank you!
Maria Schneider says
For the most part, I don’t reread books. But I have read On the Edge 3 times. It’s definitely a comfort read for me. The characters go from desperate to finding friends, making a home, coming of age…happily ever after. It has everything I need in a book. Heroes, family, heroine, working for hope, health and happiness. There’s bits of found family, certainly romance, but mostly it’s a book full of love.
Leticia says
I listen to the Kate Daniels series. Sometimes from top to bottom, but Book 4 is my favorite because Kate and Curran finally get together.
R Coots says
I go to the food scenes. Kate making breakfast, Nevada sitting in the kitchen in a white dress eating tacos. Stuff like that. Homey bits are nice pauses in all the ‘things are blowing up, we need to stop the bad guy” events in the rest of the book
Keith says
Magic Brakes, when Ghastek learns who she really is:
“I looked into the power roaring into my face. “Father.”
“Father?” someone squeaked to the left. Ghastek might have just had a heart attack.”
Gail Lefkowitz says
Last night I pulled out Gunmetal Magic. Over the course of the evening, I opened it randomly and read three parts that seem to be my favorites: the fight with Andrea and Roman on the bridge, ending with them arriving at her apartment, Kate and Andrea decorating Raphael’s house and their subsequent make up, and the entire finale, starting just before the Michelle scene.
I also like the part where Andrea becomes the Bouda beta and gets Kamal et al out of jail.
KBadberry says
I would have to say the “Bad HoBo” scene in Bayou Moon is a favorite in our home. That being said all of your books are a comfort for me. You have this wonderful sense of family and what it should mean. Not every person you right has this trait. Rose Drayton’s dad for example. But from Rose and Grandma stepping it up for their boys, to Kate and Curran’s love and support of Julie, to The relationships between Penelope and Navada, their love for one another is tangible. I have learned o lot about love, the below the surface kind, from your books. Things I didn’t even realize that I needed to learn. I find myself quoting things from your books to my children. I have thanked you before for creating these amazing worlds that are fascinating to read about, but this time I would like to thank you for creating amazing relationships that I can learn from. Thank You!
Cindy Cripps says
It’s the Innkeeper Series and how the relationships develop. My favorite is when Dena goes to recruit Oro (Sorry about the spelling, I only listen to the books). Her sense of his needs and how to engage him is wonderful and I aspire to that level of understanding of others.
Nicola says
like the whole of Hugh’s book… I literally reread it 3 or 4 times a year as well as listening on audio book. it speaks to me of redemption and as a survivour of rape and torture the story of self destruction to self realisation of being better gives me hope.
I also love Mauds book…
but tbh every book is a comfort read, escapism from my ptsd and Fibromalygia. your characters give me a place to hide when the world is too much and I can say hard on heart your books havd saved my life on more than one occasion.
I just need a horse sort of unicorn x
Moderator R says
I’m glad that you’re able to find escape and shelter 🤗
Cindy says
I have to admit, the times y’all give Caldenia free rein with her words are my favorite. She’s harsh but fair. And she’s educational with a global view. Sweep of the Heart especially.
Sandy says
I read the whole kinsmen series starting with silver shark and ending with fated blades. It goes from despair / bleakness to normal routine.
Ann says
Thank you for sharing your struggles and parts of your life. I appreciate your openness with us!
One of my favorite HA comfort reads is
One the Edge – it reminds me of my own childhood. My mom made due with what we had, but we struggled to have new clothes for school. As a child, I dreamed of having magic so that I could escape. I love Rose’s strength and power and that she and Declan have a HEA 🙂
Debra L. says
I really hate breaking spines on my books, and I try really hard to read by opening them the minimal amount so that there’s not much creasing along the spine. My copy of Bayou Moon is incredibly creased. I have reread that book so many times. There’s something incredibly comforting about it. Obviously it’s a pretty violent book, but I think I just really enjoy both Cerise and William as characters so much. Their story and their romance has a lot of bittersweet moments but their ending is just fantastic. I love them and the journey that brings them together a lot.
Sweep in Peace is also a big one for me. I think the introduction of Orro and all the setup for the peace summit was just so much fun. It was exciting yet also emotionally compelling. The consistent juxtaposition of humor and seriousness within the House Andrews books is such a powerful draw to me. It’s a testament to the quality of writing to be able to interweave comedy and tragedy so effectively.
Monica says
I love them all, and I truly enjoy the atmosphere you create in your books.
But Sweep of the blade has something that warms my heart: Helen.
I adore her and she grows on me with every page. I think she is the only child in literature that looks real and funny and sweet and smart.
Thank you for Helen 🌺
Bronte Stevens says
I love all of your books of course, but the Kinsmen books I gravitate towards when I want a quick comfort read. I also regularly reread the Innkeeper series.
Jane Lee says
For me my go to comfort reads are the Inn Keeper series, the humor of all the different species interacting never fails to bring a smile to my face and heart. If I had to pick a favorite scene it would be when Arland drinks coffee.
Sara B. says
Probably Maud’s book … she is at a more mature crossroads of her life and struggling to balance what put she wants with what she thinks she SHOULD want. And so many conflicts (fight w Ilema, the poisoning, the hunt, the wedding). So many great characters about which I would like to learn more. Sweet scenes (movie night!)
I don’t skip to particular scenes, but I do tend to read in a hurry to my favorite bits.
A favorite scene only that I reread … site-visit to the new Baylor family home.
Sara B. says
Oohh this is so hard … as I read other comments, I am thinking “Oh yes, that one is great … oh, and that one too, … and that was so satisfying … and,and,and”. Basically all the series have their high points and fun parts. So many favorites …
Maria F says
Michelle Jones says
Maud’s book is my comfort read. Maud is a strong heroine who is resilient, intelligent, a brilliant swordsman, and intensely protective of those she loves. Maud’s journey for love, acceptance, and a place in a different culture and the triumph over the enemies of Maud’s new family leaves me feeling satisfied and content.
Abby says
I always find myself reading Hugh’s book when I need comfort. I think what is comforting is the notion that people can change, and change can be good. I truly love consistency, but Hugh’s book allowed me to experience change and be okay with it!
(To be fair though, any House Andrews book is a comfort to me!!😊)
Steph says
I totally agree about your comment about the USA. I grew up in what was formerly known as a third world country. There was no economic motility and my parents struggled very much. When we came to the US they were able to make a better life for themselves. I complain about America as well but I will never forget were I came from and I will always be grateful for where I live now.
There are so many comfort reads. I love all of Innkeeper but especially Sweep of the Heart. I love all of Kinsmen and The Edge. I adore Blood Heir. But my absolute favorite scene is in Iron and Magic where Hugh woke up after fighting Raphael. He finds Elara making crepes he thinks it’s a dream.
He rested his forehead against the back of her head. “Elara…”
“Please,” she whispered. “Please don’t say anything you’ll regret in the morning.”
His voice was a low snarl. “Sometimes when I lay awake in the middle of the night, I think of you.”
“Sometimes there is nothing left and all that’s anchoring me here is knowing you’ll pick a fight with me in the morning.”
“What do you want more than anything? Tell me what it is, and I’ll rip the world apart to bring it to you.”
She turned in his arms slowly and raised her hands. Her fingers touched his hair, brushing it back from his face. He savored it.
She stood on her toes and brushed his lips with hers. “Ask me again in the morning.”
Mary Beth says
For Hubby: Hidden Legacy. Grandma the tank mechanic reminds him of his own grandma-who worked in a tank factory during WW2. He fell in love with Catalina, because he too turns to cooking to sooth his stress. If he had to name his favorite scene, it would have to be the ferret heist. “I’m stuck in a Disney movie.” cracks him up every time.
Me: Innkeeper all the way. I have loved that one from the first post made however long ago. When the days are cold and bleak, I curl up and read about First Scholar and his love of philosophy.
Ashley Apples says
Silver Shark. I’ve struggled with depression a lot in my life, and many of my past memories are gray-tinged and faded. Like washed in a fog. So the beginning of Silver Shark really calls to me, I can really see myself in that gray, bland world.
And then when she goes to Rada, to the Dahlia district… that’s really what coming out of a depressive fog is like. Suddenly the world is a riot of colors, sights, sounds… everything is intense and overwhelming but so so beautiful at the same time.
Plus Claire is just a totally BAMF.
Lisa says
Anything House Andrews is a comfort read for me. Their books are like warm comfortable stretchy pants and an oversized t-shirt after a giant meal. Exactly what I need.
However, when my mom passed last year and I needed extra comfort I went to the Hidden Legacy series first, then Innkeeper, followed by all things KD world.
Heather W. says
It’s Magic Strikes for me. I adore the Kate series but it was Magic Strikes that really got me hooked. It’s something about the tournament, Derek’s situation, Jim’s leadership, and Curran coming to get Kate that made me fall in love with these characters. It’s my go to read whenever I need something I know I’ll love.
Marilyn says
Bayou moon. The first line
William stood on his porch drinking Modelos especial.
Maybe it’s because he’s a trauma survivor doing self care. I imagine a world where baby shape shifters get left on his doorstep. William & Cerise create a healthy version of Hawks.
Ms.Magoo says
Hidden Legacy will always be my comfort read because of how the family dynamic reflects my own family. And it reminds of the happy chaos that comes with living with 8 people in a three bedroom home and how we made it work, adding nooks and crannies to fit everyone. I love that they always have each other’s back and it reminds me that I too have people who are there to back me up.
If I were to choose a specific scene from the books, it’s the ferret heist scene. I re-read the second book of the Hidden Legacy specifically for that. I have a sticky note that marks the beginning of the scene so that way I can just open it up to read only that scene if that is what I need.
It brings back the memories of my childhood stinky noodles doing their war dance and getting into shenanigans. They were the first pets that I purchased myself along with all of the supplies. They were mine, not the families. My parents made me write an report on the responsibilities of caring for a living creature and why they should let me have them. I even had to cite my sources. This scene also is a reminder that though shit may be going down, you can still have fun with it, as those guys got me through my parents divorce as tip-tapped their way through their next secret mission: getting ALL the crinkles under the dresser.
Nicole Luiken says
When I comfort reread, I usually pull out the entire series. If I pull out Burn For Me I’m not going to stop until the end of Ruby Fever. I will sometimes start with Magic Strikes instead of Magic Bites with Kate Daniels, though I think Magic Bleeds is my actual fave because that’s when Kate and Curran finally get together. Bayou Moon is my fave of the Edge series, and Silver Shark of the Kinsmen ones, but they’re all matters of degree.
Fave scene: Again, this is one of many, but I love when Kate shows up at the People’s casino because she wants to talk to Roland and Ghastek is trying to Pictionary the restaurant Applebee’s. So funny!
Connie says
Actually, Silver Shark is my favorite too. I sometimes wish it was longer… but then I realize again that it’s perfect as is. I love rereading it, especially when I’m looking for something comforting that I can read in one sitting.
Karissa says
I love going back to On the Edge. Rose is such a fun character to follow, especially in her role as a sister. Scene wise I also like going back to Magic Triumphs and getting to watch Kate in mom mode with Conlan.
Mary says
Your books were a great comfort to me when my stepson was killed. I reread all of your series from Edge, to Kate, to Innkeeper, to Legacy, to free fiction, to the blog and back on repeat. I just kept cycling through the loop. I want to thank you both for the respite your worlds provided.
Lorinda says
Its a toss up for me between Sweep of the Blade and Silver Shark. I am a voracious reader and do not normally read a book more than once, but all of yours I can come back to time and time again to delight in the action and envision the characters like old friends!
Demi says
The Innkeeper series. I love everything but that one is the one I always go back to when I need a reset.
Erica R says
I have two comfort reads. . Well the reads that can make me smile no matter what. . . . The shorts where you write about “what if Kate and Curran and the gang had cell phones”. . . The fire engine that Conlan gets made it into the series, the second is the “Space Chickens”. . . I believe the most recent ones were is Innkeeper 5.
Katherine Bushman says
The first two hidden legacy books. The evolution of Rogan is quite the comfort that it is possible if you try and treat people if they are human beings rather than an item you want something from.
Stacey S says
The innkeeper series. Dina is the character I identify with most in the world, however, I do alternate listening to Inkeeper, with the Hidden Legacy. I am constantly recommending these series to everyone 😂
Erin says
The entire Innkeeper Chronicles series is a comfort read for me. Dina is so smart and collected and knows how to respond in a crisis. Her world is fascinating. The little bits of “normal” you see are soothing, but knowing that even when things go crazy she’ll figure it out is comforting. I reread the series at least once a year.
Henrietta says
I always return to “Of swine and roses” when I feel a bit down and need a quick comfort-read<3
Deb says
Probably Sweep of the Blade is my favorite. I love Maud’s story.
Then Magic Claims. It’s fun to hear from Kate and family again.
Irene says
I would have to say, Blood Heir, is my most visited book. Especially the scene with Julie in the bathtub and Derek asking uncomfortable questions. Maybe because this story thread is still unfinished and I like to torment myself with the anticipation for the next book. I’ve rooted for this couple for so long now…
Rowan says
Magic Bleeds is my go to comfort read. I reread things that make me smile and the scenes between Curran and Kate where they finally get together brings enormous comfort. It tells me there is hope for even the most stubborn of people. Plus I laugh my butt off every time I read it.
Rowan says
I should also say that during the worst year of my life I read the dang thing four times.
SoCoMom says
I have to agree with Silver Shark as a comfort read. after several extremely difficult and unhappy years I held onto a dream of having my own yard and gardening again; of being free to bake without someone trying to make me feel small. when that finally happened, I took (and continue to takw) deep satisfaction in that.
Else? Bayou Moon, because I come from a big, messy, loving family.
I hear you on the not being able to go home. My entire area where I grew up was razed to the ground by fire. Because of single parenting kids with disabilities, I’ve dropped economically and in social relatability from others. My life is smaller now, but I have gratitude, and therefore happiness. Thank you for your writing, which adds to my happiness!
Maren says
The Innkeeper series is my go-to, although all of your books are amazing for comfort. But it’s just something about the found family dynamics, and the magical house, and… all of it. It just has it’s own magical feeling, ya know? 😄❤️
Valerie T says
What you said!!!
Lyn Trewella says
Hidden Legacy on audiobook is my comfort series.
I don’t have specific sections, I just love the stories and it’s my go to when I need to calm myself, focus and listen to something I know will make me feel happy.
Lyn Trewella says
I also LOVE all Innkeeper books so sometimes it’s that series instead 🙂
Valerie T says
My comfort read is the entire innkeeper series. Really, every once in a while the real world is mean and I’ll restart with Dina giving Sean the “what are you going to do about it” regarding the neighbor dog death and I miss the series all over again. Before I know it, I’m going through the books one by one. Thank you for the comfort and a galaxy of fun.
Rachel says
Sweep of the Blade.
Delphine says
Ilona Andrews are one of my comfort authors. It’s been a miserable year and part of what has gotten me through is listening to both series of the IA Graphic Audio books and then jumping to the Renee Raudman narrations when I ran out for Kate. I’m now thoroughly enjoying Small Magics and the timing is great as I finished all the IA series a few weeks ago. A huge thank you to IA for all your books!!! (I love all the original narrations but have been having extra fun re-experiencing them through GA).
Vm says
1.The Hidden Legacy the whole serie.
2. The Innkeeper again the whole serie.
Nikki B says
White Hot
– First there’s the acknowledgement of emotions. You keep telling yourself “he’s bad for me” but then you’re able to get your rear in gear and realize it’s actually a good fit.
-Like others have stated above, the ferret heist
– Post-interrogation scene. It just really rings true to me. Sometimes we have to do things that others perceive as horrible or terrifying. I loved, loved LOVED how Rogan steps in between Nevada and the peanut gallery and tell her she’s amazing. It brings tears to my eyes.
Nikki B says
And how can I forget Pancakes admitting he made arrogant mistakes! absolutely delicious…
Juni says
It has to be Clean Sweep !
The original Audio version
Venus Matson says
Magic Triumphs is my comfort read. since my husband passed away, grand kid and daughter are off living their life, this book makes me happy. For moments at a time i am back in the heart of family chaos.
Nancy Smith says
I don’t want know how many times I’ve fallen asleep listening to Ruby Fever….
Bree says
TBH, I cycle through all the books for comfort. If I had to pick one, it would be On The Edge.
Not only is the story compelling and characters amazing (Rose+Declan forever <3, and George+Jack were so great they continued to innkeeper!), but the idea that a magic world exists beyond some invisible barrier has definitely been a daydream of mine.
Alexis says
Silent Blade is the most comforting of your books to me!
laj says
Kate Daniels from Magic Slays to Wilmington years are my go to escape reads. My favorite parts are when Kate tells stories or comes up with some cultural reference so obscure and I’m awestruck.
The Innkeeper series is my comfort read. One Fell Sweep and Sweep of the Blade are sublime. Maude and Arland just knock me out and Dina and Gertrude Hunt fill me with such joy and give me so much comfort, especially during Covid. Sean’s steadfast love for Dina is beautiful and lifts my spirits.
I think I the get most comfort from your fictional children. Helen and Conlon tickle me with their antics and the others have thrived and become exceptional adults.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your magical characters and their stories. 🙏
Melissa B says
Also and I will be totally candid here… on days when my brain is overwhelmed, and I don’t want to have to focus on a book or a scene I love to read this BLOG! Its true.
It helps me feel lighter and encouraged with what everyone has to say.
Thanks everyone!
Joy Wilson says
I love my pillow!!!
and to an earlier comment: I did buy my brother a fart gun when he was down. it worked a charm!!
Jan says
When Catalina becomes the Deputy Warden. I admire her courage so much.
CathyTara says
Sweep of the Blade. #Helen
rlaWTX says
I’ve decided it’s a good thing that Kindle doesn’t count. When I reread HA books yearly (or more), I mark them as unread so I can feel the success of it changing to read.
In order:
Hidden Legacy
Kate (includes shorts, Hugh, and Julie)
Suzanne says
My comfort read is Clean Sweep. I came across it online and would wait impatiently for each installment. It led me on Kate Daniel’s, which was awesome but Dina’s inn in that first book will always be my comfort place.
Ally says
The ‘get your guns, boys, we are going to Walmart’ is just timeless for me. It lifts me up no matter where I am emotionally. (horrible paraphrase all my own fault)
Jules says
I once described the Innkeeper series as “a cup of soup for your soul”. I bought the first book of it for my sister while she was sick. She has now read everything IA hehehe.
Phyllis says
Sweep of the Blade is my COMFORT read, we all have “ripper cushions” from daily life, and when I need a break I reread Maude’s stories. Thank you ANDREWS family for the entertainment, I keep your books in my preorder list, synopsis not needed. Happy Holidays Everyone.
Renee says
Magic Strikes and Magic Triumphs seem to be the two I go to most. Magic Strikes has some fantastic humor moments and I am at the point in my life where I really relate to the parenthood aspect of Magic Triumphs.
Rachelle says
My comfort passage is in the Innkeeper series where she goes to convince Orro to come cook for the Inn.
Michelle says
Reread favorite is fated blades but the voice of Steve west as hugh? Now you have me hot and bothered at work.
Charlotte says
For me it’s very close between Innkeeper Chronicles and Hidden Legacy. I love both of the series so much, but the Innkeeper Chronicles have more of a cozy vibe going on. And Clean Sweep was the first book I’ve ever read by Ilona and Gordon, so it get’s the nostalgia bonus
Suzannika says
Almost the entire Innkeeper Chronicles is a comfort read for me, but especially One Fell Sweep when you have everyone working together and there’s the scene where Dina runs to hug Sean after the first skirmish with the Draziri, that hug, the words, the feeling. Just yes!!!
And then in Wildfire where there’s just the comfortable companionship and the chocolate mousse after the not great dinner. Just the easy rapport between two people who care about each other.
Janny says
Hidden Legacy is my comfort. From the moment Burn for Me came out, it was a favourite. I probably read it 100 times before book 2 and then a month later book 3 came out. Every book has been read dozens of times. And now I love Catalina as much as Nevada.
I love the humour, the action, the family interaction, the magic, the world building, the sex.
Kris Ten-Eyck says
Currently my HA comfort read is Sweep of the Blade. “Ripper Cushions” makes me smile every time.
Jessa says
Mine would have to be Sweep of the Blade. Maude’s care and worry as Mother really resonated with me. I read that one yearly.
Julie says
For me I’d say the Innkeeper series is my favorite to re-read. Too many of the others have enough conflict between the main characters to not be comfortable for me. Innkeeper has more of a consistent “us vs the world” feel.
KMD says
I’ve reread Silent Blade more than any other book, ever. I could almost recite it at this point. Probably my favorite part (other than the description of passion cones) is the very last bit, when he’s moping around and she appears in his garden, and confesses she’s been living across the valley, also moping around. Two peas in a pod, lol.
Laura Seng says
Any of the Innkeeper books are probably the highest on my comfort list. However, almost any book written by you is on my comfort list. When my momma was ill and passed away 8 years ago I read your books over and over to help me get through that time. I could reread and not think and just let my brain idle during those long emotional days and nights of caring for her. We shared a love of your books so at the same time they kept me connected with her after she was gone. Whenever a new House Andrews comes out I think about how excited she’d be.
Kristina Mae says
silent blade and then silver shark are almost equally my most favorite comfort read. maybe because as someone who swore to never re read books (why when there are some many more to read) I re read/audiobook all of IA books at least 1x a year and since Kate Daniel’s and HL have more than 3 I can’t just re read 1 I have to do the whole series but with silent blade and silver shark I get to immense myself in a whole word and live that storyline in 1 book.
JenS says
When I need a quick pick me up, I will read one of your short stories like Of Swine and Roses or Grace of Small Magic. If I have more time, then Silver Shark. I have more than gotten my money’s worth from these.
More, please.
Smmoe1997 says
My House Andrews comfort read is the Hidden Legacy series, specifically Emerald Blaze, but generally the whole series. I just finished a re-read (re-listen) to the series to get me through Thanksgiving week with my family.
Jan says
My favorite comfort read is the Ladies’ Communal, Ch 7, Sweep of the Blade. For the first time, Maud stands separately from other characters. She is not a failed vampires widow, not Dina’s sister or Arland’s not betrothed She is Maud, getting the hell beaten out of her but she doesn’t give up. She has figured out there is no winning but she keeps hanging on. When the scene ends after Helen brings Ilemina to her senses, Maud has prevailed. This is my favorite comfort read because when I’m having a particularly difficult time and really just want to quit, this scene tells me to just keep going and at some point it will work itself out.
Maria Sanchez says
for me it’s blood heir. it’s comforting to go back to visit Julie in her house near unicorn lane with the water feature inside and to see Derek again.
Beth says
Absolutely Magic Strikes. Jim breaking the clipboard, Raphael giving Kate the fan, everyone laughing about Kate’s sausage. The entire book is perfection.
Marisa says
I always return to Burn for Me. There is something so captivating and real about Nevada that I connect to every time. She is the perfect blend of idealistic dreams and stubborn realism. Being so grounded in love and family allows her to find the best path even when she is floundering because she doesnt know herself. This sturdy foundation of character makes it possible for purity to be found in even her most vicious of strengths.
Andrea says
I would have to say Silver Shark or Iron and Magic. something about the darkness to light trope always makes me feel better. yes, Hugh is a flawed person, but the way he protects those he considers his is amazing.
antonella graziani says
For me, it is Fated Blades and/or Sweep of the Blade. I los count of hoy ma y times Inhave read them
Susanna says
I was going to say One Fell Sweep because that’s the one I turn to when I can’t get my self to read anything in weeks. But I’m sick at the moment, and I was so happy when Small Magics audiobook came out because I got to listen Of Swine And Roses. And I realised that I also read it last time I was sick only a month ago. And couple other times too in the last few years. So for some reason that I can’t really explane (It’s not even in my top 3 favourite house Andrews stories), that little story must be my comfort read.
wkonsunshine says
I have read Burn for Me at least 6 times. Every time I have a long commute, I listen to it on audio. It is so immersive, I forgot about how bad the traffic is.
Tania says
My comfort read is the Magic Burns. It is the first House Andrew book that I read and it is one of my favourite in the series. I always pick it up when I need an escape and it never fails.
Allison says
The timing of this question is apt, as I just comfort read some House Andrews yesterday!
Magic Bleeds, specifically the Kate/Curran sections. I find it comforting because this is the book they “officially mate” or whatever Kate wants to call it. And who doesn’t love a happy ending
Courtney Kronk says
Three classics:
– the Curran- Kate pranks leading to her being glued to her chair
– of course, their first meeting, “here Kitty, Kitty”
– Helen’s day care skirmish leading to “ripper cushions.”
Cricket says
When I need comfort, Innkeeper is there for me. <3
Abigail Cossette Ryan says
Reading through the comments gave me so many feels. All these books are magic and I love seeing how they have comforted so many people.
I’m relatively new to the BDH, but have already read the Innkeeper series and Hidden Legacy a couple of times each (halfway through Catalina’s series again right now)–I’m on my first read through for Kate, but I know I’ll be revisiting her books many times.
I think for pure comfort I return to Gertrude Hunt–it’s such a hospitable story, and there is this beautiful balance between knowing the world is big and scary but also here is a good meal and peaceful space. I also adore Sean and Dinah.
Hidden Legacy is comforting, too–all the humor tucked in and the family dynamics…I just love it.
But I have to say…the scene that pops into my head unbidden and makes me laugh at awkward moments is when Kate sent Curren a saucer of milk at that fancy restaurant. Iconic.
Sophie says
While I love Hidden Legacy and Catalina in particular, I get way to emotionally invested in her for it to be a comfort read haha. For comfort I’d probably read (or listen to) any Dina and Sean related interaction. I just love their chemistry and banter.
Robin Talbot says
For me, it’s both Magic Burns and Magic Strikes. I own and re-read every one of House Andrews’ books but those two are just so perfect, I never tire of them.
30 Book A Month Reader says
I love every single one of your books – some more than others – but they are all great. Personally I loved Hidden Legacy series the most. The family dynamics are wonderful and each plot was extremely well thought out. Kate Daniels series is in a close tie with Hidden Legacy.
Jessica says
I use both Silver Shark and Fated Blade as quick comfort reads (or listens)
My favorite scenes from other books are the elevator scene at the start of White Hot and meeting Grendel in Kate Daniels.
I also love to read the extra POV scenes and then go reread the book scene.
Inese P says
Your books are my comfort read. I re-read them on a regular basis. And it depends on the mood which ones I go for, sometimes it’s Kinsmen universe, sometimes Kates books. (I’ll blame mom they cycle for my mood). I just finished innkeepers…again.
But I must admit, my absolute favourites are the Hidden legacy series. But in terms of specific scenes= on the Edge, where George gets to learn why living forever is not sustainable in healthy society. It’s one that I use with my learning experience.
Rita M. says
My IA comfort reads are:
Magic Bleeds – when Curran protects Kate from the water mage / learns who Kate really is.
Gunmetal Magic – Rafael and Andrea’s reconciliation is *chef’s kiss*
Magic Triumphs – any scene with Hugh
Mary Cruickshank-Peed says
I don’t know about comfort, but I still giggle at the meeting between Kate and Currin and reread it fairly often.
Alice says
At the height of the pandemic I read BURN FOR ME. Then I just kept reading the Hidden Legacy series. I was bummed, depressed and just plain upset and those books took my mind off it all. Thanks House Andrews!
Audrea says
Comfort scene, Roman being Roman. Either you shall not pass or when Kate and Curren ask him to officiate their wedding.
Pilar says
Scenes that convey real, unconditional love give me comfort:
Sweep of the Blade – the scene were Arland told his mother he’d choose Maud over her, their clan and all the power of being Warlord. I’m a sucker for a man willing to sacrifice immense power for the woman he loves. Like Maud, I was overcome because I knew he truly meant it. Arland is the knight in shining armor Maud so needed and deserved. Arland made Maud feel worthy again. He was so ridiculously proud of her, he empowered her.
KA – When Curran shocked Kate by not just walking away from being Beast Lord, but fully embraced raising a family with her. Curran made her childhood’s dearest wish come true… he gave her first real home, and family she always wanted … as you wish indeed.
Hidden Legacy – the scenes where Nevada managed the impossible feat of stopping Rogan’s raging hurricane. Her light and love broke through his darkness. He was such a damaged man and her love really healed him.
KA – When Kate goes off her leash and mows down every one that threatened baby Conlan. It’s a bloodthirsty scene, but, it’s cathartic, too. Kate was always so scared of her power but she embraced it fully to protect her child… in a way she was never protected.
Courtney says
While I always go back to Hidden Legacy books, I think one of my most favorite comfort reads is Silent Blade. The cozy kitchen feels and the visuals of lush dahlias always make me smile.
Arianna says
When I need to be happy I go straight to Kate book #3 or #4!
Magic Strikes and Magic Bleeds in my mind are fluffy, maybe because Kate finally realizes her feelings and acts upon them. And I just love the courtship pranks 😂
Amanda says
Comfort scene, One Fell Sweep, the breakfast scene. Starting with Helen naming Olasard and ending with Dina taking Helen’s breakfast plate to where she is hiding under a table.
With the coda of finding Helen helping Orro in the kitchen after they all go to apprehend Wing.
Comfort book is always Gunmetal magic. I don’t know why but I have reread Gunmetal magic more than any other Andrews book.
It is the perfect break book when rereading all of the Daniels books but also stands very well on it’s own.
I love how vulnerable she is at the start, how much she grows to accept all of herself throughout the book. I just love it and find the scene where Kate helps Andrea cover Raphael’s house in shag pile carpet followed by Andrea hiding in the attic and Raphael tracking her down, one of the funniest yet still most romantic scenes of any book ever 😀
Zi says
My comfort read is definitely Kate’s series, in its entirety :3c
Whitley Henriod says
It’s a tie between Hidden Legacy and Kate Daniels for me. My two favorite series of all time. I listened to both on audiobook while I was post partum with my two babies and these books brought me a lot of comfort while I was struggling through PPD.
Sheila Jacobson says
I referred my youngest Grandson (18 in Jan.) to your books; and I’m re-reading them along with him. (Even though I’ve re-read some of them 8 times.) This is fun because then we can talk about all the details. He has finished the Edge books, 10 of the Kate books, all the Innkeeper ones. One of my questions when he comes over is “What are you reading?” He always has a stack of other author books on his bedside table; and I usually buy him the next 3 or so books in the series he’s reading. He has a learning disorder (Dysgraphia); and the fact that he is a reader just makes me so happy.
So that was a long trip to answer the question of my Comfort Read. I would have to say it’s Innkeeper 4, Maud’s book. I just really like all the kicking ass in that book. But it also has family and loyalty and love.
Ingrid says
I love the descriptions of Dina building the rooms for her guests.
There is something so comforting about the thought of someone putting that much effort into not only accommodating her guest but going above and beyond to make it feel like home.
I love reading about the level of thought and consideration she puts into it and how much it is appreciated by her guests.
Laura (Gena) Moore says
Every time I pass one of the concrete road dividers, I laugh thinking of the scene where Connor was breaking them to show Nevada that he was scary w/o a gun. I think it is the part where Nevada decided to get a picture for her grandmother that made it memorable for me.
MacGrani says
I will stick to just three favorites (there are so MANY to choose from)
1. Swine and Roses – all time favorite
2. Inn Keeper where Dina has the ground swallow the ninjas and then Sean shows
up in wolf form.
3. No Heroes, Conlan’s short story. On dark days everyone needs a boy and his dog don’t you think?
Nik says
For me it’s the audiobook of Sweep of the Blade. I love Arland and Maud (and Helen).
Paulina says
For me it’s Blood Heir. I just love the dynamics between Julie and Derek.
Especially the scene on the roof where Derek finds Julie on top of the telephone pole and they fight against the thing that can only be killed with lemon juice. I’ve read that book so many times but I can never remember the name of that specific monster…
Paulina says
I just saw that I checked the Sperling for the post but forgot to check my own name…🤣
Moderator R says
Fixed it ☺️
Deb says
seeing your childhood home in ruins is a shock and a reminder of time passing. thank goodness we can always return to our favorite books, and know that any changes we detect are all on us 😀. my favorite comfort read is sweep of the blade. I love the way Maud is so competent and clever, and everything falls into a sweet and happy place. too many books today slice up your soul and don’t bother with a bandage, or even duct tape. I trust house andrews to never do that.
Nat says
Grace of Small Magics! She has all this crazy stuff and a scary, violent new world shoved on her, yet is able to react with such compassion and courage. It just makes the real world seem a little less bleak. She’s an inspiration ❤️
Jean says
Book: Bayou Moon, Edge #2
Scenes: 1) Maud and her supreme equestrian skills, riding a Hoard mount because she can.
2) the ferret heist – makes me laugh every time. The pure joy of the critters as they pull off the caper of the century.
Carrie C says
Me: “Oh! My favorite is …. Hmmmmm … wait ….” (purses mouth and squints eyes)
(Points finger in the air) “Ah! There is too much! Let me sum up: Everything.”
I do love it all. I could pick scenes from every book.
I love some for the tingles I get from the nearly cinematic (to me) descriptions of the imagery (Blood Heir, to name just one).
I love the warm fuzzies for the family interactions (blood and found family).
I love the complex relationship of Kate & Roland & Hugh.
Hugh’s heartbreaking back story made me understand he’s complicated (as villains often are) but deserving of redemption.
I love the bloodthirsty justice (Cornelius in White Hot! Maud in Sweep of the Blade!).
I love the quirky characters (Bug!).
I love the kickass moms (I want to be a mom like Maud when I grow up – I’m 46 so I need to get on that growing up thing 😄).
Spockcat Rocks says
I really enjoy the scenes with Sergeant Teddy in the Hidden Legacy books. For whatever reason, I identify with his character. 🐻
Stacey says
I am in a different boat with the growing up thing, but waving from the same sea. I went to my parents house for Thanksgiving. I called in sick to work today because I needed to put my pieces back together. last night at 130 am I put on an unnamed audiobook when I couldn’t sleep and kept telling myself I was home and safe. it was complicated growing up as me.
I go to Dina when I need comfort. Clean Sweep is my favorite. I have bother the kindle and audiobook versions and when I just need something familiar Dina and her haven is where I land.
Stacey says
oh, and I can’t wait for the latest Dina book in audible as graphic audio. I really want the scene where Sean takes down the space pirates because Dina understands his demons.
Lauren Weber says
I gravitate to Kate’s world because I love the characters and I’ve read them several times so they feel like family! My family is just as crazy as theirs is so it’s my go to! I start at the beginning and work my way through!
Meri says
that moment in mishmar when Kate looks up and sees Curran. I’ll dig through the whole book or that moment. then I’ll inevitably finish the book, go back and start from the beginning for balance and end up burning through the whole series again. But that moment is usually the catalyst.
Teri Langston says
I always want to go back to the time Curran was pursuing Kate and she denies any thought of a relationship.
And of course the scene where he hunts her down and she physically assaults him and then……….
Kristen Lupton says
I love reading Curans point of views right at the same time as Kate’s. it gives a great depth to the scenes, and really shows neither are perfect, but they try… and why they are such a great match
Iftcan says
my personal fav reread is from Sapphire Flames. The proving that the girls are all Primes, thus creating House Baylor. The best part of it is poor Arabella trying to solve math problems while in her alternate form. While I love mathematics, I remember my younger brother ranting about how unfair it was that he had to take math in school. And that’s why I reread that book in mid-Ocyober, which is my brother’s birthday. he passed away from cancer just before his 41st birthday. But that memory was always a fun one for me.
Jan says
Sweep of the Blade is a great second, but part of what makes a comfort read a comfort read for me is how many times you’ve reached back for it and how it keeps scratching that itch time and time again, so I have to vote Magic Strikes.
It’s Kate before the pain of Erra, Julie’s almost death and Aunt B, so she’s still a little lighter. There are a lot of great Kate/Curran moments, the phonecall, the bathtub, but I also feel it’s the book where the gang all gets together. The team in the Arena is great, has almost all of my original favs, Jim hasn’t become too Jim yet, and it’s fun and lovely and often hilarious. The ending is thrilling and devastating and Curran coming for Kate in the jungle is just top notch romance.
I just love that book so much. I’ll have a need for comfort, reread that one, and then I end up rereading the whole series.
Sky says
LOL, I have anxiety anf so I comfort read all the series one after the other when I’m struggling. All the Kate Daniels books together make it so I know I have something to read continuously for several weeks. Two of my favorite scenes are when Kate meets the Atsani and the Shepard in Magic Rises and when Christopher walks home next door and Kate realizes Barabas and Derek split from the pack in Magic Shifts. The most comforting series to me is the Innkeeper series, though. It’s funny and poignant and I really love the characters and how kind they all are in their own ways.
Simone says
I re-read everything HA has put out, several times a year.
But my go-to series, when I need a real comfort read, is the Inkeeper series. Dina’s anguish at the loss of her parents – even if it seems that they’re still alive, somewhere – resonates deeply with me.
That one scene, where she pulls out her favorite blue robe and suddenly has this incredible desire for a hug from her mother… that always breaks my heart. Because in that moment I sit here and I want nothing more than a hug from mine – and I know that it will never happen again, because she passed away last year.
A lot of things Dina feels in the books really hits home for me.
So, strangely enough, those are my comfort books… I guess it feels like my pain is being shared by someone else. And if she can get through it, then so can I…
Jean Morgan says
“Mr. Evans?” I called. “A moment of your time?” He looked at me as if he’d never seen me before. “Do I know you?” “My name is Dina. I own the bed-and-breakfast.” He glanced past me at the old house sitting at the mouth of the subdivision. “That monstrosity?” Aren’t you sweet?
I love this, this conversation signals the start of the Innkeeper series that I know and love. I laugh, I smile and I just love this series.
Trena says
Like many others on this thread, I go back and re-read many IA books. If I had to pick one book though it would be Iron and Magic. I despised Hugh in the Kate Daniels series and went into I&M with a LOT of skepticism. How could they take that absolute a-hole and make me care about him one iota without completely changing his character? His arc is *chef’s kiss* and they did it while keeping his personality believably jerkish. He didn’t turn into a NICE GUY™️, but I like him anyway. The banter between him and Elara is wonderful. I feel gleeful every time I read this book. Love it!
Caroline says
Hard to choose – it has evolved for me! I started out with Kate, but having read them at least 20 times, I now prefer the ones I haven’t read as often. I do really love Silver Shark as well, I loved the description of all the fruit and vegetables and just how capable she is! My favorite character pair is still Julie and Derek though, so Blood Heir is also up there!
Carolyn says
Clean Sweep. It’s still fresh and funny. I get my competence fix, it’s sci fi enough to be an escape but also innocent in many ways. I re-read when I need a safe place to land.
Jessica Fix says
that is SUCH a hard question. so many happy book memories to choose from, and Ive re-read all of them so many times. especially these last 5years or so. I can relate to every MC, each in their own way.
I’ve never been married, but I can feel Mauds pain and frustration after trying so hard to meet her vampire family’s approval, the betrayal, feeling her husband blame her for his stupidity. “horrible witch that I am” And how reluctant she was to trust and open up again, the joy when she finally did. (I STILL want to know how Arland and Helen got sap on them)
I can feel the desperation Nevada did when she was trapped into an impossible task, the rage, the determination to cram Adam peirce down MIIs throat. The confusion, thrills and exhilaration as she fell in love with Rogan. how she Would Not Leave him, not in the cistern when he was freezing, not when he kept trying to tell her she would be better off with someone else. “foolish foolish Rogan”
the edge stories, where each one finds exactly what they need even when they don’t think it could possibly be real. and at the end of the edge books, I wailed because I wanted to see George, Jack, Gaston and Lark grow up. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BRINGING THEM BACK!
I didn’t know the word monachopsis until I read Catalinas story, but I’ve been there too. watching her grow into herself was awesome. The way she kept going even when it was hard. How she REFUSED to let anyone break her and yet she still held on the the soft parts. she could be ‘Victoria’s granddaughter’ when people needed a sneer, yet she remembered to cry and love fiercely. When she told Alessandro “from what pulpit are you speaking” and he froze I lost it!
the in-between stories like ‘the cool aunt’, ‘pay me’ and Regina’s cut scene. Jack and George in school. the Rogan and curran POVs. I played ‘mere formality’ for a friend who’d never heard of your books and we laughed so hard. (he devoured the innkeeper series soon after)
there are too many things to list about Kate, Curran, Julie, Andrea, Rafael, Dali, Jim, Derek, Ascanio, Roman, Hugh and Elara. don’t get me started. and now Conlan is involved. Sigh. I don’t have words. the feels. So. Many. Things. About Kate’s world. maybe ONE thing I can say….
“Ianitori te salutant!”
“Not another word. Latin is a dead language but that doesn’t mean you can molest its corpse. ”
in silent blade when we first meet Meli and she goes through her interview with Agostino, then turns the table, drops the mike and walks out, it was epic. Then she does the same with Celino. then again with her father and brother when they’re pissed she didn’t kill him. she is her own woman and nobody tells her what to do.
I loved watching Matais and Ramona dance around each other as they learned to appreciate an enemy they had never truly met before. and when they danced in the courtyard, mowing through everyone, so they could each stand before their spouses and make them face reality?
“you killed everyone ”
“I don’t want to”
“I. Will. Break. You.”
in swine and roses, where she has caught the pig, and Pushes her way through the bullies, takes him home without a word to her family and then tells the poor pig all her problems while she cleans him, And her….only to have him turn into a person. I talk to my cat when I’m stressed. God help me if any cat turned into a person while I vented.
and in silver shark, how the whole building was family when you need them. I think that’s awesome.
I can’t pick a favorite. there are too many. but I do love the moments that are ‘victorious’. I love the moments that are ‘couch time’. I love the broken moments where someone takes the time to acknowledge their pain and then just breathe. breathe again. one more time. ok, I’m good now. when someone is caught flat footed and totally blown away and just stares. I Love all these moments and House Andrews delivers them all, over and over. thank you. for such beautiful, dark and hopeful, dangerous and fulfilling words that I can explore and revisit.
Angela Knight says
That’s a hard question. I like so many of them. Magic Breaks is one of my favorites. I love the whole Kate Daniels series the most.
When I’m feeling stressed and helpless, I like to be Kate.
Terri says
Iron and Magic is my comfort read.
Shenade says
I re-read innkeeper and HL quite often, however last year my 10yo daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumour, while in hospital with her the one story I wanted to read was alphas origins, the line ‘don’t worry, I’m the biggest and the strongest and I’ll protect you’ resonated with me.
I made my husband travel for 2 hrs to bring me all my hard copy HA books, I re-read them all during her 9 month recovery 🙂
CatS says
All of them but especially Sweep of the Blade and Iron and Magic.
Your characters are so well developed and have an intense emtional connection with life whether it be laughter or tears.
Oh I give up all the Legacy books too.
Over the past 61 years I have collected the complete works of twelve authors, you all are one of those.
Kirsten says
It depends on what the situation is. Whenever I’m nervous for a date, I can never sleep, and I always go to Swine and Roses.
MerryB says
“Of Swine and Roses” is most often my HA comfort read. Of course, the answer to this question varies sometimes! “Iron and Magic”, too
neurondoc says
If we are talking a specific scene, it’s the scene in Clean Sweep when Dina makes the patio move from under Sean’s feet. I’ve reread CS any number of times, and it still makes me laugh. If we’re talking a comfort reread of a full book, it’s Silver Shark for me too. Claire is so strong and compassionate, even in the pale world of her origin and I love seeing her burgeon with color and joy over the course of the book.
Katherine Beals says
My comfort read will always be Kate’s world, doesn’t matter what book. I found magic Bites on a shelf randomly around 2007 in a bleak time in my life when I was young and very poor and my spouse and I were scraping by. I adored her and her world, and as I grew up and built a life for myself, so did Kate. She’ll always have my heart. 🙂
So many great books and scenes, but I always smile at how happy/braggy Roman is that they chose him to officiate.
Also any scene in the innkeeper books describing Orro’s food, lol.
Kathryn Halloran says
Right now, it is Purpose. I love that story
laj says
I’ve read it at least a half of dozen times. It’s so Kate.
lbink says
It is bittersweet to look back at your childhood; I was a young child in the 60s and looking back it seems things were much more innocent then. You’re right; as you grow up you definitely are more aware of bad things that are happening. I hope your younger, sweet memories of flowers and friends out weigh the harsher times that came later.
As for a comfort scene: Love Matilda and her animal friends; Bunny, the cat, and Zeus. and her laughter heheh “silver bells”!
Thank you for your hard work; it is much enjoyed.
Sue says
Silver shark bc it epitomizes how a persons inner life can be so hidden from the outside world and reminds me to look for buried treasures in the people I meet
Michelle says
Innkeeper. Any of them.
Angel says
Definitely Magic Strikes. It’s my go-to comfort book, especially when I’m going through a hard time.
I get the feeling that for all her adventures, Kate’s at her bravest(& loneliest) in this one, true to herself, witty, badass, and a great friend.
Elizabeth says
Honestly, I just pick one that I haven’t read in a while. Then once I’m started, I go through the list again.
I have treatment resistant depression. I’m a school administrator, and the last few years have been extra hard. Plus, some massive things have happened for me personally. I’m very, very grateful for familiar series. With all the IRL stuff, it’s really hard for me to learn new worlds. I love revisiting all the Ilona Andrews settings, though am partial to Kate overall.
I am US native with a… challenging childhood. Due to ongoing flooding concerns, my childhood home was demolished and the ground is now government owned. Standing in the street, looking at what it has become, was deeply surreal. “Desaturated” is an excellent description. I, too, am grateful for the vividness of my current life.
Thank you for the gift of familiar heroines and smart mouthed young people.
Randi Gail says
Magic Bleeds is my go to comfort reread. I love all your series, of course, but Kate and Curran will always be my absolute favorite!
Stacy McKnight says
For comfort reading my go to is Innkeeper. My life was in shambles -like most- during the Pandemic and I found a sanctuary in Gertrude Hunt. It has all the things that draw me to IA:They are written with developed and inventive worlds. Peopled by great main characters and more importantly to me also great secondary characters. Excellent plots! There is an emotional balance I enjoy, humor and an emphasis on family. What makes Innkeepers extra comforting to me is the place. An Inn with magic that wants and needs you to come visit and an Inn Keeper whose primary goal is to welcome guests and do whatever they can to help that person be happier. It is the ultimate safe place. Sanctuary. I needed that more than I realized. I am a people person and I love helping and caring for them . I was a nanny for 25 years for 2E kids (gifted and special need 2E is twice exceptional) and then did some caretaking for Family then worked in a few group homes . I did not handle the isolation well. The Inn offered me vicarious company and a caretaking mind set and became my comfort bread spot of choice. I am in a better place now but I still go to the Inn to recharge when stressed. I think Sweep in Peace is my fav if I had to pick one. Fav scene ? Can’t pick one but if Orro or Caldenia is in it? I love it!
Sherri says
Definitely Clean Sweep (and all in that series) but certainly the first one. I read it during a time in my life that I really needed an escape and not only did that but made me laugh as well!
Have Mercy says
I constantly tell people that Innkeeper is one of my comfort reads and Dina is my spirit animal.
I will never get over the pain of having Dina go through the death of her ‘baby inn’. It still makes me cry.
I also love when she rescues Maude on the desert planet. That’s the first time you really see Dina wield a weapon in a significant way, without the help of the inn, and you realize how much of a core of inner strength she has 😊
Kate says
I usually go for one of Nevada or Catalina’s books. Throughout them all the strength of their family remains constant and that is comforting.
Lynn says
Comfort read: Sweep of the Blade
I grew up a tomboy, so I can identify with Maud. I still would rather be outside than inside.
Joy Wilson says
For me, it is the Innkeeper Chronicles, especially Sweep of the Heart, followed by the triumphant Sweep of the Blade. When I’m depressed, nothing comforts me more than the rescue of Maude and Helen, Helen and bacon, Helen’s gift of the tree ornament, and mango ice cream. Then I am ready to enjoy how totally outclassed by Maud (and Helen), everyone is! I can’t resist the ripper cushions, the bride’s coffee hour, and the whole amazing, wonderful hunting episode! So much to treasure in both books. I read them both multiple times last year.
Thank you, thank you both for helping me through the pandemic. When I couldn’t concentrate on any other books, yours reached my soul with uplifting comfort. I love them all and all your series, but these two books are my go-to when things are dire.
I’m so blessed to have found you both so many years ago!
Ctl says
Kate Daniels. I love the stories but my ultimate favorites are the scenes were Kate and Curran are working out their relationship. It is so functional in such a dysfunctional world.
And the parenting!
Wendy says
Hidden Legacy, Emerald Fire to be exact. I honestly love that entire series but that book from start to finish really draws me in. Probably because of the whole “STEP AWAY FROM THE MONKEY” Scene.
Deb says
They are all my comfort reads!
Midnight Games with Jim breaking clipboards, hot tubs getting people into trouble and the phone call beforehand that was worth the money. It’s wonderful, fun, a little dark but beautifully written.
Maud and Arland I adore. There is not a moment in this book that is not perfection. I have re-read this so many times it’s crazy but I still adore it and may now be off to read it again 🙂
Kelly Jacobs says
Sweep of the Blade.
I enjoy re-reading Helen’s first trevail at their new home, which starts on page 89 and I have it highlighted so I can easily find it:
“Then the scary old knight came and told me that if I challenged the boy, there would be ripper cushions.” “Repercussions.”
Tracey says
The scene in Iron and Magic where they worship the elephant and he stops the attack. I don’t know why, I just love that scene so much.
Sarah says
On the Edge is my first Ilona Andrew’s book at it make me happy and thankful every time I reread it.
Summer SAHM says
I LOVE the “kinsmen world” i will tell you.. i read one of them at least once a month.. whenever i’m looking for a pick me up.. it’s a feel good.. i would love if you went back.. maybe the kids get together.. lol.. now i’m going to go read them all
Toni says
Silver Shark is definitely a comfort read for me, I have it on audio and I will listen to it multiple times while cleaning the house, something about it just feels cozy. I also really enjoy Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks, something about that book makes me just plain happy
Marcia Sundquist says
silver 🦈 shark’s my comfort read .
KJA says
I comfort read Genres… and they are usually Regency Historical and Paranormal/Urban Fantasy. My favorite CRR’s from you would be the Hidden Legacy series… I don’t make book notes like others,,, I just read and do not over analyse books…. no post-it on pages or notes in the column I’m afraid.. just a reader who likes to read… I either like a book or I don’t. No discussions, no in-depth whys and wherefores, no book groups to bother me with trifles… I just read. K.I.S.S! The world is crazy enough, just sweep me away.
Helen says
Well of course there are more words… you went from pages 78 to page 163.
Too soon??? 😜
I’m sorry Ilona and Gordon that your book is long. 😪(Does secret happy dance inside…. more to read more to read MORE TO REEEEAAAAD!!! Woohoo)
Thank goodness no one heard that.
We all want you to have the best book possible, you’ll get there. “Shakes pompoms”
Carolin says
I love Kate and I love Julie.
I love re-reading various scenes and books in that world depending on my mood, but your books are always turning up new details despite being read repeatedly which is what makescit so much fun. That and the characters.
although I love Nevada and Rogan too,especially Acubens Exemplar. And Nevadas date here Rogan crumples cars for Grandma Frida- who always steals the scenes by the way.
Love Kinsmen too- keep reading the stories matching Luisa Preisslers warrior calendar, so right now it’s kinsmen. Love Claire and Deirdre too.
KJA says
Oh and I should say Jim & Dali (who need longer books IMHO) I love their little snippets…
Linda Trainor says
I always start Hidden legacy with the I will just read some parts but end up reading all of them.
jwharmby says
A lot of times it can depend on why I need comfort, but to save you from me listing half your books with a detailed explanation of which mood goes with which book I’ve narrowed it down to two. The first is Magic Breaks. There’s just so many great/heartwarming (and heart wrenching) scenes. There’s Ascanio refusing to be left behind, sacrificing himself to give them a chance to escape, and them refusing that sacrifice. Beau saving the day. Kate refusing to let Ghastek give up. Christopher facing his biggest fear to save Kate, and really everyone that goes on that suicide mission. Sarrat. Robert and Christopher’s sacrifice. Kate getting revenge for Aunt B. Kate meeting her father then making the choice to live for herself rather than for revenge.
The other one is Steel’s Edge. In a land of alphaholes where there can be such a fine line between protective and controlling, it’s nice to have a guy that is charming and courteous without it feeling cheesy or like he’s a pushover or not masculine enough. Then there’s Charlotte. She’s not a fighter and she’s completely out of her comfort zone, but she doesn’t let that stop her. She steps up and shows you don’t have to be Kate Daniels to be a bada**.
Alison says
My current favorite comfort read is the Kate Daniels Wilmington Years books I really like them when I am stressed because the problems are a bit smaller and the relationships are more stable. If I had to pick between the two books it would be Magic Claims.
Allyn says
Sweep of the blade for me!! The are of course others that make me so happy to reread, but there is just something about this one that I kept turning back to when I need a pick-me-up.
Wendy Morrey says
I comfort read the entire kinsman universe but something about the scene where Meli is walking through the market. “She wore a green dress with a red skirt. It made her look like an upside-down flower. Her hair was down, a windblown mess of dark happy brown. Her face wore a deadly serious expression as she bargained for a bunch of herbs with a vendor. The vendor threw his hands up in exasperation. She raised her eyes to the sky. The vendor shook his head. An ancient ritual of haggling proceeded merrily along, both par parties having entirely too much fun their own good, until finally she walked away from the booth, her bundle of herbs deposited into a small expandable satchel.”
This is scene right here. I can feel the warmth of the sun, smell the spices in the air, and hear the organized chaos of the market all around her. She is vibrant, content, and glorious. I think about this scene when I am seeking contentment in my life. If I am stressed about work or life then you can be sure I am listening to the kinsmen universe.
Mary says
Silver Shark for me, too. I must have read the teaser a dozen times before the novella came out. I’ve reread the whole thing many times over the years! More flower inspired buildings please!!
Therese says
I was tempted to say Sweep of the Blade too, but I think it would have to be Magic Strikes, the scene after Kate’s conversation with Hugh in the pit with Curran when she tells him who’s responsible for Derek’s face. There are a lot of scenes in that book that I think of fondly, but that one is a favorite. I don’t know, it was nice to see them both on the same page and feeling so protective.
Angela says
It’s gotta be Magic Stars, although I do love to reread Retribution Clause too.
Maria Dee Austin says
Sweep of the blade is my comfort read.
Vicki says
Fated Blades is one of my favorites. It’s a fun read with action, drama and a killer love story that never grows old. Who can ask for more?!? (Ummm, skip that last question. We are after all, the BDH….)
Heidi says
Kate Daniels, any of the series. I’ve read the entire series including all of the spin offs at least 12 times. Something about a badass women killing monsters makes me incredibly happy
Michelle says
Sweep of the Blademy go to comfort Bookand audible book
Kelsey says
Kate. She will always be my comfort read. Hard time with family? Kate reread. Work sucks? Magic Bites here I am. Bank account looks sad – ooh look, Kate’s free because I bought them years ago (girl math at its finest).
Specific Comfort Scenes – 1. Kate and Curran living their new normal with Conlan in Magic Triumphs. 2. Kate fighting Hugh in Magic Rises and the scenes following – love when Curran throws the boulder and she offers to fix it.
Khristi Tomlinson says
I really like to read Sweep of the Blade when I’m feeling a bit powerless. I also love to read all the Hidden Legacy books when I’m feeling stressed and need something fun to chill me out.
Thanks for all the books that make my life so much better!
Johanna J says
All of your books actually but I think I read Sweep of the Blade most often as my comfort read (and love the GraphicAudio version).
Debra says
The audio version of On the Edge. The dialogue between Declan and Rose is priceless! The way that Declan saved George, Jack saved William, and Rose saved everyone is amazing.
Katie says
For me it really depends on why I want comfort…Magic Rises is one of my go-tos because there is just so much vindication and emotional satisfaction in the later portions. 🤣
Jennifer says
Its hard to pick which one, but it would be one or any of the books in the Inn Keeper series. Maybe the first – I love the way Dina and Sean bickered when they first met. Or maybe the one with the space chicken philosophy debate, because that is all kinds of hilarious.
Maia Martinez says
I have a cycle, first is Kate Daniels, then the Edge and Innkeeper, then Hidden Legacy, usually don’t read kinsman, but I enjoy it when I do.
I have the gift of a poor memory, so I can do it once or twice a year and enjoy them.
I will ask your forgiveness for my English, I’m still self learning it.
I really love what gifts HA has given me. hours of fun and feelings, confort reads that feed my soul and mind.
The only bad thing is that after reading your books I had book hangover. Meaning that nothing is as good and nothing tempts me for a while.
Thanks a million to you.
Kenny says
I really like Maud and Helen’s rescue from Karhari. I have read it a couple of times. It defines the characters really well and sets the stage for Maud and Arland.
Wendy says
sweep of the blade – love maud and arlands story.
Amy says
Kate Daniel’s the first one. I feel like I entered a completely different world
Amy says
My comfort reads are the hidden legacy series because even at their most desperate the characters have support from family and friends and it never feels bleak. Who doesn’t want a family pancake breakfast or taco night to unwind in the comfort of home?
Laura says
Magic Strikes is one of my faves, as I love all the snark, the arena fight scenes, and the hot tub scene! I have my original audiobook version loaded on my cell phone so I can listen to it whenever. Good stuff and such fantastically well-written characters.
Zealith says
hmmm, probably Burn for Me and Clean Sweep.
Michele says
Any of the Innkeeper books. I keep going back to them and they never get old!
Liz says
Ruby Fever I know it was hard to write but I love seeing a young woman come into her own, realize she is strong and to have a handsome talented man stand for her and beside her. It’s just comforting. Also magic Claims. It’s comforting to me to see Kate get her home.
Di says
The last 2 books of Hidden Legacy. The story really grabs me, so interesting!
While I read or listen I look at the fabulous art, and fantasize a bit about having someone that handsome in love w me.
Jacquie says
My go to comfort read of House Andrews is Sweep of the Blade, and the scene where Helen gets ,”Ripper-cushions “.
Mellany says
Hard choice, but I’m going with Sweep of the Blade. Maude is a Bad Ass!
Mary says
I absolutely adore HL and reread Nevada’s books regularly. In particular, the ferret heist always makes me giggle.
But one scene that I always keep coming back to is when Gastek opens up to Kate while they’re trapped in Mishmar in Magic Breaks. I know that it’s weird to list as a comfort read given how dark it is, but that scene and the following conclusion of the book is so thoroughly satisfying as a culmination of Kate’s journey up to that point, that I will often skip the rest of the book and start reading in mishmar. (Although this is partly because magic breaks is not my favorite Kate book despite its phenomenal ending)
Megan G. says
The first 3 Hidden Legacy books.
I am from Houston but don’t live there anymore. That part of my life was tumultuous and in flux and I don’t love the city. But it’s where my family lived and sometimes reading about the places in the book give me a rose-tinted view into the mess that is Houston.
Megan says
If I had to choose one then I would say Magic Strikes! The games draw me in every time and this book is when we see big movement for Kate and Curran as a couple. We also get to see Julie using her powers to save Derek and we find out that the pack recognizes Kate as an alpha personality. All around amazing!
Tiger Lily says
Magic Strikes….I love the humor, passion, growing family feel, and writing that leaves me breathless of the Midnight Games.
Linda says
Silent Blade – love the fact she hooked him with comfort food!
Racheal says
Whenever I’m in a book slump or I can’t pick a new book to start, I tend to re-read the Hidden Legacy series and Silver Shark. Sometimes it’s just Silver Shark. I’ve read it at least ten times. 🤓
Naenae says
Ummm has anyone told her we are encouraging “more” words not less?
Julia says
All I read repetitively, but I just happened to reread Andrea and Raphael’s novel. her healing and their love is wonderful. Gunmetal Magic is a comfort read. Hidden Legacy and Sweep of the Blade are great comforts too
Brittany V says
When Kate has had a stroke and all she wants is to be home. For some reason that scene makes me cry but also feels so human. Brings back many sad yet peaceful memories of my grandpa’s final days.
Not exactly a “comfort” read, but more of a memory jogger
Sarah Turner says
Of Swine and Roses. I love this book. If I need a quick happy book. There is nothing better.
Brightfae says
Ok, so I’ve only read thru about a third of the comments and I feel like I want to +1 to half of them!
Sweep of the Blade is it for me, though. Especially when Maud realizes why she hasn’t said “yes” yet. Figures out what is really important to her. I reread that scene with Ilemina whenever I need to feel certain about something.
But there is also Threat Assessment from the beginning of MT. “Call me Kate.” It really makes me happy to know that even in her HEA Kate is kicking a$$ and taking care of things.
Wonderful question!
DawnR says
July 29th I had a stroke. As soon as the double vision cleared I went straight to my favorite Inn and read through from the beginning. It was such an uplifting comfort. My most heartfelt thanks for creating a wonderful retreat from the harsh realities of learning to use my right arm and leg again 🤗
Moderator R says
Wishing you nothing but healing and comfort, Dawn 🤗
Proud Bookworm says
I love all of HA’s work, but Innkeeper’s Chronicles are definitely my comfort reads. I love Dina and her very grounded core.
Lisa M says
Silver Shark for me too.
Katy says
I admit ho to is probably Hidden Legacy or Innkeeper, Kinsmen when I want a shorter one. Edge and KD are reread every couple of years.
Merrily says
the entire Kate Daniels series is my comfort read. I reread it regularly several times a year.
Laura says
We will read ALL the words!! I don’t suppose you ever had any doubts about that.
I’ve been known to reread everything, and I mean everything, as a comfort read. I’ll start on one book, get on a roll, and the next thing you know I’m three series in and searching the old blog posts for snippets and freebies. But my all time favorite comfort read that I’ve reread more than any of the others is Magic Binds. I love everything about the book.
I love Kate standing up toRoland. I love Julie starting to come into her own. I love the scenes with Roman, everything from negotiating with his god to wedding planning. I love Christopher remembering how to fly. l love Kate going to Mishmar and retrieving Erra. I love Ghastek as Kate’s Legatus. I love the fight at the Keep. There are so many good scenes that then organically flow into the narrative of Magic Triumphs. so much good stuff!
Obi says
I loved reading everyones favourites, each one brings me back to each book. And yhe idea of a sharing a “Comfort Read” was too appealing to pass up. For me, the scene that I keep going back to is when Kate and Ghastek (forgive me if I’ve gotten the spelling incorrect, I’m an audiobook listener) are trapped together. They talk about him being poor, but not so poor where your parents finish one job and have enough time to scarf down some mac and cheese before catching a few hours of sleep before going to theor second job.
It’s literary dose of reality in this realm of fantasy, and I almost always call my mom to thank her after listening to this scene. Mac and cheese was a luxury a few times, but because of her I always had a book – taking the precious gallon of gas once a week to take me to the library…. Tuesdays- her one day off.
I’m pretty sure when the Graphic Audio finally does this book, Imma cry.
Cindy M says
I have two.
#1 – The first time we visit Baha-Char. So amazing! I would go in a hear beat.
#2 – The whole lead-up and follow-thru of the Ripper Cushions scene. So funny! I love it.
Emily says
Hidden legacy is my fun reread, I love the world and the people and they are light and make me feel all the things but it’s not quite the comfort that KD is.
KD is a place to get lost and is comfortable for a long stretch and a deep dive. So it kinda depends on what I need.
Robin De Tota says
Sweep of the Blade, I love Maud, Armand and Helen, Kate Daniels “ Magic Tides & Claims(Clams) and the end of Magic Triumphs, that’s besides Innkeeper, Hidden Legacy especially the ferret heist and the aftermath. There is so much to choose from 😊
Heather B says
My comfort read is Magic Strikes. it where I really started to fall in love with Curran’s character and Kate’s fierce defense of her friends.
Mary Terry says
#1. Kinsman, especially Silver Shark. Scene: when he brings her tea.
#2. Hidden Legacy. I love all the books in this series. Scenes: Alessandro and Catalina on the rooftop battle in Emerald Blaze. And of course the ferret heist: I laugh out loud every time I read this scene.
#3. Sweep of the Blade. Maud triumphs despite being dumped on Kahari. And the scene with Karat when she describes the footage of Arland “tearing out of some armored hovel … like some hero in a period drama”. It’s laugh territory, but also the start of their love affair.
Marcia Siehr says
the Magic Stars novella is the sweetest of all comfort reads. (insert big sigh)
Cherie says
Maud, Arland and Helen. Starting with
Yes, the princess you were expecting put on her armour and left to kill the dragon.
From one fell sweep to Sweep of the Blade and all of Orro’s moments- bad burger and cooking show visit and learning that Caldenia acted out of love for family and Costco lady = Ms Mariask
Jacqueline Nielson says
I go to The Edge series:) The characters and their stories and their support of each other, even if they are not favs of each other:) Grandma Éléonore is a beautifully written character.
Samantha Matthews says
Curran in his massive tub with Kate saying: this is why I built the pack…and when I found her I glued her ass to the chair”.
Kate barking at Curran “No pain, no gain…”
Heather says
I have reread the Innkeeper books and the Kinsmen series on repeat since they came out. With each new book my comfort read list gets longer and I find new little nuances with each read through. I also reread the Hidden Legacy series right before Emerald Blaze to find all the little eggs.
Adrianne says
I adore your Innkeeper books, and of those, Sweep of the Blade is my favorite. I’m having a hard time with violence, and I think the Innkeeper books are the least violent. And of all your work, they show your amazing sense of humor. Space chickens hauling around rolls of toilet paper! Makes me laugh every time. My favorite sections of Sweep of the Blade include, “Next time you can help.” And “There’s a vampire walking towards us and it looks like she’s going to run us over.”
Susan J says
Ferret heist!
Geneva says
I love the Clean Sweep series. I take all the books with me whenever I travel. For me, I crave the familiar comfort of escaping into unknown worlds with familiar characters and knowing that while there is evil in the universe, goodness will win the day.
J says
House Andrews books ARE my comfort read. If I had to be specific, as Derek is my favorite character, that scene in Magic Triumphs when Kate asks him if he ever wants more money and he says he’s got enough for bills, food, tools, and presents. What else would he need? That scene just smacks of “found family” for me.
Thank you for writing beautiful words that have brought so much comfort.
Helen Holck says
White Hot. No matter what’s going on in my life the ferret heist makes me laugh
Vic says
OMG – too funny – yes, the call to put the screen over the dryer vent is pretty priceless.
Connie says
Mine is the Innkeeper series and Iron Covenant…love the interaction between Hugh and Elara!
Connie says
Oops that should be Iron and Magic!
Leigh-Ayn says
My comfort read is Burn for me – because I love Nevada and Mad Rogan and the whole clan. The sense of belonging and being loved. That book is like a gentle hug after a horrid day.
Sue says
I have read, and reread countless times Magic Strikes, Silver Shark, Burn for Me (the shock when Augustine realized Nevada was an unregistered Prime is priceless!) and Sweep of the Blade. And then along came Fated Blades. For me, it boils down to Romeo and Juliet with a happy ending. Grabbing their happiness despite their families’ histories. Wonderful addition to The Kinsman Universe. Thank you for them all.
Kate says
I have fallen into Innkeeper as my comfort reads. There’s probably a variety of reasons, like the attraction to an introvert of never having to leave the house and still get to have an endless variety of rooms to prowl through, but since 2020 I’ve returned over and over to the series when life is a little too hard.
Kim D says
🤭 If the editing added more words, I can only be happy – it’s more content for the always-insatiable BDH!
For comfort reads from House Andrews: I go back to the Innkeeper series over and over again. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve reread all of the House Andrews works multiple times, but the Innkeeper series speaks to a number of pivotal experiences in my life in a way no other books do, and I always feel better – more centered, more grounded – after a visit to Gertrude Hunt.
Vic says
Argh… too many choices… But if I had to pick a COUPLE… for me – Magic Strikes and Magic Bleeds are the 2 for OG KD. Love Hidden Legacy too. Your whole back library is my go to. My brain is about to explode on having to choose just 1. 🙂
Bonnie H Vosburg says
Innkeeper series would be my choice.
Seraphine says
Specifically the Graphic Audios of the Innkeeper Chronicles. They all feel like friends to me and being with them all is so comforting.
Ed says
Favorite is Of Swine and Roses. The scene where the pig is being cleaned up and then changes captures a memorial embarrassing moment. The ending is also great.
Jen says
My favorite House Andrews comfort read is the Innkeeper series. It’s lighthearted and engaging. It’s fun to see the characters from the Edge series pop up too.
C says
All of it!! But right now, Magic triumphs cos Happy Endings and all. And all the scenes with Conlan but my favourite will always be when he first shifts
Theodore D. says
My favorite?
I loved your first book… Magic Bites
And then I have to finish the series…
Each book is a delight and each one somehow scratches an itch for adventure, magic and fantasy. <3
Karen O. says
Sweep of the Blade is my go to comfort read. So many funny and touching scenes—-from the Helen “Ripper Cushions” lesson to the Maude/Ilemina “practice session “ to the final medward family gathering. A superb read and reread that I’m so glad House Andrews crafted and shared with the BDH. It is a wonderful story of humor,romance,redemption, honor and family. It makes me happy.
Fireflower says
Sweep of the Blade is definitely up there for me
Trish says
I also love Silver Shark. It has emotional resonance for me. Plus the ending was funny. I think you mentioned how it was a tribute to the endings of movies you grew up with.
I also like Burn for Me. I enjoy the “it’s not too late” and the independence of the characters. Love, love, love. And the messy family you’ve got it perfect. Grandma Freida is perfect.
Fireflower says
Chapter 23 of Sweep of the Heart
Hilda says
Sweep of the Blade always makes me feel warm and happy.
Bea says
Magic Binds is my comfort read. The characters are becoming more fleshed out, “real”. Just another ‘day in the life’ kind of deal. We start out with Kate and Curran going to Roman’s, asking him to officiate the wedding. Kate and Curran sitting on the couch and Curran saying they should ‘get one of these’ . It’s what couples talk about when they’re settling in, becoming a unit.
Then at the conclave, Curran asks Kate why haven’t Rowena and Gastek ‘gotten together’ shows just how observant Curran is and how clueless Kate is when it comes to relationships. Desandra’s nuttiness, love her unfiltered banter.
The Nick Feldman reveal, of how Kate explains why Nick hates Kate’s bloodline. There’s so many places in this book that I can stop and savor.
In Magic Binds we see Curran and and Kate becoming more and the people around them are ‘richer’ characters because of their development.
The more I learn about the characters, the deeper I get invested.
Magic Binds may be my comfort read but each of your books holds a special place in my heart.
Christie says
Hidden Legacy, Burn For Me. Nevada at “Mad” Rogan’s… basement in chains. Not into whips and chains but I liked how she stood up to him and, basically, won that round. Love the series.
Marybeth says
Almost any house Andrews book is a comfort read, but really love the innkeeper series and sweep of the blade and love Orro I want to cook with him!!! I would love to know what he thinks of my apple pie
Socorro Villa Glass says
Animo! You will kick those edits asses!
As for my comfort read, I’ll go with Kinsmen Universe, I love it! Not surprisingly, I am very drawn to Fated Blades, too: I love Ramona!
It all depends on how much time I have. I love Inkeeper: I wish I could be a guest in an Inn!!! The “problem” is my compulsive nature: once I started I have to read all the books in the series. And after I finish that series, I jump to The Edge (because George and the gang are there, too), and then onto Hidden Legacy and the grand finale with ALL of KD (small side stories in between, too).
So, if it’s a rainy day and I need a comfort read: Kinsmen Universe.
If it is a matter of moody season, I star with Innkeeper and go through all the series finishing with KD.
Jeanne K says
The one scene that still can makes me snicker without even having to read it is Kate saying “here kitty kitty”
Beth says
Sweep of the Blade is it! I love rippercushions. If I want more than just one book, it’s the Hidden Legacy series. Though the Innkeeper series is up there, I love when Rogan asks for the screens on the dryer vents during the Ferret scene, LOL.
Debra says
Definitely the Innkeeper series. Something about her sense of home strikes a chord with me.
Judd says
I really enjoy your books in general and can find lots of bits I really take comfort in, but my favorite book is “Iron and Magic”. Those scenes where Hugh and Elara are stepping through protecting those they have taken in as their people, especially as they see that commonality between them, and how through those experiences they gradually forge respect and deeper feelings for each other really resonate for me. My next favorite book is “Sweep of the Blade” because of the similar dynamic between Maude and Arwen. My Briggs-Meyer descriptor of “Defender” is probably a big factor here……
Nikki says
Tie between Iron & Magic and innkeeper series, Maude’s story and the last one. They are like meeting old friends that you haven’t seen in a while.
Megan says
While I love all of your writing, the whole Innkeeper series is comfort reading for me.
Courtenay says
You are cutting. However, words are related to hydras. You cut one off, and two grow to replace it.
Kathrine says
I always go to the Innkeeper series for comfort. I usually start at the beginning then read them through. Something about a welcoming host who sees to your wellbeing in a magical inn is immensely comforting to me.
Jen R says
Right now, it’s Magic Claims. There’s something so special about this new series. I love all House Andrew’s book like so many of us, and I go through phases where one appeals more than another.
Sara Seese says
Hidden Legacy is definitely a comfort read for me! I feel my heartaches heal when I’m immersed in a family that loves so generously and fiercely.
Pixatron says
This is such a wonderful question. I think it depends on what comfort I’m looking for, KD series was my first foray into House Andrews so will always be my favourite. It feels like catching up with old friends again with each reread.
But when I want to feel comforted and at home, Innkeeper Chronicles. I love how Dina (and later Sean and Maud too) create havens for visiting guests that suit their needs so perfectly.
I grew up with an eclectic household with up to 5 foreign students staying plus our own family of 5, who lived and studies with us. We had a girl from Japan who survived an earthquake, an Irish nun, a trans pperson in mid transition called Seana, a Chilean student who wanted to be a rockstar (reminds me of Sweep of the Heart’s space chicken saga).
I’d say Sweep of the Heart would be my favourite for that very reason. Late night philosophising, guests cooking up a storm of their home country meals and learning from each other. I just with Orro was in the kitchen while I grew up! I always get hungry and cook when I read his recipes, or Sean barbequing!
Laura says
Iron and magic .
Hugh is so low at this point but he gets up and he does better. The characters are all wonderful, especially Elara, but Hugh’s pets make me smile every time. The whole thing is a violent funny hug of a story for me.
Thank you for writing it.
Jenny says
I have the Kinsman Universe anthology and it is 100% a comfort read for me. Not sure I could choose between the stories. They’re so beautiful and lyrical and I love it.
Kelly M. says
The final scene of Emerald Blaze (before the epilogue), when Catalina and Alessandro both finally realize they are each enough.
“Don’t you get it? Right here, right now, you are everything I ever wanted. I don’t care about money, connections, or reputation. We can earn all these things, together. I just want you. You’re so much more than I hoped for. If you come home with me, I’ll be the luckiest person alive.”
Lyn says
Silver Shark (your mind is so quiet) Fated Blades (I will break you) Burn for Me (of course I’m funny, just ask Peaches) Ruby Fever (Catalina taking out Alessandro’s grandfather) and Sweep of the Blade (Fighting the dragon to save her daughter/or Ripper Cushions) Those are where I turn for comfort. Of course Sean caring for Dina after the baby inn dies can’t be forgotten. Ack! There are just too many. I am thankful for that..
Bhagya Maiya says
Magic Burns- I loved this book and it got me hooked on to the series and the rest is history. Julie was introduced in this and the whole arc with Bran was so well written and deep. I especially loved this part in the end-
“IN THE MORNING, WHEN THE WITCHES CAME FOR Bran’s body, they found it sprawled among white flowers. Blazing like small white stars, with centers as black as his eyes, the flowers grew overnight, sending a spicy scent into the air. By the time the day was over, the flowers had been christened Morgan’s Bells and a rumor floated person to person that Morrigan was so distraught over her champion’s death, she had wept and the flowers sprang forth from her tears. Bullshit. I was there and the bitch didn’t shed a tear.”
— Magic Burns (Kate Daniels Book 2) by Ilona Andrews
The writing is so Ilona – punches you in the gut
Laria says
Magic Bleeds. It’s everything I wanted from the series. Tension all over, high stakes, making choices and dealing with the consequences, interesting revelations. Both Kate and Curran show their strength and their vulnerability and have to work hard to overcome obstacles and there was a real weight to the conflict. I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve come back to this one.
Bonne Kelly says
Sweep of the Blade
Nogare says
The innkeeper series, especially the Graphic Audio version. Re-listening to the whole series just makes me happy when I am feeling down.
Andie says
Sweep of the Blade – the whole book! Especially when Maude cuts the fruit and Rippercushions and the final scene and everything!
Micki says
I must be the only member of the bdh that doesn’t reread books. I have reread the last chapter of the prior book before the new release to get my mind back where I left off but not the entire book. The guilt of my need to read pile of books would crush me.
Maybe when I retire I will have time to reread.
Cheryl Morris says
Sweep of the Blade, an all time favorite and I reread the entire series on the regular. Thank you!!
Bronwyn Bleakley says
I honestly reread whole series when I can’t concentrate on anything else. But my favorite scenes, across all of the IA books, is in Magic Triumphs when Hugh and Elara have arrived in Atlanta, and Kate talks to Christopher about why he is forgiving Hugh and then letting Hugh into the house the next morning and letting him help. There is something about all the reluctant and hard won grace, and about Barabas and Curran and Elara doing their thing in the background, and about the active crystallization of found family across those pages that brings me so much comfort.
This is going to be lame, but this year your books have been my main comfort… therapy has not done it for me but books center me- to get a tad more specific I am reading Kate Daniels again, including novellas and her journey from lone killer into a confident queen makes me feel hopeful about the idea of overcoming darkness while including forgiveness. Similarly, I find comfort when I read about the Baylor sisters, how they care for each other always makes me think of the friends closest to my heart. On the other side, it had been a while since I discovered the Edge series but the kids growing up between worlds is so colourful and kind of relatable and now that I have finally read Inkeeper, Dina is such an entertaining character and along Kinsmen (brilliant!) I can tell I will be coming back to these stories I am currently making a soundtrack for.
Isaura says
INNKEEPER* (You would think I read what I write with so much time I put into book hoarding lol. )
Aloy says
Sweep the Blade, i have adopted ripper cushions as part of my vocabulary lol
Amy says
I start with Clean Sweep because I cannot stop there, so I continue with the rest of the Innkeeper series until wherever it is currently left off. It’s one of those series I never knew I needed AND wanted.
RosieTR says
Everything IA is on my comfort read list but if we are going for absolute comfort it’s either Catalina’s trilogy or Magic Claims.
Cath says
I also love Silver Shark perhaps best, but also Silent Blade, Claire and Melly both. The imagery and the happy endings work for me. I also have a fondness that’s almost secret even from me for Grace of Small Magics, and for the story about the blue key in the drawer. The image of that key and the old woman and the griffins. Damn it; I went and looked at it again and my eyes are all blurry with tears now.
When you’re having those hellish days, when the words are stiff and uncooperative and you feel the hot breath of God love ’em, the BDH on the back of your neck — first, make sure it isn’t Gordon or one of the dogs, for your safety and theirs — and then lean back and remember that what you and Gordon write sustains souls and spirits, inspires minds, wakes hearts.
Not everyone wants the taste of magic in their world, and not everyone wants the same magic, but the world would be smaller and sadder without y’allses.
Lisa says
Just started HL the day before this post for this EXACT reason! I need my warm fuzzy feels to make all right with the world again
Meghan says
My favorite IA comfort read is blood heir. I read it about a year after I graduated college and the idea of of coming home and it’s the same but different maybe not because it’s changed but because you have resonated. It also just makes me happy to see all my favorite characters again 🙂
Gale D says
So hard to pick favorites! But when i need a brief timeout I go to the short stories; Of Swine and Roses and a Mere Formality.
The Edge is how i found you, and the series is still my favorite.
Loved how George, Jack, Sophie and Gaston appeared in the inn.
Thank you!
Tatiana says
The Innkeeper series in general is my favorite comfort read. For a whole host of reasons: it’s one of the shorter series that’s kept with the same characters and without major time jumps, an easier read, lower angst, and the inns provide a sense of magic that is more undefinable – more pure magic – without ending with a deus ex machina feeling. I’ve read the entire series in multiple ways: paperback, e-read, and graphic audio. There’s just something about that series that does it for me. 🙂
Of the series, Sweep in Peace and Sweep of the Heart are my favorites. I love watching Dina handle a major event on her own for the first time and then watching Dina and Sean work together.
TeejSD says
So yah, probly the most obvious. in the 3rd Rogan & Nevada book, where he thinks she’s ditched him for the night but then she shows up w/ the chocolate mousse. Stores that away and heads for the bathroom to get into comfy clothes. & of course he raids the mousse and they both just relax together on the bed. Yeppers that scene.
Pixatron says
I just reread this! It is SO sweet. Just the normalcy of lounging on the bed together with their laptops next to each other. Taking refuge from being next to each other. I loved it when Nevada told Connor, it’s not set yet and he didn’t care. So sweet, and so relatable!
Kathryn Albert says
Ironically, Silver Shark is my comfort read. It’s short, has a lot of vivid descriptions. The epilogue always makes me laugh.
AP says
All your books get multiple reads/listens! 😄
Kinsmen books ( especially A Mere Formality when I need a good laugh) and the Edge series are the most comforting for me.
(I’m an e-reader so let someone else be lucky.)
Katie says
I just finished another listen of the GA Innkeeper, so that is high in my mind, but I have a soft spot for Magic Rises. I realize it’s an emotional roller coaster but I will never forget how I felt the first time I read that book, and that scene when Curran crashes the party on the mountain with Astamur and the Atsany. Kate had his heart in her hands at that moment, he was absolutely prepared for her to crush it hin order to save her. Yes, I cried for Aunt Bea, but that moment on the mountain had me sobbing. I love those two.
Rhonda says
Magic Strikes is my favorite! I love how Kate interacts with everyone. The arena scenes are the best and there are more light hearted moments in this book. Everyone is funny even Jim!
Doris Gray says
Sweep of The Blade
Allison says
I think my overall comfort read is also Silver Shark. If there’s more time, Innkeeper. Fun magic/world and trust paying off, I guess? Innkeeper’s humor and relationships add into the comfort read.
Mari says
I’ve always been a re-reader. No matter how many new books by authors I love build up that proverbial tower of bucket-listed TBR asap, I often grab an older one and take a coffee break.
From House Andrews, it’s the Innkeeper books. The first time I read the description of Baha-Char (several times, mind you) there was a click. After that, these clicks in my mind kept coming, and were accompanied by laughter, and fear and anger at the villains, and love for the characters, which grew with every new installment and book and comic.
Since you mentioned witnesses, I call my family to the bar. They’ll testify I’d never before laughed myself to tears in our living room, in broad daylight, so to speak, like I did/do when I read about the first scholar and the rest of the Space Chickens.
Margarida says
Maud, Allan’s and Helen’s story (Sweep of the Blade). I don’t know why it’s a favourite, but if things are a bit gloomy or tough, this is my comfort read. I desperately want to know what’s happens next.
Lex Keating says
Bayou Moon is probably my favorite comfort read <3
But I fall back on Magic Burns a lot, as well as Burn for Me and Silver Shark.
Daphne Simpson says
Not looking to enter but I am going to share…. when COVID first hit and I was watching news stories from Italy and they were sending ships to NY and I’m washing my groceries…. I tried to read and I couldn’t… I couldn’t consume new info… I reread the Kate Daniels series. I am forever grateful for y’all getting me through a very difficult time period in my life. I’m a medical professional and it was just so much. Kate and Curran helped me though. Thank you…
Amber B says
I love rereading the first three Hidden Legacy books. It’s hard to narrow down, but one of my favorite scenes is when Nevada has been sleeping off in the sniper’s nest and Rogan climbs up to check on her. It makes me chuckle every time I read it.
Heather says
I love all the HA books. I just finished rereading the Innkeeper Series after just rereading the Kate Daniels books after just rereading … I think it just goes in a big circle to be honest.
My favorite scene, I think, is when Maud is chasing after the Hunt on Attuna. She didn’t have her makeup on because she’d just cleaned up after the Bridal Wassail coffee dump. And there’s this moment when you realize Maud’s broken free of her past at that point, just riding on the plain on her own, hiding behind nothing, making her own path.
Once I had a chance to see Stonehenge. The crowd was awful, you had to have a headset for the walking tour. It was all… ugh. And I took off my headphones. No one else was talking, they were too busy listening to their tours. And suddenly it was just me, Stonehenge, and the wind blowing across the Salsbury plain. That moment of being alone and in peace in spite of everything with the wind in your hair… that’s what Maud’s scene reminds me of.
Hilly Grieshaber says
“I almost had her, I could have take her!” from Magic Bleeds. It just sucks when someone takes your moment. One of my favorite books. Gives me a good chuckle when I read this scene.
Patricia B. says
Silver Shark & Of Swine & Roses. Claire’s bravery can make me cry & Alena’s adventure makes me laugh. Both are a warm blanket against the cold world.
Jennifer TN says
Magic Strikes specifically all the Midnight games are where I truly got hooked on Kate. I love when Curran shows up and hauls everyone in to the bunk room and closes the door and Andrea threatens to shoot Curran then Kate goes out and meets the air mage who is shocked to see her.
Also, any scene with Barabas and Chris.
And when Andrea and Roman are out and get attacked on the bridge and Roman gets so excited because bridges are between places.
The first chapter of Magic Binds where Kate and Curran ask Roman to officiate their wedding, I love Roman’s glee.
All of the Innkeeper. The whole family listens to them on GA. Specifically, I fell for Sean when his parents arrive and Dina has to hold his father and he stops them from attacking.
When Dina, Arland, and Sean go to rescue Maud and Helen and Arland sees Maud slicing through the crowd.
Maud making a plate for the tachi royal.
Nevada pushing Rogan down the ladder in White Hot.
Of Swine and Roses – love her bringing the pig home and it turning in to a man and disappearing.
These are small glimpses, I have so many highlights I cannot begin to name them all here. Thank you for your work, House Andrews, yall are a godsend.
Kelly says
Gunmetal Magic
Wrapping everything in carpet cracks me up!
Rue says
Laughter brings me comfort so I reread my favorite funny scenes in KD. Like when Jene Boudreaux swallowed Deputy Holland whole in Magic Binds. His reaction and the whole scene afterward have me in stitches. Also, any scene where Roland is yelling at Kate. Why is he so dramatic?
Tracy Sykes says
All of House Andrews’ library of awesome is my comfort shelf. But…I grew up in a broken family, ending up in foster care as a teen with all 4 siblings scattered to various places. We did not win the parental lottery, but I am blessed in my siblings who I count as some of my best friends. So my ultra-need-a-hug-comfort reading from HA is the family scenes of the Baylor family books. The family feelings and support are the closest feels to what I have with my sibs (and probably what I wish we had had , minus loss of Mr. Baylor).
Amelie says
This is going to sound silly but the first chapter in Magic Breaks! Kate is out on an errand trying to apprehend a bunnycat in Unicorn Lane (I think?) with Ascanio. Her relationship with Curran is still on the new side and he gets all worried when she isn’t home in time for dinner and doesn’t hear from her so he goes out to find her to make sure she is okay. It’s just a fun chapter showing the dynamic between them and a quiet moment for the two of them (apart from the carjackers lol) before the drama and chaos of what is a very pivotal book in the series.
Also any scenes where Dina is rearranging the inn for guests in Innkeeper, I find comfort in reading about how she works. I just find her creativity fun, she clearly loves what she does!
I realize you didn’t ask for scenes but I don’t necessarily read a whole book for comfort reading. 😀
Jennifer says
um, all of them… I think I go back to the beginning of the innkeeper series and to the hidden legacy series when I want something familiar and encouraging. and I’ll Reread the stories or these days throw the audio or GA audio versions on in the background ad I do things. Your stories have brought me a great deal of joy. I re-do Kate’s series too, and skip to the romance parts. lol
Katie H says
The Innkeeper series, is my favorite cozy read. I love details about the inn, and the idea of a home as a living entity. I hope we get more Innkeeper before too long- there should be some kind of Kickstarter to sponsor another book in fav series lol
Angie says
I love reading the family kitchen moments in Hidden Legacy! Especially the banter and back and forth conversations between the family members. I also love the somewhat absurd topics that get discussed in the kitchen, like murder mysteries and house warfare and wedding dresses. Grandma Frida is the best, and Leon always makes me laugh. You can really tell how close-knit the Baylor family is.
wingednike says
Silver Shark is my favorite comfort read!
It has one of my favorite tropes (boss/efficient secretary), includes found family, and is short enough to read in one sitting. I like the bit of Cinderella in it (I met the perfect person for me. oh, noes…she’s disappeared!)
It’s a bit heartbreaking but I love how open Claire is after all the tragedy she’s experienced.
In Silver Shark, you can see the bones of Hidden Legacy. I feel like Ven’s Aunt Lienne is similar to non-homicidal Erra.
There are always great bits to re-read in all IA books, but Silver Shark is just the right length for a quick pick-me-up.
Shannon Campau says
My favorite is Silver Shark followed by everything else. 😛 I just love the imagery contrast of her war world and the “mental world” and then when she goes to a gorgeous planet, it makes her “mental world” even more beautiful. Very cool. Make the world beautiful no matter where you are. <3
Mel says
+1 Sweep of the Blade (and the whole Innkeeper series)
+1 Hidden Legacy (currently rereading the whole series, now at Emerald Blaze)
Maud & Arland, Catalina & Alessandro are my favourite couples. 🙂
Emmalee says
Probably Sweep of the Blade. Also Hidden Legacy. (I’m currently rereading Hidden legacy atm, for a comfort read actually. I just finished rereading innkeeper). Also, Fated Blades. In all of the Kinsmen series, I love the description of the terraces and the slower pace of life in the providences. Also, the riot of color and the dahlias.
Maria Kneipple says
My comfort read is Kate Daniels. I love when Kate is pranking Curran as a form of courtship.
DL Kinnard says
From Magic Triumphs Kate Daniels
one of my absolute favorites…
He was a baby and babies threw tantrums, because life was hard and not fair and their wishes were rarely taken into account.
About fifteen minutes into the drive, Conlan gave up singing the sad song of his people and fell asleep.
Elaine Morton says
At different times each of your books will drift through my mind and I need to reread. Sometimes a scene, sometimes an image. In Burn for Me, the dress with ambitions of being a sleeve brings me back for a reread. Orro in the Innkeeper! Here Kitty Kitty. Or Julie in her secret house which everyone finds.
S says
Innkeeper is always a quick feel good read but I am a Derek/Julie shipper so I have a soft spot for Magic Stars, as well as Blood Heir (which I can’t wait to read more about). I love the subtlety in the text and how it can be interpreted several ways depending on your bias.
Raygina says
I love the Innkeeper Chronicles, but Sweep of the Blade is my favorite to reread.
Noybswx says
All of them, really. but I really love Magic Dreams and Magic Steals. I think Dali just really resonates with me (especially as a fellow blind- without- glasses individual).
Leyshani says
definitely hidden legacy.its just so comforting reading a series that’s so anchored by family, in the best way. A family that knows you so well and shows up for you. and yes while learnint to set clear boundaries.
DavidK44 says
I’ve probably gone back to Sweep of the Blade more than any of the others. If I go back to a favorite passage, invariably I’m four chapters past that when I notice the time passing.
CalycoCat says
Well, thanks to this post and the many comments I read this morning I have now whiled away a rainy day here reading Sweep of the Blade again while crocheting.
Thank you House Andrews for a perfectly lovely day!
Elizabeth says
Silver Shark.
“It was at once so much more than she thought she would achieve and so much less than she was capable of.”
(Silver Shark, p.107)
Sometimes certain stories just give this “ping” with you, I don’t know why. I just know that whenever I need to pick myself up or give myself a break, I read this book.
The sentence above is one of those things that ressonates with both myself and many people around me. Because of circumstances or life choices or war or whatever the hell.. Sometimes you just have to choose a path or start over or do what is necessary and it is both so much more and so much less.
So I think for me this story is most of all a life affirmation.
Josie says
Hidden Legacy
Frances says
I have two favorites – I just love Bayou Moon. I read The Edge series first and something about William just really draws me in. I don’t reread often, but I’ve reread scenes from that one many times. The other is Clean Sweep, because its the first of your books to which I’ve introduced each of my children. I read Clean Sweep out loud with my son and did all the voices, and it was such a joy to see him fall in love with the characters I love, and to have so many little jokes together (He especially loves Arland in Drama Queen mode). By the time my daughter was old enough for it the Graphic Audio version had come out and we all listened to that together. It was such a joy to hear it with them.
Iben says
I know it might be a bit odd, but Iron and Magic is my go to for comfort 🙂
Rose says
I am the biggest sucker for a redemption arc. This one is also a big favorite. Especially the feelings of building something greater together.
Mary Ann Apostol says
ohhhh…it’s so hard to choose from my favorites!
oOne scene is at Hidden Legacy when Nevada was chained to the floor of Rogan’s basement and to avoid giving out any information about Adam she gave him her secret about her father’s illness 😭
Robyn A. says
I would have to say one of my favorite reads is the beginning of Ruby Fever where Catalina is showing the family the new “estate.” I just love the whole chapter. I think it is such a great beginning to a book. From “Is it haunted?” to “There’s a shack in the back . . .” for Arabella. I read it when I want a pick me up and it always makes me smile and often laugh out loud!
Laura says
My comfort read is Emerald Blaze. Something about Catalina and Alessandro in that book is my happy place.
Sleepy says
innkeeper 1 and 2 for me!! it’s a holiday read for me as I’m baking Christmas cookies.
I really do love silver shark though, I should reread it soon
Stephanie says
Definitely, all of KD and the first 3 hidden legacy books. I personally think the banter between the characters in both is the most perfect I have ever read. <3
Jane says
Definitely Hidden Legacy,
the family dynamics, sacrifices made for the better good.
The humor is fantastic, cracked me up a few times lol
Rose says
The scene in Sweep of the Blade where they’re watching the cartoon in Armand’s rooms and they’re eating together and Helen gets to watch the movie and she’s never seen a cartoon before. They’re safe. That’s my comfort read. It also makes that whole book my comfort read. The Innkeeper series is also by far my favorite. I love all of the House Andrews works, but I can’t help but remember the magic of reading them week by week, watching it grow. A beautiful, magical world right down the street, so to speak.
Joy Wilson says
I have always wished I had a hard copy of each chapter and the BDH comments following each week. especially for Sweep of the Blade. Someone made up a conversation between the savark (? the horses from the Horde?) about how wonderful it was to fight beside the three that haunts me to this day. I would love a short story about Arland, Maude, and Helen riding them and finding the Innkeeper tree! that would be awesome! and then to find the doorway to Gertrude Hunt! Woohoo!
unfortunately, the computer I had everything copied to died before I could transfer it. sigh.
Yvonne A. says
Hard choice, but my comfort reed is Dina- Hüterin der Tore – 1st Innkeeper in german, but when i start i read the whole series.
Joan says
All your books are comfort reads due to the fact that the very excellent workbuilding and even better characters allow us to escape our own reality in really, really good company with amazing overall arcs:
So my list of favorite comforts would be:
* Kate interacting with Curran, Conlan, Erra, Luther, Roman, Hugh, shapeshifters, vampires… Hmm basically the entire series. Especially love the Wilmington years as it shows us Kate in her full bloom so to speak
* All family scenes in HL
* Innkeeper in general: How Dina keeps everything under wrap despite all various situations of almost breaching cover
However my most comforting read is Sweep of the Blade.
My initial reaction to the change of scene and narrator was a bit of sceptism.
But it turned out to be the most perfect story conveying how is feels to be a mother, wanting two sometimes almost equally important things – your children or children’s wellbeing and thriving yourself through your own accomplishments. A desire that still falls away if your child/children are not well. And as my daughter was about Helens age, when I read it first time you really got me!
The scene that captures the essence of it and thus is the most comforting of them all is Mauds rant to Ilemina in chapter 11 about what she wants.
And in every re-read since I feel seen as a mother and woman wanting my place in things.
Thank you so much for all your worldbuilding, characters, blogs and kindness in sharing it all.
Joan says
damn, should have been “your child or childrens wellbeing” and where did that extra every come from in the end 😄
Moderator R says
Fixed 🙂
Jelaina says
Definitely Kate’s books are my #1 but Hugh’s book is one of my favs too and such an awesome tie into the depth of his character. Plus… his obsession with the moat. Every time I read him going on about it, I smile.
J says
I reread all IA series regularly as comfort reads. I’m even reading them in French to help with expanding my vocab and learn some witty remarks. I’ve just finished rereading/relistening to Iron and Magic and I had completely forgotten about the scene where Stoyan/Lamar was reading Machiavelli to a comatosed Hugh and Bale was reading Hugh Harry Potter. I almost fell off the chair laughing when S/L asked Bale what Bale was waving at them and Bale said a stick and S/L threatened Bale to better watch out if he thought that he was waving a wand at them.
Maddie says
I also try to read them in French! I thought what could possibly motivate me to improve my vocab… nothing better than your favorite authors! Though I have to say so far I’ve only tried the first innkeeper and I haven’t gotten terribly far – the descriptions of the inn were a bit of a challenge for me and my high school french 😀
Anna says
so hard to choose, I re-read everything constantly!
the edge series, iron & magic, or the kinsmen series.
Anna says
oh, and A Mere Formality!
the exhaustion of diplomacy and facilitating relations. I just get it.
Sabrina says
I crack down every time I think about the big bad Roland, with all his age, knowledge and power, who pop up in front of Kate and call her Blossom, like yours average Joe..
Never fail to put a smile on my face.
That’s genius,
Elise Hastings says
I always get a laugh from Kate using a vampire as a hole punch ☺️
Suma says
It’s impossible for me to pick just one. You as authors don’t just write stories, you build worlds. I relive every single world while I wait for your next piece of writing. I relive them for the resilience of the characters – the themes of love, loyalty, and integrity.
Deep moments when Kate shows so much love – driving Andrea through deep magic to the boudas, taking The Scarlet Star for her friends, fighting off challengers while Curran recovered from Erra’s darkness… so many scenes.
Dina’s books held so much love. When she fought for Sean’s freedom with Nuan Cee and protected the Hiru. When Kosandian chooses Lady Wexyn and explains Caldenia’s reason for self-exile.
In the Edge series, when Charlotte first shows her power on the boat using White leprosy and everyone was afraid to stand next to her but Richard offers his arm for support. When Charlotte sacrifices herself for Sophie and Richard’s sacrifice brings her back from being the living death.
In Hidden Legacy, when Catalina screeches for the first time.
I can think of so many more but you get the idea! I think the reason why these scenes give me so much comfort is because these are pivotal moments where the characters evolve in love and power.
Thank you for writing.
Dstrangeone says
Lately I have been on an almost constant IA re-read loop. I have only had a few new books/series that really kept my attention, plus any time I feel anxious or frustrated I zoom right back to the next IA book in line. I can’t even count how many times I have listened to Hidden Legacy (my fav) this past year. Right now I doing the Innkeeper series.
Ruth says
I have 2 comfort reads. the first is a quick read, I love the short story Of Swine and Roses.
But, a sit down and get comfy and read it has to be meeting Kate for the first time in Magic Bites. I’m hooked from that first read everytime.
Stephanie Williams says
I love to reread the scene in Clean Sweep where Sean is trying to build the base for the barbecue pit and Dina “helps”, with some input from the inn. I sniggering to myself just writing this. It’s a tonic for the worst of days.
Brianna says
How fun!
Clean sweep is definitely it! I love the entire book and it never fails to make me smile. My favorite scene would be Sean in the Apple Orchard with Beast. But the football playing Vampires are a solid second.
Maria says
Love everything that you weite.
My favorite is everything Hidden Legacy. I grew up in an all female household (though the Cousins in HL are really cool, too) and the banter, the day to day, the near adoption of friends into the family who lost their birth family, the cooking, the hard work, the familial support feel like my childhood. Also the humour is sooo funny. And the „voice“ of this world is so strong. After 2 sentences of the Augustin snippet I knew it had to be hidden legacy.
And I absolutely adore Sweep of the Blade. Love the politics, the different species, overcoming difficult odds, adorable Helen and of course romance is nice, too. The vampires are so endearingly and frustratingly dramatic an stubborn. And also hard workers. It‘s just a great mixture.
Emma G says
Hi! High school social worker here. One book I haven’t seen on this list (no I didn’t read every comment!) is Hugh’s book, followed by his scenes in Magic Triumphs. It’s … an odd kind of comfort. A hard reality one. For me, it’s proof that recovery from trauma- especially ones you invited yourself- can be overcome and forgiveness can be found. It’s proof that things can get better! That who my students are right now, isn’t necessarily who they’ll be when they grow up. Hugh’s redemption arc is so so important to me- it’s hard to read, but I think about it and remember it a lot. I love that HA depicts realistic symptoms of PTSD (Hugh’s drinking, his nightmares, his impulses, rages and mistrust, Kates fears of being buried alive – books after being stuck in father’s prison!) and also takes the reader down a realistic road of fighting for the life you want and the person that you want to be. No, it’s not ‘pull yourself by your bootstraps’. Its community, asking and giving help, being scared but knowing it’s safe so doing it anyway, it’s tireless effort, and taking care of yourself. That’s why I love Hugh’s story. Its the story of so many of my students and friends. Its the gritty reality of overcoming a past shaped by other people and the … near terror and ferocity involved in making your own future.
Jo says
I always reach for Bayou Moon. The Hobo Queen and Lord Bill dynamic has an amazing energy that just sucks away the blues. Fave scene – when Cerise finds out William is a mirror spy and he realises she won’t leave him. Cerise telling her family not to throw rocks at the man she loves, as she knows all their dirty secrets and won’t miss when she throws them back. Just love this book and after reading for 20 years, it’s the first book that I ever did a re-read of.
Maddie says
For me its Silver Shark – don’t even know why but I think I must have read it at least ten times by now. I guess I admire how much she can keep hidden within herself while only displaying what she deems useful at any given time. An impenetrable shell around one’s mind and emotions sure would be handy 😀 And while that might not be the indended moral of the story, I like how she’s able to handle everything herself without confiding in anybody – hiding her identity, immigrating to a new planet, fitting in, fighting baddies, saving kids in trouble, all in a day’s work 🙂 Although, of course, it’s nice that she finds her people in the end and can open up and relax a bit 😀 Favorite scene has to be her job application… gears turning and trying to give the appropriate responses while analysing her surrounding and reactions to her, sadly failing by being too freaking competent – has me grinning like an idiot every time I read it!
Judy Whittaker says
My fave comfort reads are Fated Blades and Kinsmen.
ColleenR says
Sweep of the Blade is my go-to Andrews comfort read. Maude is a wholly-made, concrete character that never loses internal consistency. This scene is one of my favorites:
“The words kept pouring out of some secret place she’d hidden them and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t stop them. “I lived a lie. I can’t take that chance again. I won’t. I don’t want Arland to marry an outsider who is barely tolerated. I want him to marry someone who is valued by his House. Someone who is indispensable. I want that marriage to be seen as a boon for House Krahr. I don’t trust any of you except Arland. I want to ensure that you will never turn on me. That my daughter will have a place here not because of your son, but because of me and eventually because of herself.”
Hillary says
Bayou Moon
Karla Purtell says
Bayou Moon is probably my favorite re-read. At least once a year!
Jenn Parker says
The Cool Aunt, specifically the conversation in helicopter about Arabella not having enough hands to catch everyone.
Jim says
I love definitely all of the Innkeeper Chronicles. Kate Daniels’ books is how I got started reading your books. It helps me relax with a little excitement.
Sue from Africa says
Of all House Andrew’s series, I love most Hidden Legacy and Innkeeper, and as with so many others in the comments above, Sweep of the Blade is my most gone to comfort read. Coming a close second are both Silver Shark and Silent Blade from Kinsmen.
Bec D'Cunha says
the bit where Catalina’s family aren’t affected by her magic and it’s explained. (im terrible but i cant even remember which of the books its in- never remembers the titles!) because they couldn’t love her any more than what they already do. I read this when my son was tiny, and he was a 4.5 year journey of infertility that happened as soon as my husband took me somewhere bright and sunshiny. and after his arrival, we’ll let’s just say I was a hot mess for a long time. but I had never loved anything more. and I don’t know that I ever will. and I was comfort at those 3am insomnia stages where I knew I had to go to sleep because he’d be awake in another hour. but I couldn’t sleep. so I’d read more bdh magic.
Jean says
Silent Blade , I have read the book so many times . It is my go to book when I feel down . 💖
Sharon says
I love Sweep The Blade but Kate is my absolute favorite. I think Magic Strikes is my favorite book. I also love when Kate and Hugh fight in Magic Rises
Megan says
Magic Triumphs is one of my favorite comfort reads. Sometimes I just need to read about Kate kicking a**, despite the chaos, to remind myself that I can too.
Kari says
Silver Shark is probably one of my comfort reads as well 😅
Carrie F. says
Hidden Legacy is my comfort read. I can’t wait for the Graphic Audio!!! It’s the snark that gets me. The way I can laugh and be anxious about a situation at the same time. I love ANYTHING with Grandma Frieda in it….and also Leon. He was written exactly…a true teenage boy, and I love who he is turning into!
Moderator R says
Let’s hope Graphic Audio will pick it up for adaptation! 🙂
No news at the moment for that.
Tiff says
I hadn’t really thought about this too much, but I would say it’s On The Edge. I think it’s the liminal nature of it, near-world escapism. Plus fluffy lynx cubs, great characters, and Edge Burgers!
Holandessa says
My comfort read is also Silver Shark. It has everything I ask from a book but shorter, so when I need to feel better I read it and my mood is improved in the same day😊
Stephanie says
Mine is definitely hidden legacy. it’s a fun read and I love the magic system, but I think i go back for the family that is there no matter what. I have a rough relationship with my own family and the Baylors are a balm I need every so often.
Kate Marshall says
Magic Rises! They are all masterpieces, but Magic Rises makes my toes curl.
Kristin Martin says
Silver shark is one of my favorite comfort reads. Its fun, a little sexy, dash of adventure…..
Favorite all time scene however is when Caldenia and her nephew speak in the garden. We learn how much more there is to her story. Such an amazing woman! Gets me every time.
Ellen says
Of Swine and Roses
For a very fast read when I just need to take a few minutes break.
Dara says
“Sweep of the Blade” . I used to have problems sleeping through the night. I’d wake up at 3 something and my mind would just spin and tumble around. Then, I found audio books. I’d wake up, plug in a book (that I’d already read and liked), and just listened until I fell asleep again. Worked like a charm. My best go to book is Sweep of the Blade. Fierce women (and children), fascinating beasts, dynamic men, mean girls, and happy endings. It tilts my brain back to level. Thanks!
Amber says
Another Hidden Legacy fan here. As much as I love Nevada’s trilogy, it’s Catalina’s that really speaks to me. Two scenes from Emerald Blaze are my favorite rereads: Catalina and Alessandro having sex on the roof that first time (because really, the spice is just yum!) and the whole scene from Grandma Frieda being bitten through Rogan walking in. For all that is a nail-biter scene, there’s so much humor there too. Grandma Frieda faking to keep getting CPR from Alessandro, Arabella throwing shorts at Catalina and Runa, “emotionally compromised”, Nevada telekinetically going after the spider, and her remark to Rogan about the baby’s magic just keep me smiling throughout. I usually listen to the audio books rather than read them, and Emily Rankin is such a wonderful reader, especially with that scene.
Wendy Wellesley says
Ferret Heist….I mean seriously how much do I love that entire scene? Honestly in all of your books, there are always scenes and dialogue sequences that I love so much, that make me laugh out loud, and bring such comfort and peace. It’s hard to choose most of the time. Also in Fated Blades when they go to interrupt Haider Davenport – the whole sequence with the desk, the discussion, and his crowing over making money – also a fantastic scene (recently reread). I’ve read all of your books many countless times.
Kelly C. says
The Burn for Me series is my favorite go to read. I reread all your books each summer (elementary librarian). Your books earned me top elementary staff summer reader this year so thanks! I love that it’s set in Houston. When I was younger and poorer, I would teach during the day, then work at a bookstore nights and weekends. When I had time off I would drive from Dallas to Houston every chance I got to spend time with my family. I think that’s why it’s comforting along with the fact that I love the characters. Reading and rereading your books is like sitting down with a good friend. Thanks!
Lora Tyler says
My favorite is the Midnight games. The history of Kate, the loyalty of Andrea, and the protectiveness of Curran. My favorites. Derek was unfortunately a casualty but it did grow him up incredibly fast as trauma is want to do.
Barbie says
Most definitely Hidden Legacy series, especially the Catalina books. I can reread (listen) to them at any time.
Barbara Azevedo says
Definitely Hidden Legacy, the first one stole my heart completely and every time I need to relax my mind, I go back to it.
so yeah, burn for me 🙂
Angie seale says
I reread innkeeper for comfort. something about them put me in a cozy state of mind. thanks guys!
Patricia Ball says
I love the part in the Edge series where George learns he must let go of the dead.and so many others, where people find they can be loved for who they are. That series I read again and again, it speaks to my heart more than any other. I thank you so very much for writing this world into existence.
Chris Neko says
the beast lord can Not use a Hammer ….is in the first KD novel scene is a Translation from german to eng .
Byron Matthews says
One of my comfort reads is the ferret badger heist in White Hot.
Tabatha says
My House Andrews comfort read is definitely Blood Heir. Specifically I adore the section in Chapter 2 describing Julie’s new home. To me, it really feels the embodiment of a safe haven, and there’s something really poetic about this space that is designed to her exact needs and is just her own. I’m usually far more invested in character driven moments, but I really love that scene being introduce to the setting itself. Also the subsequent secede set there are some of my all time favourites! (Chapter 11 I’m looking at you)
Libby says
I love the scene where Kate first meets Curran. “Here kitty, kitty”.
Sarah says
My comfort read is to start the series on repeat. I also do this in anticipation of a new release… generally my happy place is when one of the Baylor’s is kicking butt either irl or intellectually. And each new pairing is my favourite. Also +1 on Sweep of the Blade. Love everything about it… oh and Anything in the Kate world… um everything? I have pretty much all your books on re-read when I want to reset mentally. sorry to be so unspecific but I just love your worlds.
Kat M. says
It’s always Innkeeper for me. Dina in her magical home, talking to it, creating beautiful spaces that make her guests feel so cozy and welcome, just gives me all the warm fuzzies. Even Sean feels like Gertrude Hunt is home.
V says
I love the scenes in Magic Claims that show Curran and Kate re-finding themselves with a layer of maturity over the kick-ass and general joie-de-guerre, and the passion undiminished. I know it’s really new, still, but they’ve already become comfort scenes.
Alethea says
Sweep of the blade and Innkeeper series
Joanna Turnbull says
Sweep of the Blade. I love the scene when Maud freezes the monster so she has time to free Helen from the monsters’ maw…. Then Blood Heir after that. I love Marten. She is so sharp!
Kimberly Campbell says
Sweep With Me hands down. It’s in my audio list. I have listened to that book at least 20 times. (I have a very long drive to work.) For me that book has it all. It’s funny (space chickens) allow me a moment to smile. Romance (Sean in his Inn Keepers robe). Intrigue ( Must except all guests) and most of all warmth and heart to the very end. I love this book and still get excited just at the thought of relistening to it. I have read all your books. I truely love them all but Sweep With Me is my fav.
Zee says
My go to comfort read is the scene where Curran finds Kate in the Mountains in Magic Rises. Both Kate and Curran are so incredibly vulnerable in that scene and it damn near breaks my heart and mends it every time.
Donna says
I reread books because I like the characters and want to spend time with them. I’ve reread Kate Daniels, Hidden legacy and Clean sweep many times. I find them all comfort reads because I’m spending time with friends.
Nanette says
My comfort “read” is Sweep of the Blade, in the Graphic Audio version. I listen to it when I have trouble getting to sleep or wake up in the middle of the night. It is better than a glass of warm milk to get me to sleep with a smile on my face.
Tai says
Any Kate book is a good comfort when I need one but Magic Bites is my go to. I bought Bites as a paperback in ‘09. A year later I left an extremely toxic workplace for a job at the very bookstore I bought Magic Bites.
Four years later the company closed that store and fired all the staff.
It sounds awful but being jobless right then, at that time, lead me to the place I am now. I love my work and I work with some of the most amazing people I know.
I still have that same copy of Magic Bites. It’s precious because it reminds me of how I got where I am.
Sandra says
When things are really bad, I re-read the Innkeeper series and then keep on
going. Thank you for them.
Cindi says
Definitely Hidden Legacy. Love the family dynamics and the family loyalty. The interactions are so very real and enjoyable. I laugh out loud every time I do a re-read!
Maya says
Hard to choose, but I think that Sweep of the Blade is the most comforting for me. The combination of character dynamics just works perfectly.
Rhonda C says
Where Maude tells Helen that “Hate is a very powerful tool”
that is probably one of the very best explanations of certain people’s unresolved inclinations toward ignorance.
Claire says
I think Sweep of the Blade – mostly because of Helen.
The scene where she faces off with Arland at the breakfast table, then smashes her mug and disappears with the bacon just makes me laugh no matter how many times I read it, and “Yes, Chef!” makes me smile.
Throughout the entire book, scenes with Helen provide insight into the other characters, and I enjoy that a lot.
Carole says
I love the scene from On The Edge where Jack is showing William his bedroom. William is so gobsmacked by the realisation that Jack and Georgie have been brought up and treated the same, that Jack rushes to the fridge for the emergency chocolate, to help William feel better.
Missy says
The family dynamics in the Hidden Legacy books always bring such warm comfort to me!
Now that we’re older and boring life things like work get in the way, spending time with my sisters gets harder and harder to do. Visiting the HL world and rereading their adventures reminds me of the bond with my own family and how no matter where we are, my sisters and I are always connected. <3
Elizabeth says
I love all the books. Hidden Legacy is probably my favorite series, but really it’s like trying to pick your favorite child! If we’re talking an individual book I have to say Silver Shark. I have probably re-read that story over 100 times. I love it because I understand the difference of the bleak depression to the colorful joy. I want to read any other books set in that world. I keep hoping that maybe you’ll revisit it again.
Kaitlin says
While I dive back into all of the worlds House Andrews has created, I tend to go to Hidden Legacy books for comfort more than the others. I think the family dynamics, banter, and characters finding their metaphorical feet is really comforting.
Thanks House Andrews!
Sher C says
For me it’s definitely KD Magic Rises. I love how Kate has to mitigate her duty against Curran’s behavior. I especially love the scene after she gets rescued and is at the shepherd’s place and Curran shows up.
The anger, the passion, the misunderstandings, and the miscommunication are all being put out there and getting sorted – it is the best. And the way the humor hits in that intense scene is one of my favorite things.
E says
Christmas at the Inn. I’ve re-listened to Innkeeper so many times I’ve lost count. It’s great comfort read for when my mind is busy and needs happiness to percolate through my ears.
Izzy says
Blood Heir, especially when she wakes up in the bath and Derek is there.
I know it’s somewhat controversial but I have always very connected to the two of them since the very beginning.
Corinna says
Yes, I agree
Jannie says
My comfort read is definitely “ Of Swine And Roses”. I have read that book…a lot of times when I needed a bit of ‘pick me up’. It has a strong heroine, an interesting universe, quality humor as always and a happy ending. What’s not to like?
Morgane says
I have a real fondness for Magic Triumphs when Kate tried to educate Baby Connal by the book , the maternal angst (et puis,Oh zut ! moment) and Oh, look ! Daddy is killing the very bad guy ! He’s very dead !
Strangely, it’s so cathartic for me, it’s very relaxing.
Ryssa says
Favorite scene? Impossible! Too many to choose from; like being asked to pick a favorite chocolate treat. Favorite book? A very tight race but Sweep of the Blade.
Jo says
Definitely Magic Bites for me. “Here kitty, kitty, kitty….”
I love the beginning of their relationship.
Chachic says
Out of all House Andrews books, I’ve probably reread the Kinsmen Universe books the most because they’re quick reads and each have their own HEA. I’ve reread them whenever I find myself in a reading slump, and sometimes I also reread them when I have a book hangover from another House Andrews titles (e.g. the latest Kate or Hidden Legacy when they just came out). Because they’re so short, I feel like I can get a quick pick-me-up whenever I read them.
Hidden Legacy is also a comfort reread whenever I feel like can commit the time to read all the books, it feels like visiting old friends. I most recently reread the entire series earlier this year when I got laid off from work.
Fera says
When Kate first met Curran in the Unicorn Lane.. it’s so momentous yet funny and thrilling at the same time for me. Kate being this badass mercenary and Curran acting like the proud Beast Lord, the two interact with each other and two lives with no intersection befote just started to entwine from that point on.
Also, everytime Curran being sneaky around Kate. And when Nevada shocked Rogan with her power. Which kind of remind me of the bear pair I look forward to seeing someday in future Hidden Legacy books.
Fera says
*befote : before
might as well add a scene from the Technomancer snippet where the female lead stood her ground despite her brother (or male relative) leaving her all alone to deal with the ‘dangerous guests’ during their family party.
Said guests later kidnapped her though. Unfortunately the snippet stopped before she got freed or escape.
Judit says
Definitely, Magic Rises. That sword fight…
Kallie says
I love all the kinsmen books, but Silver Shark is my favorite. Bonus (but also sad) that it’s shorter so I can fit a quick re-read into my mom of many children life.
I admire Claire so much! To go to a completely different world and embrace it instead of holding onto the familiar. Then there’s the amazing woman under boring exterior and hidden crush that’s actual mutual. *sigh of contentment*
Thanks Ilona for embracing the US and obviously rocking this very different culture!
DTschudy says
Sweep of the Blade: All during the pandemic, whenever I thought it would never end, I’d read this one. Maud endured years in exile and then had to struggle to overcome prejudice to find her place.
But the scene that pops into memory is the one where she comes off the bridal walk to find Arland and Helen keeping a secret together–the way one parent and a child would. I think that cemented them as a family. Or…there are just too many good ones to name them all.
Mo says
So for specific scenes: One Fell Sweep, when Dina and Sean are going to the transgate at Wilmos’ shop, which has so many elements I love:
-Dina and Sean bickering about Sean giving Marais the weapon and Sean deliberately annoying Dina with one-word answers.
-Dina’s annoyance about being called a “negative Nancy”
-Sean trying to distract Dina (from their pursuers?) with banter about “what chicks dig”
-the werewolves and their reaction to Sean. In a universe with the whole Pack structure, it’s pretty obvious that the werewolves want a Pack leader and also obvious that they have chosen someone not interested in it.
-Dina’s little squee moment when Sean calls her his girlfriend – very amusing to the reader as it is obvious by this point in the book that they are way past boyfriend/girlfriend stage
So there are things happening in the book between characters and then also the reader and the author interacting in, what, metatext? Not the right word.
Mo says
“without a Pack structure” not “with”.
Also, I may be alone in the whole part where I read a scene and squint toward the author and think “what ELSE are you setting up here?”
elf says
I have to say, the first two Hidden Legacy books are a comfort read, along with the entire Innkeeper series. I double checked my list (yes I have to keep a list. I’m old and I need to remember which books I’ve read recently ) and I have read Burn for me 11 times. What can I say? Nevada is a great character, I love her banter.
Tanja M. says
Judging by the notecards stuck between pages, I can confidently say all my IA comfort reads are from Hidden Legacy.
If I had to pick a favorite, it’s either the beginning of Chapter 9 or chapter 14 from Burn for Me. Both are hilarious, and never fail to make me smile.
“This is distracting you, and I need you to function, so let’s fix this. Which part of what happened is upsetting?” still has to be one of my all time favorite quotes.
Elly says
The ferret heist in White Hot never fails to bring a smile to my face.
Amateur Hermit says
The entire Kate Daniels series and associated books from beginning to end.
Corinna says
Sweep of the blade, then Magic strikes.
Both for comfort and love.
Carey says
I have 2 comfortable read series of yours Innkeeper I love when Dina comforts Orro with the mango or when Orro explains Christmas or let’s face it anything Orro really. I also loved when Gertrude Hunt took the sapling of Magnolia Greene. Well let’s face it I just love the Innkeeper series I also love the Hidden Legacy series Rogan Rogan Rogan 😁
Sue says
I discovered Kate Daniels when I was recovering from a broken back/concussion after a bicycling accident. There were four books in the series then and I devoured them. I needed a massive distraction from 3 months flat on my back and Kate and Curran gave me that. As aging and Life happens, I find all of House Andrews’ works a great comfort. I have my favorites, of course, but I find I need the humor, the HEA’s more than ever as the world gets darker. Because each story, no matter what darkness is being confronted therein, has rays of happiness, humor, and hope. (And delicious food!) Thank you for sharing your gift, your stories. They’ve gotten me through some tough times when my brain needs to be distracted from whatever it’s hopelessly stuck on in that moment. Thank you.
Catbird says
If I am short on time, it’s Kinsman. Otherwise I’ll go to Catalina’s trilogy or Innkeeper.
Elisebeth Haluch says
Silver shark. Hands down.
Victoria Moreno-Jackson says
The entire hidden legacy series is one of my comfort reads, but there are 2 IA scenes that I will specifically go read on their own:
1) Baylor Family Trials at the end of the 3rd book
and not HL, but I love the scene in Magic Claims where Kate is navigating the vampire from behind the white board.
I laugh every time I read about the vampire doing the shower pose!
Claire says
My mother’s favorite scene is in Magic Bleeds, when Curran is in a coma and she reads to him and fights everyone waiting for him to wake up. She says the speech she gives them (« my aim won’t falter, my face will be the last thing you see before you die ») is her Comfort Read whenever she’s feeling sad 🤣
For me it’s whenever everyone is being silly during hard times. And Hugh The Beloved Violent Idiot. Love that guy.
Love love love everything
Sarah B. says
I read Magic Strikes, then Magic Bleeds, then skip a few and hit Magic Triumphs (I’ll probably add the Wilmington years next time, too). I want the humor and the romance and the happy endings–and Magic Strikes is my absolute favorite, but I love the addition of Grendel in Magic Bleeds.
Jackie says
Sweep of the Blade every time. I love Maud finding security and a family that values her and Helen and I love that love story (beautiful though it is) is secondary to the acceptance and recognition she gains from House Krahr.
MJ says
I go to the Baylors. I love the family scenes. They are so funny, but also very wise.
Leon asking Catalina how stressed she is, and when she answers a lot and he says very good, because it means a lot of food. Grandma Frieda taking pictures for the Family album… LOL.
For me, they are also bittersweet, because we, too lost my dad to cancer.
But i think, he would have loved them, too, would he had have the chance to read them. He read a lot and liked that kind of stories.
So for me the Baylors are my comfy read. They never loose their humor and always stand together.
Shanitha says
For me, Nevada and Connor. I love everything about their books. But like you, the kinsmen series Novella has a special place in my heart.
Hanna Nora Schwerin says
I love your books and I read my first book from your. read the books of German I was German and in german it was good. i hope it’s come new books for art stories and news book. what book was the first book come back in German?
Aurialis says
I agree with all the comments about Sweep of the Blade! It is such an amazing book. For me, though, the entire Innkeeper series is like a warm hug of Christmas! I love the parts about Sean and Dina as well as Dina and the inn. Some of my favorites are…..
*spoiler alert*
– when Dina finally realizes it has been Sean all along who saved her from poison.
– when Dina goes to get Maud and Helen home.
– the parts about the relationship between Dina and the inn.
– ending of the Sweep of the Heart – regarding the inn.
Oli says
My comfort among all the books and all the writers is ‘Sweep of the blade’, i just love that book and i always go to it when i need comfort
Bal says
My comfort read moments
– derek “I knew it was you by the way you rode your horse”
– rogan when he was under Nevada’s window (after having to “comfort” rynda and the kids) and he refused to leave and instead built a staircase
– Hugh and Kate’s conversation on her porch in the last book, talking about Dad!
– Curran lifting Kate’s arm to punch him when he made bad decisions about loreli and was expecting anger but got sadness
– every time I find “carebear” mentioned – hidden legacy and innkeeper
– arland “I am not a poet but…”
– all the emotions of the inn
Chris V says
**Magic Breaks**
It had all the things in one place for the first time! They were separated, Hugh showed up, then Curran showed up, she disappeared, Curran travels to *Mishmar* to rescue her, she meets Grandma, confronts Dad, and then claims Atlanta. I was exhausted just reading it, then I read it twice more just to make sure I got all the details. It. Was. Perfection!!
Chris V says
btw I didn’t just read it twice, I read this one when I need something to read, I don’t need something to read, I should be doing something besides reading, and reading when I should be doing something else. I love this book.
Chapter 2 of Sweep of the Blade. Ressurection, redemption and rescue all in the first hour. This is my go to listen at night when I can’t sleep and my mind won’t stop cataloging all my failures. I’ve loved this story best from the first listen and can’t count the number of times I’ve listened to it. Maud is my hero.
Hilary says
I read Burn for Me before any other Hidden Legacy books were in the works and chomped at the bit for months until White Hot came out. I devoured the book -and used that word before I knew the Innkeeper series existed- and felt so much better at the end of White Hot when Nevada and Rogan finally actually get together. I felt similar after the first Catalina book, but since there was a bit of history (the trial) with Alessandro and Catalina, it felt a little different. To this day, when I need comfort and have the time, I re-read the first two Hidden Legacy books… and then the rest of it just for good measure.
Zara says
They’re all comfort reads! And that’s why I end up re reading them all over the course of a year. Probably the ones I most turn to for comfort though is Magic Strikes and Bayou Moon. Magic Strikes just has the best Kate x Curran scenes, she admits she likes him, and he likes her and there’s just delicious snark and tension and also lots of the secondary characters I love too. And Bayou Moon because for some reason I just really love William. And also Cerise. So I usually re read their that bad?
Sharon Barrow says
where Alura manifests to go save Hugh because everyone else has abandoned him.
Whitney says
in White Hot, I love rereading the scene of the charity gala and ferret heist. When Rogan sees Nevada in the dress, I love that moment. For comfort read I’ll skip around to different scenes in that book and read all of the sweet ones and the kickbutt ones.
(what a great blog post topic btw!)
Samantha Tiponya says
Not sure if you would call it a comfort read, but if I had to narrow it down to a single part of a single book there is one that that makes me feel happy. “Sweep of The Blade” the end of the book where Maud wakes in hospital bed and Hellen leaps across to her with her cry of “Mommy!”
Katy S. says
Gunmetal Magic is usually my favorite, mostly because it’s Roman heavy. He’s such a soothing character. No matter how dark things are, he is always thoughtful, kind, and encouraging. He’s a bright spot.
Anna says
All IA books are my comfort read, but if I had to choose 1 book it would be Iron and Magic – it is self contained, but is also connected to The KD series. It also has an uplifting theme (new beginnings/rehabilitation). Then KD for the family dynamics – eg when Hugh and Alana turn up or the Blood Heir the scene when everyone appears for the werewolf showdown. Pure gold. Then Hidden Legacy & Sweep of the Blade. (But I also really enjoyed re-reading the Edge series…)
Patrycja says
I’m late to the party, apparently, but I just can’t NOT comment on this thread!
My comfort reads are all the “emotionally charged” scenes from whatever books. When there’s tension between main characters, be that they’re flirting, bickering, or flat out fighting. House Andrews just masters those. They are numerous, and they are the ones I go back to in my hardship. These scenes help me channel my inner turmoil. I can project whatever emotions are filling me up at the moment, play them out in fantasy, and it helps with letting them go (Frozen theme in the background ;] ). So, I occasionally revisit each and every book and story, admittingly skipping most of the plot in favor of the tension and katharsis. That’s why Curran’s POVs are such a gem! All the tension!
SM says
I can’t quantify the number of times I’ve read or listened to Iron and Magic. The comfort comes from the understanding that if Hugh can be redeemed, anyone can.
Majka says
For me, it would be the scene in the Wildfire, where Nevada brings Rogan a tray of chocolate mousse, while he thinks she is upset with him. Then he eats it on his bed while reading his father’s files, and plays with the skin on her arm while she checks her email box.
This is what an intimity is for me. It was so bittersweet I cried a little.
Claire says
Sweep of the Blade and the Wilmington years. They’re such good stories and they make me happy.
Janet says
Innkeeper Chronicals- love the time the Vampire gets drunk on coffee, the irascible cook, the acerbic empress/permanent guest, as well as the heroine and the House!!!
Leon Robbins says
The Kinsman books, and Iron and Magic for my standalone reads..
Christine says
It’s basic but all the food/cooking scenes. The vivid descriptions of all the deliciousness make the imagination salivate and the care behind all the cooking/feeding of family/friends/etc. gives me warm fuzzies.
Joy Wilson says
And the wonderful picture Mod R posted of her version of Orro’s “eggs three ways”. Thank you, Mod R, for all your hard work keeping us in line. Heehee
oops off topic, sorry.
Mary Margaret says
The Innkeeper series if I am answering for a series, Fated Blades for a book (most of the kinsman universe would work for quick book reads), but for scenes Grace of Small Magics or Of Swine and Roses.
Trevor T O'Brien says
Love reading all your books.
Sheral Hyde says
For comfort, I reach for the Innkeeper’s series. Dina can make every guest feel better, even me.
PamG says
First of all, if you asked me which of my favorite authors (whom I’m not mentioning) has the largest percentage of my comfort reads in their total output, it would definitely be y’all. I think I’ve reread all of your stuff at least twice and some up to 5 times. I think re-readability is my first criteria for a comfort read, because every time you read it feels just as good as the first time.
However, within your oeuvre, my favorite comfort series is the Innkeeper Chronicles (any book), favorite short work is Silver Shark, and favorite novel is Iron and Magic. My absolute favorite scene is the one in Magic Triumphs where Kate and Curran are trying to convince the magical practitioners in Atlanta to unite to defeat those extradimensional dragon dudes. Nick Feldman reveals hitherto unsuspected comedic talent, until Hugh d’Ambray sweeps in and dramatically empties a bag full evidence on the table in front of the gathering. I lurrrve Hugh as you probably can guess. All I can say is, you don’t want to go shopping with THAT guy.
Joelle says
I’ve read everything from HA multiple times. My favorite is everything Julie. I love that kid.
Deborah says
It sounds weird, but sometimes I need the comfort of crying and when I do, it’s the section in Magic Triumphs where Conlan gets away from his babysitters and Kate drops everything and goes running to save him. When she says “Conlan, it’s Mommy” and he jumps in her arms, I lose it every time.
And then, after I have the crying out of the way, I always go read the Magic “Clams” Little Teapot scene. When Barrett asks “What’s this?” And the response is: “I believe it’s a little teapot,” Claudia said, completely deadpan. “Short and stout. See, there is its handle and there is its spout.”
That helps get me back on track. Thank you House Andrews for providing so much wonderful material for us to enrich our lives with.
Buckaroo says
Lauren Kvalheim Wei says
Oooh fun! My all-time favorite House Andrews comfort read is Bayou Moon because the relationship and eye-rolls between Cerise and William makes me cackle constantly. One of my favorite moments is when William kills the mud-eel and carries it’s head around on a spike then uses it as a conversation starter about getting it stuffed.
Ranmu says
A quick comfort read is always Silent Blade, one other story in the kinsmen universe edition. I keep going back to Hidden Legacy to ride out the ups and downs of life. Love Sweep of the Blade, any I think it just edges past for the win.
Caitlin says
for a real comfort read, I tend to grab a pile, read just my favorite parts, and then inevitably get sucked into rereading the whole series. That said, I usually go to Magic Breaks, when Kate and Curran reunite in Mishmar–love that dialogue– Wildfire, after Rogan gets his mousse, and the last chapter and epilogue of steel’s edge. It’s (occasionally temporary) peace and safety backed up with (not temporary) support and care.
Marissa G says
My comfort read in House Andrews many comforting books is probably Sweep of the blade. Particularly the scene when Maude goes to the banquet and saves the day by serving appropriate food, then gets called away because her child broke another kids arm. As a mother, I LOVE how calm and understanding she handles that situation. Also Ripper cushions.
I have a child with pretty severe disabilities and she doesn’t understand many social rules, and I worry a lot about other children not accepting her, or being cruel. This book and scene specifically are very comforting. I feel understood and hopeful that other people really do understand how precious children are, even when they are seemingly causing problems.
I really can’t wait to read more about Maude and Helen.
Melindeeloo says
Grace of Small Magics – I have read this so many times. I love the part where she takes him to task for punishing the decedents of a child who didn’t participate in the betrayal and says she will free her family by ending her line.
Daphne says
All of them. It depends on what kind of comfort is needed. Am I looking for close family relationships, humor to brighten my day, or something to give me time away from the real world. I have read so many comments and find myself thinking I agree with it all!! I’m not an indecisive person, but there you go.
Steve L says
when I need something relaxing I always seem to go to The Innkeeper series. Which is kind of addictive for me, so I usually don’t stop until I finish the whole thing.
I thank you I truly love all your books and have reread them all often.
G says
It’s pretty much the whole Inkeeper series but probably Clean Sweep. I love Dina and her world. I wish it was my world! Anytime I wanted to escape the cold, I could just open a door to somewhere warm.
Andee Hirano says
The Edge. I love the relationships and the love between the characters. The shear bravery of people who live under duress but but come together to defend their world makes me feel anything is possible.
Erika says
I too love them all! You make such amazing worlds and fill them with people I want to hang out with. I especially love the family dynamics, whether found or by blood. What is most comforting depends on my mood though. My biggest favorites are all of Kate, tied with Nevada and Connors 3 books (Hidden Legacy). I love Magic Rises (controversial, I know), so many great scenes, and Kate just getting it done regardless, the redemption scene! But also Magic Shifts, when Kate has a stroke and then fighting the ifrit together! Oh and that other one… I could go on and on really. They’re all just so good. Thank you for giving us this gift. I know we’ve all said it before but your books have gotten me through some really awful things. Thanks again.
Lisa Thompson says
Short Story Comfort Read: Silver Shark
Book Comfort Read: Sweep of the Blade
Series Comfort Read: Hidden Legacy
Vee says
I enjoy all the moments in your stories that indicate you understand how one’s soul might be forged into a twist, but
another vote for Hidden Legacy:
I enjoyed this scene from the moment Nevada noticed Rogan (who didn’tyet know it was Rogan), but:
He didn’t simply walk into the plaza. Those eyes told me that the moment he stepped foot into it, he owned it. I knew I should’ve looked away, but I couldn’t. I just sat there, shocked, and stared. The two women saw him and stopped talking. He cut right through the layers of civilization, politeness, and social snobbery to some preternatural female sense that said, “Dominant male. Danger. Power. Sex.” Why couldn’t I find someone like that? Why couldn’t he be my guy? If he ever talked to me, I probably wouldn’t be able to string words together into a sentence. The man was looking at me.
lena says
Wow, I need to remember to check the number of comments at the top of the post before I get lost reading them all.
I think I have three of your books that I would consider comfort reads, aside from all IA books in general.
Sweep with Me (GA) – I love Orro’s obsession with the TV chef and the Dryfan liege’s family problems and Sean’s learning the ropes.
Magic Triumphs – I love Kate trying to be the perfect mother to her monster baby. Perfectly illustrates why Roland was so hesitant to have children.
Magic Tidas & Clams (it counts as one audiobook) – I love how they’re all holding up their enemy’s heads, I love Conlan’s life lessons, and I’m getting really curious as to how their new Pleistocene park is shaping up.
Rebecca says
Sweep of the blade (& the entire graphic audio series) of the “Innkeeper Chronicles”. The audio voices are magnificent particularly for the character Helen. Her voice is so darn cute!
Hannah W says
The scene where Kate first “consults” for Saiman at the Midnight Games. Something about how her knowledge shocks/intrigues him just makes me smile every time.
Kathrine P says
The Curran POVs. By far, I always find myself coming back to these stories. Just seeing their relationship from first meeting and blossoming into more from his persective always gives me a smile. The two characters are beautiful yet fierce together and the different understandings of the scenarious from both sides never ceases to make me laugh.
Meg B says
Everything. All of it. But specifically Magic Strikes, because Kate starts to feel less alone, the kinship and connection feel real.
Also On the Edge for that sense of security she’s trying to forge.
Gail B. says
Sweep of the Blade
My favorite comfort read!!!
Elizabeth says
Silver Shark is the one that probably would fit comfort read, though for a quick dip into that world I probably have read A Mere Formality more. Really any of the Kinsmen Universe. Something about science that feels magical.
Amanda says
Is it weird to say that you guys are my comfort author(s)? I’ve been reading your books since high school, along with my mom and little sister (eventually). When I was in the military and facing war on a daily basis, your books were a balm. Even in the darkest ones, there’s hope and love and evil doesn’t win. All three of us would have your newest book the day it was released, and we’d read it together. It was a way for us to stay connected despite the distance and my growing PTSD. Now I’m in grad school and your books are a different kind of escape; they help to heal, rather than distract.
Silver Shark really is cathartic. I think I’ve read it often enough to have it memorized now. There’s life after war, and it isn’t easy, but it’s worth it. I buy fresh flowers when I can afford it (grad student, lol) because they are reminders of life. Color heals. (…also the subtle Firefly reference makes me stupidly happy.)
Thanks for sharing your talents with the world. Your books have helped me on many a sleepless night, and have kept me connected with my family. <3
Michelann says
I love Charlotte and Sophie preparing to go to the ball and choosing dress designs. Although it’s a strange choice for a comfort scene, I love Kate in the (Baltic?) mountains with the Asmir and the god telling stories and Curan showing up and breaking boulders and having “important relationship talk.” I’m weird.
Moderator R says
Caucasus mountains 🙂. They are in Georgia, old Colchis.
Amy says
I know you want just one book, but all your books are comfort reads for me. I am reading the Kate Daniels series again right now.
Sherri says
Magic Triumphs! Which usually sucks me into reading all the others. Which then leads into the other series – so many good choices!
Kathy Henshaw says
I love when Dina finds Orro and hires him. I love all of the innkeeper books, I just love that scene especially.
HN says
Innkeeper. The others are too rooted in reality for me. A comfort read takes new away from the drama of real life. I actually haven’t been able to finish the Edge series because a part was too relatable. But Innkeeper is just right for when I need to get away. I just bought them all in the Audible sale!
Clarissa Carson says
I love all the books including The Edge series, but when I need comfort, it’s Kate all the way! Particularly Magic Bleeds and everything after including Iron and Magic and Blood Heir.
Kimmelane says
Iron and Magic is my comfort read. Years ago, in a blog comment, Ilona said something to the effect that Hugh was too far gone to be redeemed. Not too long after, they accepted his redemption as a challenge and succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.
I hated Hugh. Now, he might be my favorite character of all time. I love his toughness, his protectiveness, and the kindness that he tries to hide. I love the interplay between him and Elora. I love watching them grow to know, appreciate, and then love one another. I have read and listened to Iron and Magic more times than I can count. It has already seen me through some dark days, and I rely on it to distract me, lift my spirits, engross, horrify, and amuse me. It is my most beloved comfort read ever.
Mich says
All of your books have such wonderfully dynamic family scenes which are truly a joy to read, but recently I keep going back to Hugh and Elara as my comfort read.I get so many laughs out of their interactions. It’s sort of like a reverse Hallmark film, but with blood, guts, and monsters for me 😅
Jarlee says
The scene of Curran in a coma with Kate, beat up, tired, annoyed, telling him about the problems with the council – and then he answers! It makes me feel so happy for Kate who has persevered against all odds to protect her love. Sometimes it makes me smile and sometimes it brings tears, depending on my mood.
Monica M says
For me, Maud’s story. Can’t really pinpoint why – something about her extreme competence, born equally of innate ballsiness as well as soaked-up learning of so many species from her parents’ inn? The fact that I adore her relationship with Helen? The fact that because of circumstances and culture, she and “The Fortress” don’t allow their relationship to be physical for a very long time but it is nonetheless committed and secure? Anyway I keep travelling back to that super awkward wedding in vampire space
Nancy says
I hadn’t considered specific parts. I just go for Hidden Legacyor Innkeeper or Julie’s story.
Beth Leffler says
Oh, I just start with Clean Sweep and go live at Gertrude Hunt for the whole series. That is Texas as it should be, and my mom says that my eggs over easy are as good as Orro’s. 😉
George Gunshefski says
My wife and I are huge fans of yours. It is easily the first meeting between Kate and Curran.
“Here Kitty, Kitty”
The tension was perfect, you felt it. I think you hooked all of us right there.
Chemistry from go.
The beginning of a great story always warms the heart.
Isis Brenner-Ward says
Can’t choose just one of the Inkeepers
Rebecca says
I love all the books, and I have reread everything many, many times (doing a complete Kate reread right now), but the Hidden Legacy scenes with the Baylors always really touches me.
I was super-close with my granny and I have been without her for about 20 years (I STILL think, “I need to call Granny and tell her about this,” all the time), so seeing Grandma Frida interact with everyone is perfection.
There are also hilarious scenes in all the books that I love to reread. When Jim is hiding in Dali’s apartment because her mother has shown up unexpectedly and he makes noise and Dali says its a cat— and her mother starts talking about how she needs to get it fixed so it won’t spray– I laughed out loud when I read that.
Cris says
My comfort read from your books is also silver shark! It’s short and sweet, and the protagonist is lethal. Best combination.
Tina Brickley Langley says
Bayou Moon is my comfort read. When I’m in between series or can’t seem to get into anything, that’s my go to. Lark is so relatable to who I was as a child and teen. I did everything I could to be unlikable, pushing family away because of circumstances I took on guilt for that were beyond my control. I also find the story funny and exciting. Whenever I reread an old book, I get something different from it, usually based on my mood or where I am in life at that particular point.
Stephanie F says
I listen to audiobooks at night to help me fall asleep. I have Hidden Legacy, Innkeeper, Kinsmen & KD on rotation. I find revisiting all these worlds very comforting. (I always read them the first time through & then do the “re-reads” via audio.) I love them all & have listened to them I don’t know how many times.
I’m hard pressed to pick just one scene or book that is comforting to me. If I had to pick a book from each of these series for a comfort read I would say Emerald Blaze, Sweep of the Blade, Fated Blades, and a toss up between Iron & Magic and the Wilmington novellas for KD.
Thanks for all the joy & magic you’ve shared via your books! Looking forward to venturing into your new world of Maggie after the editing slog, etc, is finished. (It will end eventually, you got this! 🙂
Verslint says
of swine and roses. The scene where he basically oinks and asks her for a date at the end lights up my day every time!
My husband bought me a printed copy of small magics back from his most recent business trip to the USA. I am loved.
Rebecca says
The innkeeper scene where Orro first serves breakfast. It is warm and sunny scene with people just talking and having coffee. I can just imagine the joy of waking up, walking out to the patio and finding that someone else has made breakfast. Eggs three ways, bacon baskets, what is not to love? Pull up a chair and have a cup of coffee.
Emily says
Of Swine and Roses. Short and sweet, there’s just something about having a bad day but picking yourself back up / having something good happen as a result of it.
Cindy says
Hidden Legacy
Fenny says
Hidden Legacy- Burn For Me
Simone Mitchell says
I find myself reading sweep of the Blade & Silent Blade in turns as comfort reading. I love both worlds and the heroines. Thankyou for creating both worlds.
Gardening says
Sweep of the Blade is for my reread #1 beside I do not like the last fight in relation to the ‚she is an extreme good fighter’ impression in comparison to the description of said last fight, and neither like the conversation in the med-ward with her child
Cathy R. says
While I could pick up any IA books, I really enjoy the 2 POV’s of the tavern fight scene where Maud and Arland meet for the first time. They are in different books but I’ll pull them out, especially in GA so I can keep driving!
Maybe a snippet of Sean’s POV would be good too.
Katie says
I go through waves of love for the different swries but right now it’s Wilmington, I love seeing Kate and Curran again.
Biji says
Steel’s Edge.
I get migraines and it lays me out for days on end. My only comfort is listening to Steel’s edge . Richard soothes my aches and pains. 😉
drachenauge says
Moin :-),
My favorite scene is currans POV at Fernando´s (Magic Bites). It´s published in Small Magics (got the beautiful Hardcover edition today)
Makes me smile everytime i read it.
Basically, I love all of HA’s works an i look forward to my next new favorite from you. Thank you very much for all of your hard work
Leslie says
Well, just recently I couldn’t find anything I wanted to read and was kind of feeling really low. I just started the Kate Daniels series all over again from the beginning and I found that I am noticing more details than before and I am really enjoying it more the second time around. Thank your for ALL the books, thank you for this blog. It remind me that everyday problems are not just mine but everyone deals with “things” everyday. Keeping things in perspective. Love and Merry Christmas to all.
Megan W. says
SotB is a total comfort read. Maud’s comment, “So, just birds, then?” makes me laugh every time!
Alicia says
Clean Sweep
J says
when I want comfort I usually look for badass justice with a bit of humor. Magic Strikes is always accommodating.
Ann says
The Edge Series. On the Edge (where we first encounter Geroge) and Bayou Moon are the go-to ones.
Christina M. says
Comfort reads where to start? All your books are re-read often since they touch my heart to the core. The Kinsman series and Swine & Roses are regulars, I think because I can re-read them quickly and each can stand alone.
Of the longer series, my favorite scene is the ferret heist. I mean who can resist a bunch of furry adorable thieves. I love when tough guy Rogan, asks his security to up protection on the dryer vents. Makes me laugh out loud every time.
Also even though I know the furballs make it out unharmed, I always breathe a sigh of relief that they are safe and looking for treats as a reward.
Cornelius is a favorite with his introverted, kind self hiding a backbone of steel. I love that Nevada and family draw him out into the world.
Cathleen says
I read and listen to all the series over and over. My pick depends on my mood. But when I need a bit of a boost or a good over evil I will go with Iron and Magic. Hugh and Elara triumph over some really bad guys. But it is the emotional and mental journey that Hugh takes that gets me every time. To take that character and expose his journey to the reader was mind blowing. Did anyone ever think they would like Hugh? For me it’s a reminder about change, forgiveness and overcoming obstacles.
Steph says
For me it is the Innkeeper books. Anytime we don’t know what to read or listen to together it just always goes back to start at Clean Sweep so we can go through them all again.
Ahli says
Bayou Moon came to mind first! Love that “spaghetti” scene / “hobo queen” lol!!! And the court scene with the family and the different characters arriving. That family is hilarious! In Steel’s Edge Richard’s — “…a long ballad about the bleakness of my life and the heaviness of the burden that was being me…” In another scene Kaldar telling him his first words were probably “woe is me”. I still crack up at these books! Ilona Andrews IS my comfort read! I reread Kate/The Edge/Innkeeper every year! You’re my fave!!!
Kashish Vansia says
Hidden Legacy is my favorite reread too. There is just something about the family dynamics and witty banter that always brings a smile to my face 🙂
Christine says
I love everything and I can’t wait for new material!!! I’ve reread them all and love them all. What I go back to depends on my mood and what I need at the time. They give me courage to face my problems and a break from reality to recover mentally. I will forever be grateful for all the time and effort everyone puts into the final products. Thank you!
Sallie says
Clean Sweep and Magic Bites for me. I got my hubby hooked on both series and they made us laugh out loud and talk about them together. He had Cystic Fibrosis and had his third double lung transplant in February at age 42 and didn’t come home from it. I haven’t been able to read a book since then but thank you for those memories. I will get back into reading someday but grief is a strange animal.
David D. says
I reread Innkeeper. The entire series. But then when I finish that, I usually reread Hidden Legacy. Sometimes, I’ll also go back and reread Kate Daniels, but I’m rarely in so much need of comfort that I need all of KD after Innkeeper and Hidden Legacy.
Tripp says
The Fall of the Sahanu in Magic Triumphs. I love that moment, both because it feels like an actual triumph and because I feel like it’s when Kate fully accepts who she’ll be for the rest of her life. As Julie said in Blood Heir, “As the Heir of Shinar, I am my people’s sword and shield. If a threat arises, I will be the first and sometimes only one to respond to it. I am their atomic bomb. It is my duty to put myself between the kingdom and its enemies”.
When Kate ends the Sahanu, that’s the moment she accepts her place as the sword and shield of In-Shinar, whether or not the kingdom officially exists on a map, whether or not she rules more than her own home. And I love it for that.
iread78 says
I really like reading the Order meeting transcript in Blood Heir – I remember when it was posted on the blog. I cracked up reading it then, and then I crack up every time I reread it in the actual book too.
Otherwise, I do really like the scenes in Magic Stars, Derek’s POV is oddly soothing, even when he’s doing a silent brooding thing. Reading him and Julie solve a murder is a fun and calming reread for me. An outsider POV on all the things that are normally happening in the Kate Daniels verse
Guy says
Of swine and roses.
(I wonder if you ever thought of going YA. Because this bud seems promising)
Malgorzata Gajda-Chan says
I love the whole Katie Daniel’s series as a whole!
But the one scene I find as my favorite is when Kate first meet Curran.
Here kitty, kitty…
He literally knocks her on her ass, but it how she handles it gives me warm feeling. Many people would be hurt or vengeful, try to show off. She knows he is powerful Beast Lord and have to deal carefully. They interact with each other, sparks fly!
I love that scene from his point of view too!
-Maggie Gajda-Chan
Whitney says
I love Silent Blade.
Spoilers below:
The part near the end where Meli states she’s had to live with his actions for over 10 years and he “can’t fix it with one night of reading my old thoughts.” It’s so emotionally cathartic. To know she wasn’t going to capitulate because she’s had years of dealing with the aftermath of his decisions and the emotions and repercussions attached to those decisions don’t just disappear with a simple apology. Chef’s kiss!
I also always go back to Nevada’s story in Hidden Legacy. My favorite bits from those:
In White Hot the elevator scene where Rogan asks if Cornelius is his replacement and Nevada has to tell him he’s a civilian to keep him from crushing Cornelius’s windpipe.
Also the conversation between Bug and Nevada where he asks her to stick around for a while because Rogan “has a human expression on his face” when she’s around.
Raffy says
The scene in Magc Breaks when Kate is stuck floating in the water with Ghastek in Mishmar was so touching . No matter how desperate the situation was becoming, she never gave up hope and she always had faith that Curran would show up and save her just because of the love they shared. It just warmed my heart. When things get bad, you need to hold on tight to hope and faith. The end may not always be good, I’ve learned, but hope and faith and love makes the bad bearable.
Alix Maret says
Silver Shark is not just my favorite HA comfort read; it’s my favorite, period. There’s nothing superfluous AND it’s full of vivid detail. It makes so much sense that this story is deeply connected to your life experience, Ilona. Thanks for sharing that.
I love all the Kinsmen stories as comfort reads. The language is just as brilliant as the Province of Dalia. With a few sentences HA reveals complex, coherent worlds and characters. Claire, Meli and Ramona are all self-possesed, experienced adults: coming back from betrayals with grace and taking no prisoners. The dialogues radiate intelligent humor. The men are worthy partners.
Claire’s words (though taken out of context!) summarize the appeal the Kinsmen universe holds for me:
“Yours is a strange culture,” Claire said. “Beautiful, vibrant, and passionate, but also savage.”
Dorothy says
Gotta say that I just love the first Innkeeper. I can read and reread it. I love the ups and downs. I just love the whole concept of an inter dimensional tree that can be built with the mind. I can’t wait to read about Arlan overdosing on coffee. Ok, who doesn’t want a scrumptious werewolf living next door????!!!!
Marti Gillette says
I enjoy Small Magics and reread it when happy thoughts are called for but the very best is “Of Swine and Roses”. I see the events in my mind as I read the story. I am always laughing out loud when she faces her family with the pig in her arms as they sit frozen in shock.
Aquila says
While I love all of the Innkeeper series, when Arland refers to Helen as his daughter after the fight with the always makes me melt a bit. Arland and Maud’s future relationship is still undetermined at that point, but he loves and accepts Helen regardless.
Jessica says
My favorite comfort read is Burn for Me, and really, the entire Hidden Legacy series. The family dynamic you have created appeals to me greatly. The way they care, support, and unite with one another is something I have missed in my life. The series has heart, action, and plot. I love it dearly and look forward to you dipping your toes into that pond again. 🙂
Jenny says
I reread the entire Innkeeper series each year. It is the perfect mixture of funny and heartwarming without being saccharine. Life just sucks sometimes, and these books (all IA books, really) have characters who have to do hard things or make hard choices because they cannot be avoided. I want those types of happy endings and Orro in the kitchen.
Frances says
My favourite comfort read is Silver Shark. I love Claire’s journey: her determination to make the best of what is, her loyalty to her team and to the people from her mother’s building on Uley, her acceptance of her role as leader. When I love a character I can imagine their life going forward and I can see Claire as a key person both in Ven’s family and business but also in the Uley expatriate community. She earned her happy ending.
That said,the other Kinsmen stories come a close tie for second. I love the Kinsmen world for its nod to Medici families and intrigue, the action, the romance, the whole world building, the disparate skills the various characters exhibit. Wonderful! Just the thing to perk me up if I’m tired or feeling blue. Truly a comfort read. Thankyou House Andrews.
Jillian says
Hidden Legacy, especially Burn For Me and Wildfire. I love the Nevada/Rogan pair and am instantly in my happy place when I read their books. Ok, I love everything put out by House Andrews, but I especially connect with the HL world and N/R dynamics.
Blood Heir is another favorite. And I love re-reading it with the knowledge and perspective that we gain at the end of the book!
JDH says
My comfort read is absolutely Silver Shark. I probably read it a few times a year when I’m stressed out. It’s long enough to let my mind settle, and no so long that I feel guilty about not working on the 7 million tasks in my to-do list.
Amanda says
I’ve loved all of the HA books for so many years now – so much great world-building and character development! They are all such a comfort read, but my comfort listen (is that a thing?) is for sure Steve West in Iron & Magic. He is now Hugh for me. I can’t re-read any book with Hugh in it without hearing his voice in my mind. And the fact that Hugh’s own book sort of came about from an April Fools joke is perfect
K says
Innkeeper. It was the first series by you guys that I read and I found it while I was in a horribly abusive marriage. Disappearing into that world really saved me, your humor and the general goodness of your characters really made such a huge impact( and this may be weird to say, saved me). I’ve since re-read the books so many times and all your other series because there is just something in them that not only helped me escape the world for a little while but also the humor and content really make them stories that I recommend to others.
I’m in a better place now 😌 sorry for kind of making this heavy.
AnnaB says
At some point every IA book has been a comfort read for me because there is one to fit every shade of mood I get in and there’s always something to make me laugh, and not a silent inside laugh either. Because HL was the first series I read it maybe jumps to to top of my list. I love the characters and the world. Though Blood Heir is right up there as well, I love the story and Julie/Derek, but the description of her house within the house with the stream, plants, and the amazing soaking pool… it’s so close to the imaginary house I wanted to build as a kid that it just makes me happy. Side note – not the ruined outside bit… though how fun could that be in the right situation! …I feel like I’m being cruel to all the other books because they have all been there when I’ve needed a comfort read and they haven’t gotten a mention. Yes, I do in fact have an anthropomorphizing problem. Hehe
Jerrica says
My favorite comfort read is Iron and Magic. I love an anti-hero. I feel so much empathy for a character like Hugh, who hits rock bottom, struggles to face his demons, and then begins the difficult journey to recover and to change. There’s a scene in the beginning of chapter 14 after the battle at Aberdeen, where the soldiers are trudging towards the castle and they realize people are waiting to welcome them with lights, food, showers. Bucky is prancing and Bale jokes that he’s going to cry. There’s such warmth in that small scene. It’s my favorite “comfort read” moment.
Arav Hopkinson says
My comfort read is specifically the scene in White Hot when Cornelius’ animals do the break in. It is so cute and never fails to boost me up.
Sorah says
Mauds story is my favorite and I come back to it all the time
Jane says
I love her story also! It’s my favorite of that series and have reread just this one several times. 🥰
Rene O says
Rene O says
Clean Sweep.
Jane says
BURN FOR ME is my go to comfort read. In fact, I read it about once every 1-1.5 years. And of course, once I read that, I need to finish the entire series to Catalina’s conclusion 😁
Elizabeth says
Prehaps a little odd, but it’s ‘The Edge’ series for me. It is a fairly gritty series but for some reason it feels all the more comforting for it. I really enjoy all of them.
Patti says
I have enjoyed reading everything you have written. And I have read everything. A particular KD favorite of mine is Magic Burns because I love Bran, loved the way he kept stealing the map and thought he would’ve been a worthy early rival to Curran. I love the Innkeeper series, little Helen is a particular fave of mine, and I like the ways she and Maud expand this world. I also love the Hidden Legacy series. And can’t wait to see what you come up with for Arabella and Leon.
I also have greatly enjoyed Claire & Venturo in Silver Shark. She had some really touching things to overcome.
I could go on and on but I’ll stop here. Thanks so much for everything you write!
Claudia says
All your books are comfort read for me. When life gets tough, I escape in one of your stories. I have to say though, that I have a favorite: I do not know how often I have read Sweep of the blade by now. It’s just awesome. Thank you so much
Lizz D. says
For me? The Nevada books of the Hidden Legacy series. I love Catalina too, but, for me? Nevada’s books just hit me perfectly. I can read them over and over.
Delia says
Honestly I’d have to say that your entire library is a source of comfort reading for me. I’ve read the entire hidden legacies series, Innkeeper and Kate Daniels.
When I found out about the graphic audio adaptations of your books I jumped on it and have been quickly making my way through the ones available.
And I have to say that Innkeeper would probably be my comfort series read out of all three. especially book 2, Sweep in Peace. Any and every scene with Orro is a scene stealer in my opinion and having him voiced in the graphic audio just brings me even extra joy. He definitely ties for me with Wing.
Caterina says
For me it’s hidden legacy for sure! Something about their family dynamic, the chaos, their love for one another and everyone living together and genuinely liking each other. There’s also something really satisfying about the way Rogan says Nevada’s name in the audiobook- it really conveys the love he feels for her
Bob M says
One Fell Sweep/Sweep the Blade. The first gives you the formation of Maud and Arland’s attraction and the second fleshes it out. Maud is such a bad-ass and I cannot wait for her wedding book. I also can’t wait to read how she punches her ex mother in law right in the face (that better be in the book)! After that probably Magic Stars and Blood Heir. Julie becoming a bad-ass and then Julie the bad-ass. And I think the 2nd books of the HL trilogies are fun to read where Nevada/Catalina accept their attraction and end up happy with their man. Man, the scene in Emerald Blaze where Catalina announces to the family that her backup will be Allesandro makes me laugh every time.
Sheila W says
I go to any of the Inkeeper books when I need some self soothing. I love the family – both real and adopted – that Dina surrounds herself with.
Ruth says
I go to the scenes in Sweep of the Blade where Maud is calmly demonstrating extreme competence. I need comfort the most when I’m feeling incompetent and Maud always inspires me to delve deeper. I always yell “Hoorah!”when the stable master is totally flabbergasted by her riding skills.
Pam R says
I love rereading in Blood Heir when Saiman shows back up.
Zoe says
Clean sweep or silver shark!
Leah B says
It’s definitely the Kate Daniels series for me. Just so many great scenes, from the beginning with “here kitty kitty” to the Hugh and Kate fighting scene, and countless others.
Bob says
My Ilona Andrews comfort reads:
Sweep of the Blade (Innkeeper #4)
Clean Sweep (Innkeeper #1)
I’ve reread both of them 12 times.
I like all of the Innkeeper stories. And I can’t wait to find out how the new Inn gateway plays out.
Shelly says
I reread all of it, a lot. But for me, my House Andrews comfort books are Sweep of the Blade and Questing Beast, for completely different reasons. No matter what’s going on in the real world, they make me smile.
For the rest, they are comfort series. If I read one, I read them all.
Terri says
I would say that while I love the stories and the families in the Hidden Legacy series, and the Inkeeper series, my favorite go to books would be the Kate Daniel series. I started reading the first book, Magic Bites, and it was one of those books where I loved the story, but wasn’t sure if I liked Kate… she was kind of an a**hole at times. But I just seriously liked that broken world. I kept reading… and realized how much she really cared, how much she bled both inside and out for that world. And I love how much hope is in every book, that no matter how desperate, or horrible the evil in the world was, there were people fighting not just to survive, but to build again, and create communities again. How the same old prejudices that keep us apart are still there, but so are the commonalities that bring us all together. I read and re-read this series when I need some hope… so, quite a lot.
Sarah says
I actually told my therapist that your Hidden Legacy novels are my emotional support books. 😉
As for comforting passages… I enjoy the entire assembly scene, but I especially love the scene in White Hot where Nevada is in the parking lot of the assembly and she calls Connor, “Mr Rogan”, and he turns to Cornelius and says, “Oh no. We’re back to formal ground. I’m clearly out of favor.” It cracks me up every time.
I also really enjoy the scene from Burn for Me when they’re buried beneath the rubble, and Rogan is asking her questions about her family to get her mind off the fact that they are buried under all the rubble.
Moderator R says
Oh I LURVE the under the rubble scene! It’s so bonding and dealing with crisis, and so sexy! Perfection on a page!
Faye Forney says
Sweep of the Blade
Innkeeper has always been a go to for me. Yes family is important but the protagonist is so very balanced emotionally and I fan girl for Sci-fi and this very sci-fi lite but for House Andrews I love it.
Lately I just get overwhelmed often. My life got real shortly after my first kids were born 6 years ago. Being a parent is often lonely and unappreciated. Maude had to really let go some of her guilt and endure to keep her daughter alive. I need that redemption/ resurrection in my life. plus the humor is there and my one daughter’s name is Helen. I have biracial children which is sort of like bi/species for Maude. and the guy who voices Arland has the yummiest English accent. There are so many relatable moments in there for me. It really helps me through tough times .
Nadia says
Blood Heir is my fav comfort read. The world building is expanded and has so many possibilities but Aurelia is very relatable for me in the way she makes choices
Nisha says
There are quite a few of IA works which are comfort reads for me but if I had to choose I’d say Curran’s POVs. They always make me laugh out loud.
Camila says
I take comfort in the family dinamycs in Hidden Legacy, so I can’t pinpoint one particular scene. But Nevada coming home to her sisters arguing stands out. All their problems are forgotten when one of them needs help. “The baby’s hurt!” Love it. Grandma listening without judging to all their grandkids. The girls working together to get Nevada ready for her date.
But sometimes I need to know that even if I’ve had a horrible day I can keep going on my own, and then I turn to Silver Shark and Silent Blade, because those women saw their lives ruined and kept going and found happiness.
Sam Halls says
I love reading and rereading Hugh’s return in Magic Triumphs. “I have come to help you with your dragon problem” all the way till the end of next chapter where he has breakfast with Lennarts and the multiple interruptions.
Sondra says
Wow, mine varies. It’s been Catalina’s set of the Hidden Legacy books, but I do a phase for the Nevada ones, and some for the Innkeeper. While ai have re-read some of the Kate books, I don’t use them as comfort reads.
Katie B says
When I need a short and sweet comfort read, for some reason Of Swine and Roses has always been one of my go-to’s. Something about it just lifts my mood every time. 🙂 And I love imagining how their story continues.
My other comfort reads of yours are the kinsman books, especially Silver Shark. Her resilience and healing are beautiful.
I love Kate Daniels, but I definitely wouldn’t call her books comfort reads haha.
But whether it’s comfort or humor or catharsis or drama or just good entertainment, I get something I need from every one of your books. I love the worlds you build and the characters and relationships you create and develop. Thank you both so much for writing!! ❤️
Fenley says
Blood Heir is my comfort read, because it references characters I love from other series, but features Julie and Derek’s story–a story I always wanted.
I also reread Silent Blade often because I love the main character’s story arc.
Martha Barker says
Hey, from Bartlesville, OK my favorite comfort read is Sweep of the Blade. I love Maud Demille’s story. I have found comfort when the days seem to long and my mind is racing with things I need to do. I can lay in my Lazy Boy with my dogs on my lap. I have three dogs, two Shih Tzu and my best girl Sky ( a mutt )who’s the smartest of the bunch and the queen. The boys know who the second boss. I have found great peace in the storyline. Maud doesn’t quit and she’s a great example. I love listening to this story. Thank you for an excellent book.
kristin says
Pretty late reply but it’s Magic Bites for me too! I start a re-read/re-listen every other year or so, especially when things are in turmoil and I need something familiar. Kate being kickass feels familiar and encouraging – like listening to “Eye of the Tiger” or “Hit me with your best shot” on repeat when I need to pick myself up. That said, restarting any of your series is a go-to comfort for me – Hidden Legacy, Innkeeper, On the Edge. There’s an undertone of warmth in all of them.
Cymru Llewes says
Silent Blade, specifically the part where he has read her old notes.
Elaine says
I love Maud’s story Sweep of the Blade
Judith says
Sweep of the Blade — which is exactly the book I read when I want to detach from the “actual world.” Maud helps me believe that there can be a place where you are a desperado (the desert world), or maybe unloved and unappreciated (her ex husband’s planet and family), and then another world where you are valued and loved. . . Go Maud! I love the family that is emerging in this book. Hope to see their adventures continue — you did kinda leave us hanging with that ending. . . Again, like so many here,all your books are a gateway to a different world. Thanks for your writing and imagination.
Ryl says
If we’re talking specific to the Ilona + Andrews sphere, then it has to be Magic Bleeds. I love Erra’s character; there are also a lot of forward steps in this book that I absolutely adore! (but also, noooo, weredingo!!!!! x_x)
Sorry I’m having a morning and missed that it was just for yall’s books.
Ioana says
My comfort read choice bubbles down to two books, I always come back ton the first two books from the Kate Daniels series. Must have read them 5 times already (mind you, I almost never reread something); they somehow do the trick for me. The Kate Daniels series is also my all time favorite of all the urban fantasy/post apocalyptic series I ever read. You guys did such a terrific job creating that universe, the plot, the characters, their development throughout the interesting stories…. I just love it. I come from Romania so I have all the Kate Daniels books bought on my kindle but no hardcover copies. Those would have been very complicated and expensive for me to get. Hope you have a brilliant rest of your weekend and a lovely week following that.
Many hugs and thanks,
Jennifer says
My go to comfort read from House ANDREWS was always the burn for me – the scenes with Nevada and her family, strange wacky family but one that worked and was united. They always ended up backing each other up and comforting each other through the awful and challenge that life brings. Loved that. There was some of that in other series…later in the KD series as she built her menagerie of misfits and then a really close family – post glorious resurrection parts, very feel good … family.
Sarah Nelson says
I go with Hidden Legacy-Nevada for a comfort read. I love the big family that sticks together always, Grandma Frieda and her charm and comedic relief, all the times Nevada surprises Rogan. It’s just so warm feeling. So much love there.
Marije says
I love all of your books but I reread hidden legacy for comfort and Kate Daniels for empowering myself. Thankyou for writing them.
Karen Mandler says
I can’t pick just one. I have read and reread all the books so many times I can anticipate the dialogs.
Brianna says
Like everyone else I go back to everything and constantly read, listen to the audio book or graphicaudio for all of these books. I didn’t see these items mentioned above (but didn’t read them all) so I wanted to share them:
– Dina and Maud’s parents meeting. I’d love if that was extended to show the freeing of Gerard.
– Curran and Rogan’s point of view. I’m loving this on Kate’s graphicaudio.
– A while ago you shared snippets of things started and abandoned and the one that I still think about is the one where the guy is stalking the girl buying dog food and ends up having to help her instead of killing her.
Thank you for writing.
Beth Thompson says
all the innkeeper books are comfort reads for me. I want to be an innkeeper when I grow up!
Megan says
Magic Claims is my favorite re-read. It’s perfect and it’s my cozy comfort book.
Jess says
My comfort read has been the InnKeeper series. Specifically ‘One Fell Sweep’ It can be so sad but when the Hiru get their new home world it’s such a beautiful moment it always makes me cry happy tears. Helen makes it a perfect book.
I also love the scene in ‘Sweep In Peace’ where all their memories are shared. Reading it I didn’t think it could be more moving but the graphic audio version blew me away. Your story telling brings your characters to life.
Cynthia B says
Silent Blade. I know I’m late, but I don’t care. It’s exquisitely written and fills my heart whenever I read it.
Ashren says
When life was rough and I needed a moment, or when I wanted to quietly celebrate a win, I would go to a local sushi restaurant and read Magic Rises. Starting with the fight scene between Kate and Hugh, after they make their bet. There is a line where Kate says she lets herself off the chain and the feeling of just being yourself is beautiful.
The restaurant didn’t survive Covid. So now I make sushi rolls at home and revisit that scene. The sense of peace you can get being anonymous in a busy restaurant is gone, but the memory still brings me joy.
Carrie says
Hmmm, usually I will go to Dina and Sean for comfort. I love KD and HL so freaking much and reread/relisten to them on a pretty regular basis but Innkeeper is like a balm to my emotions. I’m not sure I could pick a favorite book but I can say that sometimes I need my emotional support Innkeepers 😂
Stacy says
I like to read the short stories in Small Magics. It’s very rare when all of the short stories in a collection hit a home run.
Sabine says
For a bit of comfort I go to Fated Blades – especially the dance scenes fire up my imagination. For shorter time frames I like to re-read the short story with the swine or the one with Grace in Small Magics. There are other scenes in KD or the Andrea novellas or Maude or Hidden Legacy… so many to choose from…
Carlene Weaver says
I need another innkeeper book! Please!
Lorrie Thompson says
Late to the comment-party, but I still feel compelled to represent my most warm-and-cuddly favorite re-read. Partly because I was just thinking this morning of digging through my stacks to do so again (thanks to Christmas chaos and apocalyptic election warnings…)
So please add me to the Hidden Legacy subsection of the Horde (though I applied for dual citizenship with KD World immediately upon travelling there, HL will always have the edge on “home). There’s something special about Nevada and Rogan and how they develop, but even more, about the family. If I could move to an IA world, that would be it.
Preethi says
Blood heir. One particular scene when Derek reveals that he’d known it was Julie all along and they hash it out. Oh the potential of that scene. I have read it so many times and just love it. It literally puts a smile on my face everytime I read it.
Emily N. says
Magic Strikes… there’s just something about the 3rd book in a series that makes me happy
Crystal says
I love of swine and roses! It’s my favorite comfort read.
Sue L says
Iron & Magic is my comfort read.