GA Magic Bleeds is out on Audible today (and all other retailers). For those who don’t know what GA does, they turns books into audio plays – each character is voiced by a different actor and there are sound effects. It is my favorite way to listen to audiobooks now. I am addicted. Highly recommend.
GA productions of our work are overseen by Nora.

The Goldmine of Bloopers
These are voice actor outtakes from Magic Bleeds, Michael Glenn as Curran and KenYatta Rogers voicing Jim. Do not drink while listening.
Some are NSFW due to cursing. Headphones recommended.
Jim: Up for Grabs
Curran: Naked Dinner, alternative dialogue.
Jim: A Croc
Curran: Dead Jim
Curran: Fight Cues
Jim: Bearpanther fight
Curran: Reading Kissy Cues
Jim: Workout
Next up from GA, Sweep of the Heart in January. I am so excited.
Thank you for the extras! Always appreciated. I’m saving them for this afternoon when I won’t be chugging coffee 😆
I have to wait until I’m home; my company appears to be blocking the controls to play the audio. Bummer.
Lmao😂, they had alot of fun. Thank you, that was 😁
the guy who voiced Jim, he is hysterical! catastrophy. meow. lol
Hahaha! That Jim actor just cracks himself up! 🙂
KenYatta Rogers is gold! His small little meow absolutely breaks me every time I listen to that clip.
The tiny meow.
Kittens … pounce pounce bahahahaha
Fur EVERYWHERE, b***! I have been giggling all day 😀
These are fantastic. So glad you were able to get these for us!
These are golden! I cannot wait to hear the car scene where Curran says if the council has kittens we’ll give them to Jim to raise!
Thank you!!
Mod R,
That one and the little meow were the cat’s meow for me (so to speak!) 😁
But the one that really sent me into major giggles was “he’s dead Jim!”
Probably says a lot about watching entirely too much of the original Star Trek during my mis-spent youth…and also too much time crushing on Dr.McCoy! Those blue eyes! 😍
(What?…ok,ok, I agree, there’s just no accounting for taste… leave me alone!)
This was so much fun…thanks to you and Ilona for sharing!
+1 lol. I may be slightly less cranky today because of these.
I really can’t listen to audio books, it’s too slow and something about the voices just irks me. It feels unnatural.
But listening to KenYetta when he was doing his own voice was so engaging and funny. I would totally listen to him doing some kind of off the wall audio book where he’s all energy and chaos rather than the modulated calmness that’s him as Jim.
I loved the weirdest job ever comment.
I agree! If he does the Wilmington series, why do I picture him as the one who invites Kate and Curran to the forest in Magic Claims?
The Jim actor had me laughing out loud. Thank you!
it’s so nice they all have fun, makes it fun for everyone!
The Jim actor is a hoot and a half! It would be fun to let him just do some improv on it… or get a little drunk and record that! 🤣
I don’t even like audiobooks, but those were hilarious lol Great pause to the work day, thanks!
I didn’t really like audiobooks before trying the Graphic Audio ones, but they are amazing! They have samples on the website, if you want to listen to a few minutes, plus they’ve posted some special clips on the blog. I listen to them when I have to do something and can’t read while doing it. 😊
Thanks for getting these clips – they’re awesome!!! 😂
These are great. I love the Reading Kissy Cues and I’m glad I’m the only one here at work.
It also answers my question if they read together or solo.
Cant wait to start listening to these new books.
I can’t do audio books (a dsylexic thing, only with audio information–nearly zero retention and a hard time with understanding), but I LOVE Jim’s voice. It is exactly as I would ‘hear’ it. Thanks for these!
Oh my goodness 😂😂😂 Jim’s actor is my favorite!!!!
Well I”m not the first, but I”m in the first 13.
These are so fun! Even more fun, playing more than one at once!
Graphic Audio is my favorite way to listen to books and it makes me happy to hear how much the actors enjoy reading their lines.
Thank you for the awesome treat!
thanks for the bloopers, these were a ton of fun. Do yo think the Hidden Legacy books would ever be done by GA? I’d love to have their version of the Baylors
They are working their way through Kate and finishing Innkeeper at the moment, so there are no official plans. But the fandom excitement for the Hidden Legacy books is so high, who knows? 🙂
I sent an email into GA and stressed that if they announced Hidden Legacy, I would instantly pre-order it. I’m thinking of doing the same for Fated Blades because I just read it for the first time last month and I just want a GA adaption so bad!!!
Ooooh, GA Kinsmen would be so bomb! Rada is so atmospheric!
It would be interesting to hear how they would interpret Uley, and Claire’s going through the PPP to get to Rada in Silver Shark.
Would LOVE to hear Claire’s change from Uley to 5+ weeks on Rada!
Does her accent change How does she adapt?
She lets herself free one day at a time, but how do her mannerisms change?!
Oooooo would so love this! HL would be fun too. I mean Cmon at this point just buy the entire catalog. We (the BDH) have proven we will buy it
+1. And many thanks for sharing the bloopers.
I was introduced to GA with K.F. Breene’s DDVN titles. I am an avid audible book listener already, after listening to Breene’s books I am addicted to GA’s version. I jut finished the Inn Chronicles ones and started reading the Hidden titles. I agree the series would be perfect to be dramatised and I hope it will happen. I would buy the entire series as well!
+1. I really just want every book that I love (which is a lot lol) done by GA. Which… shouldn’t happen for the sake of my wallet. But, I still want to it to happen.
These are just the bees knees!
I love the Jim actor’s meows. And I do have to agree with Curran’s
actor that a kissy scene, when described, does sound like a weird job. But the end product is spectacular.
I’m with you, Mod R. I’m a total Graphic Audio junkie! I’ve got all of House Andrews GA releases, both on GA AND on Audible. Reason is, I love to listen to books in my car while I’m driving and Audible has a “car” option that GA doesn’t. I’ve already pre-ordered the next “Sweep” book on GA, too. I laughed out loud on some of those clips. They’re great. I’m glad Ilona asked the question.
i have been listening to GA on my car trips through bluetooth and their ap and it works fine once you figure out the order of operations so it doesnt reset
this is how I have out working for me too. playing it on the app and listening via Bluetooth
i did notice that if i turn on the app and then to switch to bluetooth of my car then there is a chance it will start playing at the beginning which is annoying
I am listening to Magic Bleeds right now and it is amazeballs! I Graphic Audio and Nora is a solid talent who attracts a cast who makes the whole thing feel alive! THANK YOU for continuing this project!
Awesome! Thanks!
“He’s dead, Jim”
Now there is classic! XDD
Am I the only one who hears that with DeForest Kelley’s voice superimposed?
No. Nean mentioned the same thing below. 🙂
The Horde thinks alike!
100% DeForest Kelley is a relative of Jim Shrapshire!
The way I GASPED laughing through this. Omfg my sides hurt and I haven’t even finished them yet!!
OMG My dog woke up and was like WTF at the BearPanther one. Hahahaha.
YAAASSSS omfg I had to take a break the way my sides are hurting from laughing so hard
Laughing….so hard…. can’t…. breathe… 🤣🤣🤣
Omg. The bear panther clip!!! I need more bloopers!
This is an absolute gold mine! Jim’s voice actor is hilarious! I love that he says ots a weird job! I loved everything about this!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Curran says it’s a weird job hehehe. I like how it’s the kissing and not the fighting 😀
(Singsong) “such a f’ing weird job”
Love it!
I love the Jim meows! 😂
How did you know I needed a good laugh today? I read Magic Tides to start thr laugh. Now, with these bloopers, it finished it.
They are all awesome bloopers! Thanks! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Now, if only my stomach would stop hurting since I’m laughing so much. 😁😎
The laugh; not thr laugh. Oh well!
KenYatta Rogers is waaay more likable than Jim – that’s for sure.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 made my day! needed that today. thank you!
Omg. Now we need to meet the actor for Jim. He is hysterical!
Ok so my 2 favorite actors from GA have sexy voices AND they are funny? I had wondered if it the actors ever thoughts about what they were saying and yep it’s confirmed they do. ….”what a weird job” hahaha
Oh my goodness!! B
Thank you!!!
😂😂 The Bearpanther fight was hilarious…and weird job…and the meow! Too funny!
did anyone else hear Macoy on ” he’s dead Jim” I almost expectedto hear … I’m a doctor, not a necromancer 😂
So great!
“He’s dead Jim, you get his tricorder I’ll take his wallet”
Most definitely!
+100 (“I’m a doctor, not a Necromancer”!!!) 😂😂😂😂😂
+101 Yes, that’s one of best ST quotes. XD
Though, not a real one, as I just found out. It appears to be just a meme. The closest real ones probably are these two:
“I’m not a magician, Spock, just an old country doctor.” (TOS: “The Deadly Years”)
“I’m a doctor, not a dragonslayer.” (VOY: “Bliss”)
For me one of McCoy’s lines is from Star Trek 4 The Voyage Home. They are in the 1980s San Francisco rescuing Checkov from the hospital. McCoy sees the surgical equipment and says “we’re dealing with medievalism”. 🤣😛
Love love Jim! So funny and that’s exactly what I imagined him sounding like.
HAHAHAHA! “Reeeow!” “Too much kitty cat goin’ on!”
These were great! Thanks for sharing!
You know we’ll expect them now after every GA book! LOL!
Bloopers. Ah hah ha ha hah!
Thank you for the laughs! Literally tea in nose snorting happening at my desk!
Are these real voice actors or AI?
They are, of course, real voice actors 🙂 – Michael Glenn and KenYatta Rogers recording for Curran and Jim respectively. I’m not sure which current AI would be able to crack character this humanly.
oh my God, I think I had an orgasm with Jim’s voice saying the first outtake.
Thanks for the bloopers! I love them. Buying this audio play now.
Omg those are funny! Thanks for sharing!!
🤩 I LOVE bloopers! I always stick around after a movie to see if there’s any. Thanks so much for requesting them!
Not trying to be too horde-y here (by asking for more), but can we make this a thing? To get outtakes from each GA adaptation? (insert: sad little orphan from “Oliver Twist” here) 😉
We’ll ask and see what the All Merciful Nora giveth!
It would be great if she could.
Those bloopers are so awesome! Thanks so much Mod R, Gordon, and Ilona. Please send Nora and our other wonderful performers at GA a huge thank you too.
I admit it. I now have a big ol’ crush on Ken Yatta Rogers/Jim. BIG crush. Big EFFING crush. FYI, my keyboard and monitor are safe. I removed all liquids from the immediate vicinity and covered the monitor in Saran Wrap. Michael Glenn/Curran can purr for me any time. ANY time. Uh huh. Yup. Thanks for the laughs, gigglesnorts, and lascivious thoughts. 😉
Outtakes are soooo much fun. I hope they will share more eventually and I think I can pretty speak for all that we also appreciate your sharing.
OMG, Jim!!!!! I wish I could meet him at a happy hour 😀
wow I haven’t got round to listening to my first GA Kate Daniels yet (I relisten to Innkeeper a lot!) so I haven’t discovered all the voices yet.
Jim is great!!! I always pictured him as Idris Elba for some reason… love the velvety voice and accent.
Curran sounds pretty good too, but will have to wait to hear him more…
omg lol yes don’t drink and listen lol
Thank You! <3
What a gift! I’m cackling at “if we ever get around to it”, What a joy to listen to!
How absolutely cool would it be if the voice actors did a ZOOM session taking questions from the BDH?
YES!!! But then again, they probably wouldn’t get paid for it and it would likely be expensive if they did, so I understand why it likely won’t happen. But I’d love to meet them (and I’d really love to meet the wife of the guy who voices Curran LOL, since I know she’s a member of the BDH).
Breath in. Breath out. Repeat. Stop laughing……..
Hooray! Such perfect timing because I just finished my last audiobook yesterday.
Also, lol, I may need new glasses because I first read the blog post title as “Magic Bleeps and Bloopers”
Also accurate 😀
LOL Love it!
That laugh! Thank you!
when are u going to publish the second book for the Iron and magic series.
Hi Diana,
there are no official dates for the Iron Covenant or Blood Heir sequels, but they will both happen. House Andrews are currently finalizing edits for their current project, after which they will probably start work on Hugh’s sequel 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/what-is-it/
I love these! Thanks for sharing this with us. I still remember this funny story that Ilona shared on Twitter (years ago) when editing Silver Shark—Gordon inserted a Flight of Conchords “Business Time” reference into the sex scene. I still think of it when I read that story. In my head, whenever I read it, Venturo will always trip over his pants when removing them because he forgot to take off his shoes, but turn it into a sexy dance. 😉
Wait, I’m now bitter that I’ve never been on Twitter and missed this. 😭. Mod R, can you do a post and link?? Pretty please? Or just screenshot and send it to me. I’ll send you delicious chocolate and tea (and whatever other goods you would like – do you knit??)
Oh, I’m so sorry, I would but it was years ago and large parts of that account were archived. It’s dormant now anyway until X or Twitter or whatever it calls itself nowadays sorts itself out.
Thanks Mod R for replying – that’s kind of what I figured, but a girl can dream right? (And it will always be Twitter to me, no matter what Elon (the twit in charge) says LOL).
Too bad Gordon and/or Ilona didn’t save the tweet back then by either copy/paste or saving the entire tweet in their e-mail.
I can picture it though when Ven walks through Claire’s door while stripping. Shoes…they’ll trip you up every time. 😀
Unfortunately, my screenshot of this was lost when my external hard drive died last year or I would have shared. I’ve been a longtime fan, but I know it’s impossible to save all the funny moments House Andrews shares. I am just really grateful for this blog and all the joy and laughter it brings.
I have purchased all Ilona’s GA books. I wonder if GA will record the entire Kate Daniel series?
Yes, Graphic Audio have purchased the rights for adaptation of the main 10 Kate novels and Small Magics and will adapt all of them 🙂
Oh my goodness. Wait until GA gets to Magic Breaks when Kate waives her new sword (Sarrat) at Landon with Curran in the back. If there is an eventual bloopers for this, hold your sides!
Whoever does Hugh in the series, I hope he has fun. 😉
YES ! easily my favorite scenes of that book!
Thank you for the warning NOT to drink anything while listening. I have never spit my drink out or had it go through my nose – this DEFINITELY would have succeeded. I cannot decide which is my favorite, although “this is such a f*cking weird job…” is pretty high up there. Honestly, I think they’re missing out on some AMAZING listeners, JUST for the outtakes. GraphicAudio (Nora – and thank you for EVERYTHING because it’s amazing), please, please, PLEASE start putting in bloopers at the end of every book. Signed a dedicated, ridiculous BDH fan who has listened to these bloopers too many times and will continue to re-listen as long as I can.
thank you for sharing these! i SO needed this today.
Wait, now I kind of want a Q&A session with Nora/Graphic Audio (and maybe some of the cast? – I know I’m demanding). Like do they every reuse some of the sounds from previous books either in general or from some specific actor? I can imagine there’s only so many ways to express fighting/sounds. But maybe that’s why I’m a lowly listener and NOT an GraphicAudio employee. Although currently that sounds like the best job EVER. Nora, if you read this, I’m totally interested in reading LOL.
There is already a guest interview with Nora and one of the GA sound designers https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/guest-interviews-graphic-audio/ where they address some of your questions 🙂
But we will totally try and bring them back on the blog, they are such Horde favourites!
Kissy noises was the best!loved it!
Too funny! Thank you for sharing!
I think this became my all time favorite post. I loved it!
Oh these were hilarious 🤣
The chap who voices Jim has the *best* sense of humour 🤣
thank you all!
I’m married, but iI ever find myself on dating apps, I want “up for grabs” as my ringtone.
Oh, these were absolutely fantastic, thank you, thank you!
Jim became 1000% sexier and dangit I already have these on audio but now I’m going to need this version…
I adore VAs who take the time considering not just what the words are, but how lines come across and fit the mood of the current scene. Listening to the process is a delight!
Also the mrows killed me 😂
Working together on an audiobook has much more of the stageplay feel that I adore, like Welcome To Nightvale and some older CBC/BBC programs.
I’m a huge fan of improv, too, and there are voice actors I’d let loose with script prompts. The Disney movie Atlantis: The List Empire actually has a bunch of improv in it, mostly by Vinnie and the Cook.
The flower shop monologue? The entire script just reads “Vinnie talks about his past”.
I know it’s much less a thing for books that are already written, but it brings me great joy just to hear the interpretations of the characters. And occasionally how weird their job is 😉
Loved it! Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
Bloopers were hysterically funny, had me rolling! thanks and thanks for Nora for keeping and sharing!
Omg these are epic. “A croc” and “Bearpanther fight” are definitely my favorites. I laughed so hard. Thanks for sharing!!
lovely to listen to these outakes, thank you. Glad I did but, I am so used to reading and hearing my version of those characters voices inside my head that anyone else’s voice doesn’t work for me!
So glad I can read! Makes the awesome pictures, action, sounds and smells completely real inside the comfort of my mind.
looking forward to the new book/books!
PS. Just re reading the Baylor books and noticed how Matilda was picked up by Augustine and taken to her aunts home. Saw how the small piece you wrote recently where he gets into her car and they chat could have fun consequences,!
Love the world’s you create.
Oh my gosh! I laughed until I cried. These excerpts are epic!
Omg. (😱). I never say that…
These are so funny I might have to get the audio version
I just broke a rib laughing. Pardon while I go find some tape…
Is there a schedule of when the GAs are being released? I didn’t see it on the Release Schedule page. Thank you very much!!!
Graphic Audio are not commissioned by House Andrews. They are an independent business who buy the adaptation rights, and then take their own decisions about the details and schedule.
The best way to check their release dates is on their own website 🙂 – if you look for Ilona Andrews you will see available books and preorders, which is as far ahead as schedule is announced https://www.graphicaudiointernational.net/our-productions/authors/f-j/ilona-andrews.html
Thank you for the info! Appreciate it! ❤️
It’s the bearpanther fight that had me laughing out loud. It’s a weird job, but he does it well.
My compliments to our voice actor👏🏿
I’m not a fan of full cast audios but those are great!!!
“Oh, it’s gonna be a bear panther fight Mother… Fur everywhere” Haha that was my favorite one, he’s so stinking funny!
I am also obsessed with GA productions! I read the Innkeeper Chronicles and Kate Daniels series many years ago. I loved the books when I first read them, but I love them even more now!
Ken Yatta Rogers is hysterical. I did not read the warning about no drinking while listening and I might have had a mishap with my water. Out my nose on his ‘meow’.
He can read me the news his voice is so so nice.
So absolutely delightful! Complete agree about Jim’s meow!
I just finished GA Magic Bleeds last night. Man, so good. Nora has become Kate in my head…she wasn’t at first. But I’m definitely a fan now. And Michael is swoon-worthy. So swoony.
But most of all, I love Erra. The hate and anger now is perfect, and I can’t wait to hear her eventually tell the story of the thunderstorm dog. Will be perfect!
My thanks and congrats to HA and GA for another ball hit way outta the park!!
these are amazing!
any chance we could get an interview with some of these voice actors? it would be so cool to see what they thought of they books, how they got into the voice acting world, favorite characters to voice, favorite scenes etc.
probably not possible but would be so cool!
There is already a guest interview with Nora and one of the GA sound designers https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/guest-interviews-graphic-audio/ but we will try to have more, of course! They have become such Horde favourites 🙂
The extras were great. I’ve had a really hard and intense week and saved them for Friday. Thanks so much!!
Humbly requesting this on a shirt for the next merch launch. I will pay all the monies.
omg I can’t wait for this!
These are gold. Thank you Nora!
I laughed so hard I choked up. Lol.
😂 so good!!!
Off topic, but I wondered if Ilona had new tea recommendations? I want to get a few late Christmas presents of delicious tea and what I bnought on her previous recommendations was very well received.
These are great!!!
Mod R, do you know when Magic Slays is set to release on Graphic Audio?
There is no official date at the moment, but script adaptations have started so not long! 🙂
The next release is Sweep of the Heart in January!
He he, I’m listening to this sitting at an airport. Grateful I took the advice and used headphones! 😂
that is all.