I dreamed that Gordon reenlisted. He was back in the Army. We were standing around at a unit Christmas support event, and the battalion commander was a total dick and wouldn’t let anybody go home.
Literally, I am standing there with a bunch of Army spouses and grinding my teeth, because we are not spending Christmas with these jackasses. I even went to talk to command sergeant major and he couldn’t do anything. And then we were told to go home and that soldiers will be released when they were released.
Like what in the bloody hell is this?
So when I woke up, I followed Gordon into the bathroom, and while he brushed his teeth, I demanded to know what he was thinking. We have a good job, we like our job, it pays well, and every time he enlists, there is a war. Now he’s enlisted and I can’t write by myself so how are we going to support ourselves? This whole reenlisting thing was a dumb idea.
Now he is giving me odd looks.
Lol…I have done this before. And it took my Husband most of the morning to convince me it was a dream.
Totally empathize with Gordon. More than one morning my husband has woken up with me and followed me into the bathroom to tell me that what ever I did in his dream was a terrible idea. One morning he told me that we did not need 100 pound of dog food, why on earth did I think buying that much dog food was a fantastic idea. As a note, we do not have a dog and he does the bulk of the shopping.
Later he fessed up that he dreamed he sent me to the store by myself and instead of getting normal food he dreamed I bought 100 pounds of dog food.
I’ve been out of the Navy for 40 years and I still have dreams about having to go on duty. They are semi lucid dreams because the entire time I’m dreaming I’m aware that it’s not true and that I don’t ever have to go stand a mid-watch again.
Thank you for your service in any case!
Yes, indeed! I’ve nothing but respect for our armed forces! I was not in one myself, but apparently college was equally disturbing/annoying/whathaveyou, as I’ve been out 40 years and I still dream I’ve missed that final exam. WTH?! The dreaming mind is fascinating.
14 years later and I still dream that I show up to class for the final, only to realize that I haven’t attended that class for the entire semester.?
It’s been almost 50 years for me, and I still have that dream
any time I’m designing a particularly intricate lace knit stitch or
designing a new sweater variation or a new room redo. The
class is usually something I never would sign up for in real life,
like quantum mechanics (“string theory” would be ok, I work with that daily). It’s comforting to know that others have this kind of dream too. The more bizarre the dream, the more my brain is telling me to wake up and trot off to the bathroom.?
OMG, I hate that dream! It leaves me unsettled for the rest of the day. For me, it’s final exams before graduation and I haven’t been to 1 class the entire 4 years. Makes no sense–I would have flunked out long before then. 40 years since graduating from undergrad & this dream can make me wake up crying.
That might be the most Kate/Curran interaction I’ve ever e-seen! So happy you have each other!
Dreams can really wreck your day or make it!
Oh wow! That is some rough sleep. Please thank Gordon for his service and tell him to make you a nice breakfast to make up for your dreams
Those sorts of dreams really suck. I hope he understood and gave you a big hug, lol
The worst one that I had was that my mom passed. I called her at 6am, just to check on her! She is still kicking and will be 81 in a few weeks. ?
I dreamed that about my great aunt when I was in college, and called my parents to be sure it wasn’t real. It wasn’t. She perked along for several more years.
Not the military but there have been several times my husband did something in my dreams that got me so worked up I would start “discussing” it with him in the morning. The poor guy gets so confused when it happens. There was one time I was having a nightmare that a man had broken into our apartment and was staring at me sleeping in bed. Now, in reality you couldn’t see the head of the bed from the doorway. I was so scared: do I move hoping he will flee or should I keep still and hope he walks away? When he moved forward I sat upright and screamed. My husband rushed into the room to see me, eyes blankly staring ahead, screaming at nothing. It took a few minutes to break me out of it and I was shaking badly and hyperventilating. Then he wouldn’t let me lie back down as he was convinced the neighbors would have called the cops I was so loud. Well, after no one came by we both fell back asleep. My husband says that was one of his most traumatic nights, even ranking up there after the birth of our kids.
Uhh …hihihi.. poor Gordon?
I remember the starteled look of my husbands face
everytime this happened.
Good thing it was only a dream.
Have a beautiful day, both of you 🙂
I have had this as a recurring dream with my husband who has been out of the Navy for over 30 years. I wasn’t even his wife then. In my dreams, he’s reenlisted and I can’t stop any of it and it’s ridiculous. When I wake up, I interrogate him. Same way. “What are you thinking?” He just tells me my dreams are crazy. I tell him but you had your duffle bag all packed.
Ya think? Poor Gordon…standing there dripping toothpaste and wondering if his wife has lost her mind!
OK girl…you need a break. Deep breath! A little chamomile tea?
I had a doozy once: My husband brought home a T-rex as a pet. He’d get in his little red Yaris and tie a dead deer to the roof, and race down the road to the local strip mall to ‘walk’ the T-rex. People moved out of our neighborhood in droves. The national guard came, not to shoot him–to hire us to ‘stomp bad guys’.
It was one of those ultra real dreams with smell-o-vision (side note: yes, a T-rex stinks)
I woke up the next morning, rolled over to see my Hubby swatting the alarm off, and laughed, got up, and hugged him. Startled, he said “What’s that for?”
“For bringing home a T-rex. I love you!”
“Oooookay. No third glass of wine for you.”
Hope your dreams take happier turns soonest.
Oh my, I want your imagination! My dreams are never this good. I usually am trying to run a race and my feet won’t move. Another favorite is trying to jump rope but I’ve completely forgotten how and keep getting tangled.
I have been thinking ever since the troll who asked you about divorce that it might be time for a little weekend alone for the two of you. No email, just some time to breathe. You have had a really busy year and I know you’ve got stuff to do. I think a tiny little micro-sabbatical might help though.
LMAO – I too have “scolded” my husband for things he did / didn’t do in my dreams 😉 He professes innocence, gives me a hug and a kiss and all is right with the world again. I usually remember the last dream I had before waking up but he never remembers his.
THIS is hysterical. I love u guys.
Hey nothing is better than Mandatory Fun days, then the husband gets to stay??? because word needs to be passed. Or we have to have a holiday saftery brief or someone messed up so everyone is punished. The husband has 4 years left until his 20 year mark. After this pcs which is still not finalized I am pretty sure he needs to be done. I’m tired and I want to go home and stay there for a bit.
Sorry for the rant, we’ve been having a rough couple months with the military side of life.
I’m sorry to hear it’s been rough, my friend who is like a sister said the same thing when her husband was active. They were in California all by their self young couple with 2 babies and pregnant with another. She would get so mad if someone messed up because then they all got punished. Being a military spouse is not easy y’all are some of the strongest spouses I know for everything yall have to deal with it would break others. Thank your husband and you for your services.
No worries. My favorite is when they cut conflicting orders one after another. Pack! Belay that. Pack! Belay that.
And then they say ‘oh, this was a drill. No worries’
And then they go back to ‘pack’ ‘stand around and wait’ or send you somewhere and then decide they didn’t need you after all….
Or tell you ‘x’ and then say ‘under no circumstances X’ and then it’s ‘x’
To be fair, there are a lot of conflicting demands and many masters….
Imagine being attached to Marine One and having your father told to pack for 3 days to 2 weeks, hot or cold.
It was their way of telling you to pack without telling you where you were going or how long, so it didn’t compromise Presidential security.
One time he got called they were leaving in 90 minutes. No way dad can drive home and back in that time (he was civilian during his attachment to the unit, so we werent in on base or even near off base housing) So mom drives up to the base, she pulls up to an area of the base she can access and starts throwing clothes at Dad as he puts them into his car which can get him access to a more secure area. One of the marines in the unit had been gone to lunch (this was before cell phones) so he’d missed the news they were about to leave, so he thought Dad was getting thrown out. ?
Usually I had an idea in most cases he was leaving, tghough we nwvwr knew how long. But there were a few times I went to school expecting to see him before bed that day, but he’d been sent out.
???You are not alone. It is only the knowledge that mine would sooner cut his right hand off rather than go back to the Dept. Of Interior at this point is what keeps me from doing the same sort of thing.
That is a doozy of a dream! Poor Gordon, I hope he was already caffeinated!
Oh I hate dreams like that! You wake up all mad poor husband doesn’t even know what happened lol! I could see Nevada doing this to Rogan! Hope all is better now!
I was thinking the same thing. Rub the serial numbers off and you have a Nevada Rogan interaction. Or even her mom. Running around the house half asleep looking for her BDUs/ACWs (whatever theya re being called these days) and wondering where her go bag is.
Always funny to see their face as they try to figure out how they got in so much trouble in a dream and how will they get out!
My hubby was mad at me last week because he was dreaming about this great meal he was eating and when he looked away I had eaten it. He just kept grumping and asking why I ate his food when I had my own food. Just made me laugh to hear his little grumps and frowns. Two days of this and I finally told him it’s his new diet dreams. After I got done laughing he told me I was a bit mean. (You are an mean evil bitch from hell sent here to torment me for my younger years)
I’m still getting laughs at that.
ok, that’s a LOL! Give him a hug and tell him it’s from the BDH for making our day brighter.
My wife has gotten mad at me because of a dream now and then. And sadly, the dream sticks so much that it takes the better part of the day to get unmad at me. Nothing like meeting up after work and she goes: “I’m still mad at you” but sort of smiling.
Ahhh, the married life.
My brother used to tell me when we were growing up that he would pass my bedroom door at night and we’d have a conversation that I had absolutely no memory of the next day.
I say you can still blame Gordon. Maybe he had a dream about re-enlisting and talked in his sleep about it, you heard it, and it worked its way into your dream. My motto is that you’re not crazy if you can blame someone else for your crazy.
When my wife was in college, she’d start talking in her sleep relating to the latest course she was immersed in. Math, language, etc.
I’m a light sleeper so if she started talking, I’d wake up and have about a minute or two conversation with her. I’d say something like “I don’t think so” or “why?” and she’d respond accordingly.
Did she remember the discussion the next morning?
My mom would ask me “did you have a nice conversation?” in the morning. I would look at her and say “what do you mean?” She told me that I would say “yep” or “hmm” or other noises. My answer is ” I don’t remember the conversation if I did that.” 😀
My husband and son are always doing crazy things in my dreams which I find very frustrating. I do scold my husband for them as he generally finds it funny; I think my son would be confused rather than amused.
That said, the worst dream I’ve ever had (in many ways) was one in which I’d won the lottery. I was so happy! And as I started to wake up, I was still positive that some things in the dream weren’t real, but the money was. Alas.
I had that kind of dream lol. I sat up punch my hubby in the arm he goes what was that for? I realized it was a dream I go never mind laid back down acted like I was asleep.
My husband saved me from drowning one night. He couldn’t work out why I was so mad about it!
The most trouble my dad has ever been in was the time my mom dreamed that he lost me at the store when I was a baby.
I think he’d have been okay, except that when she woke him up to yell at him about it, he told her he was sure I was fine, and to go back to sleep.
After being out of the Army for the last 20 years I received a text last week. Join the Navy yada yada yada. Had a good laugh. At 40+ I don’t think the Navy would want me.
Had eight glorious years between husband retiring from the Army, and daughter joining the Navy 🙂 Planning family events is now like the episode of M*A*S*H where they are trying to get their families together – nope, can’t manage that date, can you manage this one?
Daughter always says her plans are set in lumpy custard, as she has no control over what happens next.
At this time of the year, like a lot of people, I stressed and have weird sleep patterns the other night I dreamt that I was awake when I think I was sleeping and I woke up so tired.
Hope everyone starts having sweeter dreams ?
I’m a geologist and live in San Francisco. I was lying in bed when all of the sudden I wake up as an earthquake starts. I look at my cat and he’s fine. Not freaking out or anything. That is why I realize that the shaking has gone on long enough that furniture should be shifting, glasses falling, and walls should have started cracking. I touch my arm and realize that I’m the one who has been shaking the whole time. Then it stops and I wake up for real.
Also one time, there was a meteor headed to the destroy the earth. Planet ender. So we had to get Joan of Arc back as a sacrifice to prevent it. But then we get her back and she’s so nice and it feels wrong to burn her again. She’s already had her turn so they burn me instead.
Also tsunami dreams, but I am ok because I’m on the third floor despite it being taller than my building. And floods destroying my childhood home, but the water level is different level in each room despite the house being on one level and I’m demanding that people remember to pack at least two sets of clothes when we feel.
All the cataclysms.
It really makes me glad that all I have are “being back in high school and having to take the SAT completely unprepared” dreams. And that I have a library book with fines for it being overdue for over 30 years.
I had an earthquake dream. Finalized realized that yes the bed was actually shaking and it wasn’t a dream. Wake up in a rush ready to panic and grab the kids as we currently don’t live in an earthquake zone so something was wrong only to realize…my then toddler had a death grip on the sheets and was pushing-pulling the mattress trying to wake me up.
One morning I woke suddenly from a dream in which I was really, REALLY mad at my husband. He said, “Good morning.” I replied, “Don’t. Don’t talk to me. Leave me alone or I will bite your head off.” He fled. I was quite aware that it had been only a dream, but the anger just wouldn’t leave.
I sometimes dream that my husband is a fire breathing dragon… ?
Have you read Jeaniene Frost’s latest book? You might have something in common with Ian…
This year made my 30th Christmas Family Day…..it has not changed since Gordon was in….
But, I am still grateful when he is in the country for Christmas. So I guess it balances out for me. I still can’t wrap my head around what retirement will be like…
I used to have all kinds of dreams that my (now ex-) husband was cheating on me. He used to tell me that he was envious of Dream-[name], as he had quite the life.
I’m pretty sure it was the distance between us that prompted those dreams that led to our divorce. I mean, I hope it wasn’t the dreams themselves…
My sister was a military spouse — is she still, if he’s no longer in? I’m not sure if she became this BECAUSE she was a military spouse, or if this quality in her is how they stayed married, but she is the single most capable person I know. I’ll have to ask her if she ever has dreams of her husband re-enlisting. Because of the wheres and whatfores of his service, they would definitely be nightmares.
I have been retired for thirty-seven years and was in for twenty-seven years. My recurring military dreams are about getting troops ready to move to the front. I can hear the artillery, armor and close air support. The scariest are the out-of-this-world moaning of ARC Light (90 mm Gatling fire from C-130s) strikes. I wake my self up knowing it was a dream.
Oh, man. Wishing you lots of sweet-dreams-only nights, Henry. And hugs.
Thanks Shannon
My hubby and I met while on active duty in the Navy. He retired awhile back. I used to have horrible dreams during the Gulf Wars about him deploying. I would wake up so angry at him. Sometimes it would take days for me to work it out in my head. I think he just chalked it up to his wife being a bit boinkers.
I didn’t realize I was stressed about Christmas. I bought tile trackers for the entire family (my son had lost his car keys and I paid $400 for a new set). I dreamed the package arrived on time. The next day I had the family look for the box while I panicked. Later I got an email the package was delayed and I realized receiving the package was a dream
I feel for Gordon. It’s times like this when I would think better or worse and sickness and in health. ……crazy and normal. While husbands think this, we never voice them out loud or at least try.
Ja,ok …zo….weee are ahaving zome. stress here I think Ja?
You are vorred. Dat da Husband will leave you …Ja Nicht War…?…
It’s ok Ilona it’s just holiday stress,good you have a place to vent..
Get a horse then you really can stress out…
About 12 or so years ago, I dreamt that my husband was having an affair with an old school friend he reconnected with. Woke up crying and realized it was a dream. So woke him up to tell him about my dream and that he’d be outta here so quick if he did that in real life! (I wasn’t mad… really I wasn’t)
Now he goes around telling everyone about that dream and that I was mad at him!
I dreamed my husband cheated on me and was pissed at him the whole day. He eventually did cheat on me. He’s now my ex.
I always get in trouble when my husband has bear dreams. we live in Montana, instead of ducking or climbing a tree when he tells me to I ask, why?
He informs me I will be eaten by a bear some day because I ask instead of react. oh well, I just stay away from bears as much as I can.
My husband does this to me all time. I can’t count how many mornings he’s woke up, pissed as all get out at me and I have no idea why. On occasion he will wake me up in the middle of the night to find out why I did something that I hadn’t done, lecture me about why I shouldn’t do it just to wake up the next morning and not remember a thing. My favorite to date is when I ran away with the circus to be a palm reader. LOL
I do this kind of thing to my husband all the time. The stuff he gets up to in MY sleep is just outrageous!
My husband works for the county which uses state prisoners in their last year of their sentence for labor. He fell asleep in his chair last night and when I asked him if he wanted to go to bed he stated telling me everything his crew needed ro get dine before he could “turn them in”. I kept telling him he was home and they were NOT here. He argued with me for about 5 minutes until I told him he was asleep talking. It got really funny, because I don’t go to work with him so he got all flustered and then work up REALLY grumpy, muttering about real, not real with a few grumpy words thrown in. Was asleep before his head hit the pillow.
Hmmmm by any chance did you eat any of the gummy candies you made? May want to stay away from those.
I’m also an Army retiree’s spouse. My hubby s been out for 3 years, but I haven’t had a dream that he went back in. My bad dreams are about short notice PCSs.
Oh Ilona, you made it into something really funny, but if it’s anxiety working itself out of your subconscious and into dreams please take time to feel allright. I hate that people feel entitled to stress you out.
I hope you have some great holidays, with no anxiety or nasty surprises! Like a peace Flare! Only good things manifesting and gaining power lol.
I rarely dream about my hubby. I am always aware I have one but he somehow never makes an appearance… Weird…
Imagine being attached to Marine One and having your father told to pack for 3 days to 2 weeks, hot or cold.
It was their way of telling you to pack without telling you where you were going or how long, so it didn’t compromise Presidential security.
One time he got called they were leaving in 90 minutes. No way dad can drive home and back in that time (he was civilian during his attachment to the unit, so we werent in on base or even near off base housing) So mom drives up to the base, she pulls up to an area of the base she can access and starts throwing clothes at Dad as he puts them into his car which can get him access to a more secure area. One of the marines in the unit had been gone to lunch (this was before cell phones) so he’d missed the news they were about to leave, so he thought Dad was getting thrown out. ?
Usually I had an idea in most cases he was leaving, tghough we nwvwr knew how long. But there were a few times I went to school expecting to see him before bed that day, but he’d been sent out.
Not a great dream, poor you. Breath, shower, take Gordon out for a really fun breakfast. And send a few thanks to the families that have to through “oh, you have 90 minutes to go somewhere either hot or cold for 2 days or 9 months. Thank you for your service!” Bleh….
It’s been a while since my dreams put me back in uniform; then again, it’s been a long while since my DD-214. As an aside, the last time I had to show it for something the paperwork requiring it made the mistake of adding the letter of a recent version. It took a bit for the person reviewing my documents to understand this was an earlier version.
Bwahahahhaha I once woke up from a nightmare heartbroken and crying. I turned to face my then bf, and whacked him on the arm while sobbing uncontrollably and demanding how he could cheat on me after everything we’ve been through lol He didn’t blink an eye, was all cuddly and “shhh.. It’s just a bad dream”. Men are weird ?
Also, came here to post this pic of JLo and her and Alex Rodriguez’s kids decorating their tree. IT HAS ROSES IN IT AND and I think I love it. ROSES!! IN A CHRISTMAS TREE!!!!!
Hope you don’t have those dreams too often, not funny
Sending good vibes your way ~~
I had a friend who had dreamed that her husband had cheated on her. She woke up turned looked at him and socked him in the jaw then she proceeded to yell that she was going to kill him for cheating on her.
I am a sleep talker, sleep horse back rider (my poor sister – I blame ROY ROGERS), sleep walker and sleep cooker. I thought I had outgrown it. I’ve been a bit stressed, and the other day I woke up and found that from the looks of it, I cooked a Denver omelet in my sleep. Fortunately, I turned off the stove, put the food back in the fridge almost where it belonged and my dirty dishes in a neat stack in the sink. Dreams can be so real. It’s one thing I appreciate about you as Authorlords – you have great fight scenes that don’t cause nightmares.
Oh my God, as an enlisted myself, (NG now, no longer active) this dream feels way too true to life! Hope your anxiety works itself out!
I’ve had dreams like that. Usually upsetting and after waking up, I’m not sure if what I remember happening actually happened. After a few minutes of chasing down logical “if-then”, I figure out it was just a dream.
I have to laugh a little at this, since I have done it myself. In time I learned to just be quiet until after breakfast. Things are much better after breakfast.
Wlkhile I was in college, a year or several ago, I was a breakfast with my roommate and 2 other friends. Cindy walked into the cafeteria, strode up to our table, looked at her boyfriend, and hollered “It’s all your fault. The world was destroyed and you didn’t stop it so it’s all your fault!” She then looked at the rest of us, all male, and said, “And you wouldn’t tell him to stop it so it’s your fault too!” She then stalked off. She wouldn’t say anything else to us for the rest of the day but “It’s your fault.” Every guy we told the story to went “HUH????” Every woman she told the story to looked at us and said, “It’s all your fault.”
It took us until the next day to find out what prompted this. Cindy had had a nightmare that the world was coming to an end and her boyfriend, Bob, could stop it but he refused to do anything, just kept working on a set design. When she went to the rest of our group asking the guys to tell him to stop the end of the world we all kept doing what ever we were doing. Until she graduated, every once in a while, she would look at one or another of us and mutter, “It’s all your fault.”
To this day, my measure of a surreal experience is that day in the cafeteria.
I’ve always had an anxiety disorder. I remember when I was young my brother was enlisted during the Gulf War he had already gone through training and was deployed.
So to prevent me from stressing out at home he and my mom decided it was best for me to believe that he was still at the base safe and not actually out fighting.
I’d still find myself watching the news channels every night looking for him praying I wouldn’t see him, until I remembered he’s in training and safe on Fort Bragg.I
I didn’t learn that he’d been deployed and had been in the field until I was in my 20s. When you was trying to stop me from freaking out about his new career of NC State Trooper, and yes once again I didn’t learn of it until it was already done.
Stress and anxiety are to be expected, after all you love the man and the life you have built together. Still with how things are being run now is it possible to put that enlistment on hold for another 2 years?
I absolutely lecture my husband and kids regarding their actions in my dreams as well. XD
That’s freaking hilarious. My best friend would do that.
When we were in college she, once had an EPIC fight with her now husband based on a dream. She dreamed he cheated on her. She woke up and railed at him for it. Why? Because clearly he’d done SOMETHING her subconscious picked up on as a foundation for the dream. So it was his fault. I’ve never seen him so bewildered. I still tease her about it.