We’ve been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to make a Christmas List. I would like to get some yarn, but I have zero clue what to get or what the cool new popular projects are.
I tried looking on Ravelry and just ended up overwhelmed. I’m still working on Gordon’s Ranger Cowl – only about a 100 rows left, pheew – and But I would like to start something new after that, maybe with handdyed yarn.
People always complain about pooling. I wish my colors pooled. I really like the gradient effect like this Malabrigo Arroyo.

I guess yarn is a lot about color for me.
Anyway, what are you working on/wish you were working on? Any cool yarn you covet? 🙂
You know, every time you talk about knitting, I get the urge to try it out, but I’m terrible at finishing unimportant projects or I take forever to getting around to starting something if it doesn’t have a time crunch.
So this is me, resisting the urge to get into knitting.
Must resist… must resist…
(Have you found a good knitting store near your new house?)
I’ve been coveting these ombre yarn bombs by Freia Fine Handpaints: https://freiafibers.com/store/p160/yarnbomb
Thanks to a pattern in the new issue of knitty:
I am also a total Freia fan. I’ve been making beanies out of the ombré worsted weight wool for all of my relatives (because I am also a newbie knitter and haven’t mastered the more complex patterns. Someday I will graduate to socks, I swear!). I have also fallen in love with Plymouth baby alpaca grande hand-dye which is amazingly soft and snuggly. And the bulky weight means I can quickly knit up hats for those last minute beanie requests!
My first sock (only one as it was a test) was in worsted and flew by. Sadly, nobody in my family wants hand-knit socks, so I stopped making them.
So you preemptively don’t make a second one so it can’t get lost in the dryer? Very forward-thinking of you. 😉
Wow that is beautiful yarn!
I’m currently working on both the Fade Cardi sweater as a Christmas gift for my sister and the Butterfly/Papillon shawl for me.
A favourite in my household is Koigu yarn – I really love the KPPPM (Koigu Painter’s Palette Premium Merino). It comes is lovely colours and knits up beautifully – good for socks, shawls, wristlets (half-gloves with no fingers) and scarves. https://www.koigu.com/kpppm/ It’s smooth and soft yet durable.
I love Koigu too! There colours are just fantastic. I am currently working on a fade shawl with KPPPM.
I don’t knit, but my mom does. She’s probably the best knitter in the world (yes, I’m bragging ^^) and she does these really intricate and beautiful lace shawls from Estonia right now. If you like colourful yarn, I recently stumbled upon this cool wool for socks. They dye it in a way that makes patterns when you knit it. By itself! It’s going to be a Christmas present for my mom and I hope she doesn’t read this and guesses, because she is also a fan. Here is the link:
I hope your mom loves it!
My Mother was a great knitter. The more complicated the better. She especially loved the Irish/Aran knits. She kept my children in play sweaters that they wore out. I so miss her being able to knit for her granddaughters. But I have a few saved sweaters that are now being used. I do know how to knit but I quilt instead.
I tend to buy yarn because I love the colors as well, with no idea what I plan to do with them. Just finished Moho by Christopher Salas on Ravelry. It’s a good way to show off a single skein of sock yarn. My mother requested a scarf that wasn’t blue or green. Well she’s getting pink and purples even though it means she won’t really have anything to match it to because all she wears are blues and greens.
I have decided to learn to knit fair isle and made a gorgeous hat for my husband (https://knitigatingcircumstances.com/2018/12/06/getting-the-hang-of-it/). I managed to knit some of it while hanging out with a colony of African Penguins south of Cape Town which was totally cool (https://knitigatingcircumstances.com/2018/11/26/knitting-with-penguins/). I also just finished knitting a very nice work-appropriate tank top with lace in a silk-wool blend (https://knitigatingcircumstances.com/2018/11/24/paid-in-full/). Now I’m back home in England and it’s winter so I’m dreaming of warm woolly jumpers!
Oh wow.
Ugh, I just wish I knew how to knit or crochet. It’s something I plan to make a priority next year.
I second the gradient yarn idea, you can either get a yarn cake with some really fun super long color changes or do a mini skein set which is has more colors closer in tone.
Color pooling has always intimidated me, to much math. But it can look spectacular! https://www.twistcollective.com/collection/35-articles/features/1537-the-art-and-science-of-planned-pooling
Is very well written article.
Enjoy the search for your next project, I always thinks it’s just as much fun as the knitting!
That is some shawl!
There is a yarn shop here that posts pictures of finished projects. I stopped in to check out their lap looms and they use yarn as warp. The $$ quickly changed my mind but it’s still on the list for “someday.” They had some beautiful yarns, but I had to slap my hands. Too many sewing projects to work my way through first and then there are all those lovely books to read.
Just finished the new Reacher, Past Tense. It was interesting. A day off so I’m baking fruitcake and possibly banana bread muffins today because not enough small loaf pans.
Working on an Afghan for my son. Carpal tunnel inflammation forced me to take a break. Sigh.
You should check out Supernatural yarns the have great nerdy yarn and it is super pretty!
Ever knit with “sea silk”? 70% silk, 30% seacell.
I find spinning to be really relaxing too. Especially a really fine merino or something soft.
Oh! I made a shawl and slippers with handmaiden. It is one of my fav. I live in Halifax where it is made and there is always a great selection.
I have never seen this before. O_O
I love yarn colors, but the texture is the big thing for me. My latest “Oooh, that feels so nice…” project is cratering. The Bernat velvet yarn is too soft for the shawl I am making. I guess I will do a slouchy beret and a scarf, or two. The shawl pattern wanted a lot of yarn. (I am also allergic to wool, so my choices are somewhat limited.)
I don’t knit well any more. My medications leave me with fingers that feel like they are asleep on a full time basis.
I knit by sight, not feel – because I can’t feel the yarn well and I drop the needles if I am not careful. It’s no fun looking at an entire row of empty loops, thinking “Can I get all of those back?” My hands often cramp because I hold things too tight, but if I don’t, suddenly the yarn is just sitting there and there’s nothing between my fingers. (That IS better than losing one’s fork at a restaurant, though.)
Knitting helps me keep my fingers flexible, so I won’t give it up, but, boy, is it frustrating sometimes. Arthritis compression gloves actually seem to help, but make me too clumsy to use while I knit.
I threatened my children with knitwear this year for Christmas, but only finished the projects for the in-laws. Oh well, surprises are good.
You should check out Indigodragonfly. She’s an indie dyer from Ontario, her yarns are gorgeous and their colour names are hilarious, sarcastic and geeky. She also created wonderful patterns, among which are dragons.
I love Mountain Colors yarn, especially their Berries collection. Right now I’m knitting a sweater in Gooseberry
There are so many great dyers and projects out there. I knitted socks for my family for gifts this year and to reward myself, I’m knitting a sweater. Do you listen to any podcasts? Try the Grocery Girls if you want a good chuckle or two.
Happy Knitting and Merry Christmas!
That’s a beautiful colorway.
I covet yarn from Wollelfe in Austria, they have s Facebook page and sell on Etsy. Their Facebook page frequently shows shawls made from their yarn – which is beautiful.
Crazy Zauberball also has great colors as does Knit Picks Chroma.
I’m working on spinning a braid of gorgeous magma colorway fiber into yarn. I slowly transitions from a bright deep scarlet to a solid black. I’m spinning it at the smallest end of lace weight so that I can chain ply it to small fingerling weight. I have four of these braids and want to knit it into a sweater. the color changes fascinate me as it fills the bobbin…
The braid…
How pretty!
I love this bobbly wool (Sidar Sweetie) I made a blanket for a friends baby from it and ordered way too much so I’m making a blanket for the sofa. Or if someone buys it. So easy to knit with and great feeling to snuggle with. I’ve got a batch of yellow I brought as well, so I’ll end up with two blankets ?
How does it do in the wash?
I love working with natural fibers- I am knitting baby stuff now with cotton/bamboo blends. I have also crocheted baby blankets with a yarn made of cotton and coffee fiber. It is summer in South Africa and it is too hot to knit right now. Look at the wonderful website of I love yarn – http://www.iloveyarn.co.za
So much pretty!
Knitting intimidates me with two needles, but I love crochet! Took me many months but I finally finished a rainbow granny square blanket for a transgender high school graduate. The whole blanket was one big granny square, with no real pattern because so often I start with a pattern and then just kind of do my own thing. My projects right now are dragonscale dice bags, using metal scales from the Ring Lord online. They look so cool! Best of all they’re fairly small so I can actually complete one in just a week or so. 🙂
Have you tried Hedgehog Fibres, they are gorgeous.
I love Lazy Cat Yarn, a hand dryer with fabulous colors, especially her Opulence line, a merino/silk/cashmere blend. I want to do the https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/architexture scarf with it, one person has already if you look in the projects. Its gorgeous but pricey, will probably end up doing it in Cascade Heritage (which other people have done also).
i’m working on hats right now. and a pair of socks. hats are a bulky-weight, so i can finish before christmas, and i love the yarn- three irish girls springvale bulky, colorway “fly me to the moon.” it’s a dark blue with pops of lime green, turquoise, and lavender. the socks are for me, and i used hedgehog fibres sock yarn- pollen (deep gold) for the cuffs, heels, and toes; cereal (beige with tiny pops of pink, gold, green, and turquoise) for the body. i love the colorplay.
I can’t knit anymore due to the arthritis in my fingers, but I picked up a child’s loom weaving kit and plan to start that next week since I finished my final exam for this semester and I have a few weeks before I can take the next classes.
I absolutely love it when you post a question like this so I can see what everyone else recommends. I am in mourning here because our local yarn shop has decided to close its doors in January. However, there are several shops not too far away but it won’t be the same as sitting and knitting or taking classes at my local. I recently finished a High Plains Shawl out of Blue Moon Plushy with a solid color for contrast. I am debating whether to start the Starshower cowl or Simplicity cardigan. Either would also be from Blue Moon. The Simplicity (https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/simplicity-cardigan) would be out of Yaksi–60% Wool, 20% Yak and 20% silk.
I live in Oregon and we are awash with Indie dyers here in the PNW. Blue Moon is in WA, Knitted Witt in Portland and Despondent Dyes is our local Indie dyer.
I also find Ravelry to be a bit overwhelming so I sometimes cut it down by searching for a type of project and a gauge of yarn or simply limit to the “hot now” button. Good luck! Perhaps I should take up a project this summer to dye some wool inspired by your characters. What colors would be for Kate, Curran, Nevada or Rogan?
If you’re talking about Black Sheep, at least she will still be selling online. I’ll miss the store too, though.
I’ve been tatting snowflakes, working on the Cross Stitch of Doom (234,000 stitches – I might finish it sometime this decade), shiny capes for the grandkids for the holidays, crocheting an afghan out of small skeins of handspun from a yarn swap, and spinning the yarn for a LotR weaving pattern project. Oh, and a horse quilt for my daughter.
No knitting, though. I don’t know how. Yet.
Heads up. Malabrigo Arroyo isn’t a gradient. It has an overall mottled effect, but doesn’t read resemble the pic. Vivid fiber arts has to-dye-for gradients. My LYS is closing, so I just seriously indulged my knitting bug for 50% off. But Malabrigo does have great colors and anniversairo is one of my favorites of theirs. Good choice!
Yes, that’s why I said I “wished” my colors pooled. 🙂
My mom is on the 3rd? remake of my rager cowl. I am NOT her favorite child right now. I have a crocheted patchwork ends project to make a cover for my bed that I should be working on because I’m on bedrest. But I cannot seem to get interested in much of anything right now. Your tidbits are a bright spot in my weeks.
It’s not a complex pattern, but it’s surprisingly takes a while to get it done.
I am working on the baby blanket which my poodle stole after it was finished and created a non decorative hole with her nasty teeth. I love the yarn, it is 70% alpaca and 30% wool in a slivery blue green color. The design is a cable/ladder pattern. Since the hole was 1/3 of the way from the bottom of the blanket I have to knit in retrograde. I have never done a cable 6 purl back before, kinda awkward. This time the blanket will go straight from blocking to my neighbor’s baby! I think I will stick with hats for a while since they are quickly finished.
I talked myself into getting involved in a knit along called It Takes a Guild Cardigan. I bought lots of yarn, knit gauge swatches, then stalled. I’m not jazzed by the design, although I love cables. This seems to be a different way of approaching the knitting, less pattern-based, so I checked it out. Then I got sick.
I got my yarn at the Lion Brand outlet in northern NJ. I tend to leave yarn lying around, so anything wool attracts critters. So I tend to get artificial fibers.
Please post a pic of the cowl when it’s done, hopefully modeled by Gordon.
Up to a relaxing laugh? I saw this one on ravelry and thought: “Rogan!”
Got a train of thought that went like this:
Pin-up calendar -> garage
knitware -> grandma
=> Men in knitware -> Grandma Frida
knitting The Christmas Sweater
and because it’s too hot in Texas for knit sweaters, these smaller bits of knitware featured in that calendar are absolutely perfect – and who would want to cover up nice chests anyway?
A gag-gift for Grandma Frida? You remember Nevada saying something like: “Why aren’t you knitting something for me? When you look up ‘grandma’ in the dictionary it shows a granny knitting…” And Grandma Frida retaliating with bits of knitware for christmas everyone has to wear because thats the way of The Christmas Sweater (substitute)…
I’m cross- stitching a stocking of kitties for my granddaughter. Will probably be done next year. It’s a big project. It’s fun and calming.
I love cross stitching as well. I can crochet, but never could “get” knitting.
I can’t knit to save my life, always mess up the tension, but I can crochet. I’m working on 3 unicorns right now, here is a pic of what they look like.
That’s so adorable!!!! I want to make some amigarumi.
I just finished making a pair of fingerless mitts for the man using a Madeleintosh. I just tinked out the bind off of a scarf because I wanted it longer. The yarn is a really fuzzy, annoying, and BRIGHT gradient acrylic. I’ve been knitting F-bombs thanks to Devon Monk, and I want to start a pair of fingerless mitts for my mom. I have a pretty periwinkle for that in Cascade wool. Weirdly my pinkie finger started hurting so I’m not sure how I’m managing to hurt it as I knit. I love malabrigo and when I go into the yarn shop I spend a lot of time petting the baby alpaca yarns.
Have you ever tried to dye yarn? For years I did with koolaid to get kids interested in fibre arts. Everything smelled yummy. Recently, I upped my game and bought a set of dyes. It feels like being an alchemist! Also you can overdye ugly yarn from your stash. Warning – highly addictive. This is where I bought dye. There are a lot of great videos and advice available.
Dharma is another good source for dye materials
I will check it out!
That is a rabbit hole I need to avoid at all costs. 🙂
I recently finished the Dohne shawl. It was a fun knit and much easier than it looks (there’s no actual cabling going on). I used handspun and made it smaller than the pattern calls for. But handpainted yarn would work well with this. Aerie cowl is one of my free patterns on Ravelry that would work with handpainted yarn, and uses a small amount of yarn. I just finished a bunch of hats for my brother and his kids, mostly using the Grand Plan Hat pattern by Ann Budd, but one was the Jacques Cousteau hat. And right before that I was on a slipper kick. One of my favorites was Amy March’s Slippers by Tiny Owl Knits.
In addition to yarn, maybe put some fun knitting tools or supplies on your wish list? A Needle Runs Through It has some really cool tools and bags (she’s on etsy), and Chicken Boots has great needle holders and bags.
I tried to post this earlier but it didn’t show up so I will try it again. Hopefully it won’t show up twice. I have just knitted a very cool fair isle hat for my husband: https://knitigatingcircumstances.com/2018/12/06/getting-the-hang-of-it/, and a dressy silk and wool blend sleeveless sweater with lace for me: https://knitigatingcircumstances.com/2018/11/24/paid-in-full/. I also spent some time knitting while hanging out with a colony of African Penguins while in Cape Town: https://knitigatingcircumstances.com/2018/11/26/knitting-with-penguins/.
Just cast on another pair of baby mitts for my friends baby. Also about half way done with a ready steady hat made with hedgehog chubby. (https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/ready-steady)I just finished a Mobius cowl, that has a really cool cast on.(https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/bulky-mobius-cowl) I mostly knit hats and socks, although recently there are several cowls I want to try.
In terms of pretty yarn you really can’t go wrong with anything from this store. http://www.eatsleepknit.com/cshop/yarn/ they have lots of pretty hand painted skeins.
I recently finished westknits’ Texture Time shawl. A marathon knitting project, but fun. Now I’m on the Inspira Cowl, Steampunk version, in Schoppel Zauberball.
Malabrigo yarns are beautiful and fun to knit. I did Martina Behm’s Smooth Sailor in Malabrigo Lace. I like wearing the shawl, but the knitting was rather tedious. And yes, the yarn did some pooling (unintentionally).
Also I’m toying with the idea of a fair isle vest in Kauni 8/2 effect…so many beautiful yarns, so many ideas, so little time…
I know there are tools online to help you get yarn to pool in a controlled/planned manner. I did a quick google search for “planned pooling” and got a whole bunch of hits- including this one from red heart, of all places. (http://www.redheart.com/how-to/articles/quick-guide-to-color-pooling)
Maybe it will help make it happen!
I’ve just finished off a Ravello sweater and current have a couple of sock projects on the needles (one I am enjoying, one not so much). Once I finish one of these, I plan to cast on new projects over the holidays; a colorblock aran-weight sweater, Rakkaus socks or if I’m feeling ambitious maybe even a Stargazing shawl.
Since we have just a couple weeks to Christmas, have you looked at Ysolda’s Knitworthy collection for this year? https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/sources/knitworthy-5
I’ve knitted a Gleði hat from that collection that was a beautiful way to use up leftover sock yarn, and may do a Poza cowl some time soon. I also love the Joy mitts, which have colored dots and a tiny flag (the pattern shows them with Pride, trans and bi flags, and can be adapted for any other three-color striped flag).
When I was a child, my mother was a member of the local weavers’ guild. I remember one GA Day as part of the celebrations they had several demonstration stations set up that went through the process of wool and cotton treatment from carding through spinning, dyining and weaving with various loom types.
I learned a little bit about using natural dyes and later did some small programs on the topic at a couple of state parks I worked for. I am now trying to review materials and outline a more detailed program on natural dyes for our Master Naturalist program, though I REALLY would like to find someone from my local fiber crafts community or one of the nearby native tribes to come in and do the program.
That is my current project, though it is not knitting specific ?. On the knitting from, I have a baby blanket I put aside a while back that I need to finish and have several small batches of yarn that I bought long ago because of the color and/or texture and I need to find something to do with those (but I only know how to knight flat things)
I crochet not knit. We are going to be welcoming a new member to the family, and I’ve made the baby two afghans to use when he gets here. I’m going to be working on his christening afghan, hat and booties. I’m all about the color and texture with yarn. I don’t have the patience to do color pooling, or rather the arithmetic to successfully accomplish it! I do like the effect though.
I don’t really knit, I knot. Some day I’ll get it, till then I might just stick with learning blacksmithing and a little woodcarving. I do love colorful yarn though.
One possible way to find a pattern you like without having to wade through Ravelry (which is daunting, indeed) is to check the March Mayhem patterns from Mason-Dixon Knitting. You can look at all of the original patterns or just go to the final brackets that the readers selected. It’s how I found Dohne, and there’s some lovely patterns in the group. https://www.masondixonknitting.com/march-mayhem/
I am the dud friend in the crafty friend group. Someone has to help pick colors and ooh and aah when the piece is finished. Love the gradient colors. Colors are the reason for any cool project. Knit up and onward. My admiration and praise always.
you may like these guys they do wonderful yarns many in animal fur colors
Camaj is also fun I mostly buy fiber from them and spin it myself but they have wonderful yarns too
I’m working on https://www.knitpicks.com/patterns/Hue_Shift_Afghan_Pattern__D41112220.html…I just bought the acrylic kit, but I thought long and hard about doing it in a hand dyed silk merino blend. This is my first blanket, so I thought I’d see if I actually finished before I splurged on the good stuff. I really like the pattern; the colors are so pretty, and each square is satisfyingly quick and easy to carry.
This would take me years. Wow.
I love this afghan- it’s so beautiful. It reminds me (in a roundabout fashion) of a quilt that was shown during the opening/closing credits for a quilting program that was shown on HGTV when they first went on air. The quilt was black with bold, bright pinwheels, each pinwheel was one color but several shades. The color contrast was amazing to me, I loved that quilt. However, I’m no more a quilter than I am a knitter/crocheter so I’m destined to do without unless I’m willing to track down an Etsy crafter.
I pick based on feel and color. Although I do like pooping and shifting colors, I’m left handed and tend to have to translate my patterns to match, so I don’t do much with self striping based on the adjustments. I only work with natural fibers if I can help it, but have recently finished a chunky shawl and have a superfine lace project in ufo status. The ufo is in size 2 merino lace and is actually much further, but I don’t have a newer photo- it’s on 5 repeats already.
Am currently doing a starburst granny squares. It’s my second attempt at crocheting. Wish me luck.
Good luck. You can do eeeet!
Hmm…thinking about knitting scarves for my nephews with their initial on it. Their names are too long…the scarves would trail the ground! lol!
But they wouldn’t be done in time for Xmas since I’d be knitting and my knitting is really, really slow.
Your post reminds me that I am thinking about learning to knit after reading a cozy mystery series centered around knitting retreats. There is an interesting scarf (the author puts instructions for one knitted item and one baked thing at the end of each book) that is supposed to be good for beginners that sounds like something I’d actually want to wear in the 6th book. (Inherit the Wool by Betty Hechtman)
I am confused about why this project that the newbie knitters were working on was “easy” since it requires three different types of yarn knitted together with extra large needles. I may need to find a class before I can tackle it.
In one book they did use hand dyed yarns and there was advice given to be sure to buy extra just in case because hand dyed lots will differ from each other so if you need more the next lot might not match what you’ve done. That’s good to know!
I never thought I’d get the bug, LOL. But I hear it’s a good meditative practice.
Good luck with your next project!
Probably considered to be “easy” because knitting with three strands makes it a big yarn, and because of the size it will knit up fast. However everyone’s tolerance is different, you can knit a scarf with one strand. I’d recommend a lighter color in a worsted weight yarn…lighter (and plainer) so you can spit your stitches and hopefully your mistakes as you knit along. Expect mistakes, it’s exceptionally rare to get it right the first few times. In fact, you learn from making the common mistakes and getting help fixing them. Enjoy the process and keep knitting to get into a rhythm. If you hate the project when you’re done, the beauty of knitting is you can undo that yarn, wind it back into a ball, and knit something else with it. ?
Thanks for the advice and the encouragement!
lol! Reminds me of project someone claimed was easy! Then they finished it off with four double pointed needles! Have the needles now…no clue just how the circle actually shrinks with all of them in! Lol!
I just finished knitting a bath mat out of really thick yarn (Bernat Blanket). Not the most fun to knit with, but the result is super cushy under the feet.
I’m almost done with an Elizabeth Zimmerman Anniversary half Pi Shawl. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/ez-100th-anniversary-camping-half-circle I’ve never done lace before and am finding it surprisingly enjoyable. It is not a good project for when you just want to knit without paying attention, but I think the result will be worth it.
This scarf pattern is a lot of fun: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/preppie-scarf I’ve made 2 and a friend has made 3 after seeing mine. I particularly like the “dreadlock fringe.” It goes well with a gradient yarn, but I did one alternating black and brown that worked well, too.
Found Holly scarf – 1 ball + some red – 1 day to make by same knitter as the link you kindly offered here.
Hope the image comes up this time!
Wow on the shawl. Wow.
I’m starting a sweater for me. We’re having a knitalong at my LYS.
It’s pretty and a lot of plain knitting until you get to the fun part.
Good luck!
I am doing these scandinavian christmas decorations at the moment. Instant gratification in knitting terms as one only takes one to two TV evenings to complete. You can stick with the traditional red and white or use up any scraps.
Here are basic instructions and even a design tool to create your own patterns and there are loads more online.
How cute!
I really enjoyed working with Paton’s Silk Bamboo blend. I just wish it came in more colors and that it had some colors that were varigated or gradiated.
Wow! Goosebumps. Thanks for sharing the video.
I love pooling too! One yarn that is famous (or notorious) for it is the sock yarn from Blue Moon Fiber arts, which will most likely pool when knitting actual socks.
Last year I visited this place in Waco called Homestead Heritage. It’s a “back to basics” type community and they do everything by hand. Blacksmithing/ pottery/stone ground grains/cheeses/ yarn…..
it’s open to the public and you can visit all the different areas of the community and watch/learn/buy the stuff they make. They even offer classes. They have a farm to table restaurant that they run on the property.
Among the many cool things they have is a whole cottage set aside where they card/spin wool from their own sheep into yarn right in front of you. It’s all hand dyed and you can buy skeins right there. It was really really interesting.
If you are in the mood for a day trip it’s a pretty cool place to go spend the day and if you are looking for cool/unique yarns and project ideas it’s awesome.
If anything it made for a really unique experience and I came home with some super yummy cheese, molasses and stone ground flours.
Thank you for the recommendation. Honestly, like most Texans, we avoid Waco like the plague. It’s “that awful town on the way to Dallas.”
I don’t knit but I want to learn mainly because of these hand-dyed yarns (their names slay me): https://despondentdyes.com/
Wow – love their yarn names – “His New Girlfriend Drives a Convertible,” “I Gave All My Wedding Dresses Away,” “Eating Frosting Straight Outta The Can.” Plus, the colors are beautiful. What a great site.
I don’t knit but I enjoyed their website! I like how they set their colors with acid from their bitter tears
My fave was “I’ve been ghosted more often than a haunted house.”
I recommended those last year. I love them so much.
Love this Malabrigo yarn – it is such a wonderful colorway. I have managed to hold myself back from ordering it, but it has not been easy. (Why is it that I want to knit yarn I don’t have, and don’t particularly want to knit yarn I already own? Ah, well …) I want to knit a crescent scarf called “phlegethon-shawl, also known as River of Fire” (on Ravelry https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/phlegethon-shawl). It’s too bad I can’t knit as fast as I can find a pattern and buy yarn … sigh.
So rainbowy!
I’m working on a crocheted afghan using Coats and Clark Parrot Stripe yarn. I didn’t want the colors to pool because it would make the afghan look goofy. If you want the colors to pool, tie the same color of the new skein with the end of the previous skein, and make sure the dye lots are the same. I learned that if you don’t want colors to pool, tie different colors together and use different dye lots.
Good luck to those who make granny square afghans. When I started crocheting (a long, long time ago), I made granny squares. Lost patience with making one big square or lots of smaller squares. Never made them again. Instead, I make one huge afghan (usually 200-250 stitches; half double crochet; my own design). 🙂
I am with you. Two grannies and I’m out.
Malabrigo has a beautiful new yarn (worsted weight) that is luminous!
I am making this:
I am obsessed with BabyCocktails patterns – she just published a few hats that are like potato chips – you can’t have just one! The malabrigo is gorgeous. I have been loving Miss Babs yarns, especially her gradient packages. The Plucky Knitter has some fabulous base yarns and gorgeous colors too.
I’m working on a Fort sweater ( https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/fort ) for my husband in a tangerine wool/silk purchased from a closeout sale last summer. I’m still relatively new to knitting and still discovering what kinds and weights of yarn I like to work with. I’m also allergic to a number of dyes/fixatives, so every purchase from an unfamiliar vendor is a leap of faith. As far as yarn I’d like to try: I’ve heard quite a bit about Hedgehog Fibres and The Woolen Rabbit yarns but I haven’t had the chance to test drive skeins from either of them yet.
That’s a lot of work. Good luck!
I love knitpicks.
I have tried socks. I got 1 1/2 done. That was it. My instructor swore by knitted socks. Sadly, I cannot confirm this.
Below are some really cool gradient yarns.
I went through a sock phase, but our socks get lost so quickly, it’s just a waste. 🙁
While I had that awful cough (that you also had) weaving on my Cricket loom was all I could manage, followed by some spinning—because no brain power was required. Now I’m feeling much better, I’m back to finishing the “Early Morning Rain Shawl” by Mindy Ross (pattern can be found on Ravelry.com) using a mix of cotton and some wonderful novelty yarn, whose colors make me smile.
That is an interesting pattern. Looks like it would take a lot to block it right.
I am struggling to finish a Vivid blanket for my mil for Christmas. The photo is of 16 out of 30 squares. I have 10 to go by the 23rd so I can block and sew them on by the 24th.I just finished an Elder Tree Shawl for hubby’s grandmother.
Oh wow. Beautiful. How did your fingers not fall off?
I’m the opposite and end up with striping pooling in so many things that I just want to be variegated. This is one of my favorite pooling projects. It is a Wander hat for my daughter in Blue Moon Socks that Rock Lightweight. The colorway is Sea Witch. It was an exclusive colorway for Eat Sleep Knit. They are an amazing yarn shop near Atlanta. You would absolutely love their Yarnathon and Ravelry group. Also, just to let you know, the Knit Girllls have one of the most popular Knitting Vlogs and are huge fans of yours. That’s how I discovered you.
I will check them out.
I am intrigued by the ranger cowl. Are there pictures? Tonight I’m working on mittens for a friend’s daughter, then to finish mittens and fingerless mitts for myself. Both these projects are from 100% wool.
Have you ever tried bamboo yarn. It feels wonderful!
I love Malibrigo yarns and colorways — Arroyo is as nice as Rios. However, I would actually go SEE the yarn rather than buying online, if at all possible. Not only do individual skeins look somewhat different from each other, even in the same dye lot, but also the colorways themselves are sometimes a bit different than they appear in images.
As to possible patterns:
Grandling is great for gradient yarns: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/grandling
The cameo shawl is also nice:
And my personal favorite, Hyrna Herborgar:
I have lost track of how many times I have knit that last one.
Hyrna looks so pretty, but so complicated.
I just knit this up for a friend. Very easy and quick, and super-cute to boot: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/little-dragon-4 You can certainly NOT double the yarn, and instead use a single strand of sport weight or worsted weight.
As for long colorways and cool pooling of yarn colors, I found this pattern to be awesome: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pieces-of-eight-mitts It’s a surprisingly easy knit given how complicated it looks, and they do a dandy job of keeping my hands warm.
Devon Monk would love the dragon. 🙂
My daughter has a long list of things she wants me to knit for her. She likes the sock yarn slouch hats. She wants some fingerless gloves.
I want to make myself a Boxy sweater by JoJo L. It’s on Ravelry. I add stuff to my queue there so when I get a yarn or something I have a whole list of patterns I want to make already.
I love hand-dyed superwash yarn in natural fibers. Madelinetosh, of course. I somehow got on the mailing list for Expression Fiber Arts which is here in NC and they have some gorgeous yarn too. I try to get DK or sport or sock yarn to make it lighter or cooler. I’m experimenting with linen next.
I hope you get some lovely things and enjoy your holiday!
You’ve met me so you know I am already boxy enough, hehe, but I would love to know how your sweater turns out.
I’m a gardener. Already planning on ripping out and rebuilding my potager. Then working on my husband’s Japanese garden. Then……
I’m working on the Harlow hat from dreareneeknits. TBH it is hard as heck with that brioche. I’m using madelinetosh yarn (cause it is awwwwwesome) but I’m really into Republic of Wool and Black Cat yarns!
Oy brioche, oy.
I really want to crochet a solstice shawl but as a solstice jumper. Have hemp yarn but have found it really stiff to work with regardless of how many pre hand washing.
What I really want is the time to do it, muck it up, pull it apart and start again.
Some say Ahhh Christmas – but its summer here and I am not crocheting at the beach 😉
I am totally in love with these silks. Haven’t made anything with the yarn yet, but I just got some and it is gorgeous. https://www.treenwaysilks.com/productlist.php?category=14
That’s not a bad price. Craftsy has some silk yearns on sale. The colors are usually wonky, but I bought some from there and they are pretty.
Both when I was blowing glass and now that I’m quilting – it’s all about color for me. I love to use colors most people would say “clash”. If done right there is beauty there.
I have just purchased the Conair Heated Beauty Hand Mitts in hopes thatI can get my hands feeling well enough to knit more than a row now & then. I have been drooling over stranded mittens & hats on Ravelry and Facebook. I’m in Michigan so I’m wanting a nice tight gauge in worsted wt Ultra Alpaca with a liner out of Juniper Moon Herriot Fine alpaca. With a layer of fleece fabric between the outer mitten and the liner to help block wind. None of my thermal insulated mittens or gloves are warm enough so I dream of making toasty warm mittens.
Ooo, that will be warm. 🙂
I don’t knit, I crochet. I’m currently making a teddy bear for my new nephew (born at the end of October) I’m using lion brand homespun, which I usually hate working with, but which makes amazing stuffed animals. I also have a granny square a day temperature blanket in the works. I stopped joining in June so I’m looking at a HUGE stack of squares that need joined. I have some hand died south African cotton that I’m looking forward to working with, but I have to finish the temperature blanket first.
I crochet too. there is very little difference in hand movement between crochet and continental knitting.
Knitted or crocheted.
Have about a hundred patterns from Mon Tricot, Good Housekeeping, Bernat, Lion and others. Sorting through them by yardage and matching the patterns with the amount of yarn I have of each particular type that can be successfully adapted from what the original yarns were by total yardage and needle size.
(Trying to get through my stash of yarns; color by color. Type by type. Hopefully before I kick the bucket. And believe me when I say that I have considered knitting my own shroud just to get rid of some yarns (LOL)
Nooo, no bucket kicking.
I just bought the Aniversario colorway along with Pearl Ten in the Dos Tierras base, 50/50 merino/baby alpaca. (Eat.Sleep.Knit Black Friday sale FTW). It’s beautiful. I’m planning a rather luxurious colorwork cowl for myself with them..someday.
Right now I’m working on a hat for a friend in Tosh Vintage in the Stormborn Colorway. I was almost done and had to frog it. I was like “why am I running out of yarn?” And realized my needles were WAY too big. (I’d made the hat before, and evidently misread my Rav notes.)
There’s lots I’d love to do, my queue is something like 15 pages at this point, and it’s full of color. But I don’t have the brain space for anything too complicated right now.
I’ve done that with the needle size. I usually have to go down one.
Retiring from the Alaska Railroad Dec 21st. Just finishing up a c2c for a gift for a co worker.
Well just finished a slouch hat and am now trying to finish a granny square afghan using Bernet Pop yarn. One big square of variegated blues. Looks great. 3 skeins to go.
I decided my first two knitting projects (after a few scarfs) would be sweaters for my girls… the baby’s was knitted in one piece and was actually easy. My two year old’s is in five pieces and all five pieces are different lengths and different tensions :p
Ahh well, live and learn. Now I need to decide if I still want to put the pieces together; do I want to finish a sweater that I might be embarrassed for her to wear?
Oh! I wanted to mention that since it’s Christmas time you could make a ‘knitted nose bag’.
Dylan Thomas’ wonderful poem “A Child’s Christmas in Wales’ has a fabulous line (well the whole thing is fabulous) about the presents received “and a knitted nose bag from an aunt, alas, no longer whinnying with us”.
We read it every year and every year I mean to make knitted nose bags for folks… maybe next year’s stocking stuffers!
I am working on a figure it out as I go headband for my daughter who is with student patrol at her college using Red Heart’s Reflective yarn in Gray with a thin glow in the dark yarn held with it. I’m using the star stitch and then will do a ribbing for the under hair part. I saw a photo that made two little pockets on the inside of a headband so you could slip a handwarmer in each side so it would rest over your ears and I’m definitely going to add that, I love the idea!
I’m currently painting a toy box for my nephew and then I’m going to finish the chainmain earrings I’ve been working on for my sister. ?
I love all the different worlds you create with your novels and I am looking forward to the next in the Hidden Legacy series, Hope you have a wonderful Holiday.
I like the Caron Cake yarns… I’ve been a little obsessed with them this year and have made a dozen cowels, hats and now pillows with them. I like the color combinations.
I’m also working on the Thorrin Icelandic shawl in hand dyed silk/wool blend that I dyed specifically for this shawl…
And a cable sweater out of Knit picks acrylic in dark blue for the Irish giant that is my 18 yo son. (he’s 6’8, 250 lbs… A really big guy… I hate cables)
I crochet rather than knit, but I’m a yarn groupie…this is the last thing I finished..
Oh my gawd, that’s FABULOUS! It must have taken you forever. I know it would if I was knitting anything that complicated.
Omg, Omg so beautiful!!!!
Our family has a tradition of hand making Christmas gifts every year. This year I’m screen printing hoodies. I’ve made the screens myself from scratch and it’s been a struggle! But I’ve just about got the process down and then I can do the actual printing!
Actually I have been wanting to thank you, I have never been that crafty mainly because I grew up with an awesome artist and can’t draw our paint worth crap. But I have a high stress job as a RA and needed something to help me relax. I finally tried knitting a few months ago after watching all the neat stuff you have brought up and I love it!!!! I just finished a scarf and am staring a pair of socks with this supper soft multi colored yarn i found in the baby section a t JoAnne. https://www.joann.com/bernat-baby-blanket-yarn-10.5-oz/zprd_10220564a.html#prefn1=brand&prefn2=ecommercetype2&prefv1=Bernat&prefv2=Baby%20Yarn&addShipToHomeConditions=false&start=1 you for your inspiration!!
Here’s some nice hand dyed yarns…
Yarn is pretty much about material and price for me (I knit quite a lot). I don’t especially like working with more than one color…
I just finished a scarf for my partner (Christmas present) – brioche work with two colors (pattern: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/icicle-8). It looks and feels absolutely great but I coulnd’t wait to finally finish it! He actually wanted a sweater and I told him: too much work honey. Well, the scarf was way more work than I thought it would be and took nearly a month to finish… Maybe he’ll get his sweater next year! 😉
And currently I’m working on a jacket for my one year old. Simple grey yarn, worked in brioche and with flat braids added as eyecatcher (I’m creating the pattern as I go).
I love knitting as a way to create clothing I won’t be able to buy (because I can’t afford it or it’s simply not available) and it’s a relaxing hobby. When I look on my ravelry library I’ve got about 300 projects I want to do (I use them mostly as inspiration) so my hobby is secured for the next couple years… 😉
Working Anna Dalvi’s Advent KALendar on Indigodragonfly’s CaribouBaa yarn. I’m so far behind, that’s what I get for knitting tired having to frog back oopses. I’m also a very slow knitter so most things take longer haha.
I like color if the knitting pattern (cables, etc.) is fairly simple. Am starting a patterned sweater I found through Knitty. Just finished an afghan in chenille — very hard on my hands because the yarn has no stretch which I need since I use the Norwegian technique when I knit. Haven’t knit with hand dyed yarns but have some for my next project. The colors are GORGEOUS!!
I’m in the midst of 2 out of three surgeries and unable to wear glasses sooo. It was pretty blue around here until I realized I could still kinda see bulky yarn. Found a gorgeous Malabrigo in stash called whales road and cast on some cushy bulky slipper socks. Simple joy in the chaos. I’m also trying to talk the kids into getting me something like knitcrate’s sock crate for Christmas or my birthday.
Popular new patterns I’m seeing via FB and IG feeds are the Northeasterly blanket and Sashiko sweater. Happy knitting to you!
I love Malabrigo yarn and I believe this hat I made is Arroyo. https://www.ravelry.com/projects/finchstar/stockinette-cap-with-ribbing
Here is what I am currently knitting:
https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/autumn-leaves-socks-4 (I LOVE LOVE LOVE knitting socks)
2nd project is a 10stitch blanket. It’s really cool because there are only 10 stitches in a row, the pattern is 4 rows long. The rows form a spiral that links to what you already knitted so you can make a pillow, throw, or blanket the size you like and it’s crazy easy to remember the pattern because it’s only 10 stitches.
I wish I were knitting (and I think it might be a next project):
or maybe
Making the rounds on my groups:
Added to the library. O_O
Wow the autumn leaves sock pattern makes me want to learn to make socks
I knit arran jumpers.. and try not to knit the same pattern twice. I love using ‘proper wool’ and love shilastair wool from the Isle of Skye. https://shilasdair-yarns.com/
Their wool is fabulous
I do not have the patience. My hat is off to you!
Here are a couple of other potentials for a knitting wish list.
This swift is wonderful. Mine is in a lighter wood (cherry I think). I like center-pull balls and I hated my clunky umbrella swift. The maker usually has more selections available, but ’tis the season so he might be low on inventory. But a special something to something to think about. https://www.etsy.com/listing/230013511/windmill-style-australian-jarrah-yarn?ref=shop_home_active_1&crt=1
Also, if you like knitting books, fairy tales, and/or Alice Hoffman, this looks like fun. I’ve met the designer (Alice’s cousin, Lisa Hoffman) and she’s very talented. I rarely buy knitting books any more, but there’s a few designs in here that look like things I’d make, and I like Alice Hoffman’s writing. I might get myself the kindle version for xmas. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CL4VP2D/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
What an interesting book. Impractical patterns, though.
I just got it out of the library. Good stories.
That skein winder is way too pretty!
Consider crocheting / knitting chemo caps. There are plenty of free patterns on-line for both children and adults. They work up quickly and once you have several, you can donate them to your local cancer treatment center and they will love you!
We donate to charities through the year, so I understand where you are coming from.
But when I sit down to knit, I want to make something for my family.
If you want something quick, I just made this Perky Little Hat – https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/perky-little-hat – with Malabrigo Rasta. An excellent merino super bulky! https://www.ravelry.com/yarns/library/malabrigo-yarn-rasta
I found some flexible DPNs that made the decrease rows much easier. Addi also has flex DPNs, but not in size 15… https://www.knitdenise.com/products/flex-double-pointed-needles?variant=12229378408482
Happy Holidays to all!!
https://www.etsy.com/shop/Brediculousyarns is fabulous. I also really like yarns from Manos del Uruguay.
I have more projects than I care to count, but I loved making the honey cowl (on ravelry). Such an easy and fun knit, looks nice both in solids and heavily variegated yarns! https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/honey-cowl
Another simple project I’m working right now is The scarf Reyna. So easy. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/reyna
And of course I’m making a Riddari sweater… But that’s a whole different kind of beast (at least for me). https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/riddari
What beautiful yarn! That sweater is insane.
“Here, knitty, knitty”
(Probably not an original joke….)
(Just too hard to resist….)
I’m not a knitter – I think the only time my mother-in-law ever smiled in my presence was when she tried to teach me to knit and I was so pathetic at it – but what about things for your new home? Table runners? Chair covers? Fancy cushion covers? Are these things possible?
I can crochet and love crocheting little flowers. They make me happy and then I include them on gifts or nail up groups of them as little indoor flower gardens. I don’t know if there is a knitted version of them or not
I’m a professional dyer but I dye fiber so I tend to spin my own for various projects. However, my husband of almost 30 years has for some inexplicable reason decided he wants me to knit him a sweater. The prospect of spinning that much yarn for a man who is 6’3″ tall and wears a 45″ jacket has me a bit faint of heart.
The prospect of dyeing that much yarn and having it all match, without having to alternate skeins… so.much.nope.
I’m thinking he either gets a natural colored wool sweater out of something like a Fisherman’s Wool or I’m going to go with Paton’s wool.
Now it’s on to patterns for a cardigan, buttons not zipper, no pockets, shawl collar and long enough sleeves. Ravelry here I go!
Yes i want the yarn by spun i er the rainbow. Her unicorn farts on black and steel and her verigated yarns are absolutely stunning. One of these days. Mu ulitmate yarn is a cashmere silk blend yarn. I want to make a hat and scarf for me out that blend. One day
Spun over the rainbow
How about “recycled sari silk” yarn?
I don’t knit or crochet but I wear saris 🙂
and it is so awesome that old saris can get a new life!
I heard it is very difficult to work with. 🙁
I am obsessed with these crochet jellyfish they are so cute!!! You could probably find a pattern for knitting too!!!
That would make such a cute over the crib toy!
Oooh, I love it when you talk knitting!! Right now I’m curious about Spincycle Yarns…they get an effect similar to yarn spun from hand-dyed fibre. I love the way the colours shift throughout the skein. https://spincycleyarns.com/collections/dyed-in-the-wool-sport-weight
And I’m obsessed with this scarf pattern: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/pariss-brioche-scarf. Brioche stitch and double knitting…fun times ahead!!
One of these years, I will attempt Craftvent for advent. Haven’t tried it yet because of time and life limits, but on the list of things I covet.
I want to do something similar-ish to this (https://www.etsy.com/listing/491207196/long-pointy-hooded-winter-coat-patch?ref=pla_similar_listing_top-4), but with a rose theme.
So instead of cutting existing pieces, making a ‘stained glass window’ look with a rose on the back, have ‘vines’ going down the arms. And making the skirt part like petals.
Instead making Christmas Harry potter scarfs and crocheted baby toys for family members and working more on fixing up the house. But it’ll happen eventually, once I can afford all the yarn XD.
My friend was going through chemo so i went to broadwickfibers.com and purchased somr beautiful hand made felted wool chunky yarn. They are a small shop in Texas. Then I made a 3ftx4ft blanket using their youtube tutorial. It took me 4 hours total because I had to start it over a couple of times. Preplanning isn’t a strength of mine!
I just saw this. I have never knitted a sweater, and never color work either, but I want this sweater. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/the-knitorious-rbg?fbclid=IwAR0grw3XrKwJp8BXMrigb_OEvyi8p2jpBbykJ856mitUZswrvpNhk-zd8KE
I’m working on 4 things right now.
1) I have a lot of the Classic Elite Chateau baby alpaca, and I’ve created a pattern for the yoke with horses. The horses are done, and I’m praying that the yoke is wide enough. Will add a bunch of stitches and remeasure.
2) I am working on a shawl made with aqua, purple and hybiscus fingering weight Hand Maiden Sea Silk. Pattern here: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/fan-shawl-fingering
3) I am working on a Fir Cone shawl from Cheryl Oberle’s Folk Shawls book, with 3 different colors of MJ Opulent: Mystic Lagoon, Cerulean, and King’s Blue.
4) A friend wants a pussy hat, and I have enough pink and purple mohair to do one or two more. Pattern here: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/temple-cats
And I’m collecting Mountain Colors mohair to make a jacket. I wanted to do a fade, but figuring out the yarn colors has been a challenge. So far I have 3 skeins (way too many!) of Bridger Teal, 2 skeins of Winter Sky (might not be the right tone), and nothing in the teal colorway that’s lighter in color. I may just do the whole thing in Teal, which is stunning.
I am currently working on a pair of finger less gloves for teenage son made with Biscotte Yarns Bis-Sock in Flamboyante. The pattern is free and it’s my most requested knitwear item. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/mitt-envy
I am also knitting the Wheat sweater in Hedgehog Fibers Crystal for myself. https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/wheat-7
And now I am reading all the comments and adding Ravelry patterns to my library or wish list. I love it when you post about knitting.
Ilona, you MUST knit this very cool Dragon Gloves. They’re amazing. I’d pay good money for them. Plus, Daenerys would approve! ? ???
If you would pay for them then go to ETSY and enter Fingerless Dragon Gloves into their search field. Averaging $20 to @25 for a pair – multiple sellers 🙂
This week I’ve been on fire: finished a sweater for me (after it’s done being a store model), a baby sweater (store model) and a fox hat (to wear at the store, because why not?). Next up: a pair of Dotlets mitts as part of the 3rd Annual Selfish Knitalong (explained here: https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/crazy-sock-lady-podcast/3863567/1-25 )
My sister recently shared a boomerang shawl pattern with me, which I erroneously thought would be unique on Ravelry. Fortunately there are MANY boomerangs , and the few free patterns I downloaded (hoping I could find the one I’ve been using, so I could say, “Do this one!”) all work pretty much the same. You start off with a handful of stitches and typically increase at an average of one stitch per row with simple increases and decreases at the edges. This means at the beginning you have plenty of pooling, which I also enjoy. Other benefits are you can use any yarn, you just go until you run out, and you only need about 100 g. I’m in the middle of one now.
I freely admit to being as curious about what you end up crafting as I was about how the tree turned out. ?
Happy knitting!
Ooh – I have some lovely new patterns in the queue now – thanks!
Have you had a look at the gift-a-long thread on Rav? Lots of cute and not too time consuming projects https://www.ravelry.com/discuss/indie-design-gift-a-long/3856378/1-25
My favourite at present is the newly published and very popular Mine slippers – they’re so quick and easy – but I should warn that I’ve ended up with the whole family wanting them …
I went to a needle-felting class at a local yarn store and (despite it being Christmas and me really not needing to spend any more money or acquire any more yarn) I saw a Wonderland Yarns special colorway pack for the Crown Wools KAL and the colors were so gorgeous I had to get it. I haven’t started it yet but it makes me happy just looking at the colors.
I must still be a novice….what is pooling??
I really want yarn from Lazy Cat Yarn. They have some vibrant jewel colors that I do not need (cats, they like them too and usually get to them before me) but want!
Pooling happens when the colors in your variegated yarn stack up in your knitted object. This is more likely to happen when the length of the particular dye on the yarn is long relative to the length of the row (or round).
If you’re in the middle of a color as you end one row and start another, you’ll get a tiny pool at the edge of your work. Pooling is sometimes blotchy looking if you end up creating huge gobs of your colors all at once, but a little bit here and there can be interesting. Definitely a matter of taste.
Not knitting directly, but for anyone who ever wanted an inexpensive electric spinning wheel…..: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dreamingrobots/electric-eel-wheel-mini-2/description
Saw this listed today as a library selection for Christmas reading. Probably a good project for next year. Looks like a nice way to use up scrap yarn. Good cat toys?
“The 12 Knits of Christmas” by Fiona Goble. (AKA – Knits to match the song.)
Have you seen these rediculously adorable gnomes? Im tempted to drop everything to knit a couple.
I went to a showing this weekend of a woman who raises her own sheep, shears their wool, spins and dies the yarn using enviromentaly friendly methods. She sells the yarn (along with free patterns) and also finnished products (sweaters, blankets, hats, mittens, etc.). The colors of her yarn are beautiful! http://getwool.com/yarn/
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WANTED TO SHARE knitpurlhunter email that I received!
‘Twas The (Knitter’s) Night Before Christmas
Twas the night before Christmas and I was still knitting
The family was sleeping and there I was sitting;
The hand knit stockings were hung on the chimney with care
Hope no one noticed the cupboards were bare.
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of mittens danced in their heads;
Still dressed in old sweats, yarn in my lap,
I hurried on to finish the last knitted cap.
When out from the closet there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my chair to see what was the matter.
Away to the storage I flew like a flash,
Threw open the door and confronted my stash.
The yarn on the floor was like new-fallen snow,
Better shove it in quick so the husband won’t know.
When what to my bloodshot eyes should appear,
But the Knitting Fairy who said, “Have no fear!”
What a quick little knitter, so lively and fast,
She did the knitting while all I did was cast.
More rapid than eagles her stitches they came,
She knitted, she purled and called the yarn by name:
“On, cashmere! On, cotton! On, alpaca! On, wool!
On, silk! On, angora! Not one skein was missed.
To the top of the stash! Get every last ball!
We can’t give a gift purchased at the mall!”
Her needles how they sparkled! Her stitches just right!
We knitted together all through the night.
Hats, scarves, shawls, socks and a sweater;
My knitting projects had never looked better!
She spoke not a word, head bent over her work,
And knit all the yarn with her magical “circ”.
My projects were done, they were perfectly sized;
Each one an heirloom sure to be prized!
She picked up her needles and gave me a wink,
The fairy dust flew, she was gone in a blink.
But I heard her exclaim as she darted from sight,
Michelle Hunter
copyright 2018
adapted from the classic poem
Clement C. Moore