330 bookplates signed and sent.
250 additional bookplates received and signed.
Email with Pam (the publicist).
Email with Pam.
Email with Pam.
Additional 200 bookplates with our own logo signed.
Just how many print books did you order, people?
Newsletter to publishing list sent.
Potential editor for BLOOD HEIR contacted, fingers crossed.
Map artist found – still looking.
Plot discussed with Gordon.
Plot discussed with Jeanine Frost. Things like “do you think killing him is too disturbing?” and “But we have to have it connect to something” were said.
Promotional plans discussed and confirmed with agent.
Merits of cover quotes discussed with agent.
Person named Heather emailed politely and asked if we could link to her ice cream from scratch site. We don’t do this typically, but it’s very hot in Texas, and I want ice cream in the worst way, and I can’t have any, because sugar is not my friend, and her website seems well thought out so here is a link to her homemade ice cream recipes. May you have ice cream. I am so tired of counting calories and points. You know it’s bad when cottage cheese is a treat Oy.
Talked to neighbor. Three people at his house had COVID. We were 150 feet away and had no idea. Responsible social interaction achieved.
Writing done – NOPE
Extensive conversation with Kid 2 about book tour scheduling and various technical support. Apparently you can show your screen on zoom. That’s great. That also means I need to do a power point…
Yarn is still not here.
Courage, it going
Oh i’m first ????
Yum, ice cream…. All that you have going on, and you still spare some time to give an update (albeit in list style), thank you! Hope you find a map artist soon, but hope you never stop writing! 🙂 (ok, maybe you can stop in between books)
If you can’t have ice cream, you must have yarn.
For me it’s the security deposit refund from our previous landlord. Nine days for mail in the same zip code? Really landlord? Really USPS?
What about fresh fruit & heavy cream? I ate peaches with no added sugar today. Delish! I’m going to make Dole Whip for the kids later.
They are having Disneyland withdrawals. You could probably leave out the added sugar. Maybe added pineapple juice?
Can’t wait for EB. Finished Burn for me last night. Started White Hot during naptime, laundry be damned.
Thanks for something to look forward to. I’m excited for your zoom call with JF too.
I know it’s bad when Meltdown woman makes an appearance.
I’m looking forward to the next appearance of espresso/hipster man.
Wait-here’s one I grabbed from Camilla Monk’s website. I shall call him “relaxing man”..
I think that is Fabio… lol.
He is not only pretty but a nice guy in real life. So you picked a good one.
You have so much to do, and so little fun going on! Don’t know how you get through it all, just know we adore you and send supporting thoughts.
I second the peaches idea. Took a trip this weekend and picked up a whole crate of them – now what am I going to do!
Just re-read S Flames for the third time and I’m still picking up new hints – can’t wait to see how this plot thickens in EB – counting the days!
Hope the yarn comes soon already!
I share your sugar pain. During our confinement my doctor had me on a strict no sugar no carb diet for 3 months. (Not covid related, just crap timing) so all my housebound cooking and baking was happily consumed by everyone else… I remember cracking and having a teaspoon of strawberry jam after 5 weeks as a treat. Today the diet is relaxed, but still pretty hard limits for life. So I wish you Courage!
Aiiyee. Too much to do, I feel for you. Especially in the hot weather. Have a refreshing ice lolly from me (ice cream is too sticky sweet when I feel hot).
We’re having a heatwave in the UK and I’m stuck in the middle of the city. I have a new appreciation for everyone living in hot countries now I’m trying to sleep through 24°c nights. Ceiling fans for everyone!!
I had a moment of “Is 24°C classified as hot?” then I reread your comment, and saw “in the UK”. Context: On the east coast of Australia our Winter temp average for the daylight hours is 22°C. In Summer our nighttime temp can stay above 30°C.
Here in central Texas, the forecast is for 107f for the next few days. That’s a hot hot 41c in your area. I know it’s relative where you live in what hot is, but even here, that’s hot. We’ve been hovering around 100 for that past few weeks.
Also, our A/C blew up last week, and we just got a new one on Wednesday and fine tuned yesterday, so inside, we are back to normal.
My mum and I have been streaming the Australian reality series The Block during lockdown and have retrospectively upgraded any bedrooms with ceiling fans since we hadn’t fully understood the necessity previously. (We had a great time disliking Dan & Dani in season 5 but have come to a temporary hiatus on makeover shows. We’ll probably go back for more soon)
Steady on, General Ilona. Apparently a lot of people wanted to make sure Emerald Blaze is a NY Times best seller. Plus, they wanted to keep the bookstores in business. ????
By the way Ilona is right… it’s hot here in Texas. The gates of hell have opened up for the next few days. ????????????
Florida ain’t no picnic either. Only the afternoon downpours offer a little break – afterwards, _during is a bit hellish)
California isn’t either, or at least in the Central Valley, where I live. We have been triple digits for a couple weeks and no end in sight. 110° tomorrow. Yay. Not. Thank all the Gods for a working AC!
No the gates of hell are in Arizona 111 to 115 the next few days outside stuff happens very early
Arizona wins. Again.
I feel your ice cream pain! How are you tracking you food? 2 weeks ago I started using Cronometer.com. It’s free and I could not believe how easy it was to track what I ate and my exercise. I still haven’t figured it all out but I can clearly see my carbs and fat and calories, etc. I am doing well so I had a cheat meal today (a yummy wrap from a local restaurant). I feel more in control, which is nice.
Well it’s not Sydney heatwave, but it’s getting there!!!
Guess your bribe worked too well! ????
Too bad it’s the sugar in ice cream that you’re avoiding and not dairy or I would suggest raspberry or mango sorbet. I haven’t had ice cream in almost a year and I still miss it (but not as bad as at the beginning). I used to eat it most days (every, really). It’s probably a good thing that I can’t buy sorbet where I live or I’d buy it ALL the time.
Good luck with your to-do list! ????
Fighting, House Andrews!^^)9
My mom is renewing her herding judges license (think dogs and sheep/cattle) and requires a seminar.
The only place that will be hosting one this year is outside Phoenix this weekend.
It will be outdoors.
SO! I’ll be playing Hidden Legacy the car for 14 hours for mom before we burn to death!
Ooh,I love sheepdog trials,they rock! They used to hold the state sheepdog trials at a working historical farm near where we live,it was so much fun! The best part was watching a dog run its trial and then get pissed at its handler for blowing it,if looks could kill,or watching the young,less trained dogs when they can’t stand a stubborn sheep,get a glint in their eye and bite it in the butt,which disqualifies them but gives them joy I swear *lol*.definitely worthwhile watching,some day would love to get to Scotland for the national trials, it is a big deal there.
LOL. Great description. Now I must find a way to get to such an event.
I am feeling bad for my son who is working the tarmac at the airport in Scottsdale (close to Phoenix), but I think they shut down operations at 115 degrees because the asphalt melts …
Oh man I don’t like a long to do list and just reading yours made me queasy. May you find time to do all the to-do’s and still sleep! Your fans appreciate all the labor and love that goes into your books. Just know when I finally get to read the book, I have to re-read most chapters because at the first read, all that goes through my mind is “aaaaahhhh, I love this story!”
That is definitely a draining to-do list. As you mentioned you’re back to looking for a map artist I am one, as well as an AD working in the RPG industry so I’m familiar with being on both sides of various projects. I would be happy to discuss what you need and link you to my samples. Also I may be able to point you in a good direction if I’m not a good fit.
Let me know if I can help with the powerpoint. I work in business and do a lot of them.
Ditto – academics and pharma industry run on powerpoint. Do recommend avoiding the fancy screen transition animations and screen build animations – they tend to cause problems with live presentations that can have questions. The usual large font, not too much text on a slide, use pictures to talk to so audience doesn’t spend all the time reading your slides type of slide advice. Colors can be a controversial topic, I have corporate template colors now, in academics I tended to do a lot of blue, yellow, white since one of my early slide mentors in the lab was color blind and recommended those colors as good for everyone for readability.
With screen share of the TC apps – keep in mind sometimes they show everything on the screen depending on how the selection is done. May need to turn off email alerts and other such things that can pop up in the middle of a screen share.
Yay, my paperback copy of Emerald Blaze arrived yesterday (13th) but sadly I haven’t had a chance to look at it yet. Hubby just out of hospital.
It’s enough that I can drool over it, at this point. Hoping to start it later today.
My stupid phone lost signal, so hopefully this isn’t a double post.
But, but….. ????
HOW? It’s not the 25th (I checked). I’m so jealous. ????
I’m in Aussie, so I purchased the paperback through Book Depository (England), and they emailed and said it was released early. Yay. Still thought it wouldn’t get here till closer to 25th, then it appeared in my letterbox on the 13th!!! Winning!
Woohoo! I’m in Aus too, going to start stalking my mailbox!!! Yay for Book Depository uk.
Whut!!! How did you get it before the 25th. I purchased two copies. One was preordered a long time ago, and then I preordered again for the short story and to support the Boston book store – even though I’m way out in CA.
It’s not icecream, but frozen fruit – berries are easiest – whizzed into yoghurt or other lower fat dairy makes a good cooler. Or whizz frozen banana chunks with some cocoa for a good chocolate cooler.
You read my mind,bananas with a good cocoa powder done that way is pretty darn good. They do sell ice cream without added sugar, but I don’t know how strict the diet is, it still has lactose.
Frozen boysenberries with milk in blender. Makes an amazing soft serve. I progressively add the milk otherwise it can turn into a smoothie. Bit of stevia or icing sugar if you need it. 2 ingredients and done.
We have been making thick shakes, smoothies or ice cream thick concoctions with frozen fruit and different milks like almond, soy and have cashew and oat to try. If unsweetened, we use a little Sucralose to add sweetness. It has been delicious and we have been losing weight also. Bananas really add thickness… we slice and freeze them ourselves on a cookie sheet, then put into ziplock bags back in the freezer.
Mmmmm! As my mom would say, I could murder a bowl if ice cream right now!
Hang in there, just a matter of days before the dreaded release is in your rear view mirror.
And speaking of the release, that is for the first two chapters! Now I’m salivating for the book as much as for ice cream!
Thanks, not that is…. stupid autocorrect!
It must be a nationwide thing. My tea I ordered has been stuck in New Jersey for a week. Longing for Blackberry iced tea.
I’d share my stash with you if I could. I loaded my yarn into Ravelry. YIKES!!!!!
Sadness about the yarn. I know all the package delivery services are working hard, but these mail-order treats are all that is keeping some of us going — I just ordered an Anushka bag (remembered they were pretty from one of your posts and looked them up) as a “5-freaking months at home” present for myself.
Book launch is almost here … once the bobsled is pushed out of the chute, it is all downhill, and you just have to hang on for the ride.
I blew the timing and re-read the series too fast. I finished going through the 4 books and novella again, and all the short stories, snippets and excerpts that I could find, and now have to white-knuckle it until release day.
And thank you for the film clip of Quincy and (I think) Artha. “Hungry? Hungry? Hungry?” … “… why yes mom, we are….”
Thanks for the promotional email for Emerald Blaze and the first 3 chapters. It was really, really amazing and now I have to go and binge all the Hidden Legacy books all over again. I’ve been reading them since Burn for Me first came out in 2014. I’m so glad that you two continued the series! Thank you for all your hard work, I’ve already pre-ordered it on Kobo. I also really like your new website design – I didn’t realize until I saw your new (very informative and clear) release schedule page that Julie’s King of Fire short story was a connecting story between Magic Triumps and Blood Heir.
Ahhh now I am wondering which death might be “too disturbing!” How come no one is talking about this yet?!
Love your updates, thank you!
I’m hoping it’s not Ascanio.
In an earlier post, Ilona said they hadn’t worked on the second story in Hugh and Elara’s series because someone died and it was just too depressing to write it during the whole (on-going, darn it) covid mess. Maybe that’s what she was talking about?
You might want to try Paleo Desserts by Jane Barthelemy. She’s a pastry chef who developed issues with processed sugar. So she researched natural sugar substitutes and developed recipes around them. One of her favorite substitute is “just like table sugar” which is made from chicory root. And I think she has a frozen dessert section. If I’m cooking for my sister, I tend to cook paleo, due to my sister’s food allergies and sensitivities.
“do you think killing him is too disturbing?”
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you just throw that out there then carry on… Which he and how… mind is spinning.
I enjoy your books so much, one day there’ll be a he in a book who dies and this will all make sense, can’t wait. I appreciate your massive work load and work ethic, hopefully you two can have a nap at some point.
Sending love and appreciation your way. I don’t need a signed bookplate.
Thank you for post, Ilona Andrews. But all this means you are alive and kicking etc.
Titan and I are re reading Kate Daniels series. We are in self quarantine as we interacted / assisted elderly (73 with health issues) neighbor with upset stomach Saturday and ems took him away Monday with difficulty breathing. His covid test results came back Positive and he is in icu. The church phone tree activated. Rural community. Nah he isn’t member of church but everybody knows everybody. We had to split his dogs up but everything critical is covered until his family gets here.
So Titan and I are Really looking forward to new book. It’s coming via USPS since amazon has difficultly finding due to GPS inaccuracies. Too many ravines. USPS lives here so they know where I am. Plus I don’t want Amazon delivery people harmed delivering a book.
I totally understand about your yarn though. Usually I rattle cage and replacement gets here before original order if it makes it back from lost package dimensions.
Okay so if this gets double-posted I apologize. I had it fully typed but it disappeared and I don’t think I hit “post comment” but maybe I did. I don’t see my comment showing up if so.
Anyway, about the ice cream.
Have you tried homemade yogurt?
The blog that I followed when I learned to make it, claimed that the flavor was milder and creamier than unsweetened store-bought yogurt, and that her family eats it unsweetened, and I thought, “no way.” Except turns out, “yes way.” I sometimes eat it with honey and dark chocolate (my favorite way to eat chocolate, BTW, ’cause I’m a weirdo and I don’t generally love chocolate), and sometimes with fresh fruit (highly recommend peaches), which also adds sweetness. But mostly, I add a spoonful of vanilla powder or some real vanilla extract, and that’s all.
It was a little bit intimidating to make it for the first time, but not difficult. I had to do a bit of troubleshooting but even the “bad” batches tasted great, they just had a slightly odd texture, and troubleshooting was easy. You can use any live-culture yogurt from the grocery store, though different brands will give you different results. I’ve been happiest with Siggi’s or Icelandic Provisions. If you use a flavored yogurt, it may affect the flavor of your results. I use vanilla flavored starter pretty regularly and don’t notice that it affects my final product.
Is it ice cream? no. But it’s creamy and mild and just a bit tart, and it might be more satisfying than cottage cheese, especially if you blend it with some frozen fruit. I keep meaning to try this, but the fruit usually gets eaten on its way to the freezer.
For me, it’s the fat content. Full fat or 2% plain yogurt I can eat unsweetened. Fat free, nope, I need more than just fresh fruit. Doesn’t have to be homemade, but I do have a batch draining right now, because cheaper and easier to find.
We’ve gotten so fat-phobic, we tend to forget what real yogurt tastes like.
I switched back to drinking whole milk about a year/year and a half ago; I always drank skim as a kid and continued that into young adulthood but I didn’t really *like* it, just drank it because it was “good for me.” But I had some whole milk for cheese making one afternoon and was out of skim, so I drank the whole milk instead and had a revelation: Milk tastes good. So, I make my yogurt full fat… but I also get store-bought full-fat yogurt sometimes and while I like it, I don’t eat it as a desert – I use it like sour cream instead.
Liquid Stevia To make sugar-free, but sweetened Ice cream, or depend on Fruit, in moderation, to be the sweetener. The process to make Liquid is different and less bitter than Powdered form. Husband will do liquid, but hates powdered. Liquid Stevia also comes in assorted flavors, as well. Stay healthy!
I was able to order my yarn from the one remaining local shop (COVID closed the other). Great yarn and hopefully keep the store open. I had to make an appointment for pick-up.
Yarn made by Alexandra’s Crafts out of Silverton, Oregon. Very nice yarn. I was even able to wander through the store and make a few other impulse buys.
Thank you for all the great posts. It is so fun to check in and see how everyone is doing!
Just had my blood drawn today for my yearly check. Here’s hoping my numbers stay in the acceptable range. I fear diabetes as there is family history of it and I do like ice cream. So fingers crossed.
Hopefully the yarn will get there soon. I have to go make some more masks for my sister’s kids as they are going in person in MI. This way she won’t have to wash them everyday.
You got a book plug even though it garbled the storyline.https://www.king5.com/article/entertainment/reading-recommendations-paranormal-romance-fiction/281-3abf16e1-94f5-455f-b0ff-375c7413d4c7
“just how many print books did you order, people?”
Guilty here! I ordered one as soon as you posted about it. =)
I wish I could order but cannot justify almost $20 for shipping to Canada????, especially as I can basically only read ebooks at the largest font. I am so envious.
Just saw a recipe for one ingredient frozen banana ice cream. Going to try as soon as I’m done work. Hoping that would satisfy my sweet tooth.
Try pineapple or sesame seeds on the cottage cheese.
{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} that is a ton.
First, you asked us to support the dead tree bookstores, so we had to. Normally it’s really hard to get a signed book so that was a bonus.
More importantly, you dangled the extra story. I had to have that.
Take care of yourself.
One day at a time is all,you can do. I am a high school math teacher and that is how I will survive this school year. Well, with your books also.
Thank you for your blogs.
Yep, even though I ordered through Amazon, I love bookstores and
Ordered another copy. Your books are read and re-read so many times that an extra copy never hurts. Plus an extra story is worth it.
Hope your yarn shows up soon.
Dang! I hope you don’t get COVID and get some rest!
1. Ice Cream will cool your overheated brain, allowing better rest and coherent ideas. It will also burn calories as it cools down your body, leading to weight loss as you sleep.
2. Ok, way late, not a doc, must share MY birth story, of my Arabella type offspring. in case Nevada birth not fully written. ..
In labor, Child is “kicking”. doc says no, just Braxton Hicks. Back home. Return. Same story. Dr is GP, so they call in a Ob/Gyn. He orders morphine.
Ob/Gyn is explaining I am not in labor, he does exam and she punches his hand.
She has gotten Her arm down birth canal and was punching. A few hours more and she would have died.
Saved her own life.
Wow! That is some excellent will and luck coinciding there in the face of what sound like yahoos who were not fully paying attention. Glad it all worked out!
May there be yarn soon.
Just take a different tack: be proud of the Covid Pounds. You need something to,show for the increased grocery bills.
May the yarn be with you.
8 weeks no carbs no sugar. I feel your pain. I made faux yogurt treat using sheeps milk yogurt, stevia and monkfruit, heavy cream and fruit bits.
Cottage cheese with peaches is nice. Not ice cream nice but …. oh never mind.
Oh my… ummm.. well, if you write crappy books, you won’t be so busy? You’ll be poor, and possibly ashamed that you did not “be the best you can be”… but you might have time to have a nap and make cottage cheese ice cream… yum? *lol*
I sincerely hope that you both find time to take a proper break after this madness ends, and take care of yourselves.
I was willing to buy the book without a signed bookplate but that wasn’t an option. Sorry for hand cramps!
Thank you so much for all you do. Your work is a lifesaver for many of the BDH.
This will sound crazy, but I rather envy your busy-Ness. I began a new job in June and am still officially in training (our current stage is “nesting”). For pretty much everyone else in our class they are finishing up getting mandatory certifications completed. As I am awaiting clearance to finish five of these certs I have been sitting in front of my computer for the last two weeks with NOTHING to do. Literally, nothing. It’s driving me nuts. If I could relieve you of some of your to-do’s I would gratefully volunteer. You guys ROCK and I really admire how you handle it all. Praying the yarn comes soon!
Yes, I do think killing him is too disturbing !!!!!!!!
If you can do dairy, FACE Greek yogurt is the best. You can even get the unsweetened, and the texture makes it lovable all alone. Or add a little juice (I get the cans of frozen and just spoon in some icy juice and mix). Another treat is a smoothie I make with half an avocado, frozen blueberries, SOLGAR vanilla whey powder (no sugar), and water. It’s tasty. A little oatmilk or ricemilk can be added to taste for more sweetness. And it’s icy ;p.
My biggest excitement around here is the squash plant I’m growing in the backyard. How did it go from the size of my hand to a huge octopus? It’s seriously reminding me of some of the vegetation in Bayou Moon. But luckily I’m eating from it and not the other way around.
Sorry, I just got a picture in my head of you valiantly fighting off the Squash Monster!
Here is a link to an apartment in Moscow sold in the city center for a sum just shy of 2 million dollars.
Even if you can’t have sugar, this will totaly hurt your teeth)))
6 room apartment? Damn, moskvichi.
wow. That’s quite the place.
Holy Hannibal, Batman!!
The floors, the walls, the purple art deco wallpaper in the kitchen, it’s got a sauna!!, most excellent floor tile in the bathroom, did I mention the walls?!
(Yeah, I’m a house tour geek, used to go to all the tours of new subdivisions in the far west suburbs of Chicago, twelve or thirteen showcase houses on a cul-de-sac, usually down the road from farm fields. Big builder promos, some houses actually sold during the shows. The ’90’s were a different time!!)
Also, check out the outside of the fourth listing down from the main one – all of the carvings on the lower floors of the building!!
The floors in there are gorgeous! I have floor envy now. 😉
Bread is not my friend. I have a 3 to 4 day cycle because of having no will power. Eat too much bread…pain…remember the pain…remember but with less determination…eat bread and start the cycle again. I could eat a very small amount of it and get no pain but I can’t do that it seems.
I’ve no self control, so my addiction to ice cream and yarn had flourished over the pandemic and my weight and bank balance have gone up and down corresponding to said addictions ????.
Just had the newsletter though and was happy to spend my lie in reading the first two chapters squeeeeeeeeeeeee and chhhhhhiiiiiiiii
Thank you????
Wow ????????????
Courage ! You can do it ! ????????
Oh, I feeling really sorry for you right now. Sending you a warm hug.
*makes sympathetic there there noises*
Have you tried using diet soda to make your own popsicles? Also works with yoghurt if you want the creaminess, and you can choose your own adventure with the calorie/sugar content.
I draw maps using GIS software if that helps.
Mostly data based but I can create feature layers based on imaginary locations and you can use different styles, there’s a great one based on the tolkein Lord of the rings maps, so cool!
Don’t know if he has done this type of work but Rich Powell who draws “Wide Open” might be worth contacting.
Ice cream addict here.
Two years ago I bought a simple ice cream maker and it was the best investment ever. I can deal with my food issues, control sugar content and still enjoy eating ice cream ????????????
Strawberries are in season so
500 grams Fresh strawberries
360 gr plain yoghurt
250 ml cream
100 gr caster sugar (original recipe says 120gr)
1/2 lemon – juice of
Mix so that strawberries are mashed up in the mixture
Gives about a litre of ice cream base and can be frozen as ice lollies or with a machine.
The less fat content in the dairy ingredients the less creamy the ice cream. You can alleviate this by adding 2 tbsp of booze to the mix (e.g. Kirsch with the strawberries).
Yummy recipe! Allergic to strawberries, but I betcha blueberries would work!
Caster sugar is hard to find in US and when you do, it’s silly expensive. My suggestion: take regular US granulated sugar and grind in coffee/spice grinder to fine powder. Do NOT substitute US powdered/confectioner’s sugar – it has cornstarch (or something) to prevent clumping, so doesn’t work properly in recipes like this.
I was making Scottish shortbread the other day and needed caster sugar, so …
Granulated sugar and any fruit works fine, just play around with it. ????????
For my ice cream craving I’ve been putting frozen strawberries, half a frozen banana, and some whipping cream into the blender–no added sugar but sometimes a bit of frozen OJ. It makes a nice eat-it-right-now soft serve.
I hope you get a chance to take a breath.
I can’t have ice cream anymore either. 🙁
I can still breathe though. So far. Wishing your neighbors well.
Sorry about ur yarn order. I wonder if U could have ordered faster shipping.
“Just how many print copies did you people buy?” lol.
Well…I guess we went all in.
Ice cream sounds good!! I get the cottage cheese comment! I’m trying to eat better, following recipes in “Whole New You” book. It seems legit. Eat more veggies. I actually have enjoyed it, but my daughter is like OH NO not cauliflour pizza crust. I tried reading to her, “It says it’s suprisingly amazing and delicious.” She wasn’t buying what I was selling.
Lots of good vibes for your to-do list!!
I love making ice cream, it’s so easy with an electric ice cream maker and anyone could start with the basic recipe and go on to concoct any number of great ice cream. I’m rather fond of apricot truffle. But you can mix good fruit with cream and milk and skip the sugar altogether. My sister in law claimed to have made an acceptable ice cream with peaches and skim milk. To each her own. I had planned to have a little ice cream social to get to know my moreorless immediate neighbors. I’ve done it before and it was fun, but Covid put a end to that plan. Fortunately it was before I got all the ice cream made. I’ve got enough trouble baking to relax without having 12 quarts of home made ice cram already made and calling to me. Ilona, you have my most heartfelt sympathies. Summer with no ice cream is torture.
The “How many copies did you buy?” statement really hits home. I pre-bought it on amazon the day it was for sale. I just got an email moving the delivery date! Only 2 days but still…so sad.
You can also play music and video through zoom. Hug! I normally wait to find your books in paperbacks at the booksale, but I caved in to support local bookstores so i’m one of the bookplate hordes. Honestly we would probably just enjoy seeing you and gordon on screen so i would not worry too much about powerpoint. I’m pretty sure, I was not able to sign up for any of the events but its ok. I will buy anything you publish even a grocery list.
Tamora Pierce recently published a tortall map drawn by a Emily Miller, a field geologist. Maybe she could be contacted? Here is the link to the map that she did: https://dualwieldstudio.com/products/tamora-pierce-tortall-map
Pretty map!
Instead of ice cream, your choice of mixed nuts (I like pistachio, almond and pecan) mixed with local honey and melted dark chocolate.
I turn to a vampire any time i want to. i become a vampire because of how people treat me, this world is a wicked world and not fair to any body. at the snack of my finger things are made happened. am now a powerful woman and no one step on me without an apology goes free. i turn to human being also at any time i want to. and am one of the most dreaded woman in my country. i become a vampire through the help of my friend who introduce me into a vampire kingdom by given me their number. if you want to become a powerful vampire kindly contact the vampire kingdom whatsApp at +1 431 804 7964 on their email worldofvampir@hotmail.com
“at the snack of my finger” ????????????????
Could there be a better vampire spam typo than that? ????????
Love the ice cream site, thank you. And everything else will get done. Two months ago, I couldn’t spell zoom – now I have held conferences for 50+ people, done powerpoint presentations with voiceover and shared photobooks online with friends. The world we live in…..
I’ve seen so many people having yarn shipping problems! I’ve been doing Casapinka’s The Sharon Show knitalong and so many people are still waiting on their yarn from various sources (I switched one of my colors last minute and ordered a skein from Jimmy Beans Wool – it came in less than 3 business days, they are ON IT, wow).
Also – I happened on Casapinka’s IG posts totally randomly at the time she happened to be plugging this knitalong. I did a KAL once before and swore never again, but her posts were so hilarious (the pattern was designed by her cat, Sharon From Security, who gets in grudge matches with Jean from IT) that I just had to try it. We’re on week 2 and so far both clues that have been released are (a) hilarious, (b) well-written, and (c) include drink recipes (options for cocktail and mocktail). I cannot recommend this enough. Life is SO STRESSFUL and this has brought much-needed hilarity and anticipation into my life. I would literally pay the $7 pattern price for the sheer enjoyment of this experience.
I don’t know if you’ll get a chance to read this, but your statement of “I am so tired of counting calories and points” really struck a chord with me because SAAAAME.
I joined a healthy habit based group (NOT an MLM, I swear) that focuses on building sustainable habits, repairing our relationship with food, and healing from diet culture.
I am not affiliated with it in any way, except for the fact that it literally changed my life and my relationship with food. Feel free to peruse if you’re at all interested. balance365 dot com
Wishing you luck and efficiency with the list. It looks a tad daunting.
If you plan to do a powerpoint presentation over Zoom, there’s a fancypants way to turn your slides into your Zoom virtual background. This Tweet shows how:
https://twitter.com/zoom_us/status/1293587674956144641 (sharing in case that was something you wanted to do).
Can you do small amounts of sugar? Like 1 gram? If you can there are low carb “keto” ice creams out there. Some are zero sugar. They are not perfect but if you let them sit for 15 mins before eating them they are tasty and creamy. If you don’t let them sit they are chalky but still taste good. Rebel, Enlighten Keto, Halo Top Keto, Breyers low carb (but it has higher sugar content) to name a few. Costco has a Keto brand chocolate covered caramel ice cream bar that is outstanding and has 1 gram of sugar.
There are also tons of low carb ice cream recipes on the web if you can do sugar alcohol. Low carb and Keto recipes have no actual sugar but they do have natural sugar substitutes like sugar alcohols, or stevia, monk fruit, eryhtrotol etc.
Apparently a LOT of people ordered signed print books. I’m hoping that House Andrews views this as a good thing in spite of the mechanics of signing and mailing all those bookplates. Here, have some butterflies.
Hmmm… butterflies didn’t upload…
There they are!
I miss ice cream too. While not as hot as Texas, southern Cali is feeling the heat (our version of it) and I’m counting calories and points as well.
Sounds like you need a vacay from the stress. May you get it soon!
@Ilona & @Gordon – I used to be a brand manager of entertainment properties (tv and film). I can so sympathize with the last push leading into and through the release. And with the plan probably changing up because of the pandemic from what was pinned down originally, I’m sure it’s extra challenging.
As to a map artist, I was watching the travel show Samantha Brown Places to Love, season one has an episode spotlighting Huntsville, Alabama, and there’s an artist–David Nuttall– who creates fantasy maps. His website is here: https://www.artimaps.com/index.html He takes commissions, I have no skin in this game, besides giving you a suggestion. I hope you don’t mind. Not trying to tell you how to do your work. -_-
I love her show! ????
Sounds like a heck of a to do list! You totally got it. It’s all going to work out. Ice cream rules.
PowerPoint definitely not required. Death by PowerPoint. Winning the war one PowerPoint slide at a time. PowerPoint rangers. PowerPoint 1000 hour patches. PowerPoint teleprompter. It can be a useful tool, but please, don’t feel obligated just because the “share screen” function *happens* to exist in Zoom. If you *really* want to show us something (and anything you wanted to show us would likely be super cool), OK, but otherwise, PPT is, IMO, *strictly optional*. Others’ mileage may vary, but that’s my $.02 on slides.
The only thing I got out of this is “oh my God, who are you gonna kill?”
As you are planing your slides for sharing in Zoom, you might consider presenting in Google Slides so that you can turn on live captioning: https://support.google.com/docs/answer/9109474?hl=en
That said – I am so looking forward to a map. I love maps in books.
I have some leftover coffee in the fridge (I get distracted and we buy beans so I don’t want to waste it). I’m thinking of making Italian ice instead of iced coffee this time. Basically just coffee, cream and honey or maple syrup, maybe some vanilla, frozen. It is supposed to be over 100° tomorrow.
I hope you can get a little frozen treat Ilona, even if it is just frozen berries in cream. ????
Sugar free chocolate recipe: Ricotta cheese + small amount of unsweetened cocoa + sugar substitute of your choice. It’ll come out grey and weird but it’s yummy and really not that bad for you.
I am glad you are so productive in this run up. I am so so sorry the yarn has not arrived. I have a similar fabric addiction. I do understand and hope it is on your porch today.
Wow! Great ice cream site – thanks
Sorry about your yarn not arriving –
Forget the calories and focus on enjoying small indulgences – you’re worth it
When frustrated with a delivery, I resort to contrary folk magic:
“I’ve decided I’m never using _____delivery service again.” Then I kick the last box or package from that vendor. To my continued surprise, it works 8 times out of 10. The package arrives that day or the next.
It also entertains any pets you might have. Win win.
Be sure to factor in some rest here and there. Sorry life is such a crush right now. Keep going one day at a time if you can.
I’ve been getting Instagram ads for lordofmaps.com, I bought one for Colorado, because I’m a sucker for ads, it will look good in my bathroom though. Good luck!
So sorry to hear that cottage cheese is a treat. Oy, for real! Thanks for all y’alls hard work. Praying for your safety amidst this Covid. Also, sending motivational thoughts to the yarn to help it on its way. LOL
Hugz. And sighs. It’s 108 degrees here know power outages annnny minute. But ICE CREAM! Got deep dish sale on ice cream maker from Wm Sonoma and have PLANS! BEE well.
But…you do it all so well!! It may not seem like it, but there IS an end to all this.
Author Jennifer Armentrout just had a map commissioned for a book, and it looks really good. Maybe hit her up for a recommendation for a map maker? She is on Facebook as well.
You are so busy! Thank you for working so hard.
Sweet young woman Ilona, if I may paraphrase Grandma Frida, “It’s not the things you do that you regret, it’s the things you didn’t do.” Eat some fucking ice cream.
In fact, eat whatever you want. Just don’t eat as MUCH as you want. Unless you are diabetic, sugar isn’t your enemy. Your enemy is your stomach wanting to be full. Keep it happy by eating everything you want to eat, never empty, but never stuffed. Eat small meals 6 times a day. Forget counting points. Have a bite here and there and don’t get so hungry at once that you can’t seem to stop eating whatever is in the house. I always keep a one-pound bag of the best potato chips on earth, made here in Ohio by “Conn’s”, and I open and close it twice a day so I can have 6 or 8 chips and be happy to have potato chips. My mother had a trillion ways to lose weight, none of which worked. Every diet plan, every group plan that shamed its members by forcing them to weigh in at meetings, you name it — she went with it. I watched her, and I always wondered why she bothered. What worked was having to cook for only herself when she was left alone there at her house, because portion control is the key to any weight loss or gain you seek. No more making one potato for each person and “one for the pot”, which was the rule of how many to cook for dinner for the family.
Since stress forces your body to store fat for times to come, take a mental health break every day. Whatever you do, do it. I used to get up and take a walk around the outside of the building where I worked, looking at the flowers, the grasses, the weeds, the sky, the snow piled up — whatever was out there — breathing deeply, and thinking about something pleasant instead of work.
And consider just why you think you need to lose weight. I had to do it when I developed arthritis in my spine. It helped. But over the years, many health issues have arisen, and my weight has varied between 185 and the current 109, and I was most comfortable at 135, although the doctor’s office said I was overweight. I figured they could go do what they wanted and I’d be comfortable with myself. My husband never varied with my weight. No matter what, he has been at my side. If your husband can still hug you, you’re not too fat. That’s my rule of thumb!
Your neighbors had covid, and two days ago, an ambulance came and got someone from the house next to ours. I have no clue who or why. Staying apart is still more important than knowing the details of their lives, to me.
Once the book is out and delivered, things will slow down a bit. It’s only a few more days. When you reach the end of your rope, just tie a knot and hang on. This, too, shall pass.
The map artist I know about is Devon Rue. Not sure if that helps.
Deven Rue.
I sympathize with the stress of being under deadline and freelancers falling out of contact. If you’re still looking for a map artist, I’m an art director/designer and do a bit of everything. I wasn’t sure how to email you directly and please delete if this is inappropriate.
So if I’ve ordered, received (and read!) Emerald Blaze from The Book Depository, how do I get to see the snippet about the birth?
Or is it only for those who buy from the specified book stores? I read it through overnight, so my daughter could have it first thing this morning 🙂 I’ll get it back for a re-read tomorrow or the next day!
I did a first and ordered a physical book, from one of the recommended small booksellers…so one of those hundreds that is likely cramping your hand is mine. Whee!!
I understand the no sugar thing. I’m in day 5 of the hell of sugar withdrawal so we can find out if it improves my fibromyalgia symptoms. And all I want is cookies or ice cream or frosting, and so on.
I’ve already lost corn, eggs, and chocolate, please don’t take my sugar too.
Oh no!! Those are not good withdraws!! I had to do that last summer but they were trying to get my hormones in control it was bad I just wanted desserts and cola which I’m not that big of a fan of but I could only have water for the first 6 weeks. Thankfully they said that I could have stevia and I found stevia candy that were like sour patch kids and Swedish fish and then I found Zevia which is a stevia flavored sparkling water and that helped a lot.
Hopefully they let you have stuff back but that you also feel better!
Here’s a virtual ???? ???????????????????????????????? for all of you guys! Thank you for helping me get through the day. I’m an ICU RN and I take care of covid-19 patients. Your books have kept me as sane as possible! Thank you! ????????????????????
Thank you for what you do Ms. Cheseda!!!
I second that thank you! Nurses are awesome!
Your ice cream recipe is better….just sayin????
Brittany (one of our dogs) is with you. She can no longer have even a taste of ice cream so cottage cheese has become a special treat. Her vet gave me recipes for us to try so that we like it as much as Brittany. It seems the vet cannot have ice cream either.
I am glad you are concerned about killing off characters. So many favorite characters were killed off in the last Harry Potter books that I cannot read them again. I usually read my favorite books several times. I have read all of yours 4-5 times. Thank you so much. Pat
Icecream alternative which is a cream of ice:
– Frozen fruits (my favourites are raspberries)
– Couple of almonds
– Couple of dates
– Fill up with liquids of choice like or mix of mandarin juice/coconut water/coconut milk/rice or oat milk which is sweet by itself/cream (just examples I like)
All together in a blender. Et voila… Ice cream without inverted sugar. It isn’t an alternative to chocolate icecream but to fruit icecream. Maybe this is something for you. I love it.
I ordered 2 print books. One for me and one for my sister’s birthday. From the bookstore in Houston. ???????????? great idea! I got her the whole Hidden Legacy series last summer for her birthday. Thank you for the referral!
When I lived in Darwin, there was a food stall at the Mindal Beach Markets which sold frozen fruit which was blended to the same consistency as ice cream. So good. Their version of a milk shake was the frozen fruit cut with orange juice. My pet lorikeet Jester used to jump from my shoulder to people standing in front of us to get her fix of the mango and banana. Supposedly if you coat the banana in lemon juice before freezing it stops it going brown, this never worked for me. I did my version by cutting up mangos and freezing them. Unfortunately i didn’t have the right processor, but oh boy spoon in hand did those frozen mangos go down well. So no need for recipes, slice up your mango or bananas, freeze them and wrap your laughing gear around those frozen delights. Mmm after the earlier mention of peaches I wonder if they would work. I know strawberries did
Frozen grapes are also good, but dry after washing so they do not have ice on them. It is like eating a Popsicle. Red ones are my favorite and a couple in my family prefer green.
I got my link to the Arabella short story from Bank Square Books today! That worked great. (meaning technology worked, I got it, set to read after reading EB)
Can’t wait. Just a little while longer for new reads!!
I pre-ordered through Barnes and Noble. When can I read Arabella’s story?
I can’t do sugar either. I make my own ice cream.
I can full fat coconut milk
1/3 bag frozen sweet cherries
1/4-1/3 cup BochaSweet sweetener (this stuff is amazing. No aftertaste. 1:1 ratio)
1 tsp almond extract
2-3 ripe bananas (I don’t do over ripe as it messes with my sugar too much)
Blend together.
Toast 1/3 cup chopped pecans in a dry pan for a few minutes. They burn quick so keep stirring and watch closely.
Melt 1/4 cup dark chocolate with 1-2 tsp coconut oil (refined is best and make sure it gets hard when cool).
Put blender contents in ice cream maker. Let it get about 3/4 of the way done and then gradually add pecans.
When the ice cream has stiffened start drizzling the melted chocolate mixture. It will harden on contact making chocolate chunks. Yum.
Spoon into container and enjoy!
I ordered a book to go along with my kindle order. The way things are going when they shut down the grid at least I’ll still have something to read. My grandson will be 9 and he’s really into insects. I sent him a dinosaur encyclopedia and a bug book and a 90 minute DVD of a jungle insect hunting program. He was thrilled and they had to watch two of the programs that night. Always feel good when a gift is appreciated!
Just so you know, paperbackswap.com has all book editions and audio books listed but not one is posted as available to be swapped, not one!
Hang in there. We’re praying for you!
Ice cream sounds divine. Fresh peaches or peach pie with just a little vanilla bean ice cream – yum.
Sorry to hear about the delay in receiving your yarn. Time to build up your stash so this won’t happen in the future.
May the Yarn be with you …. soon! ❤️
List is super interesting other than the icecream which is super infuriating.
How to make ice cream – buy an icecream making machine…
I’m sorry about the yarn ???? delay :(, but don’t worry too much about the to-do list not being done ✅. If you have a to-do list you’re alive 🙂
Just keep in mind- this too shall pass.I usually buy ebook and audible but this time I ordered print because I wanted to support the bookstore. Today they sent me a link. I have to tell you it so frikin hard not to read the story. Good luck with book and corona
Yum ice cream. You reminded me that I have snow cream in the freezer! Need it bad. Long week at work. I’m in retail and covid has bought out the worst in people. Both sides of the mask debate. Cursed out for offering masks. Cursed out for not offering masks. Those of us who try to get people to wear masks are spat on, slapped, punched and in some cases shot. Think I’ll make it a root beer float.
*Just how many print books did you order, people?*
The electronic version of a book is nice and it certainly is easier to store or take with you on a trip but they don’t become Real. Only the print books become Real.
It begins slowly with the first time you run your fingers over the cover and then you open it and the smell of ink and paper hits you. You read the story and you like enough that you keep it.
The book goes on the shelf where you will pull it off and read it again. Some times you will read the whole thing. Some times you will only read a bit here and there.
When you read it you will remember the first time you read it. You will smile when you run across the receipt you used as a book mark. I spend how much on makeup? What was I thinking? You will note the small splotch of sauce on page fifty two and you will remember how you were so eager to read it you left it open on the counter so you could read while you cooked. The book becomes heavier and more solid as it gets ready to become Real.
Then the day will come when you are sad and hurt and maybe a bit lonely. You will look on the shelf and the book will be waiting for you. Not just an escape from your current trials but a reminder of a time when things were better. You will pick it up and it will sit in your hand, a bit battered with a couple of pages that are getting a little loose so you have to be careful at that point. You will run your fingers over the cover and realize that the book has now become Real. And as you carry it over to your chair where your cup of tea is waiting you will feel just a bit better even though nothing has actually changed because things that are Real are comforting.
You are so right.
Today is my husband’s birthday. We got a coupon for a free meal from BD’s Mongolian Grill, which we REALLY love, but are too afraid to go yet. So I’m going to make him a mug cake, and sprinkle some of our blackberries from our front yard on top.
For map / cartography artist specializing in SF/Fantasy – try Ellisa Mitchell maybe. She’s done maps and interior artwork for Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time, Dragons of Pern, and Jacqueline Carey.
Contact info: https://arthive.com/artists/8900~Ellisa_Mitchell/works
Used to source artist vendors for Amazon Kindle. Good luck!!
I know less than nothing about how you would normally find a map artist, so many apologies if this is out of line. My family has become very fond of the show Critical Role during the last few months, and they have their gorgeous maps made by @DevenRue. Might be someone to check out? Good luck to you!
I hope you got your yarn. I had a similar situation, but it was frozen tamales, from Texas. Needless to say, they didn’t survive the trip. The company replaced them. And now we know that the mail slowdown is deliberate. Sad times we live in.
Hi, my name is Cathy and I have all your books, so far. (Ontario, Canada.) Each book gives me a new goal, so I hope you can hang in there. I’ve been fighting alongside you. My breast cancer mestasized to my lung. Now it’s in my brain. I had 10 days of radiation therapy. Still waiting the results of that. Year and a half is my countdown so far. I’m stubborn and I don’t do easy. I’m winning the Sapphire Flames countdown. But having to wait for the extra Free story? I keep telling myself , I can do it. So don’t quit on me please. Ryder’s is next, I believe. Then whatever else you would like to pull out. Please don’t forget about Hugh. Fighting for him will keep me going.
I am also trying to make afghans for my grandchildren.(5)ha ha. My granddaughter’s is almost finished.
Thank you for the love you share willingly through your writing skills, kid 1 & 2, family snippets, whatever. Thank you thank you.
Hi Cathy,
I saved your email and will send you the link when the story is posted. If you don;t receive it, please remind me.
I think that radiation therapy is worse than chemo. You have the right mindset cancer is a sneaky coward and needs to be battled back. You know that you have to hang around through Arabella’s series, then Hugh’s, and, of course, Julie’s. I am sending positive thoughts and virtual hugs to you.
Cathy, I fought the battle your going thru. Continue with the things that bring you joy. But fight! I’ve seen some amazing things happen.
I hope your yarn gets here soon.
And yes, I bought a print book too, because you’re signing the bookplates, and I’ve never been able to make it to one of your events. I bought the kindle version when the link went up, but then you said signed if you order a print book from here… so I was so very excited and bought a print book from one of the linked bookstores. And I like print books anyway – they’re just harder on my hands than ebooks are.
While I wait for Emerald Blaze, what book of Janiene Frost’s do you recommend I read to start her work? Anyone?
Start with “Halfway to the Grave” – that is the first Cat and Bones book, which is the beginning of their series. There is a reading order list on Jeaniene’s website that lists all of the books by main characters. It’s a crazy, wild ride and I am looking forward to the next Ian and Veritas book (their 3rd)!
Jean… I am about two thirds done with Wicked Bite and also eager for the third book! Yes, starting with the first book in a series is usually the best. Going through them a second time, I am using the reading order of all the Cat and Bones books along with the other side characters with their own books… the bottom list on her website. This is after listening to all the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. Jeanine Frost also has a partial story on her site of the first book in Bones POV.
Great ice cream site. I have an electric ice cream maker that I haven’t used yet and we are headed to triple digit temperatures. So perfect timing.
Very bad to wait for Emerald Blaze.
About your yarn I totally understand and tracking numbers don’t seem to help. I hope your yarn gets to you soon.
Maps: Have you tried contacting Patricia Briggs, Anne Bishop, or Robin Hobb about finding a map artist? All three frequently include maps in their books.
General: I really appreciate your shares about your family. You said something more or less like …’one of your kids stealing meat during a visit …because that is what you do when you go home.’ Sadly, my home life was vastly different. Just knowing there are such wonderful families out there has made me smile on and off for days. Go you!
“…I’ve got my country’s 500th anniversary to plan, my wedding to arrange, my wife to murder and Guilder to frame for it; I’m swamped.” ????
as you wish!! and how!! love d quotes in that book!!!!
Sugar free popsicles are 15 calories and taste just like regular popsicles. You can also shove them off the stick and whirl them around in a blender and call it American ice. (Italians we could kill me for calling it Italian ice.). Sugar free fudgsicles are 45 calories and taste like reasonable facsimiles of store brand ice cream. Hope this helps.
Also, fresh peaches and cantaloupe are good. And crushed pineapple is tasty in cottage cheese.
Maybe try frozen bananas and coco with a wee bit of vanilla. I think that it is called “nice cream” because it is actually healthy. It doesn’t taste healthy at all, it is delicious. You take bananas that a just a bit overripe and put them in a container, or ziplock, freeze for at least a day. If you do a nice cream search you will find tons of recipes.
I am eagerly awaiting your book. Sorry about the yarn. You know, if you order new yarn the first order will appear the next day. Try it. Not that we need an excuse to buy yarn.
wow! I think u guys totally deserve a vacation really really!!! I feel soo stressed just reading ur list!! but u guys just rock!!!! love d books soooOooo much.. is it any wonder so many people want a print book hehe
“Just how many print books did you order people?”
That got a real laugh.
Book Devouring Horde
Hang in there…
oh my..yarn is THE STRAW
may the gods send you yarn
Counting the days till Emerald Blaze is released. Getting dead tree copies paperback to read and hardcover to hold. .From bookstore you recommended
Blue Willow.
But now I am worrying that the delivery will get stuck somewhere between Texas and New York and I won’t see book till late September.
So I am slowly reading Hidden legacy again. going to do the 3 Nevada and Rogan books.
I have read Diamond fire and Sapphire flames at least 3 times.
Today read some free fiction. Catalina and Arabella with the Piney family. Totally forgot about this.
We get fashion advice, etiquette lessons, and badass knockdown “I am a Prime”and you are not!! Snap!!
And this was a deleted scene.
Sooo good.
Emerald Blaze ????????????
I can do a map! Are you looking for something for Hidden Legacy before its publish date of ….eek.. next week? Or post shift Atlanta for Ryder? How can I contact you?
For some reason the last few weeks, I have been a cranky, cranky person and So is everyone else … I hope that your yarn appears soon. 🙂
I love you guys. Your blog can be so funny. Always puts a smile on my face.
My husband describes his job as “making maps for places which don’t exist”. It’s mostly for RPGs though. I hope you find a map artist 🙂
For the yarn problem. I have found that if you have email updates sent to with package updates, the packages tend not to get stuck somewhere. (does not apply currently to USPS). So if you haven’t signed up for the email updates you should try this.
I hope “The Cool Aunt” is included in the audio book version of Emerald Blaze.
Your posts are always a highlight of my day. Rooting for a publisher big time!! Stay safe and I hear you on the points. I partially freeze my Light &Fit Greek yogurt for a treat. Pretty tasty.
I can’t believe that you don’t have that yarn yet! Bizarre!!
7 Days!!!! Can hardly wait!
Ilona & Andrew, might I suggest a thread with the recommendations of humorous stories from what your House Andrews fans read? While we’re waiting on your latest (you guys sneak in the humor well; I always enjoy the joking and snark).
I was just realizing that, ahem, reading all this dystopian stuff that I do (currently Bzerk) does in fact need to be broken up with lighter fare to clean my palate in these times.
I actually lol’d reading Unhoneymoon by Christine Lauren (a basic romantic comedy by also an author partnership). I realize that I don’t lol very often these days because I don’t actually see people in person. It felt odd.
I too am awaiting my yarn, ans even though I have 2 projects going and a ton of yarn in my stash, I want THAT yarn.