Avon sent us beautiful flowers.

The card reads:
Congratulations on BLAZING the bestseller lists!!!
Erika, Pam, Angela, and the rest of your friends at Avon
Not long ago, Jeaniene Frost also sent me flowers with a card for secret reasons. Here is what that card.

Also someone sent us Russian candy.

Thank you so much. The candy was delicious!
Dear BDH, please do not send candy! We have no self-control. We mean it.
Shout out to Jessie Mihalik: her serial has started. Click here to read the Queen’s Triumph.
The flowers are lovely ????????. The cards are great. Jeanine’s is especially funny. Enjoy the candy. You two deserve it all for making so many people happy with your writing.
I get Jessie’s newsletter so am already enjoying the serial ????
Imagine the expression on the face of the person at the florist who printed Jeanine’s card and attached it to the flowers.
hahahaha xD
I was reading the Wall Street Journal today and in their Review section they showed Emerald Blaze as the #1 Fiction E-Book this week. Data from NPD BookScan. Congrats again 🙂
Congratulations on the success of your book! I know what you mean about no self control when it comes to candy. Now I want candy ????
Have a great Holiday weekend everyone!
We will send you all the candy ever. It’s up to Gordon to hide it and deliver at appropriate times.
Plus, it’s diet candy. Hardly at all bad for you.
You deserve all the congratulations on your hard word.
And we are the happy recipients of that hard word.
The flowers are lovely.
Jeaniene is so funny.
And you know you will be getting more candy.
Thank you have a wonderful black and white squirrel free weekend.
Still can’t figure out what BDH stands for…
Buy Delicious Candy! Errr… I mean Handy?
Hmmm… that makes no sense at all.
Book Devouring Horde, help me out here …
It stands for book devouring horde (BDH). We named ourselves after the Hope Crushing Horde in the Innkeeper series. 😀
Anyone who posts comments is part of the horde.
BDH stands for Book Devouring Horde. You know for those of use who read their books in 2 days and then ask for more…. There are a lot of us.
Welcome to the BDH, Kim! Also, we used to refer to our hosts, Ilona and Gordon, collectively as The Author Lords. They decided they weren’t fond of that moniker, and requested we switch to House Andrews. So sometimes you’ll see us use HA to refer to the writing team aka Ilona Andrews, so that it doesn’t look like we forgot Gordon exists. 🙂
I’m so glad you asked that! I keep seeing on the Facebook page but never knew what it meant. I haven’t gotten to the Innkeeper series yet — I started with Hidden Legacy and am very happily working my way through.
You have such a treat in store then when you do read Innkeeper!nan
Book Devouring Horde. We are many and we are hungy!
Books for all!
I Have Finished That Book! When is the next coming out? (burp)
House Andrews’ fans are known as the “Book Devouring Horde” aka BDH. As in: we will devour anything they write, over stuff our brains/ bellies with their wonderful writing, and beg for more…and are very protective and seem to have a Horde mentality when it comes to protecting our beloved Authors. (Also a reflection on some of the other Horde mentalities we seem to have adopted from the group found Horde in the Innkeeper Series they write.) We are loyal and devout…and they often have to pull us back from being a bit over protective LOL.
Book Devouring Hoard=BDH
Congrats on the Blazing success!!!
I’ve read Jesse Mihalik’s Consortium Rebellion series. Seems it’s time to start on the Rogue Queen series.
Wishing you a peaceful Labor Day!
Which Russian treats are the best?
Korovka! It’s like milk fudge. It’s pure sugar with a squishy center and completely completely addicting.
oh, why did you have to mention korovka… now I have to think about it…
I work for a company that owns a confectionary company in Ukraine, and I’ve tried all of their product, and really don’t like most of the chocolate ones. It’s a very different feel and texture than what us Southerners are used to! The cookies are really good though.
I love Jeaniene’s card. That’s a message only a true bestie would send! ????
The flowers are gorgeous and well deserved!
The flowers (both plant and card) look lovely. Blazing success…boo-hiss. 😀 I wonder what Avon will say when Blood Heir becomes available and it’s a hit?
TimTams from Australia are my weakness. Before COVID-19 hit, my local Wal-Mart sold them. I learned about them thanks to friends of my brother (who is no longer with us) who lived in New South Wales.
Again congratulations!
Target still carries TimTams from time to time. I see the mint ones on Target.com which taste like Girl Scout Thin Mints (the better variant from Little Brownie Bakers https://www.wideopeneats.com/girl-scouts-cookies-map/ )
I am not fond of the mint version. Just straight up chocolate and crispy wafers. 🙂
Tim Tams can be used as a straw to drink your coffee or port. Bite both ends off the biscuit (we Aussies eat biccies, not cookies), dip one end in the drink of your choice, then suck it up. Your biccy will melt if you are drinking hot coffee. Messy but fun and delicious.
Oh my god yes, hot coffee and chocolate TimTams equals tasty hot mocha. So good until the bikkie falls apart into your coffee. Lol
I don’t believe Avon is publishing Blood Hier. But if they were, they might say:
It’s a Bloody Success
Bloody good job!
A win in every cataGORY ????
Lol xD
Oh, TimTams . . . drool commencing. I rarely find them here in the States and stockpile and freeze when I do.
Cost Plus World Market routinely has Tim Tams, including the dark chocolate ones. I became addicted while touring NZ and was sooooo grateful to find them in the States.
Congratulations! 🙂
Congrats again on EB’s fabulous success! And thanks for the shout-out. 🙂
I have the book pre-ordered. 😀
I’m so glad HA recommended you/your books! I’ve bought, ‘read’, and enjoyed everything you’ve released in audio. Which I think is everything you’ve released so far? Loved the three Consortium Rebellion books and the two Rogue Queen books. Greatly anticipating your next release. 🙂
Beautiful flowers and lovely cards and gifts. All well deserved!
You’re appreciated and loved. Congratulations on your success and thank you for the awesome book. You’re the only author team whose books are on my shelf as well as on my kindle: kindle for access at all times and the dead tree version in case of a zombie apocalypse (I like to plan ahead).
You guys do it all correctly. Your work is rich with wonderful well researched details and all that effort deserves kudos bux chocolate and huzzahs! Next six days temps 106-111 degrees with rolling blackouts Bought extra charger dead tree books. Weare candy crazy here too. Lots of kinda small joints SEES CANDIES just the best chocolates ever! We also have incredible weird I know handmade TAFFY not hard nuggets but 2 3 inch soft morsels caramel peppermint peanut butter with river of peanut butter inside. Sigh.
Does Russian candy include anything that would be bizarre or might sound unpalatable to the average American?
I brought back salted licorice and chocolates that were dusted in unsweetened cocoa powder from Iceland and now none of my coworkers steal candy from me anymore!
Denmark have the salted liquorice which is likely why Iceland do but so do the Netherlands. I’m not against it but there’s levels of it and there’s an extra bitter/salty/soft version that’s ugh. I like cocoa covered truffles, and don’t know Russian sweets but there’s some odd Lithuanian combinations from Ruta (paprika and olive chocolate is the worst!!) and Pergale do a buckwheat and banana bar (not entirely terrible). Lately UK Cadburys have been doing strange combinations each year as part of a competition. Some are ok, some should be melted and dispersed in a volcano. It’s all in your taste buds I guess.
How do you feel about brownie cookies?
Yay for flowers and candy and congrats! Y’all deserve it.
On a side note, thank you for promoting other authors. I adore Jessie’s work and I’m not sure I would have found it if not for you.
Jeanine is hilarious. I love getting candy from home. Now I am off to bother family from my birth home and heart home to send me stuff.
PS Emerald Blaze was great, still great during my second round! Still waiting for my turn with the audio from my library, so will have a third go soon.
Enjoy the flowers and sweets. Have a great weekend.
Gorgeous flowers! and watermelon in the background. Take that raccoons! Well, don’t take it, actually ????
Hope they remembered to put pressure sensors in the dryer vents. 🙂
Emerald Blaze was fantastic. So well deserved. I do understand about no candy (nor cake). 🙂
Well deserved.
Yeah! The post office worked! Belated Happy Anniversary or Happy Book Birthday!
Speaking of Russian things, the spice shop, Penzey’s, recently marketed a spice blend called “Tsar Dust, Russian Style Seasoning.” I got a sample packet as a freebie with my order. I am checking the label and the ingredients are salt, garlic, cinnamon, pepper, nutmeg, and marjoram. Are these spices that would be commonly used together in Russia?
I wanted to send you a link, but it appears to be gone from Penzey’s website now.
Ah, I found it. It’s indexed under Tsardust as one word on their site.
You deserve many flowers and much chocolate – but perhaps no kittens at this time?
(Not that you don’t deserve kittens, just that perhaps the current feline overlords of your household would not care for the (ahem!) competition at the moment. Oh, please forgive me, I meant complication, not competition! Each one is unique and beautiful.)
No really – Emerald Blaze is wonderful. It deserves every good review and glowing blurb it is getting. So do you two. Every one of them.
Thank you for the best reading available. We love you guys, because the last book was great, too, and so is the next one. Y’all just keep getting better with every book.
Congrats and so excited for you guys! You have worked so hard and delivered such a wonderful book. Enjoy your candy as that’s a wonderful treat. See your books are like the ever ready bunny as they keep going and going in our minds in a fun way. it’s great to think of something fun for a change. What I love about this series is the sky is the limit. Well done!
Beautiful flowers, Ilona Andrews. Congratulations on Emerald Blaze success.
If you put candy in freezer it lasts a little longer than unfrozen candy. Don’t know about Russian candy but works on Hershey bars and chocolate covered cherries. And beef dog bones aka marrow bones at grocery store.
Since Ilona Andrews, Grace Draven and Jessie Mihalik all have serials going, I feel like it is my birthday about three times a week.
Congratulations!! You guys are the best and deserve so much for all your hard work.
Mmm, sweeties. Yum yum ???? Time to share? Though I’m afraid you can keep any US chocolates for yourselves. A couple years ago my brother brought back a chocolate bar from the Dominican Republic sirport, I can’t remember if it was snickers or mars bar, but it was a US made one. It tasted odd to me and being the OCD person I am I googled it and it turns out that the big international names – Cadbury, Mars etc, all use different ingredients in their chocolate depending on the country, and US use particularly different to UK versions – corn syrups, fat contents, higher sugars. I then decided I should check this out and got some other chocolates (purely for science ????) and I found that when it comes to chocolate I’m very European. C’est la vie ????
LOL!! I truly have to laugh, as while I agree with you, (I’ve traveled Europe quite a bit, and prefer true Swiss chocolate or British made), the Mars / Wrigley plant is less than a mile and a half from my house and my neighbor works in their quality control department. The majority of Snickers and Skittles made in the United States are made in that building, along with other items, and many of my student’s parents (I am a teacher) work there.
I will say: I do like freshly made Snickers, and will look at the date and label before buying one no matter where I am. Rumor has it (as I have never been privileged to experience it) that the nougat / peanut / caramel center fresh off the belt before the chocolate is put on is AWESOME.
You both should get all the flowers and candy.
Congratulations on your success and thank you for the Ryder chapter, so amazing!
I just finished Emerald Blazing – thank you! Loved it.
Tell Jeaniene that Christmas and a birthday are coming so there’s still plenty of time for dismemberment. She could start now (this is why God made freezers).
Lilies are my favorite flower, and yet they try to kill me. My allergies do not like them.
But so pretty.
^_^ Congratulations! You two deserve the accolades. Reading your work is an immense joy, both the writing style, the worlds your build and characters you create that are vivid.
Alas, they are really bad for kitties, too.
I would love to grow them inside except for my cats’ habit of checking out anything new by tasting it first. They have decided that pothos is inedible, but nothing else. (Carnations are tasty, they tell me, so no more cheerful little bunches for my favorite vase. 🙁 Sigh. )
I have pre ordered Jessies book.
I want to thank you.
My family is experiencing a cat apocalypse.
Without boring you we have 3 of our current rescues (18 to 14 years with us) illor lost in the past 2 weeks.
I have bought several books from authors I like but just can’t read them. In the past 3 weeks I have reread innkeeper. Kate, and hidden legacy, all the short stories and snippets.
It helps.
It really does and I can’t thank you two for the great work you do.
I am not alone with feeling this way. You have given joy and support to so many people.
Just want to say thank you.
Sorry for loss of your kitties. ((Hugs))
Nice bouquet! Love those colors. And that’s a great card from your friend, made me snort!
Congratulations ????????
You deserve all the praise you get and more.
The flowers are beautiful and Jeaniene’s card hilarious. Congrats on the great success of Emerald Blaze.
Am I the only one who sees the duck head, that is a actually a flower, poking out of the flowers. It looks like it’s mid quack. ????
LOL, there is a duck head flower in there! Thanks for pointing it out.
You absolutely deserve it all – so awesome how well EB has done!!
Note to Jeaniene: enemy body parts are the best gift, but flowers last longer and don’t frighten the delivery boy.
On an unrelated note, I’m wildly in love with your colour scheme. I heart that shade of blue so much.
I always wondered what your favourite candy from childhood was and if you father brings it to the US whenever he is visiting 😀
At least now you got some lovely Russian candy to enjoy.
Congratulations on EB- the sweets, flowers, cakes are well deserved and more.
I follow Grace Draven Ippos Kings chapters and also recently read Faith Hunter short story Junkyard Cats (about cats) and Seanan Mcguire A Killing Frost to help occupy time waiting patiently for the next IA book.
Any BDH suggestions on what else is good reading currently?
This is an older thread, but it has LOTS of book recommendations from readers. I’d save the page because I’m not sure how long the old version of the site will be available.
Here’s some books that have been recommended by Ilona. They’re on this site, so they might stay.
Happy reading! ????
You deserve it, Eat the candies ♥️ I Like both cards, jeanine’s is really funny. A hug and congratulations I’ll never stop saying I enjoy your books a lot. I have read Kate daniels several times I’ve memorized some parts even. And sure hidden legacy is becoming one of my favorites now..
While waiting for new chapter of Ryder and reading The Edge for the first time I’m in book 3 now and my favorites are George and Jack I love them specially Jack I enjoy them I want to know more about them I read once you said that you Gates the last book of the edge… but I’m just suggesting it Doesn’t have to be the last I would really love to read Jack’s AMD George’s Stories how they are as adults and what kind of adventures they will have.
Love from Venezuela y
You HATE HATED HATED no Gates sorry
Check out Innkeeper, book 3(?).
Woot! Congratulations on all! EB rocks. Well deserved. Thanks for sharing the goodness!
P.S. I also laughed to see in the flower picture what appears to be a replacement watermelon in the background. Perhaps harder for the masked raiders to get into than pre-sliced in a tray, yes?
OK, back up one step. I had to look, but I did finally find what looks like a duck quacking in the lilies. What I cannot imagine is you two having enemies! You bring great joy to so many as you work so hard to create worlds for us to enter and enjoy! How is it possible for you to have anyone at all who is an enemy? It’s just not computing.
There’s no sense in having self-control with candy and letting it get stale and nasty. Just eat it. Life is short. Enjoy every moment without guilt. Maybe not with a big box of it, but when it’s a little, there’s no reason to not enjoy candy.
New York Times Best Seller list and sugar high. 🙂 It’s a good day.
Just ordered The Queen’s Gambit. Just got my old ZTE phone made smart this summer by switching from Cricket (they only wanted to sell me a new phone) to Consumer Cellular, who were glad to set it up in a few minutes). I’m having sooo much fun reading books on my brilliant little phone. You are so very generous to support other authors. I also Love S.K. Dunstall’s space operas. There are also members of the BDH. Loving Ryder– thanks for continuing the serial. Just finished re-reading Saphire Flames and will begin Emerald Blaze next week. Can’t wait!
Accolades, flowers and candy? A good start! Congratulations on EB! Sooooo good! Read/listened to it 3 x in the 1st 72 hrs of getting my e-copy.(You know how it goes. Waiting with bated breath. Finally get the book. Devour it. Must read again since you’re sure you’ve missed certain parts and key details. Then listen to it for good measure because…well, I can and because I have a long commute. At least that’s my excuse.)
House Andrews, thank you for putting your heart and soul into your work. It always shows. I have read many books by many authors and you two are by far tip top on the favorites list. I believe I speak for many in saying we appreciate you so much and are inspired by your talent and hard work. You deserve the praise! Well done!
Congrats! Clearly any candy that arrives is meant for Kid 1 (in abstentia) and Kid 2. 🙂
Congratulations! I am ecstatic for you guys on bestseller number 1.
Wishing all the best ????
Congratulations on the great sales/book scores and the appreciation swag! Hopefully you are getting some relaxation in this weekend.
FYI – I listened to a gentleman on FBook this morning regarding zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D3 to keep the viral load down. The “know” people have discovered or noticed that anyone that had a flu shot last year gets very sick.
The reason I’m mentioning this is I put myself on vitamin C, zinc, and
L-lisene (I use it for cold sores virus) and I have felt much better. I was having a lot of no-energy days, like I was trying to get sick, and that has all cleared up now. I take it every day for prophylaxis. With kids going back to school the zinc is very important. I encourage you to at least listen to the what and why. He lists the best types and was very serious about protecting the kids and elderly with these three products.
Both my husband and myself got the flu shots last year. Neither of us became ill thereafter. I consider my annual flu shot an essential part of maintaining my health.
+1. Every year.
FYI – the FYI that has nothing to do with the books or the current post, but spreads out non scientific anti-vaccination ideas sourced on Facebook of all places should probably be moderated (I would report it if there was a reporting option)
Reads like sneaky spam to me. I know BDH is a caring group of readers that often helps each other out, and etc, but this has a suspicious looking link in it. No one should click on it. I did my best to report it for moderation…
Congratulations! You deserve all the accolades and treats for your excellent work. Somebody on Faith Hunter’s site posted ” I love grandma Frida!” Some people were puzzled, so the poster apologized for being on the wrong site. LOL. Others agreed, including Faith Hunter, who posted that she loves grandma Frida too and that she reads everything Ilona Andrews writes. I live it when one favourite author compliments another. I found your books through Karen Marie Moning’s site when she recommended you. ❤️
“…for secret reasons…”
You deserve every accolade and fresh flowers every day -for obvious reasons. I love that you get beautiful bouquets “for secret reasons” too.
Congratulations on topping the best seller lists!
I have a totally random question… Did Dina ask for compensation from the Draziri for all the expenses and damages due to their stupid attack? She should have and I think she simply let them walk away after all the attacks. They definitely should have paid up. They should have penalized for it. Throwing Kiran Mrak far away was insufficient penalty. It meant little after the nuclear weapon, inn seed and costs of all out attacks.
In the next book, Maud has money because Dina and Maud split up what they got for selling all the weapons the Draziri dropped when they were defeated. But the Draziri were never guests, so why would they pay? They lost the fight, went home defeated, and their entire species was totally demoralized when they found out that their “god” was actually one of the people they were killing to get into their idea of “heaven” after they died. Dina’s job was to protect her guests, and she did her job. When the fight was over, her job wasn’t to demand payment for doing her job from those who attacked her guests. Once the Draziri were no longer threatening her guests and inn, she was done with them, completely. What they dropped on her inn’s grounds was hers to keep, of course, and she did so.
Hmm… I know they were not guests. I meant as in they should have been fined for breaking the rules of the treaty to that extent and made to pay as penalty. It didn’t looked like they got punished enough. What they learned and what it did to their moral was their own responsibility….
But OK. I get what you mean. (Maybe I’m being more vindictive)
Thank you for the explanation.
Have a great weekend!
I believe the phrase “An embarrassment of riches” applies to House Andrews works. They have a talent for creating characters and situations that are so real and compelling we want to learn more about them. I would be delighted to learn more about Derek and the Kid Pack also the state of House Krahr and Dina; and the list just goes on. I am in happy anticipation of what ever comes next.
Dont take candy from stangers!
You deserve flowers and candy! Loved the book a great addition to the series!
I have really been enjoying a reread of all the Hidden Legacy novels. I started with Emerald Blaze, but then went back to the beginning. Thank you for your stories!
I think I was deliberately holding back on getting Emerald Blaze until I really needed it! Now’s it’s the beginning of the university semester. I read it all yesterday. Really nice flip on Alessandro as being the heir who had to make a good match, House Andrews. I didn’t guess it until well into this book! And really, what a double burden for him which makes his character much more understandable. Love the twist with the black wings, too!
Am i the only one who misses them the most?
I really wang to read George’s and Jack’s strories they have been my favorite characters of this serie since the beggining, and now I just want to know how they are as adults what adventures and troubles they’ve had and who they love interst will be… first I thought Jack and Sophie will endo together now I think both George and Jack will want her And maybe hace some issues about it and one of them’ll have a broken heart… and it will be so interesting yo read… and another one I will Like to read about is Gaston I love him l felt really bad about what his father and siblings did to him and he deserves to be happy please write more about them… I was so dissapointed at the black of Gaston in steel edge.. here you have a new trilogy waiting for you. ♥️♥️♥️
Have you read the _Sweep_ books? George, Sophie, Jack and Gaston show up as kickass supporting characters. 🙂
Hello authorlords I don’t know where else to write it..I don’t want it to be forgotten in so many comments. I tried to get your email but couldn’t find it.
I just have to say this because it keeps going on in my head in a loop. I read it on a post on Goodreads that you guys have Decided to change your writing style. Please don’t . I love you guys. I love your writing style.
Since the Catalina series many people your diehard fans have felt like the details were glossed over and stuff.
I read a post that said you yourself weren’t satisfied with the novel and didn’t want to publish it.
I do understand that you are targeting a younger audience and maybe you guys think that’s the reason why it did so well.
But personally I think that the reason are your previous works and your writing style your BDH. Not the change in the writing style.
If whatever I posts I read are false please let me know it will give me a piece of mind. You seriously have no idea how grateful I would be
I am not a fussy reader. I love you guys ❤️ and devour anything you give. But the post about you deciding to change your writing style it makes we feel like I am going crazy that I am losing something so precious.
I read your biography that is on this website where you said that you believed in your work and didn’t change it when said that that wanted you to.
Please ma’am and sir???? please take this into consideration.
One of your many Diehard fans
P.S. Absolutely Loving Blood Heir
Why in the world would you believe stuff someone posted on Good Reads that the authors are changing their writing style????
Well because they said that people said that authors themselves told in an interview.
And I know I shouldn’t believe what someone says without any proof but the post lined right up with Catalina series.
I hope that’s not true I really do that’s why I am asking if it is true on a place that can be trusted since we can’t trust Goodreads now.
And if you know something with actual proof please do tell me… I am going to learn from my experience and never believe anything without proof
I never meant to offend anyone or authorlords. I am genuinely worried. If someone knows something with actual proof please let me know.
I am sorry everyone genuinely especially the authors. I just read this post and I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did.
I just got panicked and really there is no excuse.
I realised it later on that it isn’t my place and I was being rude and ungrateful which I wasn’t trying to be.
I just am sorry.
I would really appreciate if we can get this post deleted. Is there a place where I can complaint.
I am sorry Ilona and Gordon. You can do whatever you want. Normally I wouldn’t have reacted this way but this is uncertain times and I got this thing in my mind like I was losing something. As Maria Z said I shouldn’t believe anything they tell online. They don’t know what’s going inside your head. I don’t know what you are thinking. So I am sorry. And if we can get these comments deleted please do.
I am not sure where you read this but it sounds like someone watched a live interview and misunderstood things. Our diehard fans love Catalina’s series. It has the highest sales of all HL so far. 🙂 We are going to write different heroines, NJ. Some will be extroverts, some will be introverts. If we wrote the same thing over and over, it would be boring.
What does NJ mean?? Sorry this’s not my language and I can sometimes get lost or confunde
Love ♥️♥️
Ignore me please what a shame jajaja ????♀️????♀️????
I already saw that’s the girl’s name
Thank you so much! Your writing is inspiring!
In so many ways: resilience, strength, wisdom, humour …
Your characters are complex and interesting.
The beloved family members have so many fine qualities, even when they have difficulties and struggle to overcome adversity.
For the past couple of years, I have told myself: Be Connor.
Be a leader like Connor.
What would Connor do?
Think Connor before you react. Calm, controlled, strategic …
OMG too funny: he has a “gunmetal grey Range Rover”.
Guess what vehicle I got this year? 🙂
Didn’t even realize. Laughed so much when I got to this part of Diamond Fire.
I am re-reading series: all the better to appreciate the brilliance of your writing! Emerald Blaze is super!
Poor Authors! I thought of you when I read this post. I do love seeing you, but have enjoyed the online visits even more than in person because I’m guaranteed no one will be standing in my way and I can turn up the volume as loud as I want to hear every word!
I’ve been wanting to say for the LONGEST time how grateful I am for the joy your books bring me. I am a doctor and these past few months have been terrible. Every one of your stories transports me to a different world, where other terrible things happen, but people are strong, and funny, and loving and resilient, and they never fail to put me back in a good and optimistic mood.
So, yes, that’s all I wanted to say.
You have a gift and I am thankful that you share it with the rest of us 🙂
I live with severe pain issues. Sometimes I can just sit in my chair clutching your books and knowing for a few hours I will be transported away to a pain free place where there is adventure and romance and freedom from pain. Thank you!
This is a long time to not hear from y’all. Hope everyone is ok!
Im getting concerned….but she did say they were going for a long for a long drive on their twitter on the 6th. Hopefully they are just taking that much needed break and driving across country or something after releasing new book. They are so good to us they have us spoiled by their attention. But a week with nothing on twitter Or blog is outside her usual posting schedule. Keeping them in my thoughts til i hear.
Oh thank god just scrolled up and saw Ilona answered someones question about something in this thread Yesterday. Whew.
Enjoy a break from us And your Ilona and Gordon. You deserve it. Ill stop worrying.
We love you guys!