Hi everyone, Mod R here with a Friday treat and audiobook info post.

The release date for the Magic Tides + Magic Claims audio bundle is Monday, July 10 2023 and below are several clickable buttons with retailer links where you can place your preorder directly- including Audible this time!
Dreamscape is now the distribution partner for House Andrews’ self-published audiobooks- this means that their audiobooks have a wider availability than ever. Please check your favourite audio retailer catalogue, whether in the US or internationally, even if we haven’t included them above.
The Wilmington Years bundle is also available to libraries, so get on the Libby app and recommend away. Fingers crossed you nab a spot at the front of the loan queue!
The overal duration of the audiobook is 12 hours and 21 minutes- plenty to devour! There will be 2 narrators, for Kate and Curran’s POVs respectively. Hilary Huber will be reading Kate’s chapters (and Conlan in Magic Tides- her Conlan is actually my favourite), and those of you who are Graphic Audio fans might recognise Michael Glenn reprising his role as Curran. You can listen to samples here.
And now, as a thank you for your patience, the promised suprise treat House Andrews generously wrote for us, because we all wanted to follow Kate and Luther as they went through the treasures of the Pale Queen at the end of Magic Claims.
Horde, I give you: Purpose!
Happy weekend.
That was amazing. Thank you!
Kate’s universe is so versatile that it can serve both monsters and adorableness in the same story lol Thank you House Andrews, that was a lovely Friday treat!
Ditto! 🙂
I totally concur, Tais!
Thank you!!
After a very long and trying week. This made me smile and laugh. Thank you for sharing your gift
Kate Daniels’ books.
Jenn reads Kate’s books.
Jenn’s purpose!
Jenn is an idiot today. Coffee before purpose is a necessary evil. No coffee yet. Purpose is a little shaky.
Thank you for the “treat” — better than pastry!
Coffee! Purpose!!!
Seriously tho. Coffee before purpose.
😂 Chocolate *is* my purpose!
Oh, yes! Which ones are your favorites? I love dark chocolate so last night I bought 5 bars for my not-so-secret stash.
Scharffen Berger bittersweet dark chocolate (made in NY, NY)
Chocolove xoxox Strong Dark chocolate (made in Boulder, CO)
Chocolove xoxox Extra strong dark chocolate
Moonlight (?) Dark chocolate with almonds (made in Seattle, WA)
Tony’s Chocolonely dark chocolate (made in Belgium)
Thanks for being the best moderator on the planet!
One day I will be grown up enough for the semisweet, dark chocolates of this fancy world! Your list sounds yum.
I’m all milk, I’m afraid 😅
You must try To y’all Sea Salt Carmel. Milk, not dark.
Tony’s Chocolonely all the way. I get the dark kind, in the blue wrapper. A friend swears by the almond. Read up on the company and you’ll want to buy even more.
Perugina makes some of the best dark chocolate. Droste is okay as long as you are willing to wait for it to melt in your mouth for a minute or more.
I am a heathen as I still like Hershey’s special dark chocolate. Just not as much as I love Perugina.
Sarris chocolate covered pretzels in milk or dark chocolate. They are the best! Sarris makes lots of other treats but, the pretzels are loved by all who have tried them.
There is a small store on The Avenue in Baltimore called Mon Petit Shoe. It sells women’s shoes and chocolate. It is, to date, my favorite store, even if their shoes weren’t Me. Or weren’t Me when I worked in Baltimore. They might be Me now.
Anyway, I was checking out the chocolate when the lovely lady who worked there offered me a piece of something dark, which I tried out of politeness. I had dealt with Chocolate People before, and very apologetically said that it was “a bit strong” for me. She said “so you’re a milk person?” And I said yes, and she said “that’s ok!” And showed me some milk chocolate that I bought. It was the first time any Chocolatier (and the store did make its own) had ever told me that it was ok to prefer milk chocolate. Because, y’know, REAL chocolate lovers all like almost pure cacao.
I needed that. I am now not only unashamedly a milk-chocolate lover, but there are some semi-sweet and even darkish chocolates here in Europe that I have learned to love.
Dark chocolate with coaco nibs, local store brand, sry. That is my current chocoyay.
Ohhh… Tony’s with Carmel bits!
Did not know it was made in Belgium. No wonder I love it! I love creamy Belgium chocolates!
I find it very sad, there used to be tasty chocolate here in the US, but now all I can taste is the ‘fake’
Try looking at oakscandy.com or seroogys.com, both located in Wisconsin. Oaks started in late 1800s & is still owned by the same family. Serology’s started in 1899 & is also still owned by the same family.
Autocorrect is evil, the 2nd company’s name is Seroogys.
Tony’s is Amsterdam-based. Not Belgium. We were in Amsterdam in February and accidentally ran into the Tony’s Chocolonely flagship store. It’s unfair. They have too many flavors you can only get there. I don’t remember any more the names, but there were some very lovely ones.
South Bend Chocolate Company, in Indiana. Satisfaction guaranteed for taste. Tony’s has more ethical and sustainable sourcing however.
Chocolate gifts for my parents were easy – my mom liked dark chocolate and my dad liked milk chocolate. A big box of Fannie Mae’s or a Whitman’s Sampler and they were both happy chocoholics!
(I like both!) 🍫🍫🍫
I am addicted to Lindt Raspberry Intense (made in Switzerland) and when I buy it on sale hoard it in places my husband can’t find it. I’m a bit like gollum, it’s mine and I’m not sharing…….
I’ve just looked at that and now think maybe I should share just a little.
Oooh – I love BDH chocolate recommendations almost as much as a love BDH book recommendations! I love dark chocolate, and because I have opposite eating preferences to the rest of my family (they are all instant gratification, whereas I want to know I can have a taste any time and there will always be some), I actually have a small hard cooler with a combination lock on it in which I keep my special chocolate. There is still chocolate on the outside of the cooler for everyone else, but the chocolate inside is safe for meeeeee!
Favorite chocolate brand ever: Alter Eco. In addition to admirable sustainability and fair trade goals, they have the smoothest dark chocolates and super creamy truffles and milk chocolates. Seriously, they have 95% cacao chocolate that’s not the least bit gritty.
Love this so much!!
Awww! Her first smile. 😀
We all need purpose.
This was a great treat for a Friday. Thanks so much for a peek inside one of those towers – of course it would be freaky-a** bugs that Luther would investigate!
Thank you!
Thank you for the Friday treat. Maybe some day I can find my purpose.
Thank you. BDH – Purpose. *nom nom nom*
LMAO. Pretty sure if you could crack my kid’s heads open this is exactly what they thought their purpose was. 😂
So, so good!! Thank you!
That was wonderful!, thank you! Bugs for practice bug hunts, maybe?
Would that mean there are other bugs she *did* want so she got these bugs to have the hunters practice catching those?
It’s bugs ALLLLLLL the way down! 😂
. I hate bugs lol. Only House Andrews could have a Sto try about bugs that I love.
I say she should practice Karsaran on the hrrt, to calibrate in battle! Maybe that can then help when facing all sorts – cephalopods and all!
And did they determine a purpose for the black tentacles? What was in other towers that rhey figured out purpose?
I was actually expecting Narra to kill the bug and say that was the bug’s purpose. Training.
The HA ending was better.
thank You so much!
it was such a blue Friday for me
until now!
Thank You House Andrews ♥️
Thank you, awesome story ! Thank you for all the stories !
On the side of audio books, I have a small question : I recently tried graphic audio innkeeper books, and I became totaly addicted ! But I can’t find anywhere if we know if there will be a graphic audio book for Sweep Of The Heart ?
There will be a Sweep of the Heart GA adaptation! I believe the contract details are getting finalised so it’s not on the schedule yet.
In the meantime, Nora & team are hard at work on the Kate Daniels series- Magic Strikes is out in August 😍 https://www.graphicaudiointernational.net/kate-daniels-3-magic-strikes.html
that’s great news! I’ve actually hoarded GA’s Sweep with Me for awhile so I’d have something new to listen to after re-playing the other GA Innkeepers several times… it’s my go-to cooking audiobook…
Really looking forward to Sweep of the Heart and hearing George’s voice again … also can’t wait for the scene with the donuts! (bring all the donuts)
Thanks Mod R!
I guess I will start KD graphic audio adaptations soon but I will try to wait for Magic Strikes to come out !
Yay! Now there are 284 Towers left to open!
Your imagination knows no bounds, for which we are all eternally grateful. I love Fridays.
Thank you for the treat. It was better than chocolate chip cookies warm from the oven.
I just baked chocolate chip cookies and you are so right! This is great!
I love seeing how Luther works with them. It makes sense to see how much he respects and enjoys her to see why he will be keeping Julie’s secret from Kate later on to protect Kate. Thanks for making my Friday brighter! It’s fiscal close so we are desperately slogging here!
Awww, thank you from one of your BDH. I love my ripper cushions cushion.
Me too. It’s on the middle of my couch and I smile everytime I look at it.
Best purpose! — hehe. This snippet is amazing. Thank you for a great weekend treat.
Yay Monday! Can’t wait. Maybe I can finally get some knitting done with all those hours of audio.
Speaking of yarn: I love that the mastodons had high-quality wool that requires combing. Like Qviot!
Many thanks for the delightful treats!!
That was wonderful, great character dynamics, thank you!!
Wow, that was amazing! I really enjoy these slice-of-life scenes, and this one reminds me so much of my language-immersion classes long ago. The instructor walked in the first day, sat on his desk and held up a pen. “This is a pen,” he said in Arabic. Then he held up a piece of paper and repeated the phrase for that. Very effective!
And Kate is a patient teacher. So nice to see Narra’s progress as well. Thank you for indulging the greedy Horde despite your own troubles. Your family is in my prayers.
You guys rock big time. thanks for that sniper.
That was awsome! Thank you! 🙂
“awesome” (!)
Thanks for this treat!
Bugs (mixing creepy crawler with spider: why??) ew😱; communicating with prehistoric beings and seing their 1st smile, yeah🤗!!
You the best as always🫠
Hope you’re not melting too much on the crazy heat in Texas.
Aww good job, Narra! Thank you for the Friday treat, that was great.
🥰 lovely. Thank you.
HA purpose: “Purpose”
Sooo good, thank you for the snippet!
Love the snippet. Thanks so much for sharing. What a great way to start the long weekend 🥰.
Narra purpose!
I do child care and this is what popped into my head.
Two year old exploring: toddler – purpose 😱🤯💣🌋🧨
Love them! 🥰
That was wonderful. Thank you, House Andrews.
Enjoyed the short piece. More towers, please.
My Magic Clams cup arrived. Works as described. I’m a happy camper.
Love it 🥰💕💗
Thanks so much 😍
Does self-published audiobooks being available through Dreamscape include Blood Heir? I’m hoping to get it from somewhere other than Audible or Apple.
It’s not retroactive, I’m afraid.
Love the purpose – made me laugh and smile!
What a wonderful treat for a Friday – thank you!
thank you thank you thank you!!!!
**happy dance**
I got to go see with Luther!!!
“” more happy dance**
laughed out loud at Luther’s Lament
survived an all nighter with sick kiddos, thank you for this treat today!
hope you have a wonderful weekend chilling in the pool
I like Narra. And I can’t say I blame the survivors for their reaction to the fae. Especially the academic snob.
Wow! Narra’s leap to Paul’s purpose as builder was so elegant and incisive. Clearly a great leap in communication.
Re tower’s 83 foot diameter: the first thing that sprang to mind is that it’s a prime number. I don’t know what other relationships it has.
I look forward to many more tower reveals.
It’s unlikely that prehistoric “foot” is as long as our measurements. different body shape, different ratios, different average height, etc. Not very different, but still different.
“83” is not the right thing to look at here, it’s “foot” that’s the key. What is the actual unit of measurement that they used?
Excellent thought. Perhaps by their unit of measurement, it was a normal round number that made perfect sense.
That was EXACTLY what I was going to say. It would be interesting to see what length in meters, since a kilometer is ultimately based on a light year, so it’s a unit with a basis in nature.
I love the BDH. That is all.
I really enjoyed that. Thank you. Made my day. 😊
Happy dance!!!! Thank you House Andrews and Mod R!
It’s all IA’s magic! 🤗
I think she is thanking you for being the interface between HA and the BDH. You give us extras and HA does not have to work harder to placate us, without taking it from R and R.
You do the best job in our eyes and you deserve all the chocolate ever.
OMG!!! Purpose is amazing- I’m still laughing. I needed that so much. In fact I needs all Fortwood snippets and Kate tales you are willing to share. I NEEDS them precious. (Yes I was Gollum like there for a moment). Thank you for revisiting Kate and Curran, it has been a wonderful catch up with old friends and has been so needed. I truly hope you continue at any size bits you like, and any sort of schedule too. I will just be grateful for what I get! I do love the world and characters you imbue each time.
That was so fun! 😁 Thank you! And thanks for the update on the audio bundle as well. So looking forward to it!
love it. BHD: read books ‘Purpose’
Same. Even better, I’m slowly hooking friends and family. I really hope one day to meet another member of the BDH in person and make friends that way. Is that too pathetic?
Nope, it makes perfect sense that someone with your taste in reading might become a friend.
Thank you so much for another fun snippet!
Also 83 feet ~= 25 meters…
I love how Kate has grown into someone who can support other people. She started out this solo mech, taught to never support or care for anyone else. And now that’s what she is, her purpose.
No wonder Erra’s so proud of her. 🙂
unexpected Friday treats are the best — great story — thank you
Thank you for the lovely snippet. Luther’s Lament – what a name for Luther going on a rant. Made me laugh.
I knew that mastodons had wooly coats. I learned a long time ago in one of the museums that talks about the Cahokia Mounds in Illinois had mastodons roaming and they had wooly coats. They found mastodon bones in an archeological dig around the mounds. Yay for Mona!
My purpose today is to try not to fall asleep in a meeting I have at noon. 😀
Oh, I forgot above, I also love the name of the new fort. Fortwood…sounds like Fort Worth. 🙂
Mod R. Is there a way to send you a picture?
Sure, you can email it to me at modr@ilona-andrews.com 🙂
Thanks for the great story! I laughed out loud! Needed that.
Thank you!
oh man, can I put in a request for the next store opening? a “Coffee before Purpose” mug? Loved the snippet!!
👍 gets my vote!
I do not need another mug.
I do not need another mug.
I do not need another mug.
I TOTALLY need a mug that says “coffee before purpose.”
Tea before Purpose can be an alternative for those of us who don’t drink coffee. 🙂
Caffeine before purpose
Most preferences covered
Wahahaha I just switched to decaf because Reasons but I’d still love that mug 😂
Oh, I love that mug idea! 😂
I would totally buy that, even though I rarely drink coffee.
Where does this fall in the scheme of books? I feel like I fell down a rabbit hole into an alternate universe without understanding much of it LOL!
This happens after the end of Magic Claims 🙂 but before the next book in the Wilmington Years series.
For a full reading list, head on to the Release Schedule page please https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/#booklist
Hi Mod R …. does Purpose take place before or after No Heros?
It doesn’t matter, they are not affected by each other 🙂.
No Heroes happens in March of the next year after the liberation of Penderton (which happens in October), so roughly 6 months post Magic Claims.
Purpose seems to be a lot closer to the events of Magic Claims- they still have 285 towers to open, there isn’t much progress with the fae etc.
Hehe. I know you meant Penderton, but my mind immediately went to Pemberley, and I momentarily pictured Kate liberating Mr. Darcy’s country estate from Pride and Predjudice, and I am giggling at Kate striding through Permberly with Sarat. 🙂
Autocorrect doing me dirty 😅- fixed now.
Great Friday treat! Thank you so much! I love the Wilmington story line!
I love this! Thank you!
I hope you have an amazing holiday weekend.
The daughter of the Builder of Towers now is investigating hundreds of ancient fae towers. Poor Kate. She can’t get away from them.
Ha! Omg, you’re right!
Good one!
(point at BDH’s hearts swelling with gladness)
I really need to know Hrrrts purpose and what else is lurking in the three hundred and four towers!
I love these snippets.
maybe the Pale Queen used the Hrrts to hurt people?
but as aggravating as unsatisfied curiosity is at least we are in good company with Kate, a wizard, a knight, & a shapeshifter.
I also want to know what were in at least next two towers!
That was so sweet!🥹
is tha Khiva Usbekistan on the picture of purpose? used to live there!!!
It’s not Khiva Usbekistan actually 🙂 . The Pale Queen’s forest fortress was loosely inspired by Derawar Fortress in Pakistan 🙂
thanks, yes Khiva is more curves tgen Towers…but first moment i got excited. https://www.shutterstock.com/de/search/khiva-city-wall
thanks for the link. and i googled derawar fortress in pakistan too and all the pictures helped me understand the fort and tower setup much better now.
you are welcome, it is an amazing place. still get home sick looking at the pictures
Thank you! 🥳😘
What a delight! Thank you.
thank you so much. a wonderful treat for Friday
Anyone else have Purpose from Avenue Q soundtrack come to mind? What is BDH purpose? Book Devouring
I’m such a sucker for world building. I love this expanded territory of Kate & Curran’s. Thank you for this.
I was reading hoping we’d get to the 2nd and third tower cause I’m nosey..and, then gut punch – Narra found her purpose. Perfect.
Thank you very much for purpose. It made me laugh, and laughter is so good to have.
thank you so much!
It was truly hilarious!!!
I generelly have the feeling that the Wilmington Years stories are much lighter and more fun.
Hopefully this was the intention of the authorlords and it was more fun for them to write as well
lovely snippet!
now I really want to know what the bugs’ purpose is, tho’…
Thank you so much! This was a huge treat!
Thank you so much. Such a nice surprise for Friday. It was wonderful.
Purpose. We love you!
Thank you so much for Purpose! I’m so grateful you share your stories with us. I am smiling. Thank You!!!
does the ward consume the sapphires??🤔
Brilliant treat! Thank you so much for sharing
Thank you so much. Such a lovely start for an “almost” holiday weekend!
Audio books are not my jam, but I am glad for the folks that love them. Everyone should be able to enjoy Kate in all her prickly glory!
All of my goodies from the merch store have arrived safely and I am enjoying my “jam of the moment” very much. (Most of it was Kate themed.)
It will do nicely until I can obsess about the next book…
Is there a map on the website of the factions in Atlanta? I’m rereading Blood Heir and would love a visual like the Wilmington map.
No, sadly there is no updated Atlanta map for Blood Heir, and the one for the main series is no longer valid for the shifts (heh!) and moves that have happened in the interim ☹️. House Andrews really want one made, it’s been uncommonly difficult for one reason or another.
Thank you.
Fantastic! Happy Friday all!!
Thank you for ‘Purpose’, it’s very funny and keeps us in Kate’s world a little bit longer.
I missed them all when I finished Claims. I went back and read Blood Heir
Have a great weekend 😀
“Purpose..” I love it!!! Narra !
83 feet could be 50 cubits, depending on the size of the cubit used (which varied over time and place).
Once again: I love the BDH. Someone once called me a font of useless information – quoting something else, IIRC. This is my tribe. Useless information comes in handy, sooner or later.
Remember Trivial Pursuit? Some of those questions were about stuff people thought was useless information. Then they played the game. All of a sudden the useless information had a purpose.
Terrific snippet. Thank you for sharing. With much appreciation, Deb.
BDH – purpose – Horde devours books 😉
Now I have purpose in my life.
This was excellent, funny and light and enough of a teaser but with enough details for me to be perfectly satisfied. At the end of a particularly unsatisfying week this really made my day. Thanks 🙂
Thank you so much for the Friday treat! You really do spoil us! 🥰 Maybe we’ll learn the purpose of those bugs in book #3… it’s such a good tease!🤞
I hope writing it gave you a break from your other worries. Hugs and positive thoughts to you and yours.
What a treat! Thank you so much. I’m really enjoying these little slice of life snippets!
Kate’s method trying to create an understanding for
Narra reminded me of Annie Sullivan teaching Helen Keller what words mean.
Thank you, I loved it!
SQUEEEEE 🤗🤗🤗. Also: hrrrt! 😂😂😂
This was awesome! Thank you for a lovely Friday treat!
A present!!!! Thank you so much!!
Thank you! Made my Friday. Love this and am looking forward to what is in the other towers. 🙂
This sample has left me more excited to listen to the book. Pre-order in
Graphic Audio does a great job. I just finished listening to clean sweep and enjoyed it. Maud is a favorite.
Thank you for the lovely snippet!
The weather here is hot and humid; the weather people keep saying “rain possible”, but very little “rain actual”. Not asking for the deluge from Star Trek #4 – an all-day soak would be beneficial.
Thank you. Lovely story. I appreciate your stories very much.
Thank you!!!!!
The Audible link takes you to the blurb for the book but not a link to buy. Stupid Audible. I’ll find another way because I WILL PREVAIL!
Are you outside the US? 🙂 It opens as a US link, but it should show up in searches no matter which international Audible you’re looking at
Thank you!!!
Luther’s Lament
I know, right?
Here’s hoping Roland does not talk with Luther! His wife will have to ask Kate to get him back 😀
Purpose captures what I love most about Kate.
Kate actually cares about the physical AND emotional well-being of everyone. From shapeshifters to humans to animals to prehistoric humans. All are important to her.
I love Curran but like Hugh, he often thinks in us vs them mentality. Both very focused on protecting their own.
Kate’s strong protective streak makes her the better leader. She really is the best of old Shinar.
Narra’s simple smile is worth more than all the sapphires and treasures to Kate.
I wish Kate could see herself as Narra does… not as “a killer” but as a savior.
Thank you so much! This was full of everything funny, action pack and heartwarming. All in a tiny snippet packet! Luthers Lament and Narra’s Purpose 🥰. I loved it.
And thanks for the audio reminder. I still had 4th on my calendar. I would have woken up and not found and been confused all day! Its now updated looking forward to the 10th.
thank you!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the story, I had a difficult day at work and it somehow made it a little better.
hahaha, love it!
Thank you a million, billion times! So great and so much to enjoy, absorb and dissect. Love this additional glimpse into FortWood and its many inhabitants!
I hope writing this wonderful short story gave you a respite from the challenges of real life (heat, family concerns, etc)..
I love the treat!!
So much fun to see more of Kate and Luther, to get a peek inside a tower, to get to know Narra… And Kate’s language instruction technique is wonderful — the ideal way to teach a concept!
I don’t suppose we’ll be lucky enough to get weekly tower-opening snippets?
Not every week, probably! But a lot of treats to look forward to 🙂
I love how Kate treats Narra and the others as intelligent and doesn’t dismiss them just because they can’t understand each other yet.
Purpose!!!! I am thankful that you have found your purpose. Happy Fourth of July. 🇺🇸 Hope it is a happy safe and cool holiday for everyone. 🎉🎉🎉🇺🇸
Thank you House Andrews, and the most excellent of all moderators. I needed that as I am capping off 3 horrible weeks with the rotten cherry on top of the poo pile, and I needed a chuckle to remind me if my purpose.
yay purpose. mine is to read.
I’m having “Adora vibes, I hope Narra lives longer 🤞
YES. And I do miss Adore
Thank you so much for the story snippet. Checking all the towers is going to take quite awhile at 3/week. And Kate so loves stairs. 😀
My guess is that the Hrrrtt makes amazing weird spider silk!
Oh, nice thought!
Lovely and made me a little weepy at the end(stupid mentlepause!). Thank you for sharing “Tower Tuesday – dare I hope that there will be other TT adventures??
This was a perfect way to end the week!
Thank you!
Hip Hip Howrah!!!
like oliver twist said, “please sir, can i have more” it is wonderful
Woot! Awesomesauce!
Do digital versions delete parts of a book?
SPOILER FOR MAGIC BLEEDS. I just reread Magic Bleeds. There’s part of a scene I remember reading missing. After Curran wakes and goes to the council the book says explain yourselves and the chapter ends but I remember more where he talks about the alphas usually fighting in pairs.
No, the traditional format of the audiobooks is unabridged 🙂.
What you are remembering is the Curran POV, I believe- that is not in Magic Bleeds, it is separately with the other Curran POVs in Small Magics https://ilona-andrews.com/katie-daniels-books/#small
Ahhh. Thanks
If it’s 76 towers per wall with a corner tower that gets counted twice, that’s 300 total towers, which makes a bit more sense from a human POV. That would also be 12 x 25, with 12 being significant as the number of moons/months in a normal year and 25 being five (the number of fingers on a human hand) five times. But, that still doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
It may not even be the numbers. Do the towers line up with certain phases of the sun and moon like some other examples of ancient architecture? Maybe 299 (or 303) queens preceded the Pale Queen and there’s one tower for each of them. Or maybe it’s one tower per god, or something else entirely.
Is it an imperfect square because the geography made that shape better or because close enough was good/effective enough or was it deliberate? If deliberate, why?
The one thing this brings home is how big it is compared to the number of people. It seems like it would have taken a lot of people to build this, but the Pale Queen only had a handful of followers.
My guess (and it’s only a guess) is that, back in the Ice Age, she had a lot more people, enough to build her fortress and to make something that big practical.
So, why were so few left by the time Kate and Curran went after her? Well, the spell she cast probably required a lot of power, and the Pale Queen isn’t above killing her people to fuel her spells. I’d guess there’s a reason why tribes of horned shifters aren’t a big part of North American folklore. The Pale Queen spared a few because she wasn’t going into this new world without servants, but the rest were dead.
We get told the total number of tower 🙂, it is in the text: 304 towers, out of which 285 are left to be checked (284 now by the end of Purpose).
We are also given the story of the Pale Queen, being exiled by her Fae tribe, and her settling and building the fortress in the forest and enslaving the peoples close by, both hunters and horned shifters. It’s all in the epilogue of Magic Claims 🙂. There have not been 299 Pale Queens before her.
I’d forgotten about it saying 304. I spent a lot of that part of the story trying to reconcile the apparent size and the population of workers. It seemed like I had to be misunderstanding something, even if a lot of the workers were had shifters’ superhuman strength.
I know it said she’d taken over the locals, then gone back and dealt with her tribe. I was thinking there could have been 299/303 queens before her in the tribe, but it seemed unlikely. I mean, Egypt is supposed to have had less than 200 pharaohs in 2500 years, and those guys only had a human lifetime to play with. 300 near immortals? How many millennia would that be?
But, however they did it, it seemed like it would take more than a few dozen people to build that wall and those towers, even with shapeshifter strength. Although, the Pale Queen was a (literal) slave driver. She also had centuries to play with, so maybe she was OK with a building project that might have taken human lifetimes to complete.
Still, she may have had a larger population to work with. If so, that meant she might have just taken a few into the hill to sleep and cut the others loose–or killed them, maybe to fuel her spell, maybe just to tidy up and not leave any loose ends lying around.
I really see her as being perfectly fine with murdering a few thousand people.
in some cultures, to make a ‘perfect’ form, is to encroach on the prerogative of the gods/God, with predictably painful and fatal consequences.
Lovely; thank you!
Just what I needed today! Thank you!
Thank you, lol! I love how patient and humble Kate is.
Having a rough day but this little snippet made me smile and laugh. A feat I didn’t think possible today so thank you!
thank you! that’s a wonderful story.
I loved it! But am I the only one that still reeeeally wants to know what the Hrrrt’s purpose is?
THANK YOU!!! Purpose: more? please!
Hilary Huber narrated the Midnight Breed books. She is awesome 😁
I just realized that Kate has some money, does this mean she can buy CHOCOLATE? Like a lot of CHOCOLATE?
Oh, Purpose was excellent! Thank you so much!
While I was hesitant at first (my general default) about the new Kate series, I am loving it. And this little vignette is like raspberries on the cake.
We must have been a very good BDH indeed to get such a wonderful treat!
these short stories are so cool! how will Curran ever get a mote around a compound of that size though?
Could the purpose of the hrrt be for the silk they produce?
I love Luther. Thank you for bringing him to Wilmington.
Thank you both so much, this was a wonderful treat 💕
I was hoping Amazon Audible would lower their audiobook price to somewhat match the other companies for Wilmington’s duo. Decades ago, I used to read ebooks on Amazon, Kobo and Barnes & Noble. In the past decade, I became exclusively Amazon. Alas, I’m not willing to spend $42 on it. When I get home this afternoon, I will research Kobo app vs BN app when it comes to audiobooks.
P.S… I completely forgot to purchase Kate’s book 2 in the audio graphic version until I read someone’s comment. I purchased book 2 and pre-ordered book 3.
They are trying to influence people into buying with Audible credits- which up to 97% of people already do!
The bundle would only cost 1 credit, which for 2 books is very reasonable, since a credit is much more affordable than full retail price.
Trying to figure out how I can use purpose In conversation. That was delightful and funny I don’t know how you both do it.
Hrrrt. go Narra go
This makes me feel warm and fuzzybecause Narra reminds me a lot of Adora! Best way to start a long weeked!
Loved it. As with everything from House Andrews it ended much too soon. This is a wonderful glimpse into Kate’s new life. Thank you both.
Thank you! The snippet was awesome.
This is lovely. I’ve known my purpose (calling?) for years, but I love seeing other people find theirs. Thank you House Andrews for this amazing snippet. It made a difficult Friday so much better. Hoping work is better tomorrow!
Also, I love that Luther and Isaac are there. I kind of feel like Isaac might become one of Kate’s misfits? Just me hoping?
The description of those bugs reminds me of the many scorpions chronicled on this blog. ::shudder:: Perhaps Wilmington Years Book III will have a scene where the bugs will become important . . .
Thank you to House Andrews for the treat! Can’t wait to listen to the audiobooks.
Yes, this! We had a blog about a tarantula recently, and one about a centipede, and somehow I can’t help but think that’s not entirely unconnected, even though I keep telling myself “correlation is not causality” 😂
😃 if Mona the mastodon’s inspiration is a little rambunctious Frenchie, why not the Hrrts as some of the unwelcome guests hehe?
Hehehe you gotta love the strange capers the Muse of Inspiration comes up with sometimes 😉
But I loved the story, and I loved the ending!
Brilliant! Thank you….
Thank you – I loved the story. P.S. I’ll include your family especially your brother in my prayers
Thank you. Loved the short story, but can’t decide my purpose yet. Too many options, though eating fudge is high on the list.
Thank you! That was the best beginning to the weekend!
Thank you. I love this world you have created.
Oh, can’t wait. Already pre-ordered. XD
Best start for a holiday-ish weekend. I still have work on Monday.
“Release the Kraken!” lol, I love Luther.
“Clash of the Titans” was one of my favorite movies as a kid, even though that Medusa scene still scares me to bits.
Kate has her own D&D troop. Does that make Curran the DM?
I love Luther! I’m so glad we are seeing more of him.
Nothing makes me happier than an Ilona Andrews read, no matter the size. Thank you!
Probably my favorite thing about any world you build is the character development. Your characters stay true to form no matter what. It’s amazing. Thank you!!
Thank you for this! I will come back and reread when I have less purpose to execute.
Michael Glenn sounds like a big cat, I loved the graphic audio books and the next one is ready in pre-order! Thanks for giving my Saturday purpose lolz
Does anyone know why when you go to pre-order it from Audible, it costs 48.99 if you don’t want to subscribe? That seems high.
That’s because Audible very much wants you to become a member so you can spend credits, because then they have you locked in as a customer. The base price is the same across the board, so it’s only $18 at BN.
Thank you for the reply! I too was puzzled over this!
Hrrrt probably means hurt, kill. Lol
It is enjoyable watching Kate doing teaching. Lol
Thank you for this wonderful story!
wow that’s so cool. it’s nice to see all the little things that Kate and Co get up to not just the big things that are novel or novella worthy. I wonder if you would consider putting all these little snippets of life into a book format at any time. like a shorts book?
Hi Tina,
This is a very common question, and I’m happy to say House Andrews are thinking about it ☺️ :
“ We’ve had numerous requests for collecting the new short stories in a volume so they can be available off-line. The problem is that there isn’t enough content yet to do an anthology. It would be very short, the size of a novella. We will figure out how to do this. It will either be available as bonus material in one of the subsequent books or we will write more to fatten it up.” which was said here https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/happy-tuesday/
That was rad!. Thank you. Such good stuff.
Thank You!!!!!
Aww, thank you for Purpose!
Thank you so much for writing Purpose. I confess I had to laugh at the description of the Hrrt – I remembered reading about House Andrews’ real life experiences with their close cousins in every day life. When you eventually find your new home I hope there are no Hrrt or any of their close kin anywhere near it. Reading Purpose felt like being wrapped in a soft blanket designed to shield and comfort from the cold gales of the things happening in the real world just now. Thank you for being able to provide such a gift to others such as myself. I hope you receive in kind.
Thank you for the present.
I read this on Friday and it has stayed with me, and continues to make me smile. IA -Purpose = make their readers happy and smile.
I just finished the very tasty Magic Clams yesterday and now this. Thank you for my birthday gift. 🙂
Happy Birthday!!
Thank you. I too will always remember Narra’s first smile.
Hi there! I was just wondering if ilona ever makes a low country boil and if she would be willing to share whatever recipes she uses? Ive been interested in that since book 2 where kate eats one with julie. Canadian and have never had the chance to eat one. Ive been online looking at recipes but was just wondering how ilona does hers? If she does. Thanks!
I’ll add it to the question list 🙂
Thank you!!!!
Thank you, I really needed that.🤗
Thank you. What a treat. I like how Isaac found another purple too. Luther’s Lament excellent phrase for him trying to rationalize not having to kill the Pale Queen.
My thoughts on the weird spider thing is the Pale Queen used them for torture or punishment. Maybe Narramor Orin or the horned people will be able to talk a little better later.
They should have language lessons for the horned people and the two hunters.
Being in Aus, I read this on Saturday, and loved it!
Happy 4th of July to all the American BDH.
And very happy to report I got my Cutting Edge Mouse Pad today, Monday. And its fabulous!!!!!!
Thank you to HA, Mod R for all the excellent Modding and all those involved in the Merch store.
Great extra, thanks a bunch! It would be fun to see the prehistoric people react to the world outside the fort.
Thank you, Kate is awesome
What a great treat. I loved it!
Ordered and wow! That snippet definitley served its purpose!
Purpose has to be a mug next time. I am still obsesses with it.
Commenting late, but I just had to share.
A week after Magic Claims was released, I started to hear rumors at work about how someone was keeping a sample of mastodon tusk in one of the freezers. Apparently one of the top scientists used to work on trying to isolate and sequence DNA from extinct animals. A box containing a bunch of well wrapped and labeled bottles was eventually found. We couldn’t confirm if the bottle labeled “tusk” actually contained any slices of tusk, but there was a plastic baggie labeled mastodon hair, which had a 4-6 inch chunk of brown, thick fur/hair inside.
And I have to love how the Wilmington crew are now collecting Mona’s hair as wool 🤣
PS. We are an infectious diseases lab, not a paleo genetics lab which is why we were all excited about potential mastodon tissue samples.
One of my favorite bits is to connect back to a post that sent me down a rabbit trail of online searches, and comment there, but I am not finding that post tonight. Oh well. Question here then is:
ModR, you’d mentioned that Derek is not going back to Alaska, and that this was mentioned in the spoiler magic clams conversation. 1) thank you a million times over for all that you do 2) thank you forever for posting that link to the interview 3) you are spectacular and an accessibility ally for transcribing the interview, and to my shame 4) I still didn’t find that spot of information about Derek not returning to ice fury. I found the part about him loving Julie since forever, the part about him needing to leave to find himself more fully, the part about ascanio and Julie’s perspectives, and not at all about his pack affiliations as they stand. Could you give more clues? Is this closer to the beginning of the interview? Middle (which continues to be my guess tho I did not find it) end, or (very unlikely but I must ask) potentially something you are privy to that we have not yet learned directly from the author’s mouth/pen?
I am, as you can guess, both Team Metal Rose forever, and also at present brimming with anticipation for Blood Heir 2, whenever House Andrews feels this is the next burning excitement on their palates.
I am also excited for Maggie, and so pleased House Andrews is taking the moments they need for themselves and their family. I am just quietly combusting over here on the sidelines with the long game anticipation…
Hi SJ,
Are you referring to a Fb comment I made? House Andrews did indeed discuss Derek’s fate, reasons he left Atlanta and his relationship with Curran during the Q&A session, but not his return to Alaska after Blood Heir.
Ilona indeed confirmed he will not be returning, but it was in a comment in the Fb fan group, here is the thread https://www.facebook.com/groups/ilonaandrewsfans/permalink/10160764284075996/
You are the loveliest. After I posted my question I realized my frazzled brain forgot that the spoiler 15 was for fb, not here. Thank you. And now, back to my BH 2 daydreaming!
Sorry, I’m late. This was a very interesting read. So many questions. Are the Hrrrts the dead queen’s offsprings? Going anime here. Can the hrrrt be harness to used as a threat in a war? Conspiracy theory here: Did one of the panels show if the old Queen kill off the formal fae using the hrrrt? Or crazier still, is it possible the venom of the hrrrt was the cause of the old queen’s shapeshift form? Can the other fae, like Narrt, shapeshift like the old queen?
Narrt people see Kate as the savior after 100k years of captivity. Fae are different, Luther would have been better off getting one of the Irish pics.
Love your speculations!
um so audible has it for $42 while every else in the links have for $17. is there a mistake or is that the deal
Audible is trying to get you to purchase with Audible credits- it would only cost 1 credit for two books, so the deal would be favourable to you. They would also retain you as a customer who signed up to their plan, which is in their favour.
Christopher and Barbaras please
from Anne Macdermott England
The books were wonderful and Purpose was a nice bit. I just got done with the audio books. I so hope there will be more Wilmington.
Devoured a week ago. Thank you!!