Very frustrating day today. Aside from the phone call from our agent and Grace Draven, everything went sideways.
I’ve just had a crappy day all around. I am going to go and make steaks for dinner. Because at this point I feel like I need to compensate for all the crazy stuff that went wrong.
Will there be innkeeper tomorrow?
Thanks for the Innkeeper even though things went sideways. I hope things go right ways tomorrow 🙂
Hope dinner goes well.
Tomorrow is a new day.
I’m sorry you had a bad day. I wish there were something we could do to make it better, the way rereading Wildfire made a day last week much better. You are good people.
When it all goes sideways, have a margerita!
It’s National Margarita Day after all!
Oh, that’s VERY good to know!! It’s midnight here, nothing better than a Midnight Margarita…
Really???!! Woo hoo!
Hope you enjoy your dinner x
I think sunshine will improve everything. Hope we get some soon!
Thanks in advance for the next installment. 🙂
So sorry you’re having a bad day. I hope tomorrow will be better. Innkeeper tomorrow! Yes!!! Happy!!!! ?????
I hear you. We’ve had a crappy week, too.
Hubby’s taking me out to see Black Panther tonight. We wanted to go last night, but my legs didn’t work. (Insert eye roll here.)
Hope things get better soon.
I’ve heard fabulous things about that movie! We’re going Sunday.
Better late than never..Father Christmas is bringing you all our fan adoration, and love.
Wow. That’s beautiful.
I found this artwork and a pic of a Russian palace gingerbread house to post to Ilona and Andrew at Christmas but could not figure out how to upload. So it sat lonely on my iPad til I saw this thread. Every week we get a wonderful present of an Innkeeper, so the Gordon family keeps Us in touch with the spirit of giving year round. Plus, great artwork.
Yes! Tear meat with your teeth! It makes gloomy, crappy days so up and take notice that you are not a pushover and it had better not mess with your life any more that day. Chew Ilona! Chew!! ??
That was supposed to be, “sit up and take notice.” ?
Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear and curse
When you’re chewing on life’s gristle
Don’t grumble, give a whistle
And this’ll help things turn out for the best
Always look on the bright side of life
Always look on the light side of life
If life seems jolly rotten
There’s something you’ve forgotten
And that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing
When you’re feeling in the dumps
Don’t be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle – that’s the thing
Always look on the bright side of life
(Come on!)
Always look on the right side of life
With apologies to Monty Python
Eric Idle wrote some good songs. This one is a favorite.
Totally whomps that you’re having an unpleasant day. Hope your steak dinner is extra delicious.
Sometimes the bad days help us appreciate the good times even more. But it still stinks to go through the bad. Hope it’s all better soon.
Often when I’m having a tough time, I read one of your books. ?
Well, I’ve heard people say that each day is a gift, so maybe you can contact customer service to see who you can return today to? Maybe ask if you can exchange it for a Saturday or something. I hope your tomorrow is much better than today so no returns of needed for that one!
I recommend basking in the warm glow of your readers appreciation!
Hope it gets better!
Enjoy your steaks!
That was my yesterday. Enjoy your steaks. Have a nice glass of wine and chill. It’s all you can do sometimes.
My day never goes sideways when your book, or chapter, or even snippet is published.
Thank you!
I’m sorry you’ve had a rough day. I hope your evening is better, and your tomorrow wonderful.
Lots of hugs. This is when you want to pull the covers up over your head and ask “is it tomorrow already?” I totally understand. Had a not so great day Tuesday myself.
Enjoy your steaks and your evening.
Thank you in advance for the snippet tomorrow. 😀
My morning started well but my afternoon derailed. I’m sitting with our 50 + lb boxer/bulldog mix on my lap. She is helping make this afternoon better. Hope the rest of your day turns around.
I hope your evening turns around.
The days that go sideways (or upside down even) really make me appreciate some of the others. I have always figured karma works things out. Sounds like you have some good days coming.
I have been anticipating another installment of Sweep of the Blade since Monday when I read the last one – you give us wonderful gifts. Thank you.
So sorry your day went sideways; my whole week has been that way starting last Friday. I’ve been re-reading all the Hidden Legacy and Innkeeper stories to help me get through it, and today I downloaded a really cute pattern for a cowl/scarf/shawl called Hasukai Cowl by Hiroko Fukatsu. Free till March 10 on Ravelry if you are looking for something fun to knit ~
Did you see Extreme Frost by Susan Ashcroft was also free until the end of the Olympic Games? Love it!
Oooh no I hadn’t. Thank you Eva M.!!!
Hehehe! Always happy to enable! ?Dangerous
“The Fellowship of The Needles!”
Hope you have the greatest and most satisfying steak possible.
Looks like you got a visit from the Hope Devouring Horde. And they didn’t even bring tea. Let the book devouring horde give you our love ?
I can relate to the crappy day all around. I hope things get better for all of us, no matter what that takes to happen. Ilona, you and Gordon are loved and appreciated.
*hugs* I’m sorry. It’s been like that all week for me. So frustrating. I’m so sorry it happened to you.
Just say the hell with it and take your frustrations out on your steak. Stab. Rip. Sear. Devour.
Hugs and cuddles with the one(s)
you love
help a sore spirit.
Tea and chocolates for you.
Deep breaths and enjoy the steaks.
I’m sorry – I hope things get better.
“You is kink. You is smart. You is important”.
# Kind, not kink ? Sorry ?
I finally figured out how to post tea and chocolate (I think). If not, then I GIVE UP! Either way, HUGS.
Whatever you need to do to keep yourself and your family healthy – That’s what’s important.
It has been a dreary, challenging day here on the Mid-Atlantic as well. It started bad and went downhill from there when a number of gentlemen made the mistake of erroneously assuming that they would be able to bully me. Thankfully I have great co-workers/supervisors who backed me up and made me laugh in the midst of the worst of it. I am seeing Black Panther tonight. So hopefully my night will end on a good note.
And since it is apparently National Margarita Day, I second the earlier suggestion of making a Margarita (with extra lime) to go with your steak.
I hope your evening ends on a positive note as well.
{{HUGS!}} I hope the evening is better for you.
Maybe this happy thought will get you thru.
Well, this is certainly from the bright side of life!
When I have a sideways day I like to make bread. I can beat the socks off it and it only helps and then I can eat it too. That’s a win win. Thank you for sharing with us. Sometimes sharing helps , sometimes it doesn’t. WE are fortunate that there is a tomorrow.
Wish I had my friend’s recipe for “aggression cookies” to send you. The more you thump them, the better they get.
I alas am too lazy to make them, so never got the recipe…
So it’s 3pm in California – close to dinner time in Texas. Hope you have a wonderful relaxing meal. Sending you a really fine digital CA cabernet to go with that steak. Oh, and a nice Sleepytime mint tea for later. Wishing you a delightful Friday.
So was the call from your agent the greenlight for another Hidden Legacy book?
Steak. Yes!
I hope the evening improves and ansteak and a large glass of wine (or margarita!) are bound to help- or at least they can’t make it any worse so what the heck!?
Sending virtual tea and chocolate too cos I’m afraid I can’t do the digital version.
Your innkeeper cheers up my bad days – can you read some of Grace Draven’s books or just have a good whinge on the phone to her instead as an alternative 🙂
Only the beloved Authorlords would have a crappity day and give their fans an innkeeper episode. This is part of why we venerate and blog check daily P.S. and bye the bye Monday’s episode was delicious and visions of Dil’iki and Caldenia meeting over Maud’s eventual nuptials warms the cockles of my heart. Thank you!
Thanks for the Innkeeper, wine and chocolate make everything better. Especially if noble vines is included.
Ugh. I hate those days. My sympathies. And, be careful – on days like that, I’m likely to end up adding “burnt steak and possibly kitchen” to the con side of the day.
I can understand your frustration today as it has been a frustrating day for me as well my poor students didn’t get much leeway with me today. Hopefully your day gets better and enjoy your steaks! Thank y’all so much for the innkeeper and the updates even when y’all don’t feel like it so much
Hey. Sorry you’re having a bad day. Ugh. Been there….. am there right now, away from my family, and missing them tremendously. If it makes you feel better: I’m in the Air Force Reserve, my husband is AD, we’ve served all over the world, and one of the reasons why I love your books (in addition to the fact that they are SO well written) is that the military elements are authentic and true to life. Thank you for you and Gordon’s attention to detail and authenticity.
We notice.
We appreciate it.
Thank you.
I am sorry things went sideways. You might not want to hear this, but bad moments only last for a time, and things get better, I swear!
Sometimes you just need beef. Chicken just won’t work too wimpy. Had cheeseburger last week and brought home small section for my cats. They are beefy boys.
Enjoy your steak and all the trimmings.
Thank you in advance for tomorrow’s Innkeeper.
Tomorrow will be better.
Even my vegan SIL ate a cheeseburger after she broke her arm. Listen to the body!
*Virtual hugs* remember to breathe. Hope things go right-ways for you tomorrow xo
In the event that cute pictures of animals may be helpful, here is an instagram account I found through that tiny dog video you posted on Facebook the other day.
Sorry you had such a bad day. Steak is good.? tomorrow will be better.
Go lock yourself in the bathroom with wine and candles, pour in the bath salts, and soak until you are pruney. Then tomorrow treat yourself to a massage and a mani-pedi. I will even fund it.
Sending virtual hugs and real positive energy your way. Your writing has helped me through some tough times. Now I need to go re-read Sweep of the Blade for the 5 th time today.
You are the best. I am sorry things went wrong. Remember Mauds fork method. Sounded good to me. I thought chapter 4 part 1 and 2 was last week and this week. I am greatly appreciative. Bring on Friday.
Here’s to a better day tomorrow and enjoying your steak tonight!
I decided to celebrate dinner tonight with a pinwheel steak (on sale) from Target cause I found out that I’m getting my tax return on Monday. Follow directions. 400 degrees. 30 minutes. I apparently didn’t hear the time go off and I go into the kitchen and smoke is coming out of the stove. Open up. More smoke. Turn on the fan and just wait for the smoke alarm to start blaring. It does. Open up back door and the dogs rush out while I’m trying to get fresh air. Run to the phone cause the security co is gonna call and I don’t need to have fire dept as it’s smoke (steak juice) and no flames. It was really good once all the drama was over with.
I hope your dinner was less eventful, but delicious.
The phone call with the agent sounds very intriguing!! And talking with Draven makes me envious. I’ve been reading romances for almost half a century, and I consider Draven’s Radiance to be one of the top ten best books ever. Hope the evening is better for you both.
With what more do you serve your steaks with?
My stomach says crappy days call for grilled cheese sandwiches followed by ice cream. My mind says steak and red wine is a better choice. At least the two agree on the ice cream ?
I skip all the rest, and go for the ice cream.
Tomorrow will be better.
Deep breath and count to 10 you are two amazing people as well as brilliant writers but sometimes life knocks you sideways Deep breath and count to 10 much love to you all thank you in advance for tomorrow ?????
Hope the rest of the day was ok. Sending positive energy your way!!
I’ve purchased all the audiobooks for the Innkeeper series and listened to them this week to keep me sane. I don’t know what might be your equivalent but maybe trying the audiobook for Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie could be worthwhile? It’s a simple sweet escape, a few easy laughs, or picking a favorite book to listen to and knit could be nice.
Whatever you do, I hope it soothes you and I hope tomorrow is much easier on you all around. Thank you for posting tomorrow, understand if doing so won’t actually be possible if things continue to thwart you.
Don’t forget, you can always ring me if you just need to blow off steam. I’m always up for a good bitch-and-rant session. 😀
Hey Book Devouring Horde….. look who’s joined the group! 😀
Grace, thank you for your wonderful books (especially Radiance and Eidolon). Can’t wait to read Phoenix Unbound.
Thank you very much for reading them, Patricia!
I’ve never heard of Grace Draven – thank you for dropping her name. I’m looking for some new reading material, so I will have to go check it out. 🙂
Just to reply to my own comment – how have I not heard of Grace Draven? Her books have great ratings on GR and all of the reviewers I follow have given them 4/5 stars…. I’m hopeful I may have found a new favourite author….
You could try Jessie Mihalik ,,, her online serial is still up. It’s perfect.
Thank you for recommending Jessie Mihalik. I’ve never heard of her and I see she is not yet a published author, but her stories on her site are surprisingly good! (Although, so far, the ones that I am reading are unfinished, more like writing exercises.) I am starting from the beginning (from around 2008/9) and working my way forward. Great recommendation!
You will LOVE Grace Draven. Start with Radiance; brings me to tears every time I read it. It’s also BEAUTIFULLY delivered on Audible. Gabrielle Baker has a gentle, winsome voice that is perfect for the story. I’m off to start my Friday right by listening to all Innkeepers and my top favorite Audible performer of ALL Time. Honestly, Renee Raudman brought Kate, Curran and every single other IA book to technicolor life. But do try Grace, she’s awesome. And another recommendation would be Elizabeth Hunter and her Singer series. Very cool. These ladies are very diff than IA but do a wonderful, wonderful job in their own space.
So, 3am here, Was up and just got the email on your post. Hope you are sleeping off the yummy steak before waking to a much better day. ?
Sincere sympathy for the bad day . I am sending blessings, prayers, thanks, good vibes, and sincere wishes for a better day tomorrow. Earl Grey tea a pound of chocolate and hugs to help you over the rough spot. Sincerely Rosalita
Hope your day gets better-steaks and wine are always good.
Look at it this way. If you didn’t occasionally experience crazy you wouldn’t know just how good you have it when it’s calm. In the meantime, medium rare twice flipped over charcoal not gas. If you are in a hurry marinading in a vacuum pack container is fast. There is nothing quite as good as an all natural grass/grain fed Angus steak unless it might be free range fried chicken that was fried in Crisco not veggie oil to a fully cooked golden brown.
Good Luck and may the massage oil flow.
My sympathies on the frustrating day. Hope dinner was a success and a solace. Along with your other grateful readers, I am sending you virtual hugs and warm wishes. May tomorrow be a much better day for us all!!
Thy thwarted will of this day be cursed! If your majesties so choose, let the sin be upon my head. ????
(Hee hee, I simply could not resist!)
It’s always good to have a nice rare steak on a bad day…. and pretend you are tearing into the bodies of the frustrations.
I hope that today is a better day and that you get some relaxation in over the weekend!
Every day is a good day. Some are just much better than others. Hugs and love for the best days to follow. You make those best days for me.
Do not think, say, or wonder; could it be any worse . . .
remember to be glad you didn’t, stub your toe
step in cat sick-up,
bite through the soft tissue on inside of your cheek
I can’t cook on crappy daze. ?
Sorry you had such a scrappy day. Steak sounds good. Just don’t turn on the news.
Hope things are looking brighter ?
Good Morning AUTHORLORDS!!
In my Universe I’m sending you a Truly Spectacular Day. Please accept it, as reading your works always gives me the same.
I Hope you enjoyed the steaks!
But just a thought….sideways only puts you on another path…walk that walk sister!!! I hope you smiled. Much thanks
First of all, I am a very big fan of Kate Daniels s adventures. Secondly, I wish I could live in USA, the American dream! I suppose it will make every single day a happy day! There are so many places to visit, like the Great Canyon or Empire State Building , or even spa, There are so many people to help, so many good causes like animal rights. And not at last, so many books to read or write.
🙁 I hope you had a lovely steak and enjoyed every bite!
Sorry you had a bad day. Add a good red wine to the steak – always soothes me when I’ve had one of THOSE days. Also thanks for upcoming Maud book.
How is kid #1 doing? is her infection clearing up, I hope?
Curious about good call from your agent – wondering if this is related to Hidden Legacy…
Hope you have a great day today to make up for yesterday.
I had the same kind of crappy day and did exactly the same thing. Steak for dinner!!! I just had to do it. May we both have better days today.
So sorry about the crappy day. I second the motion of steak as a remedy; can’t support the suggestions for ice cream. But I can’t afford steak (too many crappy days) and I don’t like ice cream, so how do I live? Your books and the occasional cheeseburger!
Crappy days – almost nothing helps but steak may alleviate the misery. “RED” offered “Bet ME” by Jennifer Crusie and that book is a genuine joy-can’t stay unhappy when I reread it.
Why are there seven days in a week!? I had to do stuff last night and today so I just got a chance to read this and I still have to wait six days for more.