Our apologies. We were supposed to announce the winners during the zoom chat yesterday, but Gordon had a moment and just started answering every question that was thrown at him. It was so bad, I had to put my hand over his mouth and our moderator, Kid 2, ended up yelling, “Dad! Dad! Stop!”
So yeah if we had any professional credibility left to our “author” persona, it was shut to hell last night. Oh well. As long as the books are good, you have to bear with us. If someone calls me on it, I’ll just tell them that we are eccentric.
Apparently it was “good TV.” ::drags hand over face:: I feel the way Kate looks in the above image.
Anyway, the giveaway winners.
Kris: I look forward to hugging people (starting with my MOM and possibly branching out recklessly from there!)
Ariel: I am definitely looking forward to having a family BBQ in my backyard when everyone is vaccinated and the weather gets nice. No physical distancing, no masks. Just hugs and laughter.
Sanae: I look forward that this year while be better than the last and hope that we can finally be done with Covid bit overall I hope that we can live all together no matter our differeces (physical, religious or political).
We will be contacting the winners by email for their addresses.
In other news, BLOOD HEIR is #7 overall on Kindle, which makes it out highest ranking Kindle release ever.
Yay! I hadn’t realized until your earlier blog post that Blood Heir was being published differently than the other Kate books.
Is the high ranking because of this, or just pent up demand for more Kate Daniels world stories? or maybe it’s covid escapism…
Congrats on the ranking! Awese job as ways. Hope that means you can (without stress) give us more Julie/Aurelia.
Does Julie think of herself as Julie still, or as Aurelia?
Awesome. Thanks autocorrect.
Congratulations on the ranking of the book on Kindle. All well-deserved. Now, I am doubly sad I missed the “good TV” moment and can only hope technology lent itself for the session to be recorded and hopefully uploaded on YouTube. 🙂 We love you for your storytelling always.
+1 ????
+1! ????
+1!! ????????
+1 I’d like to see it too
Congrats on such a great release. I look forward to viewing yesterday’s zoom chat at some point. Sounds like you had fun. Now back to reading. 🙂
Congrats to the winners! Enjoy your beautiful books! ????
Congratulations to the Small Magics winners.
Aaaand huge congratulations to Ilona and Gordon. What a feat to be number 7 overall on Kindle. Sending so much energy for Blood Heir to get to number one. I’m starting my 3rd read!
Look forward to the Zoom recordings on Youtube when you get the chance to post them.
Big hugs for another great triumph. Is it too early to ask if their will be a sequal?! I posted my review on Amazon yesterday. This is only the second time I have ever posted a review but I had to for Blood Heir.
Congratulations again on the new book! And thanks again for last night’s zoom chat. It was a lot of fun, and you guys are always so generous with your time and answers. Really brightened up a dull Tuesday evening! 🙂
Congratulations on the ranking in Kindle!
No matter how eccentric you and Gordon get, we, the BDH, will always like/love what you write. Here’s to the overeager question and answer section!
Thank you for writing Blood Heir during this crazy time we are all experiencing. Hopefully everything will lighten up for the second Hugh book. The thought of Hugh being a dad brings a big smile to my face. He-he-he!
Gordon couldn’t possibly ruin your credibility as authors. You are eccentric and wonderful writers! I’m at chapter 15 and loving Blood Heir! Looking forward to Ruby Fever and whatever you decide to do next.
And Conga Rats to the winners.
Got it, devoured it, love it, need some sleep, read it again 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Congratulations to winners and authors!
Have a good time and stay healthy????????????
House Andrews, no matters how “eccentric” you are, I love you and your books!
Congrats on the ranking in Kindle! Great news!
Highest ranking Kindle release (dances in a circle).
I thought it highly amusing that people were ordering from Australia so they would get the book earlier.
Well, I ordered mine from France, read it in English ’cause I couldn’t wait for the book to be realesed in french, so I totally understand those Australians people ^^
Winter storm knocked out power. Cable is down and my WiFI is also down. Thank goodness for cellphones!
I have homework due tonight but thinking of downloading BH and reading it instead while I am waiting WiFi to come back on. Is this a bad choice? Or self-care? I ordered a signed copy from one of the indie bookstores so a print copy is in the mail!
I want to watch the Zoom chat that good TV. I hope the next one is wonderful too since I signed up for that.
Woot woot! Congratulations on the great release!
Yes!!! I loved the book it deserves that kindle spot and more! I’m already done reading it (oops) and idk if there will be more but if there is I can’t wait!
Congratulations on your Kindle sales.
I was suppose to watch your zoom , but I had some bad news and forgot about your Zoom. So sorry.
You always have great virtual book interviews. Gordon wears great comic tee shirts, a pet stops by, and Ilona tried to keep everything running smoothly.
I will try to make sure I am there for Saturday Zoom.
Congratulations to the winners .
Thank you, waiting for my physical copy of Blood Heir. From independent bookstore.
Wishing you light in the midst of bad news.
Aww! Couldn’t register for the zoom due to work and disappointed now to miss the good TV . Are you planning to post the zoom call recordings somewhere?
Congratulations on the Kindle rankings!
The book is waiting for me on my Kindle but I have to wait until the weekend to read it 🙁
I bought my copy on Barnes and Noble for the Nook I wonder how your ranking is on that service? My Amazon account has been messed up since September. Somehow someone hacked my Audible account and I was still paying the monthly fees and able to order audios. Then I noticed my account name was changed with a different email address. They also bought about 300 dollars worth of stuff on Amazon on my CC. Thankfully I got full refund from my bank. That is how I found out something weird was happening.
I nolonger use my cc for the same reason. I buy a giftcard at the store and use the gift card online on amazon
Highest kindle ranking? Congratulations!! ????
I will also be waiting for the “good tv moment” recordings ????
Bwah ha ha ha. Go!, Gordon. Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post. Congratulations to winners of contest.
Personally I feel we are all winners because we get to read a good story and escape pandemic isolation for a bit. Also thought provoking. Oh yeah. And moments of escape from never ending chaos of politics too.
Titan just freaked out his first Amazon delivery guy for 2021. Sigh. Sigh. Last year was 13 different ones. I can commiserate with Kate Daniels. But only way I can get good quality unsalted mixed nuts without peanuts (mother has TIAs when she eats peanuts.) unless I want to drive 30 minutes to nearest town and search at multiple stores.
I ROFLOL about Gordon answering questions. I can picture in my head.
#7 is well deserved!
Oooh I cannot wait to see the video, when are you going to upload it on youtube? After both sessions?
Congrats on your Kindle ranking ???????? ????. Well deserved. I finished the book an hour ago and loved it. Thank you so much for the wonderful book and all your hard work.
Congratulations on the fabulous ranking! Not a surprise to our BDH 😉
Thank you so much for the giveaway, too! I am beyond thrilled and hope this bodes good things (for all!) for the new year!
Hey Kris,
Could you please check your email, we have contacted you regarding your prize and we may be stuck in spam :). Thank you and congrats!
Thanks so much for the Zoom call – I really liked your format, and how informal it was – it felt like an intimate friendly chat. I laughed so much!
Congratulations to the winners! Small Magics is a beautiful book!
Rogue husbands for you. Congratulations on number 7. I loved it. Thank you so much for your worlds, characters and humour.
Zoom was awesome last night. Don’t change anything. I felt like I was hanging with family and friends. If you can please post the recording. I missed some parts.
Ohhh I need to watch that zoom recording! Sounds wonderful. Congratulations to the winners!
I love the fact that you guys are as flawed as the rest of us.
I was giddy all day after the release party even though the zoom call was 2am my time because it was really marvelous, and so many interesting topics! I am so glad to be able to participate via zoom which is one of the nice side effects of the pandemic for non US based BDH members. The other being that we were gifted Blood Heir and the amazing Julie.
Really loved the part with all the answers 😉
Congratulations on the great ranking, well deserved for this book.
Last night’s Zoom was great; it made me laugh a lot. The past couple of months have been rough, and between that and other current events, a new book release and a fun, relaxed Q&A was just what was needed.
I was particularly amused by Kid2 calling Gordon out for referring to Ilona as “Mom” as if he was addressing Kid2 specifically instead of the whole audience.
Does it mean you will consider writing another book ? Please?
as a less related question: next one is an Innkeeper book is it not ? Will it be in the same format as previous with bits posted as they are written ?
I think next in hopper is Ruby … Catalina book 3. I don’t think they have announced the next project after that …
Maybe you need to keep a water pistol handy so you can discourage Gordon from acting inappropriately during Zoom chats. 😛
Congrats on the Kindle ranking.
Just recalling last night…I’m smiling. Really smiling, not mental smiling lol
And towards the end of the zoom meeting, I almost died as Ilona almost went to the dark side with Gordon and kid 2 so sweetly and firmly protected her parents and went…”bye” and off it went on a high note.
I thank you guys for putting that event together for us.
I must admit….I am really sorry I missed that.
I read Blood Heir yesterday evening.
Loved it!!!!!
Awesome book, thank you for bringing me and the BDH joy 🙂 Also, congrats on ranking so high, let’s hope the BDH can get you to #1 ; you both deserve it so much.
I was lucky enough to be on the zoom chat (sadly had to leave during spoilers because I have not finished the book), and I will gladly through sit through any length of those chats. And Gordon can answer all the questions. I still want to know if meat eating unicorns from Kate books are related to Bucky
I loved Julie’s story & can absolutely see why it’s at #7! Well crafted plot, fascinating characters, a touch of nostalgia for the KD series without it being all KATE, you know?
I love Julie’s “grown up” voice – she sound similar to Kate, but still her own person. Hopefully you’ll feel led to bring us more…when you’re ready. Take care of yourselves!
Your readers love House Andrews, no matter how eccentric. Ha!
Yeah… the way we would sound similar to our mothers but not the same.
You have to give it to them. Same world, same characters, same genre and yet a completely different feel. This could’ve so easily become a not-Kate but it wasn’t.
I am reading Magic Burns. After reading Blood Heir, Julie definitely sounds like Kate. Kate just met Julie and Red. Julie just told Kate her mom didn’t come home on Friday (p. 42 Magic Burns, Ilona Andrews).
And so it begins between Julie and Kate. 😀
Makes me nostalgic. Is that weird?
Awesomely, fantastic result.
I’m still working my way through BH but loving every page on my Kindle. Paperback will not arrive till Feb so may even have my Audio book by then too. ????????
And 3 of the books ahead of it are Bridgerton novels, which are clearly getting a bump from the Netflix series.
So hopefully MOAR Ryder!
Congrats on the ranking! That’s exciting. And we’ll deserved. Loved Blood Heir. Starting a full reread of the Kate world books and stories, and so looking forward to rereading Blood Heir at the end!
Last nights zoom was great! I enjoyed it so much and it was a huge bright spot for me! Thank you for taking the time for your readers????
So proud! I feel like one of my children got an A+!
I just had my first vaccine shot so this good news gave me something much happier to contemplate.
Is it really a book tour/release party if Gordon doesn’t make you put your hand over his mouth at least once? Lol
Congrats to the winners!
And congrats on your #7 position! The book is fantastic and it is well deserved.
Congratulations on the kindle ranking!
I loved listening to you guys last night, you could feel the love plus the spoilers were awesome ????
BEST. DAY. EVER. First I see my pre-ordered “Blood Heirs” in my Kindle- yahoo!- and then I find out I was one of the blog post winners. I humbly thank House Andrews for the awesome reads and will now go buy earplugs for my family. They are going deaf from all my delighted shouting. Thank you!!!
I will try not to devour Blood Heirs in one sitting (who needs food?) and treat the writing process with the respect it deserves, but it’s going to be tough.
Just checked and Blood Heir is #1 in Fantasy Romance. Woo Hoo!!!
Congrats to winners and a Big congrats to your ranking on KINDLE, you guys rock!
Congrats on the good showing! I can’t wait to read it!
Julie, RULZ!
Interesting. I just noticed in the side-by-side artwork of Julie and Kate on the blog landing page that their faces are the same but with different hair, so they do look similar now, just like it said they do in the book.
I checked after reading this comment. Bang on.
That’s very cool. 🙂
Thank you so much for doing the zoom release. It was the first time I ever had a chance to participate in a book release and it was so much fun. Thanks to you both and a special thanks to Kid 2 for moderating. It was very entertaining and (snicker…snicker…) informative. I loved the pet antics.
Congratulations on #7 think it should be higher your books are awesome and greatly appreciated, be it self published or by a publisher. Kindle, I still use nook so unfortunately can’t help there with numbers but did get ebook from barnes and noble and will get audible when it comes out. Thanks for all your hard work, and patience with your fans. Really do hope to see those questions and answer sessions, Best wishes and thanks.
I LOVED the zoom party last night and thought you all were great!
Especially Gordon answering questions. My brain froze and as soon as it ended I thought up tons more questions. (Face palm)
I checked out the other titles above Blood Heir. Most were related to the Bridgerton, thanks to the adaptation available for streaming. That’s tough competition. But for that I think it would have been even higher.
I’m not surprised it’s number 7 on Kindle, it’s BRILLIANT!!
Congratulations on the Kindle release record. I haven’t finished BH yet, but I am loving it. Thank you for this wonderful book. Also, eccentric works.
#7. So much for the people who didn’t want a Julie book. ROFL. Be eccentric; your fans love eccentric. It’s why we love the eccentric characters you create
Yippee…BTW will there be audio?…sorry, just had to try for a laugh.
Congrats to the winners! Congratulations on the book and the Kindle ranking. I just finished the book it was amazing. I didn’t want it to end and can’t wait for the next one.
Cool pic. Congrats all. Loved the book. If there is audio, I’ll buy that one too. Can’t wait to see whatever is next. Sure that I will love it. Love your writing.
Hello Gloria,
There will be an audiobook, the files are being processed by Audible with a delay, we expect them in roughly 2-3 weeks. Hope this helps.
You are amazing authors, and your authenticity and connection with your readers is a real treat and makes me love your works even more. Thank you so much for that book release party! Gordon, thanks for all the information. My lips are sealed.
Congratulations on the ranking! I am so happy for you guys. I loved the book a lot. It was absolutely phenomenal and made my day.
Congratulations! Great news about Blood Heir on Kindle. I’m into my 2nd read! Many of my questions about Julie/Aurelia answered!
Missed the zoom forum because of Singapore time zone!
???? Hugs!!
blood heir is # 3 at b&n!
Yay! Way to go! 😀
What a blessing to have this slice of fun, adventure, and snarky dialog. Just finished, back to read it for reals with pondering and stuff lol thank you. I have been flat on my back sick for a week and this book helped me see a trickle of light in the tunnel ????????????
Yaaay. Congrats to the winners and congrats to you guys on getting to number 7!!!!
Congratulation dear Gordons!
In Germany “Blood heir” is number 3 of the most sold new books on the market.
Congrats on the ranking and the winners
Is it possible to see the recording of your meeting with the registrated fans on zoom?Maybe on youtube?
Bouhahahahaha !!!!!! ????
Gordon rocks !!
I’m halfway through Blood heir (lots of work, too little me-time), and it is awesome. Congratulations on this amazing book.
I’ll be waiting until Ryder is announced as a series. I need a reason to smile
Will this be uploaded on YouTube cause that would be very appreciated. Pretty please. ????
I’ve switched to Kobo, crossing my fingers it’s not as bad as Amazon in terms of HR matters (and fiscal responbility), sorry I’m not helping for the Kindle figures.
But I’ll probably buy the paper version as well, loved the book!
and the dedication.
Not sure how to let your other readers know they can vote for you:
semifinals for Emerald Blaze
Yay! Number 7 is great! Congrats!
Just finished the second read-through. I may go for 3…
Highest ranking release. Hmmmm, does that mean we may get another? I hope so, because am currently in my second read.
Your books are a safe harbor during this storm.
Congratulations to HA on another successful publication and to all those who won the give-away. Well done!
Read it in book form yesterday! Looking forward to next installment!
I hope you’re able to upload to YouTube or something. I wasn’t able to register in time
Finish your book – two words – WANT MORE Thank you.
I’m having a tiny conniption fit at Kindle. My pre-ordered long anticipated copy of Blood Heir is being ‘unable to download’ and ‘please try again later’. 30 seconds does not seem to constitute later. Customer service seems on the verge of suggesting a sacrificial chicken. Maybe it’s the Frugality fairy telling me I don’t really *need* the instant gratification of Kindle release since I insist on also owning a physical copy of everything Andrews. Whatever. She and my husband are wrong. Thrilled it’s doing so well in the rankings! Long may the pair of you write….
Did you record the session and if so, could a link be posted?
Hello Cheryl,
The Zoom sessions are being recorded and if everything goes well (technology willing) will be uploaded on YouTube 🙂
Awesome !! Thank you !
I am so jazzed that Blood Heir is doing well! I bought the Kindle edition and a paper copy. I am so excited and am really looking forward to reading the book. I feel like I am going to happy cry at any moment. Thanks and many well wishes!!
Congrats on the ranking. It is well deserved. I enjoyed the book. As one who had read the original postings, I was impressed by the changes. You are awesome! BTW, how is “your” nurse doing? I hope well.
Congratulations on the good sales and congratulations to the book winners. I have been tied up by other things and I am now sitting down to read Bllod Heir. Finally!
OMG, now I wish you’d recorded it. *sigh*
Your real “author” persona is what makes us all love you! Congrats on the success of the release. Of course we always want more Kate Daniels world, but can’t wait for Ruby Fever either. Be well and proud of your success.
Fantastic book so far, just started reading on my Kindle 🙂
So glad to be back in Kate Daniel’s universe!!!!!!!
WOOT WOOT on the #7
Thanks for the stories 🙂
Congrats to the winners.
Congrats on Blood Heir!! I am saving it for the weekend… cannot wait! 🙂
Just wanted to say, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for Blood Heir. It’s incredible. I didn’t particularly like Julie in Kate’s books, I considered her the Carl of the series. You know the kid who never listens and is always getting everyone else into a world of hurt because she won’t do what she’s told. When I saw that you were actually doing a book centered on her I was overjoyed because I knew it would be awesome, it was and I now love Julie/Aurelia. I can’t wait for future books and for Kate and Julie to be reunited. Thank you for the hours of sheer pleasure I get from reading your books. I just started reading Magic Bites for at least the tenth time and will reread each book in the series and then Blood Heir again.
Pfft, good tv lolz!
I’m so happy to hear that the book is doing so well!
Re: Blood Heir. Tremendous wow! Read in one go, couldn’t put it down. Thank you, thank you. Great follow on in from the ‘Kate Daniels’ World. Loved that [REMOVED FOR SPOILERS- Moderator R]. Loved the development of characters as they have matured, the next generation steps up and show new depths, wonderful. Thank you again – great story.
Congratulations! Well earned!
Congratulations on the ranking very well deserved- I think it will still climb to 1. Its good enough and addictive enough and the Hord is strong in this verse.
I’m looking forward to Saturday’s after party 🙂 esp after spending time reading the spoiler comments after finishing Blood Heir yesterday.
And congratulations too to Kris, Areil and Sanae on the wins 🙂
Loved Blood Heir! I truly hope that we’ll get to see more, because you set us up with so many unanswered questions! LOL! Thank you and CONGRATS on the ranking!
So glad Blood Heir is doing so well. I absolutely loved it and all KD world, the only problem now is I can’t find anything to hold my attention, looking like l will have to reread all of them lol. Thank you IA, love your work
Yeah/yay! (I never know how to spell that word) the library bought the book and I have it. I must have been first in line from when I recommended it. ????
I loved the book, you two are awesome! I have to admit I’m hoping for book 2 and now, after tempting us, I also want another Hugh book. Put down that cow!
Congratulations to the winners, and to the authors for the sales.
And many, many thanks for the books!
Make no mistake! Blood Heir was AWESOME! But I have not read a single one of your books that I have not loved!
Congratulations and thank you to House Andrews for Blood Heir. It is a fantastic story left me wanting so much more. Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing more Julie. I never understood why anyone wouldn’t have liked what you have already written about her.
Being a polite BDH member I’m so glad that it has ranked well, both as a financial thing for you and the possibility of more books for us. At about halfway through the book I realised it wasn’t going to even remotely satisfy all of the Julie/Derek story arc. I was already beginning to think “mooaarrr books” in my head. When you are ready, please, please, please give us more of Julie and Derek.
Congratulations! Bummed to have missed the live session but look forward to seeing it when it gets on YouTube. Thanks in advance for doing that for us who missed out. 🙂
NUMBER SEVEN!!! This must mean that you’ll write another one! PLEASE.
I hope this means that there will be more to come. You did say it depends on how well it does. I was so excited by the end then left crying for more. Please say there’s going to be another book!?!
Congrats on #7! Looking forward to the next Hidden Legacy installment!
Congratulations! I’m not surprised as I’m 4/5 into the book and LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I can’t wait to see how it turns out but yet I’m sad it will be done soon. I’m already wondering when is an appropriate time to reread the book. Next week? 🙂
I really hope you will continue this with more books.
I’m also bummed I missed the “good TV” moments. That’s the reason I love hearing you both talk. Hopefully there will be a recorded session.
Congrats again! 🙂
Hooray on the “highest-ranking Kindle release”! I have it downloaded on my Kindle and am just waiting for the weekend so I have an uninterrupted block of time to savor reading it.
Chanting :”we want more,we want more..we want more!!!”hail to the Kate Daniel,s world!!!hail sharatum!!!we want more!!!
Congratulations on the ranking in Kindle! I Love Blood Heir as much as I love Kate’s book!!!!
I’m so happy to be one of the lucky winner 🙂 Thanks you so much!!!!!
Thanks to the community too for the congrates 🙂
Love from France!
Hello Sanae,
I sent you an email regarding your prize and haven’t heard back from you, can you please check your spam folder?
Thank you!
Hello Moderator R,
I answered your email today giving you my postal adress. THANK YOU AGAIN, all of you, Ilona Andrews and the whole Team for you amazing work allowing us to read those books all over the world !!!!
This book is excellent, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for writing it, and words are really not enough to express how much better I feel after reading your book. It took me away from the uglies, and reopened a happier place. Thank you.
Blood Heir was great fun. Julie/Aurelia is complex, complicated, and such fun. I hope that we get many, many more of her books. (I felt right at home with BH’s dedication.)
I read the note to readers at the end and just cried. Thank you for writing this for us! So grateful! Kate’s world has made reimagine the apocalypse and just got me through this year. Love and gratitude to you both!!
Congrats on the ranking! I must say I’m thrilled because I look forward to more books in this world! Congrats to the winners!
Blood Heir is a great read! Loved it.
Blood Heir ! Well done ! House Andrews always delivers the best. So much is happening in the storyline. Any other Kindle readers notice what was written on top, above the cover in parentheses ? BDH is thanking you in advance for the next book in line. Yes there is so much happening in book 1.
The zoom was tops ! You go Gordon ! You know we are going to purchase & the spoilers whet our appetite for more of KD or any of your most excellent books.
Here is hoping the new year is a improvement over the last year. You guys take care and stay healthy.
Congratulations on the Kindle sales! You guys deserve it, your books are always amazing!! Your fans know this already, i finished Blood Heir yesterday, and I loved it!! I hope there are more books to come in this Series!! You guys are AWESOME!!
Yay for the ranking! It is well deserved, and I feel every one of the answers from the giveaway winners way down deep!