My hair is naturally wavy, which means that if left to its own devices it will form spiral-looking waves. That sounds delightful in theory, but in practice I look like Merida. And if I brush it at the wrong moment, it goes full poodle and I end up having bigger hair than a Southern woman at a White Snake concert.

I’ve been using this conditioner and for a while it worked, but now we’re back to poofy hair. I need something with serious moisturizing power, because I color my hair and prefer to not do much of anything to it except for brushing it and possibly adding something to it while it’s damp. Straightening, blow drying, and fussing with it is right out. I only do that when we are on tour or at a conference.
One time, early in our career, we went to a con, and I thought I looked okay. We get home, I open Twitter, and the first thing I see is two women discussing my hair. Words like “You’d think she’d care enough to color her hair” were said. I typed out a really furious reply, but then decided it wasn’t worth it. I do color my hair now, but it’s not for the cons, it’s because I like how it looks. 🙂
So, BDH, lay your hair wisdom on me. Dry frizzy wavy hair. What can I use to make it less poodle?
I like Renpure Originals coconut cream conditioner. It’s sulfate-free, so it doesn’t damage my super-curly hair.
I also love RenPure products – they seem to work well without a lot of fanfare or high prices. I also learned to NEVER comb/brush my hair. It’s fine-textured but thick (I have A LOT of very fine pieces of hair) and wavy so it reacts quickly to dryness and sometimes seems to be aspiring to its own ZIP code… I currently use a lot of Aussie Hair Insurance outside of the shower and only ever finger-comb and scrunch. That seems to help as much as anything. I’ve also, in the past, used a small amount of straight safflower oil straight out of the shower. I’m trying not to use oil on my hair now because I air-dry and oil seems to increase the already substantial drying time. Good luck!!
I love Pureology and use their leave in products routinely. They don’t make my hair greasy or tacky, and they also smell good (minimal chemical smell). Here’s a link if you’d like:
Pureology is the best shampoo/conditioner out there. I love it so much. Also, I really like It’s a 10! leave-in conditioner. I use it every time I wash my hair and it has made a big difference with my frizziness. The other thing I do for my frizz is a keratine treatment twice a year with my stylist. It did wonders when I went to visit my family in East Texas.
Putting in another vote for Pureology Hydrate! I also really love Pureology’s Color Fanatic 21 Benefits spray. I have wavy hair also, and this really keeps it hydrated and eliminates that dry frizziness.
Hi Ilona,
I swear by this product and it’s so affordable too!
I don’t have color treated hair but I they have this version too:
I use this masque once a week!
Have you tried co-washing eg. curley girl method? conditioner only ?
^^^ This. My sister has much curlier hair than I do, but mine is wavey to poofy if I don’t whack it all off or tie it back (historically the most common options). Curly girl is more than co-washing – drying with microfiber towels, a variety of different potential products* and approaches. (It’s not a commercial thing, it’s more method.) My sister got into it and suddenly had amazing glamour hair, which got me into it as well.
My rec would be to play around with co-washing, and argan oil – a few drops on your hands, rub them together, and then run them through your hair while your hair is still damp. It’s magic.
* Most of which are too scented for me – but I find most scented things too strong.
All my curly friends have joined this affectionately called “cult” and they all swear by it, every last one of them. So, it’s got some staying power through a bunch of different curly and wavy hair types, at least! The “curly girl method” has a FB page for sure, and there may be other resources, too!
When my daughter’s hair was natural Shirley Temple curls (all baby hair, alas) I tried the conditioner washing method and it was incredibly helpful!!!
I’ve been a “Curly Girl” for – oh hell – nearly 20 years now. NOT the DevaCurl products (which have way too much fragrance for me) but the techniques:
– I basically never use shampoo. Now, because I dye my hair fun colors, I will sometimes (3-4 times per month) use Viral shampoo to add color, but that’s the exception. Now that I have Overtone conditioner, I use Viral less, and as a result, shampoo even less frequently.
– Conditioner, pretty much anything will work, if you aren’t damaging your curl with detergents and heat. Use conditioner as your shampoo.
– BEFORE I get out of the shower, I scrunch in a curl cream and a gel. Again, practically anything will work; right now I’m using products from the Shea Moisture line.
– Air Dry. Yes, this takes forever. Deal with it. No towel drying / friction. I do a very loose turban when I first step out of the shower, only long enough to put on a robe, and apply moisturizer. Then, I shake out my wet hair, and let it drip onto the back of the robe.
– Never, ever comb or brush dry hair. NEVER. Ever. I do all my combing action in the shower (with loads of conditioner) and maybe – maybe – when I get out, when my hair is still wet. That’s it.
I also go to a Deva-trained hairdresser, because she can cut curls to their best advantage.
It’s all about the technique, and not about the products.
1000% this. My curly/wavy hair sounds like yours and it has been a miraculous transformation to move to this (and a Deva-trained hairdresser).
I’ll have to try this with my daughter she has super curly hair and I have no idea how to tame it enough for it to not look like she is a wild child.
Do you have to wash it everyday or are you good for a couple days??
Yep, I’m a “curly girl” method for myself and daughter. I do wash with low poo shampoo and color my hair so not hardcore curly girl. My hair has never been healthier. It is wayyy less work than blow drying and straightening it. My daughters hair LOVES it and has ringlets. There is a fb group Curly Crew, for people you prefer to use shampoo.
Have you tried hair care products that are targeted towards “black hair”? I have hair similar to Merida as well with a tighter curl pattern. As I Am has a lovely and light leave in conditoner. They also have a coconut cowash that cleans without stripping your hair of natural oils. Shea Moisture also has a manuka honey and fig conditioner that’s amazing.
I don’t come my hair but at 40 it decided to go curly. It’s not even a good curly…I use the Shea Moisture line Coconut & Hibiscus shampoo and conditioner. Its paraben free and sulfate free, is not animal tested and free trade. They also have a leave in coconut smoother but a little goes along way. I can let my hair air dry instead of drying it and straightening it.
I don’t have curly hair, but I have very thick hair that gets dry easily. I also use Shea Moisture and love it. In the summer, if I’m swimming often, I’ll use their deep conditioner every day.
Have you tried using a wet brush and flat twists? The wet brush does minor detangling while smoothing your hair into it’s pattern. Flat twists are similar to corn rows but easier to do yourself. It keeps your hair uniform
Twisting is a good idea.
What I do is when my hair is damp I brush it while bent over, then I split it evenly and twist my hair tight. Twist it till it turns into a bun easily and put a chopstick in it to hold it on the top of your head. Leave it as long as you can or until it’s very dry. I have lots of fine long wavy frizzy hair and when I do this it looks like Veronica Lake. Then after a day it’s straight and manageable until I wash it. I have dry hair so I occasionally use coconut oil from Trader Joes especially if tangled and I like Bed Head and Nature’s Gate Herbal Shampoo and Conditioner which is also biodegradeable.
Aveda has a smoothing line which sounds right up your alley. You can’t really feel that it is on . It’s expensive but you only need a tiny bit so it lasts a long time.
I can’t speak from personal experience as I have straight hair, but a friend of mine has a daughter with super curly hair and she said the only thing that has worked for her is Devacurl:
Good luck!
I use bumble and bumble for curly hair. You can rinse out, leave in or use their conditioner as a co-wash. It’s a little pricey but I think it’s worth it.
Bumble and Bumble is so worth it – but they changed ownership a few years back and the quality seems to be off a bit. I now use anything from Quidad , love love the leave in conditioner. I colour as well and was recently introduced to Eluemen shampoo and treatment, I have a problem with scented items and this seems to work (a bit pricey but I wash only every 3 days).
I wash once per week, and put the styling product in while hair is damp. I either air dry or use a diffuser. Every other wash I use Fabuloso conditioner I got from my stylist (buy the one that matches your hair colour.) I used to use Davine for curly hair but you smell like thr incense after Easter services.
Frizz-ease? (John Frieda) or Aussie miracle? Both UK/Oz..a little goes a long way. One of us BDH in Europe would be sure to send you a sample if you like…
We can get their products here in the US. I used to use the Aussie stuff when I was younger, will have to check it out again.
+1 for John Frieda frizz-ease dream curls!
When it’s having a really bad day, I scrunch dry then run through a blob of conditioner and leave it in. I haven’t tried the deep conditioner yet, but they do do one.
You should try Redken All Soft. I have to color and have very dry poofy hair. I use the Mega shampoo and conditioner along with their argan-6 oil. Feels like hair instead of a dried out horse’s tail. Good luck!
Hairdresser recommended this to me as well, and it worked. You can also straight up put coconut oil on your hair when it’s terrible.
My wavy, dry, thin hair loves leave in conditioner from Percy and Reed.
Thet have a leave in wet hair and a go to sleep and wash out next morning type.
Only problem is $$$.
Not so much a problem when you only have hair enough for half a teaspoon ?
Best good hair day wishes
I alternately use argan oil and coconut oil on my naturally curly hair. I put it on at least 15mins before a bath or the night before I wash my hair, if possible.
I snorted my coffee at the “bigger hair than a Southern woman at a White Snake concert” comment. Hahahaha!
Haha me too,… someone should say that in a book. Lol ?
I have similar hair and I’ve used Pantene Curl Perfection shampoo and conditioner for over a decade. It’s amazing, better than anything else I’ve tried. I’ve also just started using Lush’s R&B leave-in moisturizer. It’s pricy, but it smells really good and you only have to use a tiny amount. Good luck with your hair!
I’m a curly girl. Don’t shampoo so often. Use dry shampoo (a miracle) or use conditioner as shampoo. Don’t brush dry hair. Fluff with fingers. Any time you draw a comb or brush through the hair it breaks the bonds and causes frizz. Only comb it when it’s wet. Brushing when wet will break the hair.
I use a product by Biosilk called Silk Therapy to tame my mane. You put in on when your hair is still wet and it dampens down the supa frizz. Good stuff.
I love the suggestions, because I am in the same boat. Thanks! I use henna to color my hair, and it conditions nicely, but after 2 weeks, I need additional assistance to avoid the poodle look.
I have similar hair, and have found that these products work (for now):
For washing I use
OGX Organix Argan Oil of Morocco Shampoo & Conditioner Set (19.5 Oz Set)
Then while the hair is still wet I use (in order)
Organix Ogx Moroccan Argan Oil Weightless Dry Oil, 4 oz.
Marc Anthony 100% Extra Virgin Coconut Oil & Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioner, 8.4 Ounce Spray Can
OGX Renewing Moroccan Argan Oil Extra Strength Penetrating Oil for Dry/Coarse Hair, (1) 3.3 Ounce Bottle, Paraben Free, Sulfate Free, and Sustainable Ingredients
Since I started this routine I have been able to wash and wear my hair without resembling Alice from the old comic Dilbert.
Hi Ilona, sounds like you’ve got hair similar to mine! My stylist recently turned me on to Moroccan Oil, specifically their Smooth line. It’s working really good, especially considering it’s the dead of winter in MI. I use the oil too and if I’m really cold I’ll somewhat blow dry it. I don’t do anything else and my hair is nowhere near as frizzy! Hope that helps ?
If the conditioner was working for you and now is not, you need a break. Try something else for a bottle or so and then you should see the original results you were with the first conditioner.
I have a ton of very fine wavy hair. Some of it likes to curl and some of it barely waves. When left on it’s own it dries all crazy. My skin tends to break out if I leave a lot of product in it. My solution is to keep is on the short side (about chin length) and blow dry it. If it’s really humid I put a little Aquage in it and then blow dry. I only wash my hair about once about every 5 days too. I use cheap shampoo and conditioner because I do not notice a difference between the cheap and expensive shampoos and conditioners.
The DevaCurl line is amazing! It’s a brand dedicated to different types of curly hair. Their shampoo and conditioners are good but the one product I cannot live without is the DevaCurl Wave Maker curling cream. All I do is work a bit through damp hair and then let it air dry. It creates and holds curl without being crunchy. I dont feel it in my hair if that makes sense. I have tried everything – everything – and this is my holy grail of curling creams.
Also I just discovered Miracle Leave In Product from It’s A 10. It’s a weightless spray leave-in conditioner and I’ve noticed a difference in frizz if I spray a bit on my ends before using the curling cream. I think the little extra moisture helps tame the frizzies. Hope this helps! Good luck!
I use DevaCurl as well. A little bit of Wavemaker and then some ultra defining gel and then air dry after scrunching with a microfiber towel to get the excess water out. I also use a deep conditioner once a week. My hair is wavy/curly.
I have thick wavy hair. It does okay when it air dries, so I don’t have any magic for that, but when I do have to blow-dry it, it takes forever, may arms get tired, and it it frizzes like crazy. I now have Blow-Dry Spray from Kenra, and it takes half the time and doesn’t poof. It does have to be blow-dried with a round brush when I use that, or it goes really flat.
Lorraine Massey wrote a book called “The Curly Girl Method”, for people with wavy, curly, coily and kinky hair. It’s well worth a look. If you’ve no time for that, check out the #curlygirlmethod on Instagram – loads of product recommendations & everyone very happy to help. Find someone who’s hair looks like yours & ask what they use & how they use it. From a Curly Girl ?
I use argan oil. Two drops in my (wet) shoulder-length curls take care of frizz and gives it a beautiful shine. A friend of mine uses it as a leave-in overnight and washes it out in the morning, but my hair is too fine for that.
Your comment about spiraling reminded me of a lifesaver when my DD was young and very curly: Paul Mitchell’s “The Conditioner,” which can often be found at HEB. It’s a leave-in: squeeze out excess water, work a small bit through with fingers, comb through and leave. I’d sometimes clip a towel around her shoulders for the first half hour or so. Her hair would dry into the most beautiful spiral curls—people would stop me and ask me how I did it.
Aussie Moist conditioner right now and, when I’m not feeling lazy, I flip my hair over while it’s still damp and rub a few drops of argan oil into my palms and then scrunch it into my hair. Also! Oil your hair – take about an ounce of any oil (some of my faves are argan, jojoba, black seed oil, even olive oil – can’t do coconut because my hair hates it) and gently heat it up for a few minutes in a separate container that you let sit in a glass of hot water. Work the heated oil through your head, put on a shower cap or even a towel, and let it sit there for an hour or so. Then go wash and condition as usual. <3
If I don’t blow dry, my hair is naturally wavy/frizzy, and pretty much any product makes it look instantly greasy. I found Kristen Ess line from Target works pretty well and the air dry cream (white packaging) is really good. I would suggest using it after the shower/towel dry/brush and then not touching the hair too much (i.e. no brushing) – I then get nice non-frizzy curls:
For blow drying I like to use a drop of Davines OI Oil right after to tame the frizz.
Loma is a great product that keeps colored hair from drying out and has no parabens, sulfates, etc…and it doesn’t leave your hair feeling heavy and greasy. Another great product for colored hair is just about any product from Kevin Murphy though it’s very pricey. When I had long hair I found any product would start to lose it’s oomph after a couple weeks so I would change up my product every couple weeks which helped as I would get tired of the scent. The one exception to this is Loma. Good luck! Or should I say “Good Hair?”
Try a conditioner or treatment with Keratin. It straightens my wavy/curly hair. My hair doesn’t sound quite curly as yours, but it does do the thing where it curls but not in a good way. Keratin will smooth your hair down, and it’s a fantastic moisturizer.
I think when it comes to keratin, the difference between hair types can be huge. I’ve tried keratin a few times, at very high-end places, and without fail it only holds in my hair for about two weeks, then it’s basically back to frizz.
I have similar hair. Mine is naturally curly, with a tendency to poof. My absolute favorite thing to use is Ouidad. I’m ambivalent about their shampoo, but their Advance Climate Control Defrizzing Conditioner (which can also be used as a leave in conditioner) and the Advance Climate Control Heat and Humidity geo have been amazing for me.
I usually wash and condition my hair as normal. Wrap in a towel for 10 minutes so it’s not dripping anymore. Use a small dollop (depending on the length of my hair) of the conditioner as a leave-in. And let it dry naturally. If I want my curls to be more defined, I used the gel. A little bit goes a long way. I section my hair and use dime-sized on each section, finger combing it through. Scrunch and let dry naturally. It doesn’t look “crunchy” and maintains shape through even some of the worst humidity.
Gah. *geo = gel!!!!
What I’ve learned is that if you want something good it doesn’t come easy (or else everybody would do it/have it).
This applies to hair. If you want good looking hair, you will have to use product and spend some time styling it.
“There’s no such thing as natural beauty” ~Truvy of Steel Magnolias
Love Steel Magnolias!
I highly recommend joining the Facebook group Curly Girls. It’s all about identifying the kind of curly hair you have, helping you figure out if it’s dry or needs more protein, then they help you choose the correct products based off your hair needs and then a routine that will fit your life.
The overwhelming majority of processes is though, no washing your hair w/ actual shampoo (co-wash/condition washing only), use a diffuser blow dryer, and to never brush your hair. Good luck!!
oh, and Argan oil is amazing for hair.
Oh, the never-ending product experimentation of us frizzy/curly haired ladies! I’ve recently been experimenting with Sebastian’s new “Twisted” product line and have been pleasantly surprised. I’ve been using just the conditioner and the styling crème, and am impressed enough at the results that I’m going to get the shampoo as well.
I basically towel dry, finger comb the styling crème through my hair, then let it air dry, and it ends up looking pretty good.
Verb Ghost Oil. I apply while my hair is still damp and a little goes a long way. I get from my stylist, though Sally’s may carry it. The upper layers of my hair are stick straight, the under 2/3 are like yours. Under the right conditions I could try out for parts as an Egyptian in the old Bilble movies.
Good luck!
I am an Aveda girl and will only use their Be Curly line (shampoo, condition, styling products). Over the years, I have tried every product under the sun for curly hair including Deva Curl and Bumbl. Aveda works the best for my hair type. Finding a stylist who truly understands how to cut curly hair is a big plus too. It took years to find someone who believed I was not going to flat iron my hair every day. I only wash / condition my hair twice a week. I do wet and add style product every day though. When my hair runs too the dry side (Chicago winters are hell on hair), I add a bit of their smooth infusion oil to help lock the moisture in. If it is really dry out, I spray a bit of their spray shine on after I diffuse my hair.
Devacurl is great for some people! Shea moisture products are also good.
For me, I found I need to add a light curly cream to maintain the moisture all day. I just put it in right out of the shower and air dry.
Devacurl has one called Believe-in
And I used to use one from Sally’s called noodle head.
It’s ironic that after literally YEARS of reading (and loving) your books, laughing out loud at some of the hyjinks you and your family (including the four-footed) ones have gotten up to, and enjoying the sense of community and camaraderie you have built up and around your fans, the thing I finally comment on? Curly hair problems.
My hair is both curly and often frizzy and also dry. I have it professionally coloured, because I’m vain and have been going grey since my early 20’s. My stylist uses something called ‘Oloplex’ when she colours it, which works MIRACLES! I highly recommend that you speak with your hair professionals about it.
On a day-to-day basis, I’m too busy/lazy to do much. BUT I have found another miracle product, which I buy quite honestly just about by the case: Marc Anthony Curl Envy Curl Cream. The *cream* mind you, not the lotion.
Now I’m in Canada, but I’m going to assume that the same product would also be available where you are. It doesn’t take much – I use about a quarter and a bit worth, but milage may vary. My hair is quite long – about mid-back – but not terribly thick, and that does the trick. Keeps it moist, (mostly) frizz free, and most importantly – it gives a *nice* curl, as opposed to something that looks like I stuck my finger in a light socket.
Oh and for shampoo? Believe it or not, Head and Shoulders. I’ve tried just about ALL of the so-called ‘moisturizing’ conditioners and shampoos and I’ve found that their Green Apple shampoo & conditioner does the best job.
Best of luck! Us frizzy hair girls have to stick together. Going back to lurking now 🙂
SAME HAIR, minus the coloring. Crazy waves, cowlicks, etc. that’s why it’s about three inches long. Hands down, Paul Mitchell’s Wild Ginger Keratin Shampoo and Conditioner (and the styling products) have brought me hair perfection. They don’t weigh down my fine strands, of which I have eleventy-billion according to my stylist, I love the scent, and my hair always looks good, even in humidity. It is a bit expensive, but I use much less than other products. Good luck in your search!
My hair is naturally wavy and extremely thick. I went to my hairdresser one day and since there were no washers available, she washed my hair. She asked me how often I shampoo my hair. I told her everyday and also used conditioner everyday. She told me to try washing with shampoo twice a week and use conditioner everyday. It works great….I don’t need to use shampoo everyday and I can tell my hair behaves better. I still use leave in frizz control, but my hair is doing much better. Good luck!!
(Btw: my hair is a mix of gray and brown, slowly all gray…)
My hair is crazy curly and It’s a 10 leave in conditioner has been heaven sent and has the added bonus of being an amazing detangler. I hope you find something that works for you!
My daughter is has the smae problem with eczema added in. So we have gone through a variety of methods to tame the poof and let her wear it curly without it irritating her scalp. The best that worked for us was a devacurl and shea moisture line. Both let her curls form and stay over time even though we lived in a high humidity area. Also apply oils once weekly helped it not to become too dry or crispy. Coconut oil worked best for us. Braiding your hair at night and using either a silk or satin pillow or head scarf helps to tame the morning frizz as well.
This year she is wearing it straight mostly so Ive been compiling research on no heat methods….she is also trying to convince me to let her colour it as well… By the time she leaves the house I might be able to write a self help book.
I also recommend looking up what work for Black women since we have a variety of curls from tightly coiled to loose and bouncy. Hope it helps.
Might not be much help but in terms of just product line I really like Paul Mitchell. A little more expensive but they have deals and it lasts as it doesn’t take much for each use. Their line has products for all hair types along with varying sprays. My hair is straight but very, very fine which makes it go crazy when the weather is hot, humid, or both (thank you Florida for that) and I have to be very careful with what I use due to sensitive skin and certain products will make me sweat like crazy for some reason (especially sprays). Paul Mitchell has been a great line for me with keeping the hair in line and looking good. They have varying Shampoos, Conditioners, creams, sprays, brushes, etc. Their scents are not overly strong either which is nice.
Yay! This is an area where I feel like I can help. I went to cosmetology school. I would suggest that if you like the conditioner you already have, to keep it and use a clarifying shampoo once every two week or so. The reason your conditioner is no longer working is due to build up. All products we use in our hair leave a little of itself behind. If you’re using the same product over and over you get build up. A clarifying shampoo will remove the build up and your conditioner should work like it did when you first got it.
Also I would recommend not brushing your hair. Run a wide tooth comb through it while the conditioner is in then rinse. If you still feel like you need to style it with more than your fingers, after you wash it, then use a wide tooth comb while it is still very damp. The more you brush, the more you separate each hair and the bigger it gets. It also can pull some of the curl out and make it frizzy.
Using sulfate free products is important. I also love It’s a 10 Miracle Leave-In. It’s a leave-in conditioner spray. Just spray it on wet hair brush it thru and your good. It also acts as a thermal protector if you do blow dry your hair.
I have wavy, color treated hair (brown to some shade of red) that tends to frizz. Out of all the products I have tried over the years, I finally found something that I truly love. It’s vegan, cruelty free. Smells wonderful. A women owned business. And works for all types of hair. Not just color treated.
Only available online.
I dye my hair outrageous colors (according to my parents). This means I get my hair bleached at a PH level that destroys DNA.
I use Hair Food color protector (found in Target) and my hair always makes people at the Salon show it to the other stylist in between bleaching and dyeing it.
My daughter has curly hair, and when hers gets out of control she starts calling herself “the floof”.
We discovered a method called plopping. If you Google it, you can see how it works.
When she does this her hair looks gorgeous.
Of course, I enjoy the floof because she goes around talking about herself in third person…”The Floof would like to eat now”.
I use a couple extra pumps of leave in coconut conditioner pretty regularly.
A friend of mine with curly hair swears by — it’s spendy but she adores it.
Nothing has every worked on my hair…ever. I need to straighten for it to look remotely ok. Now I’m in my 40s, my hair is drier and frizzier. I got a brazilian blowout treatment and my hair looks so much better and healthier. I can wash my hair and not need any products. It’s so easy now. I have fine hair so it was a little flat the first couple of weeks but then my waves came back without frizz. I really recommend it and you can use any color protecting shampoo with it.
I use a shampoo and conditioner for curly hair even though I have wavy hair. That seems to help a lot, buy use a curl definer after I towel dry. Then I let my hair air dry. I don’t like to fuss either. Like many ladies, moms, and etc I have better things to do.
I use moroccan oil on my hair sometimes, and other times I use a serum — right now I have a Garnier Fructis one (Sleek & Shine — $6).
For either, put a dime-sized amount in palm, rub hangs together vigorously, then smooth over a section of dry hair; repeat on other sections). I also use Aussie’s 3-min Miracle on my hair in the shower. I put it on right after I wash my hair, and leave it in while I wash the rest of me, then rinse it out. Another trick: While your hair is wet, divide it into 4 big sections and twirl each section tightly just with your hand (kind of like big loose dredlocks) and leave it while it air dries. This tames my hair a good bit.
I am loving all this advice but I am waaaaay too cheap for all dis LOL when I do the curly because I try to mostly keep my hair straight gotta love the winter for that alone but for thw hotter months I do the Quene Helene cocobutter lotion yes body lotion it works wonders keeps my hair moist looking and is easy to revitalize with water for a few days if I want extra conditioning I add coconut oil to the lotion but that was when I still had bleached hair now I don’t need it as much but coconut oil is a life saver for adding moisture to your hair. Even a coconut oil deep conditioning (get a good amt and work it in your hair and sit for 15 mins under the dryer then wash it out and style) can work wonders
Never thought about using cocobutter lotion – that would travel easier than a liquid too. Thanks!
I make my own. You want something with Cyclomethicone in it (and perhaps another moisturizer–an oil of some sort–fractionated coconut oil is the cheapest). This would be a spray on–leave in conditioner. It’s a great detangler and it keeps the frizz down. You DO NOT want a lot of the oil in there. Some of the best oils are jojoba, hemp or grapeseed because they don’t just sit on top of the hair shaft, they penetrate in and keep the hair soft and conditioned.
If you still lived up in Cedar Park, I could make you some!! I’m just about to re-order ingredients to make more.
Just spray on a leave-in conditioner and work in, scrunch when you are done. It can handle a comb out when wet and usually another comb out when dry. You have to figure out how much to use for your hair and you still don’t want to comb your hair sixty times a day or you may get frizz.
There are some other tricks you can do in the meantime. Take regular coconut oil (the stuff that is hard at room temp). Use about a tsp. Rub a bit in your hands to melt and work into your scalp. When you have it good and worked in, hop in the shower and rinse thoroughly with warm water to work it down into all the hair. Shampoo as you normally do. Enough of the coconut oil penetrates the hair that you’ll get a nice, smooth look (you can use conditioner too, but go easy on it with this routine). If you don’t wash your hair every day, the next shower you rinse and spray a bit of leave-in conditioner to keep the frizz down. I do the coconut routine once a week for great scalp conditioning.
I was so thrilled to meet you and your husband. I don’t care if you color your hair, if you have hair or if you wear a bonnet. You guys gave such a fun talk and were so generous with your time and advice. Both my husband and I enjoyed your presentation thoroughly.
I wish I had curls but I only get the frizzzzzzzzz. I have tried it all. Most products just make my head itch (allergic). Since I live in Houston, frizz is a major problem. If I cut it short then I get to be a frizz ball. I use a hair mask product once a week. Always dry naturally and use big tooth comb. Doesn’t really help with frizz. But the electric straight machine that teens use helps. I only use it sometimes. I found I can live with frizz. I love your hair, it’s beautiful. When I saw you in Austin, I was so envious.
I strongly recommend Pureology Hydrate. The bottle is lavender or light purple (yeah, there are actually two slightly different bottles, must have been a change at some point). I have curly hair, which is very dry, like most curly hair. I use another product now that gives the curl more definition. But for hydration, the Pureology Hydrate product is amazing.
If that doesn’t work, try Moroccanoil brand product. Also great for dry hair.
Ditto pureology
Yes , I love this product!! I have straight, fine hair which is quite dry because I have colored it since I stopped perming it in the 80’s (when looking like a poodle was in, gack) . Most conditions turn my hair into lifeless thin stings, but this conditioner smells great and gives my hair life and bounce. I spray it on while really wet and dry with low heat and that’s it. Since my hair is short, it take about 5 minute to style.
Highly reccommend pureology, they have a cream that you put in your hair when you air dry it and it is wonderful! I also love the occasional hair mask and argon oil.
I have crazy hair too. I use a two step process. First, I use Aussie Miracle 3 Minute treatment after every wash. Then I use a leave in conditioner, every day. And to be honest, unless I do something that makes me sweat like crazy, I only wash my hair every 3 to 4 days. Washing strips too much oil.
I have curly thick hair. I strongly recommend Paul Mitchell sculpting foam (red topped) – it does a nice job conditioning and helping get rid of frizz!!
My daughter who lives in MI likes to use Aussie or Bedhead products and she has very thick wavy hair that could have it’s own zip code.
I would recommend maybe trying a couple of different products to see what you liked.
I’m using Rusk Calm shampoo & conditioner, they are sulphate free. For deep conditioning I’m using Hask Monoi Coconut oil. My regular conditioner in the winter is Nexxus Humectress. I live in SD & currently it’s freaking cold so my hair needs extra help with moisture. I also use Pravana Nevo Intense Therapy leave in treatment, smells good & works great.
What she said ⬆️ My daughter has curly hair and loves Hask masks. And they are cheap! There is a book out there called Curly Girl with lots of tips too but the gist of it is not using shampoo at all, just scrubbing scalp with water then condition.
Stop brushing it. Only brush or comb it when it’s wet and try combing it with a wide tooth comb while the conditioner is still in it before you rinse it out. After that just touch it up with your fingers or a comb without doing the full length (I do different bits with different combs, the roots sometimes benefit from a standard comb, I use a wide tooth comb for the rest – both are cheap to buy). It makes a huge difference.
I also use the Aussie hair care range, they have 3 minute deep conditioner that are really good. Also John Frieda does a range of anti-frizz hair shampoos, conditioners and treatments, mostly called Frizz ease. These are all available in the UK in most shops including the supermarkets.
Ditto with the John freida range. I find the hair serum helps give me curls rather than frizz.
I actually add an oil before my hair dries. Matrix has one and so does aquage…just comb it thru. It really helps with frizz.
I have very fine wavey hair. I like the Aussie 3 minute conditioner. My daughter has long curly hair and it works well on hers.
Keep using what you like and add in a smoothing oil to your regimen on days you feel the poof starting to form. As the majority of products at the supermarket or Sally’s Beauty will be for damp or dry hair- you only have to use it when you need it.
I’ve used a variety from Manuka Honey to Moroccan and Argan Oils, mostly it’s just trial and error (and liking the smell).
Another option is that your hair has just gotten dry from the ‘cold weather outside to warm inside’ switch. A totally free deep conditioner I make for dry ends is just to combine olive oil and honey from my cabinets, warm slightly with a touch of hot water so they mix and put it on your hair dry for 20 minutes before you wash your hair.
I have hair like what you describe, and the book “Curly Girl” changed my life. You don’t have to use fancy expensive stuff. The key that made an immediate and amazing difference was washing my hair with CONDITIONER instead of shampoo. I only use shampoo right before a coloring appt and right afterward. The rest of the time I wash with my conditioner, and don’t rinse it all the way out. I found this simple but effective in keeping my hair from looking like a frizzy mess.
I have my hair up in a ponytail that is a poof ball right now. My comment when I brush my hair in this state is that “I look like Bozo” which dates me terribly but it gives a true representation of my hair – ha! I use two products right now that seem to give me some relief. After shampooing and conditioning, I use Kenra Platinum Gold which is a leave in spray. It’s expensive but it gives it shine and manageability and I also use straight coconut oil (fractionated). I highlight my hair, it’s dry, and only wash it once a week typically and can use the oil a couple of times during the week if I need to to tame the frizzies. The coconut oil is inexpensive, good for my hair, easy to travel with in small bottles, and doesn’t weigh the hair down.
I have wavy frizzy red hair. The only thing that helps is a kerotin treatment. You get it at the salon, it lasts for months, keeps my ends from splitting, and makes my hair much easier to deal with. I use Moroccian oil shampoo and conditioner. It’s amazing.
While I love coconut oil, I can not use it on my hair, it actually dries it out more. This doesn’t happen to everyone so try it and see how it works for you. I have similar hair to you and this West Texas weather is playing havoc with it. I have it short enough that I can easily smooth it out with my round brush hairdryer combo, not sure if I can mention brands but conair and revlon make one. If you’re into salon products I’d recommend Devacurl you do have to use the whole line(shampoo,conditioner and styling) for it to work properly. Redken also has a moisture line called clear moisture that is nice and not heavy. If you prefer something heavier they have a line called All soft that is good as well. I used to use redken but I started having allergies and went to natural products. I found desert essence products and started using that. My daughter has very fine curly hair and the desert essence island mango works wonders on it.
Without pointing you to a thousand curly hair youtube videos there are out there (because I need my books), I would advise, microfiber towel, to avoid breakage, and I use this Cantu curl activator:
To avoid frizz, you’ll need to see how much you need, but put it on and curl each curl into shape, and then crunch from the bottom up. The smell is not bad, but it’s strong and stays in your hair, so see how much you want to put on.
I would advice a diffuser, it was a life changer for my curls and used on a medium heat it really managed the frizz. I usually dry it in about 30 minutes.
You can see here, I have a lot of hair:
I also stopped dying it. I wasn’t doing it to cover the grey, only because I loved the red (I did like the Merida look) but I cannot impress enough the difference in the quality of my hair, and I was doing it with professional die and olaplex. But still.
I use Feria as my conditioner, and I love it. I have colored hair, and wavy, and long. Works the best I have found.
My hair is similar. It is more frizz than curl. I haven’t tried it yet, but a friend just recommended Devacurl to me. There are several different kinds depending on what you need (thin, dry, oily, colored) They had a lot of success with it and their hair was was frizzier than mine. I plan to try it soon. Good luck
Redken has a product called Butter Treat that I used for a long while instead of conditioner. It’s essentially really heavy duty conditioner and worked great. I would recommend my current conditioner except that it was just discontinued. The one that I’m going to try next is Kavella. Their focus is organic, nontoxic, vegan, professional hair care. You can see their website here: It’s a small, woman-owned business so, if you have questions, I’m sure that they’ll be happy to discuss which products will suit your hair best.
I also have dark brown, curly, thick, frizz prone hair and I live in a hot arid environment.
(1) I find a hair colour (typically I use an auburn type) actually helps to maintain condition. I don’t normally do it coz I’m a low maintenance gal and I find the whole process fiddly, but every now and then (once, maybe twice a year) I treat myself.
(2) I only ever brush just before I do a deep condition. Otherwise I generally use an afro comb but only when I need to. I usually go 2 to 3 days without any sort of brushing (usually put the hair up to keep it from irritating me), then put an afro through just to help keep things in their relative place. People who are used to a daily brushing routine might find this strange, but I find that it helps to avoid frizz and the natural tendency towards afro-ing due to brushing and the dry local climate. Plus the hair tends to cling together in natural curl-lets (not quite ringlets).
(3) Someone above recommended you try ‘black’ hair products. I would urge you use extreme caution if considering this. I remember watching a docu a decade or two back on how such hair products contain hormone based chemicals which can be absorbed through the skin, and the documentary was on how they thought african-american girls were going through puberty earlier because of the chemicals in hair products. This, again, was quite a few years back so I don’t know if the facts of the story have withstood the examination of time, but still, any product containing hormones should be treated with caution.
(4) I generally find the way to avoid getting what I call ‘gluggy’ hair, or alternatively really dried out wirebrush hair comes in two steps – the main cleanser in the shampoo affects how much the natural hair oils are stripped back in your shampoo (with us curlies the less stripping back the better), and the types of waxes or other chemicals used in the formula to make it look thicker/healthier/less dry (the less heavy waxes, etcetera the better, best to try and maintain hair health using it’s natural oils).
(4a) shampoo cleanser – I avoid anything ammonium, and look for laureth over lauryl sulphates. Since I penny-pinch I stick to supermarket labels. I’ve found for some time now that Tresemme’s dry hair shampoo (they occasionally change the name to things like ‘curl hydration’ but it’s still their dry hair formula basically), which uses sodium laureth sulphate as it’s main cleansing agent is a shampoo I can use for long stretches without needing to change. Before I got on to Tresemme I used to have switch regularly to prevent my hair being glugged up or stripped back too much due to one specific brands formula. I had to switch between brands to give the hair a break. But really, I don’t think I’ve used anything other than Tresemme for some years now.
This is in Australia. I don’t know whether you’d have Tresemme where you live.
I also used to have to condition every. single. bloody. time. I shampooed. These days with Tresemme I deep condition the entire head maybe once or twice a week, otherwise I might just use a light spritz of a leave-in conditioner if it is particularly low humidity weather.
(4b) The heavier the waxes the shampoo and/or condition has in it’s formula, the more likely you are to end up with gluggy hair after repeated use. Typically you’ll likely find that labels which use an ammonium based cleanser are likely uses heavier, waxy conditioning agents, because after having stripped your hair back so much with ammonium they have to work harder to try and look like their product is making your hair healthier. It’ll just be short term though. Truly, I really mean this … AVOID ANYTHING WITH AMMONIUM IN IT.
Here’s a good article that summarises the whole shampoo cleansing issue:
My use of the term ‘deep condition’ is confusing above. To clarify – I deep condition (ie, whole head, wrap head in glad wrap, leave for 10-20 minutes about once a month. Once, maybe twice a week I do a whole head condition in the shower (ie washing it out shortly after applying it while still in the shower), otherwise on particularly harsh dry weather days I might also use a leave-in spritz-on conditioner.
Afro comb, not brush. I only brush just before I do my monthly deep condition.
Looks like Tresemme is actually an American company, so you should be able to get it near you, if you want to try it out.
It also looks like I’ve been interchanging between their curl hyration shampoo and their dry and damaged shampoo without realising they’re actually separately formulated shampoos. lol.
Also, some others above mentioned keratin as helping them. One of the conditioners Tresemme has is a Keratin focused fomula. They’ve got a few others.
Their website, if you want to have a look, is here:
I, too, have naturally curly hair that I color. It’s always an adventure! I had to go through and eliminate products containing sulfates and most alcohols from my hair options. I also do a multi-product approach. Some things you may wish to consider or try: 1.) I only use shampoo approximately 1x/week, but rinse and condition my hair daily 2.) Product lines like DevaCurl, Shea Butter, Alterna, MoroccanOil, L’Oréal’s sulfate-free professional line, Bumble and Bumble, and Macadamia work better for my hair – eliminating the sulfates (which are sadly present in John Frieda FrizzEase products which I loved) made a huge difference 3.) I use my hands to shape my hair and don’t brush or comb daily 4.) I use a microfiber towel to gently take extra water out of my wet hair 5.) I don’t use a hair dryer 6.) Multiple products daily are used – some combo of a spray-in oil, UV protecting primer, oil, and cream/creme – if you choose just two, layer an oil and a cream with each other. It’s kind of a grand experiment, honestly. Eliminating the sulfates was the biggest difference. Good luck and have fun. 🙂
It’s weird how every now and then in the movies I’ll see a person using a hair dryer. It’s a completely foreign object to me. I will not go near it.(Makes a sign to ward off evil)
Eliminating sulfates did quite a bit for me too, especially during the winter when it’s hard enough on my hair as it is. Combined with a leave-in conditioner that hasn’t any synthetics to build up, and my hair’s been in its best shape in some time.
You probably already do this (I hope) but you obviously do not brush your hair when it is dry. Cardinal rule of wavy/curly hair. At least I hope not because then your hair will be frizzy. I have wavy hair too and for awhile I was using the Shea Moisture line and really liked it. But it stopped working for me so while I still use the cream for after my shower when it is still wet I use a different shampoo/conditioner. I also usually braid my hair when it is wet and it locks in my waves better when they dry. And I recently found this whole thing called the “curly girl method” which I am meaning to look into as my waves can be very defined. My mom has similar hair to me and she uses the Living Proof line and seems to really like it.
Yea I’m 100% into the curly hair method and would ABSOLUTELY recommend it for all hair types. I had a problem with my natural hair a while back, and always straightened it because it was more socially acceptable for minorities (or so I was told). Eventually I decided to embrace my natural beauty and began playing with a couple different brands and products, and techniques to get my hair to do what I wanted. Glad you’re considering.
Hi Ilona,
Instead of recommending specific products, here’s a link that lists ingredients which help with frizz. I hope it helps.
I use a leave in conditioner that’s fairly light, since some of them will build up if you use a sulfate-free shampoo. The one I get is Beauty Without Cruelty Revitalize Leave-in Conditioner. I also make sure to only finger comb my hair after that point, otherwise I get the poof ball look.
Try It’s a 10. Stupid expensive but worth it.
I was going to recommend this too. I used to use Three Minute Miracle and some of these other products. I will leave this in for 20vminutes using one of those hair turbie-twist towels. It’s a wow moment whenever I rinse and feel the silkiness of my hair. It’s close to $30 at Target but it’s meant to be a once week treatment. All other products now unimpressed me.
Okay so I have dry curly hair….but I used to use products from DevaCurl and they also have a wavy hair care line, and I’ve heard great things about it…they’re a little expensive, but totally worth it. There are tons of tutorials on their website with explanations on which product works best for what. And you can find them at Target, Ulta, and…I think Sephora, but don’t quote me on that. I’ve found some other products with more moisturizing power for my curly hair now…but I think it may weigh wavy hair down a little bit, so I’m not sure, also they don’t sell in stores, only online so….idk…but if you’re interested, it’s Nancy’s Kitchen Products.
Frizz ease leave in conditioner from walmart right after a shower. Use a wide tooth comb or pick instead of a brush. It took me years to learn how not to look like a poodle living in the south!
I’ve got the same hair problems. My hair dresser has me using Verb Hydrating shampoo and conditioner. Been using it for years and it works great!
I have no wisdom to share – but I do think you (and your hair) and I are kindred spirits!
I am tired of being looked at with mild amounts of pity when I tell people I don’t straighten or curl my hair(I bought a curling wand that I don’t know how to use!), or when I ask for hair cuts that require no ‘maintenance’ because I refuse to fuss on a day to day basis! I care for my hair, but only blow dry on date nights or fancy work meeting days. Thank you for this thread – I’m looking forward to all the tips! 🙂
Manely Long Hair, it is a product for horses, but great for humans too. You put it on when your hair is wet, It’s a leave on conditioner, and your great to go. I LOVE the stuff.
You should check out this subreddit. There are so many good ideas for curly hair, and a guide for ‘beginners’. It looks complicated, but I think once you get a routine down, it’s pretty easy maintenance.
I’ve started using Mane & Tail shampoo and conditioner. I absolutely love it; my hair is a bit thin and I spend most of my time with it captured unceremoniously in a ponytail due to my job.
I also read that rinsing with apple cider vinegar is beneficial, though I’ve not tried this myself.
Be Well!
I used to use half-strength apple cider vinegar back in the 80s. The acid tightened the cuticle of the hair shaft and it was great at detangling. But when it got wet, I smelled like Easter eggs! Then I started perming my hair and the two didn’t go together. I have straight, fine hair.
I have this issue as well except I am blessed with the red hair. I finally found it needs to be a certain length, mine has to be past shoulders but my niece can wear hers just above. I use Loreal leave in conditioner and Redken no blow dry. This tames the curl to waves. They have different levels too based on your frizz. Also, dime sized my butt. I use a quarter size of the leave in and about a half dollar for the no blow dry. Curly hair is naturally dry according to my research and needs more conditioning.
I have the same problem. Looking forward to others advice
My hair is fine and curly. I use WEN by Chaz Dean (can get it via QVC) Fig cleansing conditioner. It not only contains the frizz, but also moisturizes it. I don’t color my hair (the sun does that for me). However, I’ve heard it doesn’t fade out the color, if one has color treated hair.
I also use the ponytail holders that look like the old fashion telephone cords (the spiral ones). They keep my hair in place while at the same time save my curls and hair when the holder is taken out.
One other thing: I do not blow dry my hair. I let it air dry with it up off of my neck.
I legitimately have Merida hair, super curly (red) corkscrew curls. When I cut it short once I looked like Ronald McDonald…
Anyhoo – my life is a constnt battle against Frizz – biolage conditioner has been my go to for 15 years, then I put in a bit of hair goop to keep the frizz down for the later half of the day. Redken Curvaceous for curly hair (get the “ringlet” type, small bottle with a pump top. It’s amazing (super easy to use, rub between hands, slick through hair, toss in a pony tail/leave down etc and done). As close to wash and wear as I can get!
Trader Joe’s Shea butter hair mask. $6 and wonderful for taming dry and frizzy hair.
I adore Shea Moisture products. My daughter has frizzy hair occasionally, so I use a Shea Moisture detangling spray when brushing it and it has been amazing. For extra frizzy times, I have just conditioned her hair and just left it in – no rinsing. (Not more than once a week though because it can look greasy if I use too much.)
For seriously frizzy hair, I would try the Shea Moisture Frizz Defense or Frizz Taming conditioner and / or the mask. Good luck!
I have found that when my shampoo stops working it is time to use Neutrogena for awhile. It really cleans the hair squeeky clean. Then I go back to my shampoo and it is doing what it is supposed to do again.
U don’t have frizzy hair so I cannot help you with that.
They make a great Anti-Residue shampoo! ?
May I suggest a book. Curly Girl: A handbook by Lorraine Massey
I found this book at BN a decade or so ago and immediately gave it to a friend.
It is by a hairdresser and it is not only about the care and management of curly hair, it is also about feeling proud and loving your curls.
I have the same hair as you. Mine is probably medium thickness and it’s long. I’ve tried all the things. Then one time I was on the book of faces and there was this Prose hair quiz thingy that I took, because boooored. It asks all the questions about hair/scalp/coloring/etc…it even takes into consideration where you live – I’m in CO, so…dry as a popcorn fart in my case. Anyway, they make the stuff for you specifically (supposedly) and…so far, so good. My hair doesn’t really even tangle anymore. Yay. It’s a bit expensive, but it smells nice and works. And there isn’t any of the bad stuff in it, so there you go. Here us the link in case you’d like to try it:
I started using R+Co Conditioner Television Ready. I have S&P, curly Hair which can at any moment can explode out into a frizzy poof around my head.
I like The R +Co product, my hair is shiny, very shiny now.
I have natural curls that tend to frizz. I just wash, condition, put on Marc Antony strictly curls curl envy cream, and go.
I switched to J&J baby shampoo and started using Aveno daily moisturizing lotion as a leave in conditioner (just a small amount). I keep my hair in a pixie cut due to frizz issues. My hair is fine, slightly wavy with lots of body and without something in it, it’s preferred style is straight up. I dislike most commercial hair products for 2 reasons: the perfume that is in all of them and they are too heavy, making my hair look greasy and limp or stiff. My preferred method of hair care would be to go live in Costa Rica again. For some reason, the combination of the water and the climate in the central valley left me with the best hair I have ever had, no products needed.
I use a spray in conditioner/de-frizzer when my hair is wet, brush it in, and the French braid my hair until almost completely dry. I was my hair at night and my hair is light weight enough that this works for me to keep the frizz down. You lose some of the curl this way, but it’s so much more manageable that unless I want to super emphasize the curls this is my go to option. Currently I use Top10 for my spray, but I’ve used other things and there are a lot of similar products out there – they often have lots of fragrances which I hate, but find one you like and go with it!
I use Ouidad their climate control line & so far really helps. Using their moisturizing line but still too much fizz. Bad thing climate control is more expensive but will pay it since works. Last night didn’t use & hubby asked why hair was so puffy.
Omg finally something I’m qualified to answer. I’ve had poofy waves my entire life and after having my daughter (whose hair is curly! We’re Asian!!!!) I finally learned wtf to do with it on reddit. The difference was amazing.
I have thick, coarse, naturally curly hair. I can only brush it when it is wet because if I do it when it is dry then I end up looking like I stuck my finger in an electric socket.
I have used many, many “for curls” products over the years and these are what I have found work the best to tame the frizz beast:
– Suave Professionals Sleek Anti Frizz Cream, works wonders and makes hair really soft
– Aussie Sprunch Spray, not too heavy and lets hair move
– John Frieda Frizz Ease Curl Reviver Mousse, really accentuates curl definition and helps tame frizz
Well it is scientifically complex. But in a nut shell, hair is a porous material with cuticles. And coloring and heat treatments open up and peel up those cuticles which makes hair rough and frizzy.
So people typically use -cone based (i.e. dimethicone or AMODIMETHICONE as in the Ion etc-silicones basically) shampoos and conditioners which coat and stick to weight and smooth the hair. BUT, those products don’t wash out well and they linger. They also coat the hair and prevent moisturizers from effectively penetrating the keratin. MOST oils also work similarly, they coat the hair and they don’t penetrate.
One of the few oils which are proven to penetrate the hair is coconut, and that has been shown through mass spectrometry. SO, IF your hair isn’t coated with -cone based products it can be an effective moisturizer.
Most of the time when a product stops working, what really needs to happen is the hair needs to be “clarified” to remove buildup, and a cheap Sauve or V05 clarifying shampoo is all that may be needed to go back to using your regular favorite products with good effects.
My recommendations: 1) clarifying, 2) do a deep conditioning/mositurizing with coconut oil, 3) return to regular happy products 4) schedule this process semi regularly.
This is based on decades of hair coloring and hair growing as I had to research it when I was keeping my hair length past my but. That is a lot of years of these types of exposure to manage the effects of.
Coconut oil vs mineral oil-
Some other oils with coconut oils explaining how the types of lipid impact it-
Coconut oil and specifically preventing mositure diffusion, amongst other things-
I like this discussion about clarifying-
Hope these help!
I am completely lazy when it comes to my hair. I have wavy, frizzy hair that tends to get oily roots. I use multiple shampoos and conditioners, so I don’t get build up, but have 2 favorite styling products. My hair length works best a bit below my shoulders.
I wash it at night and put Kenra Curl Defining Creme in it and scrunch it. Go to bed with it wet and put it over the top of the pillow (the ends hang over the top side, like towards the headboard). Wake up and spray it with Garnier Fructis Style Wonder Waves Wave Enhancing Spray, scrunch lightly, and never touch it again. Maybe some hairspray if you really want to set it. (Now, Kenra makes some wave spray too, but I’m afraid to try it because I like the cheap one! ?)
If I brush, dry, or fiddle with it, it’ll frizz and poof and I’ll look like a crazy person.
Good luck!
I’ve got it too. I’ve got hair to my waist to boot. I use a dollop of really thick kid’s detangler (the kind you are supposed to spray on a comb) and mix it with water in a spray bottle. On dry hair I saturate it all but the roots, and comb with the widest tooth comb I’ve ever seen. Good luck!
I forgot to say that I like a Turkish bath towel to squeeze the water out of my hair and then wrap with. It works better for me than terry cloth or microfiber.
Try adding in wet hair an argon or Moroccan oil. Sounds like you have similar hair to mine. If I brush it, it gets poofy and loses a lot of the curl which falls in to disarray waves , looks like a cocker spaniel that was thrown in a dryer, lol. I found out now after 29years if I want to wear my hair with it’s natural texture to NOT brush it. Brushing deconstructs the curl and creates that crazy volume. Wide tooth combed while wet only unless you plan on using heating tools to straighten or “curl” it.
I’m still looking for the right combo of antifrizz but not wax hard hair. Good luck!
Strong second for the comb. I essentially have curly ginger wire wool where my hair ought to be. have had the same comb for 20 years, and have had it posted back to me from a hotel I left it in, as genuinely nothing else works. Not even other wide tooth combs. I’m hoping 3d printing will save me…
Moroccan oil also great, and Kerastase (Bain Satin is fantastic) – they have a fabulous deep conditioner. Sanctuary also have a gorgeous deep conditioner, and I also find the body shop Ginger shampoo / conditioner is fantastic for my hair.
Kerastase. Bain satin 2 shampoo for dry hair.
Lait Vital conditioner (which rinses out).
Then add the “golden goop” after gentle towel-dry of hair:
Kerastase “Elixir Ultime”.
They say 2 pumps, but my dry, curly/frizzy hair needs 3 or 4 pumps. Smooth it onto hair 1 pump at a time, between palms: pump, palm-smear, smooth onto hair.
It has made such a difference! Less breakage too. If I have to travel with only 1 product, it’s the “golden goop”. But the other 2 help too, especially the conditioner.
Good Luck!
I am sorry about your hair issues, Ilona Andrews.
I have very fine thin straight hair, dishwasher blonde or dirty blonde or brown… does not hold curls and extra large perm looks like a tight curled poodle which grows out in 8 weeks… is an inherited thing. Therefore, I have no sage advice for your hair issues. But I will share that I use extra virgin organic coconut oil from vitamin shoppe as a conditioner when my hair needs it. I use either Prell shampoo or Mane & Tail daily. No I am not a horse but I like the way my hair feels. It just depends on whether I am at house or barn.
Regarding ACV.. Apple cider vinegar.. I used as a dip on a German Shepherd mix who had skin issues every 2 weeks. I also used omega 3 fatty acid aka fish oil supplements daily too. Everyone commented how gorgeous and soft his coat was. My hair was not negatively effected after his biweekly dip. Yes he strongly believed in sharing. [The worst was when he got sprayed by a skunk and insisted on sharing. Tomato juice actually worked….for him.]
I’ve used apple cider vinegar on my (naturally wavy, often dyed, and really thick) hair. I was sceptical the first time but it came out so silky and soft! I would definitely recommend doing it occasionally. I put about an inch in a mug, fill the mug up with water and use it as a rinse after I’ve shampooed as normal. Work it into all hair and rinse out (otherwise you smell a bit like a fish and chip shop…). It gets rid of all the product build up.
I alternate between Moroccan Oil products (the conditioner makes the shower floor dangerously and perpetually slippery, but it’s worth the risk to my neck) and Davines oi leave in conditioner. The davines mafkees my hair so, so soft that it’s worth the effort of tracking it down. My hair is fine, wavy, colored, bleached, and I still have enough of our still on my head for at least three people, probably because of products and because I refuse to blow dry it.
*makes. What is a makvees, dear autocorrect?
Have you tried using using Shea Moisture? I
Violate cleansing conditioner. I wash my hair with detergent (shampoo) once in a while. Crack styling cream. Leave in conditioner. Works great in combination
Not violate Biolage cleansing conditioner
I have similar problems with the hair. She is known as The Beast and frequently goes to parties without me. (Yes, it’s a true story. I had sober and drunk friends go to frat parties that I wouldn’t touch and ask the next day how my hair got there without me.)
Argon Oil is my friend. This cuts down on about 70% of the frizz and allows me to wash less often. I have learned not to skimp on this, and will spring for a $20 bottle. I have waist-length frizz/waves, so after washing The Beast I will pump a dime-sized amount into my fingers and work it through from the ends up while it’s still wet.
Following the advice of Curly Girls everywhere, I have gone sulfate/sulfide free on both shampoo and conditioner. This has also helped. Between this and the oil, I can now wear my hair down in public without being mistaken for a circus act.
I get all of the above through Melaleuca. The Beast is now spoiled. If I travel with her and forget either the oil or the conditioner, she reverts to strangling me in my sleep or performing military hand/arm signals when I’m not looking.
I spray my coarse wavy hair with Miracle 10
I’ve been using Ion Color Defense After-color Sealer for a year now definitely less frizzy but without leaving it oily which is how most anti-frizz products leave my hair.
I heard about and now subscribe to a hair service called Function of Beauty.
You’re able to tailor your hair needs to your hair type (i.e wavy, fine, thick, straight, etc) and then choose up to 5 “hair goals” (moisturize, volumize, color protection, etc).
You basically formulate your own shampoo and conditioner and they send it out every 6 months (or however often you might need it). It comes in different sizes, with different costs, but average cost I’d say is about what one would pay if you’re buying from a salon, or Beauty Brands-type store.
I’ll tell you honestly, the first one I got I was on the fence about in regards to how my hair responded. But I decided to give it another chance, went in and tweaked my formula, and I really like it this second time around.
I have fairly straight hair.. but have very fluffy/ fizzy flay away bits.. so I look very wind swept.. or like I’ve just taken off a wool hat and the static just couldn’t resist frizzing my hair lol
So I now Actually I use baking soda to wash my hair. Lovely and soft afterwards, much less static and frizz.
Vinegar rinse afterwards.. lovely and shinny but smells like you’ve been bathing in pickles.. so I don’t use 😉
Avocado or almond oil I rub into my hair / scalp every few weeks as a mask .. and just use the baking soda to rinse/ wash out . Wonderful 🙂
I second this approach as I do this too! Baking soda wash, vinegar rinse. I think people call it the “No Poo” (as in no shampoo).
There’s a couple of weeks while starting where your hair will probably feel really greasy, but once it gets used to it, it’s much more moisturised and less frizzy. That all being said, when I dyed my hair, I had to go back to using normal shampoo as the dyed hair did not get along with the No Poo technique. It got greasy.
I hate to mess with my hair. I have curly-wavy hair and humidity makes it curlier. I keep it quite short so it doesn’t look like an octopus is eating my head, but I still have to deal with the potentially frizzy problem. (Side note: Seattle isn’t nearly as wet or humid as you might think. The Oregon Coast and Houston were much nicer on my curlier hair.) I use Paul Mitchell Serum. It helps control the frizzies and it gives my hair some shine. It’s a post-shower product you put on damp hair and I’ve been using it for years.
I have naturally curly hair. If I let it grow long and let it air dry, then I’ll get big Shirley Temple curls. Or I did when I was a kid. I have a picture of it.
I color my hair, too. I’ve been using Pantene for years (shampoo and conditioner as separate bottles). They used to have a shampoo or maybe it was a condition specifically for color-treated hair, but I buy the big bottles at BJs or Costco and they haven’t had that option for years. So I go with one of the other Pantene options. They do have something to help with fizz. I’ve never had problems with fizz, but I also keep my hair shorter and I blow dry it.
Long story short, I love Pantene.
My sister is away on a trip to the Hoky Land but as soon as she comes back, I will give you a definitive response. She is the curly hair product Queen!
Jeezeloueeze: HoLy Land. (I hope I don’t get hit by lightning! It was a typing mistake!!!!
In general the best products for dry curly hair are most products for African hair – low shampoos, masks. Makes a world of difference
Your hair sounds just like mine. My scalp is oily and the hair is dry and frizzy. I do color. I found that a tiny amount of jojoba oil applied sparingly to damp hair ( not wet, avoid the scalp) makes a world of difference. I let it air dry or hit it lightly with a cool dryer. I follow it with Biosilk conditioner, again very lightly, to add more shine. I get the jojoba oil from Trader Joe’s. I actually like my hair again. I keep it above shoulder length because that length works best for me.
Too avoid the gradual build-up that causes hair products to stop working rotate between different sets. Basically you need a shampoo for colored hair, a rinse out conditioner, and a leave in conditioner/oil. Leave the rinse out conditioner on for about 5 minutes before rinsing it out. Spray or work in the leave in conditioner while wet. Use it also between shampoos as needed. Do not shampoo daily.
Also, toss the hair brush and get a very wide toothed comb. Comb before shampooing or conditioning and not after. Finger comb all other times. I have the same type of hair as you do and learned to do this from my granddaughters. It actually works!!!
I second the no brushing. I comb my hair during washing (gently!!) otherwise it will knot and matt. I never ever brush my hair if I’m wearing it curly.
I love LUS brands luv ur curls
I use the three step system with curly as the 3rd step (and just scrunch and air dry – no diffuser or anything). It is really easy. The price looks high, but you don’t have to use much product so it lasts a very long time (still using my bottles purchased almost a year ago!)
1.Maui Magic Shampoo and Conditioner for curly hair.
2. Chi Silk Infusion for smoothness for when after you brush it. I also put Chi on at night.
3. WEN works for me during the winter and sometimes I use it as a conditioner during season transitions. It is heavy conditioning and different scents have different weights.
Have the same problem, I use the following and can now actually run a comb through my (one unruly) hair. 🙂
While showering:
AG Hair Care – Re:Coil Shampoo
AG Hair Care – Re:Coil Conditioner
John Frieda – Frizz Ease, Extra Strength Serum
Redken – Diamond Oil
Serum/Oil ratio: 1 drop of oil, to every 4 squirts of serum
I have wavy/frizzy hair. After much experimenting with shampoos I’ve found the ogx shampoo and conditioner with kukui oil (the black one) to work the best. I rotate that with a different ogx formula (whichever one strikes my fancy at the time).
It’s pricey, but the Aveda curl line shampoo and conditioner is miraculous. It gets you halfway there even without product. The cardinal rule is to touch your hair as little as possible while it dries.
Do a search on YouTube for curly girl method. I was strict at first, but now just use products w/no sulfates, silicones, or parabens. I also deep condion once a week. I have wavy hair that was getting so dry using traditional products that my hair was breaking at various points of the strands. After changing products, my hair is healthier and no longer breaking off like it was. I also only comb it in the shower with conditioner. The rest of the time I just finger comb (took me a long time to give up the idea I had to use a comb every day). That helps tremendously with the frizz. Products can be as expensive or as cheap as you want to go, but it will take some experimentation to find what works best for you.
I have super-curly hair – Merida style on a good day, and it’s coloured. I swear by Lush’s Fluff-Ease as a leave-in anti-frizz. Works better than anything else I’ve tried without being heavy.
Get a curly girl cut that brings out those waves / curls. Deva Curl is one to try. Check out the Curly Girl Method.
I also have dry, frizzy, wavy hair, and when there is high humidity, it gets FAR worse. I have had pretty good luck with Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Restoring Repair shampoo & conditioner (the bottles also say “replenishing shampoo” & “replenishing conditioner”).
“You’d think she’d care enough to color her hair”
Funny, how you never hear “You’d think he’d care enough to color his hair”
Oh, and I have curlyish hair too, not unlike yours. Day to day I just put it up in a clip or quick bun and let it dry like that. When I’m going out, I actually just find it easier to straighten it. If you got the right technique and the right tools, it can actually be fairly easy to do.
This is coming from a person who hates doing their hair. If I ever win millions in the lottery, the first thing I’m going to do is hire a personal hairdresser…I’m not kidding 🙂
Naturally curly hair. I’ve been using the Aveda curl line for years for soft defined not frizzy waves, and it’s not stiff so I can run my hands through my hair when my co-workers frustrate me.
You should be able to get travel sizes of the products to try them out, because yes they are expensive.
I’ve also used Badger hair oil to control the frizz when I don’t want to deal with other stuff.
I like mane and tail conditioner. (Designed for horses but I have a long tail too) They also make a shampoo but I use dandruff shampoo so I don’t mess with that. I have hair that’s got a mind of its own and is down to my waist. I braid it when wet and that seems to calm things down a little bit. It does take a few hours to dry.
You forgot to tell us if you wash at night or in the morning. If you’re a morning washer like me, I have 2 suggestions.
1. Aloe vera gel. Not that goopy stuff sold in drugstores, but a high quality, runny type. I like ArtNaturals, which you can buy on Amazon.
2. Oribe Curl Control Silkening Creme. ($39 on Amazon).
I have 2A-2B wavy hair that likes to be frizzy if I don’t use any product. What I do is wash and condition in the shower, comb IN THE SHOWER, then, wrap my hair in a towel. I do my makeup, and don’t touch the turban. Once I’m done with my makeup, I unwrap my hair, scrunch it up, then apply #1 or #2 and scrunch some more. Blast some hot hair (with a nozzle) on the top of my hair to straighten out the kinks .
I like the aloe vera because it’s all natural and good for your hair. But, it does leave you with crunchy hair. The Oribe is FANTASTIC. If your hair was too wet or you put in too much and it looks crunchy, just run your fingers through it and it’s soft again. No frizz.
Another vote for the Curly Girl method. For me it’s about buying products that are free from sulfates and silicones that attempt to straighten your hair. I have had great luck with Shea Moisture and Deva Curl products. It’s also about properly moisturizing your hair, which can include not completely rinsing out your conditioner in the shower and putting in plenty of leave-in conditioner when your hair is still wet. I really like Kinky Curl Knot Today leave in. I would advise not to blow dry unless you use a diffuser and I never brush my hair when it’s dry.
My hair stylist recommends olaplex, get it from a stylist or you may end up with something claiming to be it. Sometimes our hair needs to be clarified as we have too much build up on it and it stops looking as healthy.
I have fine hair that is a combination of curly, wavy and straight. It is changing now that it is starting to gray, and the gray is much more curly and coarse feeling. I use Aveda Brilliant conditioner. I like it a lot as it doesn’t weigh my hair down but really seems to soften my hair, esp. the grays. I second everyone that said touch it as little as possible until it is dry. Comb it out, scrunch it a bit with a towel if you want, and then leave it alone. Only finger comb it after it is dry. Brushing it will make it puff and frizz. I hope you find something that works well for you. 🙂
Silk pillowcases are great and don’t require any effort. Other than sleeping on them…. My hair isn’t thick but is coloured and prone to frizz.
Another vote for Curly Girl method, and like a few others have said, find what works for you from the method. For me: absolutely no brushing ever, just comb my fingers through in the shower with conditioner, and then carefully dry with a t-shirt. Apply Frizz-ease serum, a curly hair mousse, and Catwalk Curls Rock amplifier to wet hair, blot again with the t-shirt and blow-dry with a diffuser. I do not color my hair, so not sure how I would adjust to accommodate that. Good luck!
unflavored gelatin – I use Knox brand. Bloom half a packet with a little cold water, then add about a cup of hot/warm water. soak hair with this mixture (i do it so my head is over the bathtub and slowly pour with one hand and massaging with the other until scalp is wet, then soak ends in the rest of the solution) cover hair with a plastic bag for 20mins-1hr (it depends on how many chores i try to get done….or if I can break from a book =), wash as normal. do this only once a month! too much and it will cause breakage. you’ll see a difference immediately, but i only started getting compliments on month2. cheap and easy
I have hair much like yours. Super thick, wavy, getting some silver strands. I also have sensitive skin. I have discovered a line called MooGoo. Tested natural ingredients. Their conditioner is great.
In an emergency, I use Aussie 3 Minute Miracle.
I caution against the use of products containing Panthenol.
They can cause breakouts & other adverse skin conditions. Also use caution applying baking soda to your skin. Many natural deodorants, etc. contain baking soda which can actually cause burned skin or rashes. Be cautious & do a skin patch test before using.
If you would be happy with very strait not frizzy hair and can find a salon near you that does it, you may want to consider trying Re-bonding (Japanese or Asian). It’s a form of straitening that straitens the hair then re-binds the cuticles to keep the hair permanently strait. I have seen a few bloggers do it and it seems pretty amazing.
Ginger frizz tamed to perfect strait, the only bit that is a fuss is the new growth but it seems to take a while before you have enough that it’s really noticeable (The person I watched do this and give updates waited 6months before going back for the growth). The process takes a few hours but considering you do it once and then you pretty much don’t have to think about it… I def suggest looking it up at least.
I don’t know why my comment posted as “anonymous” ?
Similar hair, except mine is fine, but still poodles with a vengeance. I have zero hair skills and hate having to deal with it.
I discovered “plopping” my wet hair and it has made a HUGE difference. It’s just a way to towel dry wet hair. Keeps it out of my face and no hair dryer! Not too bad on rainy days, either.
Also, Herbal Essences TOUSLE ME SOFTLY TOUSLING HAIR MOUSSE #2 has been great (only 2 has worked for me, all other levels in this line have failed me). It holds a curl without being crunchy.
I really like Regis… it tames the fly-aways and protects color, and adds some shine. It has been rescuing my (very poorly treated) hair from years of maltreatment.
After you shampoo, spray Infusium 23 on your hair (leave-in conditioner). Comb out tangles. Then work some mousse in and scrunch, scrunch, scrunch all over with your hands. Let dry. You will have wavy/curly hair that is shiny. If you want to arrange it or lift it a little, run your hands through it. DO NOT BRUSH. The brushing is what is giving you frizz.
I recently tried a spray in dry conditioner. It helped make my hair softer and less frizzy. I think this on top of some of the conditioners recommended might help.
I like to color and bleach my hair, and I also find that Olaplex helps if I use it once a week or every other week as a mask.
These are all really good comments; so appreciated, I’m going to go back to this and take notes!
I’m hearing you that you don’t like to do a lot of hair-fussing. Nevertheless, since you work at home AND color your hair, why not add a deep mask to your routine? Perhaps after you color (since your hair is already damp), then put the mask in, work for a few hours, and wash the whole thing out. (This is what I do. I also try to schedule a weekly mask; don’t always hit that goal.)
I use a combination of: mashed-up avocado (maybe half an avocado, or less if it’s a very large one), an egg, about equal parts (a couple tablespoons each or more) honey and coconut oil. Then I add in some of that Shea “Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Mask” to help the whole thing emulsify. I’ll usually make a batch of this, and divide into portions, and store 2-3 portions in the freezer and use one right away.
I find this nourishing, as over time, the coloring takes its toll on my hair.
Xoxo, ladies! – A.
Hi Ilona,
I’m in Ireland where it’s always either raining, just stopped raining or just starting to rain, and have similar hair type: curly, coarse & coloured. This is a great thread for ideas, and I’ll definitely be trying a few!
Agree with a lot of the above comments – I never brush my hair, only use a wide tooth comb after washing to distribute the conditioner (usually Joico K-Pak or John Freida’s FrizzEase, or a macadamia oil mask which I use as a conditioner), rinse off, then put hair up in a towel for a while to soak up as much excess water as possible and avoid diluting styling products. I spray on a leave-in conditioner like FrizzEase or Joico K-Pak Reconstructor when it’s still damp. I tend to be too lazy or disorganised to leave a hair mask on as long as you should.
Also like others have said, for our type of hair you have to ignore the pea-sized product instructions (the recommendation we get instead of the dime-size) and load on as much as you need – bit of trial and error required.
On dry hair, FrizzEase Secret Agent styling cream is fantastic at smoothing out any crinkly/dry bits and I’ve just tried Schwartzkopf Bonacure peptide repair rescue cream – I’ve only used it once but seems promising.
Aveda curly is generally good, but I’m on a tighter budget these days and using mostly supermarket brands, with the Aveda Be Curly enhancer rather than the whole range. The absolute best products I ever used were Aveda’s Sap Moss shampoo & conditioner, sadly discontinued, but if you ever find some grab and horde it.
Elvive by L’Oreal is a product I’ve recently discovered. But I do need to clarify.
Mine is the same except I dont color. I shampoo maybe once a month. I clean with a moisturizing conditioner in between instead of shampoo. When I do shampo I try to do it on a long weekend because it takes a couple of days to get the hair to settle down. (Its called co washing if you want to get more tips.
Curly, kinky, multitextured hair here. I have dark hair (with whites now showing) and have purple mixed in. I use Colorproof shampoo and conditioner and aveda products. I invested in a salon quality blow dryer and flat iron. I can dry my hair in 7 minutes and flat iron in 10. If I wear it curly, I do not touch it again after adding product (curl cream) and blow drying with a diffuser – if I do, the curls break and frizz and I look like a medusa troll doll. I wear it in a top bun at night. I keep thinking about Japanese straightening but don’t want to keep getting it retouched.
I look like medusa all the time. I hate both my curls and my frizz!
Which is why I can’t live without my GDH straightener.
Renpure Professional Coconut Whipped Creme Leave-In Conditioner is great for curly hair. Highly recommend.
I have classic red head curls. Moisturising shampoo, conditioner, and leave in conditioner. The trick for me is when to brush it. I only brush my hair before and immediately after my showers, then apply leave in conditioner. You can play with extra volume at the root by brushing your hair in an a-typical direction before letting it dry.
I use joico colour shampoo and conditioner, golden bottles, and Paul mitchel original leave in conditioner. I used to use lush products, too.
Kerastase nectar thermique has been a game changer for me.
I wash and condition my hair and then rub a little through my hair whilst it is towel drying.
It really seems to add moisture and stops frizz. Designed for protecting hair from heat too but I often just let my hair dry naturally. Pricey but a priceless investment!
I am in UK but just googled it and it seems you can get it across the pond! Here is a link with more information
I concur here. I am not at home so I can’t look at my Kerastase but it is AMZAING for moisturizing. Aveda also makes some great products for de-frizz and moisturize. Fine an Aveda salon near you & go get recommendations is my advice. You do not have to let them touch your hair, but their products are great. imo.
I loved Aveda shampoo/conditioner; loved the smell of them! So much. Unfortunately, they built up badly in my hair–waist length, though I only shampoo the scalp. Then I had to use the “clarifying” shampoo to clear out the ishy waxy build-up; that strips everything though, including color, like wow (it was red, which is such a tough color to care for). So. Had to switch, but with much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
I have wavy hair that gets frizzy in humidity. Leave-in, curl-control conditioner products help; you better bet I’m reading these comments for suggestions too. 🙂
Does it leave hair feeling gummy or sticky? I have the same issues as Ilona. My hair is usually in a long braid down my back.
I only put a very little amount of product on and make sure it is well distributed by using my tangle teezer (another great product btw). Not had a problem with gummy/ sticky residue 🙂
Have you tried an oil? (I like Moroccan Argan Oil products, but your mileage may vary.)
I had this same problems with my daughters hair. I moved to oils: almond oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter. I use a kitchen oil, Misto to apply to her hair for an hour, every few weeks (when it gets dry and unmanageable). And I use Indulge by kenneth’s hair salon in between or during swimming weather. Sally’s has a leave in conditioner called Hawaiian Silky that works on dry hair for 7 bucks. Everything else isn’t cheap. Good luck!
I totally second Argan Oil – my hair is naturally curly and I colour it but it is now much drier than it used to be. The oil makes all the difference, used after washing and conditioning.
I have the same kind of hair and use oils after shampooing. I like Argan but twice a month I put a coconut oil deep conditioning mask on it. Also, instead of a brush I use a conditioning detangling comb I found on Amazon. Cricket Ultra Smooth Hair Conditioning Rake Comb infused with Argan Oil. I love it and it never makes me poodle like.
I have curly hair. I use Kevin Murphy, expensive but SOOO worth it. I also every other to 3 washings do an intensive moisturizing treatment also my Kevin Murphy (and then shave my legs while I let it work). In Iowa, winter is so dry I’ll go 4 or more days between washing my hair. As long as my hair and scalp are moisturized, it doesn’t get greasy.
I actually have the same issue, and Central Texas humidity of course is a year-round thing. I discovered this seed-filled cap (looks like a poofy, satin shower cap) – Hot Head Heat Cap – I put the conditioner (regular works fine, but I like to change it up and try different sample-sizes occasionally) in my hair post-wash, put a regular disposable shower cap on my wet hair, microwave heat the hair cap, and let it sit on my head for 10-15 minutes. It is pretty relaxing, twice a week or so, and has done an amazing job on strengthening my hair and leaving it much less frizzy.
I’m a naturally curly not quite redhead (auburn?). Anyway, I use SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie with Silk Protein and Neem Oil. I also shampoo and condition with SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus. It’s phthalate-free, propylparaben-free, butylparaben-free, formaldehyde-free, formaldehyde donor-free, nonylphenol ethoxylate free, sodium lauryl sulfate-free, Sulfate-free, paraben-free, dye-free, and aluminum-free. One of my friends who is a few years older than I am convinced me that Sulfate-free and paraben-free are important to keep hair soft as we age. Just my experience, but I have found my hair to be softer since I switched.
As a straight hair girl, I never understood the trials of curly until a few ladies started discussing it at knit night. It was eye opening. There was a lot of agreeing advice to use an old t-shirt instead of a towel to dry hair.
I have scalp issues and scalp care is finally getting some more love from cosmetic scientists like skin care has over the last few years around dehydrated vs dry.
There’s also a haircare science reddit
This this this!! T shirt, not towel. Do not, do not, rub your hair. Squeeze it, down the length. Add product while hair is still wet, not damp. Comb, never brush. Good luck!!
Not sure if available in the US but for difficult hair I swear by Mane and Tail (and yes there is a picture of a horse on the bottle but it is for humans). Here in Ontario it is available at Shoppers Drug Mart. I used when I took out my son’s dreads and he now uses it regularly for his very poofy, very wavy, very thick shoulder length hair..
I’ve also seen it at Tractor Supply, Family Farm & Home, Mills Fleet & Farm; you get the idea . . .
+1 worked great for me. Still does, for the little chemo has left me.
I have pretty great looking curly hair and can say with confidence that hairbrushes are the devil, throw them out!
Morning shower required to get my method to work:
Get a salon quality shampoo and conditioner, finger comb your hair during conditioning, then at the end of the shower put a small amount of Bonacure Sealed Ends into the ends predominantly and fingercomb through the rest of you hair. Do not, at any point squeeze the water out of your hair. You need to step out of the shower dripping like a monster out of the blue lagoon.
Extremely loosely wrap your hair in a towel or cotton T-shirt for no more than 30 seconds, then spray all over and underneath with an anti-frizz spray. One like the John Frieda one specifically for curly hair is better.
While your head is still upside down from the spraying, gently gather up sections of your hair in your palm and scrunch them toward your scalp to encourage the curl pattern. Do this all over, then once right way up scrunch the top bits if necessary.
Leave to air dry, avoid fans and anything else that will blow your hair and frizz it. Occasionally (I’m talking once an hour) scrunch your hair again gently. Once totally dry you can flip your part to the other side to give the top more volume.
Day two+ just have your hair out when you have a hot shower but don’t get it wet, the steam will curl it up again. Or if a spot is really looking bad, scrunch it again with a wet hand. You can also dry shampoo the roots if needed.
I want to tell you how amazing you are and how much I love reading your work. You and Gordon are brilliant. I also enjoy your blog and appreciate how you share some of the good reads you find.
I am sorry that people were so rude and thoughtless. We should raise each other up not judge and snipe! I am glad you are doing what you need to in order to make yourself happy.
I have wavy, baby-fine hair that gets dry and frizzy easily. It looks voluminous but when gathered in a pony tail or braid the diameter is only about 3/4 of an inch. I tried the Low-poo shampoo from Devacurl and did not like it but you might want to see if it works for you. My hair stylist loves it and she has thick, curly hair. I’m about to try Oribe’s Gold Lust shampoo which is pricey but as I am also a fan of wash and go while my hair air dries then if it keeps it smooth it’ll be worth it to me. As far as taming the frizz after washing I love Bumble and bumble Hairdresser’s Invisible Oil and Caviar Anti-Aging Rapid Repair Spray. I know finding what works for your hair varies from person to person and I wish you all the luck!
I have the same hair and also dislike a lengthy hair routine. I use Marc Anthony Strictly Curls (curl defining lotion). I’ve used hundreds of products over the years and this is one of the best. I just put it through my wet hair after a shower, scrunch the hair and then leave it to dry naturally. I’m currently in NOLA in 98% humidity and you’d never know it!
Anything in the entire Shea Moisture line. I have very wavy hair as well and love their Jamaican Black Castor Oil line. Very moisturizing, but not nearly as much build-up as most of the super moisture conditioners.
I’m a wash-and-go kind of girl, so I like to keep things as simple as possible. Having said that, I can only use a wide-toothed comb when my hair is wet. I can’t use a hairbrush and I can’t comb/brush it when it’s dry or I look like a labradoodle who stuck a paw in a light socket. So I comb and let dry (or if it’s really cold, I’ll diffuse it) and generally get better results. But since every head of hair is different, I realize your mileage may vary.
Btw, I LOVED the white snake metaphor. I’m a Mississippi girl and I snorted. You are pure gold, as always.
I live in the South and I have curly hair. I recently found a product called, “Wow Dream Coat for Curly Hair.” It really works to battle humidity. Check out my curls in the photo. You can get it on Amazon or order it online at Not that expensive.
I’m sorry someone was so petty as to comment on your hair color, rather than focus on your talent and gift. I don’t color the white hair that is coming because to me it looks like lace against the black hair. I started having wavy hair the last few years (when I was younger it was straight and fine as could be), and my hairstylist recommended DevaCurl. I like it so far, but it’s not inexpensive.
I also have gone from board straight to wavy as I’ve gotten older. Definitely diff shampoos make my hair more or less curly tho. I’ve recently gone to the super cheap stuff (suave) due to its straightening affect on my hair
Nothing works that lasts once the product is removed and the scarf to slick the roots is gone.
Best all around are oils, Argan or Tea tree T roots hair repair leave in conditioner topically.
Then it reverts ?
Dry, fine curly hair over here. I use Aveda Be Curly shampoo and conditioner, and apply John Amico’s Drizzle when wet and allow to air dry. I end up with well-defined curls that are soft (not crunchy). It never looks the same two days in a row, but I do get compliments on it once in a while.
Disclaimer: I’m super lazy when it comes to hair/make up and spend zero time on it.
Hope you find the best combo of products for you!
P.S. Re-reading the Kate Daniels series for the 7th time. It’s by far my favorite of anything ever written by anyone. 😉
My daughter uses “Mixed chicks – leave in conditioner”. Added when her hair is wet and combs through then air dries. Adding moisture rather than stripping moisture out. Good luck with the hot and humid.
I have the exact same hair type and I actively use Ghost Oil from Sephora! I just apply about two pumps onto my damp hair so it’ll dry smooth. It’s about $16 a bottle but I’ve hd mine since June and I’m not even half way done with it. I also rec anything from Shea moisture because I also use their cream hair dye and it’s wonderful on my hair.
I have curly hair that I dye as well (I’m 50 and I’ll fight the gray hair to the death) and I use a combination of Paul Mitchell’s original “The Conditioner”, Nexus Humectress (because I have really frizzy hair and this seems to calm it a bit) that I comb through while in the shower and leave in, then Jessicurl’s Spiralicious & Confident Coils that I scrunch on the ends to keep the curls in place. I air dry (I hate drying also) and then scrunch when completely dry to loosen up the curls to give volume. 🙂
Put in some smoothing serum (I use Paul Mitchell) and curl boosting mousse (Herbal Essence… it’s cheap and good) and then twirl with your finger in small to medium spirals (it takes only about 2-3 min and I have A LOT of hair). Let dry wet or diffuse. It keeps the poodle out and controls the curl.
I very curly hair, and my go-to for the last few years has been:
Shampoo and Condition (1-2x week) with: NOT YOUR MOTHER’S Naturals Tahitian Gardenia Flower & Mango Butter Curl Defining Shampoo (available at Ulta I comb through it in the shower with a wide tooth comb.
Use a microfiber towel to gently squeeze excess water out, run some Argan Oil through the ends with my fingertips, then Briogeo Curl Charisma Leave-In defining creme and frizz control gel ( Then I let it dry while I sleep or air dry (occasionally diffuse if it’s cold or I’m in a rush)
I live in an area with pretty low humidity normally, but this still works well for me when I travel to high humidity areas.
Have you thought about trying the company function of beauty? I have wavy oily hair and their customized product has been working great for me for the last year.
I have the exact same type of hair and I have purchased dozens and dozens of products trying to tame my hair…and I finally have a great system that works to tame the frizz! I color and highlight my hair, so it gets very frizzy. This is what I use:
Paul Mitchell Awapui Shampoo
Loreal Elvive Smoothing Conditioner(I brush it through my hair and leave it in 20 minutes).
Argan oil(just a small amount worked into wet hair
Any brand of mousse, work in then scrunch hair.
I let it dry partially and then put in a ponytail on top of my head and sleep in it that way. The next morning I brush it out, then wet my hands with water and a little leave in spray on conditioner and then smooth hands over hair and scrunch a bit.
The shampoo is the most expensive,($20), but you only need a small amount so it lasts a long time.
The other products are around $4 each. I have purchased many other much more expensive products, including Olaplex 3,4,5, but this combo works the best.
For a moment there I was wondering how you heard about my hair 🙂 I’ve tried countless hair products with only fair results. I finally found a shampoo/conditioner which really works for me (disclosure, it’s a pricy one). Oribe Beautiful Color. I order it online because it would take me longer to battle Bay Area traffic to pick it up at the nearest salon.
I do a keratin treatment to my hair once every four months (the same time that I color and cut my hair) and it’s amazing. I don’t have to do anything else but let it air dry. I go to my stylist to get this done. (It can be expensive but there are lots of groupons out there to make it cost effective. ) I promise you will love it. Takes away all the frizz leaving wonderful wavy hair.,cs:1,sgro:iv&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwje8oKAoajgAhWG3oMKHYdKD4AQ-K4BegQIChBx
I also have curly hair and I use Dr. Broners leave in hair cream and a few drops of Argan oil at the roots. I don’t blow dry or style either. Too much work. This combination works wonderfully for me.
Try Function of Beauty ( You can create your own shampoo and conditioner for your type of hair. I have curly hair and this is the best stuff I’ve ever found. You fill out questions on your type of hair and qualities you want to maximize, then color and scent and they create a custom shampoo/conditioner combo. Everyone I’ve introduced to it has fallen in love and will never go back to regular store purchased shampoos & conditioners.
For shampoo and conditioner TIGI oatmeal and honey work well for me. I can wash my hair with it without stripping it, and even the shampoo seems a little conditioning. If you prefer a different shampoo using this once or twice a week can help keep residue from your regular shampoo down. Argon oil works but follow the directions and if you have asthma it might be a trigger. If things are being especially not helpful I like to use an old towel and soak my hair in oil oil (that you can buy for cooking) all day. It makes a big difference and is super cheap. The towel not only helps you not get oil everywhere, it helps keep the heat in and acts like a slower hot oil treatment. Before I bath I gently use a wet hair brush to detangle my hair, this seems to capture more loose hairs and help keeps things smoother on the other end. Definitely squeeze don’t rub when drying your hair. I have found using a hair pick instead of comb when hair is dry also helps reduce frizz.
I have straight hair with a slight wave naturally, but I bleach my whole head and put 3 different colors (all “unnatural” colors) on the right side and a white toner on the left. Needless to say, this does a number on my hair and I have to watch what I put on it to avoid the frizz. I love most anything involving nut oils, particularly macadamia and coconut. I too frequent Sally beauty supply – they have lots of stuff I like there. When I shampoo (twice a week), I use a masque conditioner (the ones in the little tubs) after and spray on a leave-in conditioner after. On days between shampoos, I use a regular conditioner to rinse off the dirt and apply the leave-in again post-shower. Most days now my hair is sleek and shiny. If I see that some frizz has snuck in, I use one of those spray coconut water thingies and I get good hair again.
Hope this helps!
Shampoo: Lush Jersey Bounce
Conditioner: Acure Simply Smoothing
The way that you described your hair is exactly how I describe mine. I’ve found that both shampoo and conditioner are equally important in this game.
I have wavy hair but live on the Gulf Coast so my hair frizzes badly in the summer Year round I use Aussie Mega Moist shampoo and conditioner in the summer time I use a leave in conditioner as well. I have heard about the Mane and Tail and have heard it is also good I don’t use a blow dryer and only towel and air dry. don’t ever brush it wet only fully dry. When wet I will use a wide tooth comb or finger comb into it’s usual style.
Best of luck with finding something – the little hair I have left gets clipped to stubble. There’s not enough left to do anything with.
I too have curly hair that doesn’t like to be dried. I recently began using Saphira’s Mineral Mud. My hair dresser told me to use it differently than the what the instructions say. Rather than put in on my hair in the shower and the wash it out I put about a 3/8” glob of the product in my palm. I the rub my palms together to distribute and warm the “mud” and then run my fingers and hands through my wet hair until the product is gone. You have longer hair than I do so you might want to use more product. I use a wide tooth comb to style. In the morning my hair is a bit wild. I usually comb my hair then thoroughly mist it with water and then scrunch the curls into place. I may lightly touch it up with the wide tooth comb. We live in Florida so I know about humidity and frizz. Good luck with finding a solution that works for you.
Thanks for all the hours of wonderful entertainment you and Gordon provide for us.
Former hairdresser here-lots of good products recommended here. Some things to also incorporate-never rub your hair with a towel. Scrubbing your hair roughens the cuticle. Don’t use a brush-wise toothed comb only.
Depending on your cut, hot rollers will give you smooth curls. Put them in and let them cool completely down. Taking them down while they are hot is pulling the curl back out. Once they are out and cool, use your fingers only, no brush and no comb.
We use Cantu products for my crazy curl daughter.
Like so many others here, I have curly/wavy hair that is colored. My hair is dry and can frizz, so I don’t wash it every day, especially in the winter. I use Wow products, a recent discovery. The company has curly and straight products and I hav e used both. I then alternate with combing conditioner through my hair and leaving it. So far I still have my 63 year old hair and it is a lot less frizzy than it used to be.
St. Ives makes two shampoo/conditioner combos which are supposedly safe for colored hair and seem to work for me (fine curly thin hair). I look like Alberta Einstein when I’m in hot humid windy settings, so the strengthening formula in the gold bottles or the damage repair formula were amazing. And talk about cheap…. And easy. Wash hair with shampoo, rinse, apply conditioner, wash body, rinse out conditioner, comb hair gently, air dry. Very quick and simple enough for me to do before work.
There is a product called, “Hask Placenta.”
They make other products as well, but that one is the best. It is inexpensive and has been around more than 50 years that I know of, because that’s how long I’ve used it.
Available from Walmart. I buy it from them online and have them mail it to me because I hate to shop. The shipping is free within the USA.
Another curly girl here — my absolute, best advice is to stay away from shampoos with sulfates and any conditioners & stylers with silicones. Ditching those ingredients was a huge help for me.
Good, affordable options: anything by SheaMoisture, but the Coconut & Hibiscus line in particular is really good; any of the Not Your Mother’s Naturals products. Both of these brands are usually at Walmart, Target, and Ulta. If you have a Trader Joe’s nearby, their Spa shampoo & conditioner are good & really cheap.
Good, pricey options: DevaCurl Original or Delight shampoo & conditioners (they also have lots of great styling products; anything by Briogeo; Living Proof No Frizz line. These are available at Ulta and/or Sephora.
Another general tip is to deep condition more frequently. I have a hard time sticking to this, but when I get a streak of deep conditioning on a weekly basis, my hair is less frizzy & more cooperative.
Moisture is the key! Sebastian, Living Proof, Devacurl all make great frizz free products. Hair masks also help keep moisture on your thirsty hair. ?
HAH! Good luck with this. I live in Louisiana and the humidity is like molasses! I have had good luck with the Hair Kandy hot brush for taming the locks between washings and generally giving everything a smooth look. Still trying various products and still look like Medusa on rainy days- which is most every day! Embrace the curls, mine is too straight to be curly and too curly to be straight. The joys of aging!
P.S. I have decided to embrace the gray and 18 months later everybody says they can’t tell the difference. Who knew I’d be a blonde with silvery highlights. It has never looked awful…… thank goodness!
I use Aveda’s “smooth infusion style-prep smoother” straight out of the shower, comb through using a wide-toothed comb, and that’s it – it works great for my curly hair! I haven’t tried their “be curly” style-prep, but I’ve heard it’s good too. I didn’t want to try them at first because they said “style prep,” implying that I’d have to do a bunch of work after using it, but my hairdresser is the one who turned me on to just putting it on damp hair and leaving it alone. It dries nicely and doesn’t turn into a fluff ball.
While I don’t have curls I do have very dry hair with a tendency to get electric and poofy… I am not sure if you can buy this brand in the states but I LOVE IT.. it’s called Aussie.. in general I’ve found that the australiens have many great hair and skin products.. when I really want something intense for my hair I start by really smothering it with arganoil for an hour or 2 before I shower… gives my hair lots and lots of moisture….
I use Deva Curl shampoo, conditioner/leave in conditioner and gel. it is awesome.
Devacurl products, hands down. I use whatever shampoo/conditioner I prefer, scrunch in Devacurl super hold gel, blow dry with a diffuser or air dry, and done. 5 minute or less hair time. It forms a non-crunchy cast on your curls you can scrunch out when dry and the curls stay soft looking but not frizzy.
I recently started using Zymox dog shampoo for my itchy flaky scalp. (It was the only one I could find *with* vitamin D and *without* sulfates or menthol.) I haven’t tried their conditioner yet, but if none of the other suggestions work out, it might be worth a try.
I’ve got dry frizzy and wavy hair. I usually color it. I also hate spending a long time on my hair.
Avalon Organics Therapy Thickening Shampoo and Conditioner is incredible.
I like the devacurl heaven in hair deep conditioner. Use that once a week instead of the normal conditioner.
And if you want to leave your hair alone while air drying but still get the pretty waves, I recommend the devacurl wave maker.
Sounds similar to my hair. Here’s what I do, and it might or might not work for you:
First thing I do in the shower is shampoo and condition, last thing I do in the shower is rinse out the conditioner.
Once out of the shower, I squeez out excess water and comb through my hair with a wide-tooth comb, parting it where I’m planning on leaving it.
Next, I apply a dime size amount of oil (argan, monoi, any you like) and scrunch it into my hair (make sure to create those curls!)
Lastly, I spray my Briogeo leave in conditioning spray all over my hair (not too much, I’ll be adding more) while scrunching my hair. I spray that same leave-in in my hands 3 or 4 times and scrunch that into my hair some more. I air dry my hair and once dry run my fingers through it to seperate the curls a little.
TLDR: Shampoo, condition, comb, oil, leave-in spray and scrunch
What works best for me is Olaplex. Your hairdresser does #1 and #2 as a treatment, but #3 is take home and it works wonderfully well on my frizzy, color treated hair. I used to use it once a week as a treatment, but now also use just a tiny bit as a leave in daily treatment.
My hair is wavy, too. It only looks good after a few days without washing. After I wash it, it just looks flat and curls in the oddest places. It is a pain, so I only ever throw it into a bun on top of my head.
1.neutrogena triple-moisture-deep-recovery-hair-mask
2. You can buy just the gloss part of the coloring kit
It sounds like whatever you’re using to wash it is stripping out too much of your natural hair oils Tina. What product do you use?
Shea Moisture Curl & Shine
For dryness:
Trader Joe’s Hair Mask
(Use like conditioner, rinse off in the shower)
For ringlets instead of frizz:
Cantu Moisturizing Curl Activator cream
(Apply to wet hair then drip dry)
I have full on curls that can go spiral when I use wonder waves… It’s by garnier fructis. (Sold at any chain store like Walmart or Target.)
I use Redken’s curvaceous. My hair has been awesome since I changed to a sulfur free shampoo/conditioner. (They don’t lather up as much as normal shampoo… but your hair will thank you.) Then I put in moraccan oil after…my hair runs on the dry side. (You need to get it at the salon or at a beauty supply store.)
Totally agree on sulphur-free products. In the winter, my hair will dry out so I sometimes wash without using shampoo at all, just use conditioner, but scrub like its shampoo.
My styling is much more complicated, but if i’m in a rush, I use Ouidad Climate Control gel and let it air dry, which let’s the curls be full and pretty.
The issue though too is that if you color your hair, you have to be careful about the products. Regular shampoo and conditioner and even summer masques can strip the color.
Hmm not sure this will apply to you–up here on the Plains it gets very cold & dry. Like 10%rh! So I’m usually looking to moisturize my hair to prevent the static cling, but avoid the hair slicked down by oil look. One of the best cheap (Walmart) products I’ve found is Garnier Fructis Pure Clean shampoo & creme rinse with Aloe Extract. Still gotta use a little hair product for the short wild grays on the top of my head but no cling, yay!
I have fine curly hair and live in Finland…
Moist summers and dry – seriously harsh dry from freezing and or radiator indoor heat – in winter…
I’m also SO not willing to put tons of crap – chemicals etc- on my scalp and skin but don’t want to look like Einsteins crazy sister either!
I found a recipe – with 2, yes TWO ingredients – that is like a miracle for my hair. Between shampoos, if things get a bit wild because of environmental forces, a damp hand smoothed down my hair restores the calm and shine…
6dl water + 1/4cup(slightly rounded) flax seeds.
That’s it!
Boil the seeds about 5 minutes, cool, strain through a knee high stocking bought for that purpose and apply to hair after washing and patting/squeezing pretty dry.
The drying – au naturel – takes slightly longer but then I’m set 🙂
The flax seed has natural oils that are good for hair and scalp and no garbage being applied to skin or scalp!
My sister adds jojoba oil or tea tree oil to the bottle but I don’t…
Hope one of these suggestions help! I especially like the flax gel since I can make it up, no additives, preservatives, chemicals etc and it is inexpensive and WORKS! I just bought an applicator bottle – my sister uses a ketchup bottle from a picnic set – and wash it out and refill as I use it….
One recipe makes enough to last me – with my fine hair and only shoulder length – a couple of months… I make up a new batch while waiting for my tea to steep …
Easy peezy!
I’m confused. Is this flaxseed gel mixture something you do in the shower as a “shampoo”? If so does it get your hair cleanish? Or do you do this gel stuff between washings? And if so does the gel dissipate or can you see it or feel it?
I have patients from Mexico and they get so confused when I’m telling them the benefits of eating ground flaxseeds because this is something they typically only used on their hair!
She said she applies it to her damp hair after a shower. Idk… you could probably use it for a refresh on days you don’t wash your hair.
It’ll make a gel. It’s actually really nice. The water to seed ratio can be varied depending on how thick you want it.
Don’t brush it. Mines curly, I comb it through when I condition it, then again after washing and then just let it do it’s thing until the next wash!
Hi Ilona, I have very curly hair which frizzes all year long. Whether it’s long or short, coloured or natural blonde now going grey. I use light oils (whichever ones). I add them to my mop of hair just out of the shower and then wrap a towel over my head to absorb excess oil so I don’t look like my hair is still wet and it’s not to heavy or droopy. Good luck (my brand is John Frieda in the Frizz ease range)
Oh also I don’t brush my hair if I want my natural loose ringlets. If I want looser waves I use more of the above oil and can brush it whenever. I love brushing my hair so when I do not the curls look good for a few days and then look messy so I wash my hair to start again. Sometimes twisted bun curls (dry in bun) can also look amazing. Just for your information my haircut is always layered to take the weight out of it with out lossing my choise of length. I’m 53 and have done it all lol xxK
For curly hair in South Texas the best thing I have found is Biosilk Silk Therapy Original. Its fantastic. I use Pantene Curl Perfection shampoo and conditioner, and the Biosilk is a leave in conditioner, keeps me from having poodle hair. The only time I brush my hair is before I wash it, and comb it after to spread the conditioner. When its dry I use a wide tooth comb. My Hairdresser told me about Biosilk, Sally’s may have it but I order it from Amazon.
I also use Biosilk Silk Therapy Original and love it–apply to damp hair, comb through, and let my hair dry naturally. Helps keep the frizzies at bay!
Hairdressers don’t like Pantene as when you come to colour hair it doesn’t take well to the hair shaft because of the coating the Pantene products leave on your hair, It’s great if you don’t want to colour your hair otherwise don’t use it! I’ve got dead straight hair so can’t help with the curl and frizz thing but I know the kids detangler you can buy works on my granddaughters ringlets perhaps look at some children’s hair products as they never seem as heavy as adult ones
I have wavy hair that has become increasingly frizzy as I get older. I also color it. I like to use L’Oreal Elvive Color protecting shampoo. I then use Aussie 3 Minute Miracle conditioner, leaving it on my hair for the rest of my shower & making sure to rinse with cool water. I towel dry then apply Ganier Fructis Anti-Frizz Serum, varying the amount based on weather conditions. I hope some of this helps!
I also have wavy and frizzy hair and I love the aussie 3 minute miracle. I’ve tried all kinds of conditioners and always come back to that one. The L’Oréal Elvive is also one of my faves.
Look up the curly girl method. I’m in Texas too and I follow it religiously and my curly hair has never looked better. Stay away from sulfates and silicones. It might be a bit rough to start but it will be great once your hair acclimates.
I’m a Floridian now living in TX and I’ve got long curly hair, color-treated with highlights. My stylist applies Olaplex every 6-7 weeks, then I use Olaplex #3 at home with Pureology Hydrate shampoo and conditioner. I also use Redken Frizz Dismiss FPF 30 every day, and it does help. I’ve heard good things about the Curly Girl Method, so I’m trying it this weekend.
I second this Curly Girl recommendation. Frizzy lifelong straightening was my life to look “polished.” The curly girl method absolutely works but can be overwhelming at first. I recommend the Reddit curly hair page to help you get the basics down and simplify as much as possible. Once I discovered it, life got easier (and cheaper!). Now I get stopped in my office elevator with compliments on my waves and curls from strangers! Good luck- and keep is fellow curlies updated.
Texan here, too. I learned how to deal with my loose wavy hair that my mother always called messy by reading The Curly Girl Handbook, too. It is available on Amazon. GREAT book. So what I do now is wash my hair about once a week and I only lather up one time. (Scalp is skin, use soap – shampoo- on it. Hair is fiber like wool- keep the soap at a minium on it.) Then I use conditioner again lathering up one time. Get out of the shower and use one of those microfiber towels and wrap my hair up. When I’m ready, I comb my hair using a wide-toothed comb and I do this with my head hanging down at my knees. Using a dollop of clear mousse, I work that through my hair and then scrunch my hair up still with my head hanging down To my knees. Then I fling my head upright and let the waves fall were they may. (I do add a part.) Then I let it air dry…an advantage of living in Texas. This sounds complex…takes 5 minutes except for the drying. After every thing is very, very dry, I comb out with that wide- tooth comb and add a light bit of hair gloss for shine. This is good for about a week.
I second the Curly Girl method! There is a book by Lorraine Massey and many Youtube videos. It’s a game changer!
You might want to check and see how porous your hair is (take a strand & put it in a bowl of water. if it floats after 5 minutes, it’s not porous. If it sinks right away, it’s super porous). Some anti-frizz or silkening stuff only works on normal – very porous hair, so it’s important to check!
I have fluffy, wavy, incredibly non-porous dyed hair, so it was hard to find stuff that worked for me.
My hairdresser gave me this advice: in the shower let the conditioner sit in it for a few minutes and then brush it out with a comb before washing out the conditioner. It should be easy to comb through before you wash it out.
I have wavy frizzy very fine hair and use Shea Moisture Argan & Almond Milk Shampoo and Conditioner which cuts the frizz magically somehow.
I think three things have mainly helped:
1. Get rid of the harsher sulphate surfactant in shampoo
2. Use a silicone free conditioner. Basically, a sulphate-free shampoo doesn’t cleanse harshly enough to get the silicone coating off your hair (which forms an occlusive barrier and makes your hair shiny)
3. Use some kind of silicone free leave in conditioner that works for you
I forgot to add the problem with the silicone coating is that when you put in a conditioner, the silicone occlusivity blocks your hair from being able to absorb the conditioner.
Before I figured this out, I was using a leave in conditioner that made my hair looks great at first but over time I noticed it just got worse and more frizzy.
I’m half Sicilian and have the very fine, frizzy hair from Hell. I use a cheap leave-in conditioner after washing and conditioning like usual. I also don’t wash it every day, dries it out too much. And I have had good luck with product designed for black women, whose hair is actually quite fragile, even though I’m white. Google “hair type black women” and you’ll find a whole hair classification system and product designed for each.
Cool idea!
I have the same kind of hair that you do. I tried Shea moistures hair strengthening shampoo and conditioner and it works so good. I was really shocked. You can get it on Amazon or at your local drugstore. I also found free trial and error that some of the hair silk type of oil that you put on when it’s damp also works really well at keeping it from getting frizzy.
I use a very wide-tooth comb while hair is wet, then as it dries a little, I gently finger-comb it. Just leave it alone after this and air-dry, and your waves will be naturally smooth! I hope.
Try Monat products. My hairdresser got me hooked on them. Your hair looks like crap for a week ( thank goodness for messy buns) while your hair adjusts but then it is fantastic.
Definitely feel your pain. 🙂 I use Aveeno Pure renewal moisturizing shampoo and conditioner with seaweed extract. They are both sulfate free, which makes my curls shape better. If I need extra moisture, I spray on a leave-in conditioner (like Aveeno nourish+condition leave in treatment).
My saving grace though is my Aquis hair towel. If you haven’t used microfiber towels yet, I definitely recommend it. I wrap my hair in the towel out of the shower for 3-4 min, and then take it down to dry. It pulls the extra water out to keep my hair from dripping forever, but doesn’t frizz my hair.
Good luck finding something to work for you!
I have wavy hair that tends toward fuzzy ringlets if left to its own devices. If I brush it when its dry, I look like I’m cosplaying a Christmas tree. I don’t blow dry, because I do t have the patience. Product or not, brush it, done.
For light frizz days or mild detangling: Carol’s Daughter black vanilla leave in conditioner. Light, impossible to overdo, smells fantastic.
High frizz days or super detangling and light curl management: It’s a Ten miracle leave-in product. Heavier, can overdo and come out oily, also smells good.
All day pretty decent curls with very little frizz: Not Your Mother’s Kinky Moves curl defining hair cream. Wash, brush, flip your head upside down to finger comb and scrunch, done.
I have super thick hair that is coarse/wavy. In the humidity it starts to look vaguely like I did a home spiral perm. (So, so awesome). I color my hair & usually favor vibrant colors so I stick with sulfate free shampoos. I really like L’oreal Ever Pure Moisture & Elive Extraordinary Oil. If I’m feeling the urge to splurge, I’ll buy Redken’s Frizz Dismiss.
I highly recommend LUS Love UR Curls. They have three different curl types – wavy, curly, and kinky. Changed my life!
Try WEN. They have it for colored hair and it is a cleaning moisturizer combo, It is not a shampoo. It is a little expensive but it should work for you. My daughter 24 has curly really thick long hair and uses it. She said it was the best stuff she has ever used. I gave it to her for her birthday a few years ago, now she uses it regularly and loves it. I use it too but I have straight hair go figure, so I use the tea tree one. It keeps your hair clean for longer periods and I never get static. Hope it works for you. WEN has a web site, qvc sells also
You can get better deals with WEN on QVC than Chaz Dean’s website. I buy my WEN products from QVC. 🙂
I tried Wen and it was super expensive + stripped the color.
I must caution against using Wen. It worked brilliantly but made my daughter’s hair fall out. She got bald spots. Google it. It’s been a problem for this company.
I don’t know if this will help out but there is a product called Orofluido (Hair Elixir).
It seems to work with different types of hair. I apply it by literally letting a very thin film of the oil on the inner portion (where the backbone is) of a medium wide toothed comb like a Detangler.
After toweling off as much water as I can, I just run the comb through and untangle my hair. I’ve only ever just done 1 application each time but you could probably opt to ‘refill’ the comb if you like.
The oil is very, very light and does not weigh down the hair. It just enables you to have greater control of it and keeps it nice , smooth and shiny.
I’ve always had problems with my hair ‘grooming’-wise. With this stuff, I don’t have every hair sticking out of my head after washing it
And, full disclosure, I have Asian (Filipino) hair but have given this to a number of friends who love what it does to their hair and they have (if there are such things), Costa Rican-, African American-, Irish-, Colombian-, Portuguese- and Asian (Chinese) hair.
What a great idea! Thanks.
You are welcome.
I hope it works well for you as it has everyone else I know who uses it.
DevaCurl is by far the best.
I have used Wen for 10 years and you couldn’t pry it out of my cold dead hands. I have very curly hair and this is the only thing that makes it behave. You do have to use a ton, if you skimp on quantity your hair won’t get clean. But truly, I used to buy out drugstores looking for solutions and that hasn’t been necessary since I started with it.
Go to:
*These products are great and they have videos on their website to help.
1) Curl Cleansing conditioner. It is shampoo and conditioner. It will help with dry hair. It is one of those that does not suds up so it feels weird at first.
2) Then add- Curl Defining Cream when wet. Scrunch and let air dry. It will control the frizz, define your curls and it smells great.
It is more expensive than store bought stuff but completely worth it.
I second this. My favorite leave in oil type conditioner I’ve found that is by the Asian on-line site after bath hair oil. It’s a leave in hair treatment. They also have a leave in hair serum for color treated hair. It’s got top reviews and people comment on how it tames frizzy hair.
I would also recommend a sulfate free shampoo. My preference is ABBA brand.
I have similar hair I use Suave Keratin Shampoo and Conditioner for colored hair. After I towel dry my hair some I use suave sleek anti frizz smooth and shine cream. I have colored my hair for years and have spent hundreds of dollars on various products and I keep coming back to these.
My hair is curly, not wavy, but the strand is fine and I’ve definitely had problems with frizz. In the past I used Ouidad products, which would also work for the hair you’re describing, until they were no longer imported into my area (I live in Canada). I’m currently using devacurl, which is highly moisturizing. It’s a no lather shampoo and very hydrating conditioner. There are also leave in products and masks you can use. I use the deep conditioning line of products but there is also a regular line, or you could probably regularly use just the deep-conditioning shampoo and occasionally the conditioner. I’ve also occasionally used Briogeo’s products (the curls line, or the 2-in-1 highly conditioning avocado shampoo). I’ve also heard good things about the moisturization in the Moroccan Oil products. If you’re having problems with frizz avoid any shampoo that is volumizing – it dries hair out. The last time I accidentally used it (I grabbed the wrong bottle in the shower) I looked like I’d stuck my finger in an electric socket.
The main thing to do afterwards is to comb, not brush, unless you’re brushing your hair back into an updo. Combing detangles and brushing can dry it out or distort the shape of your hair when it’s dry or drying therefore making it frizzy. I generally just use the products I’ve mentioned, and sometimes a bit of leave-in cream or gel, comb my hair when it’s still wet (right after a shower) and let it air dry. I find that way it doesn’t get heat damage or dry out and the shape stays nice. If you’re having problems with frizz after it’s dry you can use a very light amount of hair cream or oil and coat a very thin layer on your hands and smooth down flyaways – make sure to curl each strand/wave that’s misbehaving backwards over your wing, in the direction away from your face. If you use a tiny amount it should do the trick and not look greasy. Hope that helps!
I meant finger! Not wing -.-‘ Stupid autocorrect…
I haven’t read all the posts so someone else might have mentioned the Deva Curl products. I have curly hair and always suffered the big hair when I brushed it. I don’t brush it anymore. I use the No-Poo shampoo and then the Deva One conditioner. Then put on the holding product (name escapes me) and let it dry. The holding product, still not remembering the name, forms a cast around the curls or waves as it dries and then you scrunch to release the curls. I now wash my hair about every three days and don’t brush at all. I do comb out any tangles with my fingers day 2 & 3. Huge difference in my curls. They are the ringlet type people pay money to get put in their hair. I get the products through Amazon. Ah! Defining hair gel is the third. I use super but you would probably use something lighter for waves. The product line has a website if you want more info.
Mixed Chicks has a great line of products for curly hair that works really well….
Since I happen to have some weird allergies which make purchasing personal care products a real adventure (as in reading the label every time to make sure no one has changed things up), I tend to keep my routine as simple as possible. And since my hair really, really does not like chemicals, I keep my routine as simple as possible. I’m one of those people who has curly hair, the longer it gets, the curlier it gets. If I let it grow out, I end up losing a minimum of six inches in the curl by the time it gets long enough to look long. And since when it comes to styling my hair, ten thumbs would be an improvement for me because I have absolutely NO talent for hair style (wasn’t too good with my daughters, either), I keep my hair really, really short. Fortunately, I have the bone structure to get by with it.
I’ve found that the simplest routine for me involves putting essential oils on my wet hair and mussing it into place. But for people whose hair likes to frizz no matter what the length, coconut oil works wonders. I’ve used it and it made my hair less inclined to frizz even when the weather was hideously humid. And I live in Texas. I’ve been in east Texas next door to Louisiana, the Dallas/Fort Worth area, the south central area between Austin and Houston, and in west Texas around Lubbock. So, I’ve experienced all the ways my hair can unfriend me.
Good luck.
My hair curls so much it ties itself in knots. It was mentioned before but I use frizzease by john frieda
I have a friend with thick, coarse, curly hair and she swears by Lush products. Curly Wurly shampoo ( and Jungle conditioner (
You recently moved, so the issue may be the change in water, not necessarily your shampoo/conditioner. Water varies in different areas and this does affect your hair and how products work.
I suggest using a shampoo and conditioner that contains citric acid. (People both support it and reject it on the internet.) For me, it really does remove buildup, close/smooth the hair cuticle, and leave my hair shinier and softer.
Currently, I love Paul Mitchell Shampoo Two (clarifying) with Paul Mitchell The Detangler (conditioner). You may prefer Shampoo One (gentle), depending on your water. I would try these before continuing with heavier, moisturizing products. But, if after, you still want more oil, Biosilk does work well to tame curls/fizz.
So I also have dry frizzy curly hair that I colors and prefer wash and go as well. I use Aveda hair products. Aveda Be Curly cowash and damage remedy intensive restructuring treatment for shampoo and conditioner your only supposed to use them like once every three days or once a week. However I wash my hair everyday day and use them most days in between I use the be curly shampoo and conditioner. I also use the dry remedy oil right before I brush my hair. The products are a little more expensive but for me worth it. Good luck and if you don’t mind sharing what you decide on to help the rest of us that would be awesome.
Living Proof no frizz is the best thing on earth! There is a whole line. I LOVE IT!
I have had success with davines love smoothing shampoo with matching conditioner and leave in. I only wath every couple days too. Natural oils and a wide tooth comb do wonders.
I didn’t read everything but I think I saw some Curly (and wavy!) Girl stuff. I use Ion hard water shampoo because I swim- but I use Great Value Product conditioner humectress I think it’s called. It’s silicon free so I actually use it and then reapply and leave it in (a lot because I have ringlet like curls). I use a gel and then blow dry on low. But you can also air dry- my husband calls that air curing bless his heart. :0). And you color or don’t color your hair to your heart’s content. Some people’s kids. :0)
So I straighten out my curls, I’m done with them… I used to call mine the lion look.
Washing: Dove shampoo, Unite Deep conditioning masque.. then 7-seconds leave in conditioner, and argon oil.
Dry out the Curls: I brush with a regular brush, partially dry it (about halfway), then, I pull 1/2 of it on top of my head (with a clip) and dry with this curling brush ( and dry it straight.
It seems hard, but I can do it now in under 10 min and I only wash with shampoo every 2-3 days to keep the dry away. Go to a Blow out bar at an Ulta or something to have them show you.
oopss, wrong youtube: try this one instead
Firstly, LOVE your writing! Books, snippets, newsletters. . . so so good. So many times I’ve been caught in public laughing to myself.
Now to the frizz. The nemesis of every curly/wavy haired girl. Those feckers with their naturally obedient, beautiful, shiny hair just don’t understand what we go through!! I’ve long wavy hair, with not very thick individual hair strands, but a whole lot of it. Without any effort I either look like a bedraggled shipwreck victim, or someone auditioning for the role of crazy aunt/evil witch (basically a wild frizzy ‘fro); depending on the heat and humidity. Neither a good look.
Despite that, I have the same views on the amount of time I’m willing to put into controlling it. I do hot yoga/ exercise out in the rain daily and do not have it in me to spend a lot of time taming the mane. Just no. I’ve tried many, many products (including the ever-lauded oils – left my hair fairly soft, but with a layer of frizz on top. Not the goal).
The best I’ve found in terms of balancing the effort I put in vs the result is this.
–I use: fairly basic shampoo. I’m here in Ireland and use head n shoulders; a decent mask/conditioner for fine hair, which won’t make it heavy. I use the Loreal Serie Expert one, which I got from one of those hairdressers supply places; and Shu Uemura Wonder Worker Blow Dry primer. Fairly pricey, but truly AMAZING. and mine is still going after 2 years. So worth it! If I was to recommend one thing it’d be this. Life-Altering.
(Also, their whole range is pretty brilliant, but waaay beyond what I’m willing to spend)
So I just, wash; shove in some conditioner, comb through with wide-toothed comb; leave for a couple of minutes; rinse; squeeze out with a towel; spray the Shu Uemura stuff a few times in the general direction of my hair; comb with wide-toothed comb and I’m good to go 🙂 Doesn’t turn out like I’ve been to a salon, but it tones down the ‘wild’.
Also, if there’s ever a wedding/date/reason to put effort into my hair, it works as a protector spray for the dryer/straightener/etc. Multi-tasking 🙂
Good luck with the frizz- control. Hope this helps!!
Wow. . . so went on a wee rant there. Apologies!!
I buy Marc Anthony hair products for curly hair. I have to use about 4 different products in my hair so I don’t have the world’s largest white woman afro. I do the shampoo and conditioner for curly hair then mousse and gel while it is wet. Then every day I use leave in conditioner with spritzed water and a wet hair brush tame the bushy and try to get it back to some type of wave or curl. By day 3 I give up and wear it in a flipped up doubled up pony tail. Day 4 I wash it and the cycle starts again.
I have Course wavy hair that’s now frizzy from coloring… I refuse to spend a lot of money on product. Coarse, thick, wavy hair needs and can handle a lot of product it needs it to tame it. Wash it towel dry add an anti-frizz serum like garnier fructis sleek & shine or macadamia nut oil to it when wet. Then add something creamy like Mark Anthony the freezing coconut cream. Putting it in loose braids for awhile after towel dried helps keeps the poodle poof away.
I went away for the weekend once and all they had in their house was fine thin hair product. I looked like Rosanne Rosannadanna by Sunday morning!
I have thick, wavy, difficult to control hair. Moroccan oil shampoo & conditioner work the best. Aveda Brilliant hairspray really smooths and shines it, too. You wouldn’t think so because it’s a hairspray, but it is not sticky and doesn’t really hold anything. It’s good a smoother/shiner – in fact, best product I’ve ever used in the smooth/shine department (and I’ve used lots). If you want to tame your curls, put Curls Rock by TIGI on when wet and let air dry. It’s the best “go natural” look I can do.
Check out IGK. The bag and bougie shamp/cond. Is super hydrating will help. And the Rich Kid coconut gel will help control your mane while air drying.
I have wavy hair. Mine never hits Merida without the help of a diffuser and product though. But I do get fuzzy and I color my hair so it’s pretty dry.
And I am extremely fussy about my hair products. I use this for a blow-dry protector: As long as you don’t use too much it works really nicely for controlling fizz without making hair heavy and oily. Gives my hair shine and manageability and straightens beautifully.
I also use this Wella Fusion Plex Hair Mask once a week:
My scalp is oily though, so I won’t recommend a shampoo and conditioner.
Deva Curl — I love it for my curly/ wavy, colored hair. It doesn’t strip the color, and my curls are moisturized. I put their Wavemaker lotion on while it’s wet and go. It’s awesome!
I have no idea, but when you find out what works, let me know.
As the person at the DMV told me when I objected to them putting my hair colour as grey on my driver’s license for the first time. “Hey, its better than “None”.” 🙂
I have curly hair. I thought it was frizzy and wavy, then a friend showed me the proper way to care for it and the difference is astounding. I like my hair super low maintenance. The key is to not brush it when it is dry. I brush it when wet right after the shower then finger comb gel through it, scrunch, and let dry. It dries in wet looking ringlets then I get my hands wet in the sink and scrunch one more time to get beautiful curls.
For a great guide to products and styling tips check out
I have similar hair, and I use devacurl products. I only need their wavy hair shampoo and conditioner for nicely defined hair. However, this is only for if you want your hair to look wavy on a regular basis: I can’t get mine to not fro out while straight without an iron.
Hi Ilona,
Isn’t it strange that some weirdos think the state of your hair is a subject to judge you upon? Just cuz some folks find taming & bullying their hair into some “attractive” social norm form, it bugs them to see others don’t find that a big priority…
Now, if you are game to enjoy & appreciate the hair that you have with potions & lotions that are a treat to your senses, that’s another story. 🙂
I think the recommendations should take into consideration your life style, as well as hair type and scent preferences. If you are generally a “wash & go” person like me, with coarse, thick, wavy, low porosity hair, here are my favorite products. Maybe you’ll like them too.
Playa shampoo and oil – pricey but the shampoo is so thick that you only need to use very little to get a good wash. The scent reminds me of an old church or an Asian temple (sandalwood?). I love it & the oil too.
Kevin Murphy Easy Rider – this Aussie one is styling & treatment in one, very good for thick dry hair, a little goes a long way. Smells kinda sweet, touch of lavender and something else. Their shampoo & conditioner is nice too.
Christophe Robin Cleansing Mask With Lemon – I love this, but use it only once a week or so cuz it’s best after you leave it in for a bit, and rinse out very thoroughly. Awesome for those “slow living” soak in bath nights. Do you have those?
If you like an easy to find and lower priced option, OGX Coconut Curls line is pretty good.
I recommend vigorously brushing in all directions (front to back, back to front, side to side), from scalp through length of hair before washing, shampoo only as often as you need (not daily), use towel to gently scrunch excess water from hair, scrunch styling/moisturizing products in (don’t rub or rake through), and let dry naturally. I find not brushing at all does give better hair, but for me, I need & enjoy the circulation that brushing provides.
Get samples of Playa & Christophe Robin from Sephora. No need to buy a bunch of stuff & find yourself with a heap of unwanted bottles cluttering your bathroom (this happened to me).
Also, try relishing & luxuriate having a head full of hair ‘cuz if you’ve ever lost your hair due to an illness or other reason, you’d miss having poodle/dandelion/Pom Pom/umbrella hair (this happened to me too).
Thank you & Gordon for writing and putting your work out there. XO
Curly hair, slightly more curly than yours. I spend less than 5 min a day on my hair. I use the Ion products too, but I use the Luxe. It is a heavier shampoo and conditioner and it helps keep the poof down.
After I wash and I get it to a damp state by squeezing it in a towel and waiting a few minutes, I add Potion 9. It is a generic product and is fantastic and adds moisture, reduces tangles and calms my hair down.
I sleep with it plopped in my head or in a bun.
In the morning I use a spray bottle to get my hair slightly damp. I comb with a wide comb while it’s wet and sort of place the hair in place and scrunch it. Then I use the Sebastian Shaper hairspray. It says it’s dry brushable styling hairspray. Such a great product. I let it dry. After about 20 minutes I scrunch and break apart the curls slightly and they stay pretty well. If I am still at home at that point I’ll add a little more hairspray. It stays down and in curls all day. I’ve been doing this for about 5 months now and it’s the best curls I’ve had on my head ever.
I usually spend about 2-4 minutes doing my hair and it is easy to do. I wash it every 3 days, sometime 4. The hairspray doesn’t build up or get sticky when I spray it with water the next day. All of these products I get at Sally Beauty Supply.
I’ve got thick, dry, coloured hair, but it’s more curly than wavy, not spirals, but still, mostly defined curls. Here’s what I’ve figured out after 30 some years.
I shampoo it twice a week, three times if I get particularly sweaty. However, I condition every day. I use a drug store shampoo and conditioner for dry/damaged hair (Alberto VO5, because I’m old school and cheap.)
I squeeze out any excess water with my towel and add a cream leave-in conditioner from the drugstore (Daily Defense, maybe?).
I work that in with my fingers, kind of finger combing it.
I never brush my hair. Brushing it, for me, makes the hair bigger and gives me split ends, which makes it look frizzy and awful.
Then I add a small amount of gel and I’m done. Generally, that works.
It’s taken me forever to figure this out and I still have to make small changes based on humidity, whether the shower water is soft or hard, planetary alignment (just kidding), etc.
Best of luck to you!
This! I have curly hair and discovered this when I was 14. I’m 35 now.
Always condition. Never brush. When I shower, I put on conditioner and run my fingers through my hair to get out the knots. After the shower, put on leave in conditioner/hair cream and a little gel. I tried lots of different hair creams until I found one I liked.
another curly-wig here who’s hair frizzes to reiterate the most important point here: NEVER brush your hair. Finger-combing is plenty
Wavy frizzy hair here. I’ll also agree that brushing is the devil. I haven’t owned a brush since I left my mom’s house 15 years ago (she kept buying them for me because she finds it disturbing to not brush hair). I finger comb my hair before I shower and when I’m conditioning my hair. I also only wash my hair twice a week. I don’t use conditioner every day, but that’s mostly because I haven’t thought of it.
I don’t use super expensive shampoo & conditioner, it’s TRESeme extreme moisturizing or curl renew. And of course, avoid anything that says volumizing. 😉
I find the less I touch my hair the less poofy it gets. Good Luck!
I have short hair now but when my hair was long it would curl if I scrunched it and sort of wave if I did nothing. I avoided towel drying my hair and instead used an old T-shirt to squeeze (never rub) my hair a bit and then I’d wrap it around my head while I put on lotion, etc. That seemed to make a difference for my friz level.
I have short, very curly hair that, when humid, goes all “poodle” on me. I also color it…had vowed not to, until I was asked if my then three year old daughter was my grandchild (I was 38).
I use Pureology Hydrate Shampoo/Conditioner–I don’t comb or brush my hair, but use a wide toothed pick. Then I take some Fructis gel, massage it in and call it good.
Good luck (:
I too use Pureology hydrate and also the full line of styling products to either straighten or leave it wavy. I have found that switching up product lines every 3-6 months helps. Aquage is my other go to but it seems to fade my color faster. Alterna is good too.
I have the wavy/kinky/frizzy thing going on and I also color my hair. I bite the bullet and get a keratin treatment twice a year and it’s so amazing! I can dry my hair and go. Sometimes I can even just get out of bed and run a brush through it and it’s good. I spent years on straighteners, gels, mousses, everything and this is a total game changer. It’s U.S. $300 but lasts for six months so you might want to start out with it for summer months only.
I was going to say the same thing! I was a hold out until a couple of years ago, but it’s worth it for me.
Beware all keratin treatments are not the same. Some do nothing but the true Brazilian Blowout is 3 months of magically perfect hair for me with no need for product/care/fuss. Talk to your stylist about it.
Second the keratin treatment. Because of health issues my hair is bone dry very coarse. Curly poodle hair. I color it professionally because the color coats the hair shaft and helps texture. I gently comb it only and carefully put conditioner on it wrap it up top of my head every night. And I wash it maybe 2 3 times A MONTH!!! It doesn’t smell is little below shoulder length and looks feels fine. Weird.
I third the keratin treatment idea. I have curly frizzy hair. I do a keratrin treatment myself at home for $40 instead of paying $200 a pop at the salon. It has literally changed my life – I wear my hair down most days now! It only took me 40 years to actually like my hair and can run my fingers through it!
I have thick curly hair with highlights (so very dry) and I use olaplex No. 4 Shampoo and No.5 Conditioner. It has really helped my hair feel more hydrated and manageable. It is a little on the pricey side but I think it is well worth the money. Hope this helps!
Remember to emulsify in your hands before using. It’ll keep you from wasting seriously concentrated product!
Camille Rose Naturals — Moroccan Pear Conditioning Custard or Curl Love Moisture Milk. One is a leave in conditioner, but I use them both as washout conditioner.
I have very long (nearly to my tailbone), wavy, VERY frizzy hair that is incredibly finicky. I live in New Mexico, so it’s also really dry if I don’t take very special care of it. SIGH. I’ve realized my hair does best when I use a conditioner that has behentrimonium methosulfate as one of its first/main ingredients. It’s a natural conditioning agent and really help with frizz and manageability like truly nothing else I’ve used. Basically any conditioner I use that has that in the top few ingredients ends up being a winner for me.
I also do occasional overnight hair oiling with coconut oil, and that can sometimes have magical results.
Hi, I used Enjoy luxury for years until they changed the formula. It took me over a year to find something that worked for my hair. I also have naturally wavy hair that goes poodle but it’s fine so I have to find balance between hydration and not too heavy. I also color just because I like to. I really like Nexxus keraphix shampoo and conditioner and alternate with the color assurance conditioner. Good luck!
I found a book. I have curly/wavy hair that was prone to frizz. So I decided to do what I always do when faced with an obstacle. I found a book. It’s called Curly Girl, the Handbook. And following it has done amazing things for my hair.
Milbon. I swear by it.
I find Argan oil very good for dry wavy hair. You can just use the oil after washing but before blow drying or also use the shampoo and conditioner and oil.
I have very mixed curly hair and I don’t like to fuss with it or use a ton of products. I like the Ouidad curly hair products. They are a little spendy, but definitely worth it. The Recovery Whipped Curls Daily Conditioner and Styling Primer, in particular is amazing at taming frizz and leaving your hair awesome! You can even put it in and go with no other styling cremes, gels, etc.
I am now using Drybar sake bomb shampoo and conditioner on very thick wavy-gravy hair and like it very much.
Cheap stuff but works great. Mane Choice Easy on the Curls Detangling & Hydration Shampoo (also conditioner). Also Main Choice Tropical Moringa Oil and Honey. Can be bought in the “ethnic” section of Walmart (that cracks me up) or on Amazon. Looks like a Unicorn pooped it out but it smells great and works great. Used it when my hair came back in less curly then before after chemo. Around $14.00 per bottle and a little goes a long way.
Thought I was the only person who called their hair “full poodle”.
Aveda Damage Remedy Conditioner. Literally the consistency of paste. It’s over a hundred bucks a liter but it’s glorious and lasts me over a year and I have very long hair. Smaller less costly sizes available ?
If you find out, let me know. I can’t use anything with silicons, it makes my hair look lifeless and unwashed. Even the “light” ones. I can’t use anything with glycerin, makes my hair into a puffball (and try finding something for curly hair that doesn’t have glycerin). And I can’t use anything scented, 95% of fragrances make me ill. I’ve been using seaweed co unscented shampoo and conditioner. It works ok I guess. I was using As I Am conditioning cowash, but the fragrance they add started bothering me, and it tends to build up pretty fast. I’m thisclose to trying to figure out how to make my own stuff. Or shaving my head and wearing wigs.
I color my hair with henna. It makes my white hairs a very bright red, and my black ones auburn. I started getting grays in my 20s, and developed an allergy to boxed hair dye. Yay.
I’m a henna girl too ? so it’s now outrageously bright where I have white hairs! Couldn’t pay for that kind of colour job
Very dry scalp (menopause) & hair so found a locally handmade shampoo & conditioner to use, as sensitive to virtually all commercial products
Occasionally overnight soak with natural oil (argan, coconut, almonds etc) and learning to live with it being so flyaway.
All right, ladies, I am going to take advantage of this post to ask about one more part of these products. I have fine, long hair that will do the spiral curls, but because it’s fine tends to fall out to sort of wavy. I’ve been looking for something that will hydrate and keep the curl, but I need something that either has no smell or a coconut smell. I can’t tolerate most perfumes at all any more, especially on my head.
If you haven’t already, try RenPure coconut products. I’ve found it at Walmart and on Amazon. I think it works really well, all the “bad” stuff is left out, and it’s not expensive.
I am not a curly girl but i do have graying straight thin hair that is hard to handle. Over the years i have tried a ton of product. but i have stuck to the L’Oreal sulfate free line for the past seven years. I use the colored hair (pink tubes). They have a variety of different types and the moisturizing one (green) is also one of my favorites. i haven’t had to deal with build up or horrible frizzies since. However after I have my hair colored because of the light streaks I get done my hair will dry out a tad and the frizzies begin for about three months. For this I use Moroccan oil. and I love love love the way my hair looks and feels after.
I find the Frizz Dismiss leave in spray by Redken to be very effective. I just have mild frizz and use a light spray – but a slightly heavier spray of this same stuff worked for a friend that had very frizzy hair. It is sulfate free and washes out well.
Deva Curl! Absolutely life changing! I went through high school and most of college fighting my curly hair and trying to make it straight, only to end up with a frizzy dandelion poof. After I got my first professional job, I hunted down a hairdresser that had a reputation for working with curly hair and, finally, boom – nice, defined, shiny curls.
If you can find a hairdresser certified in the method (I believe it’s based on the Curly Girl book another poster mentioned), everyone I’ve tried does fabulous cuts that really bring out the best shape for curly hair. A lot of hairdressers aren’t knowledgeable about curls so they try to cut hair wet – you’ll just end up with a giant uneven mess when dry.
+ 1
This! As well as a +1 to all the people who told you to ditch the hairbrush. Shampoo infrequently, but use conditioner more often. I just use Pantene conditioner (nice and cheap) but then I use Deva’s Heaven in Hair as a leave-in conditioner. It doesn’t take much (maybe two tsp for my shoulder-length hair), rake it through the hair when wet, then add a small amount of Deva gel, then blot with a cotton t-shirt, then air dry. I also have Deva’s Set it Free spray, but that’s really only necessary if I want to look extra polished that day.
Same here!
I’ve started to use Cantu shea butter leave in conditioner last week and so far I am really happy. A friend of my sister’s recommended it. Just wash your hair ( not too often and with only a little amount of shampoo etc…) and then apply to the ends and lengths nd comb through it – voila! Shiny and manageable hair. It’s not too expensive either and I do like the smell.
The truth is there is no “true” method of managing wavy/curly/coily hair. Every single person with wavy or curly hair deals with similar but not exact same issues. Curl pattern, porosity, density and many other factors make each person’s hair unique. I have curly 3B hair, it doesnt behave like most 3B due to mixed heritage. I dont have a holy grail product because after a while my hair develops resistance, or so I feel.
There are definitely some useful hair commandents. Silk pillowcases and silk lined hats keep a good hairstyle, when you manage it, lasting several days not just the day you get it. Sleeping or just restinf your head on any other fabric pulls moisture from your hair and mattes the strands into a mess. I never travel without them.
Most of what I learned about wavy and curly hair comes from
It’s been a godsend, from product reviews, drying and styling methods and diy recipes. I would start from there because what will work for any of us may not work for you so I prefer to stir you towards information.
Good luck!
Curly Girl routine, you can find tips and info on YouTube. My daughter has curly hair and has been following this regime. Her hair looks so good she constantly gets asked about her hair care when she is out in public; on the bus, in the street, etc. also this ties in with info that Nis posted. Hope this helps and from what she says it’s pretty easy to follow.
My hair is different from yours, but I really love the “It’s a 10” products. Their Miracle Hair Masque moisturizes and conditions, leaving my hair soft and silky. Also, they have a Miracle Leave In Plus, that you spritz on your wet hair to get out the tangles, and it also leaves your hair tangle free and shiny. They were both recommended by my beautician and I am very happy with them. You can order them from Amazon, which I do, and you save yourself the hassle of driving around. Good luck whichever way you go on the conditioners.
1) Curly girl. It’s one of those books that ekes a few facts out over a lot of pages so tbh I’d buy it 2nd hand. Or the website mentioned upthread.
2) You Just Have To Try Stuff, there’s no frizz panacea. Offspring 2 can’t cope without silicone. I can’t cope with it. Both curly; she’s porous, I’m not.
3) Despite 2), fwiw what helped me most was realising that I’d hit peri-menopause, the hormones were effecting as much change on my hair as puberty had and I needed to change my hair care to match. And for me, that was switching to co-washing and dumping artificial hair dye. Luckily I’m a redhead anyway, so henna was a workable option.
I haven’t read the Curly Girl book, but my friends (who actually put effort into their hair) swear by it .
I have fine hair, with the heavy wave/spiral curl too. I use Diva Curl no-poo, scrunch to get out excess water, and air dry – usually by putting on a satin ‘bonnet’ and sleeping on it. No brushing, ever. Just use fingers to work out any tangles, if needed. A satin pillowcase keeps it from getting knotted/matted up in the back between washes.
I, unfortunately, have no advice to offer. I am 54 and have what sounds like the same hair and hair problems as you do. You would think that by now I would have found something that works, but I am cheap and I guess I just have never cared that much to spend a lot of time and/or money. I am very grateful for your post, and for all the great advice given here! I will have to try some and see if it works for me. My hair always seems to look it’s best right after I color it (no beautician, I mentioned I am cheap), or the day after I wash it. The day I wash it, my hair wants to do the full poodle thing. I usually just put it up when it starts that, if I am going to be out in public. After battling it for years, I guess I gave up. My hair is long now, but when short is a mass of curls that I think look ridiculous on me. My husband likes my hair long, and I kind of agree with him, so long it is. If you find one of these suggestions that works for you, please post so I have an idea whic one to try. There are so many ideas that sound great, I am at a bit of a loss where to start. Knowing myself, it will probably be a fairly inexpensive (cheap) and easy method. I have never put a lot of effort into my hair, and I don’t see that changing now. Good luck, and I hope you find something that works great for you!
Hello Marianne!
You are not alone in the cheap category. There are a lot of us out here.
Anyway, I would suggest you go to Dollar Tree as they have been selling Shampoos and conditioners that are pretty good and are name brands from my youth (I’m 62 so I am a little over 1 generation ahead of you by Disney count–they count by 7 years)–Silkience and Salon Selectives.
Both are from Canada and at a dollar a bottle–dirt cheap.
They also contain no silicones and parabens.
They have the Silkience brand of hair repair and hair control products as well and they are quite effective. You basically apply the creamy hair control stuff by putting some in your hands, rubbing it into your palms and running your hands through your damp hair (after a shampoo and conditioner shower/bath and toweling off) like you were putting pomade on but not as heavy. Then just detangle with a wide toothed comb.
You could also do what I suggested before which is get the Orofluido ( a bit pricey but reasonable at Amazon) or another light oil like Coconut oil and comb that through your hair. Gives you great control. with your hair and it won’t be all over the place.
(I had Betty Boop hair when I was lots younger. Grew out to deep waves that got poofy when newly washed and the new hair always stuck out and stood at attention till it got long enough to be held down with clips unless I smoothed it out with the detangling comb and oil bit.)
I thought my hair was wavy when I was a kid; turns out it’s pretty curly and I just didn’t know how to take care of it (and neither did my mother, whose hair could not be straighter.) I’ve learned a lot – never brush when dry, don’t brush in general (use a wide-toothed comb), don’t dry with a terry cloth towel. I use the “plopping” method and an old t-shirt. Basically you plop your hair on top of your head when wet and wrap it up in the t-shirt. You can find tutorials by googling “plopping.” Lastly, I’m using Shea Moisture Curl Cream – it will moisturize your hair, eliminate frizz, and is probably the best product to make the waves stick together in a natural, attractive way.
Yes to the Shea Moisture products.
My wife has very similar hair to yours. She uses Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Moroccan Sleek Oil Treatment. After she washes her hair she puts this on her hair when it’s wet and leaves it be. It seems to help a lot. You can get it at Walmart or Target or CVS or the grocery store most likely. I think it runs $4 or $5 for 3.75 ounces which isn’t great but it doesn’t take a lot each use.
I have very frizzy long curly hair and I found shampoo/conditioner with no silicone or sulfates helps a ton. I comb my hair in the shower while letting the conditioner sit for a few minutes. Any brushing or combing after rinsing results in frizz. I then use mousse and wrap in a tshirt (not a towel) to dry. Then I do a coconut oil about 1 time a week.
I also have wavy hair and the central Texas humidity the past week has been challenging; hoping the impending cold snap will drop the moisture in the air. My routine is to co-wash every 2-3 days with As-I-Am’s cowash (it’s in a brown tub at Target) and then to condition with a lightweight conditioner that has a little protein in it (currently using live clean biotin conditioner from HEB). While still in the shower I scrunch in a dollop (dime size for my shoulder-length hair) amount of diluted gel and then wrap the whole thing in a microfiber turban. Let air dry after 20 mins. Now…I have tried all sorts of gels / pomades / oils on my hair to fight the frizz and I always ended up looking either really greasy or having hair I couldn’t touch. What a bunch of people kept suggesting on the curly / wavy forums was LA Looks gel. Like, the 90s spiky-do LA Looks gel. It’s $1.29 :O I was like “whatever, no way that works” for TWO YEARS before finally caving and giving it a go. It’s AMAZING! It makes my hair shiny, but not frizzy, but still full of body, but not crunchy! It doesn’t contain silicones so I can co-wash it out no probs and if anything 2nd day hair is even better (I just smooth my waves with a little water the next day and the gel resets). I add a little water and make a slurry in my hands before applying to very wet hair. As always, ymmv…but good luck!
PS I also deep condition a couple of times a month as needed. I really like deva curl’s “Melt into Moisture Matcha Butter Conditioning Mask” because it smells divine and doesn’t weigh my hair down. I thoroughly wet my hair, apply, wrap my head in a shopping back + towel combo and then leave it in for a couple of hours. Very occasionally I’ll need to strip clean my hair because I’ve been playing with new products that aren’t washing out properly, and I use some T-gel that I keep on hand for when my psoriasis gets out of control.
PPS Make sure you’re adding sufficient water to your conditioner in the shower. Conditioners contain a lot of humectants that try and seal moisture into your hair, but they need moisture available to do so. I wet my hair very well, add my conditioner, let it sit about a min, then add some extra water to my hair before letting it sit for an additional couple of minutes. Google how to “squish to condish” for more details. The trick is to add as much water as possible without actually rinsing the conditioner out!
Wow, those women were *rude*. And ageist. But that’s a different conversation.
I color my hair too, and have since I was in my mid-20s and had enough gray coming in to look tired. I don’t have curls, however. I use a product that I get from my hairdresser (it runs about $20 a bottle but the bottles last because you’re supposed to use about a nickel’s size of it at a time or smaller). It’s called Milkshake. They make a version for color treated hair. I used to be an every-other-day washer or else my scalp went nuts and my hair looked awful. I’ve gone 4 days with Milkshake and not had these issues. Love it, but you may want to talk to a hairdresser about options for you.
Your “local” stylist speaking.
Curly hair is dry hair. You need to pack in the moisture.
Brands I recommend for this:
Deva Curl (Curly Girl)
Davines Love series &/or their Minu series.
Olaplex only if you’re also going to use a Mask (it’s a bonder, rebuilding disulfide bonds to support protein/keratin and moisture; it doesn’t replace moisture or protein. It’s patented and the only bonder/plea at this time that does this.
Seriously, get a pomade (Paul Mitchel grooming pomade). Use a tip of a pinkie finger’s worth, run on hands like you’d moisturize them, then lightly run your hands through your hair and piece and scrunch. It will kill those fuzzies without weighing your hair down.
Remember all professional products are concentrates compared to their grocery store cousins. Use very little and always emulsify in your damp hands before washing and conditioning. Use only enough to clean the scalp and then let shampoo just run through the rest of your hair, unless you used serious product.
Don’t wash your hair every day.
These are just a few things off the top of my head to get you started.
I have thin, dry, wavy hair that tends to frizz. So, not the same thing, except for the frizz. Though I bet your frizz is way more attractive than my frizz.
My cousin has dry thick very curly hair that tends to bush out, poor guy. He went through a couple of obsessive hair phases in his teen years, but has finally settled on this:
‘LUS Brands – Love Ur Self – Love Ur Curls’
He’s a macho guy who works on a farm with heavy equipment. He uses this. So I assume it must work for him.
Also, I started using it myself, and after some initial trial and error, it’s totally working for me. My frizz is more under control than it’s been in years.
I have naturally curly, extra frizzy, very uncooperative hair. I either look like I’ve just stuck my finger into an electrical outlet, or some overgroomed poodle. My solution? A very very short pixie cut. No fuss no muss, done in 2 minutes, set and forget hairstyle. Not for everyone, but a few years ago I decided it wasn’t worth so much time of my life to try to look feminine and “pretty”. Either I’m very pragmatic or just not vain enough to deal with all the hair drama 😀
Co-wash more often than shampoo. Twice a week at most. Wide tooth comb while wet, then STOP TOUCHING IT ? Ouidad hair products are the best, but DevaCurl is good too. Deposit-only colors dry your hair less, and work well for people who don’t wash their hair daily, (if you wash daily it washes out).
I have thin fine hair that frizzes if I use a blow dryer so I try to air dry. It needs conditioner but some leave it very flat with no body. I found this one and since then I do not use any other. It is Pure Emu Rejuvenating Emu Oil conditioner. It is really great. My hair has body but does not frizz. Another plus it last a very very long time.
I have a ton of fine curly, wash and go hair that I used to color, and have learned I need to do two different things when home in NM (averages 15% humidity) and when I visit any other state maybe not southern Colorado and Arizona. I love spreading a drop or three of coconut oil and if my hair is being flyaway a pea size amount of conditioner to my hair when wet, and leave it till alone. To deflate the poodle halo of humidity induced frizz I’ll add a small dab of Keune Curl Cream (black bottle) and these seem to keep the demented troll doll under control.
I use aveda products. They’re not cheap, but a little dab is enough to tame the frizzy beast that is my hair.
The products are made with essential oils and smell amazing. Before aveda my hair was a dry frizzy mess. Now my curls lay down and behave. I really like these products and would recommend them to anyone.
I included a pic of my hair. I was in Florida with all the humidity and still no frizz. Aveda is good stuff.
Use palmer’s coconut oil after straightening hair. Natural hairs oils are removed when you wash your hair, and use conditioner sparingly. I find that using conditioner and hair oil together makes it feel heavy. But you can expriment with both.
Living Proof No Frizz is what I use. I’ve been coloring my hair since I was 16 because no 16 year old girl wants gray hair!! (Thanks daddy for those genetics lol!). Humidity gives me what I like to call cotton ball hair. Big, round, and fuzzy. I wash my hair about 2 times a week. I use a wide tooth comb in the shower and spray with It’s A 10 Leave In Conditioner. Then I use Living Proof No Frizz styling cream. I never comb my hair after that, finger place only. I had straight hair when I was younger, now I have big beachy waves. Which is awesome when it behaves. Not so much when it doesn’t!!
Oh the rudeness! I am really trying not to be judgemental about what a person is wearing/how they look as I feel it feeds into the whole putting women down based on appearance. I used to love looking at all the red carpet gowns but have stopped looking at the Best/Worst dressed as, again, judgemental. I started to evaluate my behaviour after a year of comments directed towards me by strangers when I was 40 and getting some grey hairs. “Oh, now I know what I would look like if I didn’t dye my hair” by a lady behind me at a checkout. “Are you M’s mom or grandma? You have enough white hairs to be his grandma” by a kids classmate. “ How do you dye that white streak?” by a lady at a drug store.
I can’t offer advice on curly hair as mine is straight. Ladies, please don’t let comments by those that should know better dictate how you feel you should appear. Dye or don’t dye, straighten or wildly curly: do what makes you feel happy, proud and confident.
Rant over.
Pai-Shau biophasic infusion works great and the scent is terrific. I get headaches from most perfumes so that’s important!
Keratin twice a year and Fekkai Shea Butter Shampoo/Conditioner work together to make my spiral/wavy, thick hair smooth. Provided you use sulfate free cleaning products, the keratin lasts for months – so the expense is worth it. Also be sure to color before the keratin – coloring strips the keratin off your hair, so either color a couple days before keratin or two weeks after a keratin treatment. Using products aimed at frizzy/wavy hair without keratin means too much daily maintenance for me. Good luck!
Deva Curl products and hair cuts! I started using them several years ago and will never use another hair product ever again! My curls became so defined that for a year or so I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror. Now I want more volume and curl. I use No-Poo Shampoo (no sulfates and very conditioning) and One Condition, then style with Arc Angel. It’s worth the cost when you love your hair!
I Hear That.
I wash my hair once a week, every day in the shower I massage my scalp and redistribute my natural oils thru my hair. after shower I use a keave in conditioner from Wen, anti frizz styling creme, a put a dime/quarter size in palm of my hand rub my hands together to distribute evenly and then apply to hair. Works like a charm.
Not sure if anyone has suggest it but DevaCurl has in my option the best products for
curly, thick or wavy hair. You can even do an online search for a stylist who specializes in cuts for all type of curly hair! Hope you find something you love.
I’ve got long(like sitting on it if I’m not careful long) thick wavy hair that tangles pretty much after I brush it, but the only thing I use is Mane ‘n Tail Detangler after I wash it, which seems to not give me as much frizzy hair. Of course I also live in California so it’s not as humid as other states.
I’m a cert frizzy too. Also colour! Leave in conditioner is a must.
Please believe me when I tell you that you have to try MONAT. They are amazing!!!
Their hair care system is fantastic and the results are everything you could hope for.
I’ve always had thin straight hair and since using it my hair has gotten fuller and thicker. My friends hair (curly) is softer with more manageable curls, it’s so pretty…
Hi there
I‘ve got frizzy hair as well. However, Some months ago I discovered that in most professional Shampoos and conditioners there are many ingredients that can lead to cancer. Now I try to avoid these.
A very good alternative is argan oil. I use 1tea spoon and the hair looks much smoother, healthier and less frizzy. Olive oil works as well, but I don‘t like the smell
Products like Mixed Chick’s leave in conditioner or Miss Jessie’s Quick Curls should work.
Hi, You have similar hair to what I had some time ago, but I don’t understand (?) you live in USA and acording the curly specialized youtubbers you can buy curly products on wallmarts and the like. Where I live there are not curly hair products without things (silicons and harsh soaps like laurethyl sulfate) that make look like Grandma Elionore from The Edge books. If I were there I would try jamaican black shampoo or that curly pineaple purple line.
I don’t use shampoo since Suave coconut (cheap <3) cleans my hair perfectly. Sometimes every 25 days or so I cut a leave from the aloes and put it in my hair (alakazam! Hair mask) and before I tried unsalted rice water (I mean rice +water till it's white) once a month for supossedly "protein" but I don't think those molecules are small enough to pass hair membrane. I DON'T use towells since they equal frizz just airdry or use and old shirt. Anyway that also helped.
The scruch of water after shower forms my curls so I don't really have wavy hair anymore.
Bottom line now I'm curlier than ever and my hair sometimes rebels to my fuzziness and its bests days are often the days I don't really touched it. It's very anarchist so I learned to love it.
Recently found old picture in wich I look like Haggrid from Harry Potter. Lol
I have thick wavy hair that can easily frizz. To tame the frizz beast I usually only wash my hair twice a week and avoid brushing unless it’s the day I’m going to wash it or I’m styling it for some event. I also use Lush’s R&B leave in hair moisturizer which can be used on wet or dry hair which often can work some miracles for me.
Johnson baby shampoo. My girlfriend with curly hair uses it.
While I can certainly see the difficulty is managing semi curly hair with a lot of volume, I have to admit to a little bit of jealousy as my hair, unless straight after drying it or out of bed, is completely flat. Glad you found a product that worked:-)
I have very fine, curley hair and use Loma survey creme. Don’t put too much on or it will make your hair stiff. I’m Native American with French, Welsh and others…a mutt, and I love my hair…finally. 🙂
That’s curvey creme
I have wavy/curly hair that I colour, and I love all products by Lush. If dont know if they’re available in the US? I’m very fond of a shampoo bar called trichomania (it has coconut in it) and after I shower I’ll put in R&B hair moisturiser. It really helps with frizz control and keeping my hair from being to dry. Best part for me is that there’s very little chemicals and perfumes in their products so it doesn’t inflame my hands (I have a lot of problems with eczema if I use ‘regular’ shampoos or soap).
Hope you find something that works for you!
Yes yes they are!
They are very easy to use, as She asked. Just put a little on your fingers and finger-comb your hair.
THE BEST curly hair products I have ever used are DevaCurl products.
Unfortunately for me, I procrastinate and can only get these by mail, so often use other stuff I can get locally when I run out. I am ALWAYS disappointed. I have SUPER curly hair and these products make my hair manageable. The shampoos are non-soap cleansers (hence “no poo”) that smell wonderful and clean my hair without stripping out moisture. My hair never looks better than when I use these products. I read an interview with the woman who developed the line years ago and have never been sorry I tried them out. I use the no poo original — my hair shines and doesn’t frizz — well, that’s an exaggeration since I live in the South. NOTHING prevents August frizz in Georgia. Anyway, highest recommendations.
Sephora is now carrying Deva Curl products i have wavy hair and this is the only conditioner i use it moisturize without weighing it down
I also use DevaCurl and pretty much swear by it. Also, argan oil to smooth out my hair and moisturize the ends. I use them together and my hair is much better and manageable than it even has bene in my life.
I want to also spread the good word about both DevaCurl products AND the Devachan haircut.
It’s a special haircut for curly haired folks that, personally, has totally changed my life. They cut your hair once dry, fully wash and style it, and then cut it a second time dry. Plus they cut it curl by curl with your individual curl pattern and… Yeah. It sounds fancy but basically my hair went from being a weird fuzzy triangle on top of my head to looking like I actually had curls. Cannot recommend enough!
OMG — I used the locator and there is now a stylist in my area who is Deva trained. And they carry products! Thanks so much for the link — I’m calling today for an appointment.
Yay!! I hope you have a wonderful time!
Question – a number of you have said not to use a towel but an old T-shirt: Why? What difference does it make?
I use a microfibre towel, not to rub hair, just put it up & let the microfibre absorb moisture – and not because I heard anything about avoiding cotton towels, simply because the ones I have are about 4-5 inches longer than a cotton hand towel so perfect size to wrap around in a turban.
I learned that it’s the terry cloth nubby bits that are bad for hair – that and rubbing – and an old t-shirt is the easiest way around it… But a good micro fiber towel is better. (I also just love how well they work.)
But I got a lot of this through my sister, and I’m kind of lazy.
Thanks, Tylikcat, I might try the Tshirt method anyway as I’m due to wash hair later today. I’m also lazy which is why my hair is permed – I might need more products but I just dump them in the hair & leave it. When it was straight (naturally wavy but annoyingly wavy not nice wavy) it needed blowdrying, straightening etc etc and was just too much work. Actually … it probably needed the same number of products, just different ones.
Anything with a little argan oil is good conditioner wise …. also if the other conditioner was working for you try using it again in 6 or 8 weeks chances are it will work for you again. Your hair just got used to it and managed to shrug off the effects lol. Happens all the time. Try to find 2 or 3 conditioners that work for you but are all just a little different component wise and switch them up throughout the year. Works for me anyway …
I have naturally very curly hair and I use the Surface “curls” line carried by my salon. I mostly use the shampoo and conditioner, then finger comb my curls and let them dry naturally (which takes hours). If it is particularly humid, I’ll use the Surface Hair Trinity Protein Cream Leave In Conditioner as well. I don’t color my hair but Surface also has products for colored hair. You can find them on Amazon but they’re not cheap. I get them at my salon and wait for ‘buy one, get one’ sales.
That pic is my hair after my wash, condition, wrap in a towel and wring out, finger comb, and leave to dry process. Without the leave in conditioner being used.
I didn’t read through the numerous existing comments. Olaplex #3 is life changing. They sell it and now have #4. & #5 which are the shampoo and conditioner. Basically it’s a once a week treatment that rebuilds the bonds that get damage when you color. Did I mention life changing hair magic? They sell them at Sephora or amazon…but regularly carry the 2 pack for at Costco online for less than the price of one.
I have very curly hair that I fought most of my life—-we now have a truce. As part of our cease fire I have made several concessions:
1. Don’t use a brush—wide tooth combs when wet (and while conditioner is still in my hair) or finger comb only.
2. Don’t over shampoo—I’m fairly active, but only shampoo about once a week. You can conditioner more often.
3. Alternate products, but use something that you don’t wash out of your hair—argan oil, Curly Sexy Hair, etc…you’ll find what works best for you.
4. I have the top of my hair ‘thinned’ when I get it cut—-I have a lot of hair, and this prevents BOZO/dog ear syndrome.
5. I like layers—some people say this is wrong for curly hair, but I find that if you have a lot of hair the layers give it life and bounce.
6. Don’t go too short. Short hair =curlier hair.
7. Henna or other natural hair colors (you can get black, brown, light brown, red, auburn) weigh down curly hair slightly and can make it more controllable/less frizzy.
This ^ except the thinning part I don’t endorse. Really just keep the brush away from your hair!!!! Use a comb and only when wet. I detangle in the shower.
All things on how to care for curly hair on the Reddit forum . Read the flow chart, look at the spreadsheet for products that don’t have the stuff that will cause issues with curls (lots of products will work but you have to start by doing the special wash to get ride of build up), and the results get better the longer you keep at it.
I am active, and I have curly /mix with wavy hair. poodle/dandelion fluff, and my hair is colored. I try to use shampoo only once a week or so, not more. I shower and rinse my hair nearly daily & I condition nearly once a week with no shampoo.
BUT, after the shower, I put about a teaspoon of almond oil in my hands, and pull that through my hair before combing. I have found it has nearly replaced any need for conditioner, and it keeps my hair under better “control”. In winter I may use shea butter instead of oil.
I then finger curl (twist my hair in little bits) and leave it alone till it dries. This is fairly easy for me because I usually shower after a workout, which is usually in the late afternoon after work, so I am usually in for the evening. The next day, I get up, & my hair is in fairly controlled curls without the extra fluff. On weekends, when I exercise in the AM, just the oil seems to keep it under control so I don’t look like a pom-pom. (most of the time)
From my hairdresser: she says to never use a brush on hair like yours. So, that’s all I’ve got!
Aveda has a “light elements smoothing fluid” that is awesome for taking frizzies. It’s super light, but works wonders.
Wen conditioning cleanser (sometimes I just rinse and use regular conditioner, especially in the summer after swimming).
And Pantene shampoo and conditioner, pick the hair type or conditioning you want. I am currently using the Beautiful Lengths one, as my ends were awful, and it’s great.
I also twist my hair to dry, and then again when it’s damp. The damp twist can really tame it down into big curls instead of frizzy waves.
Good luck!
I have that same wavy curly hair. My hair changed for the better when I started using Nexxus moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. DeVa Curl if it’s humid out. You can find Nexxus at CVS, and Target. I think DeVa Curls is at Target, not sure about CVS. I only put oil in my hair if I straighten it to keep the flyaways down, and often I find that using a skin lotion works just as well on my straightened/blow dried hair. Good luck!
All the Deva products are awesome. Here in Georgia with the high humidity & heat, its not an easy place to live with curly or wavy hair. I leave their conditioner on & don’t rinse it off. Have color dyed hair & wavy hair. Before deva it would get dry, crunchy, frizzy & feel damaged. Now it stays healthy, soft, no frizz, nice waves despite constant coloring/highlighting.
No brushing I just finger comb or wide tooth comb.
Oh! You gotta stop brushing those corls!! Brushing destroys the integrity!!! I have wavy hair that approaches curly when I cut it short, as I did about a year ago, but brushing DESTROYS them and gives me nothing but poofy frizz, so I haven’t used it in a year! Use a non-sulfate shampoo (but NOT every day), good high-moisture conditioner (preferably one specifically for curly hair; Devacurl is a good brand even if a lil pricey), then squeeze dry with, preferably, a microfiber towel. I add in pure aloe-vera gel as a frizz-tamer, as well, before squeezing dry. And that’s it. Good curls, no brushing required!
Tried everything and gave up. Now I just run my hands through it after putting on my moisturiser and that seems to add just enough to stop me looking like I stuck my finger in a power socket.
I could have used this thread about 40 years ago …sigh. It’s still nice to know.
Frizz Ease? I just se the leave in conditioner occasionally. They have several products in the line and one might work for you.
I wish I could provide useful information, but my hair is not remotely similar. The best I can do is to wish you good luck.
I agree with all the no brush/comb comments. I have naturally curly hair and only finger comb it through when wet with condition on though I need to learn not to fiddle with it during the day = instant frizz!
I’m a bit product heavy but will try out some of the BDH’s recommendations as the Lush stuff sounds good- I also have exzema on my scalp so I’m using a tar based shampoo but all the products dry my skin out badly.
I swear by Moroccan hair oils and add that, then a Moroccan curl cream, then Paul Mitchell sculpting foam mousse- thank god its nothing like my 1980s crispy curls! Then its diffuse dry upside down and then apply a soft moulding wax with a bit of John Freida’s anti-frizz serum and hair spray. My hair has to cope with bike helmets and woolly hats so often ends up flat on the top. I’m a child of the 80s and need BIG hair. Layering lifts the curls and takes the weight out but I’ll never do a fringe EVER again.
I’ve stockpiled the VO5 wax but think they’ve stopped making it now 🙁 Good luck find what works for you
Works for wavy hair too. They discuss products and techniques for cutting down on frizz. There’s lots of information and choices, but you can choose what works best for you. This is a beginner’s guide.
I have naturally curly hair and live in a dry area. Keeping my hair moisturized is hard, but manageable. I follow the curly girl method and it’s a lot of no hassle things – mostly things not to do. You might want to take care of your hair a little differently because your hair is wavy, but most of the basics are the same. A lot of it was posted by others
– wide tooth comb only in the shower with conditioner in hair
– use a microfiber towel or a cotton t shirt only
– the less touching the better
– no high heat
– Use a low ph shampoo
I love the Renpure rosemary mint cleansing conditioner. You use it instead of shampoo most of the time, and it leaves your hair (or at least, my hair) clean and soft. It comes in two other scents, which I haven’t tried yet (rosemary mint is the only one I’ve seen in stores near me).
Oh, and it’s not tested on animals.
I quit using shampoo and switched to a bar shampoo. I use Goat’s Milk Stuff shampoo bar. It doesn’t strip the oils out of the hair so I don’t have to use conditioner. I do use apple cider vinegar diluted with water on occasion, but not often. If you need a bit of frizz control, I recommend plain coconut oil. Rub a tiny amount in your hands and apply to hair. Your hair will love it!
I have big, curly, dry hair. For 20 something years I’ve been putting coconut oil in my hair while it’s wet after washing. I then leave it to its own devices and get manageable curls instead of full on poof. Hope you find what works for you!
Redken 25 One United. SAVED MY HAIR.
Following. My 10 yr old daughter has a serious mane of curly red hair. Don’t use WEN- it worked, but made her hair fall out. Currently trying John Masters Organics intense conditioner. I use a touch of pure argan oil or coconut oil for frizz. The time her hair turned out best was when I coated it with olive oil, put it in a cap overnight while she slept, and washed it out the next day. Still searching for an answer.
Looks like the details have been well covered, so just adding my vote to the many people who have already told you –
Throw that hairbrush in the trash, wash less (I can do every 3 days now that I use a sulfate-free shampoo), and use a leave-in product (I use plain argon oil).
Ok personally I avoid any de frizzing product with silicone (usually listed as dimethicone on the ingredients). Yes small amounts control frizz but it builds up & kills your hair.
I try to use a Jojoba oil based conditioner (currently Kiehls amino acid conditioner) followed by Kiehls Deeply Restoring Smoothing Hair Oil Concentrate (basically every type of oil possible) while you leave in. It’s not cheap but even for my long hair you only need a couple of spritzes so it lasts ages.
A quick search turned up no hits, so I’ll post: try
I’ve been coping with naturally frizzy curly hair for over 60 years, and Ouidad products work for me. They cover a spectrum of curl types.
Two important points-
1. Your hair is delicate. Avoid heat, mechanical action (only wide-tooth comb/never brush, etc.), and – sorry – dyes.
2. It takes a few washings, perhaps even a couple weeks, to see if a new product really works for you.
Good luck!
Update: My hairdresser got back to me with more: “there are many good professional products designed for curly hair. Redken Curvaceous, Deva Curl to name a few. And no brushes, ever, unless you’re using it to smooth out your curls.”
As another with thick hair with all kinds of curls… Read Curly Girl by Loraine Massey. I do the Curly girl method and use the DevaCurl product.
I don’t shampoo with any sulfate shampoo or use any conditioner that has silicone. Target has a line of shampoos and conditioners called Love and Planet, they are all natural no sulfates or silicone’s and they are MARVELOUS.
I wear my hair curly and it is the spirally really fine kind of northern european flyaway hair. It is also grey, so I color it with a demi-permanent vegatable dye and I add a little protein filler to my conditioner and just leave it it. I never brush my hair and only comb it in the shower when I put the conditioner in.
If it is really humid out, I use Kinky-curly Knot Today leave in with a tiny amount of Kinky-curly Curling Custard, I just scrunch in on the ends and midshaft. I never blow dry, only air dry and get a silk cap or a silk pillowcase to sleep on – your curls don’t get stuck or smushed and you can literally wake up in the morning, toss your hair a few times and you are ready to go.
I gave up fighting the hair a long time ago, get a good cut (either Deva or Ouidad,) do the conditioner low shampoo route and maybe use a little lavender oil and water spritz on the days you don’t wash to reactivate the conditioner leave in.
It does take a few weeks to get the natural curl routine going, but the results are worth it and the upkeep is really easy.
I use a thing called Lux Oil, but I have also chopped it all off. Before I chopped it off I used a tight high pony tail 🙂 occasionally braided
Toni & guy, I use the smooth definition range. They are fantastically moisturizering (failed figuring out how to spell that), and leaves my typically finicky hair happy and shinny.
I’ve had awesome results with Morrocco Method products:
That said, there is a transition period while your hair adjusts to the products. Once I got through the trial pack, I was sold. I had amazing changes in my unruly hair that a surprising number of people noticed. There is also a leave-in conditioner available on Amazon that works really, really well: Chihtsai No. 12 Instant treatment.
It is pricey, but a little goes a long way, and it has saved the day more than once.
My hair’s wavy and 2 of my kids have really curly hair. I feel the same way about doing my hair too.
For my own wavy hair, I find that hair is sort of like people, if you have too much it make things messy and disorganized. It was a point of pride once, having thick hair, but I find that letting the stylist thin it a bit to a reasonable level from the ears down on the underside when she cuts it really brings down the frizz and makes it more well-behaved. I just gently towel dry and brush it and then use 2 crossed bobby pins to pin it back from my face on the top when I want it to look like I did my hair. Sometimes I’ll ponytail it early to keep the frizz down.
For my very curly kids I only ever use a brush (occasionally) right before their bath when I’m about to wash it anyway because otherwise they look like Lian-o from thunder-cats. AIso, as counter-intuitive as it sounds, I find that using a volumizing comb to pick their hair (only when it’s sopping wet) doesn’t so much volumize (unless you work bottom to top), rather it more brings the individual curls together, which takes out the frizz. Then a quick rub of a towel on their hair afterwards takes out the drip and I just let it air dry. It all takes about a minute, maybe 2 if I want to really work at it. I also use very heavily moisturizing shampoo for the kids because curly hair is actually much dryer than other hair, which is why it frizzes. (Suave Moraccan Infusion is SUPER moisturizing, but I don’t like the sandalwood-type smell for the kids’ shampoo).
It looks styled, but really I’m just doing the minimum to help their hair do what it wants to, so it lasts for several days. If it gets really crazy (like my 1yr old’s) I’ll just get it really wet again and spend the minute or two picking and drying it again.
We really like this specific comb a LOT, because it’s awesome. It really brings down the frizz with it’s multi-row teeth and doesn’t pull as much as some other combs for some reason (you know the ones). It was $2 or so and has lasted a few years so far. Good luck 🙂
I have the same problems, except I’m not coloring my hair…yet. I’ve found two white hairs over the years, so I know it’s coming. I never go near my hair with a brush, or it turns into a puff-ball. Even finger-combing has the potential to be dangerous. It’s a rough world we curly-haired people live in. I don’t know how you survive living near heat/humidity for the entire year! 6 months of summer is enough for me. If humidity had a face, I would punch it.
I think the key is really to alternate products semi-regularly. If you can find ONE more product that you like, and alternate it with the one you’ve been using, it should take care of most of the problems. I’m sure most people would tell you to read them first to make sure there aren’t any ingredients that are bad for curly hair in them, but in my experience, as long as you alternate and prevent that stuff from building up, there shouldn’t be issues.
One of the shampoo/conditioners that I’ve used was the curly-hair version Redkin made…but then they changed the formula and now it sucks. It was the best thing I’d ever used on my hair and the greatest tragedy of my life when it changed (especially since it’s not exactly cheap and I didn’t realize that it had changed before it was too late). So I’ll probably be trying out some of the ones listed here, too. 😀
Innersense. I use their Pure Inspiration conditiober and it is the truth. I have curly hair, which requires magick levels of detangling and moisturizing. A little goes a long way with these; they’re quite long lasting. They also have one for color treated hair, link below. My hair dresser introduced me to this line a year ago, and I’ve been using their conditioner and volume serum ever since.
This may topple the beauty industry, but skip shampoo! Mix sugar and with conditioner that does not contain ‘cones in your palm. It feels incredible and cleans your scalp without stripping your hair down.
I’m trying not to put anything in my crazy thick curly hair that I wouldn’t want on my skin or to eat. It’s down past my waist so it’s in contact with a lot of skinestate. It also means everything I put on my skin is in contact with my hair. I’ve gone to using organic coconut oil. (Thank you Costco)
I find that brushing my hair thoroughly with a boars hair and plastic combo brush distributes my natural oils and cleans my scalp. Wetting my hair gently immediately afterwards reactivates the curl so I don’t lose hair memory.
If your hair is dry or the ends are splitting go old school, use over ripe mashed avocado or an organic olive oil mayo from the ears down for a hair mask. I make Princess Laia buns to keep the oil off clothing.
Mayo sounds weird but it is oil, egg and a bit of stabilizer such as cream of tarter. Rinse well with warm water and prepare to be amazed. I used mayo to heal my split ends and avoided 3 hours to get my hair trimmed.
To go longer between washing your hair to avoid losing valuable natural oils and spending money on product, add a few drops of lavender oil to a spay bottle with distilled water. Spray on roots after working out to freshen up. I found that it helps ease the pain when my hair roots hurt. Why this works, lavender is naturally antibacterial.
You might also consider using baking soda to scrub your scalp. It’s ph neutral so it doesn’t stimulate excess oil production and rinses beautifully. You would need to condition hair afterwards.
I wet my fingertips, dip them in baking soda to use to ‘polish’ my face and body. It pulls up all my sunscreen from my pores and exfoliates gently. It’s rather addicting. Post scrub product uptake is perfection and the cost is zip.
For an easy hydrating mask mix honey with a tiny bit of baking soda, leave on and gently rinse off.
Shine on!
If you can get it where you are, try Kracie Himawari. The link should give you an idea
My curls are the untamed type, but not poodle like. I went to the salon to get a digiperm so that they look controlled and easier to manage. Otherwise, I get broomstick hair.
I suggest hair salon products for colored hair/curly hair from brands such as Bumble&Bumble, Deva Curl, Innersense, Kevin Murphy and Pureolgy that are specific to your hair type. I would go to Ulta, Sephora, Nordstrom type store (in person or online), to buy sample size products to use and see which product works best. Amazon is another choice, though sometimes I’ve read in the reviews the product you get is not authentic.
I like B&B Hairdressers line, and Pureology Hydrate line. There are also additional products you can put on to hydrate, control frizz, control curl. If you want to lessen curl, keratin treatments can relax curl and that might be something to help maintenance. Good luck!
I have the same hair and struggled with it all my life until I started using Keratin based products a few years ago. Now, I have ABSOLUTELY no more frizzies.
I use the Keratin Complex Shampoo and Conditioner (Color care version) plus Keratin Complex Infusion to apply after washing.
The keratin protein is a conditioner that makes your hair smoother and heavier so it’s less frizzy. It doesn’t actually straighten but the result is much smoother hair.The shampoo does not contain sodium laurel sulfate and is not as drying as others.
There’s also a keratin salon treatment that lasts about 8 to 12 weeks. It takes some time in the chair and they don’t give it away, but the results are impressive. Maybe there’s a home version, but you have to flat iron every segment to lock in the keratin protein treatment after it is applied. It would probably be pretty hard to do the back yourself. The treatment also makes your hair noticeably flatter, so it depends on the result you would like to achieve.
By the way, the con mean girls sound like they’re stuck in eigth grade . It’s nobody’s business but yours whether you color your hair. Everyone should be free to do whatever they want to with their own hair. They should just be grateful they get to read your wonderful writing.
I haven’t scrolled through all the comments but I use a product that is phosphate and sulphate free for colored hair. It’s called a conditioning shampoo. It doesn’t foam up but it’s awesome. You just use the one product you can even use a little as a leave in conditioner. It’s called Hair One I use the one for colored hair but there are other types as well. It leaves my hair clean and silky and not frizzy. I just put it in and finger comb my hair. It used to be available at Sally’s beauty supply but now u get it off amazon.
Apply Biosilk Bioplus Silk Drops when wet. Helps so much with frizzes! I like to use a light hair gel, then mix the hair serum in with it, but you can use it by itself, also. I smooth it on and through my hair and let it dry naturally. Works with blow drying, too.
Deva curl cut, about >$200. Looks like it’ll be worth it, if you get someone good.
Graying changed the texture of my hair. It’s now wavier and frizzier. I’ve tried coconut oil-left it kinda oily, but moisturized. Argon oil has been my go to.
Amika soulfood nourishing mask is my go to conditioner, i color my hair and have wavy hair. It’s great.
Just found Strong Sexy hair. It’s a new product from Sexy hair line. The leave in conditioner and end mender is amazing. I live in the arctic and my naturally wavy hair is a disaster here because of the deep cold and total soul sucking lack of humidity. I know that is opposite of your problem, but this is the first time my radioactive look is tamed down into curls and waves again. It’s worth a try.
I have fine, naturally curly hair. My simple routine: rotate shampooing/just wetting hair, apply leave-in conditioner, apply gel, and dry with diffuser. Takes about 10 minutes.
Plain water. In a spay bottle. When your curls become bushy, flip your head upside down and spray your hair with water. If you get your hair damp and scrunch it, the curls will reform… it’s magical.
Late to the party, but there is a custom shampoo site that will blend what you need, up to five different requests, such as frizz control, color protection and so on. I think it’s called functions of beauty. You might give them a look.
Even later to the party, I use Pureology Hydrate. It’s pretty spendy, but it’s good for both color retention and frizzy times. I also keep some Mythic Oil on hand for the really bad days. It can go in dry hair, and you only need the tiniest amount, so it goes a long way. I love these products. I got both of those recommendations from the salon I go to. So, what I would really recommend, is find a decent salon in the area (I go to PR & Partners, but I don’t know if they’d be in your area) and even if you don’t want to get your hair done there, ask if one of the stylists will give you recommendations for your specific concerns. They may even have samples. The stylists at the nicer places usually have a lot more training than the big chains get, and usually know their stuff. I’m an air dry and go girl, so the products really have to be worth it for me to spend. Good luck!
I have curly hair and I use Alfaparf Semi Di Lino shampoo and conditioner. the pink one thats for moisture works best for me.
I have thick dry hair and the best thing I have found is hair oils. I like apricot at the moment. Not expensive but very effective ?
I only wash my hair 2 x week and never do anything but let it air dry. When I get out of the shower, I put a big palmful of Argan oil on it wet, finger comb and let it dry. If it starts frizzing on the second/third day, I stick my head under water, get it really wet, towel dry it and add oil.
John Freida Frizz Ease hair serum, small amount after you get out of the shower works wonders. I have naturally curly hair and live in the very humid South. This serum works wonders without having to put a lot of effort into your routine.