Please RSVP at Amazon, BN, or Retailer of Your Choice
In other news from Publisher’s Lunch Deals section:
Fiction: Women’s/ Romance
Three more novels in Hidden Legacy series, focusing on the emerging powers and personalities of previously-introduced House Baylor family members, for publication starting in fall 2019, plus a novella to bridge the gap, published by Avon Impulse in November 2018, to Erika Tsang at Avon, by Nancy Yost at Nancy Yost Literary Agency (world).‘
Amy says
*runs in circles screaming excitedly*
Nifty says
*falls in line with Amy adds my excited screams to hers*
Ms. Kim says
I’ll be the caboose on that train! HOORAY
Andri/Kaylenn says
SQUEEEE!!!!! =) Oh, my day just got better, especially after my sick day yesterday!! =)
Sherri says
Can’t wait!
christina says
how exciting! thank you for all your time and invested talent
HM says
booksdarling says
SQUEEKY SQUEEEEESSSSS!!! Just goes to show the Horde shall not be denied what the Horde needs to survive!
booksdarling says
So excited, I forgot my manners.
Thank you Ilona and Gordon for taking us on another grand adventure! I’m very much looking forward to see where you will take us next.
Teresa Hughes says
Hallelujah!! Awesome news and congratulations on the book contract!
Emma says
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY HOLY CRAP THATS SO EXCITING AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! My entire life just gained 3 stars of magnificence!!
Anna says
Oh my god, yes, yes, yes!!!!!!! *-* thank you, universe! And thank you, authorlords! 😀
Ms. Kim says
Arkon and Annie says
Monica says
Woot woot! Yes! It’s official!
Mirren says
Norbert says
Oh, sorry, wrong world… 😉
Nicole says
Yay, Yay, Yay!!!
This is the best news!!!
Jolie Vines says
Omg omg omg *flails* Thank you!
Rif says
TESS says
Agnieszka says
Best b-day present ever!
Roswita says
WAHOO! Happy, happy, happy 🙂
Caitlyn says
I just squeezed out loud in glee!
This gives me something to look forward to since Kate is ending this year 🙁
Caitlyn says
I definitely wrote squealed…
Cecilia says
I immediately brought up another session and put it on my wish list (I don’t usually purchase until closer to the date). Many thanks!
Jenn says
SueS says
Made my week (and I REALLY needed a pick me up!!)
Kristine says
Congratulations! And yeah!!
Maria says
OMG …is it november yet??? roll on November and fall next year!! ……………!!!!! So happy now!!!!
Maria says
Thank you, by the way!!!!
Kim says
This. Just. Made. My. DAY!
Aarya says
You have no idea how much you made my entire day! No, week. No, YEAR!!!! Thank you so much. I have so much to look forward to: Hugh book, Magic Triumphs, and now this.
Judy B says
This is wonderful news,,,
Anna says
::screams:: ::faints:: ::runs around in circles:: A novella AND three more books? It’s like Christmas. I may or may not be ugly crying tears of joy in my office right now.
Chris Henderson-Bauer says
Eeeeeeee! (This is the sound I literally just made sitting at my desk.)
THANK YOU SO MUCH. I can’t wait.
Carly Spade says
*runs around screaming and flails arms, realizes forgot pants, dresses, and resumes screaming run*
Daniel B says
But it’s just a SMALL inter-dimensional horror!
Mem says
Put a little tuxedo on it. Maybe they won’t notice.
Kris says
YEEE HAW! (Jumping up and down and drooling at the idea of more Hidden Legacy stories…)
Lisa says
Marian Bernstein says
I am so happy right now.
Lissa says
So flipping excited!! Thank you so much! 😀
Barb says
Yes, yes yesssss!
I am so happy!
Elaine says
This is the best news EVER!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lizzie says
This is amazing news!!!!! Fingers crossed two of the books are for Catalina and Arabella!! Thank you so much!
Kate says
Oh my gosh! Yay! Thank you author lords.
Erin says
This is amazing news!!! ?
sylenc says
So very hype!
Heathernicole says
So very excited!!
Gabriella says
OMG!!! 2019 fall??!! You are killing me… I cant wait…This is an awsome news but it could be a little bit better with a spring release 😉
I hope we get some hint about the story. :*
Julie says
This just made me a very happy camper yay!
Dawn says
Hyperventilating!!!!!! Yessssssss!!!
Rene says
Omg!!! Yeah!!! Woo hooo!
Riikka says
Omg yes!
Wanda C. says
This brings such joy to my heart (lol). I needed some good news today and this is AWESOME!!!!
Diane L says
Dancing with glee!!! Best news I’ve had in quite some time. Great news for us readers & you writers . . . having steady work lined ahead is always wonderful. 😀 ☼ ☼ ☼
Amanda L says
This is so exciting!
Martha MacMillan says
Squeeeeeeee!!! Oh wow. Just wow. Speechless with excitement.
I love all your series, I don’t think I could pick a favourite, but the one with the most books yet to come is generally up there ?
Congratulations on the deal, really happy for you, and for us. We, The BDH, have even more to look forward to now.
Luys says
Squee, squee, yayayay!
I think more people here will wait for that date than for any other wedding! 😉
Joylyn says
YESSSS!! Great news!
Liv W says
A novella AND 3 more books!!! YASSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! Congratulations, and thank you! 😀
Shannon says
Victoria says
Oh good! I was really concerned that the last book would be the -last book-. The story didn’t seem over! YAY!!!!
Victoria says
Yay!!! So excited – I went to pre-order the novel, only to find out I pre-ordered it 3/21/2018!!!
Allison says
Olivia says
)Totally fan girling right now!!!!!!! Fan girling SO…BEEPING…HARD!!!!!!!!!! My man is back!!!!!!! Well, technically he doesn’t exist and he’s Nevada’s man…but my man is baaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!
We aren’t worthy oh great authorlords, but we’ll take it anyway!!!))
Shannon says
+1 x infinity
Sarah K says
Debi Majo says
Oh how fabulous!
Clare says
Chills. Actual chills. Congratulations! 😀
Rachel says
I actually just made a DnD character based on Nevada and am just waiting for an excuse to play her! She has the Shocking Grasp cantrip and insane insight and accuracy with ranged weapons 😀
Tara says
** SQUEE !! ** If I could pre-order that again, I would!
O, please let one of the 3 novels be about Leon!
Mara says
yay! soooooooooo happy! 🙂 *commences the dance of joy* <—— which shows enthusiasm, but no grace or skill…
Colleen says
Vi Love says
Thank you!!!! best day of the week so far !!!
Simone says
Wow – Novella and 3 more books. I was only expecting the Novella. What a pleasant surprise.
I have accepted the invitation and promise to keep my summoning powers under control. 🙂
Maria says
Yes!!! I can’t pick a favorite but I can’t wait far more Legacy books.
Maria says
And it’s on my birthday!!! Best present ever!!!
LBHG says
OMG OMG OMG……. I preordered that novella sooooo fast, but now time will move sooooo slow. It’s good torture though. Thanks !
sarafina says
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just read this on Facebook and was coming to squee!!!!!!
3 more books – but there are 2 sisters, 2 cousins, Bugs and Augustine. I think you need more books.
Carolyn says
And Cornelius. I would like Cornelius to find some happy down the line, and his talent is so fascinating. ?
Mary Cruickshank-Peed says
Woo! Can’t wait!
EarlineM says
SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! I actually squeeeeeeeeed! I never squee. But I squeeeeeed! So excited.
sarafina says
Oh, and will the November Novella come out in paper eventually?
Jan Woodford says
As with all other members of the BDH, I am excited and pleased for you – and us!
Brenda says
YEAH!!!! I love this series! I just pre-ordered the novella.
Dawn says
So let me get this straight
June- Hugh
November- HL
Holy hell this will be an amazing year!!!!!!
Lee says
And then 3 more books to come! What marvelous news! I hopethe NYC trip was fun and relaxing, as well as rewarding.
Tina in NJ says
Don’t forget Sweep of the Blade/Innkeeper squeezed in there among everything else!
Donna says
Wow! Great! So looking forward to them!
Kris says
I am so EXCITED!! I hoped so much to read more about Nevada and Connor! Unfortunately I can’t preorder it via Amazon as I am not living in the United States 🙁
Kris says
Ok never mind I tried it again and it worked! Can’t wait to read it!
Shannon from Florida says
Shannon says
YUSSSS!!! *fist pumps air* All that not so secret hoping I’ve been doing for more Hidden Legacy has finally been realized. I is excited. ??
Leydhen says
*incoherent happy screeching till eternity*
Tasha A. says
Angie says
I just reread #1 & #2 and just started the reread on #3.
Amanda says
YES YES YES!!! Happy birthday to me!!
Anna says
Hidden Legacy is my favorite of your series.
Tasha A. says
Double Squee!! Triple Squee!! OMGOMOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG SQUEEEEEE! Three more!!! SQUEEEE
Already pre-ordered but I just tried to order again just in case! So excited!
Sheryl says
Wooo Hooo! Very much looking forward to this. Thank you Authorlords!
Lucinda says
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
We are undeserving but oh so grateful for the bounty dear authorlords
Lisa says
SO HAPPY I’M USING SHOUTY CAPS!!! Thank you so much ❤
Ashleigh says
Are so just had a fangirl moment including the high-pitched squeal.
Debi Murray says
Best news ever! I am RSVPing a yes!
Gracie O'Neil says
Beyond thrilled for us and doing the happy dance for you both. Congratulations!
Kris says
Great news! A novella this fall and 3 more books in the coming years! Second best news today – the best being that my cat’s tumor was completely cut out
Catlover says
Poor baby! Hope you are both recovering!
Lisa says
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Bursting with excitement 🙂
Karen says
Preordered & so happy for y’all!! Congrats!
Brandi says
{runs to stick more money in the book fund}
Karen says
Excellent news! Pre-ordered;
karen h says
Oh my gosh, I just squeed and happy danced and pre-ordered!!
KimberlyR says
Yes! I accept! I will be there!!!!!
Quick question if you have time to read all the (probably billions) of comments and see this: do preorders matter for stuff like this? You’re an auto-buy for me but I generally buy on the publication day. Is it better for the author if I preorder instead? (I will be reading an e-book so my order won’t matter in terms of bookstore supplies.)
Chess says
Yay!! So so happy to hear this! Great news guys.
Jessica Garcia says
Virginie says
OMFG! More hidden legacy!!!!! I’m in heaven! Thank you!!
Ivy says
Brionney Longhurst says
Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!!!!!
I can’t wait!!!!!
Thank you so much!!!!!
Tyler Alexander says
jewelwing says
😀 😀 😀
Andie says
OMFG YUSSSSSSS!!!! I just finished rereading these and this is the best news ever!!!! ?
MissB2U says
Excuse me. I need to go breathe into a paper bag now.
MaryF says
+1 and squeeee!
AngelRae says
Just RSVPd at Amazon! Can’t wait!!
Amelie says
You truly are too good to us.
Davinia says
*doing a (very very) happy dance!!!*
JenMo says
KMad says
KathyInAiken says
I was terribly gauche and respond prior to receiving the invitation. What a wonderful time to be a reader in the world!
Tink says
Yep, I RSVP’d as soon as someone pointed out a link to an untitled novella on Amazon.
So… Where are Nevada and Rogan registered?
Karen says
Woohoo!!! Fantastic news! Thank you very much!!!
Joy says
OMG. Actually squee’ing and hyperventilating!!!! THANK YOU!
(What does one get for the happy couple?)
Rena says
WOOT! Great news to start the day. I love the HL world and characters.
Well, I love all of your books, but they are special! Hum, so are Innkeeper, Silver Shark, Silent Blade, KD, The Edge, etc. /grin
Rena says
Preorder done! Now for the wait.
Christy says
I am not one to squee. I often am amused or annoyed by those who do particularly in a written format. Having said that.
Thank you!
Mel says
The Power grid crashed today (again) in the entire Island (I’m in Puerto Rico ??) due to some workers moving a tower and touching one the main power lines. This novella is by far the best news I’ve read all day! Thank you, I needed something to lighten my mood.
Sara says
Uh. Como andan las cosas por allá?
Marina says
No matter what happens( moving, flood, sickness, gardentrouble, yarn and their healing abilities, computerthingies, stupid people, kids, dogs, lost presents, KDfinal book,I can keep on going) , you just surprise us with this anouncement. Let the magic flow!
LizzyG says
So excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can NOT Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kathy Power says
Oh wonderful. So much to look forward to.
Tos Al says
Cellllleeebrate good times COME ON!
Sara says
I have nothing else than OMG OMG OMG!!!
thank you!
I thought nothing could make my life better than my new flat and job, but this has just made my day. Thank you!!
Liz mansfield says
Fantastic news ! Very welcome today too – I sometimes wonder if you know what your books can do to your readers, to brighten their days generally or to let us escape into your worlds for a bit to give us respite from some of life’s nastier times – thank you for that xxx
SArah says
Catlover says
My scowl just turned to a BIG smile! Such exciting and wonderful news! It took me an hour to book a cab for tomorrow morning, 4 a.m. Pickup. You’d think a cab company would answer the phone! Fingers crossed they actually show up. And Friday is just two days away for my next Maud fix. Now I need to go pack.
Joanne says
Is it weird that I am just as excited to see this fictional wedding invitation as I do my actual friends wedding? Perhaps even more so as all I get out of this is the pleasure of reading more and no need to spend big money on hotel fees, gifts etc. I guess books are my social scene! 😀
Although I wouldn’t mind seeing what’s on their wedding registry!!!
Joanne says
Good thing amazon has something in place telling me I already purchased this item because I keep trying to buy this pre-order again and again! I just get so excited to see more of Hidden Legacy!
Anna says
Wooohooo!!! Congratulations 🙂
Aggiereader says
I can’t tell you how much I needed good news like this today. Yay!!!
Laurence says
Tada indeed!
Andrea says
I’m pretty sure this is my most favorite series (Kate is pretty awesome though…?). Anyway, I could not be more excited! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!?
Chris T. says
YES. Sigh. Thank you. Wanted to know more about the Baylor kids. (Runs to another room & does an embarrassing happy dance out of sight of the computer!!)
Penny says
Would not miss it for anything ❤️
Leslie says
Wonderful! Love all your work and understand moving on to new projects, but was sad to think Rogan and and Nevada and all these interesting characters were leaving us. More exciting releases to look forward to. Thank you, Author Lords.
Carla says
SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! I can hardly wait and see (read lol) about the mayhem! Lol
K C Hulsman says
Verily doth this make me joyous.
Beth says
YAY!!! Congratulations!!!
Bev Hill says
Yayyyyyyy!!!! This is SO WONDERFUL!!
Shreya k says
Omg… best news ever! Thank you.
Joanna D says
This is amazing 2018 is shaping up to be an Amazing year, all we need to make it perfect to to get the squeal to Alpha:Origins 🙂
Malin says
Oh, what wonderful news! I literally squeed out loud and hugged myself when reading this, making my husband give me a very strange look from his side of the sofa. Three books and a novella! This is more than I had ever dared hope for. So happy now.
JenS says
HAPPY DANCE! Everybody!!!!
I will have you know that I wrote to your publishers about the Hidden Legacy books and asked them to encourage them to contract for MORE BOOKS in that world. WOOT. So happy for all of us!!!!!
Klam says
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! *happy excited dance*
Aimee P. says
Omg!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I’m so excited and can’t wait! ❤️❤️❤️
LucyQ says
OMG. Squeeing and jaw dropping just short circuited my brain. I think I stopped breathing for a few minutes there. So incredibly excited.
Jennifer says
Congrats to two of the best authors in the business! Thank you for this. My coworkers started looking at me like I’m crazy when I started squealing…. it was either the squealing or my desk chair falling over when I jumped up happily. Hehehehe.
Kimei says
I think I just scared the guy in the cube across from me because I yelled “squeee” so loud. ? This is awesome news! I’m so happy for you guys and so excited to read the next installments for Nevada and Rogan!
Jocelyn Malone says
Veronic says
Sofia T. says
I’m so freaking exciteddddddddd!!!!!!!!
May says
I am so excited! Been hoping for this for so loooooooong after I read the last book!
SoCoMom says
I am at work and literally squeeing out loud, chanting “yes, yes, yes!!!” in between squees. All kinds of awesome. I can barely wait for Grandma Frida to Bring It.
Cherise says
I soooooo love this
Christine says
Wonderful news ?
Olivera says
Woohoo ? I was hoping for that! Congratulations ????
GailinPgh says
Good for Avon. I was hoping for this when you posted about a New York trip. What did you end up doing with any free time?
Marcie says
This is soooo wonderful!!
Susan says
Well, that just made my day! Yay!
Alana Abbott says
Hurrah! I’ve been hoping we’d see more of these characters!
Cees says
Nean says
I am formally RSVPing
Harukogirl says
Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! YES! I am 3 minutes from a job interview and now I’m in an excellent frame of mind ???
tylikcat says
Kill it!
Harukogirl says
Thank you! It went very well ?
Destiny says
Yay!!! I started re-reading the series today! Best. Coincidence. Ever. I’m the happiest woman right now. 🙂
Angel Mercury says
Kylemxm says
I did not think that anything could brighten this day, but here we are. Congratulations!
Jessica says
Best. Post. Ever!!!! Thaaaaaaaank yooooou!!!
Alex says
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! OMG!!!! Im so flipping excited for this!!!!!!!
Carolyn says
Wooo-Hooo! Very happy for you (and for us)!
Elizabeth G says
I feel it reverberating in my bones because i can’t let the joy out in the cube farm in which i sit.
It must be echoing through the BDH right now!
Karen the Griffmom says
Crystal says
Yay. I figured they were done. So glad it’s not!!!
ReneeG says
Can’t wait for the novella and THREE MORE HIDDEN LEGACY BOOKS!!!! Best news today!
Veryzealousreader says
Yes yes yes!
Can’t wait to meet Rogan’s mom! Can’t wait for the wedding!
So happy for more books in this awesome world!
Thank you!
Sue roome says
I am sooo excited for this! Just tried to pre order on U.K. Amazon but it won’t let me 🙁 it seems my invitation has been revoked for out of town guests ?
Kath says
Type in Ilona’s name and there is an untitled novella advertised ?
Ari says
I am so excited. I actually saw a weird posting on IBooks this past Tuesday about an untitled Hidden Legacy novella. I pre-ordered it not knowing if it was for real and just hoped for the best. My faith definately paid off! Thanks so much!!!!!!!
Josie says
Alex says
On a side note, my cousin has named his new fish Olasard, the Ripper of Souls. Ollie for short. Apparently, she’s a dick. This may be the best day…
Bri says
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! that is the BEST news
Ariel says
This is amazing news!
Quick Question: Will all of the upcoming novels have the “previously-introduced House Baylor family members” as the main protagonists, or will Nevada/Rogan headline? I ask because, if so, this (fabulous) direction reminds me of Nalini Singh’s Guild Hunter books — while I love reading the books starring the “previously introduced” characters, I VASTLY prefer the novels where, as in Ms. Singh’s case, Elena/Rafael are the main protagonists. I honestly just REALLY love Nevada & Rogan’s voices and their story. Sorry, that wasn’t quick at all. :/
Thank you for this delightful news!
Donna Antonio says
Woo hoo!
Ami says
YES!!!! YES YES YES!!!! I hate that I’m stuck in my car waiting to pick up my kid so I can’t jump up and down right now!!!! OMG so happy!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!! THANK YOU!!!
KR says
What a wonderful surprise! Congratulations!
Jen says
*Inhuman pterodactyl noises* I just scared the crap out of my coworkers. Whoops… So exciting! More of my favorite books!
Kaitlin says
I’m literally squiggling around on my chair and squeeing I. AM. SO. EXCITED.
lacrima says
Did not audibly squee. Hurt my shoulder with my enthusiastic fistpump though. I am so happy we’re getting more Nevada and Rogan.
Great job for getting the book deal and thank you so much for writing more of two of my favorite heroes!
Donna says
OMG, 3 more! We get Game of Thrones and more Hidden Legacy, can’t wait until 2019!
Pika says
THANKS SO MUCH YEAAAHHHHH \o/ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Karsten says
I’ve been waiting for this! So happy right now!!!
Rosa Mai says
C’est Merveilleux ! Je suis au 7 eme ciel ! Merci AuthorLords !
Bisous de France. ?? ? ??
Laura says
Sweet!! I totally RSVP!
I completely love this world, as I do all of the worlds that you create. I also especially loved all of the camaraderie and speculation in the reader forums following the last two books! I absolutely can’t wait to see who gets chosen to be the focus of the next books!
Mary Wolf says
F YEAH!!!!
MeggsH says
!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so freaking excited!!!!!!!!! I’ve been slowly getting my mom hooked on genre fiction and y’all are one of the first authors I introduced her to. She’s currently in the middle of Wildfire and just YESTERDAY I was ranting on and on about how much I hope there would be more of this series!!!!
Sooo freaking excited!!!
Consider my RSVP automatic!! DONE!
Skye says
VeronicaK says
So excited!! Pre-ordered the novella and am thriiled the series has three more books coming!
Gloria Magid says
I am so excited! If I weren’t at work I’d be dancing around the room!!! Whee!!! not just for the novella, but also for three more novels!!!
You guys have made my year!
Stephanie Spiher says
Yes!!!! This made my day!!!!
Erin H says
YAY! I desperately needed some good news today. This was perfect timing. Can’t wait to see what shenanigans pop up during the wedding (and what insanity awaits us in the new novels)!
Kathryn says
No, no, no…I’m sure there will be no wedding shenanigans. Didn’t you read the invitation? Magical mayhem is strictly forbidden!
tylikcat says
…we could almost start a betting pool.
Tamara says
So excited! I want to see how Leon develops. He is a romantic at heart. I hope he ultimately decides not to be a black horse.
Nic says
Eeeeeee!! So excited! More of Connor and Nevada! Excellent, consider this my RSVP!
Lea says
Wheeeeeeee!!!!!!!! I’m sooooo happy!!! Just made a happy dance =) AND it’s three books!!!
Vetita says
I liked the story of Nevada and Connor so much but I felt something was missing, so the news of this wedding is the best of my week so far. Also the other characters had much more “to say”. I’m super excited and I hope we also have novels about Derek and Julie, one is not enough! I know this is the last book in the Kate Daniels series, but I hope you can also write about these other characters. Thank you again for giving us your talent.
Bookworm says
So very exciting!!!!
Briana says
Wonderful news!
Samantha DeRamus says
Tina in NJ says
Kat says
You just seriously made my day. Thank you so much!!!
Alisa Hylton says
Court says
Colourfulchatterbox says
This has literally made my day. And it’s so soon…kinda. I mean it’s not 2019 and that’s fantastic in my eyes.
The series always felt slightly unfinished to me so I’m estactic more is coming 🙂
William B says
Ordered…of course since it won’t be delivered until November I’ll probably try to order it again at least two more times.
Connie says
I do that, which is why I find myself with multiple copies and don’t know why!
Elizabeth says
Wooooooohooooooooo! I cannot wait!
Mairi says
Erin Burns says
Best day ever!! I am so excited!!
BelleBok says
Congratulations to both of you! You have made us soooo happy! What a wonderful year 2019 is going to be….as is this year.
Loved the wedding announcement.
Pleased that I already pre-ordered sight unseen.
Thank you for inviting us into your different worlds – BEST Authors Ever!
Rachel says
Pat Crouch says
Great news!
Anne208r says
Thank you! Best news this year!
Zimni havran says
Best news of the week so far!!!!
gingkogirl says
Yeah! Huge yeah!
And congratulations!
Kristi says
I just danced around!
But then I cried after reading ‘Fall 2019’. But then I consoled myself with the novella news.
Candy says
Woooohoooo, happy dance
Kathryn says
My daughter is getting married November 3rd and I may actually be more excited for this fictional wedding than I am for the real one. Shhhh…don’t tell my daughter I said that…
Verslint says
Bwahahaha! ?
Brian K says
Magical activities strictly forbidden … where’s the fun in that? Glad to see the Hidden Legacy series continued!
kommiesmom says
People always ignore wedding invitation “requests”.
“They couldn’t possibly mean me / my children / my plus one”, etc.
I’m sure the wedding planner, parents, and happy couple will be just as annoyed as everyday folks.
Fun all around – Woohoo!
Hilary says
Thank you an early birthday present to myself. Preordered
nickole195 says
BEST NEWS EVER, this is my favourite series of yours. Thank you to infinity and beyond. So bloody happy – you guys rock and cannot wait to see which characters you expand on……perma grin on my face!
Verslint says
Funny thing, I see a pre-order link on this webpage, and I don’t think of conversion rates or the price after conversion or tax implications or anything…
I simply take my wallet, throw it at the screen and scream at the monitor to take my money until my husband comes in and tries to stage an intervention.
Can’t wait, thanks for the update!
Kamrin says
Jackie says
NicoleAllee says
Hooray!! Good job, Authorlords!
Susan Ivey says
Thank you Author Lords!!
Lottiemam says
Génial ! Waiting will almost kill me! I already wait to see which French first name you pick for Hugh’s book…
Rowena says
3 more – thank you! I so appreciate your imagination in creating such engaging characters.
lada says
Congratulations, Authorlords!! Thrilled that the series did well enough for you for Avon to want three more + the novella!!
Genius way to keep the BDH from bugging you too much after Magic Triumphs comes out and we start demanding more books right away!!
Cynthia says
Yessssssss ..Thanks!!!!!!! Can’t wait for the November book!!!!
Valerie Specht says
Eloisa says
ACCEPTED! Just Pre-ordered at Amazon. Dress will be my pajamas as I read first thing in the morning. Whoopee!
Cerulean says
Woooo hooo!!!!
wont says
OMG!!!!!! What else can I say!!!!
Aga says
Awesome! 😀
I’ve never before pre-ordered a book so quickly 😀
Kitsuneink says
Oh man! You have no idea how excited I am to see that there will be more Hidden Legacy. I love those books so much!
Jan says
Pre-ordered. Can’t wait. Thank you
Tina R. says
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!! So excited!
Mak says
I think it says how excited I am that when I went to pre-order I saw the price and thought that can’t be right, thats too cheap?! Then I read “novella” and thought thats still too cheap!
Yay for a new hidden legacy story!!!
Ying says
I’m so excited! Thank you thank you thank you!!! Xx
Ciastulek says
Marilyn says
Everything of yours is automatically ordered
Mousewynne says
WOOT! Great news all round! Pre-ordering.
Aurora says
Hooray!!! (And congratulations on more sales!)
Rohaise says
Squeeee! Best news of the day!!!
Mags says
Happy happy happy ????????
Thai says
OMG OMG OMG!!!! I’m so excited! I absolutely love this series!
Anne in Virginia says
Will there be a paper copy of the novella available at some time? Of course I already ordered the kindle version but I always want a dead tree version as well. And congratulations on the new three book contract, although it will be hard to wait for fall of 2019 for more gratification. Call me greedy. And I’m proud of it!
Anne in Virginia
Sarah M says
I totally may have preordered after the picture without reading the rest of the post. So FREAKIN EXCITED!
Susan E says
Same here???
Other Barbara says
Me too. Yay!
Lesley says
AWESOME!!! *happy lil’ jig*
Connie says
I just pre-ordered and am excited that the series will continue.
Julia says
Yay! So excited! Thank you so much!
Deb says
Awesome news!!!
Preordered ✔️
Kirstin says
Diane says
So glad that you got a deal for this series.
(Happy dance)
Natasha Johnson says
Oh my goodness!!! YAY!!! ??????????
Alexis says
I’m so excited for more Hidden Legacy! A novella AND three full novels? Best news I’ve had all year!
Margaret says
This is the best news I’ve had all day. Woot! Squee! Huzzah!
Danielle A says
Danielle A says
Tara says
I am so excited! Love this series and can’t wait for more!
Lilly M. says
Rebecca says
OMG, sooooo excited!!!
April says
Huzzah!! (My son stared at me after I yelled that aloud in the living room…but he totally got it after I told him that it was about a book.)????
Jessica Maciel says
*pterodactyl scream* YEEESSSSSSS
Thank you so so much authorlords!!!
Ara says
Carrie Romero says
Day. Made.
Zealith says
Preordered! -does a happy dance-
Jeanette says
Yes! Yes! Yes! Thank you!
The Other Margaret says
Thank you! Had already pre-ordered the novella from Amazon. Glad to see it is real. So looking forward to 3 new Legacy novels as well. Wowza…
Carolina says
Just pre-ordered! Guess I’ll be home sick (cough, cough) on Nov. 1st.
Maybe you can do a meet in greet in Austin at Public Library? Pretty please. I’ll bring tea.
sarafina says
YES!!! I’ll bring chocolate.
MaggieD says
When will it be available for pre-order on
Bea says
can’t preorder it isn’t showing in the australian amazon store 🙁 🙁
Adrianne Middleton says
Diane_D says
Taleisha Bowen says
Hurray!! Thank you so much, I’m so excited!!!
Carolina says
Oh My God! This is the BEST news I’ve had this year! I’m SO excited!
Heather says
Best news!! With Kate and Currin ending I was wondering what’s next. I’ve been super hyped for Hughs book and ridiculously drawn infor Sweep of the blade. I totally love Maud. I liked Dina but. I love Maud. The fight scene was so amazing. I love y’all !!
strangejoyce says
+1 and +1 again!
Alex R. says
This is awful news. Means they’re never going back to write more Edge books. And the Derek/Julie novels are a dream at best.
All I have to look forward to now are 4 Mad Rogan books, KD 10 and the Hugh trilogy. Clearly Ilona and Gordon are just not fully committed to this writing thing.
Maybe, they’ll just spin regular yarn for cash.
Yes, I’m kidding. Awesome news. Can’t wait.
Tina Black says
More Derek and Julie would be good.
Charisn says
Kimberly says
More!!!!! That is fabulous news! Can’t wait for more Nevada and Rogan! Yea!
Brittany V. says
AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! *breathless squee*
Elizabeth says
YES! YES! YES! Oh my god yes! Thank you Authorlords my prayers have been answered.
Natasha says
Awesome! I just listened to this series again a little while ago!
Omar Mtz says
YaY!!!!!! Pre-order!!!!
Tina Black says
Aja says
Pre-ordered! So excited to see what happens with the rest of the Baylor family!
Elena says
This is the only series I’ve read in a really really long time where I’ll just be minding my own business going about my day and I’ll auddenly want to reread them all. Again. I just love the chemistry between all the characters and the story is awesome. Dang, now I want to read them again. Gotta go.
Alex R. says
Yup. Can’t wait for more Arabella.
AJ Rother says
Yes, yes, yes! ???
Sara T says
SQUEEEEEE! Totally made my day.
Jana says
And…..crap…..I have nothing to wear. Mumbles to self about losing weight (which is NOT gonna happen). Oh well, still terribly exciting!!! Can’t wait!
strangejoyce says
And I’m also worrying about choosing a plus one for this. Bwahahahaha!
Emilye says
Rotfl! You two are a hoot! And the news IS terrif
Pat Sciarini says
Wahoo!!! Of course I accept!
Amy Ann says
You have made so many people happy today. Good job guys!
deb in pa says
SO excited! It’s a great series.
Maxine says
Yea!!! I love this series.
Colleen Thorsen says
Lisa says
WHOO-HOO!!! I screeched!!!
toni says
Fan in California says
CONGRATULATIONS to you and SQUEE for us!!!!!! SO looking forward to the next installment!!! Thanks so very much!!!!!! (Numerous exclamation points absolutely necessary to convey my excitement with this announcement. ?)
Gale D says
Woo hoo! Pre-Order completed. Thank you!
PamG says
strangejoyce says
So the NY trip was very successful indeed! *wink*
Squeeeee!!!!! And chiiiiiii! Such a boon for the author lords and an extremely bountiful blessing for the BDH!
JennT says
I was wondering how to leave a comment thanking you for Hidden Legacy and letting you know how Nevada and Rogan are getting me through the very end of a long grad school experience. I do not read new books during the semester as I become too engrossed and neglect my studies, but I have to finish this semester or my husband might divorce me (not really, he has been incredibly patient throughout). So there I was thinking, okay, I have 2 weeks left and only 3 clinical days to go, what should I read? Books I have read so many times I can recite my favorite scenes by heart! Also, I am driving all over Houston for my clinical sites so I feel close to Nevada. Anywhoo, tomorrow is my very last clinical day before I head off to take my FNP boards sometime in the murky future, so I believe I shall pre-order some books as a reward (see, new books are distracting when you are supposed to be writing papers and making presentations). Thank you for the series, thank you for the blog, and thank you for writing.
Becca says
OMG, OMG, OMG! Pre-ordered and so thankful for more Hidden Legacy!
Andrea says
Will this be in paper form also for those who prefer that form over ebook?
Can’t wait to read!
MelanieS says
Preorder coming Friday!! Nov. won’t get here soon enough.
Katrina says
When the most exciting part of your day is an invite to a fictional wedding ?
Charisn says
Best part of my year! so far…
Fan in California says
Any chance the novellas,will be available in a print version or will they only be available in a Kindle version?
Fan in California says
Sorry!! Novella now, right, novels later. So, any chance the novella will be available in print? So excited!!!
Linda says
Omg super super excited thank you so much ❤
Cant wait. Must preorder?
Linda says
Plus the animal mage i hope?
Mandy says
I yelped – very loudly – on the bus. This announcement will have me smiling for the rest of the day. Thankyou!
Ista in Sydney says
I’m Knitting on the inside.
Ista in Sydney says
Ugh auto-confuse. Kermitting, aka will flailing arms while squeeing. Not knitting.
Ginni Carter says
I was thinking that knitting must be an engrossing and exhilarating experience for you then. 😉
Kim says
I thought you would be killing time waiting by knitting!
Aleja says
Yayayayay :). So happy about this! Thank you so much, author lords!
Patience says
Where the O2? where Is the Frickin’ oxygen? I can’t catch my breath…
…and now back to your regularly scheduled program.
Tiffany Crystal says
Preordered! Dangit….this means I have to download kindle again…
Charisn says
OMG! I have a keep breathing in and out. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much. Yayyyyyy!!!!#
Laura the Librarian says
Omg….I’m so happy! I love Nevada and Connor. And Grandma Frida. And the cute sister. And the other sister. And the cousins. You write it, I buy it!
Ms. Kim says
haha on sister comment.
Tina says
Thank you so much. I love that series almost as much as I love the Kate Daniels series. You are my most favorite author ever. Please keep the books coming and don’t ever retire.
Delilah says
Omg I’m doing my happy dance!!! Love these two!! Best news!
Carolyn Jasiulewicz says
nessa says
i’m so excited for this !!!!! ;))
Kiri says
Aiiiiiii! I know it’s not a real wedding invitation, but I swear, if you held a magical nuptial, hang the expense and the potential threat of death, I’d be there! Yay.
Dave_5K says
Clearly Amazon marketing is not required… still titled “Unti Hidden Legacy Novella #1”, with no product description at all. Resulting in, as of right now:
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #94 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#3 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Romance > Fantasy
#3 in Books > Romance > Paranormal
#3 in Books > Romance > Fantasy
kitkat9000 says
Congratulations to you & Gordon for the book contract!
Congratulations to us for getting to read more great books!
Patricia Schlorke says
Wheee! I and all of the BDH formally accept the invitation. ? I pre-ordered the book when I saw the hush-hush around it in an earlier blog post.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Happy dance, happy dance! ???
Athena says
Best birthday present ever!
LucyQ says
Totally random suggestion: ninja ferrets as miniature wedding attendants (flower girl/ringbearer).
Lorraine says
I am so excited for the continuation of the Hidden Legacy World. It is glorious that you are in for 3 more novels. Yay!!
M says
OMG! Sqeeeeeeeee. I already preordered the novella and now it a wedding! SQUEEEEEEEEEE.
Debbie says
oh thank the lord just what I needed to see after the long slog day
Ms. Kim says
So is Leon going to be put on a path to go to college and then into military as an officer (so that they won’t make him a snipe)r? Is being a sniper his passive or active field?
Bin says
Preordered and so excited!!! I just finished rereading these yesterday OMG OMG yayyyy!!!
Kyle Belliston says
What should I get for a gift? You just gave me a great one.
Lindsey says
Am so happy! This was just the bit of good news I needed at the end of my day. Thank you for continuing Nevada’s & Connor’s (aka Mad Rogan) story.
I will pre-order as soon as the stories are available.
Barbara says
I actually got goosebumps – this is fantastic
Chy-Ra says
OMG … YES!!! M looking forward to these!
Sleepy says
Noel Goudreau says
Jenn says
Wonderful! Annnddd it’s almost Friday… You guys are the best! There is no other blog I read, and read all the comments because I love the people, AND read all the books … Because the stories are impeccably written…. And again, wonderful.
Avril says
Wonderful news!
Teresa says
Wonderful wonderful wonderful. I have been missing the family. I want to meet Rogans mother. You are the best.
Lynn says
Thank you! Just reread and was hoping for more….. So excited to see the announcement.
Sarah G says
This is the best news ever and will definitely help me survive the end of the KD series. I already preordered the novella as soon as it went up on Amazon but you can bet I’ll be buying them all!
Ed says
Awesome! So excited.
April says
And there was much rejoycing!!!
tylikcat says
Oh, this is so perfect – I can’t imagine a better direction for the series!
Nicholi says
Yay! Thank you.
Will there be an audio version of the novella? (hopeful look)
Melody L. says
Best news ever! Thank you so much for giving Nevada and Rogan a chance publishers!
I am so excited!!!! SQUEEEEEEEE
Jukebox says
MerryB says
Thank you. I hope you two have lots of fun writing all stories.
Happy sigh
Rachel says
***Runs around in circles squealing ecstatically*****WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
Thank you Author Lords!
Ann says
I’ve never pre-ordered before… but this was a must. Thank you!
30 book a month reader says
Best damn news ever!!!
LeslieQ says
Gaelle Dray says
I second that!
Gloria Fidler says
I’ve pre-ordered this! I only pre-order a few favourite authors and Ilona Andrews currently tops my list of authors whose books I can’t wait to read.
GreyShadow says
Same here
I ordered this book on the 9th when I saw this on Amazon
Amy says
Sivi says
Omg omg omg omg omg
Best news to start my day.
Thank you
Pam says
Hoo boy! Going to start looking for flights….and checking my tarot card readings….
Courtenay says
Carrie says
Double squee. We are so spoiled this year ?
Laura says
Triple squee!
Anna says
Fantastic news! Looking forward to it!
Truemyth says
I’m so excited! I love Kate, but I’ve been wanting more of Nevada and her world since book one.
Ramona says
Yay! Just preordered. So delighted to hear the news.
Tania says
Oh this is fantastic!!! I was crossing fingers and toes hoping that we would get more Hidden Legacy.. I pretty much only listen to audio now for my entertainment reading, but I will read this!!!
Reethu says
Squeeeel….jumping with happiness…
Preorder right away..
ready to read says
Easiest decision I have made lately… too much real life crisis.
Thanks and one- clicked that puppy after the first sentence.
Now I have something fun to look forward to.,
Vala says
Happy dance!! This is fantastic!!! Thank you Authorlords!!!! Can I add enough exclamation marks? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ann Morgester says
Cordially accepted. All magic will be left at home.
You should be hearing my happy squeal all the way from Alaska.
Jane C. from New Orleans says
Best. News. Ever. Can’t. Wait. ?
TJ says
*big smile*
Thank you!
Marcia S says
Yeah. I’m sure going to be pretty ordering this
Anatwork says
So exciting!!!
Adelaide says
I cant find the preorder in Amazon Australia. NOOOOOOOOoooooo… The. Best. News!!!!!! Cant. Hardly. Wait!!!!!!
Frances says
I found it on iBooks Australia. Looking forward to November 6th. Can hardly wait !!!!
Bin says
I switch my amazon to american and just buy it in american dollars… domt know if its cheaper more expensive or the same .. but oh well!
AndrewC says
Mazeltov! Mazeltov to the happy couple, and the BDH!
So, if this is coming out November of this year, does this mean you are working on KD, Sweep, Hugh, AND Hidden Legacy all at once? Wow, you guys are some kinda busy.
Looking forward to the Happy Day(s).
Demi says
Wow exellent, i had hoped for this! Congratulations!!
Violet says
Whoo-hoo! Most excellent news! (Also, pre-ordered!)
Kristine says
Omg. So happy. LOVE LOVE LOVE this series
Vanessa Vespera says
Yaaas queen, YAAAAAAAAAAS.
All bow down to the great authorlords!
Kim says
Huzzah! And more to come? Double huzzah!
Gullan says
OHmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod YESSSSSSSS! No more words needed really.
Sivi says
Lol should have scrolled down and +1ed this before i commented the same above.
Moushumi says
Yay – the release date is my birthday. Last year’s birthday truly sucked – good to know this year’s won’t
mdy says
I am getting excitement whiplash from all the good stuff that is coming our way. ?
Sivi says
Lol I’ve just found that i already preordered this at the end of March… If it’s the only HL Novella being released in Nov?
Just goes to show that the BDH will pre order everything you write. Then get even happier when we know what it’s going to be about and try to order again!!
Michelle says
I’ve attempted to pre-order this three times. Apparently some small part of my brain thinks if I keep preordering it will get here faster!
Cherry says
Pre-ordered, of course…
Cassandra says
I have never pre-ordered so quickly in my life! So very excited for more of this series.
Alannah says
I’ve never said this before, but SQUEE! 😀 xxxxx
Linda says
Oh, YAY!!! I was *so* hoping for more books!! Had already preordered the novella – really excited & anxious to read it!!
Stephanie says
Can’t wait!! First time I’ve pre-ordered a book. So excited to hear about the three novel deal. Love how you guys interact with your fans. Letting us read the innkeeper books as you write them is a real treat (I have purchased all of them and will continue to do so). Very interested in supporting your endeavors. I enjoy all your series – one of my favorite authors!! (Or should I say two, hahaha). Keep on keeping on. 🙂
Sharon says
Congrats to you – and celebrations for us. Great news.
Sorry I can’t make “the wedding” on the actual day but I will be there in spirit until it releases in Australia!
Ekta Sawhney says
Awesome news. Looking forward.
Laura says
Yay! Absolutely Awesome!
Maria says
Hurray!!! What could possible go wrong- when it comes to wedding planning!
RoadRunner says
Well, if it’s a pagan Volhv who happens to be a priest for a dark Russian god doing the planning, the mind boggles…
Monica Martin says
OMG….I LOVE YOU! I really mean that! LOL Best news ever! XO
Arianna says
OMG!!!! Whaaaaaaat????? I can’t believe it, I’m so happy!!! A novella AND three more novels about the Baylor family!
Thank you Ilona and Gordon!
Bill G says
Fascinating. Another joy to be eagerly awaited.
Debra says
That -is- good news!
Andrea D. says
Very happy about this development! So four new Hidden Legacy stories! Thank you and congratulations for the new contract.
anainasia says
Diana says
Yes! Yes! Yes! THANK YOU!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Gretchen says
You’ve just made my day! I’m so happy!
Vanessa says
I’ve been having the shittiest day and this just brightened it right up!! Woohoo.
Can’t wait to read more about Nevada and Rogan!
Gaelle Dray says
Pre-order done! Now the hard part… Waiting! But it is oh! So delicious at the same time!
Thank you very much for this treat!
Jess says
#£@$ YES
Claire says
Great… Thank you….
Susan Stevens says
SQUEE!!! Beautiful announcement, can’t wait
Lisa F says
I echo the SQUEE! and add a “YUSSS” (as Arabella would say).
Beth says
I am so happy, happy ?. Can’t wait. Thank you both so much. I am speechless with anticipation.
Karen Davis says
I’m soooooo excited! THANK YOU!!!!
Erika says
First comment ever, but had to chime in and say a big THANK YOU AND YAY!!!
Cristina says
??? ??????? BEST NEWS OF THE DAY ??????? ???THANK YOU ???
Michelle says
Thank you, you guys are awesome for keeping your fans reading and very happy.
Best news.??????????????????????
Jenni says
This makes me so very happy. Thank you!
Julian says
Happy dancing has commenced.
Betty Schmidt says
What a great birthday gift. :-)) Thank you for continuing this series. It’s so awesome. Can’t wait to read more about the characters. Have fun writing the books.
Cate Hutchinson says
THANK YOU THANK. YOU THANK YOU ?? ??????????????????????
Therese says
Thank you!!! I love this series.
S Dhawan says
You have made my day with the news of three more books and I just bought the novella. So now can’t wait for November to be here.
Thank you!
Mina says
Thank you!!! let the anxious waiting until November commence- seriously, you spoil us. Very glad this worked out for you financially with Avon!
Gayathri says
Thank You !!! So many books to look forward to… Maud, Hugh and Elara , Kate 10 and now Nevada and Connor’s!!! Can’t wait
Jessie Cole says
Amazeballs! I love this series!
JNet says
Dear Authorlords, please take a look at the screenshot from German Amazon today:
No name.
No picture.
The only available information is the author – you.
Bestseller Nr. 1 in “Fantasy Romance”
Jean Morgan says
Was very excited to see this! Ordered immediately!
Annabelle says
Best. News. Ever.
Thank you x gazillion
Barb says
OMG! This has just made my day. I love love this series. I love Nevada and Connor. I prayed you would get a new contract and continue. Amazing news!!
Roxanne says
Congrats & thanks for sharing the news!! You guys are the best!
All the best, and take care.
Lauren says
Wonderful this is so exciting!! So will we get more Rogan POV’s please?!!
Suzanne Rothchild says
OMG!!!!!! i AM SO EXCITED!!!!!! I was hoping that Hidden Legacy would continue. Thank you authorlords, thank you to your agent, and thank you to your publisher. I have already pre-ordered the WEDDING!
Ange in Australia says
Hooray, hooray, hooray!
Kathy says
WOOT!! SUPER WOOT!! And I’m invited to Wedding. Will start planning now. Where are they registered? In Houston in August can’t be an outdoor wedding. So what shall I wear?!?!
Joanne says
Am I the only one thinking of dressing up and having cake while I read this?
RoadRunner says
Probably… 😉
alice says
Yesssss! Invitation to the wedding!!!! This is so coool!
Rosalie says
KathyS says
Whoo hoo!!!!!!!! Congratulations. 🙂
Theresa says
Woot!!! This is awesome news! Thank you for sharing it, and also for being the amazing authors and storytellers that you are!
BookAttict says
*doing a happy dance*
SG says
Surfergirl says
Woo hoo! It’s my birthday on the 9th, so early birthday present for me ??
CallMeKarma says
Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! Si!!! And Da!!! ” May the Force be with You”.
Lorena says
YEAH!!!! so happy, congratulations guys! Very good!
Patty says
Yay!!!!! I’m so happy!
Catherine says
JeNoelle Flom says
I am a “looking forward to summer person”. But I wish it was 2019 so this book would be published already. Looking forward to their devil kids already! They would be into everything. Plus the Catalida instagram episode, hopefully they have a great courtship, wink wink.
Sarah says
*dances around happily in wild abandon*
Tess says
Becky Campion says
Emilye says
+1 – those are gorgeous!
Sarah says
Such exciting news! Thank you!!!
I wonder who the 3 other novels will be about. I figure Nevada’s two sisters, Catalina & Arabella, but what about the third?
Maybe Bern? What about Leon? Lots of fun food for thought. You are so good to us!!
Shaineinok says
Yay! This is wonderful news!
Nicole says
CONGRATULATIONS! I am super excited and have pre-ordered my front row seat. Will there be a print edition, or just kindle? I have both for the series, I really love it and needed to take the series to California with me for airplane reading! I am so glad you are able to publish more of this series. Congratulations again.
Lisa says
Yes!!!!! I love this series, can’t wait to see how the other family member’s powers work!!!!!
April Villone says
OMG OMG OMG YES!!!! I love love love this series. So happy to be getting more books. Thank you!!!
Alison says
A lovely way to start my day, bless you! I just finished listening to “Wildfire” for the fifth time since I bought it last year. So today’s post was perfect!
Padmini Ekbote says
YESSSSSS! Thank you Thank you. I am looking forward to the continuation of the series. I already bought the novella but it is a long wait. Will wait!
pet says
Yes!Thank you!
Judy Schultheis says
Already did RSVP. As soon as I noticed it on Amazon.
AmyM says
This is fantastic news! Congrats! And I must say this is one of the cutest novella reveals I’ve ever seen! I’m so excited this series is continuing. You’ve set up such an interesting world!
shantanu says
Phew… I was a bit worried when there was some question whether the series would be continued with Avon. Definitely looking forward to the new books!
Ararose says
*SQUEALIES* I’m so excited! Thank you!
Heather says
Absolutely fantastic news!
K Dawn says
OMG!!! I am so excited!! I immediately clicked on Amazon and pre-ordered!!
Bernadette Rainey says
Me too! Pity it doesn’t press start on the time machine as well.
DianaInCa says
Thank you! Cannot wait!
Emily07 says
Yeah!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love this series. I’m now going to see what I can pre-order on Amazon, too.
MJ says
Yay! Congrats! ???
Kat says
Oh my Gosh. THANK YOU. I love you, you wonderful authorlords. You continue to make my dreams come true.
Amy says
Patience says
Yyyyyuuuusss (a la Arabella)
EG says
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHAT DOES “focusing on the emerging powers and personalities of previously-introduced House Baylor family members” MEAN?!?! Is it not going to be centered on Nevada anymore?!!??! But why?!!??! I have so many conflicting feelings!!! Why not center them all on Nevada (and Connor)?!?!
But also, thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you dearest authorlords!!
Ilona says
Because they have their HEA. 🙂 They earned it.
Dawn says
I’m very interested to learn more about Carolina and Arabella! And Leon!!!!! Everyone! I love the whole family.
Emily says
*dies of the happy*
Waanda says
Such brilliant news congratulations
But on a sad note, cant seem to pre order ina ustralia yet … here is hoping 🙂 wont be too long until the invite crosses that ocean to us over here
Toni says
Bury me in a Y shaped coffin for I am DEADED! ?
Frances says
I hope we get to meet Connor’s mother in this one. She honestly sounds like such a badass. Yay for more books! 😀
Heather says
Cessie says
Raquel says
So exciting!
Tajanka says
Noooo apparently Kindle Australia has never heard of it!!
Sandy says
Sophie G. says
Oh ouiiiiiiii !!!!
karen says
I just started rereading the Hidden Legacy books!!! This is awesome.
Kay says
This is the best news ever!!!!!
vinity says
OMG! I was off puter yesterday! This is HUGE. Thanks
Janice says
Such a clever way to introduce new books. I sent my RSVP immediately upon receiving my invitation!
Felicia says
Que up orchestral intro of Riley Hampton arrangement of Emma James, “At Last”
At last my love has come along
My lonely days are over and life is like a song, oh yeah
At last the skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up clover the night I looked at you
I found a dream that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill I’ve never known, oh yeah
You smiled, you smiled oh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in Heaven
For you are mine at last
Christina says
YAY!!!! I’m so excited for this. I’ve been checking for an update on this series since I finished it. So glad it will continue.
Thank you so much!!!
Jennifermlc says
I’m so excited Avon picked up 3 more novels! I love the HL world
Rowena says
Oh happy day!! This is amazing news. Yippy skippy!!
Anne in Virginia says
The power of the pre-order. When the announcement hit the novella was at 4,197 for kindle books and respectively 135, 170, 305 for the sub categories. It is now 32 for kindle books and NUMBER ONE in the sub-categories. Woohoo. Of course it did something similar when the announcement first “leaked” and the BDH hit the pre-order button so now these are NEW pre-orders. Are we mighty and appreciative of the AuthorLords? You bet we are!
Anne in Virginia
Vanessa says
Ranked 26th on Amazon
Shannon says
I just checked. It’s showing as #1 Best Seller in Fantasy & Futuristic Romance category!
The Horde is Happy. And Excited, and Appreciative, and has Commened Ultimate Fan-Girling.
Shannon says
Proud Bookworm says
Very exciting news!!!
J.Lee Conaway says
Please, oh please, would you find a way to make this available as a pdf file? So hard to read ebooks in other formats. I really hate to miss the wedding because of ebook restrictions!
Tina in NJ says
I read them on my iPad mini 2 in the Kindle app. It’s surprisingly easy.
readyto read says
Load the Calibre program or similar and convert the book to any format you want. I download the book to my laptop and convert it to the format I need and then transfer using USB cord.
As an example:
I get my library books converted from epub to mobi and there are several different formats that I can convert to after that. That way I can move the books to other devices.
Tracey says
I have been so stressed out that this series would not continue. I love it and have re-read the books multiple times. Thanks for getting this to continue.
Diana R. says
Yay!!!!!! Much happiness!!!!!
Alexis Richard says
AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! OMG! I hope the Baylor girls get their HEAs as well!!!!!! I can’t wait to see these omg!!!!
Kelly B says
I also want the Baylor boys to get HEAs!!!!
HEAs for all !!! 🙂
DinNC says
And don’t forget their mom! She also needs a HEA!!! Heart seemed like a good candidate.
30 book a month reader says
What a wonderful idea!! Heart would be super perfect for mom
strangejoyce says
Don’t forget Grandma Frieda needs a plus one, also.
susanna says
Yahoo!!!!!! I am so happy!!!! Thanks for working so hard and writing so well and sharing all these wonderful stories and worlds with us! I cannot wait.
Anita says
Yeah! So excited. I can’t wait to find out what is going on in their lives.
Dottie says
Cathy says
Outstanding news, thank you, thank you, thank you! Aaaaand the novella is pre-ordered…
Darla says
So that’s what I ordered April 3rd. In the immortal words of the author loards… “squee!”. Thank you!
Darla says
Lords…sigh. still I’m recovering from surgery….. allowances please. 🙂
Sarah K says
Anything you make, I buy.
Judith Davis says
What she said!
Alicia says
Thanks!! I write from Argentina! I love Nevada & Rogan … ?
Rose B says
What fantastic news! anything by you guys is an automatic preorder!
I love weddings.
That said I’m going to miss Nevada and Rogan. Even though they got their HEA I can’t see them retiring to a quiet life. Can you imagine Nevada knitting? she’d borrow grandma Frida’s blowtorch! Besides, there is still so much to be done. I imagine the families of those arrested as part of the New Rome conspiracy will be after them, then there’s Kelly and Caesar, Nevada settling into life as the Head of House, dealing with the influx of new jobs you know she’s going to get, getting trained (will she ask Victoria for help? – you know Victoria will help her if it means protecting family), probably getting some help from Rogan’s mum.
You also know Rogan won’t give up on finding Caesar or Kelly either.
Can you tell they were probably my favourite characters so far? I think I was secretly hoping for another few books on them like Kate and Curran.
But wow! Who do we think the new books will be about? Catalina, Arabella and Bern or Leon? Or all four involved in solving some sort of problem?
I am so excited!
D Lm A says
Yes, yes, yes
HaaaHA, yayyyy
Back to the future, something to KNOW I will enjoy reading!
Tada indeed, what a wonderful distraction for the BDH, look kids we’re here.
You rock
Do you feel the glow Feel the glow What a wonderful announcement
and many many thank You’s
Pre-order yes, check
Lynsey says
So excited!! A novella and THREE MORE BOOKS! Hoping it is both siblings and one of the cousins!!! Yay!! Thanks for the pick me up!
gingko-girl says
This “Unti Hidden Legacy” Novella is now #1 for paranormal romance on Amazon!
We ARE the book devouring horde!
lea says
Thank you. Thank You. THANK YOU. The authorlords are GREAT. I just finished rereading the series and was moping, as usual, wishing for more.
Gail K says
Best news . Congratulations to you and Gordon. Having very bad week and I am re-reading burn for me as a treat.
So happy for you and BDH . So happy I can’t wait. Who will be Connor’s best man ? Pancakes? Bugs? Maid of honor for Neveda? Her sisters? Her mom?
Will grandma come to wedding in Romeo?
So many question,and you know we will haunt you for details!!
Just happy for you and your devoted fans.
Ms. Kim says
So glad you guys are now officially #1. I do wish the movie or extended TV series world would prloduce you guys. I so want to see any of your worlds on a screen, whether live action or animated.
Chris says
Yippy!!! Congrats! I don’t text, so what’s an HEA?
Glad to see more of the other characters, as they are so interesting too. Love the pacifist bear.
Maybe he could have a children’s book, (I’m still a kid at heart) Hehe.
Patricia Schlorke says
Happy Ever After (HEA).
Angela Flannery says
Happily Ever After
Molly-in-Md says
Chris, the other related acronym you might see is HFA: Happy For Now. Not necessarily HEA but good enough to give readers the feels and hope. Often used for Young Adult (YA) fiction, where realistically we aren’t sure about the staying power of a relationship formed in the characters’ teen years.
Chris says
Yes Ms. Kim! When I read about Maud and Arland, I see Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Jennifer Laurence
(Hunger Games). Want to see an Avatar-Lord of the Rings mash-up.
Kristin Grimes says
I am so ridiculously excited about this! My husband now thinks I’ve lost my mind, thanks to my gasping and clapping while reading my email. This is, hands-down, my favorite series to date.
Thanks authorlords!! Y’all rock!!
Ruth says
Invitation gratefully and happily accepted- let me know where to send the wedding present! Seriously, either the ‘go fund me’ to rebuild the office or a charity of your choice – great way to celebrate their ‘wedding’!!!! Pre-order completed.
Ruth says
And….Amazon #1 in three subcategories and #26 paid for ALL Amazon!!!! Go Authorlords and BDH!!!!
Debra Johnson says
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #26 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Romance > Paranormal
#1 in Books > Romance > Paranormal
#1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Romance > Fantasy
Always nice to see my favorite authorlords get the visibility they deserve!
Linda says
Wow, this is such great news. Thank you.
Teresa says
Lindsay says
Michele says
Thank you so much. I love this series ❤️
Omar Mtz says
Question: Is this the first time that we get Connor’s middle name? Arden fits him.
Caro says
What a perfect day, finding this invitation in my inbox- lovely idea. Ever since preordering the novella after reading about it in the comments from the previous post I kept my fingers crossed for more Nevada and Rogan. And now we’ll get their Wedding- with surely all kinds of cool scenes with their families.
And then three more novels for the awesome House of Baylor- congratulations to you and triple squeee for me! Although how you could decide which stories to tell with so many awesome members of House Baylor to choose from……
Thank you for the wonderful world that is Hidden Legacy!
penny says
what she said
***rubbing hands gleefully***
Joan says
What Caro + penny said ?❤
Tada indeed
Huge smile on my face
Feel like jumping + dancing around like an idiot – SSSOOOO HAPPY ?
Kristy says
Nineran says
Does this mean we get a Leon book? There is so much angst to resolve there!!
Oooo. Catalina and her odd weird Instagram behaviour may be explained!!
I think I may running out of exclamation points!!
Barb says
I want to join in on the chorus of Thank You’s. I thoroughly enjoyed the Hidden Legacy series. I pre-ordered the novella when it was first announced and am looking forward with much anticipation to its continuation next year. Unlike many however, I’m not so sure that each novel will focus on a different family member. After all, Nevada’s and Connor’s HEA took all 3 books. Catalina is a possible focus and perhaps Penelope, Sgt. Baylor, or Bern. But, considering it’s Avon who’s publishing this as a romance it’s hard to decide who’ll have center stage. Catalina’s only 18 and unsure if anyone, outside family, can resist her siren power and truely love her-not an unreasonable fear. Penelope is still grieving and unwilling to open herself up to anyone outside her family. And Bern,. Bern is 20 and totally focused on computers and taking on some of the responsibilities that until now Nevada has shouldered. Any love interest will have to hit him over the head to get him to notice her. Whoever it turns out to be I’m certain I’ll enjoy the ride your creativity will grant. Again, Thank you for enabling my BDH addiction?
Jen says
Lovelovelove this series!!! Thank you! There’s still so much story to tell not only about the Baylors but about Michael Latimer and the possibility that he’s the one the lawyers were going to give the USB to, about LD/Ceasar, how other houses would fight over Catalina and Arabella and their goldmine genes, how Victoria would ensure the Tremaine legacy lives on (or will she focus on the truthseeker legacy?), how Mama Logan will fit in the Baylor women warriors…exciting!!!!
Dana says
Thanks! I just pre-ordered it!
MJ Genualdi says
Ooooh – how do I pre-order?
RoadRunner says
I went to Amazon last week and did a search for “Ilona Andrews” and there it was (listed as “Unti Hidden Legacy Novella” –, and preordered on the spot.
RoadRunner says
Sorry about the image…
I just checked Amazon again:
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #28 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#1 in Books > Romance > Fantasy
#1 in Books > Romance > Paranormal
#1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Romance > Paranormal
And this is for an untitled novella!
Patricia Schlorke says
I just checked Barnes and Noble. Sale rank at 60 under books. I didn’t check the Nook ranking.
I agree for a pre-ordered book…hooray! The Horde are making waves! ?
MJ Genualdi says
FH says
Thank you! Squee!!! So fun to present the wedding invitation! It is beautifully imagined! (Even better than I thought.)