Since we linked that podcast, here are some answers to your Innkeeper questions.
Will there be more Maud centric novels?
Will Maud’s ex-in laws get their comeuppance?
When could we possibly learn how Maud and Klaus meeting up at the end of “Sweep of the Blade” went?
That’s a more complicated question. We know what it attaches to, but I have zero pull to write it. I don’t want to do it. I don’t know why. Although I must say, the podcast went a long way to moving this short project toward the starting line. Writers write for self-fulfillment, money, and recognition, but most of all we write for pets on the head.
Please can we have a Klaus story?
No. Klaus is a mystery.
Why didn’t George tell Dina that he knew Klaus?
Why does George do anything? No doubt there was a deep and compelling reason why he kept it to himself.
Do we get to see any more of Jack and George and Gaston in any other Innkeeper stories, OR do they get their own Arbiters series along with Klaus?
Any chance of the George and Lark story? Or even further adventures of George and gang?
Honestly, I don’t think there is a market for an Arbiter series. They might pop up in the Innkeeper storyline.
Will we ever find out what happened to Dina, Maud and Klaus’s parents and their Inn?
Yes. In the final book of the series. We are building up to that.
Will we ever find out who the biological father of Maud and Klaus is?
This dude isn’t that important. He and Helen split up. He has a new family. He isn’t interested in his children and they wrote him off.
How did Gerard get out of the magical trap in the house? Is the house an Innkeeper house?
::side-eye:: Do I look like Gordon to you? There will be no spoilers.
I’d like more background information on the Inns, their origins and development.
See the answer above. 🙂 Nice try though. ::sips her tea::
I want to know about the picture Dina has hanging in the entrance in Gertrude Hunt. Suppose aliens visit who do not see light the same way we do, will they be able to recognize Dina’s parents? Can Gertrude Hunt render the picture for the aliens to see?
Are you asking if species who rely on thermal vision, for example, would be able to recognize images on the photograph? They wouldn’t.
Will there be more of Dina, Sean and their Inn?
At least one more book. We have to finish the series.
Will Dina and Sean have kids?
In the Innkeeper series, only “aliens” or beings with magic are accepted as guest. Dina’s dad was a guest who helped the innkeeper and got stuck in the inn without dying. So this means he is not an “earthling” and Dina is part human and part something else. Could she be part drifan?
That’s incorrect. Those who know of the inns and are allowed to keep that knowledge are usually welcome at the inns. For example, Officer Marais will never have to worry about lodging if he is in a city with an inn.
Will we see Maud and Arland’s wedding?
There are two projects waiting for an innkeeper: the Helen and Gerard origin story and the Maud and Arland’s wedding. Both have to happen before the final book.
I wonder if Helen picked a pet?
You will have to wait and see.
In “Sweep of the Blade”, as Maude returns from the Bridal procession to the tree, she meets Helen and Arland, both with twigs in hair, smears, etc. What happened? Fell from the Zipline?
Some mysteries are better left unexplored. Knowing them, they probably saw something that required a closer inspection and crawled through bushes to get there, and then possibly ended up in mortal danger.
However did Caldenia manage to arrange for a lifetime membership in a “new” unknown Inn while avoiding whatever happened to put her in that situation? I would love to read about the coup and the bounty and how she escaped to come to Texas.
She didn’t. She applied to the Innkeeper Assembly and Dina was the only one who volunteered to take her. No on the Galactic Tyrant space opera, though. Too bloody. 🙂
Whatever happened to the lady in Costco who helped Dina? Will we see her again in a future book?
That is a definite yes.
Dear Mod R, I have finished the whole Innkeeper section.
On a serious note, right now we are writing Ruby Fever and editing the “novella.” You wouldn’t think a novella edit would take so long, but it is taking forever. That’s because the “novella” is 45,000 words long. I would be a lot more confident in it if it was self-published, but it’s not, so there is pressure to make it as shiny as we can for the right audience, and the edits are taxing.
I now see the wisdom of writing stand-alone novels, because there is a list of sequels we need to knock out to wrap things up. I don’t want to work on any of it. Right now I want to set the office on fire. This is probably because I’ve been concentrating super hard on these edits and my subconscious is kicking and screaming to be free. This is relatively normal. Improvement generally happens under duress.
We’ll see what happens in another week. 🙂
Dear Ilona,
No worries, there is an Innkeeper questions section for June too ????????
I do not have the June section. It is theoretical.
She didn’t say which June. 😉
Yay!!!! Thank you for sharing!!
Thank you for answering!
Looking forward to whatever you guys are in the mood for writing.
I will say Klaus intrigues me. But it could be because he is a mystery right now.
Can you give us an eta for the setting of this mysterious novella? Or better yet – can you confirm what world it is in? I’m assuming the ruby fever works?
Hey Kate,
The release schedule has an update for the ETA of the novella https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/, which is early autumn 2021.
Since it is not a self-publish, we will have to wait for the official press release for more news on title and universe 🙂 .
Oh well this is great. Thank you for the time and answers!
Thank you! All that looks very promising!
And yes, duress is when most interesting twists happen, no? ::ducks from fire::
::peaks around a corner, very cautiously::
Maud and Arland are my favorite couple, rivaled only by Catalina and Alessandro, so yay! for the first two answers especially.
::ducks again::
Thank you so much!!
Thank you for the insights. I am excited for more innkeeper and am willing to wait for more books!!!
So excited to know we will witness maud and arlands wedding.
More helen
Great way to start a Monday! Thank you House Andrews
Sounds like some beach time will be in order when you wrap this one up. Wash off the stress, the COVID and the house hunting\ repairs. Enjoy the sound of the waves and some delicious tea!
Thank you so much for this! I would love to see more of the Arbiters in Innkeeper. Seeing the “retired” characters in newer books is like a love note.
It usually makes me buy more of those books in a different format. I had the early Kate books in print, then went to Kindle books, now repurchasing KD books in print again after Blood Heir.
Yay to more Maud and Arland! Can’t wait! Looking forward to the novella and RF too!
But…Jack! My mom and I would so read an Arbiter book/series
Yay Maud/Arland!!
OMG Sean and Dina kids!
All the yays!
It would be interesting to run a Kickstarter or crowdfunding project on an Arbitrator book. That way you could see if it would be profitable before you started. I’d love to see more of George!
Love everything you write!!! Thank you.
Me: It’s really weighing on me that the readers are waiting for all these things.
You: Here is how we can ratchet that pressure way up. You should do a Kickstarter, so then you will OWE readers a book because they paid for it in advance.
Hehehe, no thank you, Shannon.
Anticipation is sometimes the best part of a thing for me. If the thing never happens, I still got all that fun out of waiting and thinking of story lines for myself. It’s like planning for a trip that never happens. No worries regardless. There is nothing like obligation to take the fun out of a task.
Just so you know….
There is a market for pretty much anything you choose to write.
It may be that you simply don’t WANT to write about the Arbiters. That is ENTIRELY your prerogative.
But if the “market” is the only reason you don’t write another book or a series about George (and group) or Klaus, you are mistaken about the absence or existence of a paying audience.
I am ready to buy ANYTHING you will release.
Yes, I agree! ANYTHING Ilona and Andrew publish I preorder.
If you write it, we WILL buy it! Won’t we guys?
No pressure but we are not called the Book Devouring Horde for nothing ????
There’s a market for almost anything, but it’s the SIZE of the market that matters.
Quietly cackling to myself over your name here ????????????
I will wait for your inspiration to hit you as that’s why I like to read you , I can always reread all your books while I wait
From the backer perspective, I feel like Kickstarter works better for anthologies than full books by established authors. For the most part, established authors know what of their work sells and how to balance trad. published vs self published in a way that works for them. Kickstarter is probably be more work and cost (plus the expectation of being owed) vs self publishing I’d they felt that the market was there for it.
Anthologies work because the overhead for a single author is low, generally there is already an identified market, and the good editors know how to balance known authors with new authors to help increase visibility for all.
While I’ve backed several Fantasy/Urban Fantasy anthologies, I’d probably look askance at an established authors (especially one that has successfully self-published via other means) on Kickstarter for an independent book (especially that tied to another self-pub series.
I know a lady who has run wildly (funds way over her projected budget) KS campaigns for various stages of her books (Audio is a big one). She has done several anthologies. She’s also done a couple of full length books. They *work* because she A) Usually has the project 3/4 complete before she pulls the trigger on the KS (she’s recouping costs ahead of time instead of depending on retail sales), B) Keeps her budgets modest. I think the biggest I’ve seen from her was $1500 and C) has an absolutely rabid fanbase that will fund and then overfund her campaign inside a couple hours. This last is as much a drawback for her as anything, because it’s as Ilona said up above, an incredible amount of pressure and if she’s doing a bunch of smaller rewards, a sudden amount of work she didn’t always plan for.
Sending you all the best. Thank you for these entertaining answers – though I wouldn’t have minded a bit of spoilery-ness. LOL.
::side-eye:: Do I look like Gordon to you? There will be no spoilers.
Best response EVER.
I agree. 😀
So did Mod R block Gordon from posting a comment? ‘Cause that sounds like a challenge to me.
She did not 😉 . Mod R is of the BDH, she makes better decisions than that hehe.
Yes! We have someone on the inside! Mwahahaha ::cough:: Uh, move along, nothing to see here. ::waves hands::
Loved the response!
Wooooohooo! Anything innkeeper related is super welcome! But it makes me hungry for a reread again. It’s the only thing that with assuage the yearning for a new innkeeper book. Clean Sweep here I go!
::ignoring the cursing from the TBR file::
so, so excited for all of this! you are the best!
I will buy and read whatever you guys write… no questions asked or reviews read before purchasing.
YES!!! Me too!!!
Thank you for the answers and update!
Looking forward to any stories you choose to write. ????
I seriously don’t know how you guys keep all your irons in the fire. By the way “but most species in the Innkeeper Universe do rely on photon absorption” is a great sentence. So off the wall, lol…
“Honestly, I don’t think there is a market for an Arbiter series.” I’d love to see grown up Lark have a sense of humor.
I could see her interacting with Ronan. It’d be hilarious.
For the life of me I cannot remember a Ronan. 😀 We all know what that means, time for a reread!
I thought that was a typo and read it as Roman, but if you find a Ronan please let us know! ????
How would Lark and Roman interact though? 😀
????♀️ Maybe one of those conversation things where the 2 series are interacting?
I really don’t know, that’s just what I thought she meant, but I’m probably wrong! ????
Roman: I shake my stick at you
Lark: I chop up your stick
Stick: Alarmed Squawking (translation: Why am I in pieces!? I curse you!)
Thank you for answering a bunch of questions that I didn’t know I wanted answers for.
No, really, this was *very* interesting and informative. I had hopes that things would happen (more Innkeeper – yay!), but confirmation is always great.
As I recall, “Ruby Fever” is the only book under contract. You don’t have to write anything you don’t want to after that goes to press. Write what you want to write. You will be happier and the “palate cleanser” will give you a rest so you can dive back into your previous series with new ideas and enthusiasm.
You know that whatever you write will sell. You two don’t release anything that isn’t good. Everyone knows that.
I know my advice is worth every penny you paid for it, but why should I buck the tradition of ignorant amateurs giving advice to intelligent professionals?
I thought Ilona just said the “novella “ wasn’t self published. I took that to mean a contract that hadn’t been announced.
Thank you for putting into words what I’ve felt for a long time. Authors should be the ones decide what to write. Some of the worst books are ones where someone felt compelled to write a sequel, often years after the first book was written. I have 2 such books on my digital bookcase right now that I could never finish. All of the charm and fascination of the originals disappeared in the later novels.
Besides, (teehee!) who knows what gems Ilona and Gordon will discover next in those incredibly creative minds of theirs?!
+1 I will read anything they write, but why should they write something they aren’t interested in? There are times I have to switch gears and work on a different project in order to come back and finish another one, from which I desperately needed a break. If I’m working on an intellectual problem, no amount of forcing is going to give me the solution. My brain needs some down time to synthesize an answer. I have literally woken up in the middle of the night, switched on the light, and scribbled the synthesis I’d been working on for weeks. Nothing good comes of forcing the creative process.
I LOVE the Innkeeper series, which has been a huge comfort read during the past year and a half, and am super excited to hear you have plans percolating in the back of your minds!
I also enjoyed the podcast greatly, as well as today’s Q&A. I kinda actually squeed with excitement when I saw the title of today’s blog post ????????
OK, so my mind went thre right away!
(Copyright: http://peteralsop.com/gallery/peters-headshots)
went there… Looks like everybody makes typos…
Even edits come to an end sometime. Almost certainly sooner than ”eventually” due to pressure both self and other administered. You are due one Hellacious good break time. Go for it.
I have reread the entire Innkeeper series 3 times since COVID began AND I was able to get a friend to read them too. It’s been amazing to be able to share it with someone I know personally. It my ultimate favorite fantasy universe.
Oh I love this! I wanted answers to every one of those questions. I am fine with not knowing Caldenia’s backstory, and understand that an Arbitor book might not be worth writing.
But I do love George, Jack, Sophie, and the cousin whose name escapes me at the moment.
Thank you so much for this!
P.S. Editing is why I will never write a book. I write weekly family letters, which many of my 30 close family screech about if I am late. Lord help me if I miss one. But on the rare occasions in which I let anyone preview one, I end up in tears at all their “suggestions”.
> But I do love George, Jack, Sophie, and the cousin whose name escapes me at the moment.
The cousin is Gaston! ???? He’s the post-broken spell human Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Re-read the description of him and recall that Dina’s first attempt at the Grand Ballroom was the Grand Ballroom from Beauty and the Beast as she tells Caldenia she saw it in a movie, Caldenia asks if it was a movie for adults, and Dina says “It had a talking candelabra who was friends with a grumpy clock.”
Why does the Innkeeper series have to end. Can’t there just be an Innkeeper world with new Inns featured for different cycles. What is happening now would be the Dina, Maud Sean and Arland cycle and then the next cycle would be in a different city / town with another set of characters for all us Innkeeper fans to fall in love with. I so look forward to these books and read then more than once because this is my favorite fantasy series. I love your writing style and the plots are so engrossing with unexpected twists. My heart fell when I read above that things will be explained in THE FINAL BOOK IN THE SERIES. That said I hope there will be many more Innkeeper installments before the end.
PLEASE PROCRASTINATE before the final book in the series. Go down side trails, etc., wake up with a what if that is so compelling that it must be explored. Helen grows up and becomes Marshal.
On the ex in-laws comeuppance, perhaps the idiots will try to claim the grandchild they sentenced to hell. I can just see the wall of enraged adults standing between Helen and the idiots and Helen sneaking through armed with her daggers. Medics anyone? Or a handy dandy body bag? Clean up on aisle 1.
I can’t wait to see House Ervan get their just deserts. I think it will be epic (I don’t think House Krhar is big on forgiveness).
Desserts – stupid auto correct.
Seeing as Kahari is a desert, this made a lot of sense with the typo…
I suddenly got a mental picture of a mortal combat screen with all our beloved characters lined up w powers against House Ervan. Or maybe a final fantasy 3 scene ????
Please keep Innkeeper going after the parents are found, with further adventures for Dina/Sean and Maud/Arland, along with possible crossovers. You have plenty of time to plan what those adventures would be.
It’s a fact of life that all good things come to an end at some point. When all things are resolved, when the parents are found, when Maud’s infamous in-laws get what’s coming to them, when Klaus is done with being a secret arbiter, when children are born and flourish, the series will be done. Kate Daniels is done. Aurelia is not. New inns would not have the same characters, and nobody will be Dina in them. Most inns hide, and Dina’s can’t because she has an infamous lifetime guest and a Red Cleaver chef and the arbiters will be housed there on earth after George’s recommendation, as will Arland’s entire clan, not to mention the local policeman who found out about it.
I hope to read the resolution, but with so much to be resolved, it will take years to get to print, and life only lasts so long. But as they come out, I will read them as quickly as I can get my eyes on them, and I will be happy with what I get. My mother always told me that it would be better to take what’s offered than to pretend I know what to demand, so I will wait it out and take what I get, with pleasure. Do I want these books written? Yes. Do I understand the struggles to get them written? Yes. It’s extremely difficult to produce perfect prose, and I know that well. If you don’t want to sit and write it out, it won’t be very good. So I will wait, as patiently as I can, for anything to come. In the meantime, I will grab “the novella” and Ruby Fever and enjoy them, I’m sure. Good things come to those who wait.
I knew this was gonna be a problem the minute Klause turned up.
I’m buying your books forever!
Have mercy!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have just finished a re-read on the Innkeeper series, and, as usual, it leaves me happy! happy! happy! I cannot explain why your writing – your characters – your world creation – are just so fulfilling to read. But thanks for your gifts!
Sure, I want all my questions answered; and they may be when I’m dead and buried. What ever you write is good enough for me. Thank you for what you have done and plan to do. You are the artists and what you pen comes from your whole being. And, that being is always in flux. I’m awed that your published output is so coherent and enjoyable.
I am so excited to see all of these Qs and tantalizing As. And yes, there is definitely a market for an Arbiter’s series. As long as George, Lark, Jack, and Gaston figure prominently. And their families members (surely they manage to sneak back). With frequent excursions to Baha Char and the Gertude Hunt.
I am currently re-reading the Innkeeper series, trying to go slowly to savor the experience, but I inevitably speed up.
Innkeeper are my favorite House Andrews books. I was re-watching Henson Creature Shop Challenge on Syfy before I canceled cable a while back. When I got to the finale I had a thought that I would love to see a series that was the Henson shop doing Innkeeper. (the finale concept was similar to Innkeeper, each contestant had to create a creature that would meet at a waystation) I normally hate the idea of my favorite books being turned into movies/TV, but I really want to see what Henson’s shop would do with some of the Innkeeper aliens. Can you imagine Orro? Or the CouCou (space chickens, forget the spelling at the moment)
“But most species in Innkeeper universe do rely on photon absorption.”
Just for the record, infrared light (aka heat) is photon based. Sorry if I’m being too much of a pedant.
Cue the geek side discussion. (Which will not include me.)
And this is why I don’t want to do another Innkeeper. Right there, in a nut shell. Every thing I say gets corrected. Every single thing.
So now I can either waste an hour on correctly identifying the peculiarities of alien vision or I can delete the question and answer, because it’s faster and easier.
Thank you for all you do. Know that there are hordes of us who would read your discarded grocery list. We truly revel in your work, rolling like pigs in glitter.
Again, apologies for excessive pedantry. I do science for a living and sometimes I let that get the best of me.
I have a totally unscientific mind and accept and love everything you write. Looking forward to whatever your next book is in whichever series. Love them all!
True dat! I agree totally!
thanks House Andrews for your wonderful works!
It’s your (that’s a plural your) world, we just get to visit.
How does anything work? MAGIC!
If you want to make the rain lift up from the ground, I’ll just be like “That’s cool.” It’s whatever you want, whenever you want it! I mean, she has portals to other worlds inside her house, anything is possible, however you want it. If they can stop time and rearrange rooms inside, they can have wonky rain and super-never-heard-of-Andrews vision where they see from their belly buttons (I changed my orginal body part to be more PG).
Thank you for all your books, but especially for the Innkeeper series. Please don’t get fed up with them! (Insert sad puppy eyes) ????????
ROFL! You made the world, and no matter what, the things you write are correct in your world, which only actually exists in your mind and on the pages you print for us to read. If you built a world where the sun sets in the south, that would be how it goes, end of arguments.
My Murphy’s Law poster had a line in it that never fails me when things like this crop up. It said, “Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference.” Keep doing what you do so well, and 99.9% of your readers will love it. I know I will!
This was fun to read.
“Honestly, I don’t think there is a market for an Arbiter series. ”
I laughed out loud. Seriously, anything you write I will fall all over myself to get it on pre-order as soon as I know there is a pre-order available even years in advance. In other words, there is a market for absolutely anything you write.
Same here!! Laughed out loud so hard my hubby came to see what was so funny. After I explained, he said “Ha! You’d read their grocery list if she posted it! Heck, you’d probably pay to read it.” Shook his head, laughed & walked out. Then called back to me “Heck. I’d buy it for you for your birthday. Let me know if she puts it on sale.”
So nice to know I’m not the only one.
Thanks for this blog. I love connecting with the Innkeeper Universe, even if it is only by answered fun questions.
I’ll +1 another reader, and say that Maud and Arland, as well as Catalina and Alessandro, are also my favorite couples. And I’ll add, that I think that Arabella, and whoever she ends up with, will also be a favorite–he will certainly have to be adventurous and patient, as well as a very strong Prime. Here’s hoping for that Arabella trilogy, and can’t wait for the Innkeepers you have listed here.
Peace and blessings to House Andrews. And after the edits, enjoy some time off.
I, like a few of the BDH have a ‘butt into your life’ suggestion. A quiet place. A snorkel right off the beach in warm Caribbean seas place. Nothing to do but relax in a hammock and listen to the trade winds whisper through the palms place. A chair on the sand watching pelicans calmly fish by your feet place. Almost too boring? The staff will take you fishing, bird watching, to the Smithsonian’s Caye where they do research on Marine life. Take you to look for Manatees, where the Man o’War birds nest. Did I make you curious? Check out Pelican Beach-South Water Cay in Belize. Our favorite place to do as little as possible. Or nothing….
Sorry. Forgot too preface that the comment was in response to you stating you want to set your office on fire.
Thank you so much for the updates…
As a person, I know I have no entitlement to such updates. As a proud member of the book devouring horde however, I very much appreciate that you take the time to let us know what you’re working on, where you’re at with them, and why…
I may hate the waiting… but at least I don’t have to wonder if there will EVER be a conclusion… unlike with some other (formerly favorite) authors whose names shall be tactfully unmentioned…
Thank you for this update on the Innkeeper series. You left a few threads dangling that really, really need to be properly woven into the whole. I am very much looking forward to reading how you finish this series up.
Thank you for the informations and you’re usual humour, I love it ????
Bon courage for work, take care ~~
And your* usual humour
And “information” no “s”
Sorry about that, such small sentences and so many mistakes ????????
On writing stand alone novels. While you are certainly capable of doing so, your secondary characters are just as interesting as the primary ones and the BDH always wants to know more about them. This is the mark of an excellent writer, which you are. Write what compels you. It will always be better than what doesn’t.
Hmmm, they didn’t answer the most important question of all, will Oro a) get back his 5 star rating b) stop yelling ‘fire’, upsetting Gertrude Hunt, when he has tea ready and c) will he ever get his own story?
My impression was that he’d stop yelling “Fire!” after the disillusionment of the in-person show. & with his mentor’s response for the cupcake, he will absolutely thrive again!
I’m also a little curious if The Ripper of Souls does anything to just mess with people-sentient cat style!!
Always happy to read (and re-read) whatever you feel like writing
Thank you so much for the answers. The first of your books I read was the first innkeeper – it hooked me on all of your writing. I gifted the book to several persons, all of them loved it.
I will always be grateful that Dina pulled me in, cannot coun’t the times I reread all of you books and I am so looking forward for the story to continue.
Lol, “do I look like Gordon” oh my, oh my.
Lovely, lovely answers, to questions I’d not thought about, appreciated.
Literally giggled at some of these answers. Wishing you less painful edits and thank you for taking time to answer questions.
Please be gentle with yourself. I know you have to pay bills but nobody is gonna die if a sequel or a novel happens later, no matter what they say. 😉
Take care of yourself. That is most important.
‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ as they say. Good luck on all the edits. I’m sure it will be fabulous as ever. ????
Lovely authors, lots of pets from me to you both! Love that you share your imagination with us! Thanks so much
Your answers made me ridiculously happy. Probably because they bring back the joy of reading the Innkeeper series. Sorry you want to set your desk on fire.
Thank you for the answers. No matter what you write, it’s always appreciated.
Maude and Arland’s wedding…I hope not too much happens before the wedding. I keep thinking about the wedding in Sweep of the Blade. ????????♀️
Or even before the wedding in Clean Sweep for that matter!!
Whenever I need a pick me up I reread your inkeeper series. I enjoy all of your works, but those feed something in my soul that occasionally needs a warm and fuzzy blanket snuggle of a novel.
Pet????????, pet????????, pet????????, pet???????? ????
While I really want to know what happens to the parents, I don’t want the series to end! There’s so much potential in that world that I hope you never grow (completely) tired of writing it. ????
Thank you very much for taking the time to answer all those questions! It’s really appreciated!
No pressure ????. I did a reread of the entire innkeeper series this weekend so this post is very welcome. I was missing Dina, Sean, Caldenia, Orro, Maud, Arland and Helen. To be fair I miss most of your characters and go back for a reread on all of your books at least twice a year.
If it helps, I love all the threads in the Innkeeper series. All the world building and the story behind all of the stories.
The Otrokar spiritual ceremony makes me cry everytime. I really want to hear Caldenia do a monologue, that space monarch is absolutely diabolical!
Your books, Will Wight’s cradle series and Nalini Singh’s Guild Hunter series are my comfort books and I’m so happy I stumbled across your work years ago.
“Honestly, I don’t think there is a market for an Arbiter series. They might pop up in the Innkeeper storyline.”….Me! I’ll buy them all!! Gimme me one, please 😀
I really liked and return to “On the Edge” for comfort. Edge and Inkeeper series just give me a warm fuzzy feeling 🙂
Rendition of me getting any work from House Andrews:
also a rendition of my gratitude for all the snippets and free work bestowed on us:
Hahaha!!!! <3
You hit the nail on the head, I have no idea what it is with Edge and Innkeeper always makes me feel nostalgic.
May we be blessed to have a cup of tea On The Edge and spend a holiday at Gertrudes <3
“I don’t think there is a market for an Arbiter series.”
I beg to differ. I will buy anything you write, without even thinking about it, and so would the vast majority of the clamoring army that is the BDH.
> Honestly, I don’t think there is a market for an Arbiter series.
SMH people don’t have good taste ????
I live for the George/Jack/Sophie mentions in Inkeeper ????
Thank you for all you do. I adore all you do
So nobody else is ‘shipping’ (is that still in use?) Klaus and Karat?
Ooo…I am now!!
Thank you for this!!! Love love love Innkeeper. Can’t wait for more! (When you have time and energy, etc. I am patience)
So does that mean Officer Marais is on a list at the Assembly somewhere as someone who has been “read into” the Inns?
::side-eye:: Do I look like Gordon to you?
^ This just had me chuckling away.
That was great! Can’t imagine the pressure of writing so many incredible ongoing series. I love every single one of them and my sister and I always call each other cross country to discuss theories after release day. Hope you get all the time you need to write how you want! Thank you for the amazing stories ????
Wait, I’m confused- Maud and Klaus have a different biological father from Dina? I missed that, where is that mentioned?
“Gerard Demille wasn’t her biological parent, but he was the only father she ever knew” Andrews, Ilona. Sweep of the Blade. NYLA Publishing, 2019. Kindle Edition, page 129
For more on this, you might like the fan service snippet “Gerard Demille and Helen meet” which can be found here https://ilona-andrews.com/gerard-demille-and-helen-meet/
Oh! How did I miss this one? Thanks!
Oh thank you! I don’t know how I missed that, but it made my day!
Thank you!
I really enjoy reading your answers and wen I read things like this:
> How did Gerard get out of the magical trap in the house? Is the house an Innkeeper house?
> ::side-eye:: Do I look like Gordon to you? There will be no spoilers.
> I’d like more background information on the Inns, their origins and development.
> See the answer above. ???? Nice try though. ::sips her tea::
I somehow picture you as Evdokia sitting on her front porch sipping tea while (not) answering questions in a most Oracle-ish manner. With a heavy Russian accent.
I can see that happening. Ilona could be channeling her inner Caldenia sitting on the porch at Gertrude Hunt while sipping her tea. 😉
Mello Yello. And eating the, was it Funyuns?
Yes. I like Funyuns.
Go have a nice hot bath. You deserve it. Thank you for working on the Ruby Fever edits, I really enjoy all your books.
On a negative (?) note. I would definitely buy/ read any book in an Arbiter series. If You find the time in your copius free time to write it.
Love all your books
At least three other authors I follow are blogging about stress from deadlines, burn-out, and health issues. You all need to take care of yourselves, write what you want to write, when you want to do it.
I love the words whenever or however, blog or book.
Thank you ????
It is always frustrating as a greedy reader to have to wait for the next installment of anything (Megan Turner’s “The Thief” series). But thank you SO MUCH for being the kind of authors that wrap up your story lines rather than abandoning them. Waiting is hard, but doable.
Book I’m waiting for… Eileen Wilks’ “The Lupi” series (book #15).
Wen Spencer – “Harbingers”
+1. The Tinker series is one of my comfort reread series. With the twins and the babies to be, I want to see how much chaos they bring. Tinker is world changing, 6 more are more than I can imagine. I check annually to see if she’s posted anything or if she’s dead.
Please! Patrick Rothfuss promised us 3 books, wrote 2, and disappeared. Ten years. Still waiting.
Even the third book would only bring us up to the “present,” and in the “present,” nothing is resolved.
Your Q & A’s are always entertaining! I’ll read whatever you want to write. Just don’t push yourself toward any more projects that feel like too much of a grind. There has to be some fun in the process (for you). The one thing we don’t want you two to do is to burn out. We can handle anything else. 😉
Thanks for answering the questions. Good Luck with the editing. A suggestion, when my mind is going crazy I like to bake. The thing about baking is usually you have to pay attention to all the measuring and combining that it is hard to think about other stuff until it is in the oven. Plus then you end up with something good to eat ????
I love the Innkeeper series. I re-read the books at least once a year. To be honest, I’ve read them multiple times in the past year – they perk me up when I’m feeling down. Thank you for writing them!
Thanks for all the answers! I would love to hear your thoughts sometime on which worlds are your favorites to write about and how you choose how long a series is. Is that publishing related? What length of series would you prefer to write if you self-published everything? Kate was pretty long, but the more recent series have not focused on the same characters for many books. It makes sense that you might get tired of certain worlds also, like you mention above with the bother of infrared photons. I do love reading about all of your characters 🙂
So this weekend, my dad and I (neither of whom are even in the US) got into a brief conversation about the Texas (specifically Houston) housing market, and then he was like, “by the way, how do you even know what’s going on in the Texas housing market?”
Well, funny that you’d ask… haha ????
Thank you! I would put a big red heart here if I knew how.
Wow. A surprise Q&A post, by you still only give enough to whet appetites. Thanks for keeping the magic and secrets.
I will buy anything you write and appreciate getting it. Your writings are my life’s pressure valves. Thank you!
Write what you want once the contractual issues are resolved and self-publish. After 30+ books, you know what we, your readers, love. Trust your instincts.
And now that useless, unwanted and really improper advice is done (to be safely filed in the circular file), thank you for your imagination, humor and books. Kate, Innkeeper and the Baylors have helped make many things bearable over the past 16 months, and I need that. THANK YOU.
Dear Ilona,
You are the best. I hope your stress is productive and the payoff is satisfying.
Thank you for everything you two do. I appreciate your writing very much.
Deeeeepppp Breath….think calming thoughts….
(Yeah…I know…I had to try…)
Thank you though for the Q&A….I love it! I love that there were be more of Dina and the rest of the family! I will wait (however impatiently) for their arrival.
Good editing! Just remember to breathe…….;-)
***…::side-eye:: Do I look like Gordon to you? There will be no spoilers….***
“Improvement generally happens under duress.”
So wise. So true.
Sounds like it is time for a summer beach vacation! Sending wishful thinking your way. You deserve one. Can’t wait to buy your new book!
I love all your series and books, so while I do want to see more in the specific worlds and have questions I am waiting to see answered just writing any book makes me happy. 🙂
That podcast was great and prompted me to begin rereading the series once again – started about 12:30 am last night. I love this series!! Thank you!
I’ll read whatever you write!
Thank you! I love the innkeeper books too!
Thank you!
I’m glad there’s more Innkeeper coming, I really enjoy the series. I really enjoy all the books you write… I don’t suppose you can clone yourselves so you can write faster? No? An Unreasonable Request? Darn.
(On the other hand, I see “Tom Clancy” is still writing, even after death. Except even the real Tom Clancy got pretty sucky, there, at the end, when he was TOM CLANCY and editors were afraid to tell him to prune about 1/4 of his overblown techie/rightwing bullshit because nobody really wanted to read that… so maybe clones are a bad idea. You’d have to be careful when you cloned yourself because if you’re tired of a series, then your clones might be too… )
If we get some cells from before the tiredness occurred,
maybe the cloning will work.
Someone better get that human(author) cloning project started. 😉
Just kidding…..(maybe) 🙂
Rest. Take the time needed. Play something mind numbing evil.
Or take a bath with everyone else out of the house, and enjoy the calm.
“::sips her tea::”
???? Evil woman! ????????????
Innkeeper – I am really happy to read that we will see future storys there! It will be happy waiting and ruby fever will be a very welcome distraction 🙂
I hope you get a chance to take some time off from writing & recharge your creative batteries sometime soon. I really enjoy your books & look forward to reading more of your work once you’ve had the time to take a break from writing if you need one.
Thanks for the update. I’m good with waiting for when you’re up to writing Innkeeper again. No rush.
I have a series that I started a long time ago that the author updates every 4 years or so and I still read it. (I think I started it when I was in my late teens/earlier twenties. I’m 36 now ????).
It’s a great story but the author just writes really really slowly. Lol.
On another note, have you guys thought of taking a vacation this summer/fall?
I go every year on a family vacation with my best friends family. Except for last year cause of covid.
We go to Bull Shoals lake and it’s soo nice. We rent a pontoon boat and I love just cruising on the water or sitting there and fishing.
Sometimes my friend and I take another vacation in the fall. We try to go places we’ve always wanted to explore.
A couple years ago we went to New Orleans at the end of October. The weather was super nice and we had a great time exploring the French Quarter. We had a hotel in the Quarter so we walked everywhere. It was nice. I really want to go back.
Do you have any places like that?
Ok I had to laugh at the do I look like Gordon??!! And I have been dying for more George, Lark, and Jack since the end of the Edge books. The brief glimpse in InnKeeper just made me want to read about them more! That said, I really hope you find something that lights your creative side on fire, that makes you scribble furiously with the ideas coming faster than you can jot them down because that? That! is the stories I love to read from you! They are great and turn out to be stories I never suspected I needed and become instant favorites.
We love ya guys!!
::Hey Gordon can you spill something????????????::
????????????jk jk.
How lovely to know more Innkeeper books are coming. I am really excited to know Maud’s ex in-laws will get their due! I am also excited to know there will be little Seans and Dinas in the future.. I enjoy everything y’all have written. I have 2 other writers I buy everything they write as well so I am lucky that I get a book about every 3 months or so that I am really excited to read!
I am sending best wishes for less stress your way!
Curious…who are the other two authors? I buy everything from Nalini Singh, Honor Raconteur, Forthright and some authors certain series for example JDRobb (in death), Anne Bishop(others), Anne Lee Huber (lady darby), Kate Carlisle(bibliophile series).
Thank you for the Innkeeper Q&A. I don’t really care how long it takes you to write anything, as long as I get to read it eventually. I have a backlog of books I keep buying and then not reading so I have plenty of things to read on hand, believe.
In fact, fun short Father’s Day book gift fail: Went to the Strand in NYC to get my dad a book for Father’s Day, go to the wine section because he is a huge oenophile with a serious wine cellar (his equivalent of a man cave), he’s French so it comes with the territory. Found the NYT bestseller called The Widow Clicquot, about the woman who got the Veuve Clicquot champagne label off the crowd after husband died (she was a widow, hence the name of the label and the book). And of course, my dad has already read it, as has my mom, and my dad has recommended it to several of his friends in his wine club. My mom’s reaction when she saw the book “He’ll read it a second time and this time write a book report.” *facepalm*
Back to Innkeeper: I remember on another post quite awhile back people were theorizing the Costco lady would be revealed as Officer Marais’s wife. I don’t know if this is true but I loved the idea and that’s what I’m sticking with haha. I don’t know how else she would make another appearance. Unless Dina randomly ran into her at Costco again.
I’m wondering if Costco there will be like the hell mouth in Sunnydale… soon everyone who shops there will have to become “slayers”
I love a good Buffy reference 🙂
Thank you so much for the updates and thank you for your stories!
Thank you! I appreciate everything and anything you give us.
This made my day. I love this series
Thank you; those were some fascinating answers. Aside from the great news of more to come, I think I liked the bit about Officer Marais the most.
+1 I love Officer Marais.
I am curious to know from a stunningly successful writer if there is a real wisdom to writing stand alone novels in the UF genre. Doesn’t the amount of time, effort, and sheer brain power required to build a world, then build an appealing protagonist peculiar for that world, and then build a supporting cast of characters peculiar to that world (not to mention selling that world to a publisher) almost necessitate going back to it multiple times, if only to keep being able to produce enough product to sell? It seems as if all the recommendations I see, whether on blogs or from algorithms, in the UF genre are series.
Certainly , IL has a real genius in this area, but even you seem to have done this multiple times.
And absolutely thrilled to hear there will be more Maud.
One book was a stand-alone that really stood alone. It was called Alphas: Origins. I loved it, but it had to stand alone. Anything more would be more of the same.
Thank you for remembering the lady in Costco! I was terribly worried about her.
Thank you for sharing your worlds.
I love the answers even when I don’t like the answers. I for one would pet you every day for a decade to get an Arbiters series, lavish pets, chin scritches and ear fondling …
Love all your writings. Pets galore!
re: spoilers: what kind of cookies does Gordon like?
I really enjoyed listening to the podcast! I discovered some clues I missed and enjoyed hearing their thoughts about other areas. I read the books as soon as they are released and keep rereading them.
I love Arland’s and Maud’s book. ???? I found chapters on your website during the heatwave in Sweden and kept reading them during the few ’cold’ hours late at night. They helped me endure the hot days????.
Thank you for all the news.
Loved this answer:
“::side-eye:: Do I look like Gordon to you? There will be no spoilers.” ????
* insert comment that relieves some of the weight on your shoulders, in words that are somehow exactly what you needed to hear today * 😛
All the head pets. I’m trying to attach the picture of the giant squishy psychedelic hamster I won today at the theme park.
Oh thank goodness… Innkeeper isn’t dead.
There is light at the end of the tunnel….
I am so thankful. Thanks Ilona
“For example, Officer Marais will never have to worry about lodging if he is in a city with an inn.”
It’d be fun to get some short stories of him (actually short, not a “novella” lol). Something not at all serious, from his pov.
“Whatever happened to the lady in Costco who helped Dina? Will we see her again in a future book? That is a definite yes ” I literally went “ooooohhh” out loud with big eyes. Hope you continue to have fun with Innkeeper. I love reading them, all the little details are so satisfying.
Re:George and co. I recently finished listening to the Edge series after reading them when they first came out years ago, and boy was book four hard. It broke my heart so many times. (I don’t remember it being that difficult the first time around, but my life was far more carefree back then) I’d still like to know Lark’s story, but I understand why we might not get it.
I love that your “novellas” are so long. haha. Will we ever see any more Subterranean Press hardcovers? I missed the Innkeeper one, but have the other two. They are fabulous.
I would love a standalone from you. Or maybe a universe of standalones, like the Discworld universe. But I am always happy for any book you guys write, so thank you so much 🙂
Pleaseeee consider writing a series about George, Jack, Gaston and Sophie I love them and would like to see their happy endings and their travel yo get there. All the advrntures they have now. The Edge was the last of your series I read, I did it this year or at the end of last year and I’ve become with these tour characters. I’m sorry I didnt read it before but at the same time I’m happy I didn’t so I had something newer to re-read. But pleaseeeee think or at least consider writing something about them no hurry just in your free time when you feel like it write a bit about them…. Love you. Both of you. You’ll make extremely happy if you write about them.
Yes yes my happines isn’t your goal but is the only thing I have for you to make you consider IT ????????♥️♥️????
I am so excited for the comeuppance! I hope the ex-in-laws saw the Arland heroics video, then heard about Maud’s new position and victorious emergence, and are sweating bullets waiting for the inevitable comeuppance.
Thank you for this. Although now I feel bad for wanting to know what happened with Dina, Maude, Klaus, Helen, etc. If it’s not there for you, then I don’t want to be the pesky neighbor who wants to know about you, your family, your mama’s family, and the neighbors who used to live there ( I live in a small Southern town – we make nosy an art).
However, when you write these stories, I feel like these are real people. They’re friends – or at least acquaintances – that I miss. 🙁 You’re the only person who can tell me how they are doing and that’s a lot of pressure to put on you. So I’m sorry to put the pressure on you, but not so sorry that I won’t eat up every single tidbit of news you can throw our way!
I do hope you can take a break and have some fun, and I also can’t wait for the next inkeepers!!! Thank you for all that you give us!
So happy to know the Innkeepers series will continue.
Anything you guys write is enjoyable!
(Including your blog). Live long and prosper Ilona Andrews!????????♀️
I am trying to wait patiently. I really am. Please continue writing. I don’t even care which story line you follow. I truly enjoy your stories.
OMG – there’s a final book in the Innkeeper series?????!!!!! ::Collapses into hysterical sobbing followed by tantrum behaviour::
I don’t know whether to feel happy that there is going to be more innkeeper or sad that there is a FINAL book.
I feel so conflicted.
*goes into a corner to give myself a pep talk “it just means that they have time to write a new story that you will love just as much. Stop being a sook!”
Thank you for the updates. Excited to read whatever you’re working on 🙂
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post.
I appreciate the update about RF edits.
No you don’t look like Gordon but his POV stories help flesh things out for me. Of course sometimes I am just LMAO or ROFLOL. People look at you funny when you are the designated chauffeur for elderly parent and you are laughing in corner of waiting room. But lowers my stress level significantly.
Mother is in hospital with a tentative diagnosis of Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever. It will be weeks before PCR test results come back from CDC. As a former veterinary technician I recognized the petechiae and Fever symptoms. fortunately the doctors accommodated my thoughts and started appropriate treatment for tick borne illnesses. Mother is recovering nicely and I have been binging on The Edge series. Tomorrow I start Innkeeper.
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the escape.
Best wishes for an easy recovery, Lynn! <3
Sincerely hope all goes well for her. I have two friends who had RMS. One was caught early and she is doing very well.
Good thing you could give them a heads up, and better that they actually listened. Our area is expecting a big tick year due to weather. Like we don’t have enough of them in a normal year. Need more cowbird.
I am happy to hear there will be Innkeeper books in the future – they are my favorite books of yours – they always keep me guessing ????
Please take your time and find joy in your writing— just as we find joy in the worlds you have written. We do not wish you to flame out, or to find no more surprising plot twists in your wonderful brains!
Oh, THANK YOU for this.
Looking forward to the next project you work on, especially if it is Kates world ❤️
Do you think you will get sick of writing and give it away. ( I hope not)
Mod R, I’m so glad you are around. In case Ilona is too busy. I’ve been pondering this from time to time rather obsessively:
1) Is Hugh and Elara 2 already written and just sitting trapped in Ilona’s computer?
(I am asking an “or” question in 2 distinct parts so Gordon/Ilona can’t just say, “yes.” That would be very unhelpful.)
2) Did you start on the story, see how dark it was getting, and just put it on hold?
Thank you for the updates/info. I wondered about most of what you answered but figured that rather than ask I would wait it out.
I really am looking forward to your next work.
Sounds like maybe you need a vacation. Pick a place you haven’t been and take some family time. Either with or without kids – life happens in between our plans.
So glad we will get to take a trip back to the Holy Anocracy. Sweep of the Blade was the perfect “world of Jane Austen as inhabited by Klingons” book.
I just wanted to say I think the Innkeeper series are my favorite series from the house of Andrews — so so cool. I just did a massive read of the older novels and the whole George and jack thing is so much richer now too! Thank you for imagining such a great world!
Oh,…… who needs a hug? Come on in! ( hugs always help me)
“Honestly, I don’t think there is a market for an Arbiter series. They might pop up in the Innkeeper storyline.”
Dear House Andrews
If you write that scifi story like the TV series Scandal or some other sucessfull political TV series with the bonus of fighting scenes and maybe some spy movie vibe and or also
that old series 24 you guys would probable sell a lot of books. I think it would put the Science fiction fandon very happy couse I dont thing that was something that been writen before. Of course your guys humor would also make a sucess as all the things you write.
Out of everything you said (and thank you for all the answers to random questions) I’m most excited about the Costco lady. I find myself wondering about her at odd moments. Like when I’m wandering through a Costco. I can’t wait to see what you do with (or to) her.
Random question because the interview had me itching to reread the series. Is Beast’s personality based off a pet in your family, or one that you’ve known? Because she’s adorable!
Beast is based on the adorable Baby 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/2017/wednesday-4/
For more of her adventures???? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKqShSUUOmY
How did I not know this channel existed? How are there not thousands of subscribers to an IL YouTube channel?
So I’ve just subscribed on the back of that post! Is it bad that I’m imaging that they are reenactment a fight seen between any of the characters like Hugh and Kate etc.? Ones where they are evenly matched.
I think Maud and Arland are some of my favourite characters (the other is Kate and her aunt, etc etc!).
Soooo happy to know we will be seeing more of them….and description of Maud’s wedding!
Would love to know more about the New Shinar…and what about Conlan’s story??
Just a wish, not a demand.
Thank you for making our lives so much richer by adding these characters.
Whatever you write will be a gift. Love your writing.
Thank you so much for the Innkeeper series. I really enjoyed them when I checked them out of the library. So much so that I leapt on the ebook bundle you offered at the beginning of quarantine.
What I didn’t know was how incredibly stressful the year would be, and how I would end up reading the series at least 3 times over as my “settling in for the night” comfort reading. I feel like I spent enough time in that world that I may qualify as a guest of Gertrude Hunt. And very much appreciate my stay there.
I’m so so excited to hear more about the InnKeeper series! <3 I love them all so much and I am excited to learn more!
Did I immediately start rereading the Innkeeper series because of this? yes. Absolutely. <3
I didn’t read all of the comments, so possibly I’m repeating something someone else has mentioned – if so, sorry. But as an alternative to a totally stand alone book, have you thought about maybe doing a self-published collection of short stories or snippets from all of your universes? That way people could reconnect (briefly) with their favorite characters and hopefully you wouldn’t get bored or feel like vomiting. I would definitely buy it. Reading your short snippet of Kate and Teddy Jo was like wrapping myself in a warm blanket on a cold night. It’s so nice (in my opinion) to reconnect with familiar characters. That said, if you do write a stand-alone, I will of course buy it. Love, love, love your writing. Thanks for all you do.
If I promise to give pets on the head on demand……can we pretty please have more on George & Jack (& the rest of the gang)? I for one, would buy it (in more than 1 format if previous Ilona Andrews books are any indicator).
I will pet your heads like an evil genius plotting to take over the world pets his cat….
Thank you for sharing so much insight into your work. Any tidbit, no matter how big or small, always cheers me up. And I’m glad to hear Ruby Fever is going well, I really love Catalina as a heroine and Alessandro as a love interest.
I will buy amd read anything you write. Series, stand alone, tenuously connected, whatever you want to write. At whatever pace you need.
You’re so good at world building anf fully rounded characters that we get greedy for more. Loke zombies and brains our desires aren’t reasonable.
Costco lady! Yay! Maud! Yay! I do so hope George finds a way to worm his way back into a story! I’m still mostly boinging over Costco lady though!
Yes!!! So excited!! Innkeeper is actually my favorite of your series ^_^ although stand-alone they’d all be up near the top of favorite ever series list if I made one (I should). Maud’s ex-in-laws getting their come-uppance is awesome-sauce (bwahaha) but I’m oddly more relieved to see things resolved with the Costco lady! That loose end always bothered me just a bit :).
I love your series, but I can definitely empathize with wishing for the finality and creative freedom of stand-alone books. I’d say you should write one… but I know the BDH (which I’m a happy part of) will then cry and beg for a series to be made out of it ^_^
What kind of bribes does Gordon like? ????????
1, At least one person in the current works must have an office that you can set on fire one way or another for at least virtual satisfaction. Either that, or I need an inside contact who will cut out thousands of flame shapes from appropriately colored tissue paper and leave them in your office with several rolls of tape so you can fake it when you feel like it.
2, I have no desire to read discarded or current grocery lists. I hope knowing that while I like your work, I won’t be haunting your steps hoping you drop one is some comfort to you. (No offense intended to those who feel that dedicated.)
I adore the Innkeeper series. Adore. It. Please don’t fry your brain. I’m happy to take whatever I can get.
Thank You for E V E R Y T H I N G !
Consider this a pat on the head, a hearty hand shake, a grateful hug . . . And anything else you might need
After today’s annoyances. Having to pay for the washing machine technical to get his child from school sick in time in the bill. I needed the wee bit of the innkeeper world. So I get frustration.
Ohoo you need some good tea and a deep breath.
Thank you for all the time you put into the worlds you allow me to hide in.
“Honestly, I don’t think there is a market for an Arbiter series.”
Yes there is! You write we buy 🙂
Many pats on the head for the Innkeeper series but specially for Maud, Helen, and Aland and Sweep of the Blade, I have had some serious “down time” due to chronic illness and at my lowest times visualizing some of the processional and fight scenes from Sweep of the Blade are comforting. Love your attention to detail, to color, to texture, and in my mind to movement in some of those passages.
Dear me, (sips a cup of late night sleep tea), you all are gracious, generous and talented. I could hug you for all the answers (and the humorous and supremely diplomatic responses) Were Gordon’s ears burning by any chance? I can offer head pats on command or bell ring. Other than that, I wish you well on the path of edits and can only prescribe tea, chocolate and shiny thread to help you weather through. Bless you for all that you do for us. Signed a member of voracious and but patient and card carrying member of the BDH.
“How did Gerard get out of the magical trap in the house? Is the house an Innkeeper house?”
I cannot for the life of me remember this. Can someone help a fellow fan out?
From above… “you might like the fan service snippet “Gerard Demille and Helen meet” which can be found here https://ilona-andrews.com/gerard-demille-and-helen-meet/“
How did I not know about this?! Thank you for linking me ☺️
Thank you for answering all these questions ????
After you are done with the edits, why don’t you take a well deserved break for a few months ? Working so much and under duress is not good for your health ???? and if you do not have the motivation to write something, then don’t do it for now ????(well, except when you are under contract and a deadline…)
Mental health and being well rested are also important ???? Stress is bad and make me sick, I decided some time ago not to care about deadline to avoid it ???? Even if I’m not as productive as I could be, I feel better ???? unfortunately it is not possible to do in every jobs :/
I am looking forward to the Herald’s introductions at the wedding…”Sean Evans, Captain: United States Marine Corps, retired, alpha-strain werewolf, Turin Adin, confirmed kills: 1573.” Heads will explode.
OOOH!! I’d buy the Audio version just to hear the introductions.
I just want to say I truly appreciate the Innkeeper series. Yes I’ve loved it as a free serial and have bought the books later cuz they mean so much to me. I rarely reread books and I’ve reread these multiple times.
Someone needs a break! Like maybe a trip to the beach?
I love all your books and haunt your website for news of a new book! Just wanted to say that all your work is very appreciated!!!
Could you say at what time we can get the next books from Dina in German language? In German are only 3 books and I am waiting for the others. Thank you.
Hey Tamara,
House Andrews do not control the availability of the books in other countries or the translations. Your local publishers and retailers control that. If you would like to read more of the Innkeeper books in your language/your country, please email the local publisher who published the first 3 and let them know there’s a demand. House Andrews are happy to sell the rights and make the books as available as possible 🙂 .
Hope this helped 🙂
The past year and change has been rough on everyone, but I think it’s done a particular number on the creative drives.
I want to say THANK YOU for fighting through this year, and managing to be creative. It is no small thing, and it is appreciated by those of us who use your creative offerings as a break from the slog.
Sincere thanks again,
I giggled. Thanks for this.
Hello, I thought the authors may enjoy hearing this. I am a very avid reader. I can easily read 3 to 4 books in a week, most of them are in the fantasy genre. My husband is more of a youtube person, but now and then he is willing to listen to me reading one of my books and the Innkeeper series is one of his favorite. He actually is willing to discuss the series which is not normal for him. So thank you for writing such a wonderful and enjoyable story with such interesting and fun characters.
Is the upcoming novella in the Kinsmen universe? I’m pretty sure this question has been answered already but I can’t find it.
Your innkeeper books are my absolute favorite.
I wish for you that they make you a lot of money.
The podcast inspired me to reread the Innkeeper series again. Thank you for all the info on upcoming stories in this series. I am looking forward to then very much.
I hope you don’t “just finish” the Innkeeper series. It’s unique and fun to read. When COVID hit I reread the series several times and I am waiting for more. You have other series that go on for many books, why not the Innkeeper.
Thumbs up, totally agree, Innkeeper is best, especially since it is nice tie-in to the Edge series.
Excellent excellent (raccoon-rubbing-hands.jpg)
Personally I don’t mind waiting for new Innkeeper books, they’re worth waiting for and I enjoy them a lot. Am fully aware the writers have other writing to do to pay bills (houses, ACs, other weird stuff happening) and earn a living so I WON’T PESTER THEM ABOUT IT. I will however express happiness and joy when there are good news in the making of a series I found cool, interesting, having a lot of new ideas and things happening.
Thank you for answering the questions (too bad Gordon didn’t, perhaps we could’ve gotten some tea 😀 )
I’ll be over here waiting, quietly, with anticipation because that’s how I roll
DANG it – forgot to add picture….so now I did
*sigh* okay, I give up. First time I tried adding a picture and it seems I screwed it up 7 ways from Thursday. Note to self, no adding pictures to comments from now on !
Thank you
for sharing, for entertaining conversation, for reassurance
What wonders to look ???? forward to, shiny treasures waiting to unfold.
B well & in setting the office on fire Control, extinguishers, large trash cans & please do so before pulling out your hair starts to seem reasonable…
How do I do this? If you are writing for pats on the head, I will do so with a side of jamabalya, gumbo, and jalepeno cornbread. Though my cooking repertoire covers many options, that’s my favorite.
I began with your On the Edge series and it was one of your Kate Daniel’s adventures that began me on my own writing. I have stayed in Gertrude Hunt, walked the Edge with Rose Drayton, stood beside Kate Daniel’s and the Lycans in Atlanta in Gertrude Hunt … I can continue if you wish. I have done these things sometimes, with tears, because I’m such a sucker for honor stories. You are among a number of authors I hope to precede into the beyond, because I don’t want to KNOW there is no chance you won’t be around to walk us through your worlds, to bring us back to characters you have made friends to us. Each being to whom you introduce us is human(esque), but those we call heroes act in honor, and most of all, in love. Consider your head patted, with a side of bear-hug. And thank you.
That’s it!!! Hadn’t quite put my finger on the pulse of your magnetism. Thank you Charles for the words.
I know you have contracts for the books you are working on. When those are done, contracts met, books in publishers’ hands, you will be free to write whatever you want to write. You know, and I know, that you will never stop writing. It’s too deeply ingrained in your lives to stop. But when the contracts are fulfilled, take a deep breath, and figure out what you want to write. A happy author is a good author, and a story you want to tell will be a story we’ll want to read. Take a deep breath, get your mind onto something that you want to think about, and go for it. We’ll be here, reading what your contracts say you have to write, as we wait for what you want to write.
Same. I honestly bought like 5 different copies of Blood Heir (several for family members so we could all read it together and talk about them)! I adore the stories you all write.
If you are excited to write an Arbiters series, I would read that in a heart beat. If that’s not your jam, I’m excited to see what has caught your fancy now!
“Galactic Tyrant space opera”
I like the sound of that and would not mind “bloody” at all, that would be nice change from all that romance.
Thank you thank you thank you ????????????in advance for if I forget to say in the future when these lovely precious ones come out.
So exccccccciiiiiited
Here’s a pet on the head for you:
We love your series books! We’ve read all of your books and will read anything you want to publish. After reading many series by many authors, you’re one of the best story builders we’ve ever read – pacing is *chef’s kiss*! We will patiently wait for more series novels 🙂
Does being long term associated with the inn extend your lifespan? Like being an Innkeeper or a long term guest?
House Andrews, principals & vassals, we love you. Also, side note, I want to add my official plug for Dina & Sean. Love them to bits and pieces (tho not in a Caldenia way), and would offer kudos, head pats, cartwheels for another story. …also, you would be most welcome to continue the story indefinitely (need a new roof-inkeeper story #12, unexpected vet bills – innkeeper 47, a trip to a beautiful island – innkeeper 58, you get the picture ????).
Also wishing you some moments of hilarity in the dreaded edit season.
On The Edge was my first Ilona Andrew’s books and it still one of my favorites to re-read. I LOVED when George popped up in Innkeepers and and am crossing my fingers for any other characters to pop up. Thank you for the updates. Literally your books and this blog keep me going!
Ilona: Honestly, I don’t think there is a market for an Arbiter series…
Me: Arbiter series?! A whole series… Squee!!
I don’t know if this helps or not but… if you guys write it I will read it. Hell if you re-wrote the dictionary I would read it… just saying ????
Well, just as a note, I would be interested in an Arbiter series. I think the Edge was slightly before its time, and it could go in some really interesting directions.
“Whatever happened to the lady in Costco who helped Dina? Will we see her again in a future book?
That is a definite yes.”
YES!!! I have been waiting for so long, thank you.
Hey,I love the Inkeepers,who doesn’t I am 69 years old and still keep coming back to them(comfort read)hopefully I will be able to read the sequels bevor I go to the great beyond????
I like that you write what you want. You are not at the service of anyone.
And what you don’t write, I imagine. I can’t stop imagining the scene where Georges, Jack and Gaston will come home.
Rose will KILL them !!!????????????
I hadn’t thought about how Rose would react upon seeing them all again! Their families would be spectacular to see those reactions!
Dear Ilona Andrews I have been addicted to your books since I read the first Kate Daniels about 6 years ago. The local library is a great source to find & read all your books. The one thing I am happy about is that I can read each over & over again. I know that I can’t glue you in your chair in front of your computer but sometimes I do wish I could. Thank for the many hours of entertainment. Life is interesting.
Thank you for all the tantalizing information, the series is such a cozy, feel good read. There is something very special about the Innkeeper books. I hope you can all get a little vacation from the cascading disasters and stress soon.
Yay, Yay, Yay more innkeeper stories. I like both those girls. Smart, Funny, Hardworking. In my bucket list – stay at an inn where the space chickens are debating! Be well !
“Improvement generally happens under duress.” Sounds a lot like something I used to hear in the navy: “The beatings will continue until morale improves.” If it’s any consolation, I suspect most of BDH would stick with you if you switched to 1-offs after wrapping your 3 (4 if Julie?) current series. Neil Gaiman seems to make it work!
Thank you for the Innkeeper Chronicle update. This is one of my favorite series. I limit myself on how many times I reread it every year so it will stay fresh and new. Can’t wait to get more books in this series!
Wow! Thanks! I don’t know how I came to miss this one, but I’m so happy! Three more Innkeeper books by the sounds of it. I’m very excited, very very! Whoop!
Thank you sooooo much!!! This is one of my favorite series although I have all of your book. Take care and best wishes!,
Let me start with I read everything that has been put out. Every single snippet I received with glorious joy. This issue no different, I start reading with great anticipation, a song in my heart. As I am scanning down absorbing every word everything comes to a Screeching halt! Put your head between your knees, breathe,breathe. OK the lights come back up I look again and there are those same dreaded words! SERIES END??
Yes I know all things are supposed to come to an end but but but. What do we do in the future? Our beloved characters must live on forever with us!
OK just a little histrionics here. I know that this does not mean that there will be no tales ever published in the future that just there will be new directions and new characters to love. (Breathe)
But one more book?! Maybe two? Three? Just to postpone er, I mean flesh out the ending.
Seriously love everything you guys have ever written and in all seriousness trying to return a little of the love you have shared with us and help through so much.
I hope that the authors know how much books and a series and different bits and pieces mean to the readers.
Truly thank you.
small whine. Lol
I love Dina and Sean so much! And Orro! I can’t wait for another book!!!! Dina’s books have so much humor!!! And Sean- I just love him…
And George, Jack, Gaston and Sophie. I hope we get to hear more from them but I’m just grateful for what we’ve even seen! I mean I have watched them grow up and I just want them all to be happy!
Thank you so much for your awesome characters and books!
Thank you for these answers – the Inn Keeper Chronicles are my favorite series – really enjoy the characters and both Dinah and Maude’s story
Dear Andrews writers.
I honestly think you’re wrong about George, Jack and crew. I do believe there is a very strong market for them. They are very compelling characters. You did a very good job in creating them and now readers want to see them as adults going through their own angst, sex life (lots????) and adventures.
I know you’re very busy w/House Baylor, Inkeeper, KD, Julie & Erick
But this is what you get for being such fantastic writers. Boy, Jack, George, Sofie would make great Netflix series.
For some reason I am imagining Orro thinking about writing a cookbook and Caldenia volunteering to do the foreword and Dina worrying about what the list of ingredients would be.
How did Dina meat Beast?
I just re-read the entire Innkeeper series in the last week, and its so good. I am so excited to see what happens in it. I would love to see more of the Sophie and George ship sail! I love seeing them come up again and again in the innkeeper series (along with Dina, Sean, Maud, Arland, and Helen)! Its taken three read throughs to catch more of how Klaus being a part of the Arbiters really changes how he interacts with his family (they haven’t seen/heard from him in 3 years + the constant curiosity if he has anything to do with placing George on a collision course with Dina’s Inn and such).
I adore reading the books you write! And I come back to them often as they are so wonderfully layered, thoughtful and fun!
I have to commend you folks on the whole idea of Gertrude Hunt. That inn is one of the coolest things I’ve read about in a story. Everything about her is just brilliantly done and so memorable- from her victorian exterior to her spreading roots under the earth, from her awe-inspiring strength to her loving and maternal’ish link with Dina.
I named my dog Maud, after you character. She is a fabulous dog, nearly 5 years old now. An Australian Kelpie. Your book must be that old too!
Thank you for answering questions about the Innkeeper series. Very nice little tantalising clues about what’s coming. Its great to know more novels will be written.
I Love this series and have reread them many times. There used to be a very short story on your website about Dina’s dad. I can no longer find it. Will you post it again? Will this story go into the book about Dina’s Mom and Dad?
I don’t know what its like to be an author. I have enough trouble writing a two page essay. I hope you get well rested and feel renewed. I look forward to your new Innkeeper books whenever you feel ready to write them.
Hey Jane,
The Gerard story can be found here https://ilona-andrews.com/gerard-demille-and-helen-meet/
Hope this helps ????
Thank you Moderator R!
Much appreciated.
Are there any other non published parts of Innkeeper stories I might have missed?
Thanks, Jane
Hey Jane,
No, this is it ????. It was a fan service snippet.
Are there any artist pictures available of Gertrude Hunt. I am a carver I would love to do a sculpture of her!
Hey Terri,
I hope this will help ???? https://ilona-andrews.com/innkeeper-chronicles/
Does anyone else think that maybe the Mukana swiped Gerrard and Helen as the basis for breeding stock and to punish them for getting their species banned from the Inns?
Would House Krahr decide that the most efficient way to rub the ex-in-laws faces in the mud would be to invite (thus compelling obedience) the finks to Arland and Matilda’s wedding? I can imagine the Scribe making the introduction of Illemina, Otrubar and Helen: daughter and heir of Demille, adopted by House Krahr, kill count 3.
I can’t write my way out of a paper bag, but the time I spend pondering possibilities is one of my favorite things. Many thanks to the writing team who are among my favorites and whose work is so good that I can re-read and enjoy as needed, again and again again.