What was the incident that resulted in Curran’s broken nose that never healed correctly? Does that mean he snores?
Curran’s nose was broken by Andorf. After he killed the bear, Curran realigned his nose himself and he didn’t quite do it correctly. By the next morning, the nose had healed, because Curran’s regeneration is very fast, but it was obvious that it had been broken. Mahon, being a shrewd kingmaker, realized that the broken nose made for an excellent symbol. Every time someone looked at Curran’s face, they were reminded that he took down Andorf. The nose stayed, even though Doolittle can easily rebreak it and set it right.
The injury doesn’t impede Curran’s breathing. He does occasionally snore, but it’s has less to do with his nose and more to do with him being a big lazy lion who rumbles in his sleep.
What do Kate and Curran do now for work in order to keep from getting bored (Curran always loved a challenge and Kate was bored if she couldn’t fight or use her sword? What have they been doing between MT and Blood Heir?
They are doing exactly what they have been doing before. Kate moved the Cutting Edge to Wilmington and the Guild opened a Wilmington branch. They are still having fun adventures and trying to protect those they care about. But their lives now are more peaceful, since the sword that was Roland no longer hangs over their heads.
Will there be more POV (like Curran POV) or more text messages between characters?
Maybe. Curran POV are free to the fans. They are written by Gordon and right now we are trying to pound Ruby Fever into submission.
I’ve only seen one picture of Curran (profile)on your site and wonder when you think of Curran, what actor looks the most like him (just curious)?
Ehm. I don’t know that there is anyone fits exactly. Fans mentioned several actors. Chris Hemsworth and Charles Hunnam seem to be the favorites. That’s something best left to the readers. 🙂 There is a massive thread on Facebook fangroup about it. I do not go there.
What happened to Lorelai Wilson? Did she survive the castle inferno?
She did. Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about the Wilson family.
“When I was twenty-two years old, Mike Wilson, the alpha of Ice Fury, came to me with an invitation to the Iberian Summit.”
Mike Wilson ran a pack in Alaska. It was the only pack in the United States that rivaled ours in size.
“Wilson’s wife was European, Belgian, I think, and they used to cross the Atlantic every couple of years to visit her family. She’s his ex-wife now. They had a falling out, so she took their daughter and went home to her parents.”
Considering that home was across the Atlantic Ocean, she must’ve really wanted away from Wilson. “Mike didn’t fight for his kid?”
“No. But ten years ago they were still together. They stopped in Atlanta on their way to the summit, and Wilson invited me to come with them to Spain. He made it sound like a deal for panacea was on the table, so I went.”
Andrews, Ilona. Magic Rises: A Kate Daniels Novel (pp. 16-17). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
The girl smiled. Wow. The night just got a bit brighter.
The sailors lowered the gangplank and Curran started down the moment it clanged against the pier. Apparently he couldn’t wait to meet her.
“Who is Lorelei?” I asked quietly.
“Lorelei Wilson,” Mahon said. “Daughter of the Ice Fury’s alpha.”
Lorelei’s father led the Alaskan pack, the biggest shapeshifter group in the United States. The one who had left with her mother when Wilson and his European wife divorced. Well, wasn’t that just peachy.
“How do you tempt the Beast Lord?” Barabas murmured. “Simple. Offer him a shapeshifter princess.”
Andrews, Ilona. Magic Rises: A Kate Daniels Novel (p. 80). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
About ten years ago, Mihail Kamenov, an enormous Kodiak from Siberia, took over as Ice Fury Alpha. He favored a hands-off style of leadership. From what the rats had said, he spent most of his time in the woods, coming out only when there was a problem that needed to be crushed with his giant paw. Ice Fury was run by a series of betas. The latest beta and the one who’d lasted the longest was Darren Argent.
Ilona Andrews. Blood Heir (Kindle Locations 3255-3257).
How do the magic waves in KD universe travel? Does the whole world blink in and out of magic at once, or does the wave travel across the world?
It’s more of a blink. Or at least it seems that way to humans, because our perception of time is somewhat limited.
That’s it for now. 🙂
Kristine Ahlskog says
Thank you!
Anna L says
Awesome! Now what about cuddles? Did the mammoth donkey survive until ripe old age?
MissB2U says
Stacey says
Now you have me wondering – part of Kate’s magic is extending the life of those within her sphere of influence, right? It’s heavily implied that Kate is using her magic to keep Ghastek alive in dungeon whose name will not come right now.
I wondered about the immortality of all those around her. Now I am seriously curious about whether Cuddles would be impacted. ????
MiraC says
Good question! I mean, it seems that she would apply it to her entire chosen family.
Irishmadchen says
Mishmar. That’s the name. Don’t you hate days like that..
Stacey says
Yes! When I took French, we were taught to circumlocute (Dontcha love that that word stays put?) to get around words we didn’t know. I am nowhere near conversational in French, but I have certainly picked it up for English!
Siobhan says
Also, Ilona said it straight out at some point on the blog. That the life-extending magic worked that way.
Tori says
Always love me some Kate and Curren time.
Alisa says
Thank you!
Jenn says
???? thank you!
Good luck with Ruby Fever!
Breann says
+1 ????
Laurence says
Mary says
Seriously, you just perked up my day, and brought joy to my heart. Thank you very much.
Emily says
+1 thank you!!
Relin says
Absolute delightful to know! Best of luck with Ruby Fever!
Aileen says
Thank you????
Kat M. says
The first time I met Gordon in person, I thought, “Aha. So that’s what Curran looks like.” Nothing has been able to supplant that image in my head 🙂
Ilona says
We are not our characters. 🙂
Deborah Armstrong says
No, you’re not, but sometimes I envision the two of you as the couple (or family) at the corner table in the restaurant Kate and Curran walk into.
A moment of recognition, and you both whip out notebooks to take notes, child one starts recording, and child two starts the video.
Donna A says
I guess I just assumed magic has a wavelength that travels ftl, hence the blink effect.
Maybe you could do a series of book tie-ins; Science of Kate Daniels, Science of the Edge etc etc if you ever need a few extra dollars ????????
Rhoda says
Oh those were some good insights into the world.
Ann says
How do you get hold of Curran’s POV written by Gordon. I’ve tried searching for them and haven’t been able to find them.
Moderator R says
Hi Ann,
The Curran POV collection can be found on the blog here https://ilona-andrews.com/curran-pov-collection/ and is also included in Small Magics https://www.amazon.com/Small-Magics-Ilona-Andrews-ebook/dp/B015JNEOEK
Hope this helps 🙂
Momo says
I would do unspeakable things to get more POV from Curran or Rogan or anyone really 😀
Will there be a similar collection of POVs for all the bonus stuff posted in the hidden legacy world as a treat
(Cool aunt, deleted favourite truthseeker segment, alternate beginning, snippets)?
Please take my money 😀
Marnie says
I always wondered what happened to Nataraja.
Tink says
That was mentioned in one of the books, sort of. I can’t remember which one, but they said he killed his snake (Wiggles? Or maybe that’s just what Kate called him.) and then he was either called to Roland’s fortress in the Midwest or someone came to collect Nataraja, but he was never seen or heard from again.
Elenariel says
Me too! We were never told if someone knew where he disappeared to… (Or I missed the hints!)
Keera says
Thank you!
Who gets to bite Lorelais head off?
John says
She’ll probably show up and then drama drama drama rocks fall and then she takes over Ice Fury … or something. Let her have her own happy ending, she may be a spoiled princess, but it has been a few years and maybe she’s had her own version of Hugh’s gutcheck.
Momo says
I think she might reappear in Julie’s books because of her ties to the Alaskan pack which is lead by Derek….sooo…. Chaos and drama might come to be
Val Specht says
This was wonderful. Thank you!
Mary Ellen says
This may sound crazy but I have been a little worried that Derek might be tangled, in some way, with lorelai.
Bal says
I wonder if she is chasing him, he is running away from her and she bumps into a certain princess of shinar who puts loreli in her place…. one can only wish
Patricia Schlorke says
Thank you!
Everyone in Texas, please stay safe with all this rain.
I feel like singing “row, row your boat”.????????????☂️☂️☂️
Stephanie says
Sorry if this has already been asked, but is Curran as long-lived as Kate?
Tink says
Even if he wasn’t as a First, being married to Kate will extend his life.
Jeff says
It won’t extend his life, it’ll just feel like forever. 🙂
MiraC says
Yes it will, her line can grant immortality (like with Hugh.)
Moderator R says
It’s worth noting that bestowing immortality and the blood bond (such as Roland had with Voron and Hugh, and Kate with Julie) are quite different.
If Kate cares about you, if she thinks you are a friend and your life is important to her, her magic will keep you alive for a long time*. We can have fun guessing that she has extended this to any number of people around her. That’s it, that’s all it takes and we see it several times throughout the books.
The binding by blood is an entirely different matter. We have the description of the Arez ritual it involves when Kate saves Julie from Loupism in the epilogue to Magic Slays. We know it bestows the gifts of the bloodline to the person bound: “feel” and navigate vampires, the ability to make blood weapons and armour and yes, a basically unlimited lifespan. All for the low, low price of the inability to disobey or go against the person who bound you and basically thinking of them as God (as we see with Hugh). Kate has performed this only once, with Julie, and that bond was dissolved once Kate died in Magic Triumphs. She has promised Curran she will never do it again.
*Within reason: it helps you through serious wounds, disease and usual wear and tear, but if someone cuts your head off, you’re probably on your own.
John says
“Kate has performed this only once, with Julie, and that bond was dissolved once Kate died in Magic Triumphs. She has promised Curran she will never do it again.”
That last part was less clear to me. Interesting. Makes sense, but I don’t think it has been confirmed to be dissolved in print just yet.
Moderator R says
It has in fact been confirmed in print 🙂
“The bond was no more. Kate’s death had severed it. She had died for mere seconds, but it set me free. The freedom was agony. The severed bond left behind a gaping raw wound that burned and gnawed on my soul”. Andrews, Ilona. Blood Heir, Aurelia Ryder 1. NYLA Publishing, 2021. Kindle Edition, page 122.
Sounds very not fun ????
Teri says
Thank you so much
Stef says
Love me some Kate & Curran!! Thanks for posting 🙂
Mary Cruickshank-Peed says
Thanks! How very cool to see the behind the scenes bits 🙂
Arianna says
AP says
Thank you!
There are many details to be learned about the Ice Fury Pack (e.g. Lorelei, Derek becoming Beta but being called Alpha by his crew, etc.) which I’m sure will be revealed when HA decides it’s time. ????
Judy Schultheis says
Derek may be Beta of Ice Fury and alpha of the wolves within it. Or he could have taken over Ice Fury just before Pastor Haywood called him, and nobody outside the pack knows it yet.
Either makes sense to me, and I am happily waiting on what the authors come up with because it could be very different and whatever it is will be fun.
laj says
Why Wilmington?
Moderator R says
“Lennart once led the Pack, and Daniels has claimed—her word, not mine—the entire city in the past. Now they spend most of their time up in Wilmington because their son attends a private school there, but they come back in the summer to visit family and friends. That family is complicated.” Andrews, Ilona. Blood Heir, Aurelia Ryder 1. NYLA Publishing, 2021. Kindle Edition, page 38.
Jean says
Which Wilmington? North Carolina or Delaware? (Or is there a Wilmington in Georgia?)
Moderator R says
Well, I always assumed it was the one in Georgia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilmington_Island,_Georgia because Kate wouldn’t want to be all that far from everyone.
Julie says in Blood Heir “Now Kate had moved on, to the coast near Wilmington, coming to Atlanta only for the summer, and without her the city had fractured again.” Andrews, Ilona. Blood Heir, Aurelia Ryder 1. NYLA Publishing, 2021. Kindle Edition, page 17.
Tink says
Didn’t know there was a Wilmington in GA. I defaulted to NC.
Moderator R says
Could be, that one’s on the coast too 🙂 .
KimberlyR says
I’m currently watching DuckTales so please hear this to the tune of the show: “woo-ooo!” Thanks!
Richard Suitor says
Thank you!!
loganbacon says
[Mihail] Kamenov, same as the guy who designed the device that eats magic and kills people with any magic in them? Any connection?
Ilona says
No. Other than I like to reuse names.
Gaëlle from France says
For french fans : iron covenant #1 , october 13th. Look at this wonderful cover !!
Kamrin says
Wow. That’s a great cover!
Sandie says
That looks awesome!!!
Patricia Schlorke says
That is a great cover.
Hyna says
Oh my ! Great cover, and good title ????
Hyna says
Quite the irony when Kate Daniels books are not all translated yet…????????
Gaëlle from France says
Oh, Triomphe magique did come out on April 7th !! And the new editor really did an amazing job with the translation and the beauty of the covers !! Every single one of the Kate Daniels books have amazing covers 🙂
Jennifer says
I’m sure this is a dumb question, but where does “Daniels” come from as a last name? I didn’t think anyone who ever raised Kate had that last name?
Moderator R says
Daniels was chosen by Voron as a last name to keep Kate hidden. There is no big meaning behind it, other than being fairly common.
I hope this helps 🙂
Patricia Schlorke says
It’s like alias Smith and Jones. ????
Lizzie says
Thank you!
Brittney says
How does Saiman exist? We know that he is Loki’s grandson and that his grandmother was a Norse goddess but gods and goddesses cannot exist in KD’s world outside a flair.
Moderator R says
Clue is in the question 😉 . He is only the grandson of a god, not a god himself.
Tink says
And I bet the kids of gods live a long time, so Pop was probably conceived back when there was enough magic for a god to manifest. Assuming Pop wasn’t conceived on another plane of existence and found his way here so he could get it on with a human to get Saiman.
Tom says
Not to mention it’s Loki – ignoring the Marvel version – the norse norse Loki is hardly one to follow rules either!
Kamrin says
The best part of this post for me is in the title: Part 1. Implying there will be more parts. Yessssss! This made my Monday
Lynn Thompson says
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post.
Personally I had never wondered about Curran snoring as I was owned by cats for 20 years and they all snored. ????. Now I am owned by dogs and they snore too. I am sure it has nothing to do with them laying on their backs on bed with paws up in the air. ????
But I enjoyed the info. Thank you.
Trisha says
Wow, thank you!!
Ariel Harris says
I love these great questions, and great answers!
Aida says
Sigh…Thank you. For some reason that few bits alone made my day. Go figure. Still, stalker me appreciate your time.
David Donahoe says
I had always liked an early Dolf Lundgren for Curran. It would be a bit better if he was wider though.
By the excerpts, looks like the Wilson family will have a beef with our Darren Argent.
Susan D says
Dolf Lundgren was a great heroic type in the 1987 movie “He Man and The Masters of the Universe”. I can see him as Curran.
If you want someone wider, how about Jason Momoa. I remember seeing a picture of him sneaking up on Henry Cavill and picking him off the ground.
jewelwing says
Both those guys are huge. Curran is not particularly tall compared to them. I don’t have my copy of MB handy, but I recall his description as no more than six feet even, if that.
Siobhan says
If tiny, dark-haired Tom Cruise can play giant blond Jack Reacher in real life, surely young Dolph can play Curran in imaginary casting.
Abha Dhupkar says
Thank you! Love the QA!
And now that I know there is a part 2 coming up……..???????????????????????? (This is a crazy happy smile)
Rhonda says
Thank you for answering some questions!????
wingednike says
Yay, thanks!
HM says
Great questions, great answers! ????
Big Mike says
Yes, of course Chris Hemsworth. Unless people can think of any other tall, imposing, actor who projects leadership. I mean anyone playing Curran has to be the sort of person who, if he pointed towards a stack of buckets and said “We need to charge into Hell, who’s with me?” Well, your feet would just naturally start moving you in the direction of those buckets.
Sam says
I always pictured Joel Kinnaman.
KMD says
I always pictured someone like Clive Standen with blonde hair.
NJ says
Thanks guys☺️
Whitney says
Amazing! Thank you! ❤❤❤
Linda says
Wendy says
Thank you!!!
Joss says
And now there’s blood heir which I love but what happened in between?
Joss says
Also, Clive Standen for Curran
Sharon Parsons says
Thank you so much, I miss Kate and curran and I really enjoyed this ut made me smile and now I have to re read the series again…oh what a shame…can’t wait!
Farhiya says
I hate racists and would be home wreckers so I have very strong feelings about Lorelai. If she shows up again I hope Julie kicks her *ss in 4D. BTW, the fight scenes are always amazing in any series you write.
Stacy says
Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. I really do wonder why my mind played “Put that cow down” suddenly is on loop. Oh well, so probably give me interesting dreams. Hope you have a great week.
Susie Q. says
I want throw pillows. Ripper Cushions, with rickrack trim to simulate serrated edges, Here Kitty, Kitty, with mane like fringe edges and Put That Cow down in a Holstein print. If I were at all crafty, I’d be on my way to a fabrics store. Alas, I flunked the sewing portion of Home Economics. Baking requests a box. But I’m a darn good cook. Cleaning, as required but not my favorite.
Susie Q. says
Baking requires not requests a box mix.
Bill G says
Cool; thank you!
Mary says
Thank you. I needed this. One badly sprained ankle, one broken ankle, and the fur babies spent last night batting pieces of Settlers of Catan somewhere–who knows where.
Question: What do you read for escapism?
Sam says
“She did. Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about the Wilson family.”
YESSSSSS! I’ve been waiting/hoping for a showdown. I also secretly hope Roman and Luther play D&D together.
jewelwing says
Roman and Luther playing D&D would be awesome.
Vala A says
D&D must be a dangerous game in a post shift world like Jumanji on steroids
jewelwing says
It’s good to have something to pound into submission. A book is probably one of the more socially acceptable targets. I’ll be really happy to see it once you’ve got it pounded into the shape of your choice.
Nickole195 says
love going back to the KD world proper, thank you
Lisa says
Thank you very much. This was a fun read. 🙂
Helen Silva says
“The latest beta and the one who’d lasted the longest was Darren Argent.”
Are we going to get the story on this?? PLEASE!!!!!!! Derek’s/Darren’s rise, and how it came about seems to be really important in the KD world. Is this going to be a part of the Blood Heir compilation?
Bahjat says
+1. Including what happened after Julie left that made Derek leave!!
anna says
Ugh I can’t lie Lorelei still gives me v bad feelings and thinking about it always makes me angry at Curran. *Deep breathe* must breathe through it. Hehe but thank you for linking parts of the story; I’m so excited for more the anticipation is insane.
Johanna J says
Always interesting. Thanks! Of course, we know all these characters are real, right? 😉
Harry says
My question is will we ever hear more about Adam Talford and Siroun?
Laura says
I would love another story about them, too!
Christine says
Sophia Reed-Gilliam is a curious character I hope she gets her story. I would love to know how Barabas and Christopher becomes her dads.
Christina says
Thank you!
Claire says
Literally anytime I get to return to the KD world for a minute, my whole self lights up! Thank you!
Cee says
Did you intend the Ruby Fever double entendres? If so, you are hilarious. If not, don’t tell me.
Elenariel says
Thank you! ♥ I always thought Curran’s nose was, somehow, a trait of his lion form he retained in human form. Nice to know the background story about it!
nrml says
Not questions I would have asked, had I the temerity to question you, but fascinating insights into things I never considered. Lorelei can go choke, the worthless little thing. As if she could ever have tempted Curran! Ha!
I hope the whole Ruby Fever thing comes together, because I’m really drooling to read it. There’s just to much waiting to be written that I can’t imagine how you can possibly choose what to address or in what order.
Juggling all the worlds you have created seems like a lot of work. But I’m sure that all of us appreciate it very much. I know that I do. Be well. Be happy.
Sanae says
Thank you❣
Jane N says
This is SO cool. Thank you for answering these questions!!
T Jones says
In my mind Curran looks something like a bulked up Daniel Craig.
Mary says
+1 – but it could be Paul Betany too – a little more intellectual!!
Siobhan says
Gilly says
Are you having problems with Ruby Fever as it’s a romance and not an action adventure fantasy novel like the Edge and Kate Daniels series? I love the bantering in your novels. I know that when you write a “romance” certain elements are essential and must be included. Seems like you have more freedom with urban fantasy.
Gaëlle from France says
No actor fits Curran. Not one. The artwork above the post is absolutely perfect to portray him…
Kylie in Australia says
follow up question,
when Mihail Kamenov replaced Mike Wilson as the alpha of Ice Fury, did Mike step down or was it a fight?
I just can’t see Mike stepping down but wondered if he was still alive and maybe trying to set Lorelei (and husband) up as the next leader while he is the man behind the throne.
Still keep wondering if Sienna is the reason why Derek didn’t find Julie when he left atlanta?
Maybe she told him he has to make his own way and be strong and powerful otherwise Julie won’t survive….and if he goes to her now she’ll not be ready for her what’s to come
Addy says
Whoa!! I love that theory!
Kathleen says
Stay safe down there in Texas. The weather looks really bad.
Sara B. says
To which Wilmington did Kate and Curran move? There’s a Wilmington Delaware, but that seems to far away. Google shows a Wilmington North Carolina … is that it? I also found a “Wilmington Island” on the map, down near Savannah?
Speaking of actors that could play some of the characters in the Kate Daniels world, I don’t think of anyone in particular for most of them. However, I somehow visualize Ghastek as David Suchet …
vince says
I always picture Liev Schreiber (like when he played Sabretooth in Wolverine) when I think of Curran.
Kate says
You have too many irons in the fire. And greedily, I want the next installment on all of them. With the last Patricia Briggs story, I forced myself to read only a chapter a day until 4 then I gave up and gobbled up the rest of the story in one night. Sadly I am reading equity literature and my brain cannot handle the level of inequity I have been oblivious to. I need hope. I need relief. I need the chance that things will turn out alright.
Kate says
Sorry, I work for a branch of regional government. We are dealing with overt and covert racism at one of our facilities and I am sour because we have a person in power who doesn’t see it as a problem. Your tales give me hope that, in the end, right will prevail.
Steve says
Thankyou very much for your wonderful, amazing books I love them all!!. Sending good vibes and love your way, I can hardly wait for whatever you publish next.
Sivi says
Thank you for a great blog, I hope that you guys get to pound Ruby fever out, esp as its been furnished you stress. It’s great to see the answers to the questions and like many have already said; seeing that it was “part 1” made me happy with the implied future parts ☺
Toni Covington says
Perfect timing. I am on book 7 binge rereading Kate’s saga. Thank you!
Bahjat says
It seems that my comment has been deleted…did I say something wrong ???
Moderator R says
Hey Bahjat, please no fanfic, writing scenes and lines for characters :). You’re just ensuring House Andrews can never do that particular idea.
Bahjat says
My apologies I was not aware of it. I’ll be careful next time ????. Sorry house Andrews.
Kellie says
I sort of picture Curren as looking like David Beckham. Anyhoo, thank you for this!!!
Jo says
Ooo, so good. thanks! ????
Sherri says
I was curious about Sienna’s hoping Julie would still be friends with her in the future. I have a theory about why this is in her head. Does anyone else have any ideas about this?
INGE says
tank you????
anon says
Ok, so spoilers for Magic Slays and beyond coming:
Am I the only one still wondering who the voice was that talked to Kate when she was doing the blood-purifying ritual to Julie at the end of Magic Slays? I know it says the voice stretched toward her “across distance or time” and it caused thoughts that she described as being “formed in my head and it wasn’t my own, yet somehow it also was.” This makes me wonder, I know a lot of people have thought it was Roland, but I wonder if it could have been Erra, her grandmother, or even her own future self , especially with that last bit of it ‘being her own thought yet not.’ Anyone have any thoughts or confirmations that I missed? Please and thank you!!
P.S. I love how that’s why Curran’s nose is broken, omg, I laughed for way too long when I read that. It’s all about the aesthetic, even (or especially ????) for were lions ????
anon says
P.P.S. (Again ????) I’m not sure if the is was ever discussed before, but why does Kate get kind of weird when performing things with lots of magic (like in the instance mentioned in the above comment)? I know it was explained why she goes a bit crazy when interacting with the land magic later, but I forget if this was ever explained any further. Thank you so much!
Ivy says
This was awesome thank you.
Ethel says
Neig boiled babies. He’s the worst.