Kinsmen Audio is live. Links: Audible | Amazon | iTunes
Yay! It’s finally up! We hope you enjoy Samantha Cook’s narration. She was very fun to work with.
Regarding Small Magics.
We released the Kinsmen collection in ebook for two reasons: people requested this ebook and people wanted an audio edition of it. Breaking up the audio for individual novellas would mean individual novella recording would carry a higher price tag, so the collection with a single audio made the most sense.
Unfortunately, some people bought it without reading the description, which stated in detail that these were previously published works. Some people wrote emails accusing us of stealing their money. Others left negative reviews, telling us to “Do better” and calling it a “Rip off.” We understand that sometimes people order on the strength of the name alone and we apologize if you were disappointed.
In light of that, we decided not to release an updated ebook version of Small Magics or the accompanying audio, which will be the next collector edition coming out of Subterranean. The Subterranean collector edition is proceeding as scheduled now, but we have taken our side of this project – the updated ebook and audio – off the table and are thinking of a better way to bring it to you, because we do not want to give an impression that we are engaging in a “deliberate ploy to get fans to spend more money” for old books. We want you to be happy with your purchase and we don’t want you to feel you were tricked into buying something you don’t want.
I will update you when we figure out what to do. 🙂
Well it’s not your fault if certain readers are stupid. Just saying.
I agree. I have only seen very clear descriptions on what to expect.
I agree. I have only seen very clear descriptions on what to expect.
I don’t think you need to “do” anything. Caveat emptor. If they can’t be bothered to read about what they’re buying, when it’s already clearly stated, what more can you reasonably do?
Plus, don’t they know they can return a kindle ebook? They can get their money back.
But you also don’t want to either get into an argument with readers who pay to read your work or to explicitly call those said paying customers stupid.
There’s honesty, and there’s also simply being rude to your fans, who may or may not be extremely busy and have their own intensive lives that prevent them from checking out every specific detail.
The AuthorLords have always erred overwhelmingly polite in my experience, even when telling someone off.
Huh, the wordpress reply timestamp does not appear to be adjusting for daylight savings time… Interesting.
100% agree. A person is responsible to read the whole discription of a book. Period. We all get excited when our favorite writers publish, but really most of the books I have purchased have multiple format’s and groupings of different already published books.
I agree. I accidentally bought the same book twice when I first began purchasing eBooks. I quickly learned to read every detail of exactly what I was purchasing – to avoid any confusion. That now goes for ANYTHING I buy online. I get -exactly- what I pay for that way.
100% agree. Buyers have to bear some responsibility here. I always check because I know books will be republished for a variety of reasons.
No, nobody is stupid. Some people just preorder on the strength of the name alone, which is a huge compliment, and we don’t want to disappoint anyone.
I would go as far as calling them lazy. Too many of us nowadays are guilty of not reading the listing description of items we are buying. I’ve sold products online for about 15 years. Most customers are great, but you always get someone who didn’t read the description even though you spent hours and hours redoing your listings with all the info you could cram in there (and keeping the listings short enough for the ;tldr crowd).
I do. What I thought was cool about kinsmen… I bought the autographed numbered edition, ebook and now audible, was that I’ve never read any of these stories! Yay! But there is refunds and really. Who cares it’s a different format, what’s wrong with having more than one copy?!
Exactly. I honestly thought to myself, “Ilona, your Russian pessimism is riding roughshod in your head. Your readers are not that stupid and can read plain English repeated to excess.”
Sadly, I was apparently wrong. 🙁
Heh isn’t it ironic that readers can’t read ?
+ 1.
You have always been crystal clear on previously published works.
Please don’t let a small amount of people that obviously buy before reading the description…they could always return and get money back to most paces…I don’t think it’s fair to blame the authors because the didn’t notice the well explained situation. Please don’t let it stop you doing the new version of Small Magics…I’d happily pay again for it if its a revised version…ignore them…
I have to admit I have bought duplicate books accidently because I didn’t realize it was the same book. However I blamed myself instead of the authors.
1. Yay! (Click, click, click.)
2. Guh. Seriously, I don’t know what to say. The fan community isn’t a single person, and wants a lot of different thing. And doesn’t seem to be able to read the descriptions!
It’s depressing that people fail so hard at reading comprehension :/ please don’t feel bad; it was more than clear IMO. I also just wanted to say, I really love love love the new artwork for Kinsmen. Is there a way to get prints?
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the information. I did read and understand these were previously published stories. So I do not understand the complaints.
Personally I am glad to see a collection of kinsmen stories. I have issues in that I prefer dead tree editions and individual copies go MIA with distressing frequency from my bookcase. I have company and books go missing. I am sure that will continue to happen with a collection book but at least I will not have to go buy book 2 or 3 of a series so i have a complete story arc.
I ALSO prefer dead tree editions. I love holding a print book in my hands to read it. (Unless it is one of PF Hamilton’s HUGE volumes that are so heavy that upon requesting one from my local library on a friend’s recommendation and seeing just how huge it was, I immediately told them to send it back to the other library they fetched it from, went home, and got it on my kindle. It was so big, it made my wrist hurt just picking it up.) I also have an issue with my print versions mysteriously vanishing. Especially series that my married daughter also reads. (She does give them back eventually… usually… when I want to read them again and realize they have vanished.) But when it comes to packing for a trip, my kindle beats a suitcase full of print books for mass and weight. I have quite a few books from the Author Lords in both print and ebook.
Grrr… It was certainly obvious to me!!!! There are folks who need a reason to whine, and I’m sorry you got crosswise in it. I think, not to mitigate their actions, that some of the younger readers might have (a) done a tl;dr, and (b) reacted in that burst of youthful passion known as YA. Yay YA! Yay NA!
I was thrilled to get the Kinsmen in one book instead of having to hunt for them when I wanted to re-read. I am sorry you had to put up with such nonsense. Thank you both for making this possible.
So, people who read… bought a book that they knew nothing about… Without reading the description of said book…. And then said you were stealing their money… Either they don’t read, or your “Brand” is so awesome people want to throw money at you. I don’t know about you, but I’ve been chuckling at the chuckle heads since I read this lol
Oh…. I am guilty of the money throwing ?. I have both of the Kinsmen stories in separate ebooks, then I bought the signed hard cover special edition (cause fondling beatiful hardcover books with lovely illustrations is irresistible to someone who worked in a library!). Now I ‘m pondering buying this new version of the Kinsmen ebook (just because it’s convenient to have both stories in one place – my excuse). And of course I must then check out the audio edition. And my reasoning is…I love to support my favorite authors. It’s a treat to myself and a way that I can support the arts. Plus I re-read their books A LOT. I more than get my monies worth in my opinion. ??
So sorry that people are complaining about purchasing the books twice. I have bought books by accident both dead tree and ebook form and it was MY FAULT for being in a rush. One real big thing I learned from the ebook mistake is to keep my finger from the buy button until I have checked out the synopsis of the book. Especially since a lot of authors have been releasing their older stuff in ebooks.
I hope the release of the audio goes more smoothly.
+1. yep, I’ve done the same and I don’t remember ever whining about it either. I say accept responsibility for your actions – if you didn’t read the description, too darn bad. I’ve no tolerance for whiners in general (altho I’ve been known to whine about work – fortunately, I’ve got a good friend who can be counted on to ask me if I want some cheese with than whine when it gets excessive!).
Same here. Many times have rebought books. But I take full responsibility for every single instance.
Have learned to check publication dates in dead tree versions and to read full description and all info on ebook versions. Or better yet, to just add to online cart but not purchase or reshelve until I can check my library contents.
Some folks just want others to blame for their mistakes. Oy!
It is so old a story that it has become trite but really “You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.” You are going to give yourself an ulcer worrying about what an extremely small percentage of people didn’t like. They are probably the same people whining that you aren’t giving your work away for free on KU because you want to eat and house your family.
You are allowed to make a living reprinting old materials or packing up a bunch of short stories into a larger collection. All authors who publish short stories do it. It was extremely clear in the listing that it wasn’t new work so anyone who bought it it that was on them. I’ve seen deceptive listings and fallen for them: “a collection” that was a single short story for $4.99. If I’d dug into the page count, it would have been clear that it was a single short, and I might have passed at that price point because the use of the word “collection” was trying to sell something it wasn’t. I might have also still bought it at that price if the author had be clear that it was the first in a series of shorts.
Your listing wasn’t deceptive. There was, and still is, a large banner saying “Previously Published”. There are also people saying there was a “new” short story (when it wasn’t) that was too short (they don’t understand the difference between a short story and a novella).
If it isn’t economically feasible to do other formats, don’t do it and give yourself the hassle and the worry. But if you nix things because you are worried that not everyone will be happy then you will end up never doing anything. Not everyone is going to like everything you do. Listen to valid criticism by all means but give yourself permission to tell the whiners “bye Felicia” with a block.
I agree with everything Rose said. Glad you don’t respond to the critics personally, let the Horde do that for you. When you do put together your next collection, yes we hope it will be on Amazon and Audible, but we’ll check it out and buy it anyway. I’ve been waiting on the audio version and will have to wait (grudgingly) until I finish my current book before listening to the story. I didn’t listen to the preview so I’m anxiously waiting to hear her voice.
Click, it’s all mine! Been saving that credit just for this occasion. Does anyone else stop whatever they are reading or listening to whenever Ilona Andrews comes up with a release … even an existing release in a new format … and plug in to the Authorlords?
Oh yes! Me, too. All the time! Was saving an Audible credit just in case so now glad I did. Yippee me!
yea!!!! I can hardly wait to go download it!
I am sorry that there was backlash on you guys for bringing something very cool to your readers! I would just say that of all the authors I read you are very clear and open in your descriptions and I appreciate that very much.
I’m sorry, too. Every time they mentioned the release, they said the stories had all been released before and the stories were just being published together in a collector’s edition.
Wow. Really? *facepalm*
I don’t understand I’ m one of those people that just recently purchased the kinsman books after finishing book Magic Triumphs, because I wanted to read everything the authors have written. I currrent own all of their books both in paperback, ebooks and audio. Which means I have purchased them 3 times. I do that because sometimes I’m on the move and want to listen, sometime i want to hold the paperback in my hand curled up in my favorite chair and sometime I’m in a waiting room try to kill time and my phone is handy. I’m just glad you decided to make this set also audible to add to my collect and now I can look forward to Small Magic’s too. Thank you!
Like Sylvia I collect stories by favourite authors, especially Ilona Andrews, as ebooks, dead tree and audio copies so I always have a book available in a format suitable to the situation. There is nothing like a good audiobook to make housework or a long drive less tedious.
I was delighted yesterday when I saw Kinsman was available on Audible Australia and immediately downloaded it . I enjoyed Samantha Cook’s reading of the 3 stories so congratulations Authorlords on another successful release. Please don’t let the naysayers discourage you.
I can see them getting excited and clicking on order as soon as they see your name come up – your books are just that good.
However, sometimes reading comprehension just does not happen – people skim, do things in a hurry etc. My husband is a professor at the Masters Degree level. So students already have a Bachelor’s degree and most have jobs. They’re not 18 year s old. The classes are expensive. He shakes his head with each assignment as at least some of the class just does not follow directions. There are 5 requirements for the assignment and people will do 2,3,or 4 of them. Now some are in danger of failing (a B- or less is a fail in a Master’s program). He asks if they need help understanding content, they have 10 days to do the assignment and can send questions outside of class time. Yet still …. Sigh
Did you see the story this week – a woman won $10,000 by reading the fine print on her traveler’s insurance policy. The company had inserted language promising a reward to the first person who emailed them.
While not a reward the readers could have saved themselves money by reading the LARGE print on your listing 🙂
Amazon will let them return the ebook.
I’ve accidentally bought novellas that were previously published in a collection. Realized **my mistake** and returned to Amazon.
Personally, I don’t mind buying different copies of the same book from my favorite authors. I have several copies of each Harry Potter book and many of the books in the Kate Daniels series. Each version or printing will highlight a different aspect of the book. So please publish as many versions of every one one of your titles that you can. I will buy them all.
I love you!!
I’ve been waiting for this!
There are always some people who just flat out don’t bother to read things. Descriptions, directions, regulations, whatever. I’m astonished that they ever make it through a book, honestly.
This is frustrating for those of us who read your books mainly through audiobook. There are two stories in Small Magics that aren’t currently available in audio. Three, if you’d planned to add Magic Gifts to it. ?
I know. I’m wanting and waiting for all Ilona Andrew’s projects to have audio. AND I WILL BUY THEM ALL TO OWN THEM ALL!!!!!! Yep, I’m one of “those” fans. *giggle-snort*
Clicked! Downloaded! Listening now… Thank you for all you do!
You have to live with your decision. If you don’t feel right about people buying books they already have because they didn’t notice it was a re-print, then you shouldn’t do it.
My personal opinion (Send it back, dingbat, and hush!) is just that – my opinion. I should have no input to your opinions. Should the “nay-sayers” have input? That’s up to you.
Thank you for all the care you take. We probably don’t deserve all of it, but we do appreciate all of it.
What every one above said! They all said it better than I could!
So… If I buy a pack of yoghurts without checking the expiration date i.e… the fault they are spoilt before or after I buy them is not mine?
I am sorry you have to lose time reading nonsense like that. And that good readers lose the chance to have another audio because of the rotten ones.
Just keep doing what you think is right. It will be good enough for those of us who always crave more : versions , formats, sequels , etc., etc..
It’s all good. If I read it wrong and get dupes, it is My Bad, NOT yours! And, readers of the best, just re-gift for birthdays or holidays.
Author Lords: Love you guys . Advice: just do your thing. It is far past good enough. Let us, the followers, continue to learn our lessons by getting lost once in a while.
ugh. Bummed that idiots ruined it for those of us who DO read descriptions, but I don’t blame you for your decision.
Happy we have Kinsman though! I ADORE that universe (and live in eternal hope of getting more one day 😉 )
I love that you put your ebooks in physical books. I like to be able to see them and touch the pages. So yay for small magic!
I love getting the print and audio of series and books I love! Too often, there will be novellas that are only in ebook form and after a few of them, I wish they would have it in a collection in print and audio. What is harder is when books are reprinted with different titles than originally published. I’ve noticed it with authors like Elizabeth Lowell which is why I look at the details to make sure it isn’t a reprint with another name. I have seen many reprints where the title remains the same, but the covers change. Sometimes there may be changes made, expanded version or a new short story added, but that is usually stated in the description. Now I want to see if I can get the Kinsmen collection in audio and hope that will also be true about the other books mentioned!
Unfortunately, the people complaining probably don’t read the blog. It’s not the same fan base.
Also, to leave a negative review for your own error?! That’s not a real fan. Or even a kind person because a kind person who cares about others would realize that negative reviews can deeply impact sales, rankings, and future publications.
It’s clearly spelled out that this is a reprint. If a buyer feels necessary to point this out in a review, then at least still rank it for the enjoyment you had when you first read it.
I do not understand this crazy idea that you are allowed to say whatever you want and do not have any consequences for it. I love your books. Anything you write, read, or publish is great… I appreciate you efforts! Those people need to take responsibility for their own inability to research and read the description. It is not yours as the author. Thank you for making these audio books as well. Y’all are the best!
Strange, when I do this sort of thing (miss the “previously released” blurb) I typically consider that MY OWN FAULT. Doesn’t happen very often because, y’know, I consider that I am responsible for my own click click buy actions!!
I am sorry that this has happened to you. I do find it a bit strange that a person who enjoys reading doesn’t read a description fully before purchase. Then, I remember that we live in a world where we have to be reminded that hot coffee is hot.
Any paperback version of either series in the works? Thanks!!!
Disappointing but so it. Thanks for letting us know.
Damn . . . But so it is.
First of all, consider it purchased and obsessively listened to! Second, anyone who was fan enough to have purchased it without reading the description and was disappointed was either A) not that huge a fan to begin with or B) just plain stupid. Sorry, but if you did not take the time to read a description of what you were buying, you shouldn’t be complaining. Audible/Amazon has a very good return-if-not-happy policy that I have used in the past without issue, so it wasn’t something they had to lose money/credit on if unsatisfied. Most of all, though, taking the complaining to you about it is completely unfair, since you never misrepresented what it was and were just delivering what many of us kindly asked for (i.e. begged for incessantly until you appeased our bottomless greed).
I’m so sorry a few ruined what the rest of us consider something to celebrate. These people are not worth any more thought than this one post and definitely not worth changing future plans over. So, thank you, both for offering it at all and for consolidating it into one purchase (the actual opposite of trolling our pocket books!). I loved reading the stories before and I’m sure I will love listening to them now. Thank you!!!
Agreed, And I hope these negatives don’t put you off a new version of Small Magics. I’m off to leave a review which points out that some readers don’t read the FIRST. TWO. WORDS. of the blurb before buying!
Love your books. Just got the audio, loved it. Have ebooks of all three, liked being able to have all three in one, was thinking about buying the dead tree format, but low on funds this month so waiting for next month to do it. Knew it was a reprint but buying all three in one, sometimes is easier all stories together don’t have to search for where the others are or remember titles. (Yes I’m lazy that way) I do admit I have been mad when another favorite author reprinted a few old short stories in analogs and didn’t call them reprints. You made it clear it was a reprint, and it was all three together, and it was only book to have all three. So no reason for anyone to complain in my mind.
I ended up buying the Collectors edition although I had previously bought them individually because I found out that I had lost A Mere Formality along with all the other books on my Kindle for PC. I am enjoying the convenience of reading them as a book.
Honestly, it was very clear this was old material. People do need to take responsibility just a little. Also, audible is very easy to return a book, so if they are unhappy, freaken return it.
People are dumb. People don’t like to admit they are dumb. People blame their dumb decisions on others.
You guys are awesome. You guys aren’t money grabbers or tricksters.
You would think readers could read. You clearly explained but the collection would be and that they were previously published works. You were upfront and honest. I don’t know what else you could’ve done to make it clearer. I am sorry you were given such grief.
I saw this meme and thought I would share.
Reading for comprehension is a skill set that even we English teachers forget to consistently employ. And, sadly, it is always someone else’s fault in today’s world–at least for some.
I remain thankful you are writing and creating, providing me an imaginary world to which to escape. And, as usual, I am impressed with your ability not to say some version of, “Sod off!” to the idjets.
It’s a beautiful edition; just went and bought it. Funny, really the first thing you see on the book’s page – warning in capital letters about being published before – you should try really hard not to notice . Don’t get upset)
I want to thank you for apologizing.
The BDH well expressed feelings about non-attention
for every time I have face-palmed, rolled my eyes and kept on keeping on. I want to thank you for saving someone else’s dignity especially in light of their need to make you the villain ?♂️ for someone else’s villainy.
Shine on you …
I hope this means the rest of the Magic novellas will be collected in print someday. I like to have them on my shelves as well as my kindle 😉
I am so sorry you were subjected to abuse by people who don’t bother to read the description of a book before buying. That’s just rude.
It’s a shame that some people just have to be rude, crude, mean and obnoxious in order to ruin things for everyone else. While I, myself, do not do audiobooks, there are many others who not only do them, but need them in order to enjoy any books. That so many Negative Nancies jumped in to stomp on you is a shame. I’m sorry to hear you were so negatively impacted.
I remember you saying over and over and repeatedly that there were no new stories, and yet people are still not comprehending English. Thank you for all you do.
Since I’ve switched to 100% audio, I’m not familiar with Kinsmen, so I’m thrilled. I’ll buy what ever you and Andrew publish on Audio. Period end of story. Thank you for making them available. I did not hesitate to spend the credit. 😉
Please don’t let a few silly complainers keep you from fueling my audiobook addiction. It’s really easy to return books to Audible. If you do release Small Magics, can you add Magic Gifts? I think it’s the only KD short I couldn’t find in audio format (other than the Curran POVs). ABDH
Thank you enjoyed the audio book. I too have read the short stories but I thoroughly enjoy audio books and do most of my reading that way especially during my morning and afternoon commutes.
I got it and I loved it. Different Universe, different narrator. I don’t see anything wrong with that. It was totally worth it to buy.
I asked in an email for this ebook and would like to thank you for making it happen.