Hi everyone, Mod R here.

I bring you goodies once more, if you can tear yourself away from the adorable puppy pictures Ilona shared earlier.
As most of you know, after the huge success of their Innkeeper Chronicles releases, Graphic Audio are now working on full-cast adaptations of the Kate Daniels series.
I’m excited to share with you an exclusive blog sample of their version of Magic Burns. A different sample will be available on the Graphic Audio website at the weekend.
Today, however, we get a taste of soup. Curran comes to visit Kate on her sick bed and hands her steaming bowls of nourishing food. Kate suspects a lot, but not that she’s being shifter-courted!
The bonus Curran POV of this scene, from Small Magics, will also be included in the Graphic Audio release of Magic Burns.
I know you’ll want links: Magic Bites, Magic Burns and Magic Strikes are already on the GA website, the last two on preorder. Magic Bites is available on most third party retailers’ websites as well, with Magic Burns set to show up on Audible etc on June 13. Look for the tell-tale “dramatized adaptation” next to the title in order to tell it apart from the traditional one-narrator audiobook on your favorite audiobook supplier catalogue.
Happy listening!
Yes, yes, yes! Thanks for this particular scene as the snippet! I am waiting for B&N to get it, since I use their credits for audiobooks.
Ooooh Audible should have it soon then. yay!
Yes, it should show up in the next couple of weeks 🙂
Hey Mod R
Very sorry to chase, is there any news on the third party links please?
Next Tuesday, June 13th! At the same time as the release of Magic Claims – double feature 😂
You know, I didn’t think I’d be such a fan of the Graphic Audio versions of your books as the original audio books are great! But I’m really liking the extra oomph GA gives them. Thanks y’all.
ok, am I crazy? I’ve always mentally heard the name as curr-AN (hard cut on the second syllable) but it should be CURRan (kinda run together)? I guess it makes sense to how it should be said with a southern-ish accent but..
I’m suddenly taken back to being, eh, 8 or 9 & suddenly finding out the Greek god I had been calling “Poise-a-don” (like the Don of Poise) was “Po-sidon”
didn’t mean to reply specifically to you Vickie, sorry 🙂
yes! I had the same realized and thoughts. 😂
It is said all together, no emphasis on AN.
But please say and read it however is more comfortable, the authors don’t mind as long as there are no fights between readers over it 🙂
*clappy hands of glee*
Ok, I might have to revise my thinking on Curran’s voice. I liked it in that snippet.
Would it be possible to get a paragraph or so of Doolittle’s voice? I’ve been curious ever since the previous post about his heritage and what he’d sound like.
They’ve talked about this. It’s the Gullah accent from a particular part of Georgia.
I know, that’s why I want to hear it.
Me, too! I knew I’d settle into it the more I heard it. Can’t wait to hear him call her asskicker.
Can’t wait- looking forward to listening on my 14 hour flight the next day to NZ!
Ugh I swear I checked before hitting post. I meant flight not fought. 🤦🏻♀️
Fixed 🙂
Thank you!
Safe travels and lucky you to get to go to NZ!!
Thanks! It’s definitely a dream trip. Going to visit our youngest who is studying abroad.
love it! sounds good
I’m not a fan of GA dramatization (I find the music and sound effects distracting) but this was a nice outtake. I commend the actors (and of course the excellent source material) who made it easy to focus on them despite all the rest.
I agree that the music and effects sometimes can be too loud over dialogue, especially for those of us with hearing/audio processing difficulties. Magi Bites was tough because of that, and I did not have that problem with any of the Innkeeper Chronicles on Graphic Audio.
I’m going to indulge myself soon enough. I don’t plan to preorder any of the audiobooks though.
I really enjoyed the Graphic Audio Innkeeper series. I’m going hold off purchasing for awhile. I’ve got a long trip planned for January and a few unheard Kate Daniels episodes would be perfect.
I’m weak, I purchased all three titles and I’m listening to the first one now.
great self-control there, buddy 😁😁😁
Oh my…..I now understand all the hullabaloo about Curran’s voice.
I love all the different versions available.
Will these be on Audible?
I like traditional audiobooks better, so I wouldn’t want to replace them with GA versions, BUT I like having the GA version in addition to the regular audiobook version. It is a beloved story, but with a different listening experience. Now I have to rebuy all the Kate books in GA format, LOL!
Yes, Magic Bites already is there, I linked it on Audible in the post 🙂 , here it is again https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Magic-Bites-Dramatized-Adaptation-Audiobook/B0BVGSF32F?qid=1684530346&sr=1-1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=c6e316b8-14da-418d-8f91-b3cad83c5183&pf_rd_r=Y9KQ4AM7H92RP7J53Y5D&pageLoadId=IEKDZBQWw2Qakmyn&creativeId=41e85e98-10b8-40e2-907d-6b663f04a42d
Magic Burns should populate in the next couple of weeks too and then all the others in turn closer to their release date. You can tell them apart from the traditional audiobook because it says “Dramatized Adaptation” 🙂
We’re lucky to have two posts today. I loved the sample – but it made me want to fast forward to the scene with Aunt B!
Thanks to everyone who found another way for the BDH to devour House IA’s longest running book series without loosing or changing that joy, excitement, or anticipation as if reading or listening for the first time……… only even better.
I did not quite get their logo of ‘A movie in your mind’ until GA’s adaptation of House IA work which has been a wonderful revalation for me.
Thank you House IA and Mod R for everything you do- being part of the BDH is never ever boring. (Even the quiet time between projects is interesting 🤔)
Counting both the hours to the next GA installment and the days until Magic Clams!💃💃💃
Never fear….. the time is well spent with Nightfall’s Prophet by my other favourite author, TA White- her book birthday was this week and it is awesome. One day in my wildest dreams come true would be House I A and TA white virtual chat with the BDH along for that ride……. wildest dreams, right?
Yes, yes, yes.
Woo hoo! Thanks Mod R!
I’ve pre-ordered both – love the GA versions!
Let’s see puppy pictures or Kate audio books? Hmmm…that’s a hard decision. We can do both! 😁🐕
Done! Ahh, now to wait🗓️🤨
Yippee! I am loving the Graphic Audio. Hope you guys have a good weekend.
Ok, I’ll admit, Curran’s voice in the first book wasn’t my fav, but this sample is EVERYTHING that I wanted for this scene. It’s one of myfavorite scenes between Curran and Kate and I’m so glad it has been portrayed so perfectly ❤️ And I LOVED Curran’s voice in this
Damn! Listening to the sample for the 5th time, and Curran’s voice is doing…. things……
I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to this! Graphic Audio has completely spoiled me for other audiobooks. Their productions are awesome.
Gah, you guys sure know how to pick the sample scene. Probably one of my favorite scenes in the book!
Thank you, the GA adaptations are fabulous, but most because KD series is absolutely the best.
This is the perfect topping for my Friday, complete with my favorite part of the book! Thanks ever so!❤️❤️❤️
What is considered a huge hit for Graphic Audio? Numbers Wise?
Also when will the Magic Claims audiobook be available to order on Amazon or Audible? I know you mentioned that June 13th was the release date.
Much thanks.
Hi Maria,
You would need to email Graphic Audio and ask them 🙂
Magic Claims will be released as an audio bundle with Magic Tides- indeed aiming for the 13th of June 🙂.
The narrator is still recording however, after which come the audio edits and checking. The preorder can only go through once all of that is finalised, as they need to know length of performance – as soon as we have an official date, it will be announced and linked 🙂
well I’m hooked now. didn’t expect to be bc I always expected Curran to have a deeper voice. But 3 minutes later I didn’t care. I might just switch to audio books.
Thank lyou so much. for posting this. for writing it. & for treating me to yet another book addiction.
This is wonderful and I’m happy that the next one is already up for preorder because it’s one of my faves. Any news yet on when/if Sweep of the Heart gets the GA treatment? The normal audiobook is fine but I’m missing the GA flair. I listen to all the others in GA pretty much on repeat.
There will be news on that front soon 🙂
lol I knew I should have checked the comments before asking my question 😆 noted the response from here @Mod R 🙂
I just finished hearing Magic Bites by GA and it is FABULOUS!! Really love Curran; his voice is perfect, but no roaring in the first book. Having different voices for Saimann’s different bodies is a kick, also.
Question – did IA approach Graphic Arts or vice versa? Also, any word on more Subterranean Press releases?
Oh, another question – Are contracts for Andrea and Jim/Dali and Hugh books also being done by GA?
Only the main KD series and Small Magics for now 🙂
What a nice surprise! I hadn’t checked for the rest of KD on GA and the next one is here on Monday. Day after tomorrow Monday. Not some Monday months away, this coming Monday. MONDAY!!!
That was pretty nice, thanks for the preview!
Already preorder from GA! Can’t wait!
That was great….thank you! 😁
Huzzah! (Gets trampled by the (a)BDH en route to the site.)
I so love Curran’s laugh.
Admittedly, I don’t have the same voice in my head for Dina and Kate BUT I’ll get used to it if it means that this talented crew is going to be doing the series!
Thank you House Andrews and Graphic Audio for being this amazing series to life once again for us!
I really like her voice for Kate.I gave the Inn Chronicles a pass, but this sounded perfect. I’m going to pre-order all the Kate Daniels.
These Graphic Audios are great for my walks. I’ve gone through the Innkeeper series and Magic Bites. Magic Burns was preordered so hello on Monday. Love them!
thank you.
when we had the last zoom talk I ended up going into the link that someone had posted for the location of the graphic audio and ended up ordering all of the books that I could as there was a discount that weekend.
not I have to see if I can do the same for the latest preorder once I figure out if the last one works.
I’ve nearly listened to all of them- though I’d intended to save them for long car journeys 😆 the devouring part of BDH strikes again.
I was just wondering, if I’ve not misremembered past blog posts, will the last innkeeper also be released as a full dramatised adaptation? if it will be, is there a date for the release and any ore-orders?
thank you
The guy playing Curran’s voice sounds like liquid sex. Good choice!
I’m so glad that this is available for those who can’t, won’t or otherwise don’t read the work of these two marvelous authors..but i would rather read it and make up the voices in my head. Just call me old lol it was good to hear how it works
Oh, what lucky timing! I had just revisited the Curran POV and Kate’s equivalent scene in Magic Burns a few days ago. So awesome to hear this while the details are still fresh in my mind.
Wow! Love this!
I am still working my way through the Innkeeper graphic audio books. But so far, I really like them. They are also great to listen to while on a plane. I am sure I will be adding the Kate Daniels ones to that library as well.
I KNEW I shouldn’t have listened! You know, I do NOT have time for audiobooks lately….but I can’t resist this! 😍
I’ve never *ever* listened to any audiobook before. I think I may now be unable to ever do so unless it’s a dramatised adaptation!
I was havering because why would I listen for 9 hours to a book I can read in two?!?
I get the debates about who sounds like what, but I must’ve read Derek’s origin 8 or 9 times and never twigged he’d sound southern 🙄 My main issue is with (sorry, British English) shown every time anything shone, also who knew how many times things shine in this book!
I’m sold, just as well since I impulse bought all three last night! 🤣
Daaamn… that’s some nice voice acting and sound editing. Please accept my applause.
Oh my god!!! That was perfect! The banter was perfect and the voices were spot on. Curran could use a bit of a deeper voice, but the humor his voice indicated was absolutely wonderful and made me laugh!
It was great! I liked how her voice went from serious to light with humor. Her voice had gravitas but was also youthful from time to time. I liked his voice too.
Woo hoo! I got notice that my GA pre-order was ready to download!
So excited to listen to “Magic Burns” as I just finished re-listening to “Magic Bites”.😄
Love the Graphic Audio, just one more way to re-listen to everything on the countdown to Magic Claims! I found GA a few years ago when I was listening to Charlaine Harris Gunny Rose novels, and Im so glad they will be doing ( hopefully all) the KD series.
I absolutely LOVE Kate’s voice here, it is the best version out there; its taken a second to get used to Curran’s voice but this scene lets me “see” it, and its great!
Now just waiting for Audible to get their butts in gear and get Magic Burns up on the site ( as I have an Audible account and credits waiting to be used!)
The clip was really awesome 😀
Damn! 2nd August is so far away right now 😭
I’m listening to this on my commute. Oh, my heavens. The VA for Julie is SO PERFECT. I’m so delighted.
.Old person needing help here. I can’t figure out how to order a disc that I would then put into the round disc player and walk around with earplugs listening too. When I went on site it only seemed to be downloads. I don’t have internet/wifi in my house so downloading doesnt work for me unless I carry my semi broken laptop over to a free wifi place (which I’ve done now to send you this appeal). So how do I go about purchasing a hard copy CD? DVD?, anyway audible disc that I can put in my portable disc player? Thank-you. See how motivated I am to buy the Kate Daniels graphic audio?
this made my day. i can’t wait for the whole series 🥰
is audible going to continue getting these?? how long till they do??
Magic Bites is already on Audible, I linked it in the post 🙂. All of the adaptations will also be on Audible, yes, and most other audiobook merchants.
There is usually a slight delay for third party retailers, it should appear a couple of weeks after the release on the GA website 🙂
Hello exceptional writing team,
I have recently purchased the first two Innkeeper books on Graphic Audio. Whenever Dina goes to the market place or speaks to beings from there the Midwestern music that plays in the background speaks to me. Do you know where I can find it on cd? I so appreciate all of you!🐲 Lory
Hey Lory,
I would get in contact directly with Graphic Audio about it, it is likely a sound from their audio database and they will be able to advise you- here is the contact form on their website https://graphicaudio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Hi Mod R,
Any news on when this is flying to audible Uk?
I’ve just realised it’s only been a week since this post went live! Sorry for chasing you Mod R it just feels like I’ve been waiting months! I think that’s how you know something is really good!
Hi there! love the snippet! Curran’s voice definitely growing on me and love Kate’svoice!
any idea when the 2nd and 3rd GA audiobooks will be released on Audible?
They should appear in the next couple of weeks after release on the GA website- so Book 2 should make an appearance soon and Book 3 closer to the end of August 🙂
Just started listening to Magic Bites, dramatized version and it is AMAZING 😍 Curran’s voice screams cat
I’m so glad you like it ☺️