The Graphic Audio dramatized adaptation of Magic Slays will be released next week, on Wednesday, April 3rd.
That will be the release day for all the retailers! You heard that right, from now on, no more wait times between the release on the GA website and the date it reaches all your other preferred places to buy/borrow audiobooks. You can already preorder on Audible, Barnes&Noble, Libro.fm, Google Play etc.
Magic Slays is the first appearance of a certain dashing volhv we all know and I particularly love, so of course I am over here with a metaphorical audio bib, ready to devour. Plus our first time meeting Luther, Ascanio, Team Metal Rose’s favorite “And never ever that girl” moment, first sneak-peek at Roland’s voice and so many more awesomesauce scenes. This dramatized adaptation also contains the short story Magic Tests (Julie’s POV) from Small Magics.
Nora and the team at GA have sent over an exclusive blog sample just for us- Kate observing teenage interactions, David Attenborough-style hehe.
(If you check out the Magic Slays page on the GA website, you can hear the hilarious Nightingale Bandit scene in their public sample.)
Cherny also smiled on us and we received a new batch of bloopers from the recording sessions – since we had so much fun with them last time. They are safe for work this time around, in accordance with your requests. Headphones still recommended, because growly growls might be difficult to explain to those not of the Horde. Muggles!
The Bloopers
These are voice actor outtakes from Magic Slays: Michael Glenn as Curran and Michael John Casey playing Assistant Principal Parker and miscellaneous shapeshifter voices. Do not drink or drive while listening.
Curran asking the important questions: How does one hug in beast form?
We are genuinely worried for Michael Glenn’s voice, but so grateful hehe.
Private schools for Julie: an alternative list of institutions.
Creature feature: it burns!
And now, in the words of the immortal: later, babycakes!
Thanks for the droning warning. I did laugh so hard that I choaked on my own spit, though.
drinking. jeez
You probably shouldn’t bloop and drone either, to be fair 😀
Droning voice or operating a mechanical drone?
Heh, mechanical drone 😀 . I didn’t even think of the other meaning, look at me being up with the youthz.
I was drinking water, but typing like I was drunk texting. I’m blaming autocorrect. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
We call it auto-corrupt.
I think the dreaded self-aware AI does it for its own amusement…
That would explain a few things.
Yes! Autocorrupt! More accurate of a description.
Cue the Graphic Audio Happy Dance!
(Warning: I am in the Graphic Audio cult portion of the BDH. I will get extremely excited and want you to join the cult. If this is not for you, then don’t make eye contact with me and walk quickly away.)
This is awesome. Thanks for the sample and the out-takes. I love the “how do I hug in beast form” clip. It looks like the House Andrews books are doing well for Graphic Audio. Hopefully, they’ll keep going with Kate Daniels and then move onto ALL THE THINGS!
If you can talk about it, how well are the GA adaptations doing?
Do you mean sales/business-wise? Graphic Audio seem pretty happy 🙂 , but we are not privy to that info because the dramatized adaptations are not commissioned by the authors. GA bought the adaptation rights and are releasing their own product, with all business and creative decisions, sales figures etc on their end. It’s something best asked of them.
+1! Loyal cult member here too! Please drink our “tea” and join us (or not, we still love you!). 😉
Thanks so much Mod R! I for one find the NSFW clips hilarious, but can understand if some don’t.
Btw, Creature Feature was my favorite! 🤣
Maybe Mod R can give us the green or red light on this, but I’ve been looking for other GA content while I wait for more HA releases.
Mod R is it ok to ask for other suggestions? I understand if this isn’t the proper place for this inquiry.
😀 I can’t reveal too much, but there’s a surprise coming on Magic Slays release day if you check the blog and it will include more recommendations.
It’s probably better for ease of finding it all in one place to wait for the comments then 😉
Squeeee! Sounds like a plan! Thanks Mod R.
Right now, GA has a 35% off sale until April 1 and you can buy series sets. https://www.graphicaudio.net/our-productions/authors/f-j/ilona-andrews.html
You are a kind and thoughtful soul; thank you for the intel!
I really enjoyed GA versions of IA, Drew Hayes, Martha Wells, Jeaniene Frost, and Laura Resnick.
Interested to try Sarah Maas, Jim Hines, Brandon Sanderson, and Charlaine Harris and Christopher Golden via GA. Opinions, Horde?
Right there with you!!!
I’m going to re-listen to Magic Bleeds and wait for Wednesday (with that cup of tea!)
I so wish GA could do adaptations of all things House Andrews!!! Imagine listening to GA Nevada and Mad Rogan…sigh…. Swoon….
Oh well, one can hope 😁😁😁
Thank you for the audio snippet and the bloopers!! 😂😂 they are hilarious!
My day has been craptastic. This fun post is a bright spot.
I have to get into graphic audio. It’s on my list!!
Hahaha…..loved the alternative educational institutions…..hahahaha
I never heard a GA novel before. That is very fun!
Oh, is that what Ascanio thinks a sexy voice sounds like? Oh, Ascanio, no.
He gets so much “Oh, Ascanio, yes!” it gets to his head 😉
Oh definitely. Ascanio gave me so much second hand cringe with his flirting. It made Kate’s voiceover 10x better.
To paraphrase Magic Claims, “It’s not a good day to be Ascanio today”. We’re all just laughing at him. 😂
Bea ha ha ha! An adolescent bouda, yep that’s what he’d think ssssseductive sounds like 😆
Thanks for sharing! I went and put this in my Overdrive order cart! Wheee!
Priceless! Thank you.
Ascanio voice sounds way too old for him, is that what he thinks smoulder sounds like?
Can’t wait to listen to these. Fortunately I’m alone for half my shift. Oh the an-ti-ci-pa-ti-on will kill me anyway.
Oh my word! Love it.
I can’t stop laughing over the bloopers. The alternative schools made my eyebrows go up while laughing. Sing-Sing?! Shawshank?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🫣😵💫
The Julie/Ascanio scene is priceless. The audio cut right before Julie asks Ascanio if he wanted his blanket and teddy. 😁
I have to agree with an earlier comment. I’m not having a good day and feeling emotional, but these audio clips were a good diversion!
These are amazing! I love the outtakes. My favorite is still Michael Glenn and his “such a f*cking WEIRD job…”. Hehe.
HAAAAAA! ITs like Friday on a Thursday! YAY!
Ok, loved the alternative schools.
I want more queso, too! 😀
Thanks for all the goodness. Preordered on Audible. The KD and InnKeeper releases are the reasons I am an Audible subscriber for another year. Thank you for coordinating the release dates across platforms!
Weeeee!!!!! Happy dancing!!
Oh my god these outtakes 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Thank you 🤩!
Thank you so much! The outtakes are Wonderful! I will be chuckling over the alternative list of institutions all day.
I normally don’t like audio books. It always bugs me when things aren’t ready exactly as they are in my head (luckily, I can usually go reread books so it’s not a real problem until Kindle stops letting me up the font size). I had a few minutes to kill, so I listened to the Julie scene, and now I want MORE. I know I could go reread the scene, technically I have it mostly memorized, but I want more of THIS version. Well played with the sample, GA. Well played.
Thanks for the heads up! Pre-order done.
Love! Love! Love all the things in this post. HA + GA is one of my favorite ways to get things done and escape the world at the same time.
I also tend to cross reference with the books. And yes, I would like to intern with the Keeper of Records and Michael 📚
I love Nora S. as Kate! Snarky, which was the thing that drew me to Kate in the first place.
(I would like to be a badass like Kate, but I find I am more “just Joan” from the “Romancing the Stone” movies in the 1980’s. Sigh.)
Ooo, the samples make even more eager for the upcoming Graphic Audio release! And I didn’t think that was possible, ha ha.
I guess I could ask here… I wanted to know if you had any good books to do proper research on religions like the Druids and Roman’s faith (I really would like to know more about Morena)😅
I’ve been trying to do some interesting takes but stories in English are usually very Christian based and has caused in my humble opinion over saturation. I’m thinking if I go in a different direction with my story on the religion aspect it could make things more interesting for me to write.
Previous answer from Ilona “Gordon and I are so glad you are enjoying Roman’s adventures. Just as a data point: we are taking liberties with Slavic mythology in the name of artistic license, so this is not an academic paper and shouldn’t be used as such. Unfortunately, due to the absence of written records, everything we know about Slavic Mythology and Druidism comes to us via oral traditions.”
There are historical sources that mention names of deities, like the Primary Chronicle or Chronica Slavorum, but it probably won’t have the depth of insight you’re looking for, they’re not a treaty on these beliefs, just brief records.
There’s a record of Roman himself speaking of the more modern sources and what he thinks of them here https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/friday-talks-roman/
Ultimately, in the KD world, the gods are what the humans believe of them 🙂
I don’t suppose you could ask for a snippet of Doolittle’s voice, could you? I haven’t heard it and I want to hear the accent that was talk about before.
Now I’m just a simple country doctor – assistant rolls eyes …
These hands kept her alive! Look at her! As long as you keep your mouth closed, they’ll be astounded!
Thanks for the preview and spit-takes!
Oh those were all awesome! I’d already pre ordered so had to jump over to GA to hear that audio snippet.
Thanks Mod R for getting GA to help feed the Horde! 😋
Thank you for the heads up I have ordered on Audible.
Can’t wait for April to roll around because I get a fresh batch of Audible credits! Will be mashing that Buy button so hard. haha!
Oh those where absolutely perfect! Loved the bloopers. Definitely don’t drink coffee and blooper though.
It burnssss… lol.
I would SO love it if GA would release “live” reading clips on YouTube, like Jeff Hays does when he’s working on the narrations for the Dungeon Crawler Carl series. It would be awesome to see the GA team getting tickled over their lines and chatting to the producer. 🙂
And put me down for a link to the mature-language bloopers, too!
(Y’all don’t HAVE to listen to it when there’s other people around…go to wherever it is that you listen to the books, lol! We are the CREATIVE and INNOVATIVE Horde, we can figure these things out! *grin*)
Pre ordered!!!
So glad it was released at the same time, so grateful.
Mod R, I adore you. And your teasing of “remember this great MetalRose scene? Now listen to the hint right before it. The Torture!
Bwahahahaha! I love these voices!
Preordered 🙂
I’m so excited for Luther! I can’t wait!!!!
Some of the clips seem to be out of order: for the one labeled alternate institutions, it’s actually the babycakes scene, and the one after that is the alternate institutions. Just FYI.
They are labelled correctly, each description comes before the clip, introducing it 😊, not after.
I love graphic audio for all House Andrew’s content!!
Does anyone else love to compare character voices between Innkeeper and KD?!
These are so funny!!
nice! great sample and love the bloopers. great that it drops everywhere the same day now!
OMG! I’m dying. As in tears are rolling down my cheeks, I’m laughing so hard! This book will be epic, as usual.
I came back to check the blog as I thought I’d read somewhere that there would be a surprise on the GA site on release day….
so i started searching, thinking it was the pre-order for the next book in the series etc…nope nada nilch, I obviously completely imagined reading that in a GA out takes daze 🥴
oh well. off to download and devour the book in the hand, rather then imaging books in far distant bushes that need hunting.
There will be a surprise- but only in today’s post, which will be live in a few hours. Today is release day 🤣
thank you so much for the reply, I started looking at midnight on the GA site… but it was midnight UK. then when it came up on the app I looked there too.
I’ll set an alarm to check the blog in a few hours instead of the GA site 😃
Oh I’m so happy after just listening to these bloopers… time for the book!