Hey Everybody,
Ilona and I are excited to announce that we are going on tour for Magic Triumphs. We will also be attending Dragon Con for the first time.
We will start in Dallas at B&N:
Then it’s up to Lexington, KY one of our favorite places:
Next it’s up to Grand Rapids, MI which I’m excited for because we’ve never been before:
We end the tour in Atlanta where it all began at FoxTale Book Shoppe:
If you can’t make it to FoxTale, which would be a shame, we will be at Dragon Con from Sept 1st to the 3rd, either on panels or wandering the vendor rooms:
We’re looking forward to seeing everybody.
My heart gave a little stutter! B&N on NW Hwy is right down the street from me! This will be so fun!
We look forward to seeing you there, Colleen.
I see it’s only the one day but if you need to know where anything is in that area please DM me.
Yay! I’ll have to try to get to Dragon Con this year.
Let us know if you want a European tour. I can handle the bookstores in France & Central Europe.
And I can help for the south of France. ;o)
Unfortunately, during this tour, I’ll be in Munich for our annual congress!
Have fun!! Thanks for us fan.
We would both love to do a European tour one day, I think we may be doing a book fair in London or Paris next year. We just go where our publisher sends us. If one of European publishers wanted to send us, next year, we would be there with bells on. We have a lot of work to do this year.
Yes please ❣
So let me know if you’ll make London – I believe Afternoon Tea would be the order of the day (I know several fabulous places) 😉
Where I have to sign for an European Tour?
May I bribe you with “Pasta alla Carbonara” (the good version) and Tiramisù*?
*Original Tiramisù (coffee flavored) and the Strawberries version.
There’s a strawberries version?? Tell, please! Regular tiramisu looks delicious, but alone in my family I loathe the taste of coffee.
Somehow my brain edited ” be attending” into “Bartending Dragon Con…” I like my version best 🙂
Dude, get enough drinks in us and we might end up bar tending.
After your NYC trip, I had hoped you would add NYC Barnes and Noble to your itinerary.
It appears you have Euro regs under control.
Nothing on the east coast!?!? 🙁
But YAY FOR TOURS!!! And for getting the EU privacy stuff done!!
Atlanta (or Woodstock, GA) is on the east coast. I’ll be there!
Wishing you both safe journeys and a great time. Hope you won’t overdo and will have some downtime between tour dates.
Can you go via the ?? UK ?
That would be awesome !?
We’d love to have you in New England!
As a huge and longtime fan (since the 80’s) fan of Robert B. Parker’s Spenser series, I would love to visit Boston some time. We’ve never been to New England and are hoping one day to make a family trip up there, maybe Vermont or somewhere when the leaves start changing.
Just another thing to love about your website. If the AL don’t mention an a great author I don’t know, then the BDH does! As an incessant reader, I’m always on the lookout for good authors that are new to me. Please everyone, keep mentioning other good authors. They may not be as great as the AL, but when you read a100 pages an hour like I do, I need all the recommendations I can get!
Dude Boston is excellent. Lots of great restaurants. Educational stuff, horse carriages clip clopping around town at night. Very cool.
I was thinking about going to school in Boston a long time ago. My mom took me out there to not only get a feel for Boston, but also where she lived (west of Boston). If you and Ilona go out there when the leaves fall, make sure you bring warm clothing. It can get cold at night (by Texas standards).
Sigh. Poor lil’ step sister California.
I think it’s because we had a few appearances in Cali last year during Comic Con and shortly after. I love San Diego and I’m sure we will be back.
Don’t forget Northern California! (Just sayin’)
One more request for NorCal. 🙂
+1 for norcal
Hubs and I attended the book store event. Was so happy to meet you both in person. And, yes, San Diego is awesome. It’s a great place for a 3 day getaway for us.
No one ever comes to Dallas / Fort Worth!
*squees while dancing*
We like Dallas, you guys have a restaurant that serves wild game. We ate there once with Grace Draven and her husband, Patrick, we are hoping to get to go there again this time.
Fort Worth is also another place to visit and eat. Just sayin’. 😀
If you’re talking about The Ranch, it’s very good. One of my coworkers suggested it to me and my boss when we went to a meeting in Las Colinas. The fried chicken is extremely good.
Oh please please do a europe tour, it would be so great to meet you!
Yay! Very glad your coming to FoxTale.
I’ve heard really good things about Dragon Con. Have a wonderful time on your tour!
Boohoo I am traveling to Michigan in June not August… Have fun traveling.
Wonderful news for members of the BDH in Texas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan or attending Dragon.com. I keep hoping the organisers of Supernova here in Australia invite you out some year soon. Last year we had Patricia Briggs so there is always hope .
And Ohio and Indiana. There will be caravans of the BDH headed to Lexington.
Sadly, they closed the Schuler Books location in Lansing where you came last time (least dispute). Grand Rapids is only an hour away though, so I’ll still be there, and I’ll plan for an army this time.
That’s too bad, we took a day, before the signing and walked all around Lansing, we both really enjoyed it. The capital building is beautiful and we had a lovely lunch and local beer. Still, looking forward to Grand Rapids.
Grand Rapids is a ton of fun, they also have a great museum!
See Meijer Gardens, absolutely gorgeous.
Me too, and I hate driving in Grand Rapids, particularly the S curve!
Another vote for the UK here! We’d love to have you!
COOL!! May try for GA.
do y’all think you’ll do an Austin date?! It’s cool if you can’t, I know y’all are super busy.
Man, it would have been awesome if you came back to Orlando.
It sucks for a reader to live in Singapore. Would an international reader be able to purchase any signed copies of Magic Triumphs or any ish like that from the events? I really hope i’m able to get a signed book. This series is very close to my heart and it means a lot.
I will check on that, I know in the past we would go to Murder by the Book and sign things that people could then order. We are looking for a place closer to our new house.
But but but …. we need to see you in Houston! Are you not coming?
Please say you will still be coming to MBTB. I will drive over to San Marcos if I have to, but I do enjoy supporting MBTB.
Thank you so, so, so much!!
DragonCon ❤️ I’m excited!
Omg you’re coming to Michigan?! I’m definitely making that drive from Detroit!! ?
I’m happy for everyone that is able to attend! But assuming South Africa is not on the tour….boo for me 🙁
Yeah, Dallas. On my calendar, baby!!!!!!!
No Houston?
Not this time, Murder by the Book may not have had a spot for us. I was surprised as well.
This saddens me deeply. Best wishes on your tour!
I feel certain we could mobilize a mob. We need you here! How about a later date?
The Dallas appearance is right down the highway from my work! Too bad I’ll have to drive home to pick up the mini me before heading to the signing, but she wouldn’t forgive me if I didn’t bring her 🙂
Happy for all you lucky folks that are in or near the tour cities. By September I will have run out of vacation time otherwise I could have stayed at my brother’s place in Atlanta and had a twofer – visit family and see you guys. Traveling for work can be more hectic than folks realize. I hope you have a great time!
OMG!!!!!!!! Grand Rapids!!!!!! I will soooooo be there. Let me know if you need to know where to go eat. We are a huge foodie and beer town.
I have gotten so spoiled. I just knew you’d make MBTB in Houston again. 🙁
However, my sister lives in Irving (suburb of Dallas for non-Texans), so I might sneak out on my cats and visit…
It will do me good to have to work a little (only a 5 hour drive to Dallas, after all).
Thank you for a chance to hear you speak again. I always have a blast.
Oh – and will there be a dead tree version of Iron and Magic to take with me for decoration? I already preordered the e-version.
OK, so who wants to road trip to Dallas from Houston?
Melbourne, Australia.
I am just going to leave that there.
and Brisbane Australia as well
Yes Bea. Brisbane, Australia!
We’ll be in Toronto Canada for Fanexpo that same time. Have fun at Dragoncon and maybe someday you can come to FanExpo in Toronto.
I wish you guys would come to the northeast because I’ve been a fan since 2009 and it feels like you’ve never had a tour date here! Anywhere – I’m not picky. NYC, Philly, Boston, whatever. I actually emailed your publicist a few months ago asking for a NE stop, but I guess it didn’t work out. 🙁
Am super excited for the new book and will just have to purchase a signed copy from one of those tour stops. Please give us links if you know one of those stores will sell autographed and personalized copies!
So excited to see you will be at DragonCon this year. I already have my hotel reservation and pass for everyday of the con! DragonCon is lucky to have you, and I look forward to attending your panels.
Where is Dragon in held ?
I mean DragonCon
Nothing in Austin?
SLAMS bedroom door, falls on bed, and cries heart out. Verifies post…. nope no Austin. Cries a little more.
Yet. It’s less of a production than going to Dallas or Georgia.
Yay!!! You’re coming back to Dallas area. My sis and I met you in Richardson and we had a blast!! August 28th, I’ll be there!
Any chance of a visit down under! Especially Perth Western Australia would love to meet both of you to personally thank you for the wonderful worlds you create in your novels!
DragonCon, squeeeee! I’ll be there for the first time and I’m super freaking excited to meet y’all!
Minnesota. Come to Minnesota.
Aw darn! Was hoping for Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego. Maybe next time!
I am not anywhere near any of your tour locations, but I am not going to cry about it & beg you to come someplace near me (much as I might want to)! I know you are going where your publisher has arranged for you to go. I also know you can’t be everywhere, or take too much time for things like this – else you wouldn’t have time to write!!
I noticed you have a very tight schedule, with no time off between dates. I hope that you are able to spend at least a little time enjoying each location and Dragon Con, and that you aren’t too worn out when the tour is over. I hope you both have a safe and enjoyable tour! ?
Happy Trails 2 U, until…
Publishers, itineraries, phah;
past turnouts influence future bookings
*itch, rattle & moan, shaking fist …
Eastern corridor; within a 3 hour radius
like lemmings to the sea, C U when we get scheduled
Til then … happy trails, easy travel, smooth accomodations & thrilling interaction with the bdh’ers representing ÷ o
Congratulations on your tours! I can imagine the work load behind all of them! I think it’s really great that the publishers connect you to the public in this way!! Have a great time!
I will be at DragonCon!!! It will be my first time there and you both being there will make it so much better for me!!!!
Yay! Joseph-Beth bookstore in Lexington ! I’m so excited! We’ll be there. My husband and I both read all your books. I just read a book by Becky Chambers called The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet. I really enjoyed it and if I was stuck on a space ship this is the crew I’d like to be working with. Give it a try.
Any chance you might travel north to New England (Boston)?
No stops at Murder By the Book, Houston. : ( ……. I am so sad I may have to drive to Dallas. Have a great tour
Omg I’m in Philly and missed the one time you were in NYC during that freak snow storm and couldn’t get up there?? it I just checked out dragoncon site guest list holy crap there’s a ton of my fav authors and some new to me ones I plan on checking out!! Anyone want to do a road trip/hotel share!? This event looks like fun!! Email me photosbyniaka(at)gmail dot com or if u just want a local Philly book friend!?!❤️?
Lexington is only 2 hours away! It may be a work day but I’m so there.
OMG! This will be the third book signing with you guys! So excited!
I’m excited for Dragoncon! We go every year and I don’t usually attend a ton of author panels, but I’ve already informed the husband this year will be an exception!
I just called the B&N in Dallas and spoke with a delightful bookseller named Nancy, who is also thrilled about this event. She said as of now there is no requirement for wristbands, and if you buy the book at another B&N just bring the receipt and there will be no issue.
No visit to MBTB in Houston this year? This is very upsetting, maybe we have become spoiled but we look forward to your visits.
Actually, I believe we are doing a joint signing with the wonderful Grace Draven this year at MBTB. We will let you know later as it hasn’t been fully announced yet.
Thank you! I see the signing announcement. I’ll be there,have to add to my collection of photos with you .