The long-awaited merch has arrived. Woo!
Most of the designs in the store were created by Sasha Khalid. She is amazing and you should hire her if you need a logo/merch designer. You will also see a BDH design by Sophia, which is everything. I’m ordering one of those mugs for myself because every time I see it, I laugh. The guts of my enemies. Heee!
Super excited for you to see it.
Now for all of the disclaimers.
Payment security.
We went with Shopify, which processes all of your payments. We do not want to take payments through our website, because Shopify’s security is a lot better than what we can come up with.
Shopify is certified Level 1 PCI DSS compliant, meeting all six categories of PCI standards:
- Maintain a secure network
- Maintain a vulnerability management program
- Regularly monitor and test networks
- Protect cardholder data
- Implement strong access control measures
- Maintain an information security policy
This compliance is extended to all online stores powered by Shopify.
Products and Refunds.
This store is a POD, print-on-demand store, meaning that we contract with a printing company by providing a design. They print the merchandise, ship it, and charge us for it. The advantage of this is that we don’t have to maintain inventory or ship anything. The disadvantage is that we do not see the product before it goes out. We only see the samples we order.
You know when you go on Etsy and buy a cute Halloween T-shirt because you liked the little ghost on it? That’s exactly what these are.
Unfortunately, because each item is printed to order, we cannot answer any questions like “What shade of blue is this?” or “How large is this T-shirt?”
If you are ordering apparel, be sure to order the right size and color. We can only exchange or refund your money if you received a defective product.
We are offering you standard US sizes. If you are at all unsure of the fit, it might be safer to order a notebook or a mug. We have stickers, and mouse pads, and wall hangings. And ripper cushions.
Quality control.

You can see that the design in real life is a bit less vibrant. It was a large medium, though. The design is solid and a bit thinner than the traditional screen printing that sometimes feels like plastic armor.

This was our endurance test T-shirt. We ended up not going with this design, because it needs tweaking and we had way too much to do. We will add it in the next few weeks. We did our best to abuse this poor garment. It was washed 10 times. The cats laid on it. We threw it around. It still seems to be holding. Here is the close up.

If you are buying a mug, please note that shipping is expensive. Our mugs arrived unbroken and very well packaged and I can’t find any of them, because the kids must’ve stolen them. They were very cute. As with any mugs, I would recommend handwashing, but we stuck ours into the dishwasher a couple of times and nothing weird happened.
To speed up shipping, which should take less than 14 days, we went with the best rated printing providers located in the US. If you are an international reader, we will be setting up an international merch store for you with as many designs. So you might want to wait until that goes live. If you are in the US, your order may or may not get there by Christmas.
This whole merch store is new territory and it makes me nervous.
::prays:: Okay, here is the link: https://houseandrewsmerch.com/
Woot! Awesome, thank you!
I bought a Cutting Edge tee, I couldn’t resist. it’s adorable. If it gets here by Christmas awesome, but if not that’s ok, I just wanted something to represent one of my favorite series, by two of my favorite authors.
how big is the ripper cushions notebook? the dimensions section is blank. also, any plan to add a ferret heist t-shirt or sweatshirt? I would buy the crap out of that!
Good point. I am updating it with sizes. Give it like 10 minutes.
Yes, please, Ferret heist t-shirt/sweatshirt (with the Here Kitty, kitty, too!)
BDH? Book devouring? Me thinks we are MDH (merchandise devouring horde) today! LOL
Yep. Bought a Horde t-shirt and a Cutting Edge t-shirt. Possibly a Curran, Here Kitty, Kitty t-shirt once it’s available. ????
In Imperial
One Size
Height, in 7.99
Length, in 5.98
Depth, in 0.59
And in Metric:
Height, cm 20.30
Length, cm 15.20
Depth, cm 1.50
Hope this helps 🙂
thank you!!
Vicki Baby FTW!
I almost wish I worked in an office again to flaunt this one!
Oh, what fun goodies! Definitely need to make a ferret shirt, though, I would be on that like raccoons on a koi pond! Please let me know if you ever want to do any limited edition fine jewelry, I would be honored to help! (I’m a bench jeweler)
Now the BDH is really going to be richoting off the walls like sugar-high toddlers, bouncing gleefully and giddily along. (Or is that just me?) We get a new release, a new book coming soon, and now merch? House Andrews luurrrrrves us!
How am I supposed to be a responsible adult today with all the goodies?
I think I’m just going to have to get ALL the mugs. (Merry Christmas to MEEEEE!) So much coolness.
It’s not just you .
We are a much beloved fluffy and fierce BDH ????
Much fluffy, very beloved!
My family decided not to get gifts for everyone and just buy one elephant gift for blind gift exchange. So guess where the money I saved is going? Mememememememe. I’m going to have such a good Christmas this year!
Gimme ALL the mugs
???? I’m so excited!!!!!
OH EM, my favs are the RIPPER CUSHIONS and DR LOOSE CANNON! Love that the humor is at the forefront of the merch <3
I love it all!!!
Oh man!! Now the hard part, what to get…
Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, two days in a row!!! Will there be a 3rd? LOL
But, but,but….I want the “Kitty, Kitty” t-shirt!!! *puts plug in mouth and goes to timeout for being whiny child*
Am so excited, I had to post before clicking on the link. gotta go now, must do some online shopping!
Thank you House Andrews for everything!!!
Tomorrow is Zoom Q&A with all the answers and backstage about Sweep of the Heart! So yes, 😀 Day 3 coming!
Ok, so I hate to throw a wrench in the works so soon, buuuut…. what if we want a design on something its not shown on, such as a sticker version of the skies dream of dragons or a sweatshirt for ferret heists? Will you be adding more options if there are requests?
If you make requests in the comments for which existing designs and what items, I will make a list and they will be added! 🙂
Thank you!!
I would love the “if skies could dream” design on a sticker or a crewneck sweatshirt, or cotton tea towel! (I really like that design!)
I would buy the Book Devouring Horde phone case if it was in iPhone 14 Pro Max (Merry Christmas to me).
Hi Mod R, thanks for putting requests together. Would it be possible to get designs on clear glass mugs (my tea stains the white ones, my glass ones stay much cleaner)?
Hi ModR
Can we get the “Official Member of the BDH”/BDH fun design on a tote too
Will add ????
Oooh. Is it possible to get the Cutting Edge phone case for a Google Pixel 3 please? Thank you!
I love magnets. Would be very excited to by a Cutting Edge magnet. But the options are great, loving this! Yay!????
+1 …..magnets of all the designs would be awesome.
+1 magnets.
I’m planning on buying the stickers and adding magnetic backing to make them magnets! I never have stuff to put stickers on, but I love them ????
i put stickers all over my desk back, so when i look at my moniter i see them all around it
Nth-ing the request for magnets.
More specifically, the round BDH sticker on a flexible magnet backing, so I can use it as a bumper sticker.
Also since I’m already making a request – I don’t need the text around the design, I think it’s better to just have the design, and if you know, you know.
i would love the ripper cushions on a sticker if that could be done!
Everything looks so great.
I’ll think i’ll wait for the international merch store.
I was wondering if beer coolers would also be available? They are made of Insulated foam-backed polyester (wet suit material, soft and squishy) and could be easily shipped, less shipping cost and not break.
They might just be an Australian thing but we love them and when traveling buy one from nearly everywhere we go.
Also madly waiting for Here kitty kitty, looks beautiful.
picture of some
also love magnets
top view
Ohh yes! Also waiting for international page.
Shipping to Australia.
I’m drooling. But not today. I think my first purchase will be one of the Cutting Edge items. Though the ferret burglary is a good one, too.
I know somebody who would love ‘If the Sky Could Dream’.
But not today.
Weird (and totally non-urgent) request: Would it be possible to get updates occasionally about top sellers in the store? This is just curiosity on my part, and I think would be fun to know.
Order placed! I’ve been saving my pennies for this day for a long time. Also I ordered 1 size up in tshirts and sweaters for safety. I can always make it smaller if it needs it.
Thank you
I love them so much!
Could you do stickers for all the designs please?
Noted 🙂
Squeee. I must have those BDH stickers.
I’m international, so I’ll be patiently waiting for that store to open and just be extremely jealous until then….I need the here kitty kitty t-shirt.
Yea!!!!!!! Buying my birthday presents now!!
I’m sooooo glad you guys put this together! Believe me, I’m buying for me, not you! 🙂
As somebody who produces sublimated mugs on a small scale, I can tell you they hold up very well in the dishwasher. Not forever with daily use, however. They will begin to fade. If you plan for it to be your favorite mug for the long haul, hand wash.
Merry Chiiiii-mas to me! Can’t wait to get my order.
Thank you!!
I love the designs. Some make me laugh, and some make me tear up. Kinda like the House Andrews books, come to think of it.
Thank you for putting this into the world.
I am so excited. Just purchased a few things I can’t not have, including the mandatory BDH mug!!
Next round, may I request high quality stickers (maybe even car compatible) but definitely phone case and laptop case compatible? I LOVE Rippercushions 😀 but I want it on a Tee or a decal I can have on my stuff! and I would love a BDH decal on my car – I would be so proud.
Thanks Team Andrews – for everything.
+1 to all this, please.
I have a request. Could there please be a “That’s Dr. Loose Cannon to you” t-shirt?
I would wear that out and let the stares begin. ????????????
Added to the requests list 🙂
And a “Wizard at Large” shirt? Tell me that’s in the works???
and the Mage in the streets Wizard in the sheets shirt? basically all
of Luther’s shirts lol
Yes, that !!!
Congratulations, you broke my piggy bank! I kept myself in check, sort of. honestly, I’m leery of shirt sizes so I’ll wait until there’s more feedback but I bought yet another cup (2 in fact) and lots of stickers. Not being greedy but since you asked, I’d love to see the stickers also available as car magnets. This is so awesome! Made my day, even after reading the new release. Thank you!
just magnets in general! I love magnets. I like stickers too, but I cover my fridge with magnets. though, I already have at least one from the previous lady too.
I buy that sheet magnet stuff, stick the stickers to it, then cut around with an X-acto knife. Viola! Magnet!
Bought Sweep of the Heart this morning, started where the serial stopped and read to the end. Lovely!
And now I get to go back and read the polished version of the whole story from the beginning. Thank you so much.
The path preferred by many hehe 😀
Happy reading!
PLEASE keep these available for a bit. I want to order in February!!
Things may go in and out of stock, but no worries! If you particularly want something and it’s out of stock, let us know and we’ll do our best to get it back! ????
I love it all!! I especially want a mug….I don’t know which one, but I want one. And you’ve absolutely made my day by saying there will be another merch store more suited to international BDH as I am a Brit. So I will wait for that, but one way or another, I will have a mug ????
I am made up there will be an international store too. (Thinks birthday and Christmas in 2023).I am a Brit too.
Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!
Off to look. Perchance to shop 😀
woot woot loot. ???? can’t wait to see what the UK customers can get ????????????
I am going to buy one of every sticker and cover my laptop with them. ❤️????
Love the designs! Such a great mix!
Sorry if I missed it but will the merch be available in the UK? Thanks 🙂
From above 🙂 : “If you are an international reader, we will be setting up an international merch store for you with as many designs. So you might want to wait until that goes live.”
OMG, this is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!One question though: where do I find the ‘send me one of everything’ button? ????
Seriously, thank you so much HA and Mod R: releasing a book, preorders for a new book, and a live merch store, really? I am pinching myself, hoping I’m not going to wake up! Any one of those things means a ton of work for you guys, so doing them all in one week despite all of the stress and work feels like a ginormous hug from you to the BDH!!
All I can say is right back at you!!!!!! And wishing you the happiest, healthiest holidays and new year ever!!!!????????????????????????
Could there possibly be a “Dr. Loose Cannon” shirt? (In my dream world, a unisex tank* in black, but a black tee would also work.) I don’t really use paper notebooks (and try to avoid buying them…) and since I’ll be primarily working from home for at least the next year, the coffee cup won’t carry the punch I’d like. (When I’m teaching, I keep a water bottle to hand.) A shirt, on the other hand – conferences, teaching, meetings… maybe I should get two.
* Ahaha, there was a moment or two when I thought I’d mostly cover my tattoos while teaching, but that didn’t make it through the first day because it was August in NC.
Great minds think alike. I requested the same thing. Mod R added the request to the list. ????
I *tried* to see if it had already been requested, but apparently not very well…
ordered! BDH activated
Ditto!!! Here’s to finding fellow BDH members in the wild! Haha!
Also – hey name twin!!! *waves
I am loving all of the designs! I would love to see the BDH design on a hoodie, if possible. I want to proclaim to the world my reading obsession! Also, thank you for including larger sizes, it’s always disappointing when a creator doesn’t have those options.
That’s my request too!
Yes!! A BDH hoodie would be awesome! In black, preferably
That’s my wish aswell – the BDH design, Here Kitty and Hate to be Bored on a hoody, preferably black. Bwaits panting for the international shop*
gentle +1000 request for a “Knight on the sheets wizard in the sheets” sweatshirt ????????????????????????????
In the cart, but waiting for my next paycheck to place order 😀
I couldn’t resist the Ripper Cushion! My 3 and 5 year old grandniece will be here at Christmas – I think they’ll like it! Paypal worked just fine.
This is great. Will be looking for the Canadian / International store soon. 🙂
I am going to get a Vicky Baby mug!
Request/suggestion: Make the blue & black Gertrude Hunt design available for notecards and/or a tote bag? A b/w Gertrude Hunt tote bag would be nice too, and probably wear better. Another vote for a Dr Loose Cannon t-shirt! The Cutting Edge design is so fun! I’d love to have that on a water bottle, or something similar.
Totebags! Yes!
At first glance, I love the artwork. The Innkeeper items are really standing out. It’s all so pretty.
I can’t wait to order things!
Woo Hoo! LOVE everything! Thank you so much! You are all much beloved and generous horde leaders! ????
Have not checked the site out yet, but it sounds like I will want *many* things.
I am not going to try for holiday presents, but my kids’ birthdays are in January and February. Score!
Alas, my b’day is until June. I am going to need another excuse…
Also, will wait for “Kitty, kitty” design. I need it on *something*.
I am fulfilled
Omg… these are adorable! BDH! Here Kitty!
omg yes…
Do they do art prints? I would enjoy an art print of “If Sky Could Dream” in a size that would fit into a standard sized mat opening so I could get a mat and frame of my choice and hang it on my wall.
I like merch and buy more than I should honestly. lol
I love the designs and the pricing on the shirts is shockingly lower than I anticipated.
Hugs to House Andrews on the new adventure! <3
How about a water bottle? This BDH member doesn’t drink coffee. (Sacrilege, I know. ????)
Water bottle/insulated travel mug.
Also, I’d love to see Orro merch. Maybe with him yelling “FIRE!” …with his chef hat of course. Or with him holding a box of donuts.
Oh Yes!
This is awesome! Such fun designs =)
If it’s possible in the future, I would love a female tank top option in the ferret and book devouring designs. I live where it’s basically hot and humid year round so that option would be awesome.
Yes! I wear tanks and shorts about 8 months of the year. Tees and the rest just too hot for me.
Hi Thank you for opening the Merch store . Our some items already out like the black t shirt with Lion pic with Here Kitty Kitty sign. Also would there be Ripper Cushions T shirts? Would love to wear those during the Holiday gatherings.
Thank you in advance.
Well now.. I busted my decade+ old favorite mug today. This certainly takes a portion of the sadness away and replaces it with bittersweet hope..
Fun! Going to go check it out right now! I need a new mouse pad at least, hehe
BDH for the Win!
This is great. Thank you!
I’d love to see more towels. I was going to list what I want but pretty much everything.
So. We get a new Kate novella, a snippet, Sweep of the Heart and Merch! And it’s only Tuesday?! I’d say the BDH is a very fluffy, happy horde today. You guys are too good to us. I just placed a merch order so my kids have something to give me for Xmas. It’s for the children.
Indeed! Someone has to think of the children ????
The goodies will continue, tomorrow there’s a Zoom session with all sorts of answers and reveals and the end of the week…well, exciting things await, let’s leave it at that! ????
Would love a BDH Serious Business t-shirt too, if that could be added. (Fingers crossed.)
If we are taking suggestions, here is mine. I’d like this on a tee
“You don’t get credit for not being an asshole, Uncle Stupidhead”
Vicki, baby! Squee! When I’m having a bad day I 100% listen to that section of Ruby Fever. Makes me smile every time. 🙂
So many things I would love to see as posters!! Such great art! Ripper cushions, welcome to Gertrude hunt, if skies could dream. All of them are so beautiful!!!
Absolutely LOVE it!! Thank you for creating such a fun catalog of items!! I completely enjoyed buying presents for myself 🙂
Cant resist the BDH mug! So perfect!
not gonna lie – I fell in love with the BDH mug and immediately sent the link to my mom for a future birthday present idea.
So wonderful. So much shopping to do!!
Where I work goes thru Shopify. Very secure.
Bought one shirt, put another on my Christmas wish list. Bought Sweep too. I usually resist spending money on myself this time of year, but I’m just being a Dr. Loose Cannon this year
Lol! I know. I couldn’t resist the Dr Loose Cannon or Fertet Heist mugs and then saw the Ripper Cushions mug. So dangerous
What are the care instructions on the drinkware? are they dishwasher safe or handwash only? TYVM!
“ As with any mugs, I would recommend handwashing, but we stuck ours into the dishwasher a couple of times and nothing weird happened.”
They’re safe in the dishwasher, but if you want them to last, hand wash is the safest bet ????
This is beyond amazing! Thank you! And tomorrow is my birthday!
I will make myself a very big present!
I love it so so much! And also the other news!
Happy (slightly early) Birthday! ????
wow. yay
waiting patiently for international set up!!! even though we are just above you (Canada)!!! everything looks so great and fun
Who’s going to get a BDH mug? Yep, that’s me!!!
And multi other stuff.
But I’m going to wait until the International shop opens
In the meantime, I’m going to drool and put away some monayyyy!
As you can see above, I love the collection!!! Congrats for a job well done.
So, so, cool! Mine is ordered!!
Thank you for trying this. Love it and hope it is a huge success!
BTW, I tried to explain what BDH meant on the sweatshirt I was ordering to my husband. It was hilarious. He finally just smiled and said just order anything you want. He’s a keeper!
I cannot wait for the international store. It’s all so adorable!
Would you consider long sleeve t-shirts for the KD or BDH? Or anything really!
Wish they had Here kitty,kitty kitty. ????♂️
Yeah. Mug and t-shirts. Want, want, want please!
Who said, “That’s Dr. Loose Cannon…” I can’t place it. It’s driving me bananas. Anybody. anybody. Just shout out the answer.
Luther did
Indeed, as Anne says, it’s everyone’s favourite Biohazard Wizard ????
Also the Gertrude Hunt designs are so stunning. Well done. That royal blue and black, beautiful.
I do love House Andrew’s, but buying a “There will be Ripper Cushions” pillow had nothing to do with whether they see any money from it ????
I can’t wait for the international store to open to get a book devouring horde mug!
Thank you so much!! This is great!
I understand that this is a print on demand store, does this mean that the designs/items won’t be removed from the site for awhile?
I want to wait a bit before I purchase, since I noticed some items mentioned in comments that I’d likely want to get too. 🙂 Trying to save on shipping!
Thank you again!
Hi Alexa,
So periodically the items will go in and out of stock depending on the printing company’s supplies, but they will return to stock once the supplier updates their inventory. We are not planning to remove any items from sale for awhile. If something you wanted is taken off, email us and we’ll relist it for you.
Good to know, I will make myself a list. Thank you! 🙂
Yay! I was looking for a merchandising store last week and couldn’t find! I’m so excited! Thank you and Happy Holidays
thank you for thinking of the hoard and giving us all the shiny pretty things to decorate our homes and our selves with!
I am a happy, happy hoarder! One book now, novella in January. Yum!
Cannot wait to wear my Cutting Edge sweatshirt!
Thank you! And Thank you for making some of the mugs big.
Thank you so much, you guys are the best! Please put all of them (particularly BDH) on sweatshirts. Pretty, pretty please!!!
Can’t wait to get a here kitty kitty shirt!
+1 +
I did not find the ‘Here Kitty Kitty “ tee shirt!!!
From above: ???? “ We ended up not going with this design, because it needs tweaking and we had way too much to do.”
It will come too, after a few modifications!
Ripper Cushions!!!!! Yup I bought the pillow!
Looking forward to “..here kitty kitty” merchandise! Ordered a BDH tote, can’t wait!
I ordered the dragon hoodie. I love the picture and the quote. Woohoo!!!
It was simple and quick to order.
(mental state: uncontrollably giggling at the BDH and Cutting Edge illustrations)
Would be great to have a Ferret Heist t-shirt! Also, would be absolutely fantastic if you could add V-neck t-shirts (or tank tops) for those who live in warmer states!
I have way too many mugs already but I bought a couple anyway. I want to wear the BDH t-shirt to work and see if anyone else is a BDH member, too!
Ok, I love being a member of the BDH, so I went ahead and ordered the mug.
[grabs credit card] MERRY CHRISTMAS TO MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
A new Kate story!! Must be Christmas!
I love coffee and tea, but only use Big cups cause I am too lazy to get refills as often as I need one, could Roman’s cup be made in the larger size? Thank you for Christmas for me. ☺️
The BDH mugs are the best!!!! ???????????? Just like Ilona, it makes me laugh so hard every time I see the picture ????????????! Can’t wait for the international store…
Woohoooo, can’t wait for the international store to open!
Gimme gimme gimme
(only sadness is iphone only)
The Merch is only available for the US? ????
Coming soon internationally!
But I want it now??? So many lovely things.
Australia is not in the list of countries 🙁
Guess I’ll have to wait until you have the international option that you mentioned setup.
Waiting for the international ???????? so excited. Especially like the cutting edge add design and the BDH ones ❤️
I love the merch but right now I’m reading. BBL.
Waiting for the international store but OMG I love so many items!!! It’s going to be so difficult to make a choice… If I don’t I’m going to end up with 3 different mouse pads for 1 computer ???? and so so many cups ^^
I especially love the Gertrude Inn and Cutting Edge designs ^^ … and the official member of the BDH design… and the ferret… and… sigh. Too many choices, we are so spoiled ^^
Omg I want to buy all the things!
And I want Roman Black Coffee Snake Latte Mug design on a t shirt sooooo bad. I’m supposed to be shopping for others for the holidays but I totally deserve at least a mug and shirt for myself.
Ohhhhh Christmas gifts for the BHD. Love love love ????????????
Hello? **raises hand** I have a question. On the image for “I don’t like to be bored”, does any of the lettering mean anything? I know the design is a fictitious arcaine circle, but I was curious if there was a hidden joke or if the symbols were random. (Yes, I am the person who tries to read stuff when its shown in a movie/TV show.
Props can be hilarious ). Just curious.
Just random symbols ????
???? thanks
I drink coffee black so the mug was a necessity. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!
Ooooooo I love so many things ! Thank you for setting up the merch shop. I can’t wait for the international shipping. So many wonderful surprises from you this Christmas ❤️
Silly question, why does it need to be ordered from an international site for everyone overseas?
Can I not just use PayPal and pay shipping from this page?
If you go through the checkout, you will see delivery is only to US addresses at the moment ????.
The international store also means no overseas shipping fees.
Okay, I’ll admit I have a bit of a coffee mug problem (a whole shelf in a corner cabinet) but I absolutely must have a BDH 11 oz coffee mug! Thought I was safe when the first one I saw was a 15 oz mug – that’s too big for coffee but perfect for soup. I love being a member of the BDH!
And I would totally buy a Ferret Heist T shirt – what fun to mystify my friends!
Now, off to start the re-read of Sweep of the Heart.
Ripper cushions. Yeeees.
I got a lot of merchandise. Cuz I like you.
Way cool!
This is so exciting. Thank you for developing this merchandise store. Could you make a mouse pad out of the welcome to Gertrude Hunt design? Thank you. With much appreciation to House Andrews for this terrific year end gift.
There is one already ????https://houseandrewsmerch.com/products/welcome-to-gertrude-hunt-gaming-mouse-pad
Did you want it in a different colour scheme?
I usually refuse to buy cups that aren’t dishwasher safe (yes, I’m terrible and don’t like washing dishes, I paid for a dishwasher and by golly I’m going to use it!), but I’ll have to make an exception for these mugs. ???? I’m thinking that it probably means that I need to buy all of them, then they won’t be going thru as often and will last longer….. ???? Hmmmmm…. Yes, that seems reasonable! ????
Any chance of 24-ounce mugs? I drink one cup of coffee a day, but . . .
+1 on a larger coffee/tea/cocoa mug please, (larger than 15oz) with handle that my entire hand fits through
Woohoo! Love the BDH fun zone—is there any travel mug in works I want to accidentally jump into a BDH member on the train or bus to work come January!!?! Please and thank you.
BUMP** into another BDH member**…
Wooo! I’ve had the dragon latte mug, from when it was originally printed (more of a half and half design) the size is the perfect size for my morning matcha latte and I’ve used it for years. I ordered both the Gertrude hunt white mug and bdh one.
Now I no longer will need to wash my mug every single morning! My lazy self rejoices!
Love the designs and the store webpage is very nice, neat and easy to navigate. Waiting for international store to go live before shopping, since I have had bad experiences ordering from US stores and getting things shipped to my tiny european country.
Look so much forward to a RipperCushion cushion and a BDH mug :).
Happy merch store birthday!
Any chance of adding tall versions of the t-shirt
Very cool! Do you have an idea when the International store would go live? No stress about it but a time reference.
Thanks and Happy Holidays,
Sure hope the international merch store will come up soon as well! Latvia (Europe) here.
Now I know what I’m gonna get with the money given as gift for my birthday.
So excited! 😀
Requests for the merch store please (that I’m sure have already been said, but I don’t remember for sure):
– The BDH fun design on a tote bag.
– More styles available in a hooded sweatshirt and in black or gray (white clothes and I do not get along well).
– ALLLLL the designs on tea towels!
– I was going to ask for a Kindle cover, but realized it would probably be easier to put stickers on one instead.
(Also, as a side note, the towel doesn’t show up if you click the KD page. It’s only on the shop all page or by searching.)
The pillows look like they’re a nice quality! I wasn’t expecting a zipper on them. ????
Ah, I forgot to request a travel mug! Preferably the BDH fun one (or ALL ????) and one that has a leakproof lid? Those leakproof ones are so handy to throw in a bag (or the front seat) and not have to worry about. ????
I love this entire store so much. Thank you so much HA for all the work putting it together – your mugs and T-shirt’s are so awesome. Since Mod R did say she would note requests I also wanted to put in my vote for a kindle or nook cover (I have both ????) with BDH or Ferret Heist or really any of them. These designs just make me so happy and that’s the thing I use the most!
I’m so glad you like the designs! 🙂
I just tried to edit the tea towel to include it in the KD collection and for some reason the shop has made that option unavailable (it’s greyed out). Sorry for the inconvenience!
No worries! I just didn’t want anyone to miss it, if they only looked in that section, so I thought I’d mention it. I’m guessing most of us go thru it all anyway. ????
oh please!
Knight in the Streets
Wizard in the Sheets
(the mug is a good start ????)
These are fantastic & will be waiting patiently for the international store – would it be possible to get these designs on the mouse pad – especially the ripper cushions one
Having fun reading the comments, and am now wondering if “Put down that cow!” or Roman feeding crackers to the nechist and saying “There are crackers for everyone.” or “Okay, I’ve got this.”
Uhhhhh cannot wait for the international store to be ready! Basically I want everything, but first on the list is the cutting edge phone case and the ferret heist mouse pad! So happy about this, made my (very rainy) morning!
Tumblers, especially the insulated metal ones.
Reusable plastic or some other material (I have some that are made of bamboo) to-go cups with covers.
Maybe a messenger bag that has the entire cartoon printed on the full length of the flap, all the way to the base.
A poster of the full tea-party cartoon.
Magnets and key chains.
Printed, Frosted-glass tea-candle holders
Printed or woven cotton or polyester fleece (please, please, please COTTON) blankets.
Beach towels.
Shower curtains.
Could we get the sizes of the apparel in measurements? I’m very long-waisted so t-shirts can look a bit like crop-tops if I’m not careful about the length.
Brilliant! Ordered ONLY 3 things – I am the very model of a restrained, polite BDH member. Though if we’re being honest, I will probably come back and buy ALL THE MUGS!!!11!1!
Request: Serious Business BDH on a t-shirt would be amazing!
Just adding requests if you guys are taking them.
More tote bag designs. Since NJ is now reusable bags only, I would get to show them off more.
And more posters for walls per my young adult who doesnt want people to ask him questions about his shirts but would gladly put BDH posters up in his room.
So glad you guys are doing this!
For xmas in 2019 I made Yeti mugs for all of my family (and myself!). I looked through all the books and I chose: “Put on your bad *** face and follow me”. That seemed appropriate for my morning coffee. I don’t know if you can say bad words but I would love that on any and all merchandise. But if it’s inappropriate or I shouldn’t have suggested it, I apologize. I am a proud BDH member and want to be appropriate. My cart for the merchandise was filled in 10 minutes and is $100. LOL
So happy! Just placed an order!
Is there any way we can be notified on the Blog when the “Here Kitty, Kitty…” shirts go live in the store so I don’t have to haunt the shop? I really, really, really want one and will lurk if necessary, but a “Heads Up! They are now available!” would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for all you do for the BDH!
Absolutely we will announce it on the Blog!
It’s HERE KITTY KITTY! It’s momentous!
Yes it is! Thank You!
I have a PhD. Thank you so much for making a Dr. loose cannon to you mug!
I’m french so I will wait but I wanted to say that I love every design and I want everything !
Tremendous work on the designs. I am ordering as we speak.
I humbly request a BDH “Serious” logo zip-up sweatshirt with the print on the back.
Thank you kindly!
I love the shop. Your books are full of fun pithy quotes—even the deleted scenes. But, I really “need” a mouse pad with a Humvee inside a house and “I’m telling you, it’s a misunderstanding.”
This may have already been mentioned above, but as the image from ‘man on the road’ is in the merch under the edge series, we are actually going to get that story!
I’m not sure those two things necessarily follow, but you know what, I won’t stand in the way of your joy 😀
lol I might have been going out on a limb
Can I put in an appeal for “Roman, do something! You’re the oldest!”
OTOH, “Here, kitty, kitty, kitty” works, too.
I’m so not a merch person, so imagine my surprise that I now have almost a hundred bucks worth of merchandise in my shopping cart, smh. The items look great, thank you!
These items are clever, fun & cute!
I’m hoping that there are phone covers for Android phones. Yes? (fingers, toes & eyes crossed!)
I love alllllll of them. Deciding was really hard, but I had to have the BDH mug. I’m thinking I need a whole collection of mugs.
I just had so much fun shopping. Your merch shop is fantastic. All my things around going to be covered in stickers soon. Thank you!
O.M.G!! I want one! or two. or three. Maybe.. ╭( -᷅_-᷄ 〝)╮
But do you guys shipped outside of US? I am from Malaysia. I tried to find shipment info but there is none in the website.
Thanks again. For everything. Especially for making the world seem brighter with this blog and your books.
Lots of love from a fan in Malaysia
Yes, there will be an international store soon! I don’t have an exact date, but it will have the same designs and better shipping rates than if we were to order through the US store!
Yayyyy!! Thank you for your reply >.<
YAY! I got myself lots of Christmas surprises! Now I just have yo forget what I got! Especially when I wrap them! 🙂
Ohhh! So much shopping to do!
Love the merch!! Will be very hard to narrow down my choices. 🙂
Would it be possible to get size charts for the apparel? Often t-shirt sizes are different for different brands and I’d like to make sure I’m ordering the right size.
Also, would love the BDH Fun Design & the Cutting Edge Monster Removal on spiral notebooks.
Thanks so much!!
Love the store!!
Couldn’t resist the cutting edge sweatshirt! Love the merch – everything looks great!
From last night’s Zoom … ???? Of course we broke the Merch shop! (In all the right and expected, to us, ways.) The shop needing to restock was happy music to my ears.
I ordered notebooks and stickers … the stickers will play the role of bookmarks during my dead tree enjoyments.
Thank you to our awesome authors, Mod R, behind the scenes peeps, and my fellow BDH. Now to spy us IRL!
come here to say the same thing…. I LOLed so hard that the merch shop had to restock. The BDH definitely rushed to the site, and I don’t think the dust had settled yet. I’m waiting for more prints to be available on other mediums
Yay! stickers & mugs!
I need them allllll
Calendar! We need a 2023 Calendar with ALL THE PRINTS!
Also thank you for making this store! It’s a great day for a ferret heist!
+1 on the calendar!
Squeeeeeee! I ordered a Ripper Cushions mug and a Cutting Edge phone case! I’m so excited! Yay! Thank you for the great Merch!
I’m so glad you did this! I’ve bought a couple things from Red Bubble, but they have very little to choose from.
I suppose the whole merch thing can seem a bit weird to some, but surrounding myself with things that remind me of my favorite stories and authors and ideas is what makes my places ‘mine.’ They make me smile and breathe just a tad easier in the midst of stressful days. Thank you!
Good thing this was released on payday. ????????
That mug IS everything! I’m ordering two, one for office chuckles (no one will get the true origin sadly) and one to keep safely insulated, sealed and locked in case I lose the first and it goes out of print.
How about the BDH Fun on the tote bag?
What are the tote dimensions?
Does it have a flat bottom or pinched? (Can’t interpret description)
Seconding the tote bag confusion: W X H [X D]? The photos don’t look gusseted, but then what does “boxed corners” mean? And is it just my Kindle browser, or is Large the only size choice, despite what the text says??
LOV3, LOVE, LOVE! the new merch!! hope the same stuff comes to the Inat’l store as I want to set up my new coffee mug collection!!
the Edge Dragon design is wonder-full!
Ooh can’t wait for the international store. If we do get a Wizard at Large design I would have to buy it on a mug. In fact I’ll have to buy a few mugs, you can never have too many.
I will wait for the international shop. Very patiently. Not eating my nails at all.
Really like the humour in the merch !!! « dr loose canon » and the « cops and serial killers » especially.
Would love a kitty kitty thing btw.
Exciting! I would love to see magnets or postcards with these designs in the store if that’s possible?
So so so cooool
I’m looking forward to the opening of the international store – I want ripper cushions, monster removal, BDH membership, and I can’t quite decide which Legacy reference – maybe ferrets. The only thing else is something Edge-y (oh and Kinsmen-y).
I’ve been loving your books since at least 2011, long live the Authorlords!!
OMG….this is bad…really bad ….I SIMPLY CANNOT DECIDE ????
want here Kitty shirt soon??
Looking good!
I look forward to the finalized “Here, kitty, kitty” products, but currently I’m most tempted by the two attractive designs in the Innkeeper line, and the round BDH.
Re. wishlist:
1) Does your PoD company offer lidded, insulated, plastic and/or steel tumblers or mugs of any sort, preferably at least 16 oz.? I almost never use ceramic mugs anymore, but the Full Color Gertrude Hunt is gorgeous! ????
2) If I may suggest, more stickers and coasters — and magnets, maybe? — for those of us wanting to dip a toe in/ on a budget.
One problem re. committing to an apparel order: I can’t find a size chart with actual measurements in inches across, without which “Runs true to size” means nothing. (You’ve seen those Venus of Willendorf memes, “I have the body of a goddess”, right? Yeah.)
Anyway, wishing you and yours all the best with books and merch and HOLIDAYS, too! ✨❄????
am gonna wait for the here kitty shirt
Waiting patiently for the International store…. Yay for thinking of us!
How long for the “here kitty” sweatshirt?????? Please. I dream about it.
Me too. I need this in my life.
Can we still make suggestions for new merch? It doesn’t have to be right now, but you know, eventually (puppy eyes)?
I would definitely buy Luther’s hoodie with “WIZARD AT LARGE” on it, and a t-shirt with “Knight on the streets, Wizard in the sheets”.
I am trying to buy the t shirts but it won’t ship to the Philippines? *wails in despair
The international storefront is coming soon, with all the same designs and no pesky overseas shipping fees!
Just got my Ripper Cushions mug! Yay!
Just wanted to share that my mug arrived! I will open it on Christmas. Woo-hoo!!
Hey just some feedback… I know I can always go to your blog and find this post to get the link, but you might want to add it to the drop down menu on your main website.
I know you are probably not looking for extra business, but for example ripper cushion merchandise is applicable even to those who are simply friends of BDH members!!!!